Oracle® SQL Developer: User's Guide
Oracle® SQL Developer: User's Guide
Oracle® SQL Developer: User's Guide
User's Guide
Release 18.2
July 2018
Oracle SQL Developer User's Guide, Release 18.2
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Audience xxvi
Documentation Accessibility xxvi
Product Accessibility xxvi
Related Documents xxvi
Conventions xxvii
Third-Party License Information xxvii
1.4.13 Java Sources 1-18
1.4.14 Jobs 1-18
1.4.15 Job Classes 1-18
1.4.16 Operators 1-18
1.4.17 Materialized Views 1-19
1.4.18 Materialized View Logs 1-19
1.4.19 Multitenant Container Database (CDB) 1-19
1.4.20 Packages 1-19
1.4.21 Procedures 1-20
1.4.22 Programs 1-21
1.4.23 Queues 1-21
1.4.24 Queue Tables 1-21
1.4.25 Recycle Bin 1-21
1.4.26 Replication Schemes (Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database) 1-22
1.4.27 Schedules 1-22
1.4.28 Sequences 1-22
1.4.29 Synonyms (Public and Private) 1-22
1.4.30 Tables 1-22 Flashback Table Support 1-25
1.4.31 Triggers 1-25
1.4.32 Types 1-25
1.4.33 Users (Other Users) 1-25
1.4.34 Views 1-26
1.4.35 Window Groups 1-26
1.4.36 Windows 1-27
1.4.37 XML DB Repository 1-27
1.4.38 XML Schemas 1-27
1.4.39 Captured and Converted Database Objects (for Migration) 1-27
1.5 Database Connections 1-28
1.5.1 Using Folders to Group Connections 1-30
1.5.2 Sharing of Connections 1-31
1.5.3 Advanced Security for JDBC Connection to the Database 1-31
1.5.4 Connections with Operating System (OS) Authentication 1-31
1.5.5 Connections with Proxy Authentication 1-32
1.5.6 Connections with SSH Authentication 1-33
1.6 Entering and Modifying Data 1-34
1.7 Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures 1-36
1.7.1 Using Bookmarks When Editing Functions and Procedures 1-38
1.7.2 Remote Debugging 1-38
1.7.3 Displaying SQL Trace (.trc) Files 1-39
1.7.4 Using the PL/SQL Hierarchical Profiler 1-39
1.7.5 Setting Expression Watches 1-40
1.7.6 Semantic Analysis 1-40 SQL Injection Detection 1-41
1.8 Using the SQL Worksheet 1-42
1.8.1 SQL*Plus Statements Supported in SQL Worksheet 1-45
1.8.2 Script Runner 1-46
1.8.3 Execution Plan 1-46
1.8.4 Autotrace Pane 1-47
1.8.5 DBMS Output Pane 1-47
1.8.6 OWA Output Pane 1-47
1.8.7 SQL History 1-48
1.8.8 Query Builder 1-48
1.8.9 Command-Line Interface for SQL Formatting 1-49
1.8.10 SQL Worksheet "Hints" for Formatting Output 1-49
1.8.11 Gauges: In the SQL Worksheet and User-Defined Reports 1-50
1.8.12 Entering OLAP DML Statements in the SQL Worksheet 1-51
1.9 Using Snippets to Insert Code Fragments 1-51
1.9.1 User-Defined Snippets 1-52
1.10 Finding Database Objects 1-52
1.11 Using Recent Objects 1-54
1.12 Using Versioning 1-54
1.12.1 About Subversion and SQL Developer 1-54
1.12.2 Pending Changes 1-55
1.13 Using DBA Features in SQL Developer 1-55
1.13.1 Container Database (CDB) 1-58
1.13.2 Database Configuration 1-58 Initialization Parameters 1-58 Automatic Undo Management 1-58 Current Database Properties 1-59 Restore Points 1-59 View Database Feature Usage 1-59
1.13.3 Database Status 1-59 Status 1-59 DB Instance 1-59 Instance Viewer 1-59
1.13.4 Data Guard 1-60
1.13.5 Data Pump 1-60 Export Jobs 1-60 Import Jobs 1-60
1.13.6 Oracle Sharding 1-61
1.13.7 Performance 1-62
v Snapshots 1-62 Baselines 1-62 Baseline Templates 1-63 Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) 1-63 ASH (Active Session History) Report Viewer 1-63 AWR (Automatic Workload Repository) 1-63
1.13.8 RMAN Backup/Recovery 1-64 Backup Jobs 1-64 Backup Sets 1-64 Image Copies 1-64 RMAN Settings 1-64 Scheduled RMAN Actions 1-64 Using Action Jobs 1-64
1.13.9 Resource Manager 1-65 Consumer Group Mappings 1-65 Consumer Groups 1-65 Plans 1-66 Settings 1-66 Statistics 1-66
1.13.10 SQL Translator FrameWork 1-66 SQL Translator Profiles 1-66 SQL Translators 1-66
1.13.11 Scheduler 1-66 Global Attributes 1-66 Job Classes 1-66 External Destinations 1-67
1.13.12 Security 1-67 Audit Settings 1-67 Profiles 1-67 Roles 1-67 Users 1-67
1.13.13 Storage 1-67 Archive Logs 1-67 Control Files 1-67 Datafiles 1-68 Redo Log Groups 1-68 Rollback Segments 1-68 Tablespaces 1-68 Temporary Tablespace Groups 1-68
1.13.14 Tuning 1-68 Real Time SQL Monitor 1-68
1.14 Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer 1-69
1.14.1 Scheduler Design Editor 1-70
1.15 Using the Cart 1-70
1.15.1 Adding Data Files to the Cart 1-73
1.15.2 Cart Versus Database Export Wizard 1-74
1.16 Spatial Support in SQL Developer 1-74
1.16.1 Context Menu Operations on Spatial Data and Metadata 1-75
1.16.2 Map Visualization of Spatial Data 1-75 Visualizing Geometries by Creating and Executing a Query 1-76 Visualizing Geometries from the Table Data Grid 1-77
1.17 Change Manager Support in SQL Developer 1-77
1.17.1 Change Plan Administrators and Developers 1-78
1.17.2 Developing Change Plans with SQL Developer 1-78 Creating a Repository Connection 1-80 Creating and Deleting Change Plans 1-80 Adding and Updating Change Items 1-80 Using Change Plans to Capture Change in SQL Developer 1-80
1.17.3 Change Manager Actions to Perform with Enterprise Manager 1-81 Creating Change Plans from Change Manager Schema
Comparisons 1-81 Deploying Change Plans 1-81
1.18 Apache Hadoop Connectors Support in SQL Developer 1-82
1.18.1 Copy to Hadoop: Overview and Requirements 1-83
1.18.2 Oracle Loader for Hadoop: Overview and Requirements 1-84
1.18.3 Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS: Overview and Requirements 1-85
1.19 SQL Developer Reports 1-85
1.19.1 Bind Variables for Reports 1-87
1.19.2 About Your Database reports 1-87
1.19.3 All Objects reports 1-87
1.19.4 Application Express reports 1-88
1.19.5 ASH and AWR reports 1-88
1.19.6 Charts reports 1-88
1.19.7 Database Administration reports 1-88
1.19.8 Data Dictionary reports 1-89
1.19.9 Scheduler reports 1-89
1.19.10 PL/SQL reports 1-89
1.19.11 Security reports 1-89
1.19.12 Streams reports 1-90
1.19.13 Table reports 1-90 Quality Assurance reports 1-92
1.19.14 XML reports 1-92
1.19.15 Data Modeler reports 1-92
1.19.16 User Defined reports 1-93 User-Defined Report Example: Chart 1-93 User-Defined Report Example: Dynamic HTML 1-95
1.20 SQL Developer Preferences 1-95
1.20.1 Environment 1-95
1.20.2 Change Management Parameters 1-96
1.20.3 Code Editor 1-98
1.20.4 Compare and Merge 1-102
1.20.5 Database 1-102
1.20.6 Debugger 1-113
1.20.7 External Editor 1-114
1.20.8 File Types 1-115
1.20.9 Global Ignore List 1-115
1.20.10 Migration 1-115
1.20.11 Mouse Actions 1-119
1.20.12 Shortcut Keys (Accelerator Keys) 1-120
1.20.13 SSH (Secure Shell) 1-120
1.20.14 Unit Test Parameters 1-120
1.20.15 Usage Reporting 1-121
1.20.16 Versioning 1-121 Versioning: Git 1-121 Versioning: Subversion 1-122 Versioning: CVS 1-123 Versioning: Perforce 1-125
1.20.17 Web Browser and Proxy 1-126
1.20.18 XML Schemas 1-127
1.21 Location of User-Related Information 1-127
1.22 Java Development Kit (JDK) Location 1-128
1.23 Command-Line Interface for SQL Developer 1-128
1.24 Data Modeler in SQL Developer 1-129
1.25 Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Support 1-130
1.26 Using the Help 1-130
1.27 SQL Developer Usage Suggestions 1-131
1.27.1 SQL History Shortcuts 1-131
1.27.2 Unshared Worksheets 1-131
1.27.3 SQL Worksheet Bookmarks 1-131
1.27.4 Oracle Data Miner 1-131
1.27.5 Formatted Display of SQL Trace (.trc) Files 1-131
1.27.6 Keyboard Navigation: Alt + Page Down/Up to Move Among Tabs 1-131
1.27.7 Folders for Organizing Connections 1-131
1.27.8 Third-Party Databases and SQL Developer 1-132
1.27.9 Debugger Ports and Firewalls 1-132
1.27.10 Viewing Multiple Tables 1-132
1.27.11 Customizing SQL Developer Appearance 1-132
1.27.12 Maximizing Tab Panes 1-132
1.27.13 Default Path for Running Scripts 1-132
1.27.14 Shutting Down and Restarting the Database 1-132
1.27.15 Feature Requests 1-132
1.27.16 Discussion Forums 1-133
1.27.17 Help Text Font Size 1-133
1.27.18 Procedure and Function Signatures 1-133
1.27.19 Type-Ahead in Navigators 1-133
1.27.20 Extended Paste 1-133
1.27.21 Closing Tabbed Windows Using the Mouse Wheel 1-133
1.27.22 Go to Last Edit Location 1-133
1.27.23 Closing Tabbed Windows Using the Context Menu 1-134
1.27.24 List of All Open Windows 1-134
1.27.25 Go to Subprogram Implementation from Package Window 1-134
1.27.26 Select Multiple Table or Column Names in Completion Insight 1-134
1.27.27 Startup Time and Automatic Check for Updates 1-134
1.28 For More Information About SQL Developer 1-134
ix Task 2: Estimating Workload 2-9 Task 3: Analyzing Operational Requirements 2-10 Task 4: Analyzing the Application 2-11 Task 5: Planning the Migration Project 2-12
2.2.3 Before You Start Migrating: General Information 2-12 Creating a Database User for the Migration Repository 2-13 Requirements for Creating the Destination Oracle Objects 2-13
2.2.4 Before You Start Migrating: Source-Specific Information 2-14 Before Migrating From IBM DB2 2-15 Before Migrating From Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive
Server 2-15 Before Migrating From MySQL 2-16 Before Migrating From Teradata 2-17
2.2.5 Capturing the Source Database 2-17 Offline Capture 2-18
2.2.6 Creating and Customizing the Converted Model 2-19 Correcting Errors in the Converted Model 2-19
2.2.7 Generating the DDL for the Oracle Schema Objects 2-20
2.2.8 Migrating the Data 2-20 Transferring the Data Offline 2-20
2.2.9 Making Queries Case Insensitive 2-25
2.2.10 Testing the Oracle Database 2-25 Testing Methodology 2-26 Testing the Oracle Database 2-27
2.2.11 Deploying the Oracle Database 2-30 Choosing a Rollout Strategy 2-30 Deploying the Destination Database 2-31
2.3 SQL Developer User Interface for Migration 2-32
2.3.1 Migration Submenu 2-34
2.3.2 Other Menus: Migration Items 2-34
2.3.3 Migration Preferences 2-34
2.3.4 Migration Log Panes 2-34
2.3.5 Using the Translation Scratch Editor 2-35
2.4 Command-Line Interface for Migration 2-36
3.2.4 REST Data Services Navigator: Global Settings and Database Settings 3-4 Connections 3-5 Default Password 3-7 ORDS Public User (Database Settings Only) 3-7 PL/SQL Gateway User (Database Settings Only) 3-7 APEX REST Users (Database Settings Only) 3-7 Security 3-7 Cache Files 3-9 Environment 3-9 Excel 3-10
3.2.5 REST Data Services Navigator: NoSQL Store Configuration 3-11
3.2.6 REST Data Services Navigator: Reports 3-11
3.3 Automatically Enabling REST Access to a Schema, Table, or View
(AutoREST) 3-12
3.4 REST Development 3-13
3.4.1 About RESTful Services 3-13
3.4.2 RESTful Services Terminology 3-13
3.4.3 RESTful Services Requirements and Setup 3-14
3.4.4 REST Data Services in the Connections Navigator 3-14
3.4.5 REST Development Pane 3-15
4.12.2 Test Suites 4-14
4.12.3 Test Naming 4-14
4.12.4 Avoiding Test Naming Clashes 4-14
4.12.5 Test Implementations 4-15
4.12.6 Library 4-15
4.12.7 Lookups 4-15
4.12.8 Test and Suite Execution 4-15
4.12.9 Reports 4-16
4.13 Example of Unit Testing (Tutorial) 4-16
4.13.1 Create the EMPLOYEES Table 4-17
4.13.2 Create the AWARD_BONUS Procedure 4-17
4.13.3 Create the Unit Testing Repository 4-18
4.13.4 Create a Unit Test 4-18
4.13.5 Run the Unit Test 4-20
4.13.6 Create and Run an Exception Unit Test 4-20
4.13.7 Create a Unit Test Suite 4-21
4.13.8 Run the Unit Test Suite 4-22
6.8 Check for Updates 6-4
6.9 Choose Configuration File Option 6-4
6.10 Choose Directory 6-5
6.11 Clone PDB to Oracle Cloud 6-5
6.12 Clone Pluggable Database 6-6
6.13 Cloud Migrations Wizard 6-6
6.13.1 AWS Redshift Database 6-7
6.13.2 Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud 6-7
6.13.3 Summary 6-8
6.14 Color Palette and Custom Colors 6-8
6.15 Configure Extension 6-8
6.16 Configure File Type Associations 6-8
6.17 Configure OSS 6-9
6.18 Copy Columns 6-9
6.19 Copy Objects 6-9
6.20 Copy to Hadoop / Append to Hadoop Table 6-10
6.21 Copy to Oracle 6-11
6.22 Component Palette 6-12
6.23 Component Palette: Configure Component Palette 6-12
6.24 Component Palette: Create Palette Page 6-12
6.25 Component Palette: New/Edit Code Snippet 6-12
6.26 Component Palette: New Section/Rename Section 6-13
6.27 Confirm Drop Application 6-13
6.28 Confirm Running SQL 6-13
6.29 Connection Has Uncommitted Changes 6-13
6.30 Create New Object 6-13
6.31 Create/Edit Chain 6-14
6.32 Create/Edit Credential 6-14
6.33 Create/Edit/Select Database Connection 6-15
6.33.1 Oracle tab 6-16
6.33.2 TimesTen tab 6-18
6.33.3 Amazon Redshift tab 6-18
6.33.4 DB2 tab 6-19
6.33.5 Hive tab 6-19
6.33.6 JDBC tab 6-20
6.33.7 MySQL tab 6-20
6.33.8 PostgreSQL tab 6-20
6.33.9 SQL Server and Sybase tab 6-21
6.33.10 Teradata tab 6-21
6.33.11 Creating and Editing Connections 6-22
6.34 New/Edit Cloud Connection 6-22
6.34.1 Advanced Connection Information 6-23
6.35 New/Edit NoSQL Connection 6-23
6.36 Rename Model (Migration) 6-24
6.37 Delete Confirmation 6-24
6.38 Delete Confirmation (Migration) 6-24
6.39 Rename Database Item (Migration) 6-24
6.40 Select Connection 6-24
6.41 Connection Information 6-25
6.42 No Connection Found 6-25
6.43 Connection Rename Error 6-25
6.44 New Folder (Connections) 6-25
6.45 Continue After Pause 6-25
6.46 Select Library 6-26
6.47 Create Library 6-26
6.48 CVS: Check Out from CVS 6-26
6.49 CVS: Create/Edit CVS Connection 6-26
6.50 CVS: Import to CVS 6-28
6.51 CVS: Log In to CVS 6-28
6.52 Data Import Wizard 6-29
6.52.1 Data Preview 6-29
6.52.2 Import Method 6-30 Load Options 6-31
6.52.3 Import Metadata Source 6-31
6.52.4 Choose Columns 6-32
6.52.5 Column Definition 6-32
6.52.6 Test 6-33
6.52.7 Finish 6-35
6.53 Export/Import Connections 6-35
6.53.1 Export Connections 6-36
6.53.2 Import Connections 6-36
6.54 Create/Edit Database Destination 6-37
6.55 Create/Edit Destination Group (Database or External) 6-37
6.56 Create/Edit Database Link 6-38
6.57 Create/Edit Index 6-38
6.57.1 Definition 6-39
6.57.2 Properties 6-39
6.57.3 Storage 6-40
6.57.4 Partitions 6-40
6.57.5 DDL 6-40
6.58 Create File Watcher 6-40
6.59 Create Filter 6-41
6.60 Create Function or Procedure 6-41
6.61 Create/Edit Job 6-42
6.61.1 Job Details 6-42
6.61.2 Destination 6-43
6.61.3 Job Arguments 6-43
6.61.4 Notification 6-43
6.61.5 Properties 6-43
6.61.6 Summary/SQL 6-44
6.62 Create/Edit Job Class 6-44
6.63 Create/Edit Materialized View Log 6-45
6.64 Create PL/SQL Package 6-46
6.65 Create Pluggable Database 6-47
6.66 Create/Edit Program 6-47
6.67 Create/Edit Role 6-49
6.68 Create/Edit Schedule 6-50
6.69 Create/Edit Sequence 6-50
6.70 Create SQL File 6-51
6.71 Create/Edit Synonym 6-51
6.72 Create Table (quick creation) 6-52
6.73 Create/Edit Table (with advanced options) 6-53
6.73.1 Columns pane 6-54
6.73.2 Constraints 6-55
6.73.3 Primary Key Constraint 6-55
6.73.4 Unique Constraints 6-56
6.73.5 Foreign Keys Constraints 6-57
6.73.6 Check Constraints 6-57
6.73.7 Indexes pane 6-58
6.73.8 In-Memory pane 6-59
6.73.9 Storage pane 6-59
6.73.10 Column Sequences pane 6-60
6.73.11 Table Properties pane 6-60
6.73.12 LOB Parameters pane 6-60
6.73.13 Partitioning pane 6-62
6.73.14 Subpartition Templates pane 6-62
6.73.15 Partition Definitions pane 6-63
6.73.16 Partition Sets pane 6-63
6.73.17 Index Organized Properties pane 6-64
6.73.18 External Table Properties pane 6-65
6.73.19 Comment pane 6-65
6.73.20 DDL pane 6-65
6.73.21 Hive Tables 6-66
xv Hive Tables: Partitions 6-66 Hive Tables: Buckets 6-66 Hive Tables: Skew 6-66 Hive Tables: Storage 6-67 Hive Tables: Table Properties 6-67
6.74 Storage Options 6-67
6.75 Create/Edit Tablespace 6-68
6.75.1 File Specifications tab 6-68
6.75.2 Properties tab 6-69
6.75.3 Default Parameters tab 6-70
6.75.4 DDL tab 6-70
6.76 Create Trigger 6-70
6.77 Create Type (User-Defined) 6-71
6.78 Create/Edit User 6-72
6.78.1 User tab 6-72
6.78.2 Granted Roles tab 6-73
6.78.3 System Privileges tab 6-73
6.78.4 Quotas tab 6-73
6.78.5 SQL tab 6-73
6.79 Create/Edit User Defined Report 6-73
6.80 Create/Edit User Defined Report Folder 6-75
6.81 Create/Edit View 6-75
6.81.1 SQL Query tab or pane 6-76
6.81.2 View Properties or Materialized View Properties pane 6-76
6.81.3 DDL tab or pane 6-78
6.81.4 Quick-Pick Objects pane 6-78
6.81.5 FROM Clause pane 6-79
6.81.6 SELECT Clause pane 6-80
6.81.7 WHERE Clause pane 6-80
6.81.8 GROUP BY Clause pane 6-80
6.81.9 HAVING Clause pane 6-81
6.81.10 ORDER BY Clause pane 6-81
6.82 Create Window 6-81
6.83 Create Window Group 6-82
6.84 Create XML Document from XML Schema 6-83
6.85 Create XML Schema 6-83
6.86 Custom Filters 6-84
6.87 Customize Toolbars 6-84
6.88 Data Pump Export 6-84
6.88.1 Source page 6-84
6.88.2 Tablespaces page 6-85
6.88.3 Schemas page 6-85
6.88.4 Tables page 6-85
6.88.5 Filter page 6-85
6.88.6 Table Data page 6-85
6.88.7 Options page 6-85
6.88.8 Output Files page 6-85
6.88.9 OSS Transfer page 6-86
6.88.10 Job Schedule page 6-86
6.88.11 Summary page 6-87
6.89 Data Pump Import 6-87
6.89.1 Type page 6-87
6.89.2 Tablespaces page 6-87
6.89.3 Schemas page 6-87
6.89.4 Tables page 6-88
6.89.5 Filter page 6-88
6.89.6 Table Data page 6-88
6.89.7 Remapping page 6-88
6.89.8 Options page 6-88
6.89.9 Job Schedule page 6-88
6.89.10 Summary page 6-88
6.90 Database Copy 6-89
6.90.1 Source/Destination page 6-89
6.90.2 Object Types page 6-89
6.90.3 Select Schemas page 6-90
6.90.4 Select Tablespace page 6-90
6.90.5 Specify Objects page 6-90
6.90.6 Specify Data page 6-90
6.90.7 Summary page 6-90
6.91 Database Differences 6-90
6.91.1 Source/Destination page 6-90
6.91.2 Types to Diff page 6-92
6.91.3 Specify Objects page 6-92
6.91.4 Summary page 6-92
6.92 Database Export (Unload Database Objects and Data) 6-92
6.92.1 Source/Destination page 6-93
6.92.2 Types to Export page 6-94
6.92.3 Specify Objects page 6-94
6.92.4 Specify Data page 6-94
6.92.5 Export Summary page 6-94
6.93 DDL Panel for Creating or Editing an Object 6-95
6.94 Debugger - Attach to JPDA 6-95
6.95 Deploy or Import Application 6-95
6.96 Deploy Objects to Cloud 6-96
6.96.1 Cloud 6-96
6.96.2 Authorization 6-96
6.96.3 Transfer 6-97
6.96.4 Deploy DDL 6-97
6.96.5 Deploy Data 6-97
6.96.6 Unsupported Cart Object for Cloud Deployment 6-97
6.96.7 Other Errors (Invalid or Missing Entries) 6-98
6.97 Describe Object Window 6-98
6.98 Diff Objects 6-98
6.99 Drop Pluggable Database 6-100
6.100 Drop REST Services for Schema 6-100
6.101 Edit/View Value (Data or Table Column) 6-100
6.102 Enter Bind Values 6-101
6.103 Erase from Disk 6-101
6.104 Error Writing to Export File 6-101
6.105 Export Error 6-101
6.106 Export Data 6-102
6.107 Export Objects 6-102
6.108 Export Resource Module, Privilege, and Role 6-103
6.109 Export: Unique Names Warning 6-103
6.110 External Locator Configuration 6-103
6.111 External Tools 6-104
6.112 Create/Edit External Tool 6-104
6.112.1 Program Options 6-104
6.112.2 Display 6-104
6.112.3 Integration 6-105
6.112.4 Availability 6-105
6.113 Choose Offline Options 6-105
6.114 Edit Font Location 6-106
6.115 Edit Header or Footer (PDF Formatting) 6-106
6.116 Edit Join 6-106
6.117 Extract Variable/Function/CTE for Refactoring 6-107
6.118 Feature Missing 6-109
6.119 Feature Required 6-109
6.120 File Processing 6-110
6.121 Filter 6-110
6.122 Filter Object Types 6-111
6.123 Filter Schemas 6-111
6.124 Filter Error 6-111
6.125 Find/Highlight 6-111
6.126 Git: Add 6-112
6.127 Git: Add All 6-112
6.128 Git: Add to .gitignore File 6-112
6.129 Git: Checkout Revision 6-112
6.130 Git: Clone from Git 6-113
6.131 Git: Commit 6-114
6.132 Git: Commit All 6-114
6.133 Git: Create Branch 6-115
6.134 Git: Create Tag 6-115
6.135 Git: Export Committed Changes 6-116
6.136 Git: Export Uncommitted Changes 6-116
6.137 Git: Fetch from Git 6-116
6.138 Git: Initialize Repository 6-117
6.139 Git: Merge 6-118
6.140 Git: Pull from Git 6-118
6.141 Git: Push to Git 6-119
6.142 Git: Revert 6-120
6.143 Insert Macro 6-120
6.144 Externally Modified Files 6-120
6.145 Find/Replace Text 6-120
6.146 Find Result 6-121
6.147 Format Properties (Advanced Formatting) 6-121
6.148 Generate Patch 6-122
6.149 Go to Bookmark 6-122
6.150 Go to Line Number 6-122
6.151 Go to Line Number: Error 6-122
6.152 History 6-122
6.153 Import Using Oracle Loader for Hadoop 6-123
6.154 Import Using Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS 6-124
6.155 Install/Run Oracle REST Data Services 6-126
6.155.1 ORDS File Locations 6-126
6.155.2 Database Connection 6-126
6.155.3 Database Options 6-127
6.155.4 Select Tablespace 6-127
6.155.5 PL/SQL Gateway 6-127
6.155.6 APEX RESTful Services 6-127
6.155.7 Run Standalone Mode 6-128
6.155.8 ORDS Users 6-128
6.155.9 Summary 6-128
6.156 Install SQL Translator 6-129
6.156.1 Installing a Translator and Creating a Profile: Usage Notes 6-129
6.157 Invalid Database Version 6-130
6.158 Load Extension 6-130
6.159 Load Keyboard Scheme 6-130
6.160 LOB Descriptors 6-131
6.161 Maintain Spatial Metadata 6-131
6.162 Manage Columns 6-132
6.163 Manage Connections (REST) 6-132
6.164 Manage Features and Updates 6-133
6.165 Map Connection 6-134
6.166 Merge Migration Projects 6-134
6.167 Modify Pluggable State 6-134
6.168 Modify Value 6-135
6.169 Data Move Details 6-135
6.170 New/Edit Change Set 6-136
6.171 New Procedure (Refactoring) 6-136
6.172 New/Edit Local or Remote Port Forward 6-136
6.173 Edit SSH Connection 6-137
6.174 No Lock 6-137
6.175 No Object Found 6-137
6.176 No Object Selected 6-137
6.177 Object Preferences 6-138
6.178 Offline Generation Error - Destination Directory 6-138
6.179 Open File 6-138
6.180 Oracle-Only Report 6-138
6.181 Paste 6-138
6.182 Perforce: Add Files to Perforce 6-138
6.183 Perforce: Connection 6-139
6.184 Perforce: Create Changelist 6-139
6.185 Perforce: Delete Files 6-139
6.186 Perforce: Login 6-140
6.187 Perforce: Open Files for Edit 6-140
6.188 Perforce: Revert Files 6-140
6.189 Perforce: Sync Files 6-141
6.190 Perforce: Submit Changelist 6-141
6.191 Plug In Pluggable Database 6-142
6.192 Print Preview 6-143
6.193 Privilege Warning for Migration 6-143
6.194 Publish to REST 6-143
6.195 Recent Files 6-143
6.196 Delete or Truncate Repository 6-144
6.196.1 Error Truncating Repository 6-144
6.197 Rename Local Variable 6-144
6.198 Rename Tab 6-144
6.199 Rename Procedure 6-144
6.200 Repair (Validate) Oracle REST Data Services 6-145
6.201 REST Data Services Connection 6-145
6.202 REST Data Services Connection: Authentication Failed 6-146
6.203 REST Data Services Connection: Remove Connection 6-147
6.204 RESTful Services Wizard (Auto-Enable REST Access) 6-148
6.204.1 Specify Details 6-148
6.204.2 RESTful Summary 6-148
6.205 RESTful Services Wizard and Object Dialog Boxes 6-149
6.205.1 Resource Module 6-150
6.205.2 Resource Template 6-150
6.205.3 Resource Handler 6-151 Resource Handler Editing Pane 6-152
6.205.4 RESTful Summary 6-152
6.206 RESTful Services Connection 6-152
6.207 RESTful Services Privilege 6-153
6.208 RESTful Services Roles 6-153
6.209 Select Current Repository 6-153
6.210 Cannot Capture Table 6-154
6.211 Report Panel 6-154
6.212 Reset Expired Password (Enter New Password) 6-154
6.213 Revision Lister 6-154
6.214 Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL 6-154
6.215 Create/Edit Breakpoint 6-155
6.215.1 Definition tab 6-155
6.215.2 Conditions tab 6-155
6.215.3 Actions tab 6-156
6.216 Save/Save As, or Select File 6-156
6.217 Save or Open Cart Tool Configuration 6-156
6.218 Save Files 6-157
6.219 Unable to Save Files 6-157
6.220 Save Style Settings 6-157
6.221 Schema Differences Source or Destination Error 6-157
6.222 Script Execution Failed 6-157
6.223 Script Generation Complete 6-157
6.224 Set Data Mapping 6-158
6.225 Add/Edit Rule 6-158
6.226 Set Encoding 6-158
6.227 Set Pause Continue 6-159
6.228 Shared Wizard Pages 6-159
6.228.1 Types 6-159
6.228.2 Specify Objects 6-159
6.228.3 Data 6-160
6.228.4 Summary 6-160
6.229 Sign In (checking for updates) 6-160
6.230 Single Record View 6-160
6.231 Save Snippet (User-Defined) 6-161
6.232 Edit Snippets (User-Defined) 6-161
6.233 Show SQL 6-161
6.234 Start Date, End Date, Repeat Interval, Comments (Scheduler) 6-162
6.235 Subversion: Add Property 6-162
6.236 Subversion: Add to Source Control 6-162
6.237 Subversion: Apply Patch 6-162
6.238 Subversion: Branch/Tag 6-163
6.239 Subversion: Check Out from Subversion 6-163
6.240 Subversion: Commit Resources 6-164
6.241 Subversion: Commit Working Copy 6-164
6.242 Subversion: Confirm Checkout 6-165
6.243 Subversion: Create Remote Directory 6-165
6.244 Subversion: Create Subversion Repository 6-165
6.245 Subversion: Create/Edit Subversion Connection 6-166
6.246 Subversion: Delete Resources 6-166
6.247 Subversion: Edit Configuration File 6-166
6.248 Subversion: Export Files 6-167
6.249 Subversion: Export Subversion Connections 6-167
6.250 Subversion: Ignore 6-167
6.251 Subversion: Import Subversion Connections 6-167
6.252 Subversion: Import to Subversion 6-168
6.252.1 Destination 6-168
6.252.2 Source 6-168
6.252.3 Filters 6-168
6.252.4 Options 6-168
6.252.5 Summary 6-169
6.253 Subversion: Lock Resources 6-169
6.254 Subversion: Merge 6-169
6.255 Subversion: Pending Changes 6-170
6.256 Subversion: Properties 6-171
6.257 Subversion: Remove from Subversion 6-171
6.258 Subversion: Repository Browser 6-171
6.259 Subversion: Revert Local Changes 6-171
6.260 Subversion: Switch 6-172
6.261 Subversion: Unlock Resources 6-172
6.262 Subversion: Update Resources 6-172
6.263 Subversion: Update Working Copy 6-173
6.264 Subversion: Versioning Properties 6-173
6.265 Third-Party Database Objects 6-173
6.266 Unable to Connect 6-173
6.267 Unable to Open File 6-174
6.268 Uninstall Oracle REST Data Services 6-174
6.269 Unit Testing: Action Required 6-174
6.270 Unit Testing: Add Category 6-174
6.271 Unit Testing: Add Data Type 6-175
6.272 Unit Testing: Add Item to Library 6-175
6.273 Unit Testing: Add Test Implementation 6-175
6.274 Unit Testing: Add Test Suite 6-175
6.275 Unit Testing: Add Tests or Suites to a Suite 6-175
6.276 Unit Testing: Copy or Rename Unit Test 6-176
6.277 Unit Testing: Create Unit Test 6-176
6.277.1 Select Operation 6-176
6.277.2 Specify Test Name 6-176
6.277.3 Specify Startup 6-176
6.277.4 Specify Parameters 6-177
6.277.5 Specify Validations 6-177
6.277.6 Specify Teardown 6-178
6.277.7 Summary 6-178
6.278 Unit Testing: Manage Users 6-178
6.279 Unit Testing: Rename Test Implementation 6-178
6.280 Unit Testing: Result of Operation 6-179
6.281 Unit Testing: Synchronize Unit Test 6-179
6.282 Unplug Pluggable Database 6-180
6.283 Unsupported Database Version 6-180
6.284 Validate Geometry 6-180
6.285 View Whole Value 6-181
6.286 Windows 6-181
6.287 XMLType Column Properties 6-181
List of Figures
1-1 SQL Developer Main Window 1-3
2-1 V-model with a Database Migration 2-26
2-2 Main Window for a Database Migration 2-33
4-1 Unit Test Navigator 4-3
List of Tables
1-1 Default Locations for User-Related Information 1-127
This guide provides conceptual and usage information about Oracle SQL Developer, a
graphical tool that enables you to browse, create, edit, and delete (drop) database
objects; run SQL statements and scripts; edit and debug PL/SQL code; manipulate
and export data; migrate third-party databases to Oracle; view metadata and data in
MySQL and third-party databases; and view and create reports.
This guide is intended for those using the Oracle SQL Developer tool.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
Product Accessibility
If you are using a screen reader (such as JAWS), SQL Developer must be running on
the same system as the screen reader.
For more information about using a screen reader and Java Access Bridge with SQL
Developer, see the Oracle SQL Developer Installation Guide.
The Oracle SQL Developer Accessibility Guide provides information about the
accessibility features for SQL Developer.
Related Documents
For information about installing Oracle SQL Developer, see the Oracle SQL Developer
Installation Guide.
To download free release notes, installation documentation, white papers, or other
collateral, go to the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
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copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
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included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS
redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of
permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no
legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless
required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to
in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct,
indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not
limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or
malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such
Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting
Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works
thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support,
warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own
behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only
if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting
any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
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This program contains HttpComponents HttpClient 4.5.1, HttpComponents Core 4.4.4,
and httpmime 4.5.1.
copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to
the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the work under
this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of
user commands or options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this
criterion. 1. Source Code. The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of
the work for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source form of a
work. A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official standard
defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a
particular programming language, one that is widely used among developers working
in that language. The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of packaging a Major
Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves only to
enable use of the work with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard
Interface for which an implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component (kernel,
window system, and so on) of the specific operating system (if any) on which the
executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce the work, or an object code
interpreter used to run it. The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form
means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work)
run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities.
However, it does not include the work's System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or
generally available free programs which are used unmodified in performing those
activities but which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for the work, and the
source code for shared libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work is
specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data communication or control
flow between those subprograms and other parts of the work. The Corresponding
Source need not include anything that users can regenerate automatically from other
parts of the Corresponding Source. The Corresponding Source for a work in source
code form is that same work. 2. Basic Permissions. All rights granted under this
License are granted for the term of copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable
provided the stated conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a covered work is
covered by this License only if the output, given its content, constitutes a covered
work. This License acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as
provided by copyright law. You may make, run and propagate covered works that you
do not convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force.
You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having them make
modifications exclusively for you, or provide you with facilities for running those works,
provided that you comply with the terms of this License in conveying all material for
which you do not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and control, on
terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your copyrighted material outside
their relationship with you. Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted
solely under the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary. 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention
Law. No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure
under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the WIPO copyright
treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting
circumvention of such measures. When you convey a covered work, you waive any
legal power to forbid circumvention of technological measures to the extent such
circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to the
covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or modification of the
work as a means of enforcing, against the work's users, your or third parties' legal
rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures. 4. Conveying Verbatim
Copies. You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive
it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each
copy an appropriate copyright notice; keep intact all notices stating that this License
and any non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; keep
intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all recipients a copy of this
License along with the Program. You may charge any price or no price for each copy
that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. 5.
Conveying Modified Source Versions. You may convey a work based on the Program,
or the modifications to produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under
the terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) The work
must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it, and giving a relevant date. b)
The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is released under this License
and any conditions added under section 7. This requirement modifies the requirement
in section 4 to "keep intact all notices". c) You must license the entire work, as a
whole, under this License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 additional terms, to
the whole of the work, and all its parts, regardless of how they are packaged. This
License gives no permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. d) If the work has
interactive user interfaces, each must display Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if
the Program has interactive interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices,
your work need not make them do so. A compilation of a covered work with other
separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the
covered work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in
or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the
compilation and its resulting copyright are not used to limit the access or legal rights of
the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a
covered work in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts
of the aggregate. 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. You may convey a covered work
in object code form under the terms of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey
the machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, in one of
these ways: a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the Corresponding Source
fixed on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange. b)
Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical
distribution medium), accompanied by a written offer, valid for at least three years and
valid for as long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product model, to
give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a copy of the Corresponding
Source for all the software in the product that is covered by this License, on a durable
physical medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no more than
your reasonable cost of physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access
to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. c) Convey
individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written offer to provide the
Corresponding Source. This alternative is allowed only occasionally and
noncommercially, and only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b. d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the Corresponding Source
in the same way through the same place at no further charge. You need not require
recipients to copy the Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source may be on a
different server (operated by you or a third party) that supports equivalent copying
facilities, provided you maintain clear directions next to the object code saying where
to find the Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding
Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is available for as long as needed to
satisfy these requirements. e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer
transmission, provided you inform other peers where the object code and
Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no charge
under subsection 6d. A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is
excluded from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be included in
conveying the object code work. A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product",
which means any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal,
family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation into a
dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall
be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user,
"normally used" refers to a typical or common use of that class of product, regardless
of the status of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user actually
uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product is a consumer product
regardless of whether the product has substantial commercial, industrial or non-
consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only significant mode of use of the
product. "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, procedures,
authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified
versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of its
Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the continued
functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely
because modification has been made. If you convey an object code work under this
section in, or with, or specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs
as part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the User Product is
transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a fixed term (regardless of how the
transaction is characterized), the Corresponding Source conveyed under this section
must be accompanied by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not
apply if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install modified object code
on the User Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM). The
requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a requirement to
continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates for a work that has been
modified or installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been
modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied when the modification itself
materially and adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network. Corresponding Source conveyed,
and Installation Information provided, in accord with this section must be in a format
that is publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for unpacking,
reading or copying. 7. Additional Terms. "Additional permissions" are terms that
supplement the terms of this License by making exceptions from one or more of its
conditions. Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall be
treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent that they are valid
under applicable law. If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program, that
part may be used separately under those permissions, but the entire Program remains
governed by this License without regard to the additional permissions. When you
convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option remove any additional
permissions from that copy, or from any part of it. (Additional permissions may be
written to require their own removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You
may place additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, for
which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if
authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this
License with terms: a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or b) Requiring preservation of specified
reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate
Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of
the origin of that material, or requiring that modified versions of such material be
marked in reasonable ways as different from the original version; or d) Limiting the use
for publicity purposes of names of licensors or authors of the material; or e) Declining
to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade names, trademarks, or
service marks; or f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that material
by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of it) with contractual
assumptions of liability to the recipient, for any liability that these contractual
assumptions directly impose on those licensors and authors. All other non-permissive
additional terms are considered "further restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.
