Emr 2201 Engineering Materials I Year 2 Bsc. Marine Engineering
Emr 2201 Engineering Materials I Year 2 Bsc. Marine Engineering
Emr 2201 Engineering Materials I Year 2 Bsc. Marine Engineering
1. Maintenance and Repair of shipboard machinery and equipment (STCW A-III/1).
2. Operation, surveillance, performance assessment and maintaining safety of propulsion plant and
auxiliary machinery (STCW A-III/2).
Course text books
1. Higgins, R.A. (1994) Properties of Engineering Materials, Hodder & Stroughton, 2nd Ed.
2. Michael F.Ashby and David R.H Jones (July ,2006), Engineering Materials –Introduction to their
properties and applications, CRC Press
3. Kenneth G.Budinski and Michael K Budinski (2009), Engineering Materials- properties and
selection, Prentice Hall, 9th ed.
1. Srivastava, C.M. & Srinivasa, C. (1991) Mechanical Properties of Materials, Wesley Eastern.
2. Pascoe, K.J. (1962) An Introduction to the Properties of Engineering Materials, van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1st Ed.
3. Jastrzebski, D. Z. (1997) The Nature & Properties of Engineering Materials, John Wiley & Sons.
4. Howard Irving Chapelle (1994), Boat building: A complete Handbook of wooden Boat
Construction, Newton & Company
5. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
Grading Policy
Assignments 5%
Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) 10%
Lab work 15 %
End of Sem Exam 70 %
The discipline of materials science involves investigating the relationships that exist between the
structures and properties of materials. In contrast, materials engineering is, on the basis of
these structure–property correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a material to
produce a predetermined set of properties.
The field of materials engineering and science is often defined by the interrelationship between
four topics—synthesis and processing, structure and composition, properties, and performance.
Metal alloys, by virtue of composition, are often grouped into two classes—ferrous and
nonferrous. Ferrous alloys, those in which iron is the principal constituent, include steels and cast
Ferrous alloys are those of which iron is the prime constituent—are produced in larger quantities
than any other metal type. They are especially important as engineering construction materials.
Their widespread use is accounted for by three factors:
iron-containing compounds exist in abundant quantities within the earth’s crust;
metallic iron and steel alloys may be produced using relatively economical extraction,
refining, alloying, and fabrication techniques; and
ferrous alloys are extremely versatile, in that they may be tailored to have a wide
range of mechanical and physical properties.
The principal disadvantage of many ferrous alloys is their susceptibility to corrosion.
Classification of ferrous Alloys
Ferrous alloys can be classified into the following classes according to Fe-C phase diagram
Iron up to 0.008%C
Steels: steel 0.008%C to 2.14%C. Commercial steels alloys contain up to 1.5%C
Cast Irons: 2.14%C -6.7 %C. In most commercial up to 4.3%C
(ii) Eutectic reaction takes place (4.3% C, 1130°C). This can be represented as
The eutectoid mixture of ferrite and cementite is called pearlite. The eutectic mixture with 4.3%
carbon is called ledeburite. Pearlite and Ledeburite are considered as independent structural
constituents which can influence markedly the properties of alloys. Most often pearlite has a
lamellar structure and rather high strength properties.
Development of microstructure in equilibrium cooling
Eutectic structure: The microstructure for this eutectoid steel that is slowly cooled through the
eutectoid temperature consists of alternating layers or lamellae of the two phases ( α and Fe3C)
that form simultaneously during the transformation. Mechanically, pearlite has properties
intermediate between the soft, ductile ferrite and the hard, brittle cementite.
Hypoeutectoid (less than eutectoid) alloy is a composition to the left of the eutectoid, between
0.022 and 0.76 wt% C. Cooling an alloy of this composition is represented by moving down the
vertical line in Austenite γ-phase exists as a single phase at point c but as cooling proceeds below
line MO α develops along the grain boundaries and grows in size. After crossing the eutectoid,
the remaining γ- phase transforms into pearlite. The α phase developed before crossing the
eutectoid is referred to as proeutectoid while the α phase in the pearlite is known as eutectoid α.
The resulting microstructure at room temperature will be a mixture of pearlite and proeutectoid
Hypereutectoid The formation of hypoeutectoid steels is analogous to hypoeutetoid steel with
the only difference being the formation of proeutectoid cementite in place of proeutectoid α.
Fig. 5.7: Formation of microstructure (a) eutectic (b) hypoeutectoid (c) hypereutectoid
Steels are iron–carbon alloys that may contain appreciable concentrations of other alloying
elements; there are thousands of alloys that have different compositions and/or heat treatments.
The mechanical properties are sensitive to the content of carbon, which is normally less than 1.0
wt%. Some of the more common steels are classified according to carbon concentration, namely,
into low-, medium-, and high carbon types. Subclasses also exist within each group according to
the concentration of other alloying elements.
1. Plain carbon steels
Contain only residual concentrations of impurities other than carbon and a little manganese.
Types of plain carbon steels
Depending on the percentage composition of carbon, plain carbon steels are classified into three
Low carbon steel
Medium carbon steel
High carbon steel.
Low carbon steel
Low carbon steels have less than 0.3% carbon content and are often referred to as mild steels. It
is not possible to harden mild steel by heat treatment. Strengthening is accomplished by cold
work. Microstructures consist of ferrite and pearlite constituents. These alloys are relatively soft
and weak but have outstanding ductility and toughness; in addition, they are machinable,
weldable, and, of all steels, are the least expensive to produce. Typical applications include
automobile body components, structural shapes (I-beams, channel and angle iron), and sheets
that are used in pipelines, buildings, bridges, and tin cans.
Case Carburizing
Flame/induction hardening
Case Carburising
It is a method used for producing hard surface on ductile steel. It involves introduction of
additional carbon into the surface of mild steel, producing a composite material consisting of low
carbon steel within a thin case of 0.5-0.7 mm thickness of high carbon steel. The principal
methods of carburising are:
Pack carburising: parts are heated above the upper critical temperature in contact
with wood or barium carbonate, within a cast iron container.
Gas carburising: parts are heated above the upper critical temperature in a furnace
with an atmosphere of methane or mixed hydrocarbon gases.
Three stage heat treatment is given to carburised parts to achieve desired properties:
1. refining the core structure by heating to a value above the upper critical temperature
for the core composition, followed by rapid quenching
2. hardening the case by heating to just above the lower critical temperature, followed
by quenching
3. tempering the case: Heating between 200–7000C and quenching in still air or liquid.
Steel components are heated in a bath of molten sodium cyanide and sodium carbonate at
temperature of 9500C. During the treatment, both carbon and nitrogen diffuse into the surface of
the steel. Formation of hard iron nitride contributes to the surface hardening of the steel. After
cyaniding, parts undergo the three stage heat treatment mentioned above.
Not suitable for plain carbon steels. Suitable for special alloy steels containing chromium and
molybdenum. Parts for nitriding are first heat treated to produce the best core properties.
