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System Administration Certification exam 918 for

IBM Informix Dynamic Server 11 prep, Part 3:

Skill Level: Intermediate

Joseph W. Baric, Jr. (jbaric@us.ibm.com)

Advanced Support Engineer

24 May 2007

Explore the topic of troubleshooting for IBM® Informix® Dynamic Server. After a brief
overview, you'll learn about the various tools that are available for troubleshooting,
and then look at examples of how to examine the database server to solve problems.
The third in a series of eight tutorials, use this tutorial to help prepare for the IDS 11
exam 918.

Section 1. Before you start

About this series

Thinking about seeking certification on System Administration for IBM IDS 11 (Exam
918)? If so, you're in the right spot. This series of eight IDS certification preparation
tutorials covers all the basics -- the topics you'll need to understand before you read
the first exam question. Even if you're not planning to seek certification right away,
this set of tutorials is a great place to start learning what's new in IDS 11.

About this tutorial

IDS is a large and complicated product. It can sometimes be mystifying wondering
about where to start when looking how to diagnose a problem.

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This tutorial is designed to introduce you to a variety of monitoring tools that are
available with IDS 11 and to show you how each are used. In this tutorial, you will
learn about:

• The sysmaster database

• The sysadmin database
• The onstat utility
• Use concurrency
This tutorial is the third in a series of eight tutorials that can help you prepare for the
System Administration for IBM IDS V11 Certification (Exam 918). The material in this
tutorial primarily covers the objectives in Section 3 of the test, which is entitled

After completing this tutorial, you should be able to:

• Use system-monitoring interface

• Know the tables in the sysadmin database
• Use onstat to examine shared memory
• Know use concurrency with lock level option

IDS 11 installation is covered in part 1 of this tutorial series. If you haven't already
done so, consider downloading and installing a copy of IBM IDS 11. Installing IDS
will help you understand many of the concepts that are tested on the System
Administration for IBM IDS V11 Certification exam.

System requirements
You do not need a copy of IDS to complete this tutorial. However, you will get more
out of the tutorial if you download the free trial version of IBM IDS 11 to work along
with this tutorial.

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Section 2. Using IDS databases and tools for

You can use a variety of tools and databases to examine the state of the engine and
shared memory structures. This tutorial covers the following databases and tools:

• The onstat utility

• The sysmaster database
• The sysadmin database
Troubleshooting in general

Troubleshooting is an iterative process. To approach troubleshooting, it is necessary

to understand the processes of what you are looking at.

To utilize the various approaches that are introduced here, it is necessary to

understand what is normal behavior and what is not. Once you have found out what
is wrong with what you are looking at, then you can use these tools to further dig into

This tutorial shows general techniques to approach the following kinds of issues:

• Memory issues
• Disk space issues
• Networking issues
• Buffer pool issues
• Locking and concurrency
Tracing is not covered in this tutorial.

Getting started

One of the big problems with an application such as IDS is knowing where to start.
Typically, it is very helpful to try to state the problem in a single sentence to codify
what the issue is. The closer that you can codify this to IDS terms, the easier it is to

As an example, an issue that a DBA may run into is that a client application appears

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So, to look at the problem with IDS perspective, you can ask "What is the application
waiting on?"

From understanding the architecture you understand that the entry point of an
application to the engine is the sqlexec. So, the next question to ask is "Which
sqlexec thread?"

You can then look at all userthreads by doing an onstat -u, which you can tie
back to your application (using of the tty column OR the username).

Now, from the flags of the onstat -u, you may get exactly what you need. Say that
the first column of the flags is a B. That explains that you are waiting on a buffer.
The questions you then have to ask are "Which buffer? And who owns it?"

Run an onstat -b | grep <the address in the wait column> to return

the line of that buffer.

In that line is the owner column. You can map the owner column back to the owner
with an onstat -u | grep <address in the owner column>.

You can then get the session id from that onstat -u output.

This information can also be gathered by querying the sysmaster database. The
benefit of the sysmaster database is that queries can be saved for future use. So
once a problem has been tracked down, the methodology can then be reused with
sql rather than typing the commands out. It's just a matter of preference

Throughout the tutorial, there are examples of how to apply the techniques to help
narrow down problems with IDS.

Section 3. The onstat utility

onstat is a powerful utility and can be used to look at a variety of things for
troubleshooting purposes, including memory usage, network usage, session
activities, buffer pool usage, and disk usage. In this section, examine how you can
use onstat for troubleshooting each of these areas.

Memory usage
There are several commands that track memory usage:

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onstat -g mem

Initiating the onstat -g mem command provides a list of memory usage of

different pools in memory.

Listing 1. onstat -g mem output

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 01:28:21

-- 39936 Kbytes
Pool Summary:
afpool V 10ad28040 8192 2488 5 3
tpcpool V 10b034040 40960 4776 32 3
seqpool V 10b06a040 4096 768 2 1
pnlpool V 10b037040 77824 4344 69 5
sbtlist V 10ae10040 20480 7232 4 3
dstpool V 10b033040 8192 3320 2 2
sqcrypto V 10b21b040 4096 504 2 1
ampool V 10b061040 8192 3088 22 1
Blkpool Summary:
name class addr size #blks
mt V 10ad2b450 1527808 21
global V 10ad26290 0 0

Table 1 describes the information provided in the pool summary.

Table 1. Pool summary description

Name Descriptoin
Name Pool name
Class Shared memory class
(R=Resident, V=Virtual)
Addr Pool header memory address
size Total size of the pool in bytes
Freesize Free memory in the pool
#allocfrag Number of allocated fragments
#freefrag Number of free fragments

Table 2. Blkpool summary description

Name Descriptoin
Name Pool name
Class Shared memory class
(R=Resident, V=Virtual)
Addr Pool header memory address
size Total size of the pool in bytes
#blksize Number of blocks in the pool

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onstat -g ses

onstat -g ses can show memory usage for a single session. This can be very
handy in looking for such things as a memory leak if you do an onstat -g ses
-r and see memory allocation growing constantly but the memory usage is not.

