Guidance and Control of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles: Shashi Ranjan Kumar

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Guidance and Control of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles

Shashi Ranjan Kumar

Assistant Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai- 400076˜shashi
UAV Autopilot: Saturation Constraints and Performance

• Successive loop closure: Performance limitation of the system due to the

inner-most loop

• What are other reasons for performance degradation?

⇒ Saturation constraints, such as bounded angular deflections

⇒ Physical bounds on ailerons restrict roll rate

⇒ Bound on total lateral acceleration due to aircraft stall at higher angle of


• Goal of autopilot design: To design bandwidth of the inner loop to be as

large as possible, without violating the saturation constraints

• It allows outer loops to ensure sufficient bandwidth separation of the

successive loops

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UAV Autopilot: Saturation Constraints and Performance

• Consider second order system

P (s) =
s2 + a1 s + a0
• Closed-loop transfer function
y(s) b 0 kp
= 2
y c (s) s + (a1 + b0 kd )s + (a0 + b0 kp )
• Closed-loop poles: depends on gains
• Actuator effort: u = kp e − kd ẏ
• What terms affect the input demand or actuator effort?
• For ẏ ≈ 0, size of error e and kp decide about input u; u ≈ kp e
• For stable system, largest control effort occurs immediately after step input
• Determination of proportional gain

umax = kp emax =⇒ kp =
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UAV Autopilot: Saturation Constraints and Performance

• Can we achieve any bandwidth at our choice? No

• How to compute the achievable bandwidth of a closed-loop system?
• Canonical form of second order system, with no zeros

y(s) ωn2
= ,
y c (s) s2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2
where ζ is damping ratio and ωn is natural frequency.
• Under-damped system
0 ≤ ζ < 1; λ = −ζωn ± jωn 1 − ζ2

• Natural frequency of closed-loop system under saturation constraints

p umax
ωn = a0 + b0 kp = a0 + b0
• Upper limit on the bandwidth to avoid possible saturation on input

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UAV Autopilot: Lateral directional Autopilot

• How to design lateral autopilot?

• Roll rate damping: kdϕ

• Roll attitude: kpϕ and kiϕ
• Course angle: kpχ and kiχ
• How to select these gains?
• Successive selection of gains beginning with the inner loop and working
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UAV Lateral Autopilot: Roll Attitude Loop Design

• Linear design model:

aϕ2 1
ϕ(s) = δa (s)+ dϕ (s)
s(s + aϕ1 ) aϕ2 2

• Goal of inner loop: To control roll angle and its rate

• Gain design: Based on desired response of closed-loop system
• Closed-loop transfer function
kpϕ aϕ2
Hϕ/ϕc (s) =
s2 + (aϕ1 + aϕ2 kdϕ )s + kpϕ aϕ2
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UAV Lateral Autopilot: Roll Attitude Loop Design

• Desired second order closed-loop transfer function

ϕc (s) ωn2 ϕ
= 2
ϕ(s) s + 2ζϕ ωnϕ s + ωn2 ϕ

• How to find this desired closed-loop transfer function?

• Equating coefficients results in

ωn2 ϕ = kpϕ aϕ2 , 2ζϕ ωnϕ = aϕ1 + aϕ2 kdϕ

• Gain kpϕ is chosen as per saturation bound on aileron deflections

δamax δamax
kp ϕ = sign(aϕ2 ) =⇒ ωnϕ = |aϕ2 |
eϕmax eϕmax

• Gain kdϕ based on gain kpϕ , for chosen ζϕ to satisfy other specifications

2ζϕ ωnϕ − aϕ1

kd ϕ =
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UAV Lateral Autopilot: Roll Attitude Loop Design Issues

• Zero steady-state tracking error in roll without an integrator (Type-1 open

loop TF)
• Recall final value theorem and system type
• Presence of disturbance at the summing junction
• Neglected dynamics, wind gust, or turbulence
aϕ2 1
ϕ(s) = δa (s)+ dϕ (s)
s(s + aϕ1 ) aϕ2 2

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UAV Lateral Autopilot: Roll Attitude Loop Design Issues

• On solving for ϕ(s)

ϕ(s) = d ϕ2
s2 + (aϕ1 + aϕ2 kdϕ )s + kpϕ aϕ2
aϕ2 kdϕ
+ ϕc
s2 + (aϕ1 + aϕ2 kdϕ )s + kpϕ aϕ2

• What would be the steady-state error for constant step disturbance

dϕ2 = A/s?
• Using final-value theorem, steady-state error is A/(aϕ2 kpϕ ), a nonzero
• For constant orbit, p, q, r and thus dϕ2 are constant.
• How to remove this steady-state error?
• To eliminate steady-state error, an integrator is required.
• How to see if an integrator reject disturbances?

