Calibration. of Storage Tanks Class # 2070 Srini Sivaraman SK Japan
Calibration. of Storage Tanks Class # 2070 Srini Sivaraman SK Japan
Calibration. of Storage Tanks Class # 2070 Srini Sivaraman SK Japan
of Storage Tanks
Class # 2070
Srini Sivaraman
SK Japan
The. paper deals with. an overview of various, tank Manual Method of Calibration
calibration technologies, from the. old and
conventional manual method to the most advanced
electro optical methods.. All the. technologies
presented herein have achieved standardization
status under API (American Petroleum. Institute)and. , C ircum ference M easurem ent L ocations
The methods, presented are: tank internal, diameter at each course knowing the.
course, thicknesses. The method is. covered under
1. Manual. Method API. Chapter 2.2A and.
2. Optical. Reference. Line Method ISO 7507-1 ..
3. Optical Triangulation Method
4.. Electro. Optical Distance Ranging. Method. As the. tank diameter and. tank height increases,.
determination, of tank circumferences at higher.
The. method, involves measuring tank diameters by elevation (other than the bottom course, generally).
manually strapping the. tank with. a tape at each. tends to. be more. and more. difficult and propagation.
course.. Depending on. tank diameter this can be of random errors, is. also likely at higher elevations.
achieved with. one. single, strap around, the tank or Yet the. method, has. been. in use of for more. than. half
strapped sequentially using the. tape. till the tank a. century and. is still regarded as the referee method.
circumference, is fully covered. The. method, results in for evaluation of all. existing. and future, emerging
external, circumference that is. then. converted into technologies..
Optical Reference Line Method ( O R L M ) trolley as seen. from the optical device)is, measured
at the. bottom course and the. reference
circumference is measured at the same location
using conventional, manual method.
T2 1
ws I !.
Magnetic Trolle Tl , T2 .... For External Calibration
[~ - -. .L. . . . . . . . ~ ~aeference Diameter T...D, For Internal Calibration AI, A2....ANHorizontal Stations
Scale ~ -~ Reference Offset
D - ReforenceDistance
a, 13: Coordinate.Angles
/ / ~ Optical Device
F I G U R E 3A: Optical Triangulation Method Internal
Target ~
, ,
ii Ring2
! i
A21 AN
i Ring1
An optical reference line is established using an
optical device. A magnetic trolley traverses the tank 1
Electro Optical Distance Ranging Method
: D "
E a
2 rmters Stada
~ : Vertical angle / / ~
Rgure 3C~Optical Detawination of Distance'17'
~ t i c a l Device
The optical triangulation method also known as. OTM This method is. by far the. most sophisticated and.
is. an extension, of the optical, reference, line. method most advanced, compared, to all others. This is
and more advanced in technology application. The. primarily an. internal, calibration, technology where in.
method can be applied internally or externally. the. tank profile, is. established using spherical.
However OTM is better suited and more easily coordinates (distance,. and angles), as. illustrated.
adopted, for internal application as. the optical under Figure 4. The. spherical coordinates, are
devices, can be located, in one single, location for the established at each course at various, horizontal.
entire calibration.. The method is covered under API. stations on. lines similar to. the previous methods.
Chapter 2.2C and ISO 7507-3. Once the tank distance, is. measured from a fixed
optical ranging device, location inside, the tank, the.
There. are. two. theodolite stations, located at a. tank diameters, can. be. computed mathematically
distance. "D', as. illustrated in. Figure. 3A.. This distance. using the distances and. the angles..
is first measured accurately using the optical devices.
(with. a 2. meter invar stadia)as illustrated, under The method can. be. automated to scan the. tank
Figure 3C.. By measuring the angles o~.and 13 at the automatically both. horizontally and. vertically.. This.
target points, on 2 meter stadia the distance. "D" is. method is covered under ISO 7507-5. for internal.
computed mathematically. application.
This. method, provides, capability to carry out OTM and EODR are. applicable for fixed, roof tanks
calibration from. ground level, and without any with tank entry while, retaining the. insulation outside.
manual strapping.. In the final analysis the. choice, will depend on a
number of factors, such as entry or no entry,
insulated, or not insulated, space, around the tank,
and the availability of the technology locally to name
a few parameters of importance.
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