Let's take a look at the general output first:

Listing 2. onstat -g ses output

$ onstat -g ses
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 01:52:52
-- 39936 Kbytes
session #RSAM total used dynamic
id user tty pid hostname threads memory memory explain
35 informix - 0 - 0 12288 11592 off
18 informix - 0 - 1 425984 338128 off
17 informix - 0 - 1 434176 337408 off
16 informix - 0 - 1 282624 227560 off
5 informix - 0 - 0 12288 11592 off
3 informix - 0 - 0 16384 13176 off
2 informix - 0 - 0 12288 11592 off
35 informix - 0 - 0 81920 76360 off

The most important parts are the total memory and used memory. But you can
granulate even further by using onstat -g ses for a particular session id.

Listing 3. Output for onstat -g ses for a particular session

$ onstat -g ses 35
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 01:55:28
-- 39936 Kbytes
session #RSAM total used dynamic
id user tty pid hostname threads memory memory explain
35 informix 53 15046 ryleh 1 81920 76360 off
tid name rstcb flags curstk status
59 sqlexec 10afaa7d0 Y--P--- 7791 cond wait(sm_read)
Memory pools count 2
name class addr totalsize freesize #allocfrag #freefrag
35 V 10bf99040 77824 4720 110 5
35*O0 V 10c072040 4096 840 1 1
name free used name free used
overhead 0 6512 scb 0 144
opentable 0 2568 filetable 0 496
log 0 12096 temprec 0 1696
keys 0 800 ralloc 0 18992
gentcb 0 1640 ostcb 0 2864
sqscb 0 18880 sql 0 7
rdahead 0 160 hashfiletab 0 552
osenv 0 2880 buft_buffer 0 2168
sqtcb 0 3216 fragman 0 488
sapi 0 64

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sqscb info
scb sqscb optofc pdqpriority sqlstats optcompind directives
10bde6400 10bf63028 0 0 0 2 1

Sess SQL Current Iso Lock SQL ISAM F.E.

Id Stmt type Database Lvl Mode ERR ERR Vers Explain
35 SELECT sysmaster CR Not Wait 0 0 9.24 Off

Current statement name : slctcur

Current SQL statement :
select * from systables
Last parsed SQL statement :
select * from systables

onstat -g afr

The onstat -g afr option prints allocated memory fragments for a specified
session or shared-memory pool. Each session is allocated a pool of shared memory.

This is a good command to start when trying to granulate which pool of memory is
being allocated to. For instance, if you constantly see the ralloc pool growing as you
run this repetitively (onstat -g afr -r), then you may have isolated what pool of
memory is growing unchecked.

Listing 4. Output for onstat -g afr

$ onstat -g afr 35
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 02:12:18
-- 39936 Kbytes
Allocations for pool name 35:
addr size memid
10bf99000 3256 overhead
10bf99cb8 80 scb
10bf99d08 64 scb
1bf99d48 64 ostcb
10bf99d88 552 opentable
10bf99fb0 80 osenv
10bf63000 6856 sqscb
10bf64ac8 64 sqscb
10bf64b08 72 sql
10bf64b50 72 filetable
10bf64b98 80 fragman
10bf64be8 80 sqscb
10bf64c38 64 sqscb
10bf57f78 136 fragman
10c071000 2744 ralloc
10c071ab8 1024 ralloc
10c073000 2168 buft_buffer

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Table 3. Column descriptions

Output Description
addr Memory address of the pool
size Size, in bytes, of the pool
memid Memory ID of the pool fragment

onstat -g ffr

Much like the afr is the ffr, which shows the free fragments for a pool of shared

Listing 5. Output for onstat -g ffr

$ onstat -g ffr 35
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 02:15:57
-- 39936 Kbytes
Free lists for pool name 35:
addr size idx
10c073878 1928 1
10bf9ba40 104 11
10c071eb8 328 39
10bf9cdd8 552 66
10bf548a8 1808 99

Table 4. Column descriptions

Output Description
addr Memory address of the pool
size Size, in bytes, of the pool

Troubleshooting a memory issue

Let's say that the System Administrator calls you and says that IDS is taking up too
much memory, and that it's constantly growing. If you have not made any
configuration changes, the first thing to investigate is if there are any sessions that
are taking up a lot of memory.

Listing 6. onstat -g ses output

$ onstat -g ses

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IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 01:52:52

-- 39936 Kbytes
session #RSAM total used dynamic
id user tty pid hostname threads memory memory explain
35 informix - 0 - 0 12288 11592 off
18 informix - 0 - 1 425984 338128 off
17 informix - 0 - 1 434176 337408 off
2 informix - 0 - 0 12288 11592 off
2301 bad_app - 0 - 1 3203072 16384 off
8220 bad_app - 0 - 1 3194880 16384 off
1704 bad_app - 0 - 1 3203072 16384 off
430 bad_app - 0 - 1 19169280 16384 off
1991 bad_app - 0 - 1 3203072 16384 off

You can see that there is an app that has grabbed only uses around 16KB of
memory and yet has allocated, at least in one session, over a gigabyte of memory.

Let's take a look at that session again.

Listing 7. onstat -g ses | grep 430

430 bad_app - 0 - 1 19202048 16384 off

Wow! It's still growing. What you have here is a memory leak. At this point, you can
put a call in to your developers and ask what changes they have made.

Network usage
onstat -g nta

Using the onstat -g nta prints combined network statistics from -g ntd, -g
ntm, -g ntt, and -g ntu. If MaxConnect is installed, this command prints
statistics that you can use to tune MaxConnect performance.

onstat -g ntd

onstat -g ntd prints global network information:

Listing 8. Output for onstat -g ntd

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:00:44

-- 38912 Kbytes
global network information:
#netscb connects read write q-free q-limits q-exceed alloc/max
6/ 6 1 8 8 0/ 0 135/ 10 0/ 0 1/ 1
Client Type Calls Accepted Rejected Read Write

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sqlexec yes 1 0 7 8
srvinfx yes 0 0 0 0
onspace yes 0 0 0 0
onlog yes 0 0 0 0
onparam yes 0 0 0 0
oncheck yes 0 0 0 0
onload yes 0 0 0 0
onunload yes 0 0 0 0
onmonitor yes 0 0 0 0
dr_accept yes 0 0 0 0
cdraccept no 0 0 0 0
ontape yes 0 0 0 0
srvstat yes 0 0 0 0
asfecho yes 0 0 0 0
listener yes 0 0 1 0
crsamexec yes 0 0 0 0
onutil yes 0 0 0 0
safe yes 0 0 0 0
drdaexec no 0 0 0 0
smx yes 0 0 0 0
Totals 1 0 8 8

onstat -g ntm

onstat -g ntm prints network mail statistics.

