Ismreview 1
Ismreview 1
Ismreview 1
Team Members:
Sudharshan – 20BIT0114
Bhuvana – 20BIT0246
Janavi Koonamneni – 20BIT0248
Rahitya Teja – 20BIT0296
Ranga Rakshith – 20BIT0360
Security issues with e-voting systems are often the main source of worry. So, in
this research, a paradigm for incorporating QKD into the electronic voting
process has been provided. This will allow e-voting to take advantage of the
highest level of security provided by QKD. Eve's partial knowledge of Alice and
Bob's key is effectively removed using privacy amplification based on an
appropriate class of Carter-Wegman hash function. OTP encryption is advised in
order to preserve the system's greatest level of security due to its verifiable
secrecy quality. Users of Helios also have the option to encrypt data using
alternative block cyphers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
framework proposal for developing a QKD-based electronic voting system
(without utilising any other speculative quantum cryptography techniques). This
suggestion, in our opinion, can be utilised in significant small- to medium-scale
electoral duties.
Rahitya Teja-20BIT0296(4,5,6):
The topic of enhancing the voting process has gained significant attention in
recent times. Traditional paper-based voting methods are deemed insecure due
to the potential for manipulation and tampering of ballots. In response, many
nations have adopted electronic voting systems to enhance security,
authenticity, and speed. One solution that has been proposed is the use of
blockchain technology in e-voting systems to decrease the likelihood of fraud
and enable voting from home, particularly during pandemics. The proposed
blockchain e-voting system addresses concerns of security and authentication
through the use of hybrid public-key cryptography. Voter information is
encrypted using the regional election office's elliptic public key, while the vote
is encrypted by the supreme election authority's homomorphic public key.
[5]. A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis on Scalable
Blockchain-Based Electronic Voting Systems
[7]. How to factor 2048 bit RSA integers in 8 hours using 20 million noisy
This study attempted to address the cost issue and determined that between 10
million and 1 billion physical qubits are required to crack RSA-2048. The
approximate cost to build a large-scale supercomputer with near- and neighbour
connectivity, a physical gate error of 10-3, and a cycle time of 1 microsecond is
estimated in this research. Small-scale tests with putting post-quantum
cryptosystems online have been done, and these systems are currently being
standardised. To enable the widespread use of post-quantum cryptosystems,
however, a sizable amount of work needs to be done.
To demonstrate that the protocol works in this instance, the author had to ensure
that the failures are random. They accomplished this by adding a phase in which
Alice scrambles the qubits using a random permutation before sending them to
Bob, and a stage in which Alice sends to Bob and he unscrambles the qubits
after Bob acknowledges receiving the qubits. This is viable as long as the bit
and phase error rates recorded are less than 11%. This work proposes to
demonstrate the security of the BB84 protocol by linking it to entanglement
purification protocols and quantum error- correcting codes, the protocol requires
a quantum computer. Experimental quantum key distribution systems use weak
coherent sources, and no currently known proof covers this case.
To prevent vote faking, they have first created a synchronised model of voting
records based on distributed ledger technology (DLT).
In order to offer authentication and non-repudiation, a user credential model
based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) has been developed.
Third, a withdrawal model has been developed that enables voters to alter their
ballot before a predetermined cutoff time.
A blockchain-based e-voting scheme on a P2P network is provided for the
fundamental requirements of the e-voting process by combining the
aforementioned designs.
A blockchain-based electronic voting system for many candidates has been
developed on Linux systems in a P2P network to demonstrate and validate the
scheme. Software engineering, cryptography, and electronic voting theory are
all applied to the system. The outcome of the deployment demonstrates that it is
a workable and secure electronic voting system that addresses the issue of vote
fraud. The blockchain-based electronic voting method is immediately applicable
to numerous networking applications.
[11]. E-voting system using Proof of Voting (PoV)consensus algorithm
using Block chain Technology
The speed and convenience of work completion have altered dramatically for
many people as a result of the growth of digital technology. Voting has also
incorporated this technology, however electronic voting is rarely employed. The
current electronic voting system uses a variety of encryption methods to
function. Because the administrator has complete control over the process, this
kind of electronic voting may be troublesome. s. Because all untrusted network
users have access to the same data, blockchain technology offers data integrity
and reliability. In this article, we suggest an electronic voting system that
ensures voting secrecy and secures dependability by utilising blockchain
technology. The electoral commission, the polling place, and the ticket office
are also included. In the proposed approach, the public key is generated at the
counting server and sent to the voting servers when the election committee
establishes a vote. After voters authenticate, the election committee registers
them, and when it's time to cast their ballots, voters login to the voting server,
enter their information, and cast their ballot. After the ballot has been counted,
the election committee sends the counting message and entire block to the
counting server, decrypts it using the server's private key, and broadcasts it.
5. A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis on
Scalable Blockchain-Based Electronic Voting Systems
6. Secured E-voting system using two-factor biometric
7. How to factor 2048 bit RSA integers in 8 hours using
20 million noisy qubits
8. Long-distance quantum key distribution in optical fibre
9. Simple proof of security of the BB84 quantum key
distribution protocol
Screenshot of the confirmation of the base paper from the Faculty: