Matrix Treatment
Matrix Treatment
Matrix Treatment
by G. Nitters
1 Introduction 1
8 Placement techniques 57
8.1 Introduction 57
8.2 Mechanical techniques 58
8.3 Packer and bridge plug arrangements 58
8.4 Selective Placement Tool (SPT) 58
8.5 Ballsealers 59
8.6 Use of solids to alter the effective zonal permeability 59
8.7 Use of fluids to alter the effective zonal viscosity 61
9 Laboratory experiments 65
9.1 Introduction 65
9.2 Fluid compatibility tests 66
9.3 Standard test procedures for stimulation core flow tests 67
10 Special applications 73
10.1 Gravel-packed wells 73
10.2 Summary 76
10.3 Horizontal wells 77
10.4 Naturally fractured sandstones 78
10.5 Exploration wells 79
10.6 High temperature/high pressure wells 81
Appendix 84
Check list for the selection of stimulationcandidates 84
E.1. Hydraulically fractured wells 86
E.2. Matrix treatments 86
1 Introduction
Soon after the first wells were drilled, people started to look for methods to
improve the production of new and existing wells. In 1895 for the first time a well
in Ohio, USA, was successfully treated with hydrochloric acid. Lack of good
corrosion inhibitors prevented widespread application of acid to stimulate wells
until the early thirties, when arsenic inhibitors emerged. The use of "mud acid"
was introduced (by Dowell) for sandstone wells. In subsequent years further
development of techniques, materials and equipment lead to the present
widespread stimulation activity: world-wide probably several thousand treatments
per year with a total expenditure of many millions of US dollars.
Why is stimulation so popular? Quite simply, because it is a cheap way of
generating extra production capacity. Within the Shell group (excl. Shell Oil) in
1993 nearly 400 matrix treatments were carried out with a total gain of 16610
m3/d at a total cost of US $ 28 million. Although it is difficult to estimate how
long the productivity improvements last, the unit technical cost is estimated to be
less than US $ 0.40/bbl.
The flow of hydrocarbons from a well can be described by the general inflow
Kh ( P - Pwf )
Q =
mB0 ( ln ( re / rw ) + S )
The parameters, that can be influenced to some extent by matrix treatments, are:
The skin factor S;
The skin may be dissolved or removed by acid or organic solvents
dependent on the composition of the impairing material and the nature
of the formation.
The formation capacity Kh;
Effectively more informatior height may be connected with the
wellbore, showing up as an increase in kh in a well test interpretation.
2.4 Skinfrac
In some wells the damage due to e.g. clay swelling, may have penetrated so deep
into the formation that it cannot effectively be cured by acid or any other solvent.
Also sometimes the damage is caused by materials that have no solvent such as
some lost circulation materials, bitumen, ferric asphaltenes, etc. In such cases,
rather than trying to dissolve the damage, small hydraulic fractures to by-pass the
damage zones should be applied: Skinfracs. For application and design of this
technique, the reader is referred to the "Field Guidelines for Hydraulic Fracturing
Treatments" (Report EP 93-1170).
The well and reservoir requirements for successful stimulation are dictated by
economical constraints, which may be translated into the following rules of
The decision to stimulate a well can be made using the chart depicted in Figure 2.
In this chart the potential production of a well refers to the production to be
expected based on general information on the reservoir quality, i.e. permeability,
thickness, porosity, saturation, etc. Several reservoir engineering models exist to
calculate this potential production, ranging from simple application of Darcy' law
to more complicated reservoir simulators. Often the potential is simply judged on
the basis of a comparison with neighbouring wells. The Production Analyst is
very suitable for this. Use of the "bubble display" allows the production rate and
cumulative production of wells to be compared on a field wide basis. Although in
many cases this may be acceptable, it can lead to erroneous conclusions.
Reservoir parameters (permeability, saturation,
No Yes
Slanted /horizontal
Skin>5 and/orW IQI<0.9 sidetrack with acid
Investigate other
No measures
S dam >20% of total S?
(e.g. reperforation)
No Yes
Sand problems? Sandcontrol in place? Completion fit for fracs? Skinfrac treatment
No Yes No
W orkover justified?
Matrix treatment
Low chance of
Cause of damage No success
Matrix treatment
High chance of
etc.) may vary considerably between wells whilst, on the other hand, all wells
may be damaged e.g. due to impairing drilling practices applied throughout the
field! Only if impairment exists, a damage removal treatment will result in a
substantial improvement in production.
As with any well treatment, matrix treatments require a number of steps to be
taken. The complete process is depicted in Figure. 3. The remainder of this report
6 Damage removal design process Field Guidelines for Matrix Treatments
describes, step by step, the selection and design process for matrix treatments. It
will enable the production technologist in the field to select and design the best
suitable treatment to improve the productivity of a damaged well. Theoretical
details are limited as much as possible. Readers interested in such details are
referred to the Well Stimulation Manual Vol. III ( EP 92 - 0323), which in turn
contains a large number of references to specific topics.
Problem well
Damage Operational
classification constraints
Operational Scheduling
Treatment Treatment Site
stimulation and
selection design preparation
program logistics
The parameter that is mainly influenced by matrix stimulation is the skin factor S.
The skin is an important factor to decide whether or not to stimulate a well and
what generic type of treatment would be best suitable. For clearly damaged wells
(high skin factor) matrix treatments are normally the first choice. However, the
skin factor is a dimensionless, mathematical concept and represents the combined
effect of a number of parameters of which formation damage is only one. For a
proper interpretation of the skin (and hence for the determination of the
appropriate remedial action), the contribution of each factor needs to be analysed.