Listing 9. Output for onstat -g ntm

$ onstat -g ntm
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:03:35
-- 38912 Kbytes
global network information:
#netscb connects read write q-free q-limits q-exceed alloc/max
6/ 6 1 8 8 0/ 0 135/ 10 0/ 0 1/ 1
Network mailbox information:
box netscb thread name max received in box max in box full signal
5 10b239928 tlitcppoll 10 4 0 2 0 yes
6 10b250928 tlitcplst 10 0 0 0 0 no

onstat -g ntt

onstat -g ntt prints full network times.

Listing 10. Output for onstat -g ntt

$ onstat -g ntt
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:04:55
-- 38912 Kbytes
global network information:
#netscb connects read write q-free q-limits q-exceed alloc/max
6/ 6 1 8 8 0/ 0 135/ 10 0/ 0 1/ 1
Individual thread network information (times):
netscb thread name sid open read write address
10b4bf368 sqlexec 4 07:34:44 07:34:55 07:34:55
10c10ccd0 17 07:34:28

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10b270790 16 07:34:28
10b3abd18 15 07:34:28
10b250928 tlitcplst 3 07:34:22 07:34:44 ryleh|1537|tlitcp
10b239928 tlitcppoll 2 07:34:22

Notice that the output shows a great deal of information in the write address column.
It gives the server | port | protocol combination out of the sqlhosts file. This can be
handy in trying to track down problems if you have multiple listener threads.

onstat -g ntu

onstat -g ntu prints network user statistics.

Listing 11. Output for onstat -g ntu

$ onstat -g ntu
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:08:28
-- 38912 Kbytes
global network information:
#netscb connects read write q-free q-limits q-exceed alloc/max
6/ 6 1 8 8 0/ 0 135/ 10 0/ 0 1/ 1
Individual thread network information (basic):
netscb type thread name sid fd poll reads writes q-nrm q-pvt q-exp
10b4bf368 tlitcp sqlexec 4 2 5 8 8 0/ 1 1/1 0/ 0
10c10ccd0 tlitcp unknown 17 0 0 0 0 0/ 0 0/ 0 0/ 0
10b270790 tlitcp unknown 16 0 0 0 0 0/ 0 0/0 0/ 0
10b3abd18 tlitcp unknown 15 0 0 0 0 0/ 0 0/ 0 0/ 0
10b250928 tlitcp tlitcplst 3 1 5 1 0 0/ 0 0/0 0/ 0
10b239928 tlitcp tlitcppoll 2 0 5 7 0 0/ 0 0/0/ 0

Troubleshooting a network issue

Let's say that as a DBA you start getting calls from users saying that some of them
are having trouble getting connected.

A quick look at the online log doesn't show anything. So, let's run an onstat -g
nta to see if there is anything anomalous.

Listing 12. onstat-g nta

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 01:16:37 -- 389

12 Kbytes
global network information:
#netscb connects read write q-free q-limits q-exceed alloc/max
6/ 7 15 936 714 1/ 1 135/ 10 0/ 0 1/ 1
Individual thread network information (basic):
netscb type thread name sid fd poll reads writes q-nrm q-p
vt q-exp
10b434b88 tlitcp unknown 19 0 0 0 0 0/ 0 0/
0 0/ 0

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10b294848 tlitcp unknown 18 0 0 0 0 0/ 0 0/

0 0/ 0
10b270ae0 tlitcp unknown 17 0 0 0 0 0/ 0 0/
0 0/ 0
10b274928 tlitcp tlitcplst 4 2 5 0 0 0/ 0 0/
0 0/ 0
10b250928 tlitcp tlitcplst 3 1 5 15 0 0/ 0 0/
0 0/ 0
10b239928 tlitcp tlitcppoll 2 0 5 936 0 0/ 0 0/
0 0/ 0
10b239928 tlitcp tlitcppoll 2 0 5 936 0 0/ 0 0/
0 0/ 0
Individual thread network information (times):
netscb thread name sid open read write address
10b434b88 19 09:54:00
10b294848 18 09:54:00
10b270ae0 17 09:54:00
10b274928 tlitcplst 4 09:53:54 10:04:03 ryleh|1538|tlitcp
10b250928 tlitcplst 3 09:53:54 11:54:38 ryleh|1537|tlitcp
10b239928 tlitcppoll 2 09:53:54

Network mailbox information:

box netscb thread name max received in box max in box full si
5 10b239928 tlitcppoll 10 49 0 4 0
5 10b239928 tlitcppoll 10 49 0 4 0
6 10b250928 tlitcplst 10 0 0 0 0
7 10b274928 tlitcplst 10 0 0 0 0
Client Type Calls Accepted Rejected Read Write
sqlexec yes 15 0 921 714
srvinfx yes 0 0 0 0
onspace yes 0 0 0 0
onlog yes 0 0 0 0
onparam yes 0 0 0 0
oncheck yes 0 0 0 0
onload yes 0 0 0 0
onunload yes 0 0 0 0
onmonitor yes 0 0 0 0
dr_accept yes 0 0 0 0
cdraccept no 0 0 0 0
ontape yes 0 0 0 0
srvstat yes 0 0 0 0
asfecho yes 0 0 0 0
listener yes 0 0 15 0
onunload yes 0 0 0 0
onmonitor yes 0 0 0 0
dr_accept yes 0 0 0 0
cdraccept no 0 0 0 0
ontape yes 0 0 0 0
srvstat yes 0 0 0 0
asfecho yes 0 0 0 0
listener yes 0 0 15 0
crsamexec yes 0 0 0 0
onutil yes 0 0 0 0
safe yes 0 0 0 0
drdaexec no 0 0 0 0

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smx yes 0 0 0 0
Totals 15 0 936 714

No MaxConnect instances connected

IO statistics for each MaxConnect instance:
IMCid header data partial blocked data partial blocked
reads reads reads reads writes writes writes
- - - - - - - -

From the onstat -g ntm output (the mailboxes), you see that one of the listener
threads has not done any reading in quite a while.

You can correlate the mailboxes to a specific port/DBSERVERALIAS combination by

looking in the sqlhosts file for the corresponding entry in the first column.

