Quality Management Final

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Programme:- BBA

Semester:- 2
Roll Number:- 2114501175
Course Name and Code:- Quality Management
University Mail ID:- jain.2114501175@mujonline.edu.in
Set 1

Q. 1 Discuss various dimensions of Quality with suitable examples.

Answer→ Quality product means the product which has the capacity to fulfil the expectations of
customers. But this definition is not applicable in all situations so to define “Quality” properly,
there are some dimensions. They are as follows:
1. Performance:- It is the main and primary dimension of Quality which involves the various
operating characteristics of the product or service.
For ex- A Laptop, then its speed, quality of picture, sound, etc. are some of its performing
2. Features:- In many products or services, there are certain features which attract people.
These are characteristics that are similar to the basic operational characteristics.
For ex- Face unlock feature of mobile phone, big dickey of a car, etc.
3. Durability:- Durability means how long we can use the particular product or service. It
measures the time that a product performs before any need of replacement.
For ex- the durability of perishable commodities such as bread, milk, etc. is generally of
few days and on the other hand the durability of home appliances such as TV, Fridge, etc.
is of many years.
4. Reliability:- It means the degree of dependability and trustworthiness of the benefit of the
product for a long period of time. It addresses the probability that the product will work
without interruption or breaking down.
5. Serviceability:- Serviceability means to solve customer complaints with ease, courtesy and
promptness. Repairs of products and maintenance are also related to this.
For ex- Repairing a filter in minimum time and cost.
6. Appearance/Feeling:- It means how the product can be felt to a human by its smell, taste,
sound, etc.
For ex- noise of a power generator.
7. Uniformity:- Uniformity means less variety among different products of same type.
For ex- Luxurious products, which has less variety among different products.
8. Consistency and Conformance:- It means to being consistent and conforming the pre
determined norms and standards, being on time, etc.
For ex- Dominos always be on time and deliver their pizza within 30 minutes or give it for
9. Safety:- Safety is now became one of the important dimension of quality. People nowadays
are ready to pay high for safe products.
For ex- Eye comfort LED bulbs are available nowadays in markets.
10. Timing:- It gives a particular time to complete the particular service or product.
For ex- Train arrives at a particular station within the scheduled timing.
11. Customer service:- Pre sales service, guiding the customer during sales and after sale
service are the important dimensions of quality.
For ex- when you purchase a TV, then the after sale service of that shopkeeper is to mount
the TV on your wall, start it, show its functions to you, etc.
12. Compatibility:- Compatibility refers to adaptability of a product or service with standard
or existing interfaces.
For ex- computer peripherals and the other accessories, international socket, etc.
So the above are the dimensions that are required to determine the Quality of a product or service.