If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may
remove that term. If a license document contains a further restriction but permits
relicensing or conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work material
governed by the terms of that license document, provided that the further restriction
does not survive such relicensing or conveying. If you add terms to a covered work in
accord with this section, you must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating where to find the
applicable terms. Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the above requirements
apply either way. 8. Termination. You may not propagate or modify a covered work
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate
or modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License
(including any patent licenses granted under the third paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular
copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder
explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days
after the cessation. Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some
reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this
License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30
days after your receipt of the notice. Termination of your rights under this section does
not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you
under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same material under
section 10. 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. You are not required to
accept this License in order to receive or run a copy of the Program. Ancillary
propagation of a covered work occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-
peer transmission to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or modify any
covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do not accept this License.
Therefore, by modifying or propagating a covered work, you indicate your acceptance
of this License to do so. 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. Each time
you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work, subject to this License. You
are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. An
"entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an organization, or
substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an organization, or merging
organizations. If propagation of a covered work results from an entity transaction, each
party to that transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could give under the
previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the Corresponding Source of the
work from the predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has it or can get it with
reasonable efforts. You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a
license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under this License,
and you may not initiate litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit)
alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for sale, or
importing the Program or any portion of it. 11. Patents. A "contributor" is a copyright
holder who authorizes use under this License of the Program or a work on which the
Program is based. The work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor
version". A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims owned or
controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or hereafter acquired, that
would be infringed by some manner, permitted by this License, of making, using, or
selling its contributor version, but do not include claims that would be infringed only as
a consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For purposes of this
definition, "control" includes the right to grant patent sublicenses in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License. Each contributor grants you a non-
exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under the contributor's essential
patent claims, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version. In the following three paragraphs, a
"patent license" is any express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not
to enforce a patent (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant
not to sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a party means
to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party. If
you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, and the
Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone to copy, free of charge
and under the terms of this License, through a publicly available network server or
other readily accessible means, then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding
Source to be so available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the patent
license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner consistent with the
requirements of this License, to extend the patent license to downstream recipients.
"Knowingly relying" means you have actual knowledge that, but for the patent license,
your conveying the covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered
work in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that country that
you have reason to believe are valid. If, pursuant to or in connection with a single
transaction or arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties receiving the covered
work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify or convey a specific copy of the
covered work, then the patent license you grant is automatically extended to all
recipients of the covered work and works based on it. A patent license is
"discriminatory" if it does not include within the scope of its coverage, prohibits the
exercise of, or is conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered work if you are
a party to an arrangement with a third party that is in the business of distributing
software, under which you make payment to the third party based on the extent of your
activity of conveying the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory patent license
(a) in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made
from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection with specific products or
compilations that contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. Nothing in this License
shall be construed as excluding or limiting any implied license or other defenses to
infringement that may otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. 12.
No Surrender of Others' Freedom. If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court
order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do
not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a covered
work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other
pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it at all. For
example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty for further
conveying from those to whom you convey the Program, the only way you could
satisfy both those terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from conveying
the Program. 13. Remote Network Interaction; Use with the GNU General Public
License. Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the
Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users interacting with it
remotely through a computer network (if your version supports such interaction) an
opportunity to receive the Corresponding Source of your version by providing access
to the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge, through some
standard or customary means of facilitating copying of software. This Corresponding
Source shall include the Corresponding Source for any work covered by version 3 of
the GNU General Public License that is incorporated pursuant to the following
paragraph. Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have permission
to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed under version 3 of the GNU
General Public License into a single combined work, and to convey the resulting work.
The terms of this License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the work with which it is combined will remain governed by version 3 of the GNU
General Public License. 14. Revised Versions of this License. The Free Software
Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU Affero General
Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the
present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each
version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies that a certain
numbered version of the GNU Affero General Public License "or any later version"
applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that
numbered version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program does not specify a version number of the GNU Affero General Public
License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of
the GNU Affero General Public License can be used, that proxy's public statement of
acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the
Program. Later license versions may give you additional or different permissions.
However, no additional obligations are imposed on any author or copyright holder as a
result of your choosing to follow a later version. 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. THERE IS
Sections 15 and 16. If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, reviewing courts shall
apply local law that most closely approximates an absolute waiver of all civil liability in
connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies
a copy of the Program in return for a fee.
Copyright (c) 2001-2014, JGraph Ltd All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in
source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in
binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
distribution. * Neither the name of the JGraph nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
JLine 2.12.1
Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Marc Prud'hommeaux All rights reserved. Redistribution and
use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the
above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution. Neither the name of JLine nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE
JSch 0.1.51
JSch 0.0.* was released under the GNU LGPL license. Later, we have switched over
to a BSD-style license. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Atsuhiko Yamanaka, JCraft,Inc. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source
code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The names of the authors may not be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
JXLayer 4.0
This program includes JXLayer 4.0, which has the following associated attribution text:
Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Alexander Potochkin All rights reserved. Redistribution and
use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the
above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the JXLayer project nor the names
of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED
JZlib 1.1.3
JZlib 0.0.* were released under the GNU LGPL license. Later, we have switched over
to a BSD-style license. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (c) 2000-2011 ymnk, JCraft,Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use
in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that
the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the
above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution. 3. The names of the authors may not be used to
endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written
MigLayout 4.0
Copyright (c) 2004, Mikael Grev, MiG InfoCom AB. (miglayout (at) miginfocom (dot)
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of the MiG InfoCom AB nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
written permission.
POI 2.5.1
This program contains POI 2.5.1, which has the following associated attribution text:
The following applies to all products licensed under the Apache 2.0 License: You may
not use the identified files except in compliance with the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License.") You may obtain a copy of the License at A
copy of the license is also reproduced below. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 Link2 /
Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and
distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean
the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the
License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities
that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the
purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii)
ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial
ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the
preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source
code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any
form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form,
including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and
conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether
StringTemplate 3.1
[The BSD License] Copyright (c) 2012 Terence Parr All rights reserved. Redistribution
and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must
retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the author nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE
Changes in This Release for Oracle SQL Developer User’s Guide
New Features
• Refactor expressions in PL/SQL statements to a variable, function or common
table expression.
See Extract Variable/Function/CTE for Refactoring
• Oracle Data Pump Export wizard supports Object Store Service file transfer and
full import to Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud.
See OSS Transfer page
New Features
• Support for composite sharding
See Partition Sets pane
• Support for SQL injection detection
See SQL Injection Detection
• Support for loading data from cloud storage files to tables in Autonomous Data
Warehouse Cloud
See Data Import Wizard
• Availability of preferences for migration from AWS Redshift to Autonomous Data
Warehouse Cloud
See Migration
SQL Developer Concepts and Usage
This topic covers the main Oracle SQL Developer concepts, and explains how to use
the major SQL Developer features.
This topic includes the following topics:
• About SQL Developer
• Installing and Getting Started with SQL Developer
• SQL Developer User Interface
• Database Objects
• Database Connections
• Entering and Modifying Data
• Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures
• Using the SQL Worksheet
• Using Snippets to Insert Code Fragments
• Finding Database Objects
• Using Recent Objects
• Using Versioning
• Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
• Using the Cart
• Spatial Support in SQL Developer
• Change Manager Support in SQL Developer
• Apache Hadoop Connectors Support in SQL Developer
• SQL Developer Reports
• SQL Developer Preferences
• Location of User-Related Information
• Java Development Kit (JDK) Location
• Command-Line Interface for SQL Developer
• Data Modeler in SQL Developer
• Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Support
• Using the Help
• SQL Developer Usage Suggestions
• For More Information About SQL Developer
Chapter 1
About SQL Developer
Related Topics
• SQL Developer: Migrating Third-Party Databases
• SQL Developer: Oracle REST Data Services Support
• SQL Developer: Unit Testing
• SQL Developer Tutorial: Creating Objects for a Small Database
Chapter 1
SQL Developer User Interface
3. If you want to become familiar with SQL Developer concepts before using the
interface, read the rest of this chapter before proceeding to the next step.
4. Create at least one database connection (or import some previously exported
connections), so that you can view and work with database objects, use the SQL
Worksheet, and use other features.
To create a new database connection, right-click the Connections node in the
Connections navigator, select New Connection, and complete the required
entries in the Create/Edit/Select Database Connection dialog box. (You may also
be able to generate connections automatically by right-clicking the Connections
node and selecting Create Local Connections.)
5. Do the short tutorial in SQL Developer Tutorial: Creating Objects for a Small
Database, or work with your existing objects.
Related Topics
• Java Development Kit (JDK) Location
• Database Connections
• Create/Edit/Select Database Connection
Chapter 1
SQL Developer User Interface
This text explains the default interface. However, you can customize many
aspects of the appearance and behavior of SQL Developer by setting
preferences. If you ever need to restore the default interface, see Restoring
the Original "Look and Feel".
The menus at the top contain standard entries, plus entries for features specific to
SQL Developer as shown in the following figure.
You can use shortcut keys to access menus and menu items: for example Alt+F for
the File menu and Alt+E for the Edit menu; or Alt+H, then Alt+S for Help, then Search.
You can also display the File menu by pressing the F10 key (except in the SQL
Worksheet, where F10 is the shortcut for Explain Plan).
To close a window that has focus (such as the SQL Developer main window, a wizard
or dialog box, or the Help Center) and any of its dependent windows, you can press Alt
The main toolbar (under the menus) contains Icons to perform various actions, which
by default include the following:
• New creates a database object.
• Open opens a file.
• Save saves any changes to the currently selected object.
• Save All saves any changes to all open objects.
• Back moves to the pane that you most recently visited. (Or use the drop-down
arrow to specify a tab view.)
• Forward moves to the pane after the current one in the list of visited panes. (Or
use the drop-down arrow to specify a tab view.)
• Open SQL Worksheet opens the SQL Worksheet. If you do not use the drop-
down arrow to specify the database connection to use, you are asked to select a
However, you can add and remove main toolbar icons by clicking View, Show
Toolbars, Customize Main Toolbar, then choosing desired options. To undo any
main toolbar customization, select Reset Toolbars.
The left side of the SQL Developer window has panes for the Connections and
Reports navigators (any other navigators that you might open), icons for performing
actions, and a hierarchical tree display for the currently selected navigator, as shown
in the following figure.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer User Interface
The Connections navigator lists database connections that have been created. To
create a new database connection, import an XML file with connection definitions, or
export or edit current connections, right-click the Connections node and select the
appropriate menu item.
The Files navigator (marked by a folder icon; not shown in the preceding figure)
displays your local file system using a standard hierarchy of folders and files. You can
double-click or drag and drop files to open them, and you can edit and save the files.
For example, if you open a .sql file, it is displayed in a SQL Worksheet window. The
Files navigator is especially useful if you are using versioning with SQL Developer.
The Reports navigator (not shown in the preceding figure) lists informative reports
provided by SQL Developer, such as a list of tables without primary keys for each
database connection, as well as any user-defined reports.
Icons above the Connections node and metadata tree perform the following actions on
the currently selected object:
• Refresh queries the database for the current details about the selected object (for
example, a connection or just a table).
• Apply Filter restricts the display of objects using a filter that you specify. For
example, you can right-click the Tables node and specify a filter of EM% to see
only tables that start with EM and to have the Tables node label be changed to
Tables (EM%). To remove the effects of applying a filter, right-click the node and
select Clear Filter.
Note that for tables, the initial default node label is Tables (Filtered), to reflect the
exclusion of tables that are in the Recycle Bin. To have such tables included in the
display, clear the filter.
The metadata tree in the Connections pane displays all the objects (categorized by
object type) accessible to the defined connections. To select an object, expand the
appropriate tree node or nodes, then click the object.
The right side of the SQL Developer window has tabs and panes for objects that you
select or open, as shown in the following figure, which displays information about a
Chapter 1
SQL Developer User Interface
table named EMPLOYEES. (If you hold the mouse pointer over the tab label --
EMPLOYEES in this figure -- a tooltip displays the object's owner and the database
For objects other than subprograms, icons provide the following options:
• Freeze View (the pin) keeps that object's tab and information in the window when
you click another object in the Connections navigator; a separate tab and display
are created for that other object. If you click the pin again, the object's display is
available for reuse.
• Edit displays a dialog box for editing the object.
• Refresh updates the display by querying the database for the latest information.
• Actions displays a menu with actions appropriate for the object. The actions are
the same as when you right-click an object of that type in the Connections
navigator, except the Actions menu does not include Edit.
To switch among objects, click the desired tabs; to close a tab, click the X in the tab. If
you make changes to an object and click the X, you are asked if you want to save the
For tables and views, this information is grouped under tabs, which are labeled near
the top. For example, for tables the tabs are Columns, Data (for seeing and modifying
the data itself), Indexes, Constraints, and so on; and you can click a column heading
under a tab to sort the grid rows by the values in that column. For most objects, the
tabs include SQL, which displays the SQL statement for creating the object.
You can export (unload) data from a detail pane or from the results of a SQL
Worksheet operation or a report by using the context menu and selecting Export.
The Messages - Log area is used for feedback information as appropriate (for
example, results of an action, or error or warning messages). If this area is not already
visible, you can display it by clicking View and then Log.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer User Interface
The Compiler - Log area is used for any messages displayed as a result of a Compile
or Compile for Debug operation.
Related Topics
• Menus for SQL Developer
• SQL Developer Preferences
• Using the SQL Worksheet
• SQL Developer Reports
Chapter 1
SQL Developer User Interface
Chapter 1
SQL Developer User Interface
OLAP: Lets you display the OLAP Templates and Snippets pane.
Navigate menu
Contains options for navigating to panes and in the execution of subprograms.
Back: Moves to the pane that you most recently visited.
Forward: Moves to the pane after the current one in the list of visited panes.
Toggle Bookmark: If you are editing a function or procedure, creates or removes a
bookmark (see Using Bookmarks When Editing Functions and Procedures).
Remove Bookmarks from File: Removes bookmarks from the currently active editing
window for a function or procedure (see Using Bookmarks When Editing Functions
and Procedures).
Remove All Bookmarks: Removes bookmarks from open editing windows for
functions and procedures (see Using Bookmarks When Editing Functions and
Go to Bookmark: Displays a dialog box so that you can go to a specified bookmark
(see Using Bookmarks When Editing Functions and Procedures).
Go to Next Bookmark: Goes to the next bookmark in the currently active editing
window for a function or procedure (see Using Bookmarks When Editing Functions
and Procedures).
Go to Previous Bookmark: Goes to the previous bookmark in the currently active
editing window for a function or procedure (see Using Bookmarks When Editing
Functions and Procedures).
Go to Line: Goes to the specified line number and highlights the line in the editing
window for the selected function or procedure. (To display line numbers, enable Show
Line Numbers under the Code Editor: Line Gutter preferences.)
Go to Last Edit: Goes to the last line that was edited in the editing window for a
function or procedure.
Go to Recent Files: Displays the Recent Files dialog box, in which you can specify a
function or procedure to go to.
Run menu
Contains options relevant when a function or procedure is selected or when it is open
for debugging.
Run [name]: Starts execution of the specified function or procedure.
Debug [name]: Starts execution of the specified function or procedure in debug mode.
The remaining items on the Debug menu match commands on the debugging toolbar,
which is described in Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures.
Team menu
Contains options related to support for the Subversion version management and
source control system, and for any other such systems (such as CVS) that you have
added as extensions to SQL Developer through the "check for updates" feature. See
Using Versioning for more information.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer User Interface
The commands on the Team menu depend on which version management and source
control systems are available for use with SQL Developer.
Tools menu
Invokes SQL Developer tools.
Data Modeler: Starts the Data Modeler in SQL Developer if it not already active;
otherwise, contains the commands About Data Modeler, Design Rules, and General
Options (user preferences).
Database Copy: Enables you to copy objects, schemas, or a tablespace from one
database to another (see the Database Copy wizard).
Database Diff: Enables you to compare two schemas to find differences between
objects of the same type and name (for example, tables named CUSTOMERS) in two
different schemas, and optionally to update the objects in the destination schema to
reflect differences in the source schema (see the Database Differences interface).
Database Export: Enables you to export (unload) some or all objects of one or more
object types for a database connection to a file containing SQL statements to create
these objects and optionally to export table data (see the Database Export (Unload
Database Objects and Data) interface).
Migration: Displays the Migration Submenu, which contains commands related to
migrating third-party databases to Oracle.
Real Time SQL Monitor (requires the Oracle Tuning Pack): Displays information
about any query currently executing and queries that are done executing for a selected
connection. To see detailed information about a query, right-click its row and select
Show SQL Details. The information is especially useful for real-time monitoring of
long-running SQL statements. Cursor statistics (such as CPU times and IO times) and
execution plan statistics (such as number of output rows, memory, and temporary
space used) are updated close to real-time during statement execution. (Internally, this
feature calls the DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_SQL_MONITOR subprogram.)
Monitor Sessions: Displays the status of one or more sessions, using information
from the V$RSRC_SESSION_INFO view, which shows how the session has been
affected by the Oracle Database Resource Manager.
SQL Worksheet: Displays a worksheet in which you can enter and execute SQL and
PL/SQL statements using a specified connection (see Using the SQL Worksheet).
Unit Test: Displays the Unit Test Submenu, which contains commands related to unit
Data Miner: Enables you to show the Data Miner navigator and drop the Data Miner
repository. (For information about Data Miner, click Help, then Data Mining).
OLAP: Enables you to create a view that pivots an Oracle OLAP fact table so that the
measures identify rows instead of columns. (For information about Oracle OLAP, click
Help and check for related topics in the Table of Contents.)
REST Data Services: Lets you manage connections for REST administration and
development, and install and uninstall Oracle REST Data Services.
External Tools: Displays the External Tools dialog box, with information about user-
defined external tools that are integrated with the SQL Developer interface. From this
dialog box can add external tools (see Create/Edit External Tool). The Tools menu
also contains items for any user-defined external tools.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer User Interface
Chapter 1
SQL Developer User Interface
Check for Updates: Checks for any updates to the selected optional SQL Developer
extensions, as well as any mandatory SQL Developer extensions. The available
updates may include the JTDS JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server and the MySQL
JDBE Driver, which enable you to create connections to databases other than Oracle
Database. (If the system you are using is behind a firewall, see the SQL Developer
user preferences for Web Browser and Proxy.)
About: Displays version-related information about SQL Developer and its
Chapter 1
Database Objects
The actions available from context menus and Actions buttons depend on
the Oracle Database release number for the specified database connection.
If an action mentioned in the text is not available with a connection, it may be
that the feature was not available in that release of Oracle Database.
The dialog boxes for creating and editing many objects contain a tab or pane named
DDL or SQL, where you can see the statement that SQL Developer will use to perform
the actions you specify (CREATE to create an object, ALTER to apply changes to an
existing object).
You can search for specific objects associated with an Oracle database connection by
clicking the Search icon.
If you have connected to a MySQL database or a third-party (non-Oracle) database,
such as Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase Adaptive Server, or IBM DB2, you can view
their objects using the Connections navigator. (For information about connecting to
MySQL and third-party databases, see the SQL Developer user preferences for
Database: Third Party JDBC Drivers.)
Related Topics
• Finding Database Objects
• Database
Chapter 1
Database Objects
1.4.3 Chains
A chain is an Oracle Scheduler object that enables you to implement dependency
scheduling, in which jobs are started depending on the outcomes of one or more
previous jobs. A chain consists of multiple steps that are combined using dependency
rules. The dependency rules define the conditions that can be used to start or stop a
step or the chain itself. Conditions can include the success, failure, or completion-
codes or exit-codes of previous steps. Logical expressions, such as AND/OR, can be
used in the conditions. In a sense, a chain resembles a decision tree, with many
possible paths for selecting which tasks run and when.
Related Topics
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Database Objects
1.4.4 Credentials
A credential is an Oracle Scheduler object that is a user name and password pair
stored in a dedicated database object. A job uses a credential to authenticate itself
with a database instance or the operating system so that it can run.
Related Topics
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Database Objects
1.4.8 Directories
A directory object specifies an alias for a directory (called a folder on Windows
systems) on the server file system where external binary file LOBs (BFILEs) and
external table data are located. To create a directory (that is, a directory object), you
can use SQL Developer or the SQL statement CREATE DIRECTORY.
You can use directory names when referring to BFILEs in your PL/SQL code and OCI
calls, rather than hard coding the operating system path name, for management
flexibility. All directories are created in a single namespace and are not owned by an
individual schema. You can secure access to the BFILEs stored within the directory
structure by granting object privileges on the directories to specific users.
1.4.9 Editions
Edition-based redefinition, introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2),
enables you to upgrade the database component of an application while it is in use,
thereby minimizing or eliminating down time. To upgrade an application while it is in
use, you copy the objects that comprise the application and redefine the copied
objects in isolation. Your changes do not affect users of the application—they continue
to run the unchanged application. When you are sure that your changes are correct,
you make the upgraded application available to all users.
To specify the current edition, right-click the edition name and select Set Current
Edition. To create an edition under an existing edition, right-click the edition name and
select Create Edition. To delete an edition (and optionally all editions under it), right-
click the edition name and select Drop Edition.
Related Topics
• Oracle Database Development Guide
1.4.11 Functions
A function is a type of PL/SQL subprogram, which is a programming object that can be
stored and executed in the database server, and called from other programming
objects or applications. (Functions return a value; procedures do not return a value.)
You can perform the following operations on a function by right-clicking the function
name in the Connections navigator and selecting an item from the menu:
• Edit: Displays the function text so that you can view and edit it.
Chapter 1
Database Objects
• Run: Displays the Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL dialog box, and then executes the
function in normal (not debug) mode.
• Compile: Performs a PL/SQL compilation of the function.
• Compile for Debug: Performs a PL/SQL compilation of the procedure, with
PL/SQL library units compiled for debugging.
• Profile (for an Oracle Database Release 11.1 or later connection): Displays the
Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL dialog box, and then executes the function and collects
execution statistics.
• Drop: Deletes the function.
• Grant: Enables you to grant available privileges on the function to selected users.
• Revoke: Enables you to revoke available privileges on the function from selected
• Format: Reformats the text of the function definition.
• Create Unit Test: Creates a unit test for the function.
• Quick DDL: Enables you to export the DDL statement for creating the function to
a file, a SQL Worksheet, or the clipboard.
Related Topics
• Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL
• SQL Developer: Unit Testing
1.4.12 Indexes
An index is a database object that contains an entry for each value that appears in the
indexed column(s) of the table or cluster and provides direct, fast access to rows.
Indexes are automatically created on primary key columns; however, you must create
indexes on other columns to gain the benefits of indexing.
You can perform the following operations on an index by right-clicking the index name
in the Connections navigator and selecting an item from the menu:
• Drop: Deletes the index.
• Rebuild: Recreates the index or one of its partitions or subpartitions. If the index is
unusable, a successful rebuild operation makes the index usable. For a function-
based index, rebuilding also enables the index; however, if the function on which
the index is based does not exist, the rebuild operation fails.
• Rename: Changes the name of the index.
• Make Unusable: Prevents the index from being used by Oracle in executing
queries. An unusable index must be rebuilt, or dropped and re-created, before it
can be used again.
• Coalesce: Merges the contents of index blocks, where possible, to free blocks for
• Compute Statistics: For a function-based index, collects statistics on both the
index and its base table using the DBMS_STATS package. Such statistics will
enable Oracle Database to correctly decide when to use the index.
• Rebuild Index Partition: Rebuilds a specified index partition.
• Drop Index Partition: Drops (deletes) a specified index partition.
Chapter 1
Database Objects
• Quick DDL: Saves the DDL statement to create the index to a file, a SQL
Worksheet, or the system clipboard.
Related Topics
• Create/Edit Index
1.4.14 Jobs
A job is an Oracle Scheduler object that is a collection of metadata that describes a
user-defined task. It defines what needs to be executed (the action), when (the one-
time or recurring schedule or a triggering event), where (the destinations), and with
what credentials. A job has an owner, which is the schema in which it is created.
Related Topics
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
1.4.16 Operators
An operator is a type of PL/SQL subprogram, which is a programming object that can
be stored and executed in the database server, and called from other programming
objects or applications. Operators return a value.
You can perform the following operations on an operator by right-clicking the name in
the Connections navigator and selecting an item from the menu:
• Edit: Displays the operator text so that you can view and edit it.
• Run: Displays the Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL dialog box, and then executes the
operator in normal (not debug) mode.
• Compile: Performs a PL/SQL compilation of the operator.
Chapter 1
Database Objects
• Compile for Debug: Performs a PL/SQL compilation of the operator, with PL/SQL
library units compiled for debugging.
• Profile (for an Oracle Database Release 11.1 or later connection): Displays the
Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL dialog box, and then executes the operator and
collects execution statistics.
Related Topics
• Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL
1.4.20 Packages
A package is an object that contains subprograms, which are programming objects
that can be stored and executed in the database server, and called from other
programming objects or applications. A package can contain functions or procedures,
or both.
You can perform the following operations on a package by right-clicking the package
name in the Connections navigator and selecting an item from the menu:
Chapter 1
Database Objects
• Edit: Opens the package in a window, where you can modify the content and
other information.
• Run: Lets you select a member in the package and run it.
• Compile: Performs a PL/SQL compilation of the members in the package.
• Compile for Debug: Performs a PL/SQL compilation of the members in the
package, with PL/SQL library units compiled for debugging
• Order Members By: Orders the members of the package by location in the
source, by name, or by type and by name within each type.
• Use as Template: Lets you create a new package using the selected package as
the initial content.
• Drop Package: Deletes the package.
• Create Body: Displays a pane in which you can enter text for the package body.
• Grant: Lets you grant privileges on the package
• Revoke: Lets you revoke privileges on the package.
• Save Package Spec and Body: Saves the package specification and body to a
file that you specify.
• Quick DDL: Saves the DDL statement to create the package to a file, a SQL
Worksheet, or the system clipboard.
Related Topics
• Create PL/SQL Package
1.4.21 Procedures
A procedure is a type of PL/SQL subprogram, which is a programming object that can
be stored and executed in the database server, and called from other programming
objects or applications. (Procedures do not return a value; functions return a value.)
You can perform the following operations on a procedure by right-clicking the
procedure name in the Connections navigator and selecting an item from the menu:
• Edit: Displays the procedure text so that you can view and edit it.
• Run: Displays the Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL dialog box, and then executes the
procedure in normal (not debug) mode.
• Compile: Performs a PL/SQL compilation of the procedure.
• Compile for Debug: Performs a PL/SQL compilation of the procedure, with
PL/SQL library units compiled for debugging.
• Profile (for an Oracle Database Release 11.1 or later connection): Displays the
Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL dialog box, and then executes the procedure and
collects execution statistics.
• Drop: Deletes the procedure.
• Grant: Enables you to grant available privileges on the procedure to selected
• Revoke: Enables you to revoke available privileges on the procedure from
selected users.
• Format: Reformats the text of the procedure definition.
Chapter 1
Database Objects
1.4.22 Programs
A program is an Oracle Scheduler object that describes what is to be run by the
Scheduler. A program includes an action, a type, and the number of arguments that
the stored procedure or external executable accepts. (A program is a separate entity
from a job. A job runs at a certain time or because a certain event occurred, and
invokes a certain program.)
Related Topics
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
1.4.23 Queues
A queue is an object in which messages are enqueued and dequeued. Queues are
managed by Oracle Streams Advanced Queueing (AQ).
Related Topics
• Oracle Database Advanced Queuing User’s Guide
You can perform the following operations on an object in the Recycle bin by right-
clicking the object name in the Recycle bin in the Connections navigator and selecting
an item from the menu:
• Purge: Removes the object from the Recycle bin and deletes it.
Chapter 1
Database Objects
To purge the Recycle bin, you must have the SYSDBA or PURGEDBA_RECYCLEBIN
system privilege.
• Flashback to Before Drop: Moves the object from the Recycle bin back to its
appropriate place in the Connections navigator display.
1.4.27 Schedules
A schedule is an Oracle Scheduler object that specifies when and how many times a
job is run. Schedules can be shared by multiple jobs. For example, the end of a
business quarter may be a common time frame for many jobs; instead of having to
define an end-of-quarter schedule each time a new job is defined, job creators can
point to a named schedule.
Related Topics
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
1.4.28 Sequences
Sequences are used to generate unique integers. You can use sequences to
automatically generate primary key values.
Related Topics
• Create/Edit Sequence
• Oracle Database 2 Day Developer's Guide
1.4.30 Tables
Tables are used to hold data. Each table typically has multiple columns that describe
attributes of the database entity associated with the table, and each column has an
associated data type. You can choose from many table creation options and table
organizations (such as partitioned tables, index-organized tables, and external tables),
Chapter 1
Database Objects
to meet a variety of enterprise needs. To create a table, you can do one of the
• Create the table quickly by adding columns and specifying frequently used
features. To do this, do not check the Advanced box in the Create Table dialog
• Create the table by adding columns and selecting from a larger set of features. To
do this, check the Advanced box in the Create Table dialog box.
• Create the table automatically from a Microsoft Excel worksheet. To do this, right-
click Tables under a connection in the Connections navigator, and select Import
Data. When asked for the file, select a file of type .xls or .csv.
You can perform the following operations on a table by right-clicking the table name in
the Connections navigator and selecting an item from the menu:
• Edit: Displays the Create/Edit Table (with advanced options) dialog box.
• Import Data: Enables you to import data from a Microsoft Excel worksheet (.xls
or .csv file).
• Export: Enables you to export some or all of the table data to a file or to the
system clipboard, in any of the following formats: XML (XML tags and data), CSV
(comma-separated values including a header row for column identifiers), SQL
Insert (INSERT statements), or SQL Loader (SQL*Loader control file). After you
select a format, the Database Export (Unload Database Objects and Data) wizard
is displayed.
• Table: Table actions include Rename, Copy (create a copy using a different
name), Drop (delete the table), Truncate (delete existing data without affecting the
table definition), Lock (set the table lock mode: row share, exclusive, and so on),
Comment (descriptive comment explaining the use or purpose of the table),
Parallel (change the default degree of parallelism for queries and DML on the
table), No Parallel (specify serial execution), Count Rows (return the number of
rows), and Generate Table API (generate statements for a PL/SQL procedure to
perform operations on the table).
• Column: Column actions include Comment (descriptive comment about a
column), Add, Drop, and Normalize.
• Constraint: Includes options for adding, dropping, enabling, and disabling
• Index: Options include Create (create an index on specified columns), Create Text
(create an Oracle Text index on a column), Create Text (create a function-based
index on a column), and Drop.
• Constraint: Options include Enable or Disable Single, Drop (delete a constraint),
Add Check (add a check constraint), Add Foreign Key, and Add Unique.
• Privileges: If you are connected as a database user with sufficient privileges, you
can Grant or Revoke privileges on the table to other users.
• Statistics: Options include Gather Statistics (compute exact table and column
statistics and store them in the data dictionary) and Validate Structure (verifies the
integrity of each data block and row, and for an index-organized table also
generates the optimal prefix compression count for the primary key index on the
table). Statistics are used by the Oracle Database optimizer to choose the
execution plan for SQL statements that access analyzed objects.
Chapter 1
Database Objects
• Storage: Options include Shrink Table (shrink space in a table, for segments in
tablespaces with automatic segment management) and Move Table (to another
tablespace). The Shrink Table options include Compact (only defragments the
segment space and compacts the table rows for subsequent release, but does not
readjust the high water mark and does not release the space immediately) and
Cascade (performs the same operations on all dependent objects of the table,
including secondary indexes on index-organized tables).
• Trigger: Options include Create, Create PK from Sequence (create a before-insert
trigger to populate the primary key using values from a specified sequence),
Enable or Disable All, Enable or Disable Single, and Drop (delete the trigger).
• Redaction (if the connection user has proper authorization): Enables you to add,
alter, enable, disable, or drop a redaction policy on the table.
• Enable REST Services: Enables Oracle REST Data Services access to the
selected table (available only if Oracle REST Data Services has been installed on
the system containing the database associated with the connection).
You can perform the following operations on a column in a table by right-clicking the
column name in the Connections navigator and selecting an item from the menu:
• Rename: Renames the column.
• Drop: Deletes the column (including all data in that column) from the table.
• Comment: Adds a descriptive comment about the column.
• Encrypt (for Oracle Database Release 10.2 and higher, and only if the
Transparent Data Encryption feature is enabled for the database): Displays a
dialog box in which you specify a supported encryption algorithm to be used for
encrypting all data in the column. Current data and subsequently inserted data are
• Decrypt (for Oracle Database Release 10.2 and higher, and only if the
Transparent Data Encryption feature is enabled for the database): Decrypts data
in the column that had been encrypted, and causes data that is subsequently
inserted not to be encrypted.
• Normalize: Creates a new table using the distinct values in the specified column.
You must specify names for the new table and its primary key column, as well as a
sequence name and trigger name.
The Model tab in a table display includes Open in Data Modeler, which enables you
to open the table and sometimes related tables in a Data Modeler diagram view.
• If you right-click a table in the diagram and select Show Parent and Child Tables,
any parent and child tables are added to the display (if they are not already
• If you right-click a table in the diagram and select Properties, a Data Modeler
table properties display is opened in read-only mode.
Related Topics
• Create Table (quick creation)
• Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
• Database Export (Unload Database Objects and Data)
• Oracle Database 2 Day Developer's Guide
Chapter 1
Database Objects
1.4.31 Triggers
Triggers are stored PL/SQL blocks associated with a table, a schema, or the
database, or anonymous PL/SQL blocks or calls to a procedure implemented in
PL/SQL or Java. Oracle Database automatically executes a trigger when specified
conditions occur.
A crossedition trigger is intended to fire when DML changes are made in a database
while an online application that uses the database is being patched or upgraded with
edition-based redefinition. The body of a crossedition trigger is designed to handle
these DML changes so that they can be appropriately applied after the changes to the
application code are completed. To create a crossedition trigger, you must be enabled
for Editions.
Related Topics
• Create Trigger
• Editions
• Oracle Database 2 Day Developer's Guide
1.4.32 Types
A data type associates a fixed set of properties with the values that can be used in a
column of a table or in an argument of a function or procedure. These properties
cause Oracle Database to treat values of one data type differently from values of
another data type. Most data types are supplied by Oracle, although users can create
data types.
Related Topics
• Oracle Database Concepts
• Create Type (User-Defined)
Chapter 1
Database Objects
If you are connected as a user with the DBA role, you can create a database user by
right-clicking Other Users and selecting Create User, and you can edit an existing
database user by right-clicking the user under Other Users and selecting Edit User.
Related Topics
• Create/Edit User
Views are virtual tables (analogous to queries in some database products) that select
data from one or more underlying tables. Oracle Database provides many view
creation options and specialized types of views (such as materialized views) to meet a
variety of enterprise needs.
Editioning views are shown in a separate navigator node if the connection is to an
Oracle Database release that supports Editions. An editioning view selects a subset of
the columns from a single base table and, optionally, provides aliases for them. In
providing aliases, the editioning view maps physical column names (used by the base
table) to logical column names (used by the application).
You can perform the following operations on a view by right-clicking the view name in
the Connections navigator and selecting an item from the menu:
• Edit: Displays the Create/Edit View dialog box.
• Drop: Deletes the view.
• Compile: Recompiles the view, to enable you to locate possible errors before
runtime. You may want to recompile a view after altering one of its base tables to
ensure that the change does not affect the view or other objects that depend on it.
• Enable REST Services: Enables Oracle REST Data Services access to the
selected view (available only if Oracle REST Data Services has been installed on
the system containing the database associated with the connection).
Related Topics
• Create/Edit View
• Materialized Views
Chapter 1
Database Objects
Related Topics
• Windows
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
1.4.36 Windows
A window is an Oracle Scheduler object that can be used to automatically start jobs or
to change resource allocation among jobs during various time periods of the day,
week, and so on. A window is represented by an interval of time with a well-defined
beginning and end, such as "from 12am-6am".
Windows work with job classes to control resource allocation. Each window specifies
the resource plan to activate when the window opens (becomes active), and each job
class specifies a resource consumer group or specifies a database service, which can
map to a consumer group. A job that runs within a window, therefore, has resources
allocated to it according to the consumer group of its job class and the resource plan
of the window.
Related Topics
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Database Connections
The context menu for each captured object includes Convert to Oracle, which creates
a corresponding converted object. The context menu for each converted object
includes Generate, which creates the corresponding Oracle Database object. (The
context menus will contain other items as appropriate for the object.)
For information about the related Oracle Database objects, see the following:
• Functions
• Indexes
• Procedures
• Sequences
• Tables
• Triggers
• Users (Other Users)
• Views
Chapter 1
Database Connections
To use the Create Local Connections feature, you must specify an Oracle
Home: in the Database: Advanced user preferences, click Configure for Use
Oracle Client. The Oracle Home must be for Release or later.
Chapter 1
Database Connections
Chapter 1
Database Connections
Chapter 1
Database Connections
See Also:
For information about using external authentication, including the use of the
initialization parameters, see Oracle Database Security Guide
Chapter 1
Database Connections
4. Complete any other necessary connection information, and click Connect to create
the connection.
You may also find the following article helpful: "SSH Tunnel - Local and Remote Port
Forwarding Explained With Examples" (
Chapter 1
Entering and Modifying Data
Icons and other controls under the Data tab provide the following options:
• Freeze View (the pin) keeps that object's tab and information in the window when
you click another object in the Connections navigator; a separate tab and display
are created for that other object. If you click the pin again, the object's display is
available for reuse.
• Refresh queries the database to update the data display. If a filter is specified, the
refresh operation uses the filter.
• Insert Row adds an empty row after the selected row, for you to enter new data.
• Delete Selected Row(s) marks the selected rows for deletion. The actual deletion
does not occur until you commit changes.
• Commit Changes ends the current transaction and makes permanent all changes
performed in the transaction.
• Rollback Changes undoes any work done in the current transaction.
• Sort displays a dialog box for selecting columns to sort by. For each column, you
can specify ascending or descending order, and you can specify that null values
be displayed first.
• Filter enables you to enter a SQL predicate (WHERE clause text without the
WHERE keyword) for limiting the display of data. For example, to show only rows
where the RATING column value is equal to 10, specify rating=10 and press
Enter. (To see any previously applied filters, clear the Filter box, then either press
Ctrl + spacebar or click the drop-down arrow in the Filter box.)
• Filter Column enables you to enter a partial value (such as a number or a string;
at least two characters for a string), to limit the dialog box display to items
containing the partial value, so that you can then select the one item to appear in
the grid. For example, entering EMP for column names might show a list of columns
including EMPLOYEE_ID and IS_TEMP.
Chapter 1
Entering and Modifying Data
Chapter 1
Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures
• Publish to REST
In the code editing window, under the tab with the name of the subprogram, is a
toolbar, and beneath it is the text of the subprogram, which you can edit. You can set
and unset breakpoints for debugging by clicking to the left of the thin vertical line
beside each statement with which you want to associate a breakpoint. (When a
breakpoint is set, a red circle is displayed.)
Chapter 1
Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures
The toolbar under the tab for the subprogram name includes the icons shown in the
following figure.
