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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University,


M.Sc. (Microbiology) Syllabus

(Effective from December, 2022)


Theory Paper/ Practical Teaching Exam schedule Total Credit

schedule marks
Duration Internal External
(Hrs) marks marks
Theory papers:
1: Core I 4 3 30 70 100 4
Enzymology and microbial physiology

2: Core II 4 3 30 70 100 4
Bioinformatics & Bio-nanotechnology

3: Core III 4 3 30 70 100 4

Advances and challenges in

Inter / multi-Disciplinary 4 3 30 70 100 4

4: Elective Paper –I
Advances in Pharmaceutical
Elective Paper –2
Ecology and evolution

Practicals: 12 10-15 50 100 150 6

5. Practical based on Core I, II, III &
Elective paper I & II

6. Skill Based elective paper / swayam/ 2 0 20 30 50 2

other MOOC courses
Biofertilizer production and organic
Cheese and yogurt production
M. Sc. Semester II

1. Course Code & Title

Course code: Core course 1

Course title: Enzymology and Microbial physiology
Course type: Core
Course credits: 04

2. Course overview and Course Objectives

The main aspect of this course is to study the kinetics of enzymes and enzyme inhibition.
Students will learn about the general methodology of protein engineering applications of
enzymes. Also, this paper will focus on the diverse metabolic processes of microorganisms
along with concepts of physiological adaptations in microorganisms.
3. Course Objectives

 To study the structure of enzyme and the models of enzyme substrate reactions
 To learn the kinetics of enzymatic reactions, calculate Vmax and Km of enzyme catalyzed
reactions and graphical representation of enzyme kinetics
 To gain an insight of protein engineering, enzyme engineered for new reactions and varied
applications of microbial enzymes
 To understand the physiological adaptation of microorganisms in extreme conditions

3. Course Content

Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
1.1 Enzyme
1.1.1The Structure of Enzymes
1.1.2 Models for Monosubstrate Reaction
1.1.3 Models for Bisubstrate Reaction
1.1.4 Monomeric and Oligomeric Enzyme
1.1.5 Multisubstrate Reaction
1.2 Kinetics of Enzyme catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions
1.3 Kinetics of single substrate enzyme catalyzed reaction
1.3.1 Michaelis-Menten equation, its modification and its significance
1.3.2 Vmax and Km
1.3.2 Lineweaver-Burk plot, Eadie-Hofstee plot, Hanes plot.
1.4 Enzyme inhibition kinetics:
1.4.1 Reversible inhibition:
1.4.2 Competitive inhibition
1.4.3 Non-Competitive inhibition
1.4.4 Un Competitive inhibition
1.4.5 Allosteric inhibition
1.4.6 Substrate inhibition
1.4.7 Partial inhibition
1.4.8 Irreversible inhibition.
1.5 Kinetics of multi-substrate enzyme catalyzed reaction:
1.5.1 Ping-pong reaction
1.5.2 Random-order reactions
1.5.3 Compulsory order reactions


Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
2.1 Enzyme Engineering of industrial enzymes.
2.1.1 Rational design methods
2.1.2 Site directed mutagenesis
2.2 Chemical modifications and unnatural amino acids
2.3 Random methods
2.4 Application of enzymes in Industry.
2.4.1 Milling and Baking: Enzyme in Flour.
2.4.2 Enzymes in Starch production, Sweetener and syrup production, Starch
liquefaction and dextrose.
2.4.3 Pectic enzymes in fruit and juice manufacture: Food processing related
properties of pectic enzymes.
2.4.4 Textiles and laundry detergents: Enzymes in laundry detergents
2.4.5 Pulp and paper: Enzyme application in pulp and paper processes.
2.4.6 Enzymes and Bioremediation: Enzymology of n-alkane oxidation
2.5 Enzymes engineered for new Reactions-Novel catalysts for organic synthesis,
Extremozymes, Synzymes, Artizymes

Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
3.1 Two component regulation
3.1.1 Prototypical Two Component regulatory system
3.2 Spectrum of Functions:
3.2.1 Osmolarity Changes and Porin Regulation
3.2.2 Quorum sensing and staphylococcal virulence
3.2.3 The Phosphorelay and Sporulation Initiation in Bacillus subtilis
3.2.4 Chemotaxis and Atypical Output Response
3.3 Physiology, Biochemistry & Genetic Aspects of:
3.3.1 Oxidative Stress Response and Regulation
3.3.2 Heat Shock Response
3.3.3 Nutritional Stress and Starvation Stress Response
3.3.4 pH Stress and Acid Tolerance
3.4 Biochemistry and Physiology of Radiation Resistant Microorganisms

Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
4.1 Assimilation and Dissimilation of Nitrate and Sulphate
4.2 Nitrogen Fixation
4.3 Phototrophic Prokaryotes.
4.4 Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria
4.5 Green Sulphur Bacteria.
4.6 The Structure of Photosynthetic Membranes in Bacteria.
4.7 Cell wall and Capsule Biosynthesis.
4.7.1 Peptidoglycan Structure and Synthesis.
4.7.2 Lipopolysaccharide Structure and Synthesis.

