Post Covid 19 Mucoromycosis of Mandible
Post Covid 19 Mucoromycosis of Mandible
Post Covid 19 Mucoromycosis of Mandible
Corresponding Author: Dr. Yamuna Rani, ijdsir, Volume – 5 Issue - 2, Page No. 411 - 415
Dr. Yamuna Rani, et al. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR)
mandible + B/L FESS + Septoplasty’s under GA. infections, which are increasingly being recognized in
view of their impact on morbidity and mortality.3
Given the mortality rate of both COVID-19 and addition to zinc supplementation being a fungal growth
mucormycosis we must pay heed to diagnose this fungal promoter.6
infection at initial stage. It is recommended that post For any patient who received oxygen support during
COVID-19 patients are enquired about having any their hospital stay, it becomes essential to observe any
dental problems and any patients with symptoms must black pigmentation in their nostrils or mouth. Even the
be treated on urgent basis.4 slightest colour change or pigmentation should be
There are specific pathophysiologic features of COVID- reported immediately without neglect. Sanitization of the
19 that may permit secondary fungal infections, oxygen supply system in hospitals is also an area of
including a propensity to cause extensive pulmonary concern.7
disease & the subsequent alveolo-interstitial pathology The health ministry in its advisory has instructed the
that may enhance the risk of invasive fungal infections, hospitals to provide a pamphlet of mucormycosis related
second the immune dysregulation associated with symptoms, cure and preventive measures along with the
C0VID-19 with reduced numbers of T lymphocytes, discharge papers (ICMR,2021).7
CD4 +T & CD8+T cells may alter innate immunity.3 In the case of hospitalised COVID-19 patients,
Hyperglycaemia stimulates fungal proliferation and the especially aging people and those with severe symptoms
diabetic reduction in chemotaxis and phagocytic who require a ventilator, corticosteroids are given in an
efficiency permit these otherwise innocuous organisms attempt to alleviate some of the symptoms. However,
to thrive in acid-rich environment.1 Diabetic patients steroids are known to lower immunity and raise blood
have impaired defence mechanism along with increased sugar levels, and they tend to increase clotting factors
level of iron in tissues. Iron free environment is essential and fibrinogen concentrations in patients.
for proper innate and acquired immune response. Any This situation provides an opportunity for pathogens to
excess of iron (iron overload) would lead to direct evade the human immune system and infect the host.
damage to natural Défense system & an increase in According to a recent study, the number of cases of
fungal virulence. mucormycosis (also known as zygomycosis, black
The National Institute of health recommended the use of fungus) have increased in COVID-19 patients who are
dexamethasone (6mg/day for a maximum of 10 days) in either hospitalised or have recovered.
patients who are ventilated or require supplemental It is a potentially lethal infection occurring primarily in
oxygen but not in milder cases. The guidelines immunocompromised patients particularly in those with
specifically mention the risk of developing a secondary diabetes mellitus.6
infection.3 Timely intervention and recognising the fatal infection at
There are several hypotheses as to what else may an early stage will potentially reduce the mortality and
contribute to mucormycosis infections. Some are morbidity rate in mucormycosis cases.
unlikely, such as the use of industrial oxygen or Conclusion
ventilation systems, age-related immune complications It is imperative for health professionals to be on the
and non-sterile water, whilst others believe that steam lookout for mucormycosis in COVID-19 patients,
inhalation may play a role by impacting the mucosa, in particularly those with diabetes, aging people, and those