Sagar Cements Limited: 26th October 2022
Sagar Cements Limited: 26th October 2022
Sagar Cements Limited: 26th October 2022
Dear Sirs,
Pursuant to the above said Regulation, we are forwarding herewith the transcription
of the Conference Call held by us on 20th October, 2022 in connection with the
recently announced un-audited stand-alone and consolidated financial results for the
second quarter and half-year ended 30th September, 2022.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
For Sagar Cements Limited
Company Secretary
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Sagar Cements Limited (SAGCEM)
Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
Manish Valecha: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Welcome you all to the 2Q
FY23 Results Conference Call of Sagar Cements Limited. We have
with us from the management Mr. Sreekanth Reddy, Joint Managing
Director; Mr. K. Prasad, CFO; Mr. Rajesh Singh, CMO; and Mr. R
Soundararajan, the Company Secretary. We will start the today's
session with opening remarks from the management and then will be
followed by a Q&A session.
I would now like to hand over the call to Mr. Gavin Desa of CDR for
his opening remarks. Over to you, Gavin.
Gavin Desa: Thank you, Manish, and thank you for introducing the management. I
just like to add that some of the statements made in today's discussions
may be forward-looking in nature. And a note to this effect was shared
in the inviter, as I shared with you earlier. We've emailed the
communications adviser you've received them.
I'd now like to now hand over to Mr. Reddy to make his opening
remarks. Over to you, Sreekanth.
Sreekanth Reddy: Thank you, Gavin. Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to Sagar
Cements earnings call for the quarter ended 30th September 2022.
Let me begin the discussions with a brief overview of the market in
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
terms of the demand and pricing, post which I will move on to Sagar
specific developments.
The EBITDA for the quarter stood at ₹6 crores as against ₹61 crore
generated during Q2 FY22 lower by 91%, largely owing to higher
input prices. Margin for the current period stood at 1% as against
around 16% reported during the corresponding period last year. Raw
material prices were fairly stubborn during Q2, which resulted in
margin compression of almost 1,500 basis points. We have seen an
unprecedented surge in prices of key raw materials, which were
aggravated following the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Although the prices of
few raw materials have started to trend lower, one needs to see if the
moderation continues in coming months.
Average fuel costs stood at ₹2,066 per ton as against ₹1,263 per ton
reported during Q2 FY22. Elevated prices of coal and coke resulted in
higher per ton cost of fuel for the quarter. Freight cost for the quarter
stood at ₹797 per ton as against ₹795 per ton during Q2 FY22. Loss
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
after tax for the quarter stood at ₹49 crore as against the profit of ₹20
crore reported during Q2 FY22.
Question-and-Answer Session
Manish Valecha: The first question is from Shravan Shah. Please go ahead.
Shravan Shah: Sir, the first question is with regards to our guidance. So, 5 million
volume guidance that we've gave and that took 3.5 million to 3.6
million tons from the existing and the remaining from the new plants.
But if I look at till now, our old plants these days is giving a better
volume. So, do we maintain the same 5-million-ton volume guidance
and in terms of the share from the new plants both the MP and Odisha
plant can be slightly lower?
Sreekanth Reddy: Good morning, Shravan. See now talking about the overall target, I
think we achieved 2.22 million for the first half. For 5 million for the
overall year, probably it is too soon for us to rule out, it looks high
probability. Having said that, we are maintaining the same stance for
Satguru plant that is the MP plant at close to 0.6 million, but Jajpur
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
Having said that the other assets did perform reasonably well. So, we
would want to take the corrective steps or know exactly what you do
end of this current quarter, that is the end of Q3, we will be in a better
position. But worst we expect that we'd not go below 4.75 million at
this point of time, Shravan.
Shravan Shah: Yeah, sir I was about to come on the EBITDA part. So, as you
mentioned, it is difficult to offer any guidance, but still in terms of the
power and fuel. The increase seems to be a significantly higher
because last time we said it should not be up that much. So now how
do we see this Q3 in terms of…?
Sreekanth Reddy: No Mr. Shravan, now let me reiterate what we have indicated at that
point of time. The drop-in fuel prices are expected middle of this
current quarter. So, we are more than hopeful that we should definitely
save around ₹250 per ton on the power and fuel alone for the current
quarter, because the mix what we have indicated earlier where the
domestic coal and pet coke was 50:50. Now, we started firing at
60:40. So, we are more than hopeful and we do have the domestic coal
pipeline with lot more clarity, and we are very sure that we'd be saving
around ₹250 rupees per ton only on the fuel for the current quarter
itself Mr. Shravan.
