13056-Article Text-38315-1-10-20160827
13056-Article Text-38315-1-10-20160827
13056-Article Text-38315-1-10-20160827
E-ISSN: 2407-7321 DOI number: 10.17358/IJBE.2.2.101
Mengeluh adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi bagi konsumen untuk mengungkapkan rasa
ketidakpuasan yang dirasakannya. Memahami perilaku keluhan konsumen merupakan suatu hal
yang penting bagi pelaku usaha, namun sayangnya hal tersebut tidak mudah dilakukan. Langkah
awal dalam memahami perilaku keluhan konsumen adalah dengan memetakan terlebih dahulu
konsumen berdasarkan perilaku keluhannya dan menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja yang
mempengaruhi perilaku keluhan tersebut. Penelitian ini menelaah perilaku keluhan konsumen
pada masyarakat Cibubur yang pernah mengalami ketidakpuasan terhadap suatu produk. Tujuan
dari studi ini adalah memetakan perilaku keluhan konsumen dan melihat hubungannya dengan
berbagai faktor seperti demografi konsumen, kepribadian, sikap terhadap pelaku usaha, atribusi
penyebab ketidakpuasan, dan atribut produk. Untuk melakukan pemetaan konsumen digunakan
metode analisis deskriptif crosstab, sedangkan untuk menganalisis hubungan perilaku keluhan
konsumen dengan berbagai faktor digunakan metode analisis korelasi Pearson. Hasil dari penelitian
ini menunjukkan bahwa konsumen di Cibubur berdasarkan perilaku keluhannya dikelompokkan
menjadi empat kelompok yaitu passive, voicers, irates dan activist Konsumen bertipe passive
mendominasi dengan persentase 49%. Konsumen dengan tipe pengeluh, termasuk di dalamnya
adalah voicers, irates, dan activist didominasi oleh kaum wanita, berusia muda, memiliki tingkat
pendidikan dan tingkat pendapatan yang tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil studi ini, perilaku keluhan
konsumen berkorelasi secara positif dan signifikan dengan faktor demografi, sikap terhadap pelaku
usaha, atribusi penyebab ketidakpuasan, dan atribut produk.
Corresponding author:
Email: andrie.prasetyo@yahoo.com
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 2, May 2016 101
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 Available online at http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ijbe
E-ISSN: 2407-7321 DOI number: 10.17358/IJBE.2.2.101
102 Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 2, May 2016
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 Available online at http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ijbe
E-ISSN: 2407-7321 DOI number: 10.17358/IJBE.2.2.101
the operating time mall into 2 parts, the morning period the authors provide the following criteria (Sarwono:
(at 10:00 to 15:00) and afternoon period (at 15:00 to 2006):
20:00). The sampling locations are arranged so that the
respondents were netted in every shopping mall evenly 0 : No correlation between the two
distributed. variables
> 0 to 0,25 : Very weak correlation
To achieve the first objective of this study, that is the > 0,25 to 0,5 : Fairly correlation
identification and mapping of the behavior of consumer
> 0,5 to 0,75 : Strong correlation
complaints, the analytical method is used. Respondents
> 0,75 to 0,99 : Very strong correlation
were given alternative answers to remember what
actions he had done when experiencing dissatisfaction 1 : Perfect correlation
with a product. Based on the respondents' answers, the
respondents can be grouped based on the behavior of Correlation analysis is done using Microsoft Excel
the complaint, including whether the passive group, software. The questions in the questionnaire on
voicers, irates or Activists. consumer personality, attitude toward business,
attribution of the causes of dissatisfaction their product
To achieve the second objective of this study that is to attributes partly adapted from previous research that is
analyze the behavioral relationships complaint with the conducted by Keng Phau and Sari in 1995 and 2004.
various factors affecting, tabulation method crosstab
and Pearson correlation analysis method are used. To achieve the first objective of this research, the
To analyze the relationship between the behaviors researcher used descriptive method. Respondents
of consumer complaints to the demographic factor, were grouped according to the complaint based on the
the researcher is used analysis method of tabulation response behavior that is done to the product which was
crosstab. This analysis method is descriptive method by disappointing. To achieve the purpose of the second
looking at the percentage of each group of consumers. study, the researcher used cross tabulation. To achieve
As for knowing the relationship behavior consumer all three to sixth this study, the researcher used Pearson
complaints with consumer personality, attribution of correlation analysis. Statistical software that is used in
the causes of discontent, the attributes of goods, and this study is a Microsoft Excel
consumer attitudes toward business, the author will use
the Pearson correlation analysis. Mathematically, the The core of this study is to map the behavior of consumer
correlation coefficient (r) Pearson can be written in the complaints and examine how the relationship between
following equation: the consumer complaint behavior with demographic
factors, consumer psychographics, attitudes towards
entrepreneurs, attribution of the causes of dissatisfaction
and product attributes. Thus, the variables in this study
is the Consumer Complaint Behavior, demographic
The correlation coefficient is the covariance statistical factors, consumer personality, attitude of consumers
measurements or association between two variables. The to businesses, product attribute, Attribution cause of
magnitude of the correlation coefficient ranges from +1 dissatisfaction. The research model is shown in Figure
to -1. The correlation coefficient indicates the strength 1.