10b274928 tlitcplst 4 09:53:54 10:04:03 ryleh|1538|tlitcp

demo_alias ontlitcp ryleh 1538


So, in a production environment, the facile solution is to have your users switch to
another DBSERVERALIAS or DBSERVERNAME. To pursue the root cause is
beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Session activities
onstat -g ses

Running the onstat -g ses without a particular session id generates a one-line

summation of each session currently active on the system.

As mentioned earlier, this command is very useful in tracking down memory leaks on
a client application.

It can be run with the -r option ( onstat -g ses -r ) and watch if the total
memory is growing constantly while the total amount of used memory is static.

Listing 13. Output for onstat -g ses

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$ onstat -g ses
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:14:47
-- 38912 Kbytes
session #RSAM total used dynamic
id user tty pid hostname threads memory memory explain
18 informix - 0 - 0 12288 11592 off
17 informix - 0 - 1 303104 260672 off
16 informix - 0 - 1 307200 265480 off
15 informix - 0 - 1 278528 227640 off
4 informix 53 25457 ryleh 1 98304 91928 off
3 informix - 0 - 0 16384 13176 off
2 informix - 0 - 0 12288 11592 off

From here you can look at the pid of a process that is a compliant application,
number of threads it may have, and total memory.

For more information about a particular session, you can use onstat -g ses with
a particular session id:

Listing 14. Output for onstat -g ses with a specified session id

$ onstat -g ses 35
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 01:55:28
-- 39936 Kbytes
session #RSAM total used dynamic
id user tty pid hostname threads memory memory explain
35 informix 53 15046 ryleh 1 81920 76360 off
tid name rstcb flags curstk status
59 sqlexec 10afaa7d0 Y--P--- 7791 cond wait(sm_read)
Memory pools count 2
name class addr totalsize freesize #allocfrag #freefrag
35 V 10bf99040 77824 4720 110 5
35*O0 V 10c072040 4096 840 1 1
name free used name free used
overhead 0 6512 scb 0 144
opentable 0 2568 filetable 0 496
log 0 12096 temprec 0 1696
keys 0 800 ralloc 0 18992
gentcb 0 1640 ostcb 0 2864
sqscb 0 18880 sql 0 7
rdahead 0 160 hashfiletab 0 552
osenv 0 2880 buft_buffer 0 2168
sqtcb 0 3216 fragman 0 488
sapi 0 64
sqscb info
scb sqscb optofc pdqpriority sqlstats optcompind directives
10bde6400 10bf63028 0 0 0 2 1

Sess SQL Current Iso Lock SQL ISAM F.E.

Id Stmt type Database Lvl Mode ERR ERR Vers Explain
35 SELECT sysmaster CR Not Wait 0 0 9.24 Off

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Current statement name : slctcur

Current SQL statement :
select * from systables
Last parsed SQL statement :
select * from systables

As you can see, there is far more information about the session here. You can find
the isolation level, the current sql statement, the front end version, as well as
memory usage (previously discussed).

A note about the rstcb. This corresponds to the first column in the output of onstat

Troubleshooting at the session level

Let's say that after you resolve your issue with that DBSREVERALIAS, there is still
one user who is complaining that his application is still hung. So, you ask him his
username: bad_user.

Listing 15. onstat -g ses | grep bad_user

2257 bad_user - 0 - 0 122288 121592 off

There isn't anything really alarming here. The memory used is pretty close to what is
allocated. Let's use onstat -g ses to see what this user is doing:

Listing 16. Output for onstat -g ses with a specified session id

$ onstat -g ses 35
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 2 days 01:55:28
-- 39936 Kbytes
session #RSAM total used dynamic
id user tty pid hostname threads memory memory explain
2257 bad_user 15098 ryleh 1 122288 121592 off
tid name rstcb flags curstk status
2070 sqlexec 10afaa7d0 Y--P--- 7791 cond wait(sm_read)
Memory pools count 2
name class addr totalsize freesize #allocfrag #freefrag
35 V 10bf99040 77824 4720 110 5
35*O0 V 10c072040 4096 840 1 1
name free used name free used
overhead 0 6512 scb 0 144
opentable 0 2568 filetable 0 496
log 0 12096 temprec 0 1696
keys 0 800 ralloc 0 18992
gentcb 0 1640 ostcb 0 2864

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sqscb 0 18880 sql 0 7

rdahead 0 160 hashfiletab 0 552
osenv 0 2880 buft_buffer 0 2168
sqtcb 0 3216 fragman 0 488
sapi 0 64
sqscb info
scb sqscb optofc pdqpriority sqlstats optcompind directives
10bde6400 10bf63028 0 0 0 2 1

Sess SQL Current Iso Lock SQL ISAM F.E.

Id Stmt type Database Lvl Mode ERR ERR Vers Explain
35 INSERT sysmaster CR Not Wait 0 0 9.24 Off

Current statement name : slctcur

Current SQL statement :
INSERT INTO COMP_PREP_1_6 (contrct_id,cstomer_id,
rep_id,run_mode,canvass_code, canvass_issue_year,
channel_code,sort_ind) SELECT {+ ORDERED}
CONTRACT.contract_id, DPOP_CST_TMP.customer_id,
ASSIGNMENT.rep_id, 'B',
ASSIGNMENT.canvass_issue_year,ASSIGNMENT.channel_code, 4
CONTRACT.cstomer_id = DPOP_CST_TMP.cstomer_id AND
CONTRACT.contract_status = 'R' AND
ASSIGNMENT.assignment_id = CONTRACT.assignment_id AND
ASSIGNMENT.canvass_code = CLOSE_CANVASS_TMP.canvass_code AND
ASSIGNMENT.canvass_issue_year =
CLOSE_CANVASS_TMP.canvass_issue_year AND
(ASSIGNMENT.channel_code =CLOSE_CANVASS_TMP.channel_code OR
CLOSE_CANVASS_TMP.channel_code = '**') AND EXISTS (
CONTRACT.contract_id AND CTRTRK1.contract_status = 'R'
AND CTRTRK1.ctap_event_id > ?
AND CTRTRK2.contract_id = CONTRACT.contract_id AND
CTRTRK2.contract_status = 'O' AND
CTRTRK2.ctap_event_id = ( SELECT
CTRTRK3.contract_id = CTRTRK1.contract_id AND
CTRTRK3.ctap_event_id = CTRTRK1.ctap_event_id ))
Last parsed SQL statement :
select * from CONTRACTS

That is a complicated insert. But wait. Look at the flags and the state of the thread.