Shravan Shah: And this will further increase in the fourth quarter in terms of the
savings hopefully for…
Sreekanth Reddy: See, I think let us take one quarter at a time, because as I mentioned
even in my opening remarks, those some of the pet coke prices have
been, they trended down for a very brief, again they are trending
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
upward. So, at this point of time, our inventory for the fuel is for the
current quarter, we know with lot more clarity about what we can do
for the current quarter. So, we are very sure that we would be
achieving around ₹250 per ton on a power and fuel this thing for the
current quarter at ₹250 for minimum saving is possible for the current
quarter alone. The next quarter I think we will take it as we come
close to those.
Shravan Shah: Yeah, and just to reconfirm in terms of the net debt of ₹850 odd crore
that could be the operational net debt that guidance we will maintain
Sreekanth Reddy: Yes, sir. I think on the balance sheet items, I think the narration
remains very similar to what we have maintained even in the past so.
Shravan Shah: And sir, any update on the Andhra Cement NCLT because last time
we said mostly September, October?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, I think we did mention that it is end of Q3 I think we are
hopeful that it should get resolved before the end of Q3 sir. So, we are
maintaining the same stance.
Shravan Shah: And then to a couple of points, what was the trade share for this
quarter and in terms of the post September and have you seen any
price increase in any of our markets?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, the trade sale got reduced for the current quarter, obviously,
because of the monsoon. So, there was a bit of more a non-trade sale.
We are maintaining around 55%, 57% is the trade and the rest
constitutes the non-trade. Going forward again we will revert back to
65:35 kind of a trade non-trade mix.
Now, coming to the realizations, there has been good uptick again on
a relative scale across the markets that we service. Hyderabad market
alone we have seen almost ₹18 to ₹20 kind of a jump per bag. Vizag is
around ₹15, Bangalore is ₹25. Yeah, we have not seen major shift in
North Karnataka markets. North Tamil Nadu and South Tamil Nadu is
around ₹25. Maharashtra markets we have seen ₹20 kind of an
increase for ourselves. Odisha, we have seen close to ₹10. Indore we
are yet to see any major shifting our realizations.
Sreekanth Reddy: Yes sir, it is exit of September to the first 15 days of October.
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
So, the question is from Rituparna Gosh. Can you please elaborate your fuel mix going ahead?
Are you exploring Russian coal, if so how is it affecting in terms of
production and kindly give your views on thermal versus pet coke
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, see I mentioned we are primarily using the domestic coal along
with the domestic pet coke. We did receive an imported pet coke
shipment recently, but as you have noticed us probably what you're
seeing is that the imported pet coke prices slowly started going
upward. The last shipment that we received close to around a month
back or close to 20 days back, the landed cost was around $169. Now
we are seeing the spot prices and the one-month November deliveries
are already at $195. So, we are again going back to the domestic pet
coke. The mix as indicated will be 60% domestic coal and a 40% pet
coke. We are not using any Russian coal, basically sticking to the
domestic coal along with the domestic pet coke at this point of time.
Yeah, we did indicate even in our presentation the prices, typically the
landed prices at Mattampally though that's not our cost. The indicative
spot prices, which we have estimated part of our presentation, where
we did indicate the imported pet coke prices per Kcal to the domestic
and imported, yeah, it's on slide number what we have indicated here.
Yeah, we have indicated that imported pet coke is at ₹2.53 per Kcal on
a landed basis, Indian pet coke is at ₹2.20, imported coal is at ₹3.37,
domestic is at ₹1.82 on a landed basis at Mattampally. I mean these
are more indicative prices just to sum up some of the questions that
you have had.
Manish Valecha: The next question is from Arun Narendranath. Apart from Andhra
Cements are you targeting any other inorganic acquisition?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, it is too soon for me to comment sir. Yes, we did identify a
couple of assets. But we would want to take one step at a time. So
currently, we are more focused on Andhra. Yeah, the outcome of that
would decide for the other options that we have. The target is to reach
to 10 million. Based on the progress of Andhra, we would want to
pursue the other options that we have. Yes, we do have at least another
asset in our radar. But the outcome of Andhra would decide how we
would progress on the other one.
