Cience: Mcdouga Litte T T
Cience: Mcdouga Litte T T
Cience: Mcdouga Litte T T
~ .~ J~~~f~r~
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Earth`s Waters
Earth`s Surface
Standards and Benchmarks 4 Earth's Atmosphere
Introducing Earth Science Earth's Changing Atmosphere
Unifying Principles of Earth Science Weather Patterns
The Nature of Science Weather Fronts and Storms
The Nature of Technology Climate and Climate Change
Using McDougal Littell Science 5 Space Science
Exploring Space
1 Earth's Surface Earth, Moon, and Sun
Views of Earth Today
Our Solar System
Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
Weathering and Soil Formation
Scientific Thinking Handbook R2
Erosion and Deposition
Lab Handbook R10
2 The Changing Earth Math Handbook R36
Plate Tectonics Note-Taking Handbook R45
Earthquakes Appendix R52
Mountains and Volcanoes Glossary R76
Views of Earth's Past Index R97
Natural Resources Acknowledgments R123
3 Earth's Waters
The Water Planet
Freshwater Resources
Ocean Systems
Ocean Environments
No part of this work inay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopy and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system with-
out the prior written permission of McDougal Littell unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal
copyright law. Address inquiries to Supervisor, Rights and Permissions, McDougal Littell, P.O. Box 1667,
Evanston, IL 60204.
Science Consultants
Chief Science Consultant
James Trefil, Ph.D. is the Clarence J. Robinson Professor of Physics
at George Mason University. He is the author or co-author of more
than 25 books, including Science Matters and The Nature of Science.
Dr. Trefil is a member of the American Association for the Advancement
of Science's Committee on the Public Understanding of Science and
Technology. He is also a fellow of the World Economic Forum and a
frequent contributor to Smithsonian magazine.
Content Reviewers
John Beaver, Ph.D. Richard D. Norris, Ph.D.
Ecology Earth's Waters
Professor, Director of Science Education Center Professor of Paleobiology
College of Education and Human Services Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Western Illinois University University of California, San Diego
Macomb, IL La Jolla, CA
Teacher Panel Members
Carol Arbour Loretta Langdon Jacque Quick
Tallmadge Middle School, Princeton Middle School, Walter Williams High School,
Tallmadge, OH Princeton, NC Burlington, NC
Patty Belcher Carlyn Little Robert Glenn Reynolds
Goodrich Middle School, Glades Middle School, Hillman Middle School,
Akron, OH Miami, FL Youngstown, OH
Gwen Broestl Ann Marie Lynn Stacy Rinehart
Luis Munoz Marin Middle School, Amelia Earhart Middle School, Lufkin Road Middle School,
Cleveland, OH Riverside, CA Apex, NC
AI Brofman James Minogue Theresa Short
Tehipite Middle School, Lowe's Grove Middle School, Abbott Middle School,
Fresno, CA Durham, NC Fayetteville, NC
John Cockrell Kathleen Montagnino-DeMatteo Rita Slivka
Clinton Middle School, Jefferson Davis Middle School, Alexander Hamilton Middle School,
Columbus, OH West Palm Beach, FL Cleveland, OH
Jenifer Cox Joann Myers Marie Sofsak
Sylvan Middle School, Buchanan Middle School, B F Stanton Middle School,
Citrus Heights, CA Tampa, FL Alliance, OH
Linda Culpepper Barbara Newell Nancy Stubbs
Martin Middle School, Charles Evans Hughes Middle School, Sweetwater Union Unified School District,
Charlotte, NC Long Beach, CA Chula Vista, CA
Melvin Figueroa Anita Parker Sharon Stull
New River Middle School, Kannapolis Middle School, Quail Hollow Middle School,
Ft. Lauderdale, FL Kannapolis, NC Charlotte, NC
Doretha Grier Greg Pirolo Donna Taylor
Kannapolis Middle School, Golden Valley Middle School, Bak Middle School of the Arts,
Kannapolis, NC San Bernardino, CA West Palm Beach, FL
Robert Hood Laura Pottmyer Sandi Thompson
Alexander Hamilton Middle School, Apex Middle School, Harding Middle School,
Cleveland, OH Apex, NC Lakewood, OH
Scott Hudson Lynn Prichard Lori Walker
Covedale Elementary School, Williams Middle Magnet School, Audubon Middle School &Magnet Center,
Cincinnati, OH Tampa, FL Los Angeles, CA
McDougal LitMll Sci~ncc
Unit Features
Minerals 40
nth@ ~!~ idea, 0 Forces wear down and build up Earth's surface. 145
Water, wind, and ice shape Moving water shapes land. 150
Earth's surface. CHAPTER INVESTIGATION Creating Stream Features 156
Waves and wind shape land. 158
Glaciers carve land and move sediments. 165
MATH IN SCIENCE Creating a Line Graph 171
Visual Highlights
Mineral Formation 63
The Rock Cycle 79
Mechanical Weathering 117
World Soil Types 125
Organisms and Soil Formation 127
Types of Glaciers and Movement 167
Plate Tectonics 182
,, Earthquakes 218
Mountains and MATH IN SCIENCE Calculating the Mean of a Data Set 261
volcanoes form as Volcanoes form as molten rock erupts. 262
tectonic plates move.
CHAPTER INVESTIGATION Make Your Own I/olcanoes 270
Volcanoes affect Earth's land, air, and water. 272
SCIENCE ON THE JOB Rangers at Yellowstone 279
~: ~ Views of Earth's Past 284
the BIG id~a,~ Earth's past is revealed in rocks and fossils. 287
Rocks, fossils, and other CONNECTING SCIENCES Could T. Rex Win a Race? 294
types of natural evidence Rocks provide a timeline for Earth. 295
tell Earth's story.
MATH IN SCIENCE Interpreting Graphs 302
the BiG idea J Q' Natural resources support human activity. 323
Society depends on natural CONNECTING SCIENCES Got Oil Spills? 331
resources for energy and Resources can be conserved and recycled. 332
MATH IN SCIENCE Comparing Decimals 336
Energy comes from other natural resources. 337
Visual Highlights
Tectonic Plate Boundaries 211
Seismic Waves 231
Formation of the Himalayas 257
Fossils in Rocks 291
Radioactive Breakdown 300
Natural Resources 325
Table of Contents ix
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Unit Features
eEdition SCIENTIFIC FRONTIERS IN SCIENCE Exploring the Water Planet 354
.,~- ~~.,
,- Freshwater Resources 390
x Earth Science
~~~ Ocean Systems
~ S
Ct~~ ~~~ icle~ 0 Ocean coasts support plant and animal life. 465
The ocean supports life and MATH IN SCIENCE Making a Double Bar Graph 472
contains natural resources.
Conditions differ away from shore. 473
EXTREME SCIENCE Undersea Hot Spots 481
The ocean contains natural resources. 482
CHAPTER INVESTIGATION Population Sampling 490
Visual Highlights
Springs and Wells 381
Sources of Water Pollution 407
The Ocean Floor 432
Ocean Waves 443
Intertidal Zone 467
Coral Reefs 475
Life in the Open Ocean 479
Table of Contents xi
McDougil Littell Science
Atmosphere UNIT 4
Earth's Atmosphere
Unit Features
." Earth's Changing Atmosphere 502
<me ~~~ ~ae~j Earth's atmosphere supports life. 505
Earth's atmosphere is a CONNECTING SCIENCES Carbon Cycle Chemistry 511
blanket of gases that The Sun supplies the atmosphere's energy. 512
supports and protects life.
Gases in the atmosphere absorb radiation. 518
MATH IN SCIENCE Algebraic Equations 522
~.~ ~+i
~ ®
t ~•.
1 r ~ y Climate and Climate Change 610
Cam@~~~ ~d~~lJ 0 Climate is a long-term weather pattern.
SCIENCE ON THE JOB Climate and Architecture
Climates are long-term
weather patterns that may Q Earth has a variety of climates. 621
change over time.
Climates can change suddenly or slowly. 628
MATH IN SCIENCE Interpreting Line Graphs 635
Visual Highlights
Cycles and the Atmosphere 509
Temperature Layers 516
Global Winds 547
Cloud Types 557
How Precipitation Forms 565
Fronts and Weather 579
Climate Classification 623
Space UNIT 5
Space Science
Unit Features
eEdition SCIENTIFIC FRONTIERS IN SCIENCE Danger from the Sky 642
.~ ,,~
~t~,e B,IG idea Some space objects are visible to the human eye. 649
People develop and use Telescopes allow us to study space from Earth. 655
technology to explore CHAPTER INVESTIGATION Observing Spectra 660
and study space.
Spacecraft help us explore beyond Earth. 662
MATH IN SCIENCE Using Exponents 670
(~~~ B~~ i~e_~ Earth rotates on a tilted axis and orbits the Sun. 683
Earth and the Moon move
in predictable ways as The Moon is Earth's natural satellite. 692
they orbit the Sun. MATH IN SCIENCE Making Line Graphs 698
Visual Highlights
Structures in the Universe 651
Seasons 687
Lunar Phases 701
Objects in the Solar System 720
Features of Rocky Planets 727
Layers of the Sun 757
Life Cycles of Stars 767
Table of Contents xv
Resurfacing Earth
Think Science
Interpreting Data 35
Evaluating Conclusions 213
Determining Relevance 367
>.,~.N....,.a,...te,~,~,..~ EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE
1Jw NuwewNgl if ~Ynw4NwavAN!~M to
Evaluating Hypotheses 593
N ~ d..M M. wrwM /d Vtin ape W tale
tooww>o.own reto..mauuw.ewmrw
r n.41e.. n m tero't~w. p.'+a+9
Forming Hypotheses 733
Math in Science
Connecting Sciences
Using Proportions 23 EARTH'S SURFACE
Writing Fractions as Percents 49 Earth Science and Life Science 164
Estimating Area 88
Surface Area of a Prism 121
Earth Science and Life Science 294
Creating a Line Graph 171
Earth Science and Life Science 331
Calculating Equivalent Rates 205
Earth Science and Physical Science 453
Multiplication 235
Calculating the Mean of a Data Set 261 EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE
Interpreting Graphs 302 Earth Science and Physical Science 511
Comparing Decimals 336
EARTH'S WATERS Earth Science and Life Science 675
Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers 375
Volume of Rectangular Prisms 401
Dust in the Air 498
Danger from the Sky 642
TIMELINES in Science
Extreme Science
~, ,. _,,.~,,.W
Rocks from Space 81 M~Y~.Ir ~1wt~M awnNWUvrUXuw
Ow/.~FMeNw1pN WrM bcLAOArtMse
rtfal N+~wM W h'~s~r,~eM~w lGtMdr1
W+N+wsNo4YMMa~w,lawM~I reN.
fpt~~'M 1.+9MbeM~peMMM y/~M.
Undersea Hot Spots 481
Caught Inside a Thunderhead 567
When Galaxies Collide 774
-- -=- - -- -~~'
Laat~on: C
Career Centers
Mineralogy 5
Volcanology 181
Oceanography 357
Meteorology 501
Astronomy 645
Resources for the following topics may be found at Content Reviews Telescopes, Space Exploration,
Seasons, Tides, Advances in Astronomy, Impact There is a content review for every chapter at
Craters, Moons of Giant Planets, Life Cycles of Stars, C/assZone. com
Galaxies, Galaxy Collisions.
Test Practice
There is a standardized test practice for every
chapter at
xx Earth Science
Mmw.l M.nufk~.wn
Full-Period Labs
The Chapter Investigations are in-depth labs that
let you form and test a hypothesis, build a model,
or sometimes design your own investigation.
Earth's Waters
Water Moving Underground Design Your Own 384
Monitoring Water Quality 410
Wave Movement 446
Population Sampling 490
,40 . 60
Investigate '~
1M ..h.
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w4r~.~1~ In M.11. ~ri..n~. A..r..r... ~ v
Skill Labs
Each Investigate activity gives you a chance to practice a specific
science skill related to the content that you're studying.
Kettle Lake Formation Design Your Own 169 Ice Observing 586
Updrafts Inferring 590
The Changing Earth Heating and
Earth's Different Layers Modeling 188 Cooling Rates Comparing 615
Magnetic Reversals Modeling 201 Climate Change Measuring 629
Convergent Boundaries Design Your Own 209
Space Science
Faults Modeling 223
Subduction-Zone Constellation Positions Analyzing 653
Learning from Tree Rings Observing 292 Moon Features Inferring 695
Relative and Absolute Age Making Models 298 Phases of the Moon Making Models 702
D.1.j Global patterns of atmospheric movement F.3.b Human activities can produce hazards and
influence local weather. Oceans have a affect the speed of natural changes.
major effect on climate. F.4.b Risks are associated with natural hazards
D.3.c Gravity keeps planets in orbit around the such as floods. Risks are also associated with
Sun, governs motion in the solar system, chemical hazards such as pollution in air,
and explains the phenomenon of tides. water, and soil, as well as with biological
D.3.d The Sun is the major source of energy for hazards, such as bacteria and viruses.
phenomena on Earth's surface, such as the
water cycle.
~~~~ B ~~ ~~~:~ ,~
Each chapter begins with a
big idea. Keep in mind that
each big idea relates to
one or more of the unifying
nifying Principles Xxix
Heat energy inside Earth and
radiation from the Sun provide
energy for Earth's processes.
The lava pouring out of this volcano in Hawaii is liquid rock
that was melted by heat energy under Earth's surface. Another,
much more powerful energy source constantly bombards Earth's
surface with energy, heating the air around you, and keeping
the oceans from freezing over. This energy source is the Sun.
Everything that moves or changes on Earth gets its energy either
from the Sun or from the inside of our planet.
What It Means
You are always surrounded by different forms of energy, such as heat energy
or light. Energy is the ability to cause change. All of Earth's processes need
energy to occur. A process is a set of changes that leads to a particular result.
For example, evaporation is the process by which liquid changes into gas.
A puddle on a sidewalk dries up through the process of evaporation. The
energy needed for the puddle to dry up comes from the Sun.
Physical forces influence the movement of all matter, from the tiniest particle to
you to the largest galaxy. Understanding forces allows people to
• predict how objects and materials move on Earth
• send spacecraft and equipment into space
• explain and predict the movements of Earth, the Moon, planets, and stars
Records of Change
What was the distant past like? Think about how scientists learn about ancient
people. They study what the people left behind and draw conclusions based on
the evidence. In a similar way, scientists learn about Earth's past by examining
the evidence they find in rock layers and by observing processes now occurring.
By observing that water breaks down rocks and carries the material away to
other places, people learned that rivers can slowly carve deep valleys. Evidence
from rocks and fossils along the edges of continents shows that all continents
were once joined and then moved apart over time. A fossil is the trace of a
once-living organism. Fossils also show that new types of plants and animals
develop, and others, such as dinosaurs, die out.
The Nature of Science
You may think of science as a body of knowledge or a collection
of facts. More important, however, science is an active process
that involves certain ways of looking at the world.
Interpret Results
As scientists investigate, they analyze their evidence, or data, and begin to
draw conclusions. Analyzing data involves looking at the evidence gathered
through observations or experiments and trying to identify any patterns that
might exist in the data. Scientists often need to make additional observations
or perform more experiments before they are sure of their conclusions. Many
times scientists make new predictions or revise their hypotheses.
~'ANI ~.y
r~~i ~;
Share Results
An important part of scientific investigation is sharing results of experi-
ments. Scientists read and publish in journals and attend conferences to
communicate with other scientists around the world. Sharing data and
procedures gives scientists a way to test each others' results. They also
share results with the public: through newspapers, television, and other
When you think of technology, you may think of cars, computers,
and cell phones. Imagine having no refrigerator or radio. It's dif-
ficult to think of a world without the products of what we call
technology. Technology, however, is more than just devices that
make our daily activities easier. Technology is the process of using ~.:~
scientific knowledge to design solutions to real-world problems.
1Vlinerals are Earth.
blocks of Make a chart to show
each main idea and the
information that supports
it. Copy each blue
Key Concepts heading. Below each
heading, add supporting All minerals are solids.
Minerals are al
SECTION information, such as
O resourceS;.,ineralsfnrm,
Learn hO mined, and
how theyare used. _
atoms joined in
a repeating 3- D
pattern CRYSTHL
how they are
Internet Preview
Chapter 2 Visuall•
Content Review,
'~_ zation, three Tutorial,
Centers, Math
Test Practice
Read each heading.
See how it fits into the
outline of the chapter.
mineral p. 43 Wha! arse some characfieristjcs of a mi~eralT
etermnt p. 45
They will introduce you to
uystal p. 46 PROCEDURE MATERIALS science concepts.
• colored paper
Q Sprinkle some table salt on a sheet of
• table salt
colored paper, look at a few grains of the
• rock sett
salt through a magnifying glass. Then rub
• magnifying
a few grains between your fingers. glass
0 In your notebook, describe all the qualities
of the saR that you observe.
Q Examine the rock salt in the same way
and describe its qualities in your notebook.
How do the two differ?
Salt is a mineral. from your observations
~' of salt, what do you think are some
characteristics of minerals?
Chapter 1: Minerah 43
Study the visuals. Minerals in Rocks
Answer the questions. You might think that minerals and rocks are the same things. I3ttt
a mineral must have the four characteristics listed on page 43. A rock
Check Your Reading questions has only two of these characteristics—it is a solid and it forms naturally.
will help you remember what A rock usually contains two or more types of minerals.
you read. READING TIP Two samples of the same type of rock may vary greatly in the
Proportions show amounts of different minerals they contain. Minerals, however, are
relationships between always made up of the same materials in the same proportions. A ruby
amounts. For example, a
quartz crystal always has is a mineral. Therefore, a ruby found in India has the same makeup
two oxygen atoms for as a ruby found in Australia.
every silicon atom.
How are minerals different from rocks?
Read one paragraph at a time.
Formed in Nature
Look for a topic sentence that explains the Minerals are formed by natural processes. Every type of mineral can
main idea of the paragraph. Figure out how corm to nature oy processes tear ao trot r volve living organisms. As
the details relate to that idea. One para- you will read, a few minerals can also be produced by organisms as
part of their shells or bones.
graph might have several important ideas;
you may have to reread to understand. Minerals form in many ways. The mineral halite, which is used as
table salt, forms when water evaporates in a hot, shallow part of the
ocean, leaving behind the salt it contained. Many types of minerals,
including the ones in granite, develop when molten rock cools. Talc,
Molten rock refers to rock
that has become so hot that a mineral that can be used to make baby powder, forms deep in Eartli
it has melted. as high pressure and temperature cause changes in solid rock.
Mineral Identification ,,~ Test each sample fa its hardress on the Mops 2. INTERPRET took at the data in your table
Name any minerals that you could identify on
xaie. Try to scratch the sample with eecr~ of
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE In this acuvrty. you vrill these Hems in ceder: a fingernail, a copper the basis of a single property.
observe and perform tests ar minerah Tlren you enit penny, and a steel file. In the MoM sw1e. brad
3. APPLY Examine a piece of granite ruck.
compare your observations to a mineral rdentificatan kcy~ the hardness number of the object that first On the basis of your exarni~atan of grarnte
scratctws the sample Write ut the table that t!x+
and your ooservatiora of the samples, try to
minerals hardness value ~s between that of tfw
determine what the Ight-cokxed. translucent
hardest item ttwt aril not scratch
Procedure the sample and ttwl of
murral in the granite is and what the iWky,
Mrker mineral n
the item that did
Make a data table like the one shown .n
scratch it
the ratebook on ;he nett page.
Tes; the sample 1
You vnll examine and dennfy hve
wrath ate magnet. Specihc grawry .s another property used to
mmerais Cet a numtxned mineral
I} the magnet is ~denUfy mmerah. The specific gravity of a mineral
sample from the mineral set. Record
attraRed to the sam- rs tleterm~ned by companng the mrnerai4 density
the number of your sample in
your table. ple, put a check ~n the wrath the density of water
row Labeled - tvtagneuc "
Find the specific gravity of an unknown min-
first, observe the sample Note the . eral chosen from your teacher's samples. Attach
cokx and the luster of the sampie. Repeat steps 2 through 7 for earn of the other
• numbered mineral your mineral vnth a stung to a spring scats.
Write your observatxxts in your table m step 3 numbered samples
samples Record its mass and label this value l~f. Then
• hand lens the rOW Latxletl "tUstel,` Wrl(e R1erJ1bC ;f (fte suspend the mineral in a beaker of v:ater. Record
mineral appears shiny kke metal. Write nonmeiatAc
• streak plate
• coPPer penny d the sample does rat look like metal. for example, <'~i Observe and Analyze nuoe ~~ ate measurement of the mineral's mass in water.
Label this value M2 io determine the mineral's
• steel lire it may bole glassy pearly or dull. 1. INTERPRET DATA Jse the hlmeral speoiK grawry, use the fdbwing equation
• magnet Iden;l(Kation Key and the rntormaUon In you• M7
• dilute hydrochloric and /,? Observe the sample through the data table to identify your samples. Wnte tfre Mt - M7 $peptic gfdwty
•eyedropper ~i7 hand lens. Lode to see arty sgns of De all the other steps to Ident~ly the sample.
names of the m~nerah in your table.
• Mohs wale how the crystals in the mineral Goes the specfc gravity you measured match
• Mineral IdenLficatron Kty broke. H rt appears that the crystals 2. COLLECT DATA CAUTION: Before the one listed fa that minerJ'~ m the rdentih-
have broken akxg straight tines, doing the acid test, put on your safety cation krry7
put a check m the row Wbeted glasses, protective gloves, and kb
"Cleavage." If it appears that the sam- apron. Acids can cause bums. li you
pk has fraRured, put a check in the utent~hed one of the samples as a carbrxute
approlxiale mw of yrwr Idble mineral, such as calale. you can check your ..
_ ~dentrficatbn with the and test. Use the ~._ p Mineral kferthfaatwn
properte~ ~~~ w ~
~' CAUTION: Keep the streak plate on eyedropper to put a few drops of dilute ~' o tatJe t ryµnerat
s~~ your desktop or table while you are hydrochbnc acid rm the minerai. If the ~_o lir:.~~a®®~®
doing the streak test. A broken acid bubb'es. the sample rs a carbonate.
streak plate can cause serious
Ms. Rub the nnrx~dl sample un
the streak pWte. H the sample does
-~ Conclude Clea~ra90 -•--•
not leave a mark, the mineral h fr acture -----
harder than the streak plate Wnte
no in the raw labeled "Streak ' If the
the m~nerdls calcite and halve alike WhKh %~~~%
property can you use to test whether a
sample does leave a mark on the streak
plate, write the cokx of the streak in thet row
sample s calcite or hah;et
~ ~~~~~
;h.;;,;v; Minerals 59 ~ ~
Go to to see
simulations, visualizations, =~,„
resources centers, and
~.~;$,~ CLASS~C)NE
content review.
~j McDougal Littell Science
Earth Science: Earth's Surface
~@ ~l~ idea.
Rocks change into other rocks::
over time.
Contents Overview 1
FRONTIERS in Science
Mapping Earth
You're probably familiar with images of gold prospectors in the
Old West. Maybe you've seen them in old movies or read about
them in history books. Prospectors wandered through the moun-
tains, looking for signs of ores or gemstones, going here and there
in response to rumors or stories, pitching camp in remote canyons
on a hunch. People still prospect for minerals today, but they're
more likely to fly in airplanes than to ride mules. And stories of
fabled mines are just stories and fables. Today's prospectors rely
on scientific evidence from remote sensing.
Frontiers in Science 3
Detecting Minerals
from Above
One of the many uses of remote sensing is to
find new sources of valuable minerals, such as
diamonds. To detect minerals from airplanes or
satellites, remote sensors make use of the energy
in sunlight. Sunlight reaches Earth as radiation,
which travels in the form of waves. All objects
absorb some types of radiation and reflect others.
The particular wavelengths absorbed or reflected
depend upon the materials that make up the
objects. Each kind of material has a unique Energy from the Sun reflects at different wavelengths
from materials at Earth's surface. Instruments on the
"fingerprint" of the wavelengths it absorbs and
jet analyze the reflected energy and map the surface.
the wavelengths it reflects.
When sunlight strikes Earth's surface, some systems collect so much data that computer pro-
of it is reflected back into the sky. Some of the cessing and analysis are difficult and expensive.
radiation is absorbed by rocks and other objects Still, the data are usually clear enough to show
and then emitted, or given off, in a different the types of minerals located in the regions
form. Remote sensors in airplanes and satellites scanned. However, minerals that are buried can-
collect the reflected and emitted radiation and not be detected by remote sensing from aircraft
analyze it to determine which types of rocks and or satellites. The sensors receive only energy from
minerals lie on the surface. The remote sensing or near the surface.
Frontiers in Science 5
Key Concepts
Technology is used
to explore the Earth
system. z~~
Learn how technology has
changed people's view of Earth. ~~
Maps and globes are
models of Earth.
Learn how to locate any place
on Earth and how Earth's sphere
is portrayed on flat maps.
Topographic maps show '~'
the shape of the land.
Learn about representing the
features of Earth's surface on
flat maps.
Technology is used
to map Earth.
Learn how satellites and
computers are used to provide
more detailed maps of Earth.
Chapter 1 online resources:
Content Review, Simulation, ms's►.:..
Visualization, three
Swirling clouds over ~-- ~'_ ,.~
Resource Centers, Math North and South America:
Tutorial, and Test Practice
NASA Terra satellite data
Chlorophyll levels (green) on land mapping Earth from space. Find out about a
~s¢;an,d sea: SeaStar spacecraft image NASA mission to develop the most accurate
.f: ~.~ ,. map of Earth ever made.
Observe and Think rsr~~r~rc~~rm~ ~
~.~, i ~
Why do you think
scientists need different
maps produced from
satellite data?
Make atwo-column
chart. Write the main
ideas, such as those in
the blue headings, in 1. The Earth system has 1. Atmosphere =mixture of
the column on the left. four main parts. gases surrounding Earth
Write details about each 1. Hydrosphere =all waters
of those main ideas in on Earth
the column on the right.
The hydrosphere (HY-druh-sFEER) is made up of all the water on
Earth in oceans, lakes, glaciers, rivers, and streams and underground.
Water covers nearly three-quarters of Earth's surface. Only about 3
percent of the hydrosphere is fresh water. Nearly 70 percent of Earth's
fresh water is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.
The biosphere (BY-uh-sFEEx) includes all life on Earth, in the air, MAIN IDEA AND DETAILS
on the land, and in the waters. The biosphere can be studied with a As you read this section,
_~ use this strategy to take
variety of technologies. For example, satellite photos are used to track notes.
yearly changes in Earth's plant and animal life. As the photograph
below shows, special equipment allows scientists to study complex
environments, such as rain forests, without damaging them.
Scientists have learned a lot about how the biosphere interacts with
the other parts of the Earth system. For example, large forests act as
Earth's "lungs," absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the
atmosphere. When dead trees decay, they return nutrients to the soil.
READING Name one way the biosphere and the atmosphere interact.
Hold the apple slice and observe it carefully. Compare it with the
diagram of the geosphere's layers on page 12.
Q Draw a diagram of the apple and label it with the names of the layers
of the geosphere.
formed volcanoes and mountain ranges around the world. Landmass is a compound
word made up of the
Biosphere Plants, animals, and human beings have also changed words land and mass.
Earth's surface. For instance, earthworms help make soils more fertile. Landmass means "a large
area of land."
And throughout human history, people have dammed rivers and
cleared forests for farmland.
You are part of this process, too. Every time you walk or ride a bike
across open land, you are changing Earth's surface. Your feet or the
bike's tires dig into the dirt, wearing away plants and exposing soil to
sunlight, wind, and water. If you take the same route every day, over
time you will wear a path in the land.
=~~-~ ~ ~%
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• The Earth system has four main • What information maps can
parts: atmosphere, hydrosphere, provide about natural and
biosphere, and geosphere human-made features
• Technology is used to study • How to find exact locations
and map the Earth system on Earth
• The Earth system's parts inter- • Why all maps distort Earth's
act to shape Earth's surface surface
How are maps and globes alike? How are they different?
Mountains appear as ,
ripples on relief
maps. Brown colors Plains show little relief
represent areas high on the map. Dark green
above sea level. represents areas at sea
level. Lighter greens
represent areas up to
or above sea level.
♦Edge N
Espanola Way ❑ 14th Ln. ~v
Spring Hi
S 14th PI. ~ Lumrnus
~ Initernational o` Park
Melbourne X
s~ _ Flamingo `~ 14th St. ~ and
~TLAN'1'!(: ~ Park ~ m <
Clearwater0 D c
D ~ Public
St. Petersburg, ,,Tamp d 2 iv~ ~ ❑ o Hc~crch
~`✓ero Bcach
~, D D D D 13th St. ❑ Cardozo
Bradento ~jFort Pierce co ~ Impala ❑ ;. ❑
c~ cn
Ocean Front ;~
Sarasof'a Port St. Lucie Marlin
~Stuart 12th St. ❑ Q ❑Tides
t i Flamingo Old City Hall ❑ a~ ~
Jupiter Swimminc
fit' Q
Port Cha ►'Pahokee
~ West Palm 11th St. ®Casa Casuarina Q
m~~ Kenmore ❑ o U
-- pBeach
Gull ~,. olfsonian Foundation
oj . Cape Cor' ~' Ei~eguard Tower
75 10th St. ~, ® •
Coral S'prings~ J
Mexico Oceanfront
Fort Auditorium
0 250 500 yards
~t4larco Island HonyWnnd~ Lauderdale i....... ___1 ..
~0 25 50 miles Coral Gables`Miami
0 250 500 meters
Homestead 1 Beach
0 25 50 kilometers Miami
Beach ■ Museum Swimming pool
0 Interstate highway ~==-~ms's`"~
`..~ ~ '~ICey Largo Park • Point of interest Theater
U.S. highway Islamorada Hotel '~' Police station ❑t Toilets
72 State highway Marathon ■ Major building ■ Post office ❑t Tourist
Key West information
. - ~
Latitude is based on an imaginary line that circles Earth halfway
READING TIP between the north and south poles. This line is called the equator,
Hemi- is a Greek prefix and it divides Earth into northern and southern hemispheres.
meaning "half." A hemisphere is one half of a sphere.
Latitude is a distance in degrees north or south of the equator,
which is 0°. A degree is 1 /360 of the distance around a full circle. If you
start at one point on the equator and travel all the way around the
world back to that point, you have traveled 360 degrees.
The illustration below shows that latitude lines are parallel to the
equator and are evenly spaced between the equator and the poles.
Also, latitude lines are always labeled north or south of the equator to
~30° N
What are the approximate latitudes and longitudes of Cairo, Egypt, and Paris, France?
Longitude is based on an imaginary line that stretches from the North READING TIP
Pole through Greenwich, England, to the South Pole. This line is There is an easy way to
called the prime meridian. Any place up to 180° west of the prime remember the difference
between latitude and
meridian is in the Western Hemisphere. Any place up to 180° east of longitude. Think of longitude
the prime meridian is in the Eastern Hemisphere. lines as the "long" lines that
go from pole to pole.
Longitude is a distance in degrees east or west of the prime
meridian, which is 0°. Beginning at the prime meridian, longitude
lines are numbered 0° to 180° west and 0° to 180° east.
Longitude lines are labeled east or west to indicate whether a
location is in the eastern or western hemisphere. For example, the
longitude of Washington, D.C., is about 78° west, or 78°W. The city
of Hamburg, Germany, is about 10° east, or 10°E. If you understand
latitude and longitude, you can find any spot on Earth's surface.
~ CHECK YOUR Why do all cities in the United States have a north latitude
READING and a west longitude?
Cylindrical Projection
The Mercator projection shows Earth as if the map were a large cylin-
der wrapped around the planet. The outlines of the landmasses and
seas are then drawn onto the map. As shown in the diagram on page
21, the cylinder is unrolled to form a flat map. Latitude and longitude
appear as straight lines, forming a grid of rectangles.
The Mercator projection is useful for navigating at sea or in the
air. It shows the entire world, except for regions near the poles, on one
map. Sailors and pilots can draw a straight line from one point to
'Y X
ti .~
k l/ l
Conic Projections
Conic projections are based on the shape of a cone. The diagram
below shows how a cone of paper might be wrapped around the
globe. The paper touches the surface only at the middle latitudes,
halfway between the equator and the North Pole.
When the cone is flattened out, the latitude lines are curved slightly.
The curved lines represent the curved surface of Earth. This allows the
map to show the true sizes and shapes of some landmasses.
Conic projections are most useful for mapping large areas in the
middle latitudes, such as the United States. However, landmasses near
the equator or near the north or south pole will be distorted.
READING What are the main uses of Mercator and conic projections?
Buckingham Fountain
In this case, the map scale indicates that 1 centimeter on the map ~
represents 300 meters on the ground. The map scale shows this
r~ ~_ r as equivalent units. By using these units to write a proportion,
Chir~uS~n r
~.i / ~ you can use cross products to determine actual distances.
rr What distance does 3 cm on the map represent? Set up the prob-
r lem like this:
f 1 cm 3 cm
0 300 m x
(1)1 cm • x = 3 cm • 300 m
~ Art Institute
ADAMS ST ■ of Chicago i
JACKSON DR Chicago (2) x = 3 • 300 m
~ Buckingham Harhar
Fountain o
f (3) x = 900 m
r ANSWER 3 centimeters on the map represents 900 meters on
W ~
Lake the ground.
w Michigan f
2 f
Use cross products and a metric ruler to answer the
U Shedd
following questions.
F- Aquarium r
■ r
ROOSEVELT RD i Adler 1. The science class divides into two groups. Each group starts at
t ~ Planetarium
Field Museum Buckingham Fountain. How far, in meters, will one group walk
of Natural History Norrherly
Island to get to the Adler Planetarium if they follow the red dotted line?
2. How far, in meters, will the other group walk to get to the end
s of Navy Pier if they follow the blue dotted line?
w 3. The group that walked to Adler decides to take a boat to join the
Q other group at Navy Pier. How far, in meters, is their boat ride
along the red dotted line?
------ -~
~ r ~~
~~ ~~~~ ~
Chapter 1: Views of Earth Today 23
visuA~s What is the elevation of the top of Mount Hood?
Closed circles
indicate the tops of
land features. One
circle includes the
elevation (1427 feet).
READING Study the hill with the number 29 on it. Use the contour interval and
visuA~s index contour lines to calculate the highest point of this hill.
• Index contour lines mark elevations. The darker contour lines ~~~, SIMULATION
on a map are called index contour lines. Numbers that indicate ~,-, CLASSZONE.COM
elevations are often written on these lines. To calculate higher or Discover the relationship
between topographic
lower elevations, simply count the number of lines above or
maps and surface
below an index line. Then multiply that number by the contour features.
interval. For instance, on the Ely map, one index line marks 1400
feet. To find the elevation of a point three lines up from this
index line, you would multiply 10 feet (the contour interval) by
3. Add the result, 30, to 1400. The point's elevation is 1430 feet.
Vegetation n/ Stream
The USGS provides topographic maps for nearly every part of the
United States. These maps cover urban, rural, and wilderness areas.
Hikers and campers are not the only ones who use topographic maps.
Engineers, archaeologists, forest rangers, biologists, and others rely on
them as well.
' Q Procedure
• half-gallon cardboard
~3 Lay the clear plastic sheet over the
container and tape it on one side
juice container like a hinge. Carefully trace the
• scissors outline of your clay model.
• modeling clay
• clear plastic sheet
(transparency or sheet 4 Add 2 cm of colored water to
the container.
• cellophane tape Insert spaghetti sticks into the model step 3
• ruler all around the waterline. Place the sticks
• water about 3 cm apart. Make sure the sticks are vertical and
• food coloring
are no taller than the sides of the container.
• box of spaghetti
• erasable marker pen
0 Looking
Lower the plastic sheet back over the container.
straight down on the container, make a
dot on the sheet wherever you see a spaghetti
stick. Connect the dots to trace the contour line
accurately onto your map.
step 5
ni ~ -arth`s Surface
' Write ,
3. Mark the same elevations on the side of the
Observe and Analyze s.It "p;`l paper, as shown in the example.
4. Use a ruler to draw a straight line down from
1. Compare your topographic map with the
each mark to the matching elevation on the
three-dimensional model. Remember that
side of the paper.
contour lines connect points of equal
elevation. What do widely spaced or tightly 5. Connect the points to draw a profile of
spaced contour lines mean? What does a the landform.
closed circle mean?
2. Make a permanent record of your map to
keep in your Science Notebook by carefully
tracing the contour lines onto a sheet of white . . . . . . . . . . . .
10' 20' 30' 40 50' 60' 60' S0' 40 30" 20' 10'
paper. To make reading the map easier, use a 60'
different color for an index contour line.
- 50'
3. What is the contour interval of your model
landscape? For example, each 2 centimeters
might represent 20 meters in an actual 30'
landscape. Record the elevation of the 20'
index contour line on your map.
Q Conclude It Up
CHALLENGE Choose one feature on a topo-
graphic map—such as the map on page 26—to
translate into across-sectional diagram.
1. Lay a piece of ruled paper across the center
of the topographical feature.
2. Mark each of the contour lines on the ruled
paper and label each mark with the elevation. Conclude
Satellite Imaging
Objects on Earth reflect or emit different types of energy.
Satellite sensors can detect and record these energies.
August 14, 2002
Thousands of
acres burn.
In this false-color image, vegetation is bright green, Three weeks later, as this false-color image clearly
burned areas are red, fire is bright pink, and smoke shows, the fires had spread over a large area.
is blue.
0 Work with a partner. One of you the sensor says "Zero." For filled- MATERIALS
will be the "sensor," and the other in squares, the sensor says "One." • graph paper
will be the "receiving station." Be sure to start at the top row and • pen or pencil
• for Challenge:
read left to right, telling the receiv- colored pens or
Q The sensor draws the initials of a ing station when a new row begins.
famous person on a piece of graph pencils
paper. The receiving station does
NOT see the drawing.
Q The receiving station transfers the
code to the graph paper. At the
~25 minutes
end, the receiver has three tries to
0 The sensor sends the picture to the
guess whose initials were sent.
receiving station. For blank squares,
The airport must be built in
one of the areas (shaded pink)
with the fewest homes.
Mammoth Mountain
CO2 Flow Levels Area Map
COZ flow 25 .5 mile
Lake Mary
A photo taken from the air
shows patches of dying forest
near Horseshoe Lake.
~""~ Area of tree kill
~:>>; ~ Q ~J
This CO2 flow map shows why
the trees are dying and where Data from photos and CO2
other trees may be in danger. flow maps are used to
make a map of dead and
.. ~:. dying trees.
Horseshoe Lake ~ ::;~ ,
Q Interpreting Data
In your Science Notebook, create a chart like the one below to
help you interpret the data displayed on the maps. As you fill in the
chart, think about which site offers the greatest benefits to all the
people who will attend the Olympic Games.
` J
r a J
prime meridian
All map projections distort
so°-s Earth's surface.
6. prime to separate 16. People use latitude and longitude lines mostly
meridian east and west to identify
hemispheres a. map scales c. exact locations
7. to show line showing b. country names d. distances
height above elevation
sea level 17. The most accurate way to show Earth's
surface is a
8. false-color to highlight
a. globe c. cylindrical projection
image information
b. conic projection d. planar projection
23. ANALYZE What is the topography of the land 35. SYNTHESIZE Describe some of the types of
through which the curved road A goes? information that new technology has provided
about Earth.
24. IDENTIFY CAUSE The squares at B represent
buildings. Why do you think the buildings 36. DRAW CONCLUSIONS What type of technology
were placed here instead of somewhere else in do you think has done the most to change the
the area? way people view and map Earth? Explain your
25. APPLY The contour interval is 10 meters.
What is the elevation of the highest point
on the map? uai~ ~Ra~~cTs
If you are doing a unit project, make a folder for
26. SYNTHESIZE Sketch the two hills D and E. your project. Include in your folder a list of the
What would they look like to someone on resources you will need, the date on which the
the ground? project is due, and a schedule to track your
27. INFER Suppose someone wanted to build a progress. Begin gathering data.
road through the terrain on the far left side
of the map. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of such a route?
Analyzing a Diagram
This diagram shows the four major parts of the Earth system. Use it to answer
the questions below.
4. Which items belong to the geosphere?
a. F and G c. I and N
b.HandJ d.MandL
9. Rain falls and soaks into the soil. Plants and 10. Describe an example of how people can shape
animals use some of the water. More of the the surface of the geosphere.
water drains into a river, then enters the ocean.
Describe this process as movements among the
major parts of the Earth system.
~ R .,.o.___A_...a.,..,.....,.~.--.~-M.,.
Key Concepts
Minerals are all
around us.
Learn about the characteristics
all minerals share.
A mineral is identified
by its properties.
Learn how to identify
minerals by observing and
testing their properties.
Minerals are valuable
Learn how minerals form,
how they are mined, and
how they are used.
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Identifying Minerals Code: MDL014
,~: ^
Chapter 2: Minerals 41
,:~ ~ ~~
.... . y, :~...
...~..~ -.~.K..
• is a solid
• has a definite chemical makeup
• has a crystal structure
Chapter 2: Minerals 43
Minerals in Rocks
Most rocks are made up of minerals.
You might think that minerals and rocks are the same things. But
a mineral must have the four characteristics listed on page 43. A rock
has only two of these characteristics—it is a solid and it forms naturally.
A rock usually contains two or more types of minerals.
READING TtP Two samples of the same type of rock may vary greatly in the
Proportions show amounts of different minerals they contain. Minerals, however, are
relationships between always made up of the same materials in the same proportions. A ruby
amounts. For example, a
quartz crystal always has is a mineral. Therefore, a ruby found in India has the same makeup
two oxygen atoms for as a ruby found in Australia.
every silicon atom.
READING How are minerals different from rocks?
Formed in Nature
Minerals are formed by natural processes. Every type of mineral can
form in nature by processes that do not involve living organisms. As
you will read, a few minerals can also be produced by organisms as
part of their shells or bones.
Minerals form in many ways. The mineral halite, which is used as
table salt, forms when water evaporates in a hot, shallow part of the
ocean, leaving behind the salt it contained. Many types of minerals,
including the ones in granite, develop when molten rock cools. Talc,
Molten rock refers to rock
that has become so hot that a mineral that can be used to make baby powder, forms deep in Earth
it has melted. as high pressure and temperature cause changes in solid rock.
one element. All the atoms in gold or copper are of the same type. You may remember
However, most substances contain atoms of more than one element. compound from compound
words—words formed by
Most minerals are compounds, substances consisting of several joining together smaller
elements in specific proportions. Halite, for example, has one atom words: note +book =
notebook. Likewise, a
of sodium for every atom of chlorine. chemical compound has
The types of atoms that make up a mineral are part of what makes two or more elements
joined together.
the mineral unique. The way in which the atoms are bonded, or joined
together, is also important. As you will read, many properties of minerals
are related to how strong or weak the bonds are.
Atoms in Minerals
Chapter 2: Minerals 45
Crystal Structure
If you look closely at the particles of ice that make up frost, you will
notice that they have smooth, flat surfaces. These flat surfaces form
Explore an animation of
crystal growth.
because of the arrangement of atoms in the ice, which is a mineral.
Such an internal arrangement is a characteristic of minerals. It is the
structure of a crystal, a solid in which the atoms are arranged in an
orderly, repeating three-dimensional pattern.
Each mineral has its own type of crystal structure. In some cases,
two minerals have the same chemical composition but different
crystal structures. For example, both diamond and graphite consist of
just one element—carbon. But the arrangements of the carbon atoms
in these two minerals are not the same, so they have different crystal
structures and very different properties. Diamonds are extremely hard
and have a brilliant sparkle. Graphite is soft, gray, and dull.
In nature, a perfect crystal is rare. One can grow only when a
mineral is free to form in an open space—a condition that rarely
exists within Earth's crust. The photographs on page 47 show exam-
ples of nearly perfect crystals. The amount of space available for
growth influences the shape and size of crystals. Most crystals have
imperfect shapes because their growth was limited by other crystals
forming next to them.
Crystal Shape
How do crystals differ in shape?
Cut sheets of paper so that they fit inside the pie plates as shown. Place one
sheet in each pie plate.
0 Add the table salt to 30 mL of water in the cup. Stir the water until the salt
• tablespoon
has dissolved.
• 2 mixing cups
• 2 stirring rods
0 Pour enough salt solution into one of the pie plates to completely cover the
paper with a small film of liquid. Be careful not to pour into the plate any • 1 tbs table salt
• 1 tbs Epsom salts
undissolved salt that may be in the bottom of the cup. • 60 mL water
• 2 pie plates
Q Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the Epsom salts. Let the plates dry overnight. • 2 sheets black
WHAT DO YOU THINK? • scissors
• Compare and describe the shapes of the crystals.
• What do you think accounts for any differences you observe?
which make up about 90 percent of the rocks in Earth's crust, are the
most common rock-forming minerals. Quartz, feldspar, and mica
(MY kuh) are common silicates.
Chapter 2: Minerals 47
Common Elements of Earth's Crust
Calcium 3.6%
The sand on many Iron 5.0%
beaches consists mainly
of quartz, an important Aluminum 8.1
silicate mineral. Other 9.0%
.READING How much of Earth's crust is made Source: Brian Mason,
~> visuA~s up of oxygen and silicon? Principles of Geochemistry
_s' _
Find information on
There are many other mineral groups. All are important, even
minerals. though their minerals may not be as common as rock-forming minerals.
For instance, the mineral group known as oxides contains the minerals
from which most metals, such as tin and copper, are refined. An oxide
consists of an element, usually a metal, joined to oxygen. This group
includes hematite (HEE-muh-TYT), a source of iron.
Why is the oxide mineral group important?
-,♦ ---
Minerals in Rocks
Like most rocks, granite is a mixture of several
minerals. Each mineral makes up a certain propor-
tion, or fraction, of the granite. You can compare
Click on Math Tutorial mineral amounts by expressing each mineral's
for more help with fraction as a percentage.
percents and fractions.
Example 1
To change a fraction to a percentage, you must find an equivalent
fraction with 100 as the denominator. Suppose, for example, you
want to change the fraction to a percentage. First, divide 100 by
the denominator 5, which gives you 20. Then, multiply both the
numerator and denominator by 20 to find the percentage.
or 20% is 20%
5 ~ 20 100 5
The table below shows the fraction of each mineral in a
granite sample.
Fraction of Percentage
Mineral Granite Sample of Granite
Quartz — ?
Feldspar 20 ?
Mica 50 ?
Dark minerals ?
1. On your paper, copy the table and fill in the percentage of each
mineral in the granite sample above.
y- 3. Ina 2 Cher granite sample, feldspar makes up 5 and mica makes
up 2S . What is the percentage of each mineral in the rock?
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C`;a;~*e~ 2: Minerals 49
- ~, ~
., A mineral is identified
r~~ by its properties.
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• All minerals have four • Which mineral properties
characteristics are most important in
• Most minerals in Earth's crust identification
are silicates How minerals are identified by
their properties
as a tool to identify minerals by their streaks. Streak is a better clue to A geologist is a scientist
a mineral's identity than surface color is. Look at the photographs of who studies Earth.
hematite below. Even though the mineral samples are different colors,
both leave a reddish brown streak when scraped across a streak plate.
All samples of the same mineral have the same streak.
READING What is the difference between color and streak?
This hematite looks dull because it This hematite looks shiny because
has tiny crystals that reflect light it has larger crystals.
in all directions.
visuA~s What is a clue that both samples are of the same mineral?
Chapter 2: Minerals 51
READING TIP A mineral's luster is the way in which light reflects from its surface.
Luster comes from the The two major types of luster are metallic and nonmetallic. The
Latin lustrare, "to make mineral pyrite has a metallic luster. It looks as if it were made of
bright." But luster isn't metal. A mineral with a nonmetallic luster can be shiny, but it does
always bright or shiny.
Some minerals have lusters not appear to be made of metal. An example of a nonmetallic luster
that are waxlike or dull. is the glassy luster of garnet. Compare the lusters of pyrite and garnet
in the photographs below.
Like a mineral's color, its luster may vary from sample to sample.
If a mineral has been exposed to the atmosphere or to water, its sur-
face luster can become dull. However, if the mineral is broken to
reveal a fresh surface, its characteristic luster can be seen.
~.~~~.. :~::~
Calcite has cleavage. It breaks along flat surfaces because the
bonds between its atoms are less strong
in some directions than in others.
:::j....~C S 1 ~r~;.>
Fracture is the tendency of a mineral to break into irregular pieces. VOCABULARY
Some minerals such as quartz break into pieces with curved surfaces, Add a description
wheel for fracture in
as shown below. Other minerals may break differently—perhaps into your notebook.
splinters or into rough or jagged pieces.
In a mineral that displays fracture, the bonds that join the atoms
are fairly equal in strength in all directions. The mineral does not
break along flat surfaces because there are no particular directions of
weakness in its crystal structure.
How does the strength of the bonds between atoms determine
whether a mineral displays cleavage or fracture?
Quartz ~~~ '"not have cleavage. It breaks along irregular surfaces because
It breaks by fracturing. the bonds between its atoms are about
the same strength in every direction.
Chapter 2: Minerals 53
A mineral's density and hardness help
identify it.
A tennis ball is not as heavy or as hard as a baseball. You would be
able to tell the two apart even with your eyes closed by how heavy and
hard they feel. You can identify minerals in a similar way.
Even though a baseball and a tennis ball are about the same size, the
baseball has more mass and so is more dense. A substance's density
is the amount of mass in a given volume of the substance. For exam-
ple, 1 cubic centimeter of the mineral pyrite has a mass of 5.1 grams,
The unit of density is grams so pyrite's density is 5.1 grams per cubic centimeter.
per cubic centimeter and is
abbreviated as g/cm3. Density is very helpful in identifying minerals. For example, gold
and pyrite look very similar. Pyrite is often called fool's gold. However,
you can tell the two minerals apart by comparing their densities. Gold
is much denser than pyrite. The mass of a piece of gold is almost four
times the mass of a piece of pyrite of the same size. A small amount
of a very dense mineral, such as gold, can have more mass and be
heavier than a larger amount of a less dense mineral, such as pyrite.
A mineral's density is determined by the kinds of atoms that make up
Comparing Densities
The baseball on the right has more mass, The zincite sample on the right is about
and so is denser, than a tennis ball that is twice as dense as the quartz sample.
about the same size.
READING Estimate the size a piece of quartz would have to be to balance the
VISUALS zincite sample.
One way to tell a tennis ball from a baseball Mohs Scale
without looking at them is to compare their
densities. Another way is to test which one is 1
harder. Hardness is another dependable clue to
a mineral's identity.
A mineral's hardness is its resistance to being Z
scratched. Like a mineral's cleavage, a mineral's
Your fingernail has a
hardness is determined by its crystal structure hardness of about 2.5, so
and the strength of the bonds between its atoms. 3
it can scratch gypsum.
Harder minerals have stronger bonds.
A scale known as the Mohs scale is often
used to describe a mineral's hardness. This scale 4
is based on the fact that a harder mineral will
scratch a softer one. As you can see in the chart at
the right, ten minerals are numbered in the scale, 5
from softest to hardest. Talc is the softest mineral apatite
and has a value of 1. Diamond, the hardest of all
minerals, has a value of 10. 6
Feldspar A steel file has a hardness
A mineral can be scratched only by other of about 6.5. You can
minerals that have the same hardness or are scratch apatite with it.
harder. To determine the hardness of an 7
unknown mineral, you test whether it scratches Quartz
or is scratched by the minerals in the scale. For
example, if you can scratch an unknown mineral
with apatite but not with fluorite, the mineral's Topaz
hardness is between 4 and 5 in the Mohs scale. Diamond is the hardest
mineral. Only a diamond
In place of minerals, you can use your finger- 9
can scratch another
nail, acopper penny, and a steel file to test an
unknown mineral. To avoid damage to the
minerals, you can test whether the mineral
scratches these items. When using a penny to test
hardness, make sure its date is 1982 or earlier. diamond
Only older pennies are made mainly of copper,
which has a hardness of about 3.
Chapter 2: Minerals 55
INVESTICaATE Hardness of Minerals
How hard are some common minerals? Classifying
0 Try to scratch each mineral with your fingernail, the penny, and the
steel file. Record the results in a chart.
Q Assign a hardness range to each mineral. • samples of 5
0 Into the last column of your chart, rank the minerals from hardest
• copper penny
(1982 or earlier)
• steel file
• Use your results to assign a hardness range in the Mohs scale to each sample. X20 minutes ~~-~
• If two minerals have the same hardness range according to your tests,
how could you tell which is harder?
`..ultraviolet light
These minerals look ordinary in normal light but display red Acid in contact with carbonate
and green fluorescence under ultraviolet light. minerals, such as calcite, forms bubbles.
—., —.,
,~ ,~
Chapter 2: Minerals 57
Mi HeraI Identification
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE In this activity, you will
observe and perform tests on minerals. Then you will
compare your observations to a mineral identification key.
Chapter 2: Minerals 59
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• Minerals are classified according • How minerals are used in
to their compositions and industry and art
crystal structures • How minerals form
• A mineral can be identified by • How minerals are mined
its properties
shaped. Before a gemstone is used in jewelry, a gem cutter grinds it into Corundum and diamond
are the two hardest
the desired shape and polishes it. This process increases the gemstone's
minerals in the Mohs
beauty and sparkle. The material used to shape and polish a gemstone scale. They are often
must be at least as hard as the gemstone itself. Metals, such as gold and used to grind and polish
silver, also are used in jewelry making and other decorative arts. Both
gold and silver are usually combined with copper to increase their
~ CHECK YOUR How are minerals prepared for use in jewelry? What other
READING questions do you have about how minerals are used?
Uses of Minerals 1
Mineral Products A clear quartz crystal
was sliced to make this
Quartz Optics, glass, ~ computer chip. Minerals
(source of silicon) abrasives, gems such as copper, silver, and
Hematite Machines, nails, gold are commonly used
(source of iron) cooking utensils in electronics.
Gibbsite Soda cans,
(source of aluminum) shopping carts
Dolomite Insulators,
(source of magnesium) medicines Diamonds are used as
abrasives, as in this
Chromite Automobile parts,
drill tip. Minerals are
(source of chromium) stainless steel
also used in such
Galena Batteries, fiber products as insulators
(source of lead) optics, weights and water filters.
Kaolinite Ceramics, paper,
(found in clay) cosmetics
Beryl Aircraft frames,
(source of beryllium) gems (green form Cinnabar is ground up to
is emerald) make the pigment known ~~ ,
as vermilion. Other minerals ~`
are also used as pigments in ; ;
dyes and paints. Gemstones
are used in jewelry, as are ~ .
platinum and gold. ••
Chapter 2: Minerals 61
Minerals form in several ways.
Minerals form within Earth or on Earth's surface by natural processes.
~ REMINDER Minerals develop when atoms of one or more elements join together
An element is a substance and crystals begin to grow. Recall that each type of mineral has its
that contains only one own chemical makeup. Therefore, what types of minerals form in an
type of atom. For instance,
oxygen is an element. area depends in part on which elements are present there. Temperature
Pure oxygen contains only and pressure also affect which minerals form.
oxygen atoms.
water evaporates. Water usually has many substances dissolved in
it. Minerals can form when the water evaporates. For example, when
salt water evaporates, the atoms that make up halite, which is used as
table salt, join to form crystals. Other minerals form from evaporation
too, depending on the substances dissolved in the water. The mineral
gypsum often forms as water evaporates.
Hot water cools. As hot water within Earth's crust moves through
rocks, it can dissolve minerals. When the water cools, the dissolved
minerals separate from the water and become solid again. In some
cases, minerals are moved from one place to another. Gold can dissolve
in hot water that moves through the crust. As the water cools and the
gold becomes solid again, it can fill cracks in rocks. In other cases,
the minerals that form are different from the ones that dissolved.
Lead from the mineral galena can later become part of the mineral
wulfenite as atoms join together into new minerals.
Molten rock cools. Many minerals grow from magma. Magma—
molten rock inside Earth—contains all the types of atoms that are
found in minerals. As magma cools, the atoms join together to form
different minerals. Minerals also form as lava cools. lava is molten
rock that has reached Earth's surface. Quartz is one of the many
minerals that crystallize from magma and lava.
Heat and pressure cause changes. Heat and pressure within Earth
cause new minerals to form as bonds between atoms break and join
again. The mineral garnet can grow and replace the minerals chlorite
and quartz as their atoms combine in new ways. The element carbon
is present in some rocks. At high temperatures carbon forms the
mineral graphite, which is used in pencils.
Organisms produce minerals. A few minerals are produced by living
things. For example, ocean animals such as oysters and clams produce
calcite and other carbonate minerals to form their shells. Even you
produce minerals. Your body produces one of the main minerals in
your bones and teeth—apatite.
~ CHECK YOUR How is the formation of minerals as molten rock cools similar
READING to the formation of minerals as water evaporates?
.,.~;~ ~
. _,
Minerals such as quartz grow as molten
rock cools.
Chapter 2::Min~rats 63
Minerals and Ores Around the World
Copper 0
Diamond C
=~ Gold
I Iron
Phosphate, sulfur,
or potash
Locations are approximate.
Surface Mining
Minerals at or near Earth's surface are recovered by surface mining.
Some minerals, such as gold, are very dense. These minerals can build
up in riverbeds as less dense minerals are carried away by the water. In
a method called panning, a miner uses a pan to wash away unwanted
minerals that are less dense. The gold and other dense minerals stay
in the bottom of the pan and can then be further separated. In bigger
riverbed mining operations, miners use machines to dig out and
separate the valuable minerals.
What are the benefits and costs of mining ores? Drawing
Q Put the birdseed into a pan. Add the beads to the birdseed and mix well. MATERIALS
• 1 pound wild-
Search through the seeds and separate out the beads and sunflower seeds, birdseed mix
placing each kind in a different pile. Take no more than 3 minutes. with sunflower
Q Assign a value to each of the beads and seeds: red bead, $5; green bead, $4;
• shallow pan
blue bead, $3; sunflower seed, $2. Count up the value of your beads and • 2 small red beads
seeds. For every yellow bead, subtract $100, which represents the cost of • 4 small green
restoring the land after mining. beads
• 8 small blue
• 3 medium
• How does the difficulty of finding the red beads relate to the difficulty of find- yellow beads
ing the most valuable ores?
• How does the total value of the blue beads and the sunflower seeds compare 25 minutes
e_ 'a(
to the total value of the red and green beads? What can you conclude about ~ _..~_
deciding which materials to mine?
CHALLENGE The sunflower seeds and the red, green, and blue beads could
represent minerals that contain copper, gold, iron, and silver. Which bead or seed
is most likely to represent each mineral? Explain your choices.
~, ~~~_-
Chapter 2: Minerals
Deep Mining
Deep-mining methods are needed when an ore lies far below Earth's
surface. These methods are used to obtain many minerals. Miners dig
an opening to reach a deep ore. When the ore is inside a mountain
or hill, miners can cut a level passage to reach the mineral they want.
Miners dig a vertical passage to reach an ore that lies underground in
a flat area or under a mountain.
From the main passage, miners blast, drill, cut, or dig the ore. If
the passage is horizontal, they keep digging farther and farther into
the hill or mountain. If it is vertical, they remove the ore in layers.
' ~-~
~~~~ /, !%
7, COMPARE Table salt, which is the mineral halite, sparkles
as light is reflected from its crystal faces. Snow, which is
the mineral ice, also sparkles in sunlight. How are the
crystal faces of salt and snow similar to facets? How are
they different?
2. CHALLENGE When would it be best for a gem cutter to
split an irregularly shaped crystal into two or more
smaller stones before grinding them into finished gems?
Remember, one larger stone is usually more valuable than
two smaller ones.
Chapter Z: Minerals 67
Chapter Review
(the. etc ides
Minerals are basic building blocks of Earth.
10. How is it possible for two different minerals to Short Answer Write a short answer for each
have the same chemical composition? question.
a. They have different crystal structures.
17. Why aren't all solids minerals? Include the
b. One is formed only by organisms.
term crystal structure in your answer.
c. Only one is crock-forming mineral.
d. They have different appearances. 18. Why is a mineral's streak more useful in
identifying it than its color?
11. Most minerals in Earth's crust belong to the
silicate mineral group because this group 19. If you drop dilute hydrochloric acid on the
contains the mineral aragonite, it bubbles. What mineral
a. rarest elements on Earth group do you think aragonite belongs to? Why?
b. most common elements on Earth 20. Describe how the strength of the bonds
c. most valuable metals on Earth between atoms in a mineral determines
d. largest crystals on Earth whether the mineral displays cleavage
or fracture.
Chapter 2: Minerals 69
Thinking Critically 28. PREDICT The mineral apatite is a compound in
your bones and teeth. Apatite contains the
Properties such as hardness and density are elements phosphorus and calcium. How might
used to identify minerals. Use the information your bones be affected if you do not have
from the chart to answer the next five enough of these elements in your diet?
questions. 29. DRAW CONCLUSIONS You live on the surface of
Earth's crust. The average density of the crust
Density is about 2.8 grams per cubic centimeter. Most
Mineral Hardness (g/cm3) metal ores have densities greater than 5 grams
per cubic centimeter. How common do you
platinum 45 190 think metal ores are in the crust? Why?
aragonite 4 3
topaz 8 35
C~~~ B ~~ ~~~~ ~J
quartz 7 2.7
30. ANALYZE Minerals are basic components of
arsenic 3.5 5.7 planets such as Earth and Mars. Other planets
in our solar system, such as Jupiter and Saturn,
21. COMPARE Platinum can combine with arsenic are called gas giants because they are composed
to form the mineral sperrylite. How do you mainly of the gases hydrogen and helium.
think the density of sperrylite compares with They do not have solid surfaces. Do you think
the densities of platinum and arsenic? that minerals are basic components of gas
giants? Why or why not?
22. APPLY Gems made of topaz are much more
valuable than those made of quartz, even
though the two minerals can look similar.
Describe two methods you could use to
identify quartz.
25. DEDUCE About how many times heavier than 31. INFER Minerals make up much of Earth. People
a piece of quartz would you expect a piece use minerals as sources of many materials,
of platinum of the same size to be? Show such as metals. Some metals are used to make
your work. machine parts or build houses. How would
your life be different if minerals that contain
metals were rare in Earth's crust?
26. HYPOTHESIZE Halite is the mineral name for
table salt. Thick layers of halite are mined near
Detroit, Michigan. At one time, an ocean cov-
ered the area. Write a hypothesis that explains UNIT PROJECTS
how the halite formed there. If you need to do an experiment for your unit
project, gather the materials. Be sure to allow
27. PREDICT The mineral chromite is the main ore enough time to observe results before the project
of the metal chromium. What might happen
is due.
after all the chromite on Earth is mined?