The flags are Y--P---. From looking in the manual, you can see that the thread is
yielding to some condition. And from the state of the thread, you know which
condition that is: cond_wait(smread).

So, at this point, you ask the customer to look at the client application because the
sqlexec is waiting for the client app to tell it to do something.

Buffer pool usage

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onstat -p

onstat -p is a useful utility to look at buffer pool usage:

Listing 17. Output for onstat -p

$ onstat -p
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:17:03
-- 3812 Kbytes
dskreads pagreads bufreads %cached dskwrits pagwrits bufwrits %cached
933 961 101742 99.08 173 441 6221 97.22

isamtot open start read write rewrite delete commit rollbk

19993 1533 2346 6077 685 37 346 807 0
gp_read gp_write gp_rewrt gp_del gp_alloc gp_free gp_curs
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ovlock ovuserthread ovbuff usercpu syscpu numckpts flushes
0 0 0 3.55 0.52 2 2
bufwaits lokwaits lockreqs deadlks dltouts ckpwaits compress seq scans
240 0 9130 0 0 0 385 137 0
ixda-RA idx-RA da-RA RA-pgsused lchwaits
38 5 162 203 3

The first thing to look at is the ovbuff. Ovbuff is the number of times that the engine
ran out of buffers to work with. If ovbuffs is increasing, then increasing the size of the
buffer pool is warranted.

Note: This same information is contained in the SMI table sysprofile.

onstat -F

onstat -F is used to obtain a count by write type of the writes performed.

Listing 18. Output for onstat -F

$ onstat -F
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:20:45
-- 38912 Kbytes
Fg Writes LRU Writes Chunk Writes
0 0 98
address flusher state data # LRU Chunk Wakeups Idle Time
10afa5820 0 I 0 0 1 1239 1237.670
states: Exit Idle Chunk Lru

If Fg writes is increasing, then tuning is warranted.

onstat -R

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onstat -R is used to monitor the LRU queues. For each queue, onstat -R lists
the number of buffers in the queue, and the number and percentage of buffers that
have been modified.

Listing 19. Output for onstat -R

$ onstat -R
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:30:51
-- 3812 Kbytes
Buffer pool page size: 2048
8 buffer LRU queue pairs priority levels
# f/m pair total % of length LOW HIGH
0 F 624 100.0% 624 624 0
1 m 0.0% 0 0 0
2 f 625 100.0% 625 625 0
3 m 0.0% 0 0 0
4 f 626 100.0% 626 626 0
5 m 0.0% 0 0 0
6 f 625 100.0% 625 625 0
7 m 0.0% 0 0 0
8 f 625 100.0% 625 625 0
9 m 0.0% 0 0 0
10 f 625 100.0% 625 625 0
11 m 0.0% 0 0 0
12 f 625 100.0% 625 625 0
13 m 0.0% 0 0 0>
14 f 625 100.0% 625 625 0
15 m 0.0% 0 0 0
0 dirty, 5000 queued, 5000 total, 8192 hash buckets, 2048 buffer size
start clean at 60.000% (of pair total) dirty, or 374 buffs dirty, stop at

Table 5. Interpreting the output

Column Description
Buffer pool page size The page size of the buffer pool in
# Shows the queue number. Each
LRU queue is composed of two
subqueues: an FLRU queue and
an MLRU queue. (For a definition
of FLRU and MLRU queues, see
LRU queues in the
shared-memory chapter of the
IBM Informix Administrator's
Guide.) Queues 0 and 1 belong to
the first LRU queue, queues 2
and 3 belong to the second LRU
queue, and so on.
f/m Identifies queue type: This field
has four possible values:
f -- Free LRU queue. In this
context, free means not modified.
Although nearly all the buffers in
an LRU queue are available for

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use, the database server attempts

to use buffers from the FLRU
queue, rather than the MLRU
queue. (A modified buffer must be
written to disk before the
database server can use the
F -- Free LRU with fewest
elements. The database server
uses this estimate to determine
where to put unmodified (free)
buffers next.
m -- MLRU queue
M -- MLRU queue that a flusher is
length Tracks the length of the queue
measured in buffers
% of Shows the percent of LRU queue
that this subqueue composes.
For example, suppose that an
LRU queue has 50 buffers, with
30 of those buffers in the MLRU
queue, and 20 in the FLRU
queue. The % of column would
list percents of 60.00 and 40.00,
pair total Provides the total number of
buffers in this LRU queue
priority levels Displays the priority levels: LOW,

Summary information follows the individual LRU queue information. You can
interpret the summary information as follows:

Table 6. Interpreting the output

Column Description
dirty The total number of buffers that
have been modified in all LRU
queued The total number of buffers in
LRU queues
total The total number of buffers
hash buckets The number of hash buckets
buffer size The size of each buffer
start clean The value of LRU_MAX_DIRTY
stop at The value of LRU_MIN_DIRTY

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priority downgrades The number of LRU queues

downgraded to a lower priority
priority upgrades The number of LRU queues
upgraded to a higher priority

Troubleshooting a buffer issue

Let's say that as the DBA you are starting to get users who call in and say that
performance is slowing down.

One thing you may run just to see if there is any bottlenecks is an onstat -p
output. Running it once is not necessarily helpful because it is just a snapshot But
you can use the -r output to see if there is anything that is really slowing you down.

Listing 20. onstat -pr snippet

$ onstat -pr
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:17:03
-- 3812 Kbytes
dskreads pagreads bufreads %cached dskwrits pagwrits bufwrits %cached
2007 1000 201742 99.08 173 441 6221 97.22

isamtot open start read write rewrite delete commit rollbk

19993 1533 2346 6077 685 37 346 807 0
gp_read gp_write gp_rewrt gp_del gp_alloc gp_free gp_curs
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ovlock ovuserthread ovbuff usercpu syscpu numckpts flushes
0 0 0 3.53 0.52 2 2
bufwaits lokwaits lockreqs deadlks dltouts ckpwaits compress seq scans
2400 0 9130 0 0 0 385 137 0
ixda-RA idx-RA da-RA RA-pgsused lchwaits
38 5 162 203 3
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:17:03
-- 3812 Kbytes
dskreads pagreads bufreads %cached dskwrits pagwrits bufwrits %cached
2100 1005 203742 99.08 173 441 6221 97.22

isamtot open start read write rewrite delete commit rollbk

19993 1533 2346 6077 685 37 346 807 0
gp_read gp_write gp_rewrt gp_del gp_alloc gp_free gp_curs
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ovlock ovuserthread ovbuff usercpu syscpu numckpts flushes
0 0 0 3.55 0.54 2 2
bufwaits lokwaits lockreqs deadlks dltouts ckpwaits compress seq scans
2706 0 9130 0 0 0 385 137 0
ixda-RA idx-RA da-RA RA-pgsused lchwaits

