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10 Asia
Coordinating Lead Authors: Rajib Shaw (Japan), Yong Luo (China), Tae Sung Cheong (Republic
of Korea)
Lead Authors: Sharina Abdul Halim (Malaysia), Sanjay Chaturvedi (India), Masahiro Hashizume
(Japan), Gregory E. Insarov (Russian Federation), Yoichi Ishikawa (Japan), Mostafa Jafari (Iran),
Akio Kitoh (Japan), Juan Pulhin (Philippines), Chandni Singh (India), Kripa Vasant (India), Zhibin
Zhang (China)
Contributing Authors: Rawshan Ara Begum (Bangladesh), Xi Chen (China), Rajarshi Dasgupta
(India), Ronald C. Estoque (Philippines), Wanqin Guo (China), Garima Jain (India), Brian Johnson
(USA), Tarek Katramiz (Syria), Pankaj Kumar (India), Xianbing Liu (China), Mythili Madhavan
(India), Bijon Kumer Mitra (Bangladesh), Farah Mulyasari (Indonesia), Santosh Nepal (Nepal),
Rekha Nianthi (Sri Lanka), Fereidoon Owfi (Iran), Gulsan Ara Parvin (Bangladesh), Shobha Poudel
(Nepal), Atta-ur Rahman (Pakistan), Mihoko Sakurai (Japan), Amin Shaban (Lebanon), Dmitry
Streletskiy (Russian Federation), Vibhas Sukhwani (India), Prabhakar S.V.R.K (India), Ai Tashiro
(Japan), Tống Thị Mỹ Thi (Vietnam), Noralene Uy (Philippines), Xinru Wan (China), Cunde Xiao
Review Editors: Soojeong Myeong (Republic of Korea), Joy Jacqueline Pereira (Malaysia)
Chapter 10Asia
Table of Contents
Executive Summary �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1459 10.6 Climate Resilient Development Pathways ����������� 1526
10.6.1 Climate Resilient Development Pathways
10.1 Introduction ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1462 in Asia ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1526
Box 10.1 | What Is New on Asia in AR6? ���������������������������� 1462 10.6.2 Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate-Change
Adaptation Linkages ��������������������������������������������������������� 1529
10.2 Major Conclusions from Previous Assessments � 1462 10.6.3 Food–Water–Energy Nexus ������������������������������������������� 1530
10.6.4 Social Justice and Equity ������������������������������������������������� 1531
10.3 Regional and Sub-regional Characteristics ��������� 1463
Frequently Asked Questions
10.3.1 Climatic Characteristics ��������������������������������������������������� 1463
10.3.2 Ecological Characteristics ���������������������������������������������� 1466 FAQ 10.1 | What are the current and projected key
risks related to climate change in each sub-region of
10.3.3 Demographics and Socioeconomic Asia? ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1532
Characteristics ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 1466
FAQ 10.2 | What are the current and emerging
10.4 Key Systems and Associated Impacts, Adaptation adaptation options across Asia? ���������������������������������������������� 1534
and Vulnerabilities �������������������������������������������������������������������� 1468 FAQ 10.3 | How are Indigenous knowledge and local
10 10.4.1 Energy Systems ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 1468 knowledge being incorporated in the design and
implementation of adaptation projects and policies
Box 10.2 | Migration and Displacement in Asia ���������� 1469 in Asia? ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1535
10.4.2 Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems ������������������ 1472
FAQ 10.4 | How can Asia meet multiple goals of
Box 10.3 | Case Study on Sand and Dust Storm, climate-change adaptation and sustainable
Climate Change in West Asia’s Iranian Region ������������� 1478 development within the coming decades? ��������������������� 1536
10.4.3 Ocean and Coastal Ecosystems ���������������������������������� 1478
10.4.4 Freshwater Resources ������������������������������������������������������� 1483 References ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1538
Box 10.4 | Case Study on Climate Vulnerability and
Cross-Boundary Adaptation in Central Asia ������������������� 1489
10.4.5 Agriculture and Food �������������������������������������������������������� 1490
10.4.6 Cities, Settlements and Key Infrastructures �������� 1497
10.4.7 Health and Well-Being ����������������������������������������������������� 1506
Asia Chapter 10
Executive Summary Coastal habitats of Asia are diverse, and the impacts of climate
change including rising temperatures, ocean acidification and sea
Observed surface air temperature has been increasing since the level rise (SLR) has brought negative effects to the services and
20th century all over Asia (high confidence1). Significant warming the livelihoods of people depending on it (high confidence). The
has intensified the threat to social and economic sustainability degree of bleaching of coral reefs is diverse among different presences
(medium confidence). Rising temperatures increase the likelihood of of stress-tolerant symbionts and higher thermal thresholds. The risk
the threat of heatwaves across Asia, droughts in arid and semiarid of irreversible loss of coral reefs, tidal marshes, seagrass meadows,
areas of West, Central and South Asia, delays and weakening of the plankton community and other marine and coastal ecosystems increases
monsoon circulation in South Asia, floods in monsoon regions in with global warming, especially at 2°C temperature rise or more (high
South, Southeast and East Asia, and glacier melting in the Hindu Kush confidence). Mangroves in the region continue to face threats due to
Himalaya region (medium confidence). {10.3.1, 10.3.3} pollution, conversion for aquaculture, agriculture and climate-based
threats like SLR and coastal erosion. {10.4.3}
Asian countries are experiencing a hotter summer climate,
resulting in an increase in energy demand for cooling at a rapid Both climatic and non-climatic drivers such as socio-economic
rate, together with the population growth (high confidence). changes have created water stress conditions in both water
Decrease in precipitation influences energy demand as well as supply and demand in all sub-regions of Asia, except for North
desalination, underground water pumping and other energy- Asia (medium confidence). These changes in space and time directly
intensive methods are increasingly used for water supply (high or indirectly have affected water-use sectors and services. By mid-
confidence). More energy demands in summer seasons will exceed 21st Century, the international transboundary river basins of Amu
any energy savings from relatively lower heating demand due to Darya, Indus, Ganges could face severe water scarcity challenges due
warmer winter. Among 13 developing countries with large energy to climatic variability and changes acting as stress multipliers (high
consumption in Asia, 11 are exposed to high-energy insecurity and confidence). Due to global warming, Asian countries could experience
industrial-systems risk (high confidence). {10.4.1} an increase in drought conditions (5–20%) by the end of this century 10
(high confidence). {10.4.4}
Asian terrestrial-ecosystems change is driven by global
warming, precipitation and Asian monsoon alteration, The Asian glaciers were in minor-area shrinkage and mass loss
permafrost thawing and extreme events like dust storms, along during 2006–2016, resulting in the instability of water resource
with natural and human-related factors which are in interplay supply (high confidence). Glaciers in Asia are the water resources
(high confidence). Treeline position in North Asian mountains moves of about 220 million people in the downstream areas. The glacier melt
upwards after the 1990s, while in Himalaya treeline demonstrates water in the southern Tibetan Plateau increased during 1998–2007,
a multi-directional shift, either moves upwards or does not show and will further increase till 2050. The total amount and area of glacier
upslope advance, or moves downwards. This can be explained by lakes have increased during the past decade (high confidence). More
site-specific complex interaction of positive effect of warming on tree glacier collapses and surges were found in western Tibetan Plateau.
growth, drought stress, change in snow precipitation, land-use change Glacier lake outburst flood (GLOF) will threaten the securities of the
(especially grazing) and other factors (high confidence). The increased local and downstream communities (high confidence). Snowmelt
considerable changes in biomes in Asia are a response to warming water contributed 19% of the increase change in runoff of arid regions’
(medium confidence). Terrestrial and freshwater species, populations rivers in Xinjiang, China, and 10.6% of the upper Brahmaputra River
and communities are altered in line with climate change across Asia during 2003–2014 (medium confidence). {10.4.4, Box 10.4}
(medium to high confidence). Climate change, human activity and
lightning have caused the increase in wildfire severity and area burned Since IPCC AR5, more studies have reinforced the earlier findings
in North Asia after the 1990s (medium confidence). Length of plant on the spatio-temporal diversity of climate-change impacts
growth season has increased in some parts of East and North Asia, on food production in Asia depending on the geographic
while the opposite trend, or no change at all, has been observed in location, agroecology and crops grown, recognising that there
other parts (high confidence). Observed biodiversity or habitat losses are winners and losers associated with the changing climate
of animals plants have been linked to climate change in some parts across scales (high confidence). Most of these impacts have been
of Asia (high confidence). There is evidence that climate change can associated with drought, monsoon rain and oceanic oscillations, the
alter species interaction or spatial distribution of invasive species in frequency and severity of which have been linked with the changing
Asia (high confidence). Changes in ecosystems in Asia during the 21st climate. Climate-related risks to agriculture and food systems in
century are expected to be driven by projected climatic, natural and Asia will progressively escalate with the changing climate, with
socioeconomic changes. Across Asia, under a range of representative differentiated impacts across the region (medium confidence). Major
concentration pathways and other scenarios, rising temperatures are projected impacts of climate change in the agriculture and food sectors
expected to contribute to a northward shift of biome boundaries and include decline in fisheries, aquaculture, crop production (particularly
an upwards shift of mountain treeline (medium confidence). {10.4.2} in South and Southeast Asia), reduction in livestock production in
1 In this Report, the following summary terms are used to describe the available evidence: limited, medium or robust; and for the degree of agreement: low, medium or high. A level of confidence is
expressed using five qualifiers: very low, low, medium, high and very high, and is typeset in italics (e.g., medium confidence). For a given evidence and agreement statement, different confidence levels
can be assigned, but increasing levels of evidence and degrees of agreement are correlated with increasing confidence.
Chapter 10Asia
Mongolia and changes in crop, farming systems and crop areas in report implemented adaptation interventions) (medium confidence). The
almost all regions, with negative implications to food security (medium degree of implementation of urban adaptation is uneven with large cities
confidence). In India, rice production can decrease from 10 to 30%, receiving more funding and priority, and smaller cities and towns, and
whereas maize production can decrease from 25 to 70% assuming peri-urban spaces, seeing relatively lower adaptation action (medium
a range of temperature increase from 1°C to 4°C. Similarly, rice confidence). {10.4.6}
production in Cambodia can decrease by 45% by 2080 under the
high-emissions scenario. Occurrence of pests, such as the golden apple Climate change is increasing vector-borne and water-borne
snail (Pomacea canaliculate), associated with the predicted increase diseases, undernutrition, mental disorders and allergy-related
in climatically suitable habitats in 2080, threatens the top Asian rice- illnesses in Asia by increasing hazards such as heatwaves,
producing countries including China, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, flooding and drought, and air pollutants, in combination with
Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines and Japan. Increasing more exposure and vulnerability (high confidence). Sub-regional
temperatures, changing precipitation levels and extreme climate diversity in socioeconomic and demographic contexts (e.g., ageing,
events, such as heatwaves, droughts and typhoons, will persist in being urban compared with agrarian society, increasing population compared
important vulnerability drivers that will shape agricultural productivity with reduced birth rate, high income compared with low to middle
particularly in South, Southeast and Central Asia. {10.4.5, Figure 10.6} income) and geographic characteristics largely define the differential
vulnerabilities and impacts within countries in Asia. Under the
Asian urban areas are considered high-risk locations from medium-to-high emissions scenario, rising temperatures and extreme
projected climate change, extreme events, unplanned urbanisation climate events will have an increasing impact on human health and
and rapid land-use change (high confidence) but also sites of well-being with varying types and magnitudes of impact across Asia
ongoing adaptation (medium confidence). Asia is home to the (high confidence). More frequent hot days and intense heatwaves will
largest share of people living in informal settlements, with 332 million increase heat-related deaths. Increased floods and droughts will have
in Eastern and Southeast Asia, and 197 million in Central and Southern adverse impacts on food availability and the prices of food, resulting
10 Asia. By 2050, 64% of Asia’s population will be urban. Coastal cities, in increased undernourishment in South and Southeast Asia. Increases
especially in South and Southeast Asia, are expected to see significant in heavy rain and temperature will increase the risk of diarrhoeal
increases in average annual economic losses between 2005 and 2050 diseases, dengue fever and malaria in tropical and subtropical Asia.
due to flooding, with very high losses in East Asian cities under the high- {10.4.7}
emissions scenario (high confidence). Climate change will amplify the
urban heat-island effect across Asian cities (especially South and East Increased climate variability and extreme events are already
Asia) at 1.5°C and 2°C temperature rise, both substantially larger than driving migration (robust evidence, medium agreement) and
under the present climate (medium evidence, high agreement). Under projecting that longer-term climate change will increase
the high-emissions scenario, higher risks from extreme temperature and migration flows across Asia (medium confidence). One in three
precipitation are projected for almost all cities (medium confidence), migrants comes from Asia, and the highest ratio of outward migrants
with impacts on freshwater availability, regional food security, human is seen from hazard-exposed Pacific countries. In 2019, Bangladesh,
health and industrial outputs. By 2080, 940 million to 1.1 billion urban China, India and the Philippines each recorded more than 4 million
dwellers in South and Southeast Asia could be affected by extreme heat disaster displacements. In Southeast Asia and East Asia, cyclones,
lasting more than 30 d yr–1 (high confidence), with poorer populations floods and typhoons triggered internal displacement of 9.6 million
affected the most. {10.4.6, Cross-Chapter Box URBAN in Chapter 6} people, almost 30% of total global displacements in 2019. {Box 10.2}
Climate change has caused direct losses due to the damage in There is a small but growing literature highlighting the impor-
infrastructure, disruption in services and affected supply chains in tance of behavioural aspects of adaptation in Asia (high con-
Asia (medium confidence) and will increase risk to infrastructure fidence), but this is restricted primarily to agriculture and dis-
as well as provide opportunities to invest in climate-resilient aster risk reduction (DRR). Factors motivating adaptation actions
infrastructure and green jobs (medium confidence). At higher include risk perception, perceived self-efficacy, sociocultural norms
warming, key infrastructures, such as power lines, transport by roads and beliefs, previous experiences of impacts, levels of education and
and railways, and built infrastructures, such as airports and harbours, awareness (high confidence). There is growing evidence on behaviou-
are more exposed to climate-induced extreme events, especially in ral aspects of individual adaptation but lesser evidence on the socio-
coastal cities (medium confidence). Evidence on urban adaptation cognitive factors motivating governments and private-sector actors to
across Asia is growing with examples of infrastructural adaptation adapt. {10.5.3}
(e.g., flood protection measures, and climate-resilient highways and
power infrastructure), institutional adaptation (e.g., sustainable land- Climate change is already causing economic loss and damage
use planning, zoning plans), nature ecosystem-based solutions (e.g., across Asian regions, and this will increase under higher
mangrove restoration, restoring and managing urban green spaces, warming (medium confidence). Non-material losses and damages
urban farming), technological solutions (e.g., smart cities, early warning are reported to a lesser degree, but this is due to under-reporting and
systems) and behavioural adaptation (e.g., improved awareness and methodological issues with detection and attribution to climate change
preparedness measures). However, adaptation actions tend to be in the (high confidence). Loss and damage represents a key knowledge
initial stages and more reactive (57% of urban adaptations focus on gap, especially in West, Central and North Asia. Insufficient literature
preparatory interventions, such as capacity building, and 43% of cities differentiating loss and damage under future adaptation scenarios
Asia Chapter 10
Chapter 10Asia
Asia Chapter 10
• Indigenous knowledge and local knowledge (IKLK) play an important (maritime continent) to be the wettest region (Yamanaka et al., 2018).
role in the formulation of adaptation governance and related The Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region is a biodiversity hotspot (Wester
strategies (IPCC, 2007), and best quality, locality-specific knowledge et al., 2019) and also has significant impacts on the Asian climate
can help address serious lack of education on climate change and because of its orographic and thermodynamic effects (Wu et al., 2012).
uncertainties surrounding quality, salience, credibility and legitimacy
of the available knowledge base. Extreme precipitation events and related flooding occur frequently in
monsoon Asia (i.e., Southeast, South and East Asia) (Mori et al., 2021b).
Knowledge and research gaps identified in AR5 include, but are not Tropical cyclones also affect East and South Asia with torrential rain,
limited to, an insufficient understanding of the impacts, vulnerability strong winds and storm surge. Floods and other weather-related
and adaptation in urban settlements, under-researched linkages hazards are causing thousands of casualties and millions of people are
between local livelihoods, ecosystem functions and land resources, and affected each year (CRED/UNISDR, 2019). On the other hand, droughts
a poor understanding of the impacts of projected climate changes on have long-lasting effects on agriculture and livestock threatening water
the vegetation of the lowland tropics. security in West Asia, Central Asia and northern China (Ranasinghe
et al., 2021; Seneviratne et al., 2021). Adaptation to such extreme
events has been limited in Asia.
10.3 Regional and Sub-regional Characteristics Observed Climate Change
10.3.1 Climatic Characteristics
Observations of past and current climate in Asia are assessed in IPCC
Climate characteristics in Asia are diverse covering all climate zones WGI AR6 (IPCC, 2021). Examples of observed impacts in Asia with
from tropical to polar, including mountain climate. Monsoonal winds attributed CIDs are shown in Figure 10.2. Surface temperature has
and associated precipitation are dominant in South, Southeast and East increased in the past century all over Asia (very high confidence).
Asia. Annual mean surface air temperature averaged over the sub-region Elevation-dependent warming (i.e., the warming rate is different across
ranges from coldest in North Asia (–3°C) to warmest in Southeast Asia elevation bands is observed in HMA) (medium confidence) (Hock
(25°C) based on JRA-55 (Kobayashi et al., 2015) climatology for 1981– et al., 2019; Krishnan et al., 2019). While there is an overall trend of
2010. Most of North Asia and higher altitude is underlain by permafrost. decreasing glacier mass in HMA, there are some regional differences
West Asia is the driest and Southeast Asia is the wettest, with the annual and even areas with a positive mass balance due to increased
precipitation averaged over the sub-region ranging about ten times precipitation (Wester et al., 2019). Rising temperatures have resulted in
from 220 mm in West Asia to 2570 mm in Southeast Asia based on an increasing trend of growing-season length. The number of hot days
GPCC (Schamm et al., 2014) climatology for 1981–2010. Indonesia in and warm nights continues to increase in all of Asia (high confidence),
Southeast Asia has the longest coastline in the world, causing this area while cold days and nights are decreasing except in the southern part of
Chapter 10Asia
change and
Annual Ocean interaction
Temperature Precipitation Precipitation precipitation Sea level warming/ with human
increase Droughts regime increase increase rise stratification distrubance
1. Heat wave
India, Pakistan, Central Eastern China | 1941–2015
Figure 10.2 | Detection and attribution of observed changes in Asia. Levels of Evidence (E), Agreement (A) and Confidence (C) are ranked by High (H), Medium (M) or
Low (L). CID: climate-impact driver. References: (1) Heatwaves (Mishra et al., 2015; Rohini et al., 2016; Chen and Li, 2017; Panda et al., 2017; Ross et al., 2018); (2) Coastal urban
flooding (Dulal, 2019); (3) Biodiversity and habitat loss (Wan et al., 2019); (4) Dust storms (Kelley et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2015; Alizadeh-Choobari et al., 2016; Nabavi et al., 2016);
(5) Sea level rise (only for coastal cities) (Brammer, 2014; Shahid et al., 2016; Hens et al., 2018); (6) Urban heat island (UHI) effect (Choi et al., 2014; Santamouris, 2015; Estoque
et al., 2017; Ranagalage et al., 2017; Kotharkar et al., 2018; Li et al., 2018a; Hong et al., 2019c); (7) Permafrost thawing (Shiklomanov et al., 2017a; Biskaborn et al., 2019); (8)
Wildfire (Schaphoff et al., 2016; Brazhnik et al., 2017); (9) Extreme rainfall events (in urban areas) (Ali et al., 2014); (10) Urban drought (Gu et al., 2015; Pervin et al., 2020); (11)
Primary production in ocean (Roxy et al., 2016); (12) Flood-induced damages (Fengqing et al., 2005); (13) Agriculture and food systems (Heino et al., 2018; Prabnakorn et al., 2018).
Siberia (Gutiérrez et al., 2021). Large increases in temperature extremes the second half of the 20th century (high confidence) (Douville et al.,
are observed in West and Central Asia (high confidence). Temperature 2021). No clear trend in precipitation is observed in high-mountain
increase is causing strong, more frequent and longer heatwaves in Asia (Nepal and Shrestha, 2015), while a continuous shift towards a
South and East Asia. The 2013 East China heatwaves case is such an drier condition has been observed since the early 1980s in spring over
example (Xia et al., 2016). In 2016 and 2018, extreme warmth was the central Himalaya (Panthi et al., 2017). Increase in heavy precipita-
observed in Asia for which an event-attribution study revealed that this tion occurred recently in South Asia (high confidence), and in South-
would not have been possible without anthropogenic global warming east and East Asia (medium confidence) (Seneviratne et al., 2021).
(medium confidence) (Imada et al., 2018; Imada et al., 2019). In Japan, there is no significant long-term trend in the annual pre-
cipitation, while significant increasing trend is observed in the annual
There are considerable regional differences in observed annual pre- number of events of heavy precipitation (daily precipitation ≥400 mm)
cipitation trend (medium confidence). Observations show a decreas- and intense precipitation (hourly precipitation ≥50 mm) (JMA, 2018).
ing trend of the South Asian summer monsoon precipitation during Decreased precipitation and increased evapotranspiration are ob-
Asia Chapter 10
served in West and Central Asia, contributing to drought conditions Projected Climate Change
and decreased surface runoff.
Rising temperatures increase the likelihood of the threat of heatwaves
Annual surface wind speeds have been decreasing in Asia since the across Asia, droughts in arid and semiarid areas of West, Central and
1950s (high confidence) (Ranasinghe et al., 2021). The observed South Asia, floods in monsoon regions in South, Southeast and East
changes in the frequency of sand and dust storms vary from region Asia, and glacier melting in the HKH region (high confidence) (Doblas-
to region in Asia (medium confidence). The frequency and intensity of Reyes et al., 2021; Ranasinghe et al., 2021; Seneviratne et al., 2021).
dust storms are increasing in some regions, such as West and Central Confidence in the direction of the projected change in CIDs in Asia are
Asia, due to land use and climate change (Mirzabaev et al., 2019). summarised in Table 12.4 of WGI AR6 Chapter 12 (Ranasinghe et al.,
Significant decreasing trends of dust storms are observed in some 2021).
parts of Inner Mongolia and over the Tibetan Plateau (Ranasinghe
et al., 2021). In contrast, West Asia has witnessed more frequent and Projections of future changes in annual mean surface air temperature
intensified dust storms affecting Iran and Persian Gulf countries in in Asia are qualitatively similar to those in the previous assessments
recent decades (medium confidence) (Nabavi et al., 2016). with greater warming at higher latitudes (i.e., North Asia) (high
confidence) (Gutiérrez et al., 2021). Projected surface air temperature
There is no significant long-term trend during 1951–2017 in the numbers changes in the Tibetan Plateau, Central Asia and West Asia are also
of tropical cyclones (TCs) with maximum winds of 66.37 km h–1 or significant (high confidence) (Gutiérrez et al., 2021). The highest levels
higher forming in the western North Pacific and the South China Sea of warming for extremely hot days are expected to occur in West and
(medium confidence). There are substantial inter-decadal variations in Central Asia with increased dryness of land (high confidence) (SR1.5).
basin-wide TC frequency and intensity in the western North Pacific (Lee Over mountainous regions, elevation-dependent warming will continue
et al., 2020a). Numbers of strong TCs (maximum winds of 124.93 km h–1 (medium confidence) (Hock et al., 2019). Glaciers will generally shrink,
or higher) also show no discernible trend since 1977 when complete but rates will vary among regions (high confidence) (Wester et al.,
wind-speed data near TC centre become available (JMA, 2018). 2019). Thawing permafrost presents a problem in northern areas of 10
According to Cinco et al. (2016), for TCs in the Philippines there are Asia, particularly Siberia (Parazoo et al., 2018). Temperature rise will
no significant trends in the annual number of TCs during 1951–2013. be strongest in winter in most regions, while it will be the strongest
Their analysis showed that the Philippines have been affected by fewer on summer in the northern part of West Asia and some parts of South
TCs above 124.93 km h–1, but affected more by extreme TCs (above Asia where a desert climate prevails (high confidence) (Gutiérrez et al.,
158.11 km h–1). There has been a significant northwestward shift in 2021). The wet-bulb globe temperature, which is a measure of heat
TC tracks since the 1980s, and a detectable poleward shift since the stress, is likely2 to approach critical health thresholds in West and
1940s in the average latitude where TCs reach their peak intensity in South Asia under the RCP4.5 scenario, and in some other regions, such
the western North Pacific (medium confidence) (Lee et al., 2020a). as East Asia, under the RCP8.5 scenario (high confidence) (Lee et al.,
2021a; Seneviratne et al., 2021). The occurrence of extreme heatwaves
According to Bindoff et al. (2019), the oceans have warmed will very likely increase in Asia. Projections show that a sizeable part
unabatedly since 2004, continuing the multi-decadal ocean- of South Asia will experience heat stress conditions in the future (high
warming trends. Their report also summarised that there is increased confidence). It is virtually certain that cold days and nights will become
agreement between coupled model simulations of anthropogenic fewer (Ranasinghe et al., 2021).
climate change and observations of changes in ocean heat content
(high confidence). Observed SLR around Asia over 1900–2018 is Projections of future annual precipitation change are qualitatively
similar to the global mean sea level change of 1.7 mm yr–1, but for similar to those in the previous SREX and AR5 assessments (IPCC,
the period 1993–2018, the SLR rate increased to 3.65 mm yr–1 in 2021). A very likely large percentage increase in annual precipitation
the Indo-Pacific region and 3.53 m yr–1 in the Northwest Pacific, is projected in South and North Asia (high confidence) (Douville
compared with the global value of 3.25 mm yr–1 (Ranasinghe et al., et al., 2021; Lee et al., 2021a). Precipitation is projected to decrease
2021). The extreme SLR has occurred since the 1980s along the coast over the northwest part of the Arabian Peninsula and increase over
of China (Feng et al., 2018b). its southern part (medium confidence) (Gutiérrez et al., 2021). Both
heavy and intense precipitation are projected to intensify and become
Ocean acidification continues with surface seawater pH values having more frequent in South, Southeast and East Asia (high confidence)
shown a clear decrease by 0.01–0.09 from 1981–2011 along the Pacific (Seneviratne et al., 2021). There will be a large increase in flood
coasts of Asia (high confidence) (Lauvset et al., 2015). For the western frequency in these monsoon regions (Oppenheimer et al., 2019).
North Pacific along the 137°E line, the trend varies from −0.013 at 3°N Without further mitigation efforts, this will lead to continued loss of lives
to −0.021 at 30°N per decade during 1985–2017 (JMA, 2018). Ocean and infrastructure. SR1.5 assessed higher risk from heavy precipitation
interior (about 150–800 m) pH also shows a decreasing trend with events at 2°C compared with 1.5°C of global warming in East Asia. A
higher rates in the northern than the southern subtropics, which may be large ensemble-modelling study shows that future warming is expected
due to greater loading of atmospheric CO2 in the former (JMA, 2018). to further increase winter precipitation, and extreme weather events,
2 In this Report, the following terms are used to indicate the assessed likelihood of an outcome or a result: virtually certain 99–100% probability, very likely 90–100%, likely 66–100%, about as likely
as not 33–66%, unlikely 0–33%, very unlikely 0–10% and exceptionally unlikely 0–1%. Additional terms (extremely likely 95–100%, more likely than not >50–100% and extremely unlikely 0–5%)
may also be used when appropriate. Assessed likelihood is typeset in italics (e.g., very likely). This Report also uses the term ‘likely range’ to indicate that the assessed likelihood of an outcome lies
within the 17–83% probability range.
Chapter 10Asia
such as rain-on-snow, will result in an increase in extreme runoff in 10.3.2 Ecological Characteristics
Japan (low confidence) (Ohba and Kawase, 2020). Furthermore, the
earlier snowmelt will affect energy supply by hydropower. Ecosystems in Asia are characterised by a variety of climate and
topographic effects, and can be divided into several distinct areas
Monsoon land precipitation likely will increase in East, Southeast and (Figure 10.3). In addition, valuable ecosystem services provide vital
South Asia mainly due to increasing moisture convergence by elevated support for human well-being and sustainable development (IPBES,
temperature (high confidence); however, there is low confidence in the 2018).
magnitude and detailed spatial patterns of precipitation changes at the
sub-regional scale in East Asia (Doblas-Reyes et al., 2021). Increasing Boreal forests and tundra dominate in North Asia: deserts and xeric
land–sea thermal contrast and resultant lower tropospheric circulation shrublands in Central and West Asia; and alpine ecosystems in the HKH,
changes, together with increasing moisture, are projected to intensify Tian Shan, Altai-Sayan, Ural and Caucasus mountain regions. Human-
the South Asian summer monsoon precipitation (medium confidence). transformed landscapes occupy most parts of other sub-regions. The
Anthropogenic aerosols greatly modify sub-regional precipitation remaining natural ecosystems in East Asia are temperate broadleaf
changes, and their spatio-temporal changes are uncertain (Douville and mixed forests, and there are subtropical evergreen forests, deserts
et al., 2021). Monsoonal winds will generally become weaker in a future and grasslands in the West Asia. South Asia has tropical forests and
warming world with different magnitudes across regions (medium semi-deserts in the northwest, and Southeast Asia is covered mainly
confidence). Future changes in sand and dust storms are uncertain. by tropical forests (Figure 10.3).
The global proportion of very intense TCs (category 4–5) will increase Ocean and coastal regions in Asia have various ecological characteristics,
under higher levels of global warming (medium to high confidence). such as high productivity in arctic and subpolar regions, large biodiversity
Mean global TC precipitation rate will increase (medium to high in tropical regions and unique systems in marginal seas. In the atlas of
confidence). Models suggest a reduction in TC frequency but an WGI AR6, the ocean biomes in Asia are divided into six sub-regions
10 increase in the proportion of very intense TCs over the western North (WGI AR6 Figure Atlas.4) (Gutiérrez et al., 2021). For the coastal region,
Pacific in the future; however, some individual studies project an the concept of the large marine ecosystem (e.g., see Sherman, 1994)
increase in western North Pacific TC frequency (medium confidence) provides the biological characteristics of each marginal/semi-enclosed
(Cha et al., 2020). In the western North Pacific, some models project a region and the regions characterised by boundary current system.
poleward expansion of the latitude of maximum TC intensity, leading
to a future increase in intense TC frequency south of Japan (medium Biodiversity and ecosystem services play a critical role in socioeconomic
confidence) (Yoshida et al., 2017). development as well as the cultural and spiritual fulfilment of the Asian
population (IPBES, 2018). For example, species richness reaches its
Relative SLR associated with climate change in Asia will range from maximum in the ‘coral triangle’ of Southeast Asia (central Philippines
0.3–0.5 m in SSP1-2.6 to 0.7–0.8 m in SSP5-8.5 for 2081–2100 relative and central Indonesia) (IPCA, 2017), and the extent of mangrove
to 1995–2014 (Ranasinghe et al., 2021). In coastal regions, evaluation forests in Asia is about 38.7% of the global total (Bunting et al., 2018).
of SLR is necessary at the regional scale to assess the impacts on These coastal ecosystems provide multiple ecosystem services related
coastal sectors. Liu et al. (2016c) investigated the regional-scale SLR to food production by fisheries/aquaculture, carbon sequestration,
using dynamic downscaling from the three global-climate models in the coastal protection and tourism/recreation (Ruckelshaus et al., 2013).
western North Pacific. In their projection in the case following the RCP8.5
scenario, the regional sea level rises along Honshu Island in Japan during
2081–2100 relative to 1981–2000 are 6–25 cm higher than the global 10.3.3 Demographics and Socioeconomic Characteristics
mean SLR due to the dynamic response of the ocean circulation. For the
impact assessment of coastal hazards, the total SLR included extreme In the six sub-regions of Asia, nature and biophysical impacts of
events due to storm surge and high ocean waves, which are influenced climate change are observed in three climate-change hotspots
by the changes in TCs (Seneviratne et al., 2021). Mori and Takemi (2016) where strong climate signals and high concentrations of vulnerable
summarised the characteristics of TCs in the western Pacific in the past people are present, namely in semiarid, glacial-fed river basins and
and in the future, and the extreme value of significant wave height mega deltas (De Souza et al., 2015; Kilroy, 2015; Szabo et al., 2016b).
increased in several regions. There is considerable increase in the return The impacts of global climate events also have profound social
levels along the China coast under 2.0°C warming compared with that implications, threatening human health and well-being, destabilising
under the 1.5°C warming scenario (Feng et al., 2018b). assets, weakening coping capacities and response infrastructures
and substantially increasing the number of socially, economically and
Ocean acidification will continue over the 21st century (virtually psychologically vulnerable individuals and communities (Ford et al.,
certain) (SROCC). Projected decrease in global surface ocean pH from 2015).
1986–2005 to 2081–2100 is about 0.145 under RCP4.5 (Lee et al.,
2021a). Vulnerability to climate change varies by geography and by the
economic circumstances of the exposed population (Sovacool et al.,
Diverse and complex climate characteristics in Asia limit climate 2017). The concentration of population growth in less developed
models’ ability to reasonably simulate the current climate and project regions means that an increasing number of people live in countries
its future change (Gutiérrez et al., 2021). with the least ability to adapt to climate change (Auffhammer and
Asia Chapter 10
Terrestrial ecoregions, large marine ecosystems and major fishing areas of Asia
18. Arctic Sea
North Asia
52 67.
Aral Sea 51
Caspian Sea 50
37 East Asia 48
26 61. Pacific,
Central Asia 47 49 Northwest
West Asia
Asi a Sout h Asi
South Asiaa
34 36
71. Pacific,
37 Western Central
51. Indian Ocean, 10
Western Sout heast Asia
Southeast Asi a
57. Indian Ocean, 38
Tropical and Subtropical Dry Broadleaf Forests Flooded Grasslands and Savannas Asia Sub Region Boundary
Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests Montane Grasslands and Shrublands FAO Major Fishing Area Boundary
Tropical and Subtropical Coniferous Forests Tundra Large Marine Ecosystem Boundary
Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forests Mediterranean Forests, Woodlands, and Scrub
Temperate Coniferous Forests Deserts and Xeric Shrublands
Boreal Forests/Taiga Mangroves
Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands Rock and Ice
Temperate Grasslands, Savannas, and Shrublands Lakes
Figure 10.3 | Terrestrial ecoregions, large marine ecosystems and major fishing areas of Asia. Large marine ecosystems: 26 Mediterranean Sea; 32 Arabian Sea;
33 Red Sea; 34 Bay of Bengal; 35 Gulf of Thailand; 36 South China Sea; 37 Sulu-Celebes Sea; 38 Indonesian Sea; 47 East China Sea; 48 Yellow Sea; 49 Kuroshio Current; 50 Sea
of Japan; 51 Oyashio Current; 52 Sea of Okhotsk; 53 West Bering Sea; 54 Northern Bering and Chukchi seas; 56 East Siberian Sea; 57 Laptev Sea; 58 Kara Sea; 62 Black Sea.
Developed after Olson et al. (2001), NOAA (2010) and FAO (2019), and made with Natural Earth. Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset archive available at https://www. The software used for generating the map was ArcGIS 10.0. Note that the map is for illustrative purposes only.
Kahn, 2018). Bangladesh with 163 million people, an example, is one of most vulnerable to climate change in this regard (Mendelsohn, 2014;
the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate risks and natural Ahmad, 2015; Kirby et al., 2016; Ali et al., 2017).
hazards, and faces severe floods, cyclones, droughts, heatwaves and
storm surges on a regular basis (Dastagir, 2015; Hossain et al., 2018; A broad-based understanding of gender vulnerability in the context of
Roy and Haider, 2019). poverty and social discrimination, as well as diverse social and cultural
practices in different political, geographic and historical settings, apart
Differential human vulnerability to environmental hazards results from climate variability along with environmental and natural risks, is
from a range of social, economic, historical and political factors, all of central to understanding people’s capacities to cope with, and adapt to
which operate at multiple scales (De Souza et al., 2015; Thomas, 2019). change (Morchain et al., 2015; Yadav and Lal, 2018; Rao et al., 2019).
Climate change is expected to have serious impacts on people living Studies highlight the fact that disasters do not affect people equally;
within these hotspot areas, as observed from loss of food crop yields mostly findings show that insufficient disaster education, inadequate
to disasters such as floods, fluctuations in seasonal water availability protection measures and powerful cultural issues, both pre- and post-
or other systemic effects (De Souza et al., 2015). For instance, in South disaster, increase women’s vulnerability during and after disasters (Isik
Asia, extreme climatic conditions are threatening food security; thus, et al., 2015; Reyes and Lu, 2016; Hamidazada et al., 2019). In particular,
agro-based economies, such as those of India and Pakistan, are the cultural issues play a role after disasters by affecting women’s security,
Chapter 10Asia
access to disaster aid and health care (Raju, 2019). There must be 1 million inhabitants, many of them located in Asia and Africa (United
more nuanced understanding and examination of gender, as well as Nations, 2019). Challenges with water supply, in many cases, have
poor, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, in vulnerability and risk existed for decades (Dasgupta, 2015). Climate change increases these
assessments (Reyes and Lu, 2016; Reyer, 2017; Xenarios et al., 2019). challenges (Hoque et al., 2016). As more people inhabit urban areas,
the number of people vulnerable to heat stress is thus likely to rise,
Based on the ‘World Economic Situation and Prospects as of mid- a problem that will be compounded by rising temperatures due to
2019 Report’, the region has an estimated 400 million people living climate change (Acharya et al., 2018). Compared with rural areas, hot
in extreme poverty below the threshold of 1.90 USD d–1. At the higher temperature risk is even higher in urban regions (Luo, 2018a; Ye, 2018;
international poverty line of 3.20 USD d–1, the number of poor rises Setiawati Martiwi Diah, 2021).
to 1.2 billion people, accounting for more than a quarter of the
region’s total population (Holland, 2019). Beyond monetary measures, The impact of heat in rural areas has been a blind spot so far, particularly
indicators of multi-dimensional aspects of poverty, most notably in for farmers and outdoor labourers who are increasingly exposed to
Southern Asia, indicate that a large share of the population still lacks high outdoor temperatures due to increased intensity in agriculture
access to basic infrastructure and services (Bank, 2017b). combined with changes in working hours (Tasgaonkar, 2018).
For instance, South Asia illustrates that on average it could lose nearly Farmers as a group have shown an increasing number of females
2% of its GDP by 2050, rising to a loss of nearly 9% by 2100 under over the years due to migration of male members into urban areas
a business-as-usual scenario (Ahmed and Suphachalasai, 2014). The for employment, which is putting women at more severe risk in the
relationship between economic outcomes and cross-sectional climate context of climate variability (Singh, 2019). Women are required to
variation is confounded by regional heterogeneity, including historical acquire new capacities to manage new challenges, including risks from
effects of settlement and colonisation (Dell et al., 2014; Newell et al., climate change, through capacity-building interventions to strengthen
2018). Climate change vulnerability may also depend on sufficient autonomous-adaptation measures (Banerjee et al., 2019; James, 2019;
10 employment opportunities in the risk-prone areas, land-holding size, Mishra, 2019). However, the overlapping crises of climate change and
gender, education level, and family and community size, as observed the global public health crisis of COVID-19 represent a major challenge
in Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam (Baul and McDonald, 2015; Lebel L., to gender equality and sustainable development (Katherine Brickell,
2015; Phuong et al., 2018a). 2020; Sultana, 2021).
As poor households are constrained in their ability to receive nutrition, For vulnerable populations, such as Indigenous Peoples, older and
schooling and health care for their children, this is greatly dampening low-income groups, women, children, people with disabilities and
progress in human capital development and productivity growth, minorities, the health effects of climate-change-related extreme
both of which are critical imperatives for sustainable development weather events can be especially devastating (McGill, 2016). Such
(Carleton and Hsiang, 2016; Schlenker and Auffhammer, 2018). Studies populations may be more susceptible to disease, have pre-existing
also have shown negative impacts of climate change on several health conditions or live in areas that do not promote good health
essential components of people’s livelihoods and well-being, such as or well-being; for instance, loss of income and food supply shortages
water supply, food production, human health, availability of land and could lead children in rural households to nutritional deprivations that
ecosystems (Alauddin and Rahman, 2013; Arnell et al., 2016; Roy and can have both immediate and lifelong impacts (Gleick, 2014; UNICEF,
Haider, 2019). 2015). Children, already susceptible to age-related insecurities, face
additional destabilising insecurities from questions about how they
Major population trends of urbanisation and urban area expansion are will cope with future climate change (Hansen et al., 2013).
forecast to take place in Asia. It has been mentioned that demographic
change will make humanity more vulnerable to climate change,
particularly in places with high poverty rates and potentially prone to 10.4 Key Systems and Associated Impacts,
systemic disruptions in the food system (Puma et al., 2015; d’Amour Adaptation and Vulnerabilities
et al., 2016; d’Amour et al., 2017).
10.4.1 Energy Systems
The urban population of the world has grown rapidly from 751 million
in 1950 to 4.2 billion in 2018. Asia, despite its relatively lower level Regional Diversity
of urbanisation, is home to 54% of the world’s urban population
(United Nations, 2019). Some cities have experienced population Energy consumption of Asia accounts for 36% of the global total at
decline in recent years. Most of these cities are located in the low- present. China, India and the ASEAN countries have largely contributed
fertility countries of Asia, where overall population sizes are stagnant to the ever-growing global energy consumption. Asia is predicted to
or declining, as observed in a few cities in Japan and the Republic account for 80% of coal, 26% of natural gas and 52% of electricity
of Korea (e.g., Nagasaki and Busan), which experienced a population consumption of the world by 2040 (IEA, 2018). The share of Asia in
decline between 2000 and 2018 (United Nations, 2019). By 2030, the the global primary energy consumption will increase to 48% by 2050.
world is projected to have 43 megacities with more than 10 million China continues to be the world’s largest energy consumer, and the
inhabitants, most of them in developing regions. However, some of combined consumption of India and ASEAN will be similar to that of
the fastest-growing urban agglomerations are cities with fewer than China by that time (IEEJ, 2018).
Asia Chapter 10
Migration is a key livelihood strategy across Asia and is driven by multiple factors such as socioeconomic changes, increasing climate
variability and disaster incidence, and changing aspirations. Displacement denotes a more involuntary movement in reaction to climatic
or non-climatic factors. There is robust evidence, medium agreement that increased climate variability and extreme events are already
driving migration (Gemenne et al., 2015; Rigaud et al., 2018; IDMC, 2019; Jacobson et al., 2019; Siddiqui et al., 2019; IDMC, 2020;
Maharjan et al., 2020) and medium evidence, medium agreement projecting that longer-term climate change will increase migration
flows across Asia (Abubakar et al., 2018; Rigaud et al., 2018; Hauer et al., 2020; Bell et al., 2021).
Detection and attribution: Does climate change drive migration? Ascertaining the role of climate change in migration is difficult
and contested (see Cross-Chapter Box MIGRATE in Chapter 7 and RKR-H in Chapter 16), with observation-based studies either linking
extreme event incidence, weather anomalies and environmental change with migration numbers or drivers (McLeman, 2014; Singh et al.,
2019a; Kaczan and Orgill-Meyer, 2020), and projection studies looking at particular risks such as SLR or drought by linking increasing
warming (often through representative concentration pathways, RCPs) and population growth. Despite methodological disagreement on
detection and attribution of migration due to climate change, there is medium confidence that higher warming and associated changes in
frequency and intensity of slow-onset events (such as drought and sea level rise) and rapid-onset events (such as cyclones and flooding)
will increase involuntary displacement in the future, especially under SSP3 and SSP4 pathways (Dasgupta et al., 2014a; Davis et al., 2018;
Rigaud et al., 2018; Hauer et al., 2020). But its role is smaller than non-climatic socio-economic drivers of migration (Wodon et al., 2014;
Adger et al., 2021).
Current migration and displacement. One in three migrants comes from Asia and the highest ratio of outward migrants is seen from
hazard-exposed Pacific countries (Ober, 2019). In 2019, approximately 1900 disasters triggered 24.9 million new displacements across 10
140 countries; in particular, Bangladesh, China, India and the Philippines each recorded more than 4 million disaster displacements (IDMC,
2019). Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia see significant disaster-associated displacements: for example, heavy rain-induced flooding in
Khatlon (Tajikistan) triggered 5400 new displacements; landslides in the Jalal-Abad (Kyrgyzstan) saw 4700 new displacements; and
floods in Altai, Tuva and Khakassia (Russia) displaced 1500 people. Iran reported the highest sub-regional figures with >520,000 new
disaster-related displacements in 2019 (IDMC, 2019). In Southeast and East Asia, cyclones, floods and typhoons triggered internal
displacement of 9.6 million people in 2019, almost 30% of total global displacements (IDMC, 2019). With most migrants in the region
being temporary migrant workers, loss of jobs and wages among them have been particularly severe due to adverse economic climate
triggered by COVID-19 (ESCWA, 2020). It has also resulted in large-scale returns of migrant workers, and remittances have declined
drastically (Khanna, 2020; Li et al., 2021). Remittances to Eastern Europe and Central Asia are expected to decline 16.1% from 57 billion
USD in 2019 to 48 billion USD in 2020. Remittances in East Asia and the Pacific are estimated to fall 10.5% over the same period, from
147 billion to 131 billion USD (United Nations, 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on migrants (Rajan, 2020) in
the region, and some countries have targeted migrants in economic stimulus packages or income-support programmes; however, access
to such support has been heterogeneous.
