Case Studies On Transport Policy: Morten Welde, Gro Holst Volden

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Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (2022) 1611–1619

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Improving value for money through better front-end management: An

attempt to reduce costs and increase user benefits in the planning of a
motorway project
Morten Welde *, Gro Holst Volden
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway


Keywords: Low benefit-cost efficiency and cost escalation in transport projects is a challenge in many countries. If costs
Benefit-cost efficiency increase as projects are developed, and if decision-makers are unable to reject projects with a negative value for
Cost-benefit analysis money, the result can be inefficient resource allocation and waste. In Norway, the government introduced a road
reform in 2015 in which one of the key elements was the creation of a state-owned enterprise, Nye Veier AS
Project design
Project planning
(English trans. ‘New Roads Ltd’), with responsibility for improving parts of the trunk road network through a
Project success portfolio of projects. The enterprise’s main goal is to improve efficiency by reducing costs and increasing user
Evaluation benefits so that a larger proportion of the projects in its given portfolio have a positive net present value. This
Cost escalation paper argues that project success depends heavily on choices made in the planning and design phase of the
project before implementation. We use a motorway project on the southern coast of Norway as a case example of
a project for which Nye Veier set out to improve efficiency through the development of a municipal sector plan
that is necessary for final project approval before construction can start. Nye Veier introduced several efficiency-
enhancing measures that could provide valuable lessons for other projects, but despite the use of innovative
measures and systematically promoting efficiency, the motorway remains negative value for money. We
conclude that it is difficult to turn an inefficient solution into an efficient project, especially if traffic levels are
low, construction costs are high, and travel-time savings are limited. In this case the choice of a full-scale
motorway project was already made by the government, although a ‘do minimum’ alternative would have
been more efficient. The findings support the evidence that project selection is the most critical decision for
benefit-cost efficiency, and that the potential for enhancing efficiency fades throughout the front-end phase.

1. Introduction roads and railways reduce travel times for commuters and businesses,
improve market access, and may lead to closer economic integration of
This paper explores the potential to improve a transport project’s regional economies. Governments around the world therefore spend
benefit-cost efficiency through efforts made in the design and planning large sums of money each year on new transport infrastructure. To
phase of the project - the part of the front-end phase that follows project gauge the economic merit of such infrastructure and to rank potential
selection. Even if the academic literature has increasingly recognised the projects, most countries carry out cost-benefit analysis (CBA) prior to
importance of front-end management for the success of projects, there is project selection. Transport planners and economists regard CBA as a
a lack of studies that have demonstrated the actions that project owners useful tool in the ex-ante appraisal of projects due to its ability to
have taken during this crucial stage of project development. We use the aggregate benefits and costs into a single measure.
example of a motorway project as a case study to examine whether it is CBA has some weaknesses. It takes little account of distributional
possible to change a negative value for money to a positive value for effects, and the consequences for the environment have little or no effect
money through improvements in the municipal planning process. on value-for-money represented by the estimated net present value
New and improved infrastructure can provide user benefits and lead (NPV). Instead, investment decisions are often strongly influenced by
to economic growth and development, locally and nationally. Better political preferences (Gühneman et al., 2012). In Norway, with its

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Welde), (G. Holst Volden).
Received 15 January 2021; Received in revised form 19 November 2021; Accepted 29 May 2022
Available online 31 May 2022
2213-624X/© 2022 World Conference on Transport Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
M. Welde and G. Holst Volden Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (2022) 1611–1619

