Bundle Part 3

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21 February 2023

Ms Vicki Telfer
Commissioner for Public Employment
GPO Box 4371,

Dear Commissioner Telfer

NTPS Nurses and Midwives Enterprise Agreement Negotiations

ANMF NT Branch Counter-offer 22 February 2023

I write in response to the most recent offer by you on behalf of the Northern Territory Government,
ANMF NT is of the view that Members may positively consider the following:

1. A 3-year agreement term to be expressed (i.e. nominal expiry date 20 August 2025) with the
option to agree to a 4th year before the expiry of the 3 year term.

2. 3% annual increases back paid from 9 August 2022, the 9 August 2023 and 9 August 2024.
This particular point of the ANMF NT counteroffer is contingent on the following additional

a. Additional Increments - ANMF NT seeks additional increments to be inserted into

each classification as shown in the draft Salaries Table below.

b. Professional Development Allowance:

i. ANMF NT members seek that the upfront fixed payment model (i.e.
subclause 31.4 of the NTPS Nurses & Midwives 2018 - 2022 Enterprise
Agreement) be the only method of payment for Professional Development
Allowance and that the reimbursement model provided at subclause 31.5 be

ii. It is further sought that the Professional Development Allowance be

increased by same percentage and at the same time as wage rates.

c. Study Leave - ANMF NT seeks 2 days paid study leave per annum for every Nurse
and Midwife covered by the Agreement.

d. A once off increase to the Personal Leave balance of each Nurse and Midwife
covered by the Agreement equating to 10 days (i.e. 76 hours) is also sought. This
once off increase to personal leave balances would be applied to individual balances
from the date of approval by the FWC.

16 Caryota Court COCONUT GROVE NT 0810

PO Box 42533 CASUARINA NT 0811

Phone 08 8920 0700 Email; secretary@anmfnt.org.au

ABN 85 434 337 677
e. A Wellness Allowance equating to $750 per annum is sought to enable all full-time
and part-time Nurses and Midwives to purchase and pay for activities and services
that contribute to maintaining their physical and mental health. This allowance
would be payable to all full and part-time Nurses and Midwives annually as a lump
sum on the same pay period that the agreed wage increases are paid.

f. An Attraction and Retention Allowance is sought that would be payable to all Nurses
and Midwives covered by the Agreement amounting to $5000 per annum.

g. Remote Area Nurse Retention Allowance - a further retention allowance is sought

that would be payable to Remote Area Nurses and Midwives working and residing in
remote locations amounting to $2000 per annum.

h. Trauma Leave - Nurses and Midwives who experience trauma in the workplace
and/or community will be entitled to trauma leave to seek relief and treatment for
that trauma.

Yours sincerely


Catherine Hatcher
Branch Secretary

16 Caryota Court COCONUT GROVE NT 0810

PO Box 42533 CASUARINA NT 0811

Phone 08 8920 0700 | Email; secretarv@anmfnt.ore.au

ABN 85 434 337 677
NTPS Nurses and Midwives 2022 to 2024 Enterprise Agreement
*lf'^ Federation (Proposed Rates including additional Increments )

Salary Effective on Salary Increase on Salary Increase on Salary Increase on

Classification 20-August-202l| 09-August-2022 09-August-2023 0&-AufiUSt-2024

2.50% 3.m% 3.00% 3.00%

EN in Training 75% $47,554 $48,981 $50,45C $51,964
Nurse 1 Yl $63,402 $65,304 $67,263 $69,281
Y2 $65,364 $67,325 $69,345 $71,425
Y3 $67,395 $69,417 $71,49S $73,644
Y4 $69,483 $71,567 $73,715 $75,926
Y5 $71,670 $73,820 $76,035 $78,316