Projected migration. Regional variation is significant across Asia. By one estimate, in South Asia, internal climate migrants (i.e., those
migrating due to climate change and associated impacts such as water scarcity, crop failure, SLR and storm surges) are projected to be
40 million by 2050 (1.8% of regional population) under high warming (Rigaud et al., 2018). While methodological critiques remain on
projected migration estimates, what is certain is that some countries will be more affected that others; it is estimated that in southern
Bangladesh, SLR could displace 0.9–2.1 million people by direct inundation by 2050 (Jevrejeva et al., 2016; Davis et al., 2018). In South
Asia, migration hotspots include the Gangetic Plain and the Delhi–Lahore corridor, and coastal cities such as Chennai, Chittagong, Dhaka
and Mumbai, which will be simultaneously exposed to climate-change impacts, major migration destinations and amplified rural–urban
migration (Ober, 2019). Importantly, there is low agreement on projected numbers (see Boas et al., 2019) with uncertainties around how
local policies and individual behaviours will shape migration choices. Even in high-risk places, people might choose to stay or be unable
to move, resulting in ‘trapped’ populations (Zickgraf, 2019; Ayeb-Karlsson et al., 2020). There is currently inadequate evidence to ascertain
the nature and numbers of trapped populations currently or in the future.
Implications of migration for adaptation. The evidence on migration and its impacts on adaptive capacity and risk reduction are
mixed (Upadhyay, 2014; Banerjee et al., 2018; Szabo et al., 2018; Maharjan et al., 2020; Singh and Basu, 2020). Financial remittances help
vulnerable households spread risk through better incomes, expanded networks and improved assets such as housing, education and
communication technology (Jha et al., 2018; Szabo et al., 2018; Ober, 2019; Maharjan et al., 2020). Benefits from international remittances
across the Asia Pacific region were approximately 276 billion USD in 2017 (UN, 2018), and in countries such as Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and
Nepal remittances were ~25% of the national GDP in 2015. However, migration requires a minimum level of resources, and liquidity
constraints impede internal migration by the poorest households often rendering them immobile (Ayeb-Karlsson et al., 2020; Maharjan
Chapter 10Asia
Box 10.2 (continued)
et al., 2020). Furthermore, migration does not necessarily mean that people move out of risk; in fact, often they might be subjected to
new risks. Notably, migrants in South and Southeast Asia have been severely affected by the compounding crises of disasters and the
COVID-19 pandemic, and there is emerging evidence that inclusion of universal safety-net provisions that embed adaptation planning
can reduce vulnerabilities of migrants (Sengupta and Jha, 2020; Cundill et al., 2021; Sultana, 2021).
While there is robust evidence (medium agreement) that migration exacerbates gendered vulnerability and work burdens (Banerjee et al.,
2019; Singh, 2019; Rao et al., 2020), it is well established that differential vulnerability of migrants intersects with ethnicity, age and
gender; political networks and social capital; and livelihoods in destination areas (Maharjan et al., 2020; Cundill et al., 2021). Across Asia,
international and internal migration are changing social norms and household structures, with significant implications for local adaptive
capacity (Singh, 2019; Evertsen and van der Geest, 2020; Porst and Sakdapolrak, 2020; Rao et al., 2020).
The current energy structure of Asia is dominated by fossil fuels. As the (e.g., desalination, underground water pumping) to supply water.
trend indicates, the share of coal in China’s primary energy consumption Similarly, energy systems are influenced by the way the agriculture
is forecasted to sharply decline from 60% in 2017 to around 35% in sector, mainly in Al Mashrek, relies increasingly on energy-intensive
2040 (BP, 2019). In contrast, India and ASEAN rely more on coal since methods (e.g., more fertilisers, different irrigation and harvesting
coal may meet their soaring energy demand. Accordingly, more than patterns) (Farajalla, 2013).
80% of the global coal will be consumed in Asia by 2050. China will
10 surpass the USA in about 10 years to become the world’s largest oil Climate change has direct and indirect impacts on energy and
consumer. India will then replace the USA to be the second largest by industrial systems. It has a particularly wide and profound impact on
the late 2040s (IEEJ, 2018). energy systems (energy development, transportation, supply, etc.).
With global warming, the energy consumption for heating in winter
Around 60% of the incremental electricity demand globally, predicted decreases, while the energy consumption for cooling in summer
to double by 2050, will occur in Asia. By that time, the electrification significantly increases, but the overall energy demand shows an
rate will increase to 30%, but 40% of electricity demand will be still upwards trend (high confidence) (Sailor, 2001; Szabo et al., 2018). Such
covered by coal (IEEJ, 2018). Asia accounts for almost half of the demands in summer seasons will by far exceed any energy savings
growth in global renewable power generation. It is hardly possible from the decrease in heating demand due to warmer winters. Higher
for Japan and Republic of Korea to develop additional nuclear power demand for cooling due to hotter temperatures has become a major
plants as planned, whereas nuclear generation continues to increase challenge in the energy sector in all countries. Furthermore, decreased
quickly in China and the scale will be similar to the entire generation of water levels due to lower precipitation reduces hydroelectric output.
OECD by 2040 (BP, 2019). India and Russia’s nuclear power sectors are This is particularly the case for countries such as Syria and Iraq with
also growing fast (e.g., the recent launch of the Akademik Lomonosov large hydroelectric capacity (Hamid and Raouf, 2009). Additionally, the
offshore nuclear power plant in Russia). decrease in water levels negatively affects low-carbon energy systems
such as concentrated solar power and thermal-generation plants that
The rapid growth of energy demand in Asia reinforces the region’s require regular cooling and cleaning.
position as the largest energy importer (BP, 2019). Around 80% of
energy traded globally will be consumed in Asia, and the rate of self- Climate change adds extra pressure to current energy infrastructures
sufficiency will decrease from 72 to 63% by 2050. This tendency is in most countries where systems failures and blackouts are already
especially remarkable for ASEAN, which will become a net importer in common (Assaf, 2009). In the wake of extreme weather events (e.g.,
the early 2020s. The self-sufficiency rate of coal will be maintained at a heatwaves), energy infrastructures remain inadequate to cope. This is
level of 80%, while that of oil and natural gas will decline significantly. particularly the case for countries such as Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and
The additional oil imports of the emerging Asian economies will be Palestine, with poor electricity infrastructures (Jordan, 2015). Extreme
from North America, the Middle East and North Africa. The main weather events could generate grave damage to power plants, most
players in Asia for the liquefied natural gas imports will extend from being located only a few metres above sea level, as well as power-
Japan and Republic of Korea to China and India. ASEAN has been a net transmission towers and lines. In Lebanon, a small country where there
exporter of natural gas but starts to expand its importation due to the are no Indigenous energy resources, the disruption of shipping of fuel
increased consumption and resource depletion (IEEJ, 2018). supplies due to extreme weather events is a major risk. Other extreme
weather events, such as floods and sandstorms, expose energy and
The increase in energy demand at a rapid rate in these countries industrial systems in the coastal areas due to a rise in sea level. Countries
thus cannot be attributed only to population growth and rising living of the Arabian Peninsula are projected to experience significant inland
standards, but also to increasingly extreme temperature variations. flooding as sea levels rise (Hamid and Raouf, 2009). In East Asia wet
The decrease in precipitation influences energy demand as well, as snow accretion enhanced by global warming often causes damage to
countries are becoming more dependent on energy-intensive methods electric power lines (Sakamoto, 2000; Ohba and Sugimoto, 2020).
Asia Chapter 10 Key Drivers to Vulnerability, with Observed and Wu et al., 2017a; Ohba, 2019). The decline of near-surface wind speed in
Projected Impacts Asia is consistent with the general decline of global land-surface wind
speeds, among which the frequency of strong winds and the decline of
Universal energy access is a big challenge for Asia (IEA, 2018). About wind speed are more prominent (McVicar et al., 2012; Jiang et al., 2013;
230 million Indian people lack access to electricity, and around Blunden and Arndt, 2017; Wu et al., 2018c). Since the early 2010s, the
800 million still use solid fuels for cooking (Sharma, 2019). The average wind speed in the world and some parts of Asia has shown
average electricity access rate in South Asia was 74%, the equivalent signs of increasing (Li et al., 2018d; Wu et al., 2018c; Zeng et al., 2019),
of 417 million people without electricity and accounting for more which seems to be an inter-decadal variability. Whether this means a
than a third of the global 1.2 billion lacking the access (Shukla et al., change in its trend needs the support of longer observation data.
2017). With a total population of nearly 640 million in ASEAN, an
estimated 65 million people remain without electricity and 250 million At the same time, with the increase in the proportion of renewable
rely on solid biomass for cooking fuel (IEA, 2017). Universal access to energy in the power system, the power system will be more vulnerable
electricity is expected to be achieved by 2030, while 1.6 billion people to climate change and extreme weather and climate events, and
in Asia will still lack clean energy for cooking (UNESCAP, 2018b). the vulnerability and risk of the power system will greatly increase
(medium confidence).
Asia faces an energy security problem even with the rapid growth in
production and trade (IEEJ, 2018). Among 13 developing countries with Adaptation Options
large energy consumption in Asia, 11 are exposed to high energy security
risk (WEC, 2018). This will be a major challenge for the sustainable The overall solution would be to develop a resilient energy system
development of Asia due to the vulnerability to global energy supplies and avoid the risk of unsustainable energy growth in developing
and price volatility (Nangia, 2019). Asia lacks natural energy resources Asia. This requires that strategic planning be consistent with the long-
and has the smallest oil reserve but largely relies on fossil fuels. The term climate projection, impact and adaptation (EUEI-PDF, 2017).
dependency on fossil fuels was as high as 88.3% in China, 72.3% in Although no single policy package would be applicable for all the 10
India, 89.6% in Japan and 82.8% in Republic of Korea in 2013 (BP, countries across the region, several measures could be addressed as
2014). Many countries in South Asia rely on a single source to supply the common options, including fortification of energy infrastructure
more than half of the electricity (i.e., 67.9% from coal for India, 99.9% and diversification of the sources by sufficient investment,
from hydropower for Nepal, 91.5% from natural gas for Bangladesh improvement of energy efficiency for sector flexibility, and promotion
and 50.2% from oil for Sri Lanka) (Shukla et al., 2017). Additionally, of regional cooperation and integration for increasing energy security
cooperation in Asia to create the integrated energy systems needed (UNESCAP, 2018b). Adaptation also includes promoting renewable
for enhancing overall security is still at a very preliminary stage due energy resources, securing local natural gas resources, enhancing
to countries having different strategic plans and lack of cooperation water production and adopting green-building technologies. These
among them on the common concerns (Kimura and Phoumin, 2013). adaptation measures may help increase readiness for the anticipated
impact of climate change.
Even though energy efficiency is improving, the deployment of low-
carbon energy, such as renewables, is not sufficient in Asia. To be The improvement of energy efficiency and demand-side management
consistent with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement, the share can alleviate supply constraints and thus lower overall required-energy
of renewables in total energy consumption needs to reach 35% in capacity. Energy storage, smart grids for the electricity network as well
Asia by 2030. Moreover, the financing to deploy renewables presents as other flexible management measures enable this energy demand
another considerable challenge (UNESCAP, 2018b). shifting. Regional integration of energy markets drives productivity
increase, cost reduction, new investment, human capability and
In order to cope with climate change, renewable energy has become diversity of energy sources (WEC, 2018). For example, better
the core of energy development and transformation. Since the 1960s, interconnection of natural gas supply networks among the ASEAN
the total solar radiation on the ground in Asia has shown a downwards countries enhances gas security in the region. The development of the
trend as a whole, which is consistent with the change in global total long-planned regional power grid would make large-scale renewable
solar radiation on the ground, and has experienced a phased change projects more viable and aid the integration of rising shares of wind
process of ‘first darkening and then brightening’ (high confidence). This and solar power (IEA, 2017).
conclusion has been further confirmed by ground station observations,
satellite remote sensing inversion data and model simulation research Providing enough investment in energy supply is a top priority to
(Wang and Wild, 2016; Qin et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2018a). extend the connections to those without access to electricity and
satisfy the soaring demand (IEA, 2017). The investment in non-fossil
However, wind speed over most Asian regions is obviously decreasing energies like renewables has been expanding to leverage the economic
(high confidence). Based on meteorological observation records or growth in China, India and Republic of Korea. According to the updated
reanalysis data, many studies have analysed the variation of near- estimate of ADB, 14.7 trillion USD will be needed for the infrastructure
surface average wind speed in Asia. It is generally found that wind development in the power sector of developing Asia over the 15 years
speed has declined since the 1970s, although the declining trend is from 2016 to 2030 (ADB, 2017a). The cumulative investment needs
different in different subregions. (Yang et al., 2012c; Lin et al., 2013; Liu of ASEAN for energy supply and efficiency up to 2040 is estimated at
et al., 2014b; Zha et al., 2016; Guo et al., 2017a; Torralba et al., 2017; 2.7 to 2.9 trillion USD (IEA, 2017). Mobilising investment to such a
Chapter 10Asia
scale will require significant participation from the private sector and 10.4.2 Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems
international financial institutions.
Sub-regional diversity of ecosystems is high in Asia (Section 10.2.2).
Diversifying energy sources increases energy security and thus the Climate-impact drivers of Asian terrestrial ecosystems (ATS) change
resilience of the whole system. The deployment of renewable energy are global warming, precipitation and Asian monsoon alteration,
is widely recognised as a crucial measure for enhancing energy access permafrost thawing and extreme events like dust storms. Observed and
and diversity. There remains huge potential for renewable sources in projected changes in ATS are affected by several interacting factors.
Asia (i.e., India has massive solar power potential) (Shukla et al., 2017). Non-climatic human-related drivers are change of land use, change
Many renewable technologies (i.e., hydro- and wind power as well as of human use of natural resources, including species and ecosystems
solar photovoltaics) are becoming competitive, and their life-cycle overexploitation as well as other non-sustainable use, socioeconomic
costs may fall below those of coal and natural gas in the near term. changes and direct impacts of rising greenhouse gases (GHGs).
Great progress has been made in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), Ecosystem vulnerability has resulted from complex interactions of CIDs
and in the conventional and unconventional fusion power that China and non-climate drivers. Species interaction and natural variability of
is promoting. Conventional and underground pumped hydropower will organisms, species and ecosystems is currently poorly understood,
level out supplies for intermittent renewable energy generation. and much more work still needs to be done to unravel these multiple
stressors (i.e., Berner et al., 2013; Brazhnik and Shugart, 2015).
Substantial progress may be fulfilled by increasing the share of
renewable energy in the overall energy consumption of Asia (ADB, Observed Impacts
2017a). Access to energy, particularly in rural areas, can reduce climate
vulnerability of developing Asia. Due to the high cost of extending the Biomes and mountain treeline
electricity network to rural regions, an alternative way is to develop
the off-grid renewable energy systems in these areas. The distributed, Changes in biomes in Asia are compatible with a response to
10 instead of centralised, energy systems can increase energy access and regional surface air temperature increase (Arias et al., 2021) (medium
resilience (EUEI-PDF, 2017). agreement, medium evidence). Expansion of the boreal forest and
reduction of the tundra area is observed for about 60% of latitudinal
Some countries in the Arabian Peninsula, such as the United Arab and altitudinal sites in Siberia (Rees et al., 2020). In Central Siberia, the
Emirates (UAE), are adopting an array of approaches to enhance the changes in climate and disturbance regimes are shifting the southern
adaptive capacity of the energy infrastructure and diffuse the risk of taiga ecotone northward (Brazhnik et al., 2017). In Taimyr, no significant
climate change over a larger area (e.g., energy efficiency, demand changes in the forest boundary have been observed during the past
management, storm planning for power plants). In Al Mashrek, three decades (Pospelova et al., 2017). For the Japanese archipelago,
building institutional capacity in the energy sector is a necessary first it is suggested that the change in tree community composition along
step to mainstream climate-change adaptation (CCA). Countries such the temperature gradient is a response to past and/or current climate
as Lebanon and Jordan have already made progress in mainstreaming changes (Suzuki et al., 2015).
CCA into electricity infrastructure. In the UAE, buildings account
for more than 80% of the total electricity consumption. There are Alpine treeline position in Asian mountains in recent decades either
currently a set of measures and regulations on building conditions and moves upwards in North Asia or demonstrates multi-directional shifts
specifications that are being applied to increase energy efficiency in in Himalaya (high confidence). Since AR5, in North Asia new evidence
buildings, but the rehabilitation and upgrading of old buildings still has appeared of tree expansion into mountain tundra and steppe,
require further efforts (Environment, 2015). In Kuwait, one adaptation of intensive reproduction and increase in tree stands productivity in
measure to dust storms is through the reduction of the proportion the past 30–100 years at the upper treeline in the Ural Mountains
of open-desert land from 75 to 51%, the increase in protected areas (Shiyatov and Mazepa, 2015; Zolotareva and Zolotarev, 2017; Moiseev
from 8 to 18% and greenbelt projects in desert areas (Kuwait, 2015). et al., 2018; Sannikov et al., 2018; Fomin et al., 2020; Gaisin et al.,
Addressing climate-change impact on energy systems in Lebanon, 2020), in the Russian Altai Mountains (Kharuk et al., 2017a; Cazzolla
Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Palestine needs to simultaneously consider Gatti et al., 2019) and in the Putorana Mountains (Kirdyanov et al.,
other interlinked challenges of population growth, rapid urbanisation, 2012; Pospelova et al., 2017; Grigor’ev et al., 2019). Lower treelines
refugee influx, conflict and geopolitical location. To address these in the southernmost Larix sibirica forests in the Saur Mountains,
challenges and provide solutions for CCA, the promotion of multi- eastern Kazakhstan, have suffered from increased drought stress in
stakeholder partnerships is key to breaking the silo approach. recent decades causing forest regeneration and tree growth decrease,
and tree mortality increase (Dulamsuren et al., 2013). In Jeju Island,
These CCA measures need to be broadened to fit the scope and Republic of Korea, recent warming has enhanced Quercus mongolica
depth of mitigation efforts by each country. Risk assessments and growth at its higher distribution and has led to Abies koreana (ABKO)
vulnerability assessments are in their early stages in the energy and growth reduction at all elevations, except the highest locality. Thus,
industrial sectors, and are not currently based on a comprehensive the combination of warming, increasing competition and frequent
plan of action. The first step is to undertake comprehensive national tropical cyclone disturbances could lead to population decline or even
assessments of the risks associated with climate change based on extinction of ABKO at Jeju Island (Altman et al., 2020). In the Himalaya,
existing studies on climate impacts and risks, and by making evidence- the treeline over recent decades either moves upwards (Schickhoff
based decisions on adaptation actions. et al., 2015; Suwal et al., 2016; Sigdel et al., 2018; Tiwari and Jha, 2018)
Asia Chapter 10
or does not show upslope advance (Schickhoff et al., 2015; Gaire et al., of two New Guinean mountains, Mt. Karimui and Karkar Island, have
2017; Singh et al., 2018c), or moves downwards (Bhatta et al., 2018). been shifting upslope since 1965 (Freeman and Freeman, 2014). In
In the Tibetan Plateau, the treeline either shifted upwards or showed Republic of Korea, for the past 60 years, the northern boundary line
no significant upwards shift (Wang et al., 2019c). This can be explained of 63 southern butterfly species has moved further north (Bae et al.,
by site-specific complex interaction of positive effect of warming on 2020). The change in the butterflies’ occurrence in this period has been
tree growth, and negative effects of drought stress, change in snow influenced mostly by large-scale reforestation, not by climate change
precipitation, inter- and intraspecific interactions of trees and shrubs, (Kwon et al., 2021). Warming-driven geographic range shift was
land-use change (especially grazing) and other factors (Liang et al., recorded in 87% of 124 endemic plant species studied in the Sikkim
2014; Lenoir and Svenning, 2015; Tiwari et al., 2017; Sigdel et al., Himalaya in the periods 1849–1850 and 2007–2010 (Telwala et al.,
2018; Tiwari and Jha, 2018; Sigdel et al., 2020). It is largely unknown 2013). In Darjeeling, India, significant change in lichen community
how broader-scale climate inputs, such as pre-monsoon droughts, structure was shown in response to climate change and anthropogenic
interact with local-scale factors to govern treeline response patterns pollution (Bajpai et al., 2016).
(Schickhoff et al., 2015; Müller et al., 2016; Bhatta et al., 2018; Singh
et al., 2019b). The observed loss of biodiversity and habitat of animals and plants has
been linked to climate change in some parts of Asia (high confidence). Species ranges and biodiversity Climate change, together with human disturbances, have caused local
extinction of some large and medium-sized mammals during the
Since AR5, new evidence has appeared of alterations in terrestrial and past three centuries in China (Wan et al., 2019). Climate change has
freshwater species, populations and communities in line with climate shown significant impacts on subalpine plant species at low altitudes
change across Asia (medium to high confidence) (Arias et al., 2021). In and latitudes in Republic of Korea and may impose a big threat to
North Asia, temperature increase and droughts have promoted spread these plant species (Adhikari et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2019c). Climate
northward of the current silk moth outbreak (has affected nearly change has caused habitat loss of amphibians (Surasinghe, 2011) and
2.5 × 106 ha) in Central Siberia dark taiga since 2014 (Kharuk et al., extinction of some endemic species in Sri Lanka (Kottawa-Arachchi 10
2017b; Kharuk et al., 2020). The climatic range of the Colorado potato and Wijeratne, 2017).
beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) in 1991–2010 expanded east- and
northward in Siberia and the Russian Far East compared with the There is evidence that climate change can alter species interaction
1951–1970 range (Popova, 2014). The climatic range of Ixodes ricinus, or spatial distribution of invasive species in Asia (high confidence).
a vector of dangerous human diseases, expanded into Central Asia Climate warming has enhanced the competitive ability of the native
and south of the Russian Far East (Semenov et al., 2020). A butterfly species (Sparganium angustifolium) against the invasive species
(Melanargia russiae) in the Middle Urals moved northward (Zakharova (Egeria densa) in China under a mesocosm experiment in a greenhouse
et al., 2017). Thrush birds in West Siberia penetrated northward up to (Yu et al., 2018e). It has also increased the non-target effect on a native
the limits of the sparse woodlands (Ryzhanovskiy, 2019a). The increase plant (Alternanthera sessilis) by a biological control beetle (Agasicles
in the length of frost-free period observed in the Ilmen Nature Reserve, hygrophila) in China due to range expansion of the beetle and change
Middle Urals, during recent decades is supposed to be interlinked with of phenology of the plant (Lu et al., 2015). Climate warming has
changes in the amplitude and frequency of population waves of bank expanded the distribution of invasive bamboos (Phyllostachys edulis
vole (Kiseleva, 2020). In Katunskiy Biosphere Reserve, Russian Altai, and P. bambusoides) northward and upslope in Japan (Takano et al.,
in the period 2005–2015, alpine plant species have shifted towards 2017), while soil dry-down rates have been a key driver of invasion of
higher altitudes by 5.3 m on average (Artemov, 2018). Wild reindeer dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis) in central Hokkaido above and below
herds in Taimyr, north of Central Siberia, migrated northward to the the treeline (Winkler et al., 2016).
Arctic Sea coast in hot summers between 1999–2003 and 2009–2016
because of an earlier massive emergence of bloodsucking insects Climate change along with land-use and land-cover change influences
(Pospelova et al., 2017). In Yakutia, the ranges of red deer, elk and the soil organic carbon content, microbial biomass C, microbial respiration
northern pika are expanding, and the winter survival of the mouse-like and the soil carbon cycle in the Hyrcanian forests of Iran (Soleimani
rodents has increased (Safronov, 2016). In the Chukchi Sea, in recent et al., 2019; Francaviglia et al., 2020). In the fir forest ecosystems of
decades the average duration polar bears spent onshore increased by the Tibetan Plateau, winter warming affects the ammonia-oxidising
30 d (Rode et al., 2015b) in line with global warming and the rapid bacteria and archaea, thus altering the nitrogen cycle (Huang et al.,
decline of their sea ice habitat (Derocher et al., 2013; Jenssen et al., 2016). Ecosystem carbon pool in the spruce forests of the northeast
2015; Rode et al., 2015a). Tibetan Plateau was reduced by about 25% by deforestation due
to recent decades of climate warming as well as wood pasture and
In Central Kazakh Steppe, in line with warming, in 2018 there were logging (Wagner et al., 2015). In Mongolia’s forest steppe, recent
more ‘southern’ sub-arid species in the communities and fewer decades of drought- and land-use-induced deforestation has reduced
relatively ‘northern’ boreal and polyzonal species of ground beetles the ecosystem carbon stock density by about 40% (Dulamsuren et al.,
(Carabidae) and black beetles (Tenebrionidae) than in 1976–1978 2016). In Inner Mongolia, the predicted decreases in precipitation and
(Mordkovich et al., 2020). The present distribution of Asian black birch warming for most of the temperate grassland region could lead to a
(Betula davurica Pall.) in East and North Asia was formed as a result pH change, which would contribute to a soil C-N-P decoupling that
of northward expansion during post-Last Glacial Maximum global could reduce plant growth and production in arid ecosystems (Jiao
warming (Shitara et al., 2018). Both upper and lower limits of avifauna et al., 2016).
Chapter 10Asia
In Central Asia, in the Vakhsh, Kafirnigan and Kyzylsu river basins, that neither the start of growing season (SOS) nor the end of growing
Tajikistan, it has been shown that temperature stimulates algal species season (EOS) presented detectable progressive patterns at the regional
diversity, while precipitation and altitude suppress it (Barinova et al., level in 1998–2012, except for the steppe–desert (6% of the total
2015). In line with the warming of Lake Baikal, Russia, since the 1990s area) (Sha et al., 2016). In the Tianshan Mountains in China, the NPP of
in the lake’s south basin, there have been shifts in diatom community only 2 out of 12 types of vegetation increased in spring, and the NPP
composition towards higher abundances of the cosmopolitan Synedra of only one type increased in autumn from 2000–2003 to 2012–2016
acus and a decline in endemic species, mainly Cyclotella minuta and (Hao et al., 2019). In Republic of Korea, from 1970 to 2013, the SOS has
Stephanodiscus meyerii, and to a lesser extent Aulacoseira baicalensis advanced by 2.7 d per decade, and the EOS has been delayed by 1.4 d
and A. skvortzowii (Roberts et al., 2018). In Gonghai Lake, North China, per decade (Jung et al., 2015). During the past decade, leaf unfolding
diatom biodiversity has increased remarkably from 1966, but began to has accelerated at a rate of 1.37 d yr−1, and the timing of leaf fall has
decline after 1990 presumably in response to rapid climate warming been delayed at a rate of 0.34 d yr−1 (Kim et al., 2019d). Cherry blossoms
(Yan et al., 2018). are predicted to flower 6.3 and 11.2 d earlier after 2090 according
to scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, respectively (Bae et al., 2020). On Wildfires the Tibetan Plateau, it was found that the SOS has advanced and the
EOS has been delayed over the past 30–40 years (Yang et al., 2017).
Climate change, human activity and lightning determine increases in Using normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) datasets and
wildfire severity and area burned in North Asia (high detection with ground-based Budburst data (Wang et al., 2017c) found no consistent
medium-to-low attribution to climate change). In North Asia, the evidence that the SOS has been advancing or delaying over the Tibetan
extent of fire-affected areas in boreal forest can be millions of hectares Plateau during the past two to three decades. The discrepancies among
in a single extreme fire year (Duane et al., 2021) and nearly doubled different studies in the trends of spring phenology over the Tibetan
between 1970 and 1990 (Brazhnik et al., 2017). During recent decades, Plateau could be largely attributed to the use of different phenology
the number, area and frequency of forest fires increased in Putorana retrieval methods. An uncertainty exists with the relationship between
10 Plateau (north of Central Siberia), in larch-dominated forests of Central land-surface phenology and climate change estimated by satellite-
Siberia and in Siberian forests as a whole. This increase is in line with derived NDVI because these indices are usually composite products of
an increase in the average annual air temperature, air temperature a number of days (e.g., 16 d) that could fail to capture more details.
anomalies, droughts and the length of fire season (Ponomarev et al., Besides, due to lack of in situ observations, the SOS and EOS at large
2016; Kharuk and Ponomarev, 2017; Pospelova et al., 2017). The areas cannot be easy defined (Zhang et al., 2017d).
number of forest fires and damaged areas in Gangwon Province and
the Yeongdong area in the 2000s increased by factors of 1.7 and 5.6, In North Asia, in Central Siberia and south of West Siberia, the growth
respectively, compared with the 1990s (Bae et al., 2020). Climate index of Siberian larch based on tree-ring width increased with the
change is not the sole cause of the increase in forest fire severity onset of warming and changed in antiphase with aridity in the 1980s
(Wu et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2018d). Ignition is often facilitated by (Kharuk et al., 2018). In Mongolia and Kazakhstan, the temperature
lightning (Canadell et al., 2021), and over 80% of fires in Siberia are increase over the previous decade promoted radial stem increment of
likely anthropogenic in origin (e.g., (Brazhnik et al., 2017). Gas field the Siberian larch. However, the simultaneous influence of increased
development and Indigenous tundra burning practices that may get temperature, decreased precipitation and increased anthropogenic
out of control contribute to fire frequency in the forest–tundra of West pressure resulted in widespread declines in forest productivity and
Siberia (Adaev, 2018; Moskovchenko et al., 2020). Climate change in reduced forest regeneration, and increased tree mortality (Dulamsuren
combination with socioeconomic changes has resulted in an increase et al., 2013; Lkhagvadorj et al., 2013a; Lkhagvadorj et al., 2013b;
in fire severity and area burned in South Siberia, and illegal logging Dulamsuren et al., 2014; Khansaritoreh et al., 2017). In Eastern Taimyr,
increases fire danger in forest–steppe Scots pine stands (Ivanova et al., growing season, the number of flowering shoots, annual increment,
2010; Schaphoff et al., 2016). success of seed ripening and vegetation biomass have increased
considerably in recent decades (Pospelova et al., 2017). In Vishera Phenology, growth rate and productivity Nature Reserve, northern Ural Mountains, annual temperature has
increased in recent decades in parallel with a summer temperature
In East and North Asia, satellite measurements and ground-based drop and an increase in summer frost numbers. As a result, trends in
observations in recent decades demonstrate either an increase in the vegetation change are mostly unreliable (Prokosheva, 2017).
length of plant growth season over sub-regions or in some territories
in line with climate warming, or do not show any significant trend in In Asia, the date of arrival of migrant birds to nesting areas and the date
other territories (high confidence). In recent decades in China, there of departure from winter areas are changing consistently with climate
has been an increasing trend in annual mean grassland net primary change (medium confidence). Time of arrival of the grey crow to the
production (NPP), average leaf area index and lengthening of the local Lower Ob river region, northwest Siberia, shifted to earlier dates in the
growing season (Piao et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2017b; Xia et al., 2019). period 1970–2017, which is consistent with an increase in the daily
Nevertheless, phenology patterns vary across different studies, species average temperatures on the day of arrival (Ryzhanovskiy, 2019b). In
and parts of China. In most regions of Northeast China, start date and Ilmen Nature Reserve, Urals, an earlier arrival of the majority of nesting
length of land surface phenology from 2000 to 2015 had advanced bird species has not been observed in recent decades. This is explained
by approximately 1 d yr−1, except in the needle-leaf and cropland by the fact that other factors, such as the weather of each spring month
areas (Zhang et al., 2017d). For Inner Mongolia, it has been shown of particular years, population density in the previous nesting period,
Asia Chapter 10
the seed yield of the main feeding plants and migration of wintering of boreal forest in eastern Kazakhstan is expected as part of a global
species from adjacent areas, determinate the long-term dynamics of process of forest dieback in semiarid regions (Dulamsuren et al., 2013).
bird arrival (Zakharov, 2016; Zakharov, 2018). In Yokohama, Japan, In North Asia, tree growth is intertwined with permafrost, snowpack,
observations since 1986 have revealed that the arrival of six winter bird insect outbreaks, wildfires, seed dispersal and climate (e.g., Klinge
species came later and the departure earlier than in the past, due to et al., 2018). It is challenging to isolate the affects of individual factors,
warmer temperatures (Kobori et al., 2012; Cohen et al., 2018). Some particularly since they can interact on one another in unanticipated
papers corroborate that earlier start and later end of phenological ways because the underlying mechanisms are not well understood
events in Asia are associated with global warming; however, other (Berner et al., 2013; Brazhnik and Shugart, 2015). The accuracy of
papers do not confirm such a connection. Comparison and synthesis of treeline-shift projections is limited because projections are based on
results is impeded by usage of different metrics, measurement methods vegetation models which do not consider all the factors (Tishkov et al.,
and models (e.g., Hao et al., 2019). Relative contribution of climatic 2020). The regional vegetation model structure and parameterisation
stress and other factors to phenology and plant growth trends are can affect model performance, and the corresponding projections can
poorly understood (e.g., Andreeva et al., 2019). differ significantly (Shuman et al., 2015). Biomes and mountain treeline Considerable changes in plant and animal species distribution under
warming stress are expected in Asia until 2100 (high confidence).
Across Asia, under a range of representative concentration pathways In East Asia, Cunninghamia lanceolate, a fast-growing and widely
(RCPs) and other scenarios, rising temperatures are expected to distributed coniferous timber species in China, is projected to increase
contribute to a northward shift of biome boundaries and an upwards distribution, to decrease the establishment probability and to reduce
shift of mountain treeline (medium confidence). Northward shift and total NPP by the 2050s (Liu et al., 2014c). In the monsoon regions
area change of bioclimatic zones in Siberia (Anisimov et al., 2017; of Asia, by the end of the 21st century, NPP is projected to increase 10
Torzhkov et al., 2019) and northeast Asia (Choi et al., 2019) are by 9–45% (Ito et al., 2016). Under climate change on the Korean
projected. Projected changes in vegetation in China at the end of Peninsula (KP), the potential habitat for Abies nephrolepis is the
the 21st century reveal that the area covered by cold–dry potential northern part of KP, and A. koreana will disappear from Jeju Island
vegetation decreases as the area covered by warm–humid potential and shrink significantly in the KP (Yun et al., 2018), while evergreen
vegetation increases (Zhao et al., 2017a). Forest expansion into forests will expand to the northern part of KP (Koo et al., 2018; Lim
mountain tundra of the northern Urals is expected (Sannikov et al., et al., 2018). It is expected that under projected warming, fig species
2018). In Republic of Korea, projected under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 in the in China will expand to higher latitudes and altitudes (Chen et al.,
2070s, suitable area loss of six subalpine tree species, namely, Korean 2018c). In Japan, under the A1B scenario, 89% of the area currently
fir, Khingan fir, Sargent juniper, Yeddo spruce, Korean yew and Korean covered by the Fagus crenata-dominant forest type will be replaced
arborvitae, range from 17.7 ± 20.1% to 65.2 ± 34.7%, respectively by Quercus spp.-dominant forest types (Matsui et al., 2018). Current
(Lee et al., 2021b). Korean fir forests would be replaced by temperate trends of climate change will reduce distribution of tall (2–2.5 m
forests at lower elevations, while they would continuously persist at high) herb communities in Japan, and will increase suitably for them
the highest elevations on Mt. Halla, Jeju Island and Republic of Korea in the Russian Far East (Korznikov et al., 2019). A range expansion of
(Lim et al., 2018). Himalayan birch at its upper distribution boundary Lobaria pindarensis, an endemic epiphytic lichen in the HKH region, is
either is projected to move upwards (Schickhoff et al., 2015; Bobrowski projected to move to the northeast and to higher altitudes in response
et al., 2018) or considered to downslope as a response to global- to climate change, although the species’ low dispersal abilities and
change-type droughts (Liang et al., 2014). Upwards shift in elevation the local availability of trees as a substratum will considerably limit
of bioclimatic zones, decreases in area of the highest elevation zones latitudinal and altitudinal shifts (Devkota et al., 2019).
and large expansion of the lower tropical and sub-tropical zones can
be expected by the year 2050 throughout the transboundary Kailash The climatic range of Italian locust (Calliptamus italicus L.) under RCP4.5
Sacred Landscape of China, India and Nepal, and likely within the will expand north- and east-ward to Siberia, the Russian Far East and
Himalayan region more generally (Zomer et al., 2014). Central Asia (Popova et al., 2016). In Krasnoyarsk Krai, Siberia, it is
projected that the needle cast disease caused by fungi from the genus
In North Asia, a shift is projected in the dominant biomes from conifers Lophodermium Chevall. in the Scots pine nurseries would shift northward
to deciduous species across Russia after 20 years of altered climate up to 2080 under A2 and B1 scenarios (Tchebakova et al., 2016). All
conditions (Shuman et al., 2015). In South Siberia, Brazhnik and four RCP scenarios showed north-ward expansion of vulnerable regions
Shugart (2015) projected a shift from the boreal forest to the steppe to pine wilt disease in China, Republic of Korea, the Russian Far East
biome. Rumiantsev et al. (2013) also project a positive northward shift and Japan under climate conditions in 2070 (Hirata et al., 2017), and
of vegetation boundaries for the greater part of West Siberia in line with during 2026–2050 in Japan (Matsuhashi et al., 2020). It is noteworthy
warming; however, no shift for the north of West Siberia and negative that disease expansion depends not only on climatic factors but also on
shift for the southern Urals and northwest Kazakhstan are projected the dispersal capacity of insect vectors, the transportation of infected
for 2046–2065. The replacement of forest–steppe with steppe at the logs to non-infected regions and the susceptibility of host trees (e.g.,
lower treeline in South Siberia is projected (Brazhnik and Shugart, Gruffudd et al., 2016). The suitable habitat area of the snow leopard
2015), and retreat of larch forests from the southernmost strongholds Panthera uncia is projected to increase by 20% under the IPCC Scenario
Chapter 10Asia
Figure 10.4 | Location of ‘priority places’ in Asia. (Modified from Warren et al., 2018).
A1B by 2080: for the seven northernmost snow leopard range states in Bangladesh by 2070 (Alamgir et al., 2015). Climate change would
(Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia increase the distribution of the Mesopotamian spiny-tailed lizard
and Mongolia) the suitable habitat area will increase, while habitat loss (Saara loricate) in Iran (Kafash et al., 2016). Future climate change
is expected on the southern slope of the Himalaya and the southeast would reduce the suitable habitat of certain protected plants (Zhang
Tibetan Plateau (Farrington and Li, 2016). Climate change projected et al., 2014) including Polygala tenuifolia Wild (Lei et al., 2016); relict
under four RCP scenarios will not affect the distribution patterns of species in East Asia (Tang et al., 2018); tree Abies (Ran et al., 2018) in
Turkestan Rock Agama Paralaudakia lehmanni (Nikolsky 1896; Sancholi, China; two threatened medicinal plants (Fritillaria cirrhosa and Lilium
2018). In Iran, among 37 studied species of plants and animals, the nepalense) in Nepal (Rana et al., 2017); a medicinal and vulnerable
ranges of 30 species are expected to shrink and ranges of 7 species are plant species Daphne mucronata (Abolmaali et al., 2018) and Bromus
expected to increase between 2030 and 2099 under climate-change tomentellus in Iran (Sangoony et al., 2016); a valuable threatened tree
stress (Yousefi et al., 2019). species, Dysoxylum binectariferum, in Bangladesh (Sohel et al., 2016);
and plant diversity in Republic of Korea (Lim et al., 2018).
Future climate change would cause biodiversity and habitat loss in
many parts of Asia using modelling approaches (high confidence). The impact of future climate change on invasive species may be species-
Warren et al. (2018) projected that extirpation risks to terrestrial taxa or region specific (medium confidence). Climate change would promote
(plants, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) from 2°C to 4.5°C invasion of a highly invasive aquatic plant Eichhornia crassipes (You
global warming in 12 ‘priority places’ in Asia, under the assumption of et al., 2014), Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Qin et al., 2014), alligator weed
no adaptation (i.e., dispersal) by the 2080s, is from 12.2–26.4% to 29– (Alternanthera philoxeroides) (Wu et al., 2016), invasive alien plant
56% (Table 10.1; Figure 10.4). Under different scenarios, future climate Solidago canadensis (Xu et al., 2014), three invasive woody oil-plant
change could reduce the extent of a suitable habitat for giant pandas species (Jatropha curcas, Ricinus communis and Aleurites moluccana)
(Fan et al., 2014), moose (Alces alces) (Huang et al., 2016), black muntjac (Dai et al., 2018), and 90 of ~150 poisonous plant species (Zhang
(Muntiacus crinifrons) (Lei et al., 2016) and the Sichuan snub-nosed et al., 2017a) in China; six mostly highly invasive species (Ageratum
monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) (Zhang et al., 2019d) in China; the houstonianum Mill., Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob., Hyptis
Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran (Ashrafzadeh et al., suaveolens (L.) Poit., Lantana camara L., Mikania micrantha Kunth and
2019a); the Bengal tiger (Mukul et al., 2019) in India; and four tree- Parthenium hysterophorus L.) in Nepal (Shrestha et al. 2018); 11 invasive
snail species (Amphidromus) in Thailand (Klorvuttimontara et al., 2017). plant species in the western Himalaya (Thapa et al., 2018); alien plants
However, climate change would have little impact on the habitats of in Georgia (Slodowicz et al., 2018); the invasive green anole (Anolis
the Asian elephant, but would cause extinction of the Hoolock gibbon carolinensis) in Japan (Suzuki-Ohno et al., 2017); the Giant African Snail
Asia Chapter 10
Table 10.1 | Projected extirpation risks: percentage of taxa (plants, amphibians, century compared with the historical (1960–1990) estimate. This
reptiles, birds and mammals) for 2°C and 4.5°C global warming in ‘priority places’ in moves forest composition towards greater contribution of hardwoods
Asia, without adaptation by the 2080s. (From Warren et al., 2018).
