Abdomen and Pelvis Question Bank 2021

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Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)

Rural Medical College, Loni

Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference

Sr No Short answers
1. Name the contents of sacral canal*
2. Name the five paired and unpaired processes of the lumbar vertebra
3. Arcuate line
4. Ischial spine
5. Structure related to the pelvic surface of sacrum
6. Sacral canal*


Sr No Long essay
1 Describe the rectus sheath under the followings headings*
a. Formation at different levels
b. Contents
c. Applied Anatomy
2 Describe formation and contents of rectus sheath**.
Sr No Short essay
1. What are the anatomical factors governing abdominal incisions? Give examples
2. Blood supply and nerve supply of the anterior abdominal wall
3. External oblique muscles
4. Umbilicus
5. Rectus abdominis
6. Inguinal Ligament*
7. Rectus sheath**********
Sr No Short answers
1. Caput medusae
2. Mc Burney’s point **
3. Inguinal triangle*
4. Pyramidalis muscle**
5. Name the contents of rectus sheath**
6. Muscles forming rectus sheath.
7. Inguinal ligament
8. Pectinate line
9. Why does extravasated urine not enter the thigh under the collis fascia*

Sr No Long essay
1. Describe the boundaries, contents and applied anatomy of inguinal canal*
2. Describe the inguinal canal under the following headings*****
a. Location
b. Boundaries
c. Structures passing through
d. Applied anatomy
Sr No Short essay
1. Conjoint tendon
2. Inguinal ligament

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 1
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)
Rural Medical College, Loni
Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference
3. Boundaries and defensive mechanism of inguinal canal*
4. Inguinal canal**
5. Spermatic cord*********
6. Inguinal hernia – types, coverings **
7. Indirect inguinal hernia
8. Protective mechanism of inguinal canal
9. List the difference between direct and indirect inguinal hernia*
Sr No Short answers
1 Mention the sites of hernia in the abdomen
2 Name the contents of the inguinal canal in the female
3 Name the contents of the spermatic cord******
4 Inguinal rings*
5 Superficial inguinal ring*
6 Deep inguinal ring
7 Mention the relation of the inferior epigastric artery to the deep inguinal ring.
8 Covering of oblique inguinal hernia
9 Conjoint tendon*
10 Hesselbach’s triangle
11 The contents of the inguinal canal*


Sr No Long essay
1 Describe the testis under the following headings
a. location and gross features, b. blood supply c. lymphatic drainage d. development
Sr No Short essay
1 Spermatic cord*
2 Blood supply and lymphatic drainage of testis
3 Vas deferens*
4 Ectopic testis
Sr No Short answers
1 Name the coverings of testis or Name the tunicae of testis**
2 Two important factors for descent of testis*
3 Give the nerve supply to the pyramidalis and the dartos muscle
4 Descent of testis
5 What is varicocele? Why it is common on left side?
6 Testicular vein
7 Venous drainage of testis
8 Cremasteric reflex
9 Vasectomy
10 What are the anatomical reasons for the left testicular varicosity*
11 Name the coverings of spermatic cord and what are they derived from*


Sr No Short essay
1 Thoraco lumbar fascia*
Sr No Short answers
1 Mention the attachment of thoraco-lumbar fascia

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 2
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)
Rural Medical College, Loni
Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference
Sr No Long essay
1 Describe the lesser sac under the following headlings
a. Definition
b. Boundaries
c. Epiploic foramen
d. Extent
Sr No Short essay
1 Lesser sac(Omental bursa)*********
2 Epiploic foramen* or Opening into lesser sac – location and boundaries ******
3 Hepatorenal pouch*
4 Mesentery of small intestine or Mesentery******
5 Root of Mesentery*
6 Greater omentum***
7 Lesser omentum**-Attachments, contents* *
8 Recto uterine pouch*
9 Peritoneal recesses
10 Describe the vertical disposition of the peritoneum*
Sr No Short answers
1 Properties of peritoneum that makes peritoneal dialysis possible
2 Lesser omentum-Attachments and contents***
3 Epiploic Foramen – draw and label the boundaries and give importance**********
4 Attachments and contents of mesentery
5 Name the two borders of the mesentery
6 Falciform ligament
7 Sigmoid mesocolon
8 Name the peritoneal recesses in relation to caecum and appendix
9 Ileocaecal folds
10 Name the structures crossed by the root of mesentry*
11 Name the structures developing in ventral and dorsal mesogastrium*
12 Name the structures attached to root of transeverse mesocolon*