The real skin due to damage (that portion of the total skin that can be removed by
matrix treatments) can thus be isolated from this total skin using the following
Sdam = Stot - (Sperf+ Sturb+ Sdev+ Sgravel+ Sstim+ Stemp+ Sfiss)
For each of these skin components formulae have been derived by various
authors. Details may be found in the Production Handbook. The common systems
programme HORVIP can also be used to determine Sdam.
Precipitates, treatment
scale (HCl)
Clay swelling treatment
Injected fluids
Gas treatment
4.1 Introduction
Improving the natural productivity of a well by increasing the permeability of a
large area around the wellbore would require a large treatment. This would
dissolve virtually all cementing pore-fill material and even part of the quartz
matrix in the vicinity of the well. It is obvious that the integrity of the formation
would be affected. Sand production might be the result. The main application of
acidising is therefore limited to damage removal. Hence the term "matrix
acidising" is somewhat misleading. However, its use has become so widespread
that we will continue to use the term also in these guidelines.
Only when the pre-treatment productivity is high, will a normally sized matrix
treatment of an undamaged well be economically justifiable. This is particularly
true for gas wells where high velocities can lead to significant non-Darcy flow
effects (Sturb). These can be reduced by increasing the near wellbore porosity
with a matrix treatment.
Clay Acid
Clay Acid
Even when the above rules are followed, the results of matrix treatments are
sometimes disappointing; secondary impairing mechanisms can nullify the
beneficial effects of mud acid. KSEPL developed a procedure to determine
optimum acid formulations based on an analysis of the chemistry of the
acid/formation (including damage) reaction. This method is being referred to as
"the SFMA concept". The method simulates the invasion of acid in the rock
matrix and determines the optimum compromise between the power to dissolve
clay components and the potential to impair by precipitation of reaction products.
It also takes into account loss of formation integrity due excessive dissolution of
minerals. The calculations produce a SFMA contour plot, showing the theoretical
productivity improvement as a function of the HF and HCl (or organic acid)
concentrations. An example is shown in Figure 7. The method can also be used to
estimate the required volume.
5.0 1.50
4.0 Severe loss of
2.5 formation strengh
3.0 not applicable 3.0
1.0 2.5
HCl (%w)
Combined with acid response tests, the SFMA concept is particularly valuable for
the ranking of suitable acid formulations. The following procedure is
1. Determine the mineral composition of the formation.
2. Establish the (most likely) nature of the damage.
3. Run the SFMA program (N.B. Currently, this program can run
at KSEPL, a user-friendly version for use in OPCO's is being made). If
the use of organic acid might be useful, based on the formation and/or
impairment composition and using Figures 5 and 6, formic or acetic
acid can be included in the calculations.
4. Carry out (a limited number of) acid response tests with suitable core
material, using a number of acid compositions selected from the SFMA
contour plot.
5. Select the most appropriate acid composition using the acid response
test results.
R 2 K
w d
R w
with kd(t) defined as the permeability of the damaged zone during the injection of
acid at time t.
Hence, Qmax(t) denotes the maximum injection rate at time t. By splitting up the
total volume (Vtot) derived from the acid response curve into small increments
and taking the corresponding permeabilities, a set of maximum injection rates as
a function of pumped volume or time is obtained, i.e. the use of acid response
curves for the design enables a detailed pumping schedule. This method has been
computerised and is available as MATACID through ICEPE.
Appendix B shows an example of the input and output of this program. Since this
method is primarily written for use with the standard KSEPL acid response
curves, the method cannot directly be applied to curves determined at other
laboratories, unless they follow the KSEPL procedures. All major contractors
agreed to do so upon request. To facilitate the use of other laboratories for this
type of tests, a standard test procedure is described in chapter 9. If it is not
possible to apply the given procedure(s), SIPM (EPD/41) or KSEPL (RR/56)
should be contacted for assistance.
Estim ated fracture gradient
- depth trend -
Depth (m )
5000 Hydrostatic
4000 Overburden
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Fracture gradient (M pa)
This empirical correlation has been derived from data from the US Gulf
coast, South east Asia and the North Sea. They are thought to be
acceptable for other areas throughout the world (if more specific
information is not available).
2. Calculate the maximum possible injection rate and/or pressure without
fracturing the well, using the fracture gradient calculated above:
4.197 *10 -6 * k av H net * (0.9 * FG * D - Pres )
Q max =
m av ln (R i / R w )
in which
µav = viscosity averaged between at bottomhole and at
reservoir conditions and Ri= 100 ft.
3. Determination of the required volume of mud acid using the following
Formation temperature
<150 F o 150 - 250 oF >250 oF
50 % 50 %
10 % 10 %
Calcareous dolomite Dolomitic Limestone
Carbonate rocks
Although a wide variety of carbonates are found in nature, their reactions with
HCl - and other, organic acids - is governed by a simple ionic reaction¹:
Apart from the formation of ferric hydroxide (due to the pick-up of iron from the
tubing), there are no complicating precipitation reactions, as is the case with
sandstones. However, the type and amount of insoluble compounds affects the
acid composition. Figure 11 summarises some guidelines with regard to the
choice of acid with respect to the type of carbonate rock.