Analyzing a Table
This table shows characteristics of four minerals. Use it to answer the questions below.
Density Hardness
Sample Cleavage or Fracture (g/cm3) (in Mohs scale) Magnetic
E cleavage 3.7 8.5 no
F fracture 5.2 5.5 yes
G fracture 2.7 7.0 no
H cleavage 2.7 30 no
1. Which sample is most dense? 5. Which sample or samples have a crystal structure?
a. E c. G a. E, F, G, and H c. E and H
b. F d. H b. only F d. F and G
2. Which sample is hardest? 6. Which samples are likely to break along flat surfaces?
a. E c. G a. E and G c. G and H
b. F d. H b.FandG d. E and H
3. What will happen if G is rubbed against each of 7. An unidentified mineral sample has a density of
the other samples? 2.9 grams per cubic centimeter and a hardness
a. It will scratch only E. of 6.7. Which mineral is it most like?
b. It will scratch only F. a. E c. G
b. F d. H
c. It will scratch only H.
d. It will scratch F and H. 8. Which is true about one-cubic-centimeter pieces
of these samples?
4. Which statement accurately describes how one
of the samples will affect a magnet? a. Each would have the same weight.
a. E will attract the magnet. b. E would be heaviest.
b. F will attract the magnet. c. F would be heaviest.
c. G will be pushed away from the magnet. d. H would be heaviest.
d. H will be pushed away from the magnet.
Chapter 2: Minerals 71
Key Concepts
The rock eycle shows
how rocks change.
Learn the types of rock and
how they change over time.
Igneous rocks form
from molten rock.
Learn how igneous rocks
form within Earth and at
Earth's surface.
Sedimentary rocks form
from earlier rocks.
Learn how layers of loose
materials develop into
sedimentary rocks.
Metamorphic rocks
form as existing
rocks change.
Learn how one type of rock
can change into another.
Internet Preview
Chapter 3 online resources:
Content Review, Simulation,
Visualization, four Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial, Test
Internet Activity: Rocks
Go to to explore how rocks
form and change.
Observe and Think
Give three examples
of the ways in which
rocks are continually
Chapter 3: Rocks 73
ScI~Nc~ N07"~BOO~
Chapter 3; Rocks 75
A few types of rocks are made up of one kind of mineral, and a few
contain no minerals at all. Limestone, for example, can be composed
entirely of the mineral calcite. Obsidian (ahb-SIHD-ee-uhn) is a rock
that contains no minerals. It consists of natural glass, which is not a
mineral because it does not have a crystal structure. Coal is another
rock that is not composed of minerals. It is made up of the remains of
ancient plants that have been buried and pressed into rock.
As you read, write each Our world is built of rocks.
blue heading in a central
~= box and record important Earth is built almost entirely of rock. When you look at Earth's surface,
details in boxes around it. you can see soil, plants, rivers, and oceans. These surface features, how-
ever, form only a very thin covering on the planet. Between this thin
layer and Earth's metallic core, Earth is made of solid and molten rock.
Because rocks are so common, it is not surprising that people use
them for many different purposes, including
• the building of houses and skyscrapers
These huge cliffs on the • the sources of metals, such as iron, aluminum, and copper
coast of the Hawaiian • the carving of statues and other works of art
island of Kauai show only
a tiny part of the rock • as a base for pavement for roads and highways
that makes up Earth.
People value rocks because rocks
last a long time and because some are
beautiful. Ancient rock structures and
carvings give us a link to our distant
past. Many famous monuments and
sculptures are made from rocks.
Granite blocks form part of the
Great Wall of China. Limestone blocks
make up the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
The faces of four U.S. presidents
are carved in the granite of
Mount Rushmore.
~ CHECK YOUR Why do people use rocks for
READING many different purposes?
People study rocks to learn how areas have changed through time. This sculptor in Indonesia,
like artists throughout the
For example, rocks show that North America, as well as most of the world, shapes rocks into
rest of the world, has been buried under thick layers of ice many times. lasting works of art.
You could learn about the types of rocks in your area by collecting and
identifying them. You could also examine a map that shows types of
rocks and where they are located. This type of map is called a geologic
map. The map maybe of a large area, such as your state, or a smaller
area, such as your county.
Q Examine the rock samples. Look at their physical characteristics. ~0 minutes "~~
Chapter 3: Rocks 77
Rocks change as they move through the
~~ rock cycle.
VOCABULARY When you want to describe a person you can depend on, you may say
;~ Add a magnet word diagram that he or she is "like a rock:' That's the way people think of rocks—as
~' ;for rock cycle to your note-
= book. Then add diagrams for solid and unchanging. Nevertheless, rocks do change. But the changes
the names of the rock types. usually occur over a huge span of time—thousands to millions of years.
The rock cycle is the set of natural processes that form, change, break
down, and re-form rocks.
A cycle is made up of repeating events that happen one after
another. This does not mean that rocks move through the rock cycle
in a particular order. As the illustration shows on page 79, a rock at
any point in the cycle can change in two or three different ways.
Like all cycles, the rock cycle has no beginning or ending but goes
on continually.
Rock Types
The three types of rocks are classified by how they form.
• Igneous rock (IHG-nee-uhs) forms when molten rock cools
and becomes solid. Igneous rock can form within Earth, or it can
form on Earth's surface. Igneous rocks that originally formed at
great depths can reach Earth's surface over time. Deep rocks may
be raised closer to the surface when mountains are pushed up.
At the same time, other processes can wear away the rocks that
cover the deeper rocks.
• Most sedimentary rock (SExD-uh-MEHN-tuh-ree) forms when
pieces of older rocks, plants, and other loose material get pressed
or cemented together. Loose material is carried by water or wind
and then settles out, forming layers. The lower layers of material
can get pressed into rock by the weight of the upper layers.
READING. TIP Also, new minerals can grow in the spaces within the material,
When material dissolves in cementing it together. Some sedimentary rocks form in other
water, it breaks into many
ways, as when water evaporates, leaving behind minerals that
tiny parts. When the water
evaporates, the parts join were dissolved in it.
together and the material • Metamorphic rock (MExT-uh-MAWR-fihk) forms when heat
becomes solid again.
or pressure causes older rocks to change into new types of rocks.
For example, a rock can get buried deeper in the crust, where
pressure and temperature are much greater. The new conditions
cause the structure of the rock to change and new minerals to
grow in place of the original minerals. The rock becomes a
metamorphic rock. Like igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks
can be raised to Earth's surface over time.
What are the three rock types? What questions do you have
about how rocks move through the rock cycle?
_ ~, ..:
Rocks change with Rocks change with
heat and pressure. ~ . heat and pressure.
~ ~:. - . .~
. s
Magma is molten
rock within Earth.
Chapter 3: Rocks 79
Y ~:
Rocks in the Crust
Even though sedimentary rock is common at Surface of Crust
Earth's surface, as a whole the crust consists Igneous and
mainly of igneous and metamorphic rock. metamorphic
rock 25%
Entire Crust
rock 5%
Igneous and
metamorphic rock
Chapter 3: Rocks 81
You can see extrusive igneous rocks at Earth's surface. But intrusive
igneous rocks form within Earth. How do they reach the surface?
Forces inside Earth can push rocks up, as when mountains form.
Also, water and wind break apart and carry away surface rocks.
Then deeper rocks are uncovered at the surface.
Chapter 3: Rocks 83
Textures of Igneous Rocks
The texture of an igneous rock—that is, the size of its mineral
~ti~ VISUALIZATION crystals—depends on how quickly magma or lava cooled to form it.
~ CLASSZONE.COM In an icemaker, crystals form as water freezes into ice. In a similar way,
Explore an animation mineral crystals form as molten rock freezes into solid rock.
showing how crystals
form as molten rock The magma that forms intrusive igneous rocks stays below the
surface of Earth. Large crystals can form in intrusive rocks because
• the interior of Earth is very hot
• the high temperatures allow magma to cool slowly
• slow cooling allows time for large mineral crystals to form
The lava that forms extrusive igneous rocks reaches Earth's surface.
Very small crystals form in extrusive rocks because
• the surface of Earth is cooler than Earth's interior
• the lower temperatures cause the lava to cool quickly
• there is no time for large mineral crystals to form
Some igneous rocks contain crystals of very different sizes. These
rocks formed from magma that started cooling within Earth and then
erupted onto the surface. The large crystals grew as the magma cooled
slowly. The small crystals grew as the lava cooled quickly.
How does an igneous rock that has both large and small mineral
crystals form?
The more slowly molten rock cools within Earth, the larger
the igneous rocks' mineral crystals will be.
""" `"' ""'""'y `" ~,~,, s Molten rock that cools near
~~' ~ ''~ ~ ` `~
a Vain. y ~a-u
``~'" ~ or at Earth's surface hardens
- ~.::a ..A:
~= w quickly. The igneous rocks
Chapter 3: Rocks 85
-O .
RESOURCE CENTER Igneous rocks make long-lasting landforms.
Find out more about In northwestern New Mexico, a great peak rises out of a flat, barren
igneous rocks. desert. The Navajo call the peak Tse Bit'a'i (tseh biht-ah-ih), meaning
"rock with wings:' In English, it's called Ship Rock, because it looks
something like a sailing ship. Ship Rock is an example of the kinds of
landforms that are made of igneous rocks. A landform is a natural
feature on Earth's land surface.
Where in the bottom illustration is more Surface rock has worn away to reveal
intrusive rock likely to be uncovered next? some of the intrusive rock.
crack, the lava may erupt in different ways. Some lava can build huge Notice what properties of
basalt lava allow it to build
plateaus when it erupts from long cracks in Earth's surface. Lava that
large plateaus.
is low in silica, such as basalt lava, flows easily and spreads out in thin
sheets over great distances. The Columbia Plateau in Oregon and
Washington is made of basalt. When lava that is low in silica erupts
at a single point, it can build up a huge volcano with gently sloping
sides. The Hawaiian Islands are a
chain of volcanoes that are built of
basalt lava. The volcanoes started
erupting on the sea floor and over
a very long time grew tall enough
to rise above the surface of the
ocean as islands.
Lava that contains a greater
amount of silica does not flow easily.
Silica-rich lava tends to build cone-
shaped volcanoes with steep sides.
Volcanoes fed by silica-rich magma
tend to erupt explosively. Because
the magma is thick and sticky, pressure can build up in volcanoes Basalt lava can flow
long distances. Here it
until they explode. An example is Mount St. Helens in the state of
is spreading over a road
Washington. Its 1980 eruption reduced the volcano's height by 400 in Hawaii.
meters (about 1300 ft). Lava flows are adding new extrusive igneous
rock. At the current rate it will take more than 200 years for the
volcano to reach its pre-1980 height.
~ CHECK YOUR Why does silica-rich lava tend to build steep volcanoes instead
READING of spreading out?
Chapter 3: Rocks 87
Resurfacing Earth
Lava flows from volcanoes are common on the island of Hawaii.
The map below shows lava flows from the Kilauea volcano. The
CLASSZONE.COM flow shown in blue destroyed more than 180 homes and covered
Click on Math Tutorial the region in a layer of lava up to 25 meters thick.
for more help with
estimating areas. Kilauea Lava Flows
i ~
,~ '.~----
.VO. 'NOES '~ "r I
~ ~ .
~ •"•~~ ~~
~•' ~ PA CI FI C
0 1 2 miles
~ ~ '
~. ' ` ~ 0 1 2 kilometers
~~ `f ; I
1. How many squares does the lava flow shown in yellow cover?
First, count the complete grid squares covered by the lava flow
shown in yellow. Next, think of partially covered grid squares
as fractions, and add them together to get whole squares.
Finally, add the number of these squares to the number of
complete squares.
3. Use the same method to estimate the areas of the flows shown
in purple and blue.
Chapter 3: Rocks 89
Forming and Transporting Rock Particles
A sandy ocean beach, a gravel bar in a river, and a muddy lake bottom
all consist mainly of rock particles. These particles were broken away
from rocks by the action of water or wind or a combination of both.
Such particles may vary in size from boulders to sand to tiny bits of clay.
Just as water washes mud off your hands as it runs over them,
rainwater washes away rock particles as it flows downhill. The water
carries these rock particles to streams and rivers, which eventually
empty into lakes or oceans. Strong winds also pick up sand and rock
dust and carry them to distant places.
~~i-~~, RESOURCE CENTER As winds or water currents slow down, rock particles settle on the
land or at the bottom of rivers, lakes, and oceans. The sediments form
Find information on ~ ayers as larger particles settle first, followed by smaller ones.
sedimentary rocks.
What are two processes that can change sediments into rocks?
If you look at a piece of coal through a magnifying glass, you may be
able to make out the shapes of bits of wood or leaves. That is because
coal is made up of remains of plants—dead wood, bark, leaves, stems,
and roots. Coal is an unusual sedimentary rock because it forms from
plants instead of earlier rocks.
The coal people use today started forming millions of years ago
in swamps. As plants died, their remains fell upon the remains of
earlier plants. Then layers of other sediments buried the layers of
plant remains. The weight of the sediments above pressed the plant
material into coal.
Chapter 3: Rocks 91
Limestone is made up of carbonate minerals, such as calcite. The shells
and skeletons of ocean organisms are formed of these minerals.
When the organisms die, the shells and skeletons settle on the ocean
floor as layers of sediment. Over time, the layers become buried,
pressed together, and cemented to form limestone. The photographs
below show how loose shells can become limestone.
These shells were made The shells get cemented Individual shells become Over time, what was
by ocean organisms. together into limestone harder to see as minerals once loose sediment
as some of their miner- in the limestone continue becomes limestone with
alsdissolve and re-form. to dissolve and re-form. no recognizable shells.
READING TIP The famous white cliffs of Dover, England, consist of a type of
Notice that limestone made limestone called chalk. The limestone began to form millions of years
up of cemented shells and
the limestone in coral reefs
ago, when the land was under the ocean. The rock developed from shells
were both formed by of tiny organisms that float in the ocean. Most limestone comes from
ocean organisms. shells and skeletons of ocean organisms. The materials the organisms
use to build their shells and skeletons are present in ocean water because
they were dissolved from earlier rocks. Like almost all sedimentary rock,
limestone forms from material that came from older rocks.
Coral reefs also consist of limestone that comes from organisms.
However, in the case of reefs, the limestone is produced directly as coral
organisms build their skeletons one on top of another. In the formation
of coral, the rock does not go through aloose-sediment stage.
S. .:
How do sedimentary rocks form in layers?
Q Prepare the plaster of Paris by
mixing it with the water.
0 Mix the rest of the gravel with
the rest of the plaster of Paris.
• 1 paper cup
• 3 mixing cups
Add the mixture to the paper • 6 tbs plaster
0 Mix 2 tablespoons of the gravel
with 2 tablespoons of the plaster
cup, on top of the sand mixture. of Paris
• 3 tbs water
of Paris and pour the mixture
into the paper cup.
0 about
After the mixtures harden for
5 minutes, tear apart the
• 4 tbs gravel
• 2 tbs sand
• 3 drops food
paper cup and observe the layers.
Mix the sand with 2 tablespoons coloring
of the plaster of Paris and the
food coloring. Add the mixture
to the paper cup, on top of the
gravel mixture.
The tilted layers in these sandstone rocks The surface of this sand- As wet silt and clay dry
are called crossbeds. The layers were once stone preserves ancient out, cracks develop on the
moving sand dunes. sand ripples. surface of the sediment.
Chapter 3: Rocks 95
Chapter 3: Rocks 97
INVESTIGATE Metamorphic Changes
How can pressure and temperature change Modeling
a solid?
Q Use a vegetable peeler to make a handful of wax shavings of three
different colors. Mix the shavings.
• 3 candles of
Q Use your hands to warm the shavings, and then squeeze them different colors
into a wafer. • vegetable peeler
Metamorphic Changes
Changes can occur over hundreds of kilometers or over just a
few centimeters.
Changes over Large Areas
Forces within Earth start to press rock layers Heat and pressure change the rock
together over hundreds of kilometers. layers that make up the mountains
into metamorphic rocks.
Magma can push into rock layers and The magma is hot enough to bake the
cause changes over areas ranging from surrounding rocks into metamorphic rocks.
a few centimeters to tens of meters.
READING Compare how heat and pressure cause changes over the large and small areas
VjSUALS shown above.
Chapter 3: Rocks 99
Most metamorphic rocks develop bands
of minerals.
Some buildings have floors covered with tiles of the metamorphic
VOCABULARY rock slate. This rock is especially useful for tiles because it displays
Add a magnet word foliation, a common property of metamorphic rocks. Foliation is
diagram for foliation
to your notebook. an arrangement of minerals in flat or wavy parallel bands. Slate can
be split into thin sheets along the boundaries between its flat bands
of minerals.
W You may be familiar with the word foliage. Both foliage and foliation
come from the Latin word folium, meaning "leaf." Foliated rocks either
split easily into leaflike sheets or have bands of minerals that are lined
~ p and easy to see.
Foliated Rocks
Foliation develops when rocks are under pressure. Foliation is common
in rocks produced by metamorphic changes that affect large areas.
However, as you will see, a metamorphic rock that consists almost
entirely of one type of mineral does not show foliation.
Marble is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock that The mineral crystals in this rock
consists almost entirely of only one mineral. are not lined up.
READING Compare the pictures of the minerals in the foliated rock and the
visuA~s nonfoliated rock. What is different about their arrangements?
Nonfoliated Rocks
Metamorphic rocks that do not show foliation are called nonfoliated
rocks. One reason a metamorphic rock may not display foliation is that
it is made up mainly of one type of mineral, so that different minerals
cannot separate and line up in layers. One common nonfoliated meta-
morphic rock is marble, which develops from limestone. Marble is used
as a decorative stone. It is good for carving and sculpting. Because
marble is nonfoliated, it does not split into layers as an artist is working
with it. Another example of a nonfoliated rock is quartzite. It forms
from sandstone that is made up almost entirely of pieces of quartz.
Another reason that a metamorphic rock may lack foliation is that
it has not been subjected to high pressure. Hornfels is a metamorphic
rock that can form when a rock is subjected to high temperatures.
Hornfels, which often forms when magma or lava touches other rock,
is nonfoliated.
~ CHECK YOUR What are two reasons a metamorphic rock might not
READING show foliation?
Rock Classification
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE In this activity you will
examine rock samples and refer to a rock classification key.
You will classify each sample as igneous, sedimentary,
or metamorphic.
/-( Look at the Rock Classification Key. Each item in the key
consists of paired statements. Start with item 1 of the key.
Choose the statement that best describes the rock you are
examining. Look at the end of the statement and then go
to the item number indicated.
•~Jll how
The rock cycle shows
rocks change.
rock p. 75
rock cycle p. 78
Processes at Earth's igneous rock p. 78
surface and heat within sedimentary rock p. 78
Earth cause rocks metamorphic
to change into other rock p. 78
types of rocks.
Rock Type Forms From Example 15. An existing rock can change into another type
of rock when it is subjected to great
characteristic a. pressure c. flooding
intrusive magma 1. b. winds d. foliation
igneous rock 16. Which kind of rock forms by recrystallization?
large mineral
crystals a. intrusive igneous
extrusive 2. basalt b. extrusive igneous
igneous rock c. sedimentary
d. metamorphic
sedimentary 4. conglomerate
rock 17. Geologists classify an igneous rock on the basis
contains large of its crystal size and the amount of its
pieces of
earlier rocks minerals contain.
a. carbon c. sediment
sedimentary ancient plant 5.
rock remains b. silica d. foliation
may contain
plant fossils 18. Pieces of rock can settle from water and get
cemented into
sedimentary 6. limestone a. metamorphic rock
7. b. sedimentary rock
foliated parent rock 8. c. igneous rock
metamorphic that has d. extrusive rock
rock several types minerals are
of minerals lined up 19. Rock salt is an example of a sedimentary rock
nonfoliated 9. 10. that develops from dissolved minerals as
metamorphic a. water evaporates
rock 11.
b. magma cools
c. sediments break down
Reviewing Key Concepts d. sand settles in water
Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the Short Answer Write a short answer to each
best answer. question.
12. The three groups of rock are sedimentary,
20. What is the difference between a rock and
metamorphic, and
a mineral?
a. limestone c. igneous
b. granite d. coal 21. Compare the distribution of rock types at Earth's
surface to their distribution in the entire crust.
13. The rock cycle shows how rocks continually How are any differences related to processes
a. increase in size occurring in the rock cycle?
b. increase in number
22. How is the texture of an igneous rock
c. become more complex related to the rate at which it cooled?
d. change over time
27. APPLY Copy and complete the concept 34. CONNECT Describe how material in a rock near
map below. the top of a mountain can later be used by an
ocean organism in forming its shell.
shows that an shows that an shows that an
area once area once area once
~ ~
had wet then
dry conditions
Analyzing a Diagram
This diagram shows a simple version of the rock cycle.
Use it to answer the questions below.
Extended Response
Answer the two questions below in detail. Include pressed together buried mineral crystals
some of the terms shown in the word box. In your
answers underline each term you use. cooling time
9. Most sedimentary rock forms from pieces of 10. Melba is trying to decide whether an igneous
existing rocks. Explain why coal is an unusual rock formed deep inside Earth or at the surface.
sedimentary rock and how coal forms. What should she look for? Why?
-;~ -
Atlantic Ocean Forms
Earth's continents, which have been combined into
the supercontinent Pangaea, start to separate.
As what are now the continents of North America
and Africa spread apart, the
Atlantic Ocean forms.
Ocean-Floor Core Samples
In the 1960s, scientists began drilling holes into
the sea floor to collect long cores, or columns, of
sediment and rock. The cores give clues about
Earth's climate, geology, and forms of life for
millions of years.
Weathering. and
Soil Formation
How is rock
Natural forces break related to soil?
rocks apart and form
soil, which supports life.
Key Concepts
Mechanical and
"` chemical forces break
down rocks.
Learn about the natural forces
that break down rocks.
Weathering and organ-
ic processes form soil.
Learn about the formation
and properties of soil.
Human activities
affect soi1.
Learn how land use affects
soil and how soil can be
protected and, conserved.,.;
Internet Preview
Chapter 4 online resources:
Content Review, two
Visualizations, two Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial,
Test Practice
Ice Power
Fill a plastic container to the top with water
and seal the lid tightly. Place it in the freezer
overnight. Check on
your container the
next morning. `'`~'~`"
Observe and Think
What happened to the
,_ -.,a.._..~ F~
container? Why?
._ _ ~,
Internet Activity:
Soil Forn~dtion
Go to to watch how soil
forms. Learn how materials break down
and contribute to soil buildup over time.
Observe and Think
What do rocks and soil
have in common? What
do organic matter and MtOoupel Lktell SclenCe
~ ', scilinks.or LINKS
Soil Conservation Code: MDL016
Review concepts and vocabulary.
~> -- ~
Scz~Nc~ NOr~BoO~
C Ice Wedging
~ ~
Rainwater fills As the water freezes, it
small cracks in expands, widening the cracks
a rock. and splitting apart the rock.
G Pressure Release
Earth's forces can push rock The release of pressure causes
that formed deep under- the rock to expand and crack.
ground up to the surface.
When plants grow in cracks in a rock, their roots Flowing water can move rocks, causing them to rub
can widen the cracks and force the rock apart. together and wear down into rounded shapes.
Water is the main cause of chemical weathering. Some minerals
completely dissolve in ordinary water. The mineral halite, which is the
same compound as table salt, dissolves in ordinary water. Many more
minerals dissolve in water that is slightly acidic—like lemonade. In the
atmosphere, small amounts of carbon dioxide dissolve in rainwater.
The water and carbon dioxide react to form a weak acid. After falling
to Earth, the rainwater moves through the soil, picking up additional
Chemical Weathering ~ .,
What is necessary for rust to form? Identifying
PROCEDURE variables
0 Place a piece of steel wool in a cup filled to the top with water. Place a second
piece of steel wool in a cup with a small amount of water. The water should steel wool
touch but not cover the steel wool. Place a third piece in a cup with no water. 3 cups
• water
0 Allow the three cups to sit overnight. Observe the appearance of the steel
wool in each container the next day.
carbon dioxide from decaying plants. The slightly acidic water breaks
down minerals in rocks. In the process, the rocks may also break apart
into smaller pieces.
Air pollution can make rainwater even more acidic than it is
naturally. Power plants and automobiles produce gases such as sulfur
dioxide and nitric oxide, which react with water
vapor in the atmosphere to form acid rain. Acid
rain causes rocks to weather much faster than
they would naturally. The photographs above
show how acid rain can damage a granite column
in just a hundred years.
The oxygen in the air is also involved in chemical
weathering. Many common minerals contain iron.
When these minerals dissolve in water, oxygen in
the air and the water combines with the iron to
produce iron oxides, or rust. The iron oxides
form a coating that colors the weathered rocks
like those you see in the photograph of Oak Creek
Canyon in Arizona.
The rocks in Oak Creek Canyon are reddish
~ CHECK YOUR because iron in the rocks reacted with water
READING How is air involved in chemical weathering? and air to produce iron oxides.
Rock Weathering
How quickly a rock weathers depends, in part, on its surface area.
The greater the surface area, the more quickly the rock weathers.
Do you think a rock will weather more quickly if you break it in half?
Click on Math Tutorial for You can find out by using a rectangular prism to represent the rock.
more help with finding
the surface areas of ;i;*; I
rectangular prisms.
4 cm 4 cm
~ ~,„ I(/ 2 cm 6 cm ~V 2 cm
Example 1
To find the surface area of the prism, add the areas of its faces.
(~) Find the area of each face.
Area of top (or bottom) face: 6 cm x 2 cm = 12 cm2
Area of ~ront (or back) face: 6 cm x 4 cm = 24 cm2
Area of right (or left) face: 4 cm x 2 cm = 8 cm2
(2) Add the areas of all six faces to find the surface area.
Weathering has broken apart these
Surface area = 12 cm2 + 12 cm2 + 24 cm2 + 24 cm2
rocks in the Isles of Scilly, England.
+8cm2 +8cm2
~- = 88 cm2
ANSWER The surface area of the prism is 88 cm2 .
For the rock broken in half, you can use two smaller rectangular
prisms to represent the two halves.
4 cm 4 cm
~- 3 cm J
L 3 cm J~2 cm I-3 cmJ 3 cm J 2 cm
2. How does the total surface area of the two smaller prisms
compare with the surface area of the larger prism?
3. Will the rock weather more quickly in one piece or broken in half?
CHALLENGE If the two smaller prisms both broke in half, what
would be the total surface area of the resulting four prisms?
READING COMPARE AND CONTRAST These two soils look different because they
VISUALS contain different ingredients. How would you describe their differences?
Tropical soils form in warm, rainy regions. Desert soils form in dry regions. These soils are
Heavy rains wash away minerals, leaving only a shallow and contain little organic matter. Because
thin surface layer of humus. Tropical soils are not of the low rainfall, chemical weathering and soil
suitable for growing most crops. formation occur very slowly in desert regions.
1 ,~=~
~- ~RC7/C ~;'
mod' - '~ _~
® Arctic
- Temperate
- Tropical
Temperate soils form in regions with moderate Arctic soils form in cold, dry regions where chemical
rainfall and temperatures. Some temperate soils are weathering is slow. They typically do not have
dark-colored, rich in organic matter and minerals, well-developed horizons. Arctic soils contain a lot
and good for growing crops. of rock fragments.
Animals loosen
and mix the soil.
A horizon
The texture of a soil is determined by the size of the weathered rock
particles it contains. Soil scientists classify the rock particles in soils into
three categories, on the basis of size: sand, silt, and clay. Sand particles
are the largest and can be seen without a microscope. Silt particles are
smaller than sand particles—too small to be seen without a microscope.
Clay particles are the smallest. Most soils contain a mixture of sand,
silt, and clay. The texture of a soil influences how easily air and water
move through the soil.
Soil Texture
Pore Space
Pore space refers to the spaces between soil particles. Water and air
move through the pore spaces in a soil. Plant roots need both water
and air to grow. Soils range from about 25 to 60 percent pore space.
An ideal soil for growing plants has 50 percent of its volume as pore This gardener is adding
space, with half of the pore space occupied by air and half by water. lime to the soil to make
it less acidic.
Plants absorb the nutrients they need from the water in soil.
These nutrients may come from the minerals or the organic
matter in the soil. To be available to plant roots, the nutrients
must be dissolved in water. How well nutrients dissolve in
the water in soil depends on the water's pH, which is a
measure of acidity. Farmers may apply lime to make soil
less acidic. To make soil more acidic, an acid may be applied.
How does soil acidity affect whether the nutrients in
soil are available to plants?
Testing Soil
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE Soil is necessary for life.
Whether a soil is suitable for farming or construction, and
whether it absorbs water when it rains, depends on the
particular properties of that soil. In this investigation you will
• test a soil sample to measure several soil properties
• identify the properties of your soil sample
Q Procedure _l
Il Pour
Measure 200 mL of the dried soil sample in a graduated cylinder.
it into the jar.
Farming is very important to society because almost all of the world's COMBINATION NOTES
food is grown on farms. Over the 10,000 years humans have been - t , Remember to take notes
farming, people have continually improved their farming methods. 5 about how farming
affects soil.
However, farming has some harmful effects and can lead to soil loss.
Farmers often add nutrients to soil in the form of organic or artificial
fertilizers to make their crops grow better. However, some fertilizers
can make it difficult for microorganisms in the soil to produce nutrients
naturally. Fertilizers also add to water pollution when rainwater draining
from fields carries the excess nutrients to rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Over time, many farming practices lead to the loss of soil. All over
the world, farmers clear trees and other plants and plow up the soil to
plant crops. Without its natural plant cover, the soil is more exposed
to rain and wind and is therefore more likely to get washed or blown
away. American farmers lose about five metric tons of soil for each
metric ton of grain they produce. In many other parts of the world,
the losses are even higher.
Another problem is overgrazing. Overgrazing occurs when farm
animals eat large amounts of the land cover. Overgrazing destroys
natural vegetation and causes the soil to wash or blow away more easily.
In many dry regions of the world, overgrazing and the clearing of land
for farming have led to desertification. Desertification (dih-zuR-tuh-
fih-KAY-shuhn) is the expansion of desert conditions in areas where Exposed soil can be
blown away by wind or
the natural plant cover has been destroyed. washed away by rain.
Construction and Development
To make roads, houses, shopping malls, and other
buildings, people need to dig up the soil. Some of the
soil at construction sites washes or blows away because
its protective plant cover has been removed. The soil
that is washed or blown away ends up in nearby low-
lying areas, in rivers and streams, or in downstream
lakes or reservoirs. This soil can cause problems by
making rivers and lakes muddy and harming the
organisms that live in them. The buildup of soil on
riverbeds raises the level of the rivers and may cause
flooding. The soil can also fill up lakes and reservoirs.
Some methods of mining cause soil loss. For example,
the digging of strip mines and open-pit mines involves
the removal of plants and soil from the surface of
the ground.
By exposing rocks and minerals to the air and to
The top of this hill in rainwater, these forms of mining speed up the rate of chemical weath-
San Bernardino County,
ering. In mining operations that expose sulfide minerals, the increased
California, was cleared for
a housing development. chemical weathering causes a type of pollution known as acid drainage.
A house will be built on Abandoned mines can fill with rainwater. Sulfide minerals react with
each flat plot of land.
the air and the water to produce sulfuric acid. Then the acid water
drains from the mines, polluting the soil in surrounding areas.
READING How do some methods of mining affect the soil?
READING COMPARE Both terracing and contour plowing are soil conservation methods
VISUALS used on sloping land. How does each method help conserve soil?
Terraces are flat, steplike areas built on a hillside to hold rainwater and
prevent it from running downhill. Crops are planted on the flat tops
of the terraces.
Contour plowing is the practice of plowing along the curves, or
contours, of a slope. Contour plowing helps channel rainwater so
that it does not run straight downhill, carrying away soil with it.
A soil conservation method called strip-cropping is often combined
with contour plowing. Strips of grasses, shrubs, or other plants are
planted between bands of a grain crop along the contour of a slope.
These strips of plants also help slow the runoff of water.
Windbreaks are rows of trees planted between fields to "break," or
reduce, the force of winds that can carry off soil.
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A Ca£C a
1. ANALYZE Examine the soil, drainage, plants, and
other elements of the landscape of a park or the area
around a building. Describe any areas where soil may
wash away.
2. CHALLENGE Design a landscape surrounding a new
school, stadium, or other building. Draw a sketch and
add notes to explain your choices of locations for trees,
sidewalks, and other features.
17. APPLY Make a sketch of the soil profile above, results in results in
labeling the A, B, and C horizons.
24. ANALYZE Soil loss is a problem all over the UNIT PRQ.IECTS
world. Where might lost soil end up? If you need to create graphs or other visuals for
your project, be sure you have grid paper, poster
25. ANALYZE Can lost soil be replaced? Explain. board, markers, or other supplies.
Analyzing a Table
The table indicates some of the characteristics of four soil samples.
Use the table to answer the questions below.
1. Soils that contain a lot of sand do not hold water 4. What soil color might indicate a high level of
very well. Which sample probably contains the organic matter?
most sand? a. black c. red-brown
a. 1 c. 3 b. yellow d. red
b. 2 d. 4
5. Imagine you have an additional soil sample. The
2. Iron gives soil a reddish color. Which sample sample is dark brown, has an average ability to
probably contains the most iron? hold water, and has 55% pore space. What
a. 1 c. 3 percentage of humus would this soil most likely
b. 2 d. 4
a. 1% C. 3%
3. Crops grow best in soils with about half of their b. 2% d. 8%
volume consisting of pore space. Which soil has an
ideal amount of pore space for growing crops?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
6. Jolene is comparing a rock from a riverbed and a 7. In a museum, Hank sees two iron knives that were
rock from deep underground. One is very smooth. made in the early 1800s. One has spent 200 years
The other has very sharp edges. Explain which rock on the top of a fortress wall. The other one has
was probably found in each location. been stored in the museum for 200 years.
Why might the two knives look different?
~^ ~
Erosion and
Key Concepts
Farces wear down
and build up Earth's
Learn how natural forces
shape and change the land.
Moving water
shapes land.
Learn about the effects of
water moving over land and
Waves and wind
shape land.
Qiscover how waves and
wind affect land.
Glaciers carve land and
move sediments,
Learn about the effect of ice
moving over land.
Internet Preview
Chapter 5 online resources:
Content Review, two
Visualizations, three
Resource Centers, Math
Tutorial, Test Practice
Internet Activity:
Wind Erosion
Go to to learn
about one type of wind
erosion. See how wind can
form an arch in rock.
Observe and Think ,'r McDougal l~tto11 Science
form an arch?
Chapter 5: Erosion and Deposition 143
~ ) off,;.: ..~ t;. ~ raj
Review concepts and vocabulary.
SCIENCE N~TEBoaK _:_~.~~
How does the effect of rain- ~~`~i~ Designing
water on sloping land differ ,~ YOUR OWN
from its effect on flat land? EX~ERI'~~~T
Streams are one of the main agents of erosion on MATERIALS
• soil
Earth. Design an experiment to show the effect that • 2 large trays
rainwater has on sloping land. • pitcher of water
Originally, the fence posts stand Over many years, the soil holding
vertically in the ground. the posts slowly shifts downhill,
and the posts lean.
Moving water
shapes land.
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• Erosion is the movement of • How moving water shapes
rock and soil Earth's surface
• Gravity causes mass movements • How water moving under-
of rock and soil ground forms caves and
other features
Continental Divide
Stream Channels
As a stream flows through a valley, its channel may run straight in
some parts and curve around in other parts. Curves and bends that
The meanders of this form a twisting, looping pattern in a stream channel are called mean-
river and oxbow lakes ders (mee-AN-duhrz). The moving water erodes the outside banks
formed as the river
deposited sediment and deposits sediment along the inside banks. Over many years,
and changed course. meanders shift position.
During a flood, the stream may cut
a new channel that bypasses a meander.
The cut-off meander forms acrescent-
shaped lake, which is called an oxbow
lake. This term comes from the name
of a U-shaped piece of wood that fits
under the neck of an ox and is attached
to its yoke.
Alluvial Fans and Deltas
Besides shaping valleys and forming oxbow lakes, streams
also create landforms called alluvial fans and deltas. Both of
these landforms are formed by the deposition of sediment.
An alluvial fan (uh-LOO-vee-uhl) is afan-shaped deposit
of sediment at the base of a mountain. It forms where a stream
leaves a steep valley and enters a flatter plain. The stream slows
down and spreads out on the flatter ground. As it slows down,
it can carry less sediment. The slower-moving water drops
This alluvial fan was
some of its sediment, leaving it at the base of the slope. formed by a stream
flowing into the Jago
A delta is an area of land formed by the buildup of sediment at River in Alaska.
the end, or mouth, of a river. When a river enters the ocean, the river's
water slows down, and the river drops much of its sediment. This sed-
iment gradually builds up to form a plain. Like alluvial fans, deltas
tend to be fan-shaped. Over a very long time, a river may build up its
delta far out into the sea. A large river, such as the Mississippi, can
build up a huge delta. Like many other large rivers on Earth, the
Mississippi has been building up its delta out into the sea for many
thousands of years.
Rivers form deltas as they empty into
the ocean and deposit sediment.
Cavern Formation
Acid in the rainwater
causes limestone to
dissolve, leaving open
spaces, or caves.
J ~
Depending on the location of
groundwater, caves can be
hollow or filled with water.
process produces open spaces, or caves. Large caves are called caverns.
If the water table drops, a cavern may fill with air.
Some caverns have huge networks of rooms and passageways.
Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, for example, is part of a cavern system
that has more than 560 kilometers (about 350 mi) of explored
passageways. Within the cavern are lakes and streams.
A surface feature that often occurs in areas with caverns is a
sinkhole. A sinkhole is a basin that forms when the roof of a cave
becomes so thin that it suddenly falls in. Sometimes it falls in because
water that supported the roof has drained away. Landscapes with many
sinkholes can be found in southern Indiana, south central Kentucky,
and central Tennessee. In Florida, the collapse of shallow underground
caverns has produced large sinkholes that have destroyed whole
city blocks.
READING Why do caverns form in areas with limestone?
Write l
Q Problem It Up ;
Using the end of the ruler, dig a gently curving trench halfway
through the thickness of the sand from its upper to its lower end.
~ ti
longshore Drift
Waves and currents move and build up As more sand is deposited, the sandbar
sand deposits to form a sandbar under rises above the surface to become a
the water surface. barrier island.
dune movement
Besides forming dunes, wind also changes the soil over large regions of
Earth by depositing dust. A strong windstorm can move millions of tons
of dust. As the wind dies down, the dust drops to the ground. Deposits
of fine wind-blown sediment are called loess (LOH-uhs).
In some regions, deposits of loess have built up over thousands
and even millions of years. Loess is a valuable resource because it
forms good soil for growing crops.
Desert Pavement
Not only does wind shape land surfaces by depositing
dust; it also shapes land surfaces by removing dust. When
wind blows away all the smallest particles from a mixture
of sand, silt, and gravel, it leaves behind just a layer of stones
and gravel. This stony surface is called desert pavement
because it looks like a cobblestone pavement. The coarse
gravel and rocks are too large to be picked up by wind.
How are both loess and desert pavement formed Desert pavement is made up of
READING by wind? particles too large to be picked up
by wind.
Life on Dunes
The leaves of American beach grass Sand dunes are a difficult environment for most organisms. For
contain silica, the main component example, few plants can gather enough nutrition from sand to grow
of sand. The leaves are therefore quickly. However, any plant that grows slowly is likely to be buried by
very tough. Why is this important the shifting sand. Plants and animals that thrive on dunes generally
on a dune? have unusual traits that help them survive in dune conditions.
Sand Food
One of the most unusual plants in desert dunes is called sand food.
It is one of the few plants that cannot convert sunlight into energy
j it can use. Instead, its long underground stem grabs onto the root
of another plant and sucks food from it. Most of the plant is
'~.`~ ;`
t :~ the stem. Sand food
plants may be more
than 2 meters (almost
7 ft) long.
Alpine Glaciers
Alpine glaciers, also called valley glaciers, form in mountains and flow
Learn more about the
movement and effects down through valleys. As these glaciers move, they cause erosion,
of glaciers. breaking up rock and carrying and pushing away the resulting sediment.
Over time, an alpine glacier can change a V-shaped mountain valley
into a U-shaped valley with a wider, flatter bottom.
Some glaciers extend all the way down into the lower land at the
bases of mountains. At an alpine glacier's lower end, where temperatures
are warmer, melting can occur. The melting glacier drops sediment,
and streams flowing from the glacier carry some of the sediment away.
If an alpine glacier flows into the ocean, big blocks may break off and
become icebergs.
Continental Glaciers
Continental glaciers, also called ice sheets, are much larger than alpine
glaciers. They can cover entire continents, including all but the highest
mountain peaks. An ice sheet covered most of Canada and the northern
United States during the last ice age. This ice sheet melted and shrank
about 10,000 years ago.
Today, ice sheets cover most of Greenland and Antarctica. Each
of these glaciers is shaped like a wide dome over the land. The ice on
Antarctica is as much as 4500 meters (15,000 ft) thick.
~ CHECK YOUR What are the two major types of glaciers and where do
READING they form?
A glacier, such as this one in Alaska, changes the Huge sheets of ice cover the continent of Antarctica
landscape as it moves down a mountain valley. and other land regions.
Glacier Movement
READING In the illustration, why are cracks shown near the surface of the glacier
vjsuA~s and not at the bottom?
. .:~. .
C `~pter~ rosion ani~ Deposrtion~ 167
Glaciers deposit large amounts of sediment.
As glaciers have melted and retreated, they have shaped the landscapes
of many places on Earth. As a glacier moves or expands, it transports a
vast amount of sediment—a mix of boulders, small rocks, sand, and
clay. It acts like a plow, pushing rock and soil and plucking out big
blocks of rock. As a glacier moves over rock, it scratches and scrapes
the rock in a process called abrasion. Abrasion leaves visible grooves
on rock surfaces.
A moving glacier left
visible abrasion lines on When glaciers expand and advance and then melt and retreat, they
this rock. affect both the land underneath them and the land around them. A
glacier pushes huge amounts of sediment to its sides and front. When
the glacier retreats, the deposits of sediment remain as visible evidence
that ice once moved through. The sediment left directly on the ground
surface by a retreating glacier is called till.
A deposit of till left behind by a retreating glacier is called a
moraine (muh-RAYN). The ridges of till deposited at the sides of a
glacier are called lateral moraines. The till that marks the farthest
advance of a glacier forms a deposit called an end moraine. Moraines
i formed by continental glaciers, such as those in North America during
the ice age, can be huge—many kilometers long.
The blanket of till that a glacier deposits along its bottom is called
a ground moraine. Rock deposits from glaciers can often be identified
as till because the till rocks are different, in type or age, from the rock
A glacier scooped out this that was present before the glacier formed.
valley in California and
left behind lateral Draw a sketch of a glacier and label where lateral, end, and
moraines. ground moraines would form.
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As a glacier moves away, it Over time, sediment builds up The ice melts, leaving behind bowls that
leaves huge blocks of ice. around the ice. become kettle lakes. These lakes are
in Wisconsin.
The last ice sheet in North America formed many kettle lakes
in some regions. Kettle lakes are common in Michigan, Wisconsin,
and Minnesota.
The ice sheet covering a land of Water filled the bowls carved out The Great Lakes contain 20 percent
river valleys began to retreat. by the ice. of the world's fresh lake water.
Many large lakes are the result of ice ages. In some places, lakes
formed after glaciers in valleys melted and left behind moraines that
dammed the valleys. Many of these lakes are long and narrow, like the
Finger Lakes in New York, which are named for their slender shape.
The Great Lakes were formed thousands of years ago as an ice
sheet moved over the land and then melted. A million years ago, the
region of the Great Lakes had many river valleys. The ice sheet gouged
out large depressions in the land and left piles of rock and debris that
blocked water from draining out. In some areas, where the deepest
Great Lakes are now, the enormous weight of the glacier actually
caused the land to sink as much as one kilometer.
The ice sheet started to melt about 14,000 years ago. By about 7000
years ago, it had melted past what would become Lake Erie and Lake
Ontario, the lakes farthest to the east.
What are two ways the ice sheet formed the Great Lakes?
state test, go to . . .
Analyzing a Diagram
Use the diagram to answer the questions below.
1. Where would a glacier be most likely to form? 5. Which word best describes the building up of
a. E c. G sediment at point G?
b. F d. H a. weathering c. deposition
b. erosion d. drifting
2. Where is a divide?
a. E c. H 6. Why might the water in the Green River move
faster at point H than at point I?
b. F d. I
a. The river at point H is warmer.
3. Where is a delta? b. The river at point H is smaller.
a. E c. G c. The slope at point H is steeper.
b. F d. J d. More rain falls at point H.
4. Which process could move sediment from point E
to point G?
a. weathering c. deposition
b. erosion d. drifting
Th. Changing
The Changing Earth -
Contnts Overview
Unit Features
FRONTIERS IN SCIENCE Studying Volcanoes with Satellites
Plate Tectonics
Earth ~ wakes
View the video segment
"Paradise Postponed" During -a ~`~"~~7-'Pru~ption o~ Y..'', .
to learn how scientists Soufriere Hilis volcano on
study volcanoes and Montserrat, volcanic materi -
predict eruptions. flowed afl the way to the ocean.
Deadly Eruptions
On the island of Montserrat in the West Indies, small eruptions
of the Soufriere Hills volcano began in 1995. These early warnings
gave people time to move away several months before the first
of the large explosions.
Plate Tectonics
Key Concepts
Earth has several
Learn about Earth's interior
and its rigid surface plates.
. _~~i
Continents change
position over time.
Learn how continental drift
and plate tectonics changed
the way people view Earth.
Plates move apart.
Learn about the three
types of plate boundaries
and what happens when
plates move apart.
Plates converge or
scrape past each other.
Learn what geologic
events occur at these
plate boundaries.
Internet Preview
Chapter 6 online resources:
Content Review, two Visual-
izations, one Resource
Center, Math Tutorial, 'I
and Test Practice
~.{.. ~-:
Place two halves of a peanut butter and jelly
sandwich side by side. Very slowly push them
together. Then take one half and very slowly
tear it into two pieces.
Observe and Think
What happened when you
pushed and pulled on the
sandwich halves? What might
this activity tell you about
the movements
of Earth's
Internet Activity:
Edrth's Interior
Go to to explore the makeup of
Earth's layers. Find out how scientists learned
what the interior of Earth is like.
Observe and Think
Science fiction books
and movies show people
traveling to the center
of Earth. Do you think
this can happen any time
soon? Why or why not?
~~ ,.~
`: .
", ::rr b~fF`<3Y` SyF~~`,~~" 4~71~'~Y.S.'~'I QF GF~~C!~FjV it
~~ ~y
9~~ ~ j'( J~
~YrcY~ i F.~~ '
Place each vocabulary
term at the center of
a description wheel
diagram. Write some
words describing it on
the spokes.
2400 km
diameter hot, solid ball
~:'w c'1;
Earth has several layers.
r ~:;
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• Minerals and rocks are the • About the different properties
building blocks of Earth of Earth's layers
Different types of rocks make About the plates that make up
up Earth's surface Earth's outermost layers
Q salt
Gently pour about a third of the colored
water into the cup of fresh water.
Observe what happens.
Earth's Layers
1 ~'''' T
870-4400°C 4400-6100°C 7000-8000°C
The asthenosphere
is a hotter, softer layer
of rock on which the
lithosphere rests.
0 Put a layer of wooden beads
about 1 centimeter thick at the
Q Put another layer of gravel about 1
centimeter thick on top of the mix.
• clear plastic cup
• small colored
bottom of a clear plastic cup or Do NOT mix this layer of gravel. wooden beads
small jar. • gravel
Q SLOWLY fill the cup about two- • stirring stick
Q Put a layer of gravel about
2 centimeters thick on top of
thirds full of water. Be sure not
to disturb the layers in the cup.
• tap water
, ,,, -,
the wooden beads. Stir the 5 minutes "~
0 Stir the beads and gravel with the
beads and gravel until they are
stick. Observe what happens.
well mixed.
crust is thicker
but less dense.
Oceanic crust
is thinner and
more dense.
In the diagram above, notice how much of the African Plate, shaded
darker blue, lies underwater. The continent of Africa, which looks
large on a world map, is actually about half the size of the entire plate.
The plate's oceanic crust forms part of the sea floor of the Atlantic
and Indian oceans and of the Mediterranean Sea. The ocean crusts
of other plates make up the rest of the sea floors.
Earth's layers and tectonic plates are two of the most important
discoveries in geology. They helped solve a mystery that had puzzled
people for nearly 400 years. The mystery involved two questions. Have the
continents always been where they are today? If not, how did they move
to their present positions? In Section 6.2, you will find out how scientists
are answering these questions.
esis. For example, Greenland today lies near the Arctic Circle and is Climate refers to a pattern
mostly covered in ice. Yet fossils of tropical plants can be found on its of wind, temperature, and
rain or snow that occurs in
shores. In contrast, South Africa today has a warm climate. Yet its a region over time. Earth's
rocks were deeply scratched by ice sheets that once covered the area. climates have changed
many times in the planet's
Wegener suggested that these continents had moved, carrying their long history.
fossils and rocks with them. Greenland, for example, had once been
near the equator and had slowly moved to the Arctic Circle. South
Africa, once closer to the South Pole, had moved slowly north to a
warmer region.
Geology Wegener's best evidence for continental drift came from the
kinds of rocks that make up the continents. He showed that the type
of rock found in Brazil matched the rock found in western Africa.
Also, limestone layers in the Appalachian Mountains of North America
were exactly like the limestone in Scotland's Highlands.
Which evidence for continental drift do you think is the most
convincing? Explain your answer.
The reptile Mesosaurus was
about 45 cm (18 in.) long.
This fossil was found in Brazil,
Areas in which Mesosaurus South America.
fossils have been found
For Wegener, all the evidence pointed to a single conclusion. The
continents had once been joined in a huge supercontinent he called
Examine continental Pangaea (pan-JEE-uh). Pangaea comes from the Greek word meaning
movement over the past
150 million years. "all lands:' This giant continent reached from pole to pole and was
centered over the area where Africa lies today.
Pangaea began to split apart some 200 million years ago. In time,
the continents moved to where they are today. Yet Wegener could not
explain how the continents moved. Because of this, his critics called
continental drift "a fairy tale" and rejected his hypothesis.
G --Equa?or
%~ ~tO~H „ .- EURASIA
© '~ . J
65 million years ago— Present—The continents
Most of the major conti- reach their modern-day
nents have moved apart. positions.
Convection Currents
In the asthenosphere, heated
rock constantly rises, cools,
sinks, and is heated again.
visuA~s How do temperature changes create convection currents?
READING Where on the map are two plates moving apart? pushing
VISUALS together? scraping past each other?
As scientists studied the plates, they realized that one plate could
not shift without affecting the others nearby. They found that plates
can move apart, push together, or scrape past each other. The arrows
on the map above show each type of plate motion.
Plate movements cause great changes in Earth's crust. Most
major earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges appear where
tectonic plates meet. You will learn why as you read more about
plate movements.
Q Problem
How do convection currents in a fluid affect floating objects on
the surface?
Q Hypothesize
MATERIALS Write a hypothesis to explain how convection currents affect
• oven-glass lasagna pan floating objects. Your hypothesis should take the form of an
• 2 bread pans or 2 bricks "If . . . ,then . . . ,because . . ." statement.
• water
•liquid food coloring
• 2 small candles Q Procedure
• 2 sponges Use two overturned bread pans or two bricks to
• scissors raise and support the glass lasagna pan. Fill the
• 3-4 pushpins pan with water to a depth of 4 cm.
Unit ~ :~ he Cha
3 center
Place the sponges on top of the water in the
of the pan. Fit the two sponges together experiment include controls? If so, what
along their coastlines. purpose did they serve here?
6. APPLY In your own words, explain how the
Gently hold the sponges together until the water is African continent and the South American
still, then let go. Observe them for a few minutes continent are drifting apart.
and record what you saw.
7. APPLY Suppose you own an aquarium.
You want to make sure your fish are warm
0 Light the candles again. Place them under the
pan and directly beneath the two sponges. whether they swim near the top or near the
bottom of the aquarium. The pet store sells
two types of heaters. One heater extends
0 the
Gently hold the sponges together again until
water heats up. Then carefully let go of 5 cm below the water's surface. The other
the sponges, trying not to disturb the water. heater rests on the bottom of the aquarium.
Based on what you learned in this activity,
Observe the sponges for a few minutes, and then which heater would you choose, and why?
~O record your observations.
Write ~
Q Observe and Analyze ,:; It Up `I
CHALLENGE Design a new version of this
1. RECORD Draw diagrams to show how experiment that you think would be a better
the food coloring and the sponges moved in model of the movements in Earth's asthenosphere
cold water and in heated water. Use arrows and lithosphere. What materials will you need?
to indicate any motion. What changes would you make to the procedure?
Sketch your version of the lab, and explain what
2. ANALYZE Did the food coloring and the makes it better.
sponges move more with or without the
candles? Use what you have learned about
convection to explain the role of the candles.
Write ~
Q Conclude It Up;;' I
~~ ~ Plate Movement
Convection Currents and
1. EVALUATE Water is a fluid, but the ~ -=.1 convectioonn
asthenosphere is not. What properties of the G_; Problem How do the surface?
fluid affect floating
asthenosphere allow it to move like a fluid Ems`
~_ -.~ Hypothesize
and form convection currents?
~: , Observe and Analyze
2. COMPARE AND CONTRAST In what Unheated Water
Diagram 1. Sponges on
ways is your setup like Earth's asthenosphere ~,..
and lithosphere? In what ways is your setup ~~
3. ANALYZE Compare your results with your -"'.
.f t
>~~. ~~
~.>_ „~,
1Q. Zy~-
lithosphere ~,~~.
r ~ ~ ~~ .~. ,;~~
Magnetic Reversals
normal magnetic field
I:l~] ~3 i[~I_~~
How can you map magnetic reversals? Modeling
Wrap one end of the string around the middle of the bar magnet. Tape the MATERIALS
string in place as shown. • string
• bar magnet
Place a small piece of tape on one end of the magnet. Label the tape "N" to • masking tape
represent north. • marking pen
• sea-floor model
Hold the bar magnet over one end of the sea-floor model as shown.
Move the magnet SLOWLY toward the other end of the sea-floor model.
Record your observations.
The Pacific Plate carries each Hawaiian island The North American Plate moves southwest,
away from the hot spot. Eventually, a new carrying each inactive volcano away from the
volcano forms over the plume. Yellowstone hot spot.
Which island or landform in each diagram was formed first? How do you know?
When the plate moves on, it carries the first volcano away from the
hot spot. Heat from the mantle plume will then melt the rock at a new
site, forming a new volcano. The diagram on the left shows this process.
Many hot spots provide a fixed point that scientists can use to
measure the speed and direction of plate movements. For example,
the Yellowstone hot spot under the North American Plate has formed
a chain of inactive volcanoes, as shown in the diagram on the right.
Scientists estimate that the North American Plate is moving southwest
at about 2.3 cm (1 in.) per year.
How does ahot-spot volcano form?
Example 1
If Boston, Massachusetts, and Lisbon, Portugal, are moving apart
at an average rate of 10 cm every 4 years, how much farther
apart will they move in 20 years?
Divide 20 yr by
Solution 4 yr to get 5,
Write an equivalent rate. then multiply
7/ 10 cm by 5.
10 cm
4 yr — 20 yr
Red Sea 20=4= 5
10X5= 50
10 cm _ 50 cm
4 yr 20 yr
ANSWER Boston and Lisbon will move 50 centimeters farther
~ part in 10 years.
1. If New York, New York, and London, England, are moving apart
at an average rate of 5 cm every 2 years, how much farther
apart will they move in 8 years?
Plates converge or
scrape past each other.
~~ -~..:_ BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• Plates move apart at divergent • What happens when two
boundaries continental plates converge
• In the oceans, divergent • What happens when an
boundaries mark where the sea oceanic plate converges with
floor spreads apart another plate
• On land, continents split apart • What happens when one plate
at divergent boundaries scrapes past another plate
Convergent Boundaries—Subduction 1
Sinking plates form deep-ocean trenches, island arcs,
and coastal mountains. Coastal mountains
and volcanoes form
Volcanic islands form on the top plate.
on the top plate.
Oceanic-oceanic Oceanic-continental
Subduction Subduction
Transform Boundary
1 -~,.. . r ~.-
Plate edges grind and scrape past each other. Crust is neither
formed nor destroyed.
fr -
" ~ PLATE ~►' NAZCA AMERICAN q~~ ,rte' 1' ... :
,~ .r ~ PLATE ~-
~~ .,: .~ ~~
Plates scrape hc, rizontally past As plates move apart, new Crust is destroyed where plates
each other. Crust is neither crust is built, forming mid- subduct. It is folded where
formed nor destroyed. ocean ridges and rift valleys. plates collide.
READING V1'~here else on the map above can you find a transform,
VISUALS d "vergent, and convergent boundary?
What on Earth Is
Happening Here?
When tectonic plates move, they cause major changes in Earth's
surface. Among other things, the earth shakes, magma erupts on
the surface, crust is built or destroyed, and mountains or islands
form. Read the observations about plate movements below, then
evaluate the conclusions given.
O Observations
Scientists made these observations about a region known for the
movement of two major tectonic plates.
O Conclusions
Here are three possible conclusions about the movement of
tectonic plates in the region.
-- ~ •One p►ate is pulling away firom the other.
c d ~ •One plate is sinking under the other.
~.~ ~ •One plate is scraping past the other.
Continents change K
continental drift p. 190
position over time. MERICAN r%~
-___~:-.-_ ,\
- Pangaea p. 192
Gravity and motions r- ~ AFRICAN ~t -
`~,.,~:yINDIANI mid-ocean ridge p. 192
-1~,._ ~ PLATE ~~LATE `\` f
in the asthenosphere PACIFIC SOUTH -
convection p. 193
move tectonic plates PLATE CA AMERICAN ~
convection current
over Earth's surface. r r PLATE p. 193
theory of plate
ANTARCTIC PLATE tectonics p. 194
Analyzing a Diagram
The diagram shows several tectonic plates. The arrows indicate the direction
each plate is moving. Study the diagram and answer the questions below.
Extended Response
tectonic plates Subduction magma crust
Answer the two questions below in detail. Include
continental drift hot spot mantle
some of the terms shown in the word box. In your
answer, underline each term you use.
10. Two island chains are separated by a deep ocean 11. Andrea lives near a chain of mountains located far
trench. Although they are close to each other, from plate boundaries. The closest mountain is an
the islands have very different fossils and types active volcano. The other mountains used to be
of rock. Explain why these island chains have volcanoes. The farther away a mountain is in the
such different geologic features. chain, the older it is. Explain these facts.
~j Earthquakes
Earthquakes release
stress that has built
up in rocks.
Key Concepts
Earthquakes occur
along faults.
Learn how rocks move along
different kinds of faults.
Earthquakes release
Learn how energy from an
earthquake is used to deter-
mine its location and size.
Earthquake damage
can be reduced.
Learn how structures are
built to better withstand
Internet Preview
Chapter 7 online resources:
Content Review, two
Visualizations, three
Resource Centers, Math
Tutorial, Test Practice
Internet Activity:
Go to to see maps of recent
earthquakes around the world, in the
United States, and in ____ __ ~~,~w.-r ___
your own area. .,.. _©®®®®~~
__ __ _ __
Earthquakes occur
along faults.
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• The crust and uppermost mantle • Why earthquakes occur
make up the lithosphere • Where most earthquakes occur
• The lithosphere is cold • How rocks move during
and rigid earthquakes
• Tectonic plates move over
hotter, weaker rock in the
• Earthquake
— Plate boundary
Uncertain plate boundary
READING Why do most earthquakes in North America and South America occur near the
VISUALS continents' western coasts?
CHALLENGE Compare the ways you moved the blocks with the
ways tectonic plates move at their boundaries.
Chapter 7: Earthquakes 223
The illustrations on this page and page 225 show that a fault forms
The word plane comes from a plane that extends both horizontally and vertically. Blocks of rock
the Latin word planum, move along the fault plane during an earthquake. Along a normal or
which means "flat surface."
reverse fault, the movement of the blocks is mainly vertical—the
blocks move up or down. Along astrike-slip fault, the movement is
horizontal—the blocks move sideways.
Normal Faults
Along a normal fault, the block of rock above the fault plane slides
down relative to the other block. Stress that pulls rocks apart causes
normal faults. Earthquakes along normal faults are common near
boundaries where tectonic plates are moving apart, such as in the
Great Rift Valley of Africa.
As rocks are pulled apart (white arrows), normal faults form. The block
on the right has moved down with respect to the block on the left.
/ fault plane Normal Fault
Compare the directions of
the arrows in the diagrams
with the directions of the
arrows on the photographs.
Reverse Faults
Along a reverse fault, the block of rock above the fault plane moves up
relative to the other block. Stress that presses rocks together causes
reverse faults. These faults can occur near collision-zone boundaries
As rocks are pushed together (white arrows), reverse faults form. The
block on the right has moved up with respect to the block on the left.
Reverse Fault
Strike-Slip Faults
Along astrike-slip fault, blocks of rock move sideways on either side VISUALIZATION
of the fault plane. Stresses that push blocks of rock horizontally cause
earthquakes along strike-slip faults. These faults can occur where plates Explore animations
showing fault motion.
scrape past each other. The San Andreas Fault is a strike-slip fault.
i i ' ~q
i ~iii
JJ i ~~,~~~~~ v J
Energy from earthquakes travels
~~--Y--~---~-------=~._ through Earth.
MAIN IDEA AND DETAILS When you throw a rock into a pond, waves ripple outward from the spot
Record information about where the rock hits the water. The energy released by an earthquake
the energy released by
~ earthquakes. travels in a similar way through Earth. Unlike the pond ripples, though,
earthquake energy travels outward in all directions—up, down, and
to the sides. The energy travels as seismic waves, (SYZ-mihk) which
are vibrations caused by earthquakes. Seismic waves from even small
earthquakes can be recorded by sensitive instruments around the world.
Structures farther
from the epicenter
experience less
shaking and less The epicenter
damage. is the point on the
surface directly Structures near the
above the focus. epicenter experience
more shaking and
more damage.
Q into
Cut the first string into 4 pieces that are 4 cm long. Cut the second string
3 pieces that are 8 cm long, and the third string into 4 pieces that are
15 cm long. MATERIALS
Use the key on the Earthquake Map to match string lengths with • different colors
of string
earthquake depths. • ruler
• scissors
0 Tape one end of the pieces of string to the map at the earthquake locations, as
shown in the photograph. Always cover the same amount of string with tape.
