Revamps: Supplement To PTQ

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Supplement to PTQ

cover.indd 1 15/09/2014 13:21


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emcor.indd 1 1 6/2/14 9:5916:19
11/09/2014 AM
ptq revamps

Chris Cunningham
3 Maximising energy efficiency in grassroots designs
Production Editor
Rachel Storry
Tim Shire, Andrew Hoyle and Mike Rutkowski KBC
Graphics Editor
Rob Fris 19 Increasing distillate production at zero capital cost
Joe Musumeci, Steven W Stupin, Stephanie Schlosser
tel +44 844 5888 773 and Thomas Scholten
fax +44 844 5888 667
Ascent Engineering
Business Development Director
Paul Mason 31 Laser scanning for revamps
Advertising Sales Office Gary Farrow
tel +44 844 5888 771
fax +44 844 5888 662 AVEVA

Nic Allen 35 Revamping heat exchanger tubing
Eduardo Perea
Jacki Watts
Sandvik Materials Technology
Louise Shaw
45 Estimating bitumen viscosity for revamps
Crambeth Allen Publishing Ltd
Hopesay, Craven Arms SY7 8HD, UK Tek Sutikno and Carlos Mesta
tel +44 844 5888 776 Fluor Enterprises
fax +44 844 5888 667

51 Options for CO2 capture from SMR

Goutam Shahani
Linde Engineering North America
Christine Kandziora
Linde Clean Energy and Innovation Management

ExxonMobil’s refinery in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Photo: ExxonMobil

©2014. The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright full details of which are available from the publishers. All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
The opinions and views expressed by the authors in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher and while every care
has been taken in the preparation of all material included in Petroleum Technology Quarterly the publisher cannot be held responsible for any
statements, opinions or views or for any inaccuracies.

contents copy.indd 1 15/09/2014 12:53


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Maximising energy efficiency in
grassroots designs
A novel approach is required to achieve the full potential for energy
performance of new plants



nergy is the largest controllable champion to challenge ‘cut and designing plants. Even though an
operating cost in refineries and paste’ designs and make sure that operating company may have
petrochemical plants. In recent the whole plant is optimised, not corporate commitments to improve
years, energy costs have diverged just the constituent parts energy performance, energy effi-
between the US and the rest of the • Optimising earlier in the project ciency is typically considered to be
world. In the US, cheap shale gas at lifecycle to make improvements less important than other design
$5/million Btu or less has led to a without causing delay, and using factors, such as process safety,
renaissance in the hydrocarbon energy optimisation tools and environmental features, reliability,
processing industries. models to speed up decision operability, capital costs and
In China, India and the Middle making, facilitating more rapid scheduling. In addition, many
East, aspirations to grow the indus- conclusions later in the project companies simply do not have
try are now challenged by the • Conducting global, integrated enough in-house expertise to opti-
resurgence of the US. In regions optimisation, such that when capi- mise energy performance. To
outside the US, achieving high tal is spent to reduce energy produce an energy efficient design,
levels of energy efficiency is now consumption in one place, capital is energy optimisation must be
strategically vital to ensure long- started during the conceptual stage
term competitiveness. Fear of additional of the project when it is possible to
It has long been known that the make the biggest improvements to
energy efficient design of grassroots project costs or the efficiency of the design at
facilities is more capital efficient minimal cost. In general, a project
than attempting to retrofit existing delays means the manager never receives praise for
plants. Therefore, capital projects spending more money, even
should be a major focus area for
energy efficiency of though investment in energy effi-
corporations attempting to reduce ciency makes strong economic
energy use.
new plants is often sense.
However, fear of additional disappointing Within a typical major capital
project costs or delays means the project team, there are several
energy efficiency of new plants is stakeholders, each playing a differ-
often disappointing, with improve- saved in the energy delivery system ent role with a different focus:
ment ideas either not identified or (such as utilities) elsewhere. • Process licensors are responsible
not implemented. These missed We outline how, in practical for the performance of their
opportunities stem from the typical terms, asset owners can do things licensed units. Usually, their main
approach and timing used for differently to allow energy optimi- focus and performance guarantees
energy optimisation, where the sation to take place. Case studies are on the process performance.
following three obstacles conspire are also presented showing how Any performance guarantee on
to thwart most energy improve- energy and capital costs can be energy is based on figures the licen-
ment opportunities: reduced simultaneously, whilst sors themselves provided at the bid
• Obstacle 1: Incentives speeding up design decisions stage. Licensors do not generally
• Obstacle 2: The timing trap through smart application of the receive any incentive for energy
• Obstacle 3: Integration gaps. right tools at the right time. optimisation once they have been
This article suggests strategies to selected
overcome these obstacles. The Optimising energy efficiency during • Engineering procurement
suggested strategies include: the project lifecycle construction (EPC) contractors are
• Setting up the project team struc- Challenge 1: Incentives responsible for timely completion
ture and incentives differently, A project design team has to of designs and overall costs.
including an independent energy consider multiple factors when Though EPCs are often tasked with Revamps 2014 3

kbc.indd 1 11/09/2014 17:08

Challenge 2: The optimisation
Concept Feasibility Feed Engineering Commissioning timing trap
Procurement and startup Powerful analytical optimisation
Construction techniques such as pinch analysis,
±50% ±30% ±10%
Project cost total site and utility optimisation
estimate require good input data. However,
Engineering Cost of
0-5% 5-10% 10-15% cost design once detailed data are available, it
changes is typically too late to make big
Up to 30% project changes to the design, and even
cost reduction potential
small changes can affect the sched-
ule and project costs.
This leads to a seemingly intracta-
ble dilemma:
• Early optimisation, before FEED
begins, offers large benefits, but
Figure 1 Cost of changes vs impact over a project lifecycle lack of data means it is difficult to
start optimisation, which relies on
optimising energy, their work is • Practising robust licensor selec- robust data
minimised if design changes are tion that accurately values the • Late optimisation, during FEED,
avoided, and so they have a strong impact of energy efficiency when offers smaller benefits, and high
incentive to block proposed energy compared to other licensor costs of making changes with the
optimisation. strengths and weaknesses, in addi- impact of delays, which means the
• Owners are responsible for the tion to process yields and reliability energy benefits are lost when other
overall project spend and are held • Appointing an independent project penalties are considered.
accountable for cost and schedule energy optimisation champion to This dilemma results in energy
over-runs at front end engineering conduct the optimisation and to optimisation being limited to a few
design (FEED) or EPC. Though push all parties to consider incremental improvements late in
owners stand to gain the most improvements at the most appro- the project with major opportunities
from energy efficiency, their priate time being identified too late to be incor-
project key performance indicators • Managing the costs of energy porated in the design. Therefore,
(KPIs) mean that anything requir- optimisation by: the energy performance of new
ing re-working, additional designs is often disappointing.
engineering or a capital spend Operating companies are faced
must be avoided.
Powerful analytical with the following challenge: how
In this environment, with a fear
of causing delays and increasing
optimisation can we optimise the energy perfor-
mance of our new facility (1)
costs, none of the stakeholders has techniques such without full detailed data, (2) with-
a strong enough incentive to try out delaying the project and (3) at
and make major energy savings. as pinch analysis, minimal additional cost?
Even when an owner makes KBC has successfully optimised
energy efficiency a priority, energy total site and utility the energy efficiency of new
is not optimised because the designs, while satisfying these three
contractor and process licensor are optimisation require challenges, by adopting a different
not aligned with the owner. The philosophy. We advocate the
resulting tendency is to make
good input data following:
energy optimisation a ‘check-the- • Carry out the first round of opti-
box’ exercise by utilising the ■ Making sure budgets and misation in the conceptual or
energy optimisation philosophy contracts allow for energy optimi- feasibility stage, providing results
from ‘last time’ rather than an sation to be carried out at the before the licensor process design
in-depth analysis. More often than appropriate times, and ensuring package (PDP) begins, capturing
not, the end result is moderate EPCs and licensors are compen- improvements on the first iteration
energy efficiency performance sated for incorporating the energy • Use simulation tools, process
from features that can be generi- saving opportunities where expertise and past experience to
cally applied. The opportunities required estimate what the designs will look
identified are process unit-specific ■ Keeping a focus on savings like, and conceptually evaluate
while synergies between process which have no net cost or which potential improvements before the
units and the utility network are allow utility system costs to be final data are available.
often overlooked. reduced (or equipment eliminated). Quite often, the only information
These constraints can be over- Overall, this means the energy available may be a licensor’s bid
come by making the following improvements do not increase the package (LBP), which includes an
changes to project methodologies: project budget. often generic, rather than site

4 Revamps 2014

kbc.indd 2 11/09/2014 17:08

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aveva.indd 1 15/09/2014 12:39
specific, process flow diagram
(PFD) with only a basic heat and
Concept Feasibility Feed EPC Commissioning
material balance. However, KBC is and startup
able to draw on its own process
expertise, simulation tools and LP model
Licensor bids
methodology to capture improve-
Licensor PDP
ments very early on in the project
Utility design
Site-wide flowsheet
Process simulators, such as KBC’s
Pinch analysis
Petro-SIM, can be used to develop Energy
Implement energy ideas
a plant-wide flowsheet and corre- workshop
sponding heat and material balance
at the feasibility stage. Process
knowledge from past plants and Figure 2 Typical timing of energy optimisation
designs is used to ‘patch up’ any
missing information, challenging and extraction to give the best fit ments within the unit, while still
the industry’s tendency to ‘cut and with the overall steam balance) possible, are often relatively
paste’ designs. This forms a ‘fit for • Total site recommendations for complex and expensive. However,
purpose’ process model, which can additional utilities, such as interme- typically there are relatively simple
be used as the basis for energy diate or low pressure steam ways to optimise the interfaces
optimisation work. headers, to allow units to be between process and utilities and
Although the precise process cross-integrated between units themselves.
flows and conditions are not yet • Equipment specifications: for key Optimising in this space requires
finalised and a final licensor is not equipment such as furnaces, knowledge of what’s going on
selected, in most practical situa- compressors, pumps, turbines and ‘outside the silo’. A simple example
tions, different licensors have fairly motors of this type of issue is in driver
similar process flowsheets, and the • Process operating conditions such selection. It is usually beneficial to
composition of process streams is as column conditions and specifica- use back pressure steam turbines
reasonably well defined. Therefore, tions for transfer between units to instead of condensing turbines.
energy improvement concepts achieve the global optimum. However, if every licensor installed
discovered at the feasibility stage of a back pressure turbine on every
the project are generally applicable Challenge 3: Integration gaps drive, it is likely that there would
later on, even if the exact size of the The third key challenge is that be too much low pressure extrac-
savings or revised equipment may major improvement potential is tion steam. The driver selection for
vary a little once detailed design is often not within the individual each piece of rotating equipment
done. process unit; instead it exists in requires an understanding of the
The outputs of these steps are potential synergies and integration overall steam balance, which is
then fed into the specifications for between units. outside the individual licensor’s
the licensor PDP (for instance a set Licensors have worked over the control. The situation becomes
of instructions for how the licensors years to optimise their individual more complex still when consid-
should design the plants). This process units and have reached a ered simultaneously with other
means the recommendations are state now where further improve- potential energy savings. The ques-
captured at the first iteration, elimi-
nating re-work as improvements
are designed-in from the beginning. Concept Feasibility Feed EPC Commissioning
Typical outputs fed into the PDP and startup
specifications include:
• Process design features such as LP model
Licensor bids
number of pumparounds on CDU
Licensor PDP
columns, hot separators on hydro- PDP spec. Energy discussions
treaters, dephlegmators in the cold part of Licensor Kick-Off,
optimisation optimisation

not a later workshop

end of the ethylene plant, column

Estimated Site-wide flowsheet

sequencing and heat pump flowsheet Pinch
potential Distillation Benchmarking
• Heat integration: suggested new review
heat integrations and exchanger

R-curve TotalSite New

approach temperatures Utility model & design elements
• Utilities: recommended driver
selection (for instance motor/
turbine and, for turbines, which
headers should be used for inlets Figure 3 Early optimisation timeline – key results before licensor PDP starts Revamps 2014 7

kbc.indd 3 11/09/2014 17:08

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tion becomes: if we implement a
major steam saving opportunity in 100
1 2 3 Region
one area of the plant, will there still 90
be enough steam demand to utilise 80

Cycle efficiency, %
the back pressure turbine outlets in 70
a different area of the plant?
This example is relatively easy to
resolve, as the choice of driver selec- 50
tion has little impact on the process 40
design. However, when more 30 + GT with unfired WHB
fundamental changes are consid- 20 + GT with fired WHB
ered, such as modifications of Current cycle efficiency
column conditions to use or gener- Target efficiency with GTs
ate a different level of steam, the 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
utilities optimisation must account
for the process performance. (Power/ Steam energy) ratio
There is once again a conflict.
Licensors do not have enough Region 1
information about the other units R ratio up to ~0.3
and utility system to make the right Optimum system boilers + backpressure turbines only
No gas turbines required
optimisation decisions on their
No condensing turbines
units, and typically, licensors are
not asked to change designs to Region 2
improve integration. R ratio up to ~1.5
This conflict can be resolved by a Optimum system gas turbines + duct fired HRSGs + backpressure turbines
No condensing turbines
combination of two factors:
• Site-wide optimisation tech- Region 3
niques, such as total site pinch and R ratio above ~1.5
R-curve analysis, applied early in Optimum system gas turbines, zero duct firing
the project lifecycle to help define a No boilers
Condensing turbines are necessary but should be minimised
consistent strategy across units
• A clearly defined overseer of site-
wide optimisation, supported by Figure 4 Example R-curve analysis
site-wide process and utility
models to allow quick and clear design. However, even with very required at a later stage in the
decision making. limited data, it is typically possible project, the model can be used to
to build a preliminary process rapidly assess the global impacts of
Optimisation timeline and simulation (estimated flowsheet) by any changes. Conventionally, all
techniques using process knowledge from past downstream licensors need to be
Overcoming these challenges plants to ‘patch up’ any missing consulted before the global impacts
requires a re-thinking of the tradi- information. Based on KBC’s expe- can be determined, which can take
tional project sequence. Figures 2 rience, the majority of the large a substantial amount of time with-
and 3 show the typical timeline for energy saving opportunities can be out a site-wide, rigorous model.
energy optimisation and a identified using this approach:
suggested timeline for early • Heat integration networks can be R-curve analysis
optimisation. optimised using pinch analysis The ideal utility system will gener-
• Utility demands can be extracted ate steam and power at optimum
Conceptual design phase into utility software (such as efficiency according to its heat and
At the conceptual design phase, ProSteam) to estimate and analyse power needs, using a combination
initial process simulation can be the fuel, power, steam and water of high pressure boilers, efficient
carried out, along with R-curve balances back pressure turbines and gas
analysis, to determine the outline • Distillation column operation and turbines. Depending on economics,
configuration of the utility system. sequencing can be improved it may be optimal to generate
• Trade-offs between energy and power on-site, import power or
Process simulation yield can be assessed. export power.
A heat and material balance is In addition to energy benefits, This can be initially optimised
essential for energy optimisation. this approach helps reduce risk in using the R-curve methodology to
Unfortunately, final heat and mate- the feasibility stage by providing a determine the maximum achievable
rial balances are often developed more accurate representation than (target) power generation efficiency
too late in the project lifecycle to an LP model and can flag up poten- for the site as a function of site
allow any major changes to the tial constraints early. If a change is power-to-heat ratio. Revamps 2014 9

kbc.indd 4 16/09/2014 11:55

cattec.indd 1 26/02/2013 16:59
By way of further explanation,
Figure 4 provides a measure and a Power
target for the efficiency of a utility import
VHP steam or
system as it converts fuel energy export
(Qfuel) into useful heat (Qheat) and BFW
power (W). Power
The shape of the R-curve comes fuel HP steam
from the fact that efficient produc-
tion of shaft work from fuel energy MP steam
requires a useful heat sink. An effi-
ciently integrated site uses the reject LP steam
heat from power generation in its
processes. The larger the heat
demand relative to power demand, Process Process Process
the more efficient the overall cogen-
eration becomes. This is represented Process Cooling
fuel water
by the following R-ratio:

