Arts and Aesthetics of Old Ages

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Arts & Aesthetics

Nilüfer Pembecioğlu © 2022

Gibraltar 1, the first and only adult female Neanderthal skull ever discovered
• The name of our species is homo sapiens. Homo sapiens, or modern man,
had evolved 60,000 years ago to what it is today. Sometimes there are those
who say it goes back 100 thousand years.
• But today, the human who looks like you has existed for 60 thousand years.
If new skeletons are found, it can go back 100 thousand years.
• Homo erectus, our ancestor, passed out of Africa 1.3-1.8 million years ago
and went to Europe via Anatolia. But his brain was much smaller than us.
• We assume that modern man appeared 60 thousand years ago because it is
homo sapiens, the type of human with brain as much as we do.
• Homo erectus and its predecessors are called 'humanoid' or 'hominid'. The
history of hominids goes back 3.8 million years. They also have species, but
their brains are much smaller than ours, so the chimpanzee is as much as
the brain ... ”
What is Arts!
What is Aesthetics!
The relationship between the self and the
Community-based creative dance for
adolescents and their feelings of social
STONE AGE ART (c. 2,500,000 - 3,000 BCE) POST RENAISSANCE ART (c.1600-1850)
Mesolithic - Neolithic Baroque - Rococo - Neoclassicism - Romanticism
- Realism
BRONZE AGE ART (3,000 - 1200 BCE)
Egyptian - Sumerian - Persian - Minoan - Bronze MODERN ART (c.1850-1970)
Age Metalwork Impressionism - Post Impressionism - Colourism:
IRON AGE ART (c.1500-350 CE) 19th Century/Early 20th Century Sculpture -
Mycenean - Ancient Greek Art - Etruscan - Celtic Expressionism
Art - Roman Art Design: Art Nouveau/Bauhaus/Art Deco -
Cubism - Surrealism
MEDIEVAL ART (c.350-1300 CE) Early 20th Century American Art - Abstract
Byzantine Art - Irish Early Christian Art Expressionism
Romanesque Art (Carolingian, Ottonian) - Gothic Pop Art - Mid-20th Century Sculpture

THE RENAISSANCE (c.1300-1620) CONTEMPORARY ART (c.1970-present)

Proto-Renaissance - Early Renaissance - High Postmodernist Painting - Postmodernist
Renaissance Sculpture
Northern Renaissance - Mannerism Avant-Garde - 20th Century Architecture

David by Michelangelo (1501-4)