RN in Training 75% $53,754 $55,367 $57,028 $58,738

Nurse 2/Student Midwife 2.1 $71,670 $73,820 $76,035 $78,316
2.2| $75,528 $77,794 $80,128 $82,531
2.3| $79,386 $81,768 $84,221 $86,747
2.4| $83,246 $85,743 $88,316 $90,965
2.5| $87,742 $90,374 $93,085 $95,878
2.6| $91.117 $93,851 $96,666 $99,566
2.7| $94,821 $97,666 $100,596 $103,613

Nurse 3 3.1| $98,777 $101,740 $104,793 $107,936

3.2| $10(2,731 $105,813 $108,987 $112,257
3.3| $105,538 $108,704 $111,965 $115,324

Nurse 4 4.1| $109,921 $113,219 §116,615 $120,114

4.2| $113,769 $117,182 $120,698 $124,318
4.3| $118,093 $121,636 $125,285 $129,043

16 Caryota Court COCONUT GROVE NT 0810

PO Box 42533 CASUARINA NT 0811

Phone 08 8920 0700 | Email: secretary@anmfnt.ore.au

ABN 85 434 337 677
Employee Relations
Level 10 Charles Darwin Centre

Postal address
GPO Box 4371
Darwin NT 0801

Ms Catherine Hatcher E enquiries. OCPE@nt,gov.au

NT Branch Secretary
T08 8999 4282
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation
PO Box 42533 File reference
CASUARINANT0831 2024/94-2


Dear Ms hlafcher

Re: Outcomes from discussions for a new enterprise agreement for Nurses & Midwives

I write to you following our bargaining meeting on Wednesday, 22 February 2023 and thank-you for your
continued participation in productive discussions as we move towards finalising negotiations for a new
Nurses and Midwives enterprise agreement.

At the meeting, although we were able to progress discussions on various claim matters, we agreed that
your letter dated 21 February 2023 outlining additional new claims requires further consideration by the

To facilitate this occurring, we agreed that our next bargaining meeting should be scheduled for early
March 2023 to ensure we continue to work together as quickly as possible to reach a resolution on these
outstanding matters.

In addition to the above matters raised at the 22 February 2023 bargaining meeting, I committed to
providing in writing the counter-points I proposed as per the following;

• Increasing shift penalties (night rate from 22.5% to 25% and afternoon rate from 15% to 17%).

• Increasing on-call rates by an extra $1 per hour.

• To consider the ANMF proposal to adopt additional increments for each classification - however,
sticking to a 3% salary increase per annum.

<> Including exemplary practice for the N3 and N4 classifications in remote clinics only.

• To include a clause in the Agreement that provides for the banking out of Fares out of Isolated
Localities' (FOILS) over a 2 year period.

• Increasing the post-graduate allowance by 0.5%.

• Bringing the Professional Development Allowance (PDA) forward to 2 years (currently 3 years) and
to the higher rate as a counter-proposal to your claim for the upfront fixed payment model to be
the only method of payment allowable.

• Consideration of the Nurses Professional Association claim to shift on-call payments from an
hourly rate to a daily rate.

Page 1 of 2 nt.gov.au
Outcomes from discussions for a new enterprise agreement for Nurses & Midwives

I take this opportunity to acknowledge the significance of the attraction and retention concerns you raised
at our last meeting and look forward to reaching an in-principle agreement on these matters too.

If you have any enquiries relating to the matter, please contact Emma-Jane Cook, Principal Advisor,
(08) 8999 4144 or Emma-Jane.Cook@nt.gov.au.

Yours sincerely,

Vicki Telfer PSM

Commissioner for Public Employment

0^ February 2023

Page 2 of 2 nt.gov.au
We VALUE Nurses & Midwives flTTW Nu_rsin.9.&
NORTUEnn i^pmtORy



• A complaint is an issue raised because of dissatisfaction with the

services and/or advice provided by elected officer and employees of the
Federation. The receipt and resolution of complaints should be viewed
positively as an improvement environment.

1. All complaints about the ANMF NT Branch regardless of whether they are written, or
verbal are to be referred to the Branch Secretary for action.