Dimensions of Appearance / Feeling

Quality Uniformity

Consistency and Conformance



Customer Service

Q. 2 List the different ways of enhancing the top management’s commitment towards quality.
Answer→ Quality is one of the major aspect of any product or service. Nowadays people prefer
good quality product. There is a big role of the top management towards quality of the product.
The top management should maintain the quality of the product in.
There are different ways of enhancing the top management’s commitment towards quality which
are as follows:
1. Using a Quality register:- The quality register is prepared at the starting of any project. It
is a document which summarizes all the quality management activities that are either
planned or completed. Successful top managers plan their activities using a quality register.
2. Continuous Improvement:- Continuous improvement is the most important aspect for
quality. When a company improves continuously then it saves money and time, also it
experiences an improved performance. Market today is changing day by day and
continuous improvement will help the company to stay with the trends.
3. Process Approach:- Process means set of activities that uses resources such as people and
machines to transforms the inputs into the outputs. If the top management has a good
process, then it will have good results. A good example of this approach is baking a cake.
If you will follow a proven recipe in baking the cake (process), it will provide a good cake
(output). So if your input is good, your process is good then definitely the output which
you will get is also good.
4. Effective Leadership:- Leaders are responsible for creating and maintaining the internal
environment. Having the right leaders is a main strategy for running any business
successfully. Good leadership is the core of the business. Generally the leaders are from
top management. They establish the direction of the organization. Generally good leaders
direct the organization in making quality products. Good leaders engage with employees
and lead them towards achieving the organizational’s goals.
5. Customer Focus:- Customer focus basically means prioritizing customer needs. It’s a very
simple rule of business that make those products which customer demands. Successful top
managers satisfy their customers and maintain strong customer relationships by
establishing customer focused business. Moreover, they succeed not just by focusing on
customers needs but on customers expectations. To become successful, an organization
want to understand the customers present and future needs. As businesses nowadays
producing high quality products, it results in more satisfied customers and increased
6. People Engagement Strategy:- Another effective quality management strategy is
engagement of employees. Top management strategize to encourage employees to
constantly improve their skills and maintain consistency. They engage employees by
asking their opinions, mentoring them, discuss their challenges, rewarding them on good
performance, etc. This all will motivate employee to work hard and if there are good quality
of employees then they will produce good quality products.
Q. 3 Explain the various criteria for the organizations to select appropriate suppliers.
Answer→ Selecting the appropriate supplier is one of the important aspect of business. We get the
raw material for producing our product from the suppliers. Earlier, the businesses was selecting
the suppliers on the basis of their financial stability, market position, brand name, etc. The most
used criteria by the organization for selecting the appropriate suppliers are as follows:
1) Price:- Price means generally the cost of the product at a particular supplier including its
warranty, repair costs, etc. In today’s world, there is so much of competition and price
plays an important role in selecting the supplier. If one supplier is selling the particular
product at Rs. 100/- and the second supplier is selling the same product at Rs. 90/-, then
we will definitely choose the second supplier.
2) Quality:- It means that what quality of product is the supplier is providing to us. Some
suppliers sells product at low cost but they are of very low quality which not suits our
business, so the business should first check the quality of the product. Because a standard
quality of raw material is required for a standard quality of final product.
3) Delivery:- It is very important that when the supplier delivers the product. It should be on
time and fast. The business should not select the supplier who take so much time in
delivering the product. Because when the business get the right product at right time, it
creates huge profits.
4) Technical Capability:- It means the technical capabilities of the suppliers, that what
techniques they use, what skills they have, etc. Generally the business will select the
supplier who uses modern technology in its process. There are very few chances or no
chances that the business will select the supplier using poor technology or traditional
5) Responsiveness and adaptability:- It means how the supplier responds to the change.
Business and technology in today’s world are keep changing. The one who adapts the
change can survive in this world and the other who don’t respond and adapt cant survive.
The supplier should be responsive and have the ability to adapt the changing circumstances.
6) Quality Management system:- Some businesses or organization uses only Quality
products. So they want that their suppliers should also have the certification regarding the
Quality i.e. ISO. That certification serves as a core requirement in the selection of supplier.
It ensures that the product of the particular suppliers meet the quality requirements.
So those are some criteria for selecting the appropriate supplier for the business or organization.
Set 2