A c id S e le c tio n
Type of
a c id M
Muudd A
id O
rgaannicic R
CLL 1155%
(SFFMMAA)) aaccid
id HHCCll
M a in M in e ra l
c o m p o s tio n
( <<1100%
% ccaarb
te *)
1100 -- 5500%
re ddoolo
Imppuurere ccaalc
re ddoolo
re lim
re ddoolo
re lim
Legend : P re fe rre d : R e a s o n a b le : Poor
* E s s e n tia lly s a n d s to n e a c id is in g
A c id /c a r b o n a te d is s o lv in g p o w e r
A c id /r o c k c o m b i n a t io n A c id c o n c e n t r a t i o n
5 % 10 % 15 % 30 %
H C l/ L i m e s t o n e 0 .0 2 6 0 .0 5 3 0 .0 8 2 0 .1 7 5
F o r m ic a c id / L i m e s t o n e 0 .0 1 2 0 .0 2 0 0 .0 2 4 0 .0 4 3
A c e t ic a c i d /L im e s t o n e 0 .0 1 4 0 .0 2 7 0 .0 4 2 0 .0 8 4
H C l/ D o lo m i t e 0 .0 2 3 0 .0 4 6 0 .0 7 1 0 .1 5 2
F o r m ic a c id / D o lo m i t e 0 .0 1 2 0 .0 1 9 0 .0 2 2 0 .0 3 5
A c e t ic a c i d /D o lo m it e 0 .0 1 2 0 .0 2 4 0 .0 3 6 0 .0 7 2
* D a t a f o r o r g a n i c a c id s h a v e b e e n a d ju s t e d f o r s im u l a t e d
d o w n h o le c o n d it io n s ( 9 0 o C , 1 4 0 b a r )
5.2 Wormholing
Another complicating factor is the formation of wormholes rather than uniform
dissolution of the rock matrix. In the presence of fractures, these worm-holes tend
to follow the fractures. Whether or not worm-holes are desired, depends on the
objective of the treatment. The number and extent of the worm-holes is
determined by:
The reaction rate; high reaction rate promotes the formation of a few,
but long worm-holes.
The injection rate into the matrix.
The presence of vugs, fractures, high permeability streaks, etc., which
determines the preferred direction of the worm-holes.
Figure 13 shows the optimum pump rate (i.e. creating maximum wormhole
length) as a function of the perforation density. Also indicated is the value for
open hole completion. This graph is valid for calcite reacting with HCl and
mixtures of HCl and acetic or formic acid and also for dolomite reacting with HCl
above 60 °C. At lower temperatures higher rates are required to reach optimum
wormhole length. Also, if the carbonate is inhomogeneous, the formation of
worm-holes may primarily take place in the high reactive layers.
It is important to realise that the above flow rates for maximum wormhole length
are real optimum rates. At both lower and higher rates the wormhole length
decreases; at lower rates wormholing virtually disappears, while at higher rates
the length decreases with the third power root of the rate.
A lot of different acid formulations have emerged (and disappeared again) over
the years. The principal acid has always been (and still is) hydrochloric acid.
Most "new" acid formulations were aimed at retardation of the fast acid/carbonate
reaction by the addition of weaker acids, creating acid/oil emulsions, etc. By
reducing the reaction rate the tendency to worm-holing is reduced. Regardless
whether or not this is an advantage, significant effects have only been observed
by.extreme reduction of the reaction rate, which is not achieved for most of the
systems. Just adding some acetic or formic acid does not help. Studies by Shell
Oil indicated that significant reduction of worm-holing was only possible by
increasing the pH of the fresh acid from the value of -0.5 to -1 for HCl to 4 to 5,
using for instance, Buffer Regulated Organic Acids (BROA).
Also service companies have marketed a number of alternatives for pure HCl.
These acids can be divided into two groups:
"Chemically" retarded acids.
Emulsified acids.
As the primary (claimed) effect of these acid formulation is retardation, they are
mainly applicable if worm-holing needs to be reduced. In general this is the case
for the removal of near wellbore damage, in which case they form an alternative
to high rate matrix acidising with HCl; for instance, if high rates cannot be
applied for operational reasons. Information on practical experience within Shell
is not available. More details can be found in the Well Stimulation Manual Vol.
III ( EP 92 - 0323)
In je c tio n r a te fo r m a x im u m w o r m h o le le n g th
In je c tio n r a te (m 3/m in /m p e r fo r a te d )
0 .0 0 7
0 .0 0 6 P e rfo ra te d
0 .0 0 5 O p e n h o le
0 .0 0 4
0 .0 0 3
0 .0 0 2
0 .0 0 1
0 10 20 30 40 50
S h o t d e n s ity (s h o ts /m )
Type of rock/damage Acid wash/soak Matrix treatment CFA Acid frac (MHF) Wormholes
low rate high rate required
Plugged perforations * * No
Shallow damage,
no vugs or fracs * * No
Deep damage,
no vugs or fracs (*) * Yes
Shallow damage,
vugs or fracs * (*) Yes
Deep damage,
vugs or fracs * Yes
Deep or shallow damage,
low permeability with natural fracs * * (*) No/(n.a.)
Deep or shallow damage,
low permeability, no natural fracs * * n.a.
* CFA (Closed Fracture acidising, acid fracturing and MHF (Massive hydraulic
Fracturing) are discussed in the Field Guidelines for Hydraulic fracturing (EP 93-
This selection chart is valid for both calcite and dolomite. However, if the
treatment temperature in dolomites is less than 60 °C, typical values for "low
rate" and "high rate", will shift to higher values.
3. Acid preferably spotted across the perforated zone using coiled tubing.
4. Pre-clean tubing, if no coiled tubing can be applied, by circulating two
times the tubing content of 12 % w HCl.