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
Now, there was also another question from the same gentlemen on the
PIL. I think there is no PIL sir, it is Dalmia who has given the thing
and there is no stay on the process, there is a stay on voting. So that I
think is for the state -- the outcome of that would be known only end
of this month. But for that I cannot comment anything beyond that.
We are more than hopeful that, at an NCLT, the Andhra transaction
should get concluded or there is a possibility that it should get
concluded before end of Q3 is what is the impression that we have.
Manish Valecha: The next question is from Abhisar Jain. Please go ahead.
Abhisar Jain: Sir, just continuing from your comments on the realization part, as you
mentioned that you're seeing some uptake in some of the markets so.
As things stand today sir, what kind of realization per ton
improvement do you expect on a quarter-on-quarter basis for Q3?
Sreekanth Reddy: See, we just know the last 15 days trend Mr. Abhisar. I didn't read out
the indicative gross prices at the retail level. If you knock off close to
around 30% odd of that, that should get added up again on a weighted
basis, but it's too soon for us to comment on that.
Abhisar Jain: Understand, and on the cost side while you mentioned that the savings
from the power and fuel what you're expecting on a sequential basis
for the other cost line items including freight and RM, do you expect
to drive any savings for H2 versus H1?
Sreekanth Reddy: See, raw material again is a question of blending, per se did not
increase our cost, but since the blending -- blended cement portfolio
went up, which is a good sign for us. That much increase in raw
material is seen. The offsetting price reduction power and fuel cost
reduction also is likely to happen going forward. Freight as we have
indicated in the presentation. Yeah, we are slowly coming down and
with the more volumes ramping up both at Jajpur and Jeerabad likely
that the freight costs should come down well for us. So, by how much
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October 20, 2022
is only time will tell, but definitely they would be trending down for
Abhisar Jain: Sir, actually, I just wanted a little bit understanding that where should
the freight stabilize when we really read that 5 million and then for the
next year 5.5 million kind of run rate, because you have added new
plants, which will ramp up, okay. And I think now, you must be
seeing some trends of the fuel prices stabilizing, which impact the
freight costs. So, if any indication and versus today's level of around
₹800 per ton. Where do you want to see?
Sreekanth Reddy: See right now we are at ₹797 sir. I mean, this is -- we don't know if
diesel prices would stabilize, but the current trend what we're looking
at it. Yeah, it remained at ₹797, there was a small increase that purely
because of small increase in the lead distance, but once both the assets
ramp up, we are reasonably sure. From earlier ₹300, we have indicated
that we'd be going close to around ₹280, I think that is where we
might land up.
Abhisar Jain: Sure. And sir, just the last thing on the Andhra asset under overall debt
number that we have of around ₹1,170 crore. Just wanted to get the
right sense on exactly how much of that is earmarked for the Andhra
asset and maybe deposited by us?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, ₹500 crores is what we have earmarked for acquisition sir. So
that is what you need to exclude from the overall kind of a long-term
debt of what we have.
Abhisar Jain: Right. And sir you have indicated in the past that if at all in a
unforeseen scenario of this asset not coming to you by because of any
whatsoever reason, I'm not going into that litigating matter and Dalmia
coming into the picture etc. But for any reason whatsoever if it doesn't
come through and you're saying it will get decided within this quarter
and what's the equity upside on this ₹500 crore that you may have?
Sreekanth Reddy: Sir, I cannot comment anything on those issues what -- see there is
always a possibility that the asset could go to any one of us. How
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
much, what and all only time will tell sir. So, it is too soon for us to
comment on that. We'd be very happy coming back to you as soon as
we reach to a point where we could disclose those numbers.
Abhisar Jain: Okay. But sir only one clarification if it were to go into a bidding sort
of a thing. Are you…
Sreekanth Reddy: Yes sir, it is in that process only sir. So, it is not, it would. It is
actually into that process sir.
Abhisar Jain: Okay. And so now you have the option to of course increase your bid
or walk away is it?
Sreekanth Reddy: Sir it is -- the process is ongoing sir. So, nothing is concluded as we
speak. So, the issue of uplink or downlink doesn't arise. We are still
part of -- we are part of the process.
Manish Valecha: Thank you. The next question is from Shravan Shah.
Shravan Shah: A couple of things, first in terms of the finance costs. So definitely
this is increasing because of the ₹500 crore update that we have taken
from Andhra. So, for the third quarter also, we will see the same run
rate. And from the fourth quarter, let's say if it materializes.
