Online CNF 6
Online CNF 6
Online CNF 6
usually an imagined person who inhabits a story
is an important element in fiction
Is an important element in nonfiction as well; but actual people including the
writer himself.
Character – in drama, characters are fictional people who is in actions in pursuit
of objectives show their essence or nature. Through the character’s action we
can judge if they are greedy or generous, aware, or oblivious, courage or
cowardly, devious, or honest, bold, or faint-hearted, firm or indecisive. Can be
sketch by profiling, by knowing character’s form, social background, physical
appearance, emotional traits, like, dislikes, interest in life, or problem.
The actual conversation the writer has remembered or recorded is an effective
device for revealing characters.
What characters say or how characters express themselves provides readers of
the kind of people they are – careful, temperamental, cautious, dismissive, rude,
straightforward, evasive, defiant, etc.
The nuances of one’s character are often revealed through dialogue.
Another way is through monologue – a long speech by one person in a
Still another way is by focusing on a character’s distinct or idiosyncratic behavior.
Use dialogue to strength the persona of the characters and to broaden
audience’s understanding of their desires, problems, and the obstacles they
encounter. Let the dialogue flow freely and spontaneously from the characters
2. Action and Reaction are great way to reveal character without the need for
Lots of explanation or large info dumps. As writers, we can show, rather than
tell, by virtue of how they respond. Everyone is multifaceted and complex and
your characters should be no different.
3. Dialogue. The great thing about dialogue is that is can be manipulated to illicit
responses from the reader. A character may talk with passion or anger or
heightened emotion…or none at all, and what they say in conversation should
draw your reader and engage them.
5. Focusing on a Character’s Distinct or Idiosyncratic Behavior. The definition
of idiosyncratic is quirky or peculiar, or the temperament which is unique to an
individual. An example of an idiosyncratic person is someone who does a lot of
out of the ordinary things. An example of an idiosyncratic trait is the way a
person always deals with disappointment.
Beliefs and conviction of the character Home and work-life of the character
a.) Book: (Telling the truth – The Art of Creative Nonfiction for SHS; Page 34-44)
Augusto Antonio A. Aguila, Ph.D.
Ralph Semino Galán, M.A.
John Jack G. Wigley, Ph.D.
Cristina Pantoja Hidalgo, Ph.D.
b.) Other Resources: Internet (