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Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures

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Rambutan peel based hard carbons as anode

materials for sodium ion battery

Arenst Andreas Arie, Hans Kristianto, Henky Muljana & Lorenzo Stievano

To cite this article: Arenst Andreas Arie, Hans Kristianto, Henky Muljana & Lorenzo Stievano
(2019): Rambutan peel based hard carbons as anode materials for sodium ion battery, Fullerenes,
Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, DOI: 10.1080/1536383X.2019.1671372

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Published online: 01 Oct 2019.

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Rambutan peel based hard carbons as anode materials for sodium ion battery
Arenst Andreas Ariea, Hans Kristiantoa, Henky Muljanaa, and Lorenzo Stievanob
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia; bInstitut
Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier, France


Sodium (Na) ion battery (NIBs) are considered as one of the most prospective battery system to Received 23 July 2019
substitute lithium ion batteries (LIBs) especially for stationary applications. In this study, rambutan Accepted 19 September 2019
peels were selected as carbon precursors to prepare hard carbons as anode materials for NIBs.
Hard carbons were prepared by applying hydrothermal carbonization and then continued by the
Hard carbons; anodes;
pyrolysis treatment at different temperatures (800, 1000 and 1200  C). The electrochemical studies sodium battery; pyrolysis
were carried out by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and galvanostatic charge discharge (GCD). The
obtained hard carbons at pyrolysis temperature of 1000 exhibited the best electrochemical per-
formance. It showed the highest reversible capacity of 225 mAh g1 (0.1 C-rate, 1 C ¼ 300 mA g1)
after 100 cycles if tested as the anode materials for NIBs. It is attributed to the disordered carbon
structure, low degree of graphitization, large interlayer spacing and flake-like morphology of car-
bon sample which can provide more space for sodium storage and facilitate sodium ion transfer.

1. Introduction are the most suitable carbon materials for the storage of
sodium ions due to the large interlayer distance and irregu-
Since their invention by Sony in 1991, lithium ion batteries
lar carbon structures [27].
(LIBs) have been used in various applications in portable
As anodes in NIBs, hard carbons can be prepared from
electronics and electric vehicles because of the high energy
various biomass resources such as spent tea leaves [28], apri-
density, long and stable cycle profiles [1–5]. However, the
cot shells [29], sugarcane bagasse [30], waste cigarette butts
unbalanced geographical distribution of Li in this world and
[31], peanut shells [32], cucumber stem [33], lotus seedpod
the extreme needs of Li in many future applications would
[34], rice husk [35], chrysanthemum [36], waste tea bag
certainly make an insufficiency of Li resources, and finally it
will cause a high cost for using Li in battery systems. On the powder [37], caltrop shell [38], typha [39], snake-skin fruit
contrary, sodium (Na), which is highly abundant and widely peel [40], date palm [41], reed straw [42], waste pomegran-
spread all around the world, has similar electrochemical prop- ate peel [43] and many others. The electrochemical proper-
erties even though further research is required before the ties of the biomass based hard carbons are highly affected
practical implementation of sodium ion batteries (NIBs) by the synthesis routes and the properties of biomass car-
[6–8]. One of the challenges is to find suitable anode materi- bon precursors.
als since graphite cannot be used in NIBs due to the larger Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) is a very popular
size of sodium ion compared to the lithium ions [9–12]. tropical fruit originated from the southeast Asian countries
The most common anode materials for NIBs can be cate- such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand [44]. The average
gorized as carbon based materials [13], alloys [14–16], metal production of rambutan fruit in Indonesia is between
oxide [17, 18], organic compounds [19, 20], sulfide [21–23] 700.000 and 800.000 ton per year. Commonly, after the
and phosphorus based materials [24, 25]. The main problem edible part of rambutan is consumed, a large amount of
with the alloy materials is the huge volume expansion caus- rambutan peel is discarded as rubbish to landfill and there
ing enormous capacity reduction during cycling tests [26]. is no practical application of it which can cause a serious
While the organic compounds show some shortcomings environmental problem [45]. Further research on the appli-
such as low Coulombic efficiency and low electrical con- cation of rambutan peel for the production of carbon mate-
ductivity although they have high capacity as anodes in rials would become an interesting solution since it is a
NIBs [26]. Finally, the metal oxide, sulfide and phosphorus cheap carbon precursor as well as an effort to reduce the
based materials also have huge volume expansion problems amount of biomass waste. Until now, there are no applica-
similar to the alloy materials which can limit their applica- tions related to the use of rambutan peel based hard carbon
tion as anodes for NIBs. On the other hand, hard carbons as anode material in sodium ion battery.

