Your English Pal ESL Lesson Plan Celebrities Student v1
Your English Pal ESL Lesson Plan Celebrities Student v1
Your English Pal ESL Lesson Plan Celebrities Student v1
1. Celebrities Discussion
1. What is a celebrity? How does one become a celebrity?
2. What's the latest celebrity gossip?
3. Do you have a favourite celebrity? Which other celebrities inspire you? Are there any celebrities
you really don't like?
4. Who are the most famous celebrities in the world? What are they famous for?
5. Which celebrity families do you know about?
6. Have you ever met a celebrity? Who is the most famous person you have met? Which celebrity
would you like to meet? Why?
7. Where would you go if you wanted to see some celebrities? Where do celebrities hang out?
8. How do you imagine the lives of celebrities to be? Do you think they are happy, or are there any
downsides to being a celebrity?
2. Celebrities Vocabulary
• A-list celebrity (noun) – extremely famous or successful celebrities.
• D-list celebrity (noun) – minor celebrities who are usually famous only for appearing on reality TV
• glamorous (adjective) – attractive, exciting, charming, and alluring.
• household name (noun) – a person or brand that is very well known by the general public.
• claim to fame (noun) – something that made someone famous; the most interesting or important
thing about a person or thing they did.
• internet famous (adjective) – someone who became famous through the internet, social media or
other online activities.
Using the vocabulary words above, complete the following sentences (remember to use the correct
form of the word, e.g. verb conjugation or plural noun):
1. Bruce Forsythe is one of the most beloved in the UK, although he’s not famous
in any other country.
2. Comedy panel shows often feature only so people can laugh at them.
3. Logan and Jake Paul became for filming themselves doing stupid things and
uploading the videos to YouTube.
4. Marilyn Monroe was the most celebrity in history.
5. My is that I went to the same school as Bill Clinton’s daughter.
6. The Met Gala in New York is attended by a host of .
Multiple choice
1. The word ‘celebrity’ originally meant a celebration of what?
a) actors b) musicians c) religion
Sentence completion
5. In the , the most famous people were politicians, scientists, doctors and writers.
6. By 1920, the most famous people were singers, sportsmen and actors thanks to the invention
of .
7. Andy Warhol created a real around himself and presented himself as an iconic
figure that people wanted to be around.
8. Kim Kardashian’s fans want to her and be as famous as her.
Short answer
9. What is everybody taking these days?
10. We are attracted to celebrities because we live in an age of profound what?
11. What do people want in life?
12. If influencers reveal from their lives what most people hide, what will their followers think?
4. Celebrities Conversation Questions
1. Does being famous mean the same as being successful?
2. Which celebrities are famous for being famous (i.e., that are famous for no apparent reason)?
Which people became famous for their connections to other famous people?
3. Why do so many people crave fame?
4. Why do we elevate some people to the position of celebrity? Why are people so obsessed with
the lives of celebrities? Are you?
5. Considering celebrities make a lot of their money just by being famous, do they deserve the right
to privacy?
6. Which people have not coped with fame very well? What happened to them?
7. If you could be a celebrity for a day, who would you be and why?
8. How would your relationship with your friends change if you or one of them became a celebrity?
Would you like to be famous? Why or why not?