• Earthquake Map
• tape
Q Hold the map upside down, with the strings hanging down.
Observe the patterns of earthquake locations and depths.
TIME ~~"
~0 minutes ,"
Primary Waves
READING TIP The fastest seismic waves are called primary waves, or P waves. These
One meaning of primary is waves are the first to reach any particular location after an earthquake
"first." Primary waves arrive occurs. Primary waves travel through Earth's crust at an average speed
before secondary waves.
of about 5 kilometers per second (3 mi/s). Primary waves can travel
through solids, liquids, and gases. As they pass through a material, the
particles of the material are slightly pushed together and pulled apart.
Buildings also experience this push and pull as primary waves pass
~ hrough the ground they are built on.
Secondary Waves
VISUALIZATION Secondary waves are the second seismic waves to arrive at any particular
~.~~ CLAssZONE.COM location after an earthquake, though they start at the same time as
Explore primary-wave primary waves. Secondary waves travel through Earth's interior at
and secondary-wave
motion. about half the speed of primary waves. Secondary waves are also called
S waves. As they pass through a material, the material's particles are
shaken up and down or from side to side. Secondary waves rock small
buildings back and forth as they pass.
Secondary waves can travel through rock, but unlike primary waves
they cannot travel through liquids or gases. Look at the illustrations on
page 231. As a primary wave passes through a material, the volume and
density of the material change slightly. But as a secondary wave passes,
the material changes slightly in shape. Liquids and gases do not have
definite shapes. These materials flow—that is, particles in them do not
return to their original positions after being moved. When scientists
learned that secondary waves cannot pass through Earth's outer core,
they realized that the outer core is not solid.
Surface Waves
Surface waves are seismic waves that move along Earth's surface, not
through its interior. They make the ground roll up and down or shake
from side to side. Surface waves cause the largest ground movements
and the most damage. Surface waves travel more slowly than the other
types of seismic waves.
wave direction
wave direction
Using Seismographs
Separate seismographs are needed to record side-to-side movements and
up-and-down movements. A seismograph that measures side-to-side
movements has a heavy weight hanging from a wire. The weight remains
almost still as the ground moves back and forth beneath it. A pen
~; RESOURCE CENTER attached to the weight records the movements. A seismograph that
CLASSZONE.COM records up-and-down movements has a heavy weight hanging from
Learn more about a spring. As the ground moves, the weight stays almost still as the
spring absorbs the movement by getting longer or shorter. A pen
attached to the weight records the changes in distance between the
ground and the weight.
Finding an Epicenter
Seismograms provide data used to find an earthquake's epicenter.
10:50 10:51 10:52 10:53 ,~`
Calculating Distance
\~ ~
Chapter 7: Earthquakes 233
Scientists can also use seismograph data to locate the focus of an
earthquake. They study seismograms to identify waves that have
reflected off boundaries inside Earth. Some of these waves help the
scientists to determine the earthquake's depth.
A seismogram records the time when the first primary wave arrives.
This wave travels by a direct path. The data also show when the first
reflected primary wave arrives. After leaving the focus, this wave reflects
from Earth's surface and then travels to the seismic station. The reflected
wave takes a longer path, so it arrives slightly later. The difference in
arrival times indicates the depth of the focus. Scientists can make the
necessary calculations, but more commonly a computer is used to
calculate the location of an earthquake's epicenter and focus.
seismic station
reflected wave
Example 1
Compare the energy of a magnitude 4 earthquake to the
energy of a magnitude 7 earthquake. Give your answer to
the nearest 1000.
Magnitude 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
Energy X 32 X 32 X 32 x 32 X 32 x 32 X 32 X 32 x 32
v, ,
.:,; 0 ' ~: 600
~~, 600 1200 kilometers 5 hr
READING How long did it take for the tsunami to reach the
v~suA~s border between the United States and Mexico?
READING How does the earthquake risk where you live compare
VISUALS with the risk in southern Alaska?
Seismic Gaps
Each circle
represents the
focus of an ~ ~ s - ,~ e-r~►
~ i ~ ~ ~ ~
earthquake. o
Larger circles
indicate larger
J i
Over several years many earthquakes have A large earthquake and its aftershocks have
occurred along this fault. However, one section of occurred, releasing built-up stress. Over just a
the fault has had little earthquake activity. Stress few weeks the seismic gap has been filled in.
is building up along this section.
~... ~
~ ~1
Many of the methods used to make larger Earthquake-Resistant Building
buildings and other structures safer are
designed to reduce the amount they shake
during an earthquake. One method is to use
devices called base isolators, as shown in the
illustration. Base isolators are placed between
a building and its foundation. The isolators
are made of flexible materials that are stacked
in layers like pancakes. When an earthquake
occurs, the isolators absorb much of the
ground motion. Any shaking that does
reach the building is slower and smoother.
A building may also have an open space,
or moat, around it. The moat, which may be
covered at the surface with sidewalks and
landscaping, lets the building shake more gen-
tly than the ground during an earthquake.
Special walls, called shear walls, add
strength to a structure. These walls contain steel supports. Shear walls
in the center of a building are often built around a stairwell or an ele-
vator shaft. These walls make up a part of the building known as the
shear core.
Walls can also be made stronger by adding braces. Pairs of braces
that form an X shape are called cross braces. They help a structure
keep its shape while it is being shaken.
~ cHfcx Moue
READING Describe two methods used to make buildings stronger.
Write ~
Q Problem '• It Up .. ''~
. ~
How can structures be built to withstand most earthquakes?
• modeling clay Q Hypothesize
• stirrer straws
• piece of thin cardboard Write a hypothesis to explain how structures can be built to
15 cm on each side withstand shaking. Your hypothesis should take the form of an
• scissors "If . . . ,then . . . ,because . . ." statement.
• ruler
• shake table
Q Procedure
} Write ,
Q Conclude It Up,:' I
1. INTERPRET Compare your results with `~` ~
your hypothesis. Do your observations
support your hypothesis? ~.._, in Earthquak~os
How Structures React
2. INFER How would you use the shake ~~ structueS~ be bu
Problem How can
table to model earthquakes of different ~~
withstand most earthquak
magnitudes? ~-~~ ~-Iypothesize
3. IDENTIFY VARIABLES How might your Observe and Analyze of
results differ if you always pulled the platform Trials Until Collapse
Table 1. Number of
to the same side or if you pulled it to Structure
different sides?
4. IDENTIFY LIMITS In what ways might
a building's behavior during an earthquake
differ from the behavior of your structure on
the shake table?
►Seismic waves
move out
from the
focus in all
Analyzing Data
The following tables show magnitudes and average numbers of earthquakes in
the world per year, and states in which two or more major earthquakes have
been recorded. Use the information in the tables to answer the questions below.
1. A major earthquake can have a magnitude of 5. In which state is a tectonic plate boundary most
a. 6.0-6.9 c. 7.4 likely to be located?
b. 6.0 and higher d. 8.2 a. Arkansas c. Hawaii
b. California d. Nevada
2. The most major earthquakes have been recorded
in which state? 6. Compared to the number of major earthquakes
a. Arkansas c. Missouri each year, the number of moderate earthquakes is
b. Hawaii d. Nevada a. about 40 times greater c. about equal
b. about 4 times greater d. smaller
3. A magnitude 3.2 earthquake is classified as
a. major c. moderate 7. Alaska has recorded a total of 82 earthquakes
with magnitudes of 7.0 and higher. How many of
b. strong d. minor
these earthquakes are classified as "great"?
4. The world's most powerful earthquakes occur a. 0 c. 56
along reverse faults. In which state are reverse b. 8 d. 74
faults most likely to be common?
a. Alaska c. Hawaii 8. An earthquake of which classification releases the
most energy?
b. California d. Nevada
a. great c. strong
b. major d. minor
9. During an earthquake, Dustin felt a small amount 10. The island of Sumatra is located in an area where
of shaking. About 15 seconds later, he felt some the Pacific Plate sinks under the Eurasian Plate.
more shaking. Then about 45 seconds later he Explain why Sumatra has many earthquakes.
felt the strongest shaking. Explain what happened.
~~ ~ ~~...
Mountains and
Key Concepts
Movement of rock
builds mountains.
Learn how different types
of mountains form.
Volcanoes form as
molten rock erupts.
Learn why there are
different types of volcanoes
and volcanic eruptions.
Volcanoes affect
Earth's land, air,
and water.
Learn how volcanic eruptions
affect land, air, and water.
Internet Preview
Chapter 8 online resources:
Content Review, Simulation,
Visualization, two Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial, Test
Under Pressure
Half fill two empty plastic bottles with a fresh
carbonated beverage. Screw the caps on the
bottles tightly. Put one bottle in hot tap water
and one in ice water.
Wait three minutes. ~~~_~~~': ,~,
Observe and Think
Slowly unscrew the caps
from the bottles and
observe how quickly '~^ --v. _``
gas bubbles form -
and escape. What is
the role of pres-
sure? How might
gas bubbles cause pressure to build up
in magma as they form?
Review concepts and vocabulary.
~ ~,
Movement of rock
builds mountains.
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• Major geologic events occur at • How the folding of rock can
tectonic plate boundaries form mountains
• Most faults are located along • How movement along faults
plate boundaries can form mountains
PACIFlc North ~
OCEa.~ American
" ~ ~ Tas a
'd oc~AN
Mountains wear down as water and wind break their Young Mountains
rocks into sediments and carry them away.
Old Mountains
Fault-Block Mountains
Fault-block mountains form as the crust stretches and breaks into
blocks that move along faults.
Stretching Begins
~'4~ _.
The crust breaks into blocks as it is stretched.
. ,, .
't I
Comparing Mountain
How do the tallest moun- Mountain Height (meters)
Click on Math Tutorial
for more help finding
tains in the United States Everest 8850
the mean. compare with the tallest
K2 8611
mountains in the world? The
table shows the heights of Kanchenjunga 8586
the five tallest mountains Lhotse 8516
in the world. All five are Makalu 8463
in Asia.
To describe data, you can find their average, or mean. The mean
of a data set is the sum of the values divided by the number of values.
Example l
To find the mean height of the five tallest mountains in the
world, first add the heights.
8,850 Then divide by 5, the
8,611 number of mountains.
8, 586 43,026 _
8,516 5
+8,463 Round your result to a
43,026 whole number.
1. The table to the left shows the heights of the five tallest moun-
tains in the United States. All five are in Alaska. Find the mean
McKinley of the data.
St. Elias 2. What is the difference between the mean height of the three
Foraker tallest mountains in the world and the mean height of the three
tallest mountains in the United States?
~ Blackburn 3. Suppose Mount Everest were in the United States. What would
the mean of the three tallest mountains in the United States
then be?
rock fragments
lava flow
. .
rising magma
magma chamber
_ Chapter 8' Mountains and Volcanoes 263
Rock Fragments
~t, VISUALIZATION A great deal of material erupts from volcanoes as rock fragments.
!~'' CLASSZONE.COM The fragments form as
Watch clips of erupted
volcanic material. • escaping gas bubbles pop, tearing magma apart
• larger pieces of lava are thrown into the air, cooling and
hardening during their flight
• rocks of all sizes rip loose from volcanoes' walls during
Tiny rock fragments form volcanic ash, which consists of particles
ranging from the size of dust to about the size of rice grains. Volcanic
cinders are somewhat larger. The largest fragments are volcanic bombs
and blocks. Bombs are molten when they are thrown out and often have
streamlined shapes. Blocks, which can be the size of houses, erupt as
solid pieces of rock. Large rock fragments fall quickly, but ash can be
carried long distances by winds—even all the way around Earth.
Volcanic ash is made Cinders contain holes Large fragments
up of rock fragments and tunnels left by are called blocks
less than 2 millimeters escaping gases. or bombs.
in diameter.
Volcanic Gases
What looks like smoke rising from a volcano is actually a mixture
of ash and gases. The main gases in magma are water vapor and
carbon dioxide. Some volcanic gases combine with water in the air to
form acids—you will read about these in the next section.
READING TIP During an eruption, volcanic gases can mix with rock fragments
The prefix pyro- means and stay near the ground. The mixture forms a pyroclastic flow
"heat," and clastic (PY-roh-KLAS-tihk), which is a dense cloud of superhot gases and
means "made up of
rock fragments." rock fragments that races downhill. Such a flow can be as hot as
800°C (1500°F) and can travel faster than 160 kilometers per hour
(100 mi/h). Pyroclastic flows are the most dangerous type of volcanic
Ring of Fire
AUSTRALIA Ring of fire
o Active volcanoes
Subduction zone
Shield Volcano
A cinder cone, like this one in Arizona, A composite volcano is usually cone-shaped and is built
has steep sides and is a loose pile of up of layers of hardened lava and of rock fragments.
volcanic rock fragments. Mount St. Helens is a typical composite volcano.
Crater Lake fills the caldera of a composite volcano.
A huge eruption removed much of the The volcano collapsed, creating a New eruptions built a small cone in
magma from the magma chamber. caldera 8 kilometers in diameter and the caldera. The caldera filled with
1.6 kilometers deep. water from rain and snow.
Q Problem
What does a volcano's slope reveal about the materials that
formed it?
Q Hypothesize It Up ,
• 375 mL plaster of Paris ~`
• 180 mL water
Write a hypothesis to explain how a volcano's slope is related to
• 500 mL gravel
the materials it is made of. Your hypothesis should take the form
• 3 cardboard pieces
• two 250 mL paper cups
of an "If . . . ,then . . . ,because . . ." statement.
• stirrer
• ruler
• protractor
Q Procedure
b Make a data table like the one shown in the sample notebook
on page 271.
e Changing
In a cup, mix the rest of the plaster of Paris with 7. APPLY If you were a scientist, what infor-
the rest of the water. Fill the other paper cup mation, in addition to slope, might you need
with gravel. Pour a small amount of the plaster in order to determine a volcano's type?
mixture onto the third piece of cardboard, then 8. APPLY How could the method you used to
pour some gravel on top. Repeat until all the make a model of a cinder cone be used to
plaster mixture and gravel have been used. Label show how the slope of a hill or mountain
this model "cone C" and set it aside until the contributes to a landslide?
plaster in both cone A and cone C has hardened
(about 20 min).
Q Observe and Analyze CHALLENGE Calculate the slopes of your
models using the formula y = mx + b. In this
1. MEASURE Use the protractor to measure
formula, y and x are graph coordinates of a point
the approximate slope of each cone.
on a straight line. The slope of the line is m. The
2. RECORD Complete your data table. intersection of the line with the y-axis of the
graph is b. For example, if the height of a model
3. OBSERVE Compare the appearances of
is 1.6 cm, and the distance from its edge to its
the cone. Record your observations in your
center is 4 cm, then the equation becomes
Science Notebook.
4. COMPARE How different are the slopes of The slope is 14 , or 0.4.
the cones?
Write 2 O,AX
Q Concludf It Up -~-+
~ 1
1. CONNECT Which volcanic materials do
the plaster mixture and the gravel represent? 0 1 2 3 4 5
2. IDENTIFY VARIABLES What is the Distance from edge
relationship between the cones' slopes and to center (cm)
the materials they are made of?
3. ANALYZE Compare your results with your
hypothesis. Do your data support your
4. INTERPRET Which type of volcano does Make Your Own
Model and Slope
each model represent? Table 1. Volcano
5. DRAW CONCLUSIONS Which of your
models represents a volcano that cannot
grow as large as the others? Explain.
6. APPLY What factors might cause the slopes
of real volcanoes to be different from those
of your models?
Long-term Effects
Volcanic eruptions can be tremendously destructive. But even after
an eruption ends, a volcano can remain dangerous for many years.
The explosive eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 threw out huge
amounts of volcanic ash and rock fragments. The area the volcano is
in gets heavy rains each year. Mudflows
have formed as large amounts of rainwater
mixed with ash and other loose material on
the sides of the volcano. Since the eruption,
mudflows have destroyed the homes of
more than 100,000 people.
Another possible source of water for
mudflows was a lake that began filling
the volcano's crater. The upper part of the
This school bus was partly buried by a mudflow from
Mount St. Helens. No one was in the bus when the crater is weak, and the lake level was rising.
mudflow hit. A collapse of the crater could have emptied
the lake of much of its water. In 2001,
people dug a channel to lower the level of the lake, greatly decreasing
the chance of a collapse.
READING Why can volcanic ash be dangerous for years after an eruption?
Even though volcanoes are dangerous, over time they can have
positive effects. When a lava flow cools, it forms a layer of hard rock
on which no plants can grow. However, over many years, this rock can
break down to form rich soil. Volcanic ash can smother plants, but the
tiny pieces of rock break down quickly and make soil richer. Highly
productive farmland surrounds some active volcanoes.
Over time, repeated volcanic eruptions can build a magnificent
landscape of mountains and valleys. People may choose to live in a
volcanic area in part for its natural beauty. Many other people may
visit the area, supporting a tourist industry.
Some gases, such as sulfur dioxide, form acids when they mix
with water in the air. These acids fall to Earth's surface in rain, snow,
VOCABULARY or sleet. Rain that contains large amounts of acid is called acid rain.
Make a word triangle for Volcanoes are sources of acid-forming gases, but a bigger source is
acid rain in your notebook.
human activity. For example, the burning of coal in electrical power
plants adds acid-forming gases to the air. In some areas, acid rain has
damaged forests and killed fish in lakes.
Large amounts of volcanic gases in the atmosphere can change
weather worldwide. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo released
enough sulfur dioxide to form a haze high in the atmosphere around
the entire planet. The haze decreased the amount of sunlight reaching
Earth's surface and lowered average world temperatures in 1992
and 1993.
Volcanic gases can lift ash high above an erupting volcano. Winds
can then carry the ash far away. During the May 1980 eruption
of Mount St. Helens, ash falling 400 kilometers (250 mi) away in
Spokane, Washington, blocked so much sunlight that nighttime street-
lights were turned on during the day. The smallest ash particles can
remain in the air for years, circling Earth many times. These particles
also reflect sunlight and can lower Earth's temperature.
READING Describe two ways sulfur dioxide can affect the atmosphere.
Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone
National Park erupts more often than
any other large geyser. Heated water
~' is forced up into the air through a
- ~, narrow channel.
1. ANALYZE Why do you think Yellowstone is sometimes
called a supervolcano? What do you think the charac-
teristics of supervolcanoes might be?
2. CHALLENGE A geyser's activity often changes after an
earthquake. Draw diagrams showing how changes to a
geyser's underground system could cause its water to
shoot higher when it erupts.
Reviewing Key Concepts 12. In a volcanic region, water moving through the
ground gets by magma or hot rock.
Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the a. melted c. erupted
best answer.
b. dissolved d. heated
4. In areas where the lithosphere is being pulled
apart, the crust
Short Answer Write a short answer to each
a. folds and crumples into mountains question.
b. breaks into blocks separated by faults
13. Describe how an old mountain belt located in
c. slides down into the mantle the center of a continent most likely formed.
d. develops a subduction zone
14. How are the locations of volcanoes related to
5. When two plates carrying continental crust tectonic plate boundaries?
collide, the rock of the continents
15. What causes a shield volcano to be shaped like
a. folds c. expands
a broad dome?
b. melts d. stretches
16. By what processes can a volcanic eruption
6. The movement of huge blocks of rock along affect temperatures around the world?
a fault can produce
a. lava plugs c. fault-block mountains
b. volcanoes d. folded mountains
Analyzing Data
The graph below shows the amounts of lava, rock, and other materials
released in four large volcanic eruptions. Study the graph, then answer
the questions below.
9. Petra is marking the locations of active volcanoes 10. Scientists regularly check the temperature of a
on a map of the world. Explain how the locations lake on a volcano. Explain how this information
of the volcanoes are related to the locations of might help them learn whether the volcano is
tectonic plates. becoming more active.
Views of
Earth's Past
Key Concepts
Earth's past is revealed
in rocks and fossils.
Learn about different kinds
of fossils and what they tell
about Earth's past.
Rocks provide a
timeline for Earth.
Learn how information from
rocks tells about Earth's past.
The geologic time scale
shows Earth`s past.
Learn about 4.6 billion years
of Earth's history.
Internet Preview
Chapter 9 online resources:
Content Review, two
Visualizations, three
Resource Centers, Math
Tutorial, Test Practice
Review concepts and vocabulary.
-.,ter. . ~
Sc1ENcE NoT~Baa~
As you read, copy the I. Earth's past is revealed in rocks
headings on your paper in and fossils.
the form of an outline.
A. Rocks, fossils, and original remains give clues about
Then add notes in your
the past.
own words that summarize
what you read. 1. Original Remains
2. >=ossil Formation
Take notes about Description Wheel Word Triangle
new vocabulary terms,
~d.. .~J
using one or more of the ~
~~ sketch
Original Remains
Fossils that are the actual bodies or body parts of organisms
This frozen mammoth body was found are called original remains. Usually, soft parts of dead
in Siberia. animals and plants decay and disappear. But soft parts
can become fossil evidence if they are sealed in a substance
that keeps out air and tiny organisms. Original remains are
found in places where conditions prevent the decomposi-
tion, or breakdown, that normally occurs. Original remains
are important because they give direct evidence of forms
of life that lived long ago.
0 Ice Ice is one of the best preservers of the remains of
prehistoric life. Huge ice fields in Siberia and Alaska
contain the bodies of 10,000-year-old mammoths and
These insects, which are related to flies prehistoric rhinos, with bones, muscle, skin, and even
and mosquitoes, were trapped and
preserved in amber 40 million years ago. hair still in place. The ice preserved the animals after
they died.
U Tar Q Amber Another natural substance that preserves the
remains of some living things is amber. Amber forms
from resin, a sticky substance inside trees that flows
like syrup and protects the tree by trapping insects.
If the tree gets buried after it dies, the resin can harden
into amber. Amber can contain the remains of insects
and other small organisms.
Trace Fossils
Over time, the sediment becomes
rock and the organism decays,
leaving a mold.
visuA~s What is similar about mold-and-cast fossils and petrified wood?
Tree Rings
The rings in tree trunks are also a tool for studying the past. The width
of tree rings varies, depending on how much the tree grows in various
years. In dry years, a tree does not grow very much and the rings for
those years are thin. A thick ring is a sign of a good year for growth, with
enough rainfall. By analyzing the tree rings of many old trees, scientists
can develop an accurate history of overall weather patterns over time.
Ice Cores
In Greenland and Antarctica, snowfall has built up gigantic layers of ice
that can be much deeper than the height of skyscrapers and as much as
530,000 years old at the bottom. Scientists drill into the ice and remove
ice cores for study. An ice core is a tubular sample that shows the layers
of snow and ice that have built up over thousands of years. The layers
serve as a vertical timeline of part of Earth's past.
Scientists analyze air trapped in the ice to learn how the atmosphere
has changed. Increases in dust or ash in the ice show when major vol-
canic eruptions occurred somewhere on Earth. Differences in the air
content at different levels of the ice indicate how much temperatures
went up and down, showing how long ice ages and warm periods lasted.
This information can help scientists understand how Earth's climate
might be changing now and how it might change in the future.
Rock Layers
Disturbed Layers
Because sedimentary rock forms in layers, the oldest If the rock layers are bent, they may no longer be in
layer of undisturbed sedimentary rock will be on the order from oldest to youngest.
bottom and the youngest on top.
visuA~s Where are the youngest layers in each photo?
layers above it, cooling and forming igneous rock. Because the Watch molten rock
cut through layers
sedimentary rock layers have to be present before the molten rock of sedimentary rock.
cuts through them, the igneous rock must be younger than the
layers it cuts through.
Over time, sand and silt form hori- Deep underground, molten rock A river gradually wears away the
zontal layers of sedimentary rock. cuts through the sedimentary rock rock, exposing the younger
layers. igneous rock.
If the molten rock erupts and flows onto the surface, it forms
a layer of igneous rock on top of the layers of sedimentary rock.
Over time, more sedimentary rock layers may form on top of
the igneous rock. The igneous rock layer is younger than the
sedimentary layers under it and older than the sedimentary layers
that form on top of it.
Why is igneous rock always younger than any rock it
cuts through?
This rock contains the
index fossil Arnioceras
semicostatum, an organism
Index Fossils that lived between 206
Fossils contained within sedimentary rock can offer clues about million and 144 million
years ago.
the age of the rock. An organism that was fossilized in rock must
have lived during the same time span in which the rock formed.
Using information from rocks and other natural evidence, scientists
have determined when specific fossilized organisms existed. If people
know how long ago a fossilized organism lived, then they can
figure out the age of the rock in which the fossil was found.
Fossils of organisms that were common, that lived in many
areas, and that existed only during specific spans of time are
called index fossils. These characteristics of index fossils make
them especially useful for figuring out when rock layers formed.
248 -
~' Remember that one characteristic of
index fossils is that they are widespread—
Index fossils can be used they are found in many different parts of the world. Because they are
to estimate the ages of widespread, index fossils can be used to compare the ages of rock layers
the rocks in which they
are found.
in different parts of the world.
Because scientists can't ask a rock its age, they have had to find a dif-
ferent way of determining the absolute ages of rocks. The solution lies
in the smallest unit of matter, the atom. Atoms make up everything on
Earth, including you and rocks. The atoms of many chemical elements
exist in various forms. Some of these forms are unstable and break down
over time into another form. This breakdown—called radioactivity—
is avert' useful clock because a particular unstable form of an element
always breaks down at the same rate into the same other form.
The rate of change of a radioactive element is measured in half-lives.
A half-life is the length of time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample
of a radioactive element to change from an unstable form into another
form. Different elements have different half-lives, ranging from fractions
of a second to billions of years.
Just as a ruler is not a very useful tool for measuring the distance Over time, a radioactive
element breaks down at
between planets, elements with very short half-lives are not very useful a constant rate into
for measuring the ages of rocks. Instead, elements with half-lives of another form.
millions to billions of years are
used to date rocks. For example, Half-Life
uranium 235 has ahalf--life of ~ of original
% ~ % of element
704 million years. Uranium 235 unstable element that has changed
is an unstable element found in
some igneous rocks. Over time,
uranium 235 breaks down into
lead 207. Using information
from radioactive dating of rocks,
scientists estimate that Earth is
around 4.6 billion years old.
- ~ '~ =_` ,_ :_~~`""- '' ; ~ - Over time, the rock formed by
"~"~--~~- '.-~_A~.,. -..~.._
~ - the volcano wore away and new
_~~~.,~,~~: `~-~-~~~; _ ~.~.,.~ sedimentary rock layers formed.
~ ;.~?
1 2 3 4 5
16 Time in half-lives
Fast Change
COMPARE AND CONTRAST These photos show Mount St. Helens before and
after it erupted in 1980. What rapid changes occurred during the eruption?
4 0 ; first life
4 S 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 77 72
7S „ t2 ,3 ~ 5 7 8 9 10 77
16 17 t$ 19
25 t6 1T 78
23 24 25 26 27 28
78 79 20 27 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
first multicelled animals
24 ZS 26
If Earth's history is
JUL AUG SEP NOV compared to a calendar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 2 3
73 formation of Earth 7
5 7 8
t2 13 74 15
t8 9
2 3
S 9 1~
} tfi
~ 1:
~.°1 2(i
year, humans appear
20 ._
27 2A 29 3t 7L 25 7r~ 2! Ic. 25 3p
24 25 26 27 79 Zt 22
26 27 28 29
ZS 16
zt zz 2,
28 29 30 37
~~, z~ just before midnight on
December 31.
The geologic time scale divides Earth's history into eons, eras, periods, and epochs.
Hadean eon Archean eon
Precambrian time - 4.6 bya to 544 mya
4.6 bya* 4 bya 3.5 bya 3 bya Carboniferous
*bya =billion years ago
tmya =million years ago
Paleozoic era i s
Ordovician Silurian
Cambrian period Devonian period
period period
Precambrian Time at 3.6 Billion Years Ago Paleozoic Era at 544 Million Years Ago
For nearly 4 billion years, during most of At the beginning of the Paleozoic era, all life lived
Precambrian time, no plants or animals existed. in the oceans.
Phanerozoic eon
Mesozoic era Cenozoic era
Jurassic period Cretaceous period Tertiary period Quaternary period
Mesozoic Era at 195 to 65 Million Years Ago Cenozoic Era at Present Day
During the Mesozoic era, dinosaurs lived along with The first humans appeared in the later part of the
the first mammals, birds, and flowering plants. Cenozoic era, which continues today.
Bright Angel Shale: formed
about 530 million years ago,
During which period did the during the Cambrian period
oldest rock layer shown form?
Phanerozoic Eon
The most recent eon, the Phanerozoic, began around 544 million years
ago. Its start marks the beginning of a fast increase in the diversity, or
variety, of life. The Phanerozoic eon is divided into three eras:
• the Paleozoic, whose name means "ancient life"
• the Mesozoic, whose name means "middle life"
READING TIP • the Cenozoic, whose name means "recent life"
As you read, find each era
in the geologic time scale The Paleozoic era is the first era of the Phanerozoic eon. At the start
on pages 306-307. of the Paleozoic, all life lived in the ocean. Fish, the first animals with
backbones, developed during this time. Toward the end of this era, life
moved onto land. Reptiles, insects, and ferns were common. A mass
extinction occurred at the end of the Paleozoic era, 248 million years
ago. A mass extinction is when many different life forms all die out,
or become extinct, at once. The cause of this extinction is not
completely understood.
The Mesozoic era spans the next 183 million years and is best known
for the dinosaurs that ruled Earth. Mammals, birds, and flowering
plants also first appeared during the Mesozoic. For some of this time,
parts of North America were covered by a vast sea. The end of the
,~ tt ,_
s~ 'I
®" ~f
__ ~ /
Geologic Time
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE Geologists use information
from rocks, fossils, and other natural evidence to piece together
the history of Earth. The geologic time scale organizes Earth's
history into intervals of time called eons, eras, periods, and
epochs. In this investigation you will
• construct a model of the geologic time scale
• place fossil organisms and geologic events in the correct
sequence on the timeline
Q Procedure
Complete the geologic time scale conversion chart. Use the con-
version 1 mm = 1 million years to change the number of years
for each eon, era, period, and epoch on the chart into metric
measurements (millimeters, centimeters, and meters).
MATERIALS ~j Lay the adding-machine paper out in
• geologic time scale CC~~ front of you. At the far right end of the
conversion chart strip write "TODAY" lengthwise along
• adding-machine paper the edge.
5 meters long
• scissors ~( Starting from the TODAY mark, measure
• colored markers, pens, ~J back 4.6 meters, or 4600 million years.
or pencils Label this point "AGE OF EARTH." Cut off
• metric tape measure or
excess paper.
meter stick
• sticky notes
/~ Fold the paper in half lengthwise and then
fold it in half lengthwise again. Unfold the
paper. The creases should divide your
paper into four rows.
'~ ~
'°°`~ ~ Unit 2: The Chan9m
~ g~ Ear ~~ ~-~_ LL
a Repeat step 6 to measure and label the eras,
periods, and epochs. Q Conclude
3 Write
~ it up
After all the eons, eras, periods, and epochs are 1. INTERPRET Where are most of the life
measured and labeled, use the same measuring forms that you placed on your time line
technique to add the fossils and events from the grouped?
table below. 2. INFER Judging by the locations of most of
the life forms on your timeline, why do you
Table 1. Important Events in Earth's History think the shortest era on the timeline—the
Fossils and Events Time (millions of years ago) Cenozoic era—has been divided into so many
First trilobite 554 smaller divisions?
First mammal 210
Greatest mass extinction 248 3 EVALUATE What limitations or difficulties
First green algae 1000 did you experience in constructing or inter-
Early humans 2 preting this model of the geologic time scale?
Extinction of dinosaurs 65
4. APPLY Think about the relationships
First life forms 3800 I
among fossils, rock layers, and the geologic
Flowering plants 130
time scale. Why do you think the geologists
who first constructed the geologic time scale
pictures of the fossils and events or found it difficult to divide the first three eons I
4 Draw
write the names of the fossils and events on into smaller time divisions?
the timeline. If you do not have space to write
directly on the timeline, write on sticky notes Q INVESTIGATE Further
and then place the sticky notes at the correct 1
positions on the timeline. CHALLENGE Choose several more events or
life forms mentioned in the chapter. For each, find
Write ~ either an absolute date or a relative date that will
Q Observe and Analyze ~tup ~
allow you to place it in the correct position in the
1. COMPARE AND CONTRAST The geologic sequence. Draw or label these new
time from 4.6 billion years ago up until the items on your timeline. What new patterns or
beginning of the Phanerozoic eon is called connections did adding these events or life forms
Precambrian time. Find the part of your time- to the timeline reveal?
line that represents Precambrian time. How
does Precambrian time compare in length
with the rest of the geologic time scale? ~~~ Chart
Scale Conversion
~~~ Geologic Time
Cenozoic era is the most recent era, and it ~_'~-~
includes the present. How does the Cenozoic E-~"-~
era compare in length with the other eras? ~=
3. INTERPRET Where on the timeline are the ~-~
two major extinction events? ~~
4. INFER What does the location of the ~~
two major extinction events suggest about ~~~
how geologists divided the time scale into ~~,~
smaller units? ~~_,
~~ Chapter 9: Views of Earth's Past 311
Chapter Review
(~~~ B~~ i~~~
Rocks, fossils, and other types of natural ~CONTENT REVIEW
evidence tell Earth's story. ~~-~' CLASSZONE.COM
I A cast fossil is formed when minerals take the shape of a decayed organism.
~ ~
500 today
What information What are some of its 9. Which statement best describes the theory of
does it give? characteristics? uniformitarianism?
a. Earth continues to change as it always has.
gives clues usually found in
about Earth's sedimentary rock b. Earth is changing, but not as quickly as it
past used to.
usually shows c. Earth is changing, but faster than it used to.
only hard parts of d. Earth is no longer changing.
plant or animal
10. How does petrified wood form?
may be petrified
wood, carbon film, a. A log falls into water that freezes.
trace fossil, mold, b. Sedimentary rock forms over a log.
or cast
c. Igneous rock covers a log and heats it.
shows changes in d. Water seeps through a log, replacing its
life and the cells with minerals.
11. A cast fossil is formed from
1. index fossil a. igneous rock c. amber
2. ice core b. a mold d. wood
a 100 0
~ a,
~ :~ 60
~ ~
'a~ E
•~ ~, 40
o ~a~
a, ~ 20
a, ~
~a _
c °' 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 1415 1617 181920
Number of half-lives
The illustration above is a side view of formations
of sedimentary and igneous rock. C and F are
igneous rock.
17. For which of the labeled rock formations could 25. SYNTHESIZE Look at the geologic time scale
the absolute age be determined? Why? and think about the major events in the
18. Which of the labeled rock formations is the history of Earth and the changes in life forms
youngest? How do you know? that it shows. How do rocks, fossils, and
other natural evidence tell Earth's story?
19. Which rock is younger, C or D? Why?
26. PREDICT What do you think will remain as
20. Which of the labeled rock layers is the evidence of today's world 100,000 years from
oldest? Why? now? How will the types of evidence differ from
those that remain from 100,000 years ago?
21. INFER Why do you think the Hadean, Archean,
and Proterozoic eons are not divided into eras,
periods, or epochs? UNIT PROJECTS
22. COMPARE AND CONTRAST How is the geologic If you need to create graphs or other visuals for
time scale like a calendar? How is it different? your project, be sure you have grid paper, poster
board, markers, or other supplies.
23. CONNECT Copy the concept map below.
Use the geologic time scale on pages 306-307
to complete the map.
is divided into
is divided into
Analyzing a Diagram
This diagram shows a cross section of rock layers. All of the layers are sedimentary,
except for the area marked as igneous. Use the diagram to answer the questions below.
EVENTS _mss . ,_
,i ++'-^fir ~ .~` ` -
_.=.~: 1680
New Theory Suggests Naturalness 1824
of Change Geologist Identifies Bones from
James Hutton of Scotland revolutionizes Extinct Animal
geology with his theory of uniformitari- English geologist William Buckland
anism. He argues that volcanoes, erosion, concludes that a fossilized jawbone comes
and other forces shaped Earth's landscape from an enormous reptilelike animal that is
slowly over a very long period and con- extinct. He names the animal Megalosaurus.
tinue to do so. Hutton's ideas challenge the This is the first
belief that the landscape is the result of dinosaur to be ~ ,~
sudden changes and one-time events. given a scientific
His theory leads to a better understanding name.
of the vast ages of Earth and fossils.
Mapping Earth's Layers
In the late 1700s, the geologist William Smith helped
survey land for canals throughout England and Wales.
As workers dug deeper into the ground, Smith noticed
that fossils always appeared in the same order. He used
this information to create the first map showing the
locations of rock layers under surface soil. It was
published in 1815. As people began to understand
the importance of rock layers, they collected more
information from projects that rec;uired digging.
Maps showing this type of information became r
more detailed and more useful. Today, geologists f+
combine information collected in the field with
data from satellite images to create precise This map, hand-painted
maps of rock layers. ,
in 1815, was the first
to show locations of
rock layers.
1923 __- - - - - --
Dinosaur Eggs Show Link with Birds
Researchers in Mongolia
~: _ r
find a nest of ,i
fossilized dinosaur .
eggs. The eggs are ,:~~~-
in a circle. This
fact suggests
Workers Uncover Bird Fossil
that dinosaurs,
Laborers digging up limestone rock like modern
in southern Germany find a fossil birds, moved
that looks like a lizard with wings. their eggs and ~~ ..; „
The fossil is about 150 million years arranged their nes "`':- _ `~"' ~
old—the oldest known one of a bird.
Microfossils Cause Sensation
Two new scientific papers focus attention on Earth's earliest
life forms. In these papers scientists describe rocks from
Canada that contain microfossils of algae and fungi—traces
of life vastly older than any others yet found. These findings
trigger huge new efforts in scientific research on ancient life.
Chemist Creates New Time Scale
In the 1890s, scientists studying radiation began
to understand the idea of half-life. The chemist
B. B. Boltwood used half-life data to identify
the ages of various rocks and create a new
geologic time scale. The ages he calculated
were in the hundreds of millions or even
billions of years—far greater than the ages
many scientists had been using. The time scale The half-life of
continues to be modified as new technologies
carbon 14 will be
allow for ever more precise measurements.
used to calculate
the ages of the
samples this
researcher is
Society depends on
natural resources for How do people
energy and materials. obtain energy from
Earth's resources?
Key Concepts
Natural resources sup-
port human activity.
Learn about the costs and
benefits of using natural
resources to obtain energy
and to make products.
Resources can be
conserved and
Learn about efforts to
conserve and recycle
natural resources.
1~nergy comes from
other natural resources. ~.
Learn how nuclear power
. ~~
and renewable resources can -w.~ '—+~.~~~.
provide energy to the world.
Internet Preview
.» .Y:.~~
Chapter 10 online resources:
Content Review, Simulation,
Visualization, three Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial, Test ~~~
~-~~ _~~
Practice w ate;.:':.
r //
...' .~ ~'
y ''
~-~~ /!
i/ / //~//
.' f
SCIENCE No7'EBoa~c ~~ _
Supporting Main Ideas Content Frame
As you read, take notes,
using one or more of the
strategies from earlier
chapters—main idea and
detail notes, supporting
main ideas, content frame,
or outline. Mix and match
these strategies, or use an Main Idea and Detail Notes Outline
entirely different one. I. Main Idea
A. Supporting idea
1. Detail
STRATEGY B. Supporting idea
Natural resources
support human activity.
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• Earth's distant past is revealed • What makes a natural resource
in rocks and fossils renewable or nonrenewable
Layers of sedimentary rock • About benefits and costs of
show relative ages using fossil fuels
• Living things have inhabited • How people use natural
Earth for over 3 billion years resources in modern life
Renewable Resources
The charts on page 325 list some of the most common resources people
use in modern life. As you might have guessed, sunlight, wind, water,
and trees and other plants are renewable. A renewable resource is a
natural resource that can be replaced in nature at about the same rate
it is used.
For example, a lumber company might plant a new tree for each
mature tree it cuts down. Over time, the forest will continue to have
the same number of trees. However, if the trees are cut down faster
than they can be replaced, even a renewable resource will run out.
Nonrenewable Resources
A nonrenewable resource is a natural resource that exists in a fixed
amount or that is used up faster than it can be replaced in nature.
This means the supply of any nonrenewable resource is limited.
In general, all resources produced by geologic forces—coal, natural gas,
oil, uranium—are nonrenewable. These resources form over millions
of years.
Today people are using coal, oil, and natural gas much faster than
they are forming in nature. As a result, these resources are becoming
more scarce and expensive. Many countries realize that they must
conserve their nonrenewable resources. Some, like the United States,
are developing alternative energy sources, such as solar and wind energy.
Read the common uses of each resource. Which of these resources are
visuA<s used to generate electricity?
Smokestack: Byproducts
of burning fuel are released
into the air.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy, 2000
Water is used to
cool the machinery.
Condenser: Steam
condenses into water, which
READING will return to the boiler.
visuA~s How does burning fossil fuels help to produce electricity?
into steam. The steam turns a turbine. The turbine drives a generator Turbine is based on
the Latin turbo, which
to produce electricity, which is carried through power lines to towns
means "spinning top."
and cities. Electricity runs nearly everything in modern life, from giant Generator is based on the
factories to the smallest light in your home. Latin generare, which
means "to produce."
But these resources also harm the environment. Burning fossil
fuels produces excess carbon dioxide, harmful acids, and other forms
of pollution. Most of this pollution comes from power plants and
fossil fuels burned by cars and other vehicles.
Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed underground from buried and decayed
plant material. As shown below, heat and pressure determine the type
of coal formed. The hardest coal makes the best energy source. It burns
hotter and much cleaner than softer coals. At one time, coal was the
main source of energy in the United States.
0 ~~ ~`.:J
Swamp plants decay Sediments bury the Over millions of years, It takes the longest time
and are compressed peat, and rising pressure increasing pressure and and the greatest heat
to form peat. and heat change it into heat form harder coal. and pressure to form
soft coal. the hardest coal.
The world's largest coal deposits are in the United States, Russia,
and China. People use surface mining and deep mining to obtain coal.
In surface mines, overlying rock is stripped away to expose the coal.
In deep mines, miners must go underground to dig out the coal.
Most of the world's coal is used to fuel power plants and to run factories
that produce steel and cement.
When burned as a fuel, however, coal produces byproducts that
pollute air and water. Also, surface mining can destroy entire landscapes.
Coal dust in deep mines damages miners' lungs. Yet reducing pollution,
restoring landscapes, and protecting miners cost millions of dollars.
Society faces a difficult choice—keep the cost of energy low or raise
the price to protect the environment and human health.
READING What is the main use of coal?
■ Gasoline
■ Diesel and
heating fuel
Oil and gas are Jet fuel
trapped in porous ■ Other products
rock layers. ■ Gases
Factory waste can pollute air, water, and soil. Even making computer
chips can be a problem. So much water is needed to clean the chips
during manufacture that local water supplies maybe reduced.
To maintain modern life and to protect the planet, people must
use natural resources wisely. In the next section you will read about
ways for every person to conserve resources and reduce pollution.
1. COLLECT DATA Go to the EPA Web site to learn how the
agency uses microbes to clean up different types of pollu-
tion. Look under the word bioremediation, which means
"the correction of a problem through biological means."
2. CHALLENGE Do research on bioremediation and find out
whether there are any drawbacks to using microbes to
clean up pollution.
Reducing Waste ~_ -_ _. .
You can reduce paper and plastic waste by
This 1.9 liter (64 fl oz)
choosing products with the least packaging.
carton has 1088 sq cm
of packaging.
What Is in America's Trash?
Other 11.6%
Glass 7.0%
Food 7.4%
40.4% Plastics 8.0%
Metals 8.0%
How can you tell which bulb Designing
wastes less energy? ~~~~~~
The more heat a light bulb gives off, the more energy E~pEiilMEi11T
it wastes. Use what you know about how to measure
the temperature of an object to design an experiment
that confirms which type of light bulb wastes less energy.
• 2 table lamps
PROCEDURE • incandescent
light bulb
Q Figure out how you are going to test which light bulb—
incandescent or fluorescent—wastes less energy.
• fluorescent light
• 2 thermometers
Q Write up your procedure. ~• pen or pencil
0 Conduct your experiment and record your results.
• What were the variables in your experiment?
• What were the results of your experiment?
• How does your experiment demonstrate which
light bulb is less wasteful?
Gas Mileage
An automobile engineer ran tests on new cars to determine their gas
mileage in miles per gallon. Her results were in decimals. You can
compare two decimals by looking at their place values to determine
MATH TUTORIAL which is greater.
Click on Math Tutorial Steps for comparing decimals
for more help with (~) Write the decimals in a column, lining up the decimal points.
comparing decimals.
(2) If necessary, write zeros to the right of one decimal so that both
decimals have the same number of decimal places.
(3) Compare the place values from left to right.
Examples 1
Example A Example B
For two mid-size sedans, For two sport utility vehicles
she calculated the (SUVs), she calculated the
following mileages: following mileages:
The tens digits are The tens digits are
the same. The ones digits the same. The ones digits
are the same. are the same.
The tenths digits
are different: 5 > 4.
The tenths
digits are
the same.
The hundredths digits
are different: 4 > 0.
28.450 mi/gal < 28.502 mi/gal 12.94 mi/gal > 12.90 mi/gal
Reactor Heat
vessel: Heat exchanger: Turbine:
from fuel rods Steam from Steam from Generator: Turbine
turns water reactor boils heat exchanger drives the generator to
into steam. water. drives turbine. produce electricity.
Cooling tower:
Water flows to cool
condenser and returns
to tower as steam.
turbine buildings
water source
Hydroelectric Dam
Intake gate:
Water from the
reservoir enters
intake gates.
Generator: Turbines
drive the generators to
produce electricity.
'.~.~"~1~.A•. '. ~ ~~ R
N .:~,.,~,~
.~ . . ••mow:.
4~ _~ solar arrays
Steam condenses
into water.
Injection well:
Excess water is pumped
back into the ground.
Wind Energy
For thousands of years, people have captured the tremendous energy of
wind to move ships, grind grain, and pump water from underground.
Today, people also use wind energy—from the force of moving air—to
generate electricity.
The modern windmill is made of metal and plastic and can stand as
tall as a 40-story building. The blades act as a turbine, turning a set of ~~ REMINDER
gears that drives the generator. The amount of electricity a windmill The generator is the part
that produces the electric
produces depends on the speed and angle of the wind across its blades. current, whether it is driven
The faster the blades turn, the more power the windmill produces. by turbines or gears.
~ ~ ~
Electrons create a /" The protons combine
current that runs with oxygen to form
the motor. to motor water.
~:~~:- ..~~
.- °~_`
Wind Power
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE Early windmills were used
mainly to pump water and grind flour. In this lab, you will use
what you have learned about renewable resources to
• build a model windmill and use it to lift a small weight
• improve its performance by increasing the strength of
the wind source
~Q Problem :~ It Up,
s:': S
What effect will increasing the wind strength have on the lifting
power of a model windmill?
s Write
Q Hypothesize x It Up ; ,~
Biomass Hydrogen
Solar cells
stations fuel cells
plant and hydrogen
animal waste
32. sunlight
climate in region B?
Evaluate all the data, results, and information
26. IDENTIFY CAUSES Why might region B use so in your project folder. Prepare to present
much more hydroelectric energy? your project.
27. SYNTHESIZE Region C gets half of its electrical
energy from fossil fuels. The region has only
100 days of clear sunlight a year but has abun-
dant plant crops and strong, steady winds.
Draw a circle graph for region C, showing the
percentage of fossil fuels and the percentage
of each renewable energy source the region
might use. Explain your choices.
Analyzing a Graph
This graph shows what happens to fuels consumed for energy in the United States.
Some of this energy is used and some is lost as heat. Use the graph to answer the
questions below.
7. Explain the difference between reusing and 8. Give three or more examples of ways in which
recycling products. How does each activity help people in the United States use or rely on energy
to reduce the use of natural resources? resources every day.
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Unit Features
FRONTIERS IN SCIENCE Exploring the Water Planet
TIMELINES IN SCIENCE Exploring the Ocean
~ .
Ocean Environments
View the video segment
"Into the Deep" to learn
how scientists explore
mid-ocean ridges and
deep-sea vents.
AMERICAN helped prove that the
FRONTIERS mountains in a mid-ocean
ridge are volcanoes.
View the "Into the Deep"
While exploring a
segment of your Scientific
valley that runs along the
American Frontiers video
top of a mid-ocean ridge,
to learn how scientists are
Ballard discovered deep-
exploring the deep sea.
sea vents. Water that
IN THIS SCENE FROM THE VIDEO flows out of the vents is
a deep-sea vent spews out very hot and rich in miner
superheated water that is rich als. Ballard was also one
in dissolved minerals. of the first scientists to
see the giant clams, tube-
THE DEEPEST DIVES Robert Ballard has made worms, and other animals that live around the
dozens of expeditions in Alvin, athree-person vents. Such life forms are unusual because they
submarine. This small vessel can dive deep below depend on energy from within Earth instead of
the surface to underwater mountain ranges energy from the Sun.
called mid-ocean ridges. Ballard's photographs
Key Concepts
Water continually
Learn about how water
on Earth moves in a world-
wide system.
Fresh water flows and
freezes on Earth.
Learn about fresh water in
rivers, lakes, and ice.
Fresh water flows
' underground.
Learn about water under
the land surface and how it
is used.
Internet Preview
Chapter 11 online resources:
Content Review, Simulation,
Visualization, four Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial,
Test Practice
of Earth's systems. - -.
Water Cycle Code: MDL018
~:~'' "~
Review concepts and vocabulary.
~,~ ~~ .~
Water-to-Land Ratio
~~ Water underground
and in rivers, lakes,
atmosphere, and
plants and animals
J Precipitation
0 ., ~ y Frozen or liquid
Condensation water falls to
Water vapor changes into the surface.
liquid water, forming clouds.
Water turns into vapor
in the atmosphere and
rises from the surface.
O Issues
For Mars to have a water cycle, it would need several features.
O Observations
1 1
water on Earth.
Astronomers have observed several facts about Mars.
s~ MAIN IDEA AND DETAILS Water flows and collects on Earth's surface.
Record in your notebook
this main idea and details Imagine you are in a raft on a river, speeding through whitewater rapids.
j about it. Your raft splashes around boulders, crashing its way downriver.
Then the raft reaches a lake. You glide across the surface, slowing down.
At the end of the lake, your raft enters a river again and floats down it.
In your raft you are following the path a water drop might take on
its way to the ocean. All over the planet, the force of gravity pulls
water downhill. Fresh water flows downhill in a series of streams and
rivers, collects in lakes and ponds, and eventually flows into the ocean.
All of this water flows between high points called divides, in areas
called drainage basins.
Divides exist in
mountain ranges Water falling on a
as well as in flatter divide flows into the
regions. drainage basins on
either side of the divide.
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Lake Turnover
The water in a lake is not as still as it might appear. The changing
temperatures of the seasons affect the water and cause it to move
within the lake in a yearly cycle.
In a place with cold winters, ice may form on a lake, so that the
wind cannot ruffle the surface. The water temperature in the lake
remains steady, and the water stops moving. The water just below the
surface ice is near freezing, so the fish move to the bottom, where the
water is a bit warmer.
In many lakes the water temperatures at different levels vary as the
seasons change. In the spring and summer, sunlight can warm a layer Cold water is denser than
(has more mass than the
of water at the top of a lake. Because the colder water beneath the top
same amount of) warm
layer is denser than the warmer water above it, the water levels do not water.
mix easily. The warm water contains more oxygen, so fish maybe
more plentiful in the upper part of the lake.
'~.~ --.
warm water/high oxygen °'
A warm `
layer of nutrients settle
water sits colder water/low oxygen
to the bottom
at the top
of a Ia ke.
;. :
The upper
layer cools
and sinks.
When the
nutrients and
lake turns
oxygen mix
over, nutrients
mix through-
out the water.
In the fall, days cool and the surface water cools too. The upper layer
becomes heavy and sinks, so that the lake water "turns over." Nutrients
from minerals and from dead plants and organisms are stirred up from
the bottom. These nutrients are used by many life forms in the lake.
The rising and sinking of cold and warm water layers in a lake is called
turnover. Turnover occurs twice each year as the seasons change.
What happens to surface water when the weather cools in
the fall?
When the amounts of such nutri- Dead algae, plants, and fish pile The lake becomes a soggy marsh,
ents as nitrogen and phosphorus up. Plants grow more quickly, leav- then finally a completely filled-in
increase, algae grow faster and ing more debris as they die. Water meadow.
form a scum layer at the surface. evaporates, and the lake becomes
Ice on Land
In Earth's coldest regions—near both poles and in high mountains—
more snow falls each year than melts. This snow builds up to form ~ RESOURCE CENTER
glaciers. A glacier is a large mass of ice and snow that moves over CLASSZONE.COM
land. There are two types of glaciers. The ice sheets of Antarctica and Find out more about
frozen fresh water.
Greenland are called continental glaciers because they cover huge
landmasses. The other type of glacier is a valley glacier, which builds
~ up in high areas and moves slowly down between mountains.
Why do icebergs float? Calculating
Find the masses of the empty graduated cylinder and the ice cube. MATERIALS
• balance
Add 200 mL of water to the cylinder. Find the volume of the ice cube by • ice cube
measuring how much water it displaces. Make sure the water • water
is extremely cold to prevent the ice cube from melting. Use ~" ` • 250 mL graduated
the point of a paper clip to completely submerge the ice. ~
• paper clip
• calculator
Q Remove the water and let the ice melt in the cylinder. ~~
for Challenge:
0 Calculate the density (Density = mass/Volume) of the ice • cork
cube. Now find the mass and volume of the liquid water TIME
from the melted ice and calculate its density. minutes "~
(~) Write a word equation.
Volume of ice
underwater =volume of iceberg •fraction underwater
(2) Substitute.
Volume of ice underwater = 1000 m3 •
(3) Multiply the numerator by the total volume.
1000 m3 • 7
(4) Calculate and simplify.
__ 7000 m3 _ 875 m3
ANSWER About 875 cubic meters of ice are underwater.
through. A drinking glass holds orange juice because the material of The prefix im in impermeable
the glass is impermeable. Rocks such as granite are impermeable. means "not."
Unless granite has cracks, it has no spaces for water to go through.
Many impermeable materials are hard, but not all of them. Clay is soft,
but it is nearly impermeable. Water can get between its particles, but
the overlapping of the particles stops the water from flowing through.
How does groundwater collect? Gravity causes rainwater to sink
into the soil. If it rains heavily, all the spaces in the soil fill with water.
Eventually the water reaches impermeable rock. There it is held in
place or forced to flow in a different direction.
Even when the soil on Earth's surface is dry, huge amounts of
groundwater maybe stored below. The top of the region that is satu-
rated, or completely filled with water, is called the water table. The
saturated region below the water table is called the saturation zone.
READING What prevents groundwater from sinking farther down?
Pulled down by gravity, water sinks through permeable
ground until it reaches an impermeable layer.
Water sinks through
and occupies spaces
in permeable
~a , ~+ material.
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may collect in the
spaces within soil,
gravel, and some Impermeable rock
kinds of rock. prevents water from
sinking farther, causing
the water to collect in
permeable material
above it.
water table
Drill into the ground with special When the drill hole reaches At the top of the well, install a
machinery. below the water table, lower a pump powered by a motor or
pipe into it. human effort to pull up water.
Hot Springs
Yellowstone National Park sits atop the remains of an ancient volcano.
The rain and melted snow that sink into the ground there eventually
reach depths of more than 3000 meters (10,000 feet), where the rocks
are extremely hot. The water heats up and reaches the boiling point.
Then it becomes even hotter while remaining liquid because it is
under such great pressure from the rocks pushing on it from all sides.
In a geyser, water heats underground. The diagram Hot water and steam are pushed up to the surface
shows the underground "plumbing" of a geyser in where they erupt.
A geyser is a kind of hot spring. The illustrations above show how
a geyser works. Beneath the surface, there are underground channels
in the rock. The rising hot water is forced to travel through these nar-
row passages. Like water in a garden hose, the water moves with force
because it is under pressure. When it finally reaches Earth's surface, the
pressure makes it burst out. It shoots into the air as a dramatic foun-
tain of water and steam. In Yellowstone National Park there are more
than 300 geysers. One of the largest, Old Faithful, shoots a jet of hot CLASSZONE.COM
water and steam about 20 times a day. The eruptions last from 1.5 to 5 Learn more about
minutes, and reach heights of 30 to 55 meters (106 to 184 ft). geysers and hot springs.
Why does water shoot out of Old Faithful with such
great force?
Write 1
Q Problem : It Up ;
Water Moving and transport water?
types of materials will best hold
Problem What
Observe and Analyze
`fable 1.
Condensation Vapor
changes into liquid.
Precipitation Water
falls to the surface.
The impermeable
layer prevents water from
sinking farther down.
8. What is the name of water stored in an aquifer? 16. How is water stored in an aquifer?
a. in an open underground lake
9. What word is another name for rain, snow,
sleet, and hail? b. in cracks and spaces in rocks
c. in impermeable rock
d. in wells and springs
Reviewing Key Concepts
Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the Short Answer Write a short answer to each
best answer. question.
10. What are the three forms of water on Earth? 17. Explain why most of the water cycle takes
place over the ocean.
a. groundwater, lakes, and clouds
b. liquid water, frozen water, and water vapor 18. How does an iceberg form?
c. gas, steam, and vapor 19. Why are aquifers valuable?
d. groundwater, oceans, and ice
20. What is the difference between a valley glacier
11 How much of Earth's water is fresh water? and a continental glacier?
a. almost all
b. about half
c. very little
d. none
Conditions Prediction
31. A bed of permeable
rock lies atop a bed
of impermeable rock;
rainfall is plentiful.
32. Heavy snows fall in
a region that has
year-round freezing
33. A large depression is
21. OBSERVE Describe what the water in the hose left in impermeable
is doing. rock by a glacier.
22. IDENTIFY EFFECTS Explain what effect the water 34. Water from farm
in the jug has on the water in the hose. Why fields and gardens
does the water rise in the hose? runs off into ponds.
Analyzing Data
In an experiment to study the effect of heating on evaporation, identical pans
of water were placed for two hours under different types of lights. The tem-
perature of the air just above each pan was measured with a thermometer
every 30 minutes. The amount of evaporation was determined by subtracting
the amount of water in the pan at the end of two hours from the amount
that was in the pan at the beginning. The data table shows the results. Study
the data and answer the questions below.
1. What is the relationship between the air 4. The dependent variable in an experiment is the
temperature and the evaporation rate? factor that is measured to gather results. Which is
a. There is no relationship between the temperature the dependent variable in this experiment?
and the rate. a. the amount of evaporation
b. As the temperature increases, the rate decreases. b. the amount of water in each pan in
c. As the temperature increases, the rate stays the beginning
the same. c. the type of light
d. As the temperature increases, the rate increases. d. the air temperature
2. If the air temperature averaged 27°C (80°F), about 5. Which change would make the results of this
how much water would evaporate in two hours? experiment more reliable?
a. 28 mL c. 48 mL a. conducting the experiment for four hours
b. 38 mL d. 58 mL b. decreasing the amount of water in the pans
c. increasing the air temperature for one pan
3. The constants in this experiment are the factors
that stay the same for all three pans. Which of the d. using a fan to blow air on one of the pans
following is a constant?
a. the type of light
b. the size of the pans
c. the air temperature above the water
d. the amount of evaporation
6. Kori notices that a pond at his summer camp is 7. Juanita's family gets water from a well on their
filled with more soil and plants each year. ranch. Each time a well has gone dry, they have
Explain how this change fits into the pattern had to dig a new one that was deeper than the old
of how ponds change over time. one. Explain why they have needed to go deeper.
Key Concepts
Fresh water is an
essential resource.
Learn how water is needed
for life and how water is
used for human activities.
Society depends on
clean and safe water.
Learn how water is made
safe for drinking and how
wastewater is treated.
Vllater shortages
threaten society.
Learn about the causes of
water shortages and about
ways to conserve water.
Internet Preview
Chapter 12 online resources:
Content Review, Simulation,
Visualization, two Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial,
Test Practice
Review concepts and vocabulary.
~~ --~. ~~
Lake Erie
St. Louis
Mississippi River
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is one of many cities by
rivers. Here the Allegheny and the Monongahela
rivers come together to form the Ohio River.
0 Look at the Water Use sheet, and from it, identify other ways that you and
others in your household use water.
Add up how many liters of water you use in a day, and multiply that by 7.
This is how much water you use in a week.
In the United States, about 40 percent of the water that is used goes to
growing crops and raising livestock. Any kind of farm depends on water These green irrigated
to grow plants for food and to raise animals. To grow oranges, a farm fields are circular because
needs about 0.25 centimeters (0.1 in.) of rainfall a day. To produce one the metal sprinklers move
like clock hands from a
hamburger can require 5000 liters (1300 gal.) of water or more because center point
animals not only drink water but also eat grass and grain that use water.
In many areas, rainfall does not provide enough water to support
crops and animals. In these drier areas, farmers draw water from
aquifers, rivers, or lakes to grow crops. The process of supplying water
to land to grow crops is irrigation.
A common method of irrigation pours water
through canals and waterways so that it flows
~~~.., ~ .
through the fields. A little more than half of U.S.
farms that are irrigated use this method, which is
called flood irrigation. Most of the other farms that
irrigate use spray irrigation, which sprays water onto
the fields. You can think of lawn sprinklers as an
example of spray irrigation for grass. On farms, the
water often is delivered by metal structures that roll
around entire fields.
...~+~. ~ ~,
~ ~~.rnrl~
Not so long ago, water wheels could be seen dotting
the rivers of America. The force of the river turned the
water wheel, which powered machinery in factories such
as grain mills. In dams, electricity is generated in a similar
way. A dam is a structure that holds back and controls
the flow of water in a river or other body of water.
At a hydroelectric dam built across a river, water
rushing through the dam turns machines called turbines,
generating electricity. Even electric plants that are not
powered by rivers use water. For example, many plants
use coal or nuclear power to heat water, creating steam
that turns the turbines. Nuclear power stations also use
water to cool the system.
At a hydroelectric plant,
water flowing through
Dams and other structures alter rivers.
a dam spins turbines to
produce electricity.
When a dam is built on a river, the landscape and the shape of a river
are greatly changed. Below the dam, the speed and volume of water
flow may change, making a new ecosystem. Behind the dam, water
may collect and form a lake covering what once had been a river valley.
In some locations, a lake behind a dam is used as a source of
fresh water. A lake that is used to store water is called a reservoir
(REHZ-uhr-vwAxx). Some dams are built solely for the purpose
of creating a reservoir, and many communities rely on reservoirs for
their water needs. Some reservoirs provide opportunities for boating
and other recreational activities.