CONTACT Arenst Andreas Arie arenst@unpar.ac.id Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Parahyangan Catholic
University, Ciumbuleuit 94, Bandung, 40141, Indonesia.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/lfnn.
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

In this work, we prepared the hard carbon originated electron microscopy (FE-SEM-Hitachi). XRD analysis was
from rambutan peel with two-step process. Initially, rambu- conducted with a Bruker diffractometer which used Cu Ka
tan peels were treated using hydrothermal treatment to pro- radiation (k ¼ 0.154 nm) as the X-ray source. The interlayer
duce hydrochar. After that, the hydrochar was subject to the d-spacing of the RPHC samples were calculated by using
pyrolysis carbonization. The obtained hard carbon products Bragg’s equation:
were then all tested as anode materials for sodium ion bat- k
tery using half-cell configurations. This study can provide a d¼ (1)
way to transform the morphology and adjust the structure
of hard carbon de- rived from biomass. Meanwhile, it can Raman spectra were collected by using Thermo Nicolet
also be widely applied to other biomass waste materials to Almega XR Raman Microscope with alaser excitation wave-
improve their electrochemical performance. length of 532 nm.

2. Experimental 2.3. Electrochemical characterization of RPHC

2.1. Preparation of hard carbons The electrochemical characterization of RPHC samples was
studied using coin cells. The working electrode was prepared
Rambutan peel used as carbon precursor in the experiments by mixing RPHC powder, Super-P conducting carbon car-
was obtained from the local market in Cimahi, Indonesia. boxy methyl cellulose (CMC) binder at a weight ratio of
The peel was washed with deionized water and dried in an 8:1:1, coated on a copper foil collector and then dried in the
oven at 110  C for 24 h to reduce the moisture content. vacuum oven overnight. Distilled water was used as the dis-
After drying, the sample was then crushed and sieved to persant for the mixture. The typical mass loading of the
have powders with uniform particle size distribution. The electrodes was about 1.2 mg cm2. The fabricated/working
powders were then treated using hydrothermal process at a electrode, polyethylene separator, and Na metal counter
low temperature and then followed by a pyrolysis carboniza- electrode were assembled into a 2032-type button cell filled
tion process. For the hydrothermal treatment, 2 g of rambu- with electrolyte (1 M NaPF6 in a polyethylene carbonate
tan peel powders was mixed with 1 M NaOH solution with (PC), in an Ar-filled glovebox. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was
a volume of 60 mL. The mixture was then stored in 100 mL carried out using a Biologic instrument at a scan rate of
Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave and heated at 200  C 0.1 mV s1. The galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD)
for 20 h in an electric oven. This hydrothermal treatment is measurements were performed using the same battery meas-
used to remove lignin and hemicellulose contained in the urement systems at various current densities over a voltage
rambutan peel. After cooled down to the room temperature, range from 0.01 to 2.0 V vs Na/Naþ. All electrochemical
the suspension was treated by filtration and then washed tests were conducted at room temperature.
with distilled water and ethanol several times until the pH
value of the solution is around 7. Then, the hydrochar sam-
ples were subjected to pyrolysis carbonization at various 3. Results and discussion
temperatures (800, 1000 and 1200  C) with heating rate of The morphology of RPHC samples was observed by scan-
5  C min1 for 2 h under N2 atmosphere in a tubular fur- ning electron microscope (Figure 1). Figure 1a shows the
nace, and the obtained carbon products were denoted as morphology of carbon samples obtained after the hydrother-
RPHC-800, RPHC-1000 and RPHC-1200 with 800, 1000 and mal pretreatment where it can be observed agglomerated
1200 indicate the pyrolysis temperatures. carbon spheres. Hydrothermal process is a low degree of
carbonization process with simple operation, low cost since
2.2. Characterization of hard carbons it use aqueous solvent and various type of reactant [46, 47].
As we used the pyrolysis carbonization to treat hydrochar
The surface physical properties of RPHC samples were samples at different temperatures, the morphological change
recorded with an automated gas sorption apparatus from carbon sphere into the hard carbons can be observed,
(Micromeritics, USA) using N2 gas as adsorbate at 77 K. All as seen in Figure 1b–d. The carbon samples have flake-like
the samples were outgassed at 250  C for 4 h under vacuum with smooth surface and connected porous structure. It was
before the gas sorption measurement. The Brunauer- followed from the cross-linking and merging of the agglom-
Emmett-Teller (BET) equation and t-plot method were used erated carbon spheres As the pyrolysis temperature
to determine the specific surface area and micropore surface increased from 800 to 1200  C, the cross-linking of carbon
area, respectively. Pore size distributions were calculated by spheres can take place faster. This type of flake-like morph-
the adsorption branch of the isotherms using density func- ology can contribute to the better sodium ion and electron
tional theory (DFT) for micropores and the Barrett-Joyner- transfer [48].
Halenda (BJH) model for mesopores. The total pore volume Figure 2 shows the XRD results of hard carbons prepared
(Vtotal) was estimated from the amount adsorbed at a rela- by pyrolysis process with hydrothermal treatment. As seen,
tive pressure (P/P0) of 0.99. The micropore volume (Vmicro) all XRD patterns showed two broad peaks located at about
was computed using the t-plot method. The surface morph- 24 and 43 , which were assigned to the (002) and (100)
ology of RPAC was observed using field emission scanning plane of the amorphous carbon materials, respectively. In