2. The complainant will be formally notified of the receipt of the complaint to the Branch,
within 24-48 business hours.

3. Action taken to deal with or resolve the complaint will be decided by the Branch
4. The complaint together with a file note of action taken with outcome will be filed in the
Branch Office complaints file in the compactus and electronically.
5. There will be a formal response from the Branch Secretary to the complaintive, upon
resolving the matter.

6. The Branch Secretary to inform Branch Council of the complaint and actions that were
taken to resolve the matter, at the next Branch Council monthly meeting.

7. Any complaint that remains unresolved should be brought to the attention of the
Federal ANMF Office.
8. At appropriate times during the inquiry process, the Branch Secretary (or delegate) will
keep the complainant informed of the progress of the complaint.
9. The concerns or list of complaints are to be presented to Branch Council on a quarterly


ENDORSED By ANMF NT Branch Executive / Council on 20th March 2023.

Branch President
Name: Trevor Bason
Date: 20th March 2023

Branch Secretary
Name: Catherine Hatcher
Date: 20th March 2023 Review Date: 20th March 2025

ANMF (NT Branch) office . , . TO",Free , ,, Mail Address Connect with us

ARM 85 43-1 ^7677 ^ C.uyola CouH ^!n0(i396jl^ p0 Box/1->53J C.sunrin., NT 0811
www.anmfnt.org.au c"conul Glt)^ NT "<SJO Membership Line e: info(<o;inmhit.org.au
t: 08 8920 0700 OR 89?.0 070?
We VALUE Nurses & Midwives Nursing &

Issue 1 Solutions
Supply - Initiatives to 1) Creating more undergraduate places:
grow our own Nursing • Increasing Undergraduate Nurses and Midwives by extra places yearly to have the ability to grow our
and Midwifery own within the NT.
Workforce/training/ • Increase the Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) for undergraduate nurses/midwives by an extra
Development & few hundred places per year.
capability • Expand the Registered Undergraduate Nursing & Midwifery degree paid employment models
(RUSONs/RUSOMs) and increased recognition of RUSON/M experience as clinical placement and
increase the DoH fixed term or casual employment model currently to fixed term full-time model until
they graduate. RUSON/M positions to be funded and committed to as positions in addition to
minimum ratios/Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHpPD) (Workforce supply & growth). Workers
cannot afford to take time out of the workforce to undertake nursing & midwifery unpaid
placements. So, explore into the near future, that ANMAC to accept more than 40 hours of employed
RUSON/M model to be placed towards their clinical placement, which is a placement that is unpaid.
• Implementation of grants/bursary for undergraduate/pre-registration nursing & midwifery courses,
often compounded by the additional costs associated with unpaid placements. Many are therefore
unable to enter the nursing/midwifery profession/ or are unable to continue to study (example,
enrolled nurses looking to undertake a Bachelor of Nursing to become a Registered Nurse).
• To support clinically and assist in the RUSON/Ms. - more clinical educator support positions to be
made available.

2) HEC-HELP - for the next 6 years demolish HEC-HELP, within the NT, make it free for every nursing &
midwifery student.

3) Engage with Nurses & Midwives who have left the workforce - with the assistance of AHPRA, those who are
still registered and not currently working. To engage with them the reasons they have left their profession.
Engage with them to see if they are prepared to return to the profession.
We VALUE Nurses & Midwives Nursing &

Increased funding for, and commitment to, dedicated refresher and re-entry equivalent programs that can
also be applied to by nurses and midwives who may have Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia imposed
conditions on their registration (example, a requirement to practice with supervision). These must be paid

4) Engaging the international workforce:

a) Prioritise visa processing for Nurses and Midwives, provide dedicated support roles to assist
international nurses and midwives in obtaining registration and employment.

b) Review of the pathways for Internationally Q.ualified Nurses and Midwives (IQNM).
At present there are a very limited number of countries from which IQJMMs have their qualification
recognised. Due to the cost and location of Outcomes Based Assessment (OBA) in Adelaide, ANMF
receive contact from nurses and midwives who are overseas, or in cities other than Adelaide, who are
precluded from applying because of this. ANMF are aware of IQNMs who are currently working in
support services or other roles because they cannot afford to attend an OBA in Adelaide. Further, ANMF
are aware of many IQNMs who are precluded from obtaining registration due to the costs associated
with English language tests. This process is lengthy and costly and requires immediate review.