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38 5 162 203 3
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:17:03
-- 3812 Kbytes
dskreads pagreads bufreads %cached dskwrits pagwrits bufwrits %cached
2103 1020 206641 99.08 173 441 6221 97.22

isamtot open start read write rewrite delete commit rollbk

19993 1533 2346 6077 685 37 346 807 0
gp_read gp_write gp_rewrt gp_del gp_alloc gp_free gp_curs
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ovlock ovuserthread ovbuff usercpu syscpu numckpts flushes
0 0 0 3.57 0.54 2 2
bufwaits lokwaits lockreqs deadlks dltouts ckpwaits compress seq scans
3002 0 9130 0 0 0 385 137 0
ixda-RA idx-RA da-RA RA-pgsused lchwaits
38 5 162 203 3

From looking at the Listing 10, you know that bufwaits is increasing very quickly.
There must be some page(s) that are very hot.

There are a couple of ways to try to dig down from this angle. My personal
preference is try to find out what buffer is hot by looking at the onstat -X. The
onstat -X output will print buffer accessor information.

Listing 21. Output for onstat -X

$ onstat -X
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 01:38:47 -- 389
12 Kbytes
Buffers (Access)
address owner flags pagenum memaddr nslots
10a21ede0 0 103 11:5893 10a627800 9
pgflgs scount waiter
80e 90 10afa5028
Buffer pool page size: 2048
200 modified, 5000 total, 8192 hash buckets, 2048 buffer size

You have one page that has a lot of people trying to access that page. From there, it
becomes a simple matter of mapping that to the onstat -u/onstat -g ses level,
and try to find out what that page is and how it is being used.

There is a big clue in the pgflags output. 0x80e means that it is a page from a big
chunk and that it is a blob bitmap page.

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The waiter and owner columns correspond to the first column in the onstat -u

Disk usage
onstat -d

onstat -d lists disk usage for dbspaces and chunks.

Listing 22. Output for onstat -d

onstat -d
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:39:25
-- 3812 Kbytes
address number flags fchunk nchunks pgsize flags owner name
10aedee78 1 0x40001 1 1 2048 N B informix rootdbs
1 active, 2047 maximum
address chunk/dbs offset size free bpages flags pathname
10aedf028 1 1 0 15000 1238 PO-B /testing/prod/1110FC1B5/SERVER
1 active, 32766 maximum

Note: The values in the "size" and "free" columns for DBspace chunks are displayed
in terms of "pgsize" of the DBspace to which they belong.

Expanded chunk capacity mode: always.

Table 7. Highlights of the chunk output

Column Description
Size The size of the chunk in online
Free The number of free online pages
in that chunk

onstat -D

onstat -d is closely coupled with the onstat -D command.

Listing 23. Output for onstat -D

$ onstat -D
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 00:42:00
-- 38912 Kbytes

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address number flags fchunk nchunks pgsize flags owner name

10aedee78 1 0x40001 1 1 2048 N B informix rootdbs
1 active, 2047 maximum
address chunk/dbs offset page Rd page Wr pathname
10aedf028 1 1 0 964 492 /testing/prod/1110FC1B5/SERVER/
1 active, 32766 maximum

Note: The values in the "page Rd" and "page Wr" columns for DBspace chunks are
displayed in terms of system base page size.

Expanded chunk capacity mode: always.

Instead of the size of the chunks, what you see are the amounts of pages read and
written per chunk.

I/O at a chunk level can be monitored with this command run repetitively. It is not as
fine or as granulated as looking at I/O at the partition level (onstat -P). But it is a
good way to look at stuff in a high level.

onstat -g iof

The onstat -g iof option displays the number of reads from each chunk and the
number of writes to each chunk. If one chunk has a disproportionate amount of I/O
activity against it, this chunk might be a system bottleneck. This option is useful for
monitoring the distribution of I/O requests against the different fragments of a
fragmented table.

Listing 24. Output for onstat -g iof

$ onstat -g iof
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 01:21:55
-- 38912 Kbytes
AIO global files:
gfd pathname bytes read page reads bytes write page writes io/s
3 rootchunk 2697216 1317 2418688 1181 224.8
op type count avg. time
seeks 0 N/A
reads 904 0.0010
writes 454 0.0112
kaio_reads 0 N/A
kaio_writes 0 N/A

onstat -g iob

The onstat -g iob option prints a summary of big buffer use.

onstat -g iov

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The onstat -g iov option shows asynchronous I/O statistics for each virtual

onstat -g ioa

The onstat -g ioa combines the onstat -g iob, the onstat -g iof, and
the onstat -g iov in one output.

Troubleshooting disk issues

Troubleshooting at the disk level is mostly done in the context of performance.

Usually, there is some process, such as a load or batch process that usually takes a
certain amount of time but, for some reason, is not.

Say a user calls in, is trying to update several million rows of a table, and wants to
know why it's taking so long.

One way to approach it is to look at things at the chunk level.

Listing 25. onstat -Dr snippet

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.10.FB5TL -- On-Line -- Up 06:23:43 -- 389

12 Kbytes
address number flags fchunk nchunks pgsize flags owner name
10aeded78 1 0x40001 1 1 2048 N B informix rootdbs
10aedee88 2 0x40001 12 1 2048 N B informix datadbs
10aedee98 3 0x40001 17 1 2048 N B informix idxdbs
1 active, 2047 maximum
address chunk/dbs offset page Rd page Wr pathname
10aedf028 12 2 0 157000 42790 /dev/chunks/datachunk
10aeee038 17 3 0 223414 1324123 /dev/chunks/indexdbschunk
1 active, 32766 maximum
NOTE: The values in the "page Rd" and "page Wr" columns for DBspace chunks
are displayed in terms of system base page size.
Expanded chunk capacity mode: always
Note: Due to space constraints, I am just including the relevant chunk information

address chunk/dbs offset page Rd page Wr pathname
10aedf028 12 2 0 157000 42790 /dev/chunksdatadbschunk

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10aeee038 17 3 0 223414 1324123 /dev/chunks/indexdbschunk

address chunk/dbs offset page Rd page Wr pathname
10aedf028 12 2 0 157103 50320 /dev/chunksdatadbschunk
10aeee038 17 3 0 343413 1924131 /dev/chunks/indexdbschunk
address chunk/dbs offset page Rd page Wr pathname
10aedf028 12 2 0 157195 51020 /dev/chunksdatadbschunk
10aeee038 17 3 0 386616 2242207 /dev/chunks/indexdbschunk

So, in looking at the output, you see that even though the datadbs dbspace is not
filling very fast, the idxdbs is extremely busy.