(e.g., Betula spp., Populus spp.) (Brazhnik et al., 2017). This shifting
Priority places At 2°C (%) At 4.5°C (%) was also proved by observations in northern Mongolia, where boreal
forest fires likely promote the relative dominance of B. platyphylla and
Mekong 26.4 55.2
threaten the existence of the evergreen conifers, Picea obovata and
Baikal 22.8 49.5
Pinus sibirica (Otoda et al., 2013). For Tuva Republic, warming ambient
Yangtze 20 42.6 temperatures increase the potential evapotranspiration demands
Coral Triangle 19.2 41.8 on vegetation, but if no concurrent increase in precipitation occurs,
Western Ghats 18.8 41.67 vegetation becomes stressed and either dies from temperature-based
drought stress or more easily succumbs to insects, fire, pathogens or
New Guinea 19.8 41.2
wind throw (Brazhnik et al., 2017). Although Torzhkov et al. (2019)
Atlai-Syan 18.6 37
also projected fire risk (FR) increase in Tuva Republic, they expect
Sumatra 16.8 37 FR decrease in the Irkutsk region and Yakutia under RCP8.5, and FR
Borneo 17.6 36.8 decrease in major parts of Central and East Siberia under RCP4.5 for
Amur 14.2 35.6 2090–2099. This discrepancy is due to differences in models, climate
projections, fire severity metrics and other assumptions. According to
Eastern Himalayas 12.2 29
global projections, FR will increase in Central Asia, Russia, China and
Black sea 26.2 56
India under a range of scenarios (Sun et al., 2019).
in India (Sarma et al., 2015); and a major insect vector (Monochamus Vulnerabilities to Key Drivers
alternatus) of the pine wilt disease (Kim et al., 2016b) and melon thrips
(Thrips palmi Karny) (Park et al., 2014) in Republic of Korea. In contrast, a Both natural and managed ecosystems, ecosystem services and 10
few studies have projected that climate change would inhibit the invasion livelihoods in Asia will potentially be substantially impacted by changing
of one exotic species (Spartina alterniflora) (Ge et al., 2015), alien invasive climate (Wu et al., 2018d). There will be increased risk for biodiversity,
weeds (Wan et al., 2017), an invasive plant (Galinsoga parviflora) (Bi particularly many endemic and threatened species of fauna and flora
et al., 2019) and an invasive species (Galinsoga quadriradiata) (Yang already under environmental pressure from land-use change and other
et al., 2018b) in China; and two invasive plants (Chromolaena odorata regional and global processes (Zomer et al., 2014; Rashid et al., 2015; Choi
and Tridax procumbens) in India (Panda and Behera, 2019). et al., 2019). Biomes shift not only serves as a signal of climate change
but also provides important information for resources management and
Five of 15 endemic freshwater fish species in Iran will lose some parts ecotone ecosystem conservation. A widespread upwards encroachment
of their current suitable range under climate change by 2070 (Yousefi of subalpine forests would displace regionally unique alpine tundra
et al., 2020). In line with projected large increases in mean water habitats and possibly cause the loss of alpine species (Schickhoff et al.,
temperature, the strongest increase is projected in exceeded frequency 2015). In North Asia, emissions from fires reduce forests’ ability to
and magnitude of maximum temperature tolerance values for regulate climate. A warmer and longer growing season will increase
freshwater minnow (Zacco platypus) in East Asia for 2031–2100 (Van vulnerability to fires, although fires can be attributed both to climate
Vliet et al., 2013). Climate change under the A1B scenario is projected to warming and to other human and natural influences. Recent field-based
decrease diversity (–0.1%) along with increased local richness (+15%) observations revealed that the forests in South Siberia are losing their
and range size (+19%) of stream macroinvertebrates in the Changjiang ability to regenerate after fire and other landscape disturbances under
River catchment, southeast China, for the period 2021–2050, while a warming climate (Brazhnik et al., 2017). Data support the hypothesis
land-use change is predicted to have the strongest negative impact of a climate-driven increase in fire frequency in boreal forests with the
(Kuemmerlen et al., 2015). The Asian clam Corbicula fluminea Müller, an possible turning of boreal forests from a carbon sink to a carbon source
invasive species native to southeast China, the Republic of Korea and (Ponomarev et al., 2016; Schaphoff et al., 2016; Brazhnik et al., 2017;
southeast Russia, is projected to invade Southeast Asia under all four Ponomarev et al., 2018); however, warming resulting from forest fire
RCP scenarios for the 2041–2060 and 2061–2080 periods (Gama et al., is partly offset by cooling in response to increased surface albedo of
2017). Projected SLR, related aquatic salinisation and alteration in fish burned areas in a snow-on period (Chen and Loboda, 2018; Chen et al.,
species composition may have a negative impact on poor households in 2018a; Jia et al., 2019; Lasslop et al., 2019).
southwest coastal Bangladesh (Dasgupta et al., 2017a). Adaptation Options Wildfires
Modelling of the interactions between climate-induced vegetation shifts,
Under regional projections for North Asia, warmer climate will increase wildfire and human activities can provide keys to how people in Asia
forest fire severity by the late 21st century (medium confidence). For the may be able to adapt to climate change (Kicklighter et al., 2014; Tian
southern taiga in Tuva Republic, Central Siberia, in a warmer climate, et al., 2020). Conservation and sustainable development would benefit
both the annual area burned and fire intensity will increase by 2100. from being tailored and modified considering the changing climatic
For the central taiga in the Irkutsk region, the annual area burned as conditions and shifting biomes, mountain belts and species ranges
well as crown fire-to-ground fire ratiowill increase by the late 21st (Pörtner et al., 2021). Expanding the nature reserves would help species
Chapter 10Asia
Box 10.3 | Case Study on Sand and Dust Storm, Climate Change in West Asia’s Iranian Region
The West Asia region, especially the Tigris–Euphrates alluvial plain, has been recognised as one of the most important dust-source areas
in the world (Cao et al., 2015). The inhabitants of each of these settlements have experienced a decline in dust storms in recent decades,
since the late 1980s at Nouakchott, since 2004 at Zabol and since the late 1970s at Minqin. Iran is mostly arid or semiarid, with deserts
making up at least 25 million hectares of the country (NASA, 2018). Iran is experiencing unprecedented climate-related problems such
as drying of lakes and rivers, dust storms, record-breaking temperatures, droughts and floods (Vaghefi et al., 2019). There are three
key factors responsible for the generation of sand and dust storms: strong wind, lack of vegetation and absence of rainfall (EcoMENA,
2020). It seems that all of this is closely related to the heating surface and the occurrence of local dry instabilities (Ghasem et al., 2012).
According to EcoMENA (2020), sand and dust storms cause significant negative impacts on society, the economy and the environment
at the local, regional and global levels. The seasonality of the numbers of dusty days (NDD) in Iran shows the highest frequency in
summer followed by spring and autumn (Modarres and Sadeghi, 2018). In the past decade, West Asia has witnessed more frequent and
intensified dust storms affecting Iran and other Persian Gulf countries (Nabavi et al., 2016). In terms of long-term frequency of dust
events, observational analyses show an overall rising trend of the frequency of Iran’s dust events in recent years (Alizadeh-Choobari et al.,
2016). Results show that there has been a direct relationship between dust event, drought and years of intensive drought (Dastorani
and Jafari, 2019). Compared with the period 1980–2004, in the period 2025–2049, Iran is likely to experience more extended periods
of extreme maximum temperatures in the southern part of the country, more extended periods of dry (for ≥120 d: precipitation <2 mm,
Tmax ≥30°C) as well as wet (for ≤3 d: total precipitation ≥110 mm) conditions and a higher frequency of floods (Vaghefi et al., 2019). The
slope of precipitation in West Asia shows that during the period 2016–2045 in January, February, July and August, precipitation would
increase and decrease in other months of the year (Ahmadi et al., 2018). Temperatures in Central Asia have risen significantly within
recent decades, whereas mean precipitation remains almost unchanged (Haag et al., 2019); however, climatic trends can vary greatly
10 between different sub-regions, across altitudinal levels and within seasons (Haag et al., 2019).
conservation; to facilitate species movements across climatic gradients, The risk of irreversible loss of many marine and coastal ecosystems
an increase in landscape connectivity can be elaborated by setting up increases with global warming, especially at 2°C or more (high
habitat corridors between nature reserves and along elevational and confidence) (IPCC, 2018b). In the South China Sea, coral growth and
other climatic gradients (Brito-Morales et al., 2018; D’Aloia et al., 2019; sea surface temperature (SST) have shown regional long-term trends
United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, 2019). Assisted migration and inter-decadal variations, while coral growth is predicted to decline
of species should be considered for isolated habitats as mountain by the end of this century (Yan et al., 2019). Increasing human impacts
summits or where movements are constrained by poor dispersal ability. have also been found to reduce coral growth (Yan et al., 2019). In the
Introducing seeds of the species to new regions will help to protect them South China Sea, nearly 571 coral species have been severely impacted
from the extinction risk caused by climate change (Mazangi et al., 2016). by global climate changes and anthropogenic activities (Huang et al.,
In Asian boreal forests, a strategy and integrated programmes should 2015a).
be developed for adaptation of the forests to global climate change,
including sustainable forest management, firefighting infrastructure and The 2014–2017 global-scale coral bleaching event (GCBE) resulted
forest fuel management, afforestation, as well as institutional, social in very high coral mortality on many reefs, rapid deterioration of reef
and other measures in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) structures and far-reaching environmental impacts (Eakin et al., 2019).
15 ‘Life on Land’ (Isaev and Korovin, 2013; Kattsov and Semenov, 2014; The thermally tolerant Persian Gulf corals (Coles and Riegl, 2013)
Bae et al., 2020). Improvements in forest habitat quality can reduce are facing an increasing frequency of mass bleaching (Riegl et al.,
the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem 2018) and each event leaves a substantial long-term impact on coral
services (Choi et al., 2021). Adaptation options for freshwater ecosystems communities (Burt, 2014) with low capacity for recovery indicating a
in Asia include increasing connectivity in river networks, expanding bleak future for Persian Gulf reefs (Burt et al., 2019).
protected areas, restoring hydrological processes of wetlands and rivers,
creating shade to lower temperatures for vulnerable species, assisted One of the probable results of global warming is high SLR. Scientists
translocation and migration of species (Hassan et al., 2020; Chapter believe that increasing GHGs (the Earth’s temperature controllers) is
2). Reduction of non-climate anthropogenic impacts can enhance the the cause of this global warming, and by using satellite measurements,
adaptive capacity of ecosystems (Tchebakova et al., 2016). these scientists have forecasted on average 1–2 mm for SLR (Jafari
et al., 2016). The level of thermal stress (based on a degree heating
month index, DHMI) at these locations during the 2015–2016 El Niño
10.4.3 Ocean and Coastal Ecosystems was unprecedented and stronger than previous ones (Lough et al.,
2018). In the Persian Gulf, the reef-bottom temperatures in 2017 were
Coastal habitats of Asia are diverse, and the impacts of climate change, among the hottest on record, with mean daily maxima averaging 35.9
including rising temperatures, ocean acidification and SLR, are known ± 0.10°C across sites, with hourly temperatures reaching as high as
to affect the services and livelihoods of the people depending on them. 37.7°C (Riegl et al., 2018). About 94.3% of corals were bleached, and
Asia Chapter 10
about 66% perished, in 2017 (Burt et al., 2019). In 2018 coral cover In Taiwan, Province of China, the calcification rate of the model reef
averaged just 7.5% across the southern basin of the Persian Gulf. This coral Pocillopora damicornis was higher in coral reef mesocosms
mass mortality did not cause dramatic shifts in community composition featuring seagrasses under ocean acidification conditions at 25°C and
as earlier bleaching events had removed the most sensitive taxa. 28°C. The presence of seagrass in the mesocosms helped to stabilise
An exception was the already rare Acropora spp. which were locally the metabolism of the system in response to simulated climate change
extirpated in summer 2017 (Burt et al., 2019). During 2008–2011 (Liu et al., 2020a).
also the coral communities of Musandam and Oman showed changes
depending on the stress-tolerance levels of the species and the local An increase in host susceptibility, pathogen abundance or virulence
environmental disturbance level (Bento et al., 2016). has led to higher prevalence and severity of coral diseases and to
decline and changes in coral reef community composition (Maynard
The health and resilience of corals have been found to be associated et al., 2015). Relative risk has been found to be high in the province
with beneficial microorganisms of coral (BMC) which alter during of Papua in Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, India, northern Maldives,
environmental stress. Increasing seawater temperatures have been the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. For the combined disease-risk metric,
found to affect the functioning of the symbiotic algae of corals (Lough relative risk was considered lower for locations where anthropogenic
et al., 2018; Gong et al., 2019) and its bacterial consortia leading to stress was low or medium, a condition found for some locations in
coral bleaching and mortality (Bourne et al., 2016; Peixoto et al., 2017; Thailand (Maynard et al., 2015).
Bernasconi et al., 2019; (Motone et al., 2020).
Degradation and loss of coral reefs can affect about 4.5 million people
Coral reefs were found to be affected differentially during bleaching in Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean (Lam et al., 2019). In the coral
episodes, and those species which survived had more stress-tolerant reef fisheries sector, there are about 3.35 million fishers in Southeast
symbionts and higher tolerance to thermal changes (Majumdar et al., Asia and 1.5 million fishers in the Indian Ocean (Teh et al., 2013). The
2018; Thinesh et al., 2019; van der Zande et al., 2020). Rare thermally economic loss under different climate-change scenarios and fishing
tolerant algae and host species-specific algae may play important efforts were estimated to range from 27.78 to 31.72 million USD 10
roles in coral bleaching (van der Zande et al., 2020). Along the Indian annually in Nha rang Bay, Vietnam. A survey conducted in Taiwan,
coast, in the coral reefs of Palk Bay (Bay of Bengal), varied bleaching Province of China, showed that the average annual amount that people
and recovery patterns among coral genera was observed during the were personally willing to pay was 35.75 USD and the total amount
2016 bleaching episode (Thinesh et al., 2019). Bleaching was high in was 0.43 billion USD. These high values indicate the need to preserve
Acropora spp. (86.36%), followed by Porites (65.45%), while moderate these coral reef ecosystems (Tseng et al., 2015). In Bangladesh, the
to no bleaching was observed in Favites Symphyllia, Favia, Platygyra coral reef of St. Martin’s Island contributes 33.6 million USD yr–1 to the
and Goniastrea. local economy, but climate change, along with other anthropogenic
activities, has been identified as a threat these habitats (Rani et al.,
The presence of stress-tolerant symbiont Durusdinium (Clade D) 2020a).
during the post-bleach period indicated the high adaptive capacity
of Acropora spp. in tropical waters (Thinesh et al., 2019). Also Porites Mitigation of global warming has been identified to be essential to
spp. were found to have higher thermal thresholds and showed better maintain healthy coral reef ecosystems in Asia (Comte and Pendleton,
resilience to bleaching than species like Fungiid spp. (Majumdar et al., 2018; Heery et al., 2018; Lam et al., 2019; Yan et al., 2019). Restoration
2018). In the Philippines, during the 2010 bleaching event, the size of reefs (Nanajkar et al., 2019) and building resilience through multiple
structure of the mushroom coral was found to be affected (Feliciano mechanisms, such as innovative policy combinations, complemented
et al., 2018). In Indonesia, it was found that branching coral diversity by environmental technology innovations and sustained investment
may decrease relative to massive, more resilient corals (Hennige et al., (Hilmi et al., 2019; McLeod et al., 2019), are suggested.
2010). This would have large-scale impacts upon reef biodiversity
and ecosystem services, and reef metabolism and net reef accretion An ecosystem-based approach to managing coral reefs in the Gulf
rates, since massive species are typically slow growers (Hennige et al., of Thailand is needed to identify appropriate marine protected area
2010). (MPA) networks and to strengthen marine and coastal resource
policies in order to build coral reef resilience (Sutthacheep et al.,
Macro-tidal coral reefs are particularly sensitive to medium- to long- 2013). Broadening the scope to develop novel mitigation approaches
term changes in sea-level Andaman trenches (Simons et al., 2019). towards coral protection through the use of symbiotic bacteria and
Data compiled from 11 cities throughout East and Southeast Asia, their metabolites (Motone et al., 2018; Motone et al., 2020) has been
with particular focus on Singapore, Jakarta, Hong Kong and Naha suggested. Coral culture and transplantation within the Gulf are
(Okinawa), highlights several key characteristics of urban coral feasible for helping maintain coral species populations and preserving
reefs, including ‘reef compression’ (a decline in bathymetric range genomes and adaptive capacities of Gulf corals that are endangered
with increasing turbidity and decreasing water clarity over time and by future thermal-stress events (Coles and Riegl, 2013). Greater focus
relative to shore), dominance by domed coral growth forms and low on understanding the flexibility and adaptability of people associated
reef complexity, variable city-specific inshore–offshore gradients, early with coral reefs, especially in a time of rapid global change (Hoegh-
declines in coral cover with recent fluctuating periods of acute impacts Guldberg et al., 2019), and a well-designed research programme for
and rapid recovery, and colonisation of urban infrastructure by hard developing a more targeted policy agenda (Lam et al., 2019), is also
corals (Heery et al., 2018). recommended. Cutting carbon emissions (Bruno and Valdivia, 2016)
Chapter 10Asia
and limiting warming to below 1.5°C is essential to preserving coral Globally, the extent of the blue carbon ecosystem has been estimated
reefs worldwide and protecting millions of people (Frieler et al., 2013; at 120,380 km2, with the highest spread by mangroves at 114,669 km2
Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2017). Many visitors to coral reefs have high (95.3%), followed by seagrass meadows at 2,201 km2 (1.8%) and salt
environmental awareness, and reef visitation can both help to fund marshes at 3510 km2 (2.9%) (Himes-Cornell et al., 2018). In Asia, the
and encourage coral reef conservation (Spalding et al., 2017). total extent of these three ecosystems is 33,224 km2, forming 27.6%
of the global total with the highest spread of mangrove at 32,767 km2,
The largest mangrove forests are in Asia contributing to about 42% which forms 28.6% of the global mangrove coverage. The area of
of the world’s mangroves. This includes Sundarbans, the world’s seagrass meadows spread in Asia has been estimated as 236 km2 and
largest remaining contiguous mangrove forest (Dasgupta et al., 2020). salt marsh 220 km2,which forms 10.8 and 6.03% of the respective
Mangrove ecosystems are rich in biodiversity. The ecosystems are ecosystems globally (Himes-Cornell et al., 2018). Found at the land–
supported and maintained by both flora and a large array of living sea interface, seagrasses provide varied services apart from acting as
things, which include mammals, birds, fish, crustaceans, shrimps, ecosystem engineers providing shelter and habitat for several marine
insects and microbes3. Contemporary rates of mangrove deforestation fauna which are fished in several Asian countries (Jeyabaskaran et al.,
are lower than in the late 20th century (Gandhi and Jones, 2019; Friess 2018; Nordlund et al., 2018; Unsworth et al., 2019b) thereby providing
et al., 2019); however, some areas in Asia continue the trend. Myanmar livelihood to millions across the continent (UNEP, 2020).
is the primary mangrove-loss hotspot in Asia, exhibiting 35% loss from
1975 to 2005 and 28% from 2000 to 2014. Rates of loss in Myanmar The seagrass meadows are also good sinks of carbon (Fourqurean
were four times the global average from 2000 to 2012. The Philippines et al., 2012) capable of storing 19.9 petagrams (pg) of organic carbon,
is additionally identified as a loss hotspot, with secondary hotspots but with very high regional and site- and species variability (Ganguly
including Malaysia, Cambodia and Indonesia (Gandhi and Jones, et al., 2017; Stankovic et al., 2018; Gallagher et al., 2019; Ricart et al.,
2019). 2020). As highly efficient carbon sinks, they store up to 18% of the
world’s oceanic carbon, and they also reduce the impacts of ocean
10 Mangrove deforestation is expected to increase as many tropical acidification (UNEP, 2020).
nations utilise mangrove areas for economic security. Increased river
damming would reduce fluvial sediment sources to the coast making The deterioration of this ecosystem is fast, 7% yr–1 since 1990 (Waycott
mangroves more vulnerable to SLR, and uncertain climate with et al., 2009), which has led to development of restoration protocols
extreme oscillations can create unstable conditions for survival and across Asia (Paling, 2009; van Katwijk et al., 2016). In Vietnam, the
propagation of mangrove (Friess et al., 2019). loss of seagrass has been estimated as above 50% and in some
regions complete loss has been observed (Van Luong et al., 2012). The
Valuation of ecosystem services of mangroves have indicated that they seagrass meadows of Indonesia are fast deteriorating, and the need for
prevent more than 1.7 billion USD in damages for extreme events (i.e., increased local autonomy for the management of marine resources and
one event in 50 years) in the Philippines (Menéndez et al., 2018). They restoration has been highlighted (Unsworth et al., 2018). Development
reduce flooding to 613,500 people yr–1, 23% of whom live below the of science-based policies for conservation, including participatory
poverty line and avert damages up to 1 billion USD yr–1 in residential methods (Fortes, 2018; Ramesh et al., 2019; Unsworth et al., 2019a) and
and industrial property. Mangroves have also become a very popular large-scale planting (van Katwijk et al., 2016), has been recommended
source of livelihood in Asia through tourism (Dehghani et al., 2010; to preserve the ecosystem services of these habitats.
Kuenzer and Tuan, 2013; Spalding and Parret, 2019; Dasgupta
et al., 2020) and they also support fisheries (Hutchison et al., 2014). Globally, the diversity of the plankton community has been predicted
to be affected by warming and related changes (Ibarbalz et al., 2019),
Mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrass meadows (collectively called and these changes are expected in Asia also. Combined effects of high
coastal blue carbon ecosystems) have sequestered carbon dioxide temperature, ocean acidification and high light exposure would affect
from the atmosphere continuously over thousands of years, building important phytoplankton species in the SCS, Thalassiosira pseudonana
stocks of carbon in biomass and organic rich soils. Carbon dynamics (Yuan et al., 2018) and Thalassiosira weissflogii (Gao et al., 2018b).
in mangrove-converted aquaculture in Indonesia indicate that the Also in the SCS the phytoplankton-assemblage responses to rising
mean ecosystem carbon stocks in shrimp ponds are less than half of temperatures and CO2 levels were found to differ between coastal and
the relatively intact mangroves (Arifanti et al., 2019). Conversion of offshore waters and the predicted increases in temperature and pCO2
mangroves into shrimp ponds in the Mahakam Delta have resulted in may not boost surface-phytoplankton primary productivity (Zhang
a carbon loss equivalent to 226 years of soil carbon accumulation in et al., 2018).
natural mangroves. In the Philippines, abandoned fishpond reversion
to former mangrove has been found to be favourable for enhancing Ocean warming and acidification can affect the functioning and
climate change mitigation and adaptation (Duncan et al., 2016). ecological services of sedentary molluscs like the bivalves (Guo et al.,
Integrated mangrove-shrimp farming, with deforested areas not 2016; Zhao et al., 2017b; Cao et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019c; Liu et al.,
exceeding 50% of the total farm area, has been suggested to support 2020b) and gastropods (Leung et al., 2020), and also sea urchins (Zhan
both carbon sequestration as well as livelihood (Ahmed et al., 2018). et al., 2020). The oyster Crassostrea gigas becomes more vulnerable
Asia Chapter 10
to disease when exposed to acidification conditions and pathogen Heritiera fomes (Dasgupta et al., 2017b). Augmented potential for
challenge indicating incapability for supporting long-term viability of honey production is also predicted, which could increase the conflict
the population (Cao et al., 2018). More tolerance and benefits to rising between humans and wildlife (Dasgupta et al., 2017b).
pCO2 was observed in clam species like Paphia undulate which has
been attributed to adaptation to its acidified sediment habitat (Guo Destruction by natural hazards was found to remove the above-
et al., 2016). Warming boosted the energy budget of marine calcifiers ground C pool, but the sediment C pool was found to be maintained
like the gastropod Austrocochlea concamerata, by faster shell growth (Chen et al., 2018b). In the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the 2004
and greater shell strength, making them more mechanically resilient Indian Ocean tsunami severely impacted mangrove habitats at the
while acidification negatively affected shell building thereby impacting Nicobar Islands (Nehru and Balasubramanian, 2018), although new
the physiological adaptability (Leung et al., 2020). It is expected that inter-tidal habitats suitable for mangrove colonisation did develop.
there will be transgenerational acclimation to changes in ocean Mangrove species with a wide distribution and larger propagules
acidification in marine invertebrates (Lee et al., 2020b). showed high colonisation potential in the new habitats compared
with other species (Nehru and Balasubramanian, 2018). Mangrove
Assessment of the potential impacts and the vulnerability in marine sites in Asia are predominantly minerogenic, so continued sediment
biodiversity in the Persian Gulf under climate change has suggested a supply is essential for the long-term resilience of Asia’s mangroves to
reduction of up to 35% of initial species richness and habitat loss for SLR (Lovelock et al., 2015; Balke and Friess, 2016; Ward et al., 2016a;
hawksbill turtles in the southern and southwest parts of the Persian Ward et al., 2016b).
Gulf (Wabnitz et al., 2018). Observed Impacts
Seaweeds are an important biotic resource capable of capturing carbon
and used widely as food, medicine and as raw material for industrial Primary production in the western Indian Ocean showed a reduction
purposes. Warming and altered pH can affect seaweeds in different by 20% during the past six decades, attributed to rapid warming and
ways (Gao et al., 2016; Gao et al., 2017; Gao et al., 2018a; Wu et al., ocean stratification which restricted nutrient mixing (Roxy et al., 2016). 10
2019b). Outbreak of intense blooms of species like Ulva rigida (Gao Variation in secondary-production zooplankton densities and biomass
et al., 2017) and Ulva prolifera (Zhang et al., 2019 f) have increased due in the East Asian Marginal Seas affected the recruitment of fishes due
to varied factors including climate change. These blooms have created to mismatch in spawning period and larval-feed availability during the
huge economic losses in the Yellow Sea affecting local mariculture, last three climate regime shifts (CRS) in the mid-1970s, late 1980s and
tourism and the functioning of the coastal and marine ecosystems late 1990s, which were characterised by the North Pacific index and
(Zhang et al., 2019 f). Increased temperature was found to enhance the Pacific Decadal Oscillation index (Kun Jung et al., 2017). In the
the dark respiration and light compensation point of Ulva conglobate, western North Pacific, climate change has affected recruitment and
which thrives in the mid-intertidal to upper subtidal zones, while the the population dynamics of pelagic fishes, such as sardine and anchovy
altered pH showed a limited effect (Li et al., 2020). Elevated temperature (Nakayama et al., 2018), and also shifts in the spawning ground and
significantly enhanced growth, photosynthetic performances and extension of the spawning period of the chub mackerel Scomber
carbon-use efficiency of Sargassum horneri in both elevated and ambient japonicas (Kanamori et al., 2019).
CO2 levels suggesting that the present greenhouse effect would benefit
the golden tide blooming macroalgae Sargassum horneri, which might Varied responses to CRS in the China seas have been observed for
enhance both the frequency and scale of golden tide (Wu et al., 2019b). small pelagic fishes (Ma et al., 2019) and cephalopods (Ichii et al.,
2017). The winter and summer SSTs have shown evidence of decadal Key Drivers to Vulnerability variability with abrupt changes from cold to warm in substantial
association with climate indices to which coastal cephalopods in the
The vulnerabilities to disaster in coastal regions with high population China seas respond differentially, with some benefiting from warmer
densities are reported in several studies (Sajjad et al., 2018) that have environments while others respond negatively (Pang et al., 2018).
assessed the vulnerabilities of coastal communities along the Chinese In the western and eastern North Pacific marine ecosystem, it is
coast and shown that roughly 25% of the coastline, and more than indicated that groundfish may suffer more than pelagic fish (Yati et al.,
5 million residents, are in highly vulnerable coastal areas of mainland 2020). Habitat Suitability index models using SST, chlorophyll-a, sea
China, and these numbers are expected to double by 2100. Husnayaen surface height anomaly (SSHA) and sea surface salinity (SSS), as well
et al. (2018) assessed the Semarang coast in Indonesia and showed as fishing effort, strongly indicate that Neon flying squid is affected
that 20% of the total coastline (48.7 km) is very highly vulnerable. by interannual environmental variations and undertakes short-term
Mangroves continue to face threats due to pollution, conversion for migrations to suitable habitat, affecting the fisheries (Yu et al., 2015).
aquaculture, agriculture, apart from climate-based threats like SLR The 2015–2016 El Niño was found to impact coral reefs of shallower
and sea erosion (Richards and Friess, 2016; Romañach et al., 2018; regions (depth of 5–15 m) in South Andaman, India, more than those
Wang et al., 2018b; Friess et al., 2019). Hypersalinity, storm effects beyond 20 m (Majumdar et al., 2018). On the southeast coast of India,
on sediment deposition, fishery development and land erosion are with bleaching largely mediated by the SST anomaly and during the
responsible for most of the Sunderban mangrove degradations leading recovery period, macroalgae outgrowth has been observed (2.75%)
to loss of livelihood (Uddin, 2014; Paul, 2017). In the Sunderbans of indicating impacts on the benthic community (Ranith and Kripa, 2019).
Asia, climate change is expected to increase river salinisation, which In the South China Sea, the increase in SST was found to be higher
in turn could significantly negatively impact the valued timber species, than predicted in recent decades, while the pH decreased at a rate of
Chapter 10Asia
0.012–0.014 yr–1, more than the predicted level, due to high microbial the dynamic bioclimate envelop model and the dynamic size-based
respiratory processes releasing CO2 (Yuan et al., 2019). Simulation food-web models, indicate that the marine and coastal resources of
experiments have shown differential adaptation capacity of common most Asian countries will be impacted with varying intensity (FAO,
species (Zheng, 2019; Yuan et al., 2019). 2018b).
The UN’s (2019) report on climate action and support trends highlights Better management of resources through projections of resource
that the impacts of climate change on coastal ecosystems are mainly distribution, abundance and catch is required; however, lack of data
increased risks due to flooding, inundation due to extreme events, (e.g., oceanographic surveys) and scientific knowledge is a constraint
coastal erosions, ecosystem processes and, in the case of fisheries, to this aim (Maung Saw Htoo et al., 2017). Effective forecasts of areas
variations in population or stock structures due to ocean circulation of resource abundance based on habitat preference have to be worked
pattern, habitat loss degradation and ocean acidification. Analysis of out for Asian regions.
data on the occurrence of varied natural hazards from 1900 to 2019
has shown that tropical cyclones, riverine floods and droughts have Modelling and assessment of the vulnerability and habitat suitability of
increased significantly, and the impacts of these events on coastal the Persian Gulf for 55 species to climate change indicated that there
communities are also severe and destructive. The UN’s average score is a high rate of risk of local extinction in the southwest part of the
for SDG Goal 14 (Life Under Water) for Asia was estimated as 46 Persian Gulf, off the coast of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab
among the scores of 40 nations, and the Ocean Health Biodiversity Emirates (UAE). Likelihood of reduced catch was observed, and Bahrain
index was comparatively high (average 87.9); however, the indices and Iran were found to be more vulnerable to climate change (Wabnitz
show that more region-specific action plans are required to achieve et al., 2018). Projected changes in fish catches can impact the supply
the UN 2030 goal for Life Under Water. of fish available for local consumption (i.e., food security) and exports
(i.e., income generation) (Wabnitz et al., 2018). As per (UNESCAP,
Apart from the human impacts, the ecology and resource abundance 2018a), over 40% of coral reefs and 60% of coastal mangroves in the
10 of coastal waters have been found to be impacted by extreme events. Asia-Pacific region have already been lost, and approximately 80% of
During tropical cyclones ecological variations, like lowering of SST, an the region’s coral reefs are currently at risk.
increase in chlorophyll-a and a decrease in oxygen (Chacko, 2019;
Girishkumar et al., 2019) have been observed. Global analyses of such Regionally, the escalation in thermal stress estimated for the different
events have indicated that they may have an impact on the fishery directly global warming scenarios is greatest for Southeast Asia and least
by creating unfavourable ecological conditions and destruction of critical for the Pacific Ocean (Lough et al., 2018). For the 100 reef locations
habitats indirectly by affecting the eggs and larvae as well as subsequent examined here and given current rates of warming, the 1.5°C global
fishery recruitment (McKinnon et al., 2003; Bailey and Secor, 2016). In warming target represents twice the thermal stress they experienced
the South China Sea in July 2000, during a 3-day cyclone period, an in 2016 (Lough et al., 2018).
estimated thirtyfold increase in surface chlorophyll-a concentration was
observed (Lin et al., 2003). The estimated carbon fixation resulting from In the Southeast Asia region threats from both warming and acidification
this event alone is 0.8 Mt, or 2–4% of the SCS’s annual new production has indicated that by 2030, 99% of reefs will be affected, and by
(Lin et al., 2003). Since an average of 14 cyclones pass over this region 2050, 95% are expected to be in the highest levels of the ‘threatened’
annually, the contribution of cyclones to the annual new production has category (Burke et al., 2011), similar to global corals (Frieler et al., 2013;
been estimated to be as high as 20–30% (Lin et al., 2003). Bruno and Valdivia, 2016). Modelling results indicate that even under
RCP scenarios, the functional traits of coral reefs can be affected (van Projected Impacts der Zande et al., 2020) and coral communities will mainly consist of
small numbers of temperature-tolerant and fast-growing species
Water pollution and climate stressors have been considered major (Kubicek et al., 2019). Increases in temperature (+3°C) and pCO2 (+400
challenges to ecosystem sustainability, and now it has been shown matm) projected for this century can reduce the sperm availability for
that the combined effect these two stressors would be more damaging fertilisation, which along with adult population decline either due to
(Buchanan et al., 2019). For seagrass beds the pollution stress was climate change or anthropogenic impacts (Hughes et al., 2017) can affect
found to increase by 2.6% (from 39.7 to 42.3%) when climate factors coral reproductive success thereby reducing the recovery of populations
were added. Assuming the pollution levels remain at the 2014 levels, and their adaptation potential (Albright and Mason, 2013; Hughes et al.,
different scenarios including RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 were worked out for 2018; Jamodiong et al., 2018). In the southern Persian Gulf, increased
the Bohai Sea, and the results indicated amplification of the impacts disturbance frequency and severity has caused progressive reduction
on the ecosystem. Pollutants like petroleum hydrocarbons, dissolved in coral size, cover and population fecundity (Riegl et al., 2018), and
inorganic nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus were the major this can lead to functional extinction. Connectivity required to avoid
pollution stressors (Lu et al., 2018). In the future, policies that focus extinctions has increased exponentially with disturbance frequency
strictly on pollution control should be changed and take into account and correlation of disturbances across the metapopulation. In the
the interactive effects of climate change for better forecast and Philippines experiments have also proved that scleractinian corals, such
management of potential ecological risks (Lu et al., 2018). as A. tenuis, A. millepora and F. colemani, which spawn their gametes
directly into the water column, may experience limitations from sperm
Projected changes in catch potential (in percent) by 2050 and 2100 dilution and delays in initial sperm–egg encounters that can impact
relative to 2000 under RCP2.6 and RCP8.5, based on outputs from successful fertilisation (de la Cruz and Harrison, 2020).
Asia Chapter 10
Table 10.2 | Status of ocean health and mean of marine protected areas (MPA)a
Apart from these threats, natural hazards have also been found to clean waters was also low (54.6), and the threat to the ecosystem due
affect coral reefs of Asia. The extensive and diverse coral reefs of to the combined effects of pollution and climate change was high.
Muscat, Oman, in the northeast Arabian Peninsula were found to have Table 10.2 shows the ocean and MPAs.
long-term effects from Cyclone Gonu, which struck the Oman coast in
June 2007, more than coastal development (Coles et al., 2015). Conservation and restoration of mangroves were found to be effective
tools for enhancing ecosystem carbon storage and an important part
Sandy beaches are subject to highly dynamic hydrological and of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation plus
geomorphological processes, giving them more natural adaptive (REDD+) schemes and climate-change mitigation (Ahmed and Glaser,
capacity to climate hazards (Bindoff et al., 2019). Progress is being 2016). In East Asia, restoration success has been attributed to choosing 10
made towards models that can reliably project beach erosion under the right geomorphological locations (Van Cuong et al., 2015; Balke
future scenarios despite the presence of multiple confounding drivers and Friess, 2016) and co-management models (Johnson and Iizuka,
in the coastal zone (Chapter 3). Assuming minimal human intervention 2016; Veettil et al., 2019).
and projected impacts of SLR by 2100 under RCP8.5-like scenarios,
57–72% of Thai beaches (Ritphring, 2018), at least 50% loss of area on In South Asia, restoration programmes have been largely successful
around a third of Japanese beaches (Mori, 2018) will disappear. (Jayanthi et al., 2018) but in some regions partly a failure due to
inappropriate site selection, poor post-planting care and other issues
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) in Asia have been making changes to the (Kodikara et al., 2017). Using remote sensing it has been observed that
structure and functioning of coastal and marine ecosystems (Kim and there are high recovery rates of mangroves in a relatively short period
Han, 2017; Oliver et al., 2017; Frölicher and Laufkötter, 2018; Oliver (1.5 years) after a powerful typhoon, indicating that natural recovery
et al., 2019; Smale et al., 2019), affecting resources like copepods and regeneration would be a more economically and ecologically
(Doan et al., 2019) and coral reefs (Zhang et al., 2017c). Coral reefs viable strategy. Better mangrove management through mapping is
of the southeast Indian Ocean have been affected by MHWs (Zhang suggested (Castillo et al., 2018; Gandhi and Jones, 2019). Statistical
et al., 2017c). tools developed for modelling biomass and timber volume (Phan et al.,
2019), and allometric models to estimate above-ground biomass and
Simulation of RCP scenarios have shown that continued warming can carbon stocks (Vinh et al., 2019), will be useful in estimating stocks in
drive a poleward shift in distribution of the seaweed Ecklonia cava mangroves. Future mangrove loss may be offset by increasing national
of Japan, and under the lowest-emissions scenario (RCP2.6) most and international conservation initiatives that incorporate mangroves,
populations may not be impacted, but under the highest-emissions such as the SDGs, Blue Carbon, and Payments for Ecosystem Services
scenario (RCP8.5) the existing habitat may become unsuitable and it (Friess et al., 2019). Since seagrass meadows and marine macroalgae
can also increase predation by herbivorous fishes (Takao et al., 2015). are important habitats capable of combating impacts of climate
change, the need for a global networking system with participation of Adaptation Options stakeholders has been suggested (Duffy et al., 2019).
Chapter 10Asia
global population served by freshwater provisions from upstream In Asia and elsewhere the interplay between the challenge of
areas are exposed to high threat (Green et al., 2015). Given that some sustainability and climate change poses major policy challenges (von
of the fastest-growing economies in the world are in Asia, and the Stechow et al., 2016). The pursuit of SDG 6—protection and restoration
geographies of development are highly uneven, both CIDs and non- of water-related ecosystems, universal and equitable access to safe
climate drivers, such as socioeconomic changes, have contributed to and affordable drinking water for all, improvement in water quality by
water stress conditions in both water supply and demand in diverse reducing pollution, elimination of dumping and significant reduction
sub-regions of Asia. In the case of Asia, therefore, the entanglement in release of hazardous chemicals and materials, and treatment of
between the non-climate drivers and CIDs makes it difficult to attribute waste water through recycling and safe reuse globally—could be
environmental changes—both present and projected—neatly and directly or indirectly challenged and undermined by climate change
exclusively to CIDs. (Parkinson et al., 2019). Dissolved organic materials from sewage can
enhance CO2 emissions, especially in rapidly urbanising river systems
Immerzeel et al. (2020) have ranked all mountain-dependent water which receive untreated waste water and/or sewage across developing
towers according to their water-supplying role and the downstream countries (Kim et al., 2019b). Conversely, policy interventions aimed
dependence of ecosystems, societies and economies. The resulting at significant augmentation in water-use efficiency across all sectors,
Global Water Tower index indicates that the upper Indus basin is both ensuring sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address
the most important and the most vulnerable water tower unit (WTU) water scarcity and a significant reduction in the number of victims of
in the world. A WTU is defined as ‘the intersection between major river water scarcity, especially the poor and marginalised, could mitigate
basins and a topographic mountain classification based on elevation vulnerabilities caused by climate change. More interdisciplinary
and surface roughness’. Whereas all important transboundary WTUs research is needed on highly precarious future pathways and the
in Asia remain highly vulnerable, it is the Indus WTU (inhabited intersection between CIDs and non-climate drivers in order to
by approximately 235 million people in the basin in 2016 (which is anticipate and mitigate diverging and uncertain outcomes.
projected to increase by 50% by the middle of 21st century) where the
10 average annual temperature is projected to increase by 1.9°C between Sub-regional Diversity
2000 and 2050, with wide-ranging consequences and trans-sectoral
spillovers. The Indus WTU faces a deep risk produced by a combination According to a quantitative scenario assessment for future water
of factors including water stress, ineffective governance, hydropolitical supply and demand in Asia to 2050, based on global climate change
tensions, population growth and density, urbanisation and social and socioeconomic scenarios (Satoh et al., 2017), water demand in
transformations, with a significant bearing on SDG 6 on water, SDG 2 sectors such as irrigation, industry and households will increase by 30–
on food and SDG 7 on energy. 40% around 2050 in comparison with 2010. Water stress is likely to be
more pronounced in Pakistan, and northern parts of India and China. Key Drivers By mid-21st Century, the international transboundary river basins of
Amu Darya, Indus, Ganges could face severe water scarcity challenges
Across Asia and its various sub-regions, the key drivers behind an due to climatic variability and changes acting as stress multipliers
increasingly inadequate supply of freshwater resources, affecting the (high confidence). Within a country as well, the water scarcity could
livelihood security of millions, are varied, complex and intersect with be exacerbated, such as in India and China, due to various drivers like
multiple social, cultural, economic and environmental stressors (Luo population increase and climate change. Research on the differentiated
et al., 2017; Tucker et al., 2015; Kongsager et al., 2016). Water stress impacts of climate change on freshwater sources across the Asian
has been defined as the situation ‘when the demand for water exceeds sub-regions remains inconclusive and requires assessment at the sub-
its supply, during a certain period of time, or when poor quality restricts regional scale (IPCC, 2014b; Wester et al., 2019).
its use’(Felberg et al., 1999; see also Figure 4.32 in Lee et al., 2021a). Observed Impact
Freshwater resources in Asia, which include both surface water and
groundwater, are considerably strained, and changing climate is The climate-change impact on different parts of freshwater ecosystems
likely to act as a major stress multiplier (Dasgupta et al., 2015; Fant (Section 10.4.2) has affected water supply in various sub-regions of
et al., 2016; Gao et al., 2018c; Mack, 2018). In Southern and Eastern Asia. While headwater zones are susceptible to change in snow cover,
Asia (SEA) nearly 200 million people are at risk of serious water- permafrost and glaciers, the downstream plain areas of these river
stressed conditions. Effective mitigation might reduce the additional systems are vulnerable to the increasing high demand of freshwater
population under threat by 30% (60 million people), but still there which will affect water availability in space and time. The observed
is a 50% chance that 100 million people across SEA might face a impact of climate change has also been seen in direct physical losses
50% increase in water stress and a 10% chance that water stress will such as precipitation (Mekong Delta), floods (Vietnam) and saltwater
almost double in the absence of wide-ranging, multi-scalar adaptive intrusion leading to low agricultural productivity (Mora et al., 2018;
measures (Gao et al., 2018c). With Millennium Development Goal 7c, Almaden et al., 2019a; Pervin et al., 2020).
which aimed to halve the population that had no sustainable access to
water and basic sanitation before 2015, not having been fully realised, The HKH region extends 3,500 km from Afghanistan in the west to
and Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water and sanitation not Myanmar in the east. It is a source of major river systems originating in
having been effectively operationalised, the water stress is likely to Asia, supporting livelihoods, energy, agriculture and the ecosystem for
increase by the end of 2030 (Weststrate et al., 2019). 240 million people in the mountains and hills and 1.65 billion people
Asia Chapter 10
Water Stress
in the Hindu
Kush-Himalaya Kabul Peshawar
region Xining
in main cities Huang
Ch Lhasa Da
< 50,000 ena Shiq du
b uan Nu
50,000–100,000 Srinagar
Boundary of the
Boundary of
mayor river
500 km
Low Low to medium Medium to high High Extremely high Arid and
(<10%) (10–20%) (20–40%) (40–80%) (>80%) low water use
Baseline water stress
Figure 10.5 | Water stress in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region according to Wester et al. (2019) and Hu and Tan (2018).
in the plains (Sharma et al., 2019). The HKH region stores about half The combined impacts of climate change and non-climate drivers
of the ice mass in HMA, provisioning freshwater to almost 869 million on hydrological processes and water resources in transboundary
people in the Indus, Tarim, Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins. rivers in diverse regions of Asia were well noted in AR5. In Central
While the warming climate increases the melt-water runoff enhancing Asia, withdrawal is approximately equal to water availability, with
water supply, it is indeed at the cost of glacier-mass reduction that Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as the most water-stressed countries
would eventually reduce melt water and impact the people’s livelihood in the region (Karthe et al., 2017; Russell, 2018). A study on water
downstream in the future (Nie et al., 2021). The melt runoff from the availability in mainland South Asia has pointed in the direction of
region plays an important role in downstream agriculture such as in the decreasing precipitation trends in recent years, which have also
case of Indus where two-thirds of total irrigation withdrawal is from contributed to the increasing incidence and severity of droughts (Liu
melt runoff in the pre-monsoon season (Biemans et al., 2019). Changes et al., 2018b). There are reports of increase in occurrence and severity of
in cryosphere and other environmental changes have already impacted different forms of droughts in the Koshi River basin (Central Himalaya)
people living in high-mountain areas and are likely to introduce new (Wu et al., 2019a; Hamal et al., 2020; Dahal et al., 2021; Nepal et al.,
challenges for water, energy and food security in the future (Borodavko 2021). Figure 10.5 shows the water stress in the HKH region. The water
et al., 2018; Adler et al., 2019; Bolch, 2019; Hoelzle et al., 2019; Rasul stress is relatively higher in the western region compared with the
and Molden, 2019; Shen et al., 2020). central and eastern regions.
