DRD Final
DRD Final
DRD Final
Deep Roots
Kwabena Kumah Mohana Vidhya
ID No: 0739977 ID No: 0768377
•DRD’s capital and resource constraints are hindering its ability to compete in the
alcohol beverage sector.
•Positive recommendations
Business Strategy &
Customer Focus
2 4 4 1
•Strong competitors with 2 •Availability of •Intense No availability of
diverse products & prices competitive brands & competition &
pricing Diversity
•Availability of their
•Product differentiation
own raw materials
(craft/ organic/ quality) •Switching cost is low •Competitor
Brand popularity
•Easy availability of
•Capital Requirements •Limited product range
alternate sources &
•Government policies like •Buyers access to
license, tax information
Financial Feasibility
To achieve a substantial Leveraging product uniqueness
amount of income during their Company Vision to grow in competitive alcohol
next year of operations and to sector and to mitigate their
To become viable business
become viable in the long run capital & resource constraints
opportunity for the young
to pay salary.
family by growing locally &
Evaluation of alternatives
To achieve To become viable Leveraging product
Evaluation Criteria / substantial income business opportunity by uniqueness to grow in
Total Score
Alternatives & to become viable growing locally & competitive alcohol
in the long run globally sector
stand out with a strong brand identification Expanding the distribution channels could Give tours and tastings to boost brand
they can include a unique logo, help DRD reach more people. These awareness. Visitors could sample items
packaging, and branding that conveys the might involve collaborations with local and learn about the company's history
company's values and mission. taverns and restaurants, online sales, and
shipment to out-of-town customers. and production process.
Deep Root Distillery may interact with the Deep Root Distillery should constantly try new goods and
community and display its products by production methods to keep ahead of the competition.
attending local events and festivals. Food New flavours, ingredients, and production methods may
and drink festivals, farmer's markets, and be explored.
community events are examples.
Thanks !