COMSATS University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus-Pakistan: Electrical (Power) Engineering
COMSATS University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus-Pakistan: Electrical (Power) Engineering
COMSATS University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus-Pakistan: Electrical (Power) Engineering
Kashif Zaman
Syed Moazzam Ali
Uzair Ahmed
BS Thesis
In Electrical (Power) Engineering
Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization
A Thesis Presented to
Kashif Zaman
Syed Moazzam Ali
Uzair Ahmed
Fall 2022
Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization
Engr. Sir Khurram Jahangir
Lecturer, Electrical and Power Engineering
Abbottabad Campus
COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI)
Abbottabad Campus
Jan 2022
Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization
Final Approval
Kashif Zaman
Syed Moazzam Ali
Uzair Ahmed
Has been approved
Engr.Khurram Jahangir, Lecturer
HOD: ______________________________________________
Dr..Owais Khan, Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CUI, Abbottabad
Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization
Kashif Zaman
Uzair Ahmed
Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization
Date: _________________
Head of Department:
Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization
Text Here (12, Times New Roman Regular, 1.5 line spacing and paragraph spacing of
Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization
I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the
possibility to complete this thesis. A special gratitude goes to my project Supervisor,
Engr Khurram Jhangir, whose suggestions and encouragement, helped me to a lot to
conduct my project especially in writing this thesis. Furthermore, I would also like to
acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of all staff of Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, who gave the permission to use all required
equipment and the necessary materials to complete the task in library. I would like to
appreciate the guidance given by other teachers as well as the panels especially during
project presentation that helped me to improve the presentation skills through their
valuable comments and advices.
Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization
Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization
Table of Contents
1.1 BACKGROUND..............................................................................................................
1.2 AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT.............................................................................
1.3 RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT.......................................................................................
1.4 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT...............................................................................................
1.5 LIMITATIONS................................................................................................................
1.6 TARGET BENEFICIARIES................................................................................................
1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY..............................................................................................
1.8 ACHIEVEMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT...........................................
Chapter 2...................................................................................................................................
Literature Review.........................................................................................................
2.LITERATURE REWIEW:.....................................................................................................
2.1 EFFECT OF POWER FAILURE:........................................................................................
2.2 EQUIPMENT VOLTAGE SUSCEPTIBILITY........................................................................
2.3 SYSTEM INTERACTIONS AND SOLUTIONS....................................................................
2.4 BACKGROUND OF THE AUTOMATIC THREE PHASE SELECTOR.....................................
(Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization GSM)
Chapter 1
As the growing population of the human race widens the gap between energy supply
and energy demand, the imbalance in energy availability has prompted researchers to
seek a way to settle this age-old dispute. The permanent solution is the alternative use
of renewable energy sources, a project that is yet to be widely implemented. The
continuation of the unbalanced yearns for sufficient strength. As a result, power lines
are often overloaded, resulting in blackouts due to the operation of switching devices
or the load shielding process performed by distribution authorities. As it is quite clear
that some institutions such as healthcare institutions and some other sensitive Systems
should not suffer as much as their counterparts, an automatic phase selector is used to
maintain power consumption during phase failure. The design of this circuit involves
the use of automatic switches, but the details of the design vary from place to place,
from time to time, and also depend on the type of load used. This project involves the
use of transistor relays to effect a phase change. Whenever the voltage condition
becomes unbearable in the previous connected phase.
An intelligent phase selector is a system that is able to compare three phases and
automatically switch to any of the three phases. The system consists of three main parts
namely; transformer, comparators (which is the brain of the system) and an electrical
switching device (relay). The transformer used here is a step-down type of transformer
(reduces 240V to 12V) and these transformers are supplied with different phase voltages,
rectified and smooth. It is then fed to a voltage regulator which has a positive output. The
regulator outputs were connected to comparators. There are three comparators here. We
call the comparators the brain of the system because these comparators are connected in
such a way that each of them gives an output. A relay in a system is where the output
voltage is connected. In this project, we even went so far as to use pictures to illustrate
some of the components.
i. To develop a simple low-cost device aimed at alleviating the prevailing load faced by
delicate offices, parastatal and institutions that need very low but constant power.