ANMF would like to see the NT work with AHPRA to have the opportunity for a ridged framework for the
English Language Skills (ELS) to be undertaken here in the NT, at least twice a year. Under the guidance of
a face-to-face like the International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) exam, which is now
conducted twice a year internationally/ with ridged process to facilitate the exam without fraudulence.

c) Fund bridging programs for Nurses and Midwives who are required to complete a program to gain
registration with the NMBA.
We VALUE Nurses & Midwives Nursing &

5) Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA)/Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia
a) Review of AHPRA to ensure swift processing of RN/RM applications
b) Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, registration standard and condition review, specifically:

• English language skills

• Recency of practice. (This standard disproportionately impacts those with carer responsibilities.
Consideration for this must be built into the standard.)
• Conditions. (Conditions imposed are often unable to be met (e.g., education requirement where
the education course does not exist), particularly not without significant cost to the worker.
Conditions do not always appear to be imposed with consideration to the individual
circumstance (example, 450 hour of supervised practice is imposed with limited examples of
alternate hours being imposed and adaptation of this condition to different circumstance)

c) AHPRA Review. Ask for a National review on processing times, time to case closure/ outcomes
received, accessibility to AHPRA compliance/notifications/ and capabilities of AHPRA with respect to the
regulator's key functions of processing applications for registration, investigating notifications about
performance, health, conduct.

6) Growing a specialised workforce

a) Fund scholarships for postgraduate (certificate and diploma) education in nursing and midwifery

b) Provide free or heavily discounted Higher Education Loan Program (HECS-HELP) for post graduate
certificate/diploma courses (in areas of need).

7) Equitable access to healthcare

a) Fund rural and regional employment incentives.
We VALUE Nurses & Midwives Nursing &

Medium Term

8) Development of a NT Plan for Nurse Practitioners (NP):

• Expand NP access to Medicare items (including telehealth) and rebates and remove authorisation
requirements from a doctor for issuing subsidised prescriptions Nurse Practitioners continue to be
underutilised in almost all contexts and settings of practice. Nurse Practitioners need to be embedded in
Primary Health Care to manage preventative healthcare measures, and to care for our chronic conditions in
our community.

• Mark Butler (Federal Health Minister) has identified that the crisis of General Practitioner shortages is the
greatest crisis our healthcare system is facing. At a territory level ANMF members see this crisis unfolding
with burgeoning and unsustainable presentations of patients to acute services. Funding and requirements for
Nurse practitioners is a key and primary measure to address this crisis.

• Nurse practitioners can lead in nurse-led (criteria based) admissions and discharges/ as well as appropriate
and early assessment, management, and treatment of the Australian community in primary healthcare

• Territory wide plan to embed Nurse Practitioners in all aspects of public health sector. ANMF NT know that
much work has been undertaken in this area, but there is more scope to expand.

• Have Nurse Practitioners in DoH facilitating Aged Care - NP/s to funded to embedded and expand Aged Care
Assessment Teams (ACAT) in the NT public sector. Greater assistance for families/carers/patients to navigate
types of care options and to develop capacity and advocacy for ready access to care/ and to keep Aged Care
residents within their homes/residential homes/communities or Aged Care Facilities.

9) Undergraduate degree employment models. Undergraduate nursing and midwifery degrees that articulate
with paid employment models, also with paid student placement hours that contribute to obtaining
qualification/s. This requires the involvement of Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council
We VALUE Nurses & Midwives Nursing &

(ANMAC) and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA), as well as key stakeholders being ANMF
and education providers.