Figure 1. SEM images of (a) hydro-char, (b) RPHC-800 (c) RPHC-1000 and (d) RPHC-1200.

Figure 2. XRD patterns of rambutan peel based hard carbons prepared at dif- Figure 3. Raman spectra of rambutan peel based hard carbons prepared at dif-
ferent pyrolysis temperature. ferent pyrolysis temperature.

addition, we can see that the XRD patterns of RPHC sam- to the presence of disorder and graphite-like structures of
ples have no sharp characteristic peaks, showing that all of carbon materials [49], respectively. The D peak represents
them belong to hard carbons with disordered structures. the disordered structures due to the defects in the structure
Using the positions of (002) peaks of all carbon samples and disorder-induced features of carbon, while the G band
(RPHC-800, RPHC-1000 and RPHCHC-1200) and Bragg can be attributed to the vibration of sp2 hybridized carbon.
equation, the interlayer spacing can be estimated. The esti- The ID/IG intensity ratio is usually used to estimate the dis-
mated values of interlayer spacing for RPHC-800, RPHC- order degree of carbon structures. The ID/IG intensity ratio
1000 and RPHC-1000 are 0.387, 0.383 and 0.381 nm, of RPHC-800, RPHC-1000 and RPHC-1200 was determined
respectively. These estimated values were larger than that of as 0.92, 0.85 and 0.81. As the pyrolysis temperature is
graphite interlayer spacing value (0.335 nm). So, the larger increasing from 800 to 1200 ˚C, the ID/IG ratio of carbon
interlayer spacing can be expected to facilitate the insertion/ samples is decreasing, indicating that the degree of structural
extraction of sodium ions, and finally it can improve the ordering of RPHC is increased.
specific capacity of the RPHC samples. The N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms of RPHC sam-
Figure 3 displays the Raman spectra of RPHC. The two ples are measured to estimate the BET surface area and the
dominant peaks located at around 1349 and 1580 cm1 refer pore structure. We can see in Figure 4a, the isotherms of

Figure 4. (a) Nitrogen adsorption desorption isotherms and (b) pore size distribution of RPHC prepared at different pyrolysis temperature.