Dams have purposes in addition to providing hydroelectric power
and forming reservoirs. Dams may also be built to control rivers that
flow too fast or too unpredictably for boats to use them. These dams
might separate a river into sections of different elevations, like steps in
a staircase. To allow boats to climb or descend these steps and move to
VOCABULARY the next river section, locks are built at the dams. A lock is a section
Add a description wheel for of waterway, closed off by gates, in which the water level is raised or
lock in your notebook.
lowered to move ships through.
In addition to rivers with dams, locks are used in canals and rivers
that connect lakes of different elevations. Locks are also used in canals
that slope upward and then downward, such as the Panama Canal.
The Panama Canal is dug into a strip of land between the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans, allowing ships a handy shortcut.
READING Why do ships need to use locks?
valley was fertile for more than 4000 years. Yet today farmers need
to add chemical fertilizers to grow their crops.
Dams can also cause problems for fish. When a dam blocks a
river, salmon and steelhead cannot reach their breeding grounds.
People have tried to solve this problem by installing fish ladder
structures along dams that allow fish to climb up the river.
■ ~-~ ~~
~. r
Locks and dams on the upper Mississippi River have divided the river
into a series of sections that flow downhill like a staircase. This is Lock
WISCON~~IN and Dam #11 near Dubuque, Iowa.
Dubuque J 1
Mississippi River Locks and Dams
Davenport 'y
v:~~{, ©.J -\
,~; Quincy, Illinois
Lock and Dam #21
o` elevation: 143 meters
`~~ ~ <<'
Dubuque, Iowa ,. ;
Quincy Lock and Dam #11
ILLINOIS Elevation: 184 meters
Davenport, Iowa
Lock and Dam #14
Elevation: 174 meters
St. Louis
'.: 50 100 miles
0 100 kilometers
Fish in an Aquarium
A fish requires a certain minimum amount of water to survive.
If you plan to keep fish in an aquarium, you can calculate the
volume of the aquarium to be sure it will contain enough water.
Click on Math Tutorial for
more help finding the vo+l- ~ Example 1
' f ume of a rectangular prism. ~~
a An aquarium is 50 centimeters
long, 30 centimeters wide,
and 40 centimeters high. 40 cm
How many liters of water
will it hold?
Solution 50 cm ''' 30 cm
Use the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism.
Volume = length x : idth x height Write a word equation.
V = Iwh Replace the words with
= 50 cm x 30 cm x 40 cm Substitute 50 for 1, 30 for
w, and 40 for h.
= 60,000 cm3 Multiply. Note that cm3 is
a cubic centimeter.
= 60,000 mL Each cubic centimeter
holds a milliliter.
= 60 L Because there are 1000
milliliters in one liter, divide
60,000 by 1000.
NSWER The aquarium holds 60 liters of water. ~
Treatment makes water safe for drinking.
;SUPPORTING MAIN IDEAS When you wash your face or brush your teeth, do you ever wonder
Remember to start a new where the water comes from? It depends on where you live. In many
~;~ chart for each main idea.
places, water is pumped from a nearby well dug into an underground
aquifer. If you live in a big city such as New York City or San Francisco,
the water may travel a great distance to arrive at your sink. It is piped to
.~ ~ the city from reservoirs that may be many miles away. Then it is stored in
tanks or in a local reservoir before flowing through pipes to your home.
Quality Standards
Fresh water can contain a variety of harmful substances and organisms.
Certain substances and organisms may be present naturally, but others
get into water because of pollution from human activity. Some of the
impurities in water are safe for humans to drink in small quantities.
However, when impurities reach high concentrations, they can harm
people. A concentration is the amount of a substance that is in another
substance. For example, soft drinks have a high concentration of sugar
in water. Concentrations are often expressed in parts per million.
A government agency called the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) sets standards for safe, clean drinking water. The EPA standards
are guidelines for the protection of our natural water sources and the
quality of the water that reaches our homes. Government agencies in
states and local communities enforce laws based on the EPA standards.
The EPA lists standards for harmful organisms that can cause
disease. It also lists safe levels for copper and certain other metals
that can be found in water. In addition, the EPA checks for a variety
of chemicals and harmful radioactive materials.
Your local water provider regularly tests the water to make sure
it meets the EPA requirements. If any concentrations are higher than
the EPA standards, the water must be treated. As a result, the United
States has one of the safest, cleanest water supplies in the world. Students test river
How does a water provider know that it must water in West Virginia
for pollutants.
treat water?
Mercury Natural deposits; refineries and factories; landfills; crop fields 0.002
Nitrite Water running off fertilized fields; sewage leaks; natural deposits 1
Treatment of Drinking Water
~ VISUALIZATION In a water treatment plant, thousands of gallons of water flow through
a series of tanks, where the water is filtered and treated with chemicals
See a water treatment to remove harmful substances and kill organisms. The major steps are
plant in action.
chemical disinfection and the removal of dirt.
Sewage System
A sewage system is a system that collects and treats wastewater
from a city or a town. Sewage pipes carry wastewater from homes
and businesses to a water treatment plant.
In the first part of treatment, wastewater is strained to remove
large objects. Then the water is pumped into a tank, where it sits until
the heaviest sludge sinks to the bottom. The sludge is taken away to
decompose in another tank. Then chlorine is added to the water to kill
the harmful bacteria. This process removes about half of the pollutants.
During the second part of the process, extra oxygen is pumped
into the wastewater. The oxygen causes certain kinds of bacteria to grow
in great numbers. These bacteria consume much of the sludge and oil
that is still in the water. In other words, these tiny organisms
help clean the water. More sludge also settles out, and grease is Water Use Cycle
skimmed off the top. Chemicals clean the water one more
time and remove any extra chlorine. mater treat~en~
,:' ~.
~~. titer treat
urban —_,_,.~11 _- .
sewer pipes
sewer pipes
treated water`.
Cleaner water
r Solids in the water are
flows out and
broken down by bacteria
spreads and sinks
or sink to the tank bottom.
in the ground.
• Illegal dumping of
toxic chemicals
• Water and pollut-
ants running off
• Improper disposal of household from streets
batteries, chemicals, and motor oil • Unsafe disposal of
• Use of fertilizers and pesticides motor oil and other
• Poorly functioning septic systems products
• Improper disposal of
factory wastewater
• Poorly functioning
sewage systems
• Dumping of raw
wastewater when • Heavy use of fertilizers and
sewage systems cannot pesticides
handle heavy rainfall
• Leaks and spills of animal
• Animals grazing near rivers
and lakes
visuA~s Identify three examples of point-source pollution.
Q Procedure 1
Make a data table for Part One like the one shown on the
sample Science Notebook page on page 411.
• 8 each of three types of Test the three different known contaminated water samples
indicator strips with the three types of indicator strips. Dip one of each strip
~~ • watch with second hand into the solution and instantly remove it. A positive result causes
• "pesticide-contaminated" a color change. Make your observations of color changes exactly
water sample 30 seconds after dipping the strip. Observe and note the results
• "bacteria-contaminated"
in your table so you know what a positive
water sample
result looks like for each contaminant.
• "chemical-contaminated"
water sample Do not reuse test strips. You need fresh
• pure distilled water strips for each water sample.
• 4 unknown water Test the pure distilled water with
samples the three types of indicator strips and
note your results.
step 2
A water-testing company has mixed up four
water samples taken from the following
locations: a runoff stream from an agricul-
tural field, a river near a factory, a pond on
a dairy farm, and a mountain
stream. You will test the four
unknown samples using the
same procedures as above to
~~. determine which sample has
which contaminant. You will then
'C~ EMlG A~- ~EO~
~~N T.1M/NA B determine which location the
sample most likely came from.
Make a data table for Part Two like the one 3. IDENTIFY LIMITS What limitations does
C~ shown on the sample Science Notebook below. this type of testing pose for real-life water-
quality technicians?
Test each water sample as in step 2, Part One. 4. APPLY A runoff pool is contaminated
Record your observations as you test each
with bacteria, chemicals, and pesticides.
unknown sample with each indicator strip.
How would your water-testing results
Note all color changes you observe.
appear for a sample from this pool?
Consult the chart you completed in Part One as
`-u-' you perform tests to determine which type of Q INVESTIGATE Further
contaminant each unknown sample contains.
From this information determine which location CHALLENGE Design a procedure to test
the sample probably came from. unknown water samples that have numerous
Q Conclude
1. COMPARE How did your results in Part
One compare with your results in Part Two?
2. EVALUATE What part of this investigation
was the most difficult? Why?
of Unknown
Table 2. Test Results
with Probable
Q Toliters,
calculate the price of gasoline in
multiply the price per gallon
by 0.26.
toilet leaks 5%
dishwashing 3%
The chart above shows how Americans use water each day. The
amount that each American uses on average-168 liters—is higher than
in most parts of the world. Note that S percent of the amount—more
~ han 8 liters—is wasted by leaking toilets.
underground pipes. The second way is to reuse water. Many cities reuse Learn more about water
treated wastewater for landscaping. The third method is to recycle water,
or use water again for the same purpose.
Farmers can conserve water by using drip irrigation instead of
spraying water. They can change the grooves in their fields so the
water stays in the soil longer. Most industries can use water at least
twice before returning it to a river or lake. For example, water used
to cool machines can be recycled back through the same system.
At home, people can change their plumbing and their habits.
Low-flow toilets and showerheads can cut water use in half. People
conserve water by turning off the faucet while brushing their teeth,
taking shorter showers, and running the dishwasher only when it is full.
Leaking pipes and dripping faucets in homes cause huge amounts of
water to be wasted. Repair and maintenance of plumbing systems would
reduce water use greatly.
READING What are the three main ways in which people conserve water?
the water of the Rio Grande. New Mexico's largest city, Albuquerque,
continues to expand, increasing
The Rio Grande begins its flow demand for Rio Grande water.
Santa Fe ~
in Colorado. The agreement ;~'~
states that Colorado must Albuquerque
allow a certain amount of
water to flow into New Mexico. ~! NEW New Mexico has dams and reservoirs ARKA
~ MEXICO to store reserves of water.
Las Cruces•
• EI Paso
Ciudad Juarez So much water is used
n i `~ upstream that the riverbed
By 2050 the population between EI Paso and Presidio, `~
of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Texas, is sometimes dry. LOUISIANA
Presidio ~: ~
could be larger than all of
New Mexico's population. ~: TEXAS
A recent photograph shows how
Where water flows across the boundaries of nations, much the lake has shrunk.
pollution can flow across as well. One example of this
problem is the Danube River in Europe. This river begins in
the Black Forest in Germany. It empties into the Black Sea on the coast
of Romania. As it flows through the cities of Vienna, Budapest, and
Belgrade, more and more pollution is added to the water. Seventeen
countries border either the Danube River or the Black Sea. To protect the
river and the sea, as well as to manage use of the river water, 11 nations
made an agreement among themselves and the European Union.
They agreed to cooperate to prevent pollution of the water and to
conserve and use water from the Danube sensibly. They also agreed
to conserve and protect groundwater.
Some national and international water pollution problems are hard
to solve. States in the northeastern United States are concerned about
acid rain. Particle pollution from factories to the west is collected in
clouds. Then the wind blows the clouds across the Eastern states, and
acid rain falls in lakes and rivers that are far from the source. The acid
rain can kill plants, as well as fish and other animals.
New Sources
Can people find new sources of fresh water? The answer, at first, seems
obvious. Just remove the salt from seawater. In dry regions, such as
Israel, Lebanon, and some coastal towns in California and Florida, peo-
`-- ple are trying to obtain fresh water this way. The process of removing
VOCABULARY salt from ocean water is called desalination (dee-SAL-ih-NAY-shun).
Add a description wheel Some treatment plants use a method similar to the natural water cycle.
for desalination in your
notebook. Salt water is evaporated, and salt is left behind. Then water vapor is
condensed, or returned to liquid form, as fresh water.
If this process were easy and inexpensive, water shortages might
never happen. However, desalination can cost five times as much as
normal water treatment. Therefore, it is not a solution that will work
for most countries. As technology improves, the cost may go down.
Another possible source of fresh water is icebergs. Icebergs contain
millions of liters of fresh water. However, the process of towing an
iceberg to a city before it melts is too expensive to be practical.
'..F.kfi .. . .
Drip Irrigation
In drip irrigation, water bubbles out of pipes
lying on or just above the ground throughout
a field or orchard. The water reaches
the ground quickly and in small amounts,
so little is lost to runoff or evaporation.
Farmers growing fruits and vegetables
frequently use this system.
1. ANALYZING Compare the amounts of labor, machinery,
and water used in each irrigation system. Which system
uses water most efficiently? In what climate regions is this
most important? Why would farmers choose a system that
uses water less efficiently?
2. CHALLENGE Create a model of a flood irrigation system.
Use dirt in a pan, with toothpicks to represent crops. Make
ditches that send water evenly throughout the "field." As
you pour water into your system, note any soil loss that may
occur. How can you fix this problem?
3. Which term can be used to describe the 15. In a sewage system, what is added to kill
amount of a harmful substance in fresh water? harmful bacteria?
a. chlorine c. bacteria
4. Which term would be used for waste flowing
from a factory pipe? b. sand d. soap
5. Select the term for what a city uses to collect 16. The term for pollution that can be traced to a
and treat wastewater. specific location is
a. water pollution
6. Which term would describe oil running off b. point-source pollution
from a parking lot during a rainstorm?
c. nonpoint-source pollution
7. What word describes a period when there is d. runoff pollution
little or no rainfall?
8. What process is used to obtain fresh water Short Answer Write a short answer to
from seawater? each question.
9. Which term describes a method for treating 17. How are aquifers depleted?
home wastewater in an underground tank?
18. How are EPA standards used to protect
fresh water?
Reviewing Key Concepts 19. How does the practice of organic farming
help prevent water pollution?
Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the
best answer. 20. What problems do people have sharing water
10. Which type of irrigation pours water through from the Rio Grande?
canals and waterways?
a. flood irrigation c. drip irrigation
b. spray irrigation d. reservoir irrigation
11. A channel dug to allow boats to travel from
one river to another is an example of a
a. canal c. reservoir
b. lake d. sewage system
Hoover Dam
~ os Angeles solution
~~~1~ B ~~ 1~~~ .~
The Colorado River runs from Colorado to the 27. PROVIDE EXAMPLES Look again at the photo-
Gulf of California. In California water is needed graph on pages 390-391. Now that you have
for 17 million people and also to irrigate 3642 finished the chapter, how would you change
square kilometers (900,000 acres) of farmland. your response to the question on the photo-
The Colorado provides 60 percent of this water. graph?
21. OBSERVE Through which states and countries 28. SEQUENCE Draw a diagram of the path that
does the Colorado River flow? fresh water travels before and after humans
use it. Show where freshwater comes from,
22. EXAMPLES What are three ways in which how it is treated, how it arrives at our homes,
water from the Colorado is probably used? how it leaves our homes as wastewater, how
it is treated again, and how it reenters the
23. INFER What conflicts probably exist between water cycle.
the states of California and Arizona?
24. PREDICT As populations grow in Las Vegas,
southern California, and San Luis, Mexico, what UNIT PRAJECT ~
problems will arise? How can they be solved? If you need to do an experiment for your unit
project, gather the materials. Be sure to allow
25. CONNECT Do you think states should receive enough time to observe results before the
equal shares of the water in the Colorado project is due.
River? Explain your answer.
Analyzing a Graph
The line graph below shows the amount of a chemical found in a stream.
During the period shown, a factory opened and released water into the
stream. Later, a wastewater treatment plant opened and treated water from
the factory before it entered the stream. Study the graph and use it to answer
the first six questions below.
..~....~.o...,.~ .,.~.-~°-
Chapter 12: Freshwater Resources 423
Ocean Systems
What causes
The oceans are a these waves?
connected system of
water in motion.
Key Concepts
The oceans are a
connected system.
Learn about ocean water
and the ocean floor.
Ocean water moves
in currents.
Learn about currents and
how they interact with
climate and weather.
Waves move
through oceans.
Learn how waves form and
move through the ocean.
Waters rise and fall
in tides.
Learn how tides are related
to the Sun and the Moon.
Internet Preview
Chapter 13 online resources:
Content Review, Simulation,
Visualization, three
Resource Centers, Math
Tutorial, Test Practice
Internet Activity:
The Ocedn Floor
Go to to expose the ocean floor
by draining all of the water out of the ocean.
Observe and Think ~_~ __
How are the features of
the ocean floor similar
to features on land? McDougal Littell Science
How are they different?
~~ xH.<. fen!'t Wn.n
• r• Uw OKw I.[try YraYv vr.N~..IYJRMI
~,~_ MM4~MMMN.MvbF.l.y.YM1MN
Review concepts and vocabulary.
One taste will convince you that ocean water is salty. Every 1000
VOCABULARY grams of seawater contains an average of 35 grams of salt. Salinity
Add word triangles for (suh-LIHN-ih-tee) is a measure of the amount of dissolved salt
salinity and density to
your notebook. contained in water. The ocean contains many different kinds of salts.
However, sodium chloride accounts for most of the ocean's salinity.
The elements that make up salts are found in rocks and minerals.
Over time, rain and rivers wash some of these elements into the sea.
The elements that make up salts also enter the ocean when under-
water volcanoes erupt. Natural processes also remove salt from the
ocean. Because salt is added as well as removed, the ocean's overall
salinity does not change much over time. The ocean's salinity has
stayed constant for the past 1.5 billion years.
Water that contains dissolved solids, such as salts, is heavier than
the same amount of water with no dissolved solids. In other words,
salt water has a greater density than fresh water. Density is a measure
of the amount of matter packed into a given volume.
The higher water's salt content, the greater its density. The denser the
water, the more easily things float in it. As you can see in the photograph
on page 429, the Dead Sea is so salty (and dense) that people can float
easily on the surface.
Fresh water has fewer Ocean water is more dense The Dead Sea is about ten
dissolved solids than salt than fresh water because it times saltier than the ocean,
water, so it is less dense has more dissolved solids. so Dead Sea water is more
than salt water. dense than ocean water.
Some parts of the ocean are saltier than others. When water
evaporates from the ocean, the salts are left behind, causing the
remaining water to become even saltier. Ocean water is especially salty
in places where water evaporates quickly, such as in shallow areas and
warm climates. Salinity is also higher in very cold areas, where the
ocean water freezes. When ice forms on the ocean, the salt is left in
the water below.
Salinity is lower in areas where the ocean is diluted by fresh water.
For example, seawater has lower salinity in places where rivers empty
into the ocean. Similarly, the ocean's salinity is lower in areas where a
lot of rain falls.
Surface Temperature
The temperature of the ocean's surface varies by location.
The ocean floor has canyons, mountains, and many other features.
Submarine canyons ~
cut through the continen-
tal shelf and slope.
An abyssal plain
is a wide, flat area of
the ocean floor that is
covered with a thick
layer of sediment.
A continental shelf
is the flat or gradually
sloping land that extends
underwater from the
edge of a continent to a
continental slope. A continental
slope is land that
drops down steeply
at the edge of a
continental shelf.
Ocean trenches are
narrow, steep-sided clefts
in the ocean floor.
Volcanic islands
are underwater
volcanoes tall
A mid-ocean ridge enough to reach
is a chain of mountains above the surface.
that run through an
ocean basin.
are underwater
In shallow
areas sonar
is reflected
more quickly
than in deep
-~ J
To measure sea-floor depth, ships aim The time it takes for the echo to return
sound waves at the ocean floor. depends on the depth of the ocean floor.
Sonar can provide detailed images of small areas of the ocean
floor. For mapping large areas, satellite imaging is much more efficient.
Satellites can detect tiny bumps and dips in the ocean's height. These
small surface differences reveal the shape of the ocean floor. For example,
water levels are slightly higher over seamounts and lower over trenches.
Because of its vast size and the challenges of exploring it, the ocean
still holds many secrets. Exploration continues to bring new discoveries
of geological formations and events.
READING What are two methods used in mapping the ocean floor?
Example 1
You can draw an approxi-
Approximate Cross Section of the Ocean Floor mate cross section of part
Position of the ocean floor by mak-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ing aline graph of the
data. To graph the data,
0 —~ think of each column in
Ocean depth (meters)
The continents are shown in black ~ 2. Which position is the deepest, and what is the depth there?
and the ocean floor is colored in
~~ 3. Shade the part of the graph that is underwater.
this satellite image. High points are
orange and yellow, and the lowest
points are deep blue-purple. CHALLENGE Does your graph accurately represent the ocean
floor between positions 5 and 6? Explain your reasoning.
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• The ocean is explored with • What causes ocean currents
sonar and satellite imaging • How currents distribute heat
• The ocean floor is a varied around the globe
landscape • How currents interact with
• The ocean contains dissolved climate and weather
salts and gases
North Pacrfic
North Equatorial
S. Equatorial
—Tropic of Capricorn-m
m ~°'c
Antarctic Circle
` 50~W S20`,W •0' W`ti0 ~30°,W 30' E 60° E 94° E 120" E 150=E
VISUALS Which currents could be used for sailing east across the Atlantic Ocean?
occurs as
deeper water
rises to replace
the surface
water that has
moved away.
The water rising to the surface
is rich in nutrients. Many
fisheries are located in areas
of upwelling because ocean
animals thrive there.
READING COMPARE AND CONTRAST These two towns are at about the same latitude,
VISUALS or distance from the equator. Ice can be found off the coast of La Scie,
Newfoundland. Ice is never found off the coast of Fowey, England, which
has mild weather year-round. What might explain this difference? Hint: the
answer has to do with the Gulf Stream.
;~~, ~~y RESOURCE CENTER You have read that currents move water from one place to another.
In contrast, waves do not transport water. Waves move energy. They
Explore ocean waves. move through water, but the water stays more or less in the same
place. Follow the drawings on page 443 to see how water particles move
in a circle as a wave passes through. If waves do not transport water,
how do surfers zip toward shore on waves? Surfers are powered by the
energy traveling in the waves. Waves transport energy, not water.
Most waves affect only the water near the surface of the ocean.
Water particles farther down move in smaller circles than particles near
the surface. Below a certain depth, the waves no longer affect the water.
wave direction
After waves break on
shore, the water runs
down the beach back
'a~ into the ocean.
, ~
When waves break on a beach, the water runs back down the sand
into the ocean. If the shore is steeply sloped toward the water, the
water may rush back to sea forcefully. An undertow is the pull
of the water as it runs back to sea. Undertows maybe dangerous.
Some are strong enough to knock a person off his or her feet and
into the waves.
Water particles rise as a wave
crest approaches.
Wave Structure .Jw".-
.- ~`. . . .
is the distance
between one wave At the crest, water particles have
crest and the next. moved in a semicircle.
The trough
is the low
point of the
Incoming waves
push sand up the
beach at an angle.
The sand
down the
Wave 11/lovement
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE The particles in liquid water
are constantly moving. Surfers, boaters, and people in inner
tubes enjoy the effects of this motion—even though they never
see what is happening at the particle level. How do water parti-
cles move in waves? In this investigation you will
• observe the movements of a floating object as waves pass
through water
• use your observations to draw conclusions about how
water particles move in waves
Q, Problem
What does the motion of a floating object reveal about the
movement of water particles in a passing wave?
• small aquarium or clear,
Write ~
shoebox-size container Q Hypothesize It Up l
• water
• small plastic dropping Write a hypothesis to explain what the motion of a floating
bottle or plastic spice object might reveal about how water particles move in a wave.
container, with cap Your hypothesis should take the form of an "If . . . ,then . . . ,
because . . ." statement.
Q Procedure
Il Fill the aquarium or clear container with cold tap water until it is
three-quarters full.
~3 Make the small bottle float with its top just below the surface
of the water. You can accomplish this in several ways. First, try
adding warm water to the bottle, then securely capping it with-
out air bubbles. See if it will float. You can add salt to the bottle
to move the bottle lower in the water. If the bottle is too low,
you can trap a small air bubble under the
cap to move the bottle higher in the
water. Adjust these factors until you
successfully float the bottle. The
investigation will also work if the
top of the bottle just touches the
water's surface.
; ~;
Unit 3: Earth's Waters
Push your hand back and forth in the water at 6. IDENTIFY LIMITS In what ways was
one end of the aquarium for about 30 seconds, this experiment limited in showing particle
to produce waves. movement? Identify possible sources of error.
Gently place the small bottle back into the center 7. PREDICT How do you think particle
of the aquarium. With your eyes level with the motion in a wave with a tall wave height
water surface, observe the motion of the waves might differ from that in a wave with a short
and the bottle. Repeat as many times as needed wave height?
until you notice the bottle behaving the same 8. SYNTHESIZE In this lab you made waves
way with each passing wave. with your hand. In the ocean, most waves are
caused by wind. Earthquakes, landslides, and
Write ~ other events also cause waves in the ocean.
Q Observe and Analyze It Up
What do earthquakes, landslides, wind, and
your hand have in common that allows all of
1. RECORD Make a diagram showing the
them to make waves?
aquarium setup, including the water, the
waves, and the small bottle. Use arrows to
show how the bottle moved as waves passed. Q INVESTIGATE Further }
Or you may draw several diagrams of the
aquarium, showing the bottle at different CHALLENGE Redesign this experiment in
locations as waves passed. Label the various a way you think will better demonstrate the
parts of the waves. particle motion in a water wave. You need not
2. ANALYZE Did the bottle travel with the limit yourself to the materials you used in this
wave? Why or why not? lab. Why will your version of the experiment
work better?
Write 1
Q Conclude It Up
Daily Tides
The diagram below shows the two bulges of ocean water: one on the VISUALIZATION
side of Earth closest to the Moon, and the other on the opposite side ~~~~T
of Earth. At these bulges, it is high tide. Between the two bulges are Watch daily tides in
dips. At these dips, it is low tide. As Earth rotates, different parts of it
pass through the bulges and the dips. As a result, most places experience
two high tides and two low tides each day.
Daily Tides
Not to stole.
Indirect High Tide The
Moon's gravity also pulls
on Earth itself. Earth is
pulled toward the Moon,
leaving behind a bulge of
water on the side farthest READING Which parts of Earth are experiencing high tides,
from the Moon. VISUALS and which parts are experiencing low tides?
How does the Moon make tides? Making models
Q Cut the Tides datasheet in two, along the dotted line. Cut out the map of
Earth on the bottom half of the sheet.
Q Use a paper fastener to connect the two pieces as shown in the photograph. • Tides datasheet
• scissors
0 Now you are ready to model the tides. Rotate Earth one full turn in the direc-
tion of the arrow. One full turn is equal to one day.
• brass paper
Monthly Tides
Spring Tide
Neap Tide
How are Earth, the Moon, and the Sun positioned during
spring tides? How are they positioned during neap tides?
The dam's gates are open as the When the tide begins to lower, the At low tide, the gates open and
tide rises. Notice that the water gates close, trapping water behind the water rushes out, spinning
level is the same on both sides. the dam. turbines that generate electricity.
Tidal dams cause much less pollution than many other methods of
generating electricity. Also, tides are a renewable source of energy; the
tides are not used up in the process. However, tidal dams have some
drawbacks. Few places in the world are actually suitable for such
dams. Another problem is that the times of day when tidal dams gen-
erate electricity might not be the times of day when people most need
electricity. Tidal dams also sometimes block the paths of migrating
fish and might hurt marine life by altering the regular flow of water.
Tidal Energy
Tidal power plants can work only in a few locations in the world.
The best locations for tidal energy plants are ones with large differ-
ences between high and low tides. Why can't tides make electricity
just anywhere?
The first and largest tidal energy Under Pressure
plant in the world is in northern
France, where the Rance River Each of these jugs contains the
enters the English Channel. The same amount of water. Water
plant opened in 1966. sprays out of the hole at the bottom
of each—but why does it spray
farther out of the narrow jug? The
water pressure is greater in the tall,
narrow jug because the water is
deeper. The width of the jug does
not matter—just the depth. The
deeper the water, the greater the
water pressure. The higher the
water pressure, the faster the water
comes out of the hole and the farther the water sprays.
1. APPLY When the water trapped behind a dam is released,
it is channeled through openings in the dam and spins the
turbines. From what you've learned about water pressure,
where do you think the openings are, toward the top of
the dam or toward the bottom? Explain your reasoning.
2. CHALLENGE Make a model of atidal-energy plant. Use
the side of a milk jug as a base, modeling clay to make the
basin, and pieces of plastic for the dam and gates. Try dif-
ferent shapes for your basin and different sizes of gates to
see how fast you can get the water to flow.
Reviewing Key Concepts 12. Explain why Earth's oceans are actually parts
of one connected body of water.
Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the
best answer. 13. Describe the relationship between ocean
temperature and depth.
4. Warm water stays at the ocean surface because
14. What are the characteristics of a wave? Copy
a. it is less dense than cold water the drawing below onto your paper, and label
b. it is more dense than cold water each part.
c. it is saltier than cold water
d. it has more carbon dioxide than cold water
5. Sonar measures ocean depth by means of
a. weighted lines c. sound waves
b. light waves d. magnets
6. Surface currents are caused by
a. waves c. density
b. winds d. heat
17. COMPARE AND CONTRAST How are space 23. IDENTIFY CAUSE AND EFFECT Look again at the
exploration and ocean exploration similar? photograph on pages 424-425. Now that you
How are they different? have finished the chapter, explain what is caus-
ing the waves in the photograph. Also explain
18. PROVIDE EXAMPLES How could a change in the
what might cause the water level to rise and
direction of a surface current in the ocean
cover the area where the surfer is standing.
affect weather? Give examples of the weather
in an area before and after the change. 24. SYNTHESIZE One system can interact with
another system. The oceans are a connected
19. INFER If global winds were to change, which
system of water in motion. The solar system
ocean motions would be affected?
is the Sun and its family of orbiting planets,
20. APPLY During a violent storm that causes huge moons, and other objects. Describe a connec-
waves to form on the ocean's surface, a subma- tion between the solar system and the
rine glides deep underwater, unaffected by the ocean system.
waves above. Explain why.
Analyzing a Table
The table below shows the times of high and low tides at a location on the
Atlantic Ocean coast. Use the table to answer the questions below.
1. On which day was there a high tide at 7:48 P.M.? 4. Which of the following graphs best represents the
a. Monday c. Wednesday tides during one day?
b. Tuesday d. Thursday a. s~_
Extended Response
Answer the two questions below in detail.
5. How could you use a cork and a tank of water to 6. The beaker contains both salt water and fresh
demonstrate that waves transport energy, not water. Why do the two liquids form layers? Use
water? You may include a diagram as part of your the words salinity and density in your response.
response if you wish.
fresh water
salt water
-N ~~~~'
People have been studying ocean waves and currents at least 345 B.c.
since Egyptians sailed in the Mediterranean Sea more than Alexander Goes Undersea?
5000 years ago. Almost 3000 years ago, Phoenicians in the According to legend, Macedonia's
Mediterranean and Polynesians in the South Pacific understood powerful ruler Alexander the Great
has himself lowered into the ocean
enough to sail the open sea with confidence. More than 2000
in a glass ball so that he can explore
years ago, people developed special gear to provide divers what lies underwater.
with oxygen so that they could explore the
undersea world.
The timeline shows some historical events
in the study of the ocean. The boxes below the
timeline show how technology has made this
study possible and useful.
360 s.c.
Measuring Ocean Depth
Around 85 a.c., the Greek philosopher Posidonius used a
simple method to answer a simple question. He wanted
to know the depth of the Mediterranean Sea. So he
and a crew sailed out into the sea near Italy. There,
they dropped a weight tied to a very long rope into
the water. When the weight struck bottom, they
measured how much rope they had let out. It was
almost 2 kilometers (about 1 mi). This was the standard
method for measuring depth for almost 2000 years.
Today, instruments on ships emit sound waves that
bounce off the sea floor. The instruments then calculate
depth according to how long the sound waves take A sailor in 1916 prepares
to return to the surface.
to lower a weight on a
rope to measure the
ocean's depth.
458 Unit 3: Earth`s Waters i
., .:;d;-
1775 _ ~:. ., ~3iv ___ _
Submarines Allow
Undersea Travel
Connecticut inventor David Bushnell
designs and builds a wooden subma-
rine. It holds enough air for a person
to stay underwater for 30 minlutes.
The Turtle, as his vessel is known, is
among the first to allow people to
travel underwater.
Expedition Surveys the Oceans
The sailing ship Challenger completes
one of the great scientific research
efforts of the 1800s, and returns home to
Great Britain. In 362 locations around
1797 the world, the crew recorded data on
ocean depth, currents, temperature,
Explorer Designs first Diving Suit
and water chemistry. They identified
German mechanic Karl Heinrich
more than 4000 previously unknown
Klingert combines waterproof clothes
species of plants and animals.
and a helmet with two tubes, one for
inhaling and one for exhaling. He
calls his outfit a diving machine. It
allows people to stay underwater for
longer periods than ever before.
Fish with Elbows Caught
Exploration as Entertainment
Among the day's catch of the South African
fisherman Hendrick Goosen is an odd five-foot-long Improvements in underwater breathing gear in the 1940s make
fish with joints in its fins, like elbows and knees. recreational scuba diving possible. Then, a 1951 movie about
Surprised scientists identify it as a coelacanth, a scuba-wearing soldiers, The Frogmen, spurs popular interest
creature they thought had been extinct for in the activity. The movie inspires more people than ever
60 million years. The catch spurs people's before to start exploring the underwater world for themselves.
imaginations about what else the ocean
might contain.
'~ ' i. r
Y~ Robotic Probe Searches Ocean
POODLE, the first remote operated vehicle
.4a, (ROV), is invented. Since ROVs carry no
Ia - 1. people, they allow more research to be done
in deep areas that are difficult for people
to travel to.
Sonar has been a valuable tool for measuring the depth of ?. `L
•t~ .f"Y
the ocean and the landforms along the bottom. Because tem-
perature and salt concentration affect how sound travels, ~. -,~.. ti __
:~ ~,
oceanographers can use sonar to measure these properties
as well. One of sonar's most important early uses was to help ~Y
sailors spot icebergs. Today, industry uses sonar to identify
schools of fish, places likely to have oil, and other features. ./'J ~ ! aE~
Internet Activity:
Ocean Environments
Go to to learn more about
organisms in the ocean. See which plants
and animals live in
r - _ -°'~`°"
different ocean { ®®r-a©tea®®~
environments. `°` . .,
Observe and Think jj` McDougal LitteJl ScFence
What factors or condi-
tions might affect the
kinds of organisms
that can live in each
part of the ocean?
~ ,,..,
Plants and animals must
survive the constant
crashing of waves
against the shore.
visuA~s What organisms can you see in the photograph of low tide?
INVESTIGATE Coastal Environments
How do mussels survive? Designing
Most intertidal zone organisms require water to voua oww —
survive, and they must endure long dry periods during EJ~pE~IMENT
low tides. Mussels close their shells tightly during low MATERIALS
tide and open them during high tide. • small plastic con-
tainers with lids
PROCEDURE • sponges
• water
Q Using the materials listed, design an experiment to demonstrate why
TIME ,;,,
mussels close their shells during low tide.
30 minutes H~
.__ ~_
MAIN IDEA WEB Human activity affects shorelines.
Remember to start a main
idea web in your notebook Coastal environments are home not only to many plants and animals,
-a for this blue heading. but to many humans as well. About half of the world's population lives
within 80 kilometers (50 mi) of a coastline. Big cities and important
commercial ports are often located where rivers meet the sea.
Many people use coastlines and estuaries for recreation, such as
boating, swimming, and fishing.
Human activity can harm the estuary environment. For example,
some coastal wetlands are cleared for shrimp farms and for raising
crops. Other areas are filled in to make new land for houses and other
development. Industry and shipping can disturb wildlife and alter the
estuary habitat. In some places, human waste and other sewage drains
directly into the water.
Even pollution that occurs far away from the shore can affect the
coast. The rivers that empty into estuaries pass through farms and cities.
Along the way, the rivers may pick up pollutants such as pesticides,
fertilizers, oil, and other chemicals. Pollution that washes into the
river—even kilometers away from the shore—will eventually end up
in the estuary.
Governments, local organizations, and individuals work to protect
and preserve shoreline environments in many states. Improved sewage
treatment plants reduce the amount of human waste that ends up in
shoreline environments. Laws that restrict dumping help reduce pol-
lution along shorelines. Many states have shoreline sanctuaries where
plants and animals are protected.
READING What are three ways shorelines are protected?
You can use a double bar graph to analyze the data. A double
bar graph shows two sets of data on the same graph. The first two
bars of the graph are drawn for you below.
(~) Copy the axes and labels. Levels of Lead and
Arsenic in Sediments Lead ~ Arsenic
(2) Draw bars for the lead U
data. Use the scale to so
determine the height of
~~3 60
each bar, as shown. ~~ 40
a~i ~
(3) Draw the arsenic bars o ~ 20
next to the lead bars. io
Machines mounted on (4) Shade the bars in differ- Q~` 0
isso 7~0 ~~c
boats drill down into ent colors. Include a key. Year
the ocean floor to collect
sediment cores.
Make a double bar graph of the data by following the steps
above. Use your graph to answer the following questions.
Cora 1 Reefs
In warm, tropical regions of the globe, the waters near shore support
VOCABULARY coral reefs. Coral reefs are built-up limestone deposits formed by large
A four square diagram colonies of ant-sized organisms called corals. Corals produce a hard
~ would be a good choice
for taking notes about limestone covering that remains after the corals die. New generations
the term coral reef. of corals grow on top of older limestone coverings. Although individual
corals are small, coral reefs can be huge. Australia's Great Barrier Reef
--~— is about 2000 kilometers (1250 mi) long—as long as the distance from
Chicago, Illinois, to San Antonio, Texas.
Corals rely on a special relationship with a kind of algae for almost
all of their food needs. Tiny algae live inside individual corals. Like
plants, the algae use sunlight to produce food through photosynthesis.
The food algae produces provides the coral with most of its nutrition.
In return, the coral provides some nutrients to the algae. Because the
algae need sunlight to survive, coral reefs exist only in the ocean
environment near shore, where sunlight reaches all the way to the
ocean floor.
,~w Pacific Ocean
The anemone can
paralyze most fish with
its stinging tentacles.
Kelp Forests
In cold waters, a seaweed called kelp attaches itself to the ocean floor
and grows as tall as 40 meters (130 ft)—about the length of an airline
jet. Air-filled bulbs on the seaweed's stalks help it to float up toward
the surface and remain upright underwater. Large communities of this
Kelp forests, such as this seaweed form kelp forests. Like plants, kelps use sunlight to produce
one in California, provide food. Because kelps need sunlight and grow in the ocean, kelp forests
food and shelter for many
living things.
Kelp is an ingredient in
many common products
including ice cream.
Kelp can grow up to
33 cm (13 in) each day.
are found only in the waters near shore, where sunlight reaches to the
ocean floor. Thick kelp forests provide habitats for many organisms.
Worms, starfish, lobsters, crabs, abalones, and octopuses are some of the
animals that live among the crowded stands of kelp. Fish find shelter
and food there. Sea otters dining on sea urchins anchor themselves to
the thick mats that the kelps form on the surface.
Why are kelp forests found only in waters near shore?
How do plankton float? ~ ~ ~ ~ Modeling
PIa nk ton a re microscopic orga nisms that drift in the ~,~ yOUR OWN i
ocean, where they are moved about by wind, MATERIALS
waves, and currents. They must stay near the sunlit surface in order to live. • clear container
Because plankton have no muscles, they cannot swim to stay afloat. In this lab, • water
you will construct different-shaped clay models to determine how shape helps • modeling clay
• watch with a
plankton stay near the ocean surface. second hand
~v_.~ =A .~~..
er 4: Ocean Environments 477
Environments in the open ocean change
with depth.
Out in the open ocean, conditions are different from these found in the
waters near shore. Sunlight reaches through only the very top part of
the open ocean. Nutrients sink down to the dark depths. There are no
rocks, reefs, or big plants to provide shelter from predators. The open
ocean covers a huge area but contains fewer living things than the waters
near shore. Life is more spread out in the open ocean.
Surface Zone
The surface zone of the open ocean is the sunlit top 200 meters
(650 ft). Microscopic floating organisms called phytoplankton
(FY-toh-PLANGK-tuhn) live at or near the sunlit surface. Like plants,
phytoplankton convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into food and
oxygen. In fact, phytoplankton convert about as much carbon dioxide
into oxygen as all land plants combined. Phytoplankton are an
important source of the oxygen that you are breathing right now.
READING TIP Tiny floating animals called zooplankton eat phytoplankton.
Word parts can help you Zooplankton and phytoplankton then become food for fish,
remember the meaning
of phytoplankton and
squids, and ocean mammals, such as whales.
zooplankton. The prefix Inhabitants of the surface zone must keep from sinking. To stay
phyto- means "plant"
and the prefix zoo- afloat, phytoplankton bodies have big surface areas and may use air
means "animal." bubbles or oil droplets to stay near the ocean surface. Many fish have an
air-filled organ called an air bladder that helps the fish change depth.
Changing the amount of air in the bladder allows these fish to move
up and down in the water. When the bladder fills with air, the fish floats
up toward the surface. Releasing air from the bladder allows the fish to
dive down into deeper water.
Deep Zone
The dark and cold deep zone of the open ocean lies under the surface
zone. Because sunlight does not reach the deep zone, no plants can
live there. Without plants for food, many deep-sea animals must either
eat each other or rely on food drifting down from above.
The anglerfish in the photograph on page 479 has many of the
common features of deep-sea animals. Its huge mouth and sharp teeth
are typical of predators—animals that hunt and eat other animals.
Many deep-sea animals glow in the dark, as fireflies do. A glowing
extension sticks out from the head of the anglerfish and acts as bait to
attract prey. Animals of the deepest waters often have small eyes—and
some have no eyes at all. Among the animals found in the deep zone
are lantern fish, squids, octopuses, and shrimp.
The surface zone is the
Many kinds of phytoplankton
top 200 meters of the ocean.
and zooplankton live in the
surface zone.
No sunlight
reaches below
this line.
hatchet fish
This extension
glows in the dark
and attracts prey.
Scientists estimate there are about 20 billion
The anglerfish is a predator that lives rattail fish in the ocean—over three times the
in the deep zone. number of people on Earth.
Q oil
Remove the feather and place three spoonfuls of
into the bowl.
/ _
Mean number offish per 100 hooks
'~ .
0 -----------------------------------
h~ X00 X01' <o~` ~o~O ~o~' 10 11' 1~` 1~0 1`b cb0 ~ti ~~` ~b~O ~~ ~O ~1'
1 SOURCE: Census of Mnrine Life
READING What can you conclude about the
VISUALS number of yellowfin tuna left by 1999?
Energy Resources
Oil and gas form from the remains of living organisms. In the ocean,
organisms are concentrated in the waters over the continental shelf.
Oil deposits, therefore, are found near shore. Oil and gas are pumped
from the continental shelf of every continent but Antarctica. About 30
percent of the world's oil is pumped from deposits under the ocean floor.
Huge anchored platforms serve as artificial islands that house
workers and the necessary equipment for drilling offshore oil wells.
The platforms are built to withstand ocean currents, tides, and weather
conditions such as storms. Underwater pipelines carry the oil to shore. Oil is pumped from the
ocean floor at huge
anchored platforms such as
this one in the North Sea.
Offshore Drilling
~• !~.
.~ ~~~~1
~ ~- •
~~ ~~ •
t• ~ ' ~:, ..:
•~ D •~•
i ~.
• •• a
• Oil and gas •~
• Nodules ~~ • • ~
~/ Diamonds •
• ~•~ .
o Gold
• ~•
❑ Tin
l J~
READING Which ocean environment contains most of the known energy and
VISUALS mineral resources?
A mineral you eat is also removed from the ocean. About one-third
of the world's table salt comes from the ocean. Ocean water is left
to evaporate in flat, shallow areas. As the water evaporates, salts are
left behind.
Sand and gravel might not be the first things you think of when
you think of important resources. However, they are building materials
used in concrete and cement. Sand and gravel are currently scraped
off the sea floor in many locations near shore.
Offshore drilling 1%
d eports and Studies No. 115 (Nairobi: U.N. Environment, r yvv~'
Oil spills are dramatic
and disastrous events. Some pollutants are dumped directly into the ocean. Many other
However, most oil pol-
lution in the ocean is
pollutants wash from the land into the ocean or into rivers that flow
washed in from land. into the ocean. Although oil spills are dramatic events that kill many
animals, they account for only a small percentage of the oil pollution
in the ocean. More oil enters the ocean by washing off the land than
by being spilled. In addition to oil, pesticides, fertilizers, and many
other pollutants wash into the ocean from land.
READI'NG What is the source of most of the ocean's oil pollution?
Population Sampling
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE Scientists have found that
overfishing is decreasing the population of many organisms.
They have also found that the population of some other organisms
are increasing. How do scientists know this? They count the
number of individuals in a small measured area, called a quadrat,
then estimate from their counts how many organisms live in a
larger area. Repeated samplings over time allow them to deter-
mine whether populations are growing or decreasing. In this
investigation you will
• count the number of items in a "population" using a
quadrat technique
• use small and large quadrats to form two different
estimates for the size of a "population"
Q Procedure ~
As a class, brainstorm some objects that you might find in your
classroom—for example: pencil, protractor, calculator, or ball cap.
Choose one of those objects to count. You will estimate the
population at your school of this object.
~~ Remove all of the objects that your class decided to count from
bags and drawers. For example, if your class is counting pencils,
everyone should remove all of their pencils from their bags and
place them on their desks.
~— tope
49 Unit 3: Earth's Waters
4. COMPARE How would your population
Q Observe and Analyze '~ It u estimate compare to one done the same way
ten years ago? ten years from now? Explain
1. RECORD Make a data table like the one in your reasoning.
the notebook.
5. IDENTIFY LIMITS What possible
2. CALCULATE Multiply the number of each limitations or sources of error could have
item you counted in your quadrat by four. affected your results?
This will give you an estimate of the number
6. CONNECT How would you need to
of each item in your classroom. Record your
change your procedure if you were sampling
an ocean fish population? Give at least two
3. CALCULATE For this investigation, assume examples.
that each classroom in your school is the
same size as your classroom. Your teacher will
provide you with the number of classrooms in Q INVESTIGATE Further l
your entire school. Multiply your answer from
question 2 by the number of classrooms in CHALLENGE Suppose your quadrat size was
your school. This will give you an estimate of one square meter. How would this have affected
the number of each item in your school. your accuracy? Imagine that you were given a
Record your answer. wooden frame measuring one square meter in
size. How would you change your procedure to
4. CALCULATE Now estimate the population best sample the school "population" using this
of the object in the whole school using the smaller quadrat?
total count from the classroom. Multiply the
total classroom population by the number of
classrooms in your school. This will give you a
second estimate for the population of each
item in your school. Record your answer.
Q Conclude ItUp,'
intertidal zone
~ <~
- 2-3
® 3-4
- 4-5 25. SYNTHESIZE A marine sanctuary is an area
Catch per Hundred Hooks, 1999 - 5-6 of the ocean that is protected from fishing
~ s-s and most human use. An environmental
s-~o organization is trying to decide whether to
>>o establish a marine sanctuary. Based on what
you have learned, write a short letter telling
the organization whether you think a marine
sanctuary is a good idea and in which ocean
zone the sanctuary should be established.
SOURCE: Census of Marine Life ~ B ~~ ~~~+~ ~JI
These maps show data from Japanese fishing 26. COMPARE AND CONTRAST Look again at the
boats of the total numbers of fish that were caught photograph on pages 462-463. Now that you
in 1958 and 1999. The color code shows the have finished the chapter, make a Venn
number of fish caught per 100 hooks on longlines. diagram to answer the question on the photo-
graph in more detail. For information about
19. INTERPRET What do these data show about
Venn diagrams, see page R49.
how ocean fish populations have changed
between 1958 and 1999? 27. PROVIDE EXAMPLES What types of habitats and
resources does the ocean contain? To answer,
20. INFER The data for 1999 were collected over
copy the concept map below into your note-
a wider area than were the data for 1958.
book and add to it. For information about
What might explain the wider area for the
concept maps, see page R49.
1999 data?
Analyzing a Diagram
The diagram below shows a side view of part of the ocean. Use the diagram to
answer the questions below.
Extended Response
killer whale
The illustration on the right shows part of
an ocean food web. Use the illustration to seals and
answer the next two questions in detail. sea lions
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Earth's Atmosphere
Contents Overview
Unit Features
FRONTIERS IN SCIENCE Dust in the Air 498
TIMELINES IN SCIENCE Observing the Atmosphere 606
Weather Patterns
(the ~1~ idea
$omg felt es of weather have predictable patterns.
Learn more about the
scientists studying dust in
the atmosphere. See the
video "Dust Busting."
This map shows the path that dust travels from Africa, across the Atlantic Ocean,
to the Caribbean—a distance of about 5000 kilometers (3000 mi).
A Problem to Solve
Images from space show gigantic clouds of dust traveling from
Africa thousands of kilometers across the Atlantic Ocean.
Weather reports in the Caribbean warn listeners about African
dust storms. Coral and manatees in Caribbean waters show signs
of disease. Are these events connected?
AMERICAN killing the sea fans. But
how could a soil fungus
reach an undersea reef?
View the "Dust Busting" segment
The answer came from
of your Scientific American
geologist Gene Shinn, who
Frontiers video to learn about
knew that global winds
the detective work that went
carry dust from Africa to
into solving the mystery of
the Caribbean. When
sea-fan disease.
Shinn read about Smith's
IN THIS SCENE FROM THE VIDEO research, he hypothesized
Biologist Ginger Garrison shows that aspergillus might be
diseased coral to host Alan Alda. arriving with African dust.
Shinn teamed up with
MYSTERY SOLVED Sea fans are an important part Smith and biologist Ginger Garrison to test the
of the Caribbean coral-reef community, but in hypothesis. They collected Caribbean air samples
the 1970s they began to die off. Recently marine during an African dust event and cultured dust
biologist Garriet Smith was surprised to discover from the samples. Aspergillus grew in their very
that a common soil fungus, called aspergillus, was first cultures.
Strong Connections
Dust storms affect the entire planet. On Mdp the Dust
April 6-8, 2001, soils from the Gobi Desert in Make a map showing how dust arrives
Mongolia and China blew into the air, creating in your area or another location.
a massive dust cloud. Satellite images showed the • Find out what the dust contains and
cloud traveling eastward. A few days later people how it moved there. Collect informa-
in the western United States saw the sky turn a tion from atlases, the Internet, news-
papers, and magazines.
chalky white.
• Prepare your map, including all the
Such observations of atmospheric dust show z
areas you need to show. Include a key,
us how events in one part of -the planet can affect a title, and a compass rose.
living and nonliving things thousands of kilometers .~.,.~,.
away in ways we might not have imagined.
Design do Experiment
Design an experiment to explore how
the atmosphere has changed in the past
or how it is changing today. Research
UNANSWERED Questions the forms of evidence scientists gather
about the state of our atmosphere.
Tiny particles of atmospheric dust may have
huge effects. Yet the more we learn about the • Pick one question to investigate in an
makeup and nature of dust, the more questions experiment. Write a hypothesis.
we have. • List and assemble materials for your
How do dust storms affect human health? experiment. Create a data table and
write up your procedure.
What can dust tell us about climate change?
• Demonstrate or describe your experi-
How can we use information about dust ment for the class.
storms to predict climate change?
How do materials in dust change ecosystems?
Learn about careers in meteorology.
.._ ~ ..
Key Concepts
Earth's atmosphere
supports life.
Learn about the materials that
make up the atmosphere.
The Sun supplies the
atmosphere's energy,
Learn how energy from the
Sun affects the atmosphere.
Gases in the atmosphere
absorb radiation,
Learn about the ozone layer
and the greenhouse effect.
Human activities affect
the atmosphere.
Learn about pollution, global
warming, and changes in the
ozone layer.
Internet Preview
Chapter 15 online resources:
Content Review, two
Visualizations, two Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial,
Test Practice
Internet Activity:
Go to to learn about Earth's
Observe and Think How
does the thickness of the
atmosphere compare with ~` McDougal Littell Science
the height of a mountain
or the altitude of the ESN Sup~e~: E~MY AuwspMn
scilinks.or 9L 1NKS
Composition of the Atmosphere Code: MDL009
,yam, 'tee
~y K
Make a chart to show
The atmosphere makes
main ideas and the
a^~_ life on Earth possible.
information that supports r-
them. Write each blue
heading from the chapter
Living things use gases in the air.
in a sepa rate box. In boxes
below it, add supporting
information, such as
The atmosphere keeps Earth warm.
reasons, explanations,
and examples.
The atmosphere protects life.
0 Put a spoonful of limewater into each jar. Limewater is clear, but turns milky
in the presence of carbon dioxide.
Q into
Cover one far. Add extra carbon dioxide to the second far by exhaling gently
it before you cover it. Tighten the lids carefully to seal the jars.
• limewater
Predict what will happen, then shake each jar. • 2 jars
• spoon
• What happened to the limewater in each jar? ~0 minutes
• How do you know that air is made of different gases? _ _
gas as the main ingredient. In dry air, about 78 percent of the gas is As you read about the
amounts of gases, find each
nitrogen. The next most common ingredient is oxygen gas, which gas on the graph above.
makes up about 21 percent of the atmosphere. Argon, carbon dioxide,
and other gases make up about 1 percent of the atmosphere. Unlike
the amounts of nitrogen and other gases, the amount of water vapor
varies a great deal. In some places at some times, water vapor can
make up as much as 4 percent of the air.
The atmosphere's gases provide materials essential for living things.
Nitrogen promotes plant growth and is an important ingredient in the
chemicals that make up living things. Oxygen is necessary for animals
and plants to perform life processes. Plants use carbon dioxide and
water to make food.
Which gas is the most common material in the air around you?
Ongoing Processes
SUPPORTING MAIN IDEAS You and all other living things participate in ongoing processes.
~ Make a chart about For example, each day you breathe in and out about 13,000 liters
processes that modify
~~ the atmosphere. (3,000 gal) of air—about as much air as would fill five school buses.
When you breathe, your body exchanges gases with the atmosphere.
The air you inhale is a slightly different mixture of gases than the air
~ i you exhale.
Living things take part in a repeated process of gas exchange with
the atmosphere. In addition, living things continually exchange
materials in solid and liquid form with the environment. Processes
like these that repeat over and over are called cycles.
Three of the most important cycles that affect the atmosphere are
the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and the water cycle.
0 The Carbon Cycle Carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (02) gases
constantly circulate, or cycle, among plants, animals, and the
atmosphere. For example,
• Animals inhale air, use some of its oxygen, and exhale air that
has less oxygen but more carbon dioxide and water
• Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen as they make
food in the process of photosynthesis
0 The Nitrogen Cycle Different forms of nitrogen cycle among the
atmosphere, the soil, and living organisms. For example,
• Tiny organisms remove nitrogen gas (N2) from the air and
transform it into other chemicals, which then enter the soil
• Plants and animals use solids and liquids that contain nitrogen,
READING TtP which returns to the soil when the organisms die and decay
In the diagrams on page
• The soil slowly releases nitrogen back into the air as nitrogen gas
509, color is used to show
particular materials. Q The water Cycle Different forms of water (H20) cycle between
OZ is red. Earth's surface and the atmosphere. For example,
COz is purple.
• Liquid water from oceans and lakes changes into gas and enters
®~ is aqua. the atmosphere
NZO is blue. • Plants release water vapor from their leaves
• Liquid water falls from the atmosphere as rain
2` Nitrogen Cycle
u Water Cycle
Sudden Changes
SUPPORTING MAIN IDEAS In addition to ongoing processes, dramatic events may cause changes
Record information about
in the atmosphere. When sudden events occur, it takes time before the
the events that cause
sudden changes in atmosphere is able to restore balance.
the atmosphere.
• volcanic Eruptions Volcanoes shoot gases and huge amounts of
ash into the atmosphere. Certain gases produce a haze that may
affect the air for many months and lower temperatures worldwide.
• Forest Fires When forests burn, the carbon that makes up each
tree combines with oxygen and enters the atmosphere as carbon
dioxide. Wood ash also enters the atmosphere.
• Dust Storms Wind, water, or drought can loosen soil. Powerful
windstorms may then raise clouds of this eroded soil, as in
the second picture above. These storms add huge amounts of
particles to the air for a time.
oxygen carbon dioxide
The Carbon Cycle ~
The Carbon Connection
The tree takes carbon 0 The orange tree takes in carbon dioxide
from the air. from the air. Molecules of carbon dioxide
are broken apart, and some carbon atoms
carbon become part of other more complex
in food molecules in the growing orange.
You take carbon-containing molecules
oxygen dioxide
in air into your body when you eat the orange.
in air
J Later, your body uses the food to carry
out life processes. Some of the carbon
atoms become part of carbon dioxide
molecules, which you exhale into the air.
You move carbon from The carbon dioxide you exhale may be
food back into the air. taken in again by the tree. This time, the
carbon may become part of the trunk of
the tree, and then return to the air when
the tree dies and decays. Carbon keeps
going around and around among living
things and the atmosphere.
1. COMPARE AND CONTRAST What is the difference
between a carbon dioxide molecule and an oxygen
2. CHALLENGE Draw a diagram showing how carbon can
move into and out of the air when a tree grows and
then later dies and decays.
How does reflection affect temperature? Measuring
Cover the top of one cup with plastic wrap. Cover the second cup with MATERIALS
• 2 cups
paper. Secure the plastic wrap and paper with tape. • plastic wrap
Poke a small slit in each cup's cover. Insert a thermometer through each slit. • white paper
• tape
-Place the cups in direct sunlight. Record their • 2 short
temperature every minute for 15 minutes. thermometers
'c - '~
sa —'zno • watch
_i~ n
• How did the temperature change inside each cup? 25 minutes
Chapter 15: Earth's ging Atmosphere 513
The atmosphere moves energy.
If you walk along a sunny beach, you may be comfortably warm
except for the burning-hot soles of your feet. The sand maybe much
hotter than the air. The sand absorbs solar energy all day and stores it
in one place. The air also absorbs solar energy but moves it around
and spreads it out. Radiation, conduction, and convection are processes
that move energy from place to place.
Radiation You have already read that solar radiation warms a sandy
beach. You maybe surprised to learn that radiation also transfers
energy from the sand to the air. Earth's surface gives off a type of
invisible radiation, called infrared radiation, that can be absorbed by
certain gases. The energy from the radiation warms the air. The air
also gives off infrared radiation. You will read more about this cycle
of radiation in Section 15.3.
Conduction Another way that sand warms the air is through
VOCABULARY conduction. When you walk barefoot on a hot beach, rapidly moving
~ Add new terms to your molecules in the hot sand bump against molecules in your feet. This
process transfers energy to your feet, which get hot. Conduction is the
transfer of heat energy from one substance to another by direct contact.
/ \ Earth's surface transfers energy to the atmosphere by conduction, such
as when hot beach sand warms the air above it. Molecules of air can
Transfer of Energy
Radiation, conduction, and convection move energy from place to place.
J Radiation Sunlight ` r
warms the ground. Convection
Cool, dense air sinks
downward and pushes
warm air out of the
way. Warm air carries
~~,energy upward.
J Conduction The warm
ground heats the air.
i Mesosphere
Reach the mesosphere
0°C (32°F)
,-- Stratosphere
Pass through the strato- Ozone in this layer absorbs
sphere, which includes the energy from the Sun and heats
ozone layer. The air gets the stratosphere. The tempera-
thinner as you move up ture rises as you move upward.
through the atmosphere.
10-50 km (6-31 mi)
Board the elevator at Troposphere
ground level, which
is also the bottom of This layer is heated by the
the troposphere.
'~.~"~ ~..-.dam.
Vi i: ' +R~m`
0 Troposphere (TROH-puh-sFEEx) The layer of the atmosphere READING TIP
nearest Earth's surface is called the troposphere because convection You can use the word
seems to turn the air over. This layer contains about 80 percent of parts to help you recall
the temperature layers.
the total mass of the atmosphere, including almost all of the water tropo-"turning"
vapor present in the atmosphere. The troposphere is warmed from strato-"spreading out"
below by the ground. The temperature is highest at ground level meso-"middle"
and generally decreases about 6.5°C for each kilometer you rise. thermo-"heat"
two atoms of oxygen. In the stratosphere, ozone and regular oxygen In this section, wavy
arrows represent differ-
gases break apart and form again in a complex cycle. The reactions ent types of radiation.
that destroy and form ozone normally balance each other, so the cycle
can repeat endlessly. Even though ozone is mixed with nitrogen and
other gases, the ozone in the stratosphere is called the ozone layer. visible
The ozone layer protects life on Earth by absorbing harmful
ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Too much ultraviolet radiation can
cause sunburn, skin cancer, and damaged eyesight. Ultraviolet radiation
can harm crops and materials such as plastic or paint. Ozone absorbs
ultraviolet radiation but lets other types of radiation, such as visible
~ fight, pass through.
levels affected temperature? Why or why not?
Solar Radiation
The amount of sunlight that reaches Earth's surface varies from day
MATH TUTORIAL to day. On a cloudy day, for example, clouds may absorb or reflect
most of the sunlight before it reaches Earth's surface. You can use
Click on Math Tutorial for equations to determine how much incoming solar radiation is
more help with equations. absorbed by Earth's surface on each day.
Example 1
On a particular cloudy day, 50% of the solar radiation coming
into Earth is reflected by clouds and the atmosphere, 40% is
absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere, and 1 % is reflected
by Earth's surface. How much is absorbed by Earth's surface?
Write a verbal model:
radiation radiation radiation radiation
reflected absorbed reflected absorbed total
by clouds & + by clouds & + by Earth's + by Earth's =incoming
atmosphere atmosphere surface surface radiation
Controlling Pollution
You may have experienced a smog or ozone alert. In some cities, smog
becomes so bad that it is dangerous to exercise outdoors. Weather
reports may include smog alerts so that people will know when to be
careful. Cities may ask people not to drive cars when the weather
conditions are likely to produce smog.
National, state, and local governments work together to reduce air
pollution and protect people from its effects. Countries may come to
agreements when the air pollution from one country affects another.
Within the United States, Congress has passed laws to reduce air
pollution. The Clean Air Act limits the amount of air pollution that
factories and power plants are allowed to release. The act also sets
rules for making car exhaust cleaner. The Environmental Protection
Agency measures air pollution and works to enforce the laws passed
by Congress.
Global Warming
Many people are concerned about the amounts of greenhouse gases
that humans are adding to the air. Carbon dioxide, for example, can
stay in the atmosphere for more than 100 years, so the amounts keep
adding up. The air contains about 30 percent more carbon dioxide
than it did in the mid-1700s, and the level of carbon dioxide is now
increasing about 0.4 percent per year.
READING How are carbon dioxide levels changing?