• Freeze Content (the pin) keeps that subprogram's tab and information in the
window when you click another object in the Connections navigator; a separate
tab and display are created for that other object. If you click the pin again, the
object's display is available for reuse.
• Run starts normal execution of the subprogram, and displays the results in the
Running - Log tab.
• Debug starts execution of the subprogram in debug mode, and displays the
Debugging - Log tab, which includes the debugging toolbar for controlling the
• Compile for Debug performs a PL/SQL compilation of the subprogram so that it
can be debugged.
• Compile performs a PL/SQL compilation of the subprogram.
• Switch to Read Only / Switch to Write Mode toggles between read-only and
read/write mode for the code editing window. (See also the Code Editor user
preference Start in Read Only Mode.)
• Profile displays the Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL dialog box.
The Debugging - Log tab under the code text area contains the debugging toolbar
and informational messages. The debugging toolbar has the icons shown in the
following figure.
• Find Execution Point goes to the execution point (the next line of source code to
be executed by the debugger).
• Step Over bypasses the next subprogram (unless the subprogram has a
breakpoint) and goes to the next statement after the subprogram. If the execution
point is located on a subprogram call, it runs that subprogram without stopping
(instead of stepping into it), then positions the execution point on the statement
that follows the call. If the execution point is located on the last statement of a
subprogram, Step Over returns from the subprogram, placing the execution point
on the line of code that follows the call to the subprogram from which you are
• Step Into executes a single program statement at a time. If the execution point is
located on a call to a subprogram, Step Into steps into that subprogram and places
the execution point on its first statement. If the execution point is located on the
last statement of a subprogram, Step Into returns from the subprogram, placing
the execution point on the line of code that follows the call to the subprogram from
which you are returning.
Chapter 1
Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures
• Step Out leaves the current subprogram and goes to the next statement.
• Step to End of Method goes to the last statement of the current subprogram.
• Resume continues execution.
• Pause halts execution but does not exit, thus allowing you to resume execution.
• Terminate halts and exits the execution. You cannot resume execution from this
point; instead, to start running or debugging from the beginning of the subprogram,
click the Run or Debug icon in the Source tab toolbar.
The Breakpoints tab displays breakpoints, both system-defined and user-defined.
The Smart Data tab displays information about variables, using your Debugger: Smart
Data preferences. You can also specify these preferences by right-clicking in the
Smart Data window and selecting Preferences.
The Data tab displays information about variables, using your Debugger: Data
preferences. You can also specify these preferences by right-clicking in the Data
window and selecting Preferences.
The Watches tab displays information about watches.
If the function or procedure to be debugged is on a remote system, see also Remote
Chapter 1
Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures
the debugger connection commands is the same session which executes your
PL/SQL program containing the breakpoints (and be sure each breakpoint is
an executable line, not a declaration). For example, if the name of the remote
system is remote1, use the following SQL*Plus statement to open a TCP/IP
connection to that system and the port for the JDWP session:
The first parameter is the IP address or host name of the remote system, and
the second parameter is the port number on that remote system on which the
debugger is listening.
• Define the ORA_DEBUG_JDWP operating system environment variable. For
2. Right-click the connection for the remote database, select Remote Debug, and
complete the information in the Debugger — Attach to JPDA dialog box.
Then, follow the steps that you would for local debugging.
Related Topics
• Debugger - Attach to JPDA
• Debug a PL/SQL Procedure
Chapter 1
Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures
• Time spent in the subprogram itself and in its descendent subprograms (subtree
• Detailed parent-children information, including all subprograms that a given
subprogram called (that is, children of the given subprogram)
Related Topics
• Oracle Database Development Guide
Chapter 1
Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures
Chapter 1
Using the SQL Worksheet
SQL Worksheet toolbar (under the Worksheet tab): Contains icons for the following
• Execute Statement executes the statement at the mouse pointer in the Enter
SQL Statement box. The SQL statements can include bind variables and
substitution variables of type VARCHAR2 (although in most cases, VARCHAR2 is
automatically converted internally to NUMBER if necessary); a pop-up box is
displayed for entering variable values.
• Run Script executes all statements in the Enter SQL Statement box using the
Script Runner. The SQL statements can include substitution variables (but not
Chapter 1
Using the SQL Worksheet
Chapter 1
Using the SQL Worksheet
Chapter 1
Using the SQL Worksheet
Chapter 1
Using the SQL Worksheet
For information about SQL*Plus statements, you can enter the help statement. For
information about a specific statement or topic, include it as the parameter (for
example, help @, help exit, or help reserved words). If the statement is not supported
in SQL Developer, or if there are restrictions or usage notes, the help display includes
this information.
Chapter 1
Using the SQL Worksheet
the set of accessed partitions), and parallel execution (such as the distribution method
of join inputs).
Chapter 1
Using the SQL Worksheet
entries written to the OWA output buffer are displayed in that tab. (To stop
displaying output for that connection, close the tab.)
• Clear: Erases the contents of the pane.
• Save: Saves the contents of the pane to a file that you specify.
• Print: Prints the contents of the pane.
Chapter 1
Using the SQL Worksheet
Before invoking the command-line interface for SQL formatting, start the SQL
Developer graphical interface, so that the Database: SQL Formatter preferences
(which are used for the formatting) are loaded and available.
The following example takes the SQL code in c:\temp\myfile.sql and creates c:\temp
\myfile_out.sql containing the formatted code. (Enter the command on one command
C:\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin>sdcli format input=c:\temp\myfile.sql output=c:\temp
Related Topics
• Command-Line Interface for SQL Developer
The following example shows the output generated by the first statement (SELECT /
*csv*/ * FROM books;). It assumes that the BOOKS table was created and populated
Chapter 1
Using the SQL Worksheet
using the instructions in SQL Developer Tutorial: Creating Objects for a Small
"A1111","Moby Dick","Melville","Herman",10
"A2222","Get Rich Really Fast","Scammer","Ima",1
"A3333","Finding Inner Peace","Blissford","Serenity",
"A4444","Great Mystery Stories","Whodunit","Rodney",5
"A5555","Software Wizardry","Abugov","D.",10
If you specify 104 as the bind variable value, the output appears as shown in the
following figure:
For a user-defined gauge report, the query must specify only the value column, the
minimum and maximum values, and the low and high values, and optionally a WHERE
clause. The required structure for the query (before any optional WHERE clause) is:
SELECT <value-column>, <min>, <max>, <low>, <high> FROM <table-name>
For example, to create a report of salaries in gauge dial format, with the same values
and WHERE clause as in the preceding query, right-click on User Defined Reports in
the Reports navigator and select New Report. In the New Report dialog box, specify a
report name; for Style, select Gauge; and enter the following on the subtabs:
• SQL Query:
SELECT salary, 1000, 30000, 10000, 18000 FROM employees
WHERE employee_id < :EMPLOYEE_ID;
Chapter 1
Using Snippets to Insert Code Fragments
• Property:
Gauge Type: Status Meter (or Dial if you prefer semicircular dials, each with a
label containing the salary amount and a "needle" pointing to an appropriate place
on the dial).
Enable (check) Use Query to Specify the Minimum, Maximum, Low, and High
Click Apply.
Use the Reports navigator to view the newly created user-defined report. For
Connection, specify one that connects to the HR sample schema. For the bind
variable value, specify 104.
Related Topics
• Using the SQL Worksheet
• User Defined reports
To see the output of OLAP DML statements, you must display the DBMS Output Pane
(View > Dbms Output).
For information about OLAP DML statements, see the Oracle OLAP DML Reference
topic in the online help.
Chapter 1
Finding Database Objects
For example, you could type SELECT and then drag CONCAT(char1, char2) from the
Character Functions group. Then, edit the CONCAT function syntax and type the rest
of the statement, such as in the following:
SELECT CONCAT(title, ' is a book in the library.') FROM books;
Related Topics
• User-Defined Snippets
• Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures
Chapter 1
Finding Database Objects
from a search for all objects associated with a connection named hr_system05 where
the object name starts with EM.
In this example, the search finds nine objects across four object types. In the display of
results, you can click any of the object names to bring up the object in an appropriate
Connection: Database connection to use for the search.
Name: An object name or a string containing one or more wildcard characters. For
example: EM% for all names starting with EM.
All Schemas: Select one or more schemas, or all schemas, in which to perform the
search. In this example, the blue solid square reflects the fact that the schema you
selected is the schema to search; however, you click to select all schemas, or you can
expand All Schemas and individually select schemas.
Types: Type of object for which to restrict the search. You can search all columns, or
all or individual identifier types, identifier usages, and source lines.
All Dependencies: Extends object search to all dependent objects. For example, if a
table is referenced by several views and if that table is found by a search, specifying
All Dependencies will also find those dependent views.
Click the Go icon to display objects that meet the specified criteria. To view or edit one
of the objects (or the parent object that contains the specified object), double-click or
right-click its name in the results display.
Related Topics
• Database Objects
Chapter 1
Using Recent Objects
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
You should add only connections for which the associated database user has DBA
privileges (or at least privileges for the desired DBA navigator operations) on the
specified database. If you attempt to perform a DBA navigator operation for which the
database connection user does not have sufficient privileges, you will receive an error.
The following options are available from the DBA navigator hierarchy:
Container Database (CDB)
Database Configuration
Initialization Parameters
Automatic Undo Management
Current Database Properties
Restore Points
View Database Feature Usage
Database Status
DB Instance
Data Guard
Data Pump
Export Jobs
Import Jobs
Oracle Sharding
Baseline Templates
Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
ASH (Active Session History) Report Viewer
AWR (Automatic Workload Repository)
RMAN Backup/Recovery
Backup Jobs
Backup Sets
Image Copies
RMAN Settings
Scheduled RMAN Actions
Resource Manager
Consumer Group Mappings
Consumer Groups
SQL Translator FrameWork
SQL Translator Profiles
SQL Translators
Global Attributes
Job Classes
External Destinations
Audit Settings
Archive Logs
Control Files
Redo Log Groups
Rollback Segments
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
Temporary Tablespace Groups
Real Time SQL Monitor
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
NLS preferences pane to change the value for use with all SQL Developer
connections (current and future), or you can use the ALTER SESSION statement in
the SQL Worksheet window to change the value for the current connection only.
Detailed explanations of various DBA options, including usage and reference
information, are available in appropriate manuals in the Oracle Database
Documentation Library on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer Status
Includes tabs for displaying information about the Database Status, Oracle Host,
Oracle Home, and TNS Listener. DB Instance
Displays the database Instance Viewer.
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
In the SQL tab, ensure that the DDL that is generated includes the Enable Shard DDL
mode, which indicates that the DDL is propagated to all the DDL shards in the
Related Topics
• Create/Edit User
• Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
1.13.7 Performance
Includes options to create objects and view reports related to the use of database
statistics. Oracle Database automatically persists the cumulative and delta values for
most of the statistics at all levels (except the session level) in the Automatic Workload
Repository (AWR). This process is repeated on a regular time period and the results
are captured in an AWR snapshot. The delta values captured by the snapshot
represent the changes for each statistic over the time period.
A statistical baseline is a collection of statistic rates usually taken over a time period
when the system is performing well at an optimal level. Use statistical baselines to
diagnose performance problems by comparing statistics captured in a baseline to
those captured during a period of poor performance. This enables you to identify
specific statistics that may have increased significantly and could be the cause of the
problem. AWR supports the capture of baseline data by enabling you to specify and
preserve a pair or range of AWR snapshots as a baseline.
Most Performance operations are performed internally by SQL Developer
through calls to subprograms of the DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY package (such
with names ending in _REPORT_HTML). These are documented in Oracle
Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference. Snapshots
Snapshots are sets of historical data for specific time periods that are used for
performance comparisons by Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM). By
default, Oracle Database automatically generates snapshots of the performance data
once every hour and retains the statistics in AWR for 8 days. You can also manually
create snapshots or change the snapshot retention period, but it is usually not
AWR compares the difference between snapshots to determine which SQL statements
to capture based on the effect on the system load. This reduces the number of SQL
statements that must be captured over time. After the snapshots are created, ADDM
analyzes the data captured in the snapshots to perform its performance analysis. Baselines
A baseline is a set of snapshots from a specific time period that is preserved for
comparison with other snapshots when a performance problem occurs. The snapshots
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
contained in a baseline are excluded from the automatic AWR purging process and
are retained indefinitely.
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
username => 'user-name',
password => 'password',
database_role => NULL,
windows_domain => NULL,
comments => NULL,
credential_name => 'credential-name'
Then, run the Action Jobs, Configure action. This action places some scripts in the
server-side database home (in <home>/sqldeveloper/dbascripts) and creates some
DBMS_SCHEDULER program objects in the database. (If you want to unconfigure an
action job, you can use the Action Jobs, Unconfigure action, which removes the
server-side directory containing the script and log files and drops the
DBMS_SCHEDULER program objects.)
After you perform the configuration, the Run Scheduler Job action of the Script
Processing control becomes available in the RMAN dialog boxes, and you can click
Apply to cause the RMAN script to be executed in the server using a
After an RMAN job has been run, you can view the log file containing the output from
RMAN by using the Action Jobs, View Latest Log action. This lets you check for any
errors that may have occurred during the running of the RMAN script.
Some RMAN jobs involve performing a database restart. Examples are setting the
archive log mode and some whole database backup and restore operations. In such
cases, after you click Apply you are asked to confirm that you want to proceed; and if
you do proceed, the job is queued (with no waiting for the completion). Because of the
restart, the SQL Developer connection must be disconnected and then connected
again after the database is restarted. After the reconnection, examine the log file to
see whether the job completed successfully.
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer Plans
A resource plan is a container for directives that specify how resources are allocated
to resource consumer group; you specify how the database allocates resources by
activating a specific resource plan. The Plans option displays, for each plan, its
description and if its status is Active. Settings
Lists any active resource plans. Statistics
Lists various resource-related statistics (if applicable).
1.13.11 Scheduler
Includes the following options related to Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer. (The
objects under Scheduler in the DBA navigator are for objects that owned by the SYS
user and that can be created and modified only by users with DBA privileges. Other
objects are listed under Scheduler for users in the Connections navigator.)
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
1.13.12 Security
Includes the following options related to database security management. For profiles,
roles, and users, you can perform relevant operations, such as creating new objects of
that type and editing and dropping existing objects. Profiles
A profile is a set of limits on database resources. If you assign the profile to a user,
then that user cannot exceed these limits. The Profiles option displays any limits on
activities and resource usage for each profile. Roles
A role is a set of privileges that can be granted to users or to other roles; you can use
roles to administer database privileges. The Roles option displays the roles and their
authentication settings. Users
A database user is an account through which you can connect to the database. The
Users option displays status and usage information about each database user.
1.13.13 Storage
Includes the following options related to database storage management.
Chapter 1
Using DBA Features in SQL Developer Datafiles
A data file is a physical file on disk that was created by Oracle Database and contains
the data for a database. The data files can be located either in an operating system file
system or Oracle ASM disk group. The Datafiles option displays, for each data file, its
file name, tablespace, status, and other information. Tablespaces
A tablespace is a database storage unit that groups related logical structures together.
The database data files are stored in tablespaces. The Tablespaces option displays,
for each tablespace, its name; megabytes allocated, free, and used; and other
1.13.14 Tuning
Provides an option to monitor the database performance in real time.
Chapter 1
Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Using the Cart
The pane with information about an item opened from the Scheduler hierarchy
typically contains icons and other controls for the following:
• Freeze View (the pin) keeps that object's tab and information in the window when
you click another object in the Connections navigator; a separate tab and display
are created for that other object. If you click the pin again, the object's display is
available for reuse.
• Run updates the display by querying the database for the latest information.
• Refresh lets you select an interval for automatically updating the display.
• Actions displays a menu with actions appropriate for the object. For example, the
actions for a job include New Job, Drop, Run Job Now, and Create Like.
With information displays that are in grid form, you can often use the context (right-
click) menu on a header or a data cell to perform operations like those for the table
data grid. For example, right-clicking on a header lets you select options like Auto-fit,
Columns, Sort, Delete Persisted Settings (such as any sort order specifications), and
Filter Column; right-clicking any data cell lets you select options like Save Grid as
Report, Single-Record View, Count Rows, Find/Highlight (find and optionally highlight
values in the grid), and Export (unload data).
Several Scheduler reports are also available.
Chapter 1
Using the Cart
You can put objects into one or more carts, each with its own tab. When the Cart
window is opened, it contains an empty cart, although you can create new carts and
open previously saved carts in new or existing cart tabs.
For each of the Cart database utilities (Export, Diff [compare], Copy), you can create,
save, and open utility-specific configuration settings.
Objects in the Cart are not automatically synchronized with database activity; to
update the contents of the cart with the current state of the database, click the Refresh
icon. If an object does not exist after a refresh, the object is disabled in the Cart and is
underlined to indicate the error.
You can put objects into a cart tab in several ways:
• Drag and drop objects from the Connections navigator into the Cart window.
• Select one or more objects in the Connections navigator, right-click, and select
Add to Cart.
• Open a previously saved Cart XML file.
• Add scripts By using the Scripts icon drop-down (Add Initial Script, Add Final
Script). (If you use a Cart tool that does not support scripts, they are ignored.)
Before you use the Cart, ensure that the Database: Cart and Database: Cart: Cart
Deploy preferences reflect what you want.
To display the Cart window, click View, then Cart. The following figure shows that
window after some objects have been added in the default cart tab.
New Cart icon: Opens a new empty cart tab. For this and any other card tab, you can
right-click the tab name and select from the following:
• Close: Closes the current cart tab.
• Close Others: Closes all cart tabs except the current one.
• Close All: Closes all cart tabs.
• Rename: Renames the current cart tab (for example, if you wanted to change
Cart_1 to HR_objects).
Chapter 1
Using the Cart
• Open Cart: Location and name of the XML file for a previously saved cart. (If the
cart file does not exist when you click Apply, the Open Cart Error box is displayed.
Ensure that you specify the correct location and file name, and try again.)
• Open in: Whether to open the XML file in a new cart tab or in the currently
selected cart tab. If in the selected cart, specify whether you want to remove the
current objects from the cart before opening the saved cart or to add the objects in
the cart file to the current cart.
Save Cart, Save As Cart, Save All Carts icons (active if one of more objects are
selected): Displays a dialog box for saving the current cart or all carts to an XML file
that you can later open. Specify:
• File: Location and name of the XML file in which to save the cart.
• Encoding: Character set to be used for encoding of the output file.
For Save All Carts, the dialog box is displayed repeatedly, once for each currently
open cart tab.
Refresh Cart (active if one of more objects are selected): Refreshes the current cart
tab; validates that what is in the cart is actually in the database.
Deploy Cloud (Deploy to the Oracle Cloud; active if one or more objects are included
in the selected cart): After you have added the objects to be deployed and specified
any desired options, click this icon to display the Deploy Objects to Cloud dialog box,
where you can specify further options and deploy the objects to the Oracle Cloud. You
can also deploy data files added in the cart to the Cloud.
Export (Create a deployment file; active if one or more objects are included in the
selected cart): After you have added the objects to be deployed and specified any
desired options, click this icon to display the Export Objects dialog box, where you can
specify further options and generate the deployment scripts and optionally a .zip file
that contains them.
Database Diff: Displays the Diff Objects dialog box, for comparing the selected
objects with the objects in another currently open cart tab or a database connection
that has access to the destination objects to be compared.
Copy: Displays the Copy Objects dialog box, for copying the selected objects to a
database connection.
Selected Objects: Contains objects that have been selected for inclusion in each
open cart.
Delete Row icon (red X): Lets you delete selected objects from the Selected Objects
Include: Lets you select and deselect all objects or selected objects for inclusion in a
Cart operation.
Type: Type of database object.
Owner: Owner of the database object.
Name: Name of the database object.
DDL: Lets you include or exclude the DDL (Data Definition Language) statements for a
Cart operation.
Data: For tables and views, lets you include or exclude the associated data for a Cart
Chapter 1
Using the Cart
Where: Optional WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword) to filter the data rows
from a table or view.
Scripts (applies to Deploy to Cloud, Export, and Copy): Lets you optionally include
one or more .sql scripts to be executed at specified locations in the generated master
script. For each object, you can click the pencil icon in the Scripts cell; this displays a
dialog box to specify the file and character set encoding for any combination of the
• Before Create: Script to run before the object is created.
• After Create: Script to run after the object is created.
• Before Load (if data is included): Script to run before the data is loaded into the
created object.
• After Load (if data is included): Script to run after the data is loaded into the
created object.
The default location for these scripts is the Open Script Directory preference under the
Database: Utilities: Cart user preferences.
Connection: Connection from which the object was added. You can click the pencil
icon in a Connection cell to display the Map Connection dialog box, where you can
change the Connection value for one or more objects in the currently selected cart.
Arrow buttons: Let you move objects up or down in the order of Selected Objects.
This affects the order in which objects are created in the generated scripts.
Chapter 1
Spatial Support in SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Spatial Support in SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Spatial Support in SQL Developer
You can visualize geometries in the Map View window by creating and executing a
SQL query, or by selecting a geometry in a table data grid cell and using the context
• Visualizing Geometries by Creating and Executing a Query
• Visualizing Geometries from the Table Data Grid
Map Styles: Optionally, customize the Line Color and Fill Color for the
geometries, and select an Annotation Column. For the colors, you can click the
square to display a dialog box for specifying a color using a swatch or an HSB or
RGB value.
5. Click OK to complete the definition.
Chapter 1
Change Manager Support in SQL Developer
6. Optionally, repeat steps 4 and 5 to create one or more additional queries. (For a
query using a different database connection, repeat steps 3 through 5.)
To execute the query and display the map in the left pane of the window, select (check
mark) the query and click the Execute Checked Queries icon above Query List.
To modify a query, select (check mark) it and click the Edit Query (pencil) icon above
Query List.
To delete a query from the list, select (check mark) it and click the Remove Query (X)
icon above Query List.
In the map display pane on the left, you can click icons above the pane to control
aspects of the display:
• Zoom In expands the display and makes the objects appear larger.
• Zoom Out contracts the display and makes the objects appear smaller.
• Fit adjusts the display so that all objects fit in the pane.
• Marquee Zoom lets you select a rectangle (press, drag, release), after which the
display zooms to fit the selected rectangle in the pane.
Chapter 1
Change Manager Support in SQL Developer
• A Drop change item drops the database object. (The definition of the object to be
dropped is copied into the change item, enabling Change Manager to check the
definition in the destination database to ensure that the object definitions are the
• A Modify change item makes one or more changes to a database object (for
example, adding a column or a constraint to a table).
To deploy a change plan to a destination database, the DBA uses Enterprise Manager
to create a Change Manager Schema Synchronization from the contents of the
change plan. During this process, Change Manager detects and reports conflicts
between the change plan and the database. (For example, the database may already
contain an object that the change plan is trying to add.) The generated script carries
out operations in the correct order.
The Change Management Parameters pane contains user preferences that affect
Change Manager support in SQL Developer, especially how objects are compared to
determine if a change has occurred and how extensive the DDL statements are when
the script for deploying changes is generated.
See the following subtopics for more information related to support for Change
• Change Plan Administrators and Developers
• Developing Change Plans with SQL Developer
• Change Manager Actions to Perform with Enterprise Manager
Related Topics
• Change Management Parameters
Chapter 1
Change Manager Support in SQL Developer
To display the Change Management window, click View, then Change Management.
The Change Management window is displayed within the SQL Developer main
At the top of the Change Management window are icons for the following operations:
• Disconnect disconnects the selected Change Plan connection.
• Pre Script lets you enter a script with statements to be executed before the
selected change plan is deployed.
• Post Script lets you enter a script with statements to be executed after the
selected change plan is deployed.
Connection: Database connection for the Change Management repository.
Change Plan: A change plan within the selected repository. To the right of the Change
Plan are icons for the following operations: Add Plan (+) to create a new change plan
to the repository, Remove Plan (X) to delete the selected plan from the repository,
and Refresh to refresh the window with the current contents of the repository.
Change Items: A list of change items for the selected change plan, with the following
information about each item: Action, Database Object Type, Object Name, Schema,
SQL Developer Connection, Enterprise Manager Connection, Global Name,
To delete a change item, select its row and click the Remove Item(s) (X) icon. To
update the change items display to reflect the contents of the repository, click the
Refresh icon.
Related Topics
• Creating a Repository Connection
• Creating and Deleting Change Plans
• Adding and Updating Change Items
• Using Change Plans to Capture Change in SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Change Manager Support in SQL Developer
Chapter 1
Change Manager Support in SQL Developer
objects. As this work progresses, the developer updates Monitor change items to
make them into Modify change items, or converts them to Drop change items, and
creates new Add change items. At the end of development work, the change plan
contains the changes that took place during the development cycle.
• Multiple databases: One database represents the pre-development state and is
not modified during development work. All work takes place in one or more
development databases. Monitor and Drop change items are created as needed
from the pre-development database, and then updated from the development
database(s). Changes from multiple developers working in multiple databases can
be combined into a single change plan.
Chapter 1
Apache Hadoop Connectors Support in SQL Developer
comparing the source database (or baseline version) to the destination database,
Change Manager applies the changes contained in the change plan to the destination
database definitions (not to the actual objects). The result of this operation provides
the basis for script generation and execution, the second and third phases of schema
synchronization processing.
During change plan processing, Change Manager may detect conflicts between
change items and the destination database. In general, a conflict means that the state
of the destination database is not what was expected. Examples of conflicts include:
• A table that is to be added already exists, and has a different definition than that
contained in the change item.
• A table to be modified does not exist.
• A column to be added to a table already exists and has a different data type than
the column added by the change item.
• A constraint to be dropped from a table does not exist.
• A view to be dropped exists, but has a different definition than that stored in the
change item.
• A procedure to be dropped does not exist.
After changes have been applied to the destination definitions, Change Manager
reports the results of the operations, including any conflicts encountered.
Change Plans and Schema Synchronizations: Comparison
Schema change plans and schema synchronizations are similar in some ways, and
use some of the same underlying technology. However, they have different purposes
and uses:
• The purpose of a schema synchronization is to make the set of objects at the
destination database identical to those at the source database or baseline version.
Schema synchronization compares the objects at the source and destination, and
then generates a script to reconcile all the differences.
• The purpose of a change plan is to carry out a specific set of changes at any
destination database. The changes may apply to an entire object (Add or Drop), or
to attributes of an object (Modify, for example, add a column).
In other words, schema synchronization picks up any changes that have been made to
the destination object or schema and makes those changes at the destination. Change
plan deployment, however, makes only those changes specified in the change items.
With schema synchronizations, there is no chance of conflict because the source
definition always overrides the destination definition. With change plans, however,
there is a possibility of conflict, because the specified changes might not be applicable
at a destination database or might conflict with other changes.
Chapter 1
Apache Hadoop Connectors Support in SQL Developer
• Load data quickly from Hadoop to a table in Oracle Database, using Oracle
Loader for Hadoop
• Load data from Hadoop into an Oracle Database table using SQL and external
tables, and query data in-place via external tables, using Oracle SQL Connector
for HDFS
To use the Apache Hadoop connectors, you must do the following in SQL Developer:
• Click Tools > Features > Oracle SQL Developer — Hadoop Connectors
• Right-click each Oracle Database connection that you plan to use, and select
Manage Features > Hadoop Integration (a toggle setting).
The features require the relevant product to be installed in the Apache Hadoop cluster
and Oracle Database. The features are supported for any Hadoop cluster and Oracle
Database supported by the products that they use.
The features require JDBC drivers for Apache Hive. To add the JDBC drivers, click
Tools > Preferences > Database > Third Party JDBC drivers.
Related Topics
• Database: Third Party JDBC Drivers
Chapter 1
Apache Hadoop Connectors Support in SQL Developer
Additional setup steps are required on the Hadoop client, the Hadoop edge node, or
the node in the Hadoop cluster:
• Create a directory /home/<SSH user name>/sqldev_temp. This is a temporary
directory used by SQL Developer to store deployment scripts.
• Create the HDFS root directory for storing data files copied from Oracle Database.
Typically, this is /user/<SSH user name>/oracle_warehouse. Log in to the Hadoop
node as a SSH user, and enter:
$ hadoop fs -mkdir –p /user/<SSH user name>/oracle_warehouse
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Reports
Using SQL Developer to run an Oracle Loader for Hadoop job requires an SSH
connection to a Hadoop client, a Hadoop edge node, or a node in the Hadoop cluster.
The file .sqldev_olh_env must exist in the home directory of the user of that SSH
connection. The following is a sample .sqldev_olh_env file:
export HIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/hive
export HIVE_CONF_DIR=${HIVE_HOME}/conf
export OLH_HOME=/u01/connectors/olh
export WALLET_LOCATION=/home/oracle/oracle_wallet
export OLH_LIB_JARS=${HIVE_HOME}/lib/hive-exec.jar,${HIVE_HOME}/lib/
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Reports
an alternative to the SQL Developer graphical interface, you can use the command-
line interface for SQL Developer to generate reports.)
Individual reports are displayed in tabbed panes on the right side of the window; and
for each report, you can select (in a drop-down control) the database connection for
which to display the report. For reports about objects, the objects shown are only
those visible to the database user associated with the selected database connection,
and the rows are usually ordered by Owner. The detail display pane for a report
includes the following icons at the top:
• Freeze View (the pin) keeps that report in the SQL Developer window when you
click another report in the Reports navigator; a separate tab and detail view pane
are created for that other report. If you click the pin again, the report's detail view
pane is available for reuse.
• Run Report updates the detail view pane display by querying the database for the
latest information.
• Run Report in SQL Worksheet displays the SQL statement used to retrieve the
information for a report in a SQL Worksheet pane, where you can view, edit, and
run the statement.
The time required to display specific reports will vary, and may be affected by the
number and complexity of objects involved, and by the speed of the network
connection to the database.
For most reports that contain names of database objects, you can double-click the
object name in the report display pane (or right-click the object name and select Go
To) to display that object in a detail view pane, just as if you had selected that object
using the Connections navigator.
To export a report into an XML file that can be imported later, right-click the report
name in the Reports navigator display and select Export. To import a report that had
previously been exported, select the name of the report folder name (such as a user-
defined folder) in which to store the imported report, right-click, and select Import.
You can create a shared report from an exported report by clicking Tools, then
Preferences, and using the Database: User Defined Extensions pane to add a row
with Type as REPORT and Location specifying the exported XML file. The next time
you restart SQL Developer, the Reports navigator will have a Shared Reports folder
containing that report.
Reports are grouped in the following categories:
About Your Database reports list release information about the database associated
with the connection.
All Objects reports list information about all objects accessible to the user associated
with the specified database connection, not just objects owned by the user.
Application Express reports list information about Oracle Application Express 3.0.1
(or later) applications, pages, schemas, UI defaults, and workspaces.
ASH and AWR reports list information provided by the Active Session History (ASH)
and Automated Workload Repository (AWR) features.
Database Administration reports list usage information about system resources.
Data Dictionary reports list information about the data dictionary views that are
accessible in the database. Examples of data dictionary views are ALL_OBJECTS and
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Reports
PL/SQL reports list information about your PL/SQL objects and allow you to search
the source of those objects.
Scheduler reports list information about jobs running on the database.
Security reports list privilege-related information about the database.
Streams reports list information about stream rules.
Table reports list information about tables owned by the user associated with the
specified connection. These reports can help you to better understand the metadata
and data. The table reports include Quality Assurance reports that indicate possible
logical design flaws and sources of runtime performance problems.
XML reports list information about XML objects.
Data Modeler reports list information about design objects that have been exported to
the Data Modeler reporting repository.
TimesTen reports list information about Oracle TimesTen In-Memory database
User Defined reports are any customized reports that you have created.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Reports
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Reports
user accounts have expired, and which users use object types and how many objects
each owns.
Waits and Events: Provide information about waits and events, selected by criteria
related to time and other factors. For Events in the Last x Minutes, specify the number
of minutes in the Enter Bind Values dialog box.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Reports
issues and vulnerabilities, and to decide on the appropriate action to take (for
example, revoking certain privileges from users that do not need those privileges).
Auditing: Lists information about audit policies.
Encryption: Lists information about encrypted columns.
Grants and Privileges: Includes the following reports:
• Column Privileges: For each privilege granted on a specific column in a specific
table, lists the user that granted the privilege, the user to which the privilege was
granted, the table, the privilege, and whether the user to which the privilege was
granted can grant that privilege to other users.
• Object Grants: For each privilege granted on a specific table, lists the user that
granted the privilege, the user to which the privilege was granted, the table, the
privilege, and whether the user to which the privilege was granted can grant that
privilege to other users.
• Role Privileges: For each granted role, lists the user to which the role was
granted, the role, whether the role was granted with the ADMIN option, and
whether the role is designated as a default role for the user.
• System Privileges: For each privilege granted to the user associated with the
database connection, lists the privilege and whether it was granted with the
ADMIN option.
Policies: Lists information about policies.
Public Grants: Lists information about privileges granted to the PUBLIC role.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Reports
tables without comments. If database developers use the COMMENT statement when
creating or modifying tables, this report can provide useful information about the
purposes of tables and columns
Constraints: Includes the following reports related to constraints:
• All Constraints: For each table, lists each associated constraint, including its type
(unique constraint, check constraint, primary key, foreign key) and status (enabled
or disabled).
• Check Constraints: For each check constraint, lists information that includes the
owner, the table name, the constraint name, the constraint status (enabled or
disabled), and the constraint specification.
• Enabled Constraints and Disabled Constraints: For each constraint with a
status of enabled or disabled, lists the table name, constraint name, constraint
type (unique constraint, check constraint, primary key, foreign key), and status. A
disabled constraint is not enforced when rows are added or modified; to have a
disabled constraint enforced, you must edit the table and set the status of the
constraint to Enabled.
• Foreign Key Constraints: For each foreign key constraint, lists information that
includes the owner, the table name, the constraint name, the column that the
constraint is against, the table that the constraint references, and the constraint in
the table that is referenced.
• Primary Key Constraints: For primary key constraint, lists information that
includes the owner, the table name, the constraint name, the constraint status
(enabled or disabled), and the column name.
• Unique Constraints: For each unique constraint, lists information that includes
the owner, the table name, the constraint name, the constraint status (enabled or
disabled), and the column name.
Indexes: Includes information about all indexes, indexes by status, indexes by type,
and unused indexes.
Organization: Specialized reports list information about partitioned tables, clustered
tables, and index-organized tables.
Quality Assurance: Reports that identify conditions that are not technically errors, but
that usually indicate flaws in the database design.
Statistics: For each table, lists statistical information, including when it was last
analyzed, the total number of rows, the average row length, and the table type. In
addition, specialized reports order the results by most rows and largest average row
Storage: Lists information about the table count by tablespace and the tables in each
Triggers: Lists information about all triggers, disabled triggers, and enabled triggers.
User Synonyms: Displays information about either all user synonyms or those user
synonyms containing the string that you specify in the Enter Bind Variables dialog box
(uncheck Null in that box to enter a string).
User Tables: Displays information about either all tables or those tables containing the
string that you specify in the Enter Bind Variables dialog box (uncheck Null in that box
to enter a string).
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Reports
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Reports
Design Content: Includes reports about the data types and the logical and relational
Design Rules: Includes reports about potential violations of the Data Modeler design
rules. For example, for logical model attributes, you can see attributes without data
types and attributes not based on domains; and for relational model tables, you can
see tables without columns, primary keys, foreign key links, and unique constraints.
See Also:
For information about exporting designs to the reporting repository, see
Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler User's Guide.
The preceding query lists the last name and salary of each employee in each
department, grouping the results by department ID (10, 20, 30, ... 110). Note that the
expected syntax for the SQL statement for a chart report is:
SELECT <group>,<series>,<value> FROM <table(s)>
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Reports
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SQL Developer Preferences
Click Apply.
Use the Reports navigator to view the newly created user-defined report. For
Connection, specify any from the list. (This report does not depend on a specific
connection or table.).
The report is displayed as formatted HTML output.
1.20.1 Environment
The Environment pane contains options that affect the startup and overall behavior
and appearance of SQL Developer. You can specify that certain operations be
performed automatically at specified times, with the trade-off usually being the extra
time for the operation as opposed to the possibility of problems if the operation is not
performed automatically (for example, if you forget to perform it when you should).
The undo level (number of previous operations that can be undone) and navigation
level (number of open files) values involve slight increases or decreases system
resource usage for higher or lower values.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
Save All When Deactivating or Exiting: If this option is checked, any changes to
your files are automatically saved when you close or stop SQL Developer. If this option
is not checked, you are asked if you want to save changes (if there are any).
Automatically Reload Externally Modified Files: If this option is checked, any files
open in SQL Developer that have been modified by an external application are
updated when you switch back to SQL Developer, overwriting any changes that you
might have made. If this option is not checked, changes that you make in SQL
Developer overwrite any changes that might have been made by external applications.
Silently Reload When File Is Unmodified: If this option is checked, you are not
asked if you want to reload files that have been modified externally but not in SQL
Developer. If this option is not checked, you are asked if you want to reload each file
that has been modified externally, regardless of whether it has been modified in SQL
Undo Level: The number of undo operations that SQL Developer will remember.
Navigation Level: The the number of times you can go back and forth on browsing
history by using the Back and Forward navigation buttons.
Look and Feel: A JGoodies look and feel. The new look and feel will be reflected after
you restart SQL Developer.
Line Terminator: Style for line termination. This line termination style will be applied to
all new files.
Encoding: Character set to be used for encoding. All new files will be created with the
new encoding, and the new encoding will be used to open and save files that do not
have encoding tags.
Reset Skipped Messages: Causes all message types to be displayed in the future,
including those that you have previously opted not to see.
Environment: Local History
The Local History pane controls whether information about editing operations on files
opened within SQL Developer is kept. If local history is enabled, you can specify how
long information is retained and the maximum number of revisions for each file.
Environment: Log
The Log pane configures the colors of certain types of log messages and the saving of
log messages to log files.
Save Logs to File: If this option is checked, all output to the Messages - Log window
is saved to log files, where the file name reflects the operation and a timestamp. You
are also asked to specify a Log Directory; and if the specified directory does not
already exist, it is created if and when it is needed. Note that if you save log
information to files, the number of these files can become large.
Maximum Log Lines: The maximum number of lines to store in each log file.
Chapter 1
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SQL Developer Preferences
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SQL Developer Preferences
Use Change of Case As Word Boundary: Has change of case regarded as the
boundary of a word, for example, when you double-click to select a word.
Enable Cut or Copy of Current Line with No Selection: Applies all cut and copy
operations to the current line whenever there is no text selection in the editor.
Automatically Copy Paste Imports: Automatically add imports when references are
introduced to objects that have not yet been imported.
Adjust Indentation When Pasting: Corrects the indentation of a pasted in item that
includes indentation.
Escape When Pasting in String Literals: Includes the correct escape characters in
pasted-in string literals.
Supported Gutter Navigation: Enables the use of blue arrows to go from procedure
definition to declaration and back.
Supported Quick Documentation: Enables the use of Ctrl+D to show the Javadoc
associated with the object or referenced object (if there is any associated Java
method) at the current cursor location. (Although Javadoc-style comments are not
used in PL/SQL, the signature of the method and any associated comments may be
Supported Sync Spec and Body: Enables you to right-click in a package body and
select Synchronize Specification and Body, which updates body to reflect any changes
to the specification (for example, to add the implement new methods for declarations
added to the specification or to add declarations to the specification for private
methods in the body to then make them public).
Supported Test Query: Enables you to right-click and select Test Query when the
cursor is within a SELECT statement, to check to that the correct rows are returned.
Code Editor: Bookmarks
The Bookmarks pane contains options that determine the persistence and search
behavior for bookmarks that you create when using the code editor.