With climate-change impacts resulting in the shrinking and melting Climate change is also having an impact on stream flows. The changes
of snow, ice, glacier and permafrost, and correspondingly causing in snowmelt water can explain 19% of the variations in rivers of arid
an increase in melt water, the incidences of flash floods, debris flow, regions like Xinjiang, China (Bai et al., 2018) (medium confidence),
landslides, snow avalanches, livestock diseases and other disasters and the 10.6% of the runoff of the upper Brahmaputra River was
in the HKH region have become more frequent and intense. Some of contributed by snow during 2003–2014 (Chen et al., 2017c) (medium
the key factors that get in the way of assigning confidence levels to confidence). A recent study (Chen et al., 2018 f) has shown that with
climate-change impacts include lack of sufficient observed data on the average temperature after 1998 being 1.0°C higher than that
factors such as river discharges, precipitation and glacier melt (You during 1960–1998 in the Tienshan Mountains, the process of glacier
et al., 2017). Climate-change impacts cryospheric water sources in the shrinkage and decreases in snow cover are causing earlier peak
Hindu Kush, Karakoram and Himalayan ranges which, in turn, carry runoff and aggravated extreme hydrological events, affecting regional
consequences for the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra basins. water availability and adding to the future water crisis in Central
Asia. The magnitude and frequency of flooding have increased across
Chapter 10Asia
the Himalayan region, such as in the Tarim basin in China (Zhang 2016 (Kääb et al., 2018), and also surges which were frequently found
et al., 2016c) and the higher Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra, in in this vast region (e.g. Bhambri et al., 2017; Mukherjee et al., 2017;
the past six decades (Elalem and Pal, 2015). The latter also reported Ding et al., 2018), threatening the security of the local and down
the highest number of flood disasters and greater spatial coverage streaming societies (high confidence).The total amount and area of
in recent decades as compared with previous decades. In the Middle glacier lakes increased during last decade (Zhang et al., 2015; Chen
Yellow River basin, which has become much warmer and drier, climate et al., 2017c) (high confidence). Himalayan rivers are frequently hit by
variability accounts for 75.8% of streamflow decrease during 1980– catastrophic floods caused by the failure of glacial lakes (Cook et al.,
2000, whereas during 2001–2016, change in land use and cover 2018; Ahluwalia et al., 2016). In Kedarnath, India (western Himalaya),
was the main factor in streamflow decrease, accounting for 75.5% a flash flood was triggered by glacier lake outburst flood (GLOF)
of the decline (Bao et al., 2019). The changes in hydrological regime released from the Chorabari glacial lake in June 2013 which caused
and extreme floods cause changes in river morphology and the river extensive flooding, erosion of riverbanks and damage to downstream
channel system which impact water availability. villages and towns, as well as the loss of several thousand lives (Rafiq
et al., 2019; Das et al., 2015). Nepal has experienced 24 GLOF events
In China, a quantitative assessment based on a multi-model dataset which have caused considerable loss of life and damage to property
(six global hydrological models driven by three observation-based and infrastructure (Icimod, 2011). There is high confidence that current
global forcings) during 1971–2010 suggested that climate variability glacier shrinkages have caused more glacial lakes to form in most
dominated the changes in streamflow in more the 80% of river mountainous regions, including HMA, but there is limited evidence
segments, while direct human impact dominated changes mostly in that the frequency of GLOF has changed (Hock et al., 2019). Veh
northern China (Liu et al., 2019b). In the Lancang-Mekong River basin, et al. (2018) reported no clear trend of increasing GLOF events in the
climate variability would have contributed 45% more flood occurrences Himalayan region, although the southern Himalaya was identified as
in the middle of the basin, while reservoir operation reduced it by 36% a hotspot region compared with the western Himalaya. Research has
during 2008–2016 as compared with 1985–2007 (Yun et al., 2020). shown a decrease in glacier area of 24% in Nepal between 1980 and
10 2010 (Bajracharya et al., 2014).
In western China, the total annual snow mass declines at a rate of
3.3 × 109 pg per decade (p < 0.05), which accounts for approximately Climate-change impacts on both the quantity and quality of
0.46% of the mean of annual snow mass (7.2 × 1011 pg). The loss freshwater resources will hinder the attainment of SDG-6 (Water,
could be valued in terms of replacement cost at 0.1 billion CN¥ (at 2020). Contamination of drinking water is caused by wildfires and
the present value) every year (1 USD = 7 CN¥) compounded over the drought that contribute to elevated levels of nutrients (nitrogen,
past 40 years (Wu et al., 2021). In the Mekong River Delta in Vietnam, phosphorus and sulphates), heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium
climate-change impacts include a 30% annual increase in rainfall, and chromium), salts (chloride and fluorides), hydrocarbons, pesticides
shifting rainfall patterns, an average temperature increase of 0.5°C and even pharmaceuticals. Heavy rains and flooding also increase
over the past 30 years and an average SLR of 3 mm yr–1 over the past nutrients, heavy metals and pesticides, as well as turbidity and faecal
three decades, resulting in a greater flooding threat (Wang et al., pathogens in water supplies–especially when sewage treatment plants
2021a). are overwhelmed by runoff (Mora et al., 2018). Pharmaceuticals and
personal-care products (from source to disposal) are contributing to
A recent study (Wang et al., 2021b) has shown that during 1936–2019, the vulnerability of urban waters. A study of vulnerability assessment
due largely to intensified precipitation induced by a warming climate, of urban waters in highly populated cities in India and Sri Lanka,
the streamflow of the Ob, Yenisei and Lena rivers has increased by through analysing the concurrence of Pharmaceuticals and Personal
∼7.7, 7.4 and 22.0%, respectively. While rising temperatures can Care Products (PPCPs), enteric viruses, antibiotic-resistant bacteria,
reduce streamflow via evapotranspiration, it can enhance groundwater metals, faecal contamination and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs),
discharge to rivers due to permafrost thawing. In permafrost- also underlines the need for a resilience strategy and action plan (Rafiq
developed basins, the thawing permafrost will continue to result in et al., 2019).
increased streamflow. However, with further permafrost degradation
in the future, the positive effect of permafrost thaw on streamflow Adequate water supply for various uses is crucial for millions of
would probably be offset by the negative effect of the increase in people living in the mountains of Asia. Particularly in the HKH region,
basin evapotranspiration. This could result in a situation where runoff mountain springs play an important role in generating stream flow for
reaches threshold level and then declines. This is clearly marked in the non-glaciated catchments and in maintaining dry-season flows across
Ob River basin, which is characterised by the highest precipitation, many watersheds (Scott et al., 2019; Stott and Huq, 2014). There is a
whereas in the case of the Yenisei and Lena rivers, further research is good deal of evidence that the springs are drying up or yielding less
needed. discharge (Tambe et al., 2012; Tiwari and Joshi, 2014; Sharma et al.,
2016), threatening local communities who depend on spring water for
The HKH region is susceptible to floods and related hazards caused their lives and livelihoods. Some of the main reasons for drying springs
by a cloud burst and other landscape-based processes such as glacial include anthropogenic impacts (deforestation, exploitative land use),
lake outburst floods, which can seriously damage property, lives and infrastructure (road construction), socioeconomic changes (increasing
infrastructure (Shrestha et al., 2010). The likely increased frequency demand and modernisation of facilities) and climatic changes (changes
of hazards caused by abnormal glacier changes, such as the glacier in rainfall regime and higher temperature) (Stott and Huq, 2014; Tiwari
collapses happened on two glaciers in western Tibetan Plateau in and Joshi, 2014; Sharma et al., 2016).
Asia Chapter 10
The Ganges–Brahmaputra region also faces the threat increased glacier ice is projected to decrease by 49 ± 7% and 64 ± 5% by the
frequency of flood events (Lutz et al., 2019). Floods and extreme events end of the century under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively
can impact river channel systems (Grainger and Conway, 2014). One of (Kraaijenbrink et al., 2017). Local- and regional-scale projections
the challenges in South Asia is the shifting boundaries of river channels. suggest that peak water will generally be reached around the middle
For instance, the major floods on the Indus in July 2010 altered the of the century, followed by steadily declining glacier runoff thereafter
river’s course in Pakistan, moving it closer to the Indian district of Kutch (Hock et al., 2019). A global-scale projection suggests that a decline
(Grainger and Conway, 2014). In the eastern tributary of the Ganges in glacier runoff by 2100 (RCP8.5) may reduce basin runoff by about
system, the alluvial fan of the Koshi River basin has shifted by more 10% for at least 1 month of the melt season (Huss and Hock, 2018).
than 113 km to the west in the past two centuries (Chakraborty et al., Significantly, research on climate change and its impact across Asia
2010), which may be due to heavy sediment load from the Himalayan remains inconclusive and requires an assessment at the sub-regional
rivers in which about 50 million tons of sediment is deposited annually scale (IPCC, 2014a; Wester et al., 2019).
in the alluvial plains (Sinha et al., 2019; Chakraborty et al., 2010).
There is a projection of an increase in runoff until the 2050s mainly
Asia is no exception to the global trend of lake ecosystems, which due to an increase in precipitation in the upper Ganges, Brahmaputra,
provide drinking water to millions of people, being degraded (Jenny Salween and Mekong basins, where it could be due to accelerated
et al., 2020) and severely threatened at the same time by climate melting in the upper Indus basin. The runoff could increase in the
change (Mischke, 2020). Lake surface conditions, such as ice cover, range of 3–27% (7–12% in Indus, 10–27% in Ganges and 3–8% in
surface temperature, evaporation and water level react dramatically Brahmaputra) by mid-century compared with the reference period
to this threat, and there are negative implications for water quantity (1998–2008) for Himalayan river basins depending on the different
and quality, food provisioning, recreational opportunities and RCP scenarios (Lutz et al., 2014a). Likewise, Khanal et al. (2021)
transportation (Woolway et al., 2020). Due to substantial regional suggest contrasting responses to climate change for HMA rivers in
variability, the quantum of future changes in lake water storage which, on the seasonal scale, the earlier onset of melting causes a
remains uncertain. A recent study (Liu et al., 2019a) using Moderate shift in magnitude and peak of water availability, whereas on the 10
Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer 500-m spatial resolution global annual scale, total water availability increases for the headwaters. The
water product data, and applying the least squares method to analyse future flow would increase in Nepal’s Central Himalaya region (Nepal,
changes in the area of 14 lakes in Central Asia from 2001 to 2016, has 2016; Ragettli et al., 2016; Bajracharya et al., 2018). These changes in
shown that the area-shrinkage changes for all plains lakes in the study water availability in space and time will have serious consequences
region could be attributed to climate change and human activities. in downstream water availability for various sectoral uses and
ecosystem functioning in Asia (Nepal et al., 2014; Green et al., 2015; Projections Arfanuzzaman, 2018; Wijngaard et al., 2018; Rasul and Molden, 2019);
however, future water availability is largely uncertain due to significant
Asian and global water demands for irrigation, despite geographic variation in climate-change projections among different global climate
variation in terms of water availability, are very likely to surpass models (Nepal and Shrestha, 2015; Lutz et al., 2016; Li et al., 2019a).
supply by 2050 (Chartres, 2014). A regional quantitative assessment
(Lutz et al., 2019) of the impacts of 1.5°C versus 2°C global warming A recent study (Didovets et al., 2021) covering eight river catchments
for a major global climate-change hotspot–the Indus, Ganges and having diverse natural conditions within Central Asia, where water
Brahmaputra river basins (IGB) in South Asia–shows adverse impacts availability or scarcity is also a major developmental concern, and
of climate change on agricultural production, hydropower production using the eco-hydrological model SWIM (including scenarios from five
and human health. A global temperature increase of 1.5°C with respect bias-corrected GCMs under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) has show an increase
to pre-industrial levels would imply a ≈ 2.1°C temperature increase in mean annual temperature in all catchments for both RCPs to the
for IGB, whereas under a 2.0°C global temperature increase scenario, end of the 21st century. The projected changes in annual precipitation
these river basins would warm by ≈ 2.7°C. Future warming is expected indicate a clear trend to increase in the Zhabay and decrease in the
to further increase rain-on-snow events that can cause snowmelt flood Murghab catchments, and for other catchments, they were smaller.
during winter (Ohba and Kawase, 2020), affecting hydropower and Both the projected trends for river discharge and precipitation show an
resulting in river flooding, avalanches and landslides. increase in the northern and decrease in the southern parts of the study
region, whereas seasonal changes include a shift in the peak of river
In the Mekong River Delta (in Vietnam), with an area of 40,500 km2 discharge up to one month, a shortening of the snow accumulation
and home to 17.8 million people in 2018, climate change is projected period and a reduction in discharge during the summer months.
to increase the average temperature by 1.1–3.6°C, and the maximum
and minimum monthly flow are projected to increase and decrease, The intensity and frequency of extreme discharges are very likely to
respectively, and are likely to result in a high risk of food during the increase towards the end of the century. The future of the upper Indus
wet season and water shortages during the dry season (Wang et al., basin water availability is highly uncertain in the long term due to
2021a). uncertainty surrounding precipitation projections (Lutz et al., 2016).
The future hydrological extremes of the upper Indus, Ganges and
Researchers have found that the southern Tibetan Plateau has been Brahmaputra river basins suggest an increase in the magnitude of
consistently melting from 1998–2007 and is projected to continue extremes towards the end of the 21st century by applying RCP4.5 and
melting until 2050 (Lutz et al., 2014b) (high confidence). In HMA, RCP8.5 scenarios, mainly due to an increase in precipitation extremes
Chapter 10Asia
(Wijngaard et al., 2017). In the Brahmaputra, Ganges and Meghna, in research and development for the HKH by both the national and
including the downstream component, the runoff is projected to regional organisations. There is high confidence that due to global
increase by 16, 33 and 40%, respectively, under the climate-change warming, Asian countries could experience an increase in drought
scenarios by the end of the century during which the changes in conditions (5–20%) by the end of this century (Prudhomme et al.,
runoff are larger in the wet seasons than the dry seasons (Masood 2014; Satoh et al., 2017).
et al., 2015). In the Mekong River basin also, extremely high-flow
events are likely to increase in both magnitude and frequency, which Soil erosion in high-mountain areas is particularly sensitive to climate
can exacerbate flood risk in the basin (Hoang et al., 2016); however, change. A recent study (Wang et al., 2020) that focused on the mid-
uncertainty is high regarding future hydrological response due to large Yarlung Tsangpo River, located in the southern part of the Tibetan
variation in precipitation projections, modelling approaches and bias- Plateau, has revealed dramatic land surface environment changes due
correction methods (Nepal and Shrestha, 2015; Lutz et al., 2016; Li to climate change during recent decades. It has further shown that
et al., 2019a). increasing precipitation and temperature would lead to increasing soil-
erosion risk in ~2050 based on the Coupled Model Intercomparison
Current research on the adverse relationship between climate change Project (CMIP5) and RUSLE models.
and river flows suggests that there is a high possibility that some of the
river basins affected by floods could be Brahmaputra, Congo, Ganges, High-resolution climate-change simulations suggest that due to deadly
Lena and Mekong, with a return period of 10 years (Best, 2018). heatwaves projected in some of the densely populated agricultural
regions of South Asia (i.e., the Ganges and Indus river basins),
In most parts of the upper Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers, the 50- those regions are likely to exceed the critical threshold of wet-bulb
year return level flood is likely to increase and to a lesser degree temperature of 35°C under the business-as-usual scenario of future
in Indus River. Similarly, the extreme precipitation events are also GHG emissions (Im et al., 2017).
expected to increase to a higher degree in the Indus than the Ganges
10 and Brahmaputra basins (Wijngaard et al., 2017). Increase in extreme Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation: Interfaces and
precipitation events is likely to cause more flash-flood events in the Interventions
future (medium confidence). In the case of the Indus, increasing
temperature trend in the future may lead to accelerated snow and ice In Asia and its diverse sub-regions, the challenge of adaptation to
melting which may increase the frequency and intensity of floods in climate change at diverse sectors, sites and scales of vulnerability in the
the downstream areas (Hayat et al., 2019). The Ganges–Brahmaputra domain of freshwater resources is compounded by the nexus between
region also faces the threat of increased frequency of flood events long-standing non-climatic vulnerabilities and climatic impacts, both
(Lutz et al., 2019). Additionally, the Ganges basin also shows a higher observed and projected. Water insecurities in Asia are increasing due
sensitivity to changes in temperature and precipitation (Mishra and to excessive freshwater withdrawals (Satoh et al., 2017), economic and
Lilhare, 2016). population growth (Gleick and Iceland, 2018), urbanisation and peri-
urbanisation (Roth et al., 2019), food insecurity (Demin, 2014) and lack
Assessing the impact of climate change on water resources in nine of access to clean and safe drinking water (Cullet, 2016), which mostly
alpine catchments in arid and semiarid Xinjiang of China (Li et al., affects the health of the most vulnerable members of society.
2019a), it has been noted that even though the total discharge revealed
an overall increasing trend in the near future, the impact of climate Significantly, climate change will add to already existing vulnerabilities.
change on different hydrological components indicated significant In the case of the Yellow River basin in China, underlining the interface
spatio-temporal heterogeneity in terms of the area, elevation and between future water scarcity and hydroclimatic and anthropogenic
slope of catchments, which could be usefully factored into climate- drivers, a recent study expects moderate-to-severe water scarcity
adaptation strategies. over six Yellow River sub-catchments under the RCP4.5 scenario, and
anticipates that human influences on water scarcity will be worse than
It was noted early on (Singh et al., 2011) that the main drivers that that of climate change, with water availability in the downstream being
influence the provisioning of ecosystem services and human well- impacted by concurrent changes in land use and high temperature (Omer
being in the HKH region are a mix of environmental change in general et al., 2020). Nearly 8% of internationally shared or transboundary
and climate change in particular, but much more data and knowledge aquifers (TBAs), ensuring livelihood security for millions of people
on the HKH region are needed in order to develop either a regional or through sustaining drinking water supply and food production, are
global understanding of climate-change processes. currently overstressed due to human overexploitation (Wada and
Heinrich, 2013). The Asia Pacific region has the highest annual water
Climate change impacts cryospheric water sources in the Hindu Kush, withdrawal due to its geographic size, growing population and irrigation
Karakoram and Himalayan ranges which in turn carry consequences practices, and water for agriculture continues to consume 80% of the
for the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra basins. The impact of climate region’s resources (Taniguchi et al., 2017b; Visvanathan, 2018).
change on spring-fed rivers in the HKH is under-researched and
therefore makes projections difficult. Further research is needed for In South Asia, surface water and groundwater resources are already
understanding the impact of deforestation, urbanisation, development under stress (both in terms of quality and quantity) due to population
and introduction of water infrastructures, such as tube wells, in the growth, economic development, poor governance and management,
hill region (Aayog, 2017). This in turn calls for greater investment and poor efficiency of use in economic production. In the past 40 years,
Asia Chapter 10
Box 10.4 | Case Study on Climate Vulnerability and Cross-Boundary Adaptation in Central Asia
In Central Asia, water scarcity has been ranked in the top five global risks (Gleick, 1993; Zhupankhan et al., 2018). Cross-boundary
adaptation remains critically important in this region with abundant glaciers in the Pamir Plateau of Tajikistan (Hu et al., 2017) and areas
with severe glacier retreat in the Tianshan Mountains (Liu and Liu, 2015). The spatial variations of glacier and other climate variables
have added to uncertainty related to the dynamic of the water cycle. The headwater regions, such as Pamir area, would be significantly
affected by the climate parameters, such as the stronger rainfall intensity, more frequent rainfall and higher temperature (Luo et al.,
2019). The water resources in the Pamir Plateau will range from −0.48 to 5.6% (Gulakhmadov et al., 2020), and the crop phenological
period in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan will be about 1–2 weeks earlier. The threat of agricultural water stress is increasing as well. The oasis in
downstream areas will face more complex water resource fluctuations, water crisis and desertification. In particular, rain-fed agriculture in
northern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and western Turkmenistan is particularly dependent on water resources. Under the RCP2.6 and RCP4.5
scenarios, considering CO2 fertilisation effects and land-use projections, the increase in CO2 atmospheric concentration and accumulated
temperature can contribute to a 23% increase in cotton yield in Central Asia (Tian and Zhang, 2019), but extreme climate, such as
drought, heatwaves and rainstorms, will have a 10% negative impact on agricultural production and the ecological environment (Zhang
and Ren, 2017). High-efficiency water-saving technology will help the upstream and downstream water resource management in Central
Asian countries to adapt to the variation in water resources quantity, frequency and spatial pattern.
there has been an increasing reliance on groundwater in South Asia strategies for sustainable groundwater management (Shrestha et al.,
for irrigation (Rodell et al., 2009; Tiwari et al., 2009; Surie and Prasai, 2020).
2015; Bhanja et al., 2016; Shrestha et al., 2016; Mukherjee, 2018; Shah 10
et al., 2018). It is noteworthy that India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and In the Mekong Delta, the groundwater storage is projected to decline by
China together account for more than 50% of the world’s groundwater more than 120 and 160 million m3 under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios,
withdrawals (Scott et al., 2019). A study conducted in the Shahpur and respectively, by the end of the 21st century, in conjunction with land
Maner districts of Bihar, India, in which drinking water sourced from subsidence and SLR. This in turn calls for proactive planning and
the groundwater of 388 households was tested, showed that 70–90% implementation of adaptation strategies that address multiple stresses
of the sampled household’s drinking water contained either arsenic in order to ensure sustainable utilisation of groundwater resources in
or iron, or both (Thakur and Gupta, 2019). Given the nexus between the Mekong Delta in the context of future climatic conditions and
CIDs and non-climate drivers, an effective adaptation to the impacts associated uncertainties (Wang et al., 2021a). Proposed CCA strategies
of climate change would also demand sustainable development and for the Mekong River basin include a better understanding of the
management of shared aquifer resources, which in turn require reliable complex linkages between climate change, technological interventions,
TBA inventories and improved knowledge production and knowledge land-use change, water-use change and socioeconomic developments
sharing on the shared groundwater systems (Lee et al., 2018a). both in the upstream and downstream riparian countries (Evers and
Pathirana, 2018).
A study of peri-urban spaces involving four South Asian cities, Khulna
(Bangladesh) (Pervin et al., 2020), Gurugram and Hyderabad (India), While South Asian countries have done well in attaining Goal 6 of
and Kathmandu (Nepal), has shown the nexus between intensifying use Sustaining Development Goals, access to safe and clean drinking
and deteriorating quality of water and the impact of climate change, water remains a challenge. Taking Indian rivers as an example, it is
resulting in peri-urban water insecurity and conflict (Roth et al., 2019). suggested that participatory river protection and rehabilitation, based
The challenge of ensuring access to water resources and their (re) on comprehensive knowledge of the river-system dynamics, and local
allocation and prioritisation for marginalised communities remains on awareness at the community level, may act as a multiplier for river
the agenda of policy-oriented interdisciplinary research and demands conservation measures (Nandi et al., 2016).
effective implementation of its findings at the grassroots level by the
administrative agencies. Taking water security as a key CCA goal at the Hydroclimatic extremes in the HKH region could adversely impact
urban-city scale of Bangkok, a study (Babel et al., 2020) has shown the the Ganga, Brahmaputra and Meghna basins (Wijngaard et al., 2017;
usefulness of a generic framework with 5 dimensions, 12 indicators Acharya and Prakash, 2019). Studies have recommended watershed
and a set of potential variables to support national-level initiatives and or basin analysis to address the challenge of adaptation in urban
plans in diverse climatic and socioeconomic conditions across various spaces (Lele et al., 2018). A study of northern Bangladesh that focused
sub-regions of Asia. on encouraging traditional ways of cultivation suggests that rural
women have Indigenous knowledge and their participation can play
In the Kathmandu valley in Nepal, where groundwater resources are a useful role (Kanak Pervez et al., 2015). The knowledge pertains to
under immense pressure from multiple stresses, including overextraction agriculture, soil conservation, fish and animal production, irrigation
and climate change, mapping groundwater resilience to climate change and water conservation. There has also been a focus on gendered
has been demonstrated as a useful tool to understand the dynamics construction of local flood-forecasting knowledge in rural communities
of groundwater systems, and thereby facilitate the development of in India living in the Gandak River basin (Acharya and Prakash, 2019).
Chapter 10Asia
While designing the adaptation options, understanding the water– options and decisions about migration, relocation and resettlement
energy–food (WEF) nexus among different water-use sectors is crucial (Rasul et al., 2020; Hock et al., 2019). More interdisciplinary research
(Section 10.5.3). Understanding of the WEF nexus could be beneficial is needed on highly precarious future pathways and the intersection
for achieving water security in developing countries in Asia (Nepal between CIDs and non-climate drivers in order to anticipate and
et al., 2019). mitigate diverging and uncertain outcomes.
In HMA, factors that undermine effective adaptation to climate change Limited studies have quantified the actual impacts of climate change
include both sudden-onset and slow-paced disasters along with the on agricultural productivity and the economy. In a study in the Mun
knowledge deficit regarding cryospheric change and its adverse River basin, northeast Thailand, yield losses of rice due to past climate
impacts on water resources and also the agriculture and hydropower trends covering the period 1984–2013 was determined to be in the
sectors. Other key barriers include a sectoral approach, overemphasis range of < 50 kg ha–1 per decade or 3% of actual average yields with
on structural approaches and the lack of context-sensitive, community- a high possibility of more serious yield losses in the future (Prabnakorn
centric understanding of how these changes influence perceptions, et al., 2018). Likewise, in China, an economic loss of 595–858 million
Asia Chapter 10
USD for the corn and soybean sectors was computed from 2000 to marine fisheries were found to be impacted by climate change and
2009 (Chen et al., 2016b). On the other hand, the intensive wheat– other anthropogenic factors (Dineshbabu et al., 2020). Likewise,
maize system in China seems to have benefited from climate change water salinisation brought about by SLR is expected to impact the
with the northward expansion of the northern limits of maize and availability of freshwater fish in southwest coastal Bangladesh with
multi-cropping systems brought about by the rising temperatures (Li adverse implications to poor communities (Dasgupta et al., 2017a).
and Li, 2014). Analysis of fishery has indicated that there will be a continued
decrease in catch impacting the seafood sector in the Philippines,
There is high agreement in more recent studies that linked the Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia (Nong, 2019). Climate change is
frequency and extent of the El Niño phenomenon with global warming predicted to decrease total productive fisheries potential in South and
(Thirumalai et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017a; Hoegh-Guldberg et al., Southeast Asia, driven by a temperature increase of approximately
2018) that can trigger substantial loss in crop and fishery production. 2°C by 2050 (Barange et al., 2014).
The 2004 El Niño caused the Philippines an 18% production loss during
the dry season and a 32% production loss during the wet season Like fisheries, Asian aquaculture is highly vulnerable to climate
(Cruz et al., 2017). In the 2015 El Niño event, the Indian oil sardine change. Shrimp farmers and fry catchers of Bangladesh are
fishery declined by more than 50% of previous years (Kripa et al., frequently affected by extreme climatic disruptions like cyclones and
2018) severely impacting coastal livelihoods and economies (Shyam storm surges that severely damage the entire coastal aquaculture
et al., 2017). The 2015–2016 El Niño also inflicted adverse impacts (Islam et al., 2016a; Kais and Islam, 2018). The majority of shrimp
on agricultural productivity and food security, especially affecting the farmers also observed that weather has changed abruptly during
rural poor in middle- and lower-income countries in Southeast and the past 5 years and that high temperature is most detrimental
South Asia (UNDP ESCAP OCHA RIMES APCC, 2017). because it lowers growth rate, increases susceptibility to diseases,
including deformation, and affects production (Islam et al., 2016a). Projected Impacts Low production in shrimp farming is also attributed to variation and
intensity of rainfall perceived by the majority of farmers as part of 10 Fisheries and aquaculture climate-change impacts (Ahmed and Diana, 2015; Islam et al., 2016a;
Henriksson et al., 2019). In Vietnam, small-scale shrimp farmers are
The fisheries and aquaculture production from Asia in 2019 was likewise vulnerable to climate change, although those who practise
estimated at 159.67 mmt contributing to 74.7% of the global an extensive type of farming with low inputs are more vulnerable
production (FAO, 2020). This sector provides employment to an compared with those who practise a more intensive type with more
estimated 50.46 million people where fishing and aquaculture are capital investment (Quach et al., 2015; Quach et al., 2017). Seaweed
important socioeconomic activities and fish products are a substantial farming in Asia is very popular, and the significance of seaweed
source of animal protein (Bogard et al., 2015; Azad, 2017; FAO, 2018c). aquaculture beds in capturing carbon is recognised, but most of the
The economic contribution could be as high as 44% of the coastal farmed seaweeds are susceptible to climate change (Chung et al.,
communities’ GDP as in the case of Sri Lanka (Sarathchandra et al., 2017a; Duarte et al., 2017).
2018). Five Asian countries (i.e., China, Indonesia, India, Vietnam
and Japan) are in the top ten of global fish producers, representing a Marine heatwaves are a new threat to fisheries and aquaculture
cumulative share of 36% in 2018 (FAO, 2020). As a top producer with (Froehlich et al., 2018; Frölicher and Laufkötter, 2018) including disease
15% global share, China also remains a top exporter of fish and fish spread (Oliver et al., 2017), live feed culture (copepods) (Doan et al.,
products with 14% global market share. 2018) and farming of finfishes like Cobia (Le et al., 2020). Predicting
MHWs is considered a prerequisite for increasing the preparedness of
There is high agreement in the literature that Asian fisheries and farmers (Frölicher and Laufkötter, 2018). In Southeast Asian countries
aquaculture, including the local communities depending on them for more than 30% of aquaculture areas are predicted to become
livelihoods, are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. unsuitable for production by 2050–2070 and aquaculture production
Asia has been impacted by SLR (Panpeng and Ahmad, 2017), a is predicted to decrease 10–20% by 2050–2070 due to climate change
decrease in precipitation in some parts (Salik et al., 2015) and an (Froehlich et al., 2018).
increase in temperature (Vivekanandan et al., 2016), all of which have
drastic effects on fisheries and aquaculture (FAO, 2018c). Its coastal Crop production
fishing communities is exposed to disasters, which are predicted to
increase (Esham et al., 2018). Fisheries in most of South Asia and Since IPCC AR5, more studies have been done on different scales from
Southeast Asia involve small-scale fishers who are more vulnerable local to global that focus on the differentiated projected impacts of
to climate-change impacts compared with commercial fishers (Sönke climate change on the production and economics of various crops
Kreft et al., 2016; Blasiak et al., 2017), although there is a general with rice, maize and wheat among the major crops receiving more
decreasing trend in the number of small units (Fernandez-Llamazares attention. New research findings affirm that climate-change impacts,
et al., 2015; ILO, 2015). A regional study of South Asia forecast large and will continue to significantly affect, crop production in diverse
decreases in potential catch of two key commercial fish species (hilsa ways in particular areas all over Asia (Figure 10.6). An increasing
shad and Bombay duck) in the Bay of Bengal (Fernandes et al., 2016), number of sub-regional and regional studies using various modelling
which forms a major fishery and food source for coastal communities. tools provide significant evidence on the overall projected impacts of
About 69% of the commercially important species of the Indian climate change on crop production at the sub-regional and regional
Chapter 10Asia
Projected impacts of climate change to agriculture and food systems in sub-regions of Asia IPCC-AR5 studies
Figure 10.6 | Projected impacts of climate change to agriculture and food systems in sub-regions of Asia based on post-IPCC-AR5 studies. The figure illustrates
the spatio-temporal diversity of projected future impacts on food production highlighting that there are winners and losers associated with the changing climate at different scales.
AGRI: agriculture; E: east; N: north; NRCP: no RCP analysis; Pre: precipitation; PY: production yield; RCP: representative concentration pathway; S: south; Temp: temperature; W: west.
(Refer to Table SM10.2 for details and supporting references.)
Asia Chapter 10
scales with clear indications of winners and losers among and within health as the production aspects most severely affected by multiple
nations (see, for instance, Mendelsohn, 2014; Cai et al., 2016; Chen weather extremes (Escarcha et al., 2018b). In the Mongolian Altai
et al., 2016b; Schleussner et al., 2016). Mountains, early snowmelt and an extended growing season have
resulted in reduced herder mobility and prolonged pasture use, which
Beyond the usual research interest in crop yields which has dominated has in turn initiated grassland degradation (Lkhagvadorj et al., 2013a).
the current literature, recent studies, such as those in Japan, focus on Furthermore, reduced herder mobility has increased the pressure on
the impacts of climate change on the quality of crops (see, for instance, forests resulting in increased logging for fuel and construction wood
Sugiura et al., 2013, for apple; as well as Morita et al., 2016, and and reduced regeneration due to browsing damage by increasing goat
Masutomi et al., 2019, for rice). A large-scale evaluation by Ishigooka populations (Khishigjargal et al., 2013; Dulamsuren et al., 2014).
et al. (2017) shows that the increased risk in rice production brought
about by temperature increase may be avoided by selecting an In terms of direct impacts, climate-change-induced heat stress and
optimum transplanting date considering both yield and quality. More reduced water availability are likely to generally have negative effects
studies of this nature have to be conducted for other crops in different on livestock (ADB, 2017b). In the HKH region, climate change has
locations to better understand and adapt to the negative impacts of induced severe impacts on livestock through degradation of rangelands,
the changing climate on the quality of crops (Ahmed and Stepp, 2016). pastures and forests (Hussain et al., 2019). However, indirect effects
may be positive such as in Uzbekistan and South Asia where alfalfa
New studies have projected the likely negative impact of pests in and grassland productivity is expected to improve under warming
Asian agriculture. The golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculate), conditions, which have beneficial effects on livestock production
which is among the world’s 100 most notorious invasive alien species, (Sutton et al., 2013; Weindl et al., 2015).
threatens the top Asian rice-producing countries, including China, India,
Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines At the global level, analysis involving 148 countries in terms of
and Japan, with the predicted increase in climatically suitable habitats the potential vulnerability of their livestock sector to climate and
in 2080 (Lei et al., 2017). Similarly, a study by (Shabani et al., 2018) population change shows that some Asian nations, particularly 10
in Oman projected that the pest of date palm trees, Dubas bug Mongolia, are likely to be the most vulnerable while South Asia is the
(Ommatissus lybicus Bergevin), could reduce the crop yield by 50% most vulnerable region (Godber and Wall, 2014).
under future climate scenarios. Farming systems and crop areas
While there is general agreement that CO2 promotes growth and
productivity of plants through enhanced photosynthesis, there There is new evidence since AR5 that farming systems and crop areas
remains uncertainty on the extent to which carbon fertilisation will will change in many parts of Asia in response to climate change. In
influence agricultural production in Asia as it interacts with increasing South Asia, a study in Nepal showed that farmers are inclined to
temperatures, changing water availability and the different adaptation change practices in cropland use to reduce climate-change risk (Chalise
measures employed (Ju et al., 2013; Jat et al., 2016; ADB, 2017b). As and Naranpanawa, 2016). In India, climate change is also predicted to
global warming compounds beyond 1.5°C, however, the likelihood of lead to boundary changes in areas suitable for growing certain crops
adverse impacts on agricultural and food security in many parts of (Srinivasa Rao et al., 2016). A study in Bangladesh revealed a shift
developing Asia increases (Mendelsohn, 2014; IPCC, 2018b). There in crop choices among farmers, implying changes in the future rice-
is a growing trend towards more integrated studies and modelling cropping pattern. Specifically, a temperature increase will compel
that combines biophysical and socioeconomic variables (including farmers to choose irrigation-based Boro, Aus and other crops in favour
management practices) in the context of changing climate to reduce of the rain-fed Aman rice crop (Moniruzzaman, 2015).
uncertainty associated with future impacts of climate change on the
agriculture sector (see, for instance, Mason-D’Croz et al., 2016; Smeets In the coastal area of Odisha in India, adverse impact on the agriculture
Kristkova et al., 2016; Gaydon et al., 2017). sector is anticipated considering the increasing temperature trends
over the past 30 years for all the seasons (Mishra and Sahu, 2014). In a Livestock production national study that groups Bangladesh into 16 sub-regions with similar
farming areas, simulations of a 62 cm rise in mean sea level project
There is hardly any mention about the impacts of climate change damages to production because of area loss in excess of 31% in sub-
on livestock production in the Asia chapter of AR5 due to limited region 15 and nearly 40% in sub-region 16 (Ruane et al., 2013). Also
studies on this area. This scarcity of information persists to the current in Bangladesh, a study on predicting the design of water requirements
assessment with very scant information on the projected impacts and for winter paddy rice under climate change conditions shows that
adaptation aspects of livestock production (Escarcha et al., 2018a). agricultural water resource management will help minimise drought
The use of scenarios and models to determine alternative futures risk and implement future agricultural water resource policies (Islam
with participatory engagement processes has been recommended et al., 2018) that may have important implications for crop areas and
for informed policy and decision making with potential application production.
in the livestock sector (Mason-D’Croz et al., 2016). Of the limited
assessment available, a study on the smallholders’ risk perceptions In East Asia, the observed changes in agricultural flooding in different
of climate change impacts on water-buffalo production systems in parts of China could influence farming systems and crop areas (Zhang
Nueva Ecija, the Philippines, identified feed availability and animal et al., 2016b) as extreme events intensify in the context of changing
Chapter 10Asia
climate. Agricultural management practice in China may also change long term, and poor governance, among other things, that may worsen
to optimise soil organic carbon sequestration (Zhang et al., 2016a). A food insecurity in the region (Montesclaros and Teng, 2021).
study on projected irrigation requirements under climate change using
a soil-moisture model for 29 upland crops in the Republic of Korea In West Asia, particularly in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, increasing water
showed that water scarcity is a major limiting factor for sustainable scarcity brought about by temperature rise is anticipated to have a
agricultural production (Hong et al., 2016). In terms of drought, severe impact on agriculture and food production that undermines
despite increasing future precipitation in most scenarios, crop-specific food security (Al-Zahrani et al., 2019; Baig et al., 2019). Saudi Arabia,
agricultural drought is expected to be a significant risk due to rainfall for instance, was forced to phase out its wheat production starting in
variability (Lim et al., 2019a). On the other hand, a projected rise in 2016 and fully rely on importation to conserve its drying fossil water
water availability in the Korean Peninsula using multiple regional resources (Al-Zahrani et al., 2019), a situation which is also linked to a
climate models and evapotranspiration methods indicates that it will water governance issue.
likely increase agricultural productivity for both rice and corn, but
would decrease significantly in rain-fed conditions (Lim et al., 2017b). In Central Asia, a study using a bioeconomic farm model shows very
Thus, irrigation and soil-water management will be a major factor in large differences in climate change impacts across farming systems at
determining future farming systems and crop areas in the country. the subnational level. Large-scale commercial farms in the northern
regions of Kazakhstan will have positive income gains, while small-
Global studies on climate-change-induced hotspots of heat stress on scale farms in arid zones of Tajikistan will experience a negative impact
agricultural crops show that large suitable cropping areas in Central with likely effects on farm income security (Bobojonov and Aw-Hassan,
and Eastern Asia, and the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, 2014). Impacts on farmers’ income in western Uzbekistan will also
are under heat stress risk under the A1B emissions scenario (Teixeira significantly vary and could fall by as much as 25% depending on the
et al., 2013) and hence may reduce cropping areas in these regions. In extent of temperature increase and water-use efficiency (Bobojonov
Japan, the projected decline in rice yield in some areas suggests that et al., 2016).
10 the current rice-producing regions would be divided into suitable and
unsuitable areas as temperatures increases (Ishigooka et al., 2017), with In a regional study among South Asian countries using an integrated
important implications regarding the possible shift in cropping area. assessment modelling framework, changes in rice and wheat
Similarly, it has been shown that there will be change in the geographic productions brought about by climate change are anticipated to
distribution of the occurrence of poor skin colour of table-grape berries engender wild price volatilities in the markets (Cai et al., 2016). Price
(Sugiura et al., 2019) and suitable areas for cultivation of subtropical spikes are projected for 2015–2040 in all South Asian regions with
citrus (Sugiura et al., 2014) in Japan by the middle of the 21st century. India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka predicted to experience increasingly
much higher rice and wheat prices than under the baseline scenario,
There is emerging evidence from modelling and field experimentation creating major concerns about food affordability and food security.
that designing future farming systems and crop areas that will promote This will likely severely affect the overall economic growth of these
sustainable development in Asia in the context of climate change would countries since they are mainly agriculture-driven economies.
have to incorporate not only productivity and price considerations
but also how to moderate temperature increase, enhance water A study on mapping global patterns of drought risk projected an
conservation and optimise GHG mitigation potential (Sapkota et al., increase in drought frequency and intensity in the populated areas of
2015; Zhang et al., 2016a; Ko et al., 2017; Lim et al., 2017b). The effects South to Central Asia extensively used for crop and livestock production
of agricultural landscape change on ecosystem services also need to with serious repercussion to food security and potential civil conflict
be understood and taken into account in designing farming systems in the medium to long term (Carrão et al., 2016). In Southeast Asia,
and allocating farm areas (Lee et al., 2015b; Zanzanaini et al., 2017). a Philippine study on the relationship between seasonal rainfall,
agricultural production and civil conflict suggests that the projected Food Security change towards wetter rainy seasons and drier dry seasons in many
parts of the country will lead to more civil conflict (Crost et al., 2018)
FAO (2001) defines food security as ‘a situation that exists when all with negative implications for food and human security. Similarly,
people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to floods and higher food prices are also associated with higher risks of
sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and social unrest in Asia that may undermine food security (Hendrix and
food preferences for an active and healthy life’. There is significant Haggard, 2015; Ide et al., 2021).
evidence that climate change significantly undermines both agricultural
production and food security in Asia (ADB, 2017b). Increasing evidence Food insecurity will be localised across Asia where one part of the
from sub-regions and individual countries suggests that climate-related country or sub-region will be more food secured while the others,
hazards, such as increasing temperature, changing rainfall, SLR, drought, more insecure. This will require in-country or sub-regional trade and
flooding and the more frequent and intense occurrences of El Niño– development cooperation to minimise the adverse impacts of food
Southern Oscillation events, all impact agricultural production with insecurity associated with the changing climate (Li et al., 2014a; Abid
significant effects on food security. All these hazards interact with non- et al., 2016).
climatic factors, such as competing demand for scarce water resources,
rural–urban migration, food prices and increasing food demand in the
Asia Chapter 10
There is high confidence that agriculture will continue to be among Since AR5, there has been a surge in the volume of literature that
the most vulnerable sectors in Asia in light of the changing climate documents and assesses the different adaptation practices already
(Mendelsohn, 2014; ADB, 2017b). Among the more vulnerable areas employed in Asian agriculture as well as those that provide future
include mountain agriculture where fluctuation in crop production adaptation options. There is robust evidence that a variety of
(Poudel and Shaw, 2016; Hussain et al., 2019), and food insufficiency, adaptation practices already employed in agriculture and fisheries are
is more widespread than in lowland areas (Poudel and Shaw, 2015; valuable in reducing the negative effects of current climate anomalies
Kohler and Maselli, 2009). Also vulnerable are flood-prone areas like but may not be sufficient to fully offset the adverse impacts of future
the Vietnam Mekong River Delta where 39% of the total rice area is climate scenarios. Recent literature, therefore, focuses on how to build
exposed to sustained flood risks (Wassmann et al., 2019a). Increasing on current adaptation initiatives and processes to improve current and
temperatures and changing precipitation levels will persist to be future outcomes (Iizumi, 2019).
important vulnerability drivers that will shape agricultural productivity
particularly in South Asia, Southeast Asia and Central Asia as well Asian farmers and fishers already employ a variety of adaptation
as in selected areas of the region. With the increasing likelihood of practices to minimise the adverse impacts of climate change. In a
extreme weather events, such as strong typhoons in the Philippines, recent systematic and comprehensive review of farmers’ adaptation
the agriculture sector in the typhoon-prone areas of Southeast and practices in Asia, Shaffril et al. (2018) categorised these practices
East Asia, as well as the Indus Delta, will be more vulnerable to crop into different forms such as crop management, irrigation and water
destruction (Mallari and Ezra, 2016). Projections on increasing SLR management, farm management, financial management, physical
and flooding, such as those in Bangladesh and the Mekong Delta, infrastructure management and social activities. ‘Climate-smart
will submerge and decrease crop production areas and severely affect agriculture’–an integrated approach for developing agricultural
agriculture and fishery sectors, but will also trigger outmigration from strategies that address the intertwined challenges of food security
these areas (ADB, 2017b). and climate change–is increasingly being promoted in many parts of 10
the region, especially in Southeast and South Asia, with potentially
Vulnerability of aquaculture-related livelihoods to climate change was promising outcomes (Chandra et al., 2017; Khatri-Chhetri et al., 2017;
assessed at the global scale using the MAGICC/SCENGEN climate Shirsath et al., 2017; Westermann et al., 2018; Wassmann et al., 2019b).
modelling tools, and Vietnam and Thailand were identified as most Site-specific adaptations, such as those in Pakistan, include farmers’
vulnerable in brackish-water aquaculture production (Handisyde et al., utilisation of several adaptation techniques which include changing
2017). China, Vietnam and the Philippines are also ranked highly crop type and variety, and improving seed quality; fertiliser application
vulnerable in marine production. Moreover, a recent vulnerability and use of pesticides, and planting of shade trees; and water storage
assessment of Korean aquaculture based on predicted changes in and farm diversification (Fahad and Wang, 2018), as well as the
seawater temperature and salinity according to RCP8.5 indicated implementation of comprehensive climate information services for
that vulnerability was highest for seaweed, such as laver and sea farming communities (World Meteorological Organization, 2017).
mustard, while fish, shrimp and abalone are relatively less vulnerable
as they are less sensitive to high water temperature and their farming Adaptation measures are also beneficial to small-scale fishers and fish
environments are controllable to a large extent (Kim et al., 2019a). farmers (Miller et al., 2018), and through fisheries management plans
In Indonesia, farming of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) has (FMP) and Early warning systems, the Asian region is reducing climate
been found to be vulnerable to increased rainfall and temperature impact (FAO, 2018c). The most common FMPs adopted in different
decrease (Puspa et al., 2018). Asian countries are limits to fishing gear, licensing schemes and
seasonal closures (ILO, 2015), protection of nursery grounds, providing
Climate-change-induced vulnerability, however, is complicated by alternative livelihoods (Azad, 2017), limiting fish aggregating devices
non-climate drivers. In Thailand, for instance, a 38% reduction (from (FADs) and introduction of monitoring and control tools (Department
21,486 to 13,328 million at the present value (1 USD = 33.54 THB) in of Fisheries (Thailand), 2015). Fishers’ strong sense of belonging to
the export values of rice and products in the last quarter of 2011 has their place of residence and the sense of responsibility to protect the
been attributed not only to the impact of tropical cyclone Nock-Ten on vulnerable fish stock has been advantageously used for developing
Thai rice export but also the economic slowdown in Thailand during cooperatives and starting community-based fisheries management
2011–2012 (Nara et al., 2014). (FAO, 2012; ILO, 2015; Shaffril et al., 2017), and these initiatives have
yielded positive results.
