My Country, Poland
My Country, Poland
My Country, Poland
Basic Informations
❖ Population: about 40 millions
National symbols
❖ Currency: zlotys (zl) - 1 grosz = 1𝑜𝑜
❖ Hymn – the hymn of
zloty, 1 USD is around 3,75 zlotys Poland is called
❖ Political system: democration „Mazurek
Dąbrowskiego”. It was
❖ Poland joined EU on 1𝑠𝑡 of May written in 1797 by Józef
2004. Wybicki.
❖ Flag – the flag of
Language Poland is a white and
In Poland we use polish – it’s one of red rectangle.
the hardest languages in the world! ❖ Emblem – the emblem
Polish belongs to a group of Slavic of Poland is a white
languages. It has 32 letters in the eagle on red
alphabet and has some special background with gold
letters, like ą, ę, ó, ł, ć, ń, ś, ż and ź. crown on its head.
Geographical Features & Weather
Poland has 312 000 𝑘𝑚2 , and 91% of it are
lowlands. On the South there are mountains –
the highest pick is Rysy (2 503 m. a.s.l.) in
mountain chain Tatry. On the North there is
Baltic Sea. A land full of lakes, called Masuria,
is placed on North-East. On the East there is
Bialowieza Forest – the oldest forest in Europe.
The longest river of Poland is Vistula – it’s 1 047
km long, and it goes through the biggest cities,
like Cracow, Warsaw and Gdansk.