IST618F2022SyllabusSection 54 HA
IST618F2022SyllabusSection 54 HA
IST618F2022SyllabusSection 54 HA
IST 618 – Systems Thinking and Modeling for Dynamic Information Systems – Fall 2022
Section 54
INSTRUCTOR NAME: Hassan A. Ahmed PHONE NUMBER: 216-875-9724
OFFICE HOURS: TH 08:15 AM -12:15 PM
W 10:15 AM- 12:15 PM
Prerequisites: Completion of the MCIS-IS preparatory program or permission from the department.
1. Course Description and Expected Outcomes
Catalog Description: This course in systems thinking assesses IS/IT systems by examining the entire
system including human, community, resource, environmental, and social processes – to get a holistic
view into how organizations and individuals often look at the world, assess problems, and invent
solutions. And since the way systems are designed determines outcomes, the course also looks at
system dynamics and the intended and unintended consequences of various actions. Using nonlinear
thinking to complement typical linear way of thinking, students will learn, step by step, the standard
methods of system dynamics governed by levels/rates or stocks/flows processes. They will
conceptualize and build a system dynamics model “from scratch,” conduct appropriate model
analysis, and develop model-based recommendations. Based on hands-on experience in computer
simulation and gaming and students will learn to perform model formulation and validation in diverse
Expected Outcomes:
Upon successful course completion, a student will be able to:
1. Understand what a system is, its complexity, self-organization, and emergent processes, and their
applications to IT and organizational development.
2. Understand and characterize the nature of complex systems (which include human beings and
their organizations) and how they interact.
3. Learn how to recognize the advantages, as well as the flaws of our present predominant way of
thinking, while looking at the changes that would enable us to deal with complex issues in IT
4. Implement system dynamic software to identify problem and system characteristics in terms of
feedback, causal loop, etc.
5. Develop simulation models by translating domain concepts expressed in terms of causal loops.
2. Resources
Required Material:
Textbook: Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World.
Sterman, J.; Irwin/McGraw Hill. ISBN 0-07-231135-5, 2000
There are additional required readings. Articles and case studies as assigned will be listed on
Software: The required modeling software for this course is Vensim PLE by Ventana Systems. The
current version is 9.3.3. It is free for academic use and is available for Windows and Mac. Software
download and other useful information (including demos and videos) are available from the Vensim
web site.
3. Course Organization:
The course will rely on lecture, reading material and hands-on experience. The lectures will be designed
to supplement the assigned text readings. Homework assignments will be used to practice the material
presented in class.
GROUP FORMATION: Students are required to form groups (max. 6 members in each group). An
assignment can be accessed only if you have already joined a group. You will not be able to access the
assignments if you have not joined a group. Make sure you belong to a group. I have created a link
“Group” on our Blackboard course page. Students need to self-enroll in Blackboard to form a group. The
group formation should be completed within the first two weeks, as assignments are to be completed as
group effort. Note: Group membership cannot be changed. This means that, for example, if you would
like to be with specific classmate(s) in one group, you need to coordinate together to enroll in the same
Communications Policy:
Please make sure you read my emails (and announcements I post on Blackboard) carefully. I
will occasionally send/post important updates and time-sensitive notifications.
Being able to communicate effectively is critical in the business world. All oral and written
communications are expected to be of professional language and quality. This includes
always including a subject line and using proper greeting.
All e-mail communications must be made by using CSU e-mail address. Non-CSU email will
not be responded. In the body of the e-mail, make sure to identify yourself, course section,
and the group number you belong to.
For security reason, all e-mail attachments will be ignored.
Please do NOT use Blackboard email. Rather, use regular email client (Outlook).
Assignment Policy:
You are not allowed to submit your assignment through e-mail. All assignments must be submitted by
Blackboard. Assignments turned in after the due date will be reduced 10% of its total point value for each
calendar day. Assignments turned in more than one week past the due date will receive a score of "0".