5. Add an iron sequestering agent to the acid
6. If the presence of oil-based mud cake is suspected, an alcohol (e.g.
isopropyl alcohol), a mutual solvent or a dispersing surfactant should be
7. Soaking time should be 12 hr or longer.
Laboratory experiments may help to find optimum fluid composition and soaking
times. The corrosion inhibition schedule should be adapted to these long exposure
undersaturated with gas, a small pressure decrease quite easily creates extremely
high super saturations with respect to asphaltenes. Hence, asphaltene precipitation
often occurs when light crudes that are highly undersaturated with gas, are
depressurised. Heavy crudes are seldom supersaturated with asphaltene and,
therefore, are much more tolerant with respect to asphaltene precipitation, in spite
of their (generally) high asphaltene content.
Once precipitated, asphaltenes are difficult to dissolve again in the crude. Being
the result of destabilising supersaturation, it is a more or less irreversible process.
Usually (aromatic) solvents are the only solution to asphaltene problems.
The amount of heat generated is proportional to the concentration of the salts. The
treatment involves the following steps:
1. Establish injection rate and pressure using filtered NH4Cl brine.
2. Design the required solution pH, based on the injectivity determined in
step 1. To this end computer programs are available through Baker
Sand Control (licensee of this process originally developed by Shell
3. Inject a Xylene preflush, 0.6 m3/m (50 gal/ft) at the determined
injection rate.
4. Inject the NaNO2 and NH4NO3 solutions at 50% of the pre-determined
5. Shut-in the well for 24 hours.
6. Resume production slowly, until the treating fluids have been
Also electrical heating of well bores has been applied with some success.
However, installation of the equipment is rather expensive. It is seen more as a
tertiary recovery method to lower the viscosity of the crude oil by (continuous)
heat injection than as a stimulation treatment.
circulation materials (sawdust, mica), etc. have been found to hinder the free flow
of oil in and just outside the perforations.
If such damage is suspected, treatment with surfactants is an option. In fact, the
dispersant treatments described above also fall under the heading of surfactant
treatments. A surfactant might be applied as a stand alone treatment, or in
combination with acidising, for instance.
The only way to select a surfactant for a particular problem is through laboratory
testing. Such tests, to be performed on samples of the damage to be removed,
should be aimed at:
Optimum dispersion of the material to be removed.
Minimisation of adverse effects, such as incompatibility with the
formation rock fluids.
Chemicals used in this type of treatment include:
Mutual solvents - e.g. EGMBE1
Alcohols - e.g. Methanol
Micellar solvents - e.g. Cellosolve
True surfactant solutions - e.g. Dobanic acid .
Xylene (strongly promoted by Shell Oil as a preflush to an acid
As indicated in the introduction of this chapter, a variety of chemicals is offered
by the different service companies. Figure 15 shows a list of some commercial
products. Application guidelines are given Figure 16. Application of solvents has
serious environmental consequences. It complicates the disposal of back
produced fluids.
Pipe dope
Oil based
Paint, etc.
Legend : Preferred
: Reasonable
: Poor
Figure 16 - Solvent selection chart
Converter Chelating
HCl Skinfrac
+ HCl agents*
Legend : Preferred
: Reasonable
: Poor
must be known. Optimum treatment design, i.e. type and concentration of enzyme
can then be established in laboratory tests. A typical design for the enzyme
treatment to CMC impaired gravel packed wells may be as follows:
1. Perform pressure build-up survey to establish skin before the treatment
if required.
2. Place one gravel pack volume of an aromatic solvent preflush, e.g.
xylene, at low flow rates and at sufficient back pressure in the tubing
annulus to enable good placement. Inject two to three gravel pack pore
volumes solvent at minimum overpressure.
3. Shut in the well for two hours.
4. Place one gravelpack pore volume of enzyme solution, containing 10
l/m3 of liquid SP 359 (a Novo Nordisk product, contact SIPM/KSEPL
for more information). The pH of the enzyme solution should be around
8.0 or below. Low flow rates should be used during the placement of
the enzyme solution while maintaining sufficient back pressure.
Squeeze one to two gravelpack pore volumes of enzyme solution into
the formation at minimum overpressure.
5. Shut in the well for 2-4 hours.
6. Back produce the well for clean up.
7. Evaluate success of treatment e.g. perform pressure build-up survey to
determine skin.
7.1 Introduction
The use of acid in sandstones (and to a lesser extent also in carbonates) can create
a number of problems. Acids can:
release fines that can plug the formation pores,
form stiff emulsions, which can severely restrict the flow of oil,
create asphaltenic sludges when mixed with certain reservoir oils,
corrode the tubulars,
induce secondary precipitation e.g. ferric hydroxide or potassium fluoro
stimulate only the more permeable zones, leaving the poor (target)
zones unstimulated.
Over the years, both oil companies and stimulation contractors have developed
procedures aimed at combating one or more of the above problems. In many
cases the solution was found in the application of additives.
Know-how on the application and function of additives is, in essence, the domain
of service companies. They give practical advice on the use of additives. This
chapter gives an overview of currently available additives. We will consecutively
1. Corrosion inhibitors
2. Sequestering agents
3. Solvents
4. Surfactants
5. Clay-stabilisers
Of these additives the corrosion inhibitor is the only one that should always be
applied. Also a sequestering agent is often required. The rest should only be used
if there is a demonstrated need for them.