• History of Stone Age Art (2.5 million-3,000 BCE)
• Prehistoric art comes from three epochs of prehistory:• Thus with the advent of "modern" homo sapiens
Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. The earliest painters and sculptors (50,000 BCE onwards) such as
recorded art is the Bhimbetka petroglyphs (a set of 10 Cro-Magnon Man and Grimaldi Man, we see a huge
cupules and an engraving or groove) found in a outburst of magnificent late Paleolthic sculpture and
quartzite rock shelter known as Auditorium cave at painting in France and the Iberian peninsular. This
Bhimbetka in central India, dating from at least 290,000 comprises a range of miniature obese venus figurines
BCE. However, it may turn out to be much older (eg. the Venuses of Willendorf, Kostenky, Monpazier,
(c.700,000 BCE). This primitive rock art was followed, no Dolni Vestonice, Moravany, Brassempouy, Gagarino, to
later than 250,000 BCE, by simple figurines (eg. Venus name but a few), as well as mammoth ivory carvings
of Berekhat Ram [Golan Heights] and Venus of Tan-Tan found in the caves of Vogelherd and Hohle Fels in the
[Morocco]), and from 80,000 BCE by the Blombos cave Swabian Jura. However, the greatest art of prehistory is
stone engravings, and the cupules at the Dordogne rock the cave painting at Chauvet, Lascaux and Altamira.
shelter at La Ferrassie. Prehistoric culture and creativity
is closely associated with brain-size and efficiency which
impacts directly on "higher" functions such as language,
creative expression and ultimately aesthetics.
Cupule and meander petroglyph on Lower Paleolithic era, and must therefore
a boulder at the Auditorium Cave, date from at least 290,000 BCE.
Bhimbetka, Madhya Pradesh, India ➢ However, once more advanced dating
(c.290,000-700,000 BCE). The world's methods become available, it is
Oldest Art. conceivable that these petroglyphs will
Bhimbetka Petroglyphs (290,000-700,000 turn out to be much older - perhaps
BCE) originating as early as 700,000 BCE -
Cupules at Auditorium Cave & Daraki- although at present this is mere
Chattan Rock Shelter (cup-shaped organ, speculation. Even so, the Bhimbetka
structure, or receptacle in a plant or animal) cupules are four times older than the Cupule and meander
➢ The oldest known prehistoric art is the Blombos Cave art, which is the next petroglyph on
series of petroglyphs discovered during oldest site of Stone Age art. a boulder at the
the 1990s in two ancient quartzite caves➢ Rock Art from Bhimbetka - 7000 BCE Auditorium Cave,
in India: the Auditorium Cave at Created over 250,000 years after Bhimbetka, Madhya
Bhimbetka and a rock shelter at Daraki- the first petroglyphs and cupules Pradesh, India
Chattan. This cave art consists of were produced at the Auditorium (c.290,000-700,000
numerous cupules - non-utilitarian Cave. BCE). The world's
hemispherical cup-shaped depressions - Oldest Art.
hammered out of the rock surface.
Geological investigations of the
prehistoric sites by renowned Rock Art from Bhimbetka - 7000 BCE
archeologists Bednarik, Kumar and Created over 250,000 years after the
others, have established that this rock art first petroglyphs and cupules were
pre-dates the Acheulean culture of the produced at the Auditorium Cave.
Mesolithic Art (c.10,000-4,000 BCE) ➢ Examples of the latter include the
anthropomorphic figurines uncovered in
➢ Against a background of a new climate, Nevali Cori and Göbekli Tepe near Urfa in
improved living conditions and eastern Asia Minor, and the statues of
consequent behaviour patterns, Lepenski Vir (eg. The Fish God) in Serbia.
Mesolithic art gives more space to human
figures, shows keener observation, and➢ Other examples of Mesolithic portable
greater narrative in its paintings. Also, art include bracelets, painted pebbles
because of the warmer weather, it moves and decorative drawings on functional
from caves to outdoor sites in numerous objects, as well as ancient pottery of the
locations across Europe, Asia, Africa, Japanese Jomon culture. One of the
Australasia and the Americas. greatest works of Mesolithic art is the
➢ Mesolithic artworks include the bushman sculpture "Thinker From Cernavoda" from
rock paintings in the Waterberg area of Romania.
South Africa, the paintings in the Rock
Shelters of Bhimbetka in India, and
Australian Aboriginal art from Arnhem
Land. It also features more 3-D art,
including bas-reliefs and free standing
Neolithic Art (c.4,000-2,000 BCE) ➢ Neolithic art also features free standing
sculpture, bronze statuettes (notably by
➢ The more "settled" and populous the Indus Valley Civilization), primitive
Neolithic era saw a growth in crafts like jewellery and decorative designs on a
pottery and weaving. This originated in variety of artifacts. The most spectacular
Mesolithic times from about 9,000 BCE in form of late Neolithic art was
the villages of southern Asia, after which architecture: featuring large-stone
it flourished along the Yellow and Yangtze structures known as megaliths, ranging
river valleys in China (c.7,500 BCE) -then from the Egyptian pyramids, to the
in the fertile crescent of the Tigris and passage tombs of Northern Europe - such
Euphrates river valleys in the Middle East as Newgrange and Knowth in Ireland -
(c.7,000) - the 'cradle of civilization' - and the assemblages of large upright
before spreading to India (c.5,000), stones (menhirs) such as those at the
Europe (c.4,000), China (3,500) and the Stonehenge Stone Circle and Avebury
Americas (c.2,500). Although most art Circle in England. (For more, please see:
remained functional in nature, there was megalithic art.) However, the major
a greater focus on ornamentation and medium of Neolithic art was ceramic
decoration. For example, calligraphy - one pottery, the finest examples of which
of the great examples of Chinese art - were produced around the region of
first appears during this period. Mesopotamia (see Mesopotamian art)
and the eastern Mediterranean. Towards
the close of this era, hieroglyphic writing
systems appear in Sumer, heralding the
end of prehistory.
Enthroned Goddess of Catal Huyuk Pottery neolithic art
(c.6,000 BCE) Terracotta sculpture.
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations.