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UAV Lateral Autopilot: Roll Attitude Loop Design using Integrator

ϕ= d ϕ2
s3 + (aϕ1 + aϕ2 kdϕ )s2 + kpϕ aϕ2 s + aϕ2 kiϕ
  ki
aϕ2 kpϕ s + kpϕ
+  ϕc
s3 + (aϕ1 + aϕ2 kdϕ )s2 + kpϕ aϕ2 s + aϕ2 kiϕ

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UAV Lateral Autopilot: Roll Attitude Loop Design using Integrator

• Steady-state error: Zero for constant dϕ2 , aϕ2 ki
for ramp inputs
• kiϕ can be chosen using root-locus technique
• Characteristic equation of closed-loop system
s3 + (aϕ1 + aϕ2 kdϕ )s2 + kpϕ aϕ2 s + aϕ2 kiϕ = 0

• How to draw root locus?

1 + ki ϕ  =0
s s2 + (aϕ1 + aϕ2 kdϕ )s + kpϕ aϕ2

ki ϕ c
δa = kpϕ (ϕc − ϕ) + (ϕ − ϕ) − kdϕ p

Proper gain for better performance

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UAV Autopilot: Course Hold

What next? Course hold outer loop

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UAV Lateral Autopilot: Course Hold

• With proper tuning of gains, Hϕ/ϕc ≈ 1 over frequencies between 0 to ωnϕ

• Objective: Design kpχ and kiχ s.t. χ → χc asymptotically
• Transfer functions relating χ, χc , and dχ
g g g
s kpχ s + kix
Vg Vg Vg c
χ= g g dχ + 2 g g χ
s + kpχ s + kiχ s + kpχ s + kiχ
Vg Vg Vg Vg

• Using final value theorem, with constant dχ and χc , χ → χc

• Desired transfer function from χc to χ

2ζχ ωnχ s + ωn2 χ

Hχ =
s2 + 2ζχ ωnχ s + ωn2 χ

• Gains selection: Based on desired ζχ and ωnχ

• Selection of ωnχ and ζχ

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UAV Autopilot: Course Hold

• Due to zero in numerator, standard intuition for selection of ζ does not


• Larger ζ results in larger bandwidth and smaller overshoot.

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UAV Lateral Autopilot: Course Hold

• On comparing coefficients, we get

ωn2 χ Vg
ωn2 χ = kiχ g/Vg =⇒ kiχ =

2ζχ ωnχ Vg
2ζχ ωnχ = kpχ g/Vg =⇒ kpχ =
• To ensure sufficient bandwidth

ωnχ = , Wχ ≥ 5

• Large bandwidth separation is better How can this be ensured?
⇒ Slower response of χ-loop, lower ωnχ
⇒ Faster response of ϕ-loop, higher ωnϕ
• More control demand for a faster response

ki χ c
ϕc = kpχ (χc − χ) + (χ − χ)
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UAV Lateral Autopilot: Sideslip Hold

• Can we maintain constant or zero sideslip angle?

• Yes, using rudder inputs

• Transfer function from β c to β

aβ2 (kpβ s + kiβ )
Hβ/β c (s) = , Hβ/β c (0) = 1
s2 + (aβ1 + aβ2 kpβ )s + aβ2 kiβ

• Characteristic equation for desired closed-loop poles

s2 + 2ζβ ωnβ s + ωn2 β = 0

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UAV Lateral Autopilot: Sideslip Hold

• On equating the coefficients of characteristic equations

2ζβ ωnβ = aβ1 + aβ2 kpβ , ωn2 β = aβ2 kiβ

• Maximum error in sideslip (emax

β ) and maximum allowable rudder
deflection (δrmax )
• Gain with such constraints
kpβ = sign(aβ2 )

ωn2 β

1 aβ1 + aβ2 kpβ
ki β = =
aβ2 aβ2 2ζβ
• Output of sideslip loop (rudder deflection)

δr = −kpβ β − β

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UAV Longitudinal Autopilot

• Complicated longitudinal autopilot as compared to lateral one

• Role of airspeed in the longitudinal dynamics
• Objective: Regulate airspeed and altitude using throttle and elevator
• Regulation of altitude and airspeed: Role of altitude error

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UAV Longitudinal Autopilot

• Take-off zone: full throttle is commanded and θ → θc using the elevator.

• Climb zone: to maximize the climb rate

⇒ To maximize the climb rate, full throttle is commanded and airspeed is

regulated using pitch angle.