linear relationship and the direction of the relationship
between two random variables. If the correlation
coefficient is positive, then the two variables have a RESULTS
unidirectional relationship. This means that if the value
of the variable X is high, then the value of the variable Mapping Behavior Consumer Complaints
Y will be high anyway. Conversely, if the correlation
coefficient is negative, then the two variables have an Singh (1988) defines consumer behavior in response
inverse correlation. This means that if the value of the to consumer complaints triggered by dissatisfaction
variable X is high, then the value of the variable Y will with consumers psychologically unacceptable and not
be low and vice-versa. To facilitate interpretation of also forgotten quickly after consuming a product that
the strength of the relationship between two variables, consumers buy. Behavior of consumer complaints are
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 2, May 2016 103
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 Available online at http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ijbe
E-ISSN: 2407-7321 DOI number: 10.17358/IJBE.2.2.101
part of the post-purchase behavior which is the last part are consumers who deliver public action in expressing
of the decision making process of consumers. Post- his disappointment on the product, including through
purchase behavior includes consumption, evaluation radio, newspapers, television, social media, and
and disposition of products that have been purchased. consumer protection agencies. Activist is consumers
In the evaluation process after consuming consumer who make voicers and irates combination of actions,
products, general consumers will declare and feel coupled with blatant actions that encourage others to
the satisfaction or dissatisfaction. If consumers feel boycott disappointing products.
the satisfaction it will form a consumer loyalty, but
on the contrary, if consumers feel dissatisfied then By combining the behavioral hierarchy schema of
the consumer will do complaint behavior. Model of consumer complaints filed by Day and London, with
post-purchase behavior can be seen in Figure 2. Day the grouping of consumers proposed by Singh, then
and Landon (1977) proposed a hierarchical scheme the behavior of consumer complaints can be hierarchy
of consumer complaint behavior that consists of five structured in a sequence of passive, voicers, irates and
levels as shown in Figure 3. voicers. Thus it can be used in the statistical analysis
as ordinal data. Thus in the test correlations, can be
According to Singh (1990), consumers were divided given numeric coding 1–4 sequentially for each type
into four groups based on the behavior of the of customers based on the level of complaints. Based
consumer complaints. Passive is the consumer who on the answers of the respondents in the questionnaire,
does not do anything when they discover a product it was found that the behavior of most people Cibubur
that was disappointing. Voicers are consumers who complaints, almost half, is passive. Only 10% are
make complaints directly to the seller, to switch to classified as Activists, while the rest is voicers and
alternative products, and tell family and friends when irates group. Table 1 shows the results of the mapping
they discover a product that was disappointing. Irates behavior of consumer complaints of Cibubur society.
104 Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 2, May 2016
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 Available online at http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ijbe
E-ISSN: 2407-7321 DOI number: 10.17358/IJBE.2.2.101
Stage 1 complaint or not
Complaint Not complaint
Stage 2 private or
public action Private Public action
Stage 4 tendency to
seek redress way
Interactive Long distance
Stage 5 Comunication
way Meeting Telephone Postal mail Electronic
Table 1. mapping the behavior of consumer complaints or activist. Meanwhile, consumers aged above 25 years
Complaint types Frequency Percentage (%) are mostly in the passive group. Thus it can be said
Passive 59 49,2 that the age of the consumer has a relationship with the
Voicers 34 28,3 consumer complaint behavior. This is consistent with
Irates 15 12,5 the results of research conducted by Keng, Richmond
Activist 12 10,0 and Han (1995), Phau and Sari (2004), and Metehan
Total 120 100,0 and Yasemin (2011).
A consumer expectation of a product and the consumer Most consumers with incomes of more than 10 million
response in expressing dissatisfaction with the product rupiahs per month is a type of whiner consumers. Only
is affected by several factors, including the demographic 26% of consumers with an income of only 10 million
factors. Demographic factors refer to in this study that rupiahs per month are a type of passive consumers.
only include gender, age, education level, and income Consumers with incomes range 3–10 million rupiahs
level. Distribution of respondents' answers related per month can be said that almost half of the passive
to information demographics indicate a relationship type. The remaining half of the consumers is of type
between the behavior of consumer complaints with whiners. Consumers with an income of less than 3
demographic factors that can be shown in Table 2 so million per month mostly include in the type of passive
that can generally be described that most consumers consumers. Thus it can be said that the relationship
male-type passive 71%, whereas the majority of between the levels of income with the behavior of
female consumers of type are whiners, either voicer consumer complaints is the higher education of
form, irates, and activist. This shows that gender has a consumers, the higher the level of consumer complaints.
