Discussion Report - 22000793 - Han HyeonSeok
Discussion Report - 22000793 - Han HyeonSeok
Discussion Report - 22000793 - Han HyeonSeok
First Section)
(Junhyuk Ahn)
He talked about stereotypes and the importance of media. He gave the example of
African people in UNICEF advertisements. The media portrays them as poor, dirty, and pitiful,
instilling a stereotype that they are helpless and need rescue. He described this as "poverty porn."
I agreed with his opinion, but it was also a stereotype to generalize all Africans this way. Our
members generally agreed with his opinion. However, in my opinion, countries in Africa
generally have a lower economic level than countries on other continents, and there are many
impoverished countries. In other words, African nationals are likelier to come from a relatively
impoverished country. It would help if you did not judge the whole thing as a part, but I don't
(Samuel Ko)
He gave an example of how people's stereotypes can prevent mentally ill patients from
overcoming their illnesses. By treating them as if their illness defines them, people can crush the
small amount of willpower they need to overcome their illness. I agreed with his opinion. I think
that the less mentally healthy a person is, the more they need to taste success in small things.
However, we need to improve the narrow-minded preconceptions of people who judge that
mentally ill people cannot overcome their illness because of their weak mental state. Our
members generally agreed with his opinion. However, psychopaths are generally insane people.
In other words, they are mentally weak. It is a stereotype to say definitively that psychopaths
cannot overcome the mental part unconditionally. However, I think it is expected that you cannot
(Sanggeup Son)
He talked about Gomes Eanes de Zurara from Portugal, who wrote a book about African
people. Gomes' racism spread throughout Europe and even America, and future generations
learned from his mistaken records. He said that wrong education continues to instill
misconceptions in many people and future generations. I also agree with this. In history, the
words of the first person who expressed their opinions on something considered influential are
essential. Especially if they are influential people. Therefore, Gomes' mistaken records and
claims were influential and spread to many people, even future generations. One person's
subjective view of a specific group is wrong. Furthermore, creating other people who see certain
groups through his records leads to a vicious cycle. People need to recognize that these
stereotypes are wrong and improve them to avoid fixed ideas. Our members generally agreed
with his opinion. In addition, what we need to learn to prevent stereotypes is critical thinking.
The uncritical acceptance attitude is essentially wrong when stereotypes are instilled. Therefore,
teaching people the ability to discern through critical thinking would be more effective than
In the discussion, I understood the other person's opinion and only proceeded to the
extent that I said my thoughts. I used good rejoinders, but I couldn't proceed with a follow
question to the other person's question. I was not able to provide new insights. I will think more
critically and use more insightful questions to contribute significantly to the discussion.
Third Section)
Our team discussed the topic of the Stereotype, which was also mainly covered in the
"single story" from Ted (Adichie, 2009). There are two main things I felt through this discussion.
The first is the importance of media. One person cannot have various experiences directly. In
other words, it is more common to understand the world through indirect experience. These
experiences are made mainly through the media. The media's biased coverage can instill biased
thoughts in those who see it. Second, the importance of critical thinking. People are exposed to
the media, books, and the little thoughts someone says. It is practically impossible to prevent
such external influences physically. Then what matters is the attitude of the person who accepts
it. In other words, a person must have an attitude of critical thinking. Someone who heard it must
have critical thinking and discern external opinions. The article I researched mentioned
something related: when someone misrepresents a gender stereotype, think of it critically and
question it (Government of Québec, 2023). In other words, even if someone listens to externally
biased thoughts and stereotypes, if someone has an attitude to look at them critically, you can
Government of Québec. (2023, February 23). Effects of stereotypes on personal development.
Definition of stereotypes. Retrieved from https://www.quebec.ca/en/family-and-support-
Adichie, C. N. (2009, July). The Danger of a Single Story. [Video]. TEDGlobal. Retrieved from.