Field Guidelines for Matrix Treatments Additives for matrix treatments 41
2H H2 (g)
As with any chemical reaction, the reaction rate, i.e. the corrosion rate, rapidly
increases with temperature: each 10 °C increase in temperature will increase the
corrosion rate by a factor 2 to 3. Moreover, corrosion inhibitors loose their
effectiveness at higher temperatures, causing an extra increase in corrosion rates
above 100 to 150 °C.
Modern corrosion inhibitors can give adequate protection upto temperatures of
approx. 100 °C. For protection at higher temperatures salts with reducing
properties (cupro-iodide, potassium iodide, etc.) are added as intensifiers. The
use of these intensifiers is a point of concern, since their solubility in acid at
lower temperatures is sometimes poor. Moreover, they hamper environmentally
acceptable disposal of spent acid.
Addition of other additives can have a great impact on the inhibitor performance.
The use of silt suspending agents or mutual solvents blended into the acids, for
instance, can reduce the corrosion inhibitor effectiveness dramatically.
The use of corrosion inhibitors is imperative. The required concentration,
however, depends on the degree of corrosion that can be tolerated. Generally, a
maximum weight loss of 0.05 lbs/ft2 of tubular steel (equivalent to a thickness
reduction by 0.001 inch) is considered to be acceptable during a single treatment.
Hence, the longer the duration of the treatment, the lower the actual corrosion
rate should be. Figure 18 shows the acceptable corrosion rate as a function of the
expected duration of the treatment for the most commonly used types of steel.
Corrosion rate
5 10 15 20 25 30
Expected duration of the treatment* (hrs)
7.2.1 Recommendation
Normal steels (e.g. N80) : all major service companies have inhibitors satisfying
the above criteria up to 120 °C and for a duration of 16 hrs.
High alloy steels (e.g. 13Cr): Only HAI 85 (Halliburton) and WA211 (Welchem)
satisfy the criteria upto 120 °C and for a duration of 16 hrs.
Citric acid,
Acetic acid,
EDTA, Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid
Lactic acid,
NTA, Nitrilo Tri Acetic acid.
Of these, citric acid is recommended as a general purpose sequestrant. It prohibits
precipitation of ferric hydroxide under most conditions upto a pH of 4 - 5,
without serious side reactions unless large quantities of calcium (e.g. calcite) are
present. A computer program, SEQUES, is available to calculate the amount of
sequestrant required to keep iron in solution.
The concept of using a reducing agent was (re-)introduced by DS, who promote
the use of erythorbic acid (trade name L58). Erythorbic acid is a stereo isomer of
ascorbic acid, more commonly known as vitamin C, which would be almost
equally effective. The performance is at least comparable with that of citric acid.
Since the operating principle of reducing agents like erythorbic acid, is very
different from complexing sequestering agents, it cannot be incorporated in
SEQUES in its present form (SEQUES is based on calculation of ionic equilibria
of chemical complexes). However, the underlying (electro)chemistry is relatively
simple: reducing agents should be applied in stoichiometric proportions. For
erythorbic acid this is a molar ratio of 1 Mole on 2 Moles of iron(III), i.e 1.6
Kg/M3 of erythorbic acid per Kg/M3 of iron(III) present.
7.3.2 Recommendations
1. Both laboratory and field experience indicate that hydrochloric acid
should always contain a minimum amount of sequestering agent,
irrespective of the iron content of the formation rock. In practice a
significant amount of iron will be picked up from the tubular goods. In
general, no sequestrant is required for mud acid flushes.
7.4 Solvents
Solvents are added to acids for various reasons. When used as a mixture with
acids, special surfactants are blended in, to disperse the solvent in the acid. Such
blends are often marketed as special formulations, e.g. BJ's "One-shot acid".
Most service companies claim an impressive list of advantages, which might
suggest that using a - mutual - solvent is almost imperative. Indeed, some
companies do use them in all acid treatments. However, there are some serious
adverse effects:
1. Some solvents can create very stable emulsions.
2. The miscibility of mutual solvents is limited. Under most conditions
only 2 - 5% v/v can be mixed with acids as a single phase liquid.
3. The solvents always reduce the effectiveness of the corrosion inhibitor.
4. It can interfere with the solubility of some other additives, e.g. reduced
solubility of intensifiers for corrosion inhibitors.
5. Some solvents can undergo chlorination by hydrochloric acid. The
resulting chlorinated hydrocarbons act as refinery catalyst poisons.
In general, it is recommended to apply solvents as a preflush, since this would
eliminate some of the drawbacks. Chlorination may be avoided by adding the
solvent to acetic acid, rather than hydrochloric acid.
However, the use of solvent as an additive to acid can only be justified if
laboratory experiments demonstrate the need for a solvent by answering three
Is their a problem that can benefit from a solvent?
If so, which solvent is the best solution?
S c re e n in g c o m p a ta b ility te s t O il w e lls
S o lu tio n 1 S o lu tio n 2 S o lu tio n 3
A c id + c ru d e o il
A c id + S o lv e n t C ru d e o il + s o lv e n t + s o lv e n t
S in g le p h a s e ? S in g le p h a s e ? S in g le p h a s e ? C la s s 1
Yes Yes Yes
No No No
E m u ls io n ? E m u ls io n ? E m u ls io n ? C la s s 2
B re a k in g B re a k in g B re a k in g
S ta b le S ta b le S ta b le
C la s s 3 C la s s 4 C la s s 5
C o re flu s h in g te s t w ith a c id + s o lv e n t a n d k e ro s e n e
A c id flu s h In c re a s in g O il flu s h In c re a s in g
p e rm e a b ility (K w ) p e rm e a b ility (K o rw ) S o lv e n t a c c e p te d !