4. Course Learning Outcomes/Student’s Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Unit 1: Students shall understand kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions, they shall be enabled
to calculate the Vmax and Km of enzymatic reaction and represent graphically the
mechanism of enzyme reactions
Unit 2: Students shall gain knowledge of protein engineering methods to modify enzymes and
application of microbial enzymes in various fields
Unit 3: Students will gain an understanding of physiological adaptations of microorganisms’
in extreme environment
Unit 4: Students shall develop an understanding of microbial metabolism

Recommended learning resources

 Byung Hong Kim (2008) Bacterial Physiology and Metabolism¸ Cambridge (ISBN-13
 Gray N., Calvin M., and Bhatia SC. (2012). Enzymes Biotechnology. 1st Edition. CBS
Publishers, New Delhi. (ISBN; 9788123918297)
 Moat A., Foster J. and Spector M. (2009). Microbial Physiology, 4th Edition, Wiley.
(ISBN; 978-81-265-2106-7)
 Palmer T (2004): Enzymology. East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
 Pandey A., Webb, C., Fernandes, M. and Larroche, C. (2006). Enzyme Technology.
SpringerVerlag., New York. (ISBN; 978-0-387-29294-6)
 Price N. and Stevens L. (1999). Fundamentals of Enzymology. 3rd Edition Oxford
University Press., London. (ISBN; 9780198502296)
 Ramya.M and Ponmurugan.P (2015) Protein Engineering, Narosa Publishing House.
ISBN 798-81-8487-424-2.
 Schaechter M. (2004). The Desk Encyclopedia of Microbiology. Elsevier Academic
Press, California USA. (ISBN; 9780080961286)
 Streips U.N. and Yasbin R.E. (2002). Modern Microbial Genetics. 2nd Edition. Wiley-
Liss, A John Wiely and sons Inc., publication, New York. (ISBN; 978-0-471-38665-0)
 White D. (2003). The Physiology and Biochemistry of Prokaryotes, 2nd Edition, Oxford
University Press. (ISBN: 0-19-512579-7)


1. Course Code & Title

Course code: Core course II

Course title: Bioinformatics & Bio-nanotechnology
Course type: Core
Course credits: 04

2. Course overview and Course Objectives

The main aspect of this course is to give an understanding of the various omics besides
genomics and proteomics and its applications such as drug discovery. It includes the study of
databases and the role of bioinformatics in the identification and classification of prokaryotes
based on 16s rRNA sequences. Emphasis will be given to the application of bioinformatics
and biological databases to problem solving in real research problems. The students will
become familiar with the online tools for predictive results for the formulation of research
problems. This paper also describes rapidly growing branch of bio-nanotechnology and its
Course Objectives

 To gain knowledge of next generation sequencing methods, to learn genome annotation and
mapping methods, to understand proteomics and its applications, transcriptomic,
metagenomics, metabolomics and their applications in drug delivery
 To study all the databases, and the use of bioinformatics in the identification and
classification of prokaryotes
 To study sequence alignments and the methods of phylogeny and preparation of
phylogenetic tree and predicting as well as modeling of protein structure
 To acquire an understanding of nanoscience and application of nanotechnology

3. Course Content

Teaching duration: Lectures 16
1.1 Next generation sequencing method
1.2 Genome: assembling, Closing, Annotation, Mapping (RFLPs, SNPs, AFLPs)
1.3 Proteomics: Interaction, Expression, Functional
1.4 Application of Proteomics: In the field of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Plant
1.5 Transcriptomics: RNA level Gene Expression: DNA Micro array Technology
1.6 Metagenomics: Contribution, Designing a metagenomics project (sequence based and
function based)
1.7 Metabolomics
1.8 Drug discovery: Technologies and strategies


Teaching duration: Lectures 16
2.1 Biological Databases
2.2 Sequence based classification and identification of prokaryotes
2.2.1 Classification of prokaryotes
2.2.2 Classification of taxonomic hierarchy
2.2.3 Rules for naming of new prokaryote
2.2.4 Benefits of sequence-based identification
2.3 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing for metagenomics
2.3.1 Use of 16s rRNA sequences, generation of data and bioinformatics pipeline,
Data analysis, removal of chimeras and DNA from other domains
2.3.2 OTUs. Alignment and association with taxonomic units,
2.3.3 α- (Within Group) and β-Diversity (Between Groups)
2.3.4 Principal coordinates analysis
2.4 Sequencing strategies, data types and analysis of full DNA shotgun sequence data,
2.5 Sequence based typing of prokaryotes: MLST, whole genome-based typing, organisms
specific platforms