R-ratio (power-to-heat ratio) = W / Qheat

Figure 5 The total site
This approach was initially
described by W F Kenney, (Energy steam if the steam is going to be based on past practice. Total site
Conservation in the Process Industry, vented elsewhere on the plant. analysis provides a rigorous basis
Academic Press, 1984). In addition to helping the engi- for selecting steam conditions to
The results of R-curve analysis neers understand the interactions maximise heat recovery and opti-
are: between the various utilities, the mise power generation in steam
• Power import vs self-generation model is used to assess the reliabil- turbines.
philosophy ity of the utility plant, evaluate The trend, in recent years, is to
• Types of power generation and opportunities, calculate the true find fewer energy saving opportu-
amount of each kind (eg, gas value of steam and identify unit nities within individual processes.
turbine power, back pressure constraints. However, more opportunities have
turbine power, condensing turbine been found by total site analysis.
power) Total site analysis Any overall site optimisation
• Number and size of key equip- Pinch analysis has been applied to should take into account many
ment such as boilers/turbines individual processes routinely since different, and sometimes conflict-
• Target utility fuel consumption. the early 1980s. The composite ing, parameters:
curves of the process define the • Optimum site-wide steam
Feasibility design phase minimum heating and cooling pressures
At the feasibility stage, a utility demands, while the grand compos- • Scope for local intermediate
model can begin to be developed, ite curve further illustrates how the headers
and total site analysis and a distilla- heating and cooling is best applied, • Inter-unit integration, either
tion review are carried out to help utility level by utility level. One of direct or via an intermediate utility
identify improvements. the many specific benefits of this • Cogeneration opportunities
technique is to identify the most • Availability of different units
Utility models appropriate temperature level and • The real cost of steam
Any process plant can be consid- type of heating utility for any • In-process improvement versus
ered a complex network of energy particular process. inter-process integration.
users and producers, whose inter- This approach works well for Total site pinch techniques
actions can have a profound impact individual process units, and provide the engineer with a power-
on the overall system performance. results in perfectly good solutions ful site overview with which to test
A utility model should be built in for individual processes. Single unit all the above possibilities. (see
parallel with process simulation, analysis, however, will not neces- Figure 6) Minimum energy
helping the design engineer to sarily identify the optimum demands for the whole site can be
understand the many interactions solution for a multi-process site. determined, but, more importantly,
between fuel, power, steam and Figure 5 highlights the interactions the technique allows choices to be
water. Another key purpose of the between fuel, steam and power on made between individual process
utility model is to make sure that a a process plant. optimisation and site infrastructure
process opportunity does not have In general, one of the most funda- improvements. In this way, site
a negative impact on the utility mental aspects of utility system improvements can be developed to
balance. For example, a process design, selection of steam pres- define an investment strategy for
should not generate low pressure sures, is done almost at random, the site. These techniques have Revamps 2014 11

kbc.indd 5 11/09/2014 17:09

315 t/h To
Efficiency: 88.0%
Fired duty: 246 MW
Max. rate: 550 t/h 3.5 t/h Blow
No. of boilers: 5 down
Boiler capacity: 110 t/h Net
322 t/h 270 t/h
70 t/h 270 t/h 252 t/h
New turbo Drivers and
generator turbo generator
140 t/h 21.4 MW
Generator 140 t/h
45 t/h 70 t/h Net

Flue gas 0 t/h Users 270 t/h 25 t/h 86 t/h 0 t/h

HPS 245 t/h
77 t/h 27 t/h
45ºC 245 t/h
W Steam
Make up

Power, steam & fuel + Utility infrastructure = Scope for savings

Figure 6 Application of total site pinch

been tried and tested by KBC in sions required, then extra capital context of the total site analysis.
over two hundred case studies with costs are incurred, which may Column pinch generates compos-
major international clients across make the difference between ite curves for each column, which
five continents. project success and failure. can be used to identify improve-
Usually, the savings identified in Avoiding or minimising this addi- ments. The example composite
the individual processes are tional expense is therefore very curve in Figure 7 shows a side
increased when considering them attractive. Total site analysis can reboiler could be added to a
in the total site context. From expe- often identify economical projects column, shifting a considerable
rience, total site targets show the on another part of the site, freeing duty from high pressure to medium
potential for reducing the energy up utility capacity for any new pressure steam. The ideas gener-
bill by 20-30% by practical projects. expansions. On the other hand, ated by column pinch can then be
Typically, 10-15% savings are because total site analysis also evaluated in detail using the
achievable within the current concentrates on individual units, process simulations.
economic investment criteria. bottlenecks can often be overcome There is a wide range of potential
Where significant changes to the by improved unit integration. column optimisations that can be
utility system are identified, such determined by systematic analysis,
as alterations to the size of gas Distillation review including:
turbines or boilers, the savings can One of the largest users of energy, • Pressure modifications: some-
increase to more than 30%. The across all processes, is in distilla- times lowering a pressure may
drive to carry out total site analysis tion. Distillation processes can be allow the reboiler to use a lower
is not, however, always directly optimised locally and globally and, pressure steam header, which could
associated with energy or emissions by carrying out a systematic be existing or newly identified
reduction. Other benefits, such as review, possible improvements can using total site analysis, or raising a
capital cost reduction in expansions be identified. pressure may allow the condenser
and unit debottlenecking, can be The key tools for analysing distil- to generate steam or be integrated
achieved with this technique. If lation are column pinch and elsewhere
there are associated utility expan- process simulation, used within the • Side reboilers and pumparounds

12 Revamps 2014

kbc.indd 6 11/09/2014 17:09

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to make use of heat at lower
250 temperatures and reject heat at
Bottom reboiler using
process heat, 25Gcal/h higher temperatures
Side reboiler using • Column sequencing: sometimes
Temperature, ºC 200 MP steam, 25Gcal/h
revisions to the standard sequence
can save energy, or allow other
modifications to be more effective.
For example, removing heavier
Increase pressure to raise
overhead temperature components first may allow the
100 second column to be integrated
• Dividing wall columns: to reduce
50 capital cost and energy use for suit-
−10 0 10 20 30 40 50 able sequences of columns
Enthalpy flow rate, Gcal/h • Heat pumps both from condenser
to reboiler of a single column or
Figure 7 Example composite curve for a distillation column from one column to another.
• Combinations of the above.
Some of this optimisation could
be done by the process licensor, but
Plant 1 Plant 2
150ºC 290ºC some modifications require an
5.0MW understanding of the general utili-
120ºC 40ºC 40ºC 240ºC ties and integration potential in
200ºC Storage
CW 12.5MW 90ºC order to identify the best overall
80ºC solution.
CW 3.1MW
FEED design stage
40ºC During the FEED stage, the final
changes resulting from the up-front
analysis should be agreed. Some of
Figure 8 Hot feed case study – base case the key activities in this phase are
brainstorming workshops, bench-
marking, unit pinch analysis and
Plant 1 Plant 2 equipment specifications.
150ºC 290ºC

120ºC 256ºC Brainstorming/workshops
CW 8.5MW 154ºC An energy workshop to brainstorm
ideas is a useful way of identifying
CW 7.1MW energy efficiency improvements.
Saving Energy efficiency experts, process
40ºC absorbed engineers, mechanical specialists
and operations personnel will be
gathered together to review the
Figure 9 Hot feed case study – opportunity case design and identify potential
energy saving opportunities.
Typically, this is done when heat
and material balances have been
Plant 1 Plant 2 Central Utilities developed, but, by this point, it is
often too late for the large energy
saving opportunities to be incorpo-
20t/h rated in the design. The ideal time
to have this workshop is at the
Steam 30t/h HP-LP
Reboiler generator kick-off to the licensor PDP design,
Cond. BFW before the design has even been
MP− pressure LP+ pressure
started. The pre-work carried out in
the simulations during the feasibil-
30t/h 5t/h ity stage helps provide useful input
10t/h to these discussions, as the energy
balances, constraints and opportu-
nities are known and these become
Figure 10 Eliminate low pressure steam vent – base case seeds for fruitful discussions.

14 Revamps 2014

kbc.indd 7 11/09/2014 17:10

Before attempting to improve the
Plant 1 Plant 2 Central Utilities
energy efficiency of a design, it is 10t/h
important to benchmark the current MP
energy performance. Essentially,
three questions need to be
answered: Steam 35t/h HP-LP
1. How efficient is the design? Reboiler generator turbines
2. What are the inefficiency gaps? Cond. BFW
3. How does my plant compare with MP− pressure LP+ pressure
regional and global competitors? Vent
KBC benchmarks the energy 35t/h 0t/h
performance of refineries, petro- LP
chemical and gas facilities using the
Best Technology (BT) methodology,
which is a ratio of existing energy Figure 11 Eliminate low pressure steam vent – opportunity case
consumption to KBC’s benchmark
energy consumption.
In grassroots designs, bench- 10.0MW Plant 1
marking should be seen as part of 100ºC 40ºC
the quality assurance procedure, CW
with a low BT index indicating that LP Central Utilities
the plant has been effectively opti-
mised and, where gaps still exist, Demin. 166t/h
the reasons are known and water
Pinch analysis 200t/h
Pinch technology is a rigorous,
structured approach that can be
used to tackle a wide range of Figure 12 Heat demin water – base case
process and site utility related
problems, such as reducing operat-
ing costs, debottlenecking Plant 1
processes, improving efficiency and 8.3MW 1.7MW
reducing and planning capital 100ºC 40ºC
investment. CW
Pinch analysis now has an estab- LP 83ºC Central Utilities
lished track record in energy
savings, water reduction and Demin. 20t/h
166t/h Saving
hydrogen system optimisation. 40ºC
Though pinch is well known, there
are still often substantial improve- BFW
ments that can be made by rigorous 186t/h

Equipment specifications Figure 13 Heat demin water – opportunity case

Once the heat and material balances
have been frozen, the contractor ate as efficiently as possible at ties identified by KBC pre-FEED.
will start detailed engineering. It is lower rates For each case, the design engineer
very important that energy efficient • Specification of high efficiency had optimised the energy efficiency
parameters are specified for process motors of the process units on a standalone
equipment, such as: • Ensuring furnaces are designed basis, but had not considered the
• Guidelines on overdesign of with controls to minimise stack optimisation in a site-wide context.
equipment: design factors can oxygen and recover the maximum
result in the overdesign of equip- amount of heat from the flue gas. Hot feed
ment and this can be compounded Plants 1 and 2 heat recovery
through the project lifecycle Case studies systems were designed using pinch
• Installation of variable speed Case study 1: Energy optimisation of techniques. However, following
drives (VSDs) where applicable a petrochemical facility in Asia total site analysis, a potential oppor-
• Assuring that compressors oper- The following are three opportuni- tunity was identified to hot feed the Revamps 2014 15

kbc.indd 8 11/09/2014 17:10

potential opportunity was identi-
1200 • Recover low grade heat (hot water VLPS) fied to use most of this heat to
(opex saving).
1000 • Replace small furnaces with steam use preheat demin water in the utility
(capex saving and improved efficiency).
plant (see Figure 13).
• Reduce HP and MP header pressures to Replace
Temperature, ºC
800 improve power generation potential. furnaces
• ... But potential hot water supply still with steam Case study 2: Total site analysis of a
600 exceeds demand. heaters
grassroots petrochemical complex
400 Generate A petrochemical company was
HWC, HW designing three new complexes
200 Reduce HP (Complex 1, 2 and 3). The energy
Utilise pressure? efficiency of each complex had been
0 HWC and Reduce MP
HW header
optimised on a standalone basis, but
pressure? total site analysis identified signifi-
−4000 −3000 −2000 −1000 0 1000 2000 cant site-wide opportunities. For
Enthalpy, GCal/h example, Complex 1 had significant
potential to supply very low pres-
Figure 14 Site-wide composite curves sure steam and hot water, but had
no demand for low grade heat,
while Complex 2 had a large
Optimising for energy improvements before the FEED stage demand for low grade heat, but
insufficient supply. Recovering heat
Technique Benefits and outcomes from one complex to another saved
Conceptual phase 280 million Btu/h of heat worth $17
Process simulation • More accurate LP vectors
R-Curve analysis • Utility cost predictions and sizing
million/yr and reduced the size of
• Driver selection and utility design philosophy the cooling towers. The site source
Feasibility phase sink profiles are shown in Figure 14.
Process simulation • Provides sound basis for further analysis Complex 2 was designed with a
• Faster design iterations/sensitivity checks
• Flags up optimisation and operability improvements
heat pump on the propylene split-
Total site analysis • Determines optimum site steam header pressures ter because, in isolation, the unit
• Determines potential for local new steam headers had a heat deficit and the heat from
• Potential new utilities (e.g. hot water, chilled water) the condenser could be used to
• Helps define utility strategy
Utility modelling • Optimises efficiency of new utilities
reboil the column. However, in an
• Minimises capital cost of new utilities integrated design, utilising hot
• Understanding the utility balances helps decision making on water from other units saved 6 MW
other energy opportunities of power and eliminated the need
• Defines driver selection for licensors
• Evaluates true global benefits of integration and optimisation
for the heat pump.
Distillation review • Improves column sequencing In summary, after completing the
• Modifies column conditions to allow better integration total site analysis, the plant was
• Identifies possible side reboilers and pumparounds able to reduce operating costs by
• Heat pumps (single column/column to column)
• Divided wall column opportunities
approximately $200 million/yr and
FEED phase reduce capital costs by more than
Brainstorming • Optimisation and improvement ideas $100 million.
Pinch analysis • Exchanger Network Optimisation within units
Benchmarking • Provides assurance of competitiveness of design before final
investment decision
Utility modelling • Manages trade-off between capital cost, energy efficiency and Experience shows that substantial
reliability, considering all operating scenarios (normal operation, energy savings can be achieved in
start-up, shutdown, major equipment failure, etc.) grassroots plants. However, it also
Equipment specifications • Ensures key equipment (motors, compressors, furnaces, etc.) is
illustrates that these benefits are
designed to Best Technology standards
usually missed due to the incen-
Table 1 tives of the project teams, a
shortage of in-house expertise, the
unit, saving 1.0 MW of fuel (see ated in Plant 2 to reboil a column in timing and sequence of the design
Figure 8 and 9). Plant 1, thus eliminating the low process and the fact that much of
pressure steam vent (see Figure 11). the improvements exist in the inte-
Eliminate low pressure steam vent gration and synergy between
In the preliminary design (see Figure Heat demin water using waste heat different plant areas, rather than in
10), there was an excess of 5 t/h of In the preliminary design (see specific process units or in specific
low pressure steam. However, Figure 12), a process stream in Plant items of equipment.
following total site analysis, a poten- 1 was cooled from 100°C to 40°C In this article, we outlined a
tial opportunity involved using the against cooling water. However, range of technologies and tools that
low pressure steam that was gener- following total site analysis a can be used to unlock the savings,

16 Revamps 2014

kbc.indd 9 11/09/2014 17:10

4 Sawarkar A, Joshi J, Pandit A, Kataria K,
and showed
Kulkarni K, Tandonthat D, Ram substantial
Y, Petroleumenergy residue project on schedule93.0 and flags up Andrew Hoyle is a Senior Energy Consultant
number via
upgrading ofwhich
APC applications
visbreaking: make a review, a Can andJ.
real, risks and constraints
Validating early. with KBC Advanced Technologies in Houston,
number FCC of C4 manipulated
yield led to higher varia- Ivelina Shishkova is R&D Department
Chem. Eng., 85, 2007,
production impact 1-24.on project IRR,
of increase,
alkylate, which which
Saving energy
Manager with Lukoil
92.5 the early
Training stages
Burgas. She
Today specialising
Regular A-92in the application of energy
can could
be achieved still
S, Ahmad A, An optimisation
without causing of a project Capacity
can (KBPD)
significantly efficiency improvement
Premium A-95 300
programmes for the

Prdicted viscosity
would produce
approach in the
for blowouts
increasing production
a significant
the delays. of
profit of2%ina
holds a MS in organic chemistry engineering
DMCplus applications oil, gas and petrochemical industries, including
more cost
premium grade orgasoline. change
and a PhDtoin the size
petroleum of utility
refining fromfacili-
Sofia Super A-98
commercial approaching
VGO hydrocracking
The key to achieving this is to or exceeding
process, Can.
ties, which APC score
can actually index
best practices benchmarking, gap analysis,
Chemical and250
Technological and Metallurgical
adopt of the
chem. Eng., 13,top
2013, performers.
1077-1091. pinch analysis,RVP engineer
= 60kPatraining and utility
a new approach and method- capital costs.
University, and has 220 more than 20
91.5authored 209