N e u tra l o r N e u tra l o r
d e c re a s in g d e c re a s in g
S o lv e n ts c la s s 1 , 2
S o lv e n ts c la s s 3 , 4 , 5 S o lv e n t re je c te d !
S c re e n in g c o m p a ta b ility te s t
G a s w e lls
S o lu tio n 1
A c id + S o lv e n t
S in g le p h a s e ? C la s s 1
E m u ls io n ? C la s s 2
B re a k in g
S tab le
C la s s 3
C o re flu s h in g te s t w ith a c id + s o lv e n t a n d g a s (N 2 )
A c id flu s h In c re a s in g G as In c re a s in g
p e rm e a b ility (K w ) p e rm e ab ility (K o rw ) S o lv e n t a c c e p te d !
N e u tra l o r N e u tra l o r
d e c re a s in g d e c re a s in g
S o lv e n ts c la s s 1 , 2
S o lv e n ts c la s s 3 S o lv e n t re je c te d !
7.5 Surfactants
Surfactants are chemicals composed of an oil soluble group (lipophilic group)
and a water soluble group (hydrophilic group). These chemicals lower the
interfacial tension of liquids by adsorbing at the fluid/fluid, fluid/gas or fluid/rock
interfaces. Surfactants can be classified into four major groups, depending on the
nature of the hydrophilic group:
1. Anionic surfactants; major applications include demulsifiers, retarding
agents and cleaning agents.
2. Cationic surfactants; the main applications in the petroleum industry
are demulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors and bactericides.
3. Nonionic surfactants; these are mainly used as non-emulsifiers and
foaming agents.
4. Amphoteric surfactants; these products find application in some
corrosion inhibitor blends and as foamers.
All surfactants influence to some extent the wettability of the formation rock.
Cationic surfactants tend to change the wettability to oil wet. Anionic surfactants
are electrostatically repulsed from the surface and leave the silica minerals in the
natural wetting state. In limestones, dolomites, etc., anionic surfactants will be
adsorbed and tend to oil wet the carbonate formation.
The more oilwet the formation is the lower the relative permeability to oil will be.
Even though changing the wettability during treatments may be a temporary
effect, surfactants that tend to leave the formation water wet are preferred. If this
is not possible, for instance in the case of corrosion inhibition, it is important to
reduce the concentration to a minimum. Alternatively, chemicals (solvents) may
be used to enhance the desorption of the corrosion inhibitor.
7.5.2 Recommendation
As for all additives, the use of surfactants as additives to acid can only be justified
if laboratory experiments demonstrate the need for a surfactant by answering
three questions:
Is their a problem that can benefit from a surfactant?
If so, which surfactant is the best solution?
At what stage, preflush, mainflush or postflush, should it be used?
It is our general experience that many times surfactants can be left out without
any noticeable effect on the results of the treatment.
Fortunately, not all clays are equally susceptible to swelling. The ability of a clay
mineral to expand depends on its chemical composition and on its structure. In
decreasing order of sensitivity to fresh water, expanding clay minerals include:
Montmorillonite or smectite
Mixed layer clays, strongly dependent on the composition.
Kaolinite, very limited swelling.
A number of additives are available to combat the negative effects of clay
swelling caused by contact between clays and water based fluids. They range
from simple cations such as K+, NH4+ and Ca++ to cationic polymers.
7.6.1 Recommendation
General rules for application cannot be given. A "Panacea for all evils" does not
exist: an excellent product for one treatment may be out performed by a
competitive product in a different situation.
Selection of a clay stabiliser for a specific treatment can only be done after
laboratory (core flow) experiments, applying the product recommendations for
use given by the stimulation contractors.
If the need for a particular additive cannot be clearly demonstrated, its use is not
justified. Also, if the stimulation contractor or manufacturer of an additive does
not wish to disclose basic information about its chemical nature, it should not be
8 Placement techniques
8.1 Introduction
In any stimulation treatment, placement is an essential part of the treatment. If
e.g. the acid is not directed to the intended interval, the treatment objective,
production improvement, may be missed all together. This does not mean that in
each stimulation diverters need to be used. The objective of stimulation should
be clearly defined before deciding on the specific diversion technique. Figure 22
may be used as a guideline to select the appropriate type of diversion.
Re-establish Thief zone Polym er
natural profile or D eviated well? Yes Film form ing
shut off thief zone? (e.g. fine grade O S R)
SPT tool
Natural profile No
No Polym er
G ravelpack? Film form ing
(e.g. fine grade O S R)
SPT tool
Yes Foam
Polym er
G ravelpack? Film form ing
(e.g. fine grade O S R)
C ake form ing
(e.g. B enzoic acid)
P olym er
S PT tool
Diversion techniques can be divided into three classes as follows, each with
specific applications:
8.5 Ballsealers
Ballsealers are small rubber lined plastic balls. They are available in a density
range of 0.9 - 1.4 g/cm3. In deviated or horizontal wells the ballsealers tend to
travel along the top side of the deviated well bore, thus reducing the chance of
seating on perforations other than those on the topside. (Buoyant) ballsealers may
therefore be less applicable in deviated wells, particularly with zero degree
phased perforations.
The quality control on the density of commercial ballsealers is rather poor. On
average, 20 - 30 % of the ballsealers deviate more than the 5 % scatter, specified
by the manufacturers. Also for special grade ball sealers, such as Exxon's high
accuracy ball sealers, similar deviations were observed. Especially for the 0.9 -
1.0 density ballsealers such deviations cannot be tolerated. It is therefore
suggested for field treatments, to check the densities of the ball sealers on-site by
immersing them in fluids with the desired densities (upper and lower
specification limit, e.g. methanol/water mixtures). Only ballsealers that float in
the high density fluid and that sink in the low density fluid should be accepted.