Considering the high vulnerability of Asia to climate change as a whole,
there is a need to look at the drivers of vulnerability in an integrated In aquaculture, most households in shrimp communities rely on process-
and comprehensive manner. The increasing interest on nexus studies oriented multiple coping mechanisms such as consumption smoothing,
that links climate-change impacts on agriculture with the other sectors income smoothing and migration that enhance farmers’ resilience to
like water, energy, land-use change, urbanisation, poverty, economic climate anomalies (Kais and Islam, 2018). Diversification and integration
liberalisation and others (see, for example, Takama et al., 2016; Aich of varied resources and interventions in feed and husbandry are seen to
et al., 2017; Eslamian et al., 2017; Duan et al., 2019b) could contribute help the aqua farmers increase their profits and overcome the impacts
to a systemwide vulnerability reduction and an important initial step of climate change (Henriksson et al., 2019). Strategies like polyculture,
towards a more climate-resilient future. integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) and recirculating aquaculture
Chapter 10Asia
Improve adaptation planning and decision-making by:
Conducting integrated and multi-sectoral adaptationassessment that explores synergies
and trade-offs among energy, GHG emission, water, land use, urbanization, and food production
Recognizing and integrating indigenous and local knowledge and practices ; and
Mainstreaming adaptation into ongoing development planning and decision-making
Promote science-based adaptation measures. (e.g. development of drought-tolerant and
short-maturing varieties, promotion of conservation-agriculture practices and technologies,
use of weather and climate information to enhance farmers’ adaptation
Adopt an integrated approach to improve adaptation interventions from field-level
practices and technological interventions, to management strategies shifting crops and
sowing dates, to enacting adaptation policies and reforming agricultural institutions
Invest on critical infrastructure such as irrigation and transportation systems
Figure 10.7 | Adaptation-related strategies in Asian agriculture to enhance current and future adaptations.
systems (RAS) have been suggested to increase aquaculture productivity, implementing NbS in agricultural landscapes have been documented
environmental sustainability and climate change adaptability (Ahmed both in agriculture and fisheries sectors that promote production
et al., 2019c; Tran et al., 2020). In Bangladesh, several adaptation while providing co-benefits such as environmental protection and
measures, such as integrated community-based adaptation strategies sustainability (Miralles-Wilhelm, 2021).
(Akber et al., 2017) and integrated coastal zone management (Ahmed
and Diana, 2015), have been recommended to increase climate resilience Despite the numerous adaptation measures already employed, there
among shrimp farmers. is sufficient evidence that farmers’ current adaptation practices
are inadequate to offset the worsening climate change impacts. A
More recently, nature-based solutions (NbS) have gained attention more comprehensive approach that integrates economic and social
globally to enhance climate adaptation. In the context of agriculture, strategies with other measures is seen to reduce climate vulnerability.
NbS are seen as cost-effective interventions that can increase resilience For instance, agriculture insurance is viewed as a promising
in food production while advancing climate mitigation and improving adaptation approach to reduce risks and increase the financial
the environment (Iseman and Miralles-Wilhelm, 2021). Experiences in resilience of farmers and herders in many Asian countries (Prabhakar
Asia Chapter 10
et al., 2018; Matheswaran et al., 2019; Nguyen et al., 2019; Stringer Asia is home to 54% of the world’s urban population, and by 2050, 64%
et al., 2020). Similarly, participation of multiple stakeholders from of Asia’s 3.3 billion people will be living in cities. Asia is also home to the
all relevant sectors at different levels in adaptation planning and world’s largest urban agglomerations: Tokyo (37 million inhabitants),
decision making is seen as an important factor in improving outcomes New Delhi (29 million) and Shanghai (26 million) are the top three with
(Arunrat et al., 2017; Hochman et al., 2017; Chandra and McNamara, Cairo, Mumbai, Beijing and Dhaka home to nearly 20 million people
2018). Moreover, while adaptation is local and context specific, the each (UNDESA, 2018). By 2028, New Delhi is projected to become the
following general adaptation-related strategies are distilled from the most populous city in the world. In certain parts of Asia (e.g., some
current literature, based on the Asian experience, to enhance current cities in Japan and the Republic of Korea), a steep decline in urban
and future adaptations (see Figure 10.7 for details or examples of population is projected, mainly due to declining birth rates (Hori et al.,
each strategy): 2020). Within Asia, rates of urbanisation differ sub-regionally. Eastern
Asia has seen the most rapid urban growth with the percentage of
• Create enabling policies (Chen et al., 2018d) and enhance urban population having more than tripled from 18 to 60% between
institutional capacity (Wang et al., 2014; Hirota and Kobayashi, 1950 and 2015, while rates of urbanisation have decreased in West
2019) Asia and remained steady in Central Asia (UNDESA, 2018).
• Improve adaptation planning and decision making (Xu and
Grumbine, 2014; Asmiwyati et al., 2015; Dissanayake et al., 2017; Asian cities are seeing growing income inequality, with rural poverty
Hochman et al., 2017; Qiu et al., 2018; Shuaib et al., 2018; Aryal being replaced by urban poverty (ADB, 2013). Regional studies show
et al., 2020b; Ruzol and Pulhin, 2021; Ruzol et al., 2021) high and growing inequality within Indian and Chinese urban areas
• Promote science-based adaptation measures (Alauddin and Sarker, and decreasing rural–urban income gaps in Thailand and Vietnam
2014; Sapkota et al., 2015; Lim et al., 2017b) (Baker and Gadgil, 2017; Imai and Malaeb, 2018). Critically, East Asia
• Adopt an integrated approach to improve adaptation (Teixeira and the Asia–Pacific in general continue to house the world’s largest
et al., 2013; Yamane, 2014; Abid et al., 2016; Sakamoto et al., 2017; population of slum dwellers at 250 million, with most of them in China,
Sawamura et al., 2017; Trinh et al., 2018) Indonesia and the Philippines, and the highest rates of urban poverty 10
• Invest in critical infrastructure (Cai et al., 2016; Rezaei and Lashkari, in Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Indonesia and the Lao PDR (McIlreavy,
2018) 2015; Baker and Gadgil, 2017). A lot of urbanisation, especially in
• Address farmers’ adaptation barriers (Alauddin and Sarker, 2014; South Asia, is also ‘hidden’ due to poor, competing definitions of what
Pulhin et al., 2016; Fahad and Wang, 2018; Gunathilaka et al., is ‘urban’ and limited data (Ellis and Roberts, 2016).
2018; Almaden et al., 2019b) Key Drivers of Vulnerabilities
10.4.6 Cities, Settlements and Key Infrastructures In Asian cities, climatic hazards such as changes in precipitation and,
during the Asian monsoon, SLR, cyclones, flooding, dust storms,
Cities across Asia have large populations exposed to climate risks but heatwaves and permafrost thawing (Byers et al., 2018; Hoegh-
also present an opportunity for concerted climate action (Revi et al., Guldberg et al., 2018; Rogelj et al., 2018; Shiklomanov, 2019), as well
2014; Chu et al., 2017; Revi, 2017; Khosla and Bhardwaj, 2019) and as non-climatic vulnerabilities such as non-climatic hazards (e.g., seismic
report numerous examples of adaptation actions at various stages hazards), inadequate infrastructure and services, unplanned urbanisation,
of planning and implementation (Dulal, 2019; Singh et al., 2021b). socioeconomic inequalities and existing adaptation deficits (Johnson
However, challenges specific (though not exclusive) to Asian cities such et al., 2013; Araos et al., 2016; de Leon and Pittock, 2017; Meerow,
as uneven economic development, rapid land-use changes, increasing 2017; Dulal, 2019) interact to shape overall urban risk (Shaw et al.,
inequality, growing exposure to extreme events and environmental 2016a; Rumbach and Shirgaokar, 2017; Dodman et al., 2019). Caught
change, such as land subsidence (with antecedent impacts on people at the intersection of high exposure, socioeconomic vulnerability and
and infrastructure), and large, socially differentiated vulnerable low adaptive capacities, informal settlements in urban and peri-urban
populations, remain key concerns as Asian cities simultaneously tackle areas are particularly at risk (robust evidence, high agreement) (Meerow,
challenges of sustainable development and equitable climate action. 2017; Rumbach and Shirgaokar, 2017; Byers et al., 2018).
By 2050, urban areas are expected to add 2.5 billion people, 90% of Multi-hazard risk
whom will be in Asia and Africa (UNDESA, 2018). Critically, this urban
population increase will be concentrated in India, China and Nigeria, Of the multi-hazard global average annual loss (AAL)4 of 293 billion
with India and China adding 416 million and 255 million urban USD, 170 billion USD (58%) is in the Asia Pacific region (UNISDR, 2017).
dwellers, respectively, between 2018 and 2050 (UNDESA, 2018). Of the top ten highest AALs associated with multi-hazards, six are in
4 Average annual loss is the average amount that a country could expect to lose each year over the long term due to hazard incidence. It corresponds to the expected average loss per year considering
all the events that could occur over a long time frame, including very intensive events. It is a probabilistic indication of the direct economic losses expected due to total or partial damage of physical
assets existing in the affected area (UNISDR, 2017).
Chapter 10Asia
Asia (Japan, China, Republic of Korea, India, the Philippines and Taiwan, approximately 260 million people (19% of the total population of China)
Province of China) (UNISDR, 2017). As per Gu et al. (2015), 56% of cities and 310 million people (39% of the total population), respectively,
with populations greater than 300,000 in 2014 are exposed to at least facing more than three heat-danger days annually (Zhang et al., 2021).
one of the six physical hazards (cyclones, floods, droughts, earthquakes, This projected risk exposure is reduced under low-emissions pathways
landslides and volcanic eruptions). Cities in areas highly exposed and (SSP1-2.6 and SSP2-4.5), where annual heat-danger days will remain
vulnerable to multiple hazards were also the ones that grew rapidly in similar to current levels or increase slightly (Zhang et al., 2021).
population between 1950 and 2014, implying greater infrastructural
investments in climate-sensitive areas. Among 27 cities highly exposed Critically, these projections of higher temperatures will have a significant
to multiple disasters, 13 cities had a population of 1 million or more in impact on heat-related morbidity and mortality, labour productivity,
2014. Among them were three megacities, Tokyo (Japan), Osaka (Japan) mental health, and health and well-being outcomes across all sub-regions
and Manila (the Philippines), with more than 10 million inhabitants of Asia (medium evidence, high confidence) (Pal and Eltahir, 2016; Im
exposed to three or more hazards. Seven other cities with 1 million et al., 2017; Arifwidodo et al., 2019; Arshad et al., 2020). In West Asia and
inhabitants or more in Asia were at high risk of three or more types of the North China Plain especially, extreme wet-bulb temperatures are
disaster. Manila is highly vulnerable to economic losses and disaster- expected to approach, and possibly exceed, the physiological threshold
related mortality from all six types of disasters. Moscow (Russia) is the for human adaptability (35°C) (Pal and Eltahir, 2016; Kang and Eltahir,
only megacity not exposed to the risk of any of the six types of physical 2018). By the end of the century, under higher projections (RCP8.5),
hazards analysed (cyclones, floods, droughts, earthquakes, landslides and the daily maximum wet-bulb temperature is expected to exceed the
volcano eruptions). Of the eight megacities most vulnerable to disaster- survivability threshold across most of South Asia (Im et al., 2017). City-
related mortality, seven–Tokyo, Osaka, Karachi, Kolkata, Manila, Tianjin specific studies articulate what these regional projections will mean for
and Jakarta, totalling 143 million people–are in Asia (Gu et al., 2015). urban populations. For example, at 1.5°C warming, without adaptation,
annual heat-related mortality in 27 major cities across China is projected Extreme temperatures and heatwaves to increase from 32.1 per million inhabitants annually in 1986–2005 to
10 48.8–67.1 per million. This number increases to 59.2–81.3 per million for
Urbanisation and climate change interact to drive an urban heat 2°C warming (Wang et al., 2019a). In the Republic of Korea, deaths from
island (UHI) effect across Asian cities (Hauck et al., 2016; Chapman heat disorders are expected to increase approximately fivefold under the
et al., 2017; also see Figure 6.4 in Chapter 6). Three regions which are RCP4.5 and 7.2-fold under RCP8.5 by 2060 compared with the current
expected to see higher maximum wet-bulb temperature than global baseline value of ~23 people per summer (Kim et al., 2016a). Importantly,
averages are southwest Asia around the Persian Gulf and Red Sea, heat exposure is differentiated within cities: it disproportionally affects
South Asia in the Indus and Ganges river valleys, and eastern China (Im the poorest populations (Lohrey et al., 2021) and those with lesser
et al., 2017; Perkins-Kirkpatrick et al., 2020). access to green spaces (Arifwidodo and Chandrasiri, 2020).
Impacts of heatwaves at 1.5°C and 2°C in cities are substantially larger Precipitation extremes: excess rainfall, drought and water
than under the present climate (Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2018). In South scarcity
Asia particularly, more intense heatwaves of longer durations and
occurring at a higher frequency are projected with medium confidence Warming from 1.5°C to 2°C will increase extreme precipitation events
over India (Murari et al., 2015) and Pakistan (IPCC AR6, WGI, Table 11.5; across Asia especially over East and South Asia (medium evidence,
Ali et al., 2018; Nasim et al., 2018; Ali et al., 2020; IPCC, 2021). At the city high agreement) (Zhang et al. 2018; Supari et al., 2020; Zhang et al.,
level, these projections could translate into significant impacts: at 1.5°C, 2020b). In East and Central Asia, under 1.5°C warming, extreme 1- and
on average, every year Kolkata will experience heat equivalent to the 5-d precipitation will increase by 28 and 15% relative to 1971–2000
2015 record heatwaves; Karachi about once every 3.6 years; and under (Zhang et al., 2020b). In China’s urban agglomerations, an increase in
2°C warming, both regions could expect such heat annually (Matthews global warming from 1.5°C to 2°C is likely to increase the intensity of
et al., 2017). In Pakistan, Hyderabad is likely to be the hottest city by total precipitation of very wet days 1.8 times and double maximum
2100 with the highest average temperature reaching 29.9°C (RCP4.5) to 5-d precipitation (Yu et al., 2018d). Extreme rainfall has direct and
32°C (RCP8.5) followed by Jacobabad, Bahawalnagar and Bahawalpur increasing consequences on urban flooding risk (Dasgupta et al.,
cities (Ali et al., 2020). The frequency of heatwave days (HWF) will 2013b), which is further exacerbated by urbanisation trends that
increase by 22.8, 22.3 and 26.5 d yr–1 in northern, eastern and western reduce permeability, divert water flow and disrupt watersheds (Chen
Japan, respectively, with megacities such as Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya et al., 2015b; Duan et al., 2016).
seeing large increases in HWF and related deaths (Nakano et al., 2013).
Urban extent in drylands in expected to increase from 2000 to 2030
In China’s urban agglomerations, an increase in the global warming from with large expansions in West Asia, Central Asia, South Asia and China
1.5°C to 2°C is likely to exacerbate the intensity of extreme maximum and antecedent impacts on exposure to drought and water scarcity
temperature 4.1 times (Yu et al., 2018d). From 1995 to 2014 China’s urban (Güneralp et al., 2015). Urban dryland extent in West Asia will increase
agglomerations (Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Middle from 19,400 to 67,400 km2 (Güneralp et al., 2015). In the Haihe River
Yangtze River, Chongqing–Chengdu and Pearl River Delta) experienced basin in China, the proportion of people exposed to droughts at 1.5°C
no more than three heat danger d yr–1, which is projected to increase to (without accounting for population growth) is projected to decrease
3–13 d by 2041–2060 and 8–67 d by 2081–2100 under high-emissions by 30.4% but increase by 74.8% at 2°C relative to people exposed
shared socioeconomic pathways SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5, resulting in in 1986–2005 (339.65 million) (Sun et al., 2017). About 411 million
Asia Chapter 10
people living in 330 cities above 300,000 population are exposed to 0.73–2.1 million people by 2100 (Davis et al., 2018). Such migration
drought risk, which include three Asian megacities Delhi (India), Karachi will have direct development implications: for example, destination
(Pakistan) and Kolkata (India). Drought-related economic losses are locations could see additional demands on jobs (594,000), housing
also high in Dhaka (Bangladesh) (Pervin et al., 2020), Istanbul (Turkey), (197,000) and food (783 × 109 calories) by mid-century as a result of
Manila (the Philippines) and Shenzhen (China), and Manila is also those displaced by SLR (Davis et al., 2018).
highly vulnerable to drought-related mortality (Gu et al., 2015).
Among the 20 largest coastal cities with the highest flood losses by
Increasing urban drought risk will also have cascading impacts on 2050, 13 are in Asia5, with a regional concentration in South, Southeast
regions from where water is imported, exacerbating drought exposure and East Asia (Hallegatte et al., 2013). Furthermore, 9 of these cities
beyond urban settlements and limiting water availability in certain (Guangzhou, Kolkata, Tianjin, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Zhanjiang,
regions (Chuah et al., 2018; Garrick et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2020c; Bangkok, Xiamen, Nagoya) also have an additional risk of subsidence
Zhao et al., 2020). There is medium evidence (high agreement) that due to SLR and flooding (Hallegatte et al., 2013). Guangzhou, China,
urban water insecurity is experienced differentially based on income, is estimated to be the most economically vulnerable city in the world
risk exposure, and assets, and that urban drought and water scarcity to SLR by 2050, with estimated losses of 254 million USD yr–1 under
is causing material and non-material losses and damage (Singh et al., 0.2 m SLR (Jevrejeva et al., 2016). With a 2°C warming, Guangzhou
2021a). Importantly, in several Asian cities, flood and drought risk is expected to see SLR of 0.34 m; under 5°C warming, this number
is expected to occur concurrently, especially in South Asia which is would rise to 1.93 m. A more recent estimate calculates expected
projected to see the largest increase in urban land exposed to both damage in Guangzhou due to SLR under RCP8.5 to reach 331 billion
floods and droughts (25–32% increase in flood and drought risk USD by 2050 and 420 billion USD under the high-end scenario with
between 2000 and 2030). figures doubling by 2070. By 2100, expected damage could reach 1.4
trillion USD under RCP8.5 and 1.8 trillion USD under the high-end Sea level rise and coastal flooding scenario. Similarly, in Mumbai (India) SLR damages amount to US$
112–162 billion by 2050 and could increase by a factor of 2.8–2.9 by 10
Global assessments identify Asia as the most exposed region to SLR 2070 (Abadie et al., 2020). In coastal cities such as Bangkok and Ho
(see Section CCP2.2.1) in terms of the number of people living in low- Chi Minh City, projected land subsidence rates, mainly due to excessive
elevation coastal zones and the number of people exposed to flooding groundwater extraction, are comparable to, or exceed, expected rates
from 1-in-100-years storm surge events (Neumann et al., 2015; Jevrejeva of SLR, resulting in an additional 0.2 m SLR by 2025 (Jevrejeva et al.,
et al., 2016; Kulp and Strauss, 2019; Abadie et al., 2020; Haasnoot, 2021). 2016). In Shanghai, current annual damage by coastal inundation is
Twelve of the top 20 countries exposed to SLR and associated flood events estimated at 0.03% of local GDP; under RCP4.5, this increases to 0.8%
are in Asia, and of these, China, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam by 2100 (uncertainty range of 0.4–1.4%) and is further exacerbated by
are estimated to have the highest total coastal population exposure land subsidence and socioeconomic development (Du et al., 2020). It
(Neumann et al., 2015; Edmonds et al., 2020). Critically, regardless of is important to note that these projections assume (a) no adaptation
the emissions scenario, 70% of the global population exposed to SLR and (b) that damage repairs are undertaken and completed annually.
and land subsidence are in eight Asian countries: China, Bangladesh, Given these assumptions, while these estimates communicate the
India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Japan (Kulp and scale of projected impacts, they are indicators of possible damages in
Strauss, 2019). This is particularly worrisome since in highly populated the absence of adaptation and not actual projections.
low-lying coastal cities across Asia, it is estimated that land subsidence
could be as influential as climate-induced SLR over the 21st century (Cao The SLR affects economic growth, its drivers and welfare outcomes
et al., 2021; Nicholls et al., 2021). In East Asia and the Asia–Pacific in (Hallegatte, 2012; Pycroft et al., 2016; Lee and Asuncion, 2020) through
general (expected to see 0.2–0.5 m SLR), without adaptation, 1 million (a) permanent loss of land and natural capital, (b) loss of infrastructure
people (range of 0.3–2.2 million) are projected to be affected by and physical capital, (c) loss of social capital and migration, (d)
submergence under RCP8.5 by 2095. Limiting warming will reduce this temporary floods, food insecurity and loss of livelihoods and (e) added
risk, and under RCP4.5, these numbers of people at risk will be reached by expenditure for coastal protection. Without adaptation, direct damage
2140. However, continuing on RCP8.5 increases risk exposure to 7 million to the GDP by 2080 due to SLR would be highest in Asia (robust
(estimated range of 2–24 million people) (Haasnoot, 2021). Notably, evidence, medium agreement), with China losing between 64.2 billion
assuming present-day population and adaptation (in the form of existing USD (under A1B of 2.4°C by the 2050s and 3.8°C by the 2090s at
protection standards), East and South Asia already have a large number 0.47 m), 95.8 billion USD (under the RAHM scenario of 1.4 m SLR by
of people at risk of a 1-in-100-years flooding event (63 million) because 2100 at 1.12 m) and 118.4 billion USD (at a high SLR of 2 m by 2100 at
of relatively lower flood protection (except in China and Malaysia). 1.75 m) in direct damages, and an additional 5.7, 4.5 and 4.5 billion
USD, respectively, due to migration (Pycroft et al., 2016). Closely after
These global scenarios will have significant impacts on national and China will be India, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Indonesia and Russia.
subnational populations. For example, in Bangladesh, under 0.44 and Overall, Asia can experience direct losses of about 167.6 billion USD
2 m mean SLR, direct inundation is estimated to drive migration of (at 0.47 m), 272.3 billion USD (at 1.12 m) or 338.1 billion USD (at
5 Guangzhou, Mumbai, Kolkata, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Ho Chi Minh, Jakarta, Chennai, Surat, Zhanjiang, Bangkok, Xiamen and Nagoya
Chapter 10Asia
1.75 m), and an additional 8.5, 24 or 15 billion USD at the respective Permafrost thawing and associated risks
SLR projections, due to migration6.
In Northern Eurasia, observed and projected climate-change impacts Tropical cyclones are especially pronounced. On land, the presence of permafrost,
which occupies substantial areas of eastern Russia, Mongolia and
Globally, there is high confidence that the proportion of intense mountain regions of China, creates specific challenges for economic
tropical cyclones is expected to increase despite the total number of development and human activities. By 2050, it is likely that 69% of
tropical cyclones being expected to decrease or remain unchanged fundamental human infrastructure in the Pan Arctic will be at risk
(Arias et al., 2021), especially in Southeast and East Asia (Knutson (RCP 4.5 scenario)(medium confidence), including more than 1200
et al., 2015; Yamamoto et al., 2021). Historical trends from South Asia settlements (Hjort et al., 2018). The majority of the population and
indicate that more lives are lost due to storm surge levels than the the absolute majority (85%) of large settlements on permafrost are
intensity of the cyclone (Niggol and Bakkensen, 2017). The number of located in Russia, and 44% of those are expected to be profoundly
people exposed to 1-in-100-years storm surge events is highest in Asia. affected by permafrost thaw by 2050 (Streletskiy et al., 2019; Ramage
China, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam have the highest et al., 2021). Under RCP8.5, the climate-induced decrease of bearing
numbers of coastal populations exposed (Neumann et al., 2015) with capacity and, in regions with ice-rich permafrost, thaw subsidence,
Guangzhou, Mumbai, Shenzen, Tianjin, Ho Chi Minh City, Kolkata and is projected to affect 54% of all residential buildings on permafrost
Jakarta incurring losses of 1520 million USD due to coastal flooding in with a combined worth of 20.7 billion USD; 20% of commercial and
2005 alone (Dulal, 2019), although Jakarta is exposed to monsoonal industrial structures and 19% in critical infrastructure with a total
storm surge. It is projected that by 2050, without adaptation, the worth of 84.4 billion USD (Streletskiy, 2019). Transport infrastructure
annual losses incurred in these cities will increase to approximately in Russia and China are impacted by thaw subsidence and, to a lesser
32 billion USD (Dulal, 2019). degree, from frost heave, which add significant operational costs and
limit accessibility to remote settlements (Porfiriev et al., 2019; Ni
10 Globally, six of the top ten countries/places with the highest AAL et al., 2021).
associated with tropical cyclones are in Asia (Japan, Republic of Korea,
the Philippines, China, Taiwan, Province of China, and India) (Mori et al., Especially in Russia, significant populations and fixed infrastructure
2021a). The AAL associated with storm surge is primarily concentrated assets are located in urban centres on permafrost that is degrading
in Japan, China, Hong Kong SAR of China, and India. The AAL associated significantly. Two major risks associated with permafrost degradation
with wind and storm surge relative to the existing capital stock in are loss of permafrost bearing capacity and ground subsidence
the country is highest in New Caledonia, Tonga, Vanuatu, Palau, the (Streletskiy et al., 2015). The former determines the ability to support
Philippines, Fiji and the Solomon Islands, indicating less resilience. For foundations of buildings and structures and is a vital characteristic of
example, in Ise Bay, Japan, the current storm surges are estimated to sustainability of the economic centres, while the latter impacts the ability
lead to property and business damage of approximately 100.04 billion of critical infrastructure (roads, railroads) to provide transportation and
JPY with current adaptation (protective sea wall), but this can more support accessibility of remote populations and economic centres on
than double to 236.49 billion JPY under climate-change-induced permafrost. The proximity of some settlements to the coasts or areas
increases in storm surge intensity (Jiang et al., 2016). with uneven topography may further increase risks associated with
permafrost degradation as ice-rich coasts characterised by high rates Riverine floods of coastal erosion, while settlements located on slopes may experience
higher rates of mass wasting processes.
Over one-third of Asian cities and about 932 million urban dwellers live
in areas with high risk of flooding (Gu et al., 2015). Of 437 cities at low Changes in climate have resulted in permafrost warming and increased
risk of flood exposure but highly vulnerable to flood-related economic thaw depth in undisturbed locations (Biskaborn et al., 2019), but in
losses, approximately half are in Asia (Gu et al., 2015). built up areas these transformations have been exacerbated by human
activities (Grebenets et al., 2012). Norilsk, the largest city built on
Globally, China and India have the highest AALs associated with permafrost above the Arctic Circle (Shiklomanov et al., 2017b), was
riverine floods, with a magnitude of 13 and 6 billion USD, respectively. found to have one of the highest trends of near-surface permafrost
Other countries from Asia among the top ten of absolute AALs are warming (Streletskiy et al., 2012). Anomalous high temperatures and
Japan, Bangladesh and Thailand. There is an increased flood risk for earlier snowmelt in 2020 may have contributed to oil storage collapse
habitations on the deltas influenced by both riverine and coastal and the resulting spill of 20,000 tons of diesel fuel in Norilsk area
drivers of flooding (Szabo et al., 2016a), globally exposing 9.3% more (Rajendan et al., 2021). The ability of foundations to support structures
people annually to riverine flooding than otherwise estimated without has decreased by 10–40% relative to the 1960s in the majority of
the compounded influence (Eilander et al., 2020). Simultaneously, SLR settlements on permafrost in Russia (Streletskiy et al., 2012) and is
and subsidence are also expected to increase the risk due to frequent expected to further decrease by 20–33% by 2050–2059 relative to
flood events for these delta regions than the longer-return periods 2006–2015 (Streletskiy et al., 2019).
otherwise associated with SLR (Yin et al., 2020).
6 Cumulative migration in high SLR scenarios is always higher, but since much of the migration has already occurred in earlier decades, the additional migration is lower in the high-SLR scenarios than
the A1B scenario.
Asia Chapter 10
Drought, / / /
water scarcity
Cyclones na na na na / / na /
Permafrost thaw / na na na na na na na na na
Progress Institutional /
Infrastructural / /
Ecosystem-based / / /
Behavioural / / / 10
Figure 10.8 | Risks and key adaptation options in select cities across Asia. Cities were chosen to ensure coverage of different sub-regions of Asia, represent different
risk profiles, different city sizes (based on current population and projected growth) and reported progress on different adaptation strategies (infrastructural, institutional, ecosystem
based and behavioural). There is a full line of sight in SM10.4. Risks and impacts on infrastructure in services and affected supply chains (Hallegatte et al., 2019). East
Asia and the Pacific and South Asia have the highest adaptation
South Asia and Africa bear the highest losses from unreliable deficits in coastal protection with 75 billion USD in the former and
infrastructure, and climate change will increase these losses due to 49 billion USD in the latter (Nicholls et al., 2019). If overall damages
hazards and necessitate additional infrastructure investments to are minimised, low- and middle-income countries may need to invest
address new risks (Hallegatte et al., 2019; Lu, 2019)7. Specifically, 0.1–0.5% of their GDP annually up to 2030 for protection against both
power generation and transport infrastructure incur losses of 30 billion coastal and river floods, varying based on level of acceptable risks,
USD a year on average from hazards (about 15 billion USD each), with construction costs, urbanisation and climate uncertainties8.
low- and middle-income countries shouldering about 18 billion USD of
the total amount (Koks et al., 2019; Nicholls et al., 2019). • Power disruption: Contrasting with high-income, countries such
as the USA, where hazards, particularly storms, are responsible
Among the top 20 countries that are rapidly expanding their for 50% of power outages, this share is much lower in countries
infrastructure stock while facing high disaster risk and low infrastructure like Bangladesh or India, because system failures due to unnatural
quality, the Asian countries are Lao PDR, the Philippines, Bangladesh, causes are very frequent. However, outages caused by hazards
Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Bhutan and Vietnam. (UNISDR, 2017; WEF, tend to be longer and geographically more widespread than other
2018). The losses are due to direct damage to infrastructure, disruption outages (Rentschler et al., 2019). Climate-change-induced SLR is
7 While Hallegatte et al. (2019) estimate that in low- and middle-income countries, the cost of infrastructure disruptions ranges from 391 to 647 billion USD, they emphasise that ‘while these estimates
are incomplete, they highlight the substantial costs that unreliable infrastructure impose on people in low- and middle-income countries’.
8 Estimates are based on the DIVA model, which uses SSP2, 3 and 5, and RCP2.6, 4.5 and 8.5 in Nicholls et al. (2019), and investments from Ward et al. (2017). According to this study, uncertainty
regarding socioeconomic changes and climate change is small compared with the uncertainty around construction costs and tolerance to risk.
Chapter 10Asia
expected to impact power infrastructure, even necessitating power implemented adaptation (see also SM10.4). Most adaptation actions
plant relocation (Hallegatte et al., 2019). In Bangladesh, to avoid were focused on disaster risk management (Dulal, 2019), although the
inundations caused by SLR (SSP2, RCP8.5), approximately one-third proportion of climate finance spent on disaster preparedness is not
of power plants may need to be relocated by 2030. An additional very high (as Georgeson et al., 2016, show in the megacities of Beijing,
30% of power plants are likely to be affected by increased salinity Mumbai and Jakarta). Although key port cities across Asia are at high
of cooling water and increased frequency of flooding, while power risk of climate impacts, it is estimated that adaptation interventions
plants in the northern region will probably see a decrease in output constitute only a small proportion of cities’ climate efforts (Blok and
because of droughts (Hallegatte et al., 2019). In 2013 in Chittagong Tschötschel, 2015). Figure 10.8 shows risks and key adaptation options
(Pervin et al., 2020), users experienced about 16 power outages in select cities across Asia.
due to storms alone (Hallegatte et al., 2019). Furthermore, low-
carbon technology diffusion might make certain infrastructures Critically, most urban adaptation in South, East and Central Asia is
redundant, leading to stranded assets. reactive in nature (Dulal, 2019; Singh et al., 2021b), raising questions
on preparedness, proactive building of adaptive capacities and whether
Across Asia, infrastructure impacts are mixed: net importers, such as present actions can lock certain cities or sectors into maladaptive
China and India, will see GDP gains, while extreme examples include pathways (Friend et al., 2014; Gajjar et al., 2018; Salim et al., 2019; Chi
Russia, a net exporter, which could see steep declines in fossil fuel et al., 2020). China, India, Thailand and the Republic of Korea record
production (Mercure et al., 2018). In low- and middle-income countries the most number of urban adaptation initiatives, driven mainly by
globally, disruption in power supply can impact firms directly (up to supportive government policies (Lee and Painter, 2015; Dulal, 2019).
120 billion USD yr–1), with coping costs (up to 65 billion USD yr–1) and The number of actors working on urban adaptation is growing: in
other indirect impacts. Similarly, for households, the direct impact and addition to national governments and local municipalities, civil society,
cost of coping could be between 2.3 and 190 billion USD yr–1. Although private-sector actors (Shaw, 2019) and transnational municipal
all power outage is not due to natural hazards, there is a significant networks (Fünfgeld, 2015) are emerging as important for knowledge
10 number that is attributed to disasters. Besides, outages caused by brokering, capacity building and financing urban adaptation (Karanth
natural hazards tend to be longer and geographically larger than other and Archer, 2014; Chu et al., 2017; Bazaz et al., 2018).
causes (Hallegatte et al., 2019).
Adaptation options include: (a) infrastructural measures such as
• Transportation disruption: Of the 20 countries in which the building flood protection measures and sea walls, and climate-resilient
road and railway infrastructure is expected to be most affected highways and power infrastructure (Shaw et al., 2016b; Ho et al.,
in absolute terms due to multi-hazards, half are Asian (Koks et al., 2017); (b) sustainable land-use planning through zoning, developing
2019). In low- and middle-income countries globally, the direct building codes (Knowlton et al., 2014; Nahiduzzaman et al., 2015;
losses to firms on account of transportation disruption are about Rahman et al., 2016; Ahmed et al., 2019b); (c) ecosystem-based
107 billion USD yr–1, excluding the costs due to sales losses or adaptation measures such as protecting urban green spaces, improving
delayed supplies and deliveries alone (Hallegatte et al., 2019). In permeability, mangrove restoration in coastal cities, etc. (Brink et al.,
the transport sector, floods and other hazards disrupt traffic and 2016; Fink, 2016; Yu et al., 2018d); (d) relocation and migration out
cause congestion, taking a toll on people and firms in rich and of risk-prone areas (McLeman, 2019; Hauer et al., 2020; Maharjan
poor countries alike. et al., 2020); and (e) disaster management and contingency planning
• Water supply and disposal infrastructure disruption: In such as through Early warning systems (EWS), improved awareness
low- and middle-income countries, disruption of water supply and preparedness measures (Shaw et al., 2016a). Asian cities are also
could lead to direct losses of about 6 billion USD yr–1 for firms, focusing on institutional adaptation measures which cut across the
and between 88 and 153 billion USD yr–1 for households (due to five categories mentioned above such as through building capacity and
willingness to pay to avoid disruption). Additionally, there are local networks (Anguelovski et al., 2014; Friend et al., 2014; Knowlton
second-order costs associated with finding alternate sources of et al., 2014), improving awareness (Knowlton et al., 2014), and putting
water and also health issues (on the order of 6–9 billion USD yr–1 local research and monitoring mechanisms in place (Lee and Painter,
accounting for medical bills and missed income) (Hallegatte et al., 2015) to enable adaptation. Figure 10.9 shows the effectiveness of
2019). In China, climate models project that an increasing number select adaptation options in cities across Asia.
of wastewater-treatment-plant assets face climate-induced flood
hazards in both the near and distant future, potentially affecting as Infrastructural adaptation options
many as 208 million users by 2050 (Hu et al., 2019).
The challenge of adapting infrastructure to climate change across Asia
is twofold: there are significant infrastructure deficiencies, especially Adaptation in Cities Across Asia in low-income countries, and key infrastructures are at high risk due
to climate change (Hallegatte et al., 2019; Lu, 2019). Infrastructural
A review of urban adaptation in South, East and Central Asia found adaptation options in cities attempt to enable networked energy,
examples of 180 adaptation activities across 74 cities (Dulal, 2019). water, waste and transportation systems to prepare for, and deal
Most adaptation actions in Asia are in the initial stages (Araos with, climate risks better (Meerow, 2017) through interventions such
et al., 2016) with 57% focused on preparatory actions, such as as improved highways and power plants, climate-resilient housing,
capacity building and vulnerability assessment, and 43% focused on improved water infrastructure and so forth (ADB, 2014).
Asia Chapter 10
Efectiveness Evidence
Low Medium High Low Medium High
Figure 10.9 | Effectiveness of select adaptation options in cities across Asia. Effectiveness is assessed based on the option’s ability to reduce risk as reported in the
literature. 10
• Power infrastructure: Adaptations in electricity systems include • Built infrastructure: Current built-infrastructure adaptation
climate-resilient power infrastructure, particularly essential for interventions are mostly reactive (e.g., strengthening housing
coastal megacities such as Manila, Mumbai, Bangkok and Ho units, using sandbags during flooding, storing of food, evacuation)
Chi Minh City (Meerow, 2017; Duy et al., 2019), which double rather than preventive (e.g., relocation, building multi-storey and
as regional economic hubs and are home to tens of millions of stronger housing units), mainly due to limited resources within
people. In the Philippines, solar panels at water pumping stations most vulnerable households for investing in proactive measures
are installed to operate and maintain a minimal capacity to pump (Francisco and Zakaria, 2019). For cities in North Asia seeing per-
water if the electricity grid were to break down (Stip et al., 2019). mafrost thawing, adequate land-use practices, permafrost mon-
• Water infrastructure: Sustainable water supply and resource itoring, maintenance of infrastructure and engineering solutions
management are key to urban adaptation through improved (e.g., using thermosiphons) may temporarily offset the negative
water service delivery, wastewater recycling and storm-water effects of permafrost degradation in small, economically vital
diversion (Deng and Zhao, 2015; Xie et al., 2017; Yu et al., areas, but are unlikely to have an effect beyond the immediate
2018d). Infrastructure-based adaptation options in urban water areas (Shiklomanov et al., 2017b; Streletskiy, 2019). Importantly,
management include building water storage facilities, storm-water thawing permafrost and GHG emissions create feedbacks where
management and enhancing water quality improving permeability, emissions amplify warming and drive additional thaw. Reducing
managing runoff and enabling groundwater recharge. One these impacts through mitigation will reduce the need for adapta-
example is of Shanghai (China), where infrastructural and policy tion significantly (Schaefer et al., 2014).
incentives come together to enable adaptation: the city has been • Infrastructure and technology: Several infrastructural options
divided into 14 water conservancy zones, including 348 polder employ technology, such as smart meters, to monitor water usage
areas with 2517 km of dykes, 1499 pump stations and 2203 sluices and service delivery, but these are differentially adopted across
(Yu et al., 2018d). It also depends on a regional inundation control Asian sub-regions with higher adoption across East Asia. Examples
system, flood Early warning system and an emergency plan to deal include: the Yokohama smart city project in Japan, which has been
with flood risk and mitigate waterlogging (Chen et al., 2018e; Yu smart eco-urbanism interventions since 2011 (e.g., energy saving
et al., 2018d). Another example is Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), and storage infrastructure, wastewater management, behavioural
where, given significant increases in area at risk of flooding under change towards renewable energy and low-carbon transportation)
climate change, the city has invested in storm sewer upgradation, (IUC, 2019); the Tianjin Eco-city mega-project in China, which is
dike works, improving drainage and increasing the height of road testing a range of measures to meet urban sustainability goals in
embankments and minor bridges (Storch and Downes, 2011; ADB, partnership with Singapore (ICLEI, 2014b; Blok and Tschötschel,
2014; Ho et al., 2017). These infrastructural interventions were 2015); development in New Songdo (Republic of Korea), which is
complemented by designing an Early warning system to initiate experimenting with interventions, such as embedded smart waste
flood mitigation procedures, such as isolating critical electrical and management (Anthopoulos, 2017), and national policy initiatives
mechanical operating systems from water. such as the Smart Cities Mission covering 100 cities in India (e.g.
technology-enabled water, energy and land management for urban
Chapter 10Asia
agriculture in Nashik city) (ICLEI, 2014a). However, the efficacy of tenurial security or regularising informal settlements can incentivise
such measures, especially for larger sustainability and climate- improvements to housing quality, thereby alleviating vulnerability of
change goals, remains to be seen (ICLEI, 2014a; ICLEI, 2014b; the most marginal people (Mitchell et al., 2015).
Caprotti et al., 2015; Anthopoulos, 2017).
Land tenure arrangements strongly shape urban dwellers’ vulnerability
Infrastructural measures alone are seldom effective in building urban and their adaptive capacities (Roy et al., 2013; Michael et al., 2018).
resilience as seen in the examples of the 2011 floods in Bangkok and For example, in Khulna (Bangladesh), Roy et al. (2013) found significant
the 2005 typhoon in Manila (Duy et al., 2019), or projected estimates differences between the adaptive strategies of homeowners and renters
by Pervin et al. (2020) who found that structural interventions in in low-income settlements, a finding echoed in Bangalore (India)
existing drainage systems reduce flooding risk by 7–19% in Sylhet (Deshpande et al., 2018) and Phnom Penh (Cambodia) (Mitchell et al.,
(Bangladesh) and Bharatpur (Nepal); however, without proper 2015). In Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), land-based adaptation strategies
solid waste management, areas under flood risk could increase to include land zoning to control population and building density,
18.5% in Sylhet and 7.6% in Bharatpur in five years, rendering the demarcating environmental protection zones, and sub-urbanisation
infrastructural interventions ineffective over time. While in some cities (Nahiduzzaman et al., 2015; Rahman et al., 2016). In many Asian cities,
it is estimated that infrastructural adaptation through ‘hard’ flood land subsidence control can serve as an adaptation strategy since it is
protection strategies (e.g., storm surge barriers and floodwalls) is more estimated to significantly reduce relative SLR (high confidence). This has
effective than institutional or ecosystem-based adaptation by 2100, for an important implication in that subsidence control would be a good and
example, Shanghai. A hybrid approach where hard strategies protect complementary measure to climate mitigation and climate adaptation
from flood risk, and soft strategies reduce residual risk from hard in many coastal urban settings in Asia (Cao et al., 2021; Nicholls et al.,
strategies, is suggested (Du et al., 2020). In Japan, without adaptation, 2021). Urban land-use planning, if used proactively, can incentivise
estimated damage costs of floods (caused by tropical cyclones and adaptation–mitigation synergies and obviate unintended negative
altered precipitation) by 2081–2100 under RCP2.6 will be 28% higher consequences of urbanisation as Xu et al. (2019) have shown in Xiamen.
10 (compared with 1981–2000), rising to 57% higher under RCP8.5
(Yamamoto et al., 2021). With a combination of adaptation measures Ecosystem-based adaptation
(such as land-use control, piloti building and flood control measures),
estimated damage costs can be reduced even below the 1981–2000 The literature on urban ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA)9, especially
levels, and with a combination of mitigation and these adaptation across Asia, has grown significantly since AR5 (Demuzere and al., 2014;
measures, an estimated 69% reduction in flood damage costs are Yao et al., 2015; Brink et al., 2016; Bazaz et al., 2018; de Coninck et al.,
expected–demonstrating the importance of concerted and immediate 2018; Ren, 2018). This growing literature reflects the wide recognition
climate action in reducing damage. that infrastructural adaptation can often have ecological and social
trade-offs (Palmer et al., 2015) and need to be complemented by
Infrastructural interventions can sometimes be maladaptive when ecosystem-based actions to manage risk more effectively (Du et al.,
assessed over longer time periods: for example, the Mumbai Coastal 2020), build adaptive capacity, and in some cases, meet mitigation and
Road (MCR) project aimed at reducing flood risk and protecting against SDGs (Huang et al., 2020).
