Where Is God in This?
Where Is God in This?
Where Is God in This?
Discerning God's presence in spiritual direction
Alicia Buhler
Colette nestled into the couch as I sat across from her, sipping my tea.1
After years of psychotherapy necessitated by the rocky foundation laid
for her by a parent struggling with addiction, Colette had asked to meet
with me for spiritual direction. She had collected and sorted many of the
pieces of her shattered life, but she still did not feel whole and named a
deep spiritual longing.
Colette grew up with a distant relationship to the Anglican Church
and had sought belonging in an evangelical community in her early 20s,
which resulted in further confusion and
for her first session had been sufficient for the answers or
tenderness that her soul needed. As
with me—a minis
she sat down for her first session with
ter and spiritual
me—a minister and spiritual director—
director—she asked
she asked upfront if I was going to try to
upfront if I was go convert her or get her to go to church. I
ing to try to convert appreciated her ability to ask directly for
her or get her to go what she needed and assured her that I
to church. I assured had no such agenda. I was more interest
her I had no such ed in her story.
agenda. I was more She shared with me the dysfunction
interested in her of her childhood and her meandering
story. journey to find healing in adulthood.
During her story, Colette paused, drawn
to the dancing shadows of branches illuminated on the wall behind me
by the midday sun. I asked what she was noticing. She confided in me her
attraction to light. I watched her defenses relax as she shared with me the
comfort she received as a child from the sun reflecting off a lake, about
f Names and identifying details of spiritual direction clients, also called directees, have
been changed to preserve anonymity.
the candles she lights out of her desperation for light on dreary winter
evenings, and how she soaks up the sun every chance that she gets. I no
ticed her own radiance as she talked about the light, and I wondered out
loud if perhaps light was one of the ways God shows up for her. Having
had a complicated relationship with God her whole life, she had never
considered the light to be of God, though she had certainly experienced
it as transcendent, a comforting and healing presence. Colette followed
up with me after that session to say that understanding her relationship
with light as the God-presence in her life seemed so obvious to her now
and had been a missing piece on her spiritual journey.
inviting the one they are companioning to open their awareness to them
selves, to those around them, to the Holy, and to all of creation.
be complex. My focus on love, light, and life does not assume that what
ever feels good is right. It is not a version of the adage, If you’re happy, then
God is happy. Love can demand a lot of us. It asks us to be and do better.
It is expansive, diverse, and all-encompassing. It challenges us to grow in
new ways. Indeed, faith lived with an understanding of a loving God at
times may look much the same in practice as faith lived with an under
standing of a judgmental God. However, the act of loving one’s neighbor
has a different quality depending on whether those actions come out of
the foundation of generous love or desperate fear. There is an energizing
quality to love, light, and life that is palpable.
Seeking God through the fens of love rather than judgment was par
ticularly helpful in my work with Hans. Hans had been struggling with
crippling anxiety for many years when he came to spiritual direction. He
was able to identify that much of his struggle was rooted in his fear of
God. When Hans was a young boy, his Sunday school teachers had liter
ally put the fear of God into him, which was an effective way to get a ram
bunctious boy to behave but also resulted in a toxic image of God. While
Hans talked about a God who loved him, his experience was of an abusive
and judgmental God who was distant,
The lens of love, withheld love, and required great sacri
light, and life that fice in order to be pleased. Hans’s fear
serves as a way of of a supposedly loving God caused his
Hans’s desperate plea to Jesus, and time and again the response was com
passionate love. I affirmed the moments in his life when Hans felt loved
and accepted as reflecting the true nature of a loving God, and where fear
remained, I gently suggested that more healing was needed. We worked
together in spiritual direction for several years, and I watched as Hans was
gradually released from the grip of anxiety and was welcomed into love.
As I companion directees who are seeking connection and searching
for meaning, I am in awe of the ways in which the God of love shows up,
nudging each person toward greater wholeness and desiring them to be
come all of who they have been divinely created and called to be. Thanks
be to God.
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