KSEPL has developed a design method for the use of ballsealers, which is
currently available as an Excel Macro. It is suggested to contact SIPM for
application of this design method.
can cause impairment too. In most cases clean-up is rather slow. Many cases of
slow clean-up after diverted acid stimulation treatments may be attributed to the
diverter not (completely) dissolving in the back-produced fluids.
Nevertheless, chemical diverting agents, in particular benzoic acid can be used
successfully provided a number of design rules are observed:
1. In general we suggest to use straight benzoic acid (rather than salts of
benzoic acid), since it is soluble in formation water and oil and
sublimates in gas.
2. The effective downhole particle size of benzoic acid is influenced by
the type and order of addition of surfactants and inhibitors. The
preferred order of mixing is surfactant, inhibitor and finally, the
diverter. Acidic slurries prepared in this way show reasonably stable
particles for 1 - 2 hours.
3. In order to maintain the permeability of the diverter cake continuous
addition of benzoic acid throughout the treatment is preferred. Figure
23 shows the minimum concentration to be applied for effective
4. Cake build-up is a function of concentration, inflow profile, length of
perforated interval, shot density, injection rate, etc. Note that benzoic
acid is slightly soluble in acid: at concentrations less than 1 kg/m3 no
cake will be formed. This solubility increases with temperature. At
temperatures above 90 oC (200 oF) the solubility of benzoic acid is so
high that its use becomes impractical.
Based on the experimental work KSEPL is formulating a computer model for the
design of chemically diverted treatments.
No cake build up
2 4 6 8 10 12
Concentration (kg/m 3 )
Other types of chemical diverting agents, e.g. Oil soluble resins, anthracene, etc.
follow similar rules as far as cake build-up is concerned. However, their solubility
in crude oil should be checked carefully in core flushing experiments.
9 Laboratory experiments
9.1 Introduction
Various laboratory test procedures are available to support the design of matrix
treatments. They range from simple beaker tests (for instance, to check the
compatibility of different fluids) to complicated core flow tests. In general, doing
such tests are aimed at:
Identification and quantification of damage.
Determination of the most suitable removal treatment in a semi-
quantative sense.
Determination of some key parameters required to formulate apractical
Checking the necessity for and the applicability of additives, solvents,
The following tests will be discussed:
1. Fluid compatibility tests.
2. Stimulation core flow test, including some supporting analysis.
3. Corrosion tests.
4. Emulsion tests.
5. Reaction rate measurements - Rotating disk experiments.
6. Strength measurements (Brinell Hardness, Thick walled cylinder, etc.).
Some of these tests are derived from API recommended practices. Note that all
bottle and test tube tests involving hydrofluoric acid can only be carried out with
plastic bottles and tubes!
9.3.6 Pressure
The pressure at the core outflow end is to be kept constant at a minimum of 50
9.3.7 Temperature
All tests should be carried out at treatment temperature. If no shut-ins are applied,
the average between surface and reservoir temperature should be applied. During
shut-ins the reservoir temperature is recommended.
The sequential flushes involved in an acid response tests comprise in principal:
1. A 3%w ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) brine to determine the initial
fluid permeability (Ki).
2. An hydrochloric acid flush to remove all soluble carbonates.
3. A mud acid mainflush.
4. A 3%w ammonium chloride overflush to determine the final fluid
permeability (Kf).
The above test procedure will show the effect of a treatment on virgin core
material. If the effect of potential impairing mechanisms and the subsequent
removal of impairment should be included in the study, the following sequence is
1. A 3%w ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) brine to determine the initial
fluid permeability (Ki).
2. A flush of potentially impairing fluids, either directly (e.g. mud filtrate
or injection water), or by flowing e.g. mud along the core face, while
maintaining a pressure difference over the core sample*.
3. An hydrochloric acid flush to remove all soluble carbonates.
4. A mud acid mainflush.
5. A 3%w ammonium chloride overflush to determine the final fluid
permeability (Kf).
If non-acid soluble damage is suspected, e.g. remnants from oil based mud or
asphaltene precipitation, flushes 3 and 4 should be replaced by suitable candidate
The volumes of the different flushes should simulate the actually planned
maximum volumes, but should be kept the same within one series of tests to
allow comparison of test results on different core samples. All flushes should be
carried out under conditions that simulate injection. However, if the effect of
clean-up will be studied the direction of the flow should be reversed.
Initially all core flow tests on the selected core samples should be carried out
under single-phase flow conditions. This is to ensure that the permeability
responses obtained are truly representative of only rock/fluids interactions, rather
than the result of uncontrollable two-phase flow effects. The tests should
therefore preferably employ successive flushes of solutions, which are completely
miscible. When the required and suitable additives have been identified, acid
response tests using fully formulated acids can be carried out to determine the
effect of the additives on the performance of the acid, keeping in mind that two-
phase flow effects may influence the results. Also, when studying the clean-up
with hydrocarbons, the effects of two-phase flow should be included in the
interpretation of the results.
During the tests samples of the effluent should be taken at regular intervals.
Analysis of the samples will aid in the interpretation of the results, especially in
case unexpected phenomena are observed.
Fracturing fluids
Broken fracturing fluids.