Teaching duration: Lectures 16
3.1 Pairwise Sequence Alignment
3.2.1 Sequence Homology versus Sequence Similarity
3.2.2 Sequence Similarity versus Sequence Identity
3.2.3 Methods: Global and Local
3.2 Multiple Sequence Alignment
3.3 3.3.1 Exhaustive Algorithms
3.3.2 Heuristic Algorithms
3.4 Phylogeny:
3.4.1 Methods of Phylogeny: Maximum likelihood, UPGMA, N-J method
3.4.2 Statistical evaluation of obtained phylogenetic tree
3.4.3 Software for phylogenetic analysis: Phylip
3.5 Secondary structure prediction and protein modeling
3.5.1 Computation methods for secondary structure prediction
3.5.2 Homology modeling: fold recognition and threading approaches
3.5.3 Ab-initio structure prediction methods
Teaching duration: Lectures 16
4.1 An Introduction to Nano World: Nano, The Unit Nanometer, Nanoscience,
4.2 Types and properties of Nanomaterials
4.3 Nano motors of biological Systems, ATP Synthase: A Nano-turbine
4.4 Physical and Chemical methods for synthesis of nanoparticles.
4.5 Self-assembly techniques for synthesizing nanoparticles
4.6 Applications of nanotechnology
4.6.1 Application of DNA and protein nanostructures in molecular
nanotechnology and Nano electronics
4.6.2 Application of carbon nanotubes in biological systems: Biosensors,
Gene delivery using CNT instead of vector, Pollution
control by CNT
4.6.3 Nano particles and its amalgamation with drugs for
drug delivery: Liposomes

Course Learning Outcomes/Student’s Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Unit 1: Students shall gain the knowledge of various omics and their importance in biology.
Students shall learn about the techniques and strategies of drug discovery
Unit2: Students shall learn the biological databases, classification and identification of
prokaryotic microorganisms, they shall know to study metagenomics based on 16s
rRNA amplicons
Unit 3: Students shall gain an insight on the sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis
Unit 4: Students shall understand bio nanotechnology and its applications in cellular

Recommended learning resources

 Ghosh, Z., & Mallick, B. (2008). Bioinformatics: Principles and Applications. Oxford
University Press. (ISBN:978-0195692303)
 Henrik Christensen (2018) Introduction to Bioinformatics in Microbiology, Springer
(ISBN 9783319992808)
 Jamil (2017) Concept in Bioinformatics and genomics, Oxford University press (ISBN:
 Kanehisa M, Goto S (2000). "KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes".
Nucleic Acids Res. 28 (1): 27–30.
 Kulkarni S. K., (2015) Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices, 3rd edition, Springer,
ISBN 978-3-319-09170-9, ISBN 978-3-319-09171-6 (ebook).
 Lloyd Low (2017) Bioinformatics A Practical Handbook of Next Generation
Sequencing and Its Applications, World scientific (SBN 9789813144743)
 National Research Council. (2007). The new science of metagenomics: revealing the
secrets of our microbial planet. National Academies Press. (ISBN 978-0-309-10676-4)
 Primrose S. and Twyman R. (2006). Principles of Gene Manipulation & Genomics, 7th
edition. Black well Publishing, Malden. (ISBN: 978-1405135443)
 Rastogi, C., Mendiratta, N. and Rastogi P., (2013) Bioinformatics: Methods and
applications, 4th Ed. PHI learning Pvt. Ltd.
 Selzer P.M. (2008) Applied Bioinformatics an Introduction, Springer (ISBN:
 Sharon, M., Sharon, M., Pandey, S., & Oza, G. (2012). Bio-nanotechnology: Concepts
and Applications. ANE Books, New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-1439852149)
 Twyman, R. (2004). Principles of proteomics. Taylor & Francis. (ISBN: 978-
 Xiong, J., (2009). Essential Bioinformatics, Cambridge University press. (ISBN:
 Young-Chul Lee and Ju-Young Moon, (2020) Introduction to Bionanotechnology.


1. Course Code & Title

Course code: Core course III

Course title: Advances and Challenges in Immunology
Course type: Core
Course credits: 04

2. Course overview and Course Objectives

This paper focuses on principles of immunology, molecular pathogenesis, immune-technology

and immunotherapy. It also provides understanding and studying the molecular mechanism of
pathogen in causing infections and the response of the host against the pathogens which would
enable in developing therapy, vaccine development and the control of transmission.

