MIT 404 Main 2022
MIT 404 Main 2022
MIT 404 Main 2022
Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions.
a) The quicksort algorithm is one of the fastest sorting algorithms. Using pseudo
code, outline the steps for implementing it. [6 marks]
b) Show all steps in quicksort applied to the array 20 80 40 25 60 10 15 use 20 as
the pivot. [6 marks]
c) From the steps in 3b above, determine the time complexity function 𝑓(𝑛) and
the big O of 𝑓(𝑛). [4 marks]
d) Determine the best case, average case and worst case time complexity scenario.
[4 marks]
5 d
4 6
a 1 8 2 f
2 3
c e
Figure 1: Graph traversal
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MIT 404
c) In figure 1, let node a be the root, determine all the spanning trees of the graph
hence the minimum spanning tree. [6 marks]
d) Let A be the graph in figure 1. Write the adjacency matrix for A, Compute A.A
and discuss the meaning of the resulting figures [5 marks]
b) For the graph (figure 2), give one possible Depth First Search (DFS) traversal
starting from node 0 as the source. Note that the graph is directed.
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