The document contains log messages from a Bluetooth service running on an Android device. It records information about Bluetooth audio playback and connection status. Several key events are noted:
- The Bluetooth audio service starts and stops playback multiple times, connecting to and disconnecting from devices.
- Each time playback starts or stops, it logs the active peer index and codec configuration details.
- It also logs errors or invalid values related to call history and device properties when checking playback status.
- Network performance details like packet transmission and reception counts are periodically logged from the Bluetooth network process.
The document contains log messages from a Bluetooth service running on an Android device. It records information about Bluetooth audio playback and connection status. Several key events are noted:
- The Bluetooth audio service starts and stops playback multiple times, connecting to and disconnecting from devices.
- Each time playback starts or stops, it logs the active peer index and codec configuration details.
- It also logs errors or invalid values related to call history and device properties when checking playback status.
- Network performance details like packet transmission and reception counts are periodically logged from the Bluetooth network process.
The document contains log messages from a Bluetooth service running on an Android device. It records information about Bluetooth audio playback and connection status. Several key events are noted:
- The Bluetooth audio service starts and stops playback multiple times, connecting to and disconnecting from devices.
- Each time playback starts or stops, it logs the active peer index and codec configuration details.
- It also logs errors or invalid values related to call history and device properties when checking playback status.
- Network performance details like packet transmission and reception counts are periodically logged from the Bluetooth network process.
The document contains log messages from a Bluetooth service running on an Android device. It records information about Bluetooth audio playback and connection status. Several key events are noted:
- The Bluetooth audio service starts and stops playback multiple times, connecting to and disconnecting from devices.
- Each time playback starts or stops, it logs the active peer index and codec configuration details.
- It also logs errors or invalid values related to call history and device properties when checking playback status.
- Network performance details like packet transmission and reception counts are periodically logged from the Bluetooth network process.