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
SOURCE: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Some natural processes put chlorine into the stratosphere, but about
85 percent of the chlorine there comes from human activity. Chemicals
called chlorofluorocarbons (xLAwR-oh-FLUB-oh-KAHR-buhnz) have
been manufactured for use in cooling systems, spray cans, and foam for
packaging. These chemicals break down in the stratosphere and release
chlorine and other ozone-destroying chemicals.
less more
ozone ozone
Observing Particulates
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE Many of us go through life
unaware of particulates in the air, but allergy or asthma sufferers
may become uncomfortably aware of high particulate levels.
Certain particles, such as dust mite casings, can trigger asthma
attacks. Particles that cling to surfaces can make them look dirty
or even damage them. Some colors of surfaces may hide the
dirt. In this investigation you will
• compare the number and types of particles that settle to
surfaces in two different locations
• learn a method of counting particles
Q Problem
How do the types and numbers of particles in two different
locations compare?
MATERIALS Q Hypothesize
• 2 index cards
• ruler
You should decide on the locations in step 3 before writing your
• scissors
hypothesis. Write a hypothesis to explain how particulates
• transparent packing
tape collected at two different locations might differ. Your hypothesis
• magnifying glass should take the form of an "If . . . ,then . . . ,because . . ."
• white paper statement.
• black paper
• graph paper
• calculator Q Procedure
/-( Mark each card with your name, the date, and the location.
Tape the cards in place or weigh them down so they will not blow
away. Write your hypothesis. Collect your cards the next day.
J Gases in the atmosphere absorb radiation. VOCABULARY
ultraviolet radiation
Ozone molecules in p. 519
the stratosphere infrared radiation
absorb harmful p. 519
ultraviolet radiation. ozone p. 519
Greenhouse gases in the
troposphere keep Earth greenhouse effect
warm by absorbing and p. 520
emitting infrared radiation. greenhouse gas p. 520
cold water
hot water heat source
Interpreting Graphs
The following three graphs show the amounts of three types of air pollutants
released into the atmosphere in the United States each year from 1950 to 1990.
Study the graphs closely and use the information to answer the first four questions.
1. What conclusion can you make about pollutant 1 ? 3. Compare the graphs for pollutants 1 and 2.
a. The release of pollutant 1 has steadily decreased Which of the following statements is
since 1970. supported by the graphs?
b. More pollutant 1 has been released since 1990. a. In 1950, more pollutant 1 was released than
pollutant 2.
c. More pollutant 1 has been released since 1970.
b. Since 1980, no pollutant 1 has been released.
d. The release of pollutant 1 has not changed.
c. In 1990, twice as much pollutant 2 was
2. Based on the graph for pollutant 2, which of the released as pollutant 1.
following is true? d. Since 1950, no pollutant 1 has been released.
a. The release of pollutant 2 declined after 1950.
4. About how many million tons of pollutant 3
b. The release of pollutant 2 has increased
entered the atmosphere in the United States
since 1970.
in 1990?
c. The release of pollutant 2 declined and then rose. c. 2 5
a. 10
d. About 15 million tons of pollutant 2 were d. 30
b. 15
released in 1990.
5. Luz builds a terrarium for her class science fair. 6. Mile High Stadium in Denver, Colorado, makes -
She puts her pet slug in with the plants. She bottled oxygen available to its players. Players at
covers the terrarium with clear plastic that has lower altitudes do not need extra oxygen.
vent holes. She places it in a sunlit window. How Explorers pack bottled oxygen when they climb tall
do the soil, plants, slug, sunlight, and plastic affect mountains, such as Mount Everest. Explain why
the air in Luz's terrarium? extra oxygen might be necessary for players in Mile
High Stadium and climbers on tall mountains. ~~
Chapter 15: Earth's Changing Atmosphere 535
Weather Patterns
Key Concepts
The atmosphere`s air
pressure changes.
Learn how air pressure
changes and how it is
The atmosphere has
wind patterns.
Learn how wind develops and
about different types of wind.
' r d, ~'
Most clouds form as air
rises and cools.
Learn how water changes
form in the atmosphere and
about different types of
Water falls to Earth's
surface as precipitatio
Learn about the different = ~:•
types of precipitation and
about acid rain.
Internet Preview
Chapter 16 online resources:
Content Review, two
Visualizations, four Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial, Test
near water?
E1Ni Sei~acr. E~M1 Auaeaphul
vu ..c~P+.q m.*ns;~.~ r~wMk..rn~yopaan.
Y, i~<~o n~har_cc raw L+aMNga d u:ence
to Learn
~~ ~ .
Sc~~Nc~ NoT~Baa~c A,~.~~..
w^ L
Air pressure and density
m a °~ a are lower at a high
8 0
m a altitude because a
e ,~ 0
~ 2
e shorter column of air
e e~ ~a s
,~ pushes down.
B 0
8 ~ 9~ b
~ 0
O g ~
8 a m~ a 0as
3 8 `.
n~ 0 m 0'D O // -:ti
tl ~ a0
V `~
o ~ ~~
Air pressure and density e ~ ~~
are higher at sea level 9 m o~
because a taller column ,~0m e
of air pushes down. ~8em
a° o
a8 ,deb
ge m. a
ro a;y
y`°0`A 0
0 SYd a
a~9g 'e
~g90,~,,,'~'ifI .,
sea level
.. ~.~
'.Y .. r
Q Cut open a balloon along one side until you get close to the end. Stretch the
balloon across the open top of the can. Secure it tightly in place with a
rubber band.
Q the
Cut the straw on an angle to make a pointer. Tape the other end of
straw to the center of the balloon.
• scissors
• round balloon
Q Tape a ruler against a wall or a box so that the end of the pointer almost
touches the ruler. Record the position of the pointer against the ruler.
metal can
rubber band
• thin straw
Q Record the position of the pointer at least once a day for the next
five days. Look for small changes in its position. For each day, record
• tape
• ruler
the air pressure printed in a local newspaper.
The flexible chamber on the barometer The chamber expands when the air pressure
contracts when the air pressure increases. decreases.
READING Which of these barometer readings would be the more likely one on a mountain?
VISUALS Explain why.
~~„~.. ~=
low pressure
0 Wind moves across surface.
N~. ..,~..,.>-.
= ._
-- .t = ~ ,~
-~~ .~. --~. - - . ~-
The distance winds travel varies. Some winds die out quickly after
blowing a few meters. In contrast, global winds travel thousands of
kilometers in steady patterns. Global winds last for weeks.
Uneven heating between the equator and the north and south
poles causes global winds. Notice in the illustration at left how
sunlight strikes Earth's curved surface. Near the equator, concentrated
sunlight heats the surface to a high temperature. Warm air rises,
producing low pressure.
Sunlight is more spread In regions closer to the poles, the sunlight is more spread out.
out near the poles Because less of the Sun's energy reaches these regions, the air above
because it strikes at
a lower angle.
them is cooler and denser. The sinking dense air produces high
J pressure that sets global winds in motion.
INVEST -ATE Coriolis Effect
How does Earth's rotation affect wind?
Q Blow up a balloon and tie it off. MATERIALS
• round balloon
Q Have a classmate slowly rotate the balloon to the right. Draw a line straight
down from the top of the balloon to the center as the balloon rotates.
• felt-tip pen
TIME s'`~
Now draw a line from the bottom of the ~0 minutes "v
balloon straight up to the center as the
balloon rotates.
halm Regions
The air usually stays calm in high-pressure and low-pressure zones.
Winds are light, and they often change direction.
Q The doldrums are aloes-pressure zone near the equator. There,
As you read about each warm air rises to the top of the troposphere, which is the atmos-
region or wind belt,
phere's lowest layer. Then the air spreads out toward the poles.
locate it in the diagram
on page 547. The rising, moist air produces clouds and heavy rain. During the
hottest months, heavy evaporation from warm ocean water in the
region fuels tropical storms.
The horse latitudes are high-pressure zones located about 30°
north and 30° south of the equator. Warm air traveling away from
the equator cools and sinks in these regions. The weather tends to
be clear and dry.
Wind Belts
As dense air sinks to Earth's surface in the horse latitudes and other
high-pressure zones, it flows out toward regions of low pressure.
This pattern of air movement produces three global wind belts in each
hemisphere. Because of the Coriolis effect, the winds curve toward the
east or toward the west. Some global winds are named for the direc-
tions from which they blow. The westerlies, for example, blow from
west to east.
The trade winds blow from the east, moving from the horse
latitudes toward the equator. These strong, steady winds die out
as they come near the equator.
Q The westerlies blow from the west, moving from the horse
latitudes toward the poles. They bring storms across much of the
United States.
The easterlies blow from the east, moving from the polar regions
toward the mid-latitudes. Stormy weather often occurs when the
cold air of the easterlies meets the warmer air of the westerlies.
A circulation cell is
a giant loop of moving
air that includes a wind
belt and the calm
regions that border it.
trade winds
trade winds
Air rises in the
doldrums, a
low-pressure zone. easterlies
The easterlies
T blow away from
©1 the polar regions.
Air sinks in "~ 90° 5
the horse
latitudes, ©J The trade O The westerlies
a high-pressure winds blow blow from the
zone. from the horse horse latitudes
latitudes toward toward the poles.
the equator.
polar jet
jet streams
Jet streams flow in a wavy
pattern from west to east
around the world. They change
polar jet positions during the year.
Each hemisphere usually has two jet streams, a polar jet stream
and a subtropical jet stream. The polar jet streams flow closer to the
poles in summer than in winter.
The polar jet stream has a strong influence on weather in North
America. It can pull cold air down from Canada into the United States
and pull warm air up toward Canada. In addition, strong storms tend
to form along its loops. Scientists must know where the jet stream is
flowing to make accurate weather predictions.
Jet streams also affect air-travel times. They usually flow 10 to 15
kilometers (6-9 mi) above Earth's surface. Since airplanes often fly at
these altitudes, their travel times can be lengthened or shortened by
the strong wind of a jet stream.
Local Winds
Some winds change daily in a regular pattern. These local winds blow
within small areas.
• Sea breezes and land breezes occur near shorelines. During the
day, land heats up faster than water. The air over the land rises
and expands. Denser ocean air moves into the area of low
pressure, producing a sea breeze. As the illustration below shows,
this pattern is reversed at night, when land cools faster than
water. Warm air rises over the ocean, and cooler air flows in,
producing a land breeze.
Land Breeze
air rises
over water
at night.
I< VOCABULARY Winds that change direction with the seasons are called monsoons.
Add a description wheel Like sea breezes and land breezes, monsoons are caused by the different
~~ for monsoon to your
,5 notebook. heating and cooling rates of land and sea. However, monsoons flow
longer distances and affect much larger areas.
Winter monsoons occur in regions where the land becomes much
cooler than the sea during winter. High pressure builds over the land,
and cool, dry wind blows out toward the sea. During summer this
pattern reverses as the land becomes much warmer than the sea.
Moist wind flows inland, often bringing heavy rains. The most extreme
monsoons occur in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Farmers there
depend on rain from the summer monsoon to grow crops.
READING How do monsoon winds affect rainfall?
San Francisco
— Westward travel
0 250 500 miles Miami
— Eastward travel ~ '
0 250 500 kilometers
Use the map to answer the following questions.
3. How much time will the fastest possible trip from Miami
to San Francisco take?
5, ,
Chapter 16: Weather Patterns 551
4: Atmosphere
Water in the Air
Vast amounts of Earth's water are recycled. The oceans hold most
of the water. Water is also stored in lakes, rivers, and ice sheets; in
plants; and underground. Energy from sunlight causes molecules
to evaporate from the surface of a body of water. These molecules
become part of the air in the form of water vapor.
As air rises in the atmosphere, it cools. The loss of heat causes
water vapor to condense into tiny water droplets or ice crystals. If the
droplets or crystals grow and become heavy enough, they fall as rain,
snow, sleet, or hail. Any type of liquid or solid water that falls to
Earth's surface is called precipitation. Earth's water goes through a VOCABULARY
never-ending cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Add a description wheel
for precipitation to your
Water vapor can also condense on solid surfaces. Have you ever notebook.
gotten your shoes wet while walking on grass in the early morning?
The grass was covered with dew, which is water that has condensed on
cool surfaces at night. If the temperature is cold enough, water vapor
can change directly into a covering of ice, called frost.
Summarize the way water moves in the water cycle. For each part
of the cycle, specify whether water exists as a gas, liquid, or solid.
Water vapor
condenses to
form clouds.
water molecule
.. ~~ ~~~
___ ~~~
evaporation condensation evaporation condensation
READING TIP The amount of water vapor in air at saturation depends on the
Relative means "considered temperature of the air. The warmer air is, the more water vapor it takes
in comparison with some- to saturate it. Scientists use this principle to describe the humidity of
thing else."
air in two different ways: relative humidity and dew point.
Relative humidity compares the amount of water vapor in air
with the maximum amount of water vapor that can be present at that
temperature. For example, air with 50 percent relative humidity has
half the amount of water needed for saturation. If the amount of
water vapor in air stays the same, relative humidity will decrease as the
air heats up and increase as the air cools.
Dew point is the temperature at which air with a given amount of
water vapor will reach saturation. For example, air with a dew point of
26°C (79°F) will become saturated if it cools to 26°C. The higher the
dew point of air, the more water vapor the air contains.
How does a cloud form? Observing
0 Add a spoonful of water to the bottle to increase the humidity inside it.
Q Lay the bottle on its side. Light a match, blow it out, and then stick the
match into the bottle for a few seconds to let smoke flow in. Replace the cap. MATERIALS
• clear 1-liter
Q Squeeze the bottle quickly and then release it. Observe what happens when
the bottle is allowed to expand.
plastic bottle
with cap
• water at room
WHAT DO YOU THINK? temperature
• tablespoon
• What happened to the water vapor inside the bottle when you squeezed • matches
the bottle and then let it expand?
TIME ;'` '
• How did the smoke affect what happened to the water vapor? ~0 minutes ~_
Cirrus Clouds
Cirrus clouds form in very
cold air at high altitudes. Made
of ice crystals, they have a wispy cirrus clouds
or feathery appearance. Strong winds
often blow streamers or "tails" off cirrus clouds. These features
show the direction of the wind in the upper troposphere. You will
usually see cirrus clouds in fair weather. However, they can be a
~ ign that a storm is approaching.
6000 m
24,000 ft
Clouds that produce precipitation
often have names containing the
word part nimbo- or nimbus.
I a
visuA~s Which cloud names are combinations of names of two main cloud types?
Stratus Clouds
Have you ever noticed on some
days that the whole sky looks gray? .~~~ .
You were looking at stratus clouds. ; ::.
They form in layers when air cools ~. .
over a large area without rising or ~.
when the air is gently lifted. Stratus .~ ~~
clouds are smooth because they
form without strong air movement. stratus clouds
Some low stratus clouds are so
dark that they completely block out the Sun. These clouds produce
steady, light precipitation—unlike the brief showers that come from
cumulus clouds. Stratus clouds that form at high altitudes are much
thinner than low stratus clouds. You can see the Sun and the Moon
through them. The ice crystals in high stratus clouds can make it seem
~ s if there's a circle of colored light around the Sun or the Moon.
Fog is a cloud that rests on the ground or a body of water. Like stratus
clouds, fog has a smooth appearance. It usually forms when a surface
is colder than the air above it. Water vapor in the air condenses as it
cools, forming a thick mist. Fog on land tends to be heaviest at dawn,
after the ground has cooled overnight. It clears as the ground is heated
up by sunlight.
Fog can look beautiful rolling over hills or partly covering
structures such as bridges. However, it often makes transportation
dangerous by limiting visibility. In the United States close to 700
people die each year in automobile accidents that occur in dense fog.
-- ~.
Write I "
Q Problem ~~ It Up .
~ P
Q Hypothesize It Up,°
Use the relative humidity table your teacher
provides to find each relative humidity (expressed
as a percentage). In the left-hand column, find the
dry-bulb reading for location 1 that you recorded
in step 5. Then find in the top line the number
you recorded in step 7 (the difference between
the dry-bulb and wet-bulb readings). Record the Relative Humidity
ill have the
relative humidity in the last row of your data Problem Which location ~
table. Repeat these steps for location 2. greater relative humidity .
Q Observe and Analyze
It Up Observe and Analyze Locations
+-tumidity at Two
Table 1. Relative
1. RECORD OBSERVATIONS Draw the Location 1 Location 2
setup of your psychrometer. Be sure your data
table is complete.
2. IDENTIFY Identify the variables and temperature
constants in this experiment. List them in
your Science Notebook. temperature
3. COMPARE How do the wet-bulb readings Difference between
compare with the dry-bulb readings? dry-bulb and
wetbulb readings
4. ANALYZE If the difference between the
Relative humidity
temperature readings on the two thermome-
ters is large, is the relative humidity high or
low? Explain why. Conclude
freezing rain p. 564
sleet p. 564 Why does steam
hail p. 564 from a sho wer
I acid rain p. 566 form large drops?
When you run a hot shower, the
bathroom fills up with water
vapor. The vapor condenses into
tiny droplets that make it seem
as if you are standing in fog. You
may also see larger drops running down cool surfaces, such
as a mirror. Why do some drops fall while others remain suspended?
Measuring Precipitation
Scientists use a rain gauge to measure rainfall. A funnel or opening at READING TIP
the top of the gauge allows rain to flow into a cylinder. By measuring A gauge (gayj) is an
instrument used for
the water collected, you can find out how much rain fell in a storm or measuring or testing.
over a period of time.
Snow depth can be measured with a long ruler. Because the amount
of water in snow varies, scientists use a special gauge to find out how
much water the snow contains. Abuilt-in heater melts the snow so
that it can be measured just like rain.
How much rain falls during a storm? Measuring
Cut off the top third of the bottle. Set this part aside.
0 Put some gravel at the bottom of the bottle to keep it from tipping over.
Add water to cover the gravel. Draw a horizontal line on the bottle at the MATERIALS
top of the water. Use a ruler to mark off centimeters on the bottle above • scissors
• 1-Iiter plastic
the line that you drew. Now take the part of the bottle that you set aside bottle
and turn it upside down. Fit it inside the bottle to create a funnel. • gravel
• water
Place the bottle outside when a rainstorm is expected. Make sure
• permanent
that nothing will block rain from entering it. Check your rain marker
gauge after 24 hours. Observe and record the rainfall. • ruler
Hail forms
when ice pellets
move up and
down in clouds,
growing larger
as they gain
layers of ice.
~'^ :,~,
~ _
~1 ~ :-~ .... ~~
,~ F Rain and drizzle Freezing Sleet is rain Snow forms
form from water rain is rain that freezes into from ice crys-
droplets or ice crys- that freezes ice pellets while tals that merge
~'~ tals that melt as when it hits falling through in clouds.
they fall. the ground or cold air.
e other surfaces.
~ ~ ~; t J
~_~ .~
~~_~ :~
~~ ~, ~
"~ ~
® ~ ,.-,
~ ~ ®_
~+' ~ '~, .
C~~ ~ ~
~~ ~r;~' fre~zirig rain ~h~ail'~
~<::~ ~--
READING What forms of precipitation occur most often
VISUALS where you live?
Caught Inside a
~:~:u Thunderhead
In 1959, engine failure forced Lieutenant Colonel William Rankin
to eject from his plane at a high altitude. When his parachute
opened, he thought he was out of danger. However, he soon
realized that he was caught inside a cumulonimbus cloud during
a fierce thunderstorm.
As Rankin hung by his parachute, violent air movement inside
the cloud tossed him "up, down, sideways, clockwise." The rain
was so heavy that he feared he would drown in midair. Lightning
flashed all around him. Rankin finally landed 40 minutes after his
adventure began. He had many injuries, including bruises from hail-
stones. Fortunately, none of the storm's lightning had struck him.
1. ANALYZE Find where you live on the map. Use the color
key to figure out how often lightning strikes each square
kilometer in your area.
2. CHALLENGE Use information ~~ ►~ RESOURCE CENTER
from the Resource Center to .--
propose an explanation for the Learn more about
pattern of lightning frequencies lightning.
Lightning flashes to the shown on the map.
ground from a thunderhead,
or cumulonimbus cloud.
Chapter Review
r(~.kl~ ~~~ ~d..ea
Some features of weather have CONTENT REVIEW
predictable patterns. ~~ CLASSZONE.COM
The atmosphere has wind patterns. VOCABULARY
weather p. 543
Wind blows from areas of high pressure toward areas wind p. 543
of low pressure. Earth's rotation causes long- global wind p. 544
distance winds to curve. Coriolis effect p. 545
jet stream p. 548
area of area of monsoon p. 550
wind direction
high pressure low pressure
Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the 19. As altitude increases, air pressure usually
best answer. a. decreases c. varies more
9. The movement of air molecules causes b. increases d. varies less
a. air density c. humidity
b. air pressure d. relative humidity Short Answer Write a short answer to
each question.
10. Winds curve as they move across Earth's
20. What causes land breezes to flow at night?
surface because of
a. the Coriolis effect c. humidity 21. Why does hair take longer to dry after a
b. air pressure d. relative humidity shower on days with high relative humidity?
11. Jet streams generally flow toward the 22. How does air pressure affect air density?
a. north c. east 23. Why are dust and other particles necessary for
b. south d. west precipitation?
12. Condensation increases with greater 24. How did global wind belts and calm regions
a. relative humidity c. air pressure affect transportation in the past?
b. air temperature d. wind speed
Analyzing a Diagram
This diagram shows the water cycle. Use it to answer the questions below.
—5°C (23°F)
. .. . . . :.
0°C (32°F)
5°C (41°F)
O ~. O
1. Where is evaporation occurring? 5. From which cloud will precipitation fall as snow
a. A c. F and then turn to rain?
b. D d. G a. B c. D
b. C d. E
2. Where is condensation occurring?
a. A c. F 6. Which is the best estimate for the temperature in B?
b. B d. G a. 8°C (46°F) c. —3°C (27°F)
b. 3°C (37°F) d. —8°C (17°F)
3. Where is precipitation shown?
a. A c. E 7. What does the arrow pointing up between A and
B indicate?
b.0 d.F
a. the movement of moisture
4. Where is hail most likely to form? b. the direction of the wind
a. C c. E c. a low pressure area
b. D d. F d. a reflection off the water
8. Whenever Richard rides in an elevator to the top 9. Winds tend to blow from west to east across the
of a skyscraper, he feels a pop inside his ears. United States. If Earth spun in the other direction,
Explain what is happening in the air to produce how might the winds across the United States be
the pop in Richard's ears. different? Use the terms east, west, and Coriolis
effect in your answer.
Weather Fronts
and Storms
Key Concepts
Weather changes as air
masses move.
Learn about air masses,
fronts, and high- and low-
pressure systems.
Low-pressure systems
can become storms.
Learn about hurricanes and
winter storms.
Vertical air motion can
cause severe storms.
Learn about thunderstorms,
lightning, and tornadoes.
Weather forecasters use
advanced technologies.
Learn about different types
of weather data and how
forecasters predict weather.
Internet Preview
Chapter 17 online resources:
Content Review, two
Visualizations, t~vo Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial,
Test Practice
Internet Activity:
Weather Safety
Go to to find information about
weather safety. Find out the types of dangerous
weather that may ....,...--.. -.~..T. .. ...... c„
~~ ~,.:
maritime polar \~
• moist
continental polar • cool
• cool
What can you tell from each word of an air mass's name?
What happens when air masses collide? Inferring
0 Cut the cardboard to create a snug barrier that divides your beaker in half.
0 Mix about 5 mL of salt, 50 ml_ of water, and a drop of blue food coloring in
one cup. This dense mixture represents a cold air mass. MATERIALS
500 mL beaker
Q Mix 50 mL of water with a drop of red food coloring in the other cup. • stiff cardboard
This less-dense mixture represents a warm air mass. • scissors
• 2 cups
Q Carefully pour the red water into one side of your
divided beaker and the blue saltwater into the other
• small beaker for
side. As you look through the side of the beaker, • salt
quickly remove the barrier. • water
• food coloring
,25 minutes F~%
• What happened when the two liquids met?
• To what extent did the liquids mix together?
Chapter 17: Weather Fronts and Storms 577
Weather changes where air masses meet.
When a new air mass moves over your area, you can expect the weather
to change. Perhaps you have heard a weather forecaster talk about
fronts. A front is a boundary between air masses. The weather near a
front can differ from the weather inside the rest of an air mass. As one
air mass pushes another, some of the air at the boundary will be
pushed upward. Clouds can form in this rising air. The weather often
becomes cloudy or stormy as a front passes. Afterward, you experience
the temperature and humidity of the air mass that has moved in.
Q Cold fronts can move into regions quickly. As you can see on page
579, a cold front is steeper than the other types of fronts. As a
mass of cold, dense air moves forward, warmer air ahead of it is
pushed upward. Water vapor in the warm air condenses as the air
rises. Cold fronts often produce tall cumulonimbus clouds and
precipitation. Brief, heavy storms are likely. After the storms, the
air is cooler and often very clear.
Q warm fronts move more slowly than cold fronts. Warm air moves
gradually up and over a mass of denser and colder air. Moisture in
the warm air condenses all along the sloping front, producing
~. ;VISUALIZATION cloud-covered skies. As a warm front approaches, you may first see
high cirrus clouds, then high stratus clouds, then lower and lower
See how the air moves stratus clouds. Often, a warm front brings many hours of steady
in warm fronts and cold
fronts. rain or snow. After the front passes, the air is warmer.
Stationary fronts occur when air masses first meet or when a cold
or warm front stops moving. For a while, the boundary between
the air masses stays in the same location—it stays stationary. The
air in each air mass can still move sideways along the front or
upward. The upward air motion may produce clouds that cover
the sky, sometimes for days at a time. When the front starts
moving, it becomes a warm front if the warm air advances and
pushes the cold air. If the cold air moves forward instead, the front
becomes a cold front.
A cold front forms when a cold air mass pushes a warm air
mass and forces the warm air to rise. As the warm air rises,
its moisture condenses and forms tall clouds.
C, Warm Front
Stationary Front
PRE~~CT Which city will the cold front affect next?
READING With your finger, trace the motion of air, starting above the high.
VISUALS Where have you seen similar patterns in earlier chapters?
Movement of a Front
Scientists measure the speeds of weather fronts to forecast weather
conditions. The speed at which a front moves is an example of a
rate. A rate can be written as a ratio. For example, the rate of a
front that moves a distance of 500 kilometers in 1 day can be
Click on Math Tutorial
for more help with rates
written as follows:
as ratios. 500 kilometers : 1 day
The map below shows the movement of a cold front over four
consecutive days. Use the map scale to determine the distance that
the front moves on each day.
San Francisco
Earth's Atmosphere
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• Moving air masses cause • How hurricanes develop
changes in weather • About the dangers of
• Alow-pressure system brings hurricanes
stormy weather • About different types of
winter storms
Structure of a Hurricane
Topsail ~``
Island fiw
COMPARE AND CONTRAST These pictures show a shoreline in North Carolina before
and after Hurricane Fran in 1996. Compare the houses, road, and water in the two pictures.
Why put salt on icy roads? Observing
Place one ice cube in each cup. MATERIALS
• 2 ice cubes
Q Sprinkle salt onto the top of one of the ice cubes and observe
the cubes for several minutes.
• 2 cups
• table salt
TIME <~'
WHAT DO YOU THINK? ~0 minutes `'~~_~~'
• Which ice cube melted more?
• Why do people put salt on roads in winter?
1 ..:~t
Y s
• Before a storm,
prepare emergency
kits for home and car.
• Listen to weather
reports for updates.
• If caught in a storm,
find or make a shelter
and try to stay dry.
• If you are in a car or
truck, make sure the
exhaust pipe is clear
and open a window
a little bit.
• Use a colored cloth,
fire, or light to help
rescuers find you.
• Exercise a little to
keep warm and keep
blood flowing to your
fingers and toes.
Ice Storms When rain falls onto freezing-cold ground, conditions can • If at home, stay inside
become dangerous. The cold rain freezes as it touches the ground and even if there is no
heat or power. Wear
other surfaces. This freezing rain covers everything with heavy, smooth layers of clothing.
ice. The ice-covered roads become slippery and dangerous. Drivers may
find it hard to steer and to stop their cars. Branches or even whole trees
may break from the weight of ice. Falling branches can block roads,
tear down power and telephone lines, and cause other damage.
Damage from ice storms can sometimes shut down entire cities.
0 Rising humid air forms a cumulus cloud. The water vapor releases
energy when it condenses into cloud droplets. This energy increases
the air motion. The cloud continues building up into the tall
cumulonimbus cloud of a thunderstorm.
Ice particles form in the low temperatures near the top of the cloud.
As the ice particles grow large, they begin to fall and pull cold air
down with them. This strong downdraft brings heavy rain or
hail—the most severe stage of a thunderstorm.
Q The downdraft can spread out and block more warm air from
moving upward into the cloud. The storm slows down and ends.
Thunderstorms can form at a cold front or within an air mass.
At a cold front, air can be forced upward quickly. Within an air mass,
uneven heating can produce convection and thunderstorms. In some
regions, the conditions that produce thunderstorms occur almost daily
during part of the year. In Florida, for example, the wet land and air
warm up during a long summer day. Then, as you see in the diagram,
cool sea breezes blow in from both coasts of the peninsula at once.
The two sea breezes together push the warm, humid
air over the land upward quickly.
Thunderstorms form in the rising air.
In contrast, the summer air along the
coast of California is usually too dry to
produce thunderstorms. The air over
the land heats up, and a sea breeze
forms, but there is not enough moisture
in the rising warm air to form clouds
and precipitation.
0 Set up the cardboard, the cups, the container, and the cool water as shown
in the photograph. Wait for the water to become still.
Use the eyedropper to place 2-3 drops of coloring at the bottom of the water. MATERIALS
• 4 cardboard
Slide a cup of hot water (about 70°C) beneath the food coloring. squares
• 5 foam cups
~. • clear container
• cool water
In what ways was the motion of the • food coloring
water like the air in a thunderstorm? • eyedropper
• hot tap water
CHALLENGE How could you
observe updrafts in air? TIME
0 minutes ~"~~-~
Effects of Thunderstorms
A thunderstorm may provide cool rain at the end of a hot, dry spell.
The rain can provide water for crops and restore lakes and streams.
However, thunderstorms are often dangerous.
Flash floods can be strong enough to wash away people, cars, and even
houses. One thunderstorm can produce millions of liters of rain. If a
thunderstorm dumps all its rain in one place, or if a series of thunder-
• Stay alert when storms
are predicted or dark,
storms dump rain onto the same area, the water can cover the ground
tall clouds are visible. or make rivers overflow their banks.
• If you hear thunder,
seek shelter immediately
winds from a thunderstorm can be very strong. They can blow in
and stay there for 30 bursts that exceed 270 kilometers per hour (170 mi/hr). Thunderstorm
minutes after the last winds once knocked down a stretch of forest in Canada that was
thunder ends.
about 16 kilometers (10 mi) wide and 80 kilometers (50 mi) long.
• Avoid bodies of water,
lone trees, flagpoles, Thunderstorms can also produce sudden, dangerous bursts of air that
and metal objects. move downward and spread out.
• Stay away from the
telephone, electrical Hail causes nearly $1 billion in damage to property and crops
appliances, and pipes. in the United States every year. Hail can wipe out entire fields of a
• If flash floods are valuable crop in a few minutes. Large hailstones can damage roofs
expected, move away
from low ground.
and kill livestock.
• Do not try to cross Lightning can kill or seriously injure any person it hits. It can damage
flowing water, even if
it looks shallow.
power lines and other equipment. Lightning can also spark dangerous
forest fires.
You cannot see air moving. A tornado may become visible when
water droplets appear below the cloud in the center of the rotating
column. A tornado may lift dust and debris from the ground, so the
bottom of the column becomes visible, as you see in the photographs
below. Water droplets and debris may make a tornado look like an
upright column or a twisted rope.
READING What makes a tornado become visible?
Tornad Formation
The bottom
becomes visible
as the tornado The tornado
As a tornado forms, picks up dust moves along the
a funnel cloud seems from the ground. ground before it
to stretch down from dies out.
the cloud above.
s~ I
O Hypotheses
The observer made the following hypotheses.
a. A storm surge carried sand and stones from the
~-.` _ Pacifiic Ocean. The material covered a large area.
~ The truck floated, so it was not filled with material.
-. ,,, ~!, b. A tornado picked up the truck with other material.
It dumped everything together, and the material partly
PACIFIC ~ ,. ~ buried the truck, fiences, and tree.
OCEAN' ~~~ c. Thunderstorms produced a flash flood that carried
`~ sand and stones from a riverbed to this area. The
flood receded and left material that covered the area.
A waterway leads south and ~~~
west from Britannia Beach ~ d. The truck was parked on a pile of snow during a
to a bay, around an island, ~,,~ blizzard. When the snow melted, the area under the
to the Pacific Ocean. ~~ ~ truck collapsed and the truck sank into the ground.
~_ _
i --=__a ~ __-—~
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• Weather changes when air • How weather data are collected
masses move • How weather data are displayed
• High-pressure systems bring • How meteorologists forecast
fair weather the weather
• Fronts and low-pressure
systems bring stormy weather
Weather balloons
make important measure-
Airplanes and ships ments of the air at
can carry instrument packages different altitudes as they
that make measurements carry instruments high
wherever they go. into the stratosphere.
Weather buoys
record the weather far
Ground stations hold from cities. They also
instruments that measure measure conditions in
air pressure, temperature, the ocean that affect
dew point, precipitation, the atmosphere.
wind speed, wind direction,
and cloud cover.
Station Symbol
air pressure:
1015.6 millibars
temperature: 47°F
These storms
`~~ and rain follow
the cold front.
page 596. Thin lines represent air pressure. An isobar (EYE-suh-BAxR) Iso- means "equal," and
is a line that connects places that have the same air pressure. Each iso- bar means "pressure."
bar represents a different air pressure value. All the isobars together,
combined with the symbols for highs and lows, show the patterns of
air pressure that produce weather systems.
Each isobar is labeled with the air pressure for that whole line in
units called millibars (MIRE-uh-~Axuz). A lower number means a
lower air pressure. As you read earlier, differences in pressure cause air
to move. Meteorologists use isobars to understand air motion.
Sometimes air-pressure measurements are listed in inches of mer-
cury. This unit comes from an old type of barometer that measures
how high the air pressure pushes a column of mercury, a liquid metal.
Computer-controlled instruments are used more often today, but the
measurements may be converted to inches of mercury.
Understanding Isobars
Isobars show pressure patterns, which determine ._winds. ,~ t. ~ f;
This visible-light satellite image shows clouds from This infrared satellite image also shows clouds, but
above. The patches of white are clouds. uses colors to show where there are tall clouds.
READING Find a location on these maps and the map on page 596.
VISUALS What were the weather conditions?
~ ~~~~~.,...
1. List three of the sources of 4. Draw Conclusions Why do 6. Apply Suppose you are plan-
weather data. meteorologists not combine all ning an afternoon picnic a
2. What does a map with isobars their weather information into week in advance. Fair weather
show? one map? is forecast for that day, but a
5. Analyze How is the informa- storm is expected that night.
3. How do meteorologists
tion from radar and satellites What will you do? Explain your
use computers?
different from the information reasoning.
from ground stations?
Q Procedure
Survey the possible sources of weather data in and around your
classroom. You can use a thermometer to record the outside air
temperature. You can observe cloud types and the amount of
~'~ MATERIALS cloud cover from a window or doorway. You can also observe
~ ~ ~ •thermometer precipitation and notice if it is heavy or light. If there is a flag in
-~-1t~-- •magnetic compass view, use it to find the wind direction and to estimate wind speed.
~ ~ ~ •other weather
E instruments Assemble or make tools for your observations. You may want to
? ~ •graph paper make a reference chart with pictures of different cloud types or
other information. Decide if you wish to use homemade weather
instruments. You may have made a barometer, a psychrometer,
and a rain gauge already. If not, see the instructions on pages
541, 560, and 563. You may also wish to do research to learn
how to make or use other weather instruments.
Unit 4: Earth's Atmosphere
/Z Decide how to record your observations of the 2. COMPARE AND CONTRAST Look at
``--~rv'' clouds, the wind, and any precipitation. Organize your graphs for patterns in your data. Some
your notes to make it easy for you to record later aspects of weather change at the same time
observations in a consistent way. because they are related to each other. Did
one type of change occur before a different
Create a chart with a row for each type of obser- type of change? If so, this pattern may help
vation you are making. You might darken frac- you predict weather.
tions of circles to record amounts of cloud cover,
as in the station symbols on page 596. Make Write l
sure each row has a heading and enough room Q Conclude It Up I
Design a Weather
Table 1. Daily Weather
pate/time of
Temperature (°C) __
Cloud types
Cloud coverage
Precipitation (cm)
and notes
Wind direction
Other notes
thunderstorm p. 588
tornado p. 591
Rising moist air can produce thunderstorms. The
up-and-down motion of air in a thunderstorm can
produce a tornado.
Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the 18. Thunderstorms often begin with the rising of
best answer. a. cool, dry air c. warm, dry air
9. What qualities are nearly the same at different b. cool, humid air d. warm, humid air
locations in a single air mass? 19. What is the relationship between lightning
a. temperature and pressure and thunder?
b. temperature and humidity a. They have separate causes.
c. air pressure and wind speed b. They have the same cause.
d. air pressure and humidity c. Lightning causes thunder.
10. Which is the name for an air mass that forms d. Thunder causes lightning.
over the ocean near the equator?
Short Answer Write a short answer to
a. maritime tropical c. continental tropical
each question.
b. maritime polar d. continental polar
20. Why are hurricanes in the eastern United
11. A meteorologist is a scientist who States more likely in autumn than in spring?
a. predicts meteor showers
21. What causes lake-effect snow?
b. studies maps
c. studies the weather 22. In what four ways can thunderstorms
be dangerous?
d. changes the weather
~~,r 36. A thunderstorm is developing
64s Orlando spinning winds at its center.
79s • ~_~Y 73/54
• .`'.. Oriea n ~.
Houston 71,5, ~rr~ ~-, 37. Alow-pressure center is over
Nigh 75/44 'erg
Z'd~ the Atlantic Ocean where the
water temperature is above
27°C (81°F).
23. INFER Name and describe the air mass that has 38. Cold air is pushing warm air
moved south to Omaha from Canada. where the air is 2°C (36°F)
and the ground is -3°C (27°F).
24. IDENTIFY EFFECTS How are two low-pressure
systems affecting the weather near Boston?
39. COMPARE How is the air motion in the eye of
25. PREDICT Explain whether Washington, D.C., or
a hurricane similar to the air motion at a high-
Orlando is more likely to have a big change in
pressure center?
weather in the next two days.
40. EVALUATE Which type of storm is most
26. COMPARE AND CONTRAST Explain the difference
~ dangerous? Explain your reasoning.
in temperature between Oklahoma City and
Little Rock.
27. PREDICT How will the weather in Little Rock ~~~ B~~-~ ~~~
change in the next day or two?
41. APPLY Look again at the photograph on pages
28. APPLY Does this map indicate that it is 572-573. Now that you have finished the
hurricane season? Explain your reasoning. chapter, how would you change your
response to the question on the photograph?
29. CONNECT Describe today's weather and explain 42. SEQUENCE Draw a storyboard with at least four
what fronts and pressure systems might be sketches to show how cool, sunny weather
influencing it. might change into warm, rainy weather.
Analyzing a Map
Use this weather map to answer the questions below.
2. Which word best describes the general movement
of the fronts?
a. to the north c. clockwise
b. to the east d. counterclockwise
hundreds of years.
The timeline shows some historical events in
the study of Earth's air and weather. The boxes below
the timeline show how technology has led to new
knowledge about the atmosphere and show how that
knowledge has been applied.
Measuring Air Pressure
The mercury barometer was invented in 1643 to measure
air pressure. Changes in outside air pressure cause the
level of mercury to rise and fall in a tall glass tube. This
remarkably accurate type of barometer was used for
centuries. Now, most air-pressure measurements are
taken with aneroid barometers, which are easier to use.
606 Unit 4: Earth's Atmosphere
~ ,~M
~~PP `
1804 - - - ..
Atmosphere Explorations
Pass 7000 Meters
French chemist Joseph Louis
Gay-Lussac rises to an altitude of
7016 meters in a balloon to study
the atmosphere. His studies show
that the atmosphere's composition
remains the same up to that altitude.
Atmospheric Greenhouse
Warms Earth
French scientist Jean-Baptiste Fourier coins
a new term, "greenhouse effect:' He suggests
that the atmosphere slows the movement of
energy from Earth's surface out toward space.
Benjamin Franklin tries to look at an eclipse of the Fourier compares this effect to the way heat
Moon, but a storm blocks his view. Meanwhile, a is trapped in a greenhouse.
friend in another city has a clear view during the
eclipse, and soon afterward the storm arrives there.
Franklin concludes that storms travel instead of
forming and dying in the same place.
Telegraphing the Weather
The development of the telegraph in the 1800s was important
for weather forecasting because it allowed observers to quick;y
send data to distant locations. In 1870, the U.S. government
organized a system of weather observers who communicated
by telegraph. This was the beginning of the National Weather
Service, which at first focused on providing storm
warnings for coastal regions. However, -..
the weather reporting service was
soon extended to cover the entire
nation. The National Weather
Service has become a crucial
information agency.
Greenhouse Gas Monitored
Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are meas-
ured at Mauna Loa Observatory on the Big Island of
Hawaii, 11,000 feet above sea level. Accurate measure-
ments can be obtained from this location because it is
1918 far from cities and other human influences.
Storm Fronts Explained
Norway's Jacob Bjerknes explains how
large storm systems develop at the
boundaries between masses of air.
He calls the boundaries "fronts,"
comparing them to battlefronts
between armies.
Picturing the Weather
Ground-based weather stations cannot collect data
from high altitudes or from areas between stations.
The development of weather technology helped fill
the gaps. In the 1930s, weather balloons carried
instruments to different altitudes. In 1953, the
development of Doppler radar showed raindrop
sizes and speeds. Scientists later began using
Doppler radar to measure precipitation for a wide
area all at once.
~~' CLASSZONE.COM Reliving Nistory
Learn more about Ancient peoples made simple
current research on weather instruments, such as wind
the atmosphere. vanes. You can make a wind vane
and then map the wind directions in
your neighborhood.
Push a straight pin through the mid-
dle of a drinking straw and then into
an eraser at the end of a pencil. Tape
a square of cardboard vertically to
APPLICATION one end of the straw. Put a small
piece of clay on the other end so
Cornputer Modeling
that the wind vane is balanced. The
!', Scientists use computers not only to collect data
straw will turn so that the clay end
but also to make models of the atmosphere.
of the straw points into the wind.
' ' Models show how the atmosphere changed in
the past and how it may change in the future. Use your wind vane and a magnetic
As computers become faster and better, the compass to find the wind direction in
models can be made more detailed and there- several places in your neighborhood.
fore more reliable. Record the results on a copy of a
map. Do you notice any patterns?
Climate is a long-term
weather pattern. Y-
Learn about the main factors
that affect climate and about
a; Internet Preview
Chapter 18 online resources:
Content Review, Simulation,
four Resource Centers,
Math Tutorial, Test Practice
Go to
to find out information ~m®~,©m©.~.m
about EI Nino.
Observe and Think ,~ McDougal Littell Science
How does EI Nino affect
temperature and pre- EW S<i~~u: E~~6's AtwetyMn
Ufe tlw» e.c~vq e.x ~nv~l:p.:vnf,
your region?
Average Annual ~J N
Temperatures ~'~.~
-15°C (5°FI /~ ~~
~`r ~•~►
X30 N
-10°C (14°FI
-5°C (23°F)
~'J 0°C (32°FI
0 250 500 miles
5°C (41°F)
30° S
0 250 500 kilometers ~- - 10°C (50°F)
~- ? ~~~,,,
- 15°C (59°F) ~'~~~ 60" S
-'r ~~ ~- 20'N~
-~-- 20°C (68°F) 90 S
25°C (77°FI
READING TIP One factor that affects temperature is latitude. Latitude is the
Notice on the globe in distance in degrees north or south of the equator, which is 0°.
the illustration that latitude Each degree equals 1/360 of the distance around the world.
numbers get higher as
you move away from As you read in Chapter 16, the Sun heats Earth's curved surface
the equator.
unevenly. Sunlight strikes Earth's surface directly near the equator.
Near the poles, sunlight strikes the surface at a lower angle, so it is
more spread out. In addition, the polar regions receive little or no
solar energy during winter.
Because of this pattern of uneven heating, average annual
temperatures generally decrease as you move closer to the poles. For
example, Belem, Brazil, which is almost on the equator, has an average
temperature of about 26°C (79°F). Qaanaaq, Greenland, located close
to the North Pole, has an average temperature of only —11°C (12°F).
Latitude has the same effect on temperature in both hemispheres.
Suppose one city is located at 45°Nand another city is located at
45° S. The first city is in the Northern Hemisphere, and the second is
in the Southern Hemisphere. However, they are both nearly 5000 kilo-
meters (3100 mi) from the equator, so they would receive about the
same amount of sunlight over a year.
READING What is the connection between latitude and temperature?
lies just a short distance from the equator, Mount Stanley has ice Explore the effects of
latitude and altitude.
sheets and a permanent covering of snow. Notice in the illustration
how one mountain can have several types of climates.
Q Mark a line 3 centimeters from the top of each cup. Fill one cup to the line
with water and the other with soil. Place a thermometer into the contents
of each cup. Wait 2 minutes. Record the temperature in each cup. MATERIALS
• 2 cups
0 Place the cups side by side in bright sunlight or under a lamp. Wait 10 minutes.
• ruler
Record the temperature in each cup. • soil
• water at room
Q Move the cups into a shaded area to cool. Wait
10 minutes. Record the temperature in each cup.
- ~F
so -~_ >zo
~~ ~oo • 2 thermometers
~_ ~o '~ — 'F
• sunlight or lamp
WHAT DO YOU THINK? ,o0 • so —: 120
,o 40 110
~,00 TIME
• Which heats up faster, soil or water? 30-_~90 ~5 minutes "~<~
20 ~= ; 70
• Which cools faster? ,0 - ~ SS
• How might the heating and cooling rates of inland o
areas compare with those of coastal areas?
18 ~
0 12
GJ ~~
0 K
6 °'
Minneapolis: o'
Latitude: 44.9° N -zo 0
1 F M A M 1 J A S O N D
Minneapolis (Continental Climate)
30° 30 cm
20 24
t~ 0
6 °.*'.
READING The bars in the graphs show average precipita- 20
visuA~s tion, and the lines show average temperature. Month
Compare each of these patterns in the two cities. SOURCE: National Climatic Data Center
~ J^ --a_l j~V
Ocean Currents
Ocean currents can cause two places at the same latitude to have different climates.
Natashquan, Canada
Average Temperature: 1°C
Latitude: 50.2° N
London, England
Average Temperature: 11°C
Latitude: 51.5° N 40° N
~.- G-
Gulf of
ancer hh~xirTr• This map shows ocean
currents that flow in the — 20° N
North Atlantic.
~/• Equatorial ~ Warm-water currents
~ Cold-water currents
Temperature Patterns
~. Seasons occur because the amounts of energy that the Northern
MAIN IDEA AND DETAILS Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere receive from the Sun
Record in your notes the change over the course of a year. Winter begins in the Northern
~~ important details about
seasonal changes. Hemisphere around December 21, when the daytime is shortest.
Summer begins around June 21, when the daytime is longest. Spring
begins around March 21, and autumn begins around September 22.
On the first day of spring and of autumn, day and night are equal in
length. There are 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.
Which seasons have the longest and the shortest periods
of daytime?
—5 23
J F M A M J J A S 0 N D
Precipitation Patterns
Like temperature patterns, seasonal patterns of precipitation vary
among different climates. For example, Connecticut's precipitation is
distributed fairly evenly throughout the year. In contrast, nearly half
of Montana's precipitation falls during May, June, and July. Many
tropical regions have wet and dry seasons. These regions stay warm
all year long, but certain months are much rainier than other months.
The seasonal pattern of precipitation can determine the types of
plants that grow in a region and the length of the growing season.
Although Montana is a fairly dry state, much of its precipitation falls
during the growing season. This pattern allows the state to be a major
grain producer.
Intense rains and high winds combine
to make floods common in many places.
To protect themselves, some people who
`~ live on the shores of large rivers,
M~til ~µf
OpM►~ -
lakes, and oceans build their
SZ7Yt_ /y,4
homes on stilts. This home is
r~.e+Hvs ernKssep in the Northern Territory of
;tl~.jIfll in I i~~, Australia. It was designed by
inu liirJ Ali ignli
11171~11~1 !illNfl~
the architect Glenn Murcutt
plllillf! i fin11!~
idltlllflt~ 1 IIdIR7tl_
and completed in 1994. EXPLORE
~^~T 1. ANALYZING Bring to class photos
of buildings located in various
climate regions. Discuss whether
the architecture reflects the
influence of the climate.
2. CHALLENGE Use building blocks
to make a model of a house for a
warm climate in which the wind
usually blows from the west.
Place doors, windows, and walls
to get the best flow of air
through the house. To check the
airflow, dust your model with a
light powder. Blow lightly and
note how much powder moves.
BEFORE, you learned NOW, you will learn
• The main factors that affect • How scientists classify climates
climate are latitude, altitude, • About the characteristics of
distance from large bodies of different climate zones
water, and ocean currents • How natural features and
• Seasonal changes in tempera- human activity affect climate
ture and precipitation are part
of climate
World Climates
Tropic of Cancer
Humid Tropical OCEAN
- Tropical wet Equator
Tropical wet and dry
Tropic of Capricorn
Moist Mid-Latitude, Mild Winters
- Humid subtropical
® Marine west coast
- Mediterranean
Moist Mid-Latitude, Severe Winters
Antarctic Circle
® Humid continental
- Subarctic a
~~ W' 4120 ,'W ~.90'W - 60 `L - 30
® Tundra
READi1NG How many different subclimates can you find
Icecap visuA~s in the United States?
Humid tropical Tropical wet Temperatures remain high throughout the year.
Example: Amazon rain Rising hot, humid air causes heavy cloud cover
forest in South America and abundant rainfall, with no dry season. Annual
rainfall usually is more than 2.5 meters (8 ft).
Like tropical wet climates, these climates are hot and
rainy, but they have a dry season in winter. Tropical wet
Semiarid These regions are found next to deserts. They have wider
Example: Denver, temperature ranges than deserts and are not as dry. Most
Colorado of the Great Plains region in North America is semiarid.
Moist mid-latitude Humid subtropical Summers are hot and muggy. Winters are usually mild.
with mild winters Example: Charlotte, Precipitation is fairly even throughout the year.
North Carolina
Moist mid-latitude Humid continental These regions have hot summers and cold winters.
with severe winters Example; Des Moines, Precipitation is fairly even throughout the year.
Iowa Snow covers the ground for 1 to 4 months in winter.
Humid continental
ground for long periods because of the cold.
•••;. .-:
:, .,rA~.:.r.~
Rain Shadows
Mountains have a strong effect on climate in places where steady
winds blow inland from oceans. The illustration above shows how
mountains can affect precipitation:
• Air is forced to rise as it flows over a mountain.
• As the air rises and cools, it condenses into clouds.
Areas near the side of a mountain that faces wind may
get heavy precipitation.
• After passing over the mountain, the air is much drier because A word triangle would be
it has lost moisture through condensation and precipitation. a a good choice for takina
notes about the term
The dry area on the downwind side of a mountain where this rain shadow.
process occurs is called a rain shadow. Mountains do not affect only
local climates. Many dry climate zones that extend over large regions
are found in the rain shadows of mountain ranges.
Q Procedure
Work in a group of four students. You will use a thermometer
to record air temperature. Choose another weather instrument
that you have made or that is available to you. You might use a
psychrometer to measure relative humidity, a barometer to measure
air pressure, or an anemometer to measure wind speed.
Make data tables similar to the ones in the sample notebook page.
The label in the second row of each table should identify what
you will measure with the instrument you chose in step 1.
How does blocking sunlight affect temperature? Measuring
Q Tape the tissue paper to a window frame to cover one window. If you cannot
cover the whole window, adjust the blinds or shade so that sunlight enters • white tissue
that window only through the tissue paper. Leave a second window on the
• tape
same side of the room uncovered. • 2 thermometers
Q Adjust the shade or blinds of the uncovered window so that sunlight enters
the room through equal areas of both windows. Place a thermometer in
X20 minutes
front of each window. Record the temperature for each window.
Ice Ages
Extent of ice
, today
~b During the last ice
age, thick sheets of
ice spread out over
large regions of
North America,
Europe, and Asia.
During major periods of global cooling, there are times when MAIN IDEA AND DETAILS
polar ice expands. Ice ages are periods in which huge sheets of ice Record in your notes the
important details about
spread out beyond the polar regions. The map above shows how far ice ages.
the ice sheets reached in the last ice age, which ended between 14,000
and 10,000 years ago. These sheets were several kilometers thick and
covered nearly a third of Earth's land area.
Ice ages usually last tens of thousands of years. They are separated
by warmer periods in which ice sheets shrink back toward the poles.
We are living in one of these warmer periods. Average global tempera-
tures are now 5°C to 10°C (9-18°F) higher than they were during the
last ice age. Only Greenland and Antarctica have large ice sheets today.
Various sources of evidence show that ice ages occurred. Scientists
study polar ice and the ocean floor to estimate past changes in tem-
perature. Geological features that formed during ice ages, such as
scratches on rocks, can reveal the movement of ice sheets. Some of
the evidence also provides clues about what causes ice ages. Most
scientists think that there are two main causes:
• Ice ages are closely linked to changes in how Earth moves around
the Sun. These changes may have caused ice sheets to grow by
altering the temperature patterns of the seasons.
• As you learned in Chapter 15, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse
gas. Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dropped during
ice ages. Lower carbon dioxide levels may have caused global
cooling by weakening the greenhouse effect.
Other factors probably play a role in the development of ice ages.
Scientists are still trying to understand how different factors work in
combination to cause global cooling.
In the diagrams, color is
used to show ocean
temperature. Red means
warmer water. Blue means
0 EI Nino Year
cooler water.
Pacific "Sore ~ ri
Ocean ~Americ
human activities release greenhouse gases. Higher levels of greenhouse Remember that greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere cause global warming. Earth hasn't warmed gases are gases that absorb
infrared energy.
so rapidly at any time in at least the last 10,000 years. Even a small
~ emperature increase could have a great impact on climate.
Amount of Carbon Dioxide in the Air Amount of Carbon Dioxide in the Air
SOURCE: Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) SOURCE: Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
400 -~ - 380
Carbon Dioxide (parts per million)
10. What is EI Nino? 19. Describe how a space object might have
helped kill off the dinosaurs.
a. a change in wind patterns and ocean currents
b. an increase in carbon dioxide levels 20. How is the climate of a city usually different
from the climate of a nearby rural area?
c. a decrease in global temperature
d. a change in solar energy
23. HYPOTHESIZE Which of the four main Evaluate all the data, results, and information in
geographical factors that affect climate your project folder. Prepare to present your project.
is the most likely cause of the difference
in temperature patterns in the two
locations? Explain.
Analyzing Data
The following tables show the average temperatures in four cities and the temperature characteristics
of four climate zones. Use the information in the tables to answer the questions below.
Moist mid-latitude Average temperature of 5. Which city has a moist mid-latitude climate with
with severe winters coldest month is below -2°C. severe winters?
a. Miami c. Little Rock
Moist mid-latitude Average temperature of
with mild winters coldest month is between b. Minneapolis d. Barrow
-2°C and 18°C.
6. In which climate zone would Little Rock be if
Humid tropical Average temperature of every its average temperature in the coldest month
month is greater than 18°C. were 10° colder?
a. polar
1. What is the average temperature in Miami in the b. moist mid-latitude with severe winters
coldest month?
c. moist mid-latitude with mild winters
a. —11 °C c. 20°C
d. humid tropical
b. 4°C d. 29°C
Extended Response
Use information in the diagram to answer the two
questions below in detail.
Unit Features
FRONTIERS IN SCIENCE Danger From the Sky 642
TIMELINES IN SCIENCE The Story of Astronomy 772
View the video segment
"Big Dish" to learn how
astronomers use the
largest radio telescope
on Earth.
Collisions in Space
In the summer of 1994, telescopes all over the world were aimed
" 4 .. ._.. ~~. ., ,.
at Jupiter. For the first time in history, astronomers had warning
of a collision in space. Jupiter's gravity had split a comet named
Shoemaker-Levy 9 into more than 20 large pieces. As the rocky
objects collided with Jupiter's atmosphere, they exploded
AMERICAN Astronomers are tracking
FRONTIERS these asteroids to deter-
mine how close they will
View the "Big Dish" segment
pass to Earth in the future.
of your Scientific American
Asteroids are too faint
Frontiers video to learn how
to be viewed clearly with
astronomers are using the giant
optical telescopes on
Arecibo radio telescope to
Earth. However, radio
explore the universe.
telescopes can provide
IN THIS SCENE FROM THE VIDEO detailed images of aster-
You see aclose-up of the oids. Inside the dome of
Arecibo telescope's dome and the Arecibo telescope is
one of its antennas. the world's most powerful
radar transmitter. The transmitter can bounce a
EXPLORING ASTEROIDS An asteroid's crashing beam of radio waves off the telescope's dish to
into Earth may seem like the subject of a science reach an asteroid millions of miles away. The
fiction movie. Yet asteroids pose a real danger to telescope picks up returning signals, which are
that struck Jupiter in many pieces? If an asteroid
• Find information about the research
broke apart before reaching Earth, pieces hitting
from Internet sites and other sources.
different locations could cause even more dam-
• Prepare both audio and visual compo-
age than a single impact. Before using a bomb or
nents for your presentation.
laser to change the course of an asteroid, govern-
ments must make sure that the asteroid will not
break apart. Fortunately, scientists would have
decades to study a dangerous asteroid and figure Map d Space Object
out what action to take. Use a large potato to represent a newly
explored space object. Draw lines of
latitude and longitude. Then identify
features, and make a flat map.
I~NANSWERED Questions • Use roller-ball pens to mark poles, an
equator, and lines of longitude and lati-
Scientists are learning about the risk of an aster-
tude. Try not to pierce the potato's skin.
oid's colliding with Earth. The more we learn about
collisions in space, the more questions we have. • Do the potato's eyes seem like craters
or volcanoes? Decide how to name the
What methods can be used to change the
different types of features.
course of an asteroid that threatens Earth?
• Make a flat map of the space object.
How can we make sure that an asteroid will
not break apart because of our efforts to -~._.,~ . .~
change its course?
How many smaller but still dangerous objects CAREER CENTER
may be headed toward Earth?
Learn about careers in astronomy.
Exploring Space
What challenges
People develop and use must be overcome in
technology to explore space exploration?
and study space.
Key Concepts
Some space objects
are visible to the
human eye.
Learn about views of space
from Earth and about the
arrangement of the universe.
Telescopes allow us to
study space from Earth.
Learn how astronomers gather
information about space from
different kinds of radiation.
Spacecraft help us
explore beyond Earth.
Learn how astronauts
and instruments provide
information about space.
Space exploration
benefits society.
Learn about the benefits of
space exploration.
Internet Preview
Chapter 19 online resources:
Content Review, Simulation,
Visualization, two Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial,
Test Practice
What Colors
Are in Sunlight?
In bright sunlight, hold a
clear plastic pen over a
box. Move the pen until a
rainbow pattern appears.
Observe and Think
What colors did you see?
What might have caused
them to appear?
:?: ~ \. _ .
/. .• •
~ ~.~' scilinks.or 9 INKS
Space Probes Code: MDL057
• There are more stars in the sky See Glossary for definitions.
than anyone can easily count. data
• Telescopes magnify the energy
appearance of distant objects
in the sky. gravity
• Once an invention exists, technology
people are likely to think
up new ways of using it. CONTENT REVIEW
Review concepts and vocabulary.
Write each new blue The constellations change Polaris is located straight
heading, or main idea, position in the night sky over the North Pole.
in the center box. In the as Earth rotates.
boxes around it, take
notes about important
terms and details that The sky seems to turn as Earth rotates.
relate to the main idea.
'. s ~ t.J.
Solar System
r ;~ ': •
. ~~
~ '. !~'~
0 Universe
Billions of galaxies are spread throughout
the universe.
;;' •f•.:
.~ .. ..
., a
t Cygni
1500 light-years
1000 light-years
READING Which two stars in Cygnus are farthest apart from each other
VISUALS in space?
If you want to find a particular place in the United States, it helps to
know the name of the state it is in. Astronomers use a similar system
to describe the locations of objects in the sky. They have divided the
sky into 88 areas named for the constellations.
A constellation is a group of stars that form a pattern in the sky.
~; VISUALIZATION In the constellation Cygnus, for example, a group of bright stars form
the shape of a flying swan. Any other objects in that area of the sky,
View images of the
such as galaxies, are said to be located in Cygnus, even if they are not
night sky taken
throughout the year. parts of the swan pattern. The ancient Greeks named many of the
constellations for animals and imaginary beings.
Unlike the planets in the solar system, the stars in a constellation
are usually not really close to each other. They seem to be grouped
together when viewed from Earth. But as the illustration above shows,
you would not see the same pattern in the stars if you viewed them
from another angle.
READING What relationship exists among the stars in a constellation?
This image of a galaxy shows Visible light is the only form of This image shows where the
where radio waves are emitted. radiation our eyes can detect. same galaxy emits x-rays.
Radio Telescopes
Radio telescopes show where radio waves are being emitted by objects
in space. A radio telescope has a curved metal surface, called a dish,
that gathers radio waves and focuses them onto an antenna. The dish
works in the same way as the main
mirror of a reflecting telescope.
Some radio telescopes have dishes
made of metal mesh rather than
solid metal.
Because radio waves are so long,
a single radio telescope must be
very large to produce useful images.
To improve the quality of images,
astronomers often aim a group of
radio telescopes at the same object.
Signals from the telescopes are com-
bined and then converted into an
image. Groups of radio telescopes,
like the Very Large Array in New
Mexico, can show more detail than
even the largest single dish.
Signals from these radio Unlike visible-light telescopes, radio telescopes are not affected by
telescopes in New Mexico
can be combined to
clouds or bad weather. They even work well in daylight. In addition,
produce clearer images. radio telescopes can be located at low altitudes because most radio
waves pass freely through Earth's atmosphere.
Telescopes in Space
Find out more about
Many exciting images have come from the Hubble Space Telescope
telescopes. and other telescopes in space. The Hubble telescope is a reflecting
telescope. It was placed in orbit around Earth in 1990. Astronomers
operate it from the ground, although astronauts have visited it to
make repairs and improvements. The telescope sends images and
measurements back to Earth electronically.