Non-submitted projects will receive a score of “0”.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance in class is mandatory and will be taken. Students are responsible for all material and
assignments given in class whether they are present or not. It is the responsibility of the student to
obtain notes, assignments, etc. for any missed class from fellow students.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to do their own work. Academic misconduct, student misconduct, cheating and
plagiarism will not be tolerated. Violations will be subject to disciplinary action as specified in the
Cleveland State University Policy on Academic Misconduct. Copy of the policy may be accessed on the
university’s website at:
“Plagiarism” - Stealing and/or using the ideas or writings of another in a paper or report and claiming
them as your own. This includes but is not limited to the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the
work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment
All course assignments and tests are expected to be each student’s own work without the use of any
unauthorized material. Interacting with other students – discussing concepts and alternative solutions,
providing advice and support, organizing study groups, and so forth – is acceptable, turning in someone
else’s work is not.
The first-time plagiarism is identified all of the students involved will receive a grade of “0” for that
assignment, quiz, or exam. The second time that cheating or copying is confirmed the students involved
will receive an “F” for the course.
4. Grading
The course grade is based on a student's overall performance through the entire Semester. The final
grade is distributed among the following components:
Requirement Percent
Assignments 30
Midterm Exam 1 15
Midterm Exam 2 15
Class Participation and discussion 15
Final Exam 25
Final letter grade determinations will be assigned according to the following percentages:
Letter Grade Percent Range
A 93 – 100%
A- 90 – 92.99%
B+ 85 – 89.99%
B 80 – 84.99%
B- 75 – 79.99%
C 60 – 74.99%
F <60%
5. Tentative Course Schedule
Week Topics (specific weekly readings/material will be announced on Blackboard)
- Course introduction and syllabus.
Week 1
- Introduction to systems thinking.
- Midterm Review
Week 7
- Analyzing Systems and Creating Policies
6. University Policies
Withdrawal before the deadline results in a "W" on the official transcript; after the deadline a grade must
be calculated and reported.
Diversity statement: This classroom will be a safe and respectful environment and will not tolerate
discrimination in any form. For more on this and other important information you can visit the
Student Affairs website at:
Disability statement: Educational access is the provision of classroom accommodations, auxiliary
aids and services to ensure equal educational opportunities for all students regardless of their
disability. Any student who feels he/she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a
disability should contact the Office of Disability Services at (216) 687-2015. The office is in MC 147.
Accommodations need to be requested in advance and will not be granted retroactively.
Academic Honesty: All student work should reflect a devotion to academic honesty. The Code of
Student Conduct states that “The Cleveland State University Academic Community values honesty
and integrity and holds its members to high standards of ethical conduct. Academic dishonesty is,
therefore, unacceptable, and students must be prepared to accept the appropriate sanctions for any
dishonest academic behavior as outlined in this policy on academic misconduct.” (p. 18). Such
conduct includes cheating, plagiarism, and tampering. All the work that you hand in must represent
your own independent and unique work. Any form of academic misconduct is subject to an
immediate grade of F for the course. In addition, your name may be forwarded to the Academic
Misconduct Review Committee, for a hearing concerning your suspension from the University. To be
clear, I consider any and every instance of academic misconduct to be a major infraction. I strongly
encourage you to visit the Academic Integrity website and read the Resources for Students (on the
left side of the page). Pay special attention to Policy on academic misconduct and Procedures for
Charges of Academic Misconduct. If you have questions about this, please contact the Department of
Student Life or ask me —it is best to resolve these issues in advance.
Cancellation of Class due to Weather: Class will not be cancelled due to weather unless the
University is closed. Check CSU’s main webpage ( for announcements. If CSU is
open, class will proceed as scheduled, including any quizzes, exams or deadlines that are scheduled
for that class.
COVID-19 Statement: Given the effectiveness and widespread availability of vaccines and boosters,
and based on the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), masks
are optional on campus. We recognize and appreciate that some members of the community will
choose to continue wearing a mask. Free masks are available at the information desk in the Student
Center. Please remember that vaccination plus booster shots offer the absolute best
protection against serious illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. We continue to provide
free vaccinations and boosters for students, faculty and staff at CSU Health and Wellness Services by
appointment at the Center for Innovation in Medical Professions, Suite 205 (2112 Euclid Avenue). For
other area locations offering free vaccines and booster shots, visit
People who have symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever, sore
throat, vomiting, or diarrhea, should stay home. Testing is recommended for people with symptoms
of COVID-19 as soon as possible after symptoms begin. Please notify me if you have tested positive
for COVID. If you experience severe symptoms from COVID, please contact the CARE Team
at for additional support.