Since the power is always turned on along the distribution lines that supply such
places, which disrupts the progress of their work, there is always an unauthorized
(Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization GSM)
Due to the nature of this project, it was not easy to find research centers and
resources in the immediate area. Some of the constraints that this project faced
include financial and time constraints that didn't really allow for much room for
additional capacity beyond what is available.
(Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization GSM)
Chapter 2
Literature Review
In this chapter we are looking in to the definition of “Automatic three phase
selector’’, and what brought about the automatic phase selector. Also we will look at
way of effecting the design and construction; its area of application and uses and also
some of the important components in the device that make it carry out its operation
(Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization GSM)
provides perfect energy. This demonstrates a significant discrepancy between the two
positions, i.e unfortunately it is very common. Thousands of devices and years of
performance monitoring in large industrial plants clearly shows that almost without
The exception is these power plants with energy quality 8 to 24 annual disturbances
that are significant enough to affect the operation of the power plant. Most events are
of short duration (1-6 cycles), corresponding to deletions time of upstream utility
protective devices such as fuses, distributors, circuit breakers and re-closer [2, 3, 14].
It is important to understand their impact power failures on plant equipment and
processes. A process interruption due to a voltage drop may require a complete restart
of the process with hours of production interruption. This can clearly cause significant
economic losses to the plant. However, most plants operate with contingencies built in
for unplanned shutdowns, and these inefficiencies are usually absorbed within this
allowance. For plants with significant downtime costs, voltage drop deflection
solutions can protect against process interruptions. The market has been modified to
correlate equipment failures, particularly catastrophic failures, with power surges
[17]. The use of multiple layers of surge suppressors provides clear evidence that the
fear of damaging the device drives users to this "use and pray" strategy. Yet voltage
dips occur thousands of times more often than harmful power surges. In fact, even
lightning strikes on the power grid, considered the main culprit of voltage surges,
were rarely correlated with actual measured voltage surges, but were often correlated
with voltage sags [16]. The impact of voltage drops on the device has not been studied
in detail and the interactions are poorly understood. This paper shows that the very
devices at the heart of industrial automation – industrial drives, PLCs, robots and
motors – are also likely to be the most susceptible to damage from short-term voltage
dips. This is a very counter intuitive result as the device is expected to be robust under
lower voltage conditions. In fact, some of the procedures followed to allow device
drivers to ride through voltage drops can increase the potential for device damage.
Finally, the article presents some techniques for minimizing the potential for damage
to typical industrial automation equipment. The document also points to the need for a
standard that specifies the behavior of equipment during short-term voltage drops, a
frequently occurring condition.
(Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization GSM)
designer with a guide for selecting a specific capacity value. Typical voltage ripple
and input current. It can be seen that such power supplies feature a uniform shift
factor but result in a poor harmonic factor poor overall power factor. This type of
power supply is ubiquitous and used in virtually all equipment found in the factory.
(Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization GSM)
power supply thanks to almost seamless switching between networks power supply
and three phases. Electricity (energy) which plays a major role in economic
development and nation, forms the basis of this study, with an interest in human,
infrastructural and economic development. In most developing and underdeveloped
parts the world is the supply of electricity for industrial, commercial and domestic use
highly unstable. This leads to frequent use of alternative energy sources supplies to
cover energy demands. Introducing these alternatives of supply sources presents the
challenge of a smooth and timely transition between mains and alternative sources
whenever a fault occurs on a network source. There is also a need to reduce the
switching effort between two sources on the human side. The solutions to these
challenges form focus of this work. The automatic three-phase selector switches
automatically for alternating phases in the event of a power failure. Automatic three A
phase selector is a device that connects a load and three phases and a relay switches.
This allows both remaining phases to be used, if any power failure. It can be either
three-phase or single-phase phase. This device automatically maintains constant load
power activation phase if necessary.
(Optimal Phase Selection for Uninterrupted Power Utilization GSM)
6) Patel Ritesh, Dalwadi Harsh, Patel Priyal, Pittal Aarif , Mr. Viral Patel, ETAL -
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development
Scientific Journal of Impact Factor (SJIF): 4.72 Special Issue SIEICON-
2017,April -2017,e-ISSN : 2348-4470,p-ISSN : 2348-6406
7) Nirbhay Singh, Nitesh Kumar, Amrish Kumar, ETAL - International Journal &
Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research, ISSN No:
2348 - 4845, Volume No: 4 (2017), Issue No: 3 (March).