2. Add one or more selected demulsifiers to the above mixtures and mix
each of the prepared fluids with crude oil (50:50), using a high shear
blender at treatment and/or formation temperature. Since solids tend to
stabilise emulsions it is also recommended to add 2.5 g/l of solids; silica
flour or formation fines (e.g. kaolinite) for acids.
3. Only mixtures that show 90% separation within 10 min and complete
separation (> 99%) within 4 hours, should be accepted.
The above test is designed for use in production chemistry laboratories of
operating companies or in service company laboratories.
10 Special applications
Recent laboratory and field work has shown that HEC breakdown by
strong acids creates a significant amount of insoluble residue.
Alternatively, treatments with enzymes (if reservoir temperature is 65°
C or lower) or hypochlorite may be applied. Laboratory tests should be
carried out to establish the applicability of a particular treatment.
3. Again the volume of the treatment should be restricted to the zone to be
treated, say, 1.1 times the volume of the pack. To promote complete
coverage of the entire zone a diverting agent that filters out at the
formation face may be used. Also gelled acid or foam might be applied.
10.2 Summary
Figure 25 shows a treatment selection chart based on the arguments described
Blocked perforations
Perforation debris, precipitates,etc. Backsurging
Perforation washing
Pre-gravel-pack acidisation
Formation sand/gravel mixtures Post gravel-pack acidisation, small
volume HF/HCl, spotted or diverted
Contamination with shale, etc. HF/HCl post gravel-pack acidisation
Gravel too large " " " "
Gravel too small Squeeze pack or Frac & Pack
Gravel/Formation interface
Remixing of sand, shale, feldspar. HF/HCl
Solids 15 %w HCl
Polymer residue (HEC) 3 %w HCl, enzymes or hypochlorite
lines given in the relevant sections of this manual. The major difference lies in the
placement of the treatment.
Effective removal of damage in long horizontal sections requires optimum
placement techniques. However, "conventional" means, such as ball sealers or
granular diverters are not applicable. Depending on their densities, they tend to
shut-off either the top part or the bottom part of the horizontal section. Some
mechanical alternatives have been cited in the literature, such as special
application of coiled tubing (DS), the FO tool (Halliburton) or the PCS tool
Apart from the above mechanical devices, and possibly in addition to them,
diverting agents can be applied. To this end, non-solids systems, such as foamed
or gelled acid are to be preferred. In long horizontal sections the use of foam may
become impractical in view of the large volumes required to cover the entire
zone. In those cases the choice of a diverting agent is narrowed down to the use
of gelled acid.
Formation Fractures
productivity. With this in mind the following guide-lines have been compiled in
discussions with engineers from various operating companies:
1. For a successful stimulation a minimum hydrocarbon saturation of 25%
is required. Stimulation cannot create gas or oil.
2. Selection of type of stimulation.
For gas wells: Fracturing if the permeability is less than 1 mD.
For oil wells: Fracturing if the permeability is less than 50
mD, but to some extent dependent on the
3. Perforation policies or exploration wells should be such that only a
limited length of the zone of interest is perforated. This minimises the
risk of water or gas influx after stimulation. This is particularly
important in case a well is likely to be fractured. Additional perforation
can always be done after stimulation, if required.
4. Every effort should be taken to gather data relevant to the design of a
(possible) treatment. Whenever possible, time should be taken to
perform leak-off tests, to take side-wall samples for mineralogical
analysis (Mineralog, SEM study)*, etc.
5. Prior to drilling of the exploration well a scheme of action should be
made (and agreed on by all parties) with respect to the likelihood of
successful stimulation. Approval for the additional costs and time
involved should be obtained to ensure management commitment. Such
a plan could, for instance, be as follows:
1) Confirm hydrocarbon shows during the drilling phase.
2) If information from other sources, e.g. other wells in the area indicates
that fracturing might be required, perform microfrac to obtain important
data for possible fracturing treatment.
3) Take oriented core of the microfrac.
4) Repeat these steps as appropriate.
5) Run logs over target interval and determine reservoir quality,
hydrocarbon saturation, etc.
6) Take side wall samples, if step 3 was omitted and determine some basic
properties, such as formation composition, porosity, strength, etc.
7) Run casing and perforate a limited interval over the first zone of
8) Carry out initial production test to obtain preliminary data on
permeability, skin, etc.
9) Decide on the basis of the log interpretation and initial production test
whether or not stimulation is feasible (apply guide-line No. 2).
10) Perform acid or other damage removal treatment.
11) Carry out a production test.
12) In case of low production run FRACJOB (or ACIDFRAC in case of
carbonates) using data from e.g. microfrac tests to assess the prospects
for fracturing.
13) Design and perform fracturing treatment if warranted.
14) Carry out production test.
15) If necessary, additionally perforate.
16) Repeat production test.
Following a plan like the above, ensures that every possible and necessary step is
taken to prove the existence of producible hydrocarbons or otherwise.
4. In many cases, the pump rate has to be limited to ensure that the
maximum allowable pressure is not exceeded. The span between
reservoir pressure and fracturing pressure tends to be small in high
pressure areas. Therefore, in many cases the treatments will have to be
carried out at a maximum pressure, with a variable injection rate,
depending on the effect of the treatment.
5. The reduction in injectivity, inherent to the use of diverting agents, ball
sealers, etc., may result in extremely low pumprates and eventually in
premature termination of the job. Hence, diversion should be
considered carefully and only applied if it is vital for the success of the
Previous stimulation?
Total iron.
Acid strength (pH).
Precipitates on standing.
Total solids.
Presence of emulsions.
Bacterial mass, slime, etc.?