English Lesson Plan
English Lesson Plan
English Lesson Plan
QUALIFICATION B.Ed in Intermediate Phase Teaching
A. Lesson Details
GRADE Grade 6
TOPIC Tall Tales
DATE OF LESSON 2021/09/03
B. Caps-Specifi c Focus
REFERENCES ‘Writing and Presenting
Department of Basic Education (2011). Curriculum and
Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), Grades 4-6
Writing is a powerful instrument of
English Home Language. Retrieved…. from communication that allows learners to
http://www.thutong.doe.gov.za. p. construct and communicate thoughts and
ideas coherently. Frequent writing practice
across a variety of contexts, tasks and subjects
enables learners to communicate functionally
and creatively. Writing which is appropriately
scaffolded using writing frames, produces
competent, versatile writers who will be able to
use their skills to develop and present
appropriate written, visual and multi-media
texts for a variety of purposes.’
Use the verbs from Blooms Taxonomy to frame your objectives. Refer to examples here.
1. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to… Analyse and create their own hyperbole.
2. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to… Discuss and summarize the story topic.
3. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to… Develop a tall tale of their own.
the lesson.
Phase Write, in detail, every element/step of your lesson for each Resour
s phase. Include time on task for each phase. ces
I will start the lesson by informing the learners that the only things that
need to be on their desks are their pencil cases and English books and all
their attention needs to be focused on me and listening to what I say as
well as following my instructions without talking or communicating with
each other. I will proceed to confirm that all the learners have their books
and tell them to get their page ready.
l will then inform the learners that we will be learning about tall stories and
that they will and then doing an activity of writing their own tall story. I will
then explain to the learners that this is testing their English language skills
I will then play a game with the learners to encourage their creativity and
critical thinking skills. The game is Madlibs. Madlibs are short, silly stories
based on random words. I will choose a learner to come to the computer to
type the words in. I am only choosing one learner as this will save time and
there will be less competing. I will pick learners to suggest a word to place
in the story. After clicking on the “generate Madlib” button and I will read
the short story the learners have created. The words will test learner’s prior
knowledge of parts of speech, nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc., and help them
Learning Objective 1: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to Take
analyse and create their own hyperbole.
I will read and explain Hyperboles to the learners. “A hyperbole is a phrase activity
or sentence, which uses exaggeration to emphasise a point. It is often used
to make something sound much more dramatic than it really is. This is not paste it
meant to be taken literally but to emphasise.” I will go over lots of examples
of the hyperboles, I will then ask the learners to discuss and create their own
hyperbole. Learners will do this activity in the groups where they are sitting.
This will help learners who have not grasped hyperboles to get help from
their peers to understand the hyperboles. I will give the learners 2 minutes to
do this group discussion. Learners will then say their hyperbole for the class.
The class will then evaluate each hyperbole.
Learning Objective 1: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to Photo of
analyse and create their own hyperbole. activitie
I will recap the lesson objective by checking learners’ stories to see if they
have included a hyperbole. I will ask the learners, that haven’t attempted to
create one, if they need any help and I will give them extra help to create a
This was achieved in the Teaching and Learning Phase. I will revise this
lesson objective by going over some of the weak points I have noticed after
walking around. I will then recap the lesson by asking learners what they
have learnt in this lesson.
Learning Objective 1: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to analyse and
create their own hyperbole.
I will then ask the learners to discuss and create their own hyperbole. Learners will
discuss and create their own hyperbole. Learners will do this activity in the groups
where they are sitting. This will help learners who have not grasped hyperboles to
get help from their peers to understand the hyperboles. I will give the learners 3
minutes to do this group discussion. Learners will then say their hyperbole for the
class. The class will then evaluate each hyperbole.
Learning Objective 2: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to discuss and
summarize the story topic.
This was achieved in the Teaching and Learning Phase. Learners have been given
all the information, handouts and planning was done as a class. Therefore, learners
have all the skills to complete it to show their understanding.
Learning Objective 3: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to develop a tall
tale of their own.
I will check for understanding during the lesson so that learners will be able to write
their own story. This will be done during class discussions as a way for students to
think about their ideas. I will ask more questions as the assessment tool to check
learners' level of understanding and progress.
The purpose of this assessment is so I can do my research and identify the students
who are doing well and those who are struggling, so as an educator, I know where to
improve my teaching skill. I want to see if they received comprehensible input and
understood the topic.
Addendum for updated IIE Lesson Plan Template TE105a/TE205a/TE305a/TE405a/TESF105a
B.Ed Year 3 and 4 (only) and PGCE TESF7112p/TESF7112w
(Answer the following questions after each lesson)
What was my most challenging moment in this lesson and why? How will I respond next time?
To what extent were the learners productively engaged in the learning process? Discuss.
If I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again to this same group of learners, what would I do differently? Why?

What evidence/ feedback do I have that the learners achieved an understanding of the lesson objective(s)?