SLR will potentially cause damages to intertidal fauna and flora and
local fishing livelihoods (Senapati and Gupta, 2017); and Jakarta’s Illustrative examples of EbA in Asian cities include sponge cities
Great Garuda project aimed at reducing flood risk is expected to in China for sustainable water management, flood mitigation and
increase flood risk for the poorest urban dwellers (Salim et al., 2019). minimising heatwave impact (Jiang et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2018d; Wang
et al., 2019a; Zhanqiang et al., 2019), Singapore’s Active, Beautiful, Sustainable land-use planning and regulation Clean Waters (ABC Waters) Programme, which uses bio-engineering
approaches to protect river channels and prevent localised flooding,
Land use in cities impacts resource use (e.g., water, energy), risk (a improve water quality and create community spaces, and Dhaka’s
function of population density, service provision and hazard exposure) green roofs and urban agriculture (Zinia and McShane, 2018).
and adaptive capacity, all of which influence the efficacy of urban
adaptation (de Coninck et al., 2018). Locally suited land-use planning The EbA approaches to manage floods, capture and store rainwater,
and regulation (such as appropriate zoning or building codes and restore urban lakes and rivers, and reduce surface runoff often blend
safeguarding land rights) can have adaptation co-benefits (Mitchell infrastructural and ecosystem-based approaches. For example, in
et al., 2015; Dhar and Khirfan, 2016): for example, strict building Tokyo, stormwater management is done by sophisticated underground
regulations can protect urban wetlands and associated ecosystem infrastructure and an artificial infiltration stormwater system (Saraswat,
services (Jiang et al., 2015); appropriate land zoning can safeguard 2016; Mishra et al., 2019). China’s Sponge City Programme aims to
green spaces, ensure improvements in permeability and obviate new reduce the impacts of flooding through low-impact development
development in risk-prone locations (Duy et al., 2019); and ensuring measures, urban greenery and drainage infrastructure, such that 80% of
9 Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is defined by IPBES as the conservation, sustainable management and restoration of natural ecosystems to help people adapt to climate change (Glossary, 2019).
In urban areas, EbA includes improving ecological structures (e.g., maintaining watersheds, forests, green roofs), ecological functions and processes (e.g., wetland functioning for flood protection),
valuation measures (including monetary or non-monetary values to ecosystem service benefits) and investing in ecosystem management practices (i.e., enabling adaption co-benefits through the
maintenance, preservation and restoration or creation of ecological structures) (Liu et al., 2014a; Brink et al., 2016). Thus, EbA adaptation actions include protecting urban green spaces, improving
permeability, fostering urban agriculture, mangrove restoration in coastal cities, improved wetland management and so forth (Doswald et al., 2014; Brink et al., 2016; de Coninck et al., 2018).
Asia Chapter 10
Figure 10.10 | Evidence of the effectiveness of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) using examples of four commonly used EbA options10. Effectiveness is
assessed qualitatively based on the evidence (for a full line of sight see SM10.5) and is examined through four framings: potential to reduce risk (e.g., reduced exposure to hazard
means to reduce risk); benefits to ecosystems (through improved ecosystem health and high biodiversity); economic benefits (e.g., improved incomes, fewer man-days lost, better
livelihoods); and human well-being outcomes (e.g., health, quality of life, etc.). The darker shading signifies high effectiveness and the lightest shade signifies low effectiveness of
an EbA option (i.e., the option scores low on the indicator).
urban areas reuse 70% of rainwater by 2020, which would help ensure et al., 2019). However, it can potentially undermine ecosystem services
the resilience of these cities to floods (Li et al., 2016b; Stip et al., 2019). through land-use changes, water overextraction or applying chemical 10
fertilisers (Ackerman et al., 2014), exposure of smallholders to volatile
Case studies on urban EbA also raise equity concerns (medium markets and crops that are not consumed by farming households
evidence, medium agreement) such as interventions biased themselves (thus undermining food security) or increasing the work
towards suburban areas in Haizhu District, Guangzhou (China) (Zhu burdens on women, as well as health externalities (e.g. through use
et al., 2019); inadequate consideration of low-income, vulnerable of untreated wastewater, or rearing poultry and livestock in unsanitary
populations (Blok and Tschötschel, 2015; Meerow, 2017; Mabon and conditions). There remain gaps in understanding the differential impacts
Shih, 2021); and low familiarity with interventions such as artificial of urban agriculture at different scales as well as its effectiveness in
wetlands, water retention ponds as well as green façades and walls improving adaptive capacity at scale.
can restrict inclusiveness (Zinia and McShane, 2018). Furthermore,
urban EbA is constrained by a range of factors such as inadequate Migration and planned relocation
institutional structures and processes for connecting different remits
and knowledge systems along with trade-offs in land use for different There is medium evidence with high agreement that climatic risks
purposes (Mabon and Shih, 2021; Singh et al., 2021b). are exacerbating internal and international migration across Asia
(see Box 10.2; IDMC, 2019; Maharjan et al., 2020). In coastal cities,
The EbA interventions are not uniform across Asian cities: in a global formal ‘retreat’ measures, such as forced displacement and planned
study on urban EbA, Brink et al. (2016) found that Eastern Asia, India relocation (Oppenheimer et al., 2019), are commonly considered ‘last
and Israel report most EbA interventions and that there is variable and resort’ adaptation strategies once other infrastructural and ecosystem-
limited evidence on effectiveness and scalability (SM10.5). Using a based protect-and-accommodate strategies are exhausted (CCP2.3)
risk framing (i.e., the extent to which an option reduces risk), urban (Haasnoot et al., 2019). In contrast, migration (which can take various
EbA options in Asian cities score as being ‘low to medium’ effective forms from seasonal, temporary mobility to circular or permanent
(see SM10.5); however, when the assessment is expanded to include movement) is a regular feature across Asian urban settlements
the ecosystem benefits, economic impacts and human well-being co- (Box 10.2, CCB MIGRATE, Maharjan et al., 2020).
benefits of EbA, effectiveness increases. Figure 10.10 shows evidence
of the effectiveness of EbA. There is robust evidence (medium agreement) that across Asia,
migration (and increasingly planned relocation) will continue to be a
For example, urban agriculture is identified as offering multiple benefits key risk management strategy, especially in low-lying flood-prone cities
such as mitigating emissions associated with food transportation (e.g., in Southeast and South Asia) and across drylands (e.g., in South
from rural to urban areas, improving food and nutritional security, and Central Asia) (Davis et al., 2018; Ajibade, 2019; Lincke and Hinkel,
strengthening local livelihoods and economic development, improved 2021). While there is insufficient evidence to project migration numbers
microclimate, soil conservation, improved water and nutrient recycling, under different warming levels, it is well established that migration as
and efficient water management (Padgham and Dietrich, 2015; Patil an adaptation strategy is not equally available to all (Ayeb-Karlsson,
10 Assessing the effectiveness of adaptation actions is challenging because of the lack of a clear goal that signifies effective adaptation, varied conceptual framings and metrics used to assess
effectiveness, and low empirical evidence on the effectiveness of implemented adaptation actions (Owen, 2020; Singh et al., 2021a).
Chapter 10Asia
2020), and climatic risks might reduce vulnerable populations’ ability warnings through mobile phones or mobilising relief through social
to move due to loss of assets, thus reinforcing existing inequalities and media (Carley et al., 2016), are proving effective for disaster prepared-
differential adaptive capacities (Blondin, 2019; Zickgraf, 2019; Singh ness, relief and recovery. Community-based DRR is consistently rank-
and Basu, 2020; Cundill et al., 2021; Gavonel et al., 2021). ed as most effective for its role in transforming DRR towards being
more context relevant and inclusive. Ecosystem-based DRR (EbDRR)
There is medium evidence (low agreement) about the effectiveness of is also gaining prominence and includes strategies such as mangrove
migration and planned relocation in reducing risk exposure. Evidence plantation and rejuvenation in vulnerable coastal areas. Nature-based
on climate-driven internal migration shows that moving has mixed solutions for flood protection and reducing drought incidence have
outcomes on risk reduction and adaptive capacity. On one hand, emerged as an alternative to costlier ‘hard’ infrastructure (UN-Water,
migration can improve adaptive capacity by increasing incomes and 2018; Zevenbergen et al., 2018; Rozenberg and Fay, 2019). Some cities
remittances as well as diversifying livelihoods (Maharjan et al., 2020); are also reporting adaptation to heat risk. For example, Ahmedabad
on the other, migration can expose migrants to new risks. For example, (India) has pioneered preparedness for extreme temperatures and
in Bangalore (India), migrants often face high exposure to localised heatwaves by developing annual Heat Action Plans, building regula-
flooding, insecure and unsafe livelihoods, and social exclusion, which tions to minimise trapping heat, advisories about managing heat stress
collectively shape their vulnerability (Michael et al., 2018; Singh and and instituting a cool-roofs policy (Ahmedabad Municipal, 2018).
Basu, 2020). In greater Manila (the Philippines) and Chennai (India),
planned relocations to reduce disaster risk have often exacerbated Financing, regulations and institutional processes play a significant
vulnerability, due to relocation sites being in environmentally sensitive role in incentivising DRR and resilience in large-scale, city-level built
areas, inadequate livelihood opportunities and exposure to new risks infrastructure by the private sector and other actors. Currently there
(Meerow, 2017; Ajibade, 2019; Jain et al., 2021). are gaps in these mechanisms, leading to infrastructure development
in disaster-prone areas, increasing exposure to people, property, Disaster management and contingency planning economy and systems (Jain, 2013). Both firms and governments need
10 to take disaster risks into consideration in supply-chain management
There is rich case-based evidence across Asia on urban adaptation to avoid disruptions and subsequent negative effects (Abe and Ye,
to extreme events with relatively more evidence on rapid-onset 2013). There are several institutional challenges faced during DRR
events such as cyclones and flooding than slow-onset disasters such and CCA implementation including overlapping efforts and inefficient
as drought (see Box 10.6; Ray and Shaw, 2019; UNESCAP, 2019; use of scarce resources due to inappropriate funding mechanisms,
Singh et al., 2021a). Overall, there has been a growing emphasis on a lack of coordination and collaboration, a lack of implementation
‘build back better’ interventions (Mannakkara and Wilkinson, 2013; and mainstreaming, scale mismatches, poor governance, the social–
Hallegatte et al., 2018) that approach disaster management holistically political–cultural structure, competing actors and institutions, and lack
through infrastructural solutions such as climate-resilient housing of information, communication, knowledge sharing, and community
or sea walls and soft approaches such as strengthening livelihoods, involvement, as well as policy gaps (Seidler et al., 2018; Islam et al.,
developing EWS11, increasing awareness about disaster risks and 2020).
impacts, and building local capacities to deal with them (Bhowmik
et al., 2021). Notably, urban disaster management is effective when Enabling Urban Adaptation Across Asia
land-use planning processes, including greenfield development, zoning
and building codes, and urban redevelopment, are leveraged to reduce There is growing empirical evidence of conditions enabling and
and/or obviate risk, thereby averting potential maladaptation (Kuhl constraining urban adaptation (Table 10.3) with relatively more literature
et al., 2021). from South, Southeast and East Asia. Governance and capacity-related
deficits are repeatedly identified as significant barriers to urban
There is relatively lower empirical evidence on how microenterprises adaptation (robust evidence, high agreement) and interact with financial
and businesses are adapting to increased risk, but recent examples and informational constraints to mediate adaptation action.
in Mumbai, India (Schaer and Pantakar, 2018), and Kratie, Cambodia
(Ngin et al., 2020), suggest that businesses primarily adopt temporary
and reactive responses rather than long-term, anticipatory adaptation 10.4.7 Health and Well-Being
Climate change is increasing risks to human health in Asia by increasing
A review of innovative DRR approaches notes the use of geographic exposure and vulnerability to extreme weather events such as
information system (GIS) and drone-based technologies for mapping heatwaves, flooding and drought, and air pollutants, increasing vector-
risk exposure and impacts, mobile-based payments for post-disaster and water-borne diseases, undernutrition, mental disorders and allergic
compensation, and transnational initiatives and learning networks to diseases (high confidence). Sub-regional diversity in socioeconomic and
promote urban resilience (Izumi et al., 2019). Furthermore, technology- demographic contexts (e.g., ageing, urban compared with agrarian
based innovations, such as using big data (Yu et al., 2018b), improved society, increasing population compared with reduced birth rate,
11 The set of technical, financial and institutional capacities needed to generate and disseminate timely and meaningful warning information to enable individuals, communities and organisations
threatened by a hazard to prepare to act promptly and appropriately to reduce the possibility of harm or loss. Depending on context, EWS may draw upon scientific and/or Indigenous knowledge.
These EWS are also considered for ecological applications (e.g., conservation, where the organisation itself is not threatened by hazard but the ecosystem under conservation is; an example is coral
bleaching alerts), in agriculture (e.g., warnings of ground frost and hailstorms) and in fisheries (e.g., storm and tsunami warnings) (IPCC, 2018a).
Asia Chapter 10
Knowledge sharing through transnational municipal networks such as C40, Data gaps on projected climate risks and impacts in certain sub-regions and
ACCRN and A-PLAT (Fünfgeld, 2015) small settlements (Revi et al., 2014)
City-level knowledge creation and knowledge-transfer institutions (Lee and Numerous tools for assessing vulnerability and adaptation planning (Nordgren
Painter, 2015) et al., 2016)
Inadequate regional downscaled data at the city scale (ADB, 2013; Khaling et al.,
Technology and Early warning systems, climate information and modelling studies inform 2018);
infrastructure adaptation decision making (Reed et al., 2015; Singh et al., 2018a) inadequate cost–benefit analyses of different adaptation strategies (Khaling et al.
high income compared with low to middle income), and geographic behind this remains unknown (high confidence) (Chung et al., 2017c;
characteristics, largely define the differential vulnerabilities and impacts Chung et al., 2018).
in Asia (high confidence).
Rising ambient temperature accelerates pollutant formation reactions Observed Impacts and may modify air-pollution-related health effects (medium
confidence). Higher temperatures are associated with the increased
High temperatures affect mortality and morbidity in Asia (high effects of ozone on mortality (Shi et al., 2020). Climate change causes
confidence). In addition to all-cause mortality (Dang et al., 2016; Chen intensified droughts and greater wind erosion resulting in increased
et al., 2018e), deaths related to circulatory, respiratory, diabetic (Li intensity and frequency of sand and dust storms (Akhtar et al., 2018).
et al., 2014b) and infectious diseases (Ingole et al., 2015), as well as Mortality and hospital admissions for circulatory and respiratory
infant mortality (Son et al., 2017), are increased with high temperature diseases are increased after exposures to Asian dust events (high
(high confidence). Increased hospital admissions (Giang et al., 2014; confidence) (Hashizume et al., 2020). El Niño has a major influence
Lin et al., 2019) and ambulance transport (Onozuka and Hagihara, on weather patterns in various regions. For example, it causes dry
2015) coincide with increased ambient temperature (high confidence). conditions that sometimes result in forest fires and transboundary
Heatwaves are particularly detrimental to all-cause and cause-specific haze that increased all-cause mortality in children by 41% in Malaysia
mortality (Chen et al., 2015a; Lee et al., 2016; Guo et al., 2017b; Yin et al., (Sahani et al., 2014).
2018). Both rural and urban populations are vulnerable to heat-related
mortality (Ma et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2016a; Wang et al., 2018a). Ambient temperature is associated with the risk of an outbreak of
Individuals with lower degrees of education and socioeconomic status, mosquito-borne disease in South and Southeast Asia (high confidence)
older individuals and individuals living in communities with less green (Servadio et al., 2018). Warmer climates are associated with a higher
space are more susceptible to heat-related mortality (high confidence) incidence of malaria (Xiang et al., 2018). Moderate rainfall also
(Yang et al., 2012a; Huang et al., 2015b; Seposo et al., 2015; Son et al., promotes malaria infection, while excessive rainfall decreases the risk
2016; Kim and Kim, 2017). These heat effects have been attenuating of malaria (Wu et al., 2017b). El Niño intensity is positively associated
over recent decades in East Asian countries, although the driving force with malaria incidence in a single year in India (Dhiman and Sarkar,
Chapter 10Asia
2017). The duration and survival rate of dengue mosquito development, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress will be approximately 250,000
mosquito density, mosquito biting activity, mosquito spatio-temporal deaths per year in 2030–2050 under the medium-to-high emissions
range and distribution, and mosquito flying distance are all affected scenario, assuming no adaptation (World Health Organization, 2014).
by temperature (high confidence) (Li et al., 2018b). Temperature, The impacts are expected to be greatest in South, East and Southeast
precipitation, humidity and air pressure are major weather factors Asia. Another projection showed that the change in heat-related deaths
associated with dengue fever transmission (high confidence) (Sang is largest in Southeast Asia, which was a 12.7% increase at the end of
et al., 2014; Choi et al., 2016; Xu et al., 2017). the century under a high-emissions scenario (Gasparrini et al., 2017). As
the proportion of older individuals in the population rises, the number of
Climate change alters the hydrological cycle by increasing the years lost due to disability increases more steeply (Chung et al., 2017b). In
frequency of extreme weather events such as excess precipitation, the 2080s, the number of annual temperature-related deaths is estimated
storm surges, floods and droughts (high confidence). Water-borne to reach twice that in the 1980s in China (Li et al., 2018c). Over a 20-year
diseases, such as diarrhoea, leptospirosis and typhoid fever, can period in the mid-21st century (2041–2060), the incidence of excess heat-
increase in incidence following heavy rainfall, tropical cyclones and related mortality in 51 cities in China is estimated to reach 37,800 (95%
flooding events (high confidence) (Deng et al., 2015; Levy et al., 2016; CI: 31,300–43,500) deaths per year under RCP8.5 (Bazaz et al., 2018).
Li et al., 2018b; Matsushita et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019b). Droughts
can cause increased concentrations of pathogens, which overwhelm Increased concentrations of fine particulate matter and ozone
water-treatment plants and contaminate surface water. A positive influenced by extreme events such as atmospheric stagnations and
association between ambient temperature and bacterial diarrhoea heatwaves are projected to result in an additional 12,100 and 8,900
has been reported, compared with a negative association with viral deaths per year due to fine particulate matter and ozone exposure,
diarrhoea (Carlton et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2018c). respectively, in China in the mid-century under RCP4.5 (Hong et al.,
2019a). Excess ozone-related future premature deaths is noticeable
Asia has the highest prevalence of undernourishment in the world, in 2030 in East Asia and India for RCP8.5 (over 95% of global excess
10 which was 11.4% in 2017, representing more than 515 million people. mortality) (Silva et al., 2016).
Southeast Asia has been affected by adverse climate conditions such
as floods and cyclones, with impacts on food availability and prices The global estimates for increases in malaria and dengue deaths
(FAO, 2018d). Crop destruction due to tropical cyclones can include salt (annual estimates) are approximately 32,700 and 280 additional
damage from tides blowing inland (medium confidence) (Iizumi and deaths, respectively, in 2050 under the medium-to-high emissions
Ramankutty, 2015). Sea level rises result in intrusion of saline water scenario (World Health Organization, 2014). Among these additional
into the coastal area of Bangladesh and people living in this area face deaths, 9,300 and 200 deaths, respectively, are projected to occur in
an increased risk of hypertension resulting from high salt consumption South Asia. The population at risk of malaria infection is estimated to
(Scheelbeek et al., 2016). increase by 134 million by 2030 in South Asia under the medium-to-
high emissions scenario, considering socioeconomic development. If
Weather conditions have been linked to mental health. High temperatures no actions are taken, malaria incidence in northern China is projected
increase the risk of mental problems including mental disorders, to increase by 69–182% by 2050 (Song et al., 2016). Another study
depression, distress and anxiety in Vietnam (Trang et al., 2016), Hong suggested a decrease in climate suitability for malaria in northern and
Kong SAR of China (Chan et al., 2018) and the Republic of Korea (Lee eastern India, southern Myanmar, southern Thailand, the Malaysia
et al., 2018d). In addition, high temperatures are reported to increase border region, Cambodia, eastern Borneo and Indonesia by 2050
the risk of mortality from suicide in Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, (Khormi and Kumar, 2016). By contrast, climate suitability for malaria is
Province of China (Kim et al., 2016c), India (Carleton, 2017) and China projected to increase in the southern and southeast mainland of China
(Luan et al., 2019). Extreme weather events, such as storms, floods, and Taiwan, Province of China (Khormi and Kumar, 2016).
hurricanes and cyclones, increase injuries and mental disorders (post-
traumatic stress disorder and depressive disorders) (Rataj et al., 2016), Dengue incidence is projected to increase to 16,000 cases per year
thereby negatively affecting well-being (high confidence). by 2100 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, if ambient temperatures increase by
3.3°C without any adaptation measures or changes in socioeconomic
Higher temperatures and increased CO2 elevate the level of allergens conditions (Banu et al., 2014). This would represent an increase in
such as pollen, which can result in increased allergic diseases, such as incidence of over fortyfold compared with 2010. Higher numbers of
asthma and allergic rhinosinusitis. The association between variations in dengue fever cases are projected to occur under RCP8.5 than RCP2.6
ambient temperature and the occurrence of asthma has been reported in China (Song et al., 2017). Compared with the average numbers
in several Asian countries/regions such as Japan (Yamazaki et al., 2015), in 1997–2012, the annual number of days suitable for dengue fever
the Republic of Korea (Kwon et al., 2016), China (Li et al., 2016a) and transmission in the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s will increase by 15, 25
Hong Kong SAR of China (medium confidence) (Lam et al., 2016). and 40 d, respectively, in southern China under RCP8.5. In addition,
areas in which year-round dengue fever epidemics occur will likely Projected Impacts increase by 4500, 8800 and 20,700 km2 in the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s,
respectively, under RCP8.5 (Nahiduzzaman et al., 2015).
Climate change is associated with significantly increased mortality (high
confidence). Figure 10.11 shows projected health impacts due to climate The global estimates for increases in deaths due to diarrhoeal
change in Asia. The global estimates of excess deaths due to malnutrition, disease (annual estimates) in children under 15 years in 2030 and
Asia Chapter 10
according to four
different climate
change scenarios 0%
37,800 deaths per year excess heat-related mortality in 51 chinese cities 12.7%
12,100 death per year atmospheric stagnations due to Increased concentrations of fine particulate matter largest
8,900 deaths per year due to ozone influenced by extreme events such as heatwaves in Asia
Double amount of temperature-related deaths since 1980s
Reduce South and Southeast Asia: highest risk regions for reduced Other deaths South Asia: additional deaths in children aged under 5 years
dietary Iron dietary iron intake among women of childbearing age and due to climate change attributable to moderate and severe stunting in 2030 and
children under 5 years due to elevated CO2 concentrations 2050 are approximately 20,700 and 16,500, respectively
2050 are approximately 48,000 and 33,000 additional deaths, communities leading to significant shortages of drinking water in the
respectively, under the medium-to-high emissions scenario (World coastal urban areas (Dasgupta et al., 2014c).
Health Organization, 2014). Among these additional deaths, 14,900
and 7,700 deaths, respectively, are projected to occur in South Asia. Adaptation Options/Co-benefits
An updated projection with a pathogen-specific approach estimated
25,000 additional annual diarrhoeal deaths in Asia in 2080–2095 The health co-benefits of GHG mitigation measures in energy
under the high-emissions scenario (Chua et al., 2021), while in some generation have been reported to reduce disease burden. In China,
countries, such as Japan, net reductions in temperature-induced the implementation of GHG policies would reduce the air-pollution-
infectious diarrhoeal cases were estimated, because viral infections associated disease burden by 44% in 2020 under the Integrate Carbon
are dominant in these countries during the cold season (Onozuka Reduction scenario compared with the business-as-usual scenario
et al., 2019). (Liu et al., 2017b). Transition to a half-decarbonised power supply for
the residential and transport sectors would prevent 55,000–69,000
South and Southeast Asia are projected to be among the highest-risk deaths in 2030 compared with the business-as-usual scenario (Peng
regions for reduced dietary iron intake among women of childbearing et al., 2018). A shift in travel modes from private motor vehicles to the
age and children under five years due to elevated CO2 concentrations use of mass rapid-transit lines is estimated to reduce CO2-equivalent
(medium confidence) (Smith and Myers, 2018). The estimated number emissions by 6% in greater Kuala Lumpur and bring important health
of additional deaths due to climate change in children aged under co-benefits to the population (Kwan et al., 2017). The 25 measures
five years attributable to moderate and severe stunting in 2030 and developed for reducing air pollution levels in Asia and the Asia–
2050 are approximately 20,700 and 16,500, respectively, in South Pacific in general would reduce CO2 emissions in 2030 by almost
Asia, under the medium-to-high emissions scenario (World Health 20% relative to baseline projections and decrease warming by 0.3°C
Organization, 2014). In Bangladesh, due to climate change, river by 2050, which could eventually reduce heat-related excess deaths
salinity is projected to be increased in coastal and freshwater fishery in the region (UNEP, 2019). The 25 measures include conventional
Chapter 10Asia
emissions controls focusing on emissions that lead to the formation Findings
of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), next-stage air-quality measures for
reducing emissions that lead to the formation of PM2.5 and are not In order to facilitate local adaptation, especially in a context characterised
yet major components of clean-air policies in many parts of the region, by regional diversity and spatio-temporal variation, climate-adaptive
and measures contributing to development-priority goals with benefits governance invites greater policy attention to institution building
for air quality. Health co-benefits outweigh mitigation costs in the (formal and informal) at multiple scales and across sectors (Mubaya
Republic of Korea up to 2050 (Kim et al., 2020). Low-carbon pathways and Mafongoya, 2017). An incremental EbA approach underlines
consistent with the 2°C and 1.5°C long-term climate targets defined in the advantage of drawing upon ecosystem services for reducing
the Paris Agreement are associated with the largest health co-benefits vulnerabilities, increasing resilience of communities to adapt to climate
when coordinated with stringent air pollution controls in Asia followed change, and minimising threats to social systems and human security,
by Africa and Middle East (Rafaj et al., 2021). provided climate change remains below 2°C or, better yet, below the
1.5°C of global warming (Barkdull and Harris, 2018).
Strategies to increase energy efficiency in urban environments by
compact urban design and circular-economy policies can reduce GHG Focus on multi-level governance, both below and beyond the state level,
emissions and reap ancillary health benefits; for example, compared is steadily growing (Jogesh and Dubash, 2015; Jörgensen et al., 2015;
with conventional single-sector strategies, national CO2 emissions Beermann et al., 2016). Discernible diversity across political systems and
can be reduced by 15–36%, and the annual deaths from 25,500 to sectors in Asia notwithstanding, issues relevant to multi-level climate
57,500 are avoidable from air pollution reduction in 637 Chinese cities governance includes interplay between top-down national initiatives,
(Ramaswami et al., 2017). In a city in China, the existing mitigation which stem from supranational, regional and sub-regional levels. In the
policies (e.g., promotion of tertiary and high-tech industry) and the case of India, national climate governance has proliferated beyond the
one-adaptation policy (increasing resilience) increased the co-benefits National Action Plan on Climate Change to include State Action Plans on
for well-being (Liu et al., 2016a). Climate Change of over 28 states and union territories, demonstrating
10 graphically the shared ‘co-benefit’ in terms of creating greater space for
Changing dietary patterns, particularly reducing red meat consumption innovation and experimentation (Jörgensen et al., 2015).
and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, contributes to reduced
GHG emissions as well as reduced premature deaths. The adoption of In Japan’s Climate Change Adaptation Act, enacted by the Japanese
global dietary guidelines was estimated to prevent 5.1 million deaths Diet in June 2018, the national government shall formulate a national
per year relative to the reference scenario in which the largest number action plan to promote adaptation in all sectors. This Act recommends
of avoidable deaths occurred in East Asia and South Asia, and GHG that prefectures and municipalities designate a ‘local climate change
emissions would be reduced most in East Asia (Springmann et al., adaptation centre’ as a local climate-change data collection and
2016). In China, dietary shifts to meet national dietary reference provision centre to provide more locally specific information and
intakes reduced the daily carbon footprint by 5–28% depending on the support for adaptation planning at the level of local municipalities.
scenario (Song et al., 2017). In India, the optimised healthy diets (e.g., The Japanese government, in partnership with the private sector, has
lower amounts of wheat and increased amounts of legumes) could formulated a new comprehensive strategy, named Society 5.0, which
help reduce up to 30% water use per person for irrigation and reduce aims at devising a number of technologically innovative solutions
diet-related GHG emissions. This would result in 6800 life-years gained (Mavrodieva and Shaw, 2020).
per 100,000 population in 2050 (Milner et al., 2017).
Significantly, the co-benefit concept for international city partnerships
along with comparative analysis of the challenges, capabilities and
10.5 Adaptation Implementation limitations of urban areas in Asia with regard to CCA governance
remains under-researched (Beermann et al., 2016).
10.5.1 Governance
In the case of Vietnam, especially at district and community levels, Points of Departure where the policy capacities in hierarchical governance systems to
deal with climate-change impacts are generally constrained, the value
Climate-change governance is characterised by a scalar/stakeholder of clear legal institutions, provision of financing for implementing
turn which includes: (a) acknowledgement of the importance of both policies and the training opportunities for governmental staff has been
subnational and transnational–regional scales along with the global well demonstrated (Phuong et al., 2018b). A key finding is that any
scale; (b) involvement of diverse stakeholders in decision-making effort to support local actors (i.e., smallholder farmers) should ensure
systems; (c) reliance on bottom-up architectures of governance that augmentation of policy capacity through necessary investments.
are supported by the framework given by the SDGs; (d) emphasis
on developmental and environmental co-benefits; (e) recognition of In the case of China, a combination of market-based policies,
diverse experiences of marginalisation and social stratification, and emissions trading systems, a growing number of environmental non-
their impacts on participation in governance-related activities; and (f) governmental organisations (NGOs) and international networks appear
greater decentralisation and strengthening of local institutions. to be serving as an important tool for climate governance (Ramaswami
et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017b). Public private partnership (PPP) too
is receiving increasing focus, especially with regard to climate-related
Asia Chapter 10
cost-effective and innovative infrastructure projects. In the absence climate change (Ali and Erenstein, 2017) and that farmers who are
of major investments in resilience, climate change may force up to younger, better educated, belong to joint families and possess more
77 million people into a poverty trap by 2030 (World Bank, 2016). landholdings are likely to adapt sooner and better. Correspondingly,
As seen in the case of Japan, most of the countries in Asia face the this category achieved higher levels of income and food security.
challenge of contractual allocation of risks associated with natural The climate-development nexus suggests that CCA practices at the
hazards and climate change between the public and private sectors farm level can have significant development outcomes, besides
and its long-term management in the face of uncertainty. Risk sharing, reducing risk posed by changing weather patterns. Central to the
therefore, could be addressed by clear definition and allocation (World CCA process is the growing recognition of the role that institutions
Bank, 2017). Given that in Asia, especially Singapore, China, Japan play in both the hierarchical setting and across different scales to
and Republic of Korea, where the water sector is a target of industrial influence implementation of CCA in diverse areas of governance
and technology policy, PPPs could prove to be mutually beneficial. As across social and political domains. Cuevas (2018) highlights the
a middle ground, key findings of a study on Indonesia (Yoseph-Paulus usefulness of mainstreaming CCA into local land-use planning in
and Hindmarsh, 2016) underline the importance of building, sustaining Albay, the Philippines, by involving networks of interacting institutions
and augmenting local capacity by addressing inadequacies with regard and institutional arrangements for overcoming obstacles that are
to resource endowment and capacity building, public awareness about potentially counterproductive and conflictual.
climate change, government–community partnerships, vulnerability
assessment and providing inclusive decision-making spaces to As noted by AR5 (IPCC, 2014a), research on issues related to both
Indigenous knowledge systems and communities. climate-change impacts on livestock production–demand for which is
expected to double by 2050 in a world of 10 billion people–and policy
In the agriculture sector, farmers in Asia are adapting to climate choices with regard to adaptation, especially at the local scale, is still
change at the grassroots level (Tripathi and Mishra, 2017). A recent, limited but progressing (Rojas-Downing et al., 2017). The promise of
comprehensive and systematic review (Shaffril et al., 2018) shows how diversification of livestock animals (within species), crop diversification
farmers in diverse sub-regions of Asia have adopted diverse adaptation and transition to mixed crop–livestock systems needs to be further 10
strategies through management of crops, irrigation and water, farms, explored. A study of livestock farmers in Pakistan showed that risk-
finances, physical infrastructure and social activities. Much more coping mechanisms, such as purchasing livestock insurance and
qualitative research on farmers’ perceptions and decision-making increasing land areas for fodder, are far more rewarding policy options
processes about adaptation practices is needed in order to capture in comparison with selling livestock and migrating to another place.
their location-specific priorities and get a diverse understanding of Relatedly, the association of migration with adaptation measures is
the risks and threats. A study of Vietnamese smallholder farmers’ context specific and involves a number of factors pertaining to the
perceptions of their current and future capacity to adapt to climate socioeconomic circumstances of vulnerable agricultural groups in
change (Phuong et al., 2018a) found considerable differences between countries like India and Bangladesh (Ojha et al., 2014). In the 2010
farmers in crop production and livestock production in terms of their United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Cancun
motives behind adopting particular planned adaptation options. Adaptation Framework, migration was recognised as a form of
adaptation that should be included in a country’s long-term adaptation
A study on farmers’ awareness of, and adaptation to, climate change in planning where appropriate (Paragraph 14 f).
the dry zones of Myanmar, critically dependent on agriculture, indicates
how those at the front line of the adverse effects of climate change Furthermore, agricultural climate-adaptation policy targeting livestock
are steadily abandoning the common sesame/groundnut cropping farmers in rural areas is very likely to benefit from better education and
pattern, and trying to adapt to risks and uncertainties with the aid awareness as well as increased access to extension services among
of conventional agricultural practices such as rainwater collection, livestock farmers on climate risk-coping choices and strategies (Rahut
water-harvesting techniques and even traditional weather forecasting and Ali, 2018). In Myanmar, the lack of adequate agricultural extension
techniques for weather prediction. Similarly, a case study of the Gandak strategies has had a negative impact on adaptation outcomes in what
basin in Nepal showed that incorporation of local knowledge into is labelled the ‘central dry zone’. Farmers’ perceptions of climate change
agricultural practices and weather warning systems works best when contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the context where
coupled with multiple sources of information based on a method of they identify deforestation and related activities as the main culprits.
triangulation. This also intersects with gender outcomes, where women Their adaptive methods include agricultural land preparation and crop
frequently receive information from the men of their households rather rotation practices in addition to rainwater-harvesting techniques (Swe
than directly from state institutional sources (Acharya and Prakash, et al., 2015). A study of vulnerable areas in Bangladesh (Alam et al., 2017)
2019). Climate-change adaptive governance is facilitated by improved has shown that with policy support, livestock rearing can prove to be a
cross-scalar and cross-sectoral cooperation, exchange of information viable substitute for crop production in areas prone to riverbank erosion.
and experiences, and best practices (Smith et al., 2014; Watts et al., Carefully developed partnerships between government organisations
2015; Gamble et al., 2016; Gilfillan et al., 2017). and NGOs can come to the rescue of poor farmers and their precarious
households by providing information about best practices for local
An integrated approach informed by science, which examines adaptation strategies, including credit options with various institutions
multiple stressors along with Indigenous knowledge, appears to be and creating an enabling environment for the promotion of agro-based
of immense value (Elum et al., 2017). A study on Pakistan concluded industries. A study in community forestry in the Indian Himalayan region
that poor agricultural communities are among the worst victims of (Gupta and Koontz, 2019) has shown how the synergies and successful
Chapter 10Asia
partnerships could evolve between government and NGOs in local forest this wisdom, a valuable asset for climate adaptation governance, has
governance, with the former providing technical and financial support, been passed from generation to generation through oral tradition.
and the latter directing the communities to those resources, and in the
making up for each other’s limitations thereby enabling and augmenting Knowledge Gaps and Future directions
community efforts in forest governance.
One of the major knowledge gaps in the domain of climate adaptation
A study of Pakistan (Ali and Erenstein, 2017) shows that factors such governance relates to implementation by various stakeholders at
as enhanced awareness about various climate risk-coping strategies, multiple scales, and sharing of information and experiences in this
better education and agricultural extension services, augmenting regard. There is a need to assuage the perceptions of distrust in global
farm-household assets, lowering the cost of adaptation, improving information, through governance methods that engage multiple
access to services and alternative livelihoods, and providing support stakeholders in open and lucid channels of communication (Stott
to poorer households appear to have paid rich dividends. Countries and Huq, 2014). This is observable in the structure of the New Urban
such as Bhutan and Sri Lanka have included provisions for ‘climate- Agenda which formed part of the SDGs pertaining to cities and has
smart agriculture’ in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) been shaped by a bottom-up process marked by diverse participation
(Amjath-Babu et al., 2019). including communities, experts and activists, rather than the top-
down variant that is observable in the Millenium Development Goals
In the domain of forest adaptive governance, ever since the introduction (Barnett and Parnell, 2016). This approach could also be evidenced
of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation plus in the Paris Agreement, which placed the onus of a successful global
(REDD+) at COP 13 in 2007 in Bali, the Indonesian experience suggests governance regime on the development of efficient systems of regional
that some of the major challenges include curbing emissions, changes governance. However, these emerging systems of regional governance
in cross-sectoral land-use as well as practice within forestry and lack could equally pose a challenge to the global governance in a way that
of effective, efficient and equitable implementation of diverse forest can be witnessed through the development of financial groups such
10 governance practices. The issue of how forest governance institutions as the BRICS (associated economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and
are conceived and managed, both at national and subnational levels, South Africa) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which resulted
involving state, private sector and civil society, also needs serious from a perception of inadequate institutional transformation at the
attention (Agung et al., 2014). global level. From another perspective, a comprehensive approach
would require simultaneous implementation of both bottom-up and
In an example from Nepal, Clement (2018) showed that deliberative top-down models of governance, retaining flexibility of scale.
governance mechanisms can create the space for alternative framings
of climate change to take a hold in ways that are cognisant of both the Given the concerns surrounding food security, especially in light of the
local and global contexts; this moves beyond a dependence on techno- principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, under the NDCs
managerialism in the construction of solutions, where local governance submitted by South Asian nations under the Paris Agreement, emission
solutions can support institutional changes. The possibilities more reduction commitments are less likely to include the agriculture sector.
incorporating deliberative methods into wider governance architecture Prospects for enhancing both adaptive capacity and food security
are also expanded through an acknowledgment of the role of social could be improved by strengthening resilience and profitability
learning; this is observable in the multi-stakeholder involvement that through the introduction of a basket of policy choices and actions
this approach fosters in regions of South Asia such as the Brahmaputra including structural reforms, agriculture value-chain interventions
River basin (Varma and Hazarika, 2018). Additionally, recent studies and landscape-level efforts for climate resilience. Correspondingly,
have reconfirmed the importance of linking Indigenous knowledge the substantial adaptation finance gap could be closed with the help
with the scientific knowledge of climate change in diverse regions of both private finance (autonomous adaptation) and international
of the globe, including Asia and Africa (Hiwasaki et al., 2014; Etchart, financial transfers (Amjath-Babu et al., 2019).
2017; Taremwa et al., 2017; Vadigi, 2017; Apraku et al., 2018; Inaotombi
and Mahanta, 2018; Makondo and Thomas, 2018) for building farmers’ For nearly five decades, integrated coastal management (ICM),
resilience, enhancing CCA, ensuring cross-cultural communication, advocated by several international organisations (e.g., IMO, UNEP,
promoting local skills, drawing upon Indigenous Peoples’ intuitive WHO, FAO) and adopted by over 100 countries, has been acknowledged
thinking processes and geographic knowledge of remote areas. as a holistic coastal governance approach aimed at achieving coastal
sustainability and reducing the vulnerability of coastal communities
A study of the Sylhet Division in Bangladesh, deploying a knowledge in the face of multiple environmental impacts (high confidence). In
quality assessment tool, found significant correlation between a narrow view of threats posed to coastal ecological integrity by climate-
technocratic problem framing, divorced from traditional knowledge change-induced tropical storm activity, accelerated SLR and littoral
strongly rooted in local sociocultural histories and relatively low erosion and social–ecological impacts on the livelihood security of
project success due to skewed risk-based calculations disconnected vulnerable coastal communities, the pressing need for approaches that
from the ground realities (Haque et al., 2017; Wani and Ariana, innovatively combine coastal zone management and CCA measures
2018). Highlighting the vulnerability of the Bajo tribal communities, is widely acknowledged (Rosendo et al., 2018) yet under researched.
who inhabit the coastal areas of Indonesia, to climate change, the A study focusing on the three coastal cities of Xiamen, Quanzhou and
study showed how they share several examples of their Indigenous Dongying, in China, a country with nearly 12% of its national coastline
knowledge and traditions of marine resource conservation, and how already covered under the ICM governance framework, suggests that
Asia Chapter 10
The Bangladesh Delta Plan (BDP) 2100 is the plan moving Bangladesh forward for the next 100 years. We have formulated BDP 2100 in
the way we want to build Bangladesh. (Commission, 2018).
The vision of BDP is revealed by the foregoing statement from Sheikh Hasina, the prime minister of Bangladesh. The government approved
BDP 2100 in 2018. Achievement of a safe, climate-resilient and prosperous delta is the aspiration of the delta plan. Ensuring water and
food security with economic growth, environmental sustainability, climate resilience, vulnerability reduction to natural hazards and
minimising different challenges of the delta through robust, adaptive and integrated strategies, and equitable water governance, are the
mission of this mega plan. Under this mission, three higher-level goals and six specific goals have been determined. Three higher-level
goals include elimination of extreme poverty by 2030, achievement of upper middle-income status by 2030 and becoming a prosperous
country beyond 2041. Six specific goals of BDP 2100 are fully linked with SDG Goals 2, 6, 13 and 14 and partially linked with Goals 1,
5, 8, 9, 11 and 15. These specific goals comprise a wide range of issues, including land and water resources, climate change, disaster,
wetlands and ecosystems, river systems and estuaries. The vision, mission and goals of BDP 2100 reveal that this mega plan is a holistic
and integrated approach considering diversified themes and sectors for the whole country. The implementation of the BDP 2100 requires
total spending of an amount of about 2.5% of the GDP per annum. A series of strategies have been formulated for better implementation
of the mega plan.
Water is the key and complicated resource of Bangladesh, and therefore BDP 2100 has kept water at the centre of the plan. It aims to
promote wise and integrated use of water and other resources through development of effective institutions and equitable governance
for in-country and transboundary water resource management.
