Clockwise/Spiral Rule: See Also

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What is the difference between char * const

and const char *?
c pointers constants

What's the difference between:

char * const


const char *

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LB. asked
12.7k ● 22 ● 61 ● 101 May 20 '09 at 22:16

amiregelz edited
1,808 ● 7 ● 22 ● 36 Nov 27 '12 at 15:46

2 Possible duplicate of What is the difference between const

int*, const int * const, and int const *? – emlai Feb 14 '16 at

11 The first thing to the left of the "const" is what's constant. If

"const" is the thing the farthest to the left, then the first
thing to the right of it is what's constant. – Cupcake Jul 31
'16 at 4:43

6 As a friendly tip, never forget that cdecl is a thing.

– Braden Best Jun 16 '18 at 7:42

There is another char const* which is the return type of

exception::what() – Zhang Jul 22 '19 at 3:14

2 ISO C++ FAQ: What’s the difference between “const X* p”,

“X* const p” and “const X* const p”? – legends2k Sep 21
'20 at 16:25

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19 Answers order by votes

The difference is that const char * is a pointer

413 to a const char , while char * const is a
constant pointer to a char .

The first, the value being pointed to can't be

changed but the pointer can be. The second, the
value being pointed at can change but the pointer
can't (similar to a reference).

There is also a

const char * const

which is a constant pointer to a constant char (so

nothing about it can be changed).


The following two forms are equivalent:

const char *


char const *

The exact reason for this is described in the C++

standard, but it's important to note and avoid the
confusion. I know several coding standards that

char const


const char

(with or without pointer) so that the placement of

the const element is the same as with a pointer
const .

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workmad3 answered
24.2k ● 4 ● 34 ● 56 May 20 '09 at 22:21

Feb 28 '14 at 12:02

8 Would it be worthwhile to note what happens if multiple

variables are specified in the same declaration? I believe
const int *foo,*bar; would declare both foo and
bar to be int const * , but int const *foo, *bar
would declare foo to be a int const * and bar to be
int * . I think
typedef int * intptr; const intptr foo,bar;
would declare both variables to be int * const ; I don't
know any way to use a combined declaration to create two
variables of that type without a typedef. – supercat Apr 12
'13 at 21:57

1 @supercat
I believe const int *foo,*bar; would declare b
oth foo and bar to be int const *
: Yes.
but int const *foo, *bar would declare foo to
be a int const * and bar to be int *
: No! It would be exactly the same as the previous case.
(See where you get the same error for
both foo and bar).
I think typedef int * intptr; const intptr foo
,bar; would declare both variables to be int *
: Yes.
I don't know any way to use a combined declara
tion to create two variables of that type with
out a typedef
: Well, int *const foo, *const bar; . C declarator
syntax... – gx_ Aug 28 '13 at 18:35

@gx_: So I was wrong--my uncertainty was why I

suggested that it might be helpful to say what the rules are.
What would int const *foo, *volatile bar do to
bar ? Make it both const and volatile ? I miss
Pascal's clean separation of declared-variable names and
their types (a pointer to an array of pointers to integers
would be var foo: ^Array[3..4] of ^Integer ;`.
That'd be some funny nested parenthesized thing in C, I
think. – supercat Aug 28 '13 at 18:54

3 @supercat (oh, C-only, sorry for the C++ code link, I got
here from a C++ question) It's all about the C declaration
syntax, with a ("pure") type part followed by a declarator. In
" int const *foo, *volatile bar " the type part is
int const (stops before the * ) and the declarators are
*foo (the expression *foo will denote an int const )
and *volatile bar ; reading right-to-left (good rule for
cv-qualifiers), foo is a pointer to a const int, and bar is a
volatile pointer to a const int (the pointer itself is volatile, the
pointed int is [accessed as] const). – gx_ Aug 28 '13 at

1 @supercat And as for "a pointer to an array of pointers to

integers" (I don't know Pascal, not sure about the [3..4]
syntax, so let's take an array of 10 elements):
int *(*foo)[10]; . It mirrors its (future) use as an
expression: *(*foo)[i] (with i an integer in the range
[0, 10) i.e. [0, 9] ) will first dereference foo to get at
the array, then access the element at index i (because
postfix [] binds tighter than prefix * ), then dereference
this element, finally yielding an int (see
). But typedef makes it easier (see ).
– gx_ Aug 28 '13 at 21:25

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To avoid confusion, always append the const

122 qualifier.

int * mutable_pointer_to_mu
int const * mutable_pointer_to_co
int *const constant_pointer_to_m
int const *const constant_pointer_to_c

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diapir answered
2,543 ● 1 ● 16 ● 24 May 21 '09 at 0:08

11 Why? "To avoid confusion" doesn't explain what the

confusion is to me. – Andrew Weir Nov 20 '13 at 11:48

18 @Andrew: I was hinting at consistency and thus readability.