Code Editor: Caret Behavior
The Caret Behavior pane contains options that determine the shape, color, and
blinking characteristics of the caret (cursor) in the code editor.
Code Editor: Completion Insight
The Completion Insight pane contains options for the logical completion (autocomplete
options) of keywords and names while you are coding in the SQL Worksheet.
When you pause for the auto-popup time (if the auto-popup is enabled) or when you
press Ctrl+Space, code insight provides a context-sensitive popup window that can
help you select parameter names. Completion insight provides you with a list of
possible completions at the insertion point that you can use to auto-complete code you
are editing. This list is based on the code context at the insertion point. To exit code
insight at any time, press Esc or continue typing.
You can enable or disable automatic completion and parameter insight, as well as set
the time delay for the popup windows.
Suppress automatic pop-ups for more than [number] matches: If you enable
completion auto-popup in either or both of the SQL Worksheet and PL/SQL Editor, you
can limit popups to situations where the number of available suggestions is less than
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
or equal to the specified value. (Smaller values will generally result in fewer popups
while you are typing.) This option does not apply when you explicitly invoke completion
by pressing Ctrl+Space.
Generate Column/Table Aliases Automatically: Automatically generates table
aliases if you select multiple tables from the popup window; and if you then edit the
column list, each column name in the popup window is prefixed with a table alias.
Change case as you type: If you enable this option, select the desired action: None
makes no changes to what you type (same effect as not enabling the option); Initial
Cap capitalizes the first letter of each word; Upper Case capitalizes all letters; Upper
Keywords capitalizes all keywords; Lower Case makes each letter lowercase; Lower
Keywords, Upper Identifiers lowercases all keywords but capitalizes all identifiers.
Enable Semantic Analysis Info Tip: Lets you get advice on "grammatical" issues
with SQL statements. .
Autogenerate GROUP BY Clause: Automatically generates a GROUP BY clause if
you manually enter (not copy/paste) a SELECT statement containing a COUNT
function, and then edit the SELECT query.
Code Editor: Display
The Display pane contains general options for the appearance and behavior of the
code editor.
Enable Text Anti-Aliasing allows smooth-edged characters where possible.
Show Whitespace Characters renders spaces, new lines, carriage returns, non-
breaking spaces, and tab characters as alternate visible characters.
Show Breadcrumbs shows the breadcrumb bar, which shows the hierarchy of nodes
from the current caret position up to the top of the file. Hover the mouse cursor over a
node to display information about the node.
Show Scroll Tip enables the Tip window that displays the methods in view while
Show Code Folding Margin allows program blocks in procedures and functions to be
expanded and collapsed in the display.
Show visible Right Margin renders a right margin that you can set to control the
length of lines of code.
Enable Automatic Brace Matching controls the highlighting of opening parentheses
and brackets and of blocks when a closing parenthesis or bracket is typed.
Code Editor: Fonts
The Fonts pane specifies text font options for the code editor.
Display Only Fixed-Width Fonts: If this option is checked, the display of available
font names is restricted to fonts where all characters have the same width. (Fixed-
width fonts are contrasted with proportional-width fonts.)
Code Editor: Format
The Format pane controls how statements in the SQL Worksheet are formatted when
you click Format SQL. The options include whether to insert space characters or tab
characters when you press the Tab key (and how many characters), uppercase or
lowercase for keywords and identifiers, whether to preserve or eliminate empty lines,
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
and whether comparable items should be placed on the same line (if there is room) or
on separate lines.
The Advanced Format subpane lets you specify more detailed formatting options. It
also includes these options:
• Preview with Current Settings: You specify changes on the left side, and the
preview area on the right side reflects the changes.
• Auto-Detect Formatter Settings: You paste code with the desired formatting into
the preview pane on the right side, and SQL Developer adjusts the settings on the
left side to reflect what you pasted. (It automatically detects, or autodetects, your
setting preferences.)
You can export these settings to a code style profile XML file, and can import settings
from a previously exported code style profile file.
The Custom Format subpane lets you further customize your formatting settings. You
can also export these settings to a custom formatter program XML file, and you can
import settings from a previously exported custom formatter program file.
Code Editor: Line Gutter
The Line Gutter pane specifies options for the line gutter (left margin of the code
Show Line Numbers: If this option is checked, lines are numbered. (To go to a line
number while you are using the SQL Worksheet, press Ctrl+G.)
Enable Line Selection by Click-Dragging: If this option is checked, you can select
consecutive lines in the editor by clicking in the gutter and dragging the cursor without
releasing the mouse button.
Code Editor: PL/SQL Syntax Colors
The PL/SQL Syntax Colors pane specifies colors for different kinds of syntax
Code Editor: Printing
The Printing pane specifies options for printing the contents of the code editor. The
Preview pane sample display changes as you select and deselect options.
Code Editor: Printing HTML
The Printing HTML pane specifies options for printing HTML files from the code editor.
Code Editor: Undo Behavior
The Undo Behavior pane specifies options for the behavior of undo operations (Ctrl+Z,
or Edit, then Undo). Only consecutive edits of the same type are considered; for
example, inserting characters and deleting characters are two different types of
Allow Navigation-Only Changes to be Undoable: If this option is checked,
navigation actions with the keyboard or mouse can be undone. If this option is not
checked, navigation actions cannot be undone, and only actual changes to the text
can be undone.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
1.20.5 Database
The Database pane sets properties for the database connection.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
Validate date and time default values: If this option is checked, date and time
validation is used when you open tables.
Filename for connection startup script: File name for the startup script to run when
an Oracle database connection is opened. You can click Browse to specify the
location. The default location is the default path for scripts (see the Database:
Worksheet preferences pane).
Database: Advanced
The Advanced pane specifies options such as the SQL Array Fetch Size and Display
options for null values and for STRUCT object values.
You can also specify Kerberos thin driver configuration parameters, which enables you
to create database connections using Kerberos authentication and specifying the user
name and password. For more information, see the Kerberos Authentication
explanation on the Oracle tab in the Create/Edit/Select Database Connection dialog
box. For information about configuring Kerberos authentication, see Oracle Database
Security Guide.
SQL Array Fetch Size: Specifies the maximum number of rows to be fetched at a
time into the table Data grid display.
Display Null Value As: Specifies the value to be displayed in the table Data grid for
null values. The default is the string (null).
Display Null Using Background Color: Specifies the background color for any null
values displayed in the table Data grid.
Display Struct Value in Grid: Controls how unstructured data types are displayed in
the table Data grid. For example, if this option is checked, Oracle Spatial and Graph
geometry data is displayed with the full SDO_GEOMETRY definition; but if this option
is not checked, each Oracle Spatial and Graph geometry object is displayed as just
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
environment variable or registry value or (on Linux systems) the global configuration
Database: Autotrace/Explain Plan
The Autotrace/Explain Plan pane specifies information to be displayed on the
Autotrace and Explain Plan panes in the SQL Worksheet.
You can select “Execution Order Overlay” and “Execution Order Columns” in the
Autotrace/Explain Plan Preferences pane to display the row source order execution for
SQL queries in the Explain Plan panel.
Database: Drag and Drop
The Drag and Drop Effects pane determines the type of SQL statement created in the
SQL Worksheet when you drag an object from the Connections navigator into the SQL
Worksheet. The SQL Developer preference sets the default, which you can override in
the Drag and Drop Effects dialog box.
The type of statement (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, or SELECT) applies only for
object types for which such a statement is possible. For example, SELECT makes
sense for a table, but not for a trigger. For objects for which the statement type does
not apply, the object name is inserted in the SQL Worksheet.
Database: Instance Viewer
The Instance Viewer pane determines default behaviors when a DBA user uses the
database Instance Viewer.
Graph Duration: The amount of history shown in graphs that include a time axis. For
example, you might want graphs to reflect data only for the last two minutes or for the
last hour.
Database: Licensing
Some SQL Developer features require that licenses for specific Oracle Database
options be in effect for the database connection that will use the feature. The Licensing
pane enables you to specify, for each defined connection, whether the database has
the Oracle Change Management Pack, the Oracle Tuning Pack, and the Oracle
Diagnostics Pack.
For each cell in this display (combination of license and connection), the value can be
true (checked box), false (cleared box), or unspecified (solid-filled box).
If an option is specified as true for a connection in this pane, you will not be prompted
with a message about the option being required when you use that connection for a
feature that requires the option.
Database: Navigation Filter
The Navigation Filter pane enables you to control the types of objects that appear in
the Connections navigator display for connections to Oracle and third-party databases.
If you check Enable Navigation Tree Filtering, you can click separate tabs for
different database types, and for each type you can specify (by check marks) which
types of objects appear in the navigator hierarchy for connections to that type of
Database: NLS
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
The NLS pane specifies values for globalization support parameters, such as the
language, territory, sort preference, and date format. These parameter values are
used for SQL Developer session operations, such as for statements executed using
the SQL Worksheet and for the National Language Support Parameters report.
Specifying values in this preferences pane does not apply those values to the
underlying database itself. To change the database settings, you must change the
appropriate initialization parameters and restart the database.
Note that SQL Developer does not use default values from the current system for
globalization support parameters; instead, SQL Developer, when initially installed, by
default uses parameter values that include the following:
Chapter 1
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SQL Developer Preferences
Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase Adaptive Server, PostgreSQL, or Apache Hive. To add
a driver, click Add Entry and select the path for the driver:
• For Amazon Redshift: Download from
latest/mgmt/configure-jdbc-connection.html#download-jdbc-driver. The file name
is RedshiftJDBC4n-, where n is 0, 1, or 2 depending on the version of
the JDBC API that SQL Developer uses.
• For Hive, see the information and downloads available at
Using Cloudera_HiveJDBC4_*.zip is recommended, for example,
• For IBM DB2: the db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar files, which are available
from IBM
• For MySQL: a file with a name similar to mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar, in a
directory under the one into which you unzipped the download for the MySQL
• For Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server: the jtds-n.n.n.jar that is
included in the latest available JTDS .zip download.
• For PostgreSQL: postgresql-n.n-nnnn.jdbcn.jar, which is available from the
Download page at
• For Teradata: tdgssconfig.jar and terajdbc4.jar, which are included (along with a
readme.txt file) in the or
TeraJDBC__indep_indep. download
As an alternative to using this preference, you can click Help, then Check
for Updates to install the JTDS JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server and
the MySQL JDBE Driver as extensions.
To find a specific JDBC driver, see the appropriate website (for example, http:// for the MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver for MySQL, http:// for the jTDS driver for Microsoft SQL Server and
Sybase Adaptive Server, for PostgreSQL, or search at for the JDBC driver for Teradata). For MySQL, use the
MySQL 5.0 driver, not 5.1 or later, with SQL Developer release 1.5.
You must specify a third-party JDBC driver or install a driver using the Check for
Updates feature before you can create a database connection to a third-party
database of that associated type.
Database: User Defined Extensions
The User Defined Extensions pane specifies user-defined extensions that have been
added. You can use this pane to add extensions that are not available through the
Check for Updates feature. These extensions can be for user-defined reports, actions,
editors, and navigators.
One use of the Database: User-Defined Extensions pane is to create a Shared
Reports folder and to include an exported report under that folder: click Add Row,
specify Type as REPORT, and for Location specify the XML file containing the
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
exported report. The next time you restart SQL Developer, the Reports navigator will
have a Shared Reports folder containing that report.
For more information about creating user-defined extensions, see:
• How To create an XML User Defined Extension:
Database: Utilities
The Utilities pane specifies options that affect the behavior of Database utilities,
including Export ( Database: Utilities: Export) and Import (Database: Utilities: Import),
when they are invoked using SQL Developer.
Database: Utilities: Cart
The Cart pane specifies the default locations for saving and opening Cart .xml files
(Default Cart Directory) and for specifying .sql script files (Open Script Directory) to
be executed before and after the generated master deployment script.
Database: Utilities: Cart: Cart Deploy
The Cart: Deploy pane specifies options that affect the behavior of the Cart for a
For example, if you do not want object names prefixed with the owner schema name in
DDL creation statements (for example, if a generated script should create a BOOKS
table and not a SMITH.BOOKS table), deselect (uncheck) the Show Schema option.
Default Cart Directory: Default location for the .zip file that contains the generated
script files (including the master script file) for a deployment.
Database: Utilities: Difference
The Difference pane specifies options that affect the behavior of the Database
Differences Wizard.
Database: Utilities: Export
The Export pane determines the default values used for the Database Export (Unload
Database Objects and Data) wizard and for some other interfaces.
See also the panes for Database: Utilities: Export: Formats (CSV, Delimited, Excel,
Fixed, HTML, PDF, SQL*Loader, Text, XML).
Export/View DDL Options: If this option is checked, the data definition language
(DDL) statements for the database objects to be exported are included in the output
file, and the other options in this group affect the content and format of the DDL
DDL is always exported in text format as a .sql file. DDL is not exported in
other formats such as PDF or HTML.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
Pretty Print: If this option is checked, the statements are attractively formatted in the
output file, and the size of the file will be larger than it would otherwise be.
Terminator: If this option is checked, a line terminator character is inserted at the end
of each line.
Show Schema: If this option is checked, the schema name is included in CREATE
statements. If this option is not checked, the schema name is not included in CREATE
and INSERT statements, which is convenient if you want to re-create the exported
objects and data under a schema that has a different name.
Include Dependents: If this option is checked, objects that are dependent on the
objects specified for export are also exported. For nonprivileged users, only dependent
objects in their schema are exported; for privileged users, all dependent objects are
Include BYTE Keyword: If this option is checked, column length specifications refer
to bytes; if this option is not checked, column length specifications refer to characters.
Add Force to Views: If this option is checked, the FORCE keyword is added to any
CREATE VIEW statements (resulting in CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW...) in the
generated DDL during a database export operation. When the script is run later, the
FORCE keyword causes the view to be created regardless of whether the base tables
of the view or the referenced object types exist or the owner of the schema containing
the view has privileges on them.
Include Grants: If this option is checked, GRANT statements are included for any
grant objects on the exported objects. (However, grants on objects owned by the SYS
schema are never exported.)
Include Drop Statement: If this option is checked, a DROP statement is included
before each CREATE statement, to delete any existing objects with the same names.
However, you may want to uncheck this option, and create a separate drop script that
can be run to remove an older version of your objects before creation. This avoids the
chance of accidentally removing an object you did not intend to drop.
Cascade Drops: If this option is checked, the DROP statements include the
CASCADE keyword to cause dependent objects to be deleted also.
Storage: If this option is checked, any STORAGE clauses in definitions of the
database objects are preserved in the exported DDL statements. If you do not want to
use the current storage definitions (for example, if you will re-create the objects in a
different system environment), uncheck this option.
Export Data: If this option is checked, the output file or files contain appropriate
statements or data for inserting the data for an exported table or view; the specific
output format is determined by the Export Data: Format setting. If this option is not
checked, the data for an exported table or view is not exported; that is, only the DDL
statements are included. If you check Export Data, all data in all tables in the selected
schema is exported, unless you use the Filter Data tab to limit the data to be migrated.
Export Data: Format: Specifies the format to be used for exporting data for a table or
view. For example, insert causes SQL INSERT statements to be included to insert the
data, loader causes SQL*Loader files to be created, and xls causes a Microsoft
Excel .xls file to be created.
Save As: Specifies how the output of an export operation is to be generated. You can
also click Browse to find and select the location for the output:
Chapter 1
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SQL Developer Preferences
Import Row Limit: If this option is checked, it specifies the maximum number of rows
of data to be imported in a single import operation.
Preview Row Limit: If this option is checked, it specifies the maximum number of
rows of data to be displayed in the preview pane before you proceed with the import
operation. The lower the value, the faster the preview pane is populated. When the
wizard creates a new table, the preview data is used to calculate the size of the
columns; therefore, ensure that the preview is a good sample of the data.
Preview File Read Maximum: Specifies the maximum number of bytes of data to be
displayed in the preview pane (if the specified preview row limit has not already been
reached) before you proceed with the import operation. (You should set some
maximum to ensure that very large files are not inadvertently read into memory.)
Database: Utilities: Import: File Formats (CSV, Delimited, Text)
A separate pane is provided for specifying default attributes for each supported format
for imported data. The displayed and editable attributes depend on the specific format.
If a pane includes Header, this option controls whether the first row is a header row or
the first row of data.
Delimiter: Identifies the character used to separate the data into columns. The
delimiter character is not included in the data loaded. If the preview page does not
show the data separated into columns, the correct delimiter is probably not specified.
Examine the data in the preview area to determine the correct delimiter.
Line Terminator: Identifies the terminator for each line. The line terminator is not
included in the data loaded. If the preview page shows the data in one single row, the
correct terminator is not specified.
Left Enclosure and Right Enclosure: Enclosures are used for character data and are
optional. Enclosures are not included in the data loaded.
Right Enclosure in Data is Doubled: If this option if checked, then for CSV,
delimited, and text format, any right enclosure that is doubled in the data is loaded
(imported) as a single right enclosure; also, the data preview will show such data as it
will be loaded (that is, double right enclosures will be displayed as single right
enclosures in the preview if this option is checked).
Database: Utilities: Import: Import Methods (External Table, Insert, SQL Loader)
The Import Methods pane lets you specify the default mode for importing data in the
following situations:
• Existing Table Import Method: For importing data into an existing table, specifies
the default method to be used for loading data.
• New Table Import Method: For creating a new table to hold the data to be
imported, specifies the default method to be used for loading data.
A separate pane is provided for specifying default attributes for each supported
method or tool to be used for exporting the data. The displayed and editable attributes
depend on the specific method.
External Table Method preferences apply to both the External Table method and the
Staging External Table method.
Identify Oracle directories for default, log, bad, and discard directories to be used as
defaults for the data load. If any of the optional directories are not specified here or in
the wizard, the default directory is used. Note these are Oracle directory objects that
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
must be created before the external table can be used, and the appropriate
permissions must be granted.
Staging Table Suffix: For Staging External Table, the suffix will be appended to the
name of the table to create the name of the external table used as the staging table.
Commit and Drop Staging Table: Indicates the default setting for the commit and
drop staging table option. If this option is enabled, the staging table will be dropped
and the data will be committed at the end of the load.
Database: Worksheet
The Worksheet pane specifies options that affect the behavior of the SQL Worksheet.
Open a worksheet on connect: If this option is checked, a SQL Worksheet window
for the connection is automatically opened when you open a database connection. If
this option is not checked, you must use the Open SQL Worksheet right-click
command or toolbar icon to open a SQL Worksheet.
New Worksheet to use unshared connection: If this option is checked, a separate
unshared connection to the database is used for each new SQL Worksheet window
that connects to a given database. If this option is not checked, the existing connection
to the database is used for subsequent SQL Worksheet windows that connect to the
Close all worksheets on disconnect: If this option is checked, all SQL Worksheet
windows for any database connection are automatically closed when that connection
is disconnected.
Prompt for Save File on Close: If this option is checked, you are prompted to save
changes when you close a SQL Worksheet if it contains any unsaved changes. If this
option is not checked, any unsaved changes are discarded.
Grid in checker board or zebra pattern: If this option is checked, two different light-
colored backgrounds are used for alternating rows of grid displays, to provide some
visual contrast. If this option is not checked, all grid rows have a white background.
Max rows to print in a script: Limits the number of rows displayed.
Max lines in script output: Limits the number of lines output.
SQL History Limit: Maximum number of statements that can be stored in SQL
History. Must be greater than 0 (zero). If you enter an invalid value, no value is stored
in this field.
Default path to look for scripts: The default directory where SQL Developer looks
when you run a script (using @). If you type a path, you can specify multiple delimited
locations; if you click Browse, you can select a single location. In addition to any path
that you specify, SQL Developer looks in the location specified by the SQLPATH
environment variable.
Save bind variables to disk on exit: If this option is checked, bind variables that you
enter when running a script are saved on disk for reuse. If you do not want bind
variable values stored on disk (for security or other reasons), be sure not to check this
Show query results in new tabs: If this option is checked, each query result tab
showing the result of Run Statement (Ctrl-Enter) is "pinned" and a new tab is created
for each new query's results. If this option is not checked, the result tab is reused for
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
all queries. (This option does not apply to script output tabs produced by Run Script
(F5). If you want to "pin" those, you must do so manually.)
Re-initialize on script exit command: If this option is checked, Script Runner context
settings, such as a WHENEVER SQLERROR directive and substitution variables, are
cleared when the script exits. If this option is not checked, these context settings are
retained. For example, uncheck this option if you want to keep any WHENEVER
SQLERROR setting specified in a script after the script exits.
Related Topics
• SQL History
1.20.6 Debugger
The Debugger pane contains general options for the SQL Developer debugger. Other
panes contain additional specific kinds of debugger options.
Show Tool Tip in Code Editor While Debugging: While debugging, if you stop at a
breakpoint (or after stepping or pressing pause), you will be able to see a tooltip in the
Code Editor when you hover the mouse over a variable name. The tooltip displays the
current value of the variable.
Show Action Buttons in Log Window While Debugging: Displays the Actions list in
the Log window toolbar while debugging. The Actions options allow you to wrap log
messages, clear the log, and save the log in a text file.
Connection Retry Setting: Number of times that the debugger retries a connection to
the debuggee process if the connection fails. If you see the message "Debugger
unable to connect to local process" in the Log page after the debugger has tried many
times to connect, review the remote debugger settings and the startup options of the
debugger user.
Prompt for Debugger Host for Database Debugging: Select this option if
JDeveloper is inside another network, such as a VPN network, and you are performing
remote debugging to enable JDeveloper to request the appropriate IP address. When
the JDeveloper is inside another network, the debugger normally sees the local IP
address, but the database needs to use the VPN address to connect back. The option
allows you to specify an alternate IP address for the database to use when
establishing a connection back to the debugger.
If you do not select this option, the next time you perform local debugging you may see
errors similar to these:
XXX-NNNNN: failure establishing connection to debugger
XXX-NNNNN: TNS:protocol adapter error
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
• Run Until a Breakpoint Occurs: When you start debugging, the debugger will let
the program you are debugging execute until a breakpoint is reached.
• Step Over: When you start debugging, the debugger will let the program you are
debugging execute until a method in a tracing-enabled class is reached, but it will
not stop in class static initializer method.
• Step Into: When you start debugging, the debugger will let the program you are
debugging execute until a method in a tracing-enabled class is reached.
Enable Change Tracking: You can control whether changes made during debugging
are tracked, and the background and foreground colors to be used for changed items.
Debugger: Breakpoints
The Breakpoints pane sets the columns to appear in the Breakpoints pane and the
scope of each breakpoint.
Debugger: Breakpoints: Default Actions
The Breakpoints: Default Actions pane sets defaults for actions to occur at
breakpoints. These actions are the same as on the Actions tab in the Create/Edit
Breakpoint dialog box.
Debugger: Data
The Data pane enables you to control the columns to appear in the debugger Data
pane and aspects of how the data is displayed.
Debugger: Inspector
The Inspector pane enables you to control the columns to appear in the debugger
Inspector pane and aspects of how the data is displayed.
Debugger: Smart Data
The Smart Data pane enables you to control the columns to appear in the debugger
Smart Data pane and aspects of how the data is displayed.
Debugger: Stack
The Stack pane enables you to control the columns to appear in the debugger Stack
pane and other options.
Debugger: ToolTip
The ToolTip pane enables you to control the columns to appear in the debugger
ToolTip pane.
Debugger: Watches
The Watches pane enables you to control the columns to appear in the debugger
Watches pane and aspects of how the data is displayed.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
Add: Adds the new filter to the list in the Filter box.
Remove: Deletes the selected filter from the list in the Filter box.
Restore Defaults: Restores the contents of the Filter box to the SQL Developer
Filter: Contains the list of files and file types. For each item, if it is enabled (checked),
the filter is enforced and the file or file type is ignored by SQL Developer; but if it is
disabled (unchecked), the filter is not enforced.
1.20.10 Migration
The Migration pane contains options that affect the behavior of SQL Developer when
you migrate schema objects and data from third-party databases to an Oracle
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
For MySQL offline migrations, the data is exported to a file named table-name.txt;
so if you are moving data from two or more tables with the same name but in
different schemas, rename files as needed so that they are all unique, and modify
the SQL*Loader .ctl file accordingly.
Online: Options for online data move operations.
Number of Parallel Data Move Streams (online data moves): The number of internal
connections created for simultaneous movement of data from the source database to
the Oracle tables. Higher values may shorten the total time required, but will use more
database resources during that time.
Number of Rows to Commit After (online data moves): During the data move
operation, Oracle pauses to perform an automatic internal commit operation after each
number of rows that you specify are moved from the source database to Oracle tables.
Lower values will cause a successful move operation to take more time; but if a failure
occurs, it is likely that more source records will exist in the Oracle tables and that if the
move operation is resumed, fewer source records will need to be moved. Higher
values will cause a successful move operation to take less time; but if a failure occurs,
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
it is likely that fewer source records will exist in the Oracle tables and that is the move
operation is resumed, more source records will need to be moved.
Offline: Options for offline data move operations
End of Column Delimiter (offline data moves): String to indicate end of column.
End of Row Delimiter (offline data moves): String to indicate end of row.
Generic Date Mask (offline data moves): Format mask for dates, unless overridden by
user-defined custom preferences.
Generic Timestamp Mask (offline data moves): Format mask for timestamps, unless
overridden by user-defined custom preferences.
User-Defined Custom Preferences by Source Type (offline data moves): Lets you
specify, for one or more source data types, a custom mapping for the function and
format mask. Add one row for each mapping. For example, the following rows specify
the Source Type, Function, and Mask for custom mappings for the Sybase data types
datetime, smalldatetime, and time:
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
(If you want to use a different tablespace than SYSTEM, modify the scripts accordingly.)
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
Fast Export Min Sessions and Fast Export Max Sessions: The minimum and
maximum number, respectively, of sessions to be used for the Teradata FastExport
Migration: Translators
The Translators pane contains options that relate to conversion of stored procedures
and functions from their source database format to Oracle format. (These options
apply only to migrations from Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server.)
Default Source Date Format: Default date format mask to be used when casting
string literals to dates in stored procedures and functions.
Variable Name Prefix: String to be used as the prefix in the names of resulting
In Parameter Prefix: String to be used as the prefix in the names of resulting input
Query Assignment Translation: Option to determine what is generated for a query
assignment: only the assignment, assignment with exception handling logic, or
assignment using a cursor LOOP ... END LOOP structure to fetch each row of the
query into variables.
Display AST: If this option is checked, the abstract syntax tree (AST) is displayed in
the Source Tree pane of the Translation Scratch Editor window if you perform a
Generate Compound Triggers: If this option is checked, then depending on the
source code, SQL Developer can convert a Sybase or SQL Server trigger to an Oracle
compound trigger, which uses two temporary tables to replicate the inserted and
deleted tables in Sybase and SQL Server. In such cases, this can enable the
conversion of logic that cannot otherwise be converted.
Oracle Database 12c Features: For each of the listed features that are available only
starting with Oracle Database Release 12.1 or later, you can allow or disallow it to be
used (where relevant and appropriate) when SQL Developer creates the converted
stored procedures and functions.
Related Topics
• SQL Developer: Migrating Third-Party Databases
• Creating Data Files From MySQL
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
Smart Enabled: If this option is checked, then the text for the relevant type of
information is displayed if Smart Popup is also checked.
Smart Popup: If this option is checked, the relevant text for the first smart-enabled
popup is displayed for the item under the mouse pointer.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
Configuration set to use for lookups: Lookup category to be used for automatically
generating test implementations when you create a unit test. The list includes the
default category and any user-added categories.
Related Topics
• Automatically Creating Implementations
1.20.16 Versioning
Versioning preferences affect the behavior of the version control and management
systems that you have available for use with SQL Developer.
• Versioning: Git
• Versioning: Subversion
• Versioning: CVS
• Versioning: Perforce
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
Write Messages to Log Window: If this option is enabled, Git messages are written
to the Messages - Log window. (If that window is not visible, click View > Log to
display it.)
Versioning: Git: Version Tools
The Git: Version Tools pane specifies options for the Outgoing Changes Commit and
Add dialog box.
Use Outgoing Changes Commit and Add Dialog: Enables you to make optimum
use of limited screen space when the Pending Changes window is open. You can
save screen space by not showing the Comments area of the Pending Changes
window, but you might still want to add comments before a commit action. You can
choose the circumstances under which the Outgoing Changes Commit and Add dialog
is opened: always, only when the Comments area of the Pending Changes window is
hidden, or never.
You can add, edit, and remove comment templates, and you can export templates to
an XML file or import templates that had previously been exported.
Versioning: Subversion: General
The Subversion: General pane specifies environment settings and the operation
Use Navigator State Overlay Icons: If this option is enabled, state overlay icons are
used. State overlay icons are small symbols associated with object names in the
navigators. They indicate the state of version-controlled files (for example, "up to
Use Navigator State Overlay Labels: If this option is enabled, state overlay labels
are used. State overlay labels are tooltips associated with object names in the
Automatically Add New Files on Committing Working Copy: If this option is
enabled, any new files you have created in your working copy are automatically added
to the Subversion repository whenever you commit any individual file. Otherwise,
Subversion will not add new files when you commit changes; you must continue to add
new files to Subversion explicitly.
Automatically Lock Files with svn:needs-lock Property After Checkout: If this
option is enabled, files you check out from the repository are automatically locked,
preventing other team members from checking them out until you release the files.
Use Merge Wizard for Subversion Merging: If this option is enabled, the Merge
wizard rather than the Merge dialog box is invoked for merge requests.
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
Enable Advanced Controls: If this option is enabled, advanced CVS controls are
shown in dialog boxes. If you find that you use only basic CVS features, you might
want to use SQL Developer without advanced controls, to reduce complexity and save
screen space.
Global Options: Run Quietly: If this option is enabled, informational messages are
Global Options: Do not Log Commands: If this option is enabled, CVS commands
are not logged in the repository command history.
Global Options: Encrypt: If this option is enabled, all communication between the
client and the server is encrypted. Encryption support is not available in CVS by
default; it must be enabled using a special configuration option when you build CVS.
Set Compression Level (z): If this option is enabled, you can set the compression
level for files sent between client and server. The level can be set from Minimum (high
speed, low compression) to Maximum (low speed, high compression).
Keyword Substitution Mode: CVS uses keyword substitution modes to insert revision
information into files when they are checked out or updated. This option controls the
mode of replacement for keyword substitution in versioned files:
• Automatic: The default, recommended option.
• Keyword-Only Mode: Generates only keyword names in keyword strings and
omits their values. This option is useful for disregarding differences due to
keyword substitution when comparing different revisions of a file.
• Keyword-Value Mode: Generates keyword strings using the default form.
• Keyword-Value-Locker Mode: Like the keyword-value mode, except that the
name of the locker is always inserted if the given revision is currently locked.
• Old-Contents Mode: Generates the old keyword string, present in the working file
just before it was checked in.
• Value-Only Mode: Generates only keyword values for keyword strings. This can
help generate files in programming languages where it is hard to strip keyword
delimiters from a string. However, further keyword substitution cannot be
performed once the keyword names are removed, so this option should be used
with care.
On Commit: Use Comment Templates: If this option is enabled, your commit
comments will be entered through template forms. The forms are set up by the CVS
system administrator. There may be different forms for different circumstances and
installations, and it may be that none of them are suitable for your commit comments.
In this case, this preference lets you disable the use of all forms.
On Commit: Automatically Add Files: If this option is enabled, local files are added
to the CVS repository whenever you perform a commit action.
Create Backup Files on Remove: If this option is enabled, backup copies are made
of files that are removed through actions of the source control system.
Versioning: CVS: General
The CVS: General pane specifies environment settings and the operation timeout.
Use Navigator State Overlay Icons: If this option is enabled, state overlay icons are
used. State overlay icons are small symbols associated with object names in the
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
navigators. They indicate the state of version-controlled files (for example, "up to
Use Navigator State Overlay Labels: If this option is enabled, state overlay labels
are used. State overlay labels are tooltips associated with object names in the
Automatically Make Files Editable: If this option is enabled, an editor is
automatically used on a data file when you start to change it. (If you edit a file
unintentionally, immediately use Versioning, then Unedit to revert.)
Operation Timeout: Maximum time allowed for CVS operations to complete.
Versioning: CVS: Navigator Labels
The CVS: Navigator Labels pane specifies formatting for CVS information appears on
navigator nodes and tool tips. For a full explanation of keyword substitution modes,
see the CVS documentation.
Versioning: CVS: Version Tools
The CVS: Version Tools pane specifies options for the pending changes window and
the merge editor.
Use Outgoing Changes Commit Dialog: Enables you to make optimum use of
limited screen space when the Pending Changes window is open. You can save
screen space by not showing the Comments area of the Pending Changes window,
but you might still want to add comments before a commit action. You can choose the
circumstances under which the Commit dialog is opened: always, only when the
Comments area of the Pending Changes window is hidden, or never.
Incoming Changes Timer Interval: The frequency at which the change status of files
is checked.
Merge Editor: Specifies whether files are merged locally or at the server.
You can add, edit, and remove comment templates, and you can export templates to
an XML file or import templates that had previously been exported.
Versioning: Perforce: General
The Perforce: General pane specifies environment settings and the operation timeout.
Use Navigator State Overlay Icons: If this option is enabled, state overlay icons are
used. State overlay icons are small symbols associated with object names in the
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Preferences
navigators. They indicate the state of version-controlled files (for example, "up to
Use Navigator State Overlay Labels: If this option is enabled, state overlay labels
are used. State overlay labels are tooltips associated with object names in the
Write Messages to Log Window: If this option is enabled, Perforce messages are
written to the Messages - Log window. (If that window is not visible, click View > Log to
display it.)
Automatically Open Files for Edit: If this option is enabled, data files are marked as
open for edit, and then opened so that you can immediately start making changes. (If
you edit a file unintentionally, immediately use VersioningRevert to revert.)
Operation Timeout: Maximum number of seconds, minutes, or hours allowed for
Perforce operations to complete.
Versioning: Perforce: Version Tools
The Perforce: Version Tools pane specifies options for the pending changes window
and the merge editor.
Use Outgoing Submit Dialog: Enables you to make optimum use of limited screen
space when the Pending Changes window is open. You can save screen space by not
showing the Comments area of the Pending Changes window, but you might still want
to add comments before a commit action. You can choose the circumstances under
which the Commit dialog is opened: always, only when the Comments area of the
Pending Changes window is hidden, or never.
Merge Editor: Specifies whether files are merged locally or at the server.
Chapter 1
Location of User-Related Information
Chapter 1
Java Development Kit (JDK) Location
If you want to prevent other users from accessing your user-specific SQL Developer
information, you must ensure that the appropriate permissions are set on the directory
where that information is stored or on a directory above it in the path hierarchy. For
example, on a Windows system you may want to ensure that the SQL Developer folder
and the \<user-name>\Application Data\SQL Developer folder under Documents and
Settings are not sharable; and on a Linux or Mac OS X system you may want to
ensure that the ~/.sqldeveloper directory is not world-readable.
If you have made an error in your JDK specification or configuration, you can try
editing the SetJavaHome line in product.conf.
For example, if you installed SQL Developer on Windows under C:\, enter the following
C:\>cd c:\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin
Available features:
cart: Database Cart Batch Tasks
Chapter 1
Data Modeler in SQL Developer
If you enter just sdcli, the list of available features shows each sdcli command and its
associated feature. To get brief information about commands for a specific feature,
enter sdcli <feature-name>. For example:
C:\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin>sdcli migration
Migration -help|-h=<actions> to get help on one or more actions.
<actions> could be one or more (comma separated list) actions or guide
guide provides a walk through of a typical migration
Migration -help=capture
Migration -h=capture,convert
Migration -h=guide
Valid actions:
capture, convert, datamove, delcaptured, delconn, delconverted, driver, generate
, guide, idmap, info, init, lscaptured, lsconn, lsconverted, mkconn, qm, runsql,
scan and translate
If a command has a -logfile option, the generated log file is empty if the command
failed; otherwise, it contains one or more descriptive messages about the operation.
Chapter 1
Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Support
• Use the online help: click Help or press the F1 key in the Data Modeler interface;
or in the SQL Developer menus click Help, then Table of Contents, then look for
the Data Modeler Concepts and Usage topic
Related Topics
• Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler User's Guide
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Usage Suggestions
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Usage Suggestions
Related Topics
• Using Folders to Group Connections
Chapter 1
SQL Developer Usage Suggestions
Chapter 1
For More Information About SQL Developer
SQL Developer: Migrating Third-Party
Migration is the process of copying the schema objects and data from a source
MySQL or third-party (non-Oracle) database, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase
Adaptive Server, or IBM DB2 (UDB), to Oracle Database. You can perform the
migration in an efficient, largely automated way.
Thus, you have two options for working with databases other than Oracle Database in
SQL Developer:
• Creating database connections so that you can view schema objects and data in
these databases
• Migrating these databases to Oracle, to take advantage of the full range of Oracle
Database features and capabilities
This topic contains the following topics:
• Migration: Basic Options and Steps
• Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
• SQL Developer User Interface for Migration
• Command-Line Interface for Migration
For a walk-through of a typical migration, go to the sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper
\bin folder and enter the following command:
Chapter 2
Migration: Basic Options and Steps
Related Topics
• Migration
• Migration: Background Information and Guidelines Repository
The Repository page of the wizard requires that you specify the database connection
for the migration repository to be used.
The migration repository is a collection of schema objects that SQL Developer uses to
manage metadata for migrations. If you do not already have a migration repository and
a database connection to the repository, create them as follows:
1. Create an Oracle user named MIGRATIONS with default tablespace USERS and
temporary tablespace TEMP; and grant it at least the RESOURCE role and the
privileges. (For multischema migrations, you must grant the RESOURCE role with
the ADMIN option; and you must also grant this user the CREATE ROLE,
CREATE USER, and ALTER ANY TRIGGER privileges, all with the ADMIN
2. Create a database connection named Migration_Repository that connects to the
3. Right-click the Migration_Repository connection, and select Migration
Repository, then Associate Migration Repository to create the repository.
If you do not already have a database connection to the third-party database to be
migrated, create one. (For migrations, you should set the third party JDBC driver
preference before creating the connection.) For example, create a database
connection named Sales_Sybase to a Sybase database named sales.
Chapter 2
Migration: Basic Options and Steps Project
The Project page of the wizard specifies the migration project for this migration. A
migration project is a container for migration objects.
New lets you create a new project, or Existing lets you select from a list of existing
Name: Name to be associated with this migration project.
Description: Optional descriptive comments about the project.
Output Directory: The directory or folder in which all scripts generated by the
migration wizard will be placed. Enter a path or click Choose to select the location.
If you receive the Cannot Connect error, this means that the .ocp file that is
normally in the generated offline capture data is not present to identify the
type of database, and therefore SQL Developer cannot select the
appropriate plugin to perform the conversion. Ensure that the correct,
valid .ocp file is present. Capture
The Capture page of the wizard lets you specify the database or databases (of the
platform that you specified) to be migrated. Select the desired items under Available
Databases, and use the arrow icons to move them individually or collectively to
Selected Databases.
Chapter 2
Migration: Basic Options and Steps Convert
The Convert page of the wizard lets you examine and modify, for each data type in the
source database, the Oracle Database data type to which columns of that source type
will be converted in the migrated database. For each source data type entry, the
possible Oracle Data Type values reflect the valid possible mappings (which might be
only one).
Add New Rule: Lets you specify mappings for other source data types.
Edit Rule: Lets you modify the mapping for the selected source data type.