Observing Spectra
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE Visible light is made up of
different colors that can be separated into a rainbow band called
a spectrum. Astronomers gain information about the characteristics
of stars by spreading their light into spectra (spectra is the plural
form of spectrum). A spectroscope is a device that produces
spectra. In most spectroscopes, diffraction gratings are used to
separate light into different colors. The colors with the longest
wavelengths appear farthest from the slit in a spectroscope. The
colors with the shortest wavelengths appear closest to the slit.
In this investigation you will
• build a spectroscope and observe the spectra of three
different light sources
• identify ways in which the spectra of light sources differ
Q Procedure
MATERIALS Cut a hole measuring 3 cm by 1.5 cm in
• shoebox with lid each end of a shoebox. Make sure that
• ruler the holes line up.
• scissors
• diffraction grating On the inside of the box, tape a piece
• tape of diffraction grating over one of the
• index card holes. Handle the diffraction grating by
• pencils or markers in a its edges so that you do not get finger-
variety of colors
prints on it.
• incandescent light
• fluorescent light
~( Cut an index card in half, and tape the halves over
for Challenge:
• cellophane in several
~J the outside of the other hole as shown. Leave a very
colors narrow slit between the two halves of the index card.
Q Conclude f It Up,:
i~ Write
.:. .
Powerful booster rockets
were used to launch the
Apollo spacecraft. Beginning
with Apollo 75, astronauts
rode in lunar roving vehicles
to explore greater areas of
the Moon's surface.
Orbiting Earth
A space station is a satellite in which people can live and work for
VOCABULARY long periods. The United States and the Soviet Union launched the
Add a magnet word first space stations in the early 1970s. After the breakup of the Soviet
diagram for space station
s _ to your notebook. Union in 1991, the Russian space agency and NASA began to act as
partners rather than rivals. Russian and U. S. astronauts carried out
joint missions aboard Mir (meer), the Russian space station.
U~ The Mir missions helped prepare for the International Space
Station (ISS). The United States, Russia, and 15 other nations are
working together to build the ISS. When completed, it will cover an
area about as large as two football fields. The ISS is too large to launch
into space in one piece. Instead, sections of the space station are being
launched separately and assembled in orbit over a period of years.
Construction of the ISS began in 1998. The first three-member
crew arrived at the station in 2000. In addition to constructing the
station, crew members make observations of Earth and perform
experiments. Some experiments are much more effective when they
are performed in space, where gravity affects them differently. For
example, scientists can grow cell tissue more easily in space than they
can on Earth. Research on cell tissue grown in space may increase our
understanding of cancer and other diseases.
solar panels to
storage provide energy
How does Earth's rotation affect launches Identifying
of spacecraft? variables
0 Tightly wad 14 sheets of paper into balls, and place the balls in • paper
a small bucket. • small bucket
• large bucket
Stand 1.5 m away from a large bucket placed on a desk.
Try tossing 7 balls into the bucket.
While turning slowly, try tossing the remaining 7 balls into
the bucket.
The first stage in space exploration is to send out a spacecraft that
passes one or more planets or other bodies in space without orbiting
them. Such missions are called flybys. After a flyby spacecraft leaves
Earth's orbit, controllers on Earth can use the spacecraft's small
rockets to adjust its direction. Flyby missions may last for decades.
However, because a spacecraft flies by planets quickly, it can collect
data and images from a particular planet only for a brief period.
As a flyby spacecraft passes a planet, the planet's gravity
Path of a Flyby
can be used to change the spacecraft's speed or direction.
A flyby spacecraft gathers d ata as it During the flyby of the planet, the spacecraft can gain
passes several planets.
enough energy to propel it to another planet more quickly.
This method allowed Voyager 2 to fly past Saturn, Uranus,
and Neptune, even though the spacecraft left Earth with only
enough energy to reach Jupiter.
Many complex mathematical calculations are needed for
a flyby mission to be successful. Experts must take into
account Earth's rotation and the positions of the planets that
the spacecraft will pass. The period of time when a spacecraft
can be launched is called a launch window.
months to several years. Since an orbiter remains near a planet for a Remember that objects
much longer period of time than a flyby spacecraft, it can view most orbit, or move around,
other objects in space
or all of the planet's surface. An orbiter can also keep track of changes because of the influence
that occur over time, such as changes in weather and volcanic activity. of gravity.
Instruments on
the orbiter map
a planet's surface
and collect data.
Landing Sequence
Parachutes and air bags can
be used to slow a lander as it A parachute opens and the
descends to a planet's surface. lander is lowered from the
spacecraft. Air bags are inflated
'~ shortly before landing.
The lander bounces on
the surface and rolls to
a stop.
The air bags are deflated
and pulled back.
A rover from the lander begins to
move across the surface.
Combining Missions
A Lander or a probe can work in combination with an orbiter. For
example, in 1995 the orbiter Galileo released a probe into Jupiter's
atmosphere as it began orbiting the planet. The probe sent data back to
the orbiter for nearly an hour before it was destroyed. The orbiter passed
the data on to Earth. Galileo continued to orbit Jupiter for eight years.
Future space missions may involve even more complex combinations
of spacecraft. Planners hope to send groups of Landers to collect soil
and rock samples from the surface of Mars. A rocket will carry these
samples to an orbiter. The orbiter will then bring the samples to
Earth for study.
Distances in Space
Astronomers often deal with very large numbers. For example, the
~~ \ i MATH TUTORIAL planet Venus is about 100 million kilometers from the Sun. Written
~~.~ CLASSZONE.COM out, 100 million is 100,000,000. To use fewer zeros and to make
Click on Math Tutorial the number easier to write and read, you could write 100 million
for more help with as 108, which is the same value in exponent form.
powers and exponents.
Example 1
PROBLEM Write 1000 km, using an exponent.
To find the exponent of a number, you can write the number
as a product. For example,
This product has 3 factors of 10. When whole numbers other
than zero are multiplied together, each number is a factor of the
product. To write a product that has a repeated factor, you can
use an exponent. The exponent is the number of times the factor
is repeated. With factors of 10, you can also determine the
exponent by counting the zeros in the given number.
There are 3 The factor 10 is
zeros ink1000. repeated 3 times.
r~ ~ I ~
1000 = 10x10x10
1. 10,000 km
2. 1,000,000 km
3. 100,000,000,000 km
4. 10,000,000,000,000 km
5. 100,000,000,000,000,000 km
6. 10 km
A large object from space falls The object explodes as it strikes As the rock springs back from
toward the surface at a very the surface, compressing and the impact, material is thrown
high speed. fracturing the rock underneath. out of the crater.
Surface Features
Exploration of other worlds has helped us learn about the impacts of
space objects. When an object strikes the surface of a larger object in
space, it explodes and leaves behind a round pit called an impact crater.
The illustration above shows how an impact crater forms.
Earth has little evidence of impacts because its surface is constantly
being worn down by wind and water and altered by forces beneath the
surface. However, impact craters remain on the Moon, Mercury, and
many other bodies that have no wind or liquid water.
We are also learning about Earth's atmosphere from space exploration.
Earth's temperature allows liquid water to remain on the surface.
Mars and Venus, the planets closest to Earth, have no liquid water on
their surfaces. By comparing Earth with those planets, we can see how
liquid water has affected the development of Earth's atmosphere.
Another area of study involves the energy Earth receives from the
Sun. Many scientists think that small changes visible on the Sun's
surface can affect weather on Earth. These changes may have caused
periods of cooling in Earth's atmosphere.
~ CHECK YOUR What have scientists learned about Earth's past from studying
READING bodies in space?
v :,,
"ff :jam/, l . .
i;fi r
~~.~. 1. PROVIDE EXAMPLES Make a list of other spiral formations
f~~~ 4?f~" ..
that occur in nature. Discuss why spirals may be common.
2. CHALLENGE Use library or Internet resources to learn about
other experiments that test the effects of microgravity on
plants and seeds.
•~J1 the
Some space objects are visible to
human eye.
orbit p. 650
solar system p. 650
• Gravity causes objects in space to be galaxy p. 650
grouped together in different ways. universe p 650
constellation p. 652
• Stars form patterns in the sky.
• The sky seems to turn as Earth rotates.
J Space exploration
benefits society.
impact crater p. 672
6. What is the relationship between Earth, our solar 7. What do visible-light telescopes and radio tele-
system, the Milky Way, and the universe? scopes have in common? How are they different?
The Moon is Earth's
natural satellite.
Learn about the structure and
motion of Earth's Moon.
Positions of the Sun
and Moon affect Earth.
Learn about phases of the
Moon, eclipses, and tides.
Internet Preview
Chapter 20 online resources:
Content Review, two
Visualizations, two Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial,
Test Practice
}` scilinks.orgCINKS
The Moon Code: MDL058
Sc~~Nc~ NcTEBOO~c c.~3F
-~.v_._ .~.-:~.~
Face the lamp and hold your hands to your face as shown in the photograph.
TIME ~t,>~
Your hands mark the horizon. For a person located at your nose, the Sun
l 15 minutes '~"l -~s'
would be high in the sky. It would be noon.
0 Face away from the lamp. Determine what time it would be at your nose.
Q Turn to your left until you see the lamp along your left hand.
Continue turning to the left, through noon, until you just stop seeing the lamp.
CHALLENGE How can a cloud be bright even when it is dark on the ground?
a revolution is the motion of one object around another. The word Use the second vowel in
each word to help you
revolution can also mean the time it takes an object to go around once. remember that an object
Earth's rotation and orbit do not quite line up. If they did, Earth's rotates on its own axis,
but revolves around
equator would be in the same plane as Earth's orbit, like a tiny hoop another object.
and a huge hoop lying on the same tabletop. Instead, Earth rotates at
about a 23° angle, or tilt, from this lined-up position.
Not to scale
r i
;! ~~' July
153,000,000 km~ ~~~,
As Earth moves, its axis always points in the same direction in space. ,~
You could model Earth's orbit by moving your right fist in a circle on
a desktop. You would need to point your thumb toward your left .~
shoulder and keep it pointing that way while moving your hand
around the desktop. /~~~148,000,000 km
Earth's orbit is not quite a perfect circle. In January, Earth is about January ~~ Not to scale
5 million kilometers closer to the Sun than it is in July. You may be Earth's orbit is almost a
surprised to learn that this distance makes only a tiny difference in circle. Earth's distance
temperatures on Earth. However, the combination of Earth's motion from the Sun varies by
only about 5,000,000
around the Sun with the tilt of Earth's axis does cause important km—about 3%—during
changes of temperature. Turn the page to find out how. a year.
September Equinox Half of the sun- June Solstice More than half of the
light is in each hemisphere. The strongest Northern Hemisphere is in sunlight. The
sunlight is on the equator. strongest sunlight is north of the equator,
so the Northern Hemisphere grows warmer.
Pu ~ust 1u/y
~a~~uary Febr~~a~J
December Solstice Less than half of March Equinox Half of the sunlight is
the Northern Hemisphere is in sunlight. The in each hemisphere. The strongest sunlight
strongest sunlight is south of the equator, so is on the equator.
the;Southern Hemisphere grows warmer.
If you could stand on the Sun and look at Earth, you would see different parts of Earth
at different times of year.
The equinoxes and solstices mark the beginnings of seasons in the two hemispheres.
Warmer seasons occur when more of a hemisphere is in sunlight.
Look at the poles to help you see how each hemisphere is lit.
visuA~s When is the South Pole completely in sunlight?
Winter shadows are long Spring and fall shadows are of Summer shadows are short
because sunlight is spread out. medium length, and the noon because the light is concentrated
The Sun appears Sun appears higher in a small area. The
low in the sky in the sky. noon Sun appears
even at noon. high in the sky.
location on Earth
over the year? How do the average tempera-
tures and the seasonal changes
at the equator differ from those
at the poles?
Modeling Seasons
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE Why is the weather in North
America so much colder in January than in July? You might be
surprised to learn that it has nothing to do with Earth's distance
from the Sun. In fact, Earth is closest to the Sun in January.
In this lab, you will model the cause of seasons as you
• orient a light source at different angles to a surface
• determine how the angles of sunlight at a location
change as Earth orbits the Sun
Write ~
Q Problem It Up I
How does the angle of light affect the amount of solar energy
a location receives at different times of year?
• graph paper Q Hypothesize
• flashlight
• meter stick After performing step 3, write a hypothesis to explain how the
• protractor angles of sunlight affect the amounts of solar energy your location
• globe receives at different times of year. Your hypothesis should take the
• stack of books
form of an "If . . . ,then . . . ,because . . ." statement.
sticky note
Q Procedure
Mark an X near the center of the graph paper. Shine the flashlight
onto the paper from about 30 cm straight above the X—at an
angle of 90° to the surface. Observe the size of the spot of light.
happens to the brightness of the light step 2
as you change the angle. The bright-
ness shows how much energy the
area receives from the flashlight.
then write your hypothesis.
represents solstice A.
1. EVALUATE How did the angle of sunlight
at your location differ at the two times
Find your location on the globe. Place a folded
of year? At which position is sunlight more
sticky note onto the globe at your location as
concentrated at your location?
shown in the photograph.
Rotate the globe on its 2. APPLY The amount of solar energy
axis until the note faces at a location affects temperature. Which
toward the flashlight. solstice—A or B—represents the summer
solstice at your location?
2. ANALYZE Describe how the angle of the ~~~ Observations
flashlight in step 2 affected the area of the ~~
spot of light. Which angle concentrated ~,
the light into the smallest area? ~=~ Conclude
Earth Moon
Why do you see only one side of the Moon? Mass 1 % of Earth's mass
Diameter 27% of Earth's diameter
Average distance
from Earth 380,000 km
The Moon's craters show its history. Orbits in 27.3 Earth days
The half of the Moon's surface that constantly faces Earth is Rotates in 27.3 Earth days
called the near side. The half that faces away from Earth is
called the far side. Much of the Moon's surface is light-colored.
Within the light-colored areas are many small, round features. There are
also dark-colored features, some of which cover large areas. Much of
the near side of the Moon is covered with these dark-colored features.
In contrast, the far side is mostly light-colored with just a few of the
darker features.
Just as on Earth, features on the Moon are given names to make it
easier to discuss them. The names of the larger surface features on the
Moon are in the Latin language, because centuries ago scientists
from many different countries used Latin to communicate with one
another. Early astronomers thought that the dark areas might be bodies
of water, so they used the Latin word for "sea:' Today, a dark area on READING TIP
the Moon is still called a lunar mare (MAH-ray). The plural form Lunar means "having to do
is maria (MAH-ree-uh). with the Moon." The word
comes from lung, the Latin
The maria are not bodies of water, however. All of the features that word for the Moon.
can be seen on the Moon are different types of solid or broken rock.
The Moon has no air, no oceans, no clouds, and no life.
Light-colored highlands and dark maria form a familiar pattern on the near
side of the Moon and a very different pattern on the far side.
Far Side
Crater Mare
Tsiolkovskiy Orientate
0 Place the cup in the bowl of ice, and allow the gelatin time to solidify.
Moon Rocks
Moon rocks have different ages. Some of the surface rock of the Moon
is about 4.5 billion years old—as old as the Moon itself. This very old
rock is found in the lunar highlands. The rock in the maria is younger
because it formed from lava that solidified later, 3.8-3.1 billion years
ago. These two main types of rock and their broken pieces cover most
of the Moon's surface. Astronauts explored the Moon and brought
back samples of as many different types of material as they could.
Almost 400 kg
Impacts from space objects leave craters, and they also break the (weighing more than
800 Ib) of Moon rocks
surface material into smaller pieces. This breaking of material is called and soil were collected
weathering, even though it is not caused by wind and water. Weathered and brought back to
Earth by astronauts.
material on the Moon forms a type of dry, lifeless soil. The lunar soil is
more than 15 meters (50 ft) deep in some places. Impacts can also toss
lunar soil into different places, compact it into new rocks, or melt it
and turn it into a glassy type of rock.
The dark-colored rock that formed from lava is called
basalt (buh-SAWLT). Lunar basalt is similar to the rock deep
beneath Earth's oceans. The basalt of the lunar maria covers
large areas but is often only a few hundred meters in depth.
However, the basalt can be several kilometers deep at the
center of a mare, a depth similar to that of Earth's oceans.
Scientists have used information from lunar rocks and other
measurements to figure out what is inside the Moon. Beneath its thin
The Moon's interior
coating of crushed rock, the Moon has three layers—a crust, a mantle,
resembles Earth's and a core. As on Earth, the crust is the outermost layer. It averages
interior in several ways. about 70 kilometers (about 40 mi) thick and contains the least dense
type of rock.
Beneath the crust is a thick mantle that makes up most of
the Moon's volume. The mantle is made of dense types of rock that
include the elements iron and magnesium. The basalt on the lunar
surface contains these same elements, so scientists infer that the
material of the basalt came from the mantle.
In the middle of the Moon is a small core, approximately 700
kilometers (400 mi) across. Although dense, it makes up only a tiny
fraction of the Moon's mass. Scientists have less information about
the core than the mantle because material from the core did not reach
the Moon's surface. The core seems to consist of iron and other metals.
Scientists develop models to help them understand their observations,
such as the observed similarities and differences between Earth and
the Moon. The two objects have similar structures and are made of
similar materials. However, the materials are in different proportions.
The Moon has more materials like Earth's crust and mantle and less
material like Earth's core.
Scientists have used these facts to develop models of how the Moon
formed. A widely accepted model of the Moon's origin involves a
giant collision. In this model, an early version of Earth was hit by a
An early version of Earth is The many pieces pull each other The Moon forms from material
struck by a slightly smaller into orbits. Most of the material that orbits the new version
space body. forms a new version of Earth. of Earth.
smaller space body. Much of the material from both bodies, especially
the cores, combined to form a new version of Earth. The energy of the
collision also threw material out, away from Earth. Bits of material
from the crusts and mantles of both bodies went into orbit around
the new Earth. Much of this orbiting material clumped together and
became the Moon. Computer simulations of these events show that
the Moon may have formed quickly—perhaps within just one year.
Evidence from fossils and rocks on Earth show that, whether the
Moon formed from a giant collision or in some other way, it was once
much closer to Earth than it is today. The Moon has been moving slowly
away from Earth. It now moves 3.8 centimeters (1.5 in.) farther from
Earth each year. However, this change is so slow that you will not
notice any difference in your lifetime.
Graphing Sunlight
The location of the Moon and the Sun in the sky depend on your
MATH TUTORIAL location on Earth and when you look. In summer, the noon Sun is at
a greater angle above the horizon—closer to 90°—than it is in winter.
Click on Math Tutorial for In summer, the Sun rises earlier and sets later than in winter. Longer
more help with line graphs. days and steeper angles of sunlight combine to make summer days
much warmer than winter days. Plot the data for Washington, D.C.
(latitude 39° N) to see the changing patterns of sunlight.
Washington, D.C.
Sunlight Angle
Example 1
You can make a double line graph to see patterns in the data.
Each of Sun at Use a colored pencil to label the second y-axis.
Month Day (h) Noon (°)
Jan. I 9.9 I 31.4 Seasonal Patterns in Washington, D.C.
24 90
Mar. I 12.2
Sunlight each day (h)
12 45
July ~ 14.5 ~ 71.4
8 30
4 15
0 0
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Nov. 9.9 I 31.1
This is a series of images of the (1) Copy all three graph axes onto graph paper.
Sun photographed at exactly the (2) Use the y-axis on the left to plot the data for the hours of
same time of day every few days daylight. Draw line segments to connect the points.
over most of a year. The bottom
of the photograph is from just
(3) Use the y-axis on the right and a colored pencil to plot the
one of the days and includes a data for the angle of the Sun. Draw line segments to
stone circle calendar. connect the points.
Answer the following questions.
3. Does the angle of the Sun change more quickly between June
and July or between September and October? How can you tell?
CHALLENGE Copy the axes again, then graph the data your
teacher gives you for a location near the North Pole. Use your
graphs to compare daylight patterns at the two latitudes.
.'1 ....
Waxing Moon
READING TIP First Week The cycle begins with a new moon. From Earth, the Moon
Use the red dashed lines at and the Sun are in the same direction. If you face a new moon, you
each position in the diagram face the Sun. Your face and the far side of the Moon are in sunlight.
on page 701 to determine
what part of the Moon is The near side of the Moon is unlit, so you do not see it. During a new
visible from Earth. moon, there appears to be no Moon.
As the Moon moves along its orbit, sunlight begins falling on the
near side. You see a thin crescent shape. During the first week, the Moon
keeps moving farther around, so more of the near side becomes lit.
You see thicker crescents as the Moon waxes, or grows.
Second Week When half of the near side of the Moon is in sunlight,
the Moon has completed one-quarter of its cycle. The phase is called
the first quarter, even though you might describe the shape as a half-
moon. You can see in the diagram that the Moon is 90 degrees—at a
right angle—from the Sun. If you face the first-quarter moon when it
is high in the sky, sunlight will shine on the right side of your head
and the right side of the Moon.
You see more of the Moon as it moves along its orbit during the
READING TIP second week. The phase is called gibbous (GIHB-uhs) when the near
Crescent and gibbous side is more than half lit but not fully lit. The Moon is still waxing, so
describe the shape, while the phases during the second week are called waxing gibbous moons.
waxing and waning
describe the changes—
growing or shrinking. Why does the Moon sometimes seem to have a crescent shape?
Waning Moon
Third Week Halfway through its cycle, the whole near side of the Moon
is in sunlight—a full moon. You might think of it as the second quarter.
Viewed from Earth, the Moon and the Sun are in opposite directions.
If you face a full moon at sunset, sunlight from behind you lights the
back of your head and the near side of the Moon.
As the Moon continues around during the third week, less and less of
the near side is in sunlight. The Moon seems to shrink, or wane, so these
phases are called waning gibbous moons.
Fourth Week When the near side is again only half in sunlight, the
Moon is three-quarters of the way through its cycle. The phase is called
the third quarter. The Moon is again 90 degrees from the Sun. If you
face the third-quarter moon when it is high in the sky, sunlight will
shine on the left side of your head and the left side of the Moon.
first week
new moon -- moon
week waxing
Not to stole gibbous
week Q third week
full moon--
waning gibbous
direction from Earth
This lit portion is -
visible from Earth.
fourth week
READING COMPARE How are the sunlit portions alike in the image
VISUALS and the diagram of the waning gibbous moon?
~< ,
C`~~apter X20: Earth, Moon, and sun .701
As the Moon continues to move around Earth during the fourth
week, less and less of the near side is in sunlight. The waning crescent
moon grows thinner and thinner. At the end of the fourth week, the
near side is again unlit, and the new moon begins a new cycle.
~ CHECK YOUR What shape does the Moon appear to be when it is at a small
READING angle to the Sun?
Why does the Moon seem to change shape ? Making models
Place the ball on the stick, which will act as a handle. The ball will represent
the Moon, and your head will represent Earth.
Hold the ball toward the light, then move it to your left until you see a bright MATERIALS
edge. Draw what you see. • foam ball
• stick
0 Move the ball farther around until half of what you see is lit. Draw it. • lamp
TIME h~''~
Q then
Keep moving the ball around to your left until the side you see is fully lit,
half lit, then lit only a little bit. Each time, face the ball and draw it. ,2=nutes ";~
Lunar Eclipses
The Moon becomes dark during a lunar eclipse because it passes
through Earth's shadow. There are two parts of Earth's shadow, as you
can see in the diagram above. The umbra is the darkest part. Around it
is a spreading cone of lighter shadow called the penumbra.
Just before a lunar eclipse, sunlight streaming past Earth produces
a full moon. Then the Moon moves into Earth's penumbra and becomes
slightly less bright. As the Moon moves into the umbra, Earth's dark
shadow seems to creep across and cover the Moon. The entire Moon
can be in darkness because the Moon is small enough to fit entirely
within Earth's umbra. After an hour or more, the Moon moves slowly
back into the sunlight that is streaming past Earth.
A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely into
Earth's umbra. If the Moon misses part or all of the umbra, part of the
Moon stays light and the eclipse is called a partial lunar eclipse.
umbra penumbra
Moon i
Not to stole
path of penumbra
path of umbra
In this time-lapse photograph, the Sun's disk Path of June 21, 2001, Eclipse Only locations
appears darker as the Moon passes in front. along the thin central path of the shadow experi-
When the Moon is exactly in front of the ence atotal eclipse. Other locations experience a
Sun, the sky grows as dark as night. partial eclipse.
The Moon's gravity causes tides on Earth. In areas with tides, the
water generally reaches
If you have spent time near an ocean, you may have experienced the its lowest level twice a
usual pattern of tides. At first, you might see dry sand that slopes down day and its highest level
twice a day.
to the ocean. Then, waves creep higher
and higher onto the sand. The average
water level rises slowly for about 6 hours.
The highest level is called high tide.
Then the water level slowly drops for
about 6 hours. The lowest level is called
low tide. Then the water level rises and
falls again. The entire pattern—two high
tides and two low tides—takes a little
more than 24 hours.
How many high tides do you
expect per day?
high tide —
Nor ro scale
The diagram above shows what would happen if Earth were covered
CLASSZONE.COM with a thick layer of water. The Moon's pull produces a bulge of thicker
Learn more about tides.
ocean water on the side of Earth nearest the Moon. Another bulge of
water is produced on the side of Earth farthest from the Moon because
the Moon pulls the center of Earth away from that side. The layer of
water is thinnest in the middle, between the bulges.
A location moves past different thicknesses of water as Earth turns
on its axis. As a result, the water level there rises and falls. The thickest
water produces the highest level, which is high tide. A quarter of a
rotation-6 hours—later, the location has moved to the thinnest layer
of water, or low tide. Another high tide and low tide complete the cycle.
Because the Moon is orbiting while Earth is turning, the cycle takes a
little longer than the 24 hours in a day.
READING Why does a cycle of tides take about 24 hours?
Astronomy in Archaeology
In order to understand how people lived and thought long ago,
archaeologists study the buildings and other physical remains of
Antikythera Computer ancient cultures. Archaeologists often think about what needs
A device with gears and dials was found in
people had in order to figure out how they used the things they
an ancient Greek shipwreck. While examin- built. For example, people needed to know the time of year in
ing the device, a scientist noticed terms, order to decide when to plant crops, move to a different location
patterns, and numbers from astronomy. for winter, or plan certain ceremonies.
These observations led him to forma hypoth- Archaeologists can use their knowledge about objects in the
esisthat ancient Greeks used the instrument sky to hypothesize about the purpose of an ancient structure. They
to calculate the positions of can also use knowledge and models from astronomy to test their
the Sun, Moon, and
hypotheses. For example, archaeologists found some structures at
other bodies in space.
. Gamma-ray images Chimney Rock that were built at times of special events in the sky.
~o ~ of the instrument's
=. ~" r ,. interior later Stonehenge
.~, ~~ '` ~ supported this
`,~; f~ ~~ hypothesis. Stonehenge is an arrange-
ment of stones in Britain. path of rising Sun on solstice
The first stones were
placed there around 3100
e.c. The way that the Sun
and Moon line up with the
stones has led some
archaeologists to think that
Chimney Rock they were designed to help
people predict solstices
Chimney Rock, in Colorado, is topped by two and eclipses. Solstices tell
natural pillars of rock. The Moon appears people the time of year, so
to rise between the pillars under special Stonehenge has sometimes
circumstances that happen about every 18 been called a calendar.
years. Near the pillars are ruins of buildings
of the Anasazi people. In order to construct
the buildings and live here, the builders had Stonehenge as seen from above
to haul materials and water much farther than
was usual. Some archaeologists hypothesize
that the Anasazi built here in order to watch EXPLORE
or celebrate special events
in the sky. 1. COMPARE How is each archaeological
example related to astronomy?
2. CHALLENGE Make a list of five print or television
advertisements that feature the Sun or other objects in
the sky. Bring in copies of the advertisements if you can.
Why might the advertisers have chosen these objects?
axis of rotation p. 684 _
revolution p. 685
season p. 686
equinox p. 686
solstice p. 686
Analyzing a Diagram
The sketches show the phases of the Moon one week apart. The diagram
shows the Moon's orbit around Earth. Use the diagram and the sketches to
answer the questions below.
(~ J K
b. May 11
a. E
b. H
d. May 29
Extended Response
Answer the two questions below in detail. A diagram
may help you to answer.
8. The Moon was once much closer to Earth. What 9. What do you think would happen to tides on
effect do you think that this distance had Earth if Earth stopped rotating? Why?
on eclipses?
. -.
Laws of Gravity Revealed
English scientist Isaac Newton explains`-
that gravity causes planets to orbit the
Sun. His three laws of motion explain how
objects interact on Earth as well as in space.
Viewing Space
The telescope was probably invented in the early
1600s, when an eyeglass maker attached lenses to
both ends of a tube. Soon afterward, Italian scien-
tist Galileo Galilei copied the invention and used it
to look at objects in space. Galileo`s telescope
allowed him to study features never seen before,
such as mountains on the Moon. ~ '~`
.:.<~tis:.i1.~ ,
Colliding Particles Give Details About the
Start of the Universe
Scientists think that all matter and energy was in an
extremely hot, dense state and then exploded rapidly
in an event called the big bang. Some scientists are
attempting to re-create some of the conditions that
existed during the first billionth of a second after the
big bang. They use devices called particle accelerators
to make tiny particles move almost at the speed of
light. When the particles crash into each other, they
produce different types of particles and radiation.
Scientists use what they learn from the particles and
the radiation to develop models of conditions at the
beginning of the universe.
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714 Unit 5: Space Science -r - ~..
Fast Is Getting Faster
:; CENTER Reliving History
Some early astronomers observed
Learn more about
current advances in the Moon in order to develop and
astronomy. test their ideas about space. For two
weeks or more, make frequent
observations of the Moon and keep
your notes, sketches, and thoughts
in a notebook. You might look for
the Moon at a certain time each day
or night or perhaps record the
direction in which the Moon sets.
Measuring the Big Bang A newspaper may list the times of
In 1965 two researchers noticed ri;dio waves that came moonrise and moonset for your
from all directions instead of from just one direction, location.
like a signal from a space object. They inferred that
the radiation was left over from the big bang. Compare your observations and
In 1989 and again in 2001, NASA launched spacecraft thoughts with those of other stu-
to study the radiation. Data gathered using these dents. You might also find out what
telescopes in space are still being used to test different people in other cultures thought of
models of the big bang, including the arrangement the patterns of change they saw in
of matter in the universe. In this map of the sky, red the Moon.
and yellow show the areas that vvere hottest after
Writing About Science
the big bang.
Choose one of these famous astron-
omers and research his or her story.
Write a biographical profile or an
imaginary interview with that person.
The inner solar system
has rocky planets.
Learn about the processes
that shape Earth and
other planets.
The outer solar system
has four giant planets.
Learn about the largest
Small objects are made
of ice and rock.
Learn about moons, asteroids,
and comets.
Internet Preview
Chapter 21 online resources:
Content Review, Visuali-
zation, two Resource
Centers, Math Tutorial,
Test Practice
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Getting~Ready to earn
Make atwo-column chart.
Write main ideas, such as
those in the blue head-
ings, in the column on the 1. Planets have different 1. Objects in the solar system
left. Write details about sizes and distances. •Sun
each of those main ideas • planets
in the column on the right. • moons
• comets and asteroids
Draw a word triangle
diagram for each new
vocabulary term. In the
bottom row write and
define the term. In the
middle row, use the term Jupiter is
correctly in a sentence. about 5 AU from
At the top, draw a small the Sun.
picture to help you
remember the term. astronomical unit (AU):
Earth's average distance
from the Sun
On this scale,
the Sun is about
a meter across.
0 2 4 AU
The distances between most objects in space are huge in comparison
with the objects' diameters. If Earth and the Sun were the sizes shown
on page 720, they would be more than 100 meters from each other.
Astronomers understand huge distances by comparing them with
something more familiar. One astronomical unit, or AU, is Earth's VOCABULARY
Draw word triangles
average distance from the Sun. An AU is about 150 million kilometers in your notebook for
(93 million mi). Mercury is less than 0.5 AU from the Sun, Jupiter is new terms.
about 5 AU from the Sun, and Pluto gets nearly 50 AU from the Sun
at times. You can use the diagram at the bottom of pages 720-721 to
compare these distances. However, the planets are not arranged in a
straight line—they move around the Sun.
You can see that the planets are spaced unevenly. The first four
planets are relatively close together and close to the Sun. They define a
region called the inner solar system. Farther from the Sun is the outer
solar system, where the planets are much more spread out.
More than 99 percent of all the mass in the solar system is in the Sun.
The gravitational pull of this huge mass causes planets and most other
objects in the solar system to move around, or orbit, the Sun.
The shape of each orbit is an ellipse—a flattened
circle or oval. A circle is a special type of ellipse, just
as a square is a special type of rectangle. Most of the
planets' orbits are very nearly circles. Only one
planet—Pluto—has an orbit that looks a little
flattened instead of round.
Neptune Pluto
~f \ .~
CHALLENGE If it took two years for the Voyager 2 spacecraft to . .~_ .
travel from Earth to Jupiter, about how long do you think it took for ~~~' ~
Voyager 2 to travel from Jupiter to Neptune?
Solar System
Part of a huge cloud of material, The Sun formed at the center Much of the material was
called a nebula, collapsed into of the disk. Other objects cleared away. The Sun, planets,
a flattened disk. formed from the whirling and other objects remained.
material of the disk.
Some objects orbit planets instead of orbiting the Sun directly, so they
are considered moons. You will read more about asteroids, comets,
and moons in Section 21.4.
You can tell a little bit about the size of an object in space from
its shape. Lumpy objects are usually much smaller than round objects.
As a space object starts to form, the clumps come together from many
directions and produce an uneven shape. The gravity of each part
affects every other part. The pieces pull each other closer together.
When an object has enough mass, this pulling becomes strong enough
to make the object round. Any parts that would stick far out are pulled
in toward the center until the object becomes a sphere.
READING Why do planets and large moons have a spherical shape?
On Earth, with his heavy space suit and backpack, Neil Armstrong
weighed about 1600 newtons (360 Ib). To calculate his weight
on the Moon, find 17% of 1600 newtons.
"Of" means "multiply." 17% of 1600 N = 17% x 1600 N
Change the percent to
= 0.17 x 1600 N
a decimal fraction.
Simplify. = 272 N
Most of Earth's rocky surface is hidden by water. More details about Earth
and other planets are listed in the Appendix at the back of this book.
A loot mantle can move and Hot, molten rock can flow
distort the crust above it. or explode out onto the sur-
This system of mountains and valleys on Earth face of a planet. At this volcano on Venus, lava
formed as the crust was stretched. flowed onto the surface several times.
Which two processes happen because of hot material beneath the surface?
How do the layers inside of planets form? Using models
In this model, the materials you use represent different rocks and metals that
make up the solid planets.
0 Put pieces of gelatin into the container until it is about one-quarter full. • container
• spoon
Q Mix in a spoonful each of sand and wax. Use the spoon to break the gelatin firm gelatin
into small pieces as you mix. Remove the spoon. • sand
• wax pieces
Q Place the container in a bowl of hot tap water (about 70°C) and observe
what happens as the gelatin melts.
bowl of hot
tap water
Atmospheres on terrestrial planets mainly formed from gases that
poured out of volcanoes. If a planet's gravity is strong enough, it pulls
the gases in and keeps them near the surface. If a planet's gravity is
too weak, the gases expand into outer space and are lost.
Venus, Earth, and Mars each had gravity strong enough to hold
heavy gases such as carbon dioxide. However, the lightest gases—
hydrogen and helium—escaped into outer space. The atmospheres
of Venus and Mars are mostly carbon dioxide.
An atmosphere can move energy from warmer places to cooler
places. This movement of heat energy makes temperatures more
uniform between a planet's day side and its night side and between
its equator and its poles. An atmosphere can also make a planet's
whole surface warmer by slowing the loss of energy from the surface.
After Earth formed, its atmosphere of carbon dioxide kept the
surface warm enough for water to be liquid. Oceans covered most of
Earth's surface. The oceans changed the gases of the atmosphere, and
living organisms caused even more changes. Earth's atmosphere is
now mostly nitrogen with some oxygen.
Why is the solid Earth surrounded by gases?
Venus is nearly the size of Earth but has a thicker atmosphere
and is much hotter than Earth. The surface is rocky, as you can
see in the image below.
. ._
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O Observations
R,'. J
• Dark> raised triangles point roughly east.
~' J
-~ J
• Patterns of light stripes run mostly north-south between
t~ the dark hills.
~" J
• The fieatures are inside a huge impact crater.
Q Forrx~ a Hypothesis
On Your Own Consider one or more processes that might
. produce the hills and stripes seen in the image at left.
As a Group With a small group discuss possible hypotheses to
explain the formation of these features. See if the group can agree
on which one is most reasonable.
Q onto
Poke the stick through the plate and cut off the plate's rim. Shape the clay
both sides of the plate to make a model of a planet with rings. ~t
Q classroom
Model Saturn's orbit for your partner. Stand between your partner and the
clock. Point one end of the stick at the clock. Hold the model at • ice-cream stick
• disposable plate
the same height as your partner's eyes. Have your partner watch the model • scissors
with just one eye open. • clay
Q point
Move one step counterclockwise around your partner and
the stick at the clock again. Make sure the model is as
high as your partner's eyes. Your partner may need to turn to
see the model.
Q stick
Continue taking steps around your partner and pointing the
at the clock until you have moved the model all the
way around your partner.
..~. '"'
Q Switch roles with your partner and repeat steps 2, 3, and 4.
Uranus is about twice Saturn's distance from the Sun. The farther
a planet is from the Sun, the more slowly it moves along its orbit.
The greater distance also results in a larger orbit, so it takes Uranus
84 Earth years to travel around the Sun.
Like the other gas giants, Uranus has a system of rings and moons
around its equator. The ring particles and moons orbit Uranus in the
same direction as the planet's spin. Unlike the other planets, Uranus
has an axis of rotation that is almost in the plane of its orbit.
As a result, Uranus seems to spin on its side. During a
solstice, one pole of Uranus points almost straight
toward the Sun.
Some scientists think that there was a
large collision early in Uranus's history.
The result left the planet and its system
spinning at an unusual angle.
Neptune orbits about 10 AU farther from the Sun than Uranus, Neptune has a large moon
that orbits in a direction
so you would expect it to be colder. However, Neptune has opposite to Neptune's rota-
about the same outside temperature as Uranus because it is tion. Scientists think a giant
hotter inside. collision might have occurred
in Neptune's past.
Uranus is usually one smooth color, but light and dark areas
Mass 17 Earth masses
often appear on Neptune. Clouds of methane ice crystals
Diameter 4 Earth diameters
can form high enough in the atmosphere of
Average distance
Neptune to look white. from Sun 30 AU
Orbits in 164 Earth years
Storm systems can appear in darker
Rotates in 16 hours
shades of blue than the rest of the
planet. One storm, seen during the
flyby of the Voyager 2 spacecraft in
1989, was named the Great Dark
Spot. Unlike the huge storm on
Jupiter, the Great Dark Spot did
not stay at the same latitude. It
moved toward Neptune's equator.
The winds there may have broken
up the storm. Images of Neptune
obtained a few years later with the
Hubble Space Telescope showed no
sign of the Great Dark Spot.
Why do scientists know less about Pluto than about Mass 0.2% Earth's mass
other planets? Diameter 18% Earth's diameter
Average distance from
Sun 40 AU
Pluto's moon, Charon, has a diameter half that of Pluto and a
Orbits in 248 Earth years
mass about 15 percent of Pluto's. Because Pluto and Charon orbit
Rotates in 6 Earth days
each other, they are sometimes called a double planet. Just as the
Moon always has the same side facing Earth, Pluto and Charon
always keep the same sides turned toward each other.
Pluto and Charon also move together around the Sun. Pluto's path
around the Sun is not as round as the orbits of the rest of the planets, so
its distance from the Sun changes a lot as it orbits. Pluto gets closer to
the Sun than Neptune's distance of 30 AU. At the other side of its orbit,
Pluto is about 50 AU from the Sun. Pluto's orbit is at an angle with
respect to Neptune's, as you can see in the diagram below, so the two
paths do not cross and the planets will not collide.
Neptune's orbit
(color added.)
VISUALS Which images show volcanoes?
Small, solid, rocky bodies that orbit close to the Sun are called asteroids.
They range from almost 1000 kilometers (600 mi) in diameter down
to a kilometer or less. Except for the largest, their gravity
is too weak to pull them into round spheres. Therefore,
most asteroids have irregular shapes. Some asteroids are
the broken pieces of larger, rounded asteroids.
Most asteroids have paths that keep them between
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This huge region is called
the asteroid belt, and contains more than 10,000 asteroids.
However, the asteroids are so far apart that spacecraft
from Earth have passed completely through the belt
without danger of collision. The mass of all the asteroids
put together is estimated to be less than the mass of
our Moon.
The surfaces of asteroids are covered with craters, broken rock, This asteroid is small com-
and dust. Even though asteroids are far apart, smaller objects do hit pared with a planet, but
it is large compared with
them from time to time. Impacts from very long ago are still visible a person. The large crater
because most asteroids are not massive enough to have formed cores, at the bottom is about
mantles, and crusts. Therefore, they do not have volcanism or tectonics the size of a small city.
Some asteroids have collided with Earth in the past. The collisions
left impact craters, some of which can still be seen today. Scientists have
found evidence that an asteroid 10 kilometers (6 mi) in diameter hit
Earth 65 million years ago. A cloud of dust from the collision spread
around the world and probably affected surface temperatures. Many
forms of life, including dinosaurs, died off at about that time, and the
impact may have been part or all of the reason. Today astronomers are
working to study all asteroids larger than 1 kilometer (0.6 mi) in
diameter to determine whether any could hit Earth.
A Comet's Orbit
Not to sails
r .e-~. ,s~~~.~ ~
In what part of a comet's orbit is its
`~visuA~s~ tail longest?
Exploring t~~~~~~
Impact Craters EXPERIMENT
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE Nearly 50,000 years ago, an
asteroid plummeted through Earth's atmosphere and exploded
near what is now Winslow, Arizona. The photograph at left
shows the resulting impact crater, which is about 1.2 kilometers
(0.7 mi) wide. Most of the other craters on Earth have been
erased. However, some planets and most moons in the solar
system have surfaces that are covered with craters. In this investi-
gation you will
• use solid objects to make craters in a flour surface
determine how one variable affects the resulting crater
Q Problem
How does one characteristic of an impact or a colliding object
affect the resulting crater?
Q Hypothesize
• colored powder Complete steps 1-5 before writing your problem statement
• several objects and hypothesis. Once you have identified a variable to test,
• meter stick
write a hypothesis to explain how changing this variable will
• ruler
affect the crater. Your hypothesis should take the form of an
• balance
"If . . . ,then . . . ,because . . ." statement.
Q Procedure
19. INFER Explain which area of the surface, the 28. ANALYZE Scientists sometimes use round
smooth part or the heavily cratered part, is numbers to compare quantities. For example,
probably older. a scientist might say that the Sun's diameter is
about 100 times Earth's diameter, even though
20. APPLY The lighter area was produced by she knows that the precise value is 109 times.
tectonic processes and may have been covered Why might she use such an approximation?
with molten material. What can you infer
about the inside of this moon?
22. PREDICT Suppose the Moon were hotter inside. 30. SYNTHESIZE Ice is generally less dense than
How might its surface be different? rock, which is generally less dense than metal.
Use what you know about materials in the
23. IDENTIFY CAUSE Mercury's surface is not as hot solar system to estimate whether a moon of
as Venus's, even though Mercury is closer to the Mars, a moon of Uranus, or the planet Mercury
Sun. In addition, the night side of Mercury gets should be the least dense.
very cold, while the night side of Venus is about
as hot as the day side. Why are the temperature
patterns on these two planets so different? UNIT PRQJECTS
24. EVALUATE Would it be easier to design a lander Check your schedule for your unit project. How
mission for the surface of Venus or the surface are you doing? Be sure that you have placed data
of Mercury? Explain your reasoning. ~ r notes from your research in your project folder.
Interpreting a Passage
Read the following passage. Then answer the questions that follow.
Choose from the following four environments to 2. Some organisms survive in very deep cracks in
answer each of the next three questions. rocks, where they are protected from changing
temperatures. Where else might scientists look
for these types of organisms?
• the dark ocean that might be underneath
Europa's surface a. under Europa's surface c. Venus
b. Martian flood channels d. an asteroid
• the flood channels on Mars, which have been
dry and frozen for a long time 3. Where might scientists look for tiny organisms that
• the very hot, high-pressure environment of Venus are dormant but that might revive if given warmth
and water?
• the dry rock of an asteroid that alternately heats
a. under Europa's surface c. Venus
and cools
b. Martian flood channels d. an asteroid
1. Some organisms survive deep underwater, where 4. Where, outside Earth, should scientists look for
photosynthesis does not occur because little or no tiny ponds of water within solid ice?
sunlight reaches those depths. Which environment a. the other terrestrial planets
can these organisms teach about? b. the gas giants
a. under Europa's surface c. Venus c. small space objects in the inner solar system
b. Martian flood channels d. an asteroid d. small space objects in the outer solar system
Extended Response
Answer the two questions in detail.
5. A class was given a sample of ordinary dormant, 6. Imagine that scientists have found extremophiles in
dry yeast that had been exposed to an extreme clouds of frozen water crystals high in Earth's
environment. Describe ways the students might atmosphere. How might this discovery affect a
test the yeast to see if it remained undamaged, search for organisms on the gas giants?
or even survived, the conditions.
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Chapter 21: Our Solar System 751
Key Concepts
The Sun is our local star.
Learn how the Sun produces
energy and about the Sun`s
layers and features.
Stars change over their
life cycles.
Learn how stars form
and change.
Galaxies have different
sizes and shapes.,,,
Learn how galaxies
are classified.
Internet Preview
Chapter 22 online resources:
Visualization, Simulation,
three Resource Centers,
Math Tutorial, Test Practice
Now Do Galaxies
Move Apart?
Blow air into a balloon until
it is partially inflated. Use a
felt-tip pen to make 12 dots
on the round end. Then
stand in front of a mirror
and observe the dots as you
completely inflate the balloon.
Observe and Think What caused the dots to
move apart? What might cause galaxies to
move apart in the universe?
Internet Activity:
Galaxy Shapes _,
Go to
to explore the different
shapes of galaxies in M~cOougal Littell Science
the universe.
Observe and Think
How do the types of
galaxies differ from
one another?
,~ :fir %~ ~ i'~'i`~'/r~mss''/
J - ~
Energy is produced in
the Sun's core.
Energy moves by radia-
tion through the
radiative zone.
Currents of hot gas in
the convection
zone carry energy
The photosphere is
the visible layer of
the Sun.
J 1
The chromosphere
is the middle layer of
the Sun's atmosphere.
Solar Features
Sunspots Prominences
Sunspots on the photosphere can be Prominences can soar more than 100,000
larger than Earth. kilometers above the photosphere.
Temperature, Brightness,
and Color
OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE Think of the metal heating
surface on a hot plate. How can you tell whether the hot plate is
fully heated? Is the metal surface brighter or dimmer than when
it is just starting to get warm? Does the color of the surface
change as the hot plate gets hotter? You may already have an
idea of how temperature, brightness, and color are related—at
least when it comes to heated metal. Do the same relationships
apply to electric lights? to stars? This investigation is designed to
help you find out. You will
• construct a wax photometer to compare the brightnesses
and colors of different light sources
• determine how the temperature of a light source affects its
brightness and color
Q Problem
• 2 paraffin blocks
• aluminum foil How are brightness and color related to temperature?
• 2 rubber bands
• 2 light-bulb holders Write ~
• 2 miniature light bulbs Q Hypothesize It Up r'j
~ i
• 3 AA batteries
• 4 pieces of uninsulated Write a hypothesis to explain how brightness and color are
copper wire 15 cm long related to temperature. Your hypothesis should take the form of
• masking tape an "If . . . ,then . . . ,because . . ." statement.
for Challenge:
• incandescent lamp
• dimmer switch Q Procedure
An instrument called a photometer makes it easier to compare
the brightnesses and colors of different light sources. Assemble
the wax photometer as shown on page 761. The aluminum foil
between the wax blocks should be folded so that the shiny side
faces out on both sides.
G~ Hold the photometer so that you can see both blocks. Bring it
C~ to different locations in the classroom, and observe how the
brightnesses and colors of the blocks change as the two sides of
the photometer are exposed to different light conditions.
With the room darkened, insert a bulb into each 1. INTERPRET Answer the question in
light-bulb holder. If the bulb connected to two the problem. Compare your results with
batteries does not light up, you may need to press your hypothesis.
the two batteries together with your fingers.
2. ANALYZE How does distance affect your
perception of the brightness of an object?
Place the photometer halfway between the two
light bulbs. Compare the brightnesses of the two 3. APPLY Judging by the results of the investi-
light sources. Record your observations in your gation, would you expect a red star or a
Science Notebook. yellow star to be hotter? Explain why.
step 6
Temperature, Brightness, and
Observe and Analyze
Light from
Table 1. Properties of
Two Sources
~'`-~ Chapter 22: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe 761
How does the distance of an object Measuring
affect parallax?
• meter stick
0 Stand 1 m away from a classmate. Have the classmate hold up a meter stick • capped pen
at eye level.
With your left eye closed, hold a capped pen up close to your face. Look at 10 minutes "~ ~~~'i
the pen with your right eye, and line it up with the zero mark on the meter
stick. Then open your left eye and quickly close your right eye. Observe how
many centimeters the pen seems to move. Record your observation.
Repeat step 2 with the pen held at arm's length and then with the pen
held at half your arm's length. Record your observation each time.
CHALLENGE How could you use this method to estimate distances that
you cannot measure directly?
Higher-Mass Stars
After the
stage, the star
expands into a
When fusion
can no longer
occur in the
supergiant, it
After the
undergoes an
explosion called
stage, the star a supernova.
expands into a
giant star.
Brightness and
Temperature of Stars
A star's brightness, or luminosity, depends on the star's surface
Click on Math Tutorial temperature and size. If two stars have the same surface temperature,
for more help with the larger star will be more luminous. The Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R)
scatter plots. diagram below is a scatter plot that shows the relative temperatures
and luminosities of various stars.
Example 1
Describe the surface temperature and luminosity of Spica.
(~) Surface temperature: Without drawing on the graph, imagine
a line extending from Spica down to the temperature axis.
Spica is one of the hottest stars.
(2) Luminosity: Imagine a line extending from Spica across to the
luminosity axis. Spica has a high luminosity.
ANSWER Spica is one of the hottest and most luminous stars.
COMBINATION NOTES Our solar system lies within
You could record information
? about the Milky Way in a the Milky Way galaxy.
combination notes table.
The Sun lies within a galaxy called the Milky Way. Remember that a
galaxy is a huge grouping of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.
Without a telescope, you can only see nearby stars clearly. Those stars
are a tiny fraction of the several hundred billion in the Milky Way.
The Milky Way is shaped like a disk with a bulge in the center.
Because Earth is inside the disk, you have an edge-on view of part of
the galaxy. On a dark night, the galaxy appears as a band of blended
starlight. The Milky Way got its name from the hazy, or milky, appear-
ance of this band of stars. You cannot see the center of the galaxy
because it is hidden by dust.
The disk of the Milky Way measures The (~.~I+!k~ ~~`la~r is about 100,000 light-;ears in diameter.
more than 100,000 light-years in diame-
ter. The bulge of densely packed stars at the center is located about
26,000 light-years from the Sun. A large but very faint layer of stars
surrounds the disk and bulge. In addition to stars, the Milky Way
contains clouds of gas and dust called nebulae.
The stars and nebulae in the Milky Way orbit the galaxy's center
at very high speeds. However, the galaxy is so large that the Sun takes
about 250 million years to complete one orbit.
Types of Galaxies
The three main types of galaxies are spiral, elliptical, and irregular.
Most galaxies are either spiral or elliptical.
VOCABULARY Spiral galaxies have arms of stars, gas, and dust that curve away from
Make a description wheel the center of the galaxy in a spiral pattern. The Milky Way is a spiral
for each type of galaxy in
'~ ~ your notebook. galaxy. Like the Milky Way, other spiral galaxies are disk-shaped and
have a central bulge. Most of the stars in the disk and the bulge are
old stars. However, the dense spiral arms within the disk contain
many young, bright stars.
Elliptical galaxies are shaped like spheres or eggs. Unlike spiral galaxies,
elliptical galaxies have almost no dust or gas between stars, and all of
their stars are old.
Irregular galaxies are faint galaxies without a definite shape. They are
smaller than the other types of galaxies and have many fewer stars.
Galaxies sometimes collide with other galaxies. These collisions
can cause changes in their shapes. The Extreme Science feature on
page 774 describes such collisions.
Not to Worry!
Galaxies containing many billions of stars are colliding all the time.
What are the chances that their stars will crash into one another?
The chances are very small, because there is so much empty space
between stars.
Galactic Cannibals
When galaxies collide, a larger galaxy can "eat up" a smaller one.
• The stars of the smaller galaxy become part of the larger one.
• The collision of two spiral galaxies may form a new elliptical galaxy.
Model Galaxies
Astronomers use computer simulations to predict how the stars
and gas in galaxies are affected by a collision. To understand galaxy
collisions better, they then compare the simulations with images of
actual galaxies.
1. PREDICT Draw the shape of the new galaxy that the two
in the photograph on the left might form.
2. CHALLENGE Look at online
Come back in a few billion images and simulations of RESOURCE CENTER
years and you may see that galaxy collisions. Make a CLASSZONE.COM
these two spiral galaxies have chart showing how these Find out more about
become one elliptical galaxy. collisions can differ. galaxy collisions.
The Doppler effect can show how galaxies are moving in relation to Earth.
visuA~s What do the arrows on the light waves indicate?
4 cm
2 cm j
Like the dough that expands and moves raisins apart, space in the
universe is expanding and moving galaxies apart. The universe does
not expand into anything, since there is nothing outside the universe.
Rather, the universe itself is expanding.
READING How are galaxies moving in relation to each other?
Q Mark
Spread the cut rubber band against the ruler without stretching it.
off every centimeter for 6 centimeters.
Q Align the first mark on the rubber band with the 1-centimeter mark on the MATERIALS
ruler and hold it in place tightly. Stretch the rubber band so that the second • thick rubber
band cut open
mark is next to the 3-centimeter mark on the ruler.
• ballpoint pen
• ruler
Q location
Observe how many centimeters each mark has moved from its original
against the ruler.
releases FUSION occurs in 13. How do lower-mass stars differ from higher-
energy Sun's core mass stars?
a. They develop more quickly.
b. They develop more slowly.
a process in which hydrogen particles
collide and combine to form helium
c. They end up as black holes.
d. They have too little mass to produce energy.
1. convection 5. nebula 14. Which term describes the Milky Way?
2. corona 6. black hole a. spiral galaxy c. irregular galaxy
b. elliptical galaxy d. quasar
3. sunspot 7. Doppler effect
15. The Doppler effect is used to determine
4. solar wind 8. big bang
a. the number of stars in a galaxy
b. the number of galaxies in the universe
Reviewing Key Concepts c. the size of the universe
d. whether a galaxy is moving toward or away
Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the from Earth
best answer.
16. What is the big bang?
9. Which layer do you usually see in photographs
of the Sun? a. the collision of galaxies
a. convection zone c. chromosphere b. the formation of the solar system
b. photosphere d. corona c. the beginning of the universe's expansion
d. the time when stars began to form
10. Which statement is true of sunspots?
a. They are permanent features on the Short Answer Write a short answer to each
Sun's surface. question.
b. They are caused by solar wind.
c. They are where fusion occurs. 17. Why can't we see the Sun's corona under
normal conditions?
d. They are cooler than surrounding areas.
18. How do astronomers use parallax to calculate
11. Which unit is usually used to describe the a star's distance?
distances of stars?
a. astronomical units c. kilometers 19. Where do heavy elements, such as iron,
b. light-years d. miles come from?
20. How can astronomers tell whether a black hole
exists in the center of a galaxy?
22. ANALYZE What general pattern do you see in 33. COMPARE AND CONTRAST The photographs
these data? above show a spiral galaxy and an elliptical
23. APPLY What would you estimate to be galaxy. What similarities and differences do
the speed of a galaxy located 60 million you see in these two types of galaxies?
light-years away? Hint: Notice the pattern
between the first and third rows and the
second and fourth rows in the chart. ~~~ B ~~ ~~~:~
Analyzing a Chart
Use the chart and diagram to answer the next six questions.
Classification of Stars
Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram
Class Color Temperature (°C) highest ~3
O blue-white above 25,000
B blue-white 10,000-25,000 0
A white 7500-10,000
F yellow-white 6000-7500 J
Extended Response
Answer the two questions below in detail.
7. Why is looking at a star in the night sky like seeing 8. How could you use two flashlights to demonstrate
back into time? the concept that the apparent brightness of a star
is affected by its distance from Earth? You can
include a diagram as part of your answer.
Inferring R4
Recognizing Bias R6
Analyzing Statements R8
Mdth Ndndbool
Describing a Set of Data R36
Using Ratios, Rates, and Proportions R38
Using Decimals, Fractions, and Percents R39
Using Formulas R42
Finding Areas R43
Finding Volumes R43
Using Significant Figures R44
Using Scientific Notation R44
Student Resources R1
Scientific Thinking Handbook
Making Observations
An observation is an act of noting and recording an event, character-
Z ~
istic, behavior, or anything else detected with an instrument or with
~ m
= O the senses.
V p
~ Z
~_ Observations allow you to make informed hypotheses and to gather data for
_ experiments. Careful observations often lead to ideas for new experiments.
There are two categories of observations:
• Quantitative observations can be expressed in numbers and include
records of time, temperature, mass, distance, and volume.
• Qualitative observations include descriptions of sights, sounds, smells,
and textures.
A student dissolved 30 grams of Epsom salts in water, poured the solution into
To determine the mass, the a dish, and let the dish sit out uncovered overnight. The next day, she made
student found the mass of the following observations of the Epsom salt crystals that grew in the dish.
the dish before and after
growing the crystals and Table 1. Observations ofi Epsom Salt Crystals
then used subtraction to
find the difference.
• mass = 30 g • Crystals are clear.
The student measured sever- • mean crystal length = 0.5 cm • Crystals are long, thin, and
al crystals and calculated the rectangular.
• longest crystal length = 2 cm
mean length. (To learn how
• White crust has formed around
to calculate the mean of a
data set, see page R36.) edge of dish.
Suppose you have made two paper airplanes and you wonder why one of rz
Z '*~
there tends to glide farther than the other one. vn
O =
1 . Start by asking a question. ~J O
2. Make an educated guess. -~.,
J 1. Why does one of the paper airplanes z
After examination, you notice ~ glide farther than the other?
that the wings of the airplane ~
~ J
that flies farther are slightly ~~ 2. The size of an airplane's wings may
larger than the wings of the E~~
affect how far the airplane will glide.
--.,~ J
other airplane. ~.
~:~ 3. Prediction: If I make a paper airplane
3. Write a prediction based upon ~~ with larger wings, then the airplane will
c.~ ~
your educated guess, in the glide farther.
form of an "If . . . , then . . ." ~~~
P 1
z o
Y A student observing a set of acorns noticed something unexpected about one
m of them. He noticed a white, soft-bodied insect eating its way out of the acorn.
u. z
~ ~
Make an Observation
Suppose you have a few plants growing outside. When the weather starts
getting colder, you bring one of the plants indoors. You notice that the plant
you brought indoors is growing faster than the others are growing. You cannot
conclude from your observation that the change in temperature was the cause
of the increased plant growth, because there are alternative explanations for
the observation. Some possible explanations are given below.
There are several ways in which a report of scientific information may be
biased. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself:
1. Who is sponsoring the research?
Sometimes, the results of an investigation are biased because an organiza-
tion paying for the research is looking for a specific answer. This type of
bias can affect how data are gathered and interpreted.
2. Is the research sample large enough?
Sometimes research does not include enough data. The larger the sample
size, the more likely that the results are accurate, assuming a truly random
3. In a survey, who is answering the questions?
The results of a survey or poll can be biased. The people taking part in
the survey may have been specifically chosen because of how they
would answer. They may have the same ideas or lifestyles. A survey or
poll should make use of a random sample of people.
4. Are the people who take part in a survey biased?
People who take part in surveys sometimes try to answer the questions
the way they think the researcher wants them to answer. Also, in surveys
or polls that ask for personal information, people may be unwilling to
answer questions truthfully.
It is also important to realize that scientists have their own biases because of
the types of research they do and because of their scientific viewpoints. Two
scientists may look at the same set of data and come to completely different
conclusions because of these biases. However, such disagreements are not
necessarily bad. In fact, a critical analysis of disagreements is often responsible
for moving science forward.
Identifying Faulty Reasoning
Faulty reasoning is wrong or incorrect thinking. It leads to mistakes
and to wrong conclusions. Scientists are careful not to draw unreason-
able conclusions from experimental data. Without such caution, the
results of scientific investigations may be misleading.
Z '~
Scientists try to make generalizations based on their data to explain as much vn'
about nature as possible. If only a small sample of data is looked at, however, a o=
conclusion may be faulty. Suppose a scientist has studied the effects of the EI ~~
Nino and La Nina weather patterns on flood damage in California from 1989 c~
to 1995. The scientist organized the data in the bar graph below.
The scientist drew the following conclusions: Flood and Storm Damage in California
~ N 2000
1. The La Nina weather pattern has no effect on
~ 1500
flooding in California. ~
~ 1500
~ ~ 1000
+r ~
~ ~' 500
W ~, ~,
0 I i ~ l I ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I
1949 1953 1957 1961 1965 1969 1973 1977 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997
Weak—moderate EI Nino Weak—rrloderate La Nina
Starting year of season
Strong EI Nino ■ Strong La Nina
(July 1—June 30) SOURCE: Governor's Off ce of
Neither Emergency Services, California
The only one of the conclusions that all of this information supports is number 3:
a weak or moderate EI Nino produces a small or moderate amount of flooding.
By collecting more data, scientists can be more certain of their conclusions and
~ can avoid faulty reasoning.
Look for statements that ,oil across such areas can only result in oil spills
speculate about events. that poison the land for decades.
These statements are
opinions, because they
cannot be proved.
• Read all directions and make sure that you understand them before starting
an investigation or lab activity. If you do not understand how to do a
procedure or how to use a piece of equipment, ask your teacher.
• Do not begin any investigation or touch any equipment until your teacher
has told you to start.
• Never experiment on your own. If you want to try a procedure that the
directions do not call for, ask your teacher for permission first.
• If you are hurt or injured in any way, tell your teacher immediately.
