01 Worm Gear Drive - LNote
01 Worm Gear Drive - LNote
01 Worm Gear Drive - LNote
Worm Gears :
Worm gear drives are used to transmit power between two non-
intersecting shafts, which are, in general, at right angles to each
other. The worm gear drives consists of a worm and a worm
wheel/gear. The worm is a threaded screw, while the worm wheel
is a toothed gear. The teeth on the worm wheel envelope the
threads on the worm, giving either a line or an area-contact
between mating gears. Worm gear drives are used in materials
handling equipment, m/c tools and automobiles. The advantages
of worm gear drives as follows :-
(iv) The power transmitting capacity is low. Worm gear drives are
used for upto 100 KW power transmission.
Therefore, = p x z1
As seen in the figure, the axial pitch of the worm should be equal to
the circular pitch of the worm wheel. Therefore,
d 2 (mz2 )
px = = = m
z2 z2
So = m z1
m z1 z1
tan = = or tan =
d1 (qm) q
The center distance, a = (d1 + d 2 )
= m( q + z 2 )
When the worm wheel is rotated through one revolution, the worm will
complete z2 revolution for single start threads. For double start threads,
the number of revolutions of the worm will be z2/2,
z2 Speed of worm
So the speed ratio “i” = =
z1 Speed of worm wheel
The preferred values of z1/ z2/ q/ m for worm gearing are given in the
Preferred values of q : 8,10,12.5, 16, 20 and 25
The number of starts on the worm usually taken as 1,2 or 4.
Preferred values of z1 / z2 / q / m for worm gears.
Centre distance (mm)
100 125 160 200 250
= qm + 2m = m(q+2)
df1 = root dia = d1 – 2hf1 = qm – 2m ( 2.2 Cos −1)
= m(q + 2 − 4.4 Cos )
Dimensions of worm wheel :-
(P2)t = -(P1)a
(P2)a = -(P1)t
(P2)r = -(P1)r
The resultant face acting on the worm consists of two factors:
•Components of normal reaction between the meshing teeth and
components of frictional force.
•The two components are superimposed to get the resultant
Components of normal reaction on worm.
fn = Normal pressure angle
= Lead angle
Resolving normal reaction P in plane ABCD
Pn = P Cos fn
Pr = P Sin fn
Pr = P Sin fn
and ( P1 ) r = ( P1 )t X
(Cosfn Sin + mCos )
Power output
Power input
( P2 )t x(d 2 / 2) x n2
( P1 )t x (d1 / 2) x n1
Where = /i
n1 Speed of worm
i= =
n2 Speed of worm wheel
tan =
d 2 mz2 z2 z2 / z1
= = = = i tan
d1 mq q q / z1
( P2 )t ( P1 ) a
= tan = tan
( P1 )t ( P1 ) z
(CosfnCos − m Sin )
= tan
(Cosfn Sin + m Cos )
CosfnCos − m Sin
Cosf n Sin + m Cos
Cosfn − m tan
Cosfn + m Cot
Selection of materials :-
The selection of materials for the worm and the worm wheel is
more limited than it is for other types of gears. The threads of the
worm are subjected to fluctuating stresses and the number of
cycles is fairly large. Therefore, the surface endurance strength is
an important criterion in the selection of the worm material. The
core of the worm should be kept ductile and tough to ensure
maximum energy absorption. The worms are, therefore, made of
case hardened steel with a surface hardness of about 60 RC, and a
case depth of 0.75 to 4.5 mm. The magnitude of contact stresses
on the worm wheel teeth is the same as that on the worm threads.
However, the number of stress cycles are reduced by a factor
equal to the speed reduction.
The worm wheel can not be accurately generated in the hobbing
m/c. The final profile and finish of the worm wheel teeth is the
result of plastic deformation during the initial stages of service.
Therefore, the worm-wheel material should be soft and
conformable. Phosphor Bronze with a surface hardness of 90-
120 BHN is widely used for the worm wheel. Phosphor-Bronze is
costly and in case of worm wheels with large dimensions only the
outer rim is made of phosphor Bronze. It is then bottled to the
cast-iron wheel.
Strength rating of worm gears :-
Beam strength Basis :- The maximum possible torque that the
worm wheel can withstand without bending failure is given by
the lower of the following two values.
( M t )1 =17.65 X b1 Sb1 mlr d 2 cos
Material Sb
H g =1000(1 − ) x
1000(1 − ) x = K (t f − ta ) A
K (t f − t a ) A
x= ………(1)
1000(1 − )
1000(1 − ) x ……….(2)
t f = ta +
Equation (1) gives the power transmitting capacity based on thermal considerations.
Equation (2) gives the resultant temperature of the lubricant oil for a given power
transmitting capacity.
The overall heat transfer coefficient K under normal working conditions with natural
air circulation is 12 to 18 w/m2 o c.
The value can be further increased by providing a fan on the worm shaft and
arranging the fans horizontally along the stream of air. In such cases the value of the
overall heat transfer coefficient can be taken as 20 to 28 w/m2 oc. It has been
observed, the maxm permissible temperature for commonly used lubricating oil is
950 c, above which it loses its properties and there is a danger of gear tooth failure
due to seizure.