10) Funding of post graduate certificate/diploma courses - particularly in areas of high need (such as ICU, Renal/
ED, Peri-Operative, Mental Health & Maternity). Increase funding for supported positions for those undertaking
post graduate education with consideration for paid requisite study leave, and increased education supports.
This is essential to developing the workforce - particularly in chronically understaffed critical care and other high
need areas.

11) Working with ANMF Federal Office (FO) - through Vocational Education & Training (VET) & their submission
to the House of Representatives standing committee on Employment, education & training.

12) Enrolled Nurses - Employers to support EN'S to undertake their Bachelor of Nursing or Midwifery at CDU
whilst continuing to be employed in their current workplace. Within this document ANMF NT included CDU
issues and hopefully it is also something we can go the Human Ability Jobs and Skills Councils work (Job Skills
Council). Which may provoke CDU to re-establish the Diploma of Nursing. This will help to have more EN/EEN's in
the workforce in acute & Aged Care.

13) Educators - as more RUSON/Ms and re-entry practitioners, more funded Clinical Educators to support the
new workers. Currently 200 RUSON/M's are working in DoH.

Long Term

14) Increasing BoN/M in 2024 - With ANMAC's restricting CDU's placements in 2023, this will impact in 2026/7,
when registered the number of RN's in graduate positions. This will also impact the amount of RUSON/M
numbers in 2024/5 working in DoH, with the workforce numbers clinically.
We VALUE Nurses & Midwives Nursing &

Issues 2 Solutions
Short Term
Build - increase the
capability of the current
workforce 15) Childcare Over 88% of the nursing and midwifery workforce are female, with a National average age of 43
years. Unsurprisingly nearly half of the nursing and midwifery workforce on extended leave are in the 30-39 age
bracket, presumably due to carer responsibilities
a) Expansion of hours and places, with priority access to Health Care Workers.
b) Development and construction ofonsite childcare providers in health services or collocated with.
c) Incentivise the nursing and midwifery workforce to return to work by increasing rebates and greatly
reducing out of pocket costs for using childcare services.

16) Review of the Fair Work Act (FWA) Australia does not meet international obligations with respect to
workers' rights and specifically the right to engage in industrial action, including the right to strike and withdraw
labour. Strengthening the following:
a) Strengthen flexible work arrangement entitlements

b) Strengthen rights for Union representation

17) 32-hour full time equivalent - some ANMF members are more often contracted to 32 hours or less.
Members report this is for various reasons including but not limited to: inability to access appropriate flexible work
arrangements; consistently heavy workloads associated with nursing and midwifery and incongruity and outdated notions
of a 40-hour work week and inflexibility of childcare centres.

18) Flexibility in the workplace

• Review of Roster patterns and implementation of greater flexibility with options for
" Permanent staff at any FTE.
• Permanent night duty
• Give the workers the option to be employed on set shifts.
• Ability for staff to job share
• Continuous review of shift patterns with consideration to fatigue
We VALUE Nurses & Midwives Nursing &

19) Urgent Care Centres (UCC). As announced by the ALP 2022 election campaign. Urgent Care Centres will be funded
across States and Territories. These UCCs should be run publicly. ACT have Nurse-Led Clinics linked with X-Ray facilities,
Physiotherapists, etc., to have a holistic approach to patient care, to be free for all Medicare patients, which should
alleviate the ED centres in Darwin, Katherine, Gave, TC & Alice Springs. These Nurse-Led Clinics are operated with Nurse
Practitioners, (ACT have been operating for 10 years).

20) Aged Care Assessment Teams. It is crucial these remain in the public service.

21) Permanent ongoing contracts for nurses and midwives employed in graduate programs. The novice
workforce should be supported in permanent positions to communicate to them that they are a valued and
integral part of the nursing and midwifery workforce into the future. Precarious employment, and the stress of
obtaining ongoing employment following a fixed term contract, is inconsistent with this messaging. This
continues to occur even in the current workforce shortage context.