Course Objectives

Unit 1: To study receptor biology and the interaction of antigens with the immune cells. To
learn the immunological responses during transplantation
Unit2: To learn activation of T cells and B cells and the role of helper T cells in activation of
immunological responses against antigens
Unit 3: To understand the induction of cancer and oncogenes, to understand tumor biology and
the different immunotherapeutic approaches and applications
Unit 4: To gain insight of the challenges like antibiotic drug resistance and the advances in

3. Course Content

Teaching duration: Lectures 16
1.1 The MHC Complex
1.1.1 Structure of MHC molecules
1.1.2 Binding of peptide to MHC molecules
1.1.3 Genomic organization of the MHC
1.1.4 Expression of MHC molecules
1.2 B cell surface receptor for antigen
1.3 T cell surface receptor for antigen
1.4 Transplantation

Teaching duration: Lectures 16
2.1 Activation of T cells
2.1.1 Activation of CD4+ Lymphocyte
2.1.2 Activation of CD8+ T cells
2.2 Activation of B cells
2.2.1 Antigen recognition and antigen induced B cell activation
2.2.2 Helper T cell dependent antibody response to protein antigen
2.2.3 Antibody response to T cell independent antigen
2.4 Primary B and T cells deficiencies


Teaching duration: Lectures 16
3.1 Cancer: Origin and Terminology
3.2 Malignant transformation of cells
3.3 Oncogenes and cancer induction
3.4 Tumors of the immune system
3.4.1 Tumor antigens
3.4.2 Tumor invasion of immune system
3.4.3 Cancer Immunotherapy
3.5 Engineered antibodies for therapy
3.6 Immuno- conjugates and its applications

Immunological challenges and advances

Teaching duration: Lectures 16
4.1 AMR
4.1.1 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance
4.1.2 Mechanisms of Antibacterial Resistance: Shedding Some Light
4.1.3 Antimicrobial resistance: Selection vs. Induction
4.1.4 Colonization and Its Importance for the Emergence of Clinical resistance
4.2 Emerging zoonosis disease
4.2.1 Swine and Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Recent Times
4.2.2 Emerging Animal Coronaviruses: SARS, MERS, SARS-CoV-2
4.3 Stem cell therapy
4.3.1 Stem cell-based therapy for human diseases
4.4 Gut flora transplantation

Course Learning Outcomes/Student’s Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Unit 1: Students shall learn the biology of cell receptors and the importance of molecular
interactions in immunological responses
Unit 2: Students shall gain knowledge of the activation of T cells and B cells and the defects
leading to immunodeficiency
Unit 3: Students will gain an understanding of tumor antigens and the oncogenes leading to
induction of cancer, they shall also learn the strategies of immunotherapies to combat
Unit 4: Students shall become aware of the challenges and the advancement in immunology

Recommended learning resources

 Abbas A.K., Lichtman A.H., Pillai S., (2007) Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 6th
Edition, Saunders Elsevier. (ISBN;978-81-312-1034-5)
 Biazzo, Manuele, and Gabriele Deidda. "Fecal microbiota transplantation as new
therapeutic avenue for human diseases." Journal of Clinical Medicine 11, no. 14 (2022):
 Delves P.J., Martin S. J., Burton D.R., and Roitt I.M., (2017) Roitt’s Essential
Immunology, 13th Edition, Willy Blackwell. (ISBN;978-1-118-41577-1)
 Douglas L. Mayers, Antimicrobial Drug Resistance, Volume 1, Mechanisms of Drug
Resistance Edited by Douglas L. Mayers, 2009, Humana press, ISBN: 978-1-60327-592-
7 e-ISBN: 978-1-59745-180-2 and DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-180-2
 Hoang, Duc M., Phuong T. Pham, Trung Q. Bach, Anh TL Ngo, Quyen T. Nguyen,
Trang TK Phan, Giang H. Nguyen et al. "Stem cell-based therapy for human
diseases." Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 7, no. 1 (2022): 1-41.
 Kateryna Kon and Mahendra Rai, Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms and New
Antimicrobial Approaches, 2016, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-803642-6
 Kerry L. LaPlante Cheston B. Cunha, Haley J. Morrill, Louis B. Rice, Eleftherios
Mylonakis, Antimicrobial Stewardship: Principles and Practice, 2017, CABI, ISBN-13:
978 1 78064 439 4.
 Kindt T.J., Goldsby R.A., and Osborne B.A., (2007) Kuby Immunology, 6th Edition,
W.H.Freeman and Company, New York. (ISBN;0716767643)
 Nash A.A., Dalziel R.G., and Fitzgerald J.R., (2015) Mims’ Pathogenesis of Infectious
Disease, 6th Edition, Academic Press (Elsevier). (ISBN;978-0-12-397188-3)
 Praful B. Godkar, Darshan P. Godkar, 2021 COVID-19 edition, Textbook of Medical
Laboratory Technology - Vol 2 - Revised Reprint 2021 (3rd Edition), ISBN-10:
9789381496190, ISBN-13: 978-9381496190, Bhalani Publishing House
 Wang, Jiunn-Wei, Chao-Hung Kuo, Fu-Chen Kuo, Yao-Kuang Wang, Wen-Hung Hsu,
Fang-Jung Yu, Huang-Ming Hu, Ping-I. Hsu, Jaw-Yuan Wang, and Deng-Chyang Wu.
"Fecal microbiota transplantation: Review and update." Journal of the Formosan Medical
Association 118 (2019): S23-S31.
Elective Paper –I