Sr No Long essay
1 Describe stomach under following headings :***********
2 Position
3 Describe the blood supply and lymphatic drainage of stomach.
4 Describe parts, blood supply and development of stomach*
Sr No Short essay
1 Lymphatic drainage of the stomach***
2 Stomach bed*****
3 Coeliac trunk**
4 Nerve supply to stomach
5 Blood supply of stomach***
6 Blood supply and lymphatic drainage of stomach
Sr No Short answers
1 Arteries supplying the stomach*
2 Lymphatic drainage of stomach
3 Name the structures in the stomach bed***

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 3
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)
Rural Medical College, Loni
Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference
Sr No Long essay
1 Give an account of formation, termination and relations of portal vein. Add a note on the
sites of anastomoses between portal and systemic circulation.** OR
Describe in detail the formation, course, relations and termination of Portal vein.Add a
note on its clinical anatomy
2 Describe the spleen under following headings*: A)situation, borders and surfaces B)
Peritoneal and visceral relations C) Blood supply and D) development
3 Describe the extra hepatic biliary apparatus
4 Describe the formation, termination, course and tributaries of portal vein. Mention the
sites of portocaval anastomosis*
5 Describe gross anatomy of liver with its applied aspects*
Sr No Short essay
1 Anatomical and physiological lobes of liver
2 Bare areas of liver - boundaries and relations.
3 Porta hepatis*– location, contents and applied anatomy.*
4 Ligaments of liver
5 Inferior surface of liver.
6 Gall bladder***
7 Bile duct* - Formation, termination & relation ******
8 Extra hepatic biliary Apparatus
9 Portal vein* – formation, course, tributaries**
10 Portocaval anastomoses and applied aspects********
11 Splenic artery
12 Visceral surface of spleen-labelled diagram, description of the ligments attached
13 Relations and ligaments of spleen***
14 Visceral surface of spleen.**
15 Hilum of Spleen**
16 Relation of spleen *
17 Spleen – situation, surfaces, relations blood supply
Sr No Short answers
1 Name the bare areas of liver*******
2 Porta hepatis*
3 Lobes of liver
4 Ligaments of liver***
5 Supports of liver
6 Gall bladder
7 Formation of bile duct
8 Formation of the common bile duct
9 Name the structures forming extrahepatic biliary apparatus
10 Location of the fundus of the gall bladder.
11 Name the ligaments attached to spleen. Mention its attachments.
12 Impressions of visceral surface spleen ( Labelled diagram only)***
13 Ligaments attached to the spleen and their contents******
14 Name the tributaries of portal vein
15 Mention the sites of Porto-systemic anastomoses***
16 Coeliac plexus*
17 Segments of liver

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 4
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)
Rural Medical College, Loni
Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference
Sr No Long essay
1 Describe the gross anatomy of head of Pancreas
2 Describe the pancreas under the following:**
a. Location, parts b. relations c. Ducts d. Development
3 Describe the Duodenum under the following headings.****
a. Parts of Duodenum b. Relations of the second part c. Arterial supply d. Applied
anatomy e. Development
4 Describe the second part of the duodenum under the following headings **
a. Location and relations b. Internal features c. Blood supply d. Development

Sr No Short essay
1 Suspensory ligament of duodenum**
2 Relations &development/ internal features of second part of duodenum.***
3 Relations of pancreas
4 Head of pancreas
5 Second part of the duodenum-extent, relations, blood supply and development
6 Describe the parts, peritoneal relations and blood supply of duodenum.*

Sr No Short answers
1 Suspensory ligament of duodenum**
2 List the parts of duodenum
3 Duodenal cap
4 Blood supply of 2nd part of duodenum
5 Name the sphincters related to bile & pancreatic duct
6 Ampulla of vater
7 Name the parts and secretions of the pancrease.*


Sr No Long essay
1 What is the artery of midgut? What is its
a. Position b. Relations c. Branches d. Areas of supply
2 Describe the appendix under the following headings: situation, position, blood supply,
Development and structure*.

Sr No Short essay
1 Difference between small and large intestine
2 Mesenteric arteries
3 Inferior mesenteric artery***
4 Superior mesenteric artery-Origin, course, termination, branches*
5 Blood supply of colon**
6 Vermiform appendix – Situation, positions, blood supply, microscopic structure and
applied anatomy********
7 Caecum***
8 Vermiform appendix

Sr No Short answers
1 Positions of vermiform appendix*****
2 Types of caecum
3 Mention two main features of the colon
4 Parts of large intestine

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 5
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)
Rural Medical College, Loni
Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference
5 Appendices epiploicae
6 Taenia coli*
7 Name the branches of inferior mesenteric artery
8 Marginal artery of Drummond
9 Arteries supplying transverse colon
10 Meckle’s diverticulum
11 Differences between large intestine and small intestine
12 Sigmoid colon
13 How is marginal artery of colon formed*