⇒ If airspeed increases above its nominal value, then aircraft is caused to pitch
up, leading to increase in climb rate and decrease in airspeed.

⇒ Similarly, if the airspeed drops below nominal value, aircraft is pitched

down, resulting in increase of airspeed but also decreases climb rate.

⇒ Regulating airspeed using pitch attitude effectively avoids stall conditions.

⇒ No regulation of airspeed with pitch altitude immediately after take-off

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UAV Longitudinal Autopilot

• Descend zone: Similar to climb zone except zero throttle

⇒ Avoidance of stall conditions by regulating airspeed using pitch angle

⇒ Maximization of descent rate at a given airspeed

• Altitude hold zone

⇒ Airspeed: by adjusting throttle

⇒ Altitude: by commanding pitch attitude.

• Longitudinal autopilot: Necessary feedback loops

⇒ Pitch attitude hold using elevator

⇒ Airspeed hold using throttle

⇒ Airspeed hold using pitch attitude

⇒ Altitude hold using pitch attitude

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UAV Longitudinal Autopilot: Pitch Attitude Hold

• Pitch attitude hold loop: Similar to roll attitude hold loop

θC δe δe q θ
aθ3 s 1
kp θ
+ eθ + s2 +a θ1 s+aθ2 s
− −

kd θ

• Closed-loop transfer function

kpθ aθ3
Hθ/θc (s) =
s2 + (aθ1 + kdθ aθ3 )s + (aθ2 + kpθ aθ3 )

• What about DC gain of this transfer function? nonunity DC gain

• Desired canonical second order transfer function
kθDC ωn2 θ
s2 + 2ζθ ωnθ s + ωn2 θ

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UAV Longitudinal Autopilot: Pitch Attitude Hold

• Equating coefficients of characteristic equation

ωn2 θ = aθ2 + kpθ aθ3 , 2ζθ ωnθ = aθ1 + kdθ aθ3

• Gain kpθ chosen to satisfy actuator constraint, then

kpθ = sign(aθ3 )

• Consideration of sign of aθ3 as it depends on Cmδ e (typically <0)

• Bandwidth limit of pitch loop
ω nθ = aθ2 + |aθ3 |

• Selection of gain kdθ

2ζθ ωnθ − aθ1
kdθ =

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UAV Longitudinal Autopilot: Pitch Attitude Hold

• What about DC gain of inner loop transfer function as kpθ → ∞?

kpθ aθ3
kθDC = →1
aθ2 + kpθ aθ3

• What about the DC gain value with nominal value of kpθ ?

• Significantly less than one, for typical gain values of kpθ
• Integral feedback to ensure unit DC gain
• Drawback: Limitation on bandwidth by use of integral term
• Homeworks to check these two facts
• Elevator deflection input (Output of pitch attitude hold loop)

δe = kpθ (θc − θ) − kdθ q

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UAV Longitudinal Autopilot: Altitude Hold using Pitch

• Altitude-hold autopilot: Successive-loop-closure strategy with

pitch-attitude-hold autopilot as an inner loop

ki h
+ ′
hc θC δe δe aθ 3 s θ h
kph kpθ s2 +aθ1 s+aθ2
+ + eθ + s
+ + − −

kd θ

• How to deal with attitude hold design?

• Can we replace the inner loop with unity, as before? No Why?
• DC gain of KθDC , θ = KθDC θc

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UAV Longitudinal Autopilot: Altitude Hold using Pitch

ki h Va
+ +
hc + Va
kph kθDC s
+ + θC θ

KθDC Va kph (s + kih /kph )
h(s) = hc (s)+
s2 + KθDC Va kph s + KθDC Va kih
+ dh (s)
s2 + KθDC Va kph s + KθDC Va kih

• What about DC gain and disturbance rejection?

• DC gain of one and rejection of constant disturbance
• Independent closed-loop transfer function on vehicle parameters, except Va

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UAV Longitudinal Autopilot: Altitude Hold using Pitch

• Selection of gains kph and kih to ensure ωnh = , Wh ∈ [5 15]
ωn2 h
• Desired closed-loop transfer function
s2 + 2ζnh ωnh s + ωn2 h
• Equating coefficients
2ζnh ωnh
2ζnh ωnh = KθDC Va kph =⇒ kph =
ωn2 h
ωn2 h = KθDC Va kih =⇒ kih =

• Pitch command inputs (Output of altitude-hold-with pitch loop)

kih c
θc = kph (hc − h) + (h − h)


Randal Beard and Timothy W. McLain, “Small Unmanned Aircraft:

Theory and Practice”, Princeton University Press, 2012.

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