APC score index

6 Soufi H.Al, Savaya Z , Moahmmed H, Al- 200 200 system optimisation.
1% He holds a master’s
Owners 200

(Pace Setters)
References of optimisation, beginning technical who have applied
papers. this in process 186safety and a bachelor’s
ConclusionsI, Thermal conversion of heavy Iraqi 28% degree
the work earlier in the
residue, Fuel, 67, 1988, 1714-1715. N, Saka
1 Watanbe K, Nagai K, project
Aratani (wellY, methodology 91.0
Email: have frequently seen
in chemical engineering from University of
Chiyoda FEED)
N, the
in H, commitment
Techniques to get
for of
octane Rosen Dinkov150 is the Quality Manager in the
7 Krishna R, Kuchhal Y, Sarna G, Singh I, Sheffield, UK. Email:
Isab and
energy improvements
in FCC the
studies on Aghajari
20th Annual
long residue, Detailed modelling
Process Engineering 90.5 department of Lukoil 117
Tim Shire is a Senior Energy Consultant with
in Saudi-Japan
Fuel, the
67, first
379-383. ofDhahran,
1988,iteration the design.made
December a Neftohim Burgas. 100 His research interests
92 include 97
8 Table 17.
Carlo 1S.Di, at
summarises two J major
A, Guide
our approach
Janis B, Composition tosites.
and speeds up decision
crude oil characterisation,
fuels blends characterisation
and modelling91.0of
range of
76 He has worked

Catalytic Cracking, these Partsuccesses
1, 1993. proved 50 71%
for when different
visbreakability of petroleum tools should
residues, be
used, Adaptive
47, 1992,
and Process Control
the 2695-2700.
benefits that owners will making, which helps
refinery distillation processes.
in organic chemistry
He holds16Measured
a MS
at existing and grassroots
worldwide. He 8holds bachelor’s and
9 Benito A the M, way
Martinez new M Tapplications
, Fernandez I, 0
Chavdarov is a Chemical Engineer in
built and
J L, Visbreaking
Process applied
APC ofprofit sustained
an asphaltenic
Engineering department
of Lukoil
keep the project on
Figure 6 Comparison1of the measured
University and a PhD in the 2technology
fossil and synthetic fuels from the University
3 of 4 master’s
and predicted5dataAverage
degrees in Isab
from the University
chemical engineering
the viscosity of
of Cambridge, UK.
at Isab
residue, and
Fuel, 74,around
1995. the world. fuel oil
Neftohim optimisation
Burgas, Bulgaria. Histools
10 Del Bianco A, Panartili N, Anelli M, Beltrame
activitiesandare schedule
of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia.
Figure 6 Overall APC score: today
Email: 1%
focused on guidingdescribed the operation of
Carniti P, Thermal cracking of petroleum
in the this
units Email:
of the FCC complex, troubleshooting support visbreaking,
Vladimir Ind. Eng.
Jegorov is Chem.
the Sales 43, 2004.
Res., Development Reaction
Michael Engineering
Rutkowski Department,
is a Research
Partner, KBC
residues 1.will
Kinetichelp to
analysis manage factors energy savings of over 20%, with a Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), Tehran,
1 andHarmse M, Zheng
optimisation of Q,of
the reaction,
performance R,Fuel,
of the 14
Managerone for
G D,
in the Lukoil
CIS region.E, Gounaris
Prior to
refineries. He Consulting
in Italy, with KBC
where he Advanced
works withTechnologies
72, 1993, as
75-80. scheduling, operability, payback time Nunder one ofyear, the Iran. He holds a PhD in
FCC complex. Iterative Process for Maintaining APC C
E, Papayannakos
joining Grace,20heyears’
G, Modeling
was anexperience
FCC process engineer
refining, in Houston, He waschemical
oneprocess engineering
of the founders
11 Trauth
Applications D, -YasarandM, Process
Adaptive capital
Neurock costs.
M, Nasigam
Control, Aspen resulting
performance in
of an increase
industrial HDS inin overall
reactors using from
across Europe
Teknologi Malaysia.
Email: at the Mazheikiai refi nery in Lithuania. of Veritech
including Russian (Perm) and American and energy management. He has around 30 in 1993, which specialised in
A, Klein
Technology, M,
Dicho Stratiev and accurate,
Inc. is Chief Process Engineerresid
Kukes S, Asphaltene site-wide
and with aproject
neural of 1-3%. approach,
a fullto professor
This Chem.
Eng. Email:
rector energy Sadighis
efficiency and was acquired by KBC
(Houston) approaches refining management. years of field experience in advanced
2 Lukoil S,can
LodoloNeftohim ofbe
Harmse M,used
Burgas. Esposito
He to A,evaluate
holds Autuori
a MS Fuel
in those
of the companies
44, 2005,
Burgas University a distinct
505–515. ‘Assen heavy competi-
Zlatarov’. He in
2006. He has primarily
He holds five patents covering residue process control in the served in achemical
refining, business
Use Technol.
organic scenarios
Int., 10(7),
chemistry to and
engineering, model
1161-1179. PhDthe
and and tive
conversion in J,the
processes, byscience
delayeddepartmenta level
F, Modified
coking inin development
and petrochemical role in North America.and
industries He holds
12 a AlHumaidan
effectDSc of
controllers, failureF, Lababidi
in petroleum modesningM, in
the H,
Burgas of
the fiefficiency
Gath-Geva fuzzy
eld ofand
particular, oil arefi
ninginand could never
for identification
technical and has
science. be Reza BS andSeif
implementedMS Mohaddecy
more than
is Projectengineering
in chemical Manager,
100 MPC and other
Detailed cracking
University modelling kinetics
‘Assen Zlatarov’. of
He has vacuum
deci- of Tagaki Sugeno
authored fuzzy
more economically
than 180models, IEEE
scientifi Trans.
c papers and Figure
Syst. Effect
Catalysis andofUniversity
Nanotechnology the RVP on Division,
automation projects. He holds in Philadelphia,
a master’s
residues in Eureka process, Fuel,103, 2013, 923- Man Cybern, 32, 2002, 612. refinery
Catalytic gasoline
Reaction grades produced
Engineering during
Oleg making,
than which
is Deputyhelps
130 papers. General keep
Managerthe revamping Lodoloan
five books.
Stefano existing
is Senior plant.
Advisor and Advisory Pennsylvania.
degree in chemical Email:engineering
from Bologna
931. the
He holds catalyst
a MS inperiod chemical engineering
– Email:
Technical Director of ISAB Refinery, Siracusa, Email:
Business Consultant with Aspen Technology University, Italy.
13 Kataria K L, Kulkarni R P, Pandit AB, Joshi J Sepehr Sadighi is Assistant Professor, Catalysis from Sharif University of Technology.
B, Kumar M, Kinetic studies of low severity and Nanotechnology Division, Catalytic Email: Seifsr


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Increasing distillate production at zero
capital cost
Significantly increasing distillate production can at the earliest stages require no
more than process tweaks before significant capital revamps are required


Ascent Engineering

his is the first of two articles
which discuss changes to the 9
crude unit to help produce a
higher percentage of distillate prod- Consumption, MM BPD 8
ucts from each barrel of crude
processed. The discussion begins 7
with a review of operational tweaks
and changes that require zero capi-
tal investment. A second article for Motor gasoline (excluding ethanol)
PTQ will discuss additional oppor- Diesel
tunities that exist for increased 4
distillate yield, considering options
that require minimal capital invest- 3
ment as well as major capital
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0
projects that can increase distillate

Within the crude unit, optimisa- Figure 1 United States gasoline and diesel consumption
tion of existing equipment for
maximum distillate yield can bring demands. However, current shifts grow to meet the demands of
increased profits with no capital in worldwide fuel consumption emerging international markets.
investment and low technical risk. patterns are affecting demand for Exports of ultra-low sulphur diesel
Because the modifications covered gasoline and diesel. Factors that (ULSD) to Europe are on track to
here are operational only, there is contribute to the shift in consump- almost double in the first half of
no need for additional equipment tion patterns include increased 2014 compared to 2013 as US refin-
and the operational changes can demand in developing countries, a eries continue to benefit from cheap
be reversed if need be. Plant focus on reducing greenhouse gas crude prices. Distillate fuel exports
data and a simulation model of the emissions that has led to more to Central and South America, the
unit combined with a thorough stringent automotive fuel efficiency largest destination for US produced
review of the existing equipment standards, and increased blending distillate fuel, increased by 12% in
allow a refiner to highlight areas of renewable fuels. 2013. In addition, Latin America is
within the crude unit with the Future demand for diesel fuel is importing more distillates as a
greatest opportunity to impact projected to continue to grow while result of tightening fuel regulations
distillate recovery. refined gasoline demand is and limited refining capacity at
projected to continue to decline and existing refineries.
Diesel demand continues to rise this trend is projected to continue US consumption of finished
Most US refineries have been through 2040, as can be seen from motor gasoline is projected to
designed and operated to maximise the Annual Energy Outlook projec- decline by approximately 2.1
gasoline production since the early tions for the United States from the million b/d over the next 25 years
1940s in order to meet the demand Energy Information Administration as consumers transition to more
from the mass produced, gasoline of the US Department of Energy fuel efficient and alternate energy
powered vehicles that dominated (see Figure 1). vehicles. This is largely as a result
the consumer market. In addition, US total diesel fuel consumption of the Corporate Average Fuel
the advent of higher compression is projected to increase from current Economy (CAFE) and Greenhouse
gasoline engines required addi- demand of about 3.5 million b/d to Gas (GHG) emissions standards set
tional refinery processing to keep 4.3 million b/d in 2040. Future US by the National Highway Traffic
up with gasoline quality and yield diesel exports are also projected to Safety Administration (NHTSA) Revamps 2014 19

ascent.indd 1 12/09/2014 11:16

demand in developing countries,
4.5 tighter fuel efficiency and emissions
standards, and rising RFS
programme mandates. The US
diesel to gasoline price spread is
Price, $ per gallon
projected to grow to $0.75/gal by
2035 (see Figure 3). Also, as a result
of new crude sources and fracking
2.5 technologies, the US is expected to
continue to be a net exporter of
Motor gasoline (excluding ethanol) petroleum products. Although the
nation will still consume gasoline
1.5 as its primary transport fuel for the
foreseeable future, refineries have
1.0 begun to react to market conditions
and will continue to increase
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0

middle distillate production. This

trend will impact refinery opera-
Figure 2 US gasoline and diesel prices tions and investment. Refiners who
can adjust to these and future
and the Environmental Protection diesel fuel are then obligated to market conditions and produce
Agency (EPA). Also, the US has blend renewable fuels in proportion higher yields of the most valuable
been a net exporter of finished to the volumes of non-renewable distillate products will maximise
motor gasoline, with average gasoline and diesel fuel sold. The refinery profitability.
annual export volumes increasing proposed 2014 total blending Yet, because of uncertainties in
from 0.07 million b/d in 2010 to requirement is 15.2 billion gallons the markets and slow economic
roughly 0.44 million b/d to date. of ethanol equivalent renewable recovery, many refiners have not
Vehicle miles travelled (VMT) are fuel, with the mandate reaching 36 allocated resources for major capi-
projected to increase diesel fuel billion gallons by 2022. tal projects. Those refineries which
consumption by approximately 0.9 The price differential between are capital constrained should
million b/d from 2012 to 2040, diesel and gasoline is driving the re-evaluate their gasoline and distil-
despite increases in renewable fuel change at refinery level to target late products strategy to take
blend volumes resulting from the more diesel production. Since 2004, advantage of many potential zero
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) diesel prices have typically capital cost opportunities to
programme. The RFS was estab- exceeded that of gasoline in US maximise distillate yield with an
lished by the Energy Policy Act of markets (see Figure 2). This is a eye to low cost projects for
2005 and expanded by the Energy reversal of the typical historical increased distillate yield.
Independence and Security Act of price relationship for diesel and Producing a base case simulation
2007 (EISA2007). The RFS requires gasoline and is driven by supply model matched to valid, mass
the EPA to set annual percentage and demand for the two fuels. balanced plant data should be the
standards for the renewable content It is projected that these world- first step in the crude unit’s evalua-
of gasoline and diesel fuel. Refiners wide consumption patterns will tion. The model’s accuracy should
and importers of gasoline and continue in response to increased be checked against plant, lab and
operating data, as well as known
operating limits. From this simula-
0.8 tion, optimisation cases can be
Price difference, $ per gallon

analysed to increase distillate

0.6 production and to help to identify
bottlenecks and operational oppor-
0.4 tunities that can have excellent
payout often with little or no capi-
0.2 tal investment. Also, economic
evaluations can be made to help
determine future capital projects.
Key to identifying these opportuni-
ties is modelling and design
experience as well as operational
guidance, the responsibility for
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0
20 2
20 4
20 6
20 8
20 0

which usually falls on the shoul-


ders of the often overwhelmed

Figure 3 US diesel to gasoline price differential refinery process engineering staff.

20 Revamps 2014

ascent.indd 2 12/09/2014 11:15

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ChemPlantAd-REVAMPS-QR.indd 1 2/18/14 1:33 PM
additional corrosion and potential
Overhead plugging. Simulation of the opera-
VS crude Overhead tion of the atmospheric tower,
exchanger cooler
including its side strippers and
Offgas pumparounds and other auxiliary
Crude CW equipment, is beneficial for finding
drum the optimum rate of stripping
steam to achieve the maximum
Light naphtha
Crude product recovery of diesel, within the limits
of the existing equipment.
In one medium-sized US refinery,
From we helped the engineering staff
Preflash increase diesel yield by 3% of crude
Stripper as a result of increasing stripping
steam to the atmospheric tower. As
Steam part of a project scope to improve
Heavy naphtha
product operation of the refiner’s vacuum
tower, it was noticed that a signifi-
From crude Kerosene
cant amount of diesel range
furnace product material was leaving the atmos-
Steam pheric tower in the bottoms stream.
The plant was unable to increase
product stripping steam rates because of
AGO product tower flooding. Ascent simulated
Crude tower the crude tower and determined
bottoms that, by increasing the stripping
section steam rate and slightly
Figure 4 Atmospheric tower configuration increasing the tower operating
pressure, we could significantly
The authors have worked closely Atmospheric tower: optimise improve diesel yield and still avoid
with staff at multiple refineries to stripping steam tower flooding. Increasing tower
perform these types of evaluations Crude unit stripping steam is often pressure typically hurts diesel
with results that have successfully given inadequate attention. In recovery, but our simulation
increased profitability. many refineries it is not uncommon proved that the increase in strip-
for the atmospheric tower stripping ping steam more than compensated.
Optimise current operations: steam to be poorly monitored and Figure 4 shows the atmospheric
the zero capital investment not optimised. Yet stripping steam tower configuration.
For most refineries, improving rates have a large effect on diesel Based on our recommendation,
diesel recovery through operational recovery. Adequate stripping steam the refinery performed a test run of
modifications means starting with is especially important with heavy various stripping steam rates in the
an examination of the operation of crude slates, since stripping steam atmospheric tower. Figure 5 shows
the atmospheric tower and its side reduces hydrocarbon partial pres- the observed results based on plant
strippers. Improved diesel recovery sure, thereby increasing light data for several different stripping
from the atmospheric tower hydrocarbon vaporisation without steam rates. The diesel yield as a
requires improved separation of the increasing temperature. This allows percent of crude charge increased
diesel range material from the higher light product recovery from from approximately 21.5 LV% to
lighter and heavier fractions in the heavier crude fractions. In the strip- 24.5 LV% by increasing the atmos-
tower. In most typical units, a ping section of the atmospheric pheric tower stripping steam rate
significant amount of diesel range tower and the AGO side stripper, from 3.6 to 6.4 lb/bbl. In order to
material ends up in the atmos- increased stripping steam directly achieve these stripping steam rates,
pheric tower bottoms due to the increases the amount of diesel the tower operating pressure had to
vapour liquid equilibrium of the recovered. be increased slightly to avoid flood-
flash zone. The amount of diesel Typical limitations to the ing from the extra stripping steam
range material lost to the atmos- increased use of stripping steam and additional vapour traffic.
pheric bottoms is greater for heavy are column flooding, the inability Simulation work suggested that a 5
crudes due to the larger amount of to remove energy from the atmos- psi increase in tower operating pres-
lower vapour pressure, heavier pheric tower either through limits sure would maintain constant tray
components. The following discus- in the pumparound heat exchang- flooding while the stripping steam
sion highlights operating variables ers or in the overhead condensing rate was increased. Plant data show
that can be adjusted to improve system, and operating too close to that the actual tower pressure was
diesel recovery. water dew point which can cause increased by approximately 3 psi.