mountainous physical geography, and low population density and traffic is important to project success and gives a brief description of the
levels, which leads to a high proportion of road projects having a framework for planning Norwegian road projects. Section 3 describes
negative value for money, the political emphasis on CBA results has the reform of the Norwegian road sector and the government’s reason
traditionally been low. The prominent centre-periphery dimension in for implementing the reform. Section 4 describe the case project used in
Norwegian politics has led to the promotion of policies aimed at regional this paper and the research approach for investigating whether the
distribution and -development rather than economic efficiency. There is, project achieved its goals. Section 5 discusses the findings, and Section 6
however, a broad agreement that the CBA results at least give an indi­ presents the conclusions.
cation of which projects should be implemented first. It is intuitively
more sensible to carry out transport projects that provide higher levels of 2. The front-end phase is crucial to project success
travel time savings and that lead to a reduction in the numbers of per­
sons killed and seriously injured, rather than projects that do not provide The efficiency of a road project is affected by choices made in all
any such effects. It may also make more sense to carry out projects where stages of the project development, from the first initiative, through
there are high traffic levels rather than low ones, and that the cost of planning and appraisal, and further to construction and operation.
implementation is not expected to be too high. However, the project literature has increasingly recognised that project
Despite the usefulness of CBA and its popularity among pro­ success mostly depends on choices made in the front-end of the projects.
fessionals, several studies have demonstrated that the net present value Doing the right project is more important than doing the project right,
as estimated by the CBA has had varying impacts on actual project se­ and several studies have shown that the reason projects fail is because of
lection (Nilsson, 1991; Odeck, 1996, 2010; Fridstrøm and Elvik, 1997; choices taken before actual project implementation (Williams and
Nellthorp and Mackie, 2000; Annema, 2013; Mouter, 2017). In Norway, Samset, 2010; Morris, 2013, Williams et al., 2019).
the efficiency of selected road projects has been particularly poor. Eli­ The front-end represents a phase in project development when the
asson et al. (2015) found that most of the projects in the Norwegian flexibility to make changes is highest, while the cost of making changes
National Transport Plan for 2014–2023 had a negative NPV, and that a is lowest, as shown in Fig. 1. As shown in the figure, the front-end phase
positive NPV did not increase the likelihood of a project being selected can roughly be divided into two sub-phases, i) project selection and ii)
for implementation. In the current transport plan for the years design and planning, although the distinction is not always clear.
2018–2029, the NPV for the projects that were planned to start during At the very earliest stage, when the project only exists as an idea, it
the period was about minus EUR 16 billion. Halse and Fridstrøm (2019) can be changed or rejected at no cost. When the project is selected as
showed that geographical factors may explain a substantial part of the part of a plan, it may be more difficult, formally or politically, to take it
variation in the benefit-cost ratio and the high proportion of projects out of the portfolio, as by then stakeholders’ expectations are likely to
with a negative value for money. There may also be a decreasing mar­ have become so high that decision-makers cannot change their mind
ginal benefit from road investment as ‘the best’ projects, i.e. the projects because that would entail a high political cost. Once construction starts,
with the highest travel time savings and traffic safety effects, have it may be almost impossible to stop the project because the incurred
already been realised. Compared to the large improvements that past costs have been sunk. For example, the HS2 rail line from London in the
transport investments delivered, the impacts of most projects today are south of England to Birmingham and farther to Manchester and Leeds in
marginal (Welde and Nyhus, 2019). the north has experienced significant cost increases since the budget was
The purpose of this paper is not to study what political decision- authorised by Parliament, and current estimates of the project’s value
makers care about beyond the CBA, nor do we discuss why some for money indicate that the project has gone from delivering high value
countries have projects with lower benefit-cost efficiency, on average, for money to low value, provided that costs do not increase further
than others. Instead we ask what project owners can do to improve (Oakervee Review, 2019). Had decision-makers known the real costs at
benefit cost efficiency through efforts in the design and planning phase. the time of the decision to build, they might have chosen to implement
The estimated poor value for money of Norwegian transport projects has another project (or other projects) or not to carry it out at all. Drum­
been further worsened by a tendency for cost escalation between early mond (2017) argued that once large projects gain traction, they are
project screening and final budget authorisation. Welde and Odeck almost unstoppable. Once the investment decision has been taken, the
(2017) demonstrated that the estimated cost of road projects on average scope for making changes is limited. Therefore, the choice of conceptual
increased by 40% from prioritisation in the National Transport Plan to
budget authorisation. Cost escalations of this magnitude will further
decrease the economic efficiency of a project portfolio and in practice
they have caused much frustration among decision-makers. A related
challenge has been the time-consuming processes and the delays expe­
rienced in the design and planning phase, which contributes to post­
poning the benefit flows.
This paper describes the efforts of the Norwegian Government to
improve the efficiency of road projects by reorganising the road sector to
reduce cost escalations and to improve value for money. Project selec­
tion is still a political choice, but a state-owned enterprise has been given
a strong mandate and freedom to improve benefit-cost efficiency in the
given portfolio. We use a motorway project in the southern part of the
country as a case example, and we investigate whether transferring the
responsibility for planning and construction to a state-owned enterprise
can be a relevant measure for improving efficiency. The paper deals with
a phase in the development of projects that is often ignored in the
research literature, namely the front-end and the necessary activities to
secure planning permission before construction can start. We discuss the
incentives and actions of local stakeholders, as well as to what extent a
project owner can create planning alliances that improve value for
money. Fig. 1. The opportunity to influence project success is greatest in the
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 argues why the front-end early phases.