Sreekanth Reddy: It’s a subjective issue. See, we have earmarked ₹500 crores for the
acquisition sir. Yeah, if it materializes, that bit of portion will get
reduced and the reversal would happen. So that's what I would like to
highlight, Mr. Shravan at this time.
Shravan Shah: But at least for third quarter, at least 1.5 month, two months of the
finance costs.
Sreekanth Reddy: Yes sir. I think it's a subjective issue, as I mentioned, for the outcome
of the event. Yeah, it is basis that outcome. We are hopeful that we
should conclude this by end of Q3, if that happens, yeah, I think the
interest and the debt structure would get transformed accordingly.
Shravan Shah: Okay, and Second question sir, our Capex for the first half is ₹63 odd
crore, I can see from the cash flow, but we were looking at only ₹30
odd crore. So, what's the new number for the full-year FY23?
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October 20, 2022
Sreekanth Reddy: No, I think we have indicated the same sir, it is because partly rollover
of both the assets. That's what got indicated here, but we are sticking
to ₹30 crores for our maintenance Capex.
Shravan Shah: So, in the cash flow, though it is a ₹63 odd crore on a consolidated
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, majorly it is because of the rollover that has happened from last
year. Sir when we have commissioned not everything has been
capitalized. So those capitalizations have happened even in the last
quarter or the first half. So basically, so, but maintenance Capex
would not definitely not cross more than ₹30 crores, Mr. Shravan.
Shravan Shah: Okay, and my third question in terms of the pet coke, whatever the
percentage we are having so currently 65%, 66%. So, in that 70% odd
would be the domestic one. Is it a fair way to look at?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yes, we definitely got one ship load of 50,000 just 15 days to 20 days
back. The landed cost is at around $169, that includes the raising cost
and everything. But for that rest everything is domestic pet coke.
Yeah, if you look at Jeerabad, that is the Madhya Pradesh, the entire
thing is domestic, it is coming from IOCL Koyali that is the Baroda
Parth Bhavsar: I just had one question. So, like I wanted to know like, what is the
optionality at each of our five plants that we have like from there on
from current capacity? Is there any room for to increase our capacity?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, see each of our asset, again Mattampally and Gudipadu has
ample scope for. Mattampally has huge scope. We have net fairly
large limestone resources. Gudipadu, we could comfortably triple.
Satguru, there is scope for small increase at least to an extent of 0.5
million on the cement side. But clinker, we are uncomfortable if it is
less than 40 years or 50 years of deposit life. So, clinker scope is very
limited at Satguru, but in Mattampally as well as in Gudipadu as I
mentioned, in Gudipadu we could from a million, we could
comfortably go up to close to 4 million.
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
Parth Bhavsar: Sir, basically we can add like, we would want to add at Gudipadu like
rather than Mattampally.
Sreekanth Reddy: Sir if at all if you have to add. The first priority would be at Gudipadu
Parth Bhavsar: Gudipadu. Fair enough. And sir just like wanted to understand what
would be the Brownfield Capex cost at current?
Sreekanth Reddy: It's an elevated kind of a level. So, is the services costs sir.
Parth Bhavsar: Okay. And so just like to quantify number at Mattampally would be
how much like optionality?
Parth Bhavsar: So, it's basically the land and everything is like everything is bought.
Limestone availability is there.
Parth Bhavsar: Like you just to still put a number like if possible?
Sreekanth Reddy: Sir. I think, see we have indicated close to around 420 odd million
tons of limestone is there, which is readily available. With the
potential increase, it could go up to 800 million. So, with the 800
million limestone, you can see to what extent we could go so.
Parth Bhavsar: Fair enough. Done sir. Thank you so much. That's it from side.
Manish Valecha: Thank you. We will take few questions from the chat window, so what
is your lead distance for the quarter railroad mix? And what is the
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Sagar Cements Limited (SAGCEM)
Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
Sreekanth Reddy: The current lead distance for Q2 is at 271 kilometres. The railroad
mix, yeah, we did indicate the Jajpur movement is mostly by rail in
terms of the outward. So, but for that, except for the clinker moment,
we have not done any rail movement on the outward freight. Only, the
inward, which is primarily to do with the clinker and all is going only
by rail both to Jajpur as well as 80% of it to Bayyavaram went by rail,
coal inward of course from Singareni mostly it is by rail. So that sums
Now looking at our own volumes in terms of -- for each of the state’s
sir, yeah, we did close to 1.04 million out of that close to 50 odd
percent is for AP and Telangana. Yeah, we did close to 16% into
Tamil Nadu, 9% into Karnataka, 6% into Maharashtra, 7% each for
Orrisa and Madhya Pradesh and there is a 1% to all the other
remaining states where we would have supplied SRC Cements sir.