22 Revamps 2014

ascent.indd 3 12/09/2014 11:15


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vmg.indd 1 10/09/2014 12:18

to be
unit w
that r

pressure will increase volumetric
25.0 vapour rate and will increase tower Albem
24.5 flood. It is important to keep in From
24.0 mind, as in the previous stripping partic
% of crude charge steam discussion, that the refiner depen
Distillate yield,
may find that increasing the tower
23.0 desig
operating pressure while increasing
22.5 stripping steam or heat input yields the ty
22.0 greater benefit. Accurate simulation nal s
21.5 matching operation is a powerful (third
21.0 tool for optimisation of the atmos- tator
pheric tower’s pressure profile. Ob
20.0 Atmospheric tower overflash rate
3.6 4.2 5.3 6.4
Optimising the wash oil rate can stack
Stripping steam, lb/bbl atm twr btms
minimise diesel and AGO losses stage
from the atmospheric tower. Wash stand
Figure 5 Atmospheric tower stripping section steam rate oil, typically AGO with some diesel • Cyc
range material, is fed to the wash
• Cyc
At this refinery, this simple oper- increase fractionation between the bed to reduce entrainment in the
• Ava
ational adjustment increased diesel naphtha and kerosene cuts, thereby flash zone. Wash oil leaving the
yield by 3% of crude. At current allowing the refiner to undercut bottom of the wash bed is called • Cyc
prices, assuming a $0.23/gallon more barrels of naphtha into the overflash and it can drag diesel and Inc
price incentive for diesel over gaso- kerosene product and minimise the AGO product with it. Reducing the increa
line as per Figure 3 above, the naphtha 90% point while maintain- wash oil rate can minimise diesel erosio
additional profits that result from ing flash specification on the and AGO losses, but it can be at the
these modifications can approach kerosene product. expense of drying out the wash
$5.7 million/y with no capital section trays or packing which can cyclo
investment. Assuming the price Atmospheric tower pressure cause fouling by coke formation. veloc
projections are correct, the profit A reduction in atmospheric tower The optimisation goal is to mini- typic
incentive increases over time as the operating pressure will result in mise the atmospheric tower wash ft/s t
price difference between diesel and increased distillate recovery. This is oil rate while keeping adequate ment
gasoline increases. liquid to prevent coke formation
Stripping steam in side strippers
Accurate simulation and maximise product rates.
When considering wash oil rate
Stripping steam is used to meet matching operation changes, because of the coking risk,
flash point specifications and it is important to complete a review
improve fractionation in the prod- is a powerful tool for of the tower’s operating history and
uct side strippers. Side stripper to have an accurate measurement of
optimisation can be complex and optimisation of the the wash oil rate verified by a stable
should be verified with accurate simulation of the tower. The simula-
simulation modelling. To increase atmospheric tower’s tion can be used to verify overflash
total distillate yield, the diesel strip- and quantify expected recovery
ping steam flow rate may need to
pressure profile gains. There are several modelling
be reduced so the diesel product is techniques discussed by others that I
as close as possible to the minimum because reducing tower pressure can be used to accurately model the C
product flash point specification. reduces hydrocarbon partial pres- tower flash zone and to calculate G
The refiner should consider mini- sure directly and increases distillate wash oil rate and to ensure adequate p
mising limits to the flash point recovery because more of the liquid is supplied. Also, other means f
based on constraints such as pipe- lighter material stays in the vapour may be available to help improve
line, transportation or other safety phase and travels up the tower. the accuracy of the model. These
concerns. The amount of stripping Reducing the tower operating pres- include both direct measurement of a
steam that is reduced from the sure is typically subject to the limits flow and estimation of flow based H
diesel stripper can be injected into of the overhead condenser, since on measurement of other variables T
the atmospheric tower stripping lower pressure corresponds to a such as differential temperature s
section or AGO stripper, which will lower condensing temperature and, across the wash trays or bed, slop
further improve diesel recovery. thus, less log mean temperature wax temperature, and sump I
Stripping steam to the kerosene difference (LMTD) available for the temperature.
stripper should be maximised up to condenser to achieve adequate Coking is not the only considera-
a condenser, flooding, water dew cooling. The tower itself must also tion when adjusting the atmospheric
point limit or other limit which will be examined, as lower operating tower’s wash oil rate. Care must be

10 PTQ Q2
24 Revamps 2014

ascent.indd 4 12/09/2014 11:15

Q&A copy 10.indd 4
to be said about optimising the operation of the FCC taining the regenerator superficial vapour velocity at or
unit without needing to be concerned about emissions, below about 3 ft/s will minimise the solids entrain-
knowing that such a flue gas cleaning system assures ment to the cyclones. Again, this velocity may be
that regulatory requirements are being met. limited by adjusting the regenerator pressure or reac-
tor/regenerator pressure balance.
A Jack Wilcox, Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process Specialist, Proper sizing of both first- and second-stage cyclone
taken to evaluate the impact that
changing the wash oil rate has on diplegs is essential
Overhead Overheadto provide operating flexibility as
From antheequipment design/operations condenser cooler
standpoint, well as to prevent flooded or restricted diplegs, both of
AGO and diesel quality and Offgas
particulate emissions
product from If
specifications. thetheFCCdieselregenerator will which will lead to increased solids losses from the
depend becomes
primarily black,onforthe example, it can of a properly regenerator and
reliability CW
potentially drum increase stack emissions.
assumed that there is insufficient
collection system. This would include Proper sealing of the diplegs, either in the dense bed of
washing in the bed, and the over-
the typical two-stage
flash rate should internal cyclone system and exter-
be increased. Crudecatalyst or with a dipleg valve,product is essential to maintain
nal separators, which may include a tertiary cyclone towercyclone performance.

Atmospheric separator),
tower pumparound an electrostatic precipi- Kerosene
tator or wet
ratesgas scrubber.
Diesel P/A
Obviously, tower pumparound
retaining as much ofduty the solids in returnthe Q Which internals designs provide Steam
the best level of
generally increases the energy Kerosene
regenerator as possible will
transferred to cold crude charge.
minimise the eventual separation inAGO a distillation column,product
and why?
stack losses.
For an As atmospheric
such, the design of the internal two-
tower heater return
stage cyclone
that may systembe atis its critical.
limit, From
this an operating A Jill Burns, Senior Refinery Design and Applications
standpoint, key cyclone
increased duty will design parameters
correspond to include: Engineer, Sulzer Chemtech USA,
• Cyclone increased heater loading
inlet vapour inlet and or outlet
velocity From crude
Mark Pilling, Manager of Technology, Diesel Sulzer Chemtech
temperatures and will increase lift product
• Cyclone inlet solids loading or entrainment rate USA,
without additional burden on the Steam PA HX
• Available transport disengaging height This question can be answered in several different
heater. This may result in increased Diesel P/A
• Cyclone diplegreflux
internal massbelowflux rate.
the pumpa- ways, as separation Crude in a distillation column can be
roundtheif cyclonethe tower inlet vapour
charge velocity will dependent on the successful Crude/AGO design of the inlet feed
increase temperature
collection efficiency,
is increased,but will
which canalso increase the distributor, packing and/or trays, or associated inter-
sharpen fractionation in this Diesel P/A
erosion rate to the refractory lining, reducing the run nals such as collector trays and seal pans. All factors
length. Insection.
order to Above the pumparound,
maintain optimum performance, the are important in a design. AGO product
however, internal tower reflux can Crude tower
cyclone beinlet vapourif pumparound
decreased loading andrates resulting vapour The industry has seen several evolutions of column
velocity should be maintained
are increased too much, which may at some acceptable level, packing and tray designs over the years, and the
typically decrease
about 60-65 ft/s to and
fractionation the infirst
thestage and
Figure 70-75 tower
6 Atmospheric current designs of high-performance packing and trays
ft/s to the second stage. This may require small adjust- offer many significant advantages over their predeces-
ments to the regenerator pressure or reactor/regenerator sors. Often, simple modifications can result in large
pressure balance. improvements in either capacity or efficiency.



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10 PTQ Q2 2012 Revamps 2014 25

ascent.indd 5 12/09/2014 11:15

A copy 10.indd 4 8/3/12 11:0
be condensed and drawn off as
39 9.0 diesel. The higher diesel pumpa-

AGO pumparound flow, BPSD

Distillate yield
37 AGO PA rate
8.5 round improved the internal reflux
8.0 rate between the diesel and AGO
35 7.5 draws, which sharpened fractiona-
tion between the two products.
Yield, %

Sharper fractionation may also
31 improve diesel cloud point, which
allows for a deeper diesel cut and
29 5.5 further increases in the diesel draw
5.0 rate. The operational change was
4.5 confirmed by simulation and it was
25 4.0
determined that the shift from
AGO to diesel should yield approx-







imately 0.3 LV% additional diesel












on crude charge.






Diesel not properly recovered
Figure 7 Diesel yield vs AGO pumparound from the AGO will be directed to
downstream processing units,
worst cases cause tray dry out. review can help identify overly taking up unit capacity, increasing
Care must be taken to optimise fouled exchangers, high pressure costs to recover and quite likely
pumparound duty and associated drops, design pressure limits, high cracked, reducing overall distillate
diesel lift while minimising the exchanger tube velocities, and yield. This relatively common prac-
negative effect on product fraction- potential exchanger tube vibration tice can be improved. If AGO feeds
ation in order to maximise the problems. a FCC unit, diesel range material
distillate draws. Careful unit Sometimes small changes in that is not recovered upstream
review and simulation can optimise pumparound rates can improve consumes capacity, cracks to lighter
the competing effects and result in product yields and can greatly materials, and increases light cycle
significant economic incentives. improve profitability. In one case, oil (LCO) production. It has
Simulation is a powerful tool to we recommended adjustments to been shown by others that 8%
optimise the complex interactions crude tower pumparound rates to straight run diesel in a FCC
of the pumparounds, increased reduce the AGO pumparound unit’s gas oil feed will result in a
energy recovery from the preheat (Figure 6), while increasing in the loss of 5.5% total distillate range
train, and increased atmospheric diesel pumparound and maintain- material (straight run diesel +
heater inlet and outlet temperature. ing the crude charge temperature. LCO) and may have lower cetane
Simulation, operating, and process The expected benefit of this recom- quality.
knowledge can be used to optimise mendation was to allow diesel In the case above, the client
heat recovery with a full review of range material that might be confirmed expected diesel rate
the exchanger train including oper- condensed in the AGO pumpa- improvements with the lower AGO
ating limits on the desalter, product round section to stay in the vapour pumparound flow rate. Data were
cooling, and heater limits. phase and move up the tower to collected during a period in which
Additionally, a heat exchanger train the diesel section, where it would the crude slate, charge rate, and
product specifications were held
constant, and only the AGO pump-
14 8
around rate changed. The test
AGO pumparound flow, BPSD

12 7 results are shown in Figures 7 and 8.

Figure 7 shows that there is an
10 6 inverse relationship between AGO
pumparound rate and distillate
Yield, %

8 5
yield. Reducing the AGO pumpa-
6 4 round rate resulted in an increase in
distillate yield. When the AGO
4 3 pumparound rate was later
increased, the distillate yield
2 AGO yield 2
dropped. Figure 8 shows that
AGO PA rate
0 1 reduced AGO pumparound rate
resulted in reduced AGO yield. The








two figures together indicate that













diesel range material moved from






AGO to diesel product when the

Figure 8 AGO yield vs AGO pumparound AGO pumparound rate was

26 Revamps 2014

ascent.indd 6 16/09/2014 11:55

reduced. During this test it was dropped into kerosene. Generally, not removed in the desalter will
confirmed that kerosene flash and cooler or increased reflux will end up in the tower’s overhead
initial points remained constant and sharpen fractionation, whereas system.
the diesel D86 90% did not change warmer or decreased reflux will Low crude overhead tempera-
significantly, indicating that increase reduce fractionation. Changes in tures that operate too close to water
came as a result of improved frac- the overhead temperature profile, or salt dew point will cause corro-
tionation. The middle distillate yield however, may have other conse- sion and fouling on the top tower
increased during this period from quences. Operating the tower trays. The dew point temperature
34.2% to 34.7%, or approximately overhead at too low a temperature will increase with increased strip-
165 b/d. For this refiner, a $20/bbl may cause increased corrosion and ping steam rates and crude water
diesel to gas oil incentive was used, plugging due to salt formation, content. The overhead water dew
which amounted to potentially $1.1 causing unplanned shutdowns and point should be checked to ensure
million/y additional profit with no more frequent equipment mainte- operation with sufficient margin to
capital investment. The results in nance. A balance must be struck minimise the risk of free water
your refinery can be predicted with between finding the optimal reflux formation, salt plugging, and corro-
accurate data matching and rate to maximise distillate recovery sion on distillation trays.
modelling. while avoiding operating too close In addition, the wash water
to water dew point. system should be examined for
Atmospheric tower overhead system A review to minimise the corro- proper operation, including
Optimisation of the atmospheric sion issues in the overhead system correctly installed filters, water
tower overhead system can have a should begin at the desalter. As quality, and control of wash water
significant impact on distillate yield part of any crude unit review, the flow rate. The wash water rates
and on crude unit performance as a desalter history should be exam- should also be checked to verify
whole. Changes to reflux rate or ined for proper operation, that there is enough free water after
reflux temperature can affect frac- including looking for plugging in the wash injection point(s) to
tionation and distribution of the the level taps, proper control of prevent high salt concentration,
side cuts – for example, a lower desalting chemicals, quality of corrosion, and plugging issues in
overhead temperature may be used the desalter water, and properly the overhead condensers and
to maximise the amount of naphtha functioning electrical grids. Salts downstream equipment.

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ptq_Revamps_2014.indd 1 09.09.2014 11:07:09 Revamps 2014 27

ascent.indd 7 12/09/2014 11:15

Atmospheric heater preflash tower, increasing the inlet train, preflash, and atmospheric
Increasing the crude feed preheat temperature to the preflash tower and vacuum towers.
and optimising the atmospheric can unload the atmospheric tower Other considerations to crude
heater operation is another way to heater as well as unload the naph- blending are crude compatibility,
increase diesel recovery from the tha section of the atmospheric salt and organic acids, sulphur,
atmospheric tower feed. Heaters tower. The heater duty may then be nitrogen, solids and metals, and so
are often operated at or above their increased for additional crude on. For example, perhaps a refiner
design limits. Any way that the charge or for higher heater outlet is considering introducing light,
refiner can increase the heater temperature at the existing charge tight oil into the crude blend to help
outlet temperature, or unburden rate. Increasing crude charge unload vacuum tower capacity and
the heater by achieving increased produces more diesel by processing produce more distillate products. A
inlet while maintaining or increas- more material while increasing the big concern is crude compatibility
ing the outlet temperature, can atmospheric heater outlet tempera- when the refiner plans to blend
have a significant impact on unit ture may allow for greater diesel tight oil crudes, which are highly
operations. In general, the atmos- recovery. Increasing crude charge paraffinic, with heavier asphaltenic
pheric heater outlet temperature may require some level of equip- crudes. Specifically, the mix of
should be maximised and is usually ment review to ensure design paraffinic and asphaltenic crudes
limited by the capacity of the pressures are not exceeded during can cause destabilisation of the
preheat train, pumparound and an upset. asphaltene, which in turn allows the
condenser exchangers, fuel quality, asphaltenes to agglomerate, crack,
preflash tower, atmospheric heater, Crude slate precipitate and eventually form
and heat transfer line and inlet Although crude slate selection is coke-like deposits in pipes and
horn. Achieving the maximum beyond the control of a typical unit equipment. Beyond the crude unit,
temperature within equipment engineer, it can provide an oppor- metal contaminants such as silicon,
limits allows maximum diesel lift tunity for increased diesel recovery. iron, calcium and heavy metals can
from the atmospheric tower feed. have a significant impact on down-
Heater optimisation begins with Achieving the stream catalyst units such as the
proper heater operation, including FCC unit, hydrotreaters and
regular maintenance and on design maximum hydrocrackers.
operation. Clean burner tips, With good assay data and a good
properly functioning air registers, temperature within simulation, however, the refiner
soot blowers, flue dampers, and a can identify opportunistic crude
properly located and functioning equipment limits blends that have properties and a
oxygen analyser all affect the product distribution that are a good
ability to achieve the maximum
allows maximum match to the existing equipment
heater outlet temperature.
Operating with a fuel quality that
diesel lift from the limits. Identifying the crude that is
a best match to the existing equip-
allows the maximum duty from atmospheric tower ment can allow the refiner to
the installed burners and consist- maximise profitability.
ency of fuel quality are important feed
to achieving the maximum diesel Conclusion
lift from the atmospheric tower By selecting a crude blend that best As demand for diesel is projected
feed. matches the refinery’s equipment to exceed demand for gasoline in
Maximising the atmospheric capabilities, product yields can be the years to come, refiners are wise
heater outlet temperature can help maximised. A simulation model to consider how they can adjust to
maximise diesel recovery. can be used with a crude assay these market conditions and
Typically, heater outlet tempera- data to predict the diesel recovery increase profitability by maximising
tures should be in the range on crude for the atmospheric tower. production of the most valuable
680-710°F (360-375°C) and can be For valid results, the simulation products. Finding resources for
higher based on crude slate and will require an accurate representa- major capital investment may be
heater design. Potential limits on tion of the blended crudes. Crude difficult, but there are a number of
heater operation may be tempera- assays should include high temper- zero capital cost investments that a
ture limits based on tube wall ature simulated distillations refiner may consider for the crude
thickness and metallurgy, thermal (HTSD) and light ends analysis unit operation that can increase
coking and crude stability, environ- detailing the relative amounts of distillate production and improve
mental and permit limits, and so compounds through nC5 as a mini- profitability.
on. The evaluation should also mum, and preferably through nC6. There are many operational opti-
consider maximum tube wall This information is required to misations for the atmospheric tower
temperature, maximum flux rate, model properly the crude unit’s that require no capital investment
and residence time. operation and to predict accurately yet can still increase profitability.
If the crude unit has an existing operation of the heat exchanger Optimisation of stripping steam