Q. 4 Discuss the Quality management principles in details.

Answer→ Every successful business has a keen focus on quality. But, if you want consistent
quality, you need an intelligent strategy. The Quality Management Principles set by ISO
9001:2008 are as follows:
1. Customer focus:- Successful organizations focusses on customer satisfaction. They
produce the products according to the customers needs. They speak with them through
feedbacks. After learning about the customers needs, organization can forecast their future
needs and adapt their business accordingly. It is the most important principle of ISO 9001-
2. Leadership:- Great leaders and great leadership leads to great organizations. So its
important to have a great leader. To be a great leader, you must establish unity of purpose
and direction within your organization, you must communicate with your employees, you
must be confident and you must be flexible to be in any situation.
3. Involvement of People:- Its important to have the participation of people in every activity.
From top managers to the employees everyone’s opinion should be considered. It is also
one of the important principle according to the ISO standard.
4. Process Approach:- The organization should adopt the process approach to management.
They needs to set their objectives and goals and work accordingly. Those activities will be
delegated to individuals and groups. The activities must be monitored and measured. Then
the organization will gradually come to adopt optimal performance of this activity. They
will improve their methods and materials in this processes.
5. System approach to management:- It is necessary to have a perfect system in the
organization to perform the tasks. Organizations watch the interrelated processes as a
system. The system approach follows the process and attains the objectives of the
organization in the best way.
6. Continuous Improvement:- Successful business are always consistent, innovating and
improving in every field of their business. Today, we are living in the world which is
changing day-by-day, so the one who adapts the changes and improve their performance
survives. The ISO standard also says that the organizations should must be committed to
continuous improvement.
7. Factual approach to decision making:- The organizations must use factual information
while taking any decision. They need to gather and analyze useful data of the own
organization and also of the market outside. So it will enables better comparing,
competing, finding mistakes done by the organizations in past, etc. and will make the
decision better and informed based on the factual approach.
8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationship:- According to ISO Standards, the organization
should must have a good relationships with the external stakeholders such as suppliers,
customers, contractors, etc. This will help the organizations in less wastage, improved use
of raw materials, lower the cost of the products, etc.
Q. 5 Discuss the process of benchmarking and quote a suitable example of a company’s
benchmarking process.
Answer→ In business, benchmarking is a process used to measure the quality and performance of
your organization and its products, services and processes and compare that data with other
company or some sort of standard.
The process of benchmarking is as follows:
1. Decide what to benchmark:- Executives and top management will decide that which
processes are critical to the company’s success. And only those processes will be measure
and analyse for benchmarking. For ex- the critical factors that result in customer
satisfaction, factors which are not performing well, those process that are causing trouble
to the organization, etc.
2. Understanding current performance:- Its important to analyze our own company firstly, in
those processes which are critical and then we should compare it with the competitors. It
will help in knowing our organization better. It can be done through graphs, diagrams,
charts, etc.
3. Planning:- Planning is the most important process in every situation. So proper planning
should be done while benchmarking the company. The important functions are to
determine what type of data to be collected, which type of benchmarking strategy should
be carried out, which company should be select for benchmarking process, etc.
4. Studying others:- Its important to study the process of your competitor’s company and also
their final results achieving from those processes. Company should gather and analyze the
data of their competitor. The information should be gathered by websites, journals,
business magazines, etc. this is called as secondary data. And if this is not enough then
company can opt for primary data which can be gathered through site visits, focus groups,
questionnaire, etc.
5. Learning from the data:- After collecting enough data of the competitor’s company, look
at the data you have collected and compare that with data of your own company. Watch, at
which point you are behind your competition, try to identify what causes gap in your
process, and try to fill those gaps.
6. Using the findings:- If you find the gap between the processes, then steps should be taken
to fill that gaps properly.
The Benchmarking is a continuous process, so all the things should be repeat after a certain period
of time.
Nowadays benchmarking process is using in every sector like technology, healthcare, hospitality,
etc. But mostly this is happening in the technology sector like smartphones, earphones,
smartwatches, etc.
In technology sector a company may monitor the product of its competitor’s company. Then they
can also compare its features, programs, design or measure the product life cycle with their own
company. They will figure it out the USP of that particular product and try to add that USP in their
own company. Nowadays the companies of smartwatches and earphones are increasing like Boat,
noise, firebolt and so the competition is also increasing. They compare their product with the
competitors product, find the gaps and try to fill those gaps. So the company use this benchmarking
process to be the best in the field.
Q. 6 “Employee motivation leads to involvement.” Justify this statement with a suitable example.
Answer→ It’s a true statement that employee motivation will lead to their involvement. A
motivated employee always gives their 100% for the company. The involvement in organizational
activities increases when the employees are motivated. If there is not any involvement of
employees, even the best quality program fails. So it is important to motivate employees so that
they will involve in the organizational activities.
There are various ways of motivating an employee which will lead to involvement which are as
1. Asking the opinion of employees in decision making process.
2. Appreciating and rewarding the hardworking employees of the organization.
3. Celebrating birthdays of employees.
4. Awarding salary increases or bonuses to some best employees.
5. Create a conducive work environment.
6. Giving health insurance and tours for employees and their families.
7. Encourage them, train them and motivate them.
So those are some ways for involvement of employees in company programs and activities. Those
things will definitely motivate the employee and so the employee will involve in each and every
activity to do its best for himself and for the organization.
Employee motivation leads to certain benefits which are as follows:
1. Increases productivity:- A motivated employee works hard and try to achieve the goals and
objectives of the organizations. Also it will lead to increase the productivity of the
2. Fosters innovation and creativity:- If the employee is motivated then he/she will work hard
to contribute in the success of the organization. The motivated employee will therefore
give its opinions and ideas to the organization which leads to innovation.
3. Improves employee satisfaction:- It’s important for an employee to be passionate about
his/her job. A motivated employee can help to create a positive working environment. It
will also make the employee more committed to its work and its organization which will
lead to employee satisfaction.
Those are some of the benefits of employee motivation which will definitely lead to involvement
of employees.
An example of this statement is Tata group of company and its owner Ratan Tata, Tata group
motivates there employees very much which leads to their involvement. Many people also wants
to do job in Tata company because they really cares about their employees. Tata Steel (one of the
company of Tata Group) has launched a unique programme called “Aspire Knowledge Manthan”
which facilitates knowledge sharing among supervisions and workers. The objective of this
programme is to motivate workers to perform better and to enhance their capabilities. Also another
Tata company i.e. TCS has a job rotation policy that gives exposure to the employees about the
new responsibilities and functions to perform. It reduces the boredom of doing same work
regularly and hence motivates and involves employee in every type of work.
Hence it is proved that “Employee motivation leads to involvement”.

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