M. Welde and G. Holst Volden Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (2022) 1611–1619

solution is the most crucial decision that a project owner makes (Volden, 3. Norwegian road reform – Establishment of Nye Veier AS
2019). Throughout the planning phase, the project is designed and
planned in more detail, and the opportunity for further choices becomes Poor efficiency and cost escalation in the front-end of road projects
closed. In the case of a road project, choices regarding alignment, were the main reasons for the Conservative-led government’s road re­
standard, location of bridges and tunnels, entry and exit ramps, among form in 2015. The reform involved (among some other issues) the
others, increasingly close the scope until the degrees of freedom are establishment in 2015 of a state-owned enterprise, Nye Veier AS (En­
exhausted. glish trans. ‘New Roads Ltd’), which was given responsibility for the
Fig. 2 illustrates the typical stages in a Norwegian road project. The construction and maintenance of 530 km of the trunk road network that
first formal decision is carried out by the Ministry of Transport, when it needed upgrading. The projects were all in rural areas in the southern
gives the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) a mandate to part of country, in locations that had an average annual daily traffic of
appraise different conceptual solutions to a problem. The conceptual c.7,000–15,000 vehicles at the time. The estimated total construction
appraisal includes an analysis of needs, a discussion of goals, and an cost for all projects was EUR 12 billion in 2015 prices. Fig. 3 shows a
economic assessment of different solutions. The conceptual appraisal is map with the initial responsibility of Nye Veier.
then scrutinised by external consultants (QA1) as part of the Ministry of The projects had been through QA1 and the government had decided
Finance’s quality assurance scheme (for a full description of the QA to proceed with planning, but it was determined that the enterprise had
scheme, see Volden, 2019). If the concept is found to be viable and the
business case sound, the Cabinet may allow the project to be developed
further through a pre-project. For road projects, this involves a munic­
ipal sector plan and a local zoning plan. The former is a general plan for
land use, which is legally binding and provides guidelines for more
detailed planning work, and the latter is a detailed land use planning
map with provisions for the use, protection and design of areas and
physical surroundings.
The municipal sector plan sets out the final road alignment, and in­
cludes decisions such as the tunnel share, number of junctions, road
standard, and other issues that affect the costs and benefits of the road.
Both the municipal sector plan and the local zoning plan must be
approved by the local municipalities that the roads runs through (even if
it is a national trunk road), and this may cause ‘perverse incentives’
whereby local stakeholders have little to lose and everything to gain by
requiring gold-plated solutions to a project that others are paying for
(Volden, 2018). Traditionally, the process for road project selection in
Norway has been characterised by regional horse-trading and the
availability of strong state finances, which, according to Holmen (2020)
may explain extensive malinvestment in road construction projects with
low net benefits. Consequently, the estimated NPV and the costs in the
conceptual appraisal and the QA1 may change considerably throughout
the pre-project stage.
Before a budget can be approved by Parliament and construction can
start, the project must pass another external quality assurance stage
gate: QA2. In QA2, consultants review the cost estimate to ensure that
the final budget is based on accurate assumptions and that necessary
provisions for uncertainty have been made. However, there have not
been any formal requirements for a last CBA at this stage. Rejection of
projects does happen, but due to project lock-in, the expectations of
stakeholders and decision-makers themselves are so high that few pro­
jects are rejected by Parliament after QA2. This means that de­
velopments in the pre-project stage are crucial for later project success
or failure in benefit-cost terms. Fig. 3. Nye Veier’s initial portfolio in 2016.

Fig. 2. The main stages in a Norwegian road project.