28 Revamps 2014

ascent.indd 8 12/09/2014 11:15

flow rate, wash oil rate, pumpa- change to the crude slate can be 1997, he has been responsible for Ascent’s
round rates, tower temperature, and made to accommodate existing consulting and process design projects. He
heater operation can all impact equipment limitations. holds a BS in chemical engineering from Texas
distillate production. Several exam- As the world market becomes A&M University, and is a registered Professional
Engineer in the state of Texas.
ples were presented, showing how more distillate focused, refiners
profitability was improved at refin- have plenty of options for low risk,
Steven W Stupin is a Technical Consultant
eries with no capital investment. zero capital investment modifica-
and Senior Lead Process Engineer with Ascent
Unit and tower simulation to eval- tions for maximised diesel Engineering, Inc. He has 26 years of refinery
uate the crude unit is the key to production. The next article will troubleshooting, revamp and design experience,
pointing out unit operational defi- cover maximising distillate yield and holds a BS in chemical engineering from
ciencies and new opportunities, and with capital modifications. the University of California Santa Barbara, and
to minimise risk. Understanding is a registered Professional Engineer in the
and evaluating operation can help Further reading state of California.
minimise fouling, plugging and 1 Annual Energy Outlook, Energy Information Email:
corrosion issues. Recommended Administration (2010, 2013, 2014). Stephanie Schlosser is a Process Engineer with
modifications will be different for 2 Retail Diesel and Premium Gasoline Prices, Ascent Engineering, Inc. She has 10 years of
Selected Countries (U.S. dollars per gallon, process engineering experience and holds a BS
each refinery based on crude prop-
including and excluding taxes), Energy in chemical engineering from the University
erties, existing equipment limits,
Information Administration, 19 Jun 2014. of California at San Diego. Email: Stephanie.
and crude unit configuration. The 3 Engelhard Corporation, Maximizing Light
authors have performed this analy- Cycle Yield, The Catalyst Report. Thomas H Scholten is a Senior Lead Process
sis successfully at multiple refineries 4 Barletta T, White S, Crude overhead system Engineer with Ascent Engineering, Inc. He has
resulting in millions of dollars per design considerations, PTQ, Q3 2007. 27 years of experience in refinery process
year of increased profits. 5 Sandu C, Wright B, Innovative solutions for design, chemicals process development,
Besides the atmospheric tower, a processing shale oils, Hydrocarbon Processing, operations and site management. He holds a
refiner should review crude slate Jul 2013. BS in chemical engineering from the University
selection as well as product specifi- of Michigan and a PhD in chemical engineering
cations and blending pool Joseph (Joe) Musumeci is the founder of from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
contributions from each unit. A Ascent Engineering, Inc. (Houston, TX). Since Email:

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Laser scanning for revamps

A review of benefits, best practices and emerging opportunities in laser-enabled

revamp projects


D laser scanning has matured by today’s high-resolution scan- take a broader perspective than just
enough to have even become ners. As a result, we encounter a the immediate need to upgrade a
the subject of mainstream tele- wide variety of user experiences, particular module, which may actu-
vision programmes; young both good and bad, with laser scan- ally be part of a longer-term
engineers joining the profession are ning projects. In planning a major programme to revamp the entire
no doubt astonished by their senior plant revamp project and consider- facility. Today, operators are
colleagues’ tales of trying to ing scanning as a first step to commissioning pre-emptive scans
as-build a facility with little more capture its true as-operating condi- of entire facilities as baselines
than a measuring tape and a for their long-term revamp
A recent example of how effec-
Laser scanning is rapid programmes. But there are other
reasons for doing this. At the least,
tive laser scanning can be was and non-intrusive a contractor may consider scanning
provided by Burgasnefteproject, a additional areas in readiness for
Bulgarian EPC company specialis- and can usually be future work; once the survey team
ing in petrochemicals projects. is on site, the marginal cost of
Tackling a flaring system upgrade performed without doing so can be relatively modest.
on a 30-year-old H-Oil processing There is also the need to decide
facility, the company discovered interfering with normal when to perform the survey. Laser
wide divergence between the scanning is rapid and non-intrusive
as-built plant and its original
plant operation and can usually be performed with-
design documentation. Laser scan- out interfering with normal plant
ning was the obvious choice to tion, here are some simple operation. However, it may require
resolve this discrepancy. By import- best-practice tips to help achieve a entry into areas that are off-limits
ing the scan data into Aveva Laser successful outcome. during operation, or the structure
Modeller, designers were able to may be subject to vibration, so it
create an accurate 3D model of the Plan the project may be desirable to perform the
facility which was then transferred You should first define exactly survey during a planned shutdown.
into Aveva PDMS for modification what the objective is. This should Paradoxically however, during a
work. A task which would other-
wise have taken 700–900 man-hours
required only 136, an 80% saving in
time and effort that also achieved a
higher level of design accuracy and
created a valuable asset for future
engineering work.
But such stories can create an
impression that laser scanning
solves all the old problems at a
stroke. While the technology has
certainly unlocked an unprece-
dented level of capability, like any
other tool there are right and
wrong ways to use it. Part of the
Aveva group, LFM Software is a
provider of software solutions for
exploiting the rich data generated Figure 1 Leading software applications can handle data from all popular scanners Revamps 2014 31

aveva.indd 1 12/09/2014 11:52

Plan the scan
A skilled service provider will
know how to dispose scan locations
to achieve an optimum survey, but
it is helpful to understand key
aspects of the procedure. Little
preparation is required, but there is
a need to ensure that the area is
free of obstructions such as ladders,
barrels, pallets and so on, and that
personnel can be temporarily
excluded. Scanning is not hazard-
ous to health, but moving
personnel can cause vibrations in
the structure on which the scanner
stands, degrading accuracy. They
can also inadvertently block part of
the scan; it is not unknown to find
a scan including half a person.
The survey technician will select
enough scan locations to cover the
area to be surveyed, with sufficient
overlap between adjoining scans to
enable them to be registered or
Figure 2 Laser scan data imported into design software enables design and clash ‘stitched together’ to form a
detection against the as-built condition complete survey on a common
coordinate system. Scans are also
shutdown may not necessarily be right kind of software to extract the positioned to minimise shadowing,
the best time as there will be frenetic value of a 3D survey; it is of little where an object is hidden by a fore-
activity to complete the maximum use if all that is available is 2D soft- ground object from one scan
number of essential work orders in ware for schematic design. Here viewpoint. Remember also that a
the minimum time and there may there is a need to work with an plant is a three-dimensional object;
be people and equipment continu- EPC or internal engineering depart- it may be necessary to perform
ally moving through the survey ment to ensure that they can use a some scans at different heights.
area. Either way, the scan itself is Registration can be facilitated by
best managed as a work order so fixing optical target markers at suit-
that proper risk assessment is
3D scanners come in able locations. However, current
carried out and clashes are avoided; a variety of forms; technology usually does not require
you do not want to find a mainte- these as the registration algorithms
nance team busy dismantling the mobile and hand- are now sufficiently sophisticated
equipment that was planned for to automatically align point clouds
survey the same day. In some situa- held scanners are without them.
tions, such as on an offshore
platform, it may also be necessary to rapidly becoming Create high-quality deliverables
consider weather windows. The success of any engineering
commoditised project depends heavily on the
Choose the service provider quality of the drawings and other
Laser scanning has such a broad suitable 3D design solution. In the deliverables required for its execu-
range of application that there are a oil and gas industry, almost every tion. This becomes even more
great many service providers to EPC operates Aveva PDMS, which important for revamps, because an
choose from. At LFM, we operate a is one of the most capable solutions operating plant will be a more
Certified Service Provider (CSP) for this purpose. An alternative to hazardous working environment
programme to enable companies to Burgasnefteproekt’s approach of than a new one being constructed.
shortlist suitable providers. The using Aveva Laser Modeller would The Aveva /LFM solution facili-
choice of scanner hardware is not be to bring the laser scan data tates high-quality deliverables.
critical; leading software applica- directly into Aveva PDMS to enable New design can be created in situ
tions can handle data from all design and clash detection against against the as-operating condition
popular scanners. the as-built condition. In appropri- represented by the BubbleView or
ate circumstances this can be an point cloud; where necessary, point
Choose the software even more efficient workflow (see clouds representing physical pipes
To state the obvious, you need the Figure 2). and steelwork can be converted

32 Revamps 2014

aveva.indd 2 12/09/2014 11:52

into intelligent 3D models, accu-
rately aligned with their originals
(see Figure 3). Intelligent clash
detection between designed objects
and scanned objects ensures that an
individual clash is identified as
such, not as thousands of clashes
with separate scan data points.
Once the new design has been
created in the 3D solution, auto-
mated functions can be used to
create fully detailed isometrics,
fabrication drawings, bills of mate-
rial and so on. The result is that the
revamp design will fit accurately; Figure 3 Point clouds can be converted into intelligent 3D models
our experience is that contractors
using Aveva/LFM technology provides a cost-effective way of variety of scan data formats offers
typically achieve consistently ‘right- creating 3D navigation through a considerable freedom of choice for
first-time’ installation, with less complex information asset. asset operators to use any suitable
than 1% design-related rework cost. combination of 3D scanners, laser
An additional benefit of accu- Coming soon or otherwise.
rately capturing as-operating Laser technologies continue to Similarly, tablet computers enable
objects into the design model is the advance rapidly; LFM’s technology the value of scan data to be put
ease of creating demolition draw- can take advantage of hardware into the hands of end-users
ings. As Burgasnefteproject found, innovations as its open architecture anywhere, anytime. This offers new
plants that need revamp generally supports a wide variety of inputs capabilities in asset operations. For
have poor-quality (or even no) and outputs. Mobile devices offer example, an on-site discussion of a
engineering drawings from which considerable potential at both ends potential revamp project can be
to plan the demolition sequence of the workflow. informed by ready access to the
and check issues such as weights 3D scanners come in a variety of site’s laser survey model, enabling
and centre of gravity positions of forms; mobile and hand-held scan- inaccessible distances or dimen-
objects to be removed. Even the ners are rapidly becoming sions to be quickly measured on
most cursory remodelling can commoditised. This makes data the survey model and mark-up
enable this with sufficient confi- applied directly to it. Site walk-
dence to verify, for example, that
available lifting capacity is
Tablet computers downs can be performed using a
tablet’s web browser and the laser
adequate. enable the value of information about individual
tagged objects can subsequently be
Laser data for asset management scan data to be put accessed.
3D scanning has transformed many Current technology developments
aspects of project engineering, but into the hands of are aimed not only at increasing the
its full value in asset life cycle performance and capabilities of
management is only gradually end-users anywhere, applications that exploit scan data,
being realised. This is about to but also at putting this power into
change and a major revamp project
anytime the hands of engineers, designers
can provide a good introduction to and asset operators to serve the
its potential. Increasing numbers of capture cheaper, easier and more needs of every stage of the asset life
owner operators are deploying versatile. Hand-held scanners can cycle. The as-designed, as-built and
Aveva NET technology to control be used to fill in local or hard-to- as-operating conditions are at last
and make use of the huge and reach areas of a scan taken merging into a single definition:
complex data assets that describe with conventional tripod-mounted accurate, detailed and complete.
their physical assets. Aveva NET devices. In a revamp situation, the
IntelliLaser extends the capabilities completed work can be rapidly Gary Farrow is Vice President 3D Data Capture
of Aveva NET by adding intelli- rescanned to update just the with Aveva in Cambridge, UK. He works with
gence to a high-definition laser affected portion of the plant’s over- customers in the use of 3D data capture
model, enabling tagged objects to all scan model. LiDAR scanners can technology to increase productivity and to
advance the performance of AVEVA’s LFM
be hot-spotted so that a user can be used for the overhead surveying
software. A mechanical engineer, he has been
navigate the 3D representation of of site topography, while mobile
involved in 3D laser scanning from its inception
the facility, select an object to view scanning provides the ability to in the late 1990s, initially undertaking projects
its properties and click through to capture detailed scans of larger delivering data and 3D models, including a huge
its associated information. This areas. Compatibility with a wide scanning project for Fluor/TCO in Kazakhstan. Revamps 2014 33

aveva.indd 3 12/09/2014 11:52


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koch.indd 1 11/09/2014 16:22

Revamping heat exchanger tubing

Corrosion aggravated failures in carbon steel tubes prompted a refiner to replace

heat exchanger tubing with hyper-duplex stainless steel

Sandvik Materials Technology

German oil refinery was were the reasons for the short heat Any solution for corrosion issues
experiencing persistent exchanger life. must be economical, and keeping a
corrosion problems in its Sandvik recommended a unit running for a long period of
heat exchangers which were prone complete revamp and replacement time is key to achieving major
to failure after five to seven of the existing carbon steel tube reductions in plant costs.
months, specifically in the overhead bundle with high alloy duplex To identify the most effective
condensation unit of its crude oil stainless steel. Referred to as hyper material for these objectives, it is
distillation column. Twice every duplex Sandvik SAF 2707 HD, the necessary to fully understand the
year, processes had to be shut replacement material was chosen reasons for corrosion on the process
down in order to replace the due to its unprecedented pitting side in refineries. Corrosion
damaged carbon steel tube bundle and crevice corrosion resistance phenomena are generally caused by
thereby creating significant losses that is demonstrably superior to different aggressive mixtures of
in production, extra costs and lost standard duplex grades, resulting chemicals and hydrolysis (separa-
revenues. in extended service life. tion of chemical bonds) in organic
The refinery wanted to solve chlorides, processes that can lead to
these issues and also extend the Understanding refinery corrosion the formation of hydrochloric acid.
tube lifecycles to match its standard Corrosion issues are a substantial The main cause of corrosion in
four-year inspection interval for the cause of increases in operational refinery applications is the presence
distillation column, whereas the and maintenance costs in refineries of contaminants in crude oil as it is
existing carbon steel tube necessi- the world over. Although being processed, such as CO2 and
tated weekly monitoring due to the certain material problems can be H2S, nitrogen compounds, sulphur
unexpected shutdowns. To achieve attributed to other factors, as many compounds and inorganic chlorides
this, the company entered into a as 50% of expensive scheduled or like NaCl, MgCl2 or CaCl2. These
close collaboration with Sandvik unscheduled shutdowns are caused compounds affect the corrosion
and, through examinations of the by the need to repair corrosion resistance of steels, and the actual
tube damage, determined that damage in piping or associated corrodents often form during initial
pitting and under deposit corrosion equipment. refinery operations.