relationship with the consumer complaint behavior of This is consistent with research Keng, Richmond and
consumers, where consumers type of whiner’s existence Han (1995), Yoga and Warmika (2013), and Phau and
dominated by women. This finding is consistent with Sari (2004).
the results of research conducted by Phau and Sari
(2004), Manikas and Shea (1997), and Nimako Mensah Consumers with undergraduate or higher are most of the
(2012), and Sutanto, Gunawan and Thio (2014), and complaining type. Whereas the consumer with lower
Ndubisi and Ling (2006). Consumers aged 17–24 levels of education than bachelor level of education is
years; most of the complaining types are voicer, irates, largely in passive type. This shows that consumers of
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 2, May 2016 105
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 Available online at http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ijbe
E-ISSN: 2407-7321 DOI number: 10.17358/IJBE.2.2.101
type whiners, either voicer, irates, as well as a consumer 1. The higher consumer confidence and individualism,
activist with a high level of education who understand the higher the level of consumer complaints. The
their rights as consumers and know how to submit correlation coefficient between the two is 0,20.
complaints. In general it can be said that the higher the 2. The lower the attitude of conservatism that consumers
level of education of consumers, the higher the level of have, the higher the rate of consumer complaints.
consumer complaints. This is consistent with findings The correlation coefficient between the two is
from research conducted by Phau and Sari (2004). -0,47.
3. The higher the assertiveness of consumers, the higher
Personality Relationships with Consumer Complaint the rate of consumer complaints. The correlation
Behavior coefficient between the two is 0,27.
4. The risk-taking, the higher the rate of consumer
Another interesting finding of this study deals with complaints. The correlation coefficient between the
aspects of personality, attitude towards businesses, two is 0,37.
attribution of the causes of dissatisfaction and 5. The higher the sense of justice that is owned by
product attributes which found the average value of the consumer, the higher the level of consumer
the respondents' answers were consistent increase or complaints. The correlation coefficient between the
decrease according to the level of consumer complaint two is 0,18.
behavior. Table 3 shows that:
106 Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 2, May 2016
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 Available online at http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ijbe
E-ISSN: 2407-7321 DOI number: 10.17358/IJBE.2.2.101
The results of the above findings are consistent with have a consumer complaint aggressive behavior.
the findings of the research conducted by Keng, Research conducted Ngai et al. (2007) suggest that
Richmond and Han (1995) and Phau and Sari (2006) the cultural dimensions affecting consumer complaint
which states that consumers have the personality of a behavior while cultural dimension is closely related to
close and significant relationship with the consumer the personality of the consumer as one of the elements
complaint behavior. In tune with research conducted forming one's personality is a culture that held firmly by
by Thogersen, Juhl, and Poulsen (2003) stated that the consumer. Research conducted by Huang and Chang
consumers with a high level of emotion usually also (2008) suggested that consumers with personality type
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 2, May 2016 107
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 Available online at http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ijbe
E-ISSN: 2407-7321 DOI number: 10.17358/IJBE.2.2.101
A is with characteristics like to compete, aggressive answers to these variables and the relationship with the
and impatient when experiencing dissatisfaction with consumer complaint behavior can be seen in Table 4.
a product will complain vigorously and expect a good Based on the analysis of correlation with the behavior of
response from the seller or manufacturer of the goods. a complaint, it can be said that the attitude of consumers
As with the results of research conducted by Berry to businesses illustrate how consumers feel about the
(2012) which states that the consumer's personality is market, the behavior of producers as well as consumer
not a factor directly related to the behavior of consumer products (Singh, 1996 ). The more positive attitude
complaints, particularly in terms of how consumers towards businesses that are owned by the consumer is
expressed dissatisfaction. the higher the level of the consumer complaint when
experiencing dissatisfaction. The correlation coefficient
Complaints Behavior and Other Variable between the two is 0,57. This finding is consistent with
Relationships the results of research conducted by Keng et al. (1995)
which states that consumers who complain in general
Another variable in this research is the attitude towards have a positive attitude towards businesses so that they
business, attribution of the causes of dissatisfaction trust the responsiveness of businesses.