M. Welde and G. Holst Volden Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (2022) 1611–1619

to avoid the typical cost escalation experienced in other road projects 4.1. The road project
and to improve the value for money in the enterprise’s portfolio. The
mandate was thus clear: reduce costs and increase social benefits. E18 Dørdal-Grimstad is a section of the European route E18 that runs
A crucial part of the 2015 reform was to allow Nye Veier other de­ from Craigavon in Northern Ireland to St. Petersburg in Russia. In
grees of freedom than those that the NPRA had (and still has). The en­ Norway, the road is the main route from Kristiansand, the country’s
terprise is free to choose the order of implementation of the projects southernmost city, to the capital Oslo and farther on to Sweden. The
within its portfolio, based on the projects’ value for money. This is a distance from Dørdal to Grimstad is c.100 km, but the 20 km section
potentially powerful tool when bargaining with local municipalities. If a between Arendal and Tvedestrand (Fig. 4) already has motorway stan­
project becomes too expensive or the value for money is too low, Nye dard. The area affected by the E18 Dørdal-Grimstad project has a com­
Veier may choose to implement a different project. That is, the enter­ bined population of c.110,000.
prise must implement all projects in its portfolio within 20 years, but by The road section was subject to a conceptual appraisal in 2008 and
implementing projects with high value for money first and deferring external QA1 in 2009. Most of the existing road was originally single
others, it may increase overall efficiency. Politically, Nye Veier differs carriageway, with a speed limit of 60–90 km/h; from 2001 to 2006 the
from the NPRA in one important aspect. Once their portfolio of projects numbers of persons killed and seriously injured was 13 per year. The
is selected, they are governed by a board of directors elected by the average annual daily traffic was 10,000–22,000 vehicles. The munici­
Minister of Transport. The NPRA is directly subordinate to the ministry palities through which the road passes had campaigned for dualling of
and must adhere to political signals and directives. Nye Veier, on the the road for many years, and as road improvements to the north towards
other hand, operates according to a mandate set out in the charter of the Oslo and south towards Kristiansand were realised, the government
enterprise. This ensures that the ministry is kept at arm’s length. considered options for improving mobility along the corridor (Fig. 4).
Nye Veier also has more room to manoeuvre financially than the The NPRA appraised the viability of six alternative concepts, ranging
NPRA, which relies on annual state grants per project and has very from a do-minimum alternative to minor improvements to selected
limited opportunities for portfolio management and diversification of sections, improved public transport, and two different motorway con­
costs and benefits. Nye Veier receives an annual flat grant of EUR 500 cepts. None of the concepts were estimated to deliver a positive NPV, but
million (2016-prices and adjusted for inflation thereafter), which com­ both the NPRA and the external consultants behind the QA1 report
bined with road tolls and project-specific government grants gives it recommended that the road should be dualled and upgraded to
enough liquidity to ensure efficient project implementation at its own motorway standard, due both to a need for improved traffic safety
chosen speed. (Norway committed to Vision Zero in 1999) and a need for a uniform
The road reform is consistent with what is often referred to as new road standard for the entire stretch between Oslo and Kristiansand. The
public management (NPM). NPM is based on some core elements such as government agreed and instructed the NPRA to proceed with further
increased specialisation (single-purpose organisations), management by planning based on a motorway concept in 2010.
objectives, and making public agencies more accountable and inde­ In 2013 a Conservative-led government was elected. In its manifesto
pendent of the political logics. NPM can be seen as a way of reforming it had committed to a significant increase in spending on transport
the public sector or as a way of thinking when the intention is to change infrastructure, as well as reorganising both the road and rail sectors.
traditions and existing culture in the public bureaucracy, which can After its establishment in 2015, Nye Veier AS took over formal re­
contribute to changed behaviour and increased efficiency and effec­ sponsibility for the E18 Dørdal-Grimstad project, as well as the other 21
tiveness (Christensen, 2007). projects in its portfolio.
The NPRA continues to operate, but with less responsibility for sec­ A municipal sector plan for a motorway focuses on land use elements
tions of the trunk road network than it had before the reform. The idea is and the starting point is a planning programme that sets out the intended
that the reform will result in a quasi-market where a state-owned en­ results of the plan. In this case, Nye Veier put a lot of effort into creating
terprise will compete with a public agency, resulting in innovation and a common understanding among all stakeholders that a positive NPV
improved efficiency for both parties. was a condition for project approval. The municipalities organised in an
intermunicipal planning board, which might have given them a stronger
4. The case and research approach position in their bargaining with Nye Veier, but it also created a more
holistic perspective and made the process more efficient than if Nye
The case selected for this study was the road project E18 Dørdal- Veier had had to deal with eight different municipalities. The planning
Grimstad along the south-eastern coast of Norway. It was a pilot project board hired a coordinator with a background from the NPRA, extensive
in the sense that it was the first project (and at that time the only experience from road planning, and an understanding of CBA that
project), for which Nye Veier was given responsibility for developing a elected politicians often lack.
municipal sector plan.
Nye Veier set out to develop the plan in early 2018 and shortly 4.2. The research
thereafter tasked researchers from both the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology and the research institute SINTEF to follow the Nye Veier has high ambitions but in 2018 it had no experience with
process in order to extract learning points and evaluate the project’s developing municipal sector plans. However, it did recognise that any
preliminary achievements. Thus, for the researchers, the choice of case potential for improved efficiency had to be realised at that stage. Once
project was a ‘convenience sample’: it was an opportunity to follow the construction starts, the scope for reducing costs and increasing benefits
particular project closely over time and learn what Nye Veier was doing is limited. In order to learn from the experiences it gathered through the
to improve efficiency and value for money through front-end planning process, Nye Veier tasked a group of researchers with following
management. the process (Ramstad et al., 2020). The researchers became involved in
According to Yin (2014), a case study approach is appropriate when March 2018, just after the planning process had started, and they
(1) the main research questions are ‘how’ and ‘why’, (2) the researcher collected data until the municipal sector plans had been approved by all
has little or no control over behavioural events, and (3) the focus of municipalities. Thus, the study can be considered a longitudinal case
study is a contemporary (not historical) phenomenon in its real-world study. This type of research is often referred to as trailing research,
context. In the selected case, all three conditions were met. At a later meaning research that follows a phenomenon (in this case a road proj­
stage, when Nye Veier has gained more experience and projects have ect) in real time and conducts continuous evaluation of it. The model
been completed, quantitative data should be collected to determine its’ integrates formative and summative evaluation in a planned learning
achievements at project and portfolio level. process coupled with producing knowledge for the scientific community