Process flow
H2O + O2  OH-
Corrosion products C1-
H2O + O2  OH- H2O + O2  OH- e-

Passive layer C1-

H2O + O2  OH- H+ Fe3+ 3+ Passive layer
C1- C1- C1-
Fe3+ C1- H+
C1- Fe
Passive layer
Fe3+ C1- H
+ H+
H+ Fe3+

Figure 1 General pitting and crevice corrosion phenomena Revamps 2014 35

sandvik.indd 1 12/09/2014 12:00

2707 HD’s chemical composition
60 compared with the established
super duplex stainless steel grade

Pitting Ratio Equivalent

UNS 32750 and also Sandvik 254
SMO, a high alloy austenitic stain-
less steel developed for use in
seawater and other aggressive chlo-
ride bearing media. The high
20 resistance to pitting and crevice
corrosion of 254 SMO is similar to
10 super duplex grades; it is used in
the same types of chemical environ-
0 ments and similar restrictions are
SAF 2304 SAF 2205 SAF 2507 SAF 2707 HD valid for both grades.
The hyper duplex grade’s chemi-
Figure 2 Comparison of the pitting resistance equivalent (PRE) value of Sandvik SAF 2707 cal composition was informed by
HD alongside other grades. PRE = %Cr + 3.3 x %Mo + 16 x %N all experiences learned from previ-
ous Sandvik grades. In contrast to
Stainless steel innovations introduction of the hyper duplex unstable high nickel alloys, the
Carbon steels are the traditional stainless steel Sandvik SAF 2707 HD nickel content of SAF 2707 HD can
material of choice in refinery appli- (UNS S32707/EN 1.4658). The mate- be kept as low as 6.5% due to the
cations but may suffer from general rial is designed for highly corrosive grade’s nominal 0.4% nitrogen (N)
corrosion, pitting and under deposit conditions, especially chlorinated content which also stabilises the
corrosion as witnessed in the seawater, and exhibited unprece- austenitic structure.
German oil refinery’s carbon steel dented resistance to pitting Especially important are its levels
tube bundle. An illustration of corrosion and stress corrosion crack- of chromium (Cr), molybdenum
general pitting and crevice corrosion ing (SCC). Although the grade was (Mo) and nitrogen (N) which,
phenomena is shown in Figure 1. combined, reinforce the material’s
To address these issues, Sandvik General corrosion superior pitting and crevice corro-
has developed enhanced duplex sion resistance in chloride
stainless steels which enable greater can limit the contaminated media. The chemical
operational capabilities in refineries balance imbues the steel with a
and are proving crucial in the most service lifecycles of duplex (austenitic-ferritic) micro-
demanding applications. structure to equip the grade with
Sandvik research engineers inves-
standard stainless better mechanical and physical
tigated ways to overcome the
deficiencies evident in high nickel
steel components in properties and a pitting resistance
equivalent (PRE) of 49 minimum
alloys that were still favoured by contact with process (see Figure 2).
many refineries for niche applica- Inclusive of these elements, the
tions, such as in heat exchangers solutions hyper duplex’s overall chemical
and condensers. The goal was to composition makes it better suited
develop a next generation stainless initially developed as an advanced for use in aggressive acidic, chlo-
steel grade with greatly improved replacement for super duplex ride containing environments.
corrosion resistance and superior grades, its high strength, corrosion Extensive tests have demonstrated
performance capabilities than resistance and cost efficiency prop- that, on its introduction, hyper
standard high nickel materials. erties were better than expected. duplex extended the material
Tests also found that it can performance levels beyond existing
Emergence of hyper duplex grades provide a superior alternative to super duplex grades and also tradi-
A breakthrough came with the nickel alloys. Table 1 shows SAF tional ‘6Mo’ (6% Mo) austenitic
stainless steels (UNS S31254).
Nominal chemical compositions of Sandvik materials SAF 2707 HD,
SAF 2507 and 254 SMO General corrosion
It is well know that general corro-
sion can limit the service lifecycles
Grade UNS %C max %Cr %Ni %Mo &N PRE* nominal
SAF 2507 S32750 0.03 25 7 4 0.3 42 of standard stainless steel compo-
SAF 2707 HD S32707 0.03 27 6.5 5 0.4 49 nents in contact with process
254 SMO S31254 0.02 20 18 6.1 0.2 43 solutions. The presence of organic
acids in some processes, such as
•PRE = %Cr + 3.3 x %Mo + 16 x %N
carboxylic acids (the reactive acid
group -COOH) that are the most
Table 1 common type of organic acid, is

36 Revamps 2014

sandvik.indd 2 12/09/2014 12:00

23 - 25 February, 2015
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

LEADING In 2015 the Shutdowns and Turnarounds Summit will take

place in Rotterdam. Now in it’s 12th edition, it is also the
THE WAY IN largest and longest running event of its kind in the Europe.
With an ever increasing need for output of assets and a
SHUTDOWN strictly limited pool of talent and skills within the space,

the significance of every decision made by a turnaround
manager during the planning and execution stages of these

FROM PLANNING landmark events is continuously increasing.

We will be focusing upon the key areas that contribute
to successful and efficient turnarounds of both onshore
and offshore assets upstream, as well as a detailed look
downstream at refineries across the globe. The summit
features dedicated sessions focusing upon optimal
contractor management, planning and scheduling, scope
management, cost control, as well as on site and post
execution strategies.
The Shutdown and Turnarounds event brings together both
upstream and downstream to share their experiences, with
attendees returning annually as the lessons learnt prove to
be so valuable.

Early Confirmed Speakers include:

 Reliance Industries  Kavala Oil
 Kuwait Oil Company  ADMA OPCO

Key reasons to attend:

 Largest and longest running event of its kind in the Europe.
 360 degree view of onshore and offshore, upstream and
downstream facility turnaround methodologies from around
the world.
 Join 80+ operators to hear case studies, panel discussions,
be involved in workshops and network in the most interactive
event in the calendar.

Contact us today:
Whether you are interested in sharing your knowledge through a
presented case study, want to attend and learn more, or perhaps want
to sponsor, please contact Richard Jones:
+44 (0)20 7368 9737 |

Shuts 1 2015 FP Ad.indd 1
& Turns 15/09/2014 15:09
15/09/2014 16:09
gbc.indd 1 15/09/2014 14:08
often responsible for corrosion
attack characterised by slightly 120 (250)
reducing conditions of the acids.
Halide ions are usually present,

Temperature, ºC (ºF)
100 (210)
causing severe attacks on standard
austenitic stainless steels.
Tests result found that SAF 2707
80 (175)
HD is highly resistant to corrosion
by organic acids such as formic
acid and acetic acid. This is illus- 60 (140)
trated in the isocorrosion diagrams
Boiling point curve
in Figures 3 and 4 which show that Sandvik SAF 2707 HD
the material remains resistant in 0 (32)
contaminated acid. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
HCOOH, wt%
Pitting and crevice corrosion
The effects of pitting and crevice Figure 3 Isocorrosion diagram in naturally aerated formic acid. The curve represents a
corrosion can be more detrimental corrosion rate of 0.1 mm/year (4 mpy) in a stagnant test solution
to stainless steel components than
damage caused by general corro-
120 (250)
sion, as was clearly evidenced in
the German refinery’s heat exchang-
ers. Such corrosion phenomena
Temperature, ºC (ºF)

100 (210)
often remain undetected until
severe damage is caused: for exam-
ple, penetration of the tube within 80 (175)
the heat exchanger which can lead
to complete system failure.
With these consequences in mind, 60 (140)
SAF 2707 HD was subjected to Boiling point curve
extensive tests in its early stages of
development. Exact testing proce- 0 (32)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
dures were specified to ASTM G48
standard and were imperative to CH3COOH, wt%
ascertain the material’s operational
characteristics, resistance to corro- Figure 4 Isocorrosion diagram in naturally aerated acetic acid. The curve represents a
sion threats and suitability in given corrosion rate of 0.1 mm/year (4 mpy) in a stagnant test solution
These tests were used to detect
such qualities as the material’s 120
pitting resistance equivalent (PRE) 110
number that is used to measure the
Temperature, ºC

corrosion resistance of stainless

steels containing nickel. SAF 2707
HD has a nominal PRE value of 49 60
minimum which is significantly 50
higher than other available auste- 40
nitic and duplex stainless steel 30
grades. 20
One assessment of the hyper 10
duplex material’s resistance to 0
severe pitting and crevice corrosion SAF 2507 SAF 2707 HD SAF 2507 SAF 2707 HD
included a modified version of the CPT G48C CCT MIT-2
standard test, ASTM G48A. The
hyper duplex was exposed to 6% Figure 5 Critical pitting temperature in modified G-48A and critical crevice corrosion
FeCl3 solution while the tempera- temperature obtained in MTI-2 testing
ture was increased in steps of 2.5°C
(36.5°F) over a 24 hour period until hyper duplex material’s critical 80°C (176°F) CPT of super duplex
corrosion attack was observed. pitting temperature (CPT) as 97.5°C material UNS S32750.
The resulting ASTM G48A data, (207.5°F). This is a significant Tests also focused on the materi-
shown in Figure 5, defines the improvement on the corresponding al’s crevice corrosion temperature Revamps 2014 39

sandvik.indd 3 15/09/2014 13:18

(CCT); these were performed with
120 an artificial crevice mounted on the
110 UNS S32507 test sample. The corrosion phenom-
100 Sandvik SAF 2707 HD ena develops in small crevices on
90 the metal and can be found in
Temperature, ºC 80 flange joints, beneath deposits, on
the surface or in welds that have
incomplete penetration. The results
in Figure 6 concluded that the mate-
rial’s CCT was higher than UNS
S32750 in all test solutions includ-
10 ing the ‘green death’ test solution
0 (1% FeCl3 + 1% CuCl2 + 11% H2SO4
CPT CCT CPT + 1.2% HCl).
G48 ‘Green Death’ Figure 7 shows the material’s CPT
alongside a 6% Mo, high Ni-base
Figure 6 Critical pitting temperature measured in modified G48A and ‘green death’ standard stainless steel measured in
test solutions. The critical crevice corrosion temperature was obtained in testing with a a potentiostatic test. Each material
crevice specified in the MTI-2 procedure was subjected to varying concentra-
tions of sodium chloride (NaCl)
from 3-25% and neutral pH with an
100 (212) applied potential of 600mV vs satu-
rated calomel electrode (SCE).
This is approximately the same
Temperature, ºC (ºF)

90 (194)
reduction potential, a measure of
the tendency of a material to
80 (176) acquire electrons and thereby be
reduced, as used in ASTM G48
tests. This is a higher potential than
70 (158) is normally encountered in real life
SAF 2707 HD
chloride containing media, such as
6Mo + N process streams in refineries or
natural unchlorinated seawater. It
4 3 2 1 should be noted that actual possible
pH application temperatures of lower
reduction potentials would typi-
Figure 7 Critical pitting temperatures (CPT) in 3% NaCl with varying pH (potentiostatic cally be much higher than the CPT
determination at +600mV SCE with surface ground with 220 grit paper) findings obtained in this test.
The data in Figures 5 and 6 illus-
trate that the CPT of the hyper
Autoclave 8 ppm O2 NaCI-solution duplex material increased by 25°C
100 bar Load = proof strength 1000h (6 weeks) (77°F) over UNS S32750 and 27.5°C
SAF 2707 HD SAF 2205 Sandvik 2304 (81.5°F) over 6Mo+N. It can there-
SAF 2507 Sanicro 28 AISI 304 & 316 fore be surmised that SAF 2707 HD
300 is well suited for applications in
tubular heat exchangers for process
industries such as oil refineries,
petrochemical and chemical plants.
Temperature, ºC

Stress corrosion
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is
one of the most serious forms of
corrosion in industrial processes
and can lead to rapid material fail-
ure. SCC phenomena usually occur
at relatively low chloride levels in
0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 standard austenitic stainless steels,
Chloride ion concentration, % whereas hyper duplex steels can
overcome this problem with excel-
Figure 8 SCC resistance in oxygen bearing (abt. 8 ppm) neutral chloride solutions. Testing lent resistance to chloride corrosion
time 1000 hours. Applied stress equal to proof strength at testing temperature and temperatures (see Figure 8).

40 Revamps 2014

sandvik.indd 4 12/09/2014 12:02

Under laboratory conditions,
samples were tested for a period of 20
six weeks with fresh NaCl solution

Expansion behaviour ×10-6

pumped through the chamber
throughout the test period. The 15
results illustrated in Figure 8
confirm that there were no signs of
SCC up to 1000 ppm Cl-/300°C and
10 000 ppm Cl-/250°C.
These findings clearly demon-
strate that SAF 2707 HD will offer
ideal resistance to chloride SCC in
critical heat exchanger applications 0
in the process industries. Duplex steel Carbon steel AISI 316L

Mechanical properties Figure 9 Typical expansion behaviour in duplex stainless steel (x10-6) alongside carbon
An easy and cost-effective revamp steel and standard grade AISI 316L
process was important to the
German refiner’s objectives, and
this is where the high mechanical
strength of SAF 2707 HD would 900
prove crucial.
Proof strength, MPa

Whereas high strength affects 800

workability in standard stainless
steel grades, the hyper duplex
material is designed to maintain a Mean
high level of ductility during fabri-
cation procedures, such as bending 500
and expansion. To compare, ther-
mal expansion behaviour in duplex
steels (x10-6) is shown in Figure 9 300
alongside carbon steel and 20 50 100 150 200 250 300
(68) (122) (212) (302) (392) (482) (572)
the standard austenitic grade AISI
316L. Temperature, ºC(ºF)
The hyper duplex structure has a
yield strength that is about 3.5 Figure 10 Proof strength Rp0.2 of Sandvik SAF 2707 HD
times higher than 316L, and the
higher strength also enables
substantial reductions in tube wall
thickness. To illustrate the advan- 1100
Tensile strength, MPa

tages of these properties, in

standard heat exchanger tubes the 1000
typical values are yield strength Mean
Rp0.2 800 MPa and tensile strength
1000 MPa, and this elongation 800
value is above 24% in the quenched
annealed condition. 700
Yield and tensile properties tend
to decrease in standard stainless
steels when the metal is exposed to 500
high temperatures. This is due to 20 50 100 150 200 250 300
(68) (122) (212) (302) (392) (482) (572)
high velocities of dislocation move-
ments, whereby diffusion rates of Temperature, ºC(ºF)
both substitution and interstitial
atoms increase and the density of Figure 11 Tensile strength Rm of Sandvik SAF 2707 HD
dislocation decreases. This issue is
more pronounced in microstructur- tensile strength Rm of SAF 2707 20-300°C (68-572°F). The findings
ally variable and relatively instable HD respectively. The data were illustrate that the yield strength and
high Ni alloys. measured on heat exchanger tubes the tensile strength remained high
Figures 10 and 11 show the mean with wall thicknesses of up to over the whole temperature range
yield strength Rp0.2 and mean 4mm in the temperature range up to 300°C (572°F). Revamps 2014 41

sandvik.indd 5 12/09/2014 12:02

Tube installation
800 The Sandvik SAF 2707 HD tubes
700 were installed in the German oil
refinery’s heat exchangers in 2006.
Yield strength, MPa 600
The material’s advantages, such as
500 good resistance to chloride induced
stress corrosion cracking and its
minimal thermal expansion, made
300 it easy to install the hyper duplex
200 grade into the existing carbon steel
fabrication of the heat exchangers.

0 Conclusions
The replacement tube bundle was

o2 /





cr 5




ni K6

inspected after six months and


Sa 2R





showed slight erosion corrosion on


the upper tubes to approximately
Figure 12 Yield strength of Sandvik SAF 2707 HD alongside other grades 10% of the tube wall thickness with
no failures detected.
The bundle was cleaned, eddy
Sandvik Yield strength Tensile strength Elongation Hardness current and hydro-tested, and the
0.2% offset A
heat exchanger was closed with no
MPa MPa % Vickers changes and left to continue
min. min. average
running for another four years.
SAF 2707 HD 700 920-1100 25 335 Upon further inspection after four
SAF 2507 550 800-1000 25 290 years, shutdown showed no further
SAF 2205 450 680-880 25 260 erosion corrosion cracks in the
hyper duplex grade. Crucially, this
SAF 2304 400 600-820 25 230
met the customer’s requirement of
a standard four-year inspection
Figure 13 Mechanical properties of Sandvik SAF 2707 HD alongside other grades interval for the distillation column.
From these findings it was
The impressive yield (see Figure remains at a high level, and is concluded that the revamped tube
12) and tensile strength properties beneficial when fabrication bundle had demonstrated a far
of Sandvik SAF 2707 HD are not at processes such as bending and superior performance and longev-
the expense of ductility which expansion are performed. ity compared to the previous
carbon steel tube bundle.
350000 In practical terms, the replaced
tube bundle has reduced the
300000 number of shutdowns from eight to
one over a four-year period, equiv-
alent to cost savings totalling
Cost saving, €

200000 €255 000 (see Figure 14). This has

resulted in fewer steel bundle
150000 replacements for significantly
improved operations and increased
working safety at the refinery.