Along with water, for the first time in any development planning, BDP 2100 has taken the climate-change issue as an exogenous variable
in developing the macroeconomic framework of the plan. In a brief, it is stated that the principle of BDP 2100 is ‘Living with Nature’.
whereas the ICM approach has been found to be effective in promoting that there is still much ground to cover. The NAPA of the Maldives
the overall sustainability of China’s coastal cities (Ye et al., 2015) prioritises food security, coastal resources and public health, while
using accurate and reliable data, in addition, the developing unified Nepal has prioritised ecosystem management and public health,
standards could usefully reveal changing conditions and parameters and food security, among other concerns (Saito, 2013). Importantly,
related to ICM performance. Bangladesh’s NAPA has shown that there is potential for ‘reflexivity’
in the integration of adaptation objectives with sectoral objectives (Vij
Steadily the regional scale of climate adaptive governance is acquiring et al., 2018). Conspicuous by their absence are the transboundary-
salience in diverse sub-regions of Asia, and more policy-oriented scale adaptation policies in South Asia (Vij et al., 2017).
empirical research is needed on how various regional forums, agencies
and multilateral organisations could further contribute by way of in- A distinguishing feature of the case of Japanese apple growers is the co-
house expertise and other resources, including financial. A study of existence of both top-down and bottom-up adaptation practices. The
climate adaptation in the health sector in Southeast Asia (Gilfillan, former pertains to farmers who rely on the support of the cooperative
2018) highlights the growing role of the Asian Development Bank for agricultural support and follow institutional mechanisms. The
(ADB) and the Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Health and Environment, latter pertains to non-co-op farmers who have been responsible for
and shows that their mandates and goals could mutually benefit from innovative practices of cultivation such as the shift to peaches and
the institutionalisation of coordination mechanism. An example from the sale in the market of apples without leaf-picking. Importantly,
the Maldives shows that the 2014 Tsunami, climate change and the the non-co-op group also have access to sales channels that may
risk of extreme weather events have led to the legitimisation of state- not be accessible to the former owing to their direct interactions
led population resettlement programmes. In China, this has occurred with customers, among other factors (Fujisawa and Kobayashi, 2011;
through the renaming of previously existing resettlement initiatives as Fujisawa et al., 2015). The significance of this combination of top-
climate adaptation initiatives; however, the efficacy of resettlement as down and bottom-up approaches to agricultural adaptation practices
a CCA measure requires further scrutiny (Arnall, 2019). In India, the may be further sharpened by formulating approaches for Asia and
National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change has been instituted in the Pacific region in ways that contribute to the fortification of food
order to enable states to implement adaptation programmes; however, security objectives and the idea of co-benefits. This may be carried
this does not address the question of mainstreaming CCA into designs out by enhancing the ability of farmers to better manage cultivation
for development (Prasad and Sud, 2019). This is closely related to the practices in the context of climatic variability (FAO, 2018d).
development of National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs)
where the mainstreaming of adaptation within countries has been There exist numerous barriers to the mainstreaming of CCA measures
an important concern. Insights from developing countries indicate across Asia. The integration of CCA into the dissemination of localised
Chapter 10Asia
climatic information and its uptake and implementation through many significant advances in science and technology have been made,
institutional policy arrangements remain areas of concern (Cuevas, and the future prospects look bright. The following sections outline
2018). Institutional incentives to agricultural production, for instance, the present status and future prospects of science and technology in
are frequently compounded by the negative impacts they have on scaling up adaptation actions in four key sectors, namely (a) DRR, (b)
existing bases of natural resources. The disconnected operations of local urbanisation, (c) water and agriculture, and (d) forests and biodiversity.
governmental agencies coupled with inadequacies of cross-sectoral
coordination further highlights the prevalent food–water–energy nexus Findings
(Rasul, 2016). One possible way of addressing these intersecting sources’
complexity is by locating emerging CCA measures in educational Disaster risk reduction
development. The introduction of CCA thinking into land-use planning in
the Philippines is an example of the successful role of enhancing public Technological advances have enhanced the capabilities of Asian
education and awareness through the dissemination of information countries to monitor and prepare for climate-related hazards. Remote
by institutional channels. The linkages between the strength of local sensing technologies and GIS are widely used for DRR (Kato et al.,
leadership and the inclusion of CCA in localised planning activities are 2017), for example, to assess and mitigate risks of an area to potential
also well illustrated by the case study of Cuevas (2018). climate-related disasters (Wu et al., 2018b). The potential impacts of
different types of hazards can be visualised using interactive maps
As shown in the case of Pakistan, level of education shares a positive (Lee, 2017), which help local communities to understand risks and
relationship with the implementation of adaptation measures (Ali and find appropriate evacuation areas (Cadiz, 2018). These maps provide a
Erenstein, 2017). However, a closer examination of the educational situational overview and instant risk assessment (Yang et al., 2012b).
imperatives that drive CCA in ways that improve the representational As an emerging technology, artificial intelligence (AI) can identify
architecture of adaptation actions through a focus on gender is needed. conditioning factors of a landslide disaster (Hong et al., 2019b). Mobile
Mainstreaming of gender into CCA would involve addressing a host virtual reality is used for disaster mitigation training through a three-
10 of barriers to education and involvement that are often rooted in the dimensional visualisation of a past disaster (Ghosh et al., 2018).
differential structures of households, social norms and roles, and the
domestic division of labour (Rao et al., 2019). A study from the Indian A community-based DRR system provides risk investigation, training
state of Bihar shows that gender plays a major role in determining and information analysis (Liu et al., 2016b). Sharing information
intra-household decision making and also inhibits the ability of female- enhances establishment of such a system and contributes to disaster
headed households to establish access to agricultural extension prevention (Nakamura et al., 2017). One example is an online
services (Mehar et al., 2016). Even within wider female farmer-operated mapping tool, which has been developed by volunteers (Sakurai and
federations, such as the Bangladesh Kishani Sabha (BKS), the barriers Thapa, 2017). Social media enables the population to access real-
to participation stem from social factors that include the limitation of time information on a disaster (Ghosh et al., 2018), raises situation
female mobility through the gendered division of labour and a lack of awareness (Yin et al., 2012) and empowers communities towards
recognition of female agency (Routledge, 2015). Gendered inequalities appropriate emergency actions (Leong et al., 2015). Among the
in educational attainment and outcomes viewed through the lens of various forms of social media, Twitter is widely used as a social sensor
social vulnerability thus intersect with environmental vulnerabilities in to detect what is happening in a disaster event (Sakaki et al., 2013).
ways that affect the ability of women to participate in CCA, owing Accuracy of information on Twitter has been proved in collecting local
also to a lack of access to health and sanitation facilities. These factors details about floods (Shi et al., 2019b); however, it has been noticed
have a direct impact on the ability of adaptation to be effective in that Twitter generates rumours as well (Ogasahara et al., 2019).
the global South, and are especially important in the context of the Artificial intelligence is expected to reduce human error when they
commitments of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms operate a decision-making system (Lin et al., 2018). Since technologies
of Discrimination Against Women countries to the objective of gender supporting DRR completely depend on electricity, the loss of power
equality (Roy, 2018). supply and communication constrains the recovery work in disaster-
affected areas (Sakurai et al., 2014). Point of Departure In the urban sector, a wide variety of sensor technologies are being
used to monitor urban land-use and climate changes over time, and
Much like any other field, CCA is greatly facilitated by science, to better understand the potential impacts of future changes. These
technology and continuous innovation. These range from the sensors range from large optical–thermal–radar satellite instruments
application of existing science, to the development of new scientific with (near) global coverage–for example, Landsat (US Geological
tools and methods, to the utilisation of Indigenous knowledge and Service), Sentinel (European Space Agency), ALOS (Japan Aerospace
citizen science. Many of the pressing problems in Asia, including water Exploration Agency) and MethaneSAT–to portable sensors embedded
scarcity, rapid urbanisation, loss of natural habitats, biodiversity, in mobile phones (e.g., phone cameras or temperature sensors) whose
rising coastal and river basin hazards, and agricultural loss can be data are collected into centralised databases through crowdsourcing
effectively minimised through the adoption of suitable scientific and (Fenner et al., 2017; Meier et al., 2017). To combine and extract useful
technological methods. Despite the current challenges in the region, information from these heterogeneous sensor data–for example, for
Asia Chapter 10
conducting climate risk assessments (Perera and Emmanuel, 2018; use efficiency as well as greatly increased soil organic carbon content
Bechtel et al., 2019) and/or simulations of future land-use or climate with reduced GHG emissions. It results in a win–win situation in terms
changes in urban areas (Bateman et al., 2016; Iizuka et al., 2017; Liu of enhancing food security and mitigating climate warming (Deng et al.,
et al., 2017c)–AI technologies (e.g., machine-learning algorithms) are 2017). However, usability and application of this technology are still
now being widely adopted (Johnson and Iizuka, 2016; Joshi et al., not common, especially in data-scarce regions. Integrated numerical
2016; Mao et al., 2017). Thanks to advances in cloud-computing simulations are efficient tools for estimating the current status and
technology, which allows for online processing of massive volumes predicting the risk and efficiency of the adaptive capabilities of different
of remote sensing data, high-resolution (~30 m) global urban-area countermeasures for sustainable natural resource management
maps from the late 1990s to 2018 are now available from several such as with water (Kumar, 2019). Similarly, the agent-based model
different sources (Gong et al., 2020). Using these historical maps, is commonly used to estimate risk of food-borne diseases due to
researchers have been able to generate maps of future urban land-use climate change, using tunable parameters such as hygiene level, the
changes at the global level to 2100 (Chen et al., 2020a), which can microorganism’s growth rate and the number of consumers, and hence
help to elucidate the potential impacts of this future urban expansion it has the potential to be a useful tool for optimising decision making
and identify adaptation needs. Technology also plays a major role in and urban planning strategies related to health and climate change
urban planning and design in the context of adaptation. To mitigate (Gay Garcia et al., 2017). The integrated assessment model under the
rising urban temperatures and reduce the impacts of climate-related shared-socioeconomic pathway (SSP) framework is effectively used to
hazards, many new ‘grey’ infrastructure and ‘green’ infrastructure estimate future energy development and possible mitigation strategies
technologies are being adopted in urban areas in Asia, for example, to reduce GHG emissions related to the energy sector (Bauer et al., 2017).
cool (i.e., high solar reflectance) rooftops and pavements as well as Sound understanding of different drivers, pressures and stress factors,
green (i.e., vegetated) rooftops to mitigate high temperatures; and such as abnormal temperature, rainfall, insect pests or pathogens and
porous pavements to mitigate flooding (Akbari and Kolokotsa, 2016). their interaction pattern with the genetic makeup of crops, is the key
to produce high-yielding varieties of wheat with better nutritional Water and agriculture quality and resistance to major diseases (Goel et al., 2017). Another 10
critical point to address this water security is inclusive, polycentric and
The majority of the Asian region is experiencing water stress in terms adaptive governance. Polycentric governance is a means by which
of both quantity and quality, due to poor management systems and water management plans and policies should be framed and agreed by
governance. This has dire consequences for the national GDP as the all relevant stakeholders. For adaptive governance, more emphasis will
majority of the population belongs to agrarian communities and be on finding the best pathways to make robust water management
their water-dependent agriculture system. Despite a substantial plans amid rapid global changes. The benefit of such plans should
investment and progress in research and development, and capacity reach the end users in terms of providing clean water, protection from
building in the recent past, the majority of developing countries in hydrological hazards and maintaining the health of the ecosystem. In
Asia are struggling to manage both water resources and agriculture addition, there is urgent need for co-management, which includes the
sectors heavily dependent on water resources, in response to rapid cycle of co-design, co-implementation and co-delivery throughout the
global changes. Considering the frequent extreme weather conditions, whole water cycle. The best suitable example is using the circulating
progress in management tasks is even more consequential; hence, and ecological sphere (CES) approach. The CES is a concept that
critically important for these countries, to achieve better CCA, are complements and supports regional resources by building broader
advanced science and technology viz. smart agriculture, robust networks, which are composed of natural connections (connections
EWS using downscaled meteorological information, a participatory among forests; city and countryside; groundwater, rivers and the sea)
approach, IWRM and so forth. and economic connections (human resources, funds and others), thus
complementing each other and generating synergy (Mavrodieva and
Having scientific knowledge relevant at the local scale through Shaw, 2020). Another suitable example for managing water resources is
placed knowledge is important to identify climate-change risk and the participatory watershed land-use management (PWLM) approach.
vulnerability. Moreover, once integrated with socioeconomic attributes, The PWLM is another very innovative and successful approach for more
it can be useful for natural resource management, agriculture and so robust water resource management as explained by Kumar et al. (2020).
forth (Leith and Vanclay, 2017). Role of big data and data mining is It helps to make land-use and CCA policies more effective at the local
undeniably very huge to get reliable climatic information and hence scale. This is an integrative method using both participating tactics and
for designing appropriate adaptation measures for natural resource computer-simulation modelling for water resource management at the
measurement. For example, use of big data in terms of EWS and real- regional scale.
time observation data provides more accurate information on hydro-
meteorological extreme weather conditions or hazards like drought and Forests and biodiversity
flood, and will help farmers and local governments to improve their
perception and hence preparedness for better adaptation (Hou et al., Technologies and their applications to identify habitat degradation,
2017; Ong and G.L.B.L., 2017). Using big data, different adaptation ecosystem functions and biodiversity conservation are increasing in
measures, such as new cultivar breeding, cropping-region adjustment, Asia, with many countries looking to new and improved means for
irrigation-pattern change, crop rotation and cropping-practice forest and biodiversity monitoring and conservation. In particular, there
optimisation, are being designed in the agriculture sector, and these has been an impressive use of temporal satellite data, particularly from
practices have greatly increased crop yield, leading to higher resource- the Landsat and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
Chapter 10Asia
(MODIS) series for widespread monitoring of forests and ecological adopting infrastructure technologies requires investment, and due to
resources. These series have provided reliable information on forests the inherent uncertainties of climate projections, the future payoffs of
and ecosystem services at the country level, in difficult terrains, such as these investments are also somewhat uncertain (Ginbo et al., 2020). In
the mountains, cross-boundaries and otherwise inaccessible areas. For the water and infrastructure sectors, for example, various options exist
instance, Yin et al. (2017) estimated cross-boundary forest resources in for conducting cost–benefit analysis considering future uncertainty
Central Asia, a region which traditionally suffered from lack of reliable (i.e., so-called robust approaches, which are able to identify adaptation
forest data, using remote sensing techniques. In a separate study, projects and infrastructure that can achieve their intended purpose(s)
Reddy et al. (2020) used long-term MODIS forest fire data from 2003 across a wide range of climate scenarios) (Dittrich et al., 2016). Despite
to 2017 to characterise fire frequency, density and hotspots in South substantial investment and progress in research, development and
Asia. Archives of scientific data, backed by state-of-the art modelling capacity building in the recent past, the majority of the developing
techniques, advanced-computing methods and innovations in big-data countries in Asia are struggling to manage both water resources and the
analysis, particularly helped the provisioning of scientific research. agriculture sector. Considering the frequent extreme weather conditions,
A number of studies simulated forest futures from the local to the progress in management tasks has become even more mammoth and,
continent scale under different socioeconomic and climate scenarios. hence, we need a holistic solution, which is currently missing in field
For instance, at the local scale, Dasgupta et al. (2018) projected the implementation. This solution should be based on advanced science and
future extent of mangroves in the Sundarban Delta under four local technology in association with other attributes like social, economic and
scenarios, while Estoque et al. (2019) modelled and developed spatial political dynamics, which play a pivotal role in sustainable management
maps of regional forest futures in Southeast Asia using the five SSP of water resources and agriculture, as a way forward.
scenarios. Science and technology also helped the monitoring of
species diversity and abundance, pivotal for sustaining an ecosystem
and ecosystem-based adaptation. Digital camera traps and radio- 10.5.3 Lifestyle Changes and Behavioural Factors
collaring methods have largely replaced old film cameras and labour-
10 intensive methods of photo screening to count target species (Pimm Point of Departure
et al., 2015). This enhanced scientific capacities to monitor biodiversity
and facilitate better conservation in difficult terrains, control poachers Understanding the motivations and processes underpinning decisions
and maintain steady ecological balance. Umapathy et al. (2016), for to adapt or not is key to enabling adaptation (see Section;
example, used VHF radio collars and satellite-based tracking tools to Clayton et al., 2015; de Coninck et al., 2018; Taylor, 2019; van
monitor the movement of Bengal tigers over hostile island terrain. Valkengoed and Steg, 2019a; van Valkengoed and Steg, 2019b),
Photo recognition and other non-invasive techniques for individual because how and why certain people adapt is shaped by sociocultural
identification have been rising in Asia. For example, a study by Gray et al. factors, ways of making sense of risks and uncertainty, and personal
(2014) used faecal-DNA samples to estimate the population density motivations to undertake action (Nguyen et al., 2016; Mortreux and
of the Asian elephant in Cambodia. Furthermore, the advancement of Barnett, 2017; Singh et al., 2018b; van Valkengoed and Steg, 2019b).
citizen science programmes has greatly facilitated better monitoring of The IPCC’s Assessment Report 5 was critiqued for silences on how
forest resources, including invasive floral and faunal species (Chandler perceptions shape climate action and the behavioural drivers of
et al., 2017; Johnson et al., 2020). In Asia, citizen science has been used adaptation responses (Lorenzoni and Whitmarsh, 2014). Addressing
effectively in India (Chandler et al., 2017), and also in Malaysia for the this gap and assessing the growing literature from social sciences,
monitoring urban bird abundance (Puan et al., 2019). notably psychology, behavioural economics and risk perception
studies, the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C (de Coninck et al., 2018) Knowledge Gaps and Future Directions comprehensively assessed behavioural dimensions of CCA for the
first time; however, compared with studies on mitigation behaviour,
With rapid advances of technologies, the use of appropriate technologies the literature on what motivates adaptation remains incomplete
generates some degree of management problems. To resolve such (Lorenzoni and Whitmarsh, 2014; Clayton et al., 2015).
problems, the enhancement of information science is essential to
understand design, implementation and adoption of digital tools under Findings
crisis (Xie et al., 2020). For example, social media research reveals a
way of controlling malicious information (Tanaka et al., 2014), and its There are three key aspects of adaptation to which psychology
characteristics under COVID-19–showing a plain text message–can be and behavioural science contribute: understanding perceptions of
more powerful in the context of citizen engagement than media-rich climate risk, identifying the behavioural drivers of adaptation actions
communications (Chen et al., 2020b). Information behaviour needs and analysing the impacts of climate change on human well-being
more investigation to understand how people survive and connect in (Clayton et al., 2015). Overall, there is growing acknowledgement that
the era of information overload (Pan et al., 2020). Moreover, a new set of individual adaptation is significantly shaped by perceptions of risk,
data (e.g., travel history record, personal health data, etc.) becomes an perceived self-efficacy (i.e., beliefs about which options are effective
important base of DRR (Xie et al., 2020). Analysis of these personal data and one’s ability to implement specific adaptation interventions),
requires careful consideration, as it generates ethical issues (Sakurai sociocultural norms and beliefs within which adaptation decisions
and Chughtai, 2020). Indicators or measurements of technology- are taken, past experiences of risk management and the nature of
enabled crisis response needs to be developed for further risk reduction the intervention itself (Grothmann and Patt, 2005; Werg et al., 2013;
(Akbari and Kolokotsa, 2016; Wong et al., 2020). On the other hand, Clayton et al., 2015; Truelove et al., 2015; Pyhälä et al., 2016; Deng
Asia Chapter 10
Table 10.4 | Sectors and sub-regions where behavioural aspects of adaptation have been assessed
Sub- Supporting
Sector Adaptation interventions Behavioural aspects affecting adaptation
region references
Soil and water conservation activities to mitigate drought Iran (Keshavarz and Karami,
West Asia Agriculture Response efficacy and perceived severity shape water conservation.
impacts 2016)
Sustainable water management practices, adjusting Risk perception is shaped by sociocultural context, memories,
India (Singh et al., 2016)
agricultural practices experiences and expectations (of future change).
Agriculture Alternate wetting and drying irrigation, alternative crop A combination of attitudes, self-efficacy, outcome efficacy, and Sri Lanka (Truelove et al.,
selection, using drought-resistant seeds community efficacy predict intent to adapt strongly. 2015)
Flood and cyclone preparedness measures such as using Disaster management behaviour is intuitive: low evidence to suggest India (Samaddar et al.,
South Asia durable building materials, raising plinth levels, storing outcome expectancy, self-efficacy, and preparedness intention follow 2014); Bangladesh
food and water linear patterns. (Dasgupta et al., 2014b)
Risk perception and knowledge of adaptation options shape uptake Pakistan, Bangladesh (Alvi
Use of emergency toolkits and evacuation plans
and perceived benefits. and Khayyam, 2020)
Frequency, the severity of previous extreme events, socioeconomic
settings and ability to pay shape decisions to take crop insurance.
Disaster Insurance to deal mitigate financial losses from floods and Pakistan (Arshad et al.,
Acceptability of flood insurance depends on the perceived efficacy of
management droughts 2016; Abbas et al., 2015)
the insurance (among other factors such as age of household head,
land ownership and off-farm income sources).
Perceived probabilities and perceived consequences of flood shape Vietnam (Reynaud et al.,
Raising floor height to avoid flooding, retrofitting houses
preparedness. 2013; Ling et al., 2015)
Likelihood of purchasing flood insurance increased with higher physical Malaysia (Aliagha, 2013;
Asia Flood insurance
exposure and subjective perceptions of vulnerability. Aliagha et al., 2014)
management Individual risk perceptions lead to learning, but only where previous Philippines, India (Walch,
disaster experiences are traumatic. 2018)
(a) No evidence
Chapter 10Asia
et al., 2017; Sullivan-Wiley and Short Gianotti, 2017; Taylor, 2019; van Belief in climate variability and change significantly shapes adaptation
Valkengoed and Steg, 2019a). This is in addition to more commonly decision making (Le Dang et al., 2014; Singh et al., 2016; Khanal et al.,
understood factors shaping adaptation behaviour such as technical 2018; Liu et al., 2018a) with those believing in climate change and
know-how and the cost and benefits associated with an option. associated impacts tending to engage in adaptation. Crucially, those
who do not believe in climate change can be influenced by social norms
Across Asia, behavioural aspects of adaptation have been studied (Arunrat et al., 2017) thereby incentivising adaptation behaviour.
to a lesser extent: a global meta-analysis of 106 studies found that While risk perception is a critical step in adaptation decision making,
most research focused on North America and Europe with only 12% higher risk perception does not necessarily signal better capacity to
of papers from Asia (van Valkengoed and Steg, 2019a). Within Asia, cope: in Taiwan, Province of China, Sun and Han (2018) highlight
behavioural drivers of adaptation decision making have been studied how perceptions of climate risk as a global problem tends reduce its
primarily in agriculture (in South, East and Southeast Asia) and disaster urgency as an individual issue. Providing information on climate risks,
risk management (from Southeast and East Asia) (Table 10.4) and tend impacts and possible adaptation options enables adaptation behaviour
to focus on technical adaptation interventions rather than how and (Piya et al., 2013; Zheng and Dallimer, 2016; Rauf et al., 2017), but
why people adapt (Sun and Han, 2018). information alone is not sufficient to motivate adaptive behaviour.
Specifically, awareness building on concrete measures and outcomes,
In agriculture, studies demonstrate how perceptions of risk (e.g., climate such as the amount of water saved or number of deaths averted, rather
variability) (Singh et al., 2016; Zheng and Dallimer, 2016; Burnham than abstract notions of climate change, motivate adaptation (Deng
and Ma, 2017; Feng et al., 2017), sociocultural norms and personal et al., 2017; Rauf et al., 2017).
experiences (Masud, 2016; Nguyen et al., 2016; Singh et al., 2016), and
perceived efficacy of adaptation interventions in having a positive and Lifestyle changes
desirable impact (Halbrendt et al., 2014; Truelove et al., 2015; Feng
et al., 2017), affect adaptation decisions. Policies on providing early Changes in current lifestyles and consumption patterns are
10 warnings of drought or information on prevention techniques shape acknowledged as critical to climate action (de Coninck et al., 2018;
farmer decisions to undertake adaptation interventions (Wang et al., IGES, 2019). With rapidly changing diets and increasing purchasing
2015). power, lifestyle changes in countries across Asia, especially those
with large populations such as China and India, will be critical to
In disaster risk management, risk appraisal (Samaddar et al., 2014; Rauf contributing to global climate solutions (IGES, 2019). Lifestyle shifts
et al., 2017; Hung et al., 2018), previous experience and losses (Said that can contribute towards adaptation include:
et al., 2015; Hung et al., 2018; Walch, 2018)12, perceived probabilities
and consequences (Reynaud et al., 2013), perceived self-efficacy (Ung • Engaging in urban agriculture through rooftop gardening,
et al., 2015; Hung et al., 2018) and awareness (Hung et al., 2018; Wu community gardens in urban and peri-urban areas and so forth
et al., 2018a; Alvi and Khayyam, 2020) shape preparedness. Individual (with implications for food-associated footprints but also nutritional,
risk management is nested within public policies, such as those on livelihood and well-being benefits) (Mohanty et al., 2012; Ackerman
flood management, which shape individual flood risk perception et al., 2014; Padgham and Dietrich, 2015)
and protective behaviours (Reynaud et al., 2013) as well as personal • Shifts towards organic farming and creating demand for organically
factors such as religious beliefs (Alshehri et al., 2013). For example, sourced food and other materials
communities often perceive disasters as ‘acts of God’ (Birkmann • Shifts towards water-saving behaviour such as rainwater harvesting,
et al., 2019) or punishment for wrongdoings (Alshehri et al., 2013; water conservation, reducing water usage and so forth
Iqbal et al., 2018), which might constrain adaptive action. However,
religious faith can also motivate people to prepare for extreme events,
as Alshehri et al. (2013) showed in Saudi Arabia demonstrating how Knowledge gaps
‘Islam urges that it is most important to prepare the people to escape
from disaster’ (p.1825). Overall, understanding behavioural factors shaping adaptation
implementation and uptake is important (medium evidence, high
Trust in public action as a mediator of risk management has had agreement). While there is a growing literature on behavioural drivers
conflicting evidence: some studies have discussed trust as being of adaptation at the individual and household levels, gaps remain
critical to effective preparedness (Kittipongvises and Mino, 2015; in understanding how socio-cognitive factors affect adaptation
Walch, 2018), while others have found that trust in public actions, behaviour at higher scales (e.g., at local or subnational government,
such as structural interventions to mitigate flood impacts, can lower in the private sector, etc.)13. More empirical evidence is needed in
individual motivations to act since they feel protected (Hung et al., sectors beyond agriculture and disaster risk management (e.g., factors
2018). motivating urban adaptation) and better coverage across Asia’s sub-
12 Two exceptions to this were found. One is a survey in Saudi Arabia which tested public perceptions of disaster risk and found that direct experience with such disasters does not directly influence risk
perception (Alshehri et al., 2013). Second, a study on flood experience and ensuing adaptation behaviour in Pakistan found that those with prior flood experience do not make significantly different
choices than those who have no experience of flooding. What is more significant is repeated exposure to flooding events (Said et al., 2015).
13 Some studies compare nationally representative surveys on climate perceptions and their impacts on climate action to demonstrate that higher risk perception leads to higher motivations to undertake
climate action (Corner et al., 2014; Smith and Mayer 2018). Others, however, highlight that higher risk perception can lead to a normalisation of risks, leading to lower climate action (Luís et al., 2018).
In all of these papers, there is a recognition that the literature on perceptual drivers of climate action is USA-centric and is negligible in Asia (Capstick et al. 2015).
Asia Chapter 10
regions. Importantly, there are no studies on the behavioural aspects to 2050, and 8% for infrastructure. Adaptation interventions, such as
of adaptation from Central Asia. embankments, were found to provide an avoided losses (adaptation
benefits) to the tune of 2.2% of the delta’s GDP by 2050. Similarly,
input subsidies in seeds, fertilisers and biofertilisers were found to
10.5.4 Costs and Finance buffer the shocks in agriculture by 10%, and buffer the GDP per capita
by 3% (Arto et al., 2019). Point of Departure
Markandya and González-Eguino (2019) have estimated the
Estimates of adaptation costs and financial needs have evolved adaptation costs and residual adaptation costs accrued due to
significantly since the previous IPCC assessments. These developments insufficient adaptation using integrated assessment models. Using
are based on improvements in the understanding of how the hazard the residual damages as a measure of loss and damage, the authors
interacts with the physical and socioeconomic elements, and how have estimated adaptation costs and residual costs under scenarios
to capture these interactions in systematic modelling frameworks. of high damages–low discount rate and low damages–high discount
The developments are also clearly reported especially in the area of rate. The estimates suggested adaptation costs of 182 and 193 billion
addressing the underestimates in adaptation costs that the previous USD by 2050, and 737 and 783 billion USD by 2100 for South Asia
studies suffered from as the previous studies tended to rely on data and East Asia, respectively, under the scenario of high damages–low
from wealthy economies (Hochrainer-Stigler et al., 2014; Carleton discount rate. The residual costs for the same scenario were 289 and
et al., 2020). The adaptation cost estimates have also improved 76% for 2050 and 238 and 62% for 2100 for South Asia and East
since the previous IPCC reports due to constant improvements in Asia, respectively. Estimates for low damages–high discount rate were
capturing the loss and damages of disaster events (Hochrainer-Stigler significantly lower adaptation costs and residual costs for both of
et al., 2014). The reliance of earlier studies on correlations to derive these sub-regions of Asia.
adaptation costs was addressed to some extent by addressing the
endogeneity of disaster measures (Kousky, 2014), especially by relying The CCA efforts can be characterised as fragmented, incoherent and 10
upon the physical measures of disasters such as wind speed, although lacking perspective (Ahmed et al., 2019a), and the picture on adaptation
more work is needed in this area. financing can be stated as similarly fragmented with very limited
literature published in peer-reviewed journals. Adaptation financing is Findings crucial for supporting vulnerable countries and enhances adaptation, as
it is evident that the enhanced adaptation finance support has positively
Climate change can cause significant impacts and as a result can affected the pace of adaptation in low-income countries (Ford et al.,
impose considerable adaptation costs on countries and people. Despite 2015). At the organisational level, adaptation financing has provided
the importance, the research on adaptation costs is limited in Asia, multiple functions that include risk assessment functions, valuation
especially on the economy-wide costs, while fragmented literature functions and risk disclosure functions (Linnenluecke et al., 2016).
is available on sector-level adaptation costs. Most of the available
literature on adaptation costs at the regional level originate from the Of the total global public adaptation finance of 28 billion USD, East
work carried out by development finance institutions such as ADB. Asia and the Asia–Pacific attracted 46% of the total funding, while
South Asian countries attracted only 9% of the total funding (UNEP,
Estimates suggest that climate-change impacts could result in a loss 2016). These differences reflect the capacity of countries to attract
of 2% of the GDP of South Asian countries by 2050 and 9% by 2100 adaptation finance. Some of the important adaptation-targeted
(Ahmed and Suphachalasai, 2014). These impacts will be felt in major climate funds are Pilot Programmes for Climate Resilience, Green
vulnerable sectors, including agriculture, water, coastal, marine, health Climate Fund, and Least-Developed Countries Fund, and South Asian
and energy, and will have significant impact on the economic growth countries have significantly benefited from these dedicated climate
and poverty reduction in the region. Countries could differ widely in funds. Due to the disaster implications of climate change, there is a
terms of the economic costs they face. In South Asia, the economic need to allocate adaptation finances for DRR. Estimates suggest that
costs were projected to be 12.6% of the GDP for the Maldives, which is East Asia and the Asia–Pacific in general allocated 27% of the total
the highest among the South Asian countries, and 6.6% for Sri Lanka, adaptation funds to DRR, while South Asia allocated 25% (Caravani,
the least among the South Asian countries. The resultant adaptation 2016). Low-income economies tend to allocate more adaptation funds
costs for countries were projected to range from 0.36% (Copenhagen to DRR (46%), while lower-middle-income economies allocated 22%.
Cancun Scenario for 2050) to 1.32% (business-as-usual scenario) of
the GDP in various scenarios during 2010–2050 (Medium agreement, The least developed countries lack the capacity to adapt to climate
limited evidence) (Ahmed and Suphachalasai, 2014). change and the Least Developed Country Fund (LDCF) has made
significant contributions to adaptation in these countries (High
Arto et al. (2019) have reported the adaptation costs of the Mahanadi agreement, limited evidence). Based on the interview-based field
Delta in India for agriculture, fisheries and infrastructure sectors (Arto research in four least developed countries, Sovacool et al. (2017)
et al., 2019). The cumulative adaptation costs for 2015–2016 were opined that the LDCF projects are contributing to the adaptive capacity
reported to be 276 million USD for agriculture and 0.163 million USD of these countries (Sovacool et al., 2017). They also found that these
for fisheries. In comparison, the modelled cumulative agricultural projects are taking a marginal approach, rather than a radical or
GDP loss due to climate-change impacts was reported to be 5% up transformational one, to adaptation.
Chapter 10Asia
Box 10.6 | Loss and Damage Across Asia: Mapping the Evidence and Knowledge Gaps
Losses and damages are climate impacts after implementing adaptation and mitigation actions, signifying the presence of residual risks
(Chapter 1; Kugler and Sariego, 2016; Mechler et al., 2019). These residual risks indicate that despite adaptation, there are soft and
hard adaptation limits (Mechler et al., 2019). This box reviews the adaptation literature across 51 countries in Asia on loss and damage
(L&D), and adaptation barriers and limits, and identifies knowledge and regional gaps. The key messages are that (a) climate-induced
L&D is already occurring across Asia (medium evidence, high agreement), (b) these L&D are very likely to increase at higher warming
levels (medium evidence, high agreement) and (c) measuring and attributing non-economic and intangible L&D remains a challenge (low
evidence, high agreement).
Findings on losses and damages in Asia: Evidence on climate-related L&D highlights tangible or material losses and damages such
as loss to life, property, infrastructure and livelihoods (medium evidence, high agreement); and intangible or non-material losses and
damages such as increasing conflict and civil unrest, erosion of sociocultural practices and decreased well-being (low evidence, high
agreement). The main constraint in assessing past and future L&D is that this terminology is not used prominently or consistently in the
disaster management and climate risk literature in Asia, which potentially leads to under-reporting. In contrast, there is robust evidence
(high agreement) on adaptation constraints, notably on governance, informational and physical constraints, to adapting, but regional
evidence is very uneven with gaps in Central, North and West Asia. Table 10.5 presents a summary of L&D but draws on national and
subnational studies.
10 • Attribution studies linking anthropogenic climate change and L&D remain focused on rapid-onset extreme events, and evidence on
L&D from slow-onset events, such as drought and water scarcity, is low (Pereira et al., 2019; Singh et al., 2021a).
• Regional evidence gaps in Central, North and West Asia; and low evidence of national-level projected L&D (Uchiyama et al., 2020;
Singh et al., 2021a).
• Disproportionate emphasis on economic L&D while intangible, non-economic L&D are relatively less measured and reported (Chiba
et al., 2017; Bahinipati, 2020). Economic loss estimates are largely approximations and therefore suffer from various methodological,
assumption and data-related uncertainties.
• Insufficient literature differentiating L&D under future adaptation scenarios, which makes assessment of residual damages and future
L&D difficult. The L&D projections are constrained by limited understanding on how vulnerabilities will evolve with economic and
demographic changes. Most projected L&D are based on the population and GDP projections. More future projections are based on
the RCP scenarios, and the least number of studies were conducted on the combination of RCP and SSPs.
• Mitigation will have L&D and adaptation co-benefits (Kugler and Sariego, 2016; Toussaint, 2020), especially at the lower temperature
stabilisation 1.5°C (Nishiura et al., 2020), but the literature is currently insufficient to assess these L&D co-benefits of mitigation
• Negligible regional evidence on limits to adaptation.
Way forward: Developing robust metrics and institutions for measuring and reporting L&D at national and regional scales, especially
non-economic damages and L&D due to slow-onset events, is critical. In addition to vulnerability assessments, assessing L&D and limits
to adaptation can inform adaptation prioritisation and enhance adaptation effectiveness (e.g., Craft and Fisher, 2016; Leiter et al., 2019).
Lessons are available from biodiversity and ecosystem services monitoring frameworks that have well-developed metrics and processes
(e.g., Díaz et al., 2020).
Kissinger et al. (2019) have estimated the climate financing needs in annually. A combination of public, private, bilateral and multilateral
the land sector under the Paris Agreement. The estimates suggested funding sources, and carbon-market offsets, were suggested to
adaptation needs of 2.5 billion USD for Bangladesh, 40.5 million USD achieve this level of funding. In terms of the total resources available,
for Lao PDR and 31 million USD for Mongolia, for the forest sector a combination of public, private and bi- and multi-lateral funding could
alone (Low agreement, limited evidence). help the region to raise as much as 222.3–412.5 billion USD annually,
with a possibility to reach higher amounts depending on the future
Financing green growth and low-carbon development can provide economic growth of countries in the region. Soil carbon sequestration
resilience benefits (high agreement, limited evidence). Kameyama in agricultural soils was found to be a win–win solution for both
et al. (2016) have estimated the cost of low-carbon investments that mitigation and adaptation as it can help improve soils while increasing
can provide resilience benefits in Asia and reported that such low- farm yields and incomes of smallholders (Aryal et al., 2020a).
carbon development will cost in the range of 125–149 billion USD
Asia Chapter 10
flooding, * * ✓ ✓ ✓ NE NE
Asia (4)
South flooding,
*** * ** ** ** ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ * **
Asia (18) drought, SLR,
heatwaves, * * * ✓ ✓ NE NE
Asia (3)
North Permafrost
* * * ✓ NE NE
Asia (2) thaw
East Asia: Tezuka et al. (2014); Elliott et al. (2015); Lei et al. (2015); Li et al. (2015a); Li et al. (2015b); Kim et al. (2016a); Lee and Kim (2016); Yu (2016); Zhao et al. (2016b);
Abadie et al. (2017); Chen et al. (2017a); Chen et al. (2017b); Chung et al. (2017b); Lee et al. (2017); Feng et al. (2018a); Lee et al. (2018b); Lee et al. (2018c); Udo and Takeda
(2018); Yu et al. (2018a); Yu et al. (2018c); Lee et al. (2019); Liu et al. (2019c); Liu et al. (2019d); Wang et al. (2019b); Wu et al. (2019d); Kim and Lee (2020); Liu (2020); Liu and
Chen (2020); Yu et al. (2020). Southeast Asia: Giuliani et al. (2016); Dau et al. (2017); Vu and Ranzi (2017); Mehvar et al. (2018). South Asia: Wijetunge (2014); Ahmed et al.
(2016b); Jevrejeva et al. (2016); Patankar and Patwardhan (2016); Abadie et al. (2017); Aslam et al. (2017); Chiba et al. (2017); Mishra et al. (2017); van der Geest (2017); Chhogyel
and Kumar (2018); Jevrejeva et al. (2018); Leng and Hall (2019); Bahinipati (2020); Bahinipati and Patnaik (2020); Khan et al. (2020); Bhowmik et al. (2021). Central Asia: Groll
et al. (2015); Babagaliyeva et al. (2017); Otto et al. (2017). North Asia: Gleick (2014); Hjort et al. (2018); Tschakert et al. (2019). West Asia: Mantyka-Pringle et al. (2015); Pal and
Eltahir (2016); Ghomian and Yousefian (2017); Gohari et al. (2017); Ashrafzadeh et al. (2019b); Bierkens and Wada (2019); Houmsi et al. (2019); Mosavi et al. (2020).
(a) For definitions on losses and damages and limits, see Cross-Chapter Box LOSS in Chapter 1.
Chapter 10Asia
New adaptation financing sources have been emerging which could 2015; Fischer, 2019). Technological applications in the development
provide country-specific adaptation financing suiting local-level of insurance products have seen significant progress, including that
adaptation needs in Asia. The newly established Asia Infrastructure of the blockchain and smart contracts (Gatteschi et al., 2018). There
Investment Bank (AIDB), and newly emerging developing-country are technological developments in loss estimation, which has been a
finance institutions, are known to provide an additional adaptation major limitation in the traditional insurance approaches in the past
finance (Neufeldt et al., 2018); however, despite these emerging that either delayed the indemnity payment or misjudged the losses.
financial sources, the region will fall short of the adaptation target in Application of multi-model and multi-stage decision support systems
the Paris Agreement (Neufeldt et al., 2018). has begun to make crop loss assessments for insurance more efficient
(Aggarwal et al., 2020). Technological applications also include remote Knowledge Gaps sensing (Di et al., 2017) and mobile phone app technologies (Meena
et al., 2018) to provide accurate and quick damage assessments, and
Adaptation cost estimates can vary between various studies due application of Internet-based indemnity approvals have enabled quick
to the differences in methodologies they adopt. Some studies have payment of indemnities (OECD, 2017b).
conducted cost assessments using a combination of stakeholder
consultations and quantitative modelling of climate-change impacts Findings
and adaptation (Ahmed and Suphachalasai, 2014), while others
depended solely on the quantitative modelling. Studies also differ in As against financing post-disaster relief and reconstruction, which
the coverage of sectors too: they either have focused on the multiple has been the norm of disaster management for decades in Asia, the
vulnerable sectors (Ahmed and Suphachalasai, 2014) or on a single evolution of ex-ante risk financing in the form of risk insurance has
sector (Hossain et al., 2019). Studies have differed in their estimates seen a steady rise globally and in Asia. The rise in popularity for risk
depending on their ability to take into consideration the transition financing in general and insurance in specific stem from the observation
costs of sudden adaptation (Hossain et al., 2019), the nature of that governments have recognised the burden of mainly financing the
10 social cost and/or damage functions employed (Arto et al., 2019), the post-disaster relief and reconstruction only (Juswanto and Nugroho,
discount rates applied (Markandya and González-Eguino, 2019) and 2017; UNESCAP, 2018c; ADB, 2019), and from the realisation of cost
consideration for the effects of GHG mitigation on adaptation needs savings and efficiency that risk financing for risk mitigation brings
(Duan et al., 2019a). In addition, the assumptions made on the pace overall risk reduction (high agreement, medium evidence). As a result,
of adaptation in estimating adaptation costs can make a difference a gamut of risk-financing instruments have been introduced to finance
in adaptation cost estimates. Adaptation at a slow or normal pace DRR and CCA initiatives in Asia among which risk insurance has gained
could require more adaptation finance, as large amounts of damage prominence for it provides a low-cost and easy option for individuals,
are not eliminated, than when adaptation is implemented at a faster provides an opportunity for the governments to effectively engage
rate (Markandya and González-Eguino, 2019). Although there have the private sector in implementation and has the ability to inculcate
been improvements in adaptation cost estimates, there is a need to risk-aware decision making at various levels (high agreement, medium
address the issue of endogeneity (Kousky, 2014; Samuel et al., 2019). evidence) (Hazell and Hess, 2017; UNESCAP, 2018c).
The vast majority of studies that rely on databases, such as EM-DAT,
tend to suffer from such endogeneity problems due to their inability Several Asian countries, including India, the Philippines and China,
to control the causality between GDP and damages (Kousky, 2014). have a significant experience of offering agricultural insurance against
Costs attributable to non-economic losses and damages are the least typhoons, droughts and floods (Yang, 2018). For the most part, these
reported and least quantified in the adaptation costs literature due to insurance systems have followed a traditional indemnity-based
lack of sufficient, robust and accessible methodologies (Chiba et al., insurance which faces several challenges in implementation including
2017; Chiba et al., 2019; Serdeczny, 2019). This is a major limitation moral hazard and adverse selection, disagreements and delays in
in assessing adaptation costs and financial needs, and it can lead crop-damage assessments that relied upon crop-cutting experiments,
to gross underestimation of adaptation costs. A detailed description often leading to a delay in processing indemnity payments, costly
of issues related to non-economic losses and damages, and its insurance premiums and poor insurance expansion (high agreement,
importance in strengthening adaptation, is provided in Box 10.6 and robust evidence) (Patnaik and Swain, 2017; Ghosh et al., 2019). Other
Table 10.5. factors contributing to poor penetration of insurance include limited
awareness on the importance of insurance, and poor access.
10.5.5 Risk Insurance To tackle the problem of costly insurance premiums, governments
have subsidised the premiums (Ghosh et al., 2019). Premium subsidies Point of Departure have been reported to undermine the ability to convey the real cost of
risks by the insured (price distortion), and have encouraged adverse
Risk insurance approaches and tools have significantly evolved during selection and moral hazard (Nguyen and Jolly, 2019). On the contrary,
recent years. The emphasis has been mainly on mitigating the adverse subsidies have been suggested to address the issue of adverse selection
selection and moral hazard that have been the limitations of traditional associated with the insurance (Zhao et al., 2017c).
area-based crop insurance approaches (He et al., 2019). This has been
achieved by shifting the indemnity calculations on to the specific Despite the fact that the insurance programmes are able to obtain
weather parameters and developing a weather index (Greatrex et al., high participation rates due to subsidised premiums, their impact
Asia Chapter 10
on farmers’ income seems to be insignificant especially under the of proper monitoring and evaluation, and limited data for underwriters
conditions of low indemnities, low guarantee and wide coverage to properly evaluate claims have been suggested (Nguyen and Jolly,
(Zhao et al., 2016a). The subsidy burden of insurance on national 2019). Low interest among the potential buyers due to unaffordable
governments is found to be significant with an estimated equivalent of insurance premiums, lack of provision for partial-loss claim settlement,
6 billion USD spent by China alone on insurance (Hazell et al., 2017). big hassles in the claim settlement process and lack of timely
In addition, the insurance programmes in Asian countries are reporting settlement of claims are reported (Parappurathu et al., 2017). In
higher producer claim ratios, and often governments have to spend addition, insurance has been reported to have expanded the coverage
more than the money being transferred to the insured through the of cash crops at the expense of drought-resistant subsistence crops
insurance programmes (Hazell et al., 2017). with effects on natural capital and a potential increase in farmer’s
vulnerability to market price fluctuations (Müller et al., 2017).
To address the issues associated with traditional indemnity insurance,
efforts have been made to develop weather-index insurance in Asia Regional catastrophic insurance pools have also received attention
that bases the payouts on the rainfall or temperature index, rather in Asia. With the formation of Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Insurance
than on the direct damage measurements. The parametric insurance Facility (Haraguchi and Lall, 2019), the regional insurance pool has
products help avoid the delays in insurance payouts as they are based been introduced in Southeast Asia, initially being piloted in Lao PDR
on modelled risks, rather than actual damage measurements, and and Myanmar and to be expanded to the rest of the ASEAN region.
control the adverse selection and moral hazard, although basis risks Regional catastrophic insurance allows vulnerable countries to buffer
could be increased due to improper matching of payouts with the climatic shocks by diversifying the risks beyond country boundaries.
index (De Leeuw et al., 2014). Index insurance is known to promote
public–private partnerships that in turn will enhance the efficiency of
overall programme delivery (Hazell and Hess, 2017). Several countries, 10.5.6 Social Protection
including India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar and the
Philippines, either are currently piloting or expanding the weather-index Point of Departure 10
insurance (Surminski and Oramas-Dorta, 2014; Tyagi and Joshi, 2019).