M. Welde and G. Holst Volden Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (2022) 1611–1619

Fig. 4. Municipalities affected by the E18 Dørdal-Grimstad project.

(Finne et al., 1995). Trailing researchers may use any kind of evaluation and regional and government authorities. We applied a broad and
design and methods for data collection and analysis, but the approach is exploratory approach to data collection, whereby we searched for all
normally qualitative or mixed rather than quantitative. types of data that could help us to understand whether and how the
The purpose of the research was to assess whether Nye Veier and its measures used in the planning project contributed to the intended
hired consultant were able to improve the efficiency of the project in outcome and purpose (i.e. whether the planning project’s programme
accordance with the enterprise’s mandate, and if so, why or why not. theory matched the realities).
The goals for that phase of the project were: A combination of different types of data collection methods was
used: observation, personal interviews, focus group interviews and an
- To complete the process within 1.5 years, so that Nye Veier could evaluation seminar. We attended 76 meetings and conducted almost 30
decide on whether or not to start construction in-depth interviews. Most of the interviews were unstructured and open-
- To reduce the estimated costs by 30% ended, and our intention was to describe the processes as well as their
- To turn the project’s NPV from negative to positive. results, from the perspective of different actors. The quantitative ma­
terial consisted of various screening reports with estimates of costs and
Table 1 shows the programme theory for the planning project. A benefits of different road alignment alternatives (produced before and
programme theory is the overarching theory or model of how an inter­ during the planning process), the final recommendation for a sector plan
vention is expected to work (Maden et al., 2017). The ‘theory’ in a when Nye Veier invited the affected municipalities to approve the plan,
programme theory describes how a range of measures are planned to act and stakeholders’ written feedback on the plan as part of the process.
together in a cause-effect link to achieve an intended outcome. It should The data were analysed by coding pieces of information (e.g. ob­
explain the causal processes that activates change. servations, the interviewees’ different statements, quantitative data)
The measures could be described partly as innovative and partly as and subsequently by clustering similar pieces of information. Using data
representing best practice. The strong emphasis on value for money and from multiple sources and combining methodologies are means for
alignment of goals with local municipalities was uncommon, and an triangulation, which is important for validation and hence strengthens a
intermunicipal planning process had never been used in the planning of study’s trustworthiness (Creswell, 2014).
roads before. Digital tools are becoming more and more common
throughout the transport sector and Nye Veier is the first to use Best 5. Results and discussion
Value Procurement (BVP) as a contract strategy for hiring consultants.
The ability to prioritise projects without government approval is a In this section we present the results of our trailing research. Spe­
framework condition that gives Nye Veier other opportunities than the cifically, we discuss whether the implementation and organisation of the
NPRA. sector plan was efficient, and whether Nye Veier managed to achieve
The trailing research involved extensive data collection from both reduced costs and increased benefits so that the E18 Dørdal-Grimstad
qualitative and quantitative sources, from the spring of 2018 to October project could deliver a positive NPV.
2019, when the municipalities approved the recommended plan. We
followed all relevant actors in the process: Nye Veier, its hired consul­
tant, the eight municipalities (on a political and administrative level), 5.1. Strong emphasis on efficiency