1. Course Code & Title

Course code: Elective paper 1

Course title: Advances in pharmaceutical microbiology
Course type: Core
Course credits: 04

2. Course overview and Course Objectives

The main aspect of this course is to study microbiological analysis and quality control in
pharmaceutical industries. It includes the learning of good manufacturing practices and its
monitoring in pharmaceutical companies. The students would also learn quality check and
quality maintenance of pharmaceutical products and microbiological auditing

Course Objectives

 To introduce students to pharmaceuticals and microbiological assays used in pharmaceutics

 To know the good manufacturing practices and the conventional and rapid methods for the
monitoring of microbiological quality
 To understand the microbial aspects of pharmaceutical processing and determining the
quality assurance and quality control of pharmaceutical products
 To gain knowledge of pharmaceutical products and its sterility, the students shall also learn
microbiological auditing

3. Course Content


Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
1.1 Introduction to pharmaceuticals: Microorganisms and medicines
1.2 The agar diffusion assay: Its quantitative basis
1.3 The theory and practice of tube assays for growth promoting substances
1.4 The theory and practice of tube assays for growth inhibiting substances
1.5 Standard reference materials


Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
2.1 Principles of good manufacturing practice
2.2 Monitoring microbiological quality – Conventional testing methods
2.3 Monitoring microbiological quality – Application of rapid methods
Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
3.1 Microbial spoilage and preservation of pharmaceutical products
3.2 Sterilization control and sterility assurance
3.3 The quality assurance and quality control of pharmaceutical products


Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
Types of sterile products: Injections, non-injectable sterile fluids, ophthalmic
4.1 preparations, dressing, implants, absorbable hemostats, surgical ligatures and
sutures, instruments & equipment
4.2 Vaccines: Seed lot system, production, fermentation, blending, filling, and drying
4.3 In-vitro diagnosis
4.4 Immune sera
4.5 Human immunoglobulin & monoclonal antibodies
4.6 Microbiological auditing

Course Learning Outcomes/Student’s Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Unit 1: Students shall learn microbiological assays used in pharmaceuticals

Unit 2: Students shall acquire knowledge of monitoring the quality of microbiological products
Unit 3: Students shall understand the microbial aspects of spoilage and preservation of products
and QA ad QC aspects of pharmaceutical products
Unit 4: Students shall gain learning of the sterility of pharmaceutical products and the relevance
of microbiological auditing

Recommended learning resources

 Barredo, J. L., (2005), Microbial Processes and Products. Humana Press, New Jersey,
(ISBN: 978-1-59259-847-2)
 Denyer, S. P. and Baird, R. M., (2008), Guide to microbiological control in
pharmaceuticals and medical devices. 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, (ISBN:
 Flickinger, M. C. and Drew, S. W., (1999), Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology.
Wiley- Interscience, New Jersey, (ISBN: 9780471138228)
 Gad, S. C., (2007), Handbook of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Wiley-Interscience,
New Jersey, (ISBN: 978-0-470-25958-0)
 Hewitt,W.,(2004). Microbiological Assays for Pharmaceutical Analysis-A rational
approach, Indian Edition, CRC, (ISBN: 0-203-58859-2)
 Hugo and Russells, (2007), Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Blackwell Publishing.
 Walsh G., (2007), Pharmaceurcal Biotechnology- Concepts and Applications, Wiley
(ISBN: 978-0-470-01244-4)
Elective Paper - 2