Dress Code
• Wear goggles when
— using glassware, sharp objects, or chemicals
goggles — heating an object
— working witf~ anything that can easily fly up into the air and
hurt someone's eye
• Tie back long hair or hair that hangs in front of your eyes.
• Remove any article of clothing—such as a loose sweater or a scarf—that
hangs down and may touch a flame, chemical, or piece of equipment.
• Observe all safety icons calling for the wearing of eye protection, gloves,
and aprons.
Chemical Safety
• If you spill a chemical or get one on your skin
~~ or in your eyes, tell your teacher right away.
chemical • Never touch, taste, or sniff any chemicals in the
safety lab. If you need to determine odor, waft.
Wafting consists of holding the chemical in its
container 15 centimeters (6 in.) away from your
poison nose, and using your fingers to bring fumes
from the container to your nose.
'ttM • Keep lids on all chemicals you are not using.
• Never put unused chemicals back into the Wafting
original containers. Throw away extra chemicals
where your teacher tells you to.
• Pour chemicals over a sink or your work area, not over the floor.
• If you get a chemical in your eye, use the eyewash right away.
• Always wash your hands after handling chemicals, plants, or soil.
Animal Safety
• Never hurt an animal.
• Touch animals only when necessary. Follow your teacher's instructions
for handling animals.
• Always wash your hands after working with animals.
• Follow your teacher's instructions for throwing away or putting away
disposal • Clean your work area and pick up anything that has dropped to the floor.
• Wash your hands.
Using dab Equipment
Different experiments require different types of equip-
ment. But even though experiments differ, the ways in
which the equipment is used are the same.
• Use beakers for holding and pouring liquids.
• Do not use a beaker to measure the volume
of a liquid. Use a graduated cylinder instead.
(See page R16.)
• Use a beaker that holds about twice as much
liquid as you need. For example, if you need
100 milliliters of water, you should use a 200-
or 250-milliliter beaker.
Test Tubes
• Use test tubes to hold small amounts of substances.
• Do not use a test tube to measure the volume of a liquid.
• Use a test tube when heating a substance over a flame.
Aim the mouth of the tube away from yourself and
other people.
• Liquids easily spill or splash from test tubes, so it is
important to use only small amounts of liquids.
Test-Tube Holder ~ '✓
• Use atest-tube holder when heating a substance in
a test tube.
• Use atest-tube holder if the substance in a test tube
is dangerous to touch.
• Make sure the test-tube holder tightly grips the test tube
so that the test tube will not slide out of the holder.
• Make sure that the test-tube holder is above the surface
of the substance in the test tube so that you can observe
the substance.
Test-Tube Rack
• Use atest-tube rack to organize
test tubes before, during, and after
an experiment.
• Use atest-tube rack to keep test tubes
upright so that they do not fall over and
spill their contents.
• Use atest-tube rack that is the correct
size for the test tubes that you are using.
If the rack is too small, a test tube may
become stuck. If the rack is too large, a
test tube may lean over, and some of its
contents may spill or splash.
• Use forceps when you need to pick up or hold a very
small object that should not be touched with
your hands.
• Do not use forceps to hold anything over a flame,
because forceps are not long enough to keep your
hand safely away from the flame. Plastic forceps
will melt, and metal forceps will
conduct heat and burn your hand.
Hot Plate
• Use a hot plate when a substance needs to be kept
warmer than room temperature for a long period
of time.
• Use a hot plate instead of a Bunsen burner or
a candle when you need to carefully
control temperature.
• Do not use a hot plate when a substance
needs to be burned in an experiment.
• Always use "hot hands" safety mitts or
oven mitts when f~andling anything
that has been heated on a hot plate.
Scientists use microscopes to see very small objects that cannot easily be seen
with the eye alone. A microscope magnifies the image of an object so that
small details may be observed. A microscope that you may use can magnify an
object 400 times—the object will appear 400 times larger than its actual size.
Eyepiece Objects are
viewed through the
eyepiece. The eyepiece
contains a lens that
commonly magnifies
an image 10 times.
Body The body sepa-
rates the lens in the
Coarse Adjustment
eyepiece from the This knob is used to
objective lenses below. focus the image of an
object when it is
viewed through the
Nosepiece The nose-
low-power lens.
piece holds the
objective lenses above ~ ~
the stage and rotates Fine Adjustment This
so that all lenses may knob is used to focus
be used. the image of an object
when it is viewed
through the high-
High-Power power lens.
Objective Lens This is
the largest lens on the ~ ~
nosepiece. It magnifies Low-Power
an image approximately Objective Lens This
40 times. is the smallest lens
on the nosepiece. It
magnifies an image
Stage The stage approximately 10 times.
supports the object J
being viewed.
Arm The arm supports
the body above the
Diaphragm The stage. Always carry a
diaphragm is used to microscope by the arm
adjust the amount of and base.
light passing through
the slide and into an
objective lens. Stage Clip The stage
clip holds a slide in
place on the stage.
Mirror or Light .
Source Some micro- ~
scopes use light that is Base The base supports
reflected through the the microscope.
stage by a mirror.
Other microscopes
have their own light
1 . Use the coarse adjustment knob to raise the body tube.
2. Adjust the diaphragm so that you can see a bright circle of light through
the eyepiece.
3. Place the object or slide on the stage. Be sure that it is centered over the
hole in the stage.
4. Turn the nosepiece to click the low-power lens into place.
5. Using the coarse adjustment knob, slowly lower the lens and focus on
the specimen being viewed. Be sure not to touch the slide or object with
the lens.
6. When switching from the low-power lens to the high-power lens, first
raise the body tube with the coarse adjustment knob so that the high-
power lens will not hit the slide.
7. Turn the nosepiece to click the high-power lens into place.
8. Use the fine adjustment knob to focus on the specimen being viewed.
Again, be sure not to touch the slide or object with the lens.
Place the specimen in the Place a drop of water on Place a cover slip on the
center of a clean slide. the specimen. slide. Put one edge of the
cover slip into the drop of
water and slowly lower it
over the specimen.
Spring Scale (Force Meter)
• Use a spring scale to measure a force pulling on the scale.
• Use a spring scale to measure the force of gravity exerted on an
object by Earth.
• To measure a force accurately, a spring scale must be zeroed before it is
used. The scale is zeroed when no weight is attached and the indicator is
positioned at zero.
• Do not attach a weight that is either too heavy or
too light to a spring scale. A weight that is ~~--
too heavy could break the scale or _ ~~, -~~~
exert too great a force for the scale
to measure. A weight that is too
light may not exert enough ~
force to be measured accurately.
Graduated Cylinder
• Use a graduated cylinder to measure the volume of a liquid.
• Be sure that the graduated cylinder is on a flat surface so that your meas-
urement will be accurate.
• When reading the scale on a graduated cylinder, be sure to have your eyes
at the level of the surface of the liquid.
• The surface of the liquid
will be curved in the gradu- , {~ ~ meniscus
ated cylinder. Read the
volume of the liquid at the
bottom of the curve, or
meniscus (muh-NlHS-kuhs).
• You can use a graduated
cylinder to find the volume
of a solid object by measur-
ing the increase in a liquid's ~- 60 Read the volume
level after you add the ! at the bottom of
~ the meniscus. The
object to the cylinder. ~: 50
volume is 96 mL.
Metric Rulers
• Use metric rulers or meter sticks to measure objects' lengths.
• Do not measure an object from the end of a metric ruler or meter
stick, because the end is often imperfect. Instead, measure from the
1-centimeter mark, but remember to subtract a centimeter from
the apparent measurement.
• Estimate any lengths that extend between marked units. For example, if
a meter stick shows centimeters but not millimeters, you can estimate the
length that an object extends between centimeter marks to measure it to
the nearest millimeter.
• Controlling Variables If you are taking repeated measurements, always
measure from the same point each time. For example, if you're measuring
how high two different balls bounce when dropped from the same height,
measure both bounces at the same point on the balls—either the top or
the bottom. Do not measure at the top of one ball and the bottom of
the other.
How to Measure a Leaf
1. Lay a ruler flat on top of the leaf so that the 1-centimeter mark lines up
with one end. Make sure the ruler and the leaf do not move between the
time you line them up and the time you take the measurement.
2. Look straight down on the ruler so that you can see exactly how the
marks line up with the other end of the leaf.
3. Estimate the length by which the leaf extends beyond a marking.
For example, the leaf below extends about halfway between the
4.2-centimeter and 4.3-centimeter marks, so the apparent measurement
is about 4.25 centimeters.
4. Remember to subtract 1 centimeter from your apparent measurement,
since you started at the 1-centimeter mark on the ruler and not at the
end. The leaf is about 3.25 centimeters long (4.25 cm — 1 cm = 3.25 cm).
cm ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Triple-Beam Balance
This balance has a pan and three beams with sliding masses, called riders. At
one end of the beams is a pointer that indicates whether the mass on the pan
is equal to the masses shown on the beams.
1. Make sure the balance is zeroed before measuring the mass of an object.
The balance is zeroed if the pointer is at zero when nothing is on the pan
and the riders are at their zero points. Use the adjustment knob at the
base of the balance to zero it.
2. Place the object to be measured on the pan.
3. Move the riders one notch at a time away from the pan. Begin with the
largest rider. If moving the largest rider one notch brings the pointer below
zero, begin measuring the mass of the object with the next smaller rider.
4. Change the positions of the riders until they balance the mass on the pan
and the pointer is at zero. Then add the readings from the three beams to
determine the mass of the object.
a .~, ~~
pnuxupm nngtaxuros~au nnqu n m u~r x gnu@i a mnpn~~uiyan u: uw n ~tt iq
o ~ z a s s a ~ a e m
T -
smallest rider (3 g)
Double-Pan Balance
This type of balance has two pans. Between the pans is a pointer that indicates
whether the masses on the pans are equal.
1. Make sure the balance is zeroed before measuring the mass of an object.
The balance is zeroed if the pointer is at zero when there is nothing on
either of the pans. Many double-pan balances have sliding knobs that can
be used to zero them.
2. Place the object to be measured on one of the pans.
3. Begin adding standard masses to the other pan. Begin with the
largest standard mass. If this adds too much mass to the balance, begin
measuring the mass of the object with the next smaller standard mass.
4. Add standard masses until the masses on both pans are balanced and the
pointer is at zero. Then add the standard masses together to determine
the mass of the object being measured.
200 g 200 g
100 g 100 g
50 g 50 g
20 g 20 g
20 g 20 g
2g 2g
+ 1g
393 g mass of beaker
You can change from one unit to another in the metric system by multiplying
or dividing by a power of 10.
x 1000
x10 / x100 \
100 ~/
=1000 =1000
Example 1
Change 0.64 liters to milliliters. Change to a smaller ur~~
~- ~
0 Student Resources
Temperature Conversions
Even though the kelvin is the SI base unit of temperature, the degree Celsius
will be the unit you use most often in your science studies. The formulas below
show the relationships between temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (°F),
degrees Celsius (°C), and kelvins (K).
°F =
°C + 32
Examples of Temperature Conversions
Condition Degrees Celsius Degrees Fahrenheit
K = °C + 273 Freezing point of water 0 32
Cool day 10 50
Mild day 20 68
See page R42 for help
with using formulas. Warm day 30 86
Normal body temperature 37 98.6
Very hot day ~ 40 104
Boiling point of water 100 212
Suppose you are measuring temperatures over atwo-week period. Your
precision will be greater if you measure each temperature at the same place,
at the same time of day, and with the same thermometer than if you change
any of these factors from one day to the next.
In science, it is possible to be precise but not accurate. Accuracy depends on
the difference between a measurement and an actual value. The smaller the
difference, the more accurate the measurement.
Suppose you look at a stream and estimate that it is about 1 meter wide at a
particular place. You decide to check your estimate by measuring the stream
with a meter stick, and you determine that the stream is 1.32 meters wide.
However, because it is hard to measure the width of a stream with a meter
stick, it turns out that you didn't do a very good job. The stream is actually
1.14 meters wide. Therefore, even though your estimate was less precise than
your measurement, your estimate was actually more accurate.
Making Data Tables and Graphs
Data tables and graphs are useful tools for both recording and
communicating scientific data.
Suppose you are investigating photosynthesis in two elodea plants. One sits in
direct sunlight, and the other sits in a dimly lit room. You measure the rate of
photosynthesis by counting the number of bubbles in the jar every ten minutes.
1. Title and number your data table.
2. Decide how you will organize the table into columns and rows.
3. Any units, such as seconds or degrees, should be included in column
headings, not in the individual cells.
The data in the table above could also be organized in a different way.
Suppose you are interested in graphing temperature data that you collected
over the course of a day.
Table 1. Outside Temperature During the Day on March 7
Time of Day
7:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 3:00 PM. 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.
Temp (°C) 8 9 11 14 12 10 6
1. Use the vertical axis of your line graph for the variable that you are
0 2. Choose scales for both the horizontal axis and the vertical axis of the
graph. You should have two points more than you need on the vertical
Q axis, and the horizontal axis should be long enough for all of the data
points to fit.
3. Draw and label each axis.
4. Graph each value. First find the appropriate point on the scale of the hori-
zontal axis. Imagine a line that rises vertically from that place on the scale.
Then find the corresponding value on the vertical axis, and imagine a line
that moves horizontally from that value. The point where these two imag-
inary lines intersect is where the value should be plotted.
5. Connect the points with straight lines.
., 14
°~- 12
a~ 8
I~ 4
vertical axis
7:00 9:00 11:00 1:00 3:00 5:00 7:00
A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM. P.M. P.M.
Time of day
Making Circle Graphs
You can use a circle graph, sometimes called a pie chart, to represent data
as parts of a circle. Circle graphs are used only when the data can be expressed
as percentages of a whole. The entire circle shown in a circle graph is equal to
100 percent of the data.
Suppose you identified the species of each mature tree growing in a small
wooded area. You organized your data in a table, but you also want to show
the data in a circle graph.
1. To begin, find the total number of mature trees.
2. To find the degree measure for each sector Table 1. Tree Species in
of the circle, write a fraction comparing the Wooded Area
number of each tree species with the total Number of
number of trees. Then multiply the fraction Species Specimens
by 360°. Oak 56
Oak: 1550 x 360° = 134.4° Maple 34
3 Draw a circle. Use a protractor to draw the Birch 22
angle for each sector of the graph.
Willow 10
4. Color and label each sector of the graph.
Pine 28
5. Give the graph a number and title.
■ Oak 56
■ Maple 34
Pine 28
■ Birch 22
i Willow 10
Bar Graph
A bar graph is a type of graph in which the lengths of the bars are used to
represent and compare data. A numerical scale is used to determine the
lengths of the bars.
To determine the effect of water on seed sprouting, three cups were filled with
sand, and ten seeds were planted in each. Different amounts of water were
added to each cup over athree-day period.
Table 1. Effect of Water on Seed Sprouting
Number of Seeds That
Daily Amount of Water (mL) Sprouted After 3 Days in Sand
0 1
10 4
20 8
Be sure to
Figure 1. Effect of Water add a number
on Seed Sprouting and a title.
0 6
0 4
E 2
~ o
\ Label the scale. l Water added each day (mL)
Double Bar Graph
A double bar graph is a bar graph that shows two sets of data. The two bars
for each measurement are drawn next to each other.
The seed-sprouting experiment was done using both sand and potting soil.
The data for sand and potting soil can be plotted on one graph.
1. Draw one set of bars, using the data for sand, as shown below.
2. Draw bars for the potting-soil data next to the bars for the sand data. Shade
them a different color. Add a key.
0 4
a~ Leave room for
~ 2 "potting soil" bars.
0 10 20
Water added each day (mL)
Designing an Experiment
Use this section when designing or conducting an experiment.
Determining a Purpose
You can find a purpose for an experiment by doing research, by examining
the results of a previous experiment, or by observing the world around you.
An experiment is an organized procedure to study something under con-
trolled conditions.
1. Write the purpose of your experiment as a question or problem that you
Don't forget to learn want to investigate.
as much as possible
about your topic 2. Write down research questions and begin searching for information that
before you begin. will help you design an experiment. Consult the library, the Internet, and
other people as you conduct your research.
Middle school students observed an odor
near the lake by their school. They also
noticed that the water on the side of the
lake near the school was greener than the
water on the other side of the lake. The
students did some research to learn more
about their observations. They discovered
that the odor and green color in the lake
came from algae. They also discovered that a new fertilizer was being used on a
field nearby. The students inferred that the use of the fertilizer might be related
to the presence of the algae and designed a controlled experiment to find out
whether they were right.
,~ ~~ Problem
~" ~~ How does fertilizer affect the presence of algae in a lake?
~ Research Questions
~~=~ • Have other experiments been done on this problem?
~~ If so, what did those experiments show?
~ •What kind of fertilizer is used on the field?
How much? Research
E'er, As you research, you may
~=~ • How do algae grow?
~.~ find a topic that is more
~~ • How do people measure algae? interesting to you than
4.,, your original topic, or
4~ • Can fertilizer and algae be used safely
learn that a procedure
~~ in a lab? How? you wanted to use is not
~:~ practical or safe. It is OK
~~_~ to change your purpose
as you research.
\ J
Writing a Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a tentative explanation for an observation or scientific
problem that can be tested by further investigation. You can write your
hypothesis in the form of an "If . . . ,then . . . ,because . . ." statement.
~ Hypothesis 1
~~,j If the amount of fertilizer in lake water is increased, Hypotheses
~~ then the amount of algae will also increase, because For help with
~~~ fertilizers provide nutrients that algae need to grow hypotheses, refer to
~~ page R3.
~~~ 1
Determining Materials
Make a list of all the materials you will need to do your experiment. Be specific,
especially if someone else is helping you obtain the materials. Try to think of
everything you will need.
~'~~ 1
~~ • 1 large jar or container
~~ • 4 identical smaller containers
•rubber gloves that also cover the arms
~ -
~~~ •sample of fertilizer-and-water solution
~ ~ •eyedropper
~~ •clear plastic wrap
~~ •scissors
•masking tape
~~, •marker
~~ •ruler
Determining Variables and Constants
An experiment to determine how two factors are related always has two
groups—a control group and an experimental group.
1. Design an experimental group. Include as many trials as possible in the
experimental group in order to obtain reliable results.
2. Design a control group that is the same as the experimental group in
every way possible, except for the factor you wish to test.
"` J
Experimental Group: two containers of lake water
Go back to your materials list
t~ with one drop of fertilizer solution added to each
and make sure you have
~:~. Control Group: two containers of lake water with enough items listed to cover
no fertilizer solution added both your experimental group
Independent Dependent
Variable Variable Constants
Amount of Amount of algae • Where the lake
fertilizer in that grow water is obtained
lake water • Type of container
• Light and temper-
ature conditions
Set up your where water will
experiment so that be stored
you will test only
one variable.
An operational definition of a dependent variable can be qualitative. That is,
your measurement of the dependent variable can simply be an observation
of whether a change occurs as a result of a change in the independent vari-
able. This type of operational definition can be thought of as a "yes or no"
Table 2. Qualitative Operational Definition of Algae Growth
An operational definition of a dependent variable can be quantitative. That is,
your measurement of the dependent variable can be a number that shows how
much change occurs as a result of a change in the independent variable.
Table 3. Quantitative Operational Definition of Algae Growth
Independent Variable Dependent Variable Operational Definition
Amount of fertilizer Amount of algae that Diameter of largest
in lake water grow algal growth (in mm)
ab Handb R31
Writing a Procedure
Write each step of your procedure. Start each step with a verb, or action word,
and keep the steps short. Your procedure should be clear enough for someone
else to use as instructions for repeating your experiment.
If necessary, go back to
your materials list and Procedure
add any materials that 1. Put on your gloves. Use the large container to obtain a
you left out. sample of lake water.
2. Divide the sample of lake water equally among the four
~~.~ smaller containers.
--`-~ 3. Use the eyedropper to add one drop of fertilizer solution to
Controlling Variables ► two of the containers.
The same amount of
fertilizer solution must
be added to two of the 4. Use the masking tape and the marker to label the containers
four containers. with your initials, the date, and the identifiers "Jar 1 with
:~~ Fertilizers "Jar 2 with Fertilizer;' "Jar 1 without Fertilizer;' and "Jar
l~~ 2 without Fertilizers
~~,~ 5. Cover the containers with clear plastic wrap. Use the scissors
to punch ten holes in each of the covers.
i —~► 6. Place all four containers on a window ledge. Make sure that
Controlling Variables ► they all receive the same amount of light.
All four containers must
receive the same amount
of light. 7. Observe the containers every day for one week.
5/3 4:00 PM. 0 0 0 0 in all
tiny green
5/4 4:00 PM. 0 3 0 0 blobs in jar 2
with fertilizer
green blobs in
5/5 4:15 QM. 4 5 0 3 jars 1 and 2 with
fertilizer and jar 2
without fertilizer
water light green
5/6 4:00 PM. 5 6 0 4 in jar 2 with
Always include a number
Figure 1. Fertilizer and Algae Growth and a title with a graph.
Line graphs are useful
,~ to for showing changes
over time. For help with
~ 5 line graphs, refer to
page R24.
5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/8 5/9
—•-- Jar 1 with fertilizer --+— Jar 1 without fertilizer
—+—Jar 2 with fertilizer —+—Jar 2 without fertilizer
Bar graphs are useful
for comparing different
data sets. This bar Figure 2. Fertilizer and Algae Growth
graph has four bars for 25
each day. Another way
to present the data
would be to calculate ~ 20
averages for the tests
and the controls, and a~
to show one test bar ~ 15
and one control bar for
each day. ~ to
r~ ~~ ~I I ~
~ 5
5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/7 5/8 5/9
Write a list of questions for further research and investigation. Your ideas may
lead you to new experiments and discoveries.
~~ 1
~,--~ Questions fior Further Research
~ •What is the connection between the amount of fertilizer and
~-_ ~ algae growth?
_~~ •How do different brands of fertilizer affect algae growth?
~-~~~ •How would algae growth in the lake be affected if no fertilizer
c-- were used on the field?
c ~ •How do algae affect the lake and the other life in and
~~ around it?
~_~~~ •How does fertilizer affect the lake and the life in and around it?
~---~ • If fertilizer is getting into the lake, how is it getting there?
Math Handbook
Describing a set of Data
Means, medians, modes, and ranges are important math tools for
describing data sets such as the following widths of fossilized clamshells.
13 mm 25 mm 14 mm 21 mm 16 mm 23 mm 14 mm
The mean of a data set is the sum of the values divided by the number
of values.
Example 1
To find the mean of the clamshell data, add the values and then divide the sum by the
number of values.
The median of a data set is the middle value when the values are written in
numerical order. If a data set has an even number of values, the median is the
mean of the two middle values.
Example 1
To find the median of the clamshell data, arrange the values in order from
least to greatest. The median is the middle value.
13 mm 14 mm 14 mm 16 mm 21 mm 23 mm 25 mm
Example 1
To find the mode of the clamshell data, arrange the values in order from least to
greatest and determine the value that occurs most often.
13 mm 14 mm 14 mm 16 mm 21 mm 23 mm 25 mm
A data set can have more than one mode or no mode. For example, the
following data set has modes of 2 mm and 4 mm:
2 mm 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 4 mm
The data set below has no mode, because no value occurs more often
than any other.
2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm
The range of a data set is the difference between the greatest value and the
~0080NbH H1t1W
least value.
Example 1
To find the range of the clamshell data, arrange the values in order from least to greatest.
13 mm 14 mm 14 mm 16 mm 21 mm 23 mm 25 mm
A ratio uses division to compare two values. The ratio of a value a to a
nonzero value b can be written as
Example 1
The height of one plant is 8 centimeters. The height of another plant is 6 centimeters.
To find the ratio of the height of the first plant to the height of the second plant, write
a fraction and simplify it.
8 cm 4 x ;° 4
6cm - 3x,' - 3
ANSWER The ratio of the plant heights is 3.
You can also write the ratio b as "a to b" or as a : b. For example, you can
~ write the ratio of the plant heights as "4 to 3" or as 4:3.
A rate is a ratio of two values expressed in different units. A unit rate is a rate
with a denominator of 1 unit.
Example 1
A plant grew 6 centimeters in 2 days. The plant`s rate of growth was 2 dys . To describe
the plant's growth in centimeters per day, write a unit rate.
Example 1
If a plant grew 6 centimeters in 2 days, how many centimeters would it grow in 3 days
(if its rate of growth is constant)?
6 cm x
Write a proportion: 2 days = =days
Set cross products: 6 cm • _:; = 2x
Multiply 6 and 3: 18 cm = 2x
18 cm 2x
Divide each side by 2: 2 2
Simplify: 9 cm = x
ANSWER The plant would grow 9 centimeters in 3 days.
~008aNdN H1dW
Decimals, fractions, and percentages are all ways of recording and
representing data.
A decimal is a number that is written in the base-ten place value system, in
which a decimal point separates the ones and tenths digits. The values of each
place is ten times that of the place to its right.
3E~.9 cm B
A 52.4 cm C
ADDING DECIMALS To find the total distance traveled by the caterpillar, add the
distance from A to B and the distance from B to C. Begin by lining up the decimal points.
Then add the figures as you would whole numbers and bring down the decimal point.
36.9 cm
+ 52.4 cm
89.3 cm
ANSWER The caterpillar traveled a total distance of 89.3 centimeters.
Example 1
A caterpillar is traveling from point D to point F along the path shown. The caterpillar
travels at a speed of 9.6 centimeters per minute.
33.6 cm F
MULTIPLYING DECIMALS You can multiply decimals as you would whole numbers.
The number of decimal places in the product is equal to the sum of the number of
decimal places in the factors.
For instance, suppose it takes the caterpillar 1.5 minutes to go from D to E. To find the
distance from D to E, multiply the caterpillar's speed by the time it took.
9.6 1 decimal place
x 1.5 rt 1 decimal place
Align as shown.
14.40 2 decimal places
DIVIDING DECIMALS When you divide by a decimal, move the decimal points the
same number of places in the divisor and the dividend to make the divisor a whole number.
For instance, to find the time it will take the caterpillar to travel from E to F, divide the
distance from E to F by the caterpillar's speed.
A caterpillar is 40 millimeters long. The head of the caterpillar is 6 millimeters long. To
compare the length of the caterpillar's head with the caterpillar's total length, you can
write and simplify a fraction that expresses the ratio of the two lengths.
Length of head 6 mm
Write the ratio of the two lengths: _
Total length 40 mm
Write numerator and denominator 3x
as products of numbers and the GCF: = 20 x
~008aNt1H H1dW
A percent is a ratio that compares a number to 100. The word percent means
"per hundred" or "out_ of 100." The symbol for percent is %.
For instance, suppose 43 out of 100 caterpillars are female. You can represent
this ratio as a percent, a decimal, or a fraction.
Example 1
In the preceding example, the ratio of the length of the caterpillar`s head to the caterpil-
lar's total length is ~ . To write this ratio as a percent, write an equivalent fraction that
has a denominator of 100.
Multiply numerator and 3 3
denominator by S: 20 = 20
Write as a percent: = 15
Example 1
Suppose that you measure a voltage of 1.5 volts and a resistance of 15 ohms. You can
use the formula for Ohm's law to find the current in amperes.
Simplify: I = 0.1 a m p
If you know the values of all variables but one in a formula, you can solve for
the value of the unknown variable. For instance, Ohm's law can be used to find
a voltage if you know the current and the resistance.
Example 1
Suppose that you know that a current is 0.2 amperes and the resistance is 18 ohms.
Use the formula for Ohm's law to find the voltage in volts.
Write the formula for Ohm's law: ~— R
Substitute 0.2 amp for I V
0.2 amp = 18 ohms
and 18 ohms for R:
Student Resou"rce
Finding Areas
The area of a figure is the amount of surface the figure covers.
Area is measured in square units, such as square meters (m2) or square
centimeters (cm2). Formulas for the areas of three common geometric figures
are shown below.
s b
Area = (side length)
A = s2
Area = length x width
Area =2 x base x height
Example 1 1
Each face of a halite crystal is a square like the one shown.
You can find the area of the square by using the steps below.
3 mm
Write the formula for
A = sZ
the area of a square:
3 mm
Substitute 3 mm for s: _ (3 mm)2
Simplify: = 9 mm2
~008aNt/H H1t1W
ANSWER The area of the square is 9 square millimeters.
Finding Volumes
The volume of a solid is the amount of space contained by the solid.
Volume is measured in cubic units, such as cubic meters (m3) or cubic centimeters
(cm3). The volume of a rectangular prism is given by the formula shown below.
Volume = length x width x height
w V=1wh
A topaz crystal is a rectangular prism like the one shown. You can find the volume of the
prism by using the steps below. 10 mm
Example 1
Using a balance and a graduated cylinder filled with water, you determined that a mar-
ble has a mass of 8.0 grams and a volume of 3.5 cubic centimeters. To calculate the
density of the marble, divide the mass by the volume.
Write the formula for density: Density _ Volume
8.0 g
Substitute measurements: _
3.5 cm3
Use a calculator to divide: == 2.285714286 g/cm3
ANSWER Because the mass and the volume have two significant figures each,
give the density to two significant figures. The marble has a density of 2.3 grams
per cubic centimeter.
Example 1
You can convert from standard form to scientific notation.
Standard Form Scientific Notation
720~,O10~ 7.2 x 105
5 decimal places left Exponent is 5.
0.000291 2.91 x 10
4 decimal places right Exponent is -4.
Content Frame
1 . Make a chart in which each column represents a category.
2. Give each column a heading.
3. Write details under the headings.
Combination Notes
= z
1. For each new idea or concept, write an informal outline of 0
Z m
the information.
2. Make a sketch to illustrate the concept, and label it. o ~'
Make flash cards to
help you study for a
forces on a box test. Write a concept
being pushed on one side of each
Types of for<:es card and draw the
sketch with labels sketch that goes with
• contact force
it on the other side.
gravity Use the cards to
• friction review concepts with
gravity a friend.
informal outline
~~ -
0 U v
`~~ o ~=—~—'
~~~ fric.tior~
r te.,
Main Idea and Detail Notes
1. In the left-hand column of atwo-column chart, list main ideas. The blue
headings express main ideas throughout this textbook.
2. In the right-hand column, write details that expand on each main idea.
You can shorten the headings in your chart. Be sure to use the most
important words.
When studying for
tests, cover up the ~~
detail notes column ~, MAIN IDEAS DETAIL NOTES
with a sheet of paper. ~~
Then use each main ~~
idea to forma ques- ~~ 1. Latitude affects climate. 1. Places close to the equator are
tion—such as "How ~-~ usually warmer than places details about
does latitude affect main idea 1 close to the poles. main idea 1
climate?" Answer the ~, 1. Latitude has the same effect ~
question, and then ~,~ in both hemispheres.
uncover the detail ~~
notes column to check ~~ 2. Altitude affects climate. 2. Temperature decreases with
your answer. ~~ i altitude.
~~ main idea 2 details about
2. Altitude can overcome
~ ~ main idea 2
~~ the effect of latitude
on temperature.
w z main idea Force is necessary to do work.
t— Q i
O =
Venn Diagram
1. Draw two overlapping circles, one for each item that you are comparing.
2. In the overlapping section, list the characteristics that are shared by
both items.
3. In the outer sections, list the characteristics that are peculiar to
each item.
4. Write a summary that describes the information in the Venn diagram.
characteristics not = z
characteristics not shared can move have cannot move 0
through empty wavelength through empty shared by light waves Z m
by sound waves space and space o~
frequency o~
Description Wheel
1. Write a term inside a circle.
2. Write words that describe the term on "spokes" attached to the circle.
When studying for a
test with a friend, read
the phrases on the
spokes one at a time
until your friend identi-
fies the correct term.
Four Square
1. Write a term in the center.
~ Y
z ~ 2. Write details in the four areas around the term.
z =
- Q
any living thing
needs food, water,
Include a definition,
air; needs energy; some characteristics,
grows, develops, and examples. You
reproduces may want to add a
formula, a sketch, or
ORGANISM examples of things
Nonexamples that the term does
Examples ~
not name.
dogs, cats, birds, rocks, water, dirt J
insects, flowers,
Magnet Word
1. Write a term on the magnet.
2. On the lines, add details related to the term.
Word Triangle = Z
Z m
1. Write a term and its definition in the bottom section. v :,.,
2. In the middle section, write a sentence in which the term is used correctly. oz
3. In the top section, draw a small picture to illustrate the term.
The salinity of
ocean water is
about 35 grams of
salt per 1000 grams of
salinity: the saltiness of water
Properties of Common Minerals
In this table, minerals are arranged alphabetically, and the
most useful properties for identification are printed in italic
type. Most minerals can be identified by means of two or three
of the properties listed below. For some minerals, density is
important; for others, cleavage is characteristic; and for others,
the crystal shapes identify the minerals. The colors listed are
=- the most common for each mineral.
Augite 5-6 Dark green Greenish Two directions, Nonmetallic (glassy) luster.
to black nearly at 90° Stubby four- or eight-sided
crystals. Common type of
pyroxene. Sp. gr. 3.2 to 3.4.
Biotite mica 2.5-3 Black, brown, White Perfect in one Nonmetallic (glassy) luster.
dark green direction Thin elastic films peel off
easily. Sp. gr. 2.8 to 3.2.
Chalcopyrite 3.5-4 Golden yellow Greenish Poor in one Metallic luster. Hardness
black direction distinguishes from pyrite.
Sp. gr. 4.1 to 4.3.
Chlorite 2-2.5 Greenish Pale green to Perfect in one Nonmetallic (glassy to pearly)
gray or brown direction luster. Nonelastic flakes.
Sp. gr. 2.6 to 3.3.
Copper 2.5-3 Copper red Copper None Metallic luster on fresh surface.
Dense. Sp. gr. 8.9.
Galena 2.5 Lead gray Lead gray Perfect, three Metallic luster. Occurs as
directions, at crystals and masses. Dense.
90° angles Sp. gr. 7.4 to 7.6.
Halite 2-2.5 Colorless, white White Perfect, three Nonmetallic (glassy) luster.
directions, at Salty taste. Sp. gr. 2.2.
90° angles
Hornblende 5-6 Dark green Brown Perfect, two Nonmetallic (glassy to silky)
to black to gray directions at luster. Common type of amphi-
angles of 56° bole. Long, slender, six-sided
and 1Z4° crystals. Sp. gr. 3.0 to 3.4.
Appendix R53
Properties of Common Minerals continued
Pyrite 6-6.5 Brass yellow Greenish None Metallic luster. Cubic crystals
black and granular masses. Dense.
Sp. gr. 5.0 to 5.1.
Serpentine 3-5 Greenish White None or good in one Nonmetallic (greasy, waxy,
(variegated) direction, depending or silky) luster. Conchoidal
on variety fracture. Sp. gr. 2.5 to 2.6.
Sulfur 1.5-2.5 Yellow Yellow Poor, two directions Nonmetallic (glassy to earthy)
luster. Granular. Sp. gr. 2.0
to 2.1.
Topographic Map symbols
The U.S. Geological Survey uses the following symbols
to mark human-made and natural features on all of
the topographic maps the USGS produces.
feldspar, and
clastic Sand cla y minerals; Fine to coarse
(0.2 to 0.006 cm) Sandstone .• .
(fragmental) may contain
Silt fragments of _-_-_-_-;
Very fine grain Siltstone _________
(0.006 to 0.0004 cm) other rocks
and minerals _
Clay Compact; may split
Shale ——
(less than 0.0004 cm) easily = — —
medium -
o High-grade metamorphism; ~>> ----~
Z~ Medium some mica changed to feldspar; Gneiss ~~~
~ `l
~„`- vl`'
z to segregated by mineral type
m coarse into bands `
Obsidian c Non-
(usually appears black) Basaltic Glass vesicular
~ U
Pumice Vesicular Basaltic Glass
0% ) 0%
DENSITY (g/cm31
3.3 .5
5000 —
9.9-12.1 4000,
,~ °` 3000 — - ---I —
LL ~ ~ ~W2U2 I1
<~ t2.7-13.0 2000- _..4-__
1000 f
~ 3 I
wN _ ,L _-
¢ o — —) -
~ E 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
~'m 2
~o DEPTH (km)
o_ ~
0 1
0 6000
United States Physical Map
~*' ,•ma
y h~' rk
---%', ` WASHI ~ GTO
rv{issni~ri R. N. DAKOTA
` ~.
'~ Pierre*
s r ~'..
P ~• CI FI C ~- , .,jamE $,~ .
'7i" 'Carson_
Sacramento ~Y * CitY .-.GREAT # ~ ` NEBRASKi
x . ,~ .
Salt Lake
,y ~,c~ty - r
Mt. 14'li itn e1~ Denver ,~
14,49;1ft. DP~JtIe 14711<~~~ KANSAS
(4,4?l nJ.l '8? tt. ~~COLORADO
>i Y .x~~
p" u < i Pt ~~Fir. CALIFORNIA
—22`N ? ~ ~~'<~
/y'yae' Kau°~ onolulu sl
Oahu 9~
HAWAII ~++9 ~' M1taaQ'v
Kahoolawe '^
— 20`N Phoenl
0 75 150 miles
0 75 150 kilometers
16O`W 158"W
17r ISO W 15~ W 1•rW 73~°W
r .chi
Beuu art Seu
1 <r ~ xgty,~~ ,
4n a?11th. 'r_f
rnJ9-fe~,l ~ ,
250 500 kilometers
^ ~~ • ~, ~ ~,.
€.,~ VERMONT . MAINE °'. o
5~,1.p eY1p~ ~_. Montpelier \ * ;,~~
. ~ ,a S~. Law•renre ~ ~
MINNES OTA ti ". . , ~ ~ Augusta
' ~"~~'~ ~`' K1NPY \ \ ~~~
* Nashville ~ N. CAROLINA ~y * Q
``xARKANSAS ~~ Colum*ia GD
,t ~' Atlanta ~~G
"~: 4UIISSISSIPPI Montgomery._
~. ~~~P~.~ ~~
s * *;
13,100 ft. (4,000 m.i
C~7 A STAL *Tallahassee 6,600 ft. (2,000 m.) ~---
U U L F Baton ~ 1,600 ft. (500 mJ
ustin Rouge 650 ft. (200 m.)
O ft. IO m.)
Below sea level
® National capital
* State capital
~ Mountain peak
••• Continental Divide
Meters above
and below
sea level
a -11000
This image was generated from a combination of satellite altimetry data, ship-based data, and
land-based data.
,..~........R,-~s ~._.~-
Tectonic Plates
Pacific Plate
x Anta rct i c P l at e
Eurasian Plate
~ —
African Plate
South American
Divergent boundary
Transform boundary
_~ Relative motion of
A n t a r c t i c P l ate Plate Boundary
Not all plates and boundaries are shown. v_
Appendix R63
Station symbols
Meteorologists use station symbols to condense the weather
data they receive from ground stations. The symbols are
displayed on maps. The information in a station symbol can
be understood by the meteorologists of any country.
In the symbol, air pressure readings are shortened by omit-
ting the initial 9 or 10 and the decimal point. For numbers
greater than 500, place a 9 to the left of the number and
divide by 10 to get the air pressure in millibars. For numbers
less than 500, place a 10 to the left and then divide by 10.
Station Symbol
Wind Direction
The long line shows the direction from which the wind is blowing.
P ~ ~
From the From the From the From the From the From the From the From the
north northeast east southeast south southwest west northwest
Wind Speed
If there is no long line, conditions are calm. Each barb on a line represents 10 knots. A half barb represents
5 knots. A triangle represents 50 knots. A knot is one nautical mile per hour, equal to 1.852 km/h (1.15 mi/h).
O —o ~--o ~ o ~~ o ~~ o ~ v--o
Calm 1-2 knots 5 knots 10 knots 15 knots 20 knots 50 knots 55 knots
1-2 mi/h 3-8 mi/h 9-14 mi/h 15-20 mi/h 21-25 mi/h 55-60 mi/h 61-66 mi/h
1-3 km/h 4-13 km/h 14-19 km/h 20-32 km/h 33-40 km/h 88-96 km/h 97-106 km/h
Drizzle Rain Smog Hail Thunder- Hurricane Rain Snow Sleet Freezing Fog Haze Snow
X_ storm showers rain showers
Z /1
a • r o /•~ 0
Relative Humidity
You can find the relative humidity by calculating the differ-
ence between the two readings on a psychrometer. First
look up the dry-bulb temperature in the left-hand column
of the relative humidity chart. Then find in the top line the
difference between the vvet-bulb temperature and the
dry-bulb tE~mperature.
Wind Speeds
Descriptive names, such as fresh gale, were used by sailors
and other people to describe the strength of winds. Later,
ranges of wind speeds were determined. The table below
lists the wind speeds and conditions you might observe
around you on land.
F1 117-180 km/h Moderate Damage Surface peeled off roofs; mobile homes
(73-112 mi/h) pushed off foundations or overturned; moving autos blown
off roads
F2 181-253 km/h Considerable Damage Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile
(113-157 mi/h) homes demolished; boxcars overturned; large trees snapped
or uprooted; light-object missiles generated; cars lifted
off ground
F3 254-332 km/h Severe Damage Roofs and some walls torn off well-constructed
(158-206 mi/h) houses; trains overturned; most trees in forest uprooted; heavy
cars lifted off the ground and thrown
F5 419-512 km/h Incredible Damage Strong frame houses leveled off foundations
(261-318 mi/h) and swept away; automobile-sized missiles fly through the air in
excess of 100 meters (109 yds); trees debarked; incredible
phenomena will occur
Time Zones
Because Earth rotates, noon can occur in one location at the same
moment that the Sun is setting in another location. To avoid confusion
in transportation and communication, officials have divided Earth into
24 time zones. Within a time zone, clocks are set to the same time of day.
Time zones are centered on lines of longitude, but instead of running
straight, their boundaries often follow political boundaries. The starting
point for the times zones is centered on the prime meridian (0°). The
time in this zone is generally called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), but it
is also called Universal Time (UT) by astronomers and Zulu Time (Z) by
meteorologists. The International Date Line is centered on 180° longitude.
The calendar date to the east of this line is one day earlier than the date
to the west.
In the map below, each column of color represents one time zone. The
color beige shows areas that do not match standard zones. The labels at
the top show the times at noon GMT. Positive and negative numbers at
the bottom show the difference between the local time in the zone and
Greenwich Mean Time.
i real
Chicago ew York Madr_~' ,_rbe
Los Angeles
Mum. S~
~~~ -L _ •
Rio de Janeiro
Q O ~ hannesburg
~AUCkland •
W -11 -10 +$
Characteristics of Planets
Some data about the planets and Earth's satellite, the Moon, are listed
below. Some data, such as the tilt of Mercury and the mass of Pluto,
are not known as well as other data. One astronomical unit (AU) is
Earth's average distance from the Sun, or 149,597,870 kilometers. For
comparison, Earth's mass is 5.97 x 1024 kilograms, and Earth's diame-
ter is 12,756 kilometers.
Eccentricity is a measure of how flattened an ellipse is. An ellipse
with an eccentricity of 0 is a circle. An ellipse with an eccentricity
of 1 is completely flat.
Venus, Uranus, and Pluto rotate backward compared to Earth. If you
use your left thumb as one of these planets' north pole, your fingers
curve in the direction the planet turns.
Characteristics of Planets
Characteristic ~~ : r ~f ` ~ ~ ~ r ► ~ r~ o ~~
_ _ ~
Mean distance 0.387 0.723 1.00 1.52 5.20 9.55 19.2 30.1 39.5
from Sun (Au)
Period of 0.241 0.615 1.00 1.88 11.9 29.4 83.7 164 248 0.075
revolution (88 Earth (225 Earth (27.3 Earth
(Earth years) days) days) days)
Eccentricity of 0.206 0.007 0.017 0.093 0.048 0.056 0.046 0.009 0.249 0.055
Diameter 0.382 0.949 1.00 0.532 11.21 9.45 4.01 3.88 0.180 0.272
(Earth = t)
Period of 58.6 243 23.9 24.6 9.93 10.7 17.2 16.1 6.39 27.3
rotation Earth days Earth days hours hours hours hours hours hours Earth days Earth days
Tilt of axis (°) (from 0.1 2.6 23.45 25.19 3.12 26.73 82.14 29.56 60.4 6.67
perpendicular to orbit) (approximate)
Mass 0.0553 0.815 1.00 0.107 318 95.2 14.5 17.1 0.002 0.0123
(Earth = 1)
Mean density 5.4 5.2 5.5 3.9 1.3 0.7 1.3 1.6 2 3.3
Appendix R69
Seasonal Star Maps
Your view of the night sky changes as Earth orbits the Sun. Some
constellations appear throughout the year, but others can be seen only
during certain seasons. And over the course of one night, the constella-
tions appear to move across the sky as Earth rotates.
When you go outside to view stars, give your eyes time to adjust to the
darkness. Avoid looking at bright lights. If you need to look toward a
bright light, preserve your night vision in one eye by keeping it closed.
The star maps on pages R71—R74 show parts of the night sky in different
seasons. If you are using a flashlight to view the maps, you should attach a
piece of red balloon over the lens. The balloon will dim the light and also
give it a red color, which affects night vision less than other colors. The fol-
lowing steps will help you use the maps:
O Stand facing north. To find this direction, use a compass or turn clock-
wise 90° from the location where the Sun set.
The top map for each season shows some constellations that appear
over the northern horizon at 10 P.nn. During the night, the constella-
tions rotate in a circle around Polaris, the North Star.
O Now turn so that you stand facing south. The bottom map for the
season shows some constellations that appear over the southern hori-
zon at 10 P.nn.
WINTER SKY to the NORTH, January 15
. Alkaid 1
• ~• . Deneb Canes Venatici
Cygnus •
Bellatrix .
~Canis•Minor Bet _I~euse
Alnitak •.'
Canis• Major
i Caelum D
Seasonal Star Maps continued
SPRING SKY to the NORTH, April 15
Ursa Mlnor
Auriga •---.-~
Camelopardalis Polaris
.Capelia Draco
Mirfak Cepheus
Perseus Cassiopeia
'~. • . Vega
. •Algol ~,Lyra~
• Cygnus .~
Andromeda Lacerta
~ •.
Virgo • Alphard
Antl ia Pyxis
0 Menkent
Z Puppis
w Suhail
a Centaurus Vela. • • • Naos
SUMMER SKY to the NORTH, July ~s
Cepheus \ ~ ~~
~` ~~ . Lacerta
• Ursa Major
' Andromeda
Appendix R73
seasonal Star Maps continued
AUTUMN SKY to the NORTH, October 15
Canes Venatici
% Delphinus
~Sadal Suud ;
Deneb Algiedi
X Fornax :Sagittarius
z ~Grus
w (3 Gruis -- -Alnair
The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
The Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram is a graph that shows stars
plotted according to brightness and surface temperature. Most stars
fall within a diagonal band called the main sequence. In the main-
sequence stage of a star's life cycle, brightness is closely related to
surface temperature. Red giant and red supergiant stars appear
above the main sequence on the diagram. These stars are bright in
relation to their surface temperatures because their huge surface
areas give off a lot of light. Dim white dwarfs appear below the
main sequence.
• •
= _~
~~~ ~
~ ~~
~ ~
~ ~
a ,
~ ~ ~ ~ Aldebaran
~;c~ •
Sun Y
. • %i • ~
• •~~i •
• • .
• • ~•
r ~
• RED •
• •
WHITE •• ~ •
DWARFS • Proxima Centauri~~ ••~~•
••• •
F- •N ••
•N •• •
• •
• • •
•~ •
J R• ~
Appendix R75
Glossary R77
climate conservation
The characteristic weather conditions in an area over a The process of saving or protecting a natural resource.
long period of time. (p. 613) (p. 333)
clima Las condiciones meteorolGgicas caracteristicas conservation El proceso de salvar o proteger un
de un Lugar durante un largo periodo de tiempo. recurso natural.
Glossary R79
eutrophication (yoo-TRaF-ih-KAYshun) fault-block mountain
An increase in nutrients in a lake or pond. Eutrophication A mountain that forms as blocks of rock move up or
can occur naturally or as a result of pollution, and causes down along normal faults in areas where the lithosphere
increased growth of algae and plants. (p. 372) is being pulled apart. (p. 258)
eutrofizacion Un aumento en los nutrientes de un lago montana de bloques de falla Una montana que se
o una Laguna. La eutrofizacion puede ocurrir de manera forma cuando bloques de roca se mueven hacia arriba
natural o como resultado de la contamination y ocasiona o hacia abajo a to largo de fallas normales en Las areas
un aumento en el crecimiento de algas y plantas. donde la litosfera esta siendo separada.
evaporation floodplain
a A flat area of land on either side of a stream that
The process by which liquid changes into gas.
0 (pp. 365, 552) becomes flooded when a river overflows its banks.
(p. 152)
evaporation El proceso por el cual un liquido
se transforma en gas. planicie de inundation Un area plana de tierra en
cualquier costado de un arroyo que se inunda cuando
J exfoliation (ex-FOH-lee-AY-shuhn) un rio se desborda.
In geology, the process in which layers or sheets of rock
gradually break off. (p. 116) focus
exfoliation En geologia, el proceso en el cual capas u In an earthquake, the point underground where the
hojas de roca se desprenden gradualmente. rocks first begin to move. (p. 228)
foco sismico En un terremoto, el punto subterraneo
donde comienza el movimiento de Las rotas.
An organized procedure to study something under
controlled conditions. (p. xl) folded mountain
experimento Un procedimiento organizado para A mountain that forms as continental crust is compressed
estudiar algo bajo condiciones controladas. and rocks bend into large folds. (p. 256)
extrusive igneous rock montana plegada Una montana que se forma cuando
(ihk-STROO-sihv IHG-nee-uhs) la corteza continental es comprimida y Las rotas se
Igneous rock that forms as lava cools on Earth's surface. doblan en grandes pliegues.
(p. 83 ) foliation
roca ignea extrusiva Roca ignea que se forma al The arrangement of minerals within rocks into flat or
enfriarse la lava sobre la superficie de la Tierra. wavy parallel bands; a characteristic of most metamor-
phic rocks. (p. 100)
foliation La organizacifin de minerales en bandas par-
F alelas planas u onduladas en Las rotas; una caracteristica
de la mayoria de Las rotas metambrficas.
false-color image
A computer image in which the colors are not what the force
human eye would see. Afalse-color image can assign dif- A push or a pull; something that changes the motion of
ferent colors to different types of radiation coming from an object. (p. xacxiii)
an object to highlight its features. (p. 32) fuerza Un empuje o un jalbn; algo que cambia el
imagen de color falso Una imagen computational en movimiento de un objeto.
la cual Los colores no son Los que el ojo humano obser-
varia. Una imagen de color falso puede asignar diferentes fossil
colores a Los diferentes tipos de radiation que provienen A trace or the remains of aonce-living thing from long
de un objeto para hater destacar sus caracteristicas. ago. (pp. 287, 463)
fbsil Un rastro o Los restos de un organismo que vivib
fault hate mucho tiempo.
A fracture in Earth's lithosphere along which blocks of
rock move past each other. (p. 221) fossil fuels
falla Una fractura en la litosfera de la Tierra a to largo Fuels formed from the remains of prehistoric organisms
de la cual bloques de roca se mueven y pasan uno al that are burned for energy. (pp. 326, 524)
lado de otro. combustibles fosiles Combustibles formados a partir
de Los restos de organismos prehistbricos que son con-
sumidos para obtener energia.
fracture gas
The tendency of a mineral to break into irregular pieces. A state of matter different from liquid and solid, with no
(p. 53) definite volume and no definite shape.
fractura La tendencia de un mineral a romperse en gas Un estado de la material, que no es solido ni
pedazos irregulares. liquido, en el cual la sustancia se puede expandir o
contraer para llenar un recipiente.
freezing rain
Rain that freezes when it hits the ground or another gas giant
surface and coats the surface with ice. (p. 564) A large planet that consists mostly of gases in a dense
Iluvia helada Lluvia que se congela cuando tae a la form. The four large planets in the outer solar system—
sierra o cualquier otra superficie y cubre la superficie Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are gas giants.
con hielo. (p. 734)
gigante de gas Un planeta grande compuesto princi-
fresh water palmente de gases en forma densa. Los cuatro planetas
Water that is not salty and has little or no taste, color, grandes en el sistema solar exterior—Jupiter, Saturno,
or smell. Most lakes and rivers are made up of fresh Urano y Neptuno —son gigantes de gas.
water. (p. 363)
geographic information systems
agua dulce Agua que no es salada y que tiene muy
Computer systems that can store, arrange, and display
poco o ningun sabor, color u olor. La mayoria de los
geographic data in different types of maps. (p. 33)
lagos y los rios estan compuestos de agua dulce.
sistemas de information geografica Sistemas
friction computarizados que pueden almacenar, organizar y
A force that resists the motion between two surfaces in mostrar datos geograficos en diferentes tipos de mapas.
contact. (p. xxxvii)
friction Una fuerza que resiste el movimiento entre geologic time scale
dos superficies en contacto. The summary of Earth's history, divided into intervals of
time defined by major events or changes on Earth. (p. 305)
front escala de tiempo geologico El resumen de la historia
The boundary between air masses. (p. 578) de la Tierra, dividido en intervalos de tiempo definidos
frente El limite entre masas de afire. por los principales eventos o cambios en la Tierra.
G geothermal energy
Heat energy that originates from within Earth and drives
the movement of Earth's tectonic plates. Geothermal
galaxy energy can be used to generate electricity. (p. 342)
Millions or billions of stars held together in a group by energia geotermica Energia calorifica que se origina
their own gravity. (p. 650) en el interior de la Tierra y que impulsa el movimiento
galaxia Millones o miles de millones de estrellas de las placas tect6nicas de planeta. La energia geotermica
unidas en un grupo por su propia gravedad. puede usarse para generar electricidad.
A type of hot spring that shoots water into the air. (p. 276)
geiser Un tipo de fuente termal que dispara agua al afire.
irrigation lava
The process of supplying water to land to grow crops. Molten rock that reaches a planet's surface through a
(p. 395) volcano. (pp. 62, 263)
irrigation El proceso de suministrar agua a Las tierras lava Roca fundida que llega a la superficie de un
a planeta a trav~s de un volcan.
de cultivo.
isobar (EYE-suh-BaHR)
In science, a rule or principle describing a physical
A line on a weather map connecting places that have the
relationship that always works in the same way under
same air pressure. (p. 597)
the same conditions. The law of conservation of energy
isobara Una Linea en un mapa climatico que conecta is an example.
1 ~~gares que tienen la misma presibn de afire.
ley En Las ciencias, una regla o un principio que
describe una relaci6n fisica que siempre funciona de la
misma manera bajo Las mismas condiciones. La ley de
la conservation de la energia es un ejemplo.
K A process in which the shaking of ground causes loose,
wet soil to act like a liquid. (p. 238)
licuacion Un proceso en el cual el temblor del suelo
kelp forest ocasiona que la tierra humeda y suelta actue Como
A large community of kelp, a type of seaweed that can un liquido.
attach to the ocean floor. (p. 476)
bosque de kelp Una comunidad grande de kelp, lithosphere (LIHTH-uh-sFEER)
un tipo de alga marina que puede adherirse al fondo The layer of Earth made up of the crust and the rigid
marino. rock of the upper mantle, averaging about 40 kilometers
thick and broken into tectonic plates. (p. 187)
kettle lake
A bowl-shaped lake that was formed as sediment built up litosfera La capa de la Tierra compuesta por la corteza
around a block of ice left behind by a glacier. (p. 169) y la rota rigida del manto superior, con un promedio
de 40 kilometros de grosor y fracturada en placas
lago kettle Un lago en forma de tazbn que se formo tectfinicas.
al acumularse sedimento alrededor de un bloque de
hielo que quedb tras el paso de un glaciar.
A craft designed to land on a planet's surface. (p. 668)
modulo de aterrizaje Una nave disenada para aterrizar
en la superficie de un planeta.
lock magnetic reversal
A section of a waterway, closed off by gates, in which the A switch in the direction of Earth's magnetic field so that
water level is rasied or lowered to move ships through. the magnetic north pole becomes the magnetic south
(p. 398) pole and the magnetic south pole becomes the magnetic
esclusa Una seccibn de un canal cerrado con com- north pole. (p. 200)
puertas, en la cual se eleva o se baja el nivel del agua inversion magnetica Un cambio en la direccibn del
para que pasen barcos. Campo magnetico de la Tierra, de modo que el polo
norte magnetico se convierte en el polo sur magnetico
loess (LOH-uhs)
y el polo sur magnetico se convierte en el polo none
Deposits of fine-grained, wind-blown sediment. (p. 162) magnetico. r
loes Depbsitos de sedimento de grano fino trans- N
ozone planet
A gas molecule that consists of three oxygen atoms. A spherical body, larger than a comet or asteroid, that
(p. 519) orbits the Sun, or a similar body that orbits a different star.
ozono Una mol~cula de gas que consiste en tres planeta Un cuerpo esferico, mas grande que un
atomos de oxigeno. cometa o un asteroide, que orbita alrededor del Sol, o
un cuerpo similar que orbita alrededor de una estrella
P point-source pollution
Pollution that enters water from a known source. (p. 406)
Pangaea (pan-JEE-uh)
A hypothetical supercontinent that included all of the contamination por fuentes puntuales Contamination
0 que entra al agua proveniente de una fuente conocida.
landmasses on Earth. It began breaking apart about
200 million years ago. (p. 192)
Pangea Un supercontinente hipotetico que incluia Any type of liquid or solid water that falls to Earth's
todas las masas continentales de la Tierra. Empezo surface, such as rain, snow, or hail. (pp. 365, 553)
a fracturarse aproximadamente hate 200 millones
precipitation Cualquier tipo de agua liquida o s6lida
de anos.
que tae a la superficie de la Tierra, como por ejemplo
parallax lluvia, nieve o granizo.
The apparent shift in the position of an object when prime meridian
viewed from different locations. (p. 763) An imaginary north-south line that divides the planet
paralaje El cambio aparente en la position de un into the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western
objeto cuando se observa dende diferentes puntos. Hemisphere. The prime meridian passes through
Greenwich, England. (p. 19)
particulates primer meridiano Una linea imaginaria de norte a sur
Tiny particles or droplets, such as dust, dirt, and pollen, que divide al planeta en hemisferio oriental y hemisfe-
that are mixed in with air. (p. 524) rio occidental. El primer meridiano pasa a trav~s de
particulados Diminutas particulas o gotas, como por Greenwich, Inglaterra.
ejemplo de polvo, tierra o polen, que estan mezcladas
con el afire. probe
A spacecraft that is sent into a planet's atmosphere or
penumbra onto a solid surface. (p. 669)
A region of lighter shadow that may surround an umbra; sonda espacial Una nave espacial enviada a la
for example, the spreading cone of lighter shadow cast by atmosfera de un planeta o a una superficie sblida.
a space object. (p. 703)
penumbra Una region de sombra mas tenue que projection
puede rodear a una umbra; por ejemplo, la sombra mas A representation of Earth's curved surface on a flat map.
tenue cbnica proyectada por un objeto espacial. (p. 20)
proyection Una representation de la superficie curva
permeable de la Tierra en un mapa piano.
Allowing the passage of water. (p. 376)
permeable Que permite el paso del agua. pyroclastic flow (PY-roh-KLAS-tihk)
A dense cloud of superheated gases and rock fragments
phytoplankton (fy-toh-PLANGK-tuhn) that moves quickly downhill from an erupting volcano.
Microscopic floating organisms that live in water and, (p. 264)
like plants, convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into
corriente piroclastica Una nube densa de gases
food. (p. 478)
sobrecalentados y fragmentos de rotas que desciende
fitoplancton Organismos microscopicos que flotan y rapidamente de un volcan en eruption.
viven en el agua y, al igual que las plantas, convierten
la luz del Sol y el dioxido de carbono en alimento.
_ ~ . - ... . . - --: r
R92 Earth Science
sewage system solar cell
A system that collects and treats wastewater from a city A device that converts the energy of sunlight into electrical
or a town. (p. 405) energy. (p. 341)
sistema de aguas residuales Un sistema que celda solar Un aparato que convierte la energia de la
recolecta y trata las aguas de desecho de una Ciudad luz del Sol en energia electrica.
o poblacion.
solar system
sinkhole The Sun and its family of orbiting planets, moons, and
An open basin that forms when the roof of a cavern other objects. (p. 650)
becomes so thin that it falls in. (p. 155)
sistema solar El Sol y su familia de planetas, tunas
sumidero Una Cuenca abierta que se forma cuando el y otros objetos en orbita.
techo de una caverna se vuelve tan delgado que se
desploma. solar wind
A stream of electrically charged particles that flows out
sleet in all directions from the Sun's corona. (p. 759)
Small pellets of ice that form when rain passes through
viento solar Una corriente de particulas electricamente
a layer of cold air and freezes before hitting the ground.
cargadas que fluye hacia fuera de la corona del Sol en
(p. 564)
todas las direcciones.
aguanieve I'equenas bolitas de hielo que se forman
cuando la lluvia pasa a traves de una capa de afire frio y solstice (SANE-stihs)
se congela antes de caer al suelo. In an orbit, a position and time during which one hemi-
sphere gets its maximum area of sunlight, while the other
hemisphere gets its minimum amount; the time of year
A measure of how steep a landform is. Slope is calculated
when days are either longest or shortest, and the angle of
as the change in elevation divided by the distance covered.
sunlight reaches its maximum or minimum. (p. 686)
(p. 25)
solsticio En una orbita, la position y el tiempo
pendiente Una medida de to inclinada de una forma-
durante los cuales un hemisferio obtiene su area
tion terrestre. La pendiente se calcula dividiendo el
maxima de luz del Sol, mientras que el otro hemisferio
cambio en la elevation por la distancia recorrida.
obtiene su cantidad minima; la epoca del ano en la
smog cual los dias son los mas largos o los mas cortos y
The combination of smoke and fog; a type of air pollu- el angulo de la luz del Sol alcanza su maximo o su
tion that occurs when sunlight causes unburnt fuels, minimo.
fumes, and other gases to react chemically, often seen as
sonar (SO-NaHR)
a brownish haze. (p. 524)
A system that uses underwater sound waves to measure
smog La combination de humo y neblina; un tipo de distance and locate objects. (p. 434)
contamination de afire que se presenta cuando la luz
sonar Un sistema que usa ondas sonoras subacuaticas
solar provoca la reaction quimica de combustibles no
para medir distancias y ubicar objetos.
consumidos, humos y otros gases, que a menudo se ve
Como una bruma parda. space station
soil horizon A satellite in which people can live and work for long
A soil layer with physical and chemical properties that periods. (p. 664)
differ from those of soil layers above or below it. (p. 124) estacion espacial Un satelite en el cual la gente puede
horizonte del suelo Una capa del suelo con vivir y trabajar durante periodos largos.
propiedades fisicas y quimicas que difieren de las
de las capas del suelo superior e inferior a la misma. spectrum (SPEHK-truhm)
1. Radiation from a source separated into a range of
soil profile wavelengths. 2. The range of colors that appears in a
The soil horizons in a specific location; a cross section of beam of visible light when it passes through a prism. See
soil layers that displays all soil horizons. (p. 124) also electromagnetic radiation. (p. 656)
perfil del suelo Los horizontes del suelo en un lugar espectro 1. Radiation de una fuente separada en una
especifico; una section transversal de las capas del gama de longitudes de onda. 2. La gama de colores
suelo que muestra todos los horizontes del suelo. que aparece en un haz de luz visible cuando este pasa
a traves de un prisma. Ver tambien radiation
spring system
A flow of water from the ground at a place where the A group of objects or phenomena that interact. A system
surface of the land dips below the water table. (p. 380) can be as simple as a rope, a pulley, and a mass. It also
manantial Un flujo de agua proveniente del suelo en can be as complex as the interaction of energy and
un punto donde la superficie de la tierra desciende por matter in the four parts of the Earth system.
debajo del nivel freatico. sistema Un grupo de objetos o fenbmenos que inter-
actuan. Un sistema puede ser algo tan sencillo como
spring tide una cuerda, una poles y una masa. Tambien puede ser
A tide of large range occurring during the new and full algo tan complejo como la interaction de la energia y
moons, resulting in an extra-high tidal bulge and an la materia en las cuatro partes del sistema de la Tierra.
extra-low tidal dip. (p. 451)
marea viva Una marea de amplio rango que ocurre
durante la Luna nueva y la Luna llena y que results en
una protuberancia mareal mas alts de to normal y un
descenso de la marea mas bajo de to normal. technology
The use of scientific knowledge to solve problems or
storm surge
engineer new products, tools, or processes.