and product attributes. Distribution of respondents'
Table 4. Relationship attitudes toward business, attribution of the causes of dissatisfaction and product attributes
to the behavior of consumer complaints
Mean values answers
Attitudes Toward Business Performer
Passives Voicer Irates Activists
Sellers will serve returns of defective products 3,0 3,7 3,5 3,7
Sellers are willing to exchange the defective product with a new 2,7 3,9 4,8 5,0
Sellers have tried to provide quality products 3,0 4,2 4,7 4,7
Sellers noted complaints received 4,3 3,9 3,2 2,8
Advertisement products give an honest picture of the quality of 3,0 3,8 3,3 3,7
the actual product
Cheating occurs because the business consumer rights that are 3,2 5,1 4,6 4,3
not protected
Average of mean value 3,7 4,0 4,1 4,2
The correlation coefficient of the behavior complaint 0,57
Attribution Causes of Dissatisfaction Passives Voicer Irates Activists
1. Blame yourself
Lack of information on pre-purchase by consumers 4,0 3,5 3,3 2,9
Purchases are in a hurry 4,0 3,2 3,4 2,4
Average Values Mean 4,0 3,3 3,3 2,7
Correlation with behavioral complaints -0,35
Average mean value 3,1 4,0 4,1 4,5
2. Blaming Seller
The seller is not honest and conscientious 2,8 5,0 4,8 5,1
Correlation with behavioral complaints 0,51
3. Manufacturers blame
failure Manufacturers 3,1 3,5 4,1 4,5
Correlation with behavioral complaints 0,18
Product attributes with behavioral Passives Voicer Irates Activists
The price level for consumer products 0,13 3,1 3,7 3,5 3,6
The importance of the product for consumers 0,26 3,0 3,9 3,9 4,2
Image representation for consumer products 0,04 2,8 2,9 3,0 2,9
108 Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 2, May 2016
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 Available online at http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ijbe
E-ISSN: 2407-7321 DOI number: 10.17358/IJBE.2.2.101
Attribution of the causes of discontent when the The results of the analysis of the relationship attribution
customers find unsatisfactory product that is caused by to cause dissatisfaction with the behavior of consumer
a mistake a seller with a correlation coefficient of 0,51, complaints shows that consumers who are more
and is caused by producers with a correlation coefficient likely to blame are the complaining type of customers
of 0,18. The greater the consumers blame either case, when experiencing dissatisfaction of the blame
the higher level of consumer complaints. In contrast, in manufacturers. For businesses, especially traders,
the condition of consumers blame themselves the lower it should be noted that he was vulnerable a target of
the behavior complaint. The correlation coefficient complaints from consumers. To anticipate, the traders
between the two is -0,35. These findings are consistent must conduct of product quality merchandise, not to
with research conducted by Blodgett and Granbois place the sale of defective products due to negligence
(1992), Keng et al. (1995), Phau and Sari (2004) in selecting merchandise trader.
which states that consumers tend to blame the seller
of the product and manufacturers of the products when Consumer dissatisfaction with a product is not always
experiencing dissatisfaction with a product. Research caused by the product itself. Sometimes dishonesty of
conducted Mousavi and Esfidani (2013). sellers in offering the product resulted in dissatisfaction
experienced by consumers who believed nonsense
from the seller. It is recommended that the seller is not
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 No. 2, May 2016 109
P-ISSN: 2407-5434 Available online at http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ijbe
E-ISSN: 2407-7321 DOI number: 10.17358/IJBE.2.2.101
too much in an attempt to reassure consumers with the complaints, compared to the price and representation
performance or quality of a product. Consumers will of self-image.
appreciate the honest seller; the seller who delivers
what the advantages and disadvantages of the products Recommendations
it sells. If this is done properly and consistently by
businesses, it is believed will improve consumer Entrepreneurs may formulate appropriate service
attitudes towards businesses become more positive, so recovery by utilizing the findings of this study that
we will get a loyal customer. is related to the behavior of consumer complaints.
Service recovery will deliver consumer loyalty for
The results of the analysis of product attribute with business actors. Recommended business actors in order
the behavior of consumer complaints shows that the to create an atmosphere that supports the process and
importance of a product for consumers has a strong those consumers are more willing to submit complaints
enough relationship with the behavior of consumer directly to businesses. This is important so that
complaints. While the price and self-image has a very consumer complaints can be dealt with appropriately
weak relationship with the behavior of consumer and does not spread in the wild that can potentially
complaints. The importance of the product for damage the reputation of businesses.
consumers is a matter of subjective and different for
each consumer. Business actors are required to be able Subsequent research on the theme of consumer
to understand any products which are important for complaint behavior analysis can be developed not only
consumers, and ensure that the quality of the product limited to the dissatisfaction with the product, but also
is good. dissatisfaction with the services, and also a location area
also suggested to the region in the wider region such
as the cover of the province which consists of several
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS districts. The education pays more attention to the topic
of consumer dissatisfaction and complaint behavior of
Conclusions consumers. Sub-chapter discussion of the behavior of
consumer complaints in detail to realize that the good
The results of the mapping behavior Cibubur public handling of complaints consumers have the potential to
complaints show that consumers based on the complaint generate customer loyalty.
consists of passive behavior (49,2%), voicers (28,3%),
irates (12,5%), and activist (10%). Consumer-type
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