1. Course Code & Title

Course code: Elective paper 2

Course title: Ecology and Evolution
Course type: Core
Course credits: 04

2. Course overview and Course Objectives

The course concentrates on understanding of origin of life and evolutionary mechanisms. The
course provides the ecological concept and details information of applied ecology. The aim of
the course is to provide students with a deeper insight into the evolutionary processes and life

Course Objectives

 To study the environment and ecology of living organisms, they shall study the population
ecology and growth curves, they shall understand the species interactions and the
community structure
 To gain knowledge of ecosystem and applied ecology
 To gain insight of evolutionary theories as well as molecular evolution
 To learn population genetics, behavior and evolution as well as domestication of behavioral

3. Course Content


UNIT 1 Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
1.1 The Environment
Physical environment; biotic environment; biotic and abiotic interactions,
Habitat and Niche, resource partitioning, character displacement
1.2 Population Ecology
Characteristics of a population; population growth curves population regulation
Life history strategies (r and K selection); concept of metapopulational – demes
and dispersal, interdemic extinctions, age structured populations.
1.3 Species Interactions
Types of interactions, interspecific competition, herbivory, carnivory
pollination, symbiosis.
1.4 Community Ecology
Nature of communities, Community structure and attributes, Levels of species
diversity and its measurement; edges and ecotones

Ecosystem and Applied Ecology

UNIT 2 Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
2.1 Ecological Succession
Types and mechanisms, Changes involved in succession, Concept of climax.
2.2 Ecosystem Ecology
Ecosystem structure; ecosystem function; energy flow and mineral cycling (C,
N, and P); Primary production and decomposition
Structure and function of some Indian ecosystems:
Terrestrial (forest, grassland) and aquatic (fresh water, marine, estuarine)
2.3 Biogeography
Major terrestrial biomes, Theory of island biogeography, Biogeographical zones
of India.
2.4 Applied Ecology
Environmental pollution; global environmental change; biodiversity: status,
monitoring and documentation; major drivers of biodiversity change;
biodiversity management approaches; Conservation Biology: Principles of
conservation, major approaches to management

Origin of life and history

UNIT 3 Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
3.1 Emergence of evolutionary thoughts Lamarck
Darwin-concepts of variation, adaptation, struggle, fitness and natural selection;
Mendelism; Spontaneity of mutations; The evolutionary synthesis.
3.2 Origin of cells and unicellular evolution
Origin of basic biological molecules; Abiotic synthesis of organic monomers
and polymers; Concept of Oparin and Haldane; Experiment of Miller (1953);
The first cell; Evolution of prokaryotes, Evolution of unicellular eukaryotes;
3.3 Paleontology and Evolutionary History
The evolutionary (geological) time scale; Eras, periods and epoch; Major events
in the evolutionary time scale; Origins of unicellular and multi cellular
organisms; Major groups of plants and animals; Stages in primate evolution
including Homo.
3.4 Molecular Evolution
Concepts of neutral evolution, molecular divergence and molecular clocks;
Molecular tools in phylogeny, classification and identification; Protein and
nucleotide sequence analysis; origin of new genes and proteins; Gene duplication
and divergence.

UNIT 4 Teaching Duration: Lectures 16
.1 The Mechanisms
Population genetics – Populations, Gene pool, Gene frequency; Hardy-Weinberg
Law; concepts and rate of change in gene frequency through natural selection,
migration and random genetic drift; Adaptive radiation; Isolating mechanisms;
Speciation; Allopatricity and Sympatricity; Convergent evolution; Sexual
selection; Co-evolution
4.2 Brain and Evolution
Approaches and methods in study of behavior; Proximate and ultimate causation;
Altruism and Evolution-Group selection, Kin selection, Reciprocal altruism;
Neural basis of learning, memory, cognition, sleep and arousal; Biological clocks
4.3 Behavior and Evolution
Development of behavior; Social communication; Social dominance; Use of
space and territoriality; Mating systems, Parental investment and Reproductive
success; Parental care; Aggressive behavior;
4.4 Habitat and migration
Habitat selection and optimality in foraging; Migration, orientation and
navigation; Domestication and behavioral changes

4. Course Learning Outcomes/ Student’s Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Unit 1: Student shall describe the origin and evolutionary mechanism of life forms.
Unit 2: Student will be correlating the evolution processes with behavior biology,
paleontology and molecular biology.
Unit 3: Student will be explaining the traditional to modern aspects with practical
application in Evolution and ecology.
Unit 4: Student will get the fundamental knowledge about the applied ecology and its
application in conservation biology and sustainable development.