Sandvik SAF 2205, Sandvik SAF 2304, Sandvik
− 50000 SAF 2507, Sandvik SAF 2707 HD and Sanicro


ee t

ee t




st s

st s

are marks of Sandvik. Sandvik 254 SMO is a

n co

s co






bo on

es n


mark of Outokumpu OY.



nl io

ar ti



ai at


st ric





ex ab





pl F







Eduardo Perea is Global Technical Marketing &

er p

Sales Manager for South East Asia - Tube Core


& Standard Products with Sandvik Materials

Figure 14 Cost savings achieved with Sandvik SAF 2707 HD after four years. Total savings Technology. He is a metallurgist engineer and
of €255 000 were achieved with the hyper duplex grade graduated in Brazil.

42 Revamps 2014

sandvik.indd 6 12/09/2014 12:03

linde.indd 1
PC.A2EN 0813 - &AA.indd 1 11/09/2014
8/19/2013 16:21
1:03:48 PM
pcs 1.indd 1 8/3/12 09:50:20
Estimating bitumen viscosity for revamps

Accurate viscosity data for dilbit and its heavy residues define the scope of
revamps required to process the feed in crude and vacuum units


Fluor Enterprises

ith the growing supply of ing capacities of the downstream commercial simulation programs
bitumen based crudes units such as the coking unit do not always provide reasonable
and the reported signifi- among others processing heavy estimates for the viscosity of dilbit
cant reserves of bitumen, some fractions. Revamping refineries and its heavy fractions. It is gener-
refineries, especially those in the designed for conventional crudes ally worthwhile to verify the dibit
upper region of North America, will typically be necessary to make viscosity data from the simulation
have started processing these them suitable for refining dilbit programs against laboratory data
crudes. Due to high densities (or and, as such, the required scope of or independently estimated values
low API gravities typically less modification increases as the from alternate methods such as
than 10) and other undesirable percentage of dilbit in the crude data correlations. This article
properties such as the high viscosi- slate increases. discusses correlations which may
ties of bitumen relative to While the viscosity of conven- be considered for estimating or
conventional crudes, one of the tional heavy crudes can be several verifying the viscosities of
common ways for marketing bitu- orders of magnitude higher than Canadian dilbit and its heavy
men based crudes is mixing a that of the light crudes, bitumen fractions.
diluent with the bitumen to become from Canada can typically be a
diluted bitumen (dilbit) with a typi- thousand times more viscous than Crude unit preheat trains
cal API gravity of 20 to 21, which is conventional heavy crudes. A maxi- Crude units typically have a raw
the typical API gravity range of mum viscosity of 350 cSt is crude preheat train upstream of the
heavy crudes. However, relative to typically specified for pipeline desalter and a desalted crude
other typical heavy crudes, the delivered dilbit by mixing bitumen preheat train downstream of the
viscosity and content of naphthenic with sufficient amounts of diluent. desalter. These preheat trains
acid, asphaltenes, fine solids and The amount of dilbit required to recover heat from the product
heavy metals are all high or signifi- meet a targeted viscosity at the streams of the crude and vacuum
cantly present in dilbits of delivery point will vary, depending towers and minimise the necessary
Canadian origin, in addition to mainly on the delivery temperature heat input to the crude and vacuum
other issues such as phase as well as the particular characteris- furnaces. The raw crude preheat
separation and crude blend incom- tics of each blending component: train also increases the raw crude
patibility, resulting in high fouling bitumen and diluent. When temperature to meet the inlet
rates. processing 100% dilbit crudes, the temperature requirement of the
In the crude and vacuum units of heavy fraction or residue of dilbit is desalter for optimal performance.
an existing refinery intending to essentially all bitumen; therefore, For light and conventional heavy
process dilbit, the equipment for all high boiling point streams in the crudes, the desalters generally
heat transfer, desalting, and pump- crude and vacuum units will have require 200°F (or lower) to 250°F
ing can be inadequate due to the high viscosities. (93-120°C) inlet temperatures and
high viscosity of the feed. High viscosity dilbit crudes perform less satisfactorily as crude
Additionally, high naphthenic acid reduce equipment performance and density and viscosity increase.
contents (or total acid number, require modification or replacement Desalting dilbits typically requires
TAN) of dilbit increase the corro- of equipment. Proper definition of 280°F (140°C) or higher inlet
sion rates of carbon steel equipment the scope for revamp of the crude temperatures to minimise the
operating at high operating temper- and vacuum units necessitates impacts of high densities and
atures, especially above 400°F accurate, temperature dependent viscosities. Inadequate salt removal
(205°C). Product yield distribution estimates of the viscosity of the will cause severe corrosion, espe-
from processing dilbit in the crude dilbit and its heavy fractions. cially at the crude tower overhead.
and vacuum units will significantly Depending upon the selected calcu- These higher desalter inlet tempera-
change and require higher operat- lation methods and versions, tures require modification of the Revamps 2014 45

fluor.indd 1 12/09/2014 12:08

pcs 1.indd 1 8/3/12 09:50:20
raw crude preheat train to meet the
increased preheat duty; however, API 37 crude

co-efficient, Btu/h/ft2/ºF
the overall heat transfer coefficients 45
Dilbit crude blend

Overall heat transfer

of exchangers in the preheat trains 40 100% Dilbit crude
reduce severely at high viscosities 35
which also result in high pressure 30
drops. High velocities necessary
in exchangers to minimise the foul-
ing potentials of dilbit will 20
further increase pressure drop. 15
Consequently, the required surface 10
areas of the new or modified cold 5
preheat train necessary to process 0 50 100 150 200
dilbits will increase significantly, Raw crude side average viscosity, cP
and the raw crude charge pump
will need to deliver a higher Figure 1 Overall heat transfer coefficient of a raw crude exchanger
discharge pressure.
Figure 1 shows the sample perfor- fired duties of the furnaces. As 1 xw,D xwB
mance of an exchanger in the raw such, realistic estimates of viscosity --- = ----- + -----
crude preheat train. As shown, the data are essential for successful µm µD µB (1)
Ln ---- Ln ---- Ln ----
exchanger originally designed for a modification of the preheat train
light crude of API 37 becomes and the desalting system.
severely inadequate when preheat- Dilbit may be blended with other
ing dilbit crudes. The overall heat types of crudes, depending upon where:
transfer coefficient reduces to about the crude slates included in the XwD, XwB = mass fractions of diluent
28% when the crude-side average revamp modification scope. 100% and bitumen respectively
viscosity of the exchanger increases dilbit crudes are likely the most µ = viscosity in CSt
from about 3 cP average viscosity viscous, and viscosity data will be C = empirical parameter.
with an API 37 crude to 200 cP necessary. As the diluent content of Similar to the commonly known
average viscosity of a 100% dilbit dilbit will vary to meet the pipeline viscosity blending index or number,
crude. The average viscosity on the or other viscosity specifications, the Cragoe Equation requires
abscissa of Figure 1 is the viscosity accurate and reliable temperature viscosity data of the blend compo-
average of raw crude entering and dependent viscosity estimates of the nents at a given temperature to
leaving the exchanger. The raw dilbit crudes are needed for defin- estimate the blend viscosity at the
crude side pressure drop of the ing the scope for modification of the same temperature. For 100% dilbit
exchanger increases to about 200% raw crude and desalted crude crudes, diluent viscosity data may
(see Figure 2) when processing preheat trains. While a number of not be available at the same
100% dilbit. These reductions in correlations or equations for esti- temperatures at which the bitumen
performance become more severe mating the viscosity of crude blends viscosity data is available. In this
at low dilbit crude feed supply have been reported, the Cragoe case, separate correlations for esti-
temperatures during winter. Equation (Equation 1) results in mating the temperature dependent
To quantify the reduction in reasonably good estimates of dilbit viscosities of the diluent and the
exchanger performance due to the viscosity from viscosity data of bitumen are required before using
high viscosities of dilbit crudes, diluent and bitumen: the Cragoe Equation to estimate the
accurate, temperature dependent
viscosity data of dilbit crudes are
essential for properly modifying an
existing raw crude preheat train to
operate in dilbit services. 19
pressure drop, psi
Raw crude side

Overestimating the viscosity will 17

result in unwarranted high capital 15
expenditure, while underestimating 13
will result in poor performances of
the preheat train and the desalter.
9 API 37 crude
Severe corrosion in the crude tower
Dilbit crude blend
overhead could result when the 7
100% Dilbit crude
desalter does not perform satisfac- 5
torily due to feed temperatures 0 50 100 150 200
lower than the design target. Raw crude side average viscosity, cP
Failure of the preheat train to meet
the design duty also leads to higher Figure 2 Raw crude side pressure drops Revamps 2014 47

fluor.indd 2 15/09/2014 13:19

temperature dependent viscosities further increases the crude tower viscosity of bitumen or heavy resi-
of the dilbit crudes. bottoms temperature to higher than dues of dilbit. However, viscosity
The raw crude and desalted crude 700°F (370°C) before entering the data for crude residues may be
preheat trains typically heat the vacuum tower. Relative to conven- typically available at a lower
crude feed from ambient tempera- tional crudes, processing dilbit temperature range and unavailable
tures to around 450°F (230°C), crudes increases the percentage of at the required high temperature
depending on the design of the atmospheric residue from the crude ranges of 600-780°F (315-415°C).
preheat trains. Using Equation 1 to tower, and this increased rate of Moreover, crude residue viscosity
estimate dilbit viscosities in this vacuum feed stream requires the data are available at certain cut
temperature range will need viscos- performance rating of the existing points, and data at different cut
ity data of the diluent and bitumen vacuum charge pump, vacuum points may need to be estimated in
at the same temperature range. furnace, and vacuum tower to eval- accordance with the design and
However, crude assays typically uate if they need to be modified or operation range of the crude tower.
contain viscosity data up to 212°F replaced for processing dilbit Among common viscosity-
(100°C) only, and data at higher crudes. Additionally, material temperature correlations reported
temperatures may need to be upgrade may be necessary to mini- in the literature, Equation 2 can be
estimated from correlations extrapo- mise the naphthenic acid corrosion considered for estimating the dilbit
lated to higher temperatures. These rate at the operating temperature based crude bottoms viscosity in
correlations may be developed range of the crude bottoms. the 600-780°F (315-415°C) tempera-
using statistical data analysis such Reliable estimates of crude ture range:
as the least square method. bottoms viscosities in the range
However, correlations developed 600-780°F (315-415°C) are necessary Ln (Ln µ) = A Ln T + B (2)
from viscosity data in a lower for defining the scope of modifica-
temperature range often result in tion. Underestimated crude where:
poor estimates of bitumen at bottoms viscosity could lead to a µ = viscosity in centipoise
temperatures higher or outside the shortage of charge pump discharge T = temperature in °F
data temperature range. This could pressure and a failure of the A and B = correlations or
be due to errors or inaccuracies in vacuum furnace in reaching the coefficients.
the viscosity data. Correlations targeted outlet temperature. Equation 2 requires a set of viscos-
derived from inaccurate data can Vacuum furnace outlet tempera- ity data points for crude residue at a
result in erroneous viscosity esti- tures directly affect the cut point of specified cut point and in a range of
mates from extrapolation. the vacuum tower bottoms stream temperatures to evaluate coefficients
The Cragoe Equation would which typically feeds the down- A and B based on the least squares
result in more reliable estimates of stream coking unit. Failure to meet regression analysis method. For esti-
dilbit viscosity in the preheat the targeted cut point of the mating the viscosity of dilbit crude
temperature range when viscosity vacuum bottoms could impact the bottoms in the temperature range
data of the dilbit blend components overall refinery operation. 600-780°F (315-415°C), the values of
(bitumen and diluent) are available For revamp cases where the exist- A and B are generally more reliable
in the same temperature range. ing vacuum furnace needs to be if they are derived from data points
Equation 1 contains a coefficient or retubed or replaced, underestimat- at temperatures within that range.
constant (C1) which may be ing crude bottoms viscosity could When laboratory or experimental
adjusted to allow some margin in result in a faulty design of the new data point of dilbit bottoms in the
the estimated viscosity value; this or modified furnace which will proper temperature range are lack-
feature may become important operate with increased furnace ing, A and B need to be evaluated
especially when viscosity data for pressure drops and tube film from the available viscosity data at
each of the blend components are temperatures exceeding the design temperatures outside the range, but
incomplete or rough approxima- limit. High furnace pressure drops it could be difficult to assess the
tions with uncertainties. lead to a hydraulic bottleneck of accuracy of the viscosity calculated
the vacuum unit, and excessive using Equation 2. Obviously, erro-
Atmospheric residue to vacuum unit fluid film temperatures cause neous or inaccurate data used to
Estimating the viscosity of the premature fouling of the furnace derive A and B will lead to poor
atmospheric residue from the crude due to excessive rates of cracking. estimates of viscosity at 600-780°F
tower to the vacuum unit is essen- The diluent content of dilbit is (315-415°C). Moreover, cracking will
tial for defining the required scope typically in the naphtha boiling take place at this temperature range
of modification for the vacuum range and will be separated from and affect the viscosity.
unit. For refineries with a vacuum the dilbit and concentrated in the Nevertheless, for dilbit crudes stud-
unit, the vacuum charge pump naphtha streams of the crude tower ied in this article, Equation 2 can
delivers the atmospheric residue at top section. The crude tower result in a regression R-Squared (R2,
temperatures typically higher than bottoms stream is essentially all correlation coefficient or coefficient
600°F (315°C) from the crude tower bitumen, and the crude bottoms of determination) of 0.99 or higher,
to the vacuum furnace, which viscosity corresponds to the and the difference between the

48 Revamps 2014

fluor.indd 3 12/09/2014 12:08

operations? Part 1, Hydrocarbon Processing, Jul for the Efficient Use of Energy, Second edition, in the Master of Technology Programme
estimated viscosities versus the d, B can be estimated for dilbit resi- crudes at varying fractions of the
in Chemical Engineering at IIT Kanpur and
2013, 99-102. 2007.
experimental data points is about
3 Errico M, Tola G, Mascia M, Energy saving
dues at different cut points. As the
11 Linnhoff March, Introduction to Pinch
diluent, and the viscosity data
received Ambuja’s Young Researchers Award.
a crude maximum
distillation and
unit by reduces
a preflashat value of
technology, A in Equation 1 is rela- pointsNanoti
Shrikant of isthe Head ofindividual blend
Separation Processes
higher temperatures.
implementation, Appl. Thermal Engineering, 29, tively unchanged for different cut
design/Introduction%20to%20Pinch%20 components at adequate
Division at the Indian Institute of Petroleum, tempera-
2009, another set of viscosity
1642-1647. point residues, the estimated B can
Technology-LinhoffMarch.pdf ture ranges
Dehradun. He has are26preferred to avoid
years’ experience in
4data points
Feintuch H M,forPeer
dilbit crude residue
V, Bucukoglu M Z, A beLinnhoff
12 used B,inUseEquation 2 to
pinch analysis toknockdown
estimate uncertainty
the development and of scale-up
estimates from
of separation
at a different
preflash cut point
drum can conserve is available,
energy in a crude the temperature
capital cost and emission,dependent viscos-
Chemical Engineering extrapolation.
based For heavy
technologies, process fractions
designing, process
this data
preheat train,can
Energy beProg.,
regressed to evalu-
5, 1985, 165-172. ity data
Progress, Augof crude
1994, 6-57.residues at a new or residues
integration of dilbit
and pinch analysis crudes, correla-
for the petroleum
5ateJi S,another
Bagajewicz setM ofJ, Design
A and of crude
B in cut
13 Aspen
Based property
on thesystem – physical
limited data refining
tions for and estimating
petrochemicalthe industries, has
distillation plants with vacuum
Equation 2. For dilbit crudes, units. Partthe
I: property methods and models, 11.1.
evaluated, the R-squared value for published more than 35 research
of atmospheric residues at varying papers, and
targeting, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41, 2002, 6094- 14 Edwards J E, Process modeling selection has eight patents to his credit. He holds a
two sets of data from the residues Equation 2 or Equation 3 has been cut points have been presented for
6099. of thermodynamic methods, Technical report, bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering
at different cut points have resulted higher than 0.99, and the maximum consideration.
6 Ji S, Bagajewicz M J, Design of crude Mar 2011, from Laxminaryan Institute of Technology,
in slight variations of the A values,
fractionation units with preflashing or
difference between the estimated
documents/Technical_Articles/thermo.pdf Nagpur, and a doctorate from Indian Institute
but the B values
prefractionation: energyvary significantly
targeting, Ind. Eng. viscosities
15 and the data
Fuel and combustion, is typical
of Technology, Roorkee.
Chem. Res. 2002, 41, 3003-3011. cut points.
and increase at higher about 20%. This method may also
1 Cragoe C S, Changes in the viscosity of liquids
M O Garg is Director of the Indian Institute of
be considered for estimating the with temperature, pressure, and composition,
Benali on T, the limited
Tondeur viscosity
D, Jaubert J N,dataAn books/2Ch1.pdf Petroleum, Dehradun, a constituent laboratory
points of dilbit viscosity of vacuum bottoms typi- Proceeding of World Petroleum Congress II,
improved crude oil residues
atmosphericat distillation
different of the Council of Scientific & Industrial
529-541, 1933.
cut points,
process theintegration:
for energy values of PartB I:can be
Energy cally sent to the coking unit. Research, and specialises in liquid-liquid
and using of
exergy analyses Equation 3: when a
the process extraction,
Tek Sutikno simulation
is a Process andEngineering
modelling, Manager
flash is installed in the preheating train, Applied Sunil Kumar is a Scientist in the Separation
Conclusion integration,
at Fluor and advance
a Professional control and registered
Engineer process
B = cT + d (3)
Thermal Engineering, 32, 2012, 125-131. Process
Viscosity Division
dataof ofIndian
and of its conceptualisation.
in 11 US states with He over
has 33 25years’
8 Benali T, Tondeur D, Jaubert J N, An improved Petroleum, Dehradun, working in the areas inin the
the refining industry, has
process industries. He developed
holds BSc, and
where : heavy residues at specific ranges of
crude oil atmospheric distillation process for of modelling and simulation of petroleum commercialised
and DEngr degrees severalin technologies and has
chemical engineering
T = cut points in °F of the crude temperature are necessary for prop-
energy integration: Part II: New approach for refinery separation processes, process received
and a MBA two degree,
CSIR Technology
all from the Awards as wellof
energy saving by use of residual heat, Applied
erly defining the scope of
integration, pinch analysis, development asKansas.
a CSIR Shield for his commercialisation
c andEngineering,
Thermal d = correlation coefficients
40, 2012, 132-144. ofmodification
solvent extractionrequired to molecular
processes, process efforts.
Carlos He graduated
Mesta from Engineer
is a Process Indian Institute
at Fluor
8derived from MatJ, Methods
Ji S, Bagajewicz least two sets of
of increasing dilbit in the crude and
modelling and simulation application in vacuum ofEnterprises.
Technology,HeKanpur, holds ina the BS Research
in chemical &
distillates yield in residue viscosityUnited
crude oil distillation, data units. The
adsorption andCragoe Equation
solvent extraction. Hemay
holds be
a Development
engineering Division
from of RiceEngineers India Ltd,
University and
at different
States cut points.
Patent, 7172686_B1, 2007. considered
master’s to estimate
in chemical thefrom
engineering tempera-
Indian holds a PhD positions
committee in solventinextraction from the
various professional
With the
10 Kemp I C, known valuesandof Process
Pinch Analysis c and ture dependent
Institute viscosity
of Kanpur, India, of dilbit
has been awarded a University of Melbourne,
groups. Email: Australia, and has 207
Integration – A User Guide on Process Integration Certificate of Merit for Academic Excellence papers and 26 patents to his credit.