Sr No Long essay
1 Describe the kidney under following headings: **
a. general features
b. relations
c. blood supply
d. development & congenital anomalies
2 Describe the left kidney under following headings***
a. Position
b. Coverings
c. Relations
d. Development
e. Position
3 Describe the right kidney under the following headings**:
a. location, parts, borders and surfaces
b. Relations
c. Blood supply d. Development
4 4. Describe the superarenal glands under the following headings *
a. Location and gross features
b. Relations
c. Blood supply
d. Development

Sr No Short essay
1 Coverings of kidney*
2 Renal fascia
3 Right suprarenal gland**
4 Anterior relations of kidney (Labeled diagrams only)***
5 Relations of right kidney*
6 Anterior relations of left kidney
7 Vascular segments of kidney
8 Left renal vein or Tributaries of the left renal vein
9 Suprarenal glands
10 Left suprarenal gland – labelled diagram and blood supply
11 Right suprarenal gland
12 Suprarenal gland - arterial supply and venous drainage
13 Suprarenal gland- blood supply and development

Sr No Short answers
1 Coverings of kidney*

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 6
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)
Rural Medical College, Loni
Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference
2 Renal fascia
3 Right suprarenal gland**
4 Anterior relations of kidney (Labeled diagrams only)***
5 Relations of right kidney*
6 Anterior relations of left kidney
7 Vascular segments of kidney
8 Left renal vein or Tributaries of the left renal vein
9 Suprarenal glands


Sr No Long essay

Sr No Short essay
1 Steps of dissection for exposure of kidney from back
2 Coeliac trunk****
3 Quadratus Lumborum *
4 Lumbar puncture
5 Porta caval anastomosis
6 Inferior vena cava
7 Abdominal aorta – labelled diagram
8 Lumbar plexus**
9 Cisterna chyli
10 Enumerate branches of abdominal aorta* *
11 Iliopsoas
12 Psoas major muscle
13 Mention the formation and enumerate the branches of lumbar plexus
14 Internal iliac artery- course and branches of distrubution

Sr No Short answers
1 Name lateral branches of abdominal aorta
2 Name the ventral unpaired branches of abdominal aorta
3 List the visceral branches of abdominal aorta.
4 Branches of coeliac trunk*
5 List the branches of the external iliac artery
6 Formation, Termination of superior vena cava
7 Enumerate tributaries of inferior vena cava
8 Name the muscles related to posterior surface of the right kidney
9 Coeliac plexus
10 Cysterna chili
11 Lumbosacral trunk


Sr No Long essay
1 Describe the urinary bladder under following headings***
a. Surfaces & borders b. Relations c. Trigone d. Nerve supply

Sr No Short essay
1 Supports and arterial supply of bladder*
2 Urinary bladder – surfaces, labelled diagram and blood supply

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 7
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)
Rural Medical College, Loni
Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference
3 Nerve supply of bladder**
4 Nerve supply and lymphatic drainage of urinary bladder.
5 Trigone of urinary bladder- definition, specific features, development****
6 Ureter relations and constrictions**
7 Left ureter**
8 Right ureter *
9 Left ureter in females-length, course and constriction, developments
10 Right ureter in females
11 Prostatic urethra – length, course, structure opening.
12 Male urethra – parts with their development
13 Describe the parts,peritoneal relations and interior of urinary bladder*

Sr No Short answers
1 Arterial supply/ nerve supply of urinary bladder*
2 Causes of retention of urine in male
3 Trigone of bladder*
4 Structures which lie posterior to urinary bladder in a man
5 Ligaments of urinary bladder*
6 Enumerate supports of urinary bladder
7 Constrictions of ureter***
8 Parts of male urethra
9 Pelvic part of ureter


Sr No Long essay
1 Describe the anal canal under following headings******
a. Extent b. Embryological origin c. Lining epithelium and nerve supply d. Blood supply
e. Sphincters f. lymphatic drainage
2 Describe rectum & anal canal under the following headings
a)Gross anatomy b) Supports c) Blood supply
3 Describe the interior of rectum and anal canal. Add a note on it A) development B)
applied Anatomy.
4 Describe the interior of anal canal and add a note on its applied importance.*

Sr No Short essay
1 Anal canal*
2 Internal features of anal canal ***
3 Rectum – extent and relations
4 External anal sphincter
5 Curvatures of rectum
6 Blood supply development of the Rectum and Anal canal*
7 Anal canal – blood supply and lymphatic drainage

Sr No Short answers
1 Give two differences above and below the pectinate line of anal canal
2 Sphincter ani externus muscle
3 Mention the importance of Hilton’s line
4 Interior of Anal Canal ( Diagram only )
5 Hilton’s line
6 Anal sphincters*
7 Name the causes and types of hemorrhoids in the anal canal*

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 8
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)
Rural Medical College, Loni
Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference


Sr No Long essay
1 Describe the uterus under the following headings.*********
a. Position and parts b. Supports c. peritoneal reflections d. Blood supply e. Development
2 Give an account of supports of uterus. Add a note on its applied anatomy.