Manish Valecha: Sir, one more question, what is the fuel inventory that you're carrying
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, the fuel inventory, we are running it for the full quarter we have
the inventory sir. This includes both domestic as well as imported and
domestic pet coke. We are running with one quarter.
Manish Valecha: Okay sir. Sir next question is from Viraj Kulkarni. Our Indian coal
mix was 30% for this quarter. Despite this, the power and fuel cost
were in excess of ₹2,000 per ton, which seems to be quite high
compared to the others who have reported.
Sreekanth Reddy: I cannot compare with the others. In our case, the power and fuel costs
got elevated purely because the CPP, which consume coal there we
had to go for expensive coal. We have taken a conscious decision to
switch off the CPP and go back to the grid, because it was costing
close to around ₹12 odd per unit, that also has increased the overall
kind of power and fuel costs.
We hope that the trend lines would put us in a better state in terms of
the coal availability as well as the pricing. That is not the case, sir. So
that probably has pushed us to be slightly higher compared to some of
the peers. Also, you have to look at the blending ratio, though we did
slightly higher, but still we are close to 50:50. I think the minute we
get aligned, which is not very far that once we get aligned with most
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of our peers in terms of same blended cement ratios as they would, our
power and fuel cost also would be looking at a lot lower than the other
But in our case, it definitely impacted power and fuel costs for the last
quarter, did impact the overall kind of the coal usage and the
availability did impact the overall kind of a cost. But we have made
those decisions now and we are more than hopeful that in the current
quarter itself we are expecting a ₹250 saving on the account of power
and fuel costs sir.
Manish Valecha: Okay. Got it sir. Sir, the next question is from Rashi Shah. Sir can you
please give us the volume breakup between the existing and the new
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, we did close to 0.25 million between both the unit’s sir,
around 70,000 odd tons from Jajpur and 190,000 tons from Madhya
Pradesh for the first half. Yeah, the Madhya Pradesh unit for Q2 is
77,000 and for Jajpur it is 35,000 tons from Odisha units.
Manish Valecha: Okay, thank you sir. The next question is from Rajat Setia. What is the
Capex left to be done and by when this will be complete? How much
capacity expansion will happen because of that? And also, what is the
capacity that we are looking to add from Andhra Cement?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, the Capex as indicated sir, for both the assets it is completely
done, that more or less concludes the Capex spend on the assets that
we have at both Odisha and Madhya Pradesh. The only small
operational Capex that we are doing is around ₹30 odd crores, I think
we did close to ₹10 odd crores, another ₹20 crores probably would
add up in the next six months on this, because there is a large shade
that is under implementation at Mattampally, so that is what we are
looking at -- in this point of time.
Manish Valecha: Got it sir. So, last time you had mentioned about Singareni coal that
was -- there were some certain issues on supply. So, have they been
sorted now?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yes, sir. They have been more or less sorted, though the rains are still
troubling a bit. But from a connectivity perspective, we did receive
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October 20, 2022
good volumes in the last month and we are hoping the -- most of the
FSA Singareni to start fulfilling the entire FSA obligations from their
end going forward.
Manish Valecha: Got it. Sir, your view on the new capacities that are getting added plus
the M&A activity that is happening in the Central region, per se. Do
you think that over a period of next one to two years, you might see a
lot of Capex there with also older plants getting revived and things
like that that might add pressure to the Central region?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, I think the Central region more so UP, because that's where the
action is in terms of. Yeah, we are expecting a huge demand to pick
up in UP. Fortunately, the demand looks to be far higher compared to
the potential supply that is likely to happen. See, a lot of people
assume that the JP is not working, but the factories that JP is working
probably at a lesser volume. So, the incremental volume that is
expected from ramping up of that is probably should get absorbed in
no time, because the demand looks to be in a very, very high scenario.
Of course, Amethi and JK's plant both are likely to happen probably in
the coming year. But by the time these assets come up, we believe that
demand should be in a good situation to absorb whatever is adding up.
Usually, the supply and demand equation in Central was always
favouring more demand and less supply, probably the gap probably
will get narrowed down when all these things get commissioned. But
from the way the UP demand is shaping up, we think that the old
trends might probably continue even with the new supply, things look
to me more promising than ever before Mr. Manish as far as Central
region is concerned.