The planning process was characterised by a strong emphasis on

Table 1 benefit-cost efficiency, in line with the intention. Nye Veier made it clear
Programme theory for the planning project. to all stakeholders from the outset that unless the road could deliver a
Measure Outcome Purpose positive NPV, it risked being downgraded. These ambitions were
Alignment of goals: Nye Veier Planning permission in all Positive value
strongly institutionalised among all Nye Veier’s employees and were
and affected municipalities municipalities by 1 September for money understood and accepted by other stakeholders. This situation may seem
Intermunicipal planning process 2019 self-evident to representatives of countries with a strong emphasis on
Extensive use of digital planning Reduce construction costs by CBA results, but it has been uncommon in the Norwegian road sector
tools 30%
(Eliasson et al., 2015). In line with the fundamental principles of CBA,
Contract with consultant based
on Best Value Procurement the focus was on social benefits for society at large rather than on local
(BVP) effects. Nye Veier’s autonomy and freedom to choose the order of
Portfolio management of Road alignment that implementation of its projects was a key explanatory factor. This
projects maximises time savings and reduced the ability of local authorities and local stakeholders to
traffic safety
‘blackmail’ Nye Veier into overinvesting in elements that wouldn’t add

M. Welde and G. Holst Volden Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (2022) 1611–1619

net value to the project. cost estimates during the panning phase has rarely been studied. In
Costs and benefits were estimated and re-estimated continuously Norway, most large road projects are completed below budget (Welde,
throughout the planning process. The screening and evaluation of 2017), but cost escalation during planning has been a persistent problem
different road alignment alternatives was an iterative process in which (Welde and Odeck, 2017). The government’s instruction to Nye Veier
alternatives with the poorest value for money were rejected. was to avoid the typical increase in estimates during the front-end, but
the enterprise had higher ambitions and set out to reduce estimates by
5.2. Several innovative measures an average of 20% from the formal handover of project responsibility in
2016. However, the cost performance (i.e. the increase or reduction in
In line with NPM thinking, Nye Veier was free to decide how to cost estimates) depends on the point of reference (i.e. the basis of
achieve its goals. The enterprise took two innovative steps to promote comparison for current estimates). In our opinion, to measure the effi­
efficiency. ciency of project delivery, the final costs of projects should be compared
First, as Nye Veier is small organisation with a limited number of with the formal budget approved by parliament after QA2 (see Fig. 2).
employees, it has a strategy to use outsourcing and turnkey contracts However, as projects are developed, their scope and hence their costs
extensively. When hiring a consultant to develop the plan, it used best and value for money will vary depending on the decisions made during
value procurement (BVP) to find the best consultant, based on a com­ the front-end. There are very few studies of variation in costs during that
bination of price, quality and expertise. The contract gave the consultant stage of project planning in the academic literature.
strong incentives for time and cost efficiency. The use of an external As is common for road projects in Norway, several cost estimates
consultant to carry out the planning work helped to strengthen the in­ have been produced for E18 Dørdal-Grimstad. In the White Paper that
centives for efficiency and created additional distance between the outlines the government’s road reform and the creation of Nye Veier
analytical work and politics. However, it might have created some un­ (Meld. St. (2014–2015)), the construction cost was estimated at some
certainty about who was in charge – Nye Veier or the consultant. EUR 2.15 billion in nominal 2015 prices. In 2016, when the enterprise
Second, Nye Veier committed the eight municipalities to forming an formally took over the responsibility for the project portfolio, the esti­
intermunicipal planning collaboration to develop a joint sector plan for mate was EUR 1.95 billion. The most recent cost estimate, as recom­
all eight to approve. This led to a more time and cost-efficient process mended in the municipal sector plan, is EUR 1.55 in 2019 prices.