Table 1. Physical parameters of rambutan peel based hard carbons. observed that RPHC-1000 is capable of storing more sodium
Sample d002 (nm) ID/IG SBET (m2g-1) VT (cm3g-1) DA (nm) ions than other electrodes due to the highest current
RPHC-800 0.387 0.92 198 0.12 2.35 peak intensity.
RPHC-1000 0.383 0.85 282 0.22 2.21 Figure 6a–c show galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD)
RPHC-1200 0.381 0.81 254 0.17 2.25
profiles of the RPHC-800, RPHC-1000 and RPHC-1200 elec-
d002: interlayer spacing, ID/IG: intensity ratio between disordered and graphite
like structures, SBET: specific surface area. VT: total pore volume. DA: average trodes, respectively at 0.1 C (1 C ¼ 300 mAg1) between 0.01
pore size diameter. and 2.0 V vs Na/Naþ. At the first cycle, RPHC-800 shows
charge/discharge capacities of 169/326 mAh g1with an ini-
the three samples of RPHC are classified as type I/IV of tial coulombic efficiency (CE) of 51.8%, RPHC-1000 has
IUPAC classification. It can be seen that the BET surface area 208/378 mAh g1with an initial CE of 55% and finally
is affected by the pyrolysis temperature, as shown in Table 1. RPHC-1200 delivers 192/359 giving an inital CE of 53%. It
On the other hand, as displayed in Figure 4b, the pore size seemed that RPHC-1000 demonstrated the highest capacity
distributions of the RPHC sample are also dependent on the and coulombic efficiency in the first cycle. It was attributed
pyrolysis temperature. The pore distribution range become to the disordered carbon structure, high surface area and
broader and the pore volume increased gradually as the pyr- large pore volume in comparison with other RPHC samples,
olysis temperature is increased from 800 to 1200  C. The as confirmed by the CV results.
RPHC-1000 sample possess the highest BET surface area of Figure 7a–c show the cycle performance of the RPHC elec-
282 m2 g1 and the largest pore volume 0.22 m3 g1, which trodes until 100 cycles at 0.1 C. As seen, RPHC-1000 electrode
can contribute to the higher sodium ion adsorption capability showed the most superior cycle performance among others in
due to the higher surface of RPHC-1000 sample. terms of higher initial specific capacity, higher initial coulombic
The electrochemical characteristics of RPHC electrodes efficiency and its specific discharge capacity of 225 mAh g1 at
were studied using half cells with sodium metal foil as the the end of 100 cycles, corresponding to the capacity retention
counter/reference electrode. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) pro- of 59.5% with respect to the first cycle. Meanwhile, the other
files of three RPHC electrodes are similar in shape in the hard carbon samples show more inferior cycle performance.
voltage range between 0.001 and 2 V vs Na/Naþ as shown in For the RPHC-800, its discharge capacity is about 140 mAh
Figure 5a–c. In the first cycle, two small cathodic peaks can g1 corresponding to the capacity retention of 43% with
be detected at approximately 0.25 V and 0.7 V, which can be respect to the first cycle. Finally, RPHC-1200 showed a specific
referred to the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) later forma- discharge capacity of 180 mAh g1, implying a capacity reten-
tion and the side reaction of the electrolyte on the surfaces tion of 50% with respect to the first cycle.
of RPHC. It causes a low coulombic efficiency or a high The brief comparison of cycle performance of all RPHC
irreversible capacity of RPHC electrodes at the first cycle. samples is shown in Figure 8a. The rate capability of RPHC
These two cathodic peaks are not found in the next cycles, electrodes is also studied in further by varying C-rate from
showing that the reactions related to the SEI layer formation 0.1 C to 2 C. The RPHC-1000 electrode showed the best rate
and side reaction with the electrolyte only took place in the capability performance in comparison with others. As showed
first cycle. In the next cycles, the CV profiles are almost in Figure 8b, at 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2 C-rate, the average spe-
overlapping among others, suggesting a good cycle revers- cific discharge capacities of RPHC-1000 are about 240, 208,
ibility. Furthermore, a couple of anodic peaks at low poten- 188, 172 and 155 mAh g1, respectively. When the current
tial range was found for all RPHC electrodes, which could density returned to 100 mAg1 at the end of 50th cycle, the
be related to sodium ion insertion or extraction into the car- specific discharge capacity of RPHC-1000 could be returned
bon surfaces. Especially for RPHC-1000 electrodes, it can be to 234 mA g1. In contrary, the RPHC-800 and RPHC-1200

Figure 5. Cyclic voltammetry profiles of (a)RPHC-800, (b) RPHC-1000 and (c) RPHC-1200 at a scan rate of 0.1 mVs1.

Figure 6. Galvanostatic charge-discharge profiles of (a) RPHC-800, (b) RPHC-1000 and (c) RPHC-1200 at 0.1 C between 0.01 – 2.0 V vs Na/Naþ.

Figure 7. Cycle performance of (a) RPHC-800, (b) RPHC-1000 and (c) RPHC-1200 at 0.1 C, under cutoff voltages: 0.01 -2.0 V.

Figure 8. (a) Comparison of cycle performance (0.1 C rate) and (b) Rate Capability of RPHC samples.

samples showed more inferior performances in which their carbonization at different pyrolysis temperature (800, 1000
average discharge capacities at varying current density were and 1200  C). After pyrolysis carbonization, the interlayer
smaller than that of RPHC-1000. spacing for all RPHC samples is higher than that of graphite
and also the morphology of RPHC samples is changed to
flake-shaped. Due to the morphology, more disordered car-
4. Conclusions bon structure, large surface area, suitable interlayer spacing,
the rambutan peel hard carbons prepared at 1000  C per-
In summary, we have successfully prepared low-cost hard forms the best electrochemical performance as anodes for
carbon materials using rambutan peel (RPHC) as biomass sodium ion battery with reversible capacity of about 225
resource by a hydrothermal pretreatment and pyrolysis mAh g1 at 0.1 C-rate after 100 cycles.

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