Why would the idxdbs be busy? Well, a simple dbschema could be run at that point
that would verify if the user has indexes on that table. A simple solution then is to
disable indexes and re-enable them after the mass update.

Section 4. The sysmaster database

The sysmaster database, sometimes referred to as the system monitoring interface
(SMI), is a special database designed with both real tables and pseudo-tables, and
can be used to gather information about the state of many components of your IDS
system. You can query these tables to identify processing bottlenecks, determine
resource usage, track session or database server activity, and so on.

The database server creates the sysmaster database when it initializes disk space.
The database server creates the database with unbuffered logging. You cannot drop
the database or any of the tables in it through the normal drop database commands.
To rebuild the sysmaster database, you should contact technical support to lead you
through the $INFORMiXDIR/etc/buildsmi utility.

Let's start by looking at the syslocks table in the sysmaster database and see how it
can help troubleshoot locking problems.

Example: Syslocks
The syslocks table tracks locks and is analogous to the output from onstat -k.

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Listing 26 is from a sample line of onstat -k output:

Listing 26. Output from onstat -k

address wtlist owner lklist type tblsnum rowid key#/bsiz
10a166f68 0 10afa7008 10a166ce8 HDR+X 10015f 100 0

There is a fair amount of data here, but it involves some work to get meaningful

Let's look at the same locks by executing the command in Listing 27 in sysmaster.
(Note that the "where" clause is omitted.)

Listing 27. Querying the syslocks table in sysmaster

Select * from syslocks

dbsname stores_demo
tabname customer
rowidlk 256
keynum 0
type X
owner 28

The first thing to notice is that instead of a cryptic partnum, there is an actual
database name and a table name. This is more meaningful for us. The other thing to
notice is that instead of the address for the owner given in the onstat -k output,
we are actually given a session id. So, you can run an onstat-g ses, -g sql,
-g stm to find out what the user is doing that has locked that resource.

One thing to note is that the results from querying the sysmaster database is usually
given in decimal format, whereas onstat output may be given in hexadecimal
format. This can cause some confusion if you are trying to track down a problem
using both modalities.

There are many pseudo-tables that are usually intuitively named to correspond with
the resource they are tracking.

Table 8. Other pseudo-tables

Table Corresponding onstat
sysconfig onstat -c
syschunks onstat -d (chunks part)
sysdbspaces onstat -d (dbspaces part)
syslogs onstat -l (logical logs part)
sysprofile onstat -p

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sysptntab onstat -t
sysusers onstat -u

Section 5. The sysadmin database

The scheduler is defined and driven by tasks, and the sysadmin database contains
the six tables that contain and organize scheduler task information. By default, only
user informix is granted access to the sysadmin database; other users may be
granted access to sysadmin. For detailed information about the scheduler, see the
IBM Informix Administrator's Guide. (Note: The scheduler is also covered in part 2 of
this tutorial series.)

The sysadmin database, which contains tables is a logged database. You use the
task properties (not configuration parameters) to define the information that the
scheduler collects and the statements the scheduler executes.

The sysadmin database also contains:

• The built-in task() function

• The built-in admin() function
• The command_history table, which contains information about the
commands that the Administration API ran
Do not drop or attempt to alter the sysadmin database; several other database
server components use it.


The PH_TASK table contains information about how and when a task will be

Table 9. PH_TASK table description

Column Description
tk_id Sequential task ID
tk_name Task name. A unique index on
this column ensures that no two
names are the same.
tk_description Description about this task

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tk_type Type of task:

• TASK: Executes a
task that does not
collect data
• SENSOR: A task
that collects data
Runs only when the
server starts
only when the server

tk_sequence Current data collection number.

System updated; do not modify.
tk_owner Owner's thread ID. System
updated; do not modify.
tk_result_table Result table name. Note: The
tk_result_table column is used
only by sensors and the content
matches the table created in
tk_create. When the tk_delete
interval is exceeded, data is
deleted from tk_result_table.
tk_create The CREATE TABLE statement to
execute. Note: The tk_create
column is used only by sensors
and, as necessary, is created to
contain any data a sensor might
tk_execute The SQL object to execute
tk_delete Deletes data older than this
tk_start_time Starting time of this task
tk_stop_time Time of day this task should stop
tk_frequency How often this task runs
tk_attributes Flags. System updated; do not
tk_group Flags> Group name references
tk_exec_num Number of times to execute this
tk_exec_time Total time spent executing this

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task. System updated; do not

tk_enabled Specifies whether or not the task
is enabled. If the value of
tk_enabled equals FALSE, the
task is not scheduled for
execution. Number of times to
execute this task.
tk_priority Job priority, on a scale of 0-5. If
there are several jobs to execute
simultaneously, the job with the
highest priority executes first. The
default is zero.


The PH_RUN table contains information about how and when each scheduler task

Table 10. PH-RUN column descriptions

Column Description
run_id Sequential ID generated during
run_task_id ID of the scheduler task executed
out of the PH_TASK table
run_task_seq Data collector sequence number
run_retcode Return code or SQL code from
the UDR or SQL statement
run_time Time this scheduler task was
run_duration Time it took to execute this job (in
run_ztime Time when onstat -z was last
run_btime Time when server was started
run_mtime Time the task was executed

Table 11. A sample row

Column Value
run_id 8
run_task_id 1
run_task_seq 1
run_retcode 0

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run_time 2007-04-09 11:46:46

run_duration 0.004943
run_ztime 1176137133
run_btime 1176137133
run_mtime 1176137206

The time this was executed was April 9 at 11:46. It is run once a day, and there is a
row for each and every run. The return code 0 shows that it was successful.


The PH_GROUP table contains names about the scheduling group names.