Recommended learning resources

 Odum, E. P., & Barrett, G. W. (1971). Fundamentals of ecology (Vol. 3, p. 5).
Philadelphia: Saunders.
 Kormondy Edward (2017). Concepts of Ecology, Pearson Education
 Santra, S. C. (2010). Fundamentals of Ecology and Environmental Biology, New
Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd.
 Rana, S. V. S. (2013). Essentials of ecology and environmental science. PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd.
 Krebs, C. J. (1985). Ecology; the experimental analysis of distribution and abundance.
 DK (2019). The Ecology Book Big Ideas Simply Explained), DK publication
 Dash, M. C. (2001). Fundamentals of ecology. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
 Molles, M. (2015). Ecology: concepts and applications. McGraw-Hill Education.
 Beeby, A., & Brennan, A. M. (2008). First ecology: ecological principles and
environmental issues. Oxford University Press. press
 Sharma, P. D., & Sharma, P. D. (2012). Ecology and environment. Rastogi Publications.
 Kumar, P., & Mina, U. (2019). Life Sciences: Fundamentals and Practice I. Pathfinder
 Jangral R, K. (2020). Handbook of Ecology, Rajat Publication
 Colegrave, N. (2004). Evolution. MARK RIDLEY. Blackwell Publishing. 2003. 751
pages. ISBN 1 4051 0345 0. Price£ 27.50. Genetics Research, 83(1), 65-66.
 Strickberger, M. W. (2000). Evolution. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
 Verma, P. S., & Agarwal, V. K. (2004). Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology,
Evolution and Ecology: Evoloution and Ecology. S. Chand Publishing.
 Raven, P., Johnson, G., Mason, K., Losos, J., & Singer, S. (2013). EBOOK: Biology.
McGraw Hill.
 Purves, W. K., Orians, G. H., Heller, H. C., & Sadana, D. (1998). Life: The science of
biology. Massachusetts.
 Lisa, A. U., Michael, L. C., Jane, B. R., Steven, A. W., Robert, B. J., Peter, V. M., &
Neil, A. C. (2010). Campbell Biology. Benjamin Cummings/Pearson.


1. Determination of Km & Vmax of amylase/ cellulase.

2. Determination of effect of pH, temperature, activators and inhibitors on
3. activity.
4. Immobilization of amylase/ cellulase and determine its activity yield.
5. Isolation of respiratory deficient mutants by UV radiation in yeast.
6. Microbes-mediated dye decolourization
7. Detection of anti-HIV and HBsAG sera by ELISA
8. Rapid diagnosis test for Malaria
9. Detection of MDR of bacteria from sewage
10. Microbial synthesis and characterization of metal (gold/ silver/ ZnO)
nanoparticles by UV-VIS spectroscopy.
11. MSA and phylogeny
12. Computer assisted oligonucleotide primer designing
13. Protein secondary structure prediction.
14. Homology modelling

(Advances in Pharmaceutical microbiology)
01. Sterility testing of pharmaceutical products by direct inoculation &
membrane filtration methods as per Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP)
02. Microbiological assay of growth promoting / growth inhibiting substances
03. Microbial limit test
(Ecology and Evolution)
01. Molecular Phylogenetic analysis
02. Calculate the Carbon Credit and foot print of given data
03. Study of biodiversity by Quadrant analysis
04. Construction of Winogradsky column
05. Determination of primary productivity in fresh water bodies

Skill Based Elective Paper

GE-1 Biofertilizer and Organic Framing

1. Course code and title

Course code: General Elective 1
Course title: Biofertilizer and organic farming
Course type: Skill based elective paper
Course credits: 02

Course Objectives
This course is design to give a broad outline on bio fertilizers screening, isolation, scaling up
and its applications. This course will help to develop low-cost media preparation and impart
training of ecofriendly agricultural inputs in bio fertilizers products and organic farming.

Teaching Duration: Lectures 09
1.1 Biofertilizer for sustainable Agriculture
1.2 Economical and Environmental benefits of Biofertilizer
1.3 Development of microbial biofertilizer industry
1.4 Group of biofertilizers


Teaching Duration: Lectures 09
2.1 Introduction to organic farming
2.2 Bacterial inoculants
2.3 Green manuring
2.4 Cyanobacterial inoculants
2.5 Azolla as Bio fertilizer

Teaching Duration: Lectures 09
3.1 Importance of composting
3.2 Optimization of nutrients for agricultural compost
3.3 Methods of spreading compost
3.4 Classification of composting
3.5 Method of operating
3.6 Preparation of consortia


Teaching Duration: Lectures 09
4.1 Benefits from bio fertilizers
4.2 Commercial producers of bio fertilizers
4.3 Progress of bio fertilizers in India
4.4 ECO specifications & quality control of bio fertilizers
4.5 Storage, shelf life, quality control & marketing of bio fertilizers
4.6 Benefits from organic farms