Advanced Options: Displays the Migration: Identifier Options preferences page. Translate
The Translate page of the wizard lets you specify the SQL objects to be translated.
Select the desired items under Available SQL Objects, and use the arrow icons to
move them individually or collectively to Selected SQL Objects.
Chapter 2
Migration: Basic Options and Steps
convenient for moving small data sets; offline moves are useful for moving large
volumes of data.)
Connections for online data move: The Source and Target connections for the third-
party and Oracle connections, respectively. To add a connection to either list, click the
Add (+) icon; to edit the selected connection, click the Edit (pencil) icon.
Truncate Data: If this option is enabled, any existing data in a target (Oracle) table
that has the same name as the source table is deleted before the data is moved. If this
option is not enabled, any data from a source table with the same name as the
corresponding target (Oracle) table is appended to any existing data in the target
table. Summary
The Summary page of the wizard provides a summary of your specifications for the
project, repository, and actions, in an expandable tree format. If you want to make any
changes, go back to the relevant wizard page.
To perform the migrat6ion actions that you have specified, click Finish.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
4. In the Choose Database for Copy to Oracle dialog box, select the appropriate
Destination Database Name: Database connection to use for copying the
selected tables into the Oracle database. (Only Oracle Database connections are
shown for selection.)
Include Data: If this option is enabled, any data in the table in the third-party
database is copied to the new table after it is created in the Oracle database. If
this option is not enabled, the table is created in the Oracle database but no data
is copied.
If Table Exists: Specifies what happens if a table with the same name as the one
to be copied already exists in the destination Oracle database: Indicate Error
generates an error and does not perform the copy; Append adds the rows from
the copied table to the destination Oracle table; Replace replaces the data in the
destination Oracle table with the rows from the copied table. Note that if the two
tables with the same name do not have the same column definitions and if Include
Data is specified, the data may or may not be copied, depending on whether the
source and destination column data types are compatible.
5. To perform the copy operation, click Apply.
If a table with the same name as the one to be copied already exists in the destination
Oracle database, then:
• If the two tables do not have the same column definitions, the copy is not
• If the two tables have the same column definitions and if Include Data was
specified, the data is appended (that is, the rows from the table to be copied are
inserted into the existing Oracle table).
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
for each section, and explains how to avoid the risks involved in a migration project.
This information includes:
• Task 1: Determining the Requirements of the Migration Project
• Task 2: Estimating Workload
• Task 3: Analyzing Operational Requirements
• Task 4: Analyzing the Application
• Task 5: Planning the Migration Project
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
• Large applications (more than 100 forms, reports, and batch jobs)
• Database used by multiple lines of business
• Distributed deployment
• Large user base (more than 100)
• High availability requirement (such as a 24 X 7 X 365 environment)
A simple scenario involves the following:
• Small database (less than 25 GB)
• Simple online transaction processing (OLTP)
• Small application (less than 100 forms, reports, and batch jobs)
• Database used by one department
• Centralized deployment
• Small user base (less than 100)
• Average availability (business hours)
If the migration project is a simple scenario, you may not have to complete all
possible migration tasks. You make decisions based on your specific environment.
For example, if you have a complex scenario, you may require extra testing based
on the complexity of the application accessing the database.
3. Determine whether the destination database requires additional hardware and
rewriting of backup schedules.
4. Define testing and acceptance criteria.
Define tests to measure the accuracy of the migration. You then use the
acceptance criteria to determine whether the migration was successful. The tests
that you develop from the requirements should also measure stability, evaluate
performance, and test the applications. You must decide how much testing is
necessary before you can deploy the Oracle database and applications into a
production environment.
5. Create a requirements document with a list of requirements for the migration
The requirements document should have clearly defined tasks and number each
specific requirement, breaking these into sub-requirements where necessary.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
2. Use the Migration Log pane to evaluate the capture and migration process,
categorize the total number of database objects, and identify the number of
objects that can be converted and migrated automatically.
The migration log provides information about the actions that have occurred and
record any warnings and errors. They identify the changes that have been made to
the converted model so that you can evaluate if you should make changes to the
applications that access the destination database.
3. Evaluate and categorize the issues that occurred. The migration log can help by
providing information about:
• Tables that did not load when you captured the source database
• Stored procedures, views, and triggers that did not parse when you created
the converted model
• Syntax that requires manual intervention
• Database objects that were not created successfully when you migrated the
destination database
• Data that did not migrate successfully when you migrated the destination
4. For each error or warning in the migration log, evaluate the following:
• Number of times an issue occurred
• Time required to fix the issues, in person-hours
• Number of resources required to fix the issue
After you have solved a complex problem, it should be easier and quicker to
resolve the next time you have the same problem.
If the scope of the migration project is a complex scenario, Oracle
recommends that you answer all of these questions. If you have a simple
scenario, determine the answers to the most appropriate questions.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
If the migration project is a complex scenario, Oracle recommends that you
consider all of the following items. If you have a simple scenario, consider
the most relevant items.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
SQL Developer does not migrate grant information from the source
database. The Oracle DBA must adjust (as appropriate) user, login, and
grant specifications after the migration.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
Oracle recommends that you make a complete backup of the source
database before starting the migration. For more information about backing
up the source database, see the documentation for that type of database.
If possible, begin the migration using a development or test environment, not
a production database.
You must grant these privileges directly to a user account. Granting the
privileges to a role, which is subsequently granted to a user account, does
not suffice. You cannot migrate a database as the user SYS.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
For example, you can create a user called migrations with the minimum required
privileges required to migrate a database by using the following commands:
CREATE USER migrations IDENTIFIED BY password
After you have created the converted model and done first DDL generation done for
the new database, it will be clear from the scripts which privileges will be required for
your situation.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
4. In SQL Developer, if you have not already installed the JTDS driver using Check
for Updates (on the Help menu), do the following:
a. Click Tools, then Preferences, then Database, then Third Party JDBC
b. Click Add Entry.
c. Select the jar file for the JTDS driver you downloaded from http://
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
d. Click OK.
5. In SQL Developer, click Tools, then Preferences, then Migration: Identifier
Options, and ensure that the setting is correct for the Is Quoted Identifier On
option (that is, that the setting reflects the database to be migrated).
If this option is enabled, quotation marks (double-quotes) can be used to refer to
identifiers; if this option is not enabled, quotation marks identify string literals. As
an example of the difference in behavior, consider the following T-SQL code:
select col1, "col 2" "column_alias"
from tablex "table_alias"
d. Click OK.
4. Ensure that the source database is accessible by the MySQL user that is used by
SQL Developer for the source connection. This user must be able to see any
objects to be captured in the MySQL database; objects that the user cannot see
are not captured. For example, if the user can execute a stored procedure but
does not have sufficient privileges to see the source code, the stored procedure
cannot be captured.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
Oracle recommends that you do not change the default data type mappings
unless you are an experienced Oracle database administrator.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
Related Topics
• Migrating Using the Migration Wizard
• Offline Capture
To export the schema data in offline file format, use a command in the following format
(with the db2 executable in the run path):
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
Before you execute the DB2 data dump script, you must log in by entering a command
in the following format:
db2 connect to <catalog> user <user name> using <password>
You can then execute the script using the logged connection session.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines Creating Data Files From Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server
To create data files from a Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server database:
1. Copy the contents of the directory where SQL Developer generated the data
unload scripts onto the computer where the source database is installed.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
2. Edit the BCP extract script to include the name of the source database server.
• On Windows, edit the MicrosoftSqlServer_data.bat or Sybase_data.bat script to
alter the bcp lines to include the appropriate variables.
The following shows a line from a sample MicrosoftSqlServer_data.bat script:
bcp "AdventureWorks.dbo.AWBuildVersion" out "[AdventureWorks].[dbo].
[AWBuildVersion].dat" -q -c -t "<EOFD>" -r "<EORD>" -U<Username> -P<Password> -
3. Run the BCP extract script.
• On Windows, enter one of the following, as appropriate:
prompt> MicrosoftSqlServer_data.bat
prompt> Sybase_data.bat
This script creates the data files in the current directory.
4. Copy the data files and scripts, if necessary, to the target Oracle database system,
or to a system that has access to the target Oracle database and has SQL*Loader
(Oracle Client) installed.
Edit this line to include the correct values for USERNAME, PASSWORD, and
DESTINATION PATH. Do not include the angle brackets in the edited version of
this file.
In this command line, localhost indicates a loopback connection, which is required
by the -T option. (See the mysqldump documentation for more information.)
3. Run the script.
• On Windows, enter:
prompt> MySQL_data.bat
• On Linux or UNIX, enter:
prompt> chmod 755
prompt> sh ./
This script creates the data files in the current directory.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
4. Copy the data files and scripts, if necessary, to the target Oracle database system,
or to a system that has access to the target Oracle database and has SQL*Loader
(Oracle Client) installed.
To handle situations indicated by this error, you can use either one of the following
• Enable the Generate Stored Procedure for Migrate Blobs Offline SQL Developer
preference (see : Migration: Generation Options).
• Use the following Workaround:
The workaround is to load the data (which is in hex format) into an additional CLOB
field and then convert the CLOB to a BLOB through a PL/SQL procedure.
The only way to export binary data properly through the Microsoft SQL Server or
Sybase Adaptive Server BCP is to export it in a hexadecimal (hex) format; however, to
get the hex values into Oracle, save them in a CLOB (holds text) column, and then
convert the hex values to binary values and insert them into the BLOB column. The
problem here is that the HEXTORAW function in Oracle only converts a maximum of
2000 hex pairs. Consequently, write your own procedure that will convert (piece by
piece) your hex data to binary. (In the following steps and examples, modify the
START.SQL and FINISH.SQL to reflect your environment.
The following shows the code for two scripts, start.sql and finish.sql, that implement
this workaround. Read the comments in the code, and modify any SQL statements as
needed to reflect your environment and your needs.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
After you run start.sql and before you run finish.sql, run BCP; and before
you run BCP, change the relevant line in the .ctl file from:
<blob_column> CHAR(2000000) "HEXTORAW (:<blob_column>)"
<blob_column>_CLOB CHAR(2000000)
-- Modify this for your environment.
-- This should be executed in the user schema in Oracle that contains the table.
-- Modify this for your enironment.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
cur_rec cur%ROWTYPE;
OPEN cur;
FETCH cur INTO cur_rec;
--RETRIVE THE clobLoc and blobLoc
clobLoc := cur_rec.clob_column;
blobLoc := cur_rec.blob_column;
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
If you want queries to be case insensitive for a user in the Oracle database, you can
create an AFTER LOGON ON DATABASE trigger, in which you set, for that database
user, the NLS_SORT session parameter to an Oracle sort name with _CI (for "case
insensitive") appended.
The following example causes queries for user SMITH to use the German sort order
and to be case insensitive:
username VARCHAR2(30);
IF username LIKE 'SMITH' then
execute immediate 'alter session set NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC';
execute immediate 'alter session set NLS_SORT=GERMAN_CI';
Related Topics
• Case-Insensitive and Accent-Insensitive Sorts in Oracle Database 2 Day
Developer's Guide.
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
The tests that you run against the application vary depending on the scope of
the application. Oracle recommends that you thoroughly test each SQL
statement that is changed in the application. You should also test the system
to make sure that the application functions the same way as in the third-party
Related Topics
• Testing Methodology
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
There are several types of tests that you use during the migration process. During the
testing stage, you go through several cycles of testing to enhance the quality of the
database. The test cases you use should make sure that any issues encountered in a
previous version of the Oracle database are not introduced again.
For example, if you have to make changes to the migrated schema based on test
results, you may need to create a new version of the Oracle database schema. In
practice, you use SQL Developer to create a base-line Oracle schema at the start of
testing, and then edit this schema as you progress with testing.
Oracle recommends that you track issues that you find during a testing cycle
in an issue tracking system. Track these issues against the version of the
database or application that you are testing.
Oracle recommends that you define completion criteria so that you can
determine the success of the migration.
This procedure explains one way of testing the migrated database. Other methods are
available and may be more appropriate to your business requirements.
To test the Oracle database:
1. Create a controlled version of the migrated database.
Oracle recommends that you keep the database migration scripts in a source
control system.
2. Design a set of test cases that you can use to test the Oracle database from unit
to system level. The test cases should:
a. Ensure the following:
• All the users in the source database have migrated successfully
• Privileges and grants for users are correct
• Tables have the correct structure, defaults are functioning correctly, and
errors did not occur during mapping or generation
b. Validate that the data migrated successfully by doing the following:
• Comparing the number of rows in the Oracle database with those in the
source database
• Calculating the sum of numerical columns in the Oracle database and
compare with those in the source database
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
Chapter 2
Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
allows you to profile users as you introduce them to the Oracle database. You can
reconfigure the system so that only selected users are affected by the migration and
unscheduled outages only affect a small percentage of the user population. This
approach may affect the work of the users you migrated. However, because the
number of users is limited, support services are not overloaded with issues.
The Phased approach allows you to debug scalability issues as the number of
migrated users increases. However, using this approach may mean that you must
migrate data to and from legacy systems during the migration process. The application
architecture must support a phased approach.
If you have a complex scenario, Oracle recommends that you complete all of
the deployment tasks. However, if you have a simple scenario, you should
choose the deployment tasks appropriate to your organization.
Chapter 2
SQL Developer User Interface for Migration
Before installing any Oracle software, make sure that you have modified all system
parameters. For more information about modifying system parameters, see the
relevant installation guide for your platform, such as Solaris Operating System.
3. Install the Oracle software.
Aside from the Oracle software that allows you to create an Oracle database, you
may need to install ancillary software to support the application, such as Extract
Transformation and Load (ETL) Software for data warehousing.
4. Create the destination database from the source database and migrate the data to
the Oracle database.
There are several ways of putting the destination database into production after
testing it, such as:
• Place the successfully tested database into production. The test system is now
the production system.
• Use Oracle Export to extract the destination database from the successfully
tested database and use Oracle Import to create that database within the
production environment.
• Use the tested migration scripts to create the Oracle database and populate it
with data using SQL*Loader.
5. Perform the final checks on the destination database and applications.
6. Place the destination database into production using one of the rollout strategies.
7. Perform a final audit by doing the following:
• Audit the integrity of the data
• Audit the validity of the processes, such as back-up and recovery
• Obtain sign-off for the project, if necessary
Related Topics
• Migration: Basic Options and Steps
• Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
• SQL Developer User Interface for Migration
Chapter 2
SQL Developer User Interface for Migration
In this figure:
• The Connections navigator shows a connection named sybase_15, which is to the
Sybase database to be migrated to Oracle. This connection name also appears in
a drop-down control in the upper right area.
• In the migration projects navigator, <repository-connection> after "Projects -" will
be the actual connection name for the migration repository.
• The migration project name is sybase_15_migr.
• Under the project name are trees (hierarchies) for Captured Database Objects and
Converted Database Objects.
As an alternative to using the SQL Developer graphical interface for
migration tasks, you can use the command line.
Chapter 2
SQL Developer User Interface for Migration
Chapter 2
SQL Developer User Interface for Migration
To translate a statement to its Oracle equivalent, select the type of translation, enter
the third-party SQL statement or statements; select the specific translation from the
Translator drop-down (for example, Access SQL to PL/SQL) and optionally the
applicable schema from the Captured Schema drop-down; then click the Translate
(>>) icon to display the generated PL/SQL statement or statements.
SQL keywords are automatically highlighted.
For a Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase Adaptive Server connection, the
worksheet does not support running T-SQL statements. It only supports
The first time you save the contents of either worksheet window in the translation
scratch editor, you are prompted for the file location and name. If you perform any
subsequent Save operations (regardless of whether you have erased or changed the
content of the window), the contents are saved to the same file. To save the contents
to a different file, click File, then Save As.
Related Topics
• Migration: Basic Options and Steps
• Migration: Background Information and Guidelines
• Command-Line Interface for Migration
Chapter 2
Command-Line Interface for Migration
For a walk-through of a typical migration, go to the sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper
\bin folder and enter the following command:
SQL Developer: Oracle REST Data
Services Support
SQL Developer provides a convenient platform for installing and configuring Oracle
REST Data Services, and for developing RESTful services.
• Installing Oracle REST Data Services
• Oracle REST Data Services Administration
• Automatically Enabling REST Access to a Schema, Table, or View (AutoREST)
• REST Development
Chapter 3
Oracle REST Data Services Administration
Oracle REST Data Services 3.0 later must be installed and running in order
to retrieve or upload administration settings. In addition, the REST Data
Services Administrator user must be configured on Oracle REST Data
Services. See Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and
Development Guide for information about installing Oracle REST Data
The toolbar and context menu let you perform the following actions:
• New Administration displays the Create REST Data Services Administration
dialog box, where you specify the Name and optionally a Description of the
After you click Apply in that box, the navigator in the REST Data Services
Administration window contains a hierarchical display of global and database
settings. Select any node to display the pane for viewing and changing related
• Open File lets you open a file that contains saved administration settings. If
administration settings are already displayed, you will be warned if you want to
overwrite the existing settings.
• Save As saves the current settings to a .zip file, which you can open later.
Chapter 3
Oracle REST Data Services Administration
• Retrieve Settings obtains the administration settings from the REST Data
• Upload Settings uploads the administration settings to the REST Data Services.
The database settings will be validated before they are uploaded. If any settings
are invalid or if required settings are missing, the administration settings will not be
Tip: Before you upload the administration settings, click Test Settings to validate
the database settings. Review the messages and fix any errors.
• Test Settings validates the Database Settings and displays informational
messages for incorrect settings or required settings that are missing. If errors are
not found during validation, a message will be displayed that validation completed
• Launch URL displays the home page in your browser, for example: http://
Chapter 3
Oracle REST Data Services Administration
If you encounter the Authentication Failed error, follow the instructions in
REST Data Services Connection: Authentication Failed.
Global Settings provide the default values for certain Database Settings.
Database Settings specify values in certain categories for REST Data Services
connections to specific databases. Oracle REST Data Services supports connecting to
multiple databases by letting you create multiple database settings with different
database connections and use URL mapping to route requests to the appropriate
You can create, edit, or remove multiple database settings in the navigator. To add
database settings, right-click Database Settings and select New Settings. To remove
database settings, right-slick on the desired settings and select Remove Settings.
In panes that display database settings, any setting values that are highlighted indicate
the global settings value. If you change a database settings value and later decide to
use the global settings value, you can click Reset to restore the global settings values.
Chapter 3
Oracle REST Data Services Administration
To check the validity of database settings, click Test Settings in the REST Data
Services Administration window toolbar. Connections
Use Connections to specify the connection type: Basic, TNS, or Advanced.
Use JDBC to configure JDBC options.
JDBC Driver Type: thin or oci8.
Initial Pool Size: Initial pool size for the number of connections that will be created.
Maximum Statements: Maximum number of statements to cache for each
Connection Size: Maximum and Minimum number of connections.
Inactivity Timeout: How long (in seconds) an available connection can remain idle
before it is closed.
Abandoned Connection Timeout: How long (in seconds) a borrowed (in use)
connection can remain unused before it is considered as abandoned and reclaimed.
URL Mappings (Database Settings only)
URL mapping is used in configuring multiple database connections, to define the rules
for how requests are routed to the appropriate database.
Specify the rules in the Rule Type and the Routing Rule to your database connection.
You can use regular expressions in the Routing Rule.
To add a mapping, click the Add URL ( icon, select the Rule Type, and specify the
Routing Rule. To delete a mapping, select it and click the Remove URL ( icon.
Rule Type: Type of rule: Request Path, URL Path, or Regular Expression.
Routing Rule: Rule on how to route the request to your database connection. See the
examples or routing rules in this topic.
Schema for RESTful Services (optional): The name of the Application Express
workspace where RESTful services are defined in the database connection. This can
be omitted if RESTful Services are not being used.
Example of routing rules:
• Protocol: http
• Host name:
• Context root: /apex (location at which the REST Data Services is deployed on the
application server)
• Request path: /sales/f?p=1.1 (the request URL relative to the context root)
Example of routing rule using request path prefix:
Chapter 3
Oracle REST Data Services Administration
Assuming REST Data Services is deployed on, its context path is /apex,
and your database setting name is sales_prod, you can create the following request
path prefix routing rule:
• Rule Type: Request Path
• Routing Rule: /sales
• Schema for RESTful Services: sales_rest
The preceding rule means that any requests matching:
sales/... will be routed to the sales_prod database connection. The sales_rest
schema, specified in the sales_prod database connection, will be searched for RESTful
Services definitions.
The preceding routing rule will match any of the following requests: (if
resolves to the same system)
The preceding routing rule will not match any of the following requests: (missing the /sales prefix) (missing the /sales prefix) (the context root is wrong)
The preceding routing rule will not match any of the following requests: (the protocol is wrong) (the port is wrong) (missing the /sales segment of the base URL) (the context root is wrong) (the host name is
Chapter 3
Oracle REST Data Services Administration Security
Security settings are used to validate procedure requests and determine if a user is
allowed to access the procedure.
Verify Secure Socket Layer Requests: Enable this option if HTTPS is available in
your environment.
Chapter 3
Oracle REST Data Services Administration
A RESTful service can be protected with the OAuth2 protocol to control access to non-
public data. OAuth2 requires all requests involved in the OAuth2 authentication
process to be transported via HTTPS. The default behavior of REST Data Services is
to verify that all OAuth2 related requests have been received via HTTPS. It will refuse
to service any such requests received over HTTP, returning an HTTP status code of
403 Forbidden.
Disabling this option should only be used for development or test environments. Do
not disable this option for production environments because it will result in user
credentials being passed in clear text.
Security Cache: When you specify a PL/SQL validation function, Oracle REST Data
Services uses the security cache to cache the procedures names and determine if
they are valid or invalid. Using a caching mechanism reduces the number of database
round-trips needed to execute the PL/SQL Validation Function.
Maximum Cache Entries: Maximum cache size. When the maximum entries have
been reached, the older (or stale) procedure name that was least recently used is
removed from the cache and a new procedure name is added to the cache.
Allowed Procedures
Specify patterns for procedures, packages, or schema names that are allowed to be
directly executed from a browser. You can use an asterisk (*) to substitute zero or
more characters, and a question mark (?) to substitute for any one character.
A benefit of specifying allowed procedures is that the procedure names and procedure
patterns are stored in Oracle REST Data Services. By contrast, invoking the PL/SQL
validation function requires a database round-trip.
To add an entry, click the Add Procedure (+) icon and enter the pattern. To delete an
entry, select it and click the Remove Procedure (X) icon.
If no allowed procedures are specified, Oracle REST Data Services does not validate
the procedure names to determine if the procedure is allowed for processing.
Blocked Procedures
Specify patterns for procedures, packages, or schema names that are forbidden be
directly executed from a browser. You can use an asterisk (*) to substitute zero or
more characters, and a question mark (?) to substitute for any one character.
If no blocked procedures are specified, Oracle REST Data Services does not validate
the procedure names to determine if the procedure is blocked from processing
To add an entry, click the Add Procedure (+) icon and enter the pattern. To delete an
entry, select it and click the Remove Procedure (X) icon.
Disable Default Internal Exclusion List: If option is selected, the Oracle REST Data
Services internal exclusion list is not enforced. This internal exclusion list blocks users
from accessing the following:
sys.*, dbms_*, utl_*, owa_*, owa.*, htp.*, htf.*, wpg_docload.*
Oracle recommends that you not select this option; that is, do not disable the default
internal exclusion list. The only possible exception is temporarily disabling the internal
exclusion list for debugging purposes.
Validation Function
Chapter 3
Oracle REST Data Services Administration
You can use the Validation Function to determine if the requested procedure in the
URL should be allowed for processing. Oracle REST Data Services executes the
validation function you specify for each requested procedure, or checks the security
cache to determine if a procedure is valid or invalid.
The validation function returns true if the procedure is allowed for processing.
Otherwise, it returns false. Environment
Application Express Document Table: Name of the document table used by
Application Express. (All files uploaded using the PL/SQL Gateway are stored in a
document table.)
PL/SQL Gateway
Default Web Page: Default web page to display.
Extension Classes: Extension classes to extend REST Data Services.
Procedure Recorder: If selected, causes procedures to be logged.
Error Reporting
Chapter 3
Oracle REST Data Services Administration
You can specify to show debug messages on the console: or to show error messages
in a browser, or to do both or neither. On production systems, you should leave both
options unselected (disabled).
Show debug messages on console: If selected, displays debug messages on the
console. This may help with problem diagnosis and is appended to the REST Data
Services log output. However, you should not enable this option on production
systems due to the performance impact of outputting large amounts of data to the log.
Show error messages on browser: If selected, displays error responses in the
browser, including for each a detailed error message and a stack trace. However, do
not enable this option on productions systems due to the risk of sensitive information
being revealed.
Log Reporting
Logging: Specifies whether to make entries in the Oracle REST Data Services log.
The log includes activities such as adding a procedure to the cache, finding a
procedure in the cache, or reloading a procedure. The log displays the database time
and processing time in milliseconds for that procedure.
Keep most recent log messages: If selected, entries that are most recent will remain
in the log. Specify the maximum number of log messages to cache. When the
maximum entries have been reached, the older log messages are removed from the
cache when a new log message is added.
Specify the names of procedures to be executed before executing the requested
To add an entry, click the Add Procedure (+) icon and enter the procedure name. To
delete an entry, select it and click the Remove Procedure (X) icon.
Specify the names of procedures to be executed after executing the requested
To add an entry, click the Add Procedure (+) icon and enter the procedure name. To
delete an entry, select it and click the Remove Procedure (X) icon. Excel
If you are using Oracle Application Express, you have the option of placing your Excel
files into an Application Express collection.
Process Excel files into a collection: If selected, puts Excel files into an Application
Express Collection.
Put each Excel worksheet into one collection: If selected, puts all Excel worksheets
into a single collection, for which you specify the Collection Name.
Use the name of the Excel worksheet as the collection name: If selected, creates
a collection for each Excel worksheet, and uses each worksheet name for the
corresponding collection name.
Chapter 3
Oracle REST Data Services Administration
For more information, see the NoSQL chapter in Oracle REST Data Services
Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide.
Store Name: Name of the NoSQL store (for example, kvstore).
Chapter 3
Automatically Enabling REST Access to a Schema, Table, or View (AutoREST)
Chapter 3
REST Development
Chapter 3
REST Development
match /objects/emp/101 (matches a request for the item in the emp resource with id
of 101) and will also match /objects/emp/ (matches a request for the emp resource,
because the :id parameter is annotated with the ? modifier, which indicates that
the id parameter is optional).
For a detailed explanation of route patterns, see docs\javadoc\plugin-api\route-
patterns.html, under <sqldeveloper-install>\ords and under the location (if any)
where you manually installed Oracle REST Data Services.
• URI template: A simple grammar that defines the specific patterns of URIs that a
given resource template can handle. For example, the pattern employees/{id} will
match any URI whose path begins with employees/, such as employees/2560.
• Resource handler: Provides the logic required to service a specific HTTP method
for a specific resource template. For example, the logic of the GET HTTP method
for the preceding resource template might be:
select empno, ename, dept from emp where empno = :id
• HTTP operation: HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) defines standard methods
that can be performed on resources: GET (retrieve the resource contents), POST
(store a new resource), PUT (update an existing resource), and DELETE (remove a
Chapter 3
REST Development
If you have an Oracle REST Data Services release 3.0.4 or earlier, you can
upgrade to a later release.
Chapter 3
REST Development
You can right-click on the RESTful Services node to perform the operations with
associated icons, plus the following operations:
• Connect: Connects to the enabled RESTful Services schema or Application
Express workspace based on the user's credentials.
• Disconnect: Disconnects from the user's schema or workspace.
• New RESTful Services: Creates a new RESTful Service that contains the
resource modules and privileges.
• Retrieve RESTful Services: Downloads the resource modules and privileges
from the user's schema or workspace. (Enabled if you are connected to a RESTful
Services connection.)
• Open File: Opens a .zip file that contains the resource modules and privileges,
and loads them into RESTful Services Administration.
• Save As: Creates a .zip file that contains the resource modules and privileges.
(Enabled if the navigator tree contains at least one module or one privilege.)
Related Topics
• RESTful Services Connection
SQL Developer: Unit Testing
The SQL Developer unit testing feature provides a framework for testing PL/SQL
objects, such as functions and procedures, and monitoring the results of such objects
over time. You create tests, and for each you provide information about what is to be
tested and what result is expected. The SQL Developer implementation of unit testing
is modeled on the classic and well known xUnit collection of unit test frameworks.
The unit testing feature is part of the support within the SQL Developer family of
products for major parts of the life cycle of database system development, from design
(provided by Data Modeler) to development to testing.
This topic contains the following topics:
• Overview of Unit Testing
• SQL Developer User Interface for Unit Testing
• Unit Test Repository
• Editing and Running a Unit Test
• Using a Dynamic Value Query to Create a Unit Test
• Using Lookups to Simplify Unit Test Creation
• Using Variable Substitution in Validation Actions
• Unit Test Library
• Unit Test Reports
• Exporting and Importing Unit Test Objects
• Command-Line Interface for Unit Testing
• Unit Testing Best Practices
• Example of Unit Testing (Tutorial)
Chapter 4
SQL Developer User Interface for Unit Testing
Chapter 4
SQL Developer User Interface for Unit Testing
In the preceding figure, the top-level repository node shows the name of the
connection being used (unit_test_repos) and whether the user associated with that
connection has only User access to the repository or both Administrator and User
access (here, both).
The preceding figure also shows the types of actions under the Library node (Startups,
Teardowns, Validations), one test suite, and several tests.
Related Topics
• Unit Test Submenu
• Other Menus: Unit Test Items
• SQL Developer: Unit Testing
Chapter 4
Unit Test Repository
Chapter 4
Editing and Running a Unit Test
made shared, SQL Developer creates public synonyms for the appropriate
repository objects.)
To change an unshared repository to shared, click Tools, then Unit Test, then
Repository, then Select As Shared Repository. To change a shared repository to
unshared, click Tools, then Unit Test, then Repository, then Deselect As Shared
Related Topics
• Managing Repository Users and Administrators
• SQL Developer: Unit Testing
• Freeze View (the pin) keeps that pane in the SQL Developer window when you
click another unit test in the Unit Test navigator; a separate tab and detail view
pane are created for that other unit test. If you click the pin again, the unit test's
detail view pane is available for reuse.
• Refresh refreshes the display in the pane.
Chapter 4
Using a Dynamic Value Query to Create a Unit Test
• Debug starts execution of the first or next implementation of the unit test in debug
mode, and displays the results in the Results tab.
• Run starts normal execution of the unit test, and displays the results in the Results
tab. (Before you click Run, you can specify the database user for the run operation
by selecting a database connection on the right.)
• Edit (pencil icon) enables you to edit the unit test specification. (If you cannot
modify the unit test, lick the Edit icon.)
• Commit Changes saves any changes that you have made to the unit test.
• Rollback Changes discards any unsaved changes that you have made to the unit
If you click the Edit icon, you can modify the Startup Process, Teardown Process, and
details for each implementation.
You can also specify Gather Code Coverage Statistics to have SQL Developer
collect statistics related to code coverage. To view any statistics that have been
gathered from unit test runs, use the Test Runs Code Coverage report. In that report,
you can click a row with summary information to display detailed information in the
Code Coverage Details pane.
Related Topics
• SQL Developer: Unit Testing
A dynamic value query is executed before the execution of all
implementations in a test, including any startup action for the test. If you
must populate a table before a dynamic value query is evaluated, you can do
this is the startup action for a suite that includes the test.
The following example assumes that you have done at least the following in Example
of Unit Testing (Tutorial): created the EMPLOYEES table, created the
AWARD_BONUS procedure, and created the unit test repository. It creates a unit test
that checks to be sure that no salesperson would receive a bonus so large that his or
her salary amount would be greater than 20000. Follow these steps:
1. Create and populate the table for the data by executing the following statements:
Chapter 4
Using a Dynamic Value Query to Create a Unit Test
13. In Specify Validations, click the plus (+) icon and select Query returning no rows.
For the query, replace the SELECT statement in the Process Validation box with
the following (any semicolon at the end of the statement is ignored):
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary_amt > 20000
AND commission_pct IS NOT NULL
That is, for all salespersons (employees whose commission percentage is not
null), check whether the salary resulting from the unit test run is greater than
20000. If there are no such salespersons (that is, if the query returns no rows), the
result of the validation action is success.
14. Run the AWARD_BONUS_DYN_QUERY unit test.
Chapter 4
Using Lookups to Simplify Unit Test Creation
Related Topics
• Unit Testing: Create Unit Test
• SQL Developer: Unit Testing
Chapter 4
Using Lookups to Simplify Unit Test Creation
1002, 1003, 1004, 2000, 9999, and (null) will be in the dropdown list for the Input cell
for the EMP_ID parameter. (For the SALES_AMT parameter, use the
Related Topics
• Using Lookups to Simplify Unit Test Creation
Chapter 4
Using Variable Substitution in Validation Actions
Chapter 4
Unit Test Library
Chapter 4
Exporting and Importing Unit Test Objects
Chapter 4
Unit Testing Best Practices
• -db <connection name> specifies the database connection associated with the
database user to be used for running the unit test.
• -repo <connection name> specifies the database connection associated with the
unit testing repository to be used for running the unit test.
• {-log <0,1,2,3>} specifies the logging level, where:
The following example exports a unit test named AWARD_BONUS. It uses the
repository connection for user unit_test_repos and stores the exported definitions in
the file C:\ut_xml\award_bonus_test.xml.
> sdcli unittest -exp -test -name AWARD_BONUS -repo unit_test_repos -file c:\ut_xml
The following example imports object definitions from the file C:\ut_xml
\award_bonus_suite.xml. It uses the repository connection for user unit_test_repos.
> sdcli unittest -imp -repo unit_test_repos -file c:\ut_xml\award_bonus_suite.xml
To check the results of any tests or suites that you run from the command line, you
can start SQL Developer and view the All Test Runs and All Suite Runs reports.
Related Topics
• Command-Line Interface for SQL Developer
• Unit Test Reports
• SQL Developer: Unit Testing
Chapter 4
Unit Testing Best Practices
• Test Implementations
• Library
• Lookups
• Test and Suite Execution
• Reports
4.12.1 Strategy
If you have many packages, analyze the system as a whole to group the packages
into functional areas, and create a test suite for each functional area. This process of
decomposition can be done recursively, where the ideal situation is come up with
small groups of testable objects that have a common set of argument values.
With a test suite hierarchy in place, you can create tests for each object and place the
tests into the hierarchy.
Chapter 4
Unit Testing Best Practices
• If there is a valid reason to add a test for the same object more than once, then it
may be better to give each test a distinct name it rather than use the default
"sequence" approach. For example:
4.12.6 Library
The library is a repository of commonly used values (but not data values, for which you
should use Lookups). If you find you are entering the same values into the unit testing
panels (for example, Startup Process), you can place those values in the library and
reuse them in multiple places.
You can take this a step further and ensure that all values are stored in the library,
whether they are reused or not. This brings more order to the test building process,
and means that as the tested logic changes, it is easy to update all tests accordingly.
4.12.7 Lookups
Lookups store data type value domains organized into categories. For example, a
SALES category might have a NUMBER data type with domain values of (-1, 0, 1,
1000, 1000000000).
Categories can be created to group data type values at a fine grain (for example,
EMPLOYEE or SET_3) or at the most coarse grain (for example, DEFAULT).
A test implementation can be associated with only one lookup category, so you can
choose a category to cover the values for all the implementations of a single test, in
which case it is recommended that the lookup name echo the corresponding test
Chapter 4
Example of Unit Testing (Tutorial)
You could create a generator to run against the UT_TEST and UT_SUITE tables
found in the repository schema (or public synonyms for a shared repository) to
generate the operating system commands necessary to execute tests and suites.
4.12.9 Reports
The Unit Test navigator contains a set of predefined reports to display test execution
You can also run a report, right-click on a grid and select Save Grid as Report, and
then view the report to see how the unit testing tables have been built into queries.
You create a procedure named AWARD_BONUS, which has two input parameters:
• emp_id: The employee ID of an employee.
• sales_amt: The amount of sales with which the employee is credited for the period
in question.
This amount is calculated using the COMMISSION_PCT value for the specified
employee, and the result is added to the SALARY value for that employee.
Chapter 4
Example of Unit Testing (Tutorial)
Chapter 4
Example of Unit Testing (Tutorial)
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = emp_id;
Click the Run Script icon (or press F5) to create the AWARD_BONUS procedure.
Chapter 4
Example of Unit Testing (Tutorial)
The Unit Testing: Create Unit Test wizard is displayed. In the remaining steps,
click Next to go from each step to the next; and when you are finished specifying
the unit test, click Finish.
2. In Select Operation, select the database connection for the schema that you used
to create the AWARD_BONUS procedure; then expand the Procedures node and
3. In Specify Test Name, for Test Name specify AWARD_BONUS (same as the
procedure name), and select Create with single dummy representation.
4. In Specify Startup, click the plus (+) icon to add a startup action; and for the action
select Table or Row Copy because you want to save the current data values in
the EMPLOYEES table before any data is modified by the unit test.
When prompted, for Source Table specify EMPLOYEES, and for Target Table
accept the default name provided for a temporary table that will be automatically
created when it is needed and deleted when it is no longer needed. (The target
table will be created; and if a table already exists with the name that you specify as
the target table, it will be overwritten.)
5. In Specify Parameters, change the values in the Input column to the following:
For Parameter EMP_ID: 1001
For Parameter SALES_AMT: 5000
For Expected Result, leave the value as Success.
6. In Specify Validations, click the plus (+) icon and select Query returning row(s).
For the query, replace the SELECT statement in the Process Validation box with
the following (any semicolon at the end of the statement is ignored):
SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 1001 AND salary = 9400
That is, because employee 1001 has a 20 percent (0.2) commission and because
the sales amount was specified as 5000, the bonus is 1000 (5000 * 0.2), and the
new salary for this employee is 9400 (8400 base salary plus 1000 bonus). In this
case, the query returns one row, and therefore the result of the validation action is
Note that you could have instead specified the SELECT statement in this step
using variable replacement, as follows:
SELECT * FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = {EMP_ID} AND salary = 9400
Chapter 4
Example of Unit Testing (Tutorial)
Chapter 4
Example of Unit Testing (Tutorial)
5. In Specify Parameters, change the values in the Input column to the following:
EMP_ID: 1004
For Expected Result, change the value to Exception and leave the expected error
number as ANY.
6. In Specify Validations, click Next to go to the next page.
7. In Specify Teardown, click Next to go to the next page.
8. In Summary, review the information. If you need to change anything, click Back as
needed and make the changes, then proceed to this Summary page. When you
are ready to complete the unit test definition, click Finish.
To run this unit test, follow the steps in Run the Unit Test, except specify
On the Results tab, you will see that the AWARD_BONUS_NO_COMM_EXC test ran
successfully; and if you check the EMPLOYEES table data, you will see that the
information for employee 1004 (and all the other employees) was not changed.
As an alternative to creating a separate unit test for the exception condition,
you could add it as an implementation to the AWARD_BONUS test (right-
click AWARD_BONUS and select Add Implementation). Thus, the
AWARD_BONUS unit test would have two implementations: the "Default"
implementation using employee 1001, and the
AWARD_BONUS_NO_COMM_EXC implementation using employee 1004.
The approach in this tutorial enables you to create a simple unit test suite
using the two unit tests. However, in more realistic unit testing scenarios, it is
probably better to use a unit test for each procedure, add implementations
for each test case for a procedure, and group multiple unit tests (for
individual procedures) into one or more test suites.