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Options for CO2 capture from SMR

As CO2 capture from steam methane reforming becomes increasingly important, the
economics of retrofit for recovery from process gas streams need to be considered

GOUTAM SHAHANI Linde Engineering North America

CHRISTINE KANDZIORA Linde Clean Energy and Innovation Management

rude oil is getting heavier and
sourer on a global basis. In Demin.
water Steam
North America, this long term system
trend is being mitigated to some
3 Fluegas
extent by the recent discovery and
exploitation of light tight oil. In Reformer
Feed CO-shift 1 H2-PSA Hydrogen
order to convert crude oil to trans-
portation fuels, refiners need
Air 2
hydrogen (H2). The dominant
method of producing hydrogen is Fuel
by steam methane reforming
(SMR). Whenever a hydrocarbon is Figure 1 Steam methane reformer (SMR)
converted to hydrogen, there is a
concurrent production of by- CO + H2O → CO2 + H2 Exothermic (2) are depicted as syngas (1), PSA tail
product carbon dioxide (CO2). gas (2) and flue gas (3).
Historically, SMRs have been Reaction (1) is reforming which is Approximately 40% of the CO2 is
designed to optimise capital, oper- endothermic; reaction (2) is shift generated in the reformer furnace
ating costs and plant reliability. In conversion which is exothermic. by combustion of fuel and tail gas
the future, CO2 emissions will also The shift reaction employs and approximately 60% is present
be an important consideration in promoted iron oxide catalyst. Both in the syngas, from which CO2 is
the design of SMRs. This article reactions are equilibrium limited, rejected by the PSA into the tail
will provide an overview of how based on the outlet temperature gas. Ultimately, all the carbon in
CO2 is produced in a SMR, describe and pressure. The reaction products the feed ends up in the flue gas.
where it can be captured, and are a mixture of H2, CO, CO2 and The characteristics of these three
provide a summary of different H2O. Hydrogen is recovered from streams is shown in Table 1.
methods of capturing the CO2 with this gas mixture by pressure swing
the associated economics. Finally, adsorption (PSA). The PSA is a CO2 capture
some important considerations for physical process that depends on Several technologies are commer-
process selection are presented the selective physical binding of cially available to capture CO2 from
along with recommendations for gas molecules. Hydrogen, being the three streams described. These
future work. non-polar and highly volatile is technologies include: pressure
essentially not adsorbed by the swing adsorption (PSA), absorption
Process technology adsorbent material. A simplified technologies, membranes, cryogenic
Hydrogen production block flow diagram of the SMR processes and various combinations
The predominant method of process is shown in Figure 1. of these technologies (see Table 2).
producing hydrogen on a large It can be seen in Figure 1 that CO2 The choice of technology depends
industrial scale is steam methane is present in three streams which on how much CO2 needs to be
reforming. In this process, desul-
phurised hydrocarbon feed is CO2 containing streams
mixed with steam and fed to tubes
filled with nickel catalyst in a
Stream Pressure, psig CO2 conc., mol% CO2 % of total
down-fired, down flow reformer.
Syngas ① ≈350 16-20 60
The following reactions occur: PSA tail gas ② ≈5 40-45 60
Flue gas ③ Ambient 10-18 100

CH4 + H2O → CO + 3H2 Endothermic (1) Table 1 Revamps 2014 51

linde (original).indd 1 12/09/2014 12:23

ity of material CO2 removal technologies
ased on tank
xample, FIFO,
Stream Pressure, CO2 conc., CO2 removal
This kind of
psig mol%
ng can be done PSA Absorption Membrane Cryogenic
tions manage- Syngas ① ≈350 16-20 ✓ ✓
or within the Our knockout drum needs PSA tail gas ② ≈5 40-45 ✓ ✓ ✓
plication. As a a mist eliminator! Flue gas ③ Ambient 10-18 ✓

n tracking, the
kage can better Table 2
ial balance. It
ated at some
osses (non-clo- Drying/
compression CO2 product
cessing units,
es place, are CO2

d to errors in
at occur if no Condenser
performed. Can we add one without Synthetic gas to
H2 resp. vent
overhauling the vessel?
aints IT’S A MORE COMMON problem than Backwash Wash Regeneration
you might think. A vertical knockout Waste
water column column water
eld accountant drum removes free liquid from a
r know where certain gas stream. But at the time the
ould or should plant was built, a mist eliminator was
not considered necessary. Now mist
balance. They
is carrying over and causing trouble Feed
conditions that downstream. There is no manway, so
on the balance 1 or 3
adding a conventional mist eliminator
ing modes at would require cutting the vessel open. Solvent Reboiler
example, the cooler
nce is the chief Solvent-solvent
reconciliation, heat exchanger
ams where a
be tracked. In Figure 2 Absorption
er requires the
y composition captured, the desired purity of the amine based absorption and PSA
nt balances as CO2 and the cost of power and systems, based on recent studies.
example, if a steam. This will determine which
one around a stream has to be processed and Amine absorption
m, certain oper- which technology is employed. Amine absorption is a well-
have specific State of the art technologies for established technology whereby an
targets as key CO2 capture in SMRs are amine acidic gas such as CO2 is reacted
MistFix® insertion mist eliminator
ators (KPIs) absorption for the syngas and flue with a basic liquid such as an alkyl
uction or some Instead, if the flanged exit nozzle gas stream. Also, pressure swing amine. The choice of the amine
ese targets will is at least six inches in diameter, you adsorption for the syngas stream depends mainly on the partial pres-
wn tolerances, can simply hang a patented MistFix® and the tail gas stream are technol- sure of CO2 and is proprietary to
are infeasible. mist eliminator inside, securing it ogies that are commercially the solvent supplier. A typical
onciled transac- between the flanges. available on an industrial scale. process flow diagram is shown in
Even when there is a manway,
should be able MistFix avoids entry, welding, and
Additionally, a range of technolo- Figure 2. The absorber is a gas-
alculations for recertification in retrofits. For new gies is currently being developed liquid contactor in which the amine
tion; for exam- and old vessels, it drastically cuts for CO2 capture. These technologies solution absorbs CO2 from the gas.
verall yields, installation cost and downtime. include: new CO2 membranes, new The resulting ‘rich’ amine is then
and gains/ solvent systems, new adsorbents, or sent to a regenerator, which is a
the plant. Visit our new website at a combination of the above. In stripper with a reboiler to produce
user add such future, other technologies may be regenerated or ‘lean’ amine that is
o the reconcili- developed for post combustion CO2 recycled for reuse in the absorber.
he-art, flexible capture that could be applied to a The stripped overhead gas from the
ckage has this SMR’s flue gas. These technologies regenerator is concentrated CO2.
ication should could reduce the cost of CO2 The CO2 is dried and compressed.
Phone: 713-434-0934 • Fax: 713-433-6201
engineer and capture compared to today’s state In the context of a SMR, the
easily specify 24-hr Emergency Service: 281-716-1179 of the art technologies. The best amine absorption process can be
on variables, currently available choices are applied to the syngas stream (1)

52 Revamps 2014 Processing Shale Feedstocks 2014 47

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(1) or the tail gas from the H2 PSA
Steam (2). For high CO2 purities, the
water Steam CO2-PSA is followed by a standard
drying step and a cryogenic purifi-
Fluegas cation unit to reduce the level of
Reformer the non-condensable gases in the
Feed CO-shift 1 H2-PSA Hydrogen
CO2. These two options are shown
in Figures 3 and 4.

Fuel Impact on H2 and steam production

The impact on SMR design and
operation when CO2 is captured
from the three streams is described
Compression below.
Final Drying
CO2 for Expansion
seq./EOR compression
Condensation Syngas
Fuel consumption decreases when
CO2 is removed from the syngas.
Figure 3 CO2 recovery from syngas using PSA H2 production can be maintained.
However, an assessment of the
and the flue gas (3). Since the material, partial pressure of the gas H2-PSA needs to be made. For
partial pressure of the CO2 is differ- component and operating tempera- retrofit applications, new burners
ent in these two streams, different ture. The PSA process works at may be needed since the tail gas
solvents are used in these two basically constant temperature and composition has changed. For an
cases. The CO2 is subsequently uses the effect of alternating pres- absorption system, it is possible to
dried and compressed as required. sure and partial pressure to integrate the regenerator steam
This process produces very pure perform adsorption and desorption. system with the heat available from
CO2 with less than 20 ppm O2. Since heating or cooling is not cooling the process gas. This would
Typically, steam consumption, required, short cycles within the reduce the steam available for
which depends on CO2 partial pres- range of minutes are utilised. export.
sure is in the range 0.8-1.5 T/TCO2. Consequently, the PSA process
allows the economical removal of PSA tail gas
Pressure swing adsorption large amounts of impurities. As the CO2 is taken out, the tail gas
Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) In the context of a SMR, it should volume becomes much lower. This
technology is based on a physical be noted that most modern SMRs results in lower fuel demand for
binding of gas molecules to adsor- require a H2 PSA to produce pure the reformer furnace and less steam
bent material. The attractive forces H2. If CO2 is to be recovered by a export from the reformer. There is
between the gas molecules and the PSA, an additional CO2-PSA is no influence on the H2-PSA adsor-
adsorbent material depends on the needed. This PSA process can be bent or design. If a recycle blower
gas component, type of adsorbent applied to either the syngas stream is installed for the CO2 free tail gas,
additional H2 from that tail gas can
be recovered. For retrofit applica-
Demin. tions, new burners may be needed
water Steam
system in the reformer since the fuel
composition has changed.

Feed Reformer CO-shift H2-PSA Hydrogen

Flue gas
H2 and steam production remain
Air unchanged from the SMR. Since an
absorption system is needed to
Fuel capture CO2 from the flue gas, a
CO2-PSA low grade steam is needed for
regeneration. Space requirement as
well as low pressure steam supply
can be challenging, if a post
Drying combustion system is added as a
CO2 for Final
seq./EOR compression Expansion retrofit.
Economics of CO2 capture
The economics of CO2 capture are
Figure 4 CO2 recovery from tail gas using PSA very site specific. Some of the

54 Revamps 2014

linde (original).indd 3 12/09/2014 12:24

Compressed CO2 cost
per tonne Amines; flue gas

PSA: tailgas
Amines: syngas
PSA: syngas

50 90
CO2 capture, %

Figure 5 Relative costs of CO2 capture

important variables are: size of capture CO2 from the flue gas. This
SMR, required carbon capture rate, option is significantly more expen-
desired CO2 purity, local cost of sive as the CO2 is at a relatively low
power and energy, and local partial pressure.
demand for steam. Another impor- Currently, significant R&D is
tant factor is associated with the being directed at developing post
final end use of the captured CO2. combustion capture technologies
If it is used for the bulk market for the power sector. In the future, Non-intrusive flow
(food and beverages), the CO2
needs to be further purified and
as this activity progresses it is
expected that new technologies
liquefied, whereas if it is used for such as membranes, adsorption,
enhanced oil recovery or storage,
compression to more than 100 bar
and cryogenics, which can signifi-
cantly reduce the cost of carbon up to 400°C
capture from steam methane
Carbon capture from reformers, will become commer-  Trouble free operation at
cially available. extreme pipe temperatures
a SMR can be a very  No clogging, no abrasion,
Conclusion no pressure losses
good solution where CO2 capture from SMR is techni-
 Installation and maintenance
cally feasible and commercially
CO2 market pricing practised using amine absorption
without process interruption
 Independent of fluid or pressure
and PSA. PSA systems are rela-
is ~$50-60/t tively low in capital requirement  Hazardous area approved
but require power when installed
will be required. Depending on the in the tail gas line, while amine Field-Proven at Refineries
site specific variables, CO2 can be absorption systems require thermal
produced from an SMR at a cost of energy input. Carbon capture from  Heavy crude Oil
$40-80/t. A summary of the costs a SMR can be a very good solution  Atmospheric Distillation
of capturing CO2 from various where CO2 market pricing is ~$50-  Vacuum Distillation
streams is shown in Figure 5. 60/t. Linde has built, owns and
 Coker & Visbreaker Feed
It can be seen that the cost of operates over 100 CO2 plants
capturing CO2 from the syngas or including some that capture CO2  Fluidized Catalytic Cracker
the tail gas by using an amine wash from steam methane reformers.  Bitumen
or a PSA is essentially the same. If
a total carbon capture rate of about
Goutam Shahani is Business Development
50% is acceptable these streams are
the best choice as the partial pres-
Manager at Linde Engineering North America
Inc, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. He has over 25
sure of CO2 in these streams is years’ industry experience specialising in
relatively high. However, if a high industrial gases for the energy, refining and
carbon capture rate or large chemical industries, and holds bachelor’s and
volumes of CO2 product are master’s degrees in chemical engineering and
required, it becomes necessary to a MBA.

linde (original).indd 4 12/09/2014 12:24

Alphabetical list of advertisers

AMACS Process Tower Internals 50 &52 Grabner Instruments 17

AVEVA 6 Hoerbiger Kompressortechnik Holding 27

Axens OBC ITW Technologies 18 & 25

Cat Tech International 10 Koch-Glitsch 34

CB&I 5 Linde 43

Criterion Catalyst & Technologies 2 Merichem Company 8

DigitalRefining 53 Process Consulting Services 44 & 46

Dunn Heat Exchangers 49 Sabin Metal Corporation 21

Emcor Industrial Services IFC Shutdowns & Turnarounds 2015 37

Flexim 55 SPECTRO Analytical Instruments 29

Foster Wheeler 30 Spirax Sarco 13

Global Business Club 38 Virtual Materials Group 23

For more information on these advertisers, go to

56 Revamps 2014

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