with a holistic perspective. Adjusted for the increase in the construction cost index for road con­
struction (Statistics Norway, 2021), this implies a reduction in the es­
5.3. Major planning time savings timate of 36% and 28% from 2015 and 2016 respectively. If this turns
out be the result when the road is completed, the reduction would be
The project had an ambitious goal: to complete the municipal sector remarkable and unusual. It is beyond the scope of this paper to docu­
plan process within 1.5 years, which is less than half the time that such ment the precise reasons why the cost estimate has been reduced, but the
processes normally take. The goal was largely achieved, as the process large variation in estimates illustrates the uncertainties of estimates
took just over 1.5 years. This is unusual for road projects in Norway, not prepared in a stage of project development when knowledge of central
least for a large project that involved eight municipalities. Included in parameters such as road alignment, and bridge and tunnel share is
the process was also municipal approval, as well as time spent on limited. The current cost estimate implies a cost per kilometre of about
handling disagreements and objections from municipalities and other EUR 217,000, which is on the same level as the average cost of four-lane
public authorities. motorways constructed over the last decade.
Nye Veier emphasised its goal from the beginning of the process and However, the cost estimate has increased from when the road was
made it clear that achieving it would require a lot of effort from all those first subject to conceptual appraisal and external QA1 in 2008 and 2009.
involved. The municipalities accepted this condition and gave the plan Adjusted for inflation, the increase from these estimates have been in the
high priority, partly at the expense of other municipal matters. Early and region of 60% and 10% respectively. The development in cost estimates
strong involvement from the eight municipalities was also important, as since 2008, in 2019 prices, is illustrated in Fig. 5.
they gained ownership of the goals and strategies, which might have Fig. 5 shows that even if Nye Veier achieved the goal that it set out
helped to avoid conflicts later in the process. when it announced its planning programme, the development in cost
The use of an external consultant, contractually motivated to deliver estimates since the conceptual appraisal and the QA1 has been the same
on time, was also important for the short time to obtain planning as that for most other road projects. This illustrates the concern raised by
permission. The contract gave the consultant considerable room for Love et al. (2015), that the large differences between the results of
manoeuvre in the planning process, which led to more direct contact studies of cost performance may be due to the differences in the point of
with key players at the local level, and increased opportunities for input reference from which the costs are measured.
and rapid feedback, especially from local decision-makers. Thus, Fig. 5 also illustrates the uncertainty of early estimates. In the aca­
decision-relevant information was included early in the planning pro­ demic literature, planners have been accused of deliberately under­
cess based on direct communication. estimating costs of new infrastructure, although such claims have been
We also found evidence of negative impacts, in terms of time pres­ strongly contested (Love and Ahiaga-Dagbui, 2018). In Norway, early
sure and a large workload for those involved, and very little time for the estimates are expected to be within an accuracy range of +/- 40%, but
administrative bodies to respond to the material that was presented to Fig. 5 clearly illustrates that the range of project cost uncertainty is far
them. Some local informants indicated that they would have preferred to higher than traditional targets. The first two estimates in Fig. 5 were
have had more time to assess the local consequences of such a large road based on a more modest concept than on what the government later
project as E18 Dørdal-Grimstad. We also saw signs of ‘peer pressure’ decided. Furthermore, the first four estimates did not include informa­
among the municipalities not to create problems for the process, for tion on either road alignment or the share of expensive structures such as
example, by submitting objections. Nevertheless, we have no indications tunnels and bridges.
that the quality of the plan suffered or that some municipalities
approved it against their will. 5.5. Negative value for money