Related Topics
• Create a Unit Test Suite
• Unit Testing: Create Unit Test
Chapter 4
Example of Unit Testing (Tutorial)
SQL Developer Tutorial: Creating Objects
for a Small Database
In this tutorial, you will use SQL Developer to create objects for a simplified library
database, which will include tables for books, patrons (people who have library cards),
and transactions (checking a book out, returning a book, and so on).
Many other SQL Developer tutorials are available. For information, see the
Start Page (click Help, then Start Page, then the Get Started tab if it is not
already visible), especially the Tutorials and Online Demonstrations.
The tables are deliberately oversimplified for this tutorial. They would not be adequate
for any actual public or organizational library. For example, this library contains only
books (not magazines, journals, or other document formats), and it can contain no
more than one copy of any book.
You will perform the following major steps:
1. Create a Table (BOOKS).
2. Create a Table (PATRONS).
3. Create a Table (TRANSACTIONS).
4. Create a Sequence.
5. Insert Data into the Tables.
6. Create a View.
7. Create a PL/SQL Procedure.
8. Debug a PL/SQL Procedure (optional).
9. Use the SQL Worksheet for Queries (optional).
To delete the objects that you create for this tutorial, you can use the DROP
statements at the beginning of the script in Script for Creating and Using the
Library Tutorial Objects.
This tutorial assumes that you have a database connection to a database user that will
own the tables and other objects that you create.
• If you need to create such a database user, do that first (see Users (Other Users)).
Chapter 5
Create a Table (BOOKS)
• If you need to create a connection to that user, create the connection (or
automatically generate local connections), as explained in Database Connections.
To print this tutorial in the online help, right-click its book icon in the Help Contents
display and select Print Topic Subtree.
Related Topics
• Script for Creating and Using the Library Tutorial Objects
• SQL Developer Concepts and Usage
• SQL Developer User Interface
• Database Objects
To create the BOOKS table, connect to the database as the user in the schema you
want to use for this tutorial. Right-click the Tables node in the schema hierarchy on the
left side, select New Table, and enter the following information. (If a tab or field is not
mentioned, do not enter anything for it. Be sure that the Advanced box is not checked
when you start creating the table.)
Schema: Specify your current schema as the schema in which to create the table.
Create the table columns using the following information. After creating each column
except the last one (rating), click Add Column to add the next column. (If you
accidentally click OK instead of Add Column, right-click the BOOKS table in the
Connections navigator display, select Edit, and continue to add columns.)
Chapter 5
Create a Table (PATRONS)
After you have entered the last column (rating), check Advanced (next to Schema).
This displays a pane for more table options. For this table, you will use the Unique
Constraints and Check Constraints panes.
Unique Constraints pane
Click Add to add a unique constraint for the table, namely, that the combination of
author_last_name and title must be unique within the table. (This is deliberately
oversimplified, since most major libraries will have allow more than one copy of a book
in their holdings. Also, the combination of last name and title is not always a "foolproof"
check for uniqueness, but it is sufficient for this simple scenario.)
Name: author_title_unique
In Available Columns, double-click TITLE and then AUTHOR_LAST_NAME to move
them to Selected Columns.
Check Constraints pane
Click Add to add a check constraint for the table, namely, that the rating column value
is optional (it can be null), but if a value is specified, it must be a number from 1
through 10. You must enter the condition using SQL syntax that is valid in a CHECK
clause (but do not include the CHECK keyword or enclosing parentheses for the entire
CHECK clause text).
Name: rating_1_to_10
Condition: rating is null or (rating >= 1 and rating <= 10)
Click OK to finish creating the table.
Go to Create a Table (PATRONS) to create the next table.
See Also:
For detailed information about the table dialog box and its tabs, see Create
Table (quick creation) and Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
Chapter 5
Create a Table (PATRONS)
last_name VARCHAR2(30)
CONSTRAINT patron_last_not_null NOT NULL,
first_name VARCHAR2(30),
street_address VARCHAR2(50),
city_state_zip VARCHAR2(50),
CONSTRAINT patrons_pk PRIMARY KEY (patron_id));
The use of single city_state_zip column for all that information is not good database
design; it is done here merely to simplify your work in the tutorial.
The location column (Oracle Spatial and Graph geometry representing the patron's
geocoded address) is merely to show the use of a complex (object) type.
To create the PATRONS table, if you are not already connected, connect to the
database as the user for the schema you are using for this tutorial. Right-click the
Tables node in the schema hierarchy on the left side, select New Table, and enter the
following information. (If a tab or field is not mentioned, do not enter anything for it. Be
sure that the Advanced box is not checked when you start creating the table.)
Schema: Specify your current schema as the schema in which to create the table.
Create most of the table columns using the following information. After creating each
column except the city_state_zip column, click Add Column to add the next column.
(If you accidentally click OK instead of Add Column, right-click the PATRONS table in
the Connections navigator display, select Edit, and continue to add columns.)
The last column in the table (location) requires a complex data type, for which you
must use the Columns tab with advanced options. Check Advanced (next to
Schema). This displays a pane for selecting more table options.
In the Columns pane, click the city_state_zip column name, and click the Add Column
(+) icon to add the following as the last column in the table.
After you have entered the last column (location), click OK to finish creating the table.
Go to Create a Table (TRANSACTIONS) to create the next table.
Chapter 5
Create a Table (TRANSACTIONS)
To create the TRANSACTIONS table, if you are not already connected, connect to the
database as the user for the schema you are using for this tutorial. Right-click the
Tables node in the schema hierarchy on the left side, select New Table, and enter the
following information. (If a tab or field is not mentioned, do not enter anything for it. Be
sure that the Advanced box is not checked when you start creating the table.)
Schema: Specify your current schema as the schema in which to create the table.
Create the table columns using the following information. After creating each column
except the last one (transaction_type), click Add Column to add the next column. (If
you accidentally click OK instead of Add Column, right-click the TRANSACTIONS
table in the Connections navigator display, select Edit, and continue to add columns.)
After you have entered the last column (transaction_type), check Advanced (next to
Schema). This displays a pane for selecting more table options. For this table, you will
use the Column Sequences and Foreign Keys panes.
Column Sequences pane
You have already specified TRANSACTION_ID as the primary key, and you will use
this pane only to specify that the primary key column values are to be populated
Chapter 5
Create a Sequence
automatically. This convenient approach uses a trigger and a sequence (both created
automatically by SQL Developer), and ensures that each transaction ID value is
Sequence: New Sequence
Trigger: TRANSACTIONS_TRG (The default; a before-insert trigger with this name
will be created automatically.)
Foreign Keys tab
1. Click Add to create the first of the two foreign keys for the TRANSACTIONS table.
Name: for_key_patron_id
Referenced Schema: Name of the schema containing the table with the primary key
or unique constraint to which this foreign key refers. Use the schema you have been
using for this tutorial.
Referenced Table: PATRONS
Referenced Constraint: PATRONS_PK (The name of the primary key constraint for
the PATRONS table. Be sure that the Referenced Column on PATRONS displayed
value is PATRON_ID.)
Associations: Local Column: PATRON_ID
Associations: Referenced Column on PATRONS: PATRON_ID
2. Click Add to create the second of the two foreign keys for the TRANSACTIONS
Name: for_key_book_id
Referenced Schema: Name of the schema containing the table with the primary key
or unique constraint to which this foreign key refers. Use the schema you have been
using for this tutorial.
Referenced Table: BOOKS
Referenced Constraint: BOOKS_PK (The name of the primary key constraint for the
BOOKS table. Be sure that the Referenced Column on BOOKS displayed value is
Associations: Local Column: BOOK_ID
Associations: Referenced Column on BOOKS: BOOK_ID
3. Click OK to finish creating the table.
You have finished creating all the tables. To create a sequence for use in generating
unique primary key values for the PATRONS table, go to Create a Sequence.
Chapter 5
Insert Data into the Tables
that table.) You will use the Create Sequence dialog box to create the sequence
declaratively; the sequence that you create will be essentially the same as if you had
entered the following statements using the SQL Worksheet:
CREATE SEQUENCE patron_id_seq
After creating the sequence, you can use it in INSERT statements to generate unique
numeric values. The following example uses the patron_id_seq sequence in creating a
row for a new patron (library user), assigning her a patron ID that is the next available
value of the patron_id_seq sequence:
INSERT INTO patrons VALUES (patron_id_seq.nextval,
'Smith', 'Jane', '123 Main Street', 'Mytown, MA 01234', null);
To create the sequence, if you are not already connected, connect to the database as
the user for the schema you are using for this tutorial. Right-click the Sequences node
in the schema hierarchy on the left side, select New Sequence, and enter information
using the Create Sequence dialog box.
Schema: Specify your current schema as the schema in which to create the
Name: patron_id_seq
Increment: 1
Start with: 100
Min value: 100
Click OK to finish creating the sequence.
To insert sample data into the tables, go to Insert Data into the Tables.
Chapter 5
Create a View
Chapter 5
Create a PL/SQL Procedure
In the SQL Query box, enter (or copy and paste) the following statement:
SELECT p.patron_id,
FROM patrons p, transactions t
WHERE p.patron_id = t.patron_id
ORDER BY p.patron_id, t.transaction_type
Then click Test Syntax, and ensure that you have not made any syntax errors. If you
made any errors, correct then and click Test Syntax again.
Review the SQL statement that SQL Developer will use to create the view. If you want
to make any changes, go back to the SQL Query tab and make the changes there.
If you want to save the CREATE VIEW statement to a SQL script file, click Save and
specify the location and file name.
When you are finished, click OK.
You have finished creating the view. If you inserted data to the underlying tables, you
can see the data returned by this view as follows: in the Connections navigator,
expand Views, and select PATRONS_TRANS_VIEW, then click the Data tab.
To create a procedure that lists all books with a specified rating, go to Create a
PL/SQL Procedure.
Related Topics
• Insert Data into the Tables
Chapter 5
Debug a PL/SQL Procedure
USING in_rating;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('All books with a rating of ' || in_rating || ':');
FETCH the_cursor INTO matching_title;
CLOSE the_cursor;
END list_a_rating;
This procedure uses a cursor (named the_cursor) to return only rows where the book
has the specified rating (in_rating parameter), and uses a loop to output the title of
each book with that rating.
Click the Save icon to save the procedure.
As a usage example, after creating the procedure named LIST_A_RATING, if you
have inserted data into the BOOKS table (for example, using the INSERT statements
in Insert Data into the Tables), you could use the following statement to return all
books with a rating of 10:
CALL list_a_rating(10);
Chapter 5
Debug a PL/SQL Procedure
rating_cursor my_cursor;
OPEN the_cursor
FROM books
WHERE rating <= :in_rating'
USING in_rating;
OPEN rating_cursor FOR 'SELECT rating FROM books WHERE
rating <= :in_rating' USING in_rating;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('All books with a rating of ' || in_rating || ':');
FETCH the_cursor INTO matching_title;
FETCH rating_cursor INTO matching_rating;
CLOSE the_cursor;
CLOSE rating_cursor;
END list_a_rating2;
This procedure contains a logic error in the definition of the_cursor: it selects titles
where the rating is less than or equal to a specified rating, whereas it should select
titles only where the rating is equal to the specified rating.
Click the Save icon to save the procedure.
Assume that you wanted to run this procedure and list all books with a rating of 10.
Right-click LIST_A_RATING2 in the Connections navigator hierarchy display and
select Run. Under PL/SQL Block in the Run PL/SQL dialog box, change, change
IN_RATING => IN_RATING to IN_RATING => 10, and click OK. In the Log window,
however, you see unexpected output: many titles are listed, including some with
ratings other than 10. So, you decide to debug the procedure.
To debug the procedure, follow these steps:
1. Click the Compile for Debug icon in the toolbar under the LIST_A_RATING2 tab.
2. Set two breakpoints by clicking in the left margin (left of the thin vertical line)
beside each of these two lines:
FETCH the_cursor INTO matching_title;
FETCH rating_cursor INTO matching_rating;
Clicking in the left margin toggles the setting and unsetting of breakpoints. Clicking
beside these two lines will enable you to see the values of the matching_title and
matching_rating variables as execution proceeds in debug mode.
3. Click the Debug icon, and in the Run PL/SQL dialog box change IN_RATING =>
IN_RATING to IN_RATING => 10; then click OK
4. Click View, then Debugger, then Data to display the Data pane. (Tip: Expand the
Name column width so that you can see MATCHING_RATING.)
5. Press the F9 key (or click Debug, then Resume) to have execution proceed,
stopping at the next breakpoint.
6. Repeatedly press the F9 key (or click Debug, then Resume), noticing especially
the value of MATCHING_RATING as each row is processed. You will notice the
first incorrect result when you see that the title Get Rich Really Fast is included,
even though its rating is only 1 (obviously less than 10).
Chapter 5
Use the SQL Worksheet for Queries
7. When you have enough information to fix the problem, you can click the Terminate
icon in the debugging toolbar.
From this debugging session, you know that to fix the logic error, you should change
rating <= :in_rating to rating = :in_rating in the definition of the_cursor.
Related Topics
• Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures
• Run/Debug/Profile PL/SQL
Notice the automatic highlighting of SQL keywords (SELECT and FROM in this
Click the Execute SQL Statement icon in the SQL Worksheet toolbar. The results of
the query are displayed on the Results tab under the area in which you entered the
SQL statement.
In the Enter SQL Statement box, enter (or copy and paste) the following statement,
which is the same as the SELECT statement in the view you created in Create a View:
SELECT p.patron_id,
FROM patrons p, transactions t
WHERE p.patron_id = t.patron_id
ORDER BY p.patron_id, t.transaction_type;
Click the Execute SQL Statement icon in the SQL Worksheet toolbar, and view the
results of the query.
Click the Execute Explain Plan icon in the SQL Worksheet toolbar to see the execution
plan (displayed on the Explain tab) that Oracle Database follows to execute the SQL
statement. The information includes the optimizer strategy and the cost of executing
the statement.
Chapter 5
Script for Creating and Using the Library Tutorial Objects
See Also:
For information about the SQL Worksheet user interface, see Using the SQL
For information about how to generate and interpret execution plans, see
Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide
set serveroutput on
-- Create objects.
Chapter 5
Script for Creating and Using the Library Tutorial Objects
transaction_id NUMBER,
patron_id CONSTRAINT for_key_patron_id
REFERENCES patrons(patron_id),
book_id CONSTRAINT for_key_book_id
REFERENCES books(book_id),
transaction_date DATE
CONSTRAINT tran_date_not_null NOT NULL,
transaction_type NUMBER
CONSTRAINT tran_type_not_null NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT transactions_pk PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id));
Chapter 5
Script for Creating and Using the Library Tutorial Objects
show errors;
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A1111', 'Moby Dick', 'Melville', 'Herman', 10);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A2222', 'Get Rich Really Fast', 'Scammer', 'Ima', 1);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A3333', 'Finding Inner Peace', 'Blissford', 'Serenity',
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A4444', 'Great Mystery Stories', 'Whodunit', 'Rodney', 5);
INSERT INTO books VALUES ('A5555', 'Software Wizardry', 'Abugov', 'D.', 10);
SQL Developer Dialog Boxes and Wizards
SQL Developer uses dialog boxes for creating and editing database connections and
objects in the database (tables, views, procedures, and so on). The dialog boxes
sometimes have multiple tabs, each reflecting a logical grouping of properties for that
type of object.
For an explanation of any dialog box or tab, click the Help button or press the F1 key.
The dialog boxes and wizards are not presented here in any rigorous order, because
the help for each is an independent piece of information and is normally seen when
you click Help or press F1 in that context.
For all Name fields, any name that you type is automatically converted to and
stored in the database metadata in uppercase, unless you enclose the name
in quotation marks (" "). (Names of database objects in SQL and PL/SQL
statements are not case-sensitive.)
To include lowercase characters, special characters, or spaces in object
names, enclose the name in quotation marks (" ") when you type it. Example:
"My table"
Related Topics
• SQL Developer Concepts and Usage
• Database Objects
Chapter 6
Add Schema Error
Chapter 6
Associate Repository
On the File Selection page, specify the application root directory and other information
to determine the files to be added to the project:
Application Directory: Root directory for the application. All files and folders under
this directory will be scanned and added to the project.
Database Type: Type of third-party database for the migration (for example, sybase).
Output Actions: What the wizard should do with the output (for example, Output to
directory, and then specify the Output Directory).
Use Custom Rules: Whether to use custom rules for the output; and if so, the Rules
Directory for the custom rules.
Related Topics
• SQL Developer: Migrating Third-Party Databases
Chapter 6
Check for Updates
Chapter 6
Choose Directory
a data file different from the file being dropped, but the configuration and data files
should be compatible. Any differences are reported. Review the differences and run
through the Data Import Wizard to ensure that the properties are valid.
Click OK. The Data Import Wizard is displayed, which enables you to identify and
confirm the file properties.
After completing the wizard, the configuration file is saved. By default, the
configuration file is saved in the same directory where the data file is located. The next
time the data file is dropped in to the cart, the configuration file is quickly located
because SQL Developer searches for an existing configuration file in the same
location as the data file. You can also modify the name and location of the
configuration file.
Related Topics
• Adding Data Files to the Cart
• Data Import Wizard
• Using the Cart
• Deploy Objects to Cloud
Chapter 6
Clone Pluggable Database
Chapter 6
Cloud Migrations Wizard
For metadata capture, the number of rows for each table in a schema
displays as 0, which is incorrect. As a workaround, run the Analyze command
in the Redshift database to get valid row counts before running the Redshift
migration wizard.
Identify the schemas in the Redshift database to migrate DDL (metadata) and data or
only DDL. DDL migrates the selected schemas and all the tables associated with the
schemas. Schemas cannot be renamed during the migration.
Connection: Name of the Redshift database connection.
Available Schemas: Schemas available for the specific connection.
Selected Schemas: Click the Add icon to select the schemas you want to migrate
from the Available Schemas box.
Include Data: Select this option to migrate data along with the DDL. If not selected,
only DDL is migrated.
AWS Access Key, AWS Secret Access S3 Bucket URI: If you choose to migrate
data, you have to provide the AWS access key, AWS Secret Access Key, and an
existing S3 bucket where the Redshift data will be unloaded and staged. The security
credentials require certain privileges to store data in S3. It is recommended to create
new, separate access keys for the migration. The same access key is used to load
data into the Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud using secure REST requests.
Chapter 6
Color Palette and Custom Colors
Directory: Enter the local directory where you want to save all the scripts necessary
for the migration. This option is useful if you do not want to migrate immediately and
want to do it at a later time. You can open these scripts in the SQL Worksheet and run
Advanced Settings: Click this link for modifying the default format options when
unloading to Amazon S3 storage or when copying from Amazon S3 storage to
Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud. For a description of these options, see
6.13.3 Summary
Displays a summary of the information that you have specified. To change any
information, press Back as needed.
If you have chosen an immediate migration, then the dialog of the migration wizard will
stay open until the migration is finished. If you have chosen to generate the scripts, the
migration process will only generate the necessary scripts in the specified local
To perform the migration, click Finish.
During the migration process, you can click Cancel Task to cancel the migration.
Related Topics
• Migration Submenu
Chapter 6
Configure OSS
If you do not associate a file type with SQL Developer, any existing association for that
file is unchanged.
After you close this box, you can change the associations for these file types and
many others by clicking Tools and then Preferences, and selecting File Types .
Related Topics
• File Types
Chapter 6
Copy to Hadoop / Append to Hadoop Table
destination objects) or to perform the copy (that is, replace the existing destination
objects with the source objects).
Copy Data: Copies the data for any tables and views that are copied. If you do not
select this option, any copied tables or views are empty in the destination connection.
Truncate Destination Data Before Copying: If a table or view of the same name
already exists in the destination connection (for example, if an EMPLOYEES table
exists in the source and destination), this option deletes any existing data in the
destination object before copying the data from the source connection. If this option is
not selected, the copied data is appended to the existing data in the destination object.
Related Topics
• Using the Cart
• Save or Open Cart Tool Configuration
• Database Connections
Copy Method
Select Direct Copy to Staging External Table method.
The Direct Copy method copies data from an Oracle Database table directly to HDFS.
It copies data from one Oracle table, rows can be selected by a WHERE clause filter.
Direct Copy requires an SSH connection to a Hadoop client, a Hadoop edge node, or
a node in the Hadoop cluster. The Direct Copy method is recommended.
The Staging External Table method exports data to a file system location on the
database system, and then copies them to HDFS. The Staging External Table method
requires an SSH connection to the database system, connecting as the user running
the database process (typically “oracle”).
SSH Connection: You must select an SSH connection.
For the Direct Copy method, this is an SSH connection to a Hadoop client, a Hadoop
edge node, or a node in the Hadoop cluster. As discussed in the Apache Hadoop
Connectors Support in SQL Developer section, the .sqldev_cp2hadoop_env file must
have been created in the home directory of this SSH connection.
Chapter 6
Copy to Oracle
For the Staging External Table method, this is an SSH connection to the database
The Copy to Hadoop job will run from the node of the SSH connection.
Source Connection
Specify Wallet credentials if using Oracle Wallet. These are credentials to access the
table you are copying from.
Select the Delete Deployment Files checkbox on the SSH host to clean up the files
for this job. For debugging, deselect the checkbox.
You can review the options that you specified before clicking Finish to submit the job.
Click the Process tab to view the steps that will be executed as a part of the job.
Chapter 6
Component Palette
• Truncate Destination Data Before Copying: Delete any existing data in the
destination object before copying the data from the source connection.
Related Topics
• Database Connections
• Database Objects
Chapter 6
Component Palette: New Section/Rename Section
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Chain
Chapter 6
Create/Edit/Select Database Connection
Chapter 6
Create/Edit/Select Database Connection
Chapter 6
Create/Edit/Select Database Connection
LDAP Server: Select from the list (from <DIRECTORY_SERVER> entries in the
ldap.ora file); or enter the directory server location and port (either SSL or non-SSL),
for example: (ldap-system:nonssl-port:ssl-port)
Context: LDAP administrative context. The contexts available in the selected server
are listed.
DB Service: Database connection information: click Load to display a list of database
services associated with the selected context. (If an error is displayed, no database
services are associated with this context.) If a connection uses the OCI/Thick driver
(see the Use OCI/Thick preference under Database: Advanced), the system on which
SQL Developer is running must have an Oracle Client installation that contains the
JDBC and orai18n libraries, these libraries must be present on the path, and the
Oracle Client installation must be version 10.2 or later.
Advanced Connection Type
Custom JDBC URL: URL for connecting directly from Java to the database; overrides
any other connection type specification. If you are using TNS or a naming service with
the OCI driver, you must specify this information: Example:
Note that in this example, the "/" is required, and the user will be prompted to enter the
To use a custom JDBC URL, the system on which SQL Developer is running must
have an Oracle Client installation that contains the JDBC and orai18n libraries, is
present on the path, and is version 10.2 or later.
SSH Connection Type
Port Forward: Name of the port forward for the SSH session.
SID: Database name.
Service Name: Network service name of the database.
Cloud PDB Connection Type
For Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service users. See the “Connecting SQL
Developer” section in Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud
Service for details.
See Also:
Chapter 6
Create/Edit/Select Database Connection
See Also:
For information about connection attributes, see Oracle TimesTen
Application-Tier Database Cache User's Guide.
For more information about SQL Developer support for TimesTen, see Oracle
TimesTen In-Memory Database Support.
For detailed usage and reference information about Oracle TimesTen, see the online
documentation that is included in the TimesTen installation. For additional information,
go to:
Chapter 6
Create/Edit/Select Database Connection
See Also:
For more details about obtaining the JDBC URL, see http://
To add new parameters for the connection, click Add. For example, when you connect
to a Kerberos–enabled cluster, add the following parameters:
Chapter 6
Create/Edit/Select Database Connection
See Also:
For more information about installing Hive JDBC drivers, see “Using Oracle
SQL Developer to Connect to Hive” in Oracle Big Data SQL User's Guide.
For information about the user preference pane for third-party JDBC drivers,
see Database.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit/Select Database Connection
For PostgreSQL migrations, only online capture and online data move are supported.
(DDL can be generated, but the data must be moved using the online method.)
Note that to connect to a PostgreSQL database, you must first download the
appropriate connection driver, and then click Tools, then Preferences, and use the
SQL Developer user preference pane for Database: Third Party JDBC Drivers to add
the driver.
Host Name: Host system for the PostgreSQL database.
Port: TCP/IP Port on which PostgreSQL will listen.
Choose Database: Name of the PostgreSQL database.
Chapter 6
New/Edit Cloud Connection
To add a connection parameter to the list in the box, click Add; to delete a connection
parameter from the list, click Delete.
Chapter 6
New/Edit NoSQL Connection
Service Base URL: The Service Base URL is automatically generated. You can edit
this field if needed.
Username: Secure FTP user name that you received in the Welcome to Oracle Cloud
email under Service Details. (You cannot specify the password here. You will be
prompted for the password when necessary.)
Hostname: Secure FTP Site from the Welcome to Oracle Cloud email under Service
Port: Secure FTP port number (for example, 22).
Hostname: <host-name> part of the URL in the New/Edit Cloud Connection dialog
Port: Port number (if any).
Server Path: <server-path> part of the URL in the New/Edit Cloud Connection dialog
box. For example: /apex/
Related Topics
• New/Edit Cloud Connection
SSL: Specifies the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption and network port
restrictions, which enhance protection from network intrusion.
Chapter 6
Rename Model (Migration)
Chapter 6
Connection Information
Chapter 6
Select Library
Chapter 6
CVS: Create/Edit CVS Connection
Access Method: The method by which the client will gain access to and authenticate
against the server. The methods available depend on which CVS preferences you
have set; the available methods might include External, Password Server, Secure
Shell via SSH2, and [Other].
Most of the remaining Connection fields apply only to specific Access Method values.
User Name: A CVS user name known to the repository.
Host Name: Qualified host name or IP address of the CVS server system.
Port: TCP/IP port number on which the repository is listening.
Repository Path: The location of the CVS repository software. The seeded / can be
overwritten with a path in the format suitable for your operating system, for example c:
\cvs. A simple formatting error, such as a forward slash instead of a backslash, will
result in a message asking you to enter a valid repository path.
SSH2 Key: Path and file name for the SSH2 private key file for this connection. You
can generate a SSH2 private key file using Generate SSH2 Key Pair.
Generate SSH2 Key Pair: Displays a dialog box for generating an SSH2 key pair (that
is, a private key file and a public key file). You specify the private key file in the SSH2
Key box. You add the details of the public key file to the list of public keys on the CVS
server system
Use HTTP Proxy Settings: Check (enable) this option if you are behind a firewall and
need to use HTTP to access the CVS server.
External Locator Configuration: Displays the External Locator Configuration dialog
box, in which you can edit the details of the remote shell client and remote server
Value of CVSROOT: CVS root variable made up from the information that you have
already provided. This variable provides the client with access details when contacting
the server. The format of the seeded variable
is: :accessmethod:username@serverlocation:repositorypath
You would not normally need to change this value. One instance when you would
change this value is when you are attempting to connect to a CVSNT server through a
firewall. In this case, you would add proxy information to the beginning of the
username portion, so that the CVS root variable would take the following
form: :accessmethod:proxy=proxyname;proxyport=portnumber:username@serverlocat
Test Connection: Attempts to establish a connection to the CVS repository.
Status: Displays the result of the test (success or an error message).
Connection Name: Name to identify the connection to the CVS repository. The
default name is the same as the CVSROOT value.
Chapter 6
CVS: Import to CVS
Displays the connection information that you have specified. To make any corrections,
click Back as needed and modify the information. To create the connection, click
Chapter 6
Data Import Wizard
Chapter 6
Data Import Wizard
a good sample of the data. The displayed data is affected by the Preview Limit and by
the Database: Utilities: Import user preference for Preview File Read Maximum, which
limits the total number of bytes read from the file.
The Preview Limit is not available when loading data from Oracle Cloud
Storage. In such a case, the maximum number of characters that can be
displayed in the preview pane is 20,000.
Importing Data from a Local File when not Loading into Autonomous Data
Warehouse Cloud
Import Method: Select one of the following methods for loading the table definitions
and data:
• Insert: For new tables, the table will be created and data will be inserted.
• Insert Script: A script will be generated with DDL statements to create the new
tables and INSERT statements to add the data rows.
• External Table: External table DDL statements will be generated for accessing
the file as a read-only table.
• Staging External Table: A script will be generated with DDL statements to create
new tables and a staging external table for reading the file, and with INSERT
statements for inserting the data into the table from the staging external table.
• SQL*Loader: For new tables, files will be created for running SQL*Loader to load
the data; each table can be created during the import, or a script can be generated
with DDL statements to create the table.
The number of remaining fields on this page and their availability depend on the load
method and whether or not you invoked the wizard on a specific table.
Table Name: Target table in which to import the data.
Staging Table Name: External table to be used for loading the target table.
Commit and Drop Staging Table: If this option is enabled, the staging table is
committed and dropped after the import operation. If this option is not enabled, the
staging table is not committed or dropped.
Send Create Script to Worksheet: If this option is enabled, after you click Finish
SQL, Developer does not immediately perform the import operation, but instead opens
a SQL Worksheet with statements that will be used if you click the Run Script icon in
the worksheet.
Chapter 6
Data Import Wizard
Chapter 6
Data Import Wizard
This step is applicable only when importing data directly from a file into a table using
the cart. You can choose the source for defining the destination table and mapping the
source to the target columns.
• Derive from file: Derives the definition of the destination table from the data file.
• Use Oracle table: Captures the definition of the destination table from an existing
table. This definition only includes creating the table with the columns, and does
not include other attributes, constraints, and so on.
For loading a complete table definition to the cloud, first drop the table to the cart
with DDL selected in the cart row, then drop the data file to the cart. You can still
use the table to get the metadata for the file, but DDL should not be selected.
Select the connection that the table is associated with, and click Find. Enter the
name of the table, and click Lookup. Select the table name from the box, and click
Chapter 6
Data Import Wizard
6.52.6 Test
This page of the wizard is only applicable for cloud storage files. You can validate the
properties for the load, view the results, preview the external table data and definition,
and identify and resolve errors.
Test Row Count: Enter the number of rows to load and test.
A temporary external table is created according to the properties identified in the
wizard and then a validate is done. The number of rows specified in Test Row Count is
used to limit both the number of successfully returned rows and the rejected rows. This
is to ensure that the validation will limit the number of tested rows even in the extreme
case of not returning a single valid row. In case of rejected rows, the number of tested
rows can be higher than the specified test size.
The reject limit specified in the Load Options dialog is not used in the test
and does not apply. The reject limit will become relevant only if the number
of bad rows exceeds the number of rows in the test.
Click Test.
If the status is SUCCESS, the data in all the rows of the file is consistent with the definition
of the target table.
Chapter 6
Data Import Wizard
If the status is WARNING Rejected Rows in Bad File, there are some rows that did not
meet the table definition. To view the rejected rows, click the Bad File Contents tab,
and then click Load Bad Preview. The bad file is copied to the cloud storage in the
same location as the data file. Identify the issue, correct the properties if required in
the Column Definition page, and click Test again.
Chapter 6
Export/Import Connections
6.52.7 Finish
Save State: Save the options specified in the import in a configuration file for later use.
Verify Parameters Before Import: You are encouraged to verify the import
parameters. If any test fails, the Information column contains a brief explanation, and
you can go back and fix any errors before you can click Finish.
To perform the import operation, click Finish.
Related Topics
• Database Objects
• Choose Configuration File Option
Chapter 6
Export/Import Connections
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Database Destination
• Replace: Replaces the information for the existing connection with the information
for that imported connection.
Displays a summary of the options you specified. To make any changes, press Back
as needed and change the information. To start the operation, click Finish.
Related Topics
• Database Connections
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Database Link
Related Topics
• Destination Groups
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Index
Schema: Database in which to create the index (often the same as the user creating
the index).
Name: Name of the index. Must be unique within a schema.
6.57.1 Definition
Table Schema: Database schema that owns the table associated with the index.
Table: Name of the table associated with the index.
Index Type: The type of Oracle index. Non-unique means that the index can contain
multiple identical values; Unique means that no duplicate values are permitted;
Bitmap stores rowids associated with a key value as a bitmap; Domain lets you
define an index for a specialized domain (for example, for a spatial index: Indextype
Schema = MDSYS, Indextype = SPATIAL_INDEX).
Expressions: A list of index expressions, that is, the table columns or column
expressions in the index. To add an index expression, click the Add Column
Expression (+) icon; this adds a column name here and in Column Expression, where
you can edit it. To delete an index expression, click the Remove Column Expression
(X) icon; to move an index expression up or down in the list, click the Move Column Up
and Move Column Down icons. An index must have at least one index expression.
For example, to create an index on the AUTHOR_LAST_NAME column of the BOOKS
table from the tutorial, click the + icon, and select AUTHOR_LAST_NAME in Column
Name or Expression (next field), which changes BOOKS to AUTHOR_LAST_NAME in
the Index field.
Expression: A column name or column expression. A column expression is an
expression built from columns, constants, SQL functions, and user-defined functions.
When you specify a column expression, you create a function-based index.
Order: ASC for an ascending index (index values sorted in ascending order); DESC
for a descending index (index values sorted in descending order).
Related Topics
• Create a Table (BOOKS)
6.57.2 Properties
Enables you to specify index properties
Key Compression: You can enable key compression is enabled, which eliminates
repeated occurrence of key column values and may substantially reduce storage. If
this option is checked, you can enter an integer to specify the prefix length (number of
prefix columns to compress).
Parallel Degree and Degree: If you enable parallel creation of the index, specify
Default for the default degree (the optimum degree of parallelism is automatically
calculated) or Select to specify an integer value for the degree of parallelism, which is
the number of parallel threads used in the parallel operation. (Each parallel thread may
use one or two parallel execution servers.)
Chapter 6
Create File Watcher
6.57.3 Storage
Storage Options: Lets you specify Storage Options for the index.
6.57.4 Partitions
When applicable, enables you to specify whether the index is not partitioned, locally
partitioned, or globally partitioned. If you specify Local or Global, additional fields are
displayed relevant to the selected partitioning option.
Local: Specifies that the index is partitioned on the same columns, with the same
number of partitions and the same partition bounds as its associated table. Oracle
Database automatically maintains local index partitioning as the underlying table is
Global: Specifies that the partitioning of the index is user defined and is not
equipartitioned with the underlying table. You can partition a global index by range or
by hash. In both cases, you can specify up to 32 columns as partitioning key columns.
The partitioning column list must specify a left prefix of the index column list. If the
index is defined on columns a, b, and c, then for the columns you can specify (a, b, c),
or (a, b), or (a, c), but you cannot specify (b, c) or (c) or (b, a). If you omit the partition
names, then Oracle Database assigns names of the form SYS_Pn.
6.57.5 DDL
Read-only display of the DDL statement or statements to create or edit the index using
the current specifications.
Save: Click to save the DDL statement or statements to a ,sql file.
Related Topics
• Database Objects
Chapter 6
Create Filter
Directory Path: Directory in which the file is expected to arrive. The single wildcard '?'
at the beginning of the path denotes the Oracle home path. For example, '?/rdbms/log'
denotes the rdbms/log subdirectory of the Oracle home directory.
File Name: Name of the file to look for. Two wildcards are permitted anywhere in the
file name: '?' denotes any single character, and '*' denotes zero or more characters.
Credential Name: Name of a valid credential object. The file watcher uses the
credential to authenticate itself with the host operating system to access the watched-
for file. The file watcher owner must have EXECUTE privileges on the credential.
Min File Size: Minimum size in bytes that the file must be before the file watcher
considers the file found.
Steady State Duration: Minimum time interval that the file must remain unchanged
before the file watcher considers the file found. Cannot exceed one hour. If null, an
internal value is used. The minimum value is 10 seconds. Oracle recommends similar
steady state duration values for all file watchers for efficient file watcher job operation.
Also, the repeat interval of the file watcher schedule must be equal or greater than the
steady state duration value.
Related Topics
• File Watchers
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Job
• No Copy: Requests that the compiler pass the corresponding actual parameter by
reference instead of value. Each time the subprogram is invoked, the optimizer
decides, silently, whether to obey or disregard NOCOPY.
• Data Type: Data type for the parameter, If the desired value is not included in the
drop-down list, you can type it in the box.
• Default Value: Value used if no value is specified at run time.
After you click OK, the subprogram is created and is displayed in the Editor window,
where you can enter the details.
Related Topics
• Database Objects
• Functions
• Procedures
• Packages
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Job
Schedule (using a named schedule object). If you specify anything other than
Immediate, you are prompted for additional information.
For Repeating, you can click the pencil icon to specify a Repeat Interval with details.
If you check Advanced, you can use the predefined interval scheme or a user-defined
one, or a combination.
6.61.2 Destination
Local (local system), Remote (the database destination for a remote database job, or
external destination for a remote external job), or Multiple (the job runs on all
Depending on what destination you selected for the job, select the local credential, the
remote credential and destination, or the multiple group.
6.61.4 Notification
Select Job Events for which to send notification email messages. For each message,
you can specify recipient email addresses and the sender (or no sender), and you can
modify the body of the message.
6.61.5 Properties
Auto Drop: Determines whether the job is to be automatically dropped after it has
completed or has been automatically disabled.
Restartable: Determines whether the job can be restarted in case of failure.
Stop on Window Close: If the schedule of a job is a window or a window group,
TRUE causes the job to stop once the associated window is closed, and fALSE
causes the job to continue after the window closes. (Note that if the job is allowed to
continue, its resource allocation will probably change because closing a window
generally also implies a change in resource plans.)
Follow Default Time Zone: Determines whether if the job start date is null, then when
the default time zone scheduler attribute is changed, the Scheduler recomputes the
next run date and time for this job so that it is in accordance with the new time zone.
Parallel Instances: For an event-based job, determined what happens if an event is
raised and the event-based job that processes that event is already running. FALSE
causes the new event to be ignored. TRUE causes an instance of the job to be started
for every instance of the event, and each job instance is a lightweight job so multiple
instances of the same event-based job can run in parallel.
Job Style: Style of the job being created: REGULAR (regular job) or LIGHTWEIGHT
(lightweight job). A lightweight must reference a program object. Use lightweight jobs
when you have many short-duration jobs that run frequently. Under certain
circumstances, using lightweight jobs can deliver a small performance gain.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Job Class
Job Priority: The priority of this job relative to other jobs in the same class as this job.
If multiple jobs within a class are scheduled to be executed at the same time, the job
priority determines the order in which jobs from that class are picked up for execution
by the job coordinator. It can be a value from 1 through 5, with 1 being the first to be
picked up for job execution.
Job Weight: (Do not change the value. Shown only for connections to Oracle
Database releases before 11.2.)
Logging Level: Determines how much information is logged:
DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_FAILED_RUNS (only jobs that failed, with the
reason for failure), DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_RUNS (all runs of each job in this
class), or DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_FULL (all operations performed on all
However, if the job class has a higher (more detailed) logging level than the level
specified for the job, the job class logging level is used.
Max Runs: The maximum number of consecutive scheduled runs of the job.
Max Failures: The number of times a job can fail on consecutive scheduled runs
before it is automatically disabled.
Instance ID: In an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment., the instance ID of
the instance that the job must run on.
Raise Events: Determines at what stages of the job execution to raise events.
Max Run Duration: Maximum amount of time that the job should be allowed to run. Its
data type is INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. If this attribute is set to a nonzero and non-
null value, and job duration exceeds this value, the Scheduler raises an event of type
JOB_OVER_MAX_DUR. It is then up to your event handler to decide whether or not to
allow the job to continue.