22) Equitable funding to provide for school nurses in all public schools
• Permanency of all contracts of School Nurses in their positions

23) Disability. The NT Government to build Disability Care Homes to ensure no one under the age of 65 resides in an Aged
Care facility, and to alleviate significant "bed-block" issues in acute public sector services where patients/consumers
currently have a significant length of stay due to no, or greatly limited, discharge accommodation options. Invest in the
education and employment of Disability Nurses to staff these homes and ensure integration with the public sector
managed by funded residential in reach nurse positions.

24) Developing strange r/safer maternity services:

• Recognition of the Endorsed Midwife in DoH
• Expansion of Midwifery Led Models of care
• Expansion of perinatal mental health programs in acute & PHN services
• More community consultation
We VALUE Nurses & Midwives Nursing &

Long Term
25) Engagement of workforce through consultation - Nurses and midwives delivering care, report that they are not
consulted on strategy, planning and development by the NT DoH Department. Projects are therefore completed and
released without genuine consultation with the workers. Projects would benefit from the expert knowledge of these
workers who have a nuanced understanding of the sites and requirements for patient cohorts for which
infrastructure/assets are commissioned. As a result, workers are disengaged and feel undervalued.

26) Supporting Nurses & Midwives

• Even though OCPE have engaged with ANMF NT with facilitating permanent contracts for all nurses & midwives
within the NT, that wish to partake. ANMF NT are still uncovering after 18 months post group closure, that
nurses/midwives across the NT have still ongoing fixed term or rolling casual contracts which the employee is eager
to make permanent.
• ANMF NT would like a review of all nurses & midwives across the NT public sector including the nurses in Schools.
ANMF NT have just heard some alarming rolling contracts in this sector.

27) Strengthening the NT school students with career options - capacity for secondary school students to complete work
experience in the clinical fields of nursing and midwifery. At present this not well facilitated or not occurring.

Issue 3 Solutions
Strengthen worker rights Short Term
and wellbeing
28) Ensure maintenance of minimum staffing requirements
• Implement appropriate mechanism/s for immediate response by the Department of Health to understaffing.
• Nurses and midwives report increasing burnout because of ongoing understaffing. Mechanisms to respond
promptly to any incidence of staffing under minimum requirements should be implemented to curtail increased
frustration, exhaustion, fatigue, and attrition.

29) Superannuation
a. paid ongoing for all injured workers - who are on workers compensation.
We VALUE Nurses & Midwives Nursing &

b. Increase superannuation every year for 5 years prior to retirement for female employees. As research shows,
women retire with 30% - 42% less money or super at retirement compared to men.

30) Review, amend, and strengthen fragmented anti-discrimination, bullying & harassment policies within the DoH.
• This is a major concern from ANMF members.
• NT Branch has conducted 5 Anti-Discrimination, Bullying & Harassment workshops over the past 4 months, with
possibly a few more in the near future.
• Many workplaces in the DoH have an unsatisfactory culture, which needs immediate action to be rectified.
• Anti-Discrimination Commission have conducted these workshops for the ANMF NT. The quality of these face-to-
face workshops, we are highly recommending that the DoH adapt and utilise this workshop for all their workers to
undertake them on a second yearly mandatory basis.
• Also, the NT Government to implement the ANMF 10-point plan to end violence and aggression in the workplaces.
This will help to facilitate retention.

31) Facilitating admissions and discharges

• Criteria-led nursing discharge using standardised clinical pathways.
• Criteria-Led nursing admission (particularly to subacute and ambulatory services) using standardised clinical
• Increase and embed Nurse Discharge coordinators

32) Recognise in ANMF NT database - Aboriginal / Torres Strait Is / Caucasian / Other

Medium term
33) Reduce admissions from Aged Care
• A public Aged Care Nurse Practitioner - to reduce admissions from aged care services into acute beds.
• Residents should not be transferred to emergency department? if there is capability for them to be assessed and
treated in the facility where they reside.

34) Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

We VALUE Nurses & Midwives Nursing &

• The whole of the NT public sector - to work together with NTWorkSafe, Health & Safety Representatives (HSR) of
each hospital to manage the development and ongoing implementation of the ANMF 10-point plan to end violence
and aggression.
• Uphold obligations to meet requisite meaningful consultation on occupational health and safety matters, involving
workers/Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs)
• Provide focus on HSRs for recruitment, retention and empowerment in the workplace, for them to all have the
proper training so they able to give Provisional Improvement Notices (PIN) (evidence suggests workplaces with
HSR's are safer - and therefore better off overall for all)
• Nurses & Midwives report increasing burnout because of ongoing understaffing. Mechanisms to respond promptly
to any incidence of staffing under minimum requirements should be implemented to curtail increased frustration,
exhaustion, fatigue, and attrition.
Long Term
35) Occupational Health & Safety (OHS)
• More Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) within each ward/unit, those that have undertaken the full training
to be able to Provisional Infringement Notice (PIN).
• To follow the DoH Business Planning Framework to end violence and aggression in the workplace.
• Recruitment, retention and empowerment (there is evidence that workplace with SHR's are safer- and therefore
better off overall, including proactive, Act-compliant.
Office Committee of Short term
Consultations 36) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
• Join? with 'Uluru Statement from the Heart'
• 'Yes Campaign' - affiliated nationally with ACTU and locally with Unions NT.
• RAP - Reconciliation Action Plan - based around the core pillars of:
o Relationships, respect & opportunities
o Supporting first nations serlf-determination.
o ANMF NT to develop our own RAP? - https://www.reconciliation.org.au/wp-
37) Climate Justice - involved with Unions NT on this matter - does ANMF NT wish to have our own statement?
I Bendigo Bank

CathHatcher-ANMF-NT ». <V

info@anmfnt.org.au •!'^~, C.


Hi Cath,

Further to your email of 2 March it gives me great pleasure in confirming our partnership.

Our NT Community Banks jointly are pleased to offer a sponsorship of $4,500 for 2023 so if
you could please arrange invoices to be sent to the following Community Banks who will
arrange direct payment into your bank account:

Nightcliff Community Bank $1,500 NightcliffMaitbox@bendigoadelaide.com.au

Coolalinga Community Bank $1,500 Coolalinga@outlook.com.au

Alice Springs Community Bank $1,500 AliceSpringsMailbox@bendigoadelaide.com.au

Confirming also that -

Two of our representatives will attend the 2023 Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards
here in Darwin.

The contact person in Alice Springs for the Awards Cocktail event in Alice Springs is the
Community Bank Branch Manager, Ingrid Coleman, she can be contacted at

Certainly, I will attend your training sessions and will liaise with Angela regarding this as

Also, I will arrange for an advertisement for the newsletter. If you could advise the actual
size required, I will send it to you before 20th March.

I look forward to joining you on further hospital ward and worksite visits as I believe these
are of benefit to both our organisations.

I believe our sponsorship will develop into a strong partnership between the ANMF and our
Community Banks in the NT and look forward to our continuing relationship.

Please confirm your agreement to the above.

Steve Buethke Cath Hatcher

BendigoBank / / ANMF-NT ^c\ I 0^) I oiO'^Q

Community Bank • Coolalinga

Shop 16-18 460 Stuart Highway, PO Box 557
Coolalinga NT 0839
p 08 8983 4111 e coolalingamailbox@bendigobank.com.au bendigobank.com.au

Coulalinga & Dislricls Communily Finance Lid A8N 24 117 500 .155 Fiancliisee ol Gendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 0GB 049 17G, AFSUAnslralian Ciedil Licence 237879 AI.IU6582, OUT J46279B, 2(i/OtV2020

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