Sr No Short essay
1 Ovary –Relations & Histology
2 Supports of uterus
3 Uterine tube*
4 Name the parts of uterys and explain supports of uterus*

Sr No Short answers
1 Position and parts of uterus
2 Anteversion and anteflexion of uterus or Normal positions of uterus***
3 Name the contents of Broad ligament
4 Blood supply of fallopian tube
5 Fallopian tube – parts and blood supply*
6 Rectouterine pouch with applied aspects*****or Pouch of Douglas-clinical importance*
7 Boundaries of ovarian fossa*
8 Ovarian fossa
9 Ovarian bursa
10 Tubectomy
11 Enumerate the parts of uterus and fallopian tube
12 Uterosacral ligament
13 Mention the relation of ovarian fossa*
14 Uterine axis*
15 Course and branches of uterine artery*


Sr No Long essay
1 Describe in detail- the parts, coverings and relations of Prostate gland. Add a note on its
surgical importance.**
2 Describe the prostate gland under the following headings:
a. Capsule
b. Lobes
c. blood supply
d. applied anatomy

Sr No Short essay
1 Prostatic part of urethra***
2 Changes in the prostate with age and applied aspect.
3 Lobes of prostate*
4 Prostate* – location , lobes and applied anatomy****
5 Perineal body*****
6 Levator ani muscle***
7 Ischial tuberosity
8 Pelvic diaphragm******-components, attachment, importance & applied anatomy
9 Urogenital diaphragm* **
10 Seminal vesicle

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 9
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)
Rural Medical College, Loni
Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference
11 Lesser sciatic foramen – formation & structures transmitted
12 Sacrotuberous ligament –attachments and morphology
13 Male Urethra
14 Describe the parts, coverings and applied anatomy of prostate*

Sr No Short answers
1 Ejaculatory duct*
2 Prostatic utricle
3 Fascia colles
4 Mention the contents of the sacral canal
5 Give three differences between male and female sacrum
6 Name the muscles attached to the perineal body*.
7 Name the muscle forming urogenital diaphragm.
8 Structures piercing urogenital diaphragm
9 Urogenital diaphragm*


Sr No Long essay
1 Describe the ischio-rectal fossa under following headings.***
a. Boundaries and recesses b. Contents c. Applied Aspects

Sr No Short essay
1 Perineal pouches
2 Superficial perineal pouch******
3 Mention boundaries and contents of deep perineal pouch*
4 Ischio - rectal fossa************
5 Pudendal canal**********
6 Perineal membrane*****
7 Nervi erigentis
8 Pudendal nerve**- origin, course, distribution
9 Internal iliac artery- branches*
10 Superficial peroneal nerve

Sr No Short answers
1 Boundaries or contents of Pudendal canal.***
2 Pudendal nerve block
3 Nervi erigentes
4 Bulb of penis
5 Mention any four contents of ischio-rectal fossa*
6 Name any three branches of internal pudendal nerve.*
7 Enumerate the deep boundaries of the perineum
8 Name the contents of superficial perineal pouch *
9 Deep perineal pouch
10 Name the walls of the ischio – rectal fossa
11 Perineal membrane
12 Vagina
13 Name the contents in the body of the penis*

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 10
Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University)
Rural Medical College, Loni
Department of Anatomy
Question Bank Only For Reference
Sr No Long essay

Sr No Short essay
1 Name the radiological procedures to study functions and structures of urinary system.
Mention two conditions which can be diagnosed.
2 Define Transpyloric plane***. Name the structures at that level.**
3 Mc Burney’s point******
4 Duodenal cap

Sr No Short answers


Sr No Long essay

Sr No Short essay
1 Nervi erigentis
2 Pudendal nerve*- origin, course, distribution
3 Internal iliac artery- branches**

Sr No Short answers
1 Name any six branches of Internal iliac artey**
2 Pudendal nerve block
3 Name any three branches of internal pudendal nerve.*
4 Nervi erigentes

Short essay
1 Lumbar vertebrae-special features
2 Differences between male and female bony pelvis
3 Sex differences in the sacrum
4 Difference between lumbar and thoracic vertebra
5 Ischial tuberosity
6 Lesser sciatic foramen – formation & structures transmitted

Short answers
1 Give three differences between male and female sacrum
2 Sacral hiatus*

Abdomen & Pelvis Question Bank 2020 Compiled by Dr Sandeep Pakhale, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy Page 11

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