Writing all type qualifiers so they modify what's on their left,
always, is what I use. – diapir Nov 20 '13 at 14:31

2 Actually it's the best answer on the subject I've found in SO

– Trap Apr 22 '14 at 15:51

8 As a code standard, I have rarely encountered this style and

so am not likely to adopt it. However as a learning tool, this
answer was very helpful! (So I guess too bad this isn't more
common style.) – natevw Sep 29 '14 at 21:33

9 @Alla: p doesn't relate to the type :

(const int *const) . For better or worse (worse if you
ask me) the const qualifier, both in C and C++, is meant to
be postfix : cf const member function
void foo(int a) const; . The possibility to declare
const int is the exception rather than the rule. – diapir
Apr 9 '15 at 7:17

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const always modifies the thing that comes

54 before it (to the left of it), EXCEPT when it's the
first thing in a type declaration, where it modifies
the thing that comes after it (to the right of it).

So these two are the same:

int const *i1;

const int *i2;

they define pointers to a const int . You can

change where i1 and i2 points, but you can't
change the value they point at.


int *const i3 = (int*) 0x12345678;

defines a const pointer to an integer and

initializes it to point at memory location
12345678. You can change the int value at
address 12345678, but you can't change the
address that i3 points to.

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Don McCaughey answered

8,792 ● 3 ● 28 ● 35 May 20 '09 at 22:36

const * char is invalid C code and is

23 meaningless. Perhaps you meant to ask the
difference between a const char * and a char
const * , or possibly the difference between a
const char * and a char * const ?

See also:

What are const pointers (as opposed to

pointers to const objects)?

Const in C

Difference between const declarations in


C++ const question

Why can I change the values of a const char*


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Adam Rosenfield answered

368k ● 95 ● 493 ● 576 May 20 '09 at 22:22

Community Bot edited

1●1 Jun 20 '20 at 9:12

const char* is a pointer to a constant

23 character
char* const is a constant pointer to a
const char* const is a constant pointer to a
constant character

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Andrew Coleson answered

9,672 ● 8 ● 29 ● 30 May 20 '09 at 22:20

Jan 13 '12 at 15:19

Rule of thumb: read the definition from right to

14 left!

const int *foo;

Means " foo points ( * ) to an int that cannot

change ( const )".
To the programmer this means "I will not change
the value of what foo points to".

*foo = 123; or foo[0] = 123; would be


foo = &bar; is allowed.

int *const foo;

Means " foo cannot change ( const ) and points

( * ) to an int ".
To the programmer this means "I will not change
the memory address that foo refers to".

*foo = 123; or foo[0] = 123; is


foo = &bar; would be invalid.

const int *const foo;

Means " foo cannot change ( const ) and points

( * ) to an int that cannot change ( const )".
To the programmer this means "I will not change
the value of what foo points to, nor will I change
the address that foo refers to".

*foo = 123; or foo[0] = 123; would be


foo = &bar; would be invalid.

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Mr. Llama answered

18.9k ● 2 ● 50 ● 103 Jul 8 '16 at 0:59

1. const char* x Here X is basically a character

10 pointer which is pointing to a constant value

2. char* const x is refer to character pointer

which is constant, but the location it is
pointing can be change.

3. const char* const x is combination to 1 and

2, means it is a constant character pointer
which is pointing to constant value.

4. const *char x will cause a compiler error. it

can not be declared.

5. char const * x is equal to point 1.

the rule of thumb is if const is with var name then

the pointer will be constant but the pointing
location can be changed , else pointer will point
to a constant location and pointer can point to
another location but the pointing location content
can not be change.

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AAnkit answered
26.5k ● 10 ● 56 ● 69 Jul 4 '12 at 18:19

Evan Carroll edited

67.5k ● 41 ● 222 ● 374 Jun 5 '19 at 22:49

1 "char* const x is refer to character pointer which is

constant, but the location it is pointing can be change."
Wrong. The value at the location can be changed not the
location itself. – PleaseHelp Mar 12 '15 at 13:44

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First one is a syntax error. Maybe you meant the

4 difference between

const char * mychar


char * const mychar

In that case, the first one is a pointer to data that

can't change, and the second one is a pointer
that will always point to the same address.

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Javier answered
4,352 ● 6 ● 33 ● 45 May 20 '09 at 22:21

Another thumb rule is to check where const is:

1. before * => value stored is constant

2. after * => pointer itself is constant

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Aadishri answered
1,121 ● 2 ● 16 ● 26 Jan 25 '13 at 9:43

Lots of answer provide specific techniques, rule

3 of thumbs etc to understand this particular
instance of variable declaration. But there is a
generic technique of understand any declaration:

Clockwise/Spiral Rule


const char *a;

As per the clockwise/spiral rule a is pointer to

character that is constant. Which means
character is constant but the pointer can change.
i.e. a = "other string"; is fine but a[2] =
'c'; will fail to compile


char * const a;

As per the rule, a is const pointer to a character.

i.e. You can do a[2] = 'c'; but you cannot do
a = "other string";

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chutiya answered
3,013 ● 2 ● 23 ● 45 Apr 14 '17 at 18:01

1 Also known as right-left rule (at least that's how I learnt it):
– Tomas Pruzina May 9 '18 at 12:05

1 (Would be much better if the essence of the answer would

not be hidden behind a link, with the text here not even
citing, or at least referring, to any of its specifics, beyond a
generic "as per the rule".) – Sz. Jul 14 '19 at 9:58

@Sz. Do you have any specific confusion here that I can

clear? There is really not much to it after knowing the rule.
– chutiya Jul 15 '19 at 1:53

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char * const and const char *?