Manish Valecha: Got it. Sir, any particular segment that is driving demand there?
Shravan Shah: Sir, just wanted to understand the discount structure being a slightly
modified by the large players or some of the competitors in your
Sreekanth Reddy: I think it's an ongoing affair. People keep changing the names of
those discounts. But the reality is that some amount of the RD, PD or
whatever people would call, some amount of rationalization, I would
put it. Yeah, a lot of knocking out has happened on those fronts. But
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October 20, 2022
it's not just now, it was a case for last couple of quarters now. We are
seeing some reductions on those RDs and PDs in our region too.
Manish Valecha: The next question is from Debotro Sinha. Under the Gati Shakti
master plan of Government of India is launching the Unified Logistics
Interface Platform, which promises to reduce the overall logistics
costs by 10% to 12%. What is the impact of on Sagar Cements freight
costs and cement industry as a whole?
Sreekanth Reddy: Sir, I think it's a great platform and a great policy document, but it's on
the overall kind of a logistics, what kind of impact it will have on
cement, I think it is very limited sir. In our own case, we are not
expecting that to save in a big way. Because it's a multi-modal. The
problem is not with the freight alone, but the problem is with the
handling costs. So, in a multi-modal scheme, typically if you have a
greater number of handlings, it may not come to our rescue. So, we
would rather -- see we have been looking at it, I would not say that we
have looked at it completely, but we would want to take some more
time before we could make a conclusive kind of a remark.
But from the brief overview that we have had and some discussions
we've had with the experts in that particular segment. In our sector the
bigger challenge is at the handling side sir. So, on that front, yeah, we
are not expecting a major saving for ourselves. I cannot speak about
the industry. Yeah, there are some things that we have seen with the
cargo, the bulker transport, container transport with the rake and all,
yeah, we do think that there is some saving, but we have not really
done calculation for ourselves, because that may not be a fit case for
Manish Valecha: Sir, the next question is from Nikhil, what is the outlook on demand,
especially in the South region?
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Sagar Cements Limited (SAGCEM)
Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
Sreekanth Reddy: Sir outlook on demand, typically, again, I have to go back to the
history, two years before the election it peaks. So, we are just getting
into that second year from next year onwards. So, we do believe that
we are in good time as far as demand is concerned, even but for the
rain for the current year sir, most of the states have actually performed
20% higher than last year. We do think that by next half, next year
first half, we should be crossing three COVID kind of levels for
demand in most of the southern states.
Manish Valecha: Sir, the next question is a follow-up from Rajat Setia. For Andhra
Cement acquisition, how are we looking to finance that and if it was to
come to us?
Sreekanth Reddy: Sir, I think we did raise equity as well as a debt. I think that should
more or less help us with the internal accruals acquire the asset sir. So,
we are reasonably fully funded for a potential acquisition. And more
so from an Andhra perspective, I think we are fully funded from that
perspective. We took a ₹500 odd crore of structured debt. We also
raised a ₹350 crore of equity from Premji Invest, and we do have
some internal accruals. I think these three should help us acquire the
Manish Valecha: Okay. Sir, does that mean that the current debt levels should be at the
Sreekanth Reddy: Yes sir. More or less, yeah, more or less the debt levels are fixed sir,
because there is a ₹500 odd crore of debt, which is more for an
acquisition that we have borrowed. So that should help us get the
Manish Valecha: The next question is from Prakhar Porwal. Please go ahead.
Prakhar Porwal: Sir, like you mentioned demand outlook in South India. So, basically,
I had a follow-up question regarding that like as we have seen in the
last decade, demand in South has been stagnant and not has increased
on an overall economy level. So, just wanted to know like whether
capacity utilization that Sagar currently has a 49% overall in India. So
basically, the current consolidations that are happening, how does
Sagar aim to like what actions or what has a thought to maintain or to
increase those utilizations and make this stagnant demand in South
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Sagar Cements Limited (SAGCEM)
Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
Sreekanth Reddy: See, I think what you're looking at 49% is very specific to the last
quarter. The reality is we will be operating anywhere between 45% to
65%. Let me take one year forward, not go beyond that. Yeah, we do
expect more or less the capacity utilizations to remain where they have
been for last few years. We are not expecting a major shift in that
purely because there is an incremental demand. See, contrary to what
most of the people think South did grow sir, it's not that it remains
stagnant, but supply also had caught up with it.