5.4. Cost performance depends on the point of reference The most important criterion in the government’s mandate to Nye
Veier is to improve value for money in its project portfolio. In the case of
Several studies have documented that cost overruns are a problem in the E18 Dørdal-Grimstad project, the enterprise emphasised that a
the delivery of transport projects (Odeck, 2019), but the development of positive NPV would be vital for final project approval, and the local

M. Welde and G. Holst Volden Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (2022) 1611–1619

Fig. 5. Development of cost estimates.

municipalities would have to sacrifice a lot to support this goal. Tradi­ commuting and possibly through industrial restructuring and concluded
tionally, road planning in Norway has been based on broad coalitions, that the empirical evidence of productivity impulses from road invest­
citizen participation, and mitigating measures as bargaining chips in ment in rural areas was weak.
negotiations in order to reach consensus, but Nye Veier has announced High ambitions are not a guarantee of success. Even if the new road
that it will prioritise efficiency over distributional and environmental will lead to a reduction in the numbers of accidents and deliver travel
issues. time savings of c.15 min, the estimated benefits will be too small to
Nevertheless, Nye Veier’s goal was not achieved. The net present justify a significant investment. The project illustrates that Nye Veier
value for the recommended alternative was in the region of minus EUR may learn what the NPRA has experienced for decades, namely that
600 million, corresponding to a net benefit-cost ratio of − 0.40. This is achieving a positive NPV may be difficult in a country with low popu­
lower than the average performance of all projects in the National lation densities, low traffic levels, a demanding topography, and high
Transport Plan and it is lower than the estimated ratio in the QA1 report, construction costs.
which was − 0.03. Comparing CBA results over time can be difficult, as
assumptions regarding value of travel time, discount rate, among other
5.6. Unclear whether alternative road concepts have been properly
matters, change, but during the last decade the framework for CBA has
changed in a direction where almost all projects have become more
profitable. For example, since the appraisal in the QA1, the discount rate
The fact that none of the assessed road lines have a positive NPV
has been reduced from 4.5% to 4.0% and the appraisal period has
raises the question of whether the right concept has been chosen. All the
increased from 25 years to 40 years. Thus, Nye Veier clearly failed in its
studied alternatives involved a four-lane motorway, in line with the
efforts to improve value for money.
government’s decision in 2010.
In addition to the direct user effects as estimated in the CBA, Nye
From an economic perspective, the do-nothing alternative (i.e., no
Veier also carried out a calculation of ‘wider economic impacts’. These
project) would have been the best alternative but is not in line with the
are secondary effects that can occur outside the transport market when
government’s decision taken ten years ago. This illustrates that CBA may
companies and employees get closer to each other, and thereby trigger
not be the best tool for capturing the aspirations of decision-makers, and
productivity effects that occur in addition to the direct user benefit that a
that some form of multicriteria analysis may be better for decision
road project can create. Due to great uncertainty and the risk of double
support. Based on the current plans, the road will meet the goals for
counting, such effects have traditionally been excluded from CBAs
reduced travel time and improved traffic safety, but the total user ben­
(Holmgren and Merkel, 2017; Melia, 2018; Tveter, 2020). Most of the
efits as quantified in the CBA are below the total cost of implementation.
literature has focused on urban agglomeration economics where spatial
This raises the question of whether the opportunity space has been
concentration of economic activity is thought to increase productivity
properly explored. The planning was effectively based on appraising the
by three mechanisms: sharing of knowledge, matching the skills of
effects of different versions of the same concept. Using large resources
employees with the needs of potential employers and learning (Duran­
on the appraisal of different motorway alternatives could quickly end up
ton and Puga, 2004; Graham and Gibbons, 2019). In rural areas,
as a solution looking for a problem rather than a problem looking for a
research has shown that wider impacts are small (Tveter, 2018). Welde
and Tveter (2022) showed than in most cases, even local development
impacts from new roads were negligible in most cases. In this project,
Nye Veier estimated that inclusion of wider benefits would improve the 6. Conclusions
net benefit-cost ratio (BCR) by 0.1 to 0.3, depending on road alignment.
This means that inclusion of these impacts would increase the BCR to­ The road sector in Norway has been characterised by low selection
wards − 0.1 for the preferred alternative (i.e., value for money would efficiency and an emphasis on local perspectives, which has been a
still be negative). This is in line with the conclusions of Holmen (2020) concern of national politicians for several years. The creation of a state-
who studied the productivity impulses from other road projects along owned limited enterprise, Nye Veier, in 2015 was a new move and in line
the E18 corridor. Holmen (2020) found only weak impulses through with several other reforms in the public sector to promote efficiency and
management by objectives. Nye Veier operates at arm’s length from

M. Welde and G. Holst Volden Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (2022) 1611–1619

direct political control and is free to scrutinize the projects in their evaluations.
portfolio in order to improve their efficiency. Traditional road planning Although Nye Veier failed in its efforts to improve value for money in
is based on projects being selected by government, but where actual the case project presented in this paper, it is their results at portfolio
implementation depends on local planning permission. As Nye Veier can level that matter most. There will always be variations in value for
prioritize their projects within a portfolio, this introduces a different money in a portfolio of projects and, as we argued in the introduction to
balance of power compared to traditional planning arrangements. If a this paper, there may be relevant arguments for road construction in a
project becomes excessively expensive without benefits increasing at sparsely populated country. Despite the negative value for money in the
least in line with costs, it can be postponed indefinitely. This may reduce project presented in this paper and in some other projects, the net pre­
the local scope for gold plating and reduce planning inefficiencies. sent value of the projects in Nye Veier’s portfolio increased by EUR 3.5
In this paper we have reviewed the efforts of the enterprise to pro­ million from 2016 to 2019 (Nye Veier, 2019).
mote efficiency by reducing costs and increasing benefits, using a road This paper has provided the results of a trailing research project
project on the south coast of Norway as a case example. The results show designed as a mid-term evaluation of planning processes and estimates.
that despite considerable efforts, the road remains unviable measured by The real results and effects will only be revealed when or if the whole
the results of the CBA. The cost estimate has been reduced during the road is realised and has been in operation for some time. It will be highly
development of the municipal sector plan but has increased since the relevant to use the extensive documentation produced in this study for
earliest appraisals were carried out in 2008 and 2009. further evaluation of this project.
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