1. Pointing to a constant value

const char * p; // value cannot be changed

2. Constant pointer to a value

char * const p; // address cannot be


3. Constant pointer to a constant value

const char * const p; // both cannot be


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Yogeesh H T answered
2,251 ● 19 ● 17 Nov 27 '15 at 10:49

Nov 27 '15 at 11:03

I presume you mean const char * and char *

1 const .

The first, const char *, is a pointer to a constant

character. The pointer itself is mutable.

The second, char * const is a constant pointer to

a character. The pointer cannot change, the
character it points to can.

And then there is const char * const where the

pointer and character cannot change.

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Michael answered
52.1k ● 5 ● 113 ● 139 May 20 '09 at 22:21

Your first two are actually the same and your third is a
compiler error :) – workmad3 May 20 '09 at 22:22

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Here is a detailed explanation with code


/*const char * p;
char * const p;
const char * const p;*/ // these are t
he three conditions,

// const char *p;const char * const p;

pointer value cannot be changed

// char * const p; pointer address can

not be changed

// const char * const p; both cannot b

e changed.


/*int main()

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Megharaj answered
1,491 ● 2 ● 20 ● 31 Mar 4 '13 at 10:21

Reese Moore edited

11.2k ● 3 ● 23 ● 32 Apr 12 '13 at 21:49

// Some more complex constant variable

/pointer declaration.
// Observing cases when we get error a
nd warning would help
// understanding it better.

int main(void)
char ca1[10]= "aaaa"; // char array
char ca2[10]= "bbbb"; // char array

char *pca1= ca1;

char *pca2= ca2;

char const *ccs= pca1;

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gopalshankar answered
11 ● 2 Apr 23 '15 at 17:38

1. Constant pointer: A constant pointer can

1 point only to a single variable of the
respective data type during the entire
program.we can change the value of the
variable pointed by the pointer. Initialization
should be done during the time of
declaration itself.


datatype *const var;

char *const comes under this case.

/*program to illustrate the behaviour

of constant pointer */

int main(){
int a=10;
int *const ptr=&a;
*ptr=100;/* we can change the value
of object but we cannot point it to an
other variable.suppose another variabl
e int b=20; and ptr=&b; gives you erro
return 0;

2. Pointer to a const value: In this a pointer

can point any number of variables of the
respective type but we cannot change the
value of the object pointed by the pointer at
that specific time.


const datatype *var or datatype const


const char* comes under this case.

/* program to illustrate the behavior

of pointer to a constant*/

int main(){
int a=10,b=20;
int const *ptr=&a;
/* *ptr=100 is not possible i.
e we cannot change the value of the ob
ject pointed by the pointer*/
/*we can point it to another ob
return 0;

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Goutham Gundapu answered

21 ● 3 Oct 23 '15 at 13:55

Ram edited
3,022 ● 10 ● 38 ● 56 Oct 23 '15 at 14:23

The const modifier is applied to the term

1 immediately to its left. The only exception to this
is when there is nothing to its left, then it applies
to what is immediately on its right.

These are all equivalent ways of saying "constant

pointer to a constant char ":

const char * const

const char const *

char const * const

char const const *

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galois answered
747 ● 1 ● 10 ● 24 Jul 21 '16 at 4:31

Is it compiler dependent? gcc produce for "const char

const *" and "const const char *" and "char const const *"
the same result -> pointer could pointing to other location.
– cosinus0 Aug 4 '17 at 8:57

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Two rules
1. If const is between char and *, it
will affect the left one.

2. If const is not between char and *,

it will affect the nearest one.


1. char const *. This is a pointer

points to a constant char.

2. char * const. This is a constant

pointer points to a char.

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Xinpei Zhai answered

11 ● 2 Nov 17 '16 at 6:14

Jishnu V S edited
7,705 ● 7 ● 25 ● 55 Nov 17 '16 at 7:11

I would like to point out that using int const *

1 (or const int * ) isn't about a pointer pointing
to a const int variable, but that this variable is
const for this specific pointer.

For example:

int var = 10;

int const * _p = &var;

The code above compiles perfectly fine. _p

points to a const variable, although var itself
isn't constant.

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SteliosKts answered
23 ● 1 ● 6 Jan 20 '18 at 15:49

Jan 20 '18 at 23:00

I remember from Czech book about C: read the

1 declaration that you start with the variable and go
left. So for

char * const a;

you can read as: " a is variable of type constant

pointer to char ",

char const * a;

you can read as: " a is a pointer to constant

variable of type char. I hope this helps.


const char * const a;

You will read as a is constant pointer to constant

variable of type char.

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Sany answered
83 ● 7 Nov 29 '19 at 14:46

Nov 29 '19 at 14:52

Highly active question. Earn 10 reputation (not counting the

association bonus) in order to answer this question. The
reputation requirement helps protect this question from
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