So, given the supply position at this point of time, for at least next
year, we do believe that the capacity utilization more or less will be
very, very similar to how it has been for last few years. Beyond that,
we do expect an incremental kind of a demand, unless some unusual
supply comes into the market, there is a likely that there could be a
small surge or increase in the capacity utilization. But I think 80%
capacity utilization is 100% near 100% in South at any given point of
Manish Valecha: Sir the next question is from Arun. Does the upcoming Delhi, Mumbai
expressway near Dahod helps Satguru plant to supply cement at the
lower cost for the catchment area?
Sreekanth Reddy: For sure sir, but I think our footprint area has Indore and Baroda and
Ahmedabad are also not far sir. So, it will definitely help. We don't
see challenge with the demand in those regions. It's a question of
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
realization. We are not seeing any issues with the demand for our
asset, because it's just a million-ton plant. And the capital markets are
reasonably strong there. So, this will definitely add up. Will it make a
difference? Yes. But to what extent is a question to our self.
Manish Valecha: Thank you. Sir the next question is from Rajat. Do we have any target
for rail dispatch mix, lead distance, blended cement mix for the next
two to three years?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, we do not have a target for the rail dispatch mix, but we
definitely have a target for the lead distance as indicated. We are
targeting 275 kilometers for us to achieve that number. Fortunately,
the current assets with even the road mix should help us reach that
number. From a blending perspective sir, we were always sub 40 all
these years. Yeah, we are looking at a 70-30 kind of a mix where 70%
will be the blended over the next couple of years. 70% will be the
blended cement and 30% will be the OPC.
The reason why we believe that OPC will still be there is because
some of the large institutional buyers would still prefer an OPC for
them to do the blending. So that's one of the reasons why we are not
holding out completely the OPC. Our internal target is to achieve 70%
blended with the 30% OPC mix.
Rail dispatch again is subject to the markets that we service and the
overall kind of logistics cost that it is likely to save. So, we go with the
overall kind of a cost not fixated on the rail dispatches. Most of the
markets that we are servicing and the assets that we have, I think rail
is not a big option for us sir.
Road typically has given us the best kind of a freight rates into the
market. That's one of the reasons why we are one of the lowest cost
freight operators in India for the cement.
Jashandeep Chadha: I just wanted to ask and understand what sort of limestone reserves are
we getting with? Also, on the basis of the land package that we are
getting in limestone reserve, what sort of Brownfield optionality do
you see in Andhra Cement?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, Chadha we are yet to get it. So, we are one of the other persons
who has bid for it. Andhra, as indicated has close to around 165 odd
million tons of limestone sir.
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
Manish Valecha: Thank you. The next question is from Rajan Shah. What is the market
share of Sagar Cements in India?
Sreekanth Reddy: Yeah, our assumption is that we are 5 million on it, 425 million
supply, sir. Is it supply driven or a demand driven, I've never
understood. But yeah, we would be close to 5 million with close to
around 0.9% to 1% kind of share in the overall kind of a demand.
Manish Valecha: Sir the next question is from Ramakrishna. With the improving road
infrastructure across the country, have you seen consistent efficiencies
coming in way in terms of overall logistics cost?
Sreekanth Reddy: Sir, I think the issue there is the efficiency has helped us, turnaround
times have come down quite heavily. That obviously indirectly helps
us to reduce the overall kind of freight costs. But what one has to keep
in mind is most of this infrastructure is happening with tollages sir.
So, there is a net negative effect on the overall kind of cost even on
Manish Valecha: Sir the next question is from Vincent Andrews. How much would be
the cash outflow for Andhra Cements towards acquisition and
subsequent CapEx on that?
Sreekanth Reddy: Sir, it is too soon. So, we are in the bidding process. We'd be very
happy as soon as it reaches to some point, we'd happy discussing that.
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Q2 FY23 Results Conference Call
October 20, 2022
At this point of time it is -- it's in the bidding process. So, it's too soon
for us to comment on that.
Manish Valecha: Thank you. I would now like to hand over the call to you for your
closing comments, please.
Sreekanth Reddy: Thank you. We would like to once again thank you for joining on the
call. I hope you have had all the answers you are looking for. Please
feel free to contact our team at Sagar or CDR should you need any
further information or you have any further queries. We will be more
than happy to discuss them with you. Thank you and have a good day.
Thank you, Manish.
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