Line Management Factsheet
Line Management Factsheet
Line Management Factsheet
1. Introduction
Research has shown that front line managers are critical to the success of
any business because they have a considerable influence on the behaviour of
employees and their overall attitude towards the organisation.
The number of employees that a line manager is responsible for can vary
from one or two in smaller organisations, up to as many as 30 in a larger
business. They are often regarded as the voice of management on the front
The role of the line manager typically includes:
• day-to-day people management
• managing budgets and operational costs
• organising the allocation of work and preparing rotas
• providing technical expertise and guidance
• quality control
• measuring operational performance
• customer care and dealing with client queries
• monitoring work processes and systems
For some line managers there is still an element of this within their role.
However, a combination of new technology and changing working practices
has created a more complex picture and means that line management now
has much more of a focus on the individual employees.
At the same time the relationship between the HR function and line managers
has been subject to a number of changes in recent years. Responsibility for
many core HR activities has now shifted from HR to the line. This means that
line managers are no longer just supervising staff. Instead it is becoming
increasingly common for line managers to carry out a range of HR activities.
This means that many line managers now need additional skills outside of
their area of job specialism to enable them to carry out the people
management aspects of their role. Front-line managers are often promoted
from within which means they are unlikely to have any formal management
education. Often line managers find themselves managing individuals without
the necessary training which can cause difficulties for both manager and
Therefore training is a vital area of consideration for any line manager (and
will be discussed in further details below – See section 6.3)
Employees are vital to the success of any organisation, and are key to
increased productivity and effectiveness. The person who can get the best out
of both individuals and teams is often the person who most closely with them
on a daily basis, and this is usually their line manager.
Acas point out that these people management responsibilities mean that line
managers are faced with an enormous wide range of issues and problems
every day. For example they may need to:
• find out why an employee is absent and arrange cover if required
• sort out a disagreement between individuals or teams
• organise a team meeting and plan the agenda
• report to senior management
• ensure the necessary health and safety procedures are followed
• deal with an angry customer or service user
• organise rotas
• take part in a recruitment and selection process
• listen to an employee grievance
On top of all of this line managers are expected to know the precise details of
each employee’s job, and also to step in and carry out the ‘front line’ work
themselves when required. This can make the role of a line manager
extremely challenging, as will be discussed in section 5 below.
5. What difficulties do line managers face?
The main problems facing line managers are:
• juggling a wide range of duties and responsibilities
• time management and prioritising tasks
• lack of time to deal with employee issues, staff reporting and regular
one-to-one supervision sessions
• too much paperwork as a result of over-complicated policies and
• the high level of interpersonal skills needed to deal with their staff and
senior management
• an ambiguity in the role they play – having to be ‘all things to all people’
It takes patience and judgment to resolve these difficult issues, and it can
be tempting to act instinctively or just ignore the problems altogether and
hope that sort themselves out. It is important that managers receive
training to help them deal with people management issues, and they
should also be clear on when they need to approach their HR
department/advisor for help.
One of the main issues with ‘piggy in the middle syndrome’ is that line
managers need to communicate with employees and senior managers in
different ways. Acas describe how it is important for line managers to
interpret and translate the needs of staff and senior management so that
understanding, trust and cooperation are maintained.
The number of policies and procedures in place will vary depending on the
size of the organisation. However, regardless of how large or small a
business may be, it is always important that managers are consistent and
fair when dealing with employee issues and workplace situations.
Policies and procedures can offer the essential guidance that line
managers need, but they need to be used correctly. In many cases there
can be a gap between the procedure and what actually happens in reality.
Acas ask whether return to work meetings do actually happen after every
period of sickness absence, and do regular one-to-one supervision
meetings actually take place? Line managers will always benefit from the
support of more senior management in ensuring that policies work well in
6. What do FLMs need to help them carry out their role more
What can be done to support line managers, make them more effective and
help them to cope with all the pressure that people management
responsibilities bring?
Line managers are similar to any other employee in that they need to be:
1. recruited and selected to ensure they have the right skills for the job
2. well-managed by their own manager
3. trained so that they can carry out their duties effectively and achieve
career progression
4. given a balanced workload
5. coached so that they can discuss any problems and concerns
Each of these areas will be discussed in more detail below.
Formal policies, even if only brief, can also provide essential guidance
for line managers in areas such as disciplinary, grievance and absence
management. Policies and procedures enable managers to be
consistent and fair, and ensure they are compiling with relevant
employment legislation.
It is also important that line managers have the right tools to carry out
their jobs. For example:
• an employee handbook that is easily accessible
• clear policies and guidance on areas such as absence
management and discipline
• training on policy up-dates
6.5 Coaching
There are several different forms of coaching including:
• life coaching – helping employees to change aspects of their
• skills coaching – personal development and improving performance
• business coaching – dealing with changes such as a merger or
significant change of role
Coaching involves:
• working with a trained coach, either external or trained in-house
• non-directive guidance - meaning that employees work things out
for themselves
• the chance to receive lots of feedback on both strengths and
• focusing on individual, team or organisational goals
The way that policies and procedures are introduced and operated is often
down to the discretion of the individual line manager. Research has shown
that this ‘discretionary behaviour’ has a strong influence on the behaviour and
attitude of employees. Discretionary behaviour is defined by the CIPD as that
which goes beyond the requirements of the job to give the extra performance
that can boost ‘the bottom line’.
Where employees feel positive about their relationship with their managers,
they are more likely to have higher levels of job satisfaction, commitment and
loyalty – which are in turn associated with higher levels of performance.
There are many ways that line managers can encourage positive behaviour
and increase employee motivation. For example:
• offering coaching and guidance to new starters or for those struggling
with their performance
• being receptive to an employee’s problems or concerns
• giving positive feedback on work well done.
• showing flexibility and empathy
It is also important that line managers allow employees to thrive and develop
by allowing them a level of discretion over how they do their job. Some level
of freedom and responsibility for their own work has been proven to be key in
motivating employees and encouraging their personal development. On the
other hand being overly dominant and controlling can suppress employee
creativity, initiative and enterprise.
Therefore line managers also need to be able to:
• develop good working relationships
• communicate effectively
• provide the necessary guidance that enables employees to take on
more responsibility for their work
• build strong teams
• deal promptly with any problems
• encourage employees to come forward with ideas and suggestions
The personal interaction between line managers and the employees they
manage is particularly important in the following areas:
• performance management – especially if linked to pay and reward
• work-life balance and flexible working
• training, development and coaching
• communication and involvement
• openness and conflict management
• employee representation.
How the line manager handles each of these areas will strongly influence the
way an employee feels about the organisation and their workplace, and will
have a significant impact on how well they do their job.
8. Summary
The role of the line manager is changing and being able to ‘tell and monitor’ is
no longer enough. Line managers are now often vital in making the difference
between low-performing and high-performing organisations, and managers
need to use their highly-developed interpersonal skills to engage staff.
It is important that front line managers can help to engage staff and
encourage positive discretionary behaviour by:
• Bringing the theory of policies and procedures to life in the
workplace. This often means giving things like appraisal meetings
the time and care they deserve
• Making a connection with employees. Line managers are best
placed to talk to employees, listen to their concerns and coach and
them as required
• Leading by example. Managers should always demonstrate the
importance of important issues like work-life balance and equality
• Managing performance by always giving praise and positive
feedback for work well done. At the same time guiding and
coaching to improve performance that is not up to standard,
including holding that difficult conversation when it is needed