01. Study of physico- chemical parameters of bio fertilizer

02. Isolation of mycorrhizia
03. Isolation of potassium and phosphate solubilizing microbes
04. Preparation of consortia to enrich organic farm soil
* A visit to a biofertilizer production unit

4. Course Learning Outcomes/ Student’s Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Unit 1: Students shall gain an understanding of biofertilizers and its importance. They shall
develop the skill of establishing a biofertilizer unit.
Unit 2: Students shall gain an insight of microbial inoculants and methods of application in
organic farms and fields.
Unit 3: Students shall be enabled to prepare a compost from agricultural waste and its use.
Unit 4: Students shall learn about the commercial units for the production of biofertilizers and
methods of application It helps in development of integrated management for best
results using nitrogenous and phosphate bio fertilizers.

Recommended learning resources

 Dubey, R. C. (1993). A Textbook of Biotechnology. (5 th Edition) S. Chand Publishing.
(ISBN: 978-8121926089)
 Dubey, R. C. (2000). Textbook of Microbiology. (4 TH Edition) S. Chand, Limited.
(ISBN: 978-8121926201)
 Motsara, M. R., Bhattacharyya, P., & Srivastava, B. (1995). Biofertilizer:
Technology, marketing and usage. A sourcebook-cum-glossary.
 Purohit, S. S. (2001). Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications. Agrobios. (ISBN:
 Somasundaram, E., Nandhini, D. U., & Meyyappan, M. (2019). Principles of
Organic Farming: (With Theory and Practicals). New India Publishing Agency.
 Subba Rao, N. S. (1993). Biofertilizers in agriculture and forestry (3rd rev. ed).
International Science Publisher. (ISBN: 1881570290)

Skill Based elective paper

GE-2 Yogurt and Cheese production
1. Course Code & Title
Course code: General Elective 1
Course title: Yogurt and cheese production
Course type: Skill based elective paper
Course credits: 02

2. Course Overview and Course Objectives

After successful completion of course student will be able to know the whole process of
cheese and yogurt production and get an idea about the basic process of setting up a small-
scale business for the same.
Course Objectives
 To learn details of how to do marketing and product development in dairy industry
 To design setup of industry location, building, equipment etc.
 To learn processing of cheese and yogurt production and other parameters like quality
assurance and legislation.
 To understand planning, managing and taking advantage of various government
schemes for establishment of medium and small medium scale cheese/yogurt making

3. Course Content


Teaching Duration: Lectures 09
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Types of Market
1.3 Overview of Customer Care Concepts
1.4 The Need for A Feasibility Study
1.5 Developing a Marketing & Selling Strategy
1.6 Product Development
1.7 Competitors


Teaching Duration: Lectures 09
2.1 Selecting the location
2.2 The building
1.3 Services
1.4 Equipment
1.5 Sources of packing and ingredients


Teaching Duration: Lectures 09
3.1 Cheese Processing
3.2 Yogurt Production
3.3 Quality Assurance of Cheese & Yogurt
3.4 Risk analysis from Production to Consumers
3.5 Process control
3.6 Legislation for Production of Cheese & Yogurt


Teaching Duration: Lectures 09
4.1 Production Planning
4.1.1 Planning Raw Materials, Ingredients & Packaging
4.1.2 Planning Work for Staff & Service
4.2 Managing Production
4.2.1 Health & Safety
4.2.2 Production Routines
4.3 Information Of Major Scheme and Program Of Government
4.3.1 Scenario In Food And Agro Sector
4.3.2 Udyam Registration
4.3.3 Pradhan Mantra Mudra Yojana
4.3.4 Regulatory Bodies


01. Microbiological analysis of cheese

02. Gradation of cheese based on moisture content
03. Determination of moisture content and water activity of cheese
* A visit to food, dairy or milk production unit

4. Course Learning Outcomes/ Student’s Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Unit 1: Students shall learn marketing and Product development strategy

Unit 2: Student shall learn the setting up of industrial building and finding the location.
He/she will also learn about equipment services used in the setting up of industries.
Unit 3: Students shall learn processing, quality assurance and legislation of cheese and
yogurt production.
Unit 4: Students will gain the knowledge of planning, managing and government schemes
for the small-scale business of industrial production.
Recommended learning resources
 Fellows, P., & Axtell, B. (2008). Setting up and running a small-scale dairy processing
business. CTA. ISBN 978-92-9081-377-4
 Helweg R., (2010). The complete guide to making cheese, butter, yogurt at home., ISBN
10: 1-60138-355-X, ISBN 13: 978-1-60138-355-6
 https://www.msmedithrissur.gov.in/assets/uploads/pageimage/Food.pdf


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