A rapid rise in water level in a coastal area that occurs
when a hurricane pushes a huge mass of ocean water, tecnologia El use de conocimientos cientificos para
often leading to flooding and widespread destruction. resolver problemas o para disenar nuevos productos,
(p. 585) herramientas o procesos.
marea de torments Un rapido aumento del nivel del tectonic plate (tehk-TARN-ihk)
agua en un area costera que ocurre cuando un huracan One of the large, moving pieces into which Earth's litho-
empuja una gran masa de agua oceanica, muchas veces sphere is broken and which commonly carries both
provocando inundaciones y destruccibn extensa. oceanic and continental crust. (p. 189)
streak plats tectonics Una de las grandes piezas en
The color of a mineral powder left behind when a movimiento en las que la litosfera de la Tierra se rompe
mineral is scraped across a surface; a method for y que comunmente lleva corteza oceanica y continental.
classifying minerals. (p. 51)
tectonics (tehk-TAHN-ihks)
rays El color del polvo que queda de un mineral
The processes in which the motion of hot material under
cuando este se rasps a to largo de una superficie; un
metodo para clasificar minerales. a crust changes the crust of a space body. Earth has a
specific type of tectonics called plate tectonics. (p. 726)
stress tectonics Los procesos en los cuales el movimiento
The force applied by an object pressing on, pulling on, del material caliente bajo una corteza cambia la corteza
or pushing against another object. (p. 221) de un cuerpo espacial. La Tierra tiene un tipo especifico
tension La fuerza aplicada por un objeto que pre- de tectfinica denominado tect6nica de placas.
siona, jala o empuja contra otro objeto.
subduction A device that gather visible light or another form of
The process by which an oceanic tectonic plate sinks electromagnetic radiation. (p. 657)
under another plate into Earth's mantle. (p. 206) telescopio Un aparato que reune luz visible u otra
subduction El proceso mediante el cual una plats forma de radiation electromagn~tica.
tectonics oceanica se hunde bajo otra plats y entra
terrestrial planet
al manto de la Tierra.
Earth or a planet similar to Earth that has a rocky surface.
sunspot The four planets in the inner solar system—Mercury,
A darker spot on the photosphere of the Sun. A sunspot Venus, Earth, and Mars—are terrestrial planets. (p. 725)
appears dark because it is cooler than the surrounding planets terrestre La Tierra o un planets parecido a la
area. (p. 758) Tierra que tiene una superficie rocosa. Los cuatro
mancha solar Una mancha oscura en la fotosfera del planetas en el sistema solar interior —Mercurio,
Sol. Una mancha solar se ve oscura porque es mas fria Venus, la Tierra y Marte —son planetas terrestres.
que el area que la rodea.
theory tornado
In science, a set of widely accepted explanations of A violently rotating column of air stretching from a
observations and phenomena. A theory is swell-tested cloud to the ground. (p. 591)
explanation that is consistent with all available evidence. tornado Una columns de afire que gira violentamente
teoria En las ciencias, un conjunto de explicaciones y se extiende desde una nube hasta el suelo.
de observaciones y fenomenos que es ampliamente
aceptado. Una teoria es una explication bien probada transform boundary
que es consecuente con la evidencia disponible. A boundary along which two tectonic plates scrape past
each other, and crust is neither formed nor destroyed.
theory of plate tectonics (p. 198)
A theory stating that Earth's lithosphere is broken into limite transcurrente Un limite a to largo del cual dos
huge plates that move and change in size over time. placas tectonicas se rozan y no se forma corteza ni se
Teoria de la tectonics de placas Una teoria que destruye.
establece que la litosfera de la Tierra esta formada por
enormes placas que se mueven y Gambian de tamano tropical storm (TRAHP-ih-kuhl)
con el tiempo. A low-pressure system that starts in the tropics with
winds of at least 65 kilometers per hour (40 mi/h) but
thunder less than 120 kilometers per hour (74 mi/h). (p. 583)
The sound wave created by intensely heated air around a tormenta tropical Un sistema de baja presibn que
lightning bolt. (p. 588) inicia en los tropicos con vientos de por to menos
trueno La onda sonora treads por el afire calentado 65 kilometros por hora (40 mi/h) pero menores a
intensamente alrededor de un relampago. 120 kilometros por hora (74 mi/h).
cell tissue, 664 local, 624-625 rn
Cenozoic era, 307, 309 marine, 616, 616
Cepheid variable stars, 714 ocean currents and, 356, 613, 617, 636
CFCs. See chlorofluorocarbons. seasonal changes and, 618-619, 618, 619
Chandra X-Ray Observatory, 659 weather compared to, 613
change over time, xxxvi, 303-304, 305 climate change, 300, 628-634, 635, 636
Chapter Investigations cyclical, 630-632
creating stream features, 156-157 particulates, role in, 628-629, 629
earthquakes, 244-245 climate zones, 621, 621-623, 622, 623, 625, 636
fresh water, 410-411 closed system, 9
geologic time scale, 310-311 clouds, 365, 365, 556-559
impact cratering, 746-747 altocumulus, 557, 578
mineral identification, 58-59 altostratus, 557, 578
population sampling, 490 cirrocumulus, 557
plate tectonics, 196-197 cirrostratus, 557
rock classification, 102-103 cirrus, 556, 556, 557, 578
seasons, 690-691 classification of, 556-559, 557
temperature, brightness, and color, 760-761 cover, measurement of, 596, 598
testing soil, 130-131 cumulonimbus, 557, 558, 567, 578, 579, 584, 585,
topographic maps, 28-29 589
underground water, 384-385 cumuIus, 556, 557, 558, 589
visible light, 660-661 formation of, 553, 555, 568, 578, 579
volcanoes, 270-271 ground-level, 559
waves, 446-447 nimbostratus, 557
wind power, 346-347 satellite tracking of, 598
Charon (moon), 741 solar radiation reflected and absorbed by, 512,
chemical weathering, 118, 118-119, 134, 138 513, 522
chlorine, 404 stratus, 556, 557, 558, 578, 579
atmospheric, 528 clown fish, 475, 476
reaction with ozone, 528 coal, 91, 91, 276, 324-325, 327, 327, 348, 396. See also
chlorofluorocarbons fossil fuels.
damage to ozone layer by, 528, 529 coastal mountains, 208, 209, 214
limits on production of, 529 coastlines. See ocean shorelines.
cinder cone volcanoes, 266-267, 267, 280 cod, 483
cinders, 264, 264 coelacanth, 460, 460
cinnabar, 61 Colorado River, 413
circulation cells, 546, 547 color of stars, 764-765, 780
cirrocumulus clouds, 557 comets, 719, 720-721, 722, 743-745, 744, 744, 748
cirrostratus clouds, 557 companion stars, 768, 780
cirrus clouds, 556, 556, 557, 578 compass rose, 17
composite volcanoes, 267, 267, 280
measurement of, 596 erosion, 726, 727 m
role in cloud formation, 555 formation, 428
diamond, 5, 55, 61 gravity, xxxiii
dinosaurs, 743 heat, xxx-xxxi, xxxv, 339
disappearance, 288 impact cratering, 726, 727
eggs, 318 interior, xxx-xxxi, xxxv
extinction of, 629 magnetic field, xxxiii
fossil formation, 289 mass, 725
hearts, 319 orbit of Sun, 685-686, 687, 708, 721-722, 725
Mesozoic period, 307, 308-309 photos of, 671, 671
South Pole, 292 physical map of, R60-R61
speed, 294 plate tectonics, 725-726, 727
theropods, 289 processes, xxx-xxxi, 508-510
trace fossils, 290, 291, 294 revolution, 685
diorite, 84 rotation, 437, 545, 547, 653, 666, 683-689, 708, 725
direct high tide, 449 size, 193, 719, 720
directions, 17, 684 solar radiation and surface of, 512, 513, 544
dissolving, 118-119 surface, xxxvii, 512, 513, 671-672
distances of stars, 762-763 systems, xxxiv-xxxv, 9, 108-111, 505
divergent boundaries, 198, 198-204, 199, 211, 214 views of, 671, 671, 673
divides, 151, 153, 172, 368-369, 369, 369 volcanoes, 726, 727
Dobson spectrophotometer, 109 weather, 672-673, 726, 727
doldrums (region), 546, 547 earthquakes, xxxi, xxxiv, 13, 147, 213, 218-248, 304,
dolphins, 479 441
Doppler effect, 776, 776-777, 777 aftershocks, 238
Doppler radar, used to track precipitation, 564, 595, buildings and structures, 242-246, 242-243
596, 597, 608 Chapter Investigation, 244-245
double planets, 741 damage from, 236-243, 246
downdraft, 589 energy release, 227-234
downwelling, 438 epicenters, 228, 228, 228, 233, 233, 246
drainage basins, 151, 172, 368-369, 369, 369 fault-block mountains, 259-260
drinking water, 384, 420. See also water; fresh water. faults, 221-225, 228, 241, 246
concentration, 403 focus, 228, 228, 228, 234, 234, 246
EPA Standards for Substances in Water, 403 folded mountains, 256, 257
quality, 403, 410-411 Internet Activity, 219
safety, 402-404 landslides, 226, 238, 273
treatment, 402-404, 404 liquefaction, 238
drip irrigation, 415 locating, 233, 233
drizzle. See rain. magnitudes, 234-235, 237, 237-238
dropsonde, xliii, xliii moment magnitude scale, 235, 237, 237-238
drought, 413, 633 prediction, 240-241, 240
X solar, 341, 755-756
0 geologic time scale, 305, 305-309, 306-307, 312 water, 340
ice cores, 293 waves, 229
Internet Activities, 285 wind, 343
original remains, 288 environmental concerns. See also pollution.
radioactive dating, 299-301, 300 conservation, 332-334
tree rings, 292 dams, 340, 340
uniformitarianism, 304 electricity production, 327
Unit Project, 294 erosion, 324
Earth's layers, 186, 186-188, 214 fossil fuels, 326-331
asthenosphere, 187, 187, 214 groundwater levels, 382
continents, 188 nonrenewable resources, 324-325
core, 186, 186 pollution, 327-331
crust, 186, 187 radioactive waste, 339
inner core, 186, 186, 214 recycling, 334-335
lithosphere, 187, 187, 187-188, 214 renewable resources, 339-345
mantle, 186, 187, 214 water quality, 402-404, 403, 410-411
outer core, 186, 186, 214 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 403, 403,
Earth system, xxxv 488, 525
heat, xxx, xxxi, xxxv environments. See ocean environments.
movement through waves, 442, 443 eons, 306, 312
resources in oceans, 485, 486 epicenters, of earthquakes, 228, 228, 228, 233, 233, 246
easterlies (winds), 546, 547 epochs, 306, 312
East Greenland Current (ocean), 617 equator, 18, 686, 688-689
eclipses, 703, 703-705, 708 air masses formed near, 576
lunar, 703, 703 climates near, 622, 623
solar, 704, 704-705 solar radiation near, 544, 614
Einstein, Albert, 714 temperatures near, 614
electricity, 326, 327, 337-339, 348, 398, 452-453, wind circulation and, 544, 545, 546, 547
452 equinoxes, 686, 687, 688, 689
acid rain, 276 eras, 306, 312
renewable sources, 339-345 erosion, 324, 748. See also soil erosion.
electromagnetic radiation, 655, 655-657 dust storms and, 510
electromagnetic spectrum, 655-656, 656 Earth, 726, 727
elements, 45, 299, 300 Mars, 726, 727, 731
elevation, 25, 25 Mercury, 729
contour lines to show, 27 Venus, 731
ellipses, 721 eruptions, volcanic
elliptical galaxies, 772, 772, 780 effects on air, 275-276
EINino (climate event), 440, 630, 632, 632 effects on land, 272-275
Internet activity, 611 effects on water, 276-278
monitoring of, 268-269
estuaries, 468, 468, 468-471, 492
ethanol, 344 extrusive igneous rock, 83, 84, 87
Europa (moon), 742, 742 eye (hurricane), 584, 585
European Alps, 207 eyesight damage caused by ultraviolet radiation, 519
European Union, 417 eye wall (hurricane), 584, 585
eutrophication, 372, 372
evaluating information, R8, R8
evaporation, xxxii, 364-366, 365, 365, 386, 389, 552, F
552, 553, 5 54
tropical storms and, 546 facts, R9, R9
water cycle and, 508, 509, 553 false color images, 32, 32
evidence, collection of, xl farming. See also agriculture.
exfoliation, 116, 117 conservation, 135-136
expansion of the universe, 775-777, 777, 780 soil loss, 133
experimental groups, R30 fault-block mountains, 258, 258-260, 259
experiments, xl. See also labs. faults, 221, 221-225, 228, 241, 246
conclusions, R35 faulty reasoning, R7
constants, R30 fertilizers, 409, 471, 487
control, R28, R30 Fessenden, Reginald, 460
designing, R28-R35, R28-R35 filtration of water, 379
hypotheses, R29 fires, 236, 238, 272
materials, R29 fish, 474, 478, 482-483, 483, 492
observations, R33 air bladders, 478
procedures, R32 aquaculture, 397, 397, 470, 484, 489
purpose, R28 breeding grounds, 399 z
resuIts, R34 by-catch, 484 m
variables, R30-R31, R32 Chapter Investigation, 490
exploration of oceans, 433, 480 glowing, 478, 479
exploration of space, 646-679, 649-650 ladders, 399-400
Apollo program, 663, 663, 671 overfishing, 483, 483, 483-484
asteroid belt, 743 oxygen, 430
astronauts, 662-665 predators, 478, 479
benefits, 671-674, 676 upstream spawning, 399-400
Chapter Investigation, 660-661 fishing industry, 483-484
constellations, 652, 652-653, 654 flares, 758
Earth's atmosphere, 658-659 flash floods, 590
flybys, 666, 666 flood control, 398-399, 400
galaxies, 650, 651, 659 flood irrigation, 395
Hubble Space Telescope, 658-659, 659, 739 floods, 304, 366, 400
impact craters, 672, 672 Florida, thunderstorms formed over, 589
International Space Station (ISS), 664, 664-665 flow of water, 368-369, 378-379, 386
Internet Activity, 647 fluorescence, 56-57, 57
landers, 668, 668-669 fluorite, 50, 50
light, 655-658 flybys, 666
MiI ky Way, 650, 651 focus of an earthquake, 228, 228, 228, 234, 234, 246
Moon missions, 649, 654, 663, 663, 668, 671-672, fog, 524, 559
693, 695, 724 contribution to smog formation, 524
orbiters, 667, 667, 669 danger to transportation posed by, 559
orbits, 650, 651, 671 folded mountains, 256, 256, 256, 257
planets, 650, 654, 654 foliated rocks, 100-101
probes, 669, 669 foliation, 100
rotation of the Earth, 653 food, 482--484, 483. See also agriculture; farming; fish.
satellites, 663, 663-665, 673 supply, global warming and, 527
shuttles, 665, 665 forces, xxxiii
solar system, 650, 651 contact, xxxiii
solar wind, 759 friction, xxxiii
space stations, 663, 664, 664-665 gravity, xxxiii
spacecraft, 662-669 magnetic, xxxiii
stars, 652, 652-653, 654, 676 physical, xxxii-xxxiii
Sun, 650, 651, 654 forest fires
telescopes, 655-661, 657, 676 effect on atmosphere, 510, 524, 526
universe, 650, 651 lightning as cause of, 590
unmanned visits to other worlds, 666 formulas, R42
visible objects, 649-650, 676
Voyager 2 spacecraft, 739
extinction of species, 292, 308
G gold, 63
Grand Canyon, 308
granite, 82, 82, 83, 120, 377
gabbro, 76, 83 graphite, 53, 63
galaxies, 650, 651, 659, 770-773 graphs, 302
centers, 773 bar, 283, 483, 616, 638, R7, R26, R31, R34
collisions, 772, 774 circIe, 48, 80, 326, 328, 333, 350, 363, 414, 488,
elliptical, 772, 772, 780 507, R25
Internet Activity, 753 double bar, 472, R27
irregular, 772, 772, 780
Iine, 302, 431, 435, 457, 520, 527, 535, 616, 635, Heyerdahl, Thor, 436
638, 698, R24, R34 higher-mass stars, 766, 767
scatter plot, 769 highland climate zone, 621, 622, 623
gravel, 377, 487 high-pressure systems, 580, 580, 596, 597
gravity, xxxii, xxxiii, 454, 650, 662, 671, 676, 683-684 high tide, 466, 467
effect on orbits, 685, 721 Himalayas, xxxvii, 207, 225, 256, 257
effect on plant growth, 675 history of Earth. See Earth's history.
erosion, 145 Hoba meteorite, 81
formation of space objects, 723 horse latitudes, 546, 547
glacier movement, 167 hot spots, 203, 203-204, 204, 265, 279
groundwater, 377 hot springs, 276-277, 277, 382, 382
mass wasting, 147-149 Hubble, Edwin, 714
planetary atmospheres, 728, 734 Hubble Space Telescope, 658-659, 659, 739
stars, 721, 768 Huggins, William, 713
Sun, 721 human body, 363, 397
tides, 449, 451, 451, 705-706, 706 human environments, 470-471
water flow, 365, 368 humans, 305, 309, 327
Great Barrier Reef, 474 health, effects of global warming on, 634
Great Lakes, 370, 370, 396, 397, 417 humid continental subclimate, 622, 623
formation, 170 humidity, 554
lake-effect snow near, 586 relative, 554, 560, R65
Great Rift Valley, 203, 203, 224, 265 humid subtropical subclimate, 622, 623
greenhouse effect. See greenhouse gases. humid tropical climate zone, 621, 622, 623
greenhouse gases, 520, 520-521, 521, 526, 526-529, humus, 123, 126, 127 z
532, 607, 608, 631, 633, 635, 636 hurricanes, xliii, 583, 583-585, 584, 585, 602, 606 x
efforts to reduce, 528 effects of, 585
natural sources of, 526-527 eye, 584, 585
production by human activities, 526, 526-527, 633, eye wall, 584, 585
634 Floyd, 584
Greenland, effects of global warming on, 633 formation of, 583-585, 584
ground stations, 595, 596 Fran, 585
groundwater, 154-155, 376. See also underground safety in, 585
water. season in eastern U.S., 584
growing season, global warming and, 634 structure of, 584, 585
Gulf of Mexico technology and, xlii-xliii
ocean currents in, 617 hurricane warning, 585
tornado formation and, 591 hurricane watch, 585
Gulf Stream (ocean current), 437, 439, 617 Hutton, James, 303-304, 317
gulper eels, 479 hydroelectric dams, 398, 398, 400, 452, 452-453
gypsum, 53, 63 hydrogen, 339, 344-345, 728, 755-756, 766, 780
hydrogen fuel cells, 334, 344-345, 345, 348
igneous rock, 78, 80, 82-87, 104, 263 intrusive igneous rock, 83, 84, 86
composition, 85 Investigations. See Chapter Investigations.
crystal size, 84-85 to (moon), 742, 742
fossil formation, 289 irregular galaxies, 772, 772, 780
landforms, 86-87 irrigation, 395, 419
origins, 83 islands
parent rocks, 96 arcs, 208, 208, 214
properties, R55 effects of global warming on, 634
radioactive dating, 301 isobars, 596, 597, 597
in sedimentary layers, 297
textures, 84-85
impact craters, 672, 672, 693-694, 696, 726, 748 J
Chapter Investigation, 746-747
Mars, 731 Japan, 208
Mercury, 727, 729, 729 jellyfish, 479
Venus, 731 jet stream, 548, 548, 551
impermeable materials, 376-377, 377, 377, 386 influence on weather, 548
index contour lines, 27 movement of air masses by, 577
index fossils, 297, 297-298, 297, 298 polar, 548
Indian Ocean, storms in, 583 subtropical, 548
India, seasonal precipitation in, 619 Jupiter, 643, 669, 721, 734, 734-736, 735, 736
indirect high tide, 449 atmosphere, 735-736
Indus River, 413 clouds, 736
industry diameter, 735
acid rain, 417 distance from Sun, 735
coastal environments, 470 Great Red Spot, 736, 736
fishing, 483-484 mass, 735
prevention of pollution, 408 moons, 736, 742, 742
sources of pollution, 406, 407 orbit of Sun, 735
uses of water, 396 rotation, 735
water conservation, 415 size, 719, 720
inference, R4, R35 weather, 735-736
infrared radiation, 514, 519, 532 Jurassic period, 307
role in greenhouse effect, 520, 521
satellite images, 598
infrared waves, 656, 656
inlets, 468
kelp forests, 476, 476, 476-477, 492
inner core, 12, 186, 186, 214
Kepler, Johannes, 713
inner solar system, 721, 725-732, 748. See also
kettle lakes, 169
terrestrial planets.
Klingert, Karl Heinrich, 459
interior of Earth, 186, 186-188, R55. See also plate
Kyoto Protocol (international agreement), 528.
See also greenhouse gases.
international law, 489
International Space Station (ISS), 111, 664, 664-665
International System of Units, R20-R21
Internet Activities
aquifers, 391 laboratory equipment
earthquakes, 219 beakers, R12, R12
history of Earth, 285 double-pan balances, R19, R19
interior of Earth, 183 force meters, R16, R16
mapping technology, 7 forceps, R13, R13
minerals, 41 graduated cylinders, R16, R16
natural resources, 321 hot plates, R13, R13
ocean environments, 463 meniscus, R16, R16
ocean floor, 425 microscopes, R14, R14-R15
rocks, 73 rulers, metric, R17, R17
shapes of galaxies, 753 spring scales, R16, R16
soil formation, 113 test-tube holders, R12, R12
space exploration, 647 test-tube racks, R13, R13
space flight, 717 test tubes, R12, R12
Sun, 681 triple-beam balances, R18, R18
volcanoes, 251 Labrador Current (ocean), 617
water, 359 labs, R10-R35. See also experiments.
wind erosion, 143 equipment, R12-R19
intertidal zones, 466, 467, 492 safety, R 10-R 11
Lake Chad, 417, 417
lakes, 369, 369, 370-373
acid rain and, 566
eutrophication, 372, 372 magma, 62, 79, 82-84, 86, 99, 263, 263, 266
formation, 169-170 magma chambers, 263
formed by dams, 398 magnetic fields, xxxiii
kettle, 169, 169 magnetic reversals, 200, 200, 200-201, 214
oxbow, 152, 152 magnetic storms, 759
snow and, 586 magnets, 57
turnover, 371, 371 magnitudes of earthquakes, 234-235, 237, 237-238
land. See also continent. main sequence of stars, 766
air masses formed over, 576 mammals, 309, 325
breezes, 549 mammoth, discovery of, 317
landers, 668, 668, 668-669 manatee, 501
landforms and soil formation, 124 mangrove forests, 468, 470, 470, 484, 492
landscape architecture, 137 mantle, 12, 186, 187, 214, 725-726, 727
landslides, 147, 226, 238, 273, 441 manufacturing
lantern fish, 479 contribution to air pollution, 524
Latin, 693 contribution to greenhouse gases, 526
latitude, 18, 18-19, 614 map legends, 17
climate and, 613, 614, 636 mapping technology, 15, 30-34, 36
global wind patterns and, 544, 544-548, 547, 548 conic projections, 21-22
lava, xxx, xxx, xxxix, 62, 82-84, 87, 263, 272-274, 726, cylindrical projections, 20-21
727, 729, 729, 731 false color images, 32, 32
Law of the Sea of 1994, 489 Geographic information systems, 33, 33-34,
laws, physical, xxxii 33-34
layers of Earth. See Earth's layers. Internet Activity, 7
Leavitt, Henrietta, 714 interpreting data, 35
legends, 17 Mercator projection, 20-21
life cycles of stars, 765-768, 767, 780 planar projections, 22
life in oceans. See ocean environments. remote sensing, 2-5, 30-31
light, 655-658, 656, 684 satellite imaging, 31, 32
Chapter Investigation, 660-661 mapping the ocean floor, 434, 434, 435, 459
Doppler effect, 776-777, 777 maps, 15-22, 36
plant growth, 675 Chapter Investigation, 28-29
spectrums, 656 contour lines, 25, 25, 26-27
travel, 776, 776 land features, 16
visible, xxxi, 512-513, 518-519 latitude and longitude, 18, 18-19
wavelengths, 656 legends, 17
lightning, xl, 567, 588, 590 Mercator maps, 21
light-years, 762 physical, R58-R61
limestone, 92-93, 120, 154-155 projections, 20, 20-22
liquefaction, 238, 242 relief, 16, 25
lithosphere, 187, 187, 187-188, 212, 214, 223 scale, 17
theory of plate tectonics, 194, 194-195 seasonal star, R70-R73
volcanoes, 265 slope, 25
living matter, 339 time zone, R68
locating earthquakes, 223, 223 topographic symbols, 27, R55
locks, 398, 398 topography, 24-29, 25, 26, 36
longitude, 18, 19 map scale, 17
longshore currents, 159, 444, 444, 454 marble, 100
longshore drift, 159 mare/maria, 693, 693-694, 694
lower-mass stars, 766, 767 Mariana Trench, 208, 432
low-pressure systems, 580, 581, 596, 597, 602 mariner's astrolabe, 712, 712
storms associated with, 581, 583-587 marine west coast subclimate, 622, 623
low tide, 466, 467 Mars, 367, 725-728, 731, 731-732, 732
lunar basalt, 695, 695, 696 atmosphere, 672, 728, 732
lunar eclipses, 703, 703, 708 craters, 731
lunar highlands, 694, 694 diameter, 731
lunar mare, 693, 693-694, 694 distance from Sun, 731
lung disease, air pollution and, 525 exploration, 668-669
luster, 52 lava, 731
mass, 731
orbit of Sun, 654, 654, 731
polar ice caps, 732
rotation, 731 mass, 729
size, 719, 720 orbit of Sun, 729
temperatures, 732 rotation, 729
volcanoes, 726, 727, 731 size, 719, 720
water, 732 temperatures, 729
weathering and erosion, 726, 727, 731-732 mercury, inches of (unit of air pressure), 597
winds, 732 Mesosa urus fossiI s, 191, 191
Mars Pathfinder, 669 mesosphere, 516, 517, 532
mass, xxxiii, 506 Mesozoic era, 307-309
Earth, 725 metamorphic rock, 78, 80, 96-101, 104
gas giant planets, 735, 736, 738, 739 foliated rocks, 100-101
of stars, 768, 780 foliation, 100
Pluto, 741 formation, 96-99
terrestrial planets, 725, 729, 730, 731 metamorphism, 96
mass wasting, 147, 147-149 nonfoliated rocks, 101
Math Skills recrystal lization, 97, 99
adding measurements, 551 metamorphism, 96
area, 88, 121, R43 meteorologists, 594, 594-595, 599, 602, 613
creating a line graph, 171 meteorology, 594-599, 595, 596, 597, 598, 602
decimals, 336, R39, R40 Internet career link, 501
describing a set of data, R36-R37 tools used in, 542, 595, 596-599, 602
double bar graphs, 472 meteors and meteorites, xl, 81, 108, 517, 643, 745,
xW equations, 522 745, 748
0 equivalent rates, 205 methane, greenhouse effect and, 520, 524, 526
z exponents, 670 metric system, R20-R21
formulas, R42 changing metric units, R20, RZO
fractions, 49, 375, R41 converting U.S. customary units, R21, R21
graphs, 302 temperature conversion, R21, R21
line graphs, 635, 698 Mexico City, air quality in, 525
~ means, 261, R36 microclimates, 624, 624, 636
medians, R36 microfossils, 318
modes, R37 microorganisms and soil formation, 126, 127
multiplication, 235 microscopes, R14-R15, R14
percents, 49, 724, R41 making slides and wet mounts, R15, R15
plotting coordinates, 435 viewing objects, R15
proportions, 23, R39 microwaves, 656, 656, 778-779
ranges, R37 Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 199
rates, 205, 582, R38 mid-ocean ridges, 192, 192-193, 199, 199, 214, 432, 433
ratios, R38, R38 Milky Way, 650, 651, 770-773, 771
scatter plots, 769 millibar (unit of air pressure), 596, 597. See also
scientific notation, R44, R44 isobars.
significant figures, R44, R44 minerals, xxxv, 40-71, 43-44, 75-76, 324-325, 329, 348,
surface area, 121 486, 486-487, 492
volume, 401, R43, R43 acid test, 56-57, 57
matter, xxxii-xxxv, xxxiii appearance, 50-52
Mauna Loa Observatory, 608, 608 carbonates, 56
Mauna Loa volcano, 266, 268, 272 Chapter Investigation, 58-59
Maury, Matthew, 459 characteristics, 43-46, 68
means, 261, R36 chemical makeup, 45
measurement. See also geologic time scale; metric cleavage, 52-53
system. color, 51
of distance, 763 crystal makeup, 46-47
using map scales, 17, 23 density, 54-55
mechanical weathering, 115--117, 116, 117, 138 dissolving, 118-119
medians, R36 fluorescence, 56-57, 57
medicines, 482 formation, 44-45, 62, 63, 68
Mediterranean subclimate, 6Z2, 623 fracture, 53
Mercator projection, 20-21 gemstones, 61, 67
Mercury, 721, 725-729, 7Z9 grouping, 47-48
day/night cycle, 729 hardness, 55, 56
diameter, 729 Internet Activity, 41
distance from Sun, 729 luster, 52
erosion, 729 magneticism, 57
impact craters, 672, 727, 729 metamorphic rocks, 100-101
lava plains, 729, 729 mining, 64-66
note-taking strategies, 42 global warming effects on, 633
ores, 64 Himalayas, xxxvii, 207, 225, 256, 257
properties, 50-57, 68, R52-R54 mid-ocean ridges, 192, 192-193, 199, 199, 214
radioactivity, 57 oceanic-continental subduction, 253
recrystallization, 97 plate boundaries and formation of, 207, 214, 253,
remote sensing to find, 4, 5 256
rust, 119 rain shadows caused by, 625
streak, 51 ranges and belts, 254, 254
uses, 60-61, 68 rift valleys, 199, 199, 214
vocabulary strategies, 42 sediment, 255, 255
mining, 64-66, 134, 327 volcanoes, xxx-xxxi, xxx, xxxvii, 13, 148
Mir, 664 Mount Everest, 253, 506
Mississippi River, 150-151, 396, 399, 400 Mount Pinatubo, 268-269, 274, 276
deltas, 153 Mount Rainier, 269
floodplains, 152 Mount Shasta, 272
Missouri River, 400 Mount Stanley (central Africa), climate of, 614
moats, 243, 243 Mount St. Helens, 148, 209, 266-267, 267, 276
modes, R37 Mount Vesuvius, 269
Mohs scale, 55, 55 mudflows, 148, 273-274
moist mid-latitude climate zones, 621, 622, 623 multiple star systems, 768
molds and casts, 290, 291, 312 Murcutt, Glenn (architect), 620
moment magnitude scale, 235, 237, 237-238
money, 330
monsoons, 549, 550, 550 0
Montana, precipitation patterns in, 619 x
Montreal Protocol (international agreement), 529. Natashquan, Canada, climate of, 617
See also chlorofluorocarbons; ozone layer. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Moon, 654, 692-697, 693, 708 (NASA), 663-666, 674. See also exploration of
craters, 672; 693-694, 696 space.
daily tides, 449, 449, 454 National Hurricane Center (U.S.), 585
distance from Earth, 649, 693, 697 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
eclipses, 703-705, 703-704, 708 (U.S.), 596
exploration, 649, 654, 663, 663, 668, 671-672, 693, National Weather Service (U.S.), 586, 592
695, 724 natural gas, 324-325, 328, 328-329, 339, 348, 485,
gibbous, 701, 702 492
gravitational pull, 724 natural resources, 320-351, 320, 482-495
highlands, 694, 694 biomass energy, 344
layers of, 696, 696 Chapter Investigation, 346-347
lunar highlands, 694, 694 conservation, 332-334, 333
lunar mare, 693, 693-694, 694 fossil fuels, 326, 326-330
monthly tides, 451, 451 geothermal energy, 342, 342-343
origins, 696-697 hydrogen fuel cells, 344, 344-345
phases, 699-702, 701, 708 hydroelectric energy, 340, 348
rocks, xl, 695, 695, 696 in oceans, 482-495
rotation, 692-693 Internet Activity, 321
soil, 695-696 nonrenewable resources, 324, 324-331, 348
tides, 705-706, 706, 708 nuclear energy, 337-339
waning, 700, 701 plastic, 329
waxing, 700, 701 pollution, 327-331
weathering, 695 recycling, 334, 334-335
moons of other planets, 738, 741-742, 742 renewable resources, 324, 324-325, 339-345
moraines, 168, '170 solar energy, 341
moray eels, 475 Unit Project, 331
motion of gala~:ies, 776-777 uses, 323-330, 348
mountains, xxxi, 13, 16, 16, 250-261, 280 wind, 343
breezes, 549 neap tide, 451, 451
change over time, 304 nebulae, 723, 765, 765, 771
climates of, 615 Neptune, 734, 739, 739
continental-continental collisions, 207, 214, 256 atmosphere, 739
continental crust, 187 color, 738-739
elevation, 25; 25 density, 738
erosion, 255, 255 diameter, 739
fault-block mountains, 258, 258-260, 259, 280 distance from Sun, 739
folded mountains, 256, 256, 256, 257, 280 mass, 739
formation of, 256-258, 257, 280 moons, 742, 742
orbit of Sun, 739
rotation, 739
size, 719, 720-721
temperature, 738 obsidian, 76
weather, 739 observation, xl, R2, R5, R33
neutron stars, 766, 767 qualitative, R2
Newton, Isaac, 449, 713 quantitative, R2
New Zealand, 277 ocean currents, xxxi, xxxv, 11, 436, 436-440,
Nile River, 399 454, 617, 617
nimbostratus clouds, 557 climate and weather, 439-440, 613, 617, 636
nitric acid, 566 cold-water, 617
nitrogen, 126, 372, 520. See also nitrogen cycle. deep currents, 438, 438, 454
atmospheric, 507, 508 downwelling, 438
plants and, 508, 509, 511 longshore currents, 444, 444, 454
nitrogen cycle, 508, 509 rip currents, 444, 444-445, 445, 454
role of bacteria in, 508, 509 role in EI Nino events, 632
role of decay in, 508, 509 surface currents, 437, 437, 454
nitrogen oxide, 524, 566 upwelling, 438, 438
greenhouse effect and, 520, 526 warm-water, 617
nodules, 486, 486 ocean environments, 430, 438, 462-495. See also fish.
nonfoliated rocks, 101 algae, 466
nonpoint-source pollution, 406 animal life, 474
x nonrenewable resources, 324, 324-331, 348 aquaculture, 484
O normal faults, 224, 224, 246 bottom dwellers, 466
North America Chapter Investigation, 490
average annual temperatures in, 614 coastal wetlands, 468, 468-470, 469-470
tornado frequency in, 591 coral reefs, 474, 474-476, 474-475, 492
weather during EI Nino years, 632 deep zone, 478, 479, 480
North American Plate, 222 estuaries, 468, 468, 468-471, 492
North Atlantic Current (ocean), 617 exploration, 480
North Carolina, hurricane damage to, 585 floaters, 466
North Equatorial Current (ocean), 617 habitats, 466
Northern Hemisphere human environments, 470-471
global warming's effect on, 633 hydrothermal vents, 480, 480, 481
ocean currents, 437, 437 Internet Activities, 463
seasons in, 618 intertidal zones, 466, 467, 492
wind patterns in, 545, 547, 548, 580, 581 kelp forests, 476, 476, 476-477, 492
northern lights, 759, 759 mangrove forests, 468, 470, 470, 484, 492
north pole, 684, 686, 689 microscopic organisms, 474, 478
North Star, 653 natural resources, 492
Norwegian Current (ocean), 617 oil spills, 488, 488
note-taking strategies, R45-R49 open ocean, 478-480, 492
combination notes, 114, 144, 538, 682, 754, R45, overfishing, 483, 483, 483-484
R45 phytoplankton, 478, 479
concept maps, R49, R49 plant life, 474
content frames, 252, R45, R45 pollution, 487-489, 492
main idea and detail notes, 8, 144, 220, 322, 360, salt marshes, 468-469, 469, 492
612, 718, 754, R46, R46 shallow, near shore, 472-477
main idea webs, 74, 144, 222, 322, 464, 574, 648, shorelines, 465-471
754, R46, R46 sperm whales, 479
mind maps, R47, R47 Standardized Test Practice, 495
outlines, 286, 426, R48, R48 surface zone, 478, 479
supporting main ideas, 42, 144, 184, 322, 392, 504, swimmers, 466
R47, R47 tidal pools, 466, 467
venn diagrams, R49, R49 Unit Project, 481
nuclear fission, 337, 338 zooplankton, 478, 479
nuclear power, 337-339, 338, 339, 348 ocean floor, 432-434, 432, 433, 454. See also oceanic
nutrients, 372 crust.
in ocean, 357 abyssal plains, 432, 432
continental shelf, 432, 432
continental slope, 432, 432
exploration, 433-434
mapping, 434, 434
mid-ocean ridge, 192-193, 199, 199, 214, 432, 433
ocean trenches, 193, 432, 432
seamounts, 432, 433 temperatures, 431, 431, 454
submarine canyons, 432, 432 thermocline, 431
tidal ranges, 450 tides, 448-452, 454
volcanic islands, 432, 433 volcanic islands, 432, 433
ocean habitats, 466. See also ocean environments. waves, 441-447, 454. See also ocean waves.
oceanic-continental subduction, 208, 209, 214, 253, ocean shorelines, 159-161, 465-471, 492. See also
256, 256, 257 shorelines.
oceanic crust, 110, 187-188. See also ocean floor. coastal wetlands, 468, 468-470, 469-470
age, 193 estuaries, 468, 468-470, 468
deep-ocean trenches, 208, 208, 209, 214 human environments, 470-471
evidence of continental drift, 192-193 intertidal zones, 466, 467
folded mountains, 256, 256, 256, 257 longshore currents, 444, 444, 454
island arcs, 208, 208, 214 mangrove forests, 468, 470, 470, 484
magnetic reversals, 200, 200, 200-201, 214 pollution, 470-471
mid-ocean ridges, 192, 192-193, 199, 199, 214, rip currents, 444, 444-445, 445, 492
432, 433 salt marshes, 468-469, 469
oceanic-continental subduction, 208, 209, 214, 253, tidal pools, 466, 467
256, 256, 257 ocean trenches, 193, 432, 432
oceanic-oce~~nic subduction, 208, 208, 214, 265 ocean waves, xxxi, 158-161, 172, 229-230, 231,
rift valleys, '199, 199, 214, 265 441-447, 454
subduction, 208, 208-209, 214 Chapter Investigation, 446-447
transform boundaries, 210, 211, 214 crests, 442, 443
trenches, 193, 432, 432 formation, 441
oceanic-oceanic subduction, 208, 208, 214, 265 z
longshore currents, 444, 444, 454 v
oceanographers, 431 near shore, 442, 443 m
oceans, xxxi, xxxv, 109, 110, 111, 354-357, 362, 362, rip currents, 444, 444-445, 445, 454
424-457. See also Atlantic Ocean; Indian Ocean; structure, 442, 443
ocean currents; ocean environments; Pacific troughs, 442, 443
Ocean. undertow, 442, 443
abyssal plains, 432, 432 Ogallala Aquifer, 378, 413
air masses formed over, 576 oil, 324-325, 328, 328-329, 331, 348, 485, 488, 492.
carbon dioxide, 430 See also fossil fuels.
climate and, 356 spil ls, 488, 488
connected globally, 427-428, 454, 489 Old Faithful geyser, 277, 277, 383
continental shelf, 432, 432 open ocean environments, 478-480, 492
continental <_:lope, 432, 432 open system, 9
coverage of the Earth, 427-428, 454 operational definition, R31
deep water, 431 opinions, R9, R9
density, 428, 428-430 orbiters, 667, 667, 669
depth, 458 orbits, xxxiii, 650, 651, 671, 708. See also specific
energy reso~, rtes, 485, 486 planets, e.g. Mars.
erosion and deposition, 146, 158-161 of Earth around the Sun, 685-686, 687
exploration, 354-357, 433, 458-461, 480 of the solar system, 721-722, 748
floor, 432-434, 432, 433, 454, 459 role of gravity, 685, 721
gases, 430 Ordovician period, 306
hurricane formation over, 584, 602 ores, 64
hydrothermal vents, 480, 480, 481 organic agriculture, 409
Internet Activities, 425, 463 organic matter, 123, 126, 127, 138
I ife i n, 430, 438, 462-495 original remains, 288
living resources, 482-484 origins
mapping, 434, 434 galaxies, 779
mid-ocean ridge, 432, 433 Moon, 696-697
minerals and rocks, 486, 486-487 planets, 779
natural resources, 482-495 solar system, 722-773
nonliving resources, 485-488 stars, 779
nutrients, 35.' Sun, 722
ocean trenches, 432, 432 universe, 778-780
oil spills, 488, 488 outer core, 12, 186, 186, 214
oxygen, 430 outer solar system, 721, 734-739, 748. See also
pollution, 487-489, 487, 488, 492 gas giant planets.
salinity, 428, 428-430 outer space, altitude of, 506
seamounts, 432, 433 overfishing, 483, 483-484, 483, 492
Standardized Test Practice, 457 overuse of water, 413
submarine canyons, 432, 432
surface layer, 431
oxygen, 11, 109, 430, 438, 487. See also ozone. planets, 361, 367, 654, 654, 666, 719-722, 720. See also
animals' use of, 508, 509, 511 Solar System; specific planets, e.g. Mars.
atmospheric (gas), 507, 510, 511, 519, 520, 528 characteristics of, R69
elemental, 519 cores, 725
life processes and, 508, 509, 511 distances, 720, 721
ozone, 109, 516, 517, 519, 519, 528. See also ozone doubles, 741
layer. exploration, 667, 669
absorption of ultraviolet radiation by, 516, 517, gas giants, 734, 734-739, 742, 742
519, 528, 532 landers, 668, 668, 668-669
chlorine reaction with, 528 mantles, 725
as pollutant, 524 moons, 738, 741-742, 742
smog formation and, 524 orbits of Sun, 721-722, 748
stratosphere and, 516, 517, 519, 519 processes and surface features, 726, 727
troposphere and, 524 rocky crusts, 725-732
ozone alert, 525 sizes, 719-721, 720
ozone layer, 516, 517, 519, 524 terrestrial, 725-732
absorption of ultraviolet radiation by, 516, 517, plants, 324-326, 329, 344, 348, 366, 430. See also
519, 519, 528, 532 ocean environments.
destruction of, by human activities, 528-529, 529, 532 air pollution effect on, 525
carbon dioxide, oxygen and, 508, 509, 511
P greenhouse effect and, 526
growth, 675
nitrogen and, 508, 509
Pacific Ocean and soil formation, 116, 117, 126, 127
Nino and, 632 water cycle role of, 508, 509
storms in western, 583 plastic, 329
Pacific Plate, 222 plateaus, 16, 16
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, 239 plate tectonics, 182-217, 213. See also tectonics.
packing foam, chlorofluorocarbons in, 528 asthenosphere, 187, 187, 214
Paleozoic era, 306-308 boundaries, 198-213, 222, 222, 228, 265
Panama Canal, 398 causes of movement, 193-194
Pangaea, 192, 192, 192, 630 Chapter Investigation, 196-197
Panthalassa Ocean, 630 coastal mountains, 208, 209, 214
paper, 329 continental-continental collision, 207, 207, 214, 256
parallax, 763 continental drift, 190, 190-195, 192, 214
parent rocks, 96 convection, 193
parrotfish, 475, 476 convection currents, 193, 193-194, 194, 196-197
particulates, 524, 525, 628-629. See also air convergent boundaries, 198, 206-209, 207, 208,
pollution. 211, 214, 256
absorption and reflection of sunlight, 525, 628, core, 186, 186
629 crust, 186, 187, 214
Pathfinder, 669 deep-ocean trenches, 208, 208, 209, 214
Patterson, Clair C., 108 density of materials, 185
penumbra, 703, 703-704 disturbed layers of rock, 296, 296
percents, R41 divergent boundaries, 198, 198-204, 199, 211, 214
periods, geologic, 306, 312 hot spots, 203, 203-204, 204, 265
permeable materials, 376, 376-377, 377, 386 inner core, 186, 186, 214
Permian period, 306-307 Internet Activities, 183
pesticides, 409, 471 island arcs, 208, 208, 214
petrified wood, 290, 291 layers of Earth, 186, 186-188, 214
Phanerozoic eon, 307-309 lithosphere, 187, 187, 187-188, 214
phases of the Moon, 699-702, 701, 708 magnetic reversals, 200, 200, 200-201, 214
Philippine Islands, 208 mantle, 186, 187, 214
phosphorus, 372 mountain formation, 253
photosynthesis, 508 oceanic-continental subduction, 208, 209, 214, 256,
phyllite, 97, 100 256, 257
physical forces, xxxii-xxxiii oceanic-oceanic subduction, 208, 208, 214, 256,
physical laws, xxxii 256, 257, 265
phytoplankton, 478, 479 outer core, 186, 186, 214
Pinatubo, Mount (Philippines) Pangaea, 192, 192, 192
eruption of, 629 ridge push, 194, 194
global climate and, 629 rift valleys, 202-203, 202, 203, 214, 265
plains, 16, 16 slab pull, 194, 194
planar projections, 22 spreading centers, 193, 199
planetary rings, 737, 737, 748 subduction, 206, 206-209, 214
poles, 373-374, 438 m
pollen, as pollutant, 524
pollution, 324, 329-330, 417, 420, 492. See also air
pollution; water pollution; environmental Qaanaq, Greenland, average temperatures in, 614
concerns. qualitative observations, R2
acid rain, 417 quality of water, 402-404, 403, 410-411
agricultural, 409 quantitative observations, R2
aquaculture, 484 quartz, 53, 53, 54, 61, 63
biomass energy, 344 quasars, 773, 773
cars, 327, 345 Quaternary period, 307, 309
coastal environments, 470-471
coral reefs, 475
electricity production, 327 R
fertilizers, 409, 471, 487
radar, collection of weather data and, 595, 596, 597
fossil fuels, 328-329, 331
radiation, xxx-xxxi, xxxi, 513, 514, 514, 532, 655-656.
fresh water, 394
See also infrared radiation; solar radiation;
heavy metals, 487
ultraviolet radiation.
Law of the Sea of 1994, 489
big bang, 715
oceans, 487-489, 487, 488
black holes, 766
oil spills, 488, 488
microwaves, 778-779
ponds and lakes, 372
neutron stars, 766
prevention, 408-409
radioactive dating, 299-301, 300
sewage, 487
radioactive waste, 339
solid waste, 487
radioactivity, 57
sources, 406, 407
radio telescopes, 658, 658
Standardized Test Practice, 423
radio waves, 655, 656, 656, 766
ponds, 370-373
rain, 553, 564, 565
acid, 566, 566
cloud types associated with, 557, 558, 564, 589
growth, 412-413
freezing, 564, 565, 568, 587
mapping, 33
hurricanes as source, 584, 585
Posidonius, 458
power plants, 326, 327. See also electricity. measurement of, 563
water cycle and, 508, 509, 553
Precambrian time, 306, 307
rainbows, 656
precipitation, 364-366, 365, 365, 382, 386, 553, 553,
raindrops, formation of, 562, 564, 565, 568
562-566, 565, 568
rainfall, 292
cloud types associated with, 556-558, 557, 558
rain gauge, 563
cold fronts and, 578
rain shadow, 625, 625
EI and, 632
ranges, R37
views of earth, 39 sulfur dioxide, 275-276, 628 m
volcanoes, 283 released by volcanic eruptions, 628
water pollution, 423 sulfuric acid, 730
star maps, R70-R73 in acid rain, 566
starfish, 475, 476 sunlight blocked by, 628
stars, xxxiii, 652, 652-653, 654, 676. See also Sun. sulfur oxides, as pollutants, 524, 566
brightness, 760-761, 763, 780 summer solstice, 618
Cephiad variable, 714 Sun, xxxv, 651, 654, 672, 755-759. See also radiation;
Chapter Investigation, 760-761 solar radiation.
classification, 765 angles of light, 688
color, 764-765, 780 atmosphere, 756, 757, 780
companions, 768, 780 chromosphere, 756, 757
distance, 762-763 convection zone, 756, 757
fusion, 762, 766 core, 756, 757
giants, supergiants, and white dwarfs, 764, 764, corona, 756, 757, 759
766, 767 daily tides, 449, 449
gravity, 768 distances, 720-721
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, R75 eclipses, 703-704, 703-705
higher-mass stars, 766, 767 flares, 758, 758
life cycles, 765-768, 767, 780 formation, 722, 723
light-years, 762 fusion, 756
lower-mass stars, 766, 767 gravity, 721
main sequence, 766 impact on weather, xxxv
mass, 768, 780 interior, 756, 757, 780
multiples, 768 Internet Activity, 681
neutron stars, 766 length of days, 689
parallax, 763 magnetic fields, 758
pulsars, 766, 766 magnetic storms, 759
size, 764, 764, 766, 767, 780 main sequence, 766
supernovas, 715, 766, 767 monthly tides, 451
temperature, 764-765, 780 photosphere, 756, 757
star systems, 768, 768 plant growth, 675
station symbols (weather map), 596, R64 production of energy, 755-756
steam explosions, 274 prominences, 758
Steno, Nicolaus, 316 radiative zone, 756, 757
storms rotation, 758
Benjamin Franklin and, 607 seasons, 686, 687, 688
dust, 500, 501, 510 size, 720, 721
fronts and, 608 solar wind, 759
hurricanes, 583, 583-585, 584, 585, 602 sunspots, 758, 758, 759
ice, 564, 587 temperature, 764
tides, 449, 451 tectonic plates, 188, 193-195, 195, 222, 222, 726,
weather and, xix, 606 726, 727, R62-R63
sunburns, 519, 688 tectonics, 192-195, 194, 194-195, 212, 726, 726, 727,
sunlight, 324-325, 328, 339, 341, 348. See also solar 729-730, 748. See also plate tectonics.
radiation. telegraph, 607, 607
effects of volcanoes on, 276 telescopes, 655-661, 657, 676, 713
formation of fossil fuels, 326 Hubble Space Telescope, 658-659, 659, 739
sunspots, 758, 758, 759 light, 655-658
superclusters, 775 radio telescopes, 658, 658
supergiant stars, 764, 764, 766, 767 reflecting telescopes, 657, 657, 658-659, 659
supermassive black holes, 773, 773 refracting telescopes, 657, 657
supernovas, 715, 766, 767 Very Large Array radio telescopes, 658, 658
surface area, 120 temperature
surface currents, 437, 437, 454 altitude and, 515-517, 613, 615, 636
surface layer of oceans, 431, 431 dry bulb, R65
surface water, 368-374 global average increase and, 527, 633, 633-634
surface waves, 230, 231 inside the earth, 82
surface zone, 478, 479 latitude and, 613, 614, 636
system, 9 measurement of, 596, 599
metamorphic rock, 96-99
T of oceans, 431, 431
seasonal changes in, 618
x unit conversions, R21, R21
W tables. See data tables. water and, 553
tar, 288 wet bulb, R65
technology wind patterns and, 543-550, 549, 550
age of solar system, measuring, 108 terraces, 136
computer modeling, 527, 609, 644, 779 Terra satellite, 180-181, 181
core sample collection, 110, 110, 193, 193, 472 terrestrial planets, 725, 725-732. See also Earth; Mars;
dams and locks, 398, 398, 398-400, 399, 400, 452, Mercury; Venus.
452-453, 453 atmospheres, 728, 748
desalination, 418 cores, 725
drinking water treatment, 402-404, 404 impact cratering, 726, 7Z7
earthquake-resistant buildings, 242, 242-246, 243 mantles, 725
exploration of Earth, 9-14 orbits of Sun, 748
false-color images, 2-3, 7, 32, 32, 431, 437, 460, plate tectonics, 726, 727
529, 596, 598, 609, 645, 727, 730, 733, 765, processes and surface features, 726, 727
766, 773 rocky crusts, 725-728, 727
from space programs, 671-674, 674 volcanism, 726, 727
geographic information systems (GIS), 33, 33, weathering and erosion, 726, 727
33-34, 34 Tertiary period, 307, 309
Global Positioning System (GPS), xliii, 19 theory of plate tectonics. See tectonics.
history of astronomy, impact on, 712-715 thermocline of oceans, 431
hydrogen fuel cells, 344, 344-345, 345, 348 thermosphere, 516, 517, 532
International Space Station, 110, 664, 664-665 theropods, 289, 318
irrigation, 395, 419 thunder, 588
mapping, 30-34 thunderheads. See cumulonimbus clouds.
minerals, uses of, 60-61 thunderstorms, 567, 588, 588-592, 589, 602
nature of, xlii-xliii cloud types associated with, 557, 558
ocean exploration, 354, 354-357, 433, 433-434, effects of, 590-592
434, 458-461, 458-461 formation of, 588-589, 589, 602
offshore drilling, 485, 485 hurricanes and, 584, 585
ozone levels, measuring, 109 safety in, 590
particle accelerators, 714, 779 tidal dams, 452, 452-453
photography and lightning, xl tidal range, 450
radioactive dating, 299-301, 300 tides, 448, 448-452, 454, 705-706, 706, 708
rainwater catchment, 414 daily, 449-450, 449
remote sensing, 2-5, 30, 30-31, 31 direct high, 449
seismographs, xxxviii, 232, 232, 233 generation of electricity, 452-453, 452
tracking plate movement with lasers, 205 gravity, 449, 449
volcanoes, monitoring of, 178-181, 269 high, 466, 467
wastewater treatment, 405, 405-406, 406 indirect high, 449
weather data, collection of, 542, 594-595, 595, intertidal zones, 466, 467
597, 606-609 low, 466, 467
See also spacecraft and telescopes. monthly, 451, 451
neap, 451r 451
spring, 451, 451
Standardized Test Practice, 457
tidal pools, 466, 467 ultraviolet radiation, 519, 528, 532
timing, 450 absorption of, 516, 517, 519, 528, 532
Unit Project, 453 ozone and, 516, 517, 519, 528, 532
till, 168 skin cancer and, 519
time. See also geologic time scale. ultraviolet waves, 656, 656
angles of light, 688 umbra, 703, 703-704
lengths of days, 689 underground water, 376-383, 386
noon, 688 aquifers, 378, 378-379, 384
of day, 683-684 artesian wells, 380, 380, 381
seasons, 685-686, 687 Chapter Investigation, 384-385
years, 685 geysers, 383, 383
zones, R68 hot springs, 382-383
Titan (moon), 742, 742 irrigation of crops, 382
topographic symbols, R55 springs, 380, 380-383, 381
topography, 24, 24-29, 25, 26, 36 water table, 377, 380, 381, 382
topsoil, 124 wells, 380, 381
tornadoes, 591, 591, 592, 602 undertow, 442, 443
effects of, 592 uniformitarianism, 304
formation in thunderstorms, 591 United Nations, 489
Fujita scale, R67 United States
government action to limit pollution, 525, 528, 529 z
hurricanes as cause of, 585 v
measuring intensity of, R67 greenhouse gas production of, 528 m
safety in, 592 physical map of, R58-R59
technology and, xlii weather of, during EI Nino years, 632
tornado warning, 592 United States Geological Survey (USGS), 27
tornado watch, 592 Unit Projects
trace fossils, 290, 291 astronomy and archaeology, 707
trade winds, 546, 547, 606 collision of galaxies, 774
EI Nino and, 632 earthquakes, 226
transform boundaries, 198, 210, 211, 214 fossils, 294
transportation, 396-397, 407, 408 gem cutting, 67
trash, 333 gravity and plant growth, 675
treatment irrigation, 419
of drinking water, 404, 404 landscape architecture, 137
of waste water, 405, 405-406, 406 life on the dunes, 164
tree line, 615 mapping for an Olympic Stadium, 35
trees, 292, 324-325, 348 ocean environments, 481
damaged by acid rain, 566 oil spills, 331
and soil formation, 126 plate tectonics, 213
Triassic period, 306-307 rocks from space, 81
trilobites, 315 surface of Mars, 733
Triton (moon), 742, 742 tidal dams, 453
tropical storms, 546, 583. See also hurricanes; volcanoes, 279
low-pressure systems. water cycles, 367
growth into hurricanes, 584 units of measurement, R20-R21
tropical storm warning, 585 air pressure, 597
tropical wet and dry subclimate, 627_, 623 universe, xxxii, xxxiii, 649-650, 650, 651
tropical wet subclimate, 622, 623 early astronomy, 649
tropics. See equator. expansion, 775-777, 777, 780
troposphere, 516, 517, 532, 546 formation, 779
greenhouse ei~fect and, 527-528 looking back in time, 776, 776
heating of, 615 origins, 778-779
ozone in, 524 unmanned space exploration, 666
pollution in, 523-528 upwelling, 438, 438
winds and, 54,x, 548, 551 uranium, 338, 338-339, 348
troughs of waves,. 442, 443 235, 299-301, 324-325
tsunamis, 226, 238, 238-239, 239, 273-274 Uranus, 734, 738, 738
tubeworms, 480, 480 color, 738
tundra subclimate, 622, 623 density, 738
turnover, 371 diameter, 738
typhoons, 583 distance from Sun, 738
Tyrannosaurus rex, 294, 319 mass, 738
hot springs, 276-277 weathering, 115, 672-673, 748 m
human body, 363, 393 chemical, 118-120, 138
hydroelectric energy, 340, 348 erosion, 726, 727, 729-732
hydrosphere, xxxv mechanical, 115-117, 120, 138
Internet Activity, 359 rates, 120
landscape architecture, 137 soil formation, 115-120, 122-125
longshore drift and currents, 159-161 weather maps, 579, 580, 581, 596, 597, 598, 599,
meanders, 152 R64
on Mars, 367, 732 reading station symbols on, 596, R64
pollution, 133, 134, 329-330, 566. See also weather safety, 585, 587, 590, 592
pollution. Internet activity, 573
precipitation, 364-366, 365, 365, 386. See also weather station, 608
precipitation. technology and, 606, 608
purification of, 132 weather systems, 572-602
qua Iity, 402-404, 403, 410-411 high-pressure, 580, 580, 596, 597
radiation, xxxi low-pressure, 580, 581, 596, 597, 602
salt, 363, 366 Wegener, Alfred, 190-192
sedimentary rock, 94-95 weightlessness, 662
shaping the land, 150-161, 172 Welland Canal, 397
sharing, 416, 416-417 wells, 380, 381
soil formation, 116, 117, 118-119 westerlies (winds), 546, 547
streams, 151-152, 153 wet bulb temperature, R56
surface water, 368-374 wetlands
-to-land ratio, 362, 362 coastal, 468, 468-470, 469-470
underground, 376-383, 386 conservation, 408
Unit Project, 367 wet mounts, R15, R15
waves, 158-161 whales, 479
weathering and erosion, 726, 727 white dwarfs, 764, 764, 766, 767
water cycle, 508, 509, 553. See also condensation; wildlife, global warming's effects on, 634
evaporation; precipitation. wind, xxxi, 324-325, 339, 343, 346-348, 543,
water pollution, 133, 134, 329-330, 566. See also 543-550, 547, 551, 726, 727, R66. See also jet
pollution. stream.
water pressure, 433 Beaufort scale, R66
watershed. See drainage basins. deposition, 161-163, 172
waterspouts, 591. See also tornadoes. dust and, 499-500
water table, 377, 377, 380, 381, 382 erosion, 143, 146, 172
water vapor, 361, 428, 507, 508, 509, 520, 527, 552, formation of, 544
553, 554, 555 global, 544, 544-548, 545, 547, 568, 577, 581
in clouds, 556, 559, 562, 565, 568 Internet activity, 143, 537
role in formation of acid rain, 566 latitude and, 544, 544-548, 547, 548
wave height, 442, 443 local, 549
z X
x-rays, 655, 656, 656
years, 685
Yellowstone National Park, 204, 276-277, 277, 279,
38Z, 382-383
zincite, 54
zooplankton, 478, 479
22 Earth Science
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G. Illingworth (UCSC/LO), M. Clampin (STScI), G. Hartig (STScI), the ACS Science Team, and ESA; 775 Photograph
by Sharon Hoogstraten; 776 ©Jason Ware; 778 Photograph by Sharon Hoogstraten; 779 N. Benitez (JHU),
T. Broadhurst (The Hebrew University), H. Ford (JHU), M. Clampin (STScI), G. Hartig (STScI), G. I llingworth
(UCO/Lick Observatory), the AGS Science Team and ESA/NASA; 780 top David Malin Images/Anglo-Australian
Observatory; bottom N. Benitez (JHU), T. Broadhurst (The Hebrew University), H. Ford (JHU), M. Clampin (STScI),
G. Hartig (STScI), G. Illingworth (UCO/Lick Observatory), the AGS Science Team and ESA/NASA; 782 !eft Hubble
Heritage Team (AURA/STScI/NASA); right Anglo-Australian Observatory/David Malin Images.
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