Schedule Limit: Maximum delay time between scheduled and actual job start before
a program run is canceled.
Store Output: If set to TRUE, then for job runs that are logged, all job output and error
messages are stored in the *_JOB_RUN_DETAILS views. If set to FALSE, then the
output and messages are not stored.
Reset to Defaults: Resets all properties to their default values.
6.61.6 Summary/SQL
May include a summary in hierarchical form or the PL/SQL statement that will be used
to implement your specifications, or both.
Related Topics
• Jobs
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Materialized View Log
Chapter 6
Create PL/SQL Package
New Values: INCLUDING saves both old and new values for update DML operations
in the materialized view log; EXCLUDING disables the recording of new values in the
materialized view log. If this log is for a table on which you have a single-table
materialized aggregate view, and if you want the materialized view to be eligible for
fast refresh, you must specify INCLUDING.
Cache: For data that will be accessed frequently, CACHE specifies that the blocks
retrieved for this log are placed at the most recently used end of the least recently
used (LRU) list in the buffer cache when a full table scan is performed. This attribute is
useful for small lookup tables. NOCACHE specifies that the blocks are placed at the
least recently used end of the LRU list.
Parallel: If this option is checked, parallel operations will be supported for the
materialized view log.
Object ID: For a log on an object table only: Yes indicates that the system-generated
or user-defined object identifier of every modified row should be recorded in the
materialized view log; No indicates that the system-generated or user-defined object
identifier of every modified row should not be recorded in the materialized view log.
Sequence: Yes indicates that a sequence value providing additional ordering
information should be recorded in the materialized view log; No indicates that a
sequence value providing additional ordering information should not be recorded in the
materialized view log. Sequence numbers (that is, Yes for this option) are necessary to
support fast refresh after some update scenarios.
Available Filter Columns: Additional columns, which are non-primary-key columns
referenced by subquery materialized views, to be recorded in the materialized view
log. To select one or more filter columns, use the arrow buttons to move columns from
Available to Selected.
DDL tab
You can view a SQL CREATE statement that reflects the current definition of the
object, or a SQL ALTER statement to modify an existing object to reflect your
To save the SQL statement to a script file, click Save and specify the location and file
Related Topics
• Materialized View Logs
• Create/Edit View (information related to materialized views)
Chapter 6
Create Pluggable Database
The package is created and is displayed in the Editor window, where you can enter the
Related Topics
• Packages
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Program
• PL/SQL Block: The program is a PL/SQL block. Job or program arguments are
not supported when the job or program type is PLSQL_BLOCK. In this case, the
number of arguments must be 0. Enter or paste in the complete PL/SQL code, or
edit the existing code.
• Stored Procedure: The program is a PL/SQL or Java stored procedure, or an
external C subprogram. Only procedures, not functions with return values, are
supported. PL/SQL procedures with INOUT or OUT arguments are not supported.
Schema: Schema of the stored procedure. I not specified, the schema of the job is
Procedure: Name of the stored procedure.
Arguments: For each argument: name, data type, default value, and whether it is
an input, output, or input/output argument.
• Remote Stored Procedure: The program is a remote stored procedure. You
specify the procedure name and any arguments.
Procedure: Name of the stored procedure.
Arguments: For each argument: name, data type, default value, and whether it is
an input, output, or input/output argument.
• Executable: The program is external to the database. External programs implies
anything that can be executed from the operating system's command line.
AnyData arguments are not supported.
Executable: Name of the external executable, including the full path name, but
excluding any command-line arguments. If the action starts with a single question
mark ('?'), the question mark is replaced by the path to the Oracle home directory
for a local job or to the Scheduler agent home for a remote job. If the action
contains an at-sign ('@') and the job is local, the at-sign is replaced with the SID of
the current Oracle instance.
Arguments: For each argument: name, data type, default value, and whether it is
an input, output, or input/output argument
• Script: The program is a SQL Script (SQL*Plus statements), Backup Script
(RMAN commands), or External Script (operating system commands). Enter or
paste the script text in the box.
Properties tab
Enables you to set program properties. For most properties the default is null, but you
can check the box to specify a value.
Detached: TRUE if the program is a detached job; otherwise, FALSE. Use a detached
job to start a script or application that runs in a separate process, independently and
asynchronously to the Scheduler. A detached job typically starts another process and
then exits. Upon exit (when the job action is completed) a detached job remains in the
running state. The running state indicates that the asynchronous process that the job
started is still active. When the asynchronous process finishes its work, it must
connect to the database and call DBMS_SCHEDULER.END_DETACHED_JOB_RUN,
which ends the job.
Max Runs: Maximum number of runs before the program is marked as completed.
Max Failures: Maximum number of failures tolerated before the program is marked as
Max Run Duration: Maximum run duration of the program.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Role
Schedule Limit: Maximum delay time between scheduled and actual job start before
a program run is canceled.
Related Topics
• Programs
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Schedule
only; if you want to make any changes, go back to the relevant tabs and make the
changes there.
Related Topics
• Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
Chapter 6
Create SQL File
Chapter 6
Create Table (quick creation)
Related Topics
• Synonyms (Public and Private)
To add a column after the currently selected column, click Add Column; to
delete a column, select it and click Remove Column.
Column Name: Name of the column. Must be unique within the table. Suggestion: For
a new column, replace any default name, such as COLUMN1.
Type: Data type for the column. The drop-down list includes only selected frequently
used data types. To specify any other type for the column, you must use the Columns
panel of the Create/Edit Table (with advanced options) dialog box.
Size: For VARCHAR2 data, the maximum size of the column data; for NUMBER data,
the maximum number of digits.
Not Null: If this option is checked, the column must contain data; you cannot specify
no value or an explicit null value for this column when you insert a row. If this option is
not checked, the column can contain either data or no data.
Primary Key: If this option is checked, the column is the primary key, or part of the
primary key, for the table. The primary key is the column, or set of columns, that
uniquely identifies each row in the table. A primary key column cannot be null.
If you want to have the primary key values automatically populated by a convenient
method that uses a before-insert trigger and a sequence, then before you finish
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
creating the table, you must check the Advanced box and use the Primary Key tab,
starting with the Populate Primary Key Column field.
To add another column, click Add Column. When you are finished adding columns,
either click OK or click the DDL tab to review the CREATE TABLE statement.
DDL tab (quick creation)
You can review and save the CREATE TABLE statement that SQL Developer will use
to create a new table or that reflects any changes you have made to the table
properties. If you want to make any changes, go back to the Table tab and make the
changes there.
When you are finished, click OK.
Related Topics
• Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
• Tables
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
The following panes may also be available. (Some panes are available only for tables
of specific types or with specific features.)
Columns pane
Primary Key Constraint
Unique Constraints
Foreign Keys Constraints
Check Constraints
Indexes pane
In-Memory pane
Storage pane
Column Sequences pane
Table Properties pane
LOB Parameters pane
Partitioning pane
Subpartition Templates pane
Partition Definitions pane
Columns pane
External Table Properties pane
Comment pane
DDL pane
After you add a column, to add another column, click the Add Column (+)
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
Name: Name of the column. Must be unique within the table. Suggestion: For a new
column, replace any default name, such as COLUMN1.
Datatype: Simple indicates a simple (non-object) data type; Complex indicates an
object type. For a complex type, you must specify the schema and the type name (for
example, MDSYS and SDO_GEOMETRY for the Oracle Spatial and Graph geometry
Type: Name of the data type. Most of the remaining information depends on the
specific type.
Precision: For numeric data, the precision (total number of significant digits that can
be represented) of the column data.
Scale: For numeric data, the scale (number of digits after the decimal point) of the
column data.
Size: For character data, the maximum size of the column data.
Units: For character data, the units represented by the Size: BYTE for bytes or CHAR
for characters. This attribute is important if the database can contain data in Unicode
format, with multiple bytes for each character.
Default: For relevant types, the default value inserted into the column if no value is
specified when a row is inserted.
Cannot be NULL: If this option is checked, the column must contain data; you cannot
specify no value or an explicit null value for this column when you insert a row. If this
option is not checked, the column can contain either data or no data. A primary key
column cannot be null.
Comment: Optional descriptive comment about the column.
To add another column, click the Add Column (+) icon.
6.73.2 Constraints
You can click the plus sign (+) icon to add one or more constraints. For each, specify
the type of constraint: Primary Key, Unique, Foreign Key, or Check. (See the
information for each type.)
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
To add a column to the primary key definition, select it in Available Columns and click
the Add (>) icon; to remove a column from the primary key definition, select it in
Selected Columns and click the Remove (<) icon. To move all columns from available
to selected (or the reverse), use the Add All (>>) or Remove All (<<) icon. To move a
column up or down in the primary key definition, select it in Selected Columns and use
the arrow buttons.
The remaining fields (Populate Primary Key Column through Trigger Name) appear
only when you are creating a table. They are not available when you are editing an
existing table.
Populate Primary Key Column: When you are creating a table, if you want to use a
trigger and a sequence to have a unique value automatically inserted into the primary
key column when you insert a new row, specify the primary key column.
From: An existing sequence that you select, or a new sequence whose name you
enter. (For a new sequence, SQL Developer creates the sequence automatically using
the name that you enter.)
Trigger Name: The name for the before-insert trigger that will be automatically
created. This trigger uses the sequence to generate a new value for the primary key
when a row is inserted. For an example of using this technique, see the tutorial section
Create a Table (TRANSACTIONS).
After you add a unique constraint, to add another unique constraint, click
the Add button.
Name: Name of the unique constraint. Must be unique within the database.
Enabled: If this option is checked, the unique constraint is enforced.
Available Columns: Lists the columns that are available to be added to the unique
constraint definition.
Selected Columns: Lists the columns that are included in the unique constraint
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
To add a column to the unique constraint definition, select it in Available Columns and
click the Add (>) icon; to remove a column from the unique constraint definition, select
it in Selected Columns and click the Remove (<) icon. To move all columns from
available to selected (or the reverse), use the Add All (>>) or Remove All (<<) icon. To
move a column up or down in the unique constraint definition, select it in Selected
Columns and use the arrow buttons.
After you add a foreign key, to add another foreign key, click the Add
Name: Name of the foreign key definition. Must be unique within the database.
Enabled: If this option is checked, the foreign key is enforced.
Referenced Schema: Name of the schema containing the table with the primary key
or unique constraint to which this foreign key refers.
Referenced Table: Name of the table with the primary key or unique constraint to
which this foreign key refers.
Referenced Constraint: Name of the primary key or unique constraint to which this
foreign key refers.
Associations: Local Column: Lists the column in the currently selected (local) table
that is included in the foreign key definition. For each local column in the foreign key
definition, select the name of a column in the local table.
Associations: Referenced Column on [table]: For each local column, identifies the
column in the other (foreign) table that must have a value matching the value in the
local column.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
After you add a check constraint, to add another check constraint, click
the Add button.
Name: Name of the check constraint definition. Must be unique within the database.
Enabled: If this option is checked, the check constraint is enforced.
Condition: Condition that must be met for a row. Can be any valid CHECK clause
(without the CHECK keyword). For example, to indicate that the value in a numeric
column named RATING must be from 1 to 10, you can specify: rating >=1 and rating
<= 10
After you add an index, to add another index, click the Add Index (+) icon.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
These IM column store features are not related to Oracle TimesTen In-
Memory Database.
Distribute: Applicable only if you are using Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle
RAC). It controls how table data in the IM column store is distributed across Oracle
RAC instances.
Duplicate: Applicable only if you are using Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle
RAC) on an engineered system. It controls how table data in the IM column store is
duplicated across Oracle RAC instances.
Column Clauses: You can enable and disable specific table columns for the IM
column store, and identify the data compression method for specific columns.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
• CACHE: For data that is accessed frequently, indicates that the blocks retrieved
for this table are placed at the most recently used end of the least recently used
(LRU) list in the buffer cache when a full table scan is performed. This attribute is
useful for small lookup tables.
• NOCACHE: For data that is not accessed frequently, indicates that the blocks
retrieved for this table are placed at the least recently used end of the LRU list in
the buffer cache when a full table scan is performed. NOCACHE is the default for
LOB storage.
• CACHE READS: LOB values are brought into the buffer cache only during read
operations but not during write operations.
Retention: If this option is checked, old versions of this LOB column and retained. You
can specify this option only if the database is running in automatic undo mode and if
you do not specify a Pct Version value.
Logging: <DEFAULT> means to use the Oracle Database default. ON means that the
table creation and any subsequent direct loader (SQL*Loader) and direct-path
INSERT operations against the table, partition, or LOB storage are logged in the redo
log file. OFF means that these operations are not logged in the redo log file.
Chunk: The number of bytes to be allocated for LOB manipulation. If the value is not a
multiple of the database block size, then the database rounds up in bytes to the next
multiple. The maximum value is 32768 (32K), which is the largest Oracle Database
block size allowed. The default CHUNK size is one Oracle Database block.
Pct Version: Specifies the maximum percentage of overall LOB storage space used
for maintaining old versions of the LOB. The default value is 10, meaning that older
versions of the LOB data are not overwritten until they consume 10% of the overall
LOB storage space. You can specify a Pct Version value whether the database is
running in manual mode (where it is the default) or automatic undo mode (where
Retention is the default). You cannot specify both a Pct Version value and the
Retention option.
Free Pools: Specifies the number of groups of free lists for the LOB segment, usually
the number of instances in a Real Application Clusters environment or 1 for a single-
instance database. You can specify this option only if the database is running in
automatic undo mode. You cannot specify both a Free Pools value and the Free Lists
Extents - Initial: Size of the first extent of the table. Specify K (kilobytes) or M
(megabytes) for the unit associated with the number.
Extents - Next: Size of the next extent to be allocated to the table. Specify K
(kilobytes) or M (megabytes) for the unit associated with the number.
Extents - Min: Minimum number of extents allocated when the table is created.
Extents - Max: Maximum number of extents allocated when the table is created.
Unlimited (if checked) means that there is no maximum (and any specified maximum
is ignored).
Extents - Pct Increase: Percentage that each extent grows over the previous extent.
Buffer Pool: <DEFAULT> means to use the Oracle Database default. KEEP means to
put blocks from the segment into the Keep buffer pool; maintaining an appropriately
sized Keep buffer pool lets Oracle retain the database object in memory to avoid I/O
operations. RECYCLE means to put blocks from the segment into the Recycle pool;
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
an appropriately sized Recycle pool reduces the number of objects whose default pool
is the Recycle pool from taking up unnecessary cache space.
Free Lists: Number of free lists for each of the free list groups for the table. The
default and minimum value for this parameter is 1, meaning that each free list group
contains one free list.
Free List Groups: Number of groups of free lists for the table. The default and
minimum value for this parameter is 1. Oracle uses the instance number of Real
Application Clusters instances to map each instance to one free list group.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
• Range partitions the table on ranges of values from the column list.
• List partitions the table on lists of literal values from the column.
Partition Sets pane
Defines each partition set for a partitioned table.
Partition Sets: Click the Add (+) icon to add a partition set that is appropriate for the
partition type.
Define Subpartitions: Select this option to create subpartitions for the partition set.
Each partition set, by default, inherits the properties of the table-level subpartition
templates, if defined. However, if subpartition templates are defined as the partition set
level, then they take precedence over table-level subpartition templates.
Name and Values: For each partition set specification, specify a name and (if
relevant) a value or set of values that is appropriate for the subpartition type.
Default: Select this option to indicate the default partition set. A row that does not
match the values provided for the partition sets is put in the default partition set.
Table Compression: Type of compression for table data in the tablespace.
Storage: Enables you to specify a tablespace for the partition set. See Storage
Related Topics
• Oracle Database VLDB and Partitioning Guide
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
organized table is partitioned, then the mapping table is also partitioned and its
partitions have the same name and physical attributes as the base table partitions.
Overflow: Specifications for the overflow segment. The options are the same as in the
Storage Options dialog box.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Table (with advanced options)
properties. If you want to make any changes, go back to the relevant tabs and make
the changes there.
To save the SQL statement to a script file, click Save and specify the location and file
When you are finished, click OK.
Related Topics
• Create Table (quick creation) (dialog box including advanced features)
• Tables
• Hive Tables
Chapter 6
Storage Options
(values that appear very often). For more information, see
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Tablespace
Extents - Max: Maximum number of extents allocated when the table or index is
created. Unlimited (if checked) means that there is no maximum (and any specified
maximum is ignored).
Pct Increase: Percentage that each extent grows over the previous extent.
Buffer Pool: <DEFAULT> means to use the Oracle Database default. KEEP means to
put blocks from the segment into the Keep buffer pool; maintaining an appropriately
sized Keep buffer pool lets Oracle retain the database object in memory to avoid I/O
operations. RECYCLE means to put blocks from the segment into the Recycle pool;
an appropriately sized Recycle pool reduces the number of objects whose default pool
is the Recycle pool from taking up unnecessary cache space.
Free Lists: Number of free lists for each of the free list groups for the table or index.
The default and minimum value for this parameter is 1, meaning that each free list
group contains one free list.
Free List Groups: Number of groups of free lists for the table or index. The default
and minimum value for this parameter is 1. Oracle uses the instance number of Real
Application Clusters instances to map each instance to one free list group.
Related Topics
• Create/Edit Table (with advanced options) (dialog box including advanced
• Create/Edit Index (dialog box)
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Tablespace
Reuse Existing File: If this option is enabled and if a file with the same name already
exists, the existing file is used. If this option is disabled and if a file with the same
name already exists, a warning message is displayed.
Auto Extend: If this option is enabled, automatic extension is performed for a new or
existing data file or temp file.
Next Size: The size in bytes of the next increment of disk space to be allocated
automatically when more extents are required. The default is the size of one data
Max Size: The maximum disk space allowed for automatic extension of the data file.
Chapter 6
Create Trigger
Chapter 6
Create Type (User-Defined)
Before or After: For a trigger on a table, select Before to cause the database to fire
the trigger before executing the triggering event, or select After to cause the database
to fire the trigger after executing the triggering event.
Statement Level or Row Level: For a trigger on a table, Statement Level fires the
trigger once before or after the triggering statement that meets the optional trigger
constraint defined in the WHEN condition; Row Level fires the trigger once for each
row that is affected by the triggering statement and that meets the optional trigger
constraint defined in the WHEN condition.
Insert, Update, Delete: For a trigger on a table or a view, Insert fires the trigger
whenever an INSERT statement adds a row to a table or adds an element to a nested
table; Update fires fire the trigger whenever an UPDATE statement changes a value in
one of the columns specified in Selected Columns (or in any column if no columns are
specified); Delete fires the trigger whenever a DELETE statement removes a row from
the table or removes an element from a nested table.
Referencing - Old: For a trigger on a table, the correlation names in the PL/SQL block
and WHEN condition of a row trigger to refer specifically to old value of the current
Referencing - New: For a trigger on a table, the correlation names in the PL/SQL
block and WHEN condition of a row trigger to refer specifically to new value of the
current row.
Available Columns: For a trigger on a table, lists the columns from which you can
select for use in an Update trigger definition.
Selected Columns: For a trigger on a table, lists the columns used in an Update
trigger definition.
When: For a trigger on a table, an optional trigger condition, which is a SQL condition
that must be satisfied for the database to fire the trigger. This condition must contain
correlation names and cannot contain a query.
Schema: For a trigger on a schema, the name of the schema on which to create the
Available Events: For a trigger on a schema or database, lists events from which you
can select for use in the trigger definition.
Selected Events: For a trigger on a schema or database, lists events used in the
trigger definition.
You can view a SQL CREATE statement that reflects the current definition of the
object, or a SQL ALTER statement to modify an existing object to reflect your
Related Topics
• Triggers
Chapter 6
Create/Edit User
information in this dialog box and click OK, a SQL Worksheet is displayed in which you
must specify the appropriate definition of the type.
Schema: Database schema in which to create the type.
Name: Name of the type. Must be unique within its schema.
Type: Select the type of data type to be created: array type, object type specification,
object type specification and type body, or table type.
For more information about creating a user-defined type, see the CREATE TYPE
statement in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference.
Related Topics
• Types
Chapter 6
Create/Edit User Defined Report
Chapter 6
Create/Edit User Defined Report
Chapter 6
Create/Edit User Defined Report Folder
PDF (advanced)
Lets you specify layout and formatting options for when the report is exported as PDF.
For example, you can specify a header and footer; security options including
password-protection, encryption, and restrictions on printing and copying; and page
layout options such as margin sizes and portrait or landscape orientation.
Related Topics
• SQL Developer Reports
• User Defined reports
• Gauges: In the SQL Worksheet and User-Defined Reports
Chapter 6
Create/Edit View
SQL Parse Results: If you click Test Syntax, displays any SQL syntax errors, or
displays a message indicating no errors if there are no syntax errors.
Revert: Cancels any edits you have made in the SQL Query box, and displays the
contents of the box before these edits.
Test Syntax: Checks the statement in the SQL Query box for any SQL syntax errors.
Test Query: Displays a dialog box that runs the SQL query and indicates the result. If
there is an error in the query, such as an invalid character or a missing expression, the
error is displayed.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit View
• Complete Refresh: Executes the defining query of the materialized view, even if a
fast refresh is possible.
• Fast Refresh: Uses the incremental refresh method, which performs the refresh
according to the changes that have occurred to the master tables. The changes for
conventional DML changes are stored in the materialized view log associated with
the master table.The changes for direct-path INSERT operations are stored in the
direct loader log.
• Force Refresh: Performs a fast refresh if one is possible; otherwise, performs a
complete refresh.
• Never: Do not perform refresh operations.
When: The type of refresh operation to be performed:
• On Demand: Performs a refresh when one of the DBMS_MVIEW refresh
procedures is called.
• On Commit: Performs a fast refresh whenever the database commits a
transaction that operates on a master table of the materialized view. This may
increase the time taken to complete the commit, because the database performs
the refresh operation as part of the commit process.
• Specify: Performs refresh operations according to what you specify in the Start on
and Next fields.
• Never: Does not perform a refresh operation.
Type: Refresh type, which determines the type of materialized view:
• Primary Key: Creates a primary key materialized view, which allows materialized
view master tables to be reorganized without affecting the eligibility of the
materialized view for fast refresh.
• Row ID: Creates a rowid materialized view, which is useful if the materialized view
does not include all primary key columns of the master tables.
Start on: Starting date and time for the first automatic refresh operation. Must be in
the future.
Next: Time for the next automatic refresh operation. The interval between the Start on
and Next times establishes the interval for subsequent automatic refresh operations. If
you do not specify a value, the refresh operation is performed only once at the time
specified for Start on.
Constraints: If this option is checked, more rewrite alternatives can be used during
the refresh operation, resulting in more efficient refresh execution. The behavior of this
option is affected by whether you select Enforced or Trusted.
Enforced: Causes only enforced constraints to be used during the refresh operation.
Trusted: Enables the use of dimension and constraint information that has been
declared trustworthy by the database administrator but that has not been validated by
the database. If the dimension and constraint information is valid, performance may
improve. However, if this information is invalid, then the refresh procedure may corrupt
the materialized view even though it returns a success status.
Materialized View Options:
Parallel: If this option is checked, parallel operations will be supported for the
materialized view, and you can specify a number for the default degree of parallelism
for queries and DML on the materialized view after creation.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit View
Enable Cache: If this option is checked, the blocks retrieved for this table are placed
at the most recently used end of the least recently used (LRU) list in the buffer cache
when a full table scan is performed. This setting is useful for small lookup tables. If this
option is not checked, the blocks are placed at the least recently used end of the LRU
Build Type: Specifies when to populate the materialized view. Immediate indicates
that the materialized view is to be populated immediately. Deferred indicates that the
materialized view is to be populated by the next refresh operation. If you specify
Deferred, the first (deferred) refresh must always be a complete refresh; until then, the
materialized view has a staleness value of unusable, so it cannot be used for query
Enable Query Rewrite: If this option is checked, the materialized view is enabled for
query rewrite, an optimization technique that transforms a user request written in terms
of master tables into a semantically equivalent request that includes one or more
materialized views.
Prebuilt Option: If this option is checked, an existing table is registered as a
preinitialized materialized view. This option is particularly useful for registering large
materialized views in a data warehousing environment. The table must have the same
name and be in the same schema as the resulting materialized view, and the table
should reflect the materialization of a subquery. Reduced Precision authorizes the
loss of precision that will result if the precision of the table or materialized view
columns do not exactly match the precision returned by subquery. No Reduced
Precision requires that the precision of the table or materialized view columns match
exactly the precision returned by subquery, or the create operation will fail.
Index Storage Options:
Use Index: If this option is checked, a default index is created and used to speed up
incremental (fast) refresh of the materialized view. If this option is not checked, this
default index is not created. (For example, you might choose to suppress the index
creation now and to create such an index explicitly later.)
Use Tablespace: If this option is checked, you can specify the tablespace in which the
materialized view is to be created. If this option is not checked, the materialized view is
created in the default tablespace of the schema containing the materialized view.
Chapter 6
Create/Edit View
columns in those tables and views that are used in the definition of this view. To see
the results of your quick-pick specification, either check Auto-Query or click Query.
Schema: Database schema containing the objects to be selected.
Type Filter - Filter Types: Enables you to limit the display of objects available for
selection to certain types of database objects (for example, to show only tables or
Name Filter: Enables you to limit the display of objects available for selection
according to a character string in the name, with the percent sign (%) as a wildcard
character. For example, to limit the display of available tables and views to those
whose names start with the string EM, specify the following name filter: EM%
Chapter 6
Create/Edit View
To add an object as selected, select it in Available and click the Add (>) icon; to
remove an object as selected, select it in Selected and click the Remove (<) icon. To
move all objects from available to selected, use the Add All (<<) icon; to move all
objects from selected to available, use the Remove All (<<) icon.
If you attempt to remove any objects that have dependencies in the SQL query, a
Confirm Remove box warns you that the dependencies will be removed with the
FROM expression; to cancel the remove operation, click No.
Alias: Alias for the table or view.
For the example in DDL tab or pane, select the EMP table.
Join: If you select two tables and click this button, the Edit Join dialog box is
After you add an object, to add another object, click the Add (+) icon.
Expression: Column name or an expression. For expressions, you can type them, or
you can use the Expression Palette to add object names and function names.
Validate: Checks the validity of the Expression entry.
For the example in DDL tab or pane, select DEPTNO column and the MIN(emp.sal)
and MAX(emp.sal) functions.
Chapter 6
Create Window
Available: Lists the tables and views, and the columns in each, that are available to
be selected for use in the GROUP BY clause of the view definition.
Selected: Lists the tables and views, and the columns in each, that you can use in the
GROUP BY clause of the view definition.
To add an object as selected, select it in Available and click the Add (>) icon; to
remove an object as selected, select it in Selected and click the Remove (<) icon. To
move all objects from available to selected, use the Add All (<<) icon; to move all
objects from selected to available, use the Remove All (<<) icon.
After you add an object, to add another object, click the Add (+) icon.
ORDER BY Expression Filter: For each column or column expression, you can type
the text completely into the Expression box; or you can type some of the text and use
the Expression Palette to add object names, function names, and operators.
Validate: Tests the validity of the syntax for the expression.
Order: ASC for ascending (expression values sorted in ascending order); DESC for
descending (expression values sorted in descending order).
Nulls Ordering: NULLS FIRST to have null expression values appear before non-null
values; NULLS LAST to have null expression values appear after non-null values.
("Before" and "after" positions are determined by the Order value.)
Chapter 6
Create Window Group
• For Repeating, specify the Repeat Interval and optionally the Start Date and End
• For Schedule, select the name of the Schedule to be used.
Related Topics
• Windows
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
Chapter 6
Create XML Document from XML Schema
Selected Members: List windows to be added to the window group. Use the arrow
icons to move selected windows or all windows from one list to the other.
Related Topics
• Window Groups
• Scheduling Jobs Using SQL Developer
Chapter 6
Custom Filters
Chapter 6
Data Pump Export
Data or DDL: Specify whether to export only the data (applies to tables and views),
only the object definitions (the "DDL), or both the data and the object definitions.
Types to be Exported: Specify whether to export the database or just one or more
tablespaces, schemas, or tables. (Your selection will affect the display of some
remaining wizard pages.)
Chapter 6
Data Pump Export
• Compress data before pushing to the dump file. For this, you need Oracle
Database Release 11g or later versions and the Advanced Compression License
option enabled.
• Push data to a URI (Universal Resource Identifier) using Oracle Object Storage
Service file transfer options for Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud
When you select this option, the next page displayed in the wizard will be OSS
• Skip the next page and proceed to the Summary page
Chapter 6
Data Pump Import
Chapter 6
Data Pump Import
Chapter 6
Database Copy
Chapter 6
Database Differences
Chapter 6
Database Differences
DDL Generation Options: Check the options or features to be included if you later
generate a script to update the objects in the destination schema to reflect differences
in the source schema: comments, schema name (prefixed to schema objects),
constraints, password values, constraint indexes, referential constraints. Options that
are not checked are ignored or not performed during the script generation.
Schema: This option, if you also select Consolidate Schema under DDL Comparison
Options, causes object names to be prefixed with the target schema name in the
generated script (for example, CREATE TABLE "HR"."SKILLS" instead of CREATE
TABLE "SKILLS"). If you select Maintain Schema under DDL Comparison Options, this
Schema option is ignored and object names are prefixed with the source schema
name in the generated script.
DDL Comparison Options: Check various options, including differences to be
ignored, when objects in the source and destination schemas are compared.
The DDL Generation Options apply to how the DDL will be generated,
whereas the DDL Comparison Options apply to how the comparison is made
between the two objects.
Consolidate Schema and Maintain Schema enable you either to compare the
source objects with objects owned by the target connection user (schema) or with any
object accessible by the target connection. The resulting behavior is largely based on
which option you select and which objects your connection has access to.
• Consolidate: Compares the source objects with those owned by the target
schema; in other words the selected objects are "consolidated" into the target
If the target connection does not own an object by that name (that is, target-
schema.object-type.object-name), the object will not be found and a comparison
cannot be done. If the target connection does own object target-schema.object-
type.object-name, source-schema.objectname will compared with target-
• Maintain: Maintains the schema on the source objects and applies it in the target
object processing.
If the target connection does not have access to those schema objects, they will
not be found and a comparison cannot be done. If the target connection does has
access to those schema objects, source-schema.object-type.object-name will be
compared with target-schema.object-type.object-name.
Match Constraints By: Controls whether constraints are matched for comparison by
the names (Name) or definitions (Definition).
Ignore Segment Attributes: Causes differences in segment specification to be
Ignore Table Column Position: Causes differences in the positions of table columns
to be ignored when objects are compared. For example, if this option is enabled
(checked), two tables would not be considered different in the only difference is that
Column1 and Column2 appear first and second in one table but second and first in the
other table.
Chapter 6
Database Export (Unload Database Objects and Data)
Chapter 6
Database Export (Unload Database Objects and Data)
For some needs you can use special SQL Developer worksheet "hints"
instead of this wizard to generate output in desired formats, as explained in
SQL Worksheet "Hints" for Formatting Output.
The number of pages and the options available depend on the potential scope of the
export operation. For example, if you clicked Tools, then Database Export, all pages
are available; however, if you right-clicked a table name and selected Export, fewer
pages are required.
In several pages, if you select Proceed to summary, clicking Next takes you to the
Export Summary page.
See Also:
Cart Versus Database Export Wizard to consider whether you may want to
use the Cart instead of the Database Export wizard
An Export Format Error is displayed if you attempt to export both DDL and
Data when Format is loader.
Format: Select the desired output format for the data to be unloaded. Depending on
the selected format, other options may appear. For example, for xls (Microsoft Excel
file), you can specify worksheet names for the data and the SELECT statement.
For CLOB data, exporting is supported only if the format is loader (SQL*Loader) or pdf
(PDF). Some export types export only a subset of the string followed by an ellipsis (...).
Chapter 6
Database Export (Unload Database Objects and Data)
To paste unloaded data into a Microsoft Excel file, specify Export Data but not
Export DDL, select text for Format, and select Clipboard for Save As; and after
completing the unload, paste from the clipboard into Excel.
For exporting date fields in date format instead of timestamp format: If you encounter
problems exporting dates, check that the following line is in the sqldeveloper
\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf file to have dates unloaded in date format:
AddVMOption -Doracle.jdbc.mapDateToTimestamp=false
Chapter 6
DDL Panel for Creating or Editing an Object
Chapter 6
Deploy Objects to Cloud
Application Alias: Alias for the application. It is recommended that you never hard
code the application ID into your application, but instead use the application alias or a
built-in substitution string (such as APP_ID and APP_ALIAS).
Application ID: Specify whether to have an application ID assigned automatically, to
use an existing listed ID, or to specify a new ID. Use these options to avoid application
ID conflicts, such as when you need to have two versions of the same application in
the same instance. For example, you might be migrating an application to a production
instance and still need to maintain the development version.
ID Currently Used by and Overwrite: If the specified Application ID is currently used
by another application, you can enable Overwrite to have the application ID instead
associated with the application being deployed or imported.
Displays the selected options for the application to be deployed or imported. To make
any changes, click Back. To perform the operation, click Finish.
Related Topics
• Applications (Application Express 3.0.1 and Later)
6.96.1 Cloud
Connection: Name of a previously created Cloud connection. (When you create a
Cloud connection, you can use it immediately within the SQL Developer graphical
interface; however, to use that connection with the SQL Developer command line
interface, you must first exit the SQL Developer session in which you created the
Title: A short descriptive string identifying this deployment.
Server: Server for the Cloud service (for example, a WebLogic Server system).
Port: Port to be used for the deployment. For example: 2222
6.96.2 Authorization
SFTP User: Secure FTP user name that you received in email when you signed up for
the Cloud service.
SFTP Password: Password for the SFTP user.
Chapter 6
Deploy Objects to Cloud
6.96.3 Transfer
File: .zip file to contain the files to be used by SQL Developer for the deployment.
The options in the Format for Load Data section applies only for tables
dropped into the Cart. These options are not applicable for data files
because the data file format is defined in the configuration file. The
configuration file name associated with the data file is specified in the
Configuration column for the data file in the Cart.
Delimiter: Identifies the character used to separate the data into columns. The
delimiter character is not included in the data loaded. If the preview page does not
show the data separated into columns, the correct delimiter is probably not specified.
Examine the data in the preview area to determine the correct delimiter.
Line Terminator: Identifies the terminator for each line. The line terminator is not
included in the data loaded. If the preview page shows the data in one single row, the
correct terminator is not specified.
Left Enclosure and Right Enclosure: Enclosures are used for character data and are
optional. Enclosures are not included in the data loaded.
Related Topics
• Adding Data Files to the Cart
• Choose Configuration File Option
Chapter 6
Describe Object Window
• The objects include any of the following object types: database link, directory,
external table, materialized view, materialized view log, or synonym.
• The objects include any with a data type that is not supported for Cloud
deployment (such as SDO_GEOMETRY).
• The objects are from a non-Oracle database connection.
Chapter 6
Diff Objects
The DDL Generation Options apply to how the DDL will be generated,
whereas the DDL Comparison Options apply to how the comparison is made
between the two objects.
Schema: Consolidate and Schema: Maintain enable you either to compare the
source objects with objects owned by the target connection user (schema) or with any
object accessible by the target connection. The resulting behavior is largely based on
which option you select and which objects your connection has access to.
• Consolidate: Compares the source objects with those owned by the target
schema; in other words the selected objects are "consolidated" into the target
If the target connection does not own an object by that name (that is, target-
schema.object-type.object-name), the object will not be found and a comparison
cannot be done. If the target connection does own object target-schema.object-
type.object-name, source-schema.objectname will compared with target-
• Maintain: Maintains the schema on the source objects and applies it in the target
object processing.
If the target connection does not have access to those schema objects, they will
not be found and a comparison cannot be done. If the target connection does has
access to those schema objects, source-schema.object-type.object-name will be
compared with target-schema.object-type.object-name.
Match Constraints By: Controls whether constraints are matched for comparison by
the names (Name) or definitions (Definition).
Ignore Segment Attributes: Causes differences in segment specification to be
Ignore Table Column Position: Causes differences in the positions of table columns
to be ignored when objects are compared. For example, if this option is enabled
(checked), two tables would not be considered different in the only difference is that
Column1 and Column2 appear first and second in one table but second and first in the
other table.
Ignore Storage: Causes differences in storage specification to be ignored.
Ignore High Values: Causes differences in partition high values for tables to be
Ignore Tablespace: Causes differences in the tablespace specified for the object to
be ignored.
Logical Compare: Causes meaningless SQL formatting differences in definitions of
objects (such packages, package bodies, procedures, and functions) to be ignored.
Ignore Partitioning: Causes differences in partitioning specifications for the object to
be ignored
The results are displayed in a Diff Report window, where you can see the DDL
statements to update the objects in the destination schema to reflect differences from
the source schema. To create a file containing these DDL statements, click the
Chapter 6
Drop Pluggable Database
Generate Script (SQL) icon in that window. In the Generate SQL dialog box you can
specify the Save As destination or type (Single File, Separate Files, Type Files,
Separate Directories, Worksheet, Clipboard), the location, and the encoding.
To display only objects with differences that have the same name in both connections,
select Show Equal Objects. To display all objects that have differences or that exist
in one connection but not the other, select Show New Objects.
Related Topics
• Using the Cart
• Database Connections
• Database Objects
Chapter 6
Enter Bind Values
The specific options for editing the value available depend on the context, such as the
data type of the column associated with that cell in the grid. For example, for BLOB or
BFILE data you can:
• Load a file containing data (such as an image file)
• Use the external editor associated with the MIME type and file extension
Save the result of any edits
For date-based values (such as for CREATED as the filter criterion), you can specify a
date, time, and time zone, or click Now to set the values in the dialog box to the
current (as of when you click the Now button) date and time.
Related Topics
• External Editor
Chapter 6
Export Data
Chapter 6
Export Resource Module, Privilege, and Role
Chapter 6
External Tools
Set Remote Shell: If this option is checked, you specify the name of the program on
the remote server. (It is unlikely to need to be changed from the default, and should
only be changed in cooperation with the administrator of the remote server.)
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
6.112.2 Display
Specify how the external tool should appear when displayed in menu or toolbar items.
Caption for Menu Items: The text string that will appear for any menu item that calls
the external tool. To indicate the mnemonic character, use the ampersand before the
character. For example: &Mytool for the "M" to be underlined and used as the
Chapter 6
Choose Offline Options
ToolTip Text: Text for the tooltip to be displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over
the icon for the tool in a toolbar.
Icon Location: File path of the icon associated with the tool. Click Browse to specify a
graphics file, or Use Default to use the default icon (if you previously specified a
nondefault icon).
Preview: A read-only display of the menu item and its associated icon.
6.112.3 Integration
Specify how the external tool will be integrated with SQL Developer.
Add Items to Menus: Check any menus on which you want to include an item for this
Add Buttons to Toolbars: To add the icon for this tool to the SQL Developer main
toolbar, check Main Toolbar.
After Tool Exits: To have SQL Developer reload any open files after the tool exits,
check Reload Open Files.
6.112.4 Availability
Specify when the external tool is enabled. In contexts where the tool is not enabled, its
menu item and icon are grayed out.
Always: Makes the tool always available.
When a File is Selected or Open in the Editor: Makes the tool available only when a
file is selected or open, such as when the SQL Worksheet is open.
When Specific File Types are Selected: Makes the tool available only when files of
the specified type or types are selected. Use the arrow buttons to move desired types
from Available Types to Selected Types.
Platform: The IDM DB2, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase Adaptive Server, or
Teradata version for which to generate the scripts.