Index insurance is constantly expanding with an estimated 194 million Social protection (SP) encompasses initiatives that involve transfer
farmers already enrolled in China and India, which is much lower than income or assets to the poor, protect the vulnerable against risks
the potential number of farmers it can reach (Hazell et al., 2017). to their livelihood, and enhance the social status and rights of the
marginalised (Béné et al., 2014; Kothari, 2014). Social protection offers
Few significant bottlenecks that are limiting the scaling up of weather- a wide range of instruments (e.g., cash transfers, insurance products,
index insurance include lack of reliable weather data, low density pension schemes and employment guarantee schemes) that can be
of weather stations leading to high basis risk, and limited data on used to support households that are exposed to climate changes
damage and hazard for parametric modelling of the insurance (Bank, 2015). It also presents an opportunity to develop inclusive
(Shirsath et al., 2019). Several innovations are being tried and tested comprehensive risk management strategies to address L&D from
to overcome the limitations associated with the index insurance climate change as well as a means to CCA (Aleksandrova, 2019).
which include developing multiscale index insurance, application of
remote sensing, smartphone-based near-surface remote sensing and Social protection programmes assist individuals and families, especially
building insurance based on vegetation indices instead of relying on the poor and vulnerable, cope with crises and shocks, finds jobs, improve
weather data alone (Hufkens et al., 2019). Alternative indices, such productivity, invest in the health and education of their children, and
as the NDVI, are being tested for their applications in designing protect the ageing population (Bank, 2018b). Social protection that
index-based insurance in India (IFAD, 2017). Agro-meteorology-based is well designed and implemented in a more long-term approach can
statistical analysis and crop growth modelling have been suggested enhance human capital and productivity, reduce inequalities, build
to calibrate and rectify faulty weather indices (Shirsath et al., 2019; resilience and empowerment, and end the inter-generational cycle
Zhu et al., 2019). Establishing automatic weather stations can improve of poverty (medium evidence, medium agreement) as indicated from
data accuracy while preventing the delay in acquiring the weather various experiences in the region such as (a) cash transfer programmes
data (Sinha and Tripathi, 2016). These technological applications have in Indonesia (Kwon and Kim, 2015), (b) the Benazir Income Support
already started finding space within insurance programmes designed Programme in Pakistan (Watson et al., 2017), (c) the Chars Livelihoods
by national governments in Asia. For example, the government of India Programme in Bangladesh (Pritchard et al., 2015) and (d) Minsei-in
has released new operational guidelines for the application of new designated volunteer social workers in Japan (Boeckmann, 2016). A
technologies such as drones, remote sensing and mobile phone apps key consideration in strengthening resilience through SP programmes
in implementation of the national agricultural insurance, which is the is to design with climate and disaster risk considerations in mind
third largest insurance in the world (Department of Agriculture, 2019). and implement in close synergy with existing programmes, such as
on sustainable livelihoods, EWS and financial inclusion (Coirolo et al., Knowledge Gaps 2013; Bank, 2018a).
Chapter 10Asia
Asia Chapter 10
the challenges of the increasing frequency and intensity of natural international and national support through institutions and financing
and economic crises are straining these traditional financial sources is critical for successful capacity building (Hemachandra, 2019), which
(Durán-Valverde, 2020). In this context, innovative financing schemes must be designed for the long term and be self-sustaining (Gustafson
are seen as critical to achieve the sustainable financing of SP (Asher, et al., 2018). National ownership by recipient countries and members
2015; UNICEF, 2019) via social and solidarity economy, as seen in of communities of capacity-building efforts is key to ensuring their
women’s autonomous adaptation measures in precautionary savings success (Roberts and Pelling, 2016; Mikulewicz, 2017).
and flood preparedness in Nepal (Banerjee et al., 2019), and self-help
groups as development intermediaries (Anderson, 2019). Still, there are Findings
constraints of SP to reach those who are most vulnerable to climate
change and other hazards due to their legal status, such as the fact The need to develop tailored climate communication and education
that attention to forcibly displaced populations within the SP field has strategies for individual nations as public awareness and risk
been limited (Sabates-Wheeler, 2019). perceptions towards climate change vary greatly (medium evidence,
high agreement) (Lee et al., 2015a). Improving on, and investing in, Knowledge Gaps basic education, climate literacy and location-based strategies of
climate change are vital to enhance public engagement, societies’
Government SP can attenuate the negative impacts in facing disasters, adaptive capacity and support for climate action (Lutz et al., 2014c;
depending on the differences in political systems and the focus put Hu and Chen, 2016). As stated in the IPCC Special Report 1.5°C,
on sociopolitical measures (medium evidence, medium agreement), sustainable development has the potential to significantly reduce
not only in restoring livelihoods but also in easing mental burdens systemic vulnerability, enhance adaptive capacity and promote
faced by rural households in developing countries (Dalton et al., 2016; livelihood security for poor and disadvantaged populations (Roy et al.,
Kosec and Mo, 2017; Liebenehm, 2018). However, limited government 2018). Hence, various concepts are introduced to foster awareness,
capacities and fiscal feasibility may impede the expansion and effective understanding, knowledge, participation as well as commitment
implementation of SP as developing countries need further support to towards managing climate change in a sustainable manner. One such 10
design, adjust and implement SP schemes effectively (Klonner, 2014; concept is education for sustainable development (ESD), which is aimed
Schwan and Yu, 2017). Most countries have comprehensive strategies at integrating the principles and practices of sustainable development
for both SP and climate change, but few have attempted to align them, in all aspects of education, and training individuals who will contribute
as in practice they remain in separate institutional homes, governed to the realisation of a more sustainable society (Kitamura, 2017).
by their own intra-sector coordination groups and funding channels
(Steinbach et al., 2016; Bank, 2018b). Thus, significant knowledge Climate-change education (CCE) is also now addressed in the
gaps remain in terms of understanding the potential of SP to build context of ESD and allows for learners to understand the causes and
long-term resilience to climate change (Ulrichs et al., 2019). Future consequences of climate change, and teaches them how to take action
efforts should be geared to develop climate-responsive SP policies that (Mochizuki and Bryan, 2015). Both ESD and CCE are gaining broader
consider a broad range of issues including urbanisation and migration, attention, for instance, in China (Han, 2015) and the Republic of Korea
the impact of green policies on the poor, access to essential health care (Sung, 2015); however, development of policies and implementation
and risks to socially marginalised groups (Aleksandrova, 2019). Along of initiatives regarding ESD and CCE still face a handful of challenges
with strengthening links to climate information and EWS, finance for which require a strong political will and consensus of key stakeholders
enabling SP systems to address climate-related shocks and stresses (Læssøe and Mochizuki, 2015). Effective communication on CCE
dynamically needs to be scaled up (Kuriakose et al., 2013; Ulrichs et al., particularly for younger-generation engagement is also essential, as
2019). they are our future leaders as climate change is an inter-generational
equity issue (Corner et al., 2015). Action for Climate Empowerment of
Article 6 of the UNFCCC target youth as a major group for effective
10.5.7 Education and Capacity Development engagement in the formulation and implementation of decisions on
climate change (UNFCCC, 2015). Increasing attention from countries Point of Departure in Asia, such as Thailand and India, will encourage innovative ways
to provide adequately in educating and engaging youth in climate-
Asian areas with the least capacity to respond, such as the Himalayan change issues (Narksompong and Limjirakan, 2015; Dür and Keller,
region and densely populated deltas, are hit first and hardest by 2018).
climate impacts (De Souza et al., 2015; Khan, 2017). Acknowledging
the limitations in terms of capacity and coping mechanisms towards An integrated approach to knowledge about climate change embraces
climate change, education, training and awareness building is both the importance in bridging knowledge of climate science and
central to sustaining long-term capacity building (Clemens et al., respecting IKLK, and should be at the heart of any effort to educate
2016). Education has a lot more to offer in terms of improvements in citizens to have a deeper understanding of the causes and consequence
addressing climate change, particularly in the climate hotspots of Asia of climate change in a holistic manner (Aswani et al., 2018). Indigenous
where mostly poor, disadvantaged communities vulnerable to climate Peoples, comprising about 6% of the global population, play a crucial
change reside (Mani et al., 2018). In particular, when disseminated, role in the fight against climate change for two interlinked reasons.
climate-change awareness and information need more explanation First, they have a particular physical and spiritual relationship with
(Steg et al., 2014; Wi and Chang, 2018; Cho, 2020). In addition, land, water and associated ecosystems, and tend to be among the
Chapter 10Asia
most vulnerable group to climate change (Magni, 2017). Second, they change; thus, citizen science has the potential in bridging this gap and
have a specialised ecological and traditional knowledge relevant to has many advantages for climate mitigation and adaptation practice
finding the best solutions to climate change (Rautela and Karki, 2015). and policy (Ford et al., 2016). While citizen science uses citizens as
Indigenous knowledge systems and resource management practices policy-passive objects for research in conducting measurements for
are important tools for both mitigating and adapting to climate big datasets, citizen social science is gaining momentum where it
change (Fernandez-Llamazares et al., 2015). Indigenous knowledge is repositions citizens as central co-learners who can widen the climate-
increasingly recognised as a powerful tool for compiling evidence of science evidence base to achieve a more holistic understanding for the
climate change over time (Ahmed et al., 2016a). Knowledge of CCA benefit of all (Kythreotis et al., 2019).
and DRR provide a range of complementary approaches in building
resilience and reducing the vulnerability of natural and human systems
to the impacts of climate change and environmental hazards (Mall 10.6 Climate Resilient Development Pathways
et al., 2019). The adaptation dimension involves developing knowledge
and utilising existing IKLK, skills and dispositions to better cope with 10.6.1 Climate Resilient Development Pathways in Asia
already evident and looming climate impacts (Aghaei et al., 2018). It
is also important to ensure inclusive efforts in DRR across different Climate resilient development pathways (CRDPs) are ‘trajectories
nations and communities as well as increasing skills and capacities of that strengthen sustainable development and efforts to eradicate
women towards DRR efforts (Alam and Rahman, 2014; Drolet et al., poverty and reduce inequalities while promoting fair and cross-scalar
2015; Islam et al., 2016b; Reyes and Lu, 2016; Hemachandra et al., adaptation to and resilience in a changing climate’ (Roy et al., 2018).
2018). More effective and efficient teaching and learning strategies, as Moving beyond a business-as-usual scenario, CRDPs involve not only
well as collaborative networks, are needed to increase preparedness adaptation and mitigation choices but also sustainable development
and DRR activities across various levels of community (Oktari et al., implications and societal transformation (Roy et al., 2018). This
2015; Takahashi et al., 2015; Tuladhar et al., 2015b; Shiwaku et al., basic understanding of CRDPs explicitly reflects that climate action
10 2016; Gampell et al., 2017). (mitigation and adaptation) and sustainable development are
fundamentally integrated and interdependent.
Table 10.6 shows education and capacity-building aspects affecting
adaptation by sub-region examples. There is high confidence that currently implemented climate action
in Asia (such as climate-smart agriculture, ecosystem-based DRR and Knowledge gaps investing in urban blue–green infrastructure) can meet adaptation,
mitigation and SDGs simultaneously, presenting opportunities for
Capacity building at national and local levels still needs to address climate resilient development (CRD). However, there also exist
gaps in research and practice, such as impacts and results of different significant barriers to CRD such as fragmented, reactive governance;
preparedness measures (Alcayna et al., 2016). Ad-hoc and localised inadequate evidence on which actions to prioritise and how to
documentations and monitoring of efforts to build adaptive capacities sequence them; and finance deficits. Some Asian countries and regions
has rendered it difficult to assess success (Cinner et al., 2018). offer solutions to overcome these barriers: through use of advanced
Recommendations for strengthened capacity building are sometimes technologies (in situ observation and remote sensing, a variety of new
made or understood in isolation from the underlying structural issues sensor technologies, citizen science, AI and machine learning tools);
shaping vulnerability, or without adequately recognising the political regional partnerships and learning; improved forecasting capabilities;
relationships that mediate the ways in which particular technical and better risk awareness (high confidence).
interventions result in differentiated outcomes for different groups
(Archer and Dodman, 2015). Thus, design- and decision-based tools, Asian countries are repeatedly identified as the most vulnerable
such as rapid assessment for community resilience to climate change to climatic risks with key sectors such as agriculture, cities and
as well as rapid approach to monitor the effectiveness of aid projects, infrastructure, and terrestrial ecosystems expected to see high exposure
support the community-based adaptation to climate change to analyse to multiple hazards (Section 10.3). Owing to rapid development and
using a multi-dimensional approach, procedural, distributional, rights large populations, Asian countries have large and growing GHG
and responsibilities (Nkoana et al., 2018; Jacobson et al., 2019). emissions: in 2018, five of the top ten emitters in the world were Asian–
China (1), India (3), Japan (5), the Republic of Korea (8) and Indonesia
As a model of communication and engagement, citizen science has (10) (Friedlingstein et al., 2019)–although it is critical to note that per-
the potential to promote individual and collective climate-change capita emissions and cumulative emissions are relatively lower than
action (Groulx et al., 2017). More than information provision is needed in developed economies (Raupach et al., 2014). However, in the 2020
to mobilise public action on climate change (Kyburz-Graber, 2013). Sustainability Index and Dashboard, only two Asian countries made it
Citizen science links communication and engagement in a manner that into the top 30 countries in the world: Japan (17) and the Republic of
holds important lessons on ways to promote collective responses to Korea (20) (Sachs et al., 2020). Finally, Asia has varied capacities to
climate (Wals et al., 2014; Bonney et al., 2016). The power of science- adapt with high heterogeneity in adaptation progress across the region.
based citizen engagement lies in citizen group contribution in drawing
upon their local knowledge to enrich the knowledge base required for Given this context of high risks, growing emissions and varied adaptive
management decisions (Sayer et al., 2015). Scientific evidence may be capacities in Asia, CRDPs can enable (a) reducing existing vulnerability
less attuned to the complexity of local realities in managing climate and inequality, (b) sustainable development and meeting the SDGs and
Asia Chapter 10
Productivity, net crop income, improvement in Farmers’ education, easy access to farm advisory services,
South Asia Agriculture Pakistan (Abid et al., 2016)
livelihoods and food security weather forecasting and marketing information
Southeast Farming cultural practices adopted to minimise Small-scale farmers’ attendance at climate-change training
Agriculture Vietnam (Trinh et al., 2018)
Asia production losses due to extreme weather to enhance adaptive capacity
Removing farmers’ barriers to adopting Knowledge of crop variety, increasing educational outreach
adaptation measures, and provide funds and and communicating climate-change-related information to China (Zhai et al., 2018)
timely information increase the likelihood of employing adaptive strategies
Chapter 10Asia
Table 10.7 | Adaptation options that can have mitigation and SDG synergies and trade-offs, providing opportunities for the triple wins necessary for climate resilient development
High synergy
Solar drip irrigation SDGs 2, 7, 12 SDG 10 South Asia: Alam et al. (2020)
Shift to cleaner energy
High synergy b South Asia: Aggarwal et al. (2019); Aryal et al. (2020b); Aryal
No till practices and improved et al. (2020a); Tankha et al. (2020)
Climate-smart agriculture SDGs 2, 12
residue management can
reduce soil carbon emissions. Southeast Asia: Chandra and McNamara (2018)
High synergy
Integrated smart water grids Reduced energy needs for SDGs 6, 9, 11, 13 Asia: Kim (2017)
supplying water
Coastal green infrastructure High synergy SDGs 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 Southeast Asia: Koh and Teh (2019); Herbeck and Flitner
(a) Expert judgment.
(b) The CCA options in the agriculture sector include soil management, crop diversification, cropping system optimisation and management, water management, sustainable land
management, crop pest and disease management, and direct seeding of rice (Aryal et al., 2020b). Other specific agricultural practices that have adaptation and mitigation synergies
include between-tillage and residue management, alternate wetting and drying, site-specific nutrient management, crop diversification for less-water-intensive crops, such as maize,
and improved livestock management (Aryal et al., 2020a).
(c) Risk management strategies in agriculture include crop insurance, index insurance, social networking and community-based adaptation, collective international action and
integrated agro-meteorological advisory services (Aryal et al., 2020b).
(c) managing multiple and often concurrent risks, including climate- The following subsections examine CRDPs through three approaches
change and disaster risks. Potentially, combinations of adaptation and that are particularly important in Asia and have a large body of evidence
mitigation options will be required to lead to CRD (see Figure 18.1 to assess implications for adaptation, mitigation and sustainable
on CRDPs ), and some of them are shown in Table 10.7. For example, development. The three illustrative approaches are: (a) disaster risk
climate-smart agriculture strengthens food security (SDG 2, Zero management and adaptation synergies, (b) the food–water–energy
Hunger) (Aggarwal et al., 2019); urban disaster management, such as nexus and (c) poverty alleviation and meeting equity goals.
the Jakarta Disaster Risk Reduction Education Initiative, contributes to
SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities) (Ajibade et al., 2019).
Asia Chapter 10
10.6.2 Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate-Change Risk assessments have been undertaken for different hazards such as
Adaptation Linkages flood (Al Saud, 2015; Al-Amin et al., 2019; Jha and Gundimeda, 2019;
Mahmood et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019e), drought (Guo et al., 2019; Point of Departure Mainali et al., 2019), rainfall-induced landslide (Li et al., 2019b), SLR
(Imaduddina and Subagyo, 2014; Suroso and Firman, 2018) and heat
There is growing evidence on the interconnectedness of extreme stress (Onosuka et al., 2019), among others, as well as environmental
weather, climate change and disaster impacts (Asia, 2017; Reyer, assessment, for example, in coastal zones (Islam and Zhang, 2019).
2017). In Asia, climate-related disasters have become more recurrent Different types of strategies for climate risk management have also
and destructive in terms of both economic and social impacts (Bhatt been studied including: (a) in situ adaptation through ecosystem- and
et al., 2015; Aich et al., 2017; Vij et al., 2017). Projections of increasing community-based adaptation (Jamero et al., 2017); (b) managed retreat
frequency, intensity and severity of climate-related disasters call for or relocation (Buchori et al., 2018; Doberstein et al., 2020); (c) planned
better integration of CCA and DRR (Sapountzaki, 2018) in policy sheltering in flood zones (Wu et al., 2019c); (d) sustainable livelihoods
development to address risks efficiently (Rahman et al., 2018) and to that consider long-term CCA measures of farmers and fishermen
promote sustainable development pathways for reduced vulnerability (Nizami et al., 2019; Shaffril et al., 2019); (e) coastal afforestation
and increased resilience (Seidler et al., 2018). Connecting CCA and through mangrove plantation (Rahman et al., 2018); (f) management
DRR efforts in both policy and practice continue to be a challenge, of ecosystem services to mitigate the effects of droughts (Tran and
however, because the convergence of national policy and planning Brown, 2019); (g) pre-investments, including holistic assessment of the
processes on CCA and DRR within Asia is in its early stages (Cousins, basin (Inaoka et al., 2019); (h) institutionalisation, where entry points
2014) and structural barriers persist (Mall et al., 2019). Both CCA are identified in efforts to build resilience (Lassa, 2019) and adaptive
and DRR have developed as separate policy domains because of the governance (Walch, 2019); and (i) linking science and local knowledge
different temporal and spatial scales considered, the diversity of actors (Mehta et al., 2019; van Gevelt et al., 2019).
involved, the policies and institutional frameworks adopted and the
differences in tools and methodological approaches used. This has The sectors to which CCA and DRR have been linked are varied. For 10
resulted in the CCA and DRR communities, and the knowledge and example, Filho et al. (2019) assessed adaptive capacity and resilience to
research they produce to support planning and decision making, not climate change based on urban poverty, infrastructure and community
always being well connected (Street et al., 2019). facilities; Mabon et al. (2019) looked at adaptation via the built
environment, green roofs, and citizen and private-sector involvement Findings in smaller-scale greening actions; Lama and Becker (2019) focused on
adaptation to reduce risk in conflicts; Banwell et al. (2018) studied the
Climate risk management in Asia is approached by focusing on hazards link between health, CCA and DRR; and Izumi et al. (2019) surveyed
that are associated with extremes (i.e., extreme weather events with science, technology and innovation for DRR. Vulnerable groups have
increased frequency and severity) as well as climate- and weather- been given much attention, such as farmers (Afroz, 2017; Gupta
related events. For example, farming has been affected by climatic et al., 2019; Jawid and Khadjavi, 2019; Khanal et al., 2019; Shi et al.,
variability and change in a wide variety of ways that include an 2019a), women (Goodrich et al., 2019; Hossain et al., 2019; Udas et al.,
increase in drought periods and intensity, a shortage of irrigation water 2019), and children, elderly and refugees (Asia, 2017). Finally, issues
availability, an increase in flooding and landslides, pest infestation of identified include water resource management (Bhatta et al., 2019; Sen
crops, a rising number of crop diseases, the introduction of invasive et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019a); food security (Aleksandrova et al.,
species and crop weeds, land degradation and an overall reduction 2016; Le, 2016); disaster governance (Blanco, 2015); climate boundary
in crop yields (Khanal et al., 2019). Estimation of the number of daily shifting wherein impacts of climate change are significant for crop
patients of heat-related illness based on the weather data and newly production, soil management and DRR (Talchabhadel and Karki, 2019);
introduced metrics shows that the effects of age, successive days and and institutional dimensions of CCA (Cuevas, 2018; Islam et al., 2020).
heat adaptation are key variables (Kodera et al., 2019).
Case studies on climate risk management and integrated CCA and
Because most developing countries in Asia are highly vulnerable to the DRR actions highlight some key lessons including: an integrated
impacts of climate change due to a number of factors, many studies and transformative approach to CCA, which focuses on long-term
have focused on understanding vulnerability, for instance, gendered changes in addressing climate impacts (Filho et al., 2019); adoption
vulnerability at the micro scale, which limits capacity to respond to of an adaptive flood risk management framework incorporating
both climatic and socioeconomic stressors (Ferdous and Mallick, both risk observation and public perceptions (Al-Amin et al., 2019);
2019); vulnerability of urban poor communities due to the interaction a holistic approach and non-structural and technological measures
of environmental and social factors (e.g., low incomes, gender, migrant in flood control management (Chan, 2014); monitoring of changes in
status) and heightens the impacts of climate change on the poor (Porio, urban surface water in relation to changes in seasons, land covers,
2014); social–ecological vulnerability where a degraded environment anthropogenic activities and topographic characteristics for managing
influences hazard patterns and vulnerability of people (Depietri, watersheds and urban planning (Faridatul et al., 2019); removing
2020); and livelihood vulnerability due to perceived climate risks and ‘gender blindness’ in agrobiodiversity conservation and adaptation
adaptation constraints (Fahad and Wang, 2018; Hossain et al., 2020). policies (Ravera et al., 2019); understanding uncertainties in CCA and
DRR at the local level (van der Keur et al., 2016; Djalante and Lassa,
2019); promoting the use of IKLK alongside scientific knowledge
Chapter 10Asia
(Hiwasaki et al., 2014); and increasing information, education and how practice can build on these lessons in the deltas, among others
communication activities, and capacity development on DRR at the (Lwasa, 2015). Approaches in tackling the challenges of climate change
local level (Tuladhar et al., 2015a). and disasters in the cities of developing countries could be better
understood, and shared between cities so they can learn from one
Several studies also have identified enabling conditions to effectively another (Filho et al., 2019).
implement CCA and DRR actions. In the Arab region of Asia (ARA),
the following are critical: capacity building to develop knowledge and
awareness; mainstreaming CCA and DRR in the national strategies 10.6.3 Food–Water–Energy Nexus
and policies (e.g., water and environmental strategies); empowering
the role of CCA and DRR actors, notably women and rural societies; Point of Departure
adopting lessons learned from regions with physical characteristics
similar to those of ARA; establishing forecasting and prediction Food, energy, water and land are vital elements for sustainable
platforms that are supported by advanced monitoring technologies development as well as enhancing resilience to both climatic and non-
(e.g., remote sensing); and encouraging universities and research climatic shocks. All these resources are highly vulnerable to climate
centres to develop studies on CCA and DRR. In Southeast Asia, laws change (Sections 10.3.1, 10.3.4). Poor people are most affected due
and policies, institutional and financial arrangements, risk assessment, to changes in resources availability and accessibility. Food, water and
capacity building, and planning and implementation are entry points in energy security are interconnected (Bizikova et al., 2013; Ringler et al.,
integrating CCA and DRR (Lassa and Sembiring, 2017; Agency, 2018). 2013; Rasul, 2014; Chang et al., 2016; Ringler et al., 2016). Although
According to Cutter et al. (2015), holistic solutions and integrated adapting to climate change is one of the core components of the global,
approaches, rigorous risk research that shows coherent science-based regional, national and subnational agendas, the focus of adaptation
assessment and knowledge transfer from research to practice, and action has remained sectoral. Undermining the interlinkages of food,
aligned targets on disaster risk management, climate change and energy and water security may increase trade-offs between sectors or
10 sustainable development targets, are critical. Social capital and SP places, which may lead to maladaptation (Barnett and O’Neill, 2010;
measures could promote pro-poor and gender-responsive adaptation Howells et al., 2013; Lele et al., 2013). Therefore, focusing on the
as well as socially inclusive policies (Dilshad et al., 2019; Yari et al., nature of trade-offs and synergies across the food–water–energy nexus
2019). Community-based approaches could allow local perceptions of for integrated management of resources is a potential strategy for
climate change and experience of place to be included in planning adaptation to both climatic and non-climatic challenges (Bhaduri et al.,
(Dujardin et al., 2018; Dwirahmadi et al., 2019; Widiati and Irianto, 2015; Zaman et al., 2017). Due to its importance to the Paris Agreement
2019), and multi-stakeholder participation could engage various and SDGs, the food–water–energy nexus approach has gotten
actors such as the private sector in CCA and DRR. Furthermore, multi- increasing attention in terms of capturing synergies and minimising
level climate governance could benefit from vertical and horizontal trade-offs in this interconnected system, which is also critical for
interactions at different levels and layers in the city (Zen et al., 2019). enhancing adaptation together (Bazilian et al., 2011; Lawford et al.,
To mainstream and secure funding commitments, CCA and DRR could 2013; UNESCAP, 2013; FAO, 2014; Rasul and Sharma, 2014; Taniguchi
be integrated into national development plans and sectoral long-term et al., 2017a; Sukhwani et al., 2019; Sukhwani et al., 2020).
plans (Ishiwatari and Surjan, 2020; Rahayu et al., 2020; Rani et al.,
2020b). Findings Knowledge Gaps The food–water–energy nexus can be evaluated in the two-way
interactions between water–food, water–energy and food–energy
Adaptation follows knowledge on risks, and literature exists that (Taniguchi et al., 2017a). The water–energy nexus includes water
systematically identifies and characterises exposure and vulnerability, for energy and energy for water (Rothausen and Conway, 2011;
but gaps still exist. Decision making under uncertainty is challenged by Hussey and Pittock, 2012; Byers et al., 2014), the water–food nexus
the lack of data for adapting to current and uncertain future climate, includes water for food and the impact of food production on water
the different perceptions of risk, and the potential solutions across (Hoekstra and Mekonnen, 2012) and the energy–food nexus includes
different cultures and languages (van der Keur et al., 2016). Lack of energy consumption for food production and food crops for biofuel
downscaled climatic data, diverse institutional structures, and missing production (Tilman et al., 2009). The food–water–energy–land nexus
links in policies, are among the challenges in South Asia (Mall et al., has diverse implications at the sub-regional level in Asia. The increase
2019). In agriculture, there are gaps in the use of advanced farming in the water-supply gap raises questions about the sustainability of
techniques such as drought-resistant crops, and information on climate the main mode of electricity generation in South Asia. Thermal power
change to support farming households in making adaptation decisions generation and hydropower generation are both threatened by water
(Akhtar et al., 2019; Khanal et al., 2019; Ullah et al., 2019). Better shortages in South Asia (Luo, 2018b; Mitra et al., 2021). Furthermore,
understanding of effective water management is crucial due to conflicts policy-mismatch-driven anthropogenic causes lead to unsustainable
for shared water in ARA (Shaban and Hamze, 2017; UNDP, 2018). For water use for food production in India. For example, subsidised
delta regions, gaps identified are methodologies and approaches electricity supply for watering agriculture plays a key role in losing
appropriate for understanding social vulnerability at various scales, groundwater’s buffer capacity against the various changes including
pathways required for adaptation policy and response in the deltas that climate variabilities (Badiani et al., 2012; Mitra, 2017). In the Mekong
transcend development, and the lessons from implemented policy and River basin of Southeast Asia, massive and rapid export-oriented
Asia Chapter 10
hydropower development will have direct implications on regional food such approaches in order to respond to the climate-change challenge
security and livelihoods through a major negative effect on the aquatic in a socially just manner (Mayrhofer and Gupta, 2016). These non-
ecosystem (Baran and Myschowoda, 2009; Dugan et al., 2010; Arias conflicting aims are described as co-benefits as reiterated in the
et al., 2014). Similarly, in Central Asia, the shifting of water storage for IPCC reports as a central concept that refers to ‘the positive effects
irrigation to power development has increased risks on reliable water that a policy or measure aimed at one objective might have on other
supply and quality of water (Granit et al., 2012). Deforestation-driven objectives, irrespective of the net effect on overall social welfare’
agro-environmental changes have led to a decreased forest water (IPCC, 2014b). Better understanding of how social justice affects,
supply, an increased irrigation water demand and a negative effect on and is affected by, efforts to build adaptive capacity will be crucial
cropland stability and productivity (Lim et al., 2017a; Lim et al., 2019b). to avoiding unintended, and even perverse, outcomes. For example,
on the Andaman coast of Thailand, responses to climate-change Knowledge gaps trends and events tended to be reactive rather than proactive, making
already vulnerable people even more vulnerable and undermining
Many challenges remain in both scientific research and policy their capacity to adapt in the future (Bennett et al., 2014). Different
actions at the global, regional, national and subnational levels. The forms of inequality, moreover, render some groups more vulnerable
scientific challenges include data, information and knowledge gaps than others to damage from climate hazards. In Mumbai, India, for
in understanding the food, energy, water and land interlinkages, example, the houses of poorer families required repeated repairs to
and lack of systematic tools to address trade-offs (Liu et al., 2017a). secure them against flood damage, and the cumulative cost of those
Until very recently, implementation of the food–energy–water nexus repairs consumed a greater proportion of their income than for richer
focused primarily on technical solutions, whereas governance (i.e., the populations (UN, 2016). Building the resilience of vulnerable groups
institutions and processes governing the food–energy–water nexus) requires strong community and government institutions that can
has not received much consideration (Scheyvens and Shivakoti, 2019). support efforts to cope with devastating events, offering SP and social
At the policy end, the common challenges for implementation of the development initiatives to support at-risk or vulnerable groups (Drolet
water–energy–food–land nexus are absence of sectoral coordination et al., 2015). In addition, agencies need to consider how they can best 10
(Pahl-Wostl, 2019), the influence of political priorities on decisions and work in ways which potentially support longer-term positive change
lack of processes for scientific knowledge to shape decisions, lack of to gender roles and relations. For example, post-disaster activities
capacity to understand interlinkages between sectors, lack of multi- must build and resource women’s resilience and adaptive capacity
stakeholder engagement in planning and decision-making processes, in practice and challenge the constraints that impinge on their lives
and lack of incentive mechanisms and adequate finance to support the (Sadia et al., 2016; Sohrabizadeh et al., 2016; Hadiyanto et al., 2018;
approach (Bao et al., 2018; Scheyvens and Shivakoti, 2019). Yumarni and Amaratunga, 2018; Alam and Rahman, 2019).
Chapter 10Asia
An ethical analysis of the climate regime reveals an abidingly strong (redistribution, recognition, restitution, regeneration and resistance) of
interconnection between economic circumstances, geopolitical power socially just land policy are necessarily intertwined. But the global land
and the justice claims that nations can assert in negotiations (Okereke, rush amid deepening climate change calls attention to the linkages,
2016). Events within the climate regime highlight the importance of especially between the pursuit of agrarian justice, on the one hand,
questioning the extent to which claims of justice can ever be truly and climate justice, on the other. Here, the relationship is not without
realised in the context of international regimes of environmental contradictions and warrants increased attention as both unit of
governance, as well as how much concerns for justice are motivated analysis and object of political action. Understanding and deepening
by other concerns such as relative economic gains or geopolitical agrarian-justice imperatives in climate politics, and understanding and
objectives (Sikor, 2014). deepening climate-justice imperatives in agrarian politics, is needed
more than ever in the ongoing pursuit of alternatives. For example,
The global land rush and mainstream climate-change narratives the intersection between land grabs and climate-change mitigation
have broadened the ranks of state and social actors concerned about politics in Myanmar has created new political opportunities for scaling
land issues while strengthening those opposed to social-justice- up, expanding and deepening the struggles towards ‘agrarian climate
oriented land policies (Borras, 2018). The five deep social reforms justice’(Sekine, 2021).
FAQ 10.1 | What are the current and projected key risks related to climate change in each sub-region of Asia?
Climate-change-related risks are projected to increase progressively at 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C of global warming in many parts of Asia. Heat stress
and water deficit are affecting human health and food security. Risks due to extreme rainfall and sea level rise are exacerbated in vulnerable Asia.
Climatologically, the summer surface air temperature in South, Southeast and Southwest Asia is high, and its coastal
area is very humid. In these regions, heat stress is already a medium risk for humans. Large cities are warmer by more
than 2°C compared with the surroundings due to heat island effects, exacerbating heat stress conditions. Future
warming will cause more frequent temperature extremes and heatwaves especially in densely populated South
Asian cities, where working conditions will be exacerbated and daytime outdoor work will become dangerous. For
example, incidence of excess heat-related mortality in 51 cities in China is estimated to reach 37,800 deaths per year
over a 20-year period in the mid-21st century (2041–2060) under the RCP8.5 scenario.
Asian glaciers are the water resources for local and adjacent regions. Glaciers are decreasing in Central, Southwest,
Southeast and North Asia, but are stable or increased in some parts of the Hindu Kush Himalaya region. The glacier
melt water in the southern Tibetan Plateau increased during 1998–2007, and the total amount and area of glacier
lakes has increased during recent decades. In the future, maximum glacial runoff is projected in High Mountain
Asia. Glacier collapses and surges, together with glacier lake outburst flood due to the expansion of glacier lakes,
will threaten the securities of the local and down streaming societies.
With much of the Asian population living in drought-prone areas, water scarcity is a prevailing risk across Asia
through water and food shortage leading to malnutrition. Populations vulnerable to impacts related to water are
going to increase progressively at 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C of global warming. Aggravating drought condition is projected
in Central Asia. Water quality degradation also has profound impact on human health.
Extreme rainfall causes floods in vulnerable rivers. Observed changes in extreme rainfall vary considerably by region
in Asia. Extreme rainfall events (such as heavy rainfall >100 mm per day) have been increasing in South and East Asia.
In the future, most of East and Southeast Asia are projected to experience more intense rainfall events as soon as by
the middle of the 21st century. In those regions, the flood risk will become more frequent and severe. It is estimated
that over one-third of Asian cities and about 932 million urban dwellers are living in areas with high risk of flooding.
Sea level rise is continuing. Higher than the global mean sea level rise is projected on Asian coasts. Storm surge and
high wave by tropical cyclones of higher intensity are high risk for a large number of Asian megacities facing the
ocean: China, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam have the highest numbers of coastal populations exposed
and thus are most vulnerable to disaster-related mortality.
Changes in terrestrial biome have been observed that are consistent with warming, such as an upward move of
treeline position in mountains. Climate change, human activity, lightning and quality of forest governance and
management have increased wildfire severity and area burned in North Asia in recent decades. Changes in marine
primary production also have been observed: a decrease up to 20% over the past six decades in the western Indian
Ocean, due to ocean warming and stratification, has restricted nutrient mixing. The risk of irreversible loss of many
ecosystems will increase with global warming.
Asia Chapter 10
FAQ 10.1 (continued)
The likelihood of adverse impacts to agricultural and food security in many parts of developing Asia will progressively
escalate with the changing climate. The potential of total fisheries production in South and Southeast Asia is also
projected to decrease.
Permafrost thawing
Heat wave 10
Heat island
Dust storms
Heat wave
Extreme rainfall
Chapter 10Asia
FAQ 10.2 | What are the current and emerging adaptation options across Asia?
Mirroring the heterogeneity across Asia, different countries and communities are undertaking a range of reactive and proactive strategies to
manage risk in various sectors. Several of these adaptation actions show promise, reducing vulnerability and improving societal well-being.
However, challenges remain around scaling up adaptation actions in a manner that is effective and inclusive while simultaneously meeting
national development goals.
Asia exhibits tremendous variation in terms of ecosystems, economic development, cultures and climate risk
exposure. Mirroring this variation, households, communities and governments have a wide range of coping and
adaptation strategies to deal with changing climatic conditions, with co-benefits for various non-climatic issues such
as poverty, conflict and livelihood dynamics.
Currently, Asian countries have rich evidence on managing risk, drawing on long histories of dealing with change.
For example, to deal with erratic rainfall and shifting monsoons, farmers make incremental shifts such as changing
what and when they grow or adjusting their irrigation practices. Communities living in coastal settlements are
using Early warning systems to prepare for cyclones or raising the height of their houses to minimise flood impacts.
These types of strategies, seen across all Asian sub-regions, based on local social and ecological contexts, are termed
autonomous adaptations that occur incrementally and help people manage current impacts.
Currently and in the future, Asia is identified as one of regions most vulnerable to climate change, especially
on extreme heat, flooding, sea level rise and erratic rainfall. All these climatic risks, when overlaid on existing
development deficits, show us that incremental adaptation will not be enough; transformational change is
required. Recognising this, at subnational and national levels, government and non-governmental actors are also
prioritising planned adaptation strategies which include interventions like ‘climate-smart agriculture’ as seen in South
and Southeast Asian countries, or changing labour laws to reduce exposure to heat as seen in West Asia. These are
often sectoral priorities governments lay out through national or subnational policies and projects, drawing on
various sources of funding: domestic, bilateral and international. Apart from these planned adaptation strategies in
social systems, Asian countries also report and invest in adaptation measures in natural systems such as expanding
nature reserves to enable species conservation or setting up habitat corridors to facilitate landscape connectivity
and species movements across climatic gradients.
Overall, the fundamental challenges that Asia will see exacerbated under climate change are around water and
food insecurity, poverty and inequality, and increased frequency and severity of extreme events. In some places
and for some people, climate change, even at 1.5°C and more so at 2°C, will significantly constrain the functioning
and well-being of human and ecological systems. Asian cities, villages and countries are rising to this current and
projected challenge, albeit somewhat unevenly.
Some examples of innovative adaptation actions are China’s ‘Sponge Cities’ which are trying to protect ecosystems
while reducing risk for people, now and in the future. Another example is India’s Heat Action Plans that are using
‘cool roofs’ technologies and awareness-building campaigns to reduce the impacts of extreme heat. Across South
and Southeast Asia, climate-smart agriculture programmes are reducing GHG emissions associated with farming
while helping farmers adapt to changing risks. Each country is experimenting with infrastructural, nature-based,
technological, institutional and behavioural strategies to adapt to current and future climate change with local
contexts shaping both the possibility of undertaking such actions as well as the effectiveness of these actions to
reduce risk. What works for ageing cities in Japan exposed to heatwaves and floods may not work for pastoral
communities in the highlands of Central Asia, but there is progress on understanding what actions work and for
whom. The challenge is to scale current adaptation action, especially in the most exposed areas and for the most
vulnerable populations, as well as move beyond adapting to single risks alone (i.e., adapt to multiple coinciding
risks such as flooding and water scarcity in coastal cities across South Asia or extreme heat and flash floods in
West Asia). In this context, funding and implementing adaptation is essential, and while Asian countries are
experimenting with a range of autonomous and planned adaptation actions to deal with these multiple and often
concurrent challenges, making current development pathways climate resilient is necessary and, some might argue,
Asia Chapter 10
FAQ 10.2 (continued)
Agriculture, fisheries
Water storage, irrigation and water management 10
Climate-smart agriculture
and food
Early warning systems and use of climate information services
Fisheries management plans (e.g., seasonal closures, limited fishing licenses, livelihood diversification)
FAQ 10.3 | How are Indigenous knowledge and local knowledge being incorporated in the design and
implementation of adaptation projects and policies in Asia?
Indigenous People, comprising about 6% of the global population, play a crucial role in managing climate change for two important reasons.
First, they have a physical and spiritual connection with land, water and associated ecosystems, thus making them most vulnerable to any
environmental and climatic changes. Second, their ecological and local knowledge are relevant to finding solutions to climate change.
Indigenous knowledge and local knowledge (IKLK) play an important role in the formulation of adaptation
governance and related strategies (IPCC 2007), and best quality, locality-specific knowledge can help address the
serious lack of education on climate change and uncertainties surrounding quality, salience, credibility and the
legitimacy of the available knowledge base.
Key findings across Asia underline the importance of building, sustaining and augmenting local capacity through
addressing inadequacies in terms of resource base, climate-change awareness, government–community partnerships
and vulnerability assessment. Furthermore, inclusion of as well as related practices will improve adaptation planning
and decision-making processes concerning climate change.
Chapter 10Asia
FAQ 10.3 (continued)
In climate-sensitive livelihoods, an integrated approach informed by science that examines multiple stressors, along
with IKLK, appears to be of immense value. For instance, in building farmers’ resilience, enhancing CCA, ensuring
cross-cultural communication and promoting local skills, Indigenous People’s intuitive thinking processes and
geographic knowledge of remote areas are very important.
There is also a widespread recognition that IKLK are important in ensuring successful ecosystem-based adaptation
(EbA). However, this recognition requires more practical application and translation into IKLK-driven EbA projects.
For instance, in the Coral Triangle region, creating historical timelines and mapping seasonal calendars can help to
capture IKLK while also feeding this information into climate science and climate adaptation planning. Identifying
indigenous crop species for agriculture by using IKLK is already identified as an important way to localise climate
adaptation: an example is Bali’s vital contribution of moral economies to food systems which have long built
resilience among groups of communities in terms of food security and sovereignty, even with the challenges faced
due to modernising of local food systems.
Many of the pressing problems of Asia, including water scarcity, rapid urbanisation, deforestation, loss of species,
rising coastal hazards and agricultural loss can be effectively negated, or at least minimised, through proper
adoption of suitable science and technological methods. Climate-change adaptation is greatly facilitated by
science, technology and innovation. This ranges from application of existing science, new development on scientific
tools and methods, application of IKLK and citizen sciences. Deploying Knowledge Quality Assessment Tool found
significant co-relation between science-based and IKLK framing would help to address, acknowledge and utilise by
an integrated approach the wisdom of IKLK, a valuable asset for climate adaptation governance. The IKLK-based
environmental indicators need to be seen as part of a separate system of knowledge that coexists with, but is not
submerged into, another conventional knowledge system.
In the context of education and capacity development of climate change, an integrated approach of embracing
both the importance of climate science and IKLK is acknowledged. The IKLK is increasingly recognised as a powerful
tool for compiling evidence of climate change over time. Such as knowledge of CCA and DRR provide a range of
complementary approaches in building resilience and reducing the vulnerability of natural and human systems.
Developing knowledge and utilising existing IKLK, skills and dispositions to better cope with already evident and
looming climate impacts. Engaging communities in the process of documenting and understanding long-term
trends and practices will enable both IKLK as well as Western scientific assessments of climate change to contribute
in designing appropriate climate adaptation measures.
FAQ 10.4 | How can Asia meet multiple goals of climate-change adaptation and sustainable development within
the coming decades?
Asian countries are testing ways to develop in a climate-resilient manner to meet the goals related to climate change and sustainable
development simultaneously. Some promising examples exist, but the window of opportunity to put some of these plans in place is small and
closing fast, highlighting the need for urgent action across and within countries.
In order to achieve the multiple goals of CCA, mitigation and sustainable development, critical are rapid, system
transitions across (a) energy systems, (b) land and ecosystems and (c) urban and infrastructural systems. This is
especially important across Asia, which has the largest population exposed to current climate risks and high
sub-regional diversity, and where risks are expected to rise significantly and unevenly under higher levels of global
warming. However, such transformational change is deeply challenging because of variable national development
imperatives; differing capacities and requirements of large, highly unequal and vulnerable populations; and
socioeconomic and ecological diversity that requires very contextual solutions. Furthermore, issues such as growing
transboundary risks, inadequate data for long-term adaptation planning, finance barriers, uneven institutional
capacity and non-climatic issues, such as increasing conflict, political instability and polarization, constrain rapid,
transformational action across systems.
Asia Chapter 10
FAQ 10.4 (continued)
Despite these challenges, there are increasing examples of actions across Asia that are meeting climate adaptation
goals and SDGs simultaneously, such as through climate-smart agriculture, disaster risk management and NbS. To
enable these system transitions, vertical and horizontal policy linkages, active communication and cooperation
between multiple stakeholders, and attention to the root causes of vulnerability are essential. Furthermore, rapid
systemic transformation can be enabled by policies and finances to incentivise capacity building, new technological
innovation and diffusion. The effectiveness of such technology-centred approaches can be maximised by combining
them with attention to behavioural shifts such as by improving education and awareness, building local capacities
and institutions, and leveraging IKLK.
Obviously, time is of the essence. If system transitions are delayed, there is high confidence that climatic risks will
increase human and natural system vulnerability, as well as increase inequality and erode the achievements of
multiple SDGs. Thus, urgent systemic change that is suited to national and subnational social–ecological contexts
across Asia is imperative.
Implications on SDGs
Adaptatation option Mitigation impacts
Positive Negative
Medium synergy
Wetland protection,
(carbon sequestration
through mangroves)
High synergy
Solar drip irrigitation
(shift to cleaner energy)
High synergy
(no till practices and
Climate-smart agriculture improved residue
management can reduce
soil carbon emissions)
High synergy
Integrated smart water
(reduced energy needs
for supplying water)
Coastal green
High synergy
Figure FAQ10.4.1 | Adaptation options, mitigation impacts and implications on Sustainable Development Goals.
Chapter 10Asia
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