Table 12. PH_GROUP table description

Column Description
grouop_id Group ID
group_name Unique name of the group
group_description Description of the group

There are several different groups: MISC, DISK, NETWORK, MEMORY, CPU,


The PH_ALERT table contains information about errors, warnings, or informational

messages, for the scheduler.

Table 13. PH_ALERT table description

Column Description
ID Alert ID
alert_run_id Invocation of a scheduler task
that created the alert
alert_task_seq Identifies which invocation of the
scheduler task created the alert
alert_type Informational, warning, or error
alert_color Green, yellow, or red
alert_time Time the alert was generated
alert_state Indicates what state the object is
in currently:
• NEW: The alert was
newly added, and no

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other action has

occurred on this alert
• IGNORED: The alert
was acknowledged
by the DBA, and no
action was taken
The alert has been
acknowledged by the
alert has been
addressed by the

alert_state_changed The last time the state was

alert_object_type The type of object:

alert_object_name The name of the object

alert_message Message
alert_action Corrective action. This is an SQL
script that can be executed by the
user or tool, or it will be NULL if
no action is available. This script
must comply with all
multi-statement prepare rules.
alert_action_dbs Name of the database to use
when executing the alert_action


The PH_THRESHOLD table holds information about the thresholds before tasks are

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called by the scheduler.

Table 14. PH_THRESHOLD table description

Column Description
id Alert ID
task_name Scheduler task name associated
with the threshold
name Name of the threshold
Value Value of the threshold
Value_type The data type of the value

Section 6. Concurrency
When using a multiple thread, or multiple process architecture, concurrency is
important. Accessing the data in a single-threaded manner causes bottlenecks, as
processes or threads have to wait for resources. This can slow processing
dramatically. It is more efficient to have multiple applications connecting in parallel to
the database.


The WITH CONCURRENT TRANSACTION clause allows you to switch to a different
connection while a transaction is still active in the current connection. To switch to
another database while a transaction still active you must have the WITH
CONCURRENT TRANSACTION clause. Without this clause, you cannot switch to a
different connection if a transaction is active; the CONNECT or SET CONNECTION
statement will fail and return an error. The current transaction continues to be active
in the active connection.

The WITH CONCURRENT TRANSACTION clause supports the concept of multiple

concurrent transactions. This way, each connection can have its own transaction.
The COMMIT WORK and ROLLBACK WORK statements affect only the current

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Global transactions, in which one transaction spans multiple databases over multiple
connections, is not supported by the WITH CONCURRENT TRANSACTION clause.
The COMMIT WORK and ROLLBACK WORK statements do not act on databases
across multiple connections.

Concurrency and locks

There is always the possibility that, while one client is modifying data, another client
will read or try to modify the same data. Two or more clients trying to access the
data are said to be accessing it concurrently.

A multiuser database system requires a high level of concurrency. Concurrency can

lead to a variety of problems if there is not some sort of methodology to control
access to that data. A client could read data that has been modified or possibly
deleted, or an update could be lost in the shuffle.

The database server imposes a system of locks to guard against these eventualities.
A lock is a claim, or reservation, that a client can place on data. As long as the data
is locked, no other client can modify it. Depending on the SET LOCK MODE setting,
if another client requests the data, the database server either makes the other client
wait or tells the client the resource is not available, generating an error.

To control the effect that locks have on your data access, use a combination of SQL
statements: SET LOCK MODE, and either SET ISOLATION or SET

Committed read with last committed isolation level

If the isolation level is COMMITTED READ (and SET LOCK MODE is not set to
WAIT), locks which are held by other sessions can cause SQL operations to fail if
the current session cannot acquire a lock. Another situation that even SET LOCK
MODE to WAIT will not help is a deadlock. (A deadlock occurs when two users are
holding locks that the other wants) The LAST COMMITTED keyword option to the
SET ISOLATION COMMITTED READ statement of SQL reduces the risk of locking
conflicts. This syntax instructs the server to return the most recently committed
version of the rows, even if another concurrent session holds an exclusive lock. You
can use the LAST COMMITTED keyword option for both B-tree and functional
indexes, logged tables, and tables that do not have page-level locking or exclusive


USELASTCOMMITTED specifies the isolation level for which the LAST COMMITTED
feature of the COMMITTED READ isolation level is implicitly in effect.

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Range of values:

• None - No isolation level identified

• 'Committed Read' - All transactions from a committed read isolation level
• 'Dirty Read' - All transactions from a dirty read isolation level
• All - Both committed read and dirty read isolation levels
As an ONCONFIG parameter, changing its value will only take effect in the effect of
reinitializing shared memory.

Using onmode to affect isolation level

When the database server is in online mode, you can use the onmode -wm and
onmode -wf options to change the values of the USELASTCOMMITTED
configuration parameter.

To specify a new value for either configuration parameter for the current session,
use this syntax:

onmode -wm USELASTCOMMITTED=value

To change the value of either configuration parameter in the ONCONFIG file, use
this syntax:

onmode -wf USELASTCOMMITTED=value


The SET ENVIRONMENT SQL statement can specify options at runtime that affect
subsequent queries submitted within the same routine. This is an extension to the
ANSI/ISO standard for SQL.

The settings for USELASTCOMMITTED correspond to the onconfig parameters:

• None - No isolation level identified

• 'Committed Read' - All transactions from a committed read isolation level
• 'Dirty Read' - All transactions from a dirty read isolation level
• All -- Both committed read and dirty read isolation levels

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Section 7. Conclusion
This has been a very brief overview of how to approach troubleshooting in IDS.

The onstat utility has been covered in some detail. onstat options to look at
memory usage, session information, disk usage, and locks have been

The sysmaster database has been introduced. The syslocks table has been
examined in detail, as well as introducing such tables as sysconfig, syschunks,
syslogs, sysprofile, sysdbspaces, sysptntab, and sysusers.

The sysadmin database was introduced also. This database is tied to the scheduler,
which is covered in part 2 of the series.

Lastly, this tutorial included some mention of the functionality of lock concurrency
and how to adjust it. This would be utilized in an environment with multiple
databases (and database servers) involved in a production architecture

Part 4 of the tutorial series teaches you about performance tuning.

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About the author

Joseph W. Baric, Jr.

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Joe Baric has been working in Advanced Support for Informix Products
for over ten years. In that time he has coded new features, provided
bug fixes, served as a subject matter expert, helped develop course
materials, and taught various classes on IDS. He can be reached at

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