The Stone Age: 30,000 BCE - 2,500 BCE

Characteristics: Cave painting, fertility goddesses, megalithic

Thinker of Cernavoda(5,000 BCE)

National Museum of Romania. Venus of Laussel, an Upper
A magnificent example of Paleolithic (Aurignacian)
terracotta sculpture from carving Chinese Arts
the Neolithic era.
Noah's Ark 1220.
NOAH'S ARK Mesopotamia, circa 1220
In the Sumerian story, the name of the
person close to God is Ziusudra, the
Babylonians are Utnapiştim, and the
Torah and the Quran are Noah.
Also in the Greek myths when God
Zeus flooded the earth to destroy the
human race, only Prometheus's son
Deukalion and his wife survive.
The deluge of the Flood is described as
follows in the Sumerian and Babylonian
myths. With the proliferation of the
human race, the disturbed Gods of
turmoil and noise multiply decides to
create a flood that will destroy
humanity. The greatest God creates
Enlil Flood. But a group of people
escaped from this great flood under
the leadership of Utanapiştim.
“Ey sevgili insanlar,
denizi balıklar gibi doldurmak için mi
Ey kudretli Tanrılar,
dünyayı, dağlardan inen aslanlar gibi
parçalamak için mi yaratmıştınız?…
ölüm insana verilen en kutsal hediye
“Ey Enlil, Ey bulutları güden;
Bir zaman bir ev yaparız, bir zaman bir ağ
Bir zaman usulca pay ederiz, bir zaman
vahşice cenk ederiz…
Bir zaman balıkçıl kuşları
uçar, nehrin yüzü Şamaş’ın yüzüne bakar…
Bir zaman nehir taşar, bütün şehri su
basar… Bir mahlukun içinde köpüren bir
hiddet var,
bir mahluk kendini nimet olarak sunar…
Ezelden beri hiçbir şeyde görülmez
ne sükûnet, ne karar…
Ey Enlil, kızgın ölüm insanı daima
arkadan yakalar.
Kārum, Wabartums: Kültepe ancient city, from Karum centers ...
After the Assyrians gained dominance in the Mesopotamian basin, and started to move towards the land of
Kenan, Egypt and Anatolia, they established trade colonies and markets. Commodities purchased from India
started to be distributed to these regions through the Mesopotamian region. Now, perhaps the world started
to globalize in this period. These new market places were important for the Assyrians who were the Imperial
power of the period. These market places were very important not only for the Assyrians, but also among the
Persians, Romans and Sassanids that were established in the following periods. Perhaps the city states were
taking shape and gaining material power through these market places. The craftsmen exhibited their skills in
these places and transferred their civilization to each other. The arrival of Hurri, Mitanni, Central Asian and
Mountain peoples to Anatolia may also be this commercial line.
Karum big market places were small market places in Wabartums. The trade is mainly based on purchasing
gold, silver, copper, grain and wool from Anatolia and bringing tin, weaving, ornaments and some scents from
Mesopotamia. According to recent studies in Anatolia, it has been determined that there are more than forty
karum and vabartum. In the cuneiform tablets, the names of 20 karums have been determined to date. These
are Abum, Buruddum, Durhumit, Eluhut, Hahhum, Hattuş, Hurrama, Kaniş, Nihriya, Buruşhattum, Şamuha,
Şimala, Tawiniya, Tegarama, Timelkia, Şupululia, Urshu, Wahushusa, Wa / ushania and Zalpa. The name of 24
vabartum is also known from cuneiform tablets.
Most of our information about the peoples living in Anatolia is based on the cuneiform writings in which the
Assyrian commanders describe their expeditions on the rebelling peoples. For this reason, the cuneiform
writing taken from the Sumerians is frequently found in excavations in Anatolia. B.C. It is obvious that this
line, which started to be established in 1950, affected the development process of history.
Anatolian lands, which have hosted many civilizations throughout history, have a great archaeological
richness. One of them is the famous Ivriz rock relief from the Late Hittite Period in Konya Ereğli. The rock
relief, dating back to the 8th century BC, is particularly striking with its iconographic theme. While the Storm
God Tarhundas is depicted with wheat ears and bunches of grapes, Warpalawas, the Priest King of the
Country of Tuwana, raises his hands and offers his respect to Tarhundas for the abundance and abundance he
brings. The hieroglyphic writing in the Luwi language says:
I am the judge and hero of the Tuvana King Warpalawas. I planted these vines when I was a prince in the
palace. May Tarhunza give them abundance and abundance.
The figures of the monument, which was engraved with a high relief technique on a natural rock, were made
in the relief technique, while the inscriptions were created by carving. Although they persistently use the
term "Aramaicized" for the Ivriz Rock Relief, one of the most important works of the Late Hittite art, it is not
possible to agree with this view because the monument carries the traditional traces of the Late Hittite Art.
The 'siyez' (emmer), which is considered to be the ancestor of wheat, was first grown on the skirts of
Karacadağ, hence the Hittites became one of the most advanced civilizations in the world. The first name
given to Siyez wheat is the word "zız", a Hittite word. In addition, "kavcaca wheat" grown in Kars is a plant
that has influenced the development of history. This wheat type, which has managed to preserve its genetics
as it was on the first day, with its 13000 years of history, is suitable for the cold climate of our province of Kars
and its production must be expanded.

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