Chapter 6
Edit Font Location
Related Topics
• Source Database
• SQL Developer: Migrating Third-Party Databases
Chapter 6
Extract Variable/Function/CTE for Refactoring
clause, do not qualify the column name with a table name or table alias. In an outer
join with the USING clause, the query returns a single column which is a coalesce of
the two matching columns in the join.
Related Topics
• Create/Edit View
Select ‘Hello World’ and right-click to select Refactoring > Extract Variable/
A Name for Expression dialog is displayed. Enter the variable name, newVarX, and click
All three 'Hello world' strings are replaced with newVarX.
Chapter 6
Extract Variable/Function/CTE for Refactoring
If there are any variables within the expression, such as in 'Hello world'||x, then the
expression is refactored into a function with the variables becoming function
arguments. All occurrences of the expression are replaced with function calls. The
following example illustrates refactoring an expression into a function.
After refactoring:
After refactoring:
Chapter 6
Feature Missing
After refactoring:
Chapter 6
File Processing
6.121 Filter
This dialog box is displayed when you right-click a connection node or an object type
node (such as Tables) in the Connections navigator and select Apply Filter. Use this
box to limit the number of objects of that type that are displayed, according to one or
more filter criteria that you specify. For each criterion, specify the following:
• Criterion name (list always includes NAME; other criteria depend on the object
• Operator (for example, LIKE)
• Value for comparison (for example EM%)
• Case-sensitive option for character data comparison
For example, to display only tables with names that start with EM, specify NAME, LIKE,
and EM% (with the percent sign as a wildcard character).
Any remaining options in this dialog box depend on the context for the filter option.
Override Schema Filter (object type node filters): If this option is checked, any filter
criterion specified at the connection level is ignored, and only the object type node
filter criteria are applied.
Include Synonyms (object type node filters): If this option is checked, synonyms for
objects of this object type are included.
To add another filter criterion, click the Add (+) icon; to delete a criterion, select it and
click the Delete (X) icon; to move a criterion up or down in the list, select it and use the
arrow icons.
To apply the filter criteria to the Connections navigator display, click OK.
To remove the effects of applying a filter, right-click the object type node in the
Connections navigator display and select Clear Filter.
Chapter 6
Filter Object Types
6.125 Find/Highlight
This dialog box is displayed when you right-click in the table data grid and select Find/
Highlight to find, and optionally highlight with a specified background color,
occurrences of a specified string value in the table data. Type the string value, and
press the down-arrow to search forward from the currently selected grid cell or the up-
arrow to search backward.
Search goes to matching cells but does not highlight; Highlight goes to matching cells
and highlights.
Text matching options: You can ignore case, require a whole word match, require a
starting with match, or allow the value to wrap across cell boundaries.
Chapter 6
Git: Add
Chapter 6
Git: Clone from Git
revision. You can also check out to a specific commit; by default, the most recent
commit is used at checkout
Name and Location: Name and location of the local repository to which you are
checking out files.
Branch: The branch you are using for this checkout.If you know the name, type the
branch name. Otherwise, click Select Branch to browse available branches. If you are
creating a new branch, click Create Branch. If you check out a remote branch without
specifying a new local branch to track the changes, the changes will become
disassociated from the original branch.
Tag: You can enter a tag to help you select the desired revision for checkout. If you
know the name of the tag you want to use, type the tag name. Otherwise, click Select
Tag to browse the list of available tags
Use Commit ID: The ID for the commit for which this checkout is to be used. Click
Select Commit to browse from available commit options.
Create Branch: Creates a new branch to use for this checkout.
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Remote Repository
Specify the information required to log in to the remote Git repository for accessing the
files for the operation.
Remote Name: Identifier that you will use when referring to the remote repository.
Enter a descriptive, unique name for the clone you are creating.
Repository URL: The URL of the file system at which the Git repository resides. Your
Git administrator should be able to prove you with this information.
User Name: If the remote repository does not allow anonymous read access, enter
your user name for the server in this field. If your repository permits anonymous
access, you can skip the remaining fields on this screen and click Next to continue.
Password: If your repository requires a login with user name and password, select
this option, then enter your password in the field. You can then click Next to continue.
Private Key File: If your repository connection uses a private key file, select this
option, then enter the path to the private key file. You can click Browse to select the
file from a standard directory browser.
Passphrase: If your private key file requires a passphrase, enter the passphrase.
Chapter 6
Git: Commit
Remote Branch
Specify the branches that you want to include in your clone of the remote repository.
Each branch in the repository is represented on the right side. To select a branch,
check the box next to the branch name.
Specify all information for the destination in your local system to which you want to
copy your Git repository content.
Destination: Pathname on your local system to which you want the repository to be
cloned. You can either type the pathname in the field, or click Browse to select the
Clone Name: Name for the clone you are creating.
Checkout Branch: Branch to use for the clone you are creating.
Displays the selected options for the operation. To make any changes, click Back. To
perform the operation, click Finish.
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Git: Create Branch
If you want to commit multiple files, but not necessarily all files not yet committed, you
can select them (using Shift-click) from the Applications pane, then select Team > Git
> Commit.
Name and Location: Name and physical locations of the file that will be committed to
the repository.
Commit Non-Staged Files: Lets you commit a file that you have not yet staged (that
is, files not yet on a staged index list).
Comments: Comments to accompany the commit action. You will later be able to see
these comments when viewing the list of versions of a particular file.
Template or Previous Comments: A template with comment text for the Comments
box. You can make general changes and additions to the comment templates by
clicking the link to comment templates.
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Git: Export Committed Changes
Use Commit ID: The ID for the commit to which this tag will be applied. Click Select
Commit to browse from available commit options. The default commit ID is the most
recent one created.
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Git: Initialize Repository
Fetching a repository copies changes from the remote repository into your local
system, without modifying any of your current branches. Once you have fetched the
changes, you can merge them into your branches or simply view them.
Remote Repository
Specify the information for the remote repository from which you want to fetch
Remote Name: Identifier that you will use when referring to the remote repository.
Enter a descriptive, unique name.
Repository URL: The URL of the Git repository from which you are fetching files. Your
Git administrator should be able to prove you with this information.
User Name: If the remote repository does not allow anonymous read access, enter
your user name for the server in this field. If your repository permits anonymous
access, you can skip the remaining fields on this screen and click Next to continue.
Password: If your repository requires a login with user name and password, select
this option, then enter your password in the field. You can then click Next to continue.
Private Key File: If your repository connection uses a private key file, select this
option, then enter the path to the private key file. You can click Browse to select the
file from a standard directory browser.
Passphrase: If your private key file requires a passphrase, enter the passphrase.
Remote Branch
Specify the branches to include when you fetch changes from the remote repository.
Each branch in the repository is represented on the right side. To select a branch,
check the box next to the branch name.
Note that the changes you fetch will not affect any branches in your local repository.
You can review the changes, then either ignore them or merge them into your local
Displays the selected options for the operation. To make any changes, click Back. To
perform the operation, click Finish.
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Git: Merge
Chapter 6
Git: Push to Git
Chapter 6
Git: Revert
Displays the selected options for the operation. To make any changes, click Back. To
perform the operation, click Finish.
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Find Result
Replace With: If you check this option, enter a text string to replace the text string that
is being searched for.
Options: Options to control the search behavior: Match Case makes the search case-
sensitive; Search from Beginning starts the search at the beginning instead of at the
text cursor; Highlight All Occurrences highlights all occurrences of the search string
instead of just the first one; Wrap Around searches across line breaks; Whole Word
Only find the search string only if it is a complete word and not just part of a word;
Regular Expressions means that the search string is a regular expression; Selected
Text Only means to search only in the text block that you have selected.
Direction: Forward starts the search from the cursor in the direction of normal text
flow; Backward starts the search from the cursor in the opposite direction of normal
text flow.
Escaped By: A character that can be used for "escaping" the Enclosed In character.
When Enclosed In is " or ', that character can be escaped by itself or by the Escaped
By character. For example, if Escaped By is \ and the input is SQL.append("SELECT 1
\"one\" FROM dual");, it will be formatted as SELECT 1 "one" FROM dual.
Chapter 6
Generate Patch
6.149 Go to Bookmark
Use this box to specify the bookmark to go to in the selected function or procedure.
After you enter the bookmark and click Go, the line associated with that bookmark is
6.152 History
The History window displays the differences between different revisions of the same
file. You can see the local history of a file and, when appropriate, the version history of
a file.
Revision Filter: Use to filter the list of revisions displayed. You can edit any of the
filters, or add new filters, using the Customize Filters button.
Customize Filters button: Opens the Custom Filters dialog box, in which you can edit
the filter values of existing filters or add new filters.
Refresh button: Updates the display.
Go to First / Previous / Next / Last Difference buttons: Moves the cursor to the first,
previous, next, or last difference.
Purge Local History button: Removes the local history versions of the files.
Chapter 6
Import Using Oracle Loader for Hadoop
Restore from Revision button: Makes the current version of the file (in the right-hand
area) the same as the revision of the file (in the left-hand area).
Generate Patch button: Opens the Generate Patch dialog, where you can generate a
patch containing changes that have been made to the files.
Left-hand and right-hand boxes: The versions are aligned line by line. Lines with
differences are highlighted using shaded boxes, joined as appropriate. You cannot edit
the left-hand area; you can edit the right-hand area.
Related Topics
• Custom Filters
• Generate Patch
• Using the SQL Worksheet
Specify whether you are loading from delimited text files or a Hive table. If you are
loading from a Hive table you can select the table to load from by selecting the
• Hive connection
• Hive schema
• Hive table
You must select an SSH connection. This SSH connection can be to a Hadoop client,
a Hadoop edge node, or a node in the Hadoop cluster. The Oracle Loader for Hadoop
job will be run from this node.
Column Properties
You can map the source data columns to database table columns.
Pay attention to the data format (a common source of errors). In particular, pay
attention to the proposed date format mask. The date mask that appears by default is
a “best guess” only.
Ensure that any conflicts and warnings are resolved before you go to the next page.
Chapter 6
Import Using Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS
You can select the data you want to copy. You can filter rows and partitions with a
WHERE clause. If data is loaded from a partitioned Hive table, the partition keys and
partitions are listed for your reference.
After you make your selections, click Refresh to see sample rows that match your
Additional Properties
You can select
• Import method: If the database table is partitioned, loading with Direct Path
method is recommended for best performance. If the database table is not
partitioned, only the JDBC method can be used.
• Parallelism: This value should be chosen depending on the number of reduce
tasks available in the Hadoop cluster. The higher the value, the faster the load will
These two specifications determine the performance of the load.
HDFS Job Directory: The HDFS directory location for storing log files, .bad files with
rejected rows, and the Oracle Loader for Hadoop job report. This directory is created
by SQL Developer when running Oracle Loader for Hadoop.
Destination Connection: If you are using Oracle Wallet, specify credentials.
Otherwise, the credentials from the SQL Developer connection will be used.
You can review the Oracle Loader for Hadoop script by clicking the Script tab before
clicking Finish to submit the job.
Source Type: Specify whether you are loading from delimited text files or a Hive table.
Note that the Hive table should be over text files.
If you are loading from a Hive table you can select the table to load from by specifying
the Connection, Schema, and Table.
SSH Host: You must select an SSH connection. This SSH connection can be to a
Hadoop client, a Hadoop edge node, or a node in the Hadoop cluster. The Oracle SQL
Connector for HDFS job will be run from this node.
Chapter 6
Import Using Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS
Import Method
Import Method: for partitioned Hive tables:
• External Table (for query): A metadata table (Metadata Table), an external table
for each partition, and a view for each external table are created. The metadata
table lists the external table name and view name for each Hive table partition.
Select the name of the Metadata Table; the names of the external tables and
views are derived from this name.
• Staging External Table (for load): A metadata table (Metadata Table), an external
table for each partition, a view for each external table, and a database table
(Destination Table) are created. You can drop the metadata table, external tables,
and views after completion of the load. Select the name of the Destination Table;
all the other names are derived from this name.
Import Method: for non-partitioned Hive tables:
• External Table (for query): An external table (Destination External Table) is
created. This can be used to query the data in-place in HDFS.
• Staging External Table (for load): An external table (Staging External Table) and
a database table (Destination Table) are created, with the option of dropping the
Staging External Table after completion of the load. The data is accessed through
the external table and loaded into the database table.
Column Properties
You can modify the definitions of columns in the destination table. When the input
source is Hive, the default mappings are selected from the Hive table definition.
Source Data Columns, Target Data Columns, Data Type: Specify Oracle data type
definitions if you would like to change any of the default mappings. For example, Hive
date columns are often of type ‘string’ and will be mapped to VARCHAR2. You can
change that mapping to DATE or TIMESTAMP depending on your data.
Ensure that any conflicts and warnings are resolved before you move to the next page.
Additional Properties
Preprocessor Directory: The database directory that points to the installation location
of $OSCH_HOME/bin on the database system. This directory is created when Oracle
Chapter 6
Install/Run Oracle REST Data Services
SQL Connector for HDFS is installed on the database system. The directory name is
typically OSCH_BIN_PATH.
Parallelism: Determines the performance of load or query using Oracle SQL
Connector for HDFS. The higher this number, the better the performance will be. It is
the most important factor for tuning. A value equal to the number of input data files is
recommended. The number of data files creates an upper bound for the parallelism
possible, so it is recommended to create multiple input data files in upstream
applications if possible.
Default Directory (external table): Stores the log files and .bad files, which contain
information about rows that could not be loaded. You can specify the same or different
locations for Log File and Bad File creation.
Destination Connection: If you are using Oracle Wallet, specify credentials.
Otherwise, the credentials from the SQL Developer connection will be used.
Delete Deployment Files on SSH Host: Controls whether the deployment files are
deleted on the SSH host after the deployment is complete.
Test: Tests the operation and lets you see the DDL that will be generated.
Finish: Performs the operations that you specified.
Chapter 6
Install/Run Oracle REST Data Services
ORDS Public User: Specify the user name and password for the Oracle REST Data
Services public user (the database user that has privileges to access the Oracle REST
Data Services RESTful services). If you do not skip the verification of this user, you will
be prompted for the password of the SYS as SYSDBA user account in the Verify
Oracle REST Data Services Schema dialog box.
Skip verify/install of Oracle REST Data Service Schema: Causes the information
that you entered on this page not to be verified. This option allows you to continue with
the wizard steps if you do not know all the information.
Chapter 6
Install/Run Oracle REST Data Services
6.155.9 Summary
Displays a summary of the information that you have specified. To change any
information, press Back as needed and make changes, then press Next as needed to
return to this page.
To perform the installation, click Finish. (Exactly what happens depends on your
choice for the Run in Standalone Mode when installation completes option.) To
cancel the installation, click Cancel.
After installation, the REST Data Services option appears in the Connections navigator
display and in the context menu for the connection associated with the database on
which Oracle REST Data Services is installed.
Chapter 6
Install SQL Translator
During installation, if you are already connected to the database on which
you are installing Oracle REST Data Services, then you have to disconnect
and reconnect to see the REST Data Services option.
Mode: online lets you perform the installation interactively in SQL Developer; offline
creates a .zip file containing several files, including a Linux .sh file that you can run to
perform the installation.
Create New Profile: If this option is checked, you can also create a new SQL
translator profile associated with the translator being created. In this case, specify a
name for the profile (for example, sybase_profile) and an existing Oracle database
schema to own the profile. Whether you check this option or not, you can also create
new profiles separately.
Click Apply to start the installation of the SQL translator. (This installation involves
several steps, and it may take a long time.)
Related Topics
• SQL Translators
• SQL Translator FrameWork
• Using DBA Features in SQL Developer
After you click Apply, SQL Developer checks if the database user has the necessary
privileges; and if it does not, it prompts you to log in as the SYS user and then confirm
the granting of certain privileges.
The actual translator installation can take a long time, during which the Online SQL
Translator Install progress box is displayed. If you want to continue working in SQL
Developer during the installation, you can click Run in Background.
Chapter 6
Invalid Database Version
After the installation, grant execute access on the translator to the database user. For
You can now right-click a profile that is associated with the translator and select Open
SQL Worksheet with Profile. In the SQL worksheet that is displayed, you can run SQL
statements and procedures in that third-party SQL. For example, in the worksheet for
a profile associated with the SYBASE_TSQL_TRANSLATOR translator, you could
enter the following Sybase syntax that is not recognized by native Oracle Database:
select top 5 * from my_table;
If you double-click the profile name in the DBA navigator and then select the SQL
Translations tab, you can see the SQL text and the translated text for each statement
executed. If you want, and if you are sufficiently knowledgeable, you can modify the
TRANSLATED_TEXT cells for selected statements to change the way they are
interpreted and executed by Oracle.
Chapter 6
LOB Descriptors
Chapter 6
Manage Columns
be associated with the geometries. For example, 8307 is the SRID value for the "WGS
84 longitude/latitude" coordinate system.
Spatial Dimensions: The dimensional information (DIMINFO column in
USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA). Note that for geodetic layers, you must specify the
dimensional extents in the index metadata as -180,180 for longitude and -90,90 for
latitude, and the tolerance value is interpreted as meters.
Name: Name of the dimension, for example, X or Longitude.
Lower Boundary: Lower-left point of the dimension. For geodetic data, must be -180
for longitude and -90 for latitude.
Upper Boundary: Upper-right point of the dimension. For geodetic data, must be 180
for longitude and 90 for latitude.
Tolerance: A level of precision with spatial data, reflecting the distance that two points
can be apart and still be considered the same (for example, to accommodate rounding
errors). For geodetic data, tolerance is specified as meters.
Related Topics
• Spatial Support in SQL Developer
Chapter 6
Manage Features and Updates
If you are using Application Express RESTful Services, specify the Application
Express user that you created using Application Express.
http or https: Protocol to use for connecting (HTTP or HTTPS).
Hostname: The host where Oracle REST Data Services is running.
Port: The port number on which Oracle REST Data Services is listening. Example:
Server Path: The context root where Oracle REST Data Services is deployed.
Example: /ords
Chapter 6
Map Connection
Lets you see and remove installed updates. Click Expand All to expand all nodes and
Collapse All to collapse all nodes in the tree.
Chapter 6
Modify Value
New State: Contains OPEN if the PDB is closed, or CLOSE if the PDB is open.
State Option: List of options relevant to the New State value: Read Write, Read Only,
or Restricted for OPEN; Normal or Immediate for CLOSE.
• Read Write: Allows queries and user transactions to proceed and allows users to
generate redo logs.
• Read Only: Allows queries but does not allow user changes.
• Restricted: The PDB is accessible only to users with the RESTRICTED SESSION
privilege in the PDB.
• Normal: Is the PDB equivalent of the SQL*Plus SHUTDOWN command with the
normal mode (waits for users to disconnect from the database).
• Immediate: Is the PDB equivalent of the SQL*Plus SHUTDOWN command with
the immediate mode (does not wait for current calls to complete or users to
disconnect from the database).
Related Topics
• Multitenant Container Database (CDB)
Chapter 6
New/Edit Change Set
Chapter 6
Edit SSH Connection
6.174 No Lock
This dialog box is displayed if multiple instances of SQL Developer are running on the
system and if you attempt to open a unit test object, such as a test or suite, when that
object is already open in another instance of SQL Developer. Thus, the current
instance of SQL Developer is unable to get a lock on that object at this time.
Either use the other instance of SQL Developer to view or modify the object, or close
the object in the other instance of SQL Developer and then open the object in this
Chapter 6
Object Preferences
6.181 Paste
This dialog box is displayed if you click Edit, then Extended Paste. It shows a list of
clipboard items, so that you can select the content to be pasted. Click OK to paste the
selected content into the current location.
Clipboard Items: Clipboard items with content from copy operations. Usually displays
the first line of the content.
Item Content: The content of the selected clipboard item.
Chapter 6
Perforce: Connection
Chapter 6
Perforce: Login
Chapter 6
Perforce: Sync Files
Chapter 6
Plug In Pluggable Database
Select All: Selects all the files currently displayed in the Files list.
Deselect All: Deselects all files in the list.
Chapter 6
Print Preview
Chapter 6
Delete or Truncate Repository
Files: A list of files opened in SQL Developer, with the most recent file first. The Show
All option determines whether the list includes only files opened implicitly or files
opened implicitly or explicitly.
Show All: If this option is checked, the list includes both explicitly and implicitly
opened files; if this option is not checked, the list includes only implicitly opened files.
Explicitly opened files are those that you opened directly; implicitly opened files are
those that SQL Developer opened to support your work (for example, while you were
Chapter 6
Repair (Validate) Oracle REST Data Services
Related Topics
• Oracle REST Data Services Administration
Chapter 6
REST Data Services Connection: Authentication Failed
In this case, you must download and install the necessary certificate. The procedure
depends on whether you are using SQL Developer on a Windows system or on a
Macintosh or Linux system.
On Windows Systems
1. Close SQL Developer.
2. Use a web browser to open any link to Oracle REST Data Services. For example,
a URL in this format:
3. Click Certificate Error and view the certificate.
4. In the Certificates dialog box, click the Details tab, click Copy to File, then click
5. In the Certificate Export Wizard, on the Export File Format page, select DER
encoded binary X.509 (.CER).
6. On the File to Export page, browse to choose a location and specify a name for
the file. (The location and file name can be any that you want.) For example: D:
• ENTRY_NAME is a name to alias the certificate in the store.
• PATH_TO_KEYSTORE is a location inside the SQL Developer or JDK
• PATH_TO_CERT is where you exported the certificate file.
For example:
keytool -import -alias sqld1 -keystore D:\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\security
\cacerts -file D:\mycert.cer
Chapter 6
REST Data Services Connection: Remove Connection
cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/
Chapter 6
RESTful Services Wizard (Auto-Enable REST Access)
Related Topics
• Oracle REST Data Services Administration
Chapter 6
RESTful Services Wizard and Object Dialog Boxes
Only in REST Development, you can create the resource handler using the
wizard. In Connections navigator, you need to right-click the template name
and select Add Handler to create the resource handler.
Chapter 6
RESTful Services Wizard and Object Dialog Boxes
• Resource Template
• Resource Handler
• RESTful Summary
After creating a resource module through the REST Development pane, you
can upload it, which updates the RESTFUL Services definition on the
Chapter 6
RESTful Services Wizard and Object Dialog Boxes
HTTP Entity Tag (ETag): Identifies the type of entity tag to be used by the resource
template. An entity tag is an HTTP Header that acts as a version identifier for a
resource. Use entity tag headers to avoid retrieving previously retrieved resources and
to perform optimistic locking when updating resources. Options include:
• Secure HASH (default): The contents of the returned resource representation are
hashed using a secure digest function to provide a unique fingerprint for a given
resource version.
• Query: Manually define a query that uniquely identifies a resource version. A
manually defined query can often generate an entity tag more efficiently than
hashing the entire resource representation.
• None: Do not generate an entity tag.
Chapter 6
RESTful Services Connection
Pagination Size (GET handler): Default pagination size for the module's resource
templates: size of the pagination window, or the number of rows to return for a
database query.
MIME Types (PUT and POST handlers): Content types.
When the handler is added through the REST Data Services node in the
Connections navigator, the Save REST Handler icon appears in the SQL
Worksheet toolbar. Click this icon to save the RESTful Services
definition directly to the database.
Chapter 6
RESTful Services Privilege
Schema or Workspace: If you are using Oracle REST Data Service RESTful
services, specify the schema alias. If you are using Oracle Application Express
RESTful services, specify the Application Express workspace to which the user is
Related Topics
• REST Development
Chapter 6
Cannot Capture Table
Select Current Repository: Name of the database connection with the migration
repository to be used for all operations relating to migrating third-party databases to
Chapter 6
Create/Edit Breakpoint
Parameters: List of each parameter for the specified target. The mode of each
parameter can be IN (the value is passed in), OUT (the value is returned, or IN/OUT
(the value is passed in, and the result of the function or procedure's action is stored in
the parameter).
PL/SQL Block: A block of PL/SQL code created by SQL Developer. You should
change the formal IN and IN/OUT parameter specifications in this block to actual
values that you want to use for running or debugging the function or procedure.
For example, to specify 10 as the value for an input parameter named in_rating,
change IN_RATING => IN_RATING to IN_RATING => 10.
When you click OK, SQL Developer runs the function or procedure.
If you are debugging a function or procedure, the debugging toolbar and one or more
windows for debug-related information are displayed.
Related Topics
• Using the PL/SQL Hierarchical Profiler
• Running and Debugging Functions and Procedures
• Debug a PL/SQL Procedure
Thread Options: You can specify whether the breakpoint occurs for all threads, or
only when the breakpoint is hit by threads that either do or do not have a specified
Pass Count: The number of times the debugger should allow execution to pass over
the breakpoint before the breakpoint occurs.
Chapter 6
Save/Save As, or Select File
Encoding (for Save Tool Configuration): Character set used for encoding of the XML
Open Cart (for Open Tool Configuration): Location and name of the XML file
containing settings to be used as default values for this use of the dialog box.
Chapter 6
Save Files
Chapter 6
Set Data Mapping
Chapter 6
Set Pause Continue
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
6.228.1 Types
(The page title is Types to Diff, Types to Export, or Object Types.)
Check the types of objects that you want to be included in the operation. You can click
Toggle All to check and uncheck all individual types.
You must select at least one object type.
Chapter 6
Sign In (checking for updates)
Lookup: Click Lookup to display a list of objects that meet the selection criteria for the
selected connection. Use the arrow keys to move selected objects or all objects from
the available objects box to the selected objects box.
6.228.3 Data
(The page title is Specify Data or Table Data.)
You can limit the data for the operation by selecting objects in the same way as on the
Specify Objects page.
You can select the columns included in the operation by clicking the pencil icon in the
Columns cell. (Note: For an export operation involving CLOB columns, only the first 32
KB of any CLOB is exported.)
You can limit the rows in the operation by entering a valid WHERE clause for a query
on the table, without the WHERE keyword. For example, to restrict the data to rows
where a column named RATING contains a value greater than 5, specify rating > 5
and click Go to see the results of the query
6.228.4 Summary
(The page title is Summary, Copy Summary, Diff Summary, or Export Summary.)
You can review a hierarchical display of your specifications for the operation.
To go back and make any changes, click Back.
To perform the operation, click Finish.
Chapter 6
Save Snippet (User-Defined)
Navigation icons: First (<<) moves to the first record, Previous (<) moves to the
previous record, Next (>) moves to the next record, and Last (>) moves to the last
Apply: Applies changes made to the current data record.
Cancel: Cancels changes made to the current data record, and closes the box.
Chapter 6
Start Date, End Date, Repeat Interval, Comments (Scheduler)
Chapter 6
Subversion: Branch/Tag
The name and location are displayed for the project or set of files to which the patch
will be applied.
Patch Source: Specify where the patch will be obtained from: the system clipboard or
a file.
System Clipboard: Obtains the patch from the system clipboard.
File: Obtains the patch from a file. If you select this option, a suggested location and
name for the patch file is already entered in the text box. You can change this by
typing a new location and name into the box, or by using the Browse button to find a
new location
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Subversion: Commit Resources
if you want to incorporate into your local copies changes that other developers have
committed to the Subversion repository, you update them.
Destination: Directory or folder into which to place the checked out files. If this
destination is not empty, a warning message will be displayed asking if you are sure
you want to check out into this directory. (Attempting to check out files into a non-
empty destination might reflect a mistake in specifying the destination, or it might be
your intention.)
Use Revision: If this option is checked, the revision you specify in the text box is
used. To see the available revisions, click the binoculars icon.
Depth: The level of recursion for selecting files to be checked out, from Infinity (all
children at all levels under the selected item in the Versioning browser hierarchy)
through Empty (only this item and no children).
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Subversion: Confirm Checkout
Keep Locks: Retains the locks that you previously obtained on the files that you are
about to commit. This will mean that other developers will still not be able to commit
changes they may have made to the files.
Comments: Comments to accompany the commit action. You will later be able to see
these comments when viewing the list of versions of a particular file.
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
• Native: The file system type being used by the operating system.
• Berkeley DB: Causes a Berkeley DB database to be used as the data storage
Connection Name: Name for this connection. If you leave this box blank, the
connection will be given a name based on the URL of the repository location.
Chapter 6
Subversion: Create/Edit Subversion Connection
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Subversion: Export Files
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Subversion: Import to Subversion
6.252.1 Destination
Use to identify the Subversion repository, and directory within the repository, where
the imported files will be stored.
Repository Connection: The connection for the Subversion repository in which you
want to store the imported files.
Path: The directory within the Subversion repository for storing the imported files.
6.252.2 Source
Source Directory: The directory containing the source files that you want to import
into Subversion. Initially contains a path based on the item that was selected when you
launched the wizard.
Comments: Comment text to accompany the imported files. The comments are
recorded with the files in the Subversion repository and will be viewable with the
version history of the files. You must enter some comment text; otherwise, an error will
occur when you click Finish to attempt to perform the import operation.
6.252.3 Filters
Filters that will be applied to the import operation. If you do not want one or more of
the filters to be applied, move them from Selected Filters to Available Filters using the
left arrow keys. If necessary, you can use the right arrow keys to move filters from
Available Filters to Selected Filters.
New: Displays a dialog box in which you can create a new filter that will be applied to
the import operation. New filters are added to the Selected Filters list.
6.252.4 Options
You can configure options specific to the import operation.
Do Not Recurse: If this option is enabled, it prevents files being imported from
directories subordinate to the one you identified on the Source page.
Perform Checkout : If this option is enabled, the imported source files will be checked
out after import.
Chapter 6
Subversion: Lock Resources
6.252.5 Summary
Displays the selected options for the import operation. To make any changes, click
Back. To perform the operation, click Finish.
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Subversion: Pending Changes
Chapter 6
Subversion: Properties
Chapter 6
Subversion: Switch
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Subversion: Update Working Copy
Recursive: Deselect if you do not want the update operation to recurse into child
objects of those selected.
Related Topics
• Using Versioning
Chapter 6
Unable to Open File
Chapter 6
Unit Testing: Add Data Type
Related Topics
• Using Lookups to Simplify Unit Test Creation
• SQL Developer: Unit Testing
Chapter 6
Unit Testing: Copy or Rename Unit Test
Run Test Teardowns: If this option is checked, the teardown action defined for each
specified test or suite is run when the suite is run.
Any startup and teardown actions for a test are specified when you create the unit test.
Related Topics
• SQL Developer: Unit Testing
• Unit Testing: Create Unit Test
Chapter 6
Unit Testing: Create Unit Test
• You want to create copies of the entire table or specific rows that will be modified
by the test, so that you can restore the original values later during teardown.
• You want to perform some special operations before the test is run.
None: Perform no startup action.
Row Copy: Copy rows from a specified table. You will be asked to specify the table
and q query for selecting the rows.
Table Copy: Copy a specified table. You will be asked to specify the table. For
example, you might want to copy the EMPLOYEES table to a table named
User PL/SQL Code: Run a script. You will be asked to specify the script file.
For all validation action options except None, you will be prompted to specify the
required information.
To add a validation action for a test case, click the Add (+) icon; to delete a validation
action for a test case, select it and click the Remove (X) icon.
None: Perform no validation action.
Boolean function: Validation succeeds if Boolean TRUE is returned by the specified
Query returning no row(s): Validation succeeds if the specified query returns no
Query returning row(s): Validation succeeds if the specified query returns one or
more rows that satisfy the specified query.
Result Set Compare: Validation succeeds if the results returned by the specified
query match the values that you specify.
Table Compare: Validation succeeds if the target table (the table modified by the test
case) is identical to the specified table.
Chapter 6
Unit Testing: Manage Users
User PL/SQL Code: Validation succeeds if the specified script runs successfully.
6.277.7 Summary
Displays the selected options. To make any changes, click Back. To perform the
operation, click Finish.'
Related Topics
• SQL Developer: Unit Testing
Chapter 6
Unit Testing: Result of Operation
Chapter 6
Unplug Pluggable Database
Chapter 6
View Whole Value
6.286 Windows
This dialog box is displayed if you right-click the tab for a window in the display area of
the SQL Developer main window.
Windows: A list of the windows in the display area.
Activate: Makes active (switches focus to) the selected window.
Close: Closes the selected window.
Symbols autotrace
Autotrace pane, 1-47
.trc files, 1-39 preferences for, 1-102
AWR (Automated Workload Repository) reports,
abstract syntax tree (AST), 1-115 B
accelerator (shortcut) keys, 1-120
for menus, 1-4 bequeath connection type, 6-16
Active Session History (ASH) reports, 1-88 Berkeley DB
advanced formatting options, 1-101 data storage for Subversion repository, 6-165
Advanced Security for JDBC connection, 1-31 bind variables
analyzing tables, 1-22 for reports, 1-87
application saving to disk on exit, 1-112
deploying (Application Express), 6-95 blogs
importing (Application Express), 6-95 SQL Developer, 1-134
Application Express border color associated with connection, 6-15
applications, 1-13 breakpoints
deploying an application, 6-95 creating and editing, 6-155
importing an application, 6-95
Publish to Apex option, 1-34
refactor in bulk command, 1-13
starting and stopping EPG (embedded cache groups, 1-14
PL/SQL gateway), 1-14 cart
applications command-line interface, 1-128
Application Express, 1-13 Cart (SQL Developer), 1-70
Apply Filter case insensitivity for queries
to display of objects, 1-3, 6-110 setting, 2-25
ASH (Active Session History) reports, 1-88 CDB
associations definition, 1-19
file types, 6-8 chains (Scheduler), 1-14
AST (abstract syntax tree), 1-115 creating and editing, 6-14
authentication Change case as you type
Kerberos, 6-16 completion insight option, 1-98
Database Advanced Parameters, 1-103 charts
OS (operating system), 6-16 user-defined report example, 1-93
auto-detect formatter settings, 1-101 check constraints, 6-57
auto-enabling RESTful services, 6-148 Check for Updates feature, 6-4
Auto-Generated connections folder, 1-29 CLOBtoBLOB_sqldeveloper stored procedure,
autocommit 1-115
preference for database connections, 1-103 close all SQL Worksheets automatically on
autocomplete preferences, 1-99 disconnect
autogenerated connections, 1-29 preference for database connections, 1-102
Automated Workload Repository (AWR) reports, clustered primary keys (Sybase)
clustered primary keys (Sybase) (continued) Create Local Connections command, 1-29
generating as Oracle index-organized tables, Create Unit Test wizard, 6-176
1-115 create users option (migration generation
clustered unique indexes (Sybase) options), 1-115
generating as Oracle index-organized tables, credentials (Scheduler), 1-15
1-115 creating and editing, 6-14
coalescing an index, 1-17 crossedition triggers, 1-25
code coverage customizing SQL Developer
gathering and viewing statistics, 4-6 setting preferences, 1-95
code fragments, 1-51 CVS (Concurrent Versions System)
code insight (completion insight), 1-99 preferences for, 1-123
column sequences, 6-60 SQL Developer support for, 1-54
decrypting, 1-22
encrypting, 1-22
normalizing column data, 1-22 data
command line interface to SQL Developer, 1-128 entering and modifying, 1-34
command-line interface, 1-128 Data Modeler
Compact option for shrinking a table, 1-22 included in SQL Developer, 1-129
compiling data move
function, 1-16, 1-20 number of parallel streams, 1-116
for debug, 1-16, 1-20 options, 1-115
view, 1-26 Data Pump Export wizard, 6-84
completion Data Pump Import wizard, 6-87
SQL Developer preferences, 1-99 data redaction, 1-22
completion insight, 1-99 data types
compound triggers, 1-119 creating, 6-71
configuring, 2-15 database administrator (DBA) features in SQL
third-party databases, 2-14 Developer, 1-55
configuring file type associations, 6-8 database connections, 6-21
connection color, 6-15 creating, editing, or selecting, 6-15
connections explanation, 1-28
creating, editing, or selecting, 6-15 Hive, 6-19
explanation, 1-28 IBM DB2, 6-19
Hive, 6-19 JDBC, 6-20
IBM DB2, 6-19 Microsoft SQL Server, 6-21
JDBC, 6-20 MySQL, 6-20
Microsoft SQL Server, 6-21 Oracle Database, 6-16
MySQL, 6-20 Oracle TimesTen, 6-18
Oracle Database, 6-16 PostgreSQL, 6-20
Oracle TimesTen, 6-18 Sybase Adaptive Server, 6-21
PostgreSQL, 6-20 Teradata, 6-21
separate unshared connection preference, database destination groups (Scheduler), 1-15
1-112 creating and editing, 6-37
separate unshared worksheet for, 1-30, 1-42 database destinations (Scheduler), 1-15
Sybase Adaptive Server, 6-21 creating and editing, 6-37
Teradata, 6-21 database instance viewer
using folders to group, 1-30 preferences, 1-104
constraints database links, 1-15
check, 6-57 creating or editing, 6-38
disabled, 1-91 database objects, 1-13
unique, 6-56 exporting, 6-92
converted model finding (searching for), 1-52
correcting errors in, 2-19 recent, 1-54
creating and customizing, 2-19 unloadiing, 6-92
Reset Password menu command, 1-30 SerDe class (Hive tables), 6-66
resource handler, 3-13 sessions
creating, 6-151 monitoring, 1-7
resource module, 3-13 SetJavaHome line in product.conf file, 1-128
resource template, 3-13 shared reports, 1-86
creating, 6-150 shared repository, 4-4
REST Data Services administration, 3-1 shortcut keys, 1-120
RESTful service module for menus, 1-4
creating, 6-150 restoring to default scheme, 1-120
RESTful services shrinking a table, 1-22
auto-enabling for schema, table, or view, single record view, 6-160
6-148 size of help text
roles increasing or decreasing, 1-130
creating and editing, 6-49 snippets, 1-51
required for migration, 2-13 user-defined, 1-52
route pattern, 3-13 source database
running PL/SQL function or procedure, 1-36 capturing, 2-17
dialog box, 6-154 source schema
database schema differences, 6-90, 6-98
spaces in object names
S quotation marks required, 6-1
scheduler Spatial support
using in SQL Developer, 1-69 Maintain Spatial Metadata dialog box, 6-131
schedules (Scheduler), 1-22 Validate Geometry dialog box, 6-180
creating and editing, 6-50 special characters in object names
scheduling jobs in SQL Developer, 1-69 quotation marks required, 6-1
schema split
XML, 1-27, 6-83 data pane for a table or view, 1-35
Schema Browser, 1-29 SQL
schema differences monitoring execution, 1-7
differences between two database schemas, SQL Developer preferences, 1-95
6-90, 6-98 SQL file
schema documentation creating, 6-51
generating, 1-30 SQL formatting
schema objects, 1-13 command-line interface, 1-49, 1-128
schema statistics SQL scripts
gathering, 1-29 running, 1-46
scratch editor, 2-35 SQL Server
script runner, 1-46 configuring, 2-15
scripts creating data files, 2-20
running, 1-46 third-party JDBC drivers, 1-102
search SQL Server connections, 6-21
for database objects, 1-52 SQL Trace files (.trc), 1-39
Secure Shell (SSH) SQL Worksheet
authentication, 1-33 closing automatically on disconnect, 1-102
connections, 1-33 entering OLAP DML statements, 1-51
security opening automatically on database
Advanced Security for JDBC connection, connection, 1-112
1-31 unshared for a connection, 1-30, 1-42
SELECT clause, 6-80 using, 1-42
Semantic Analysis Info Tip SSH
enabling, 1-98 authentication, 1-33
sequences, 1-22 connections, 1-33
creating and editing, 6-50 Start Page for SQL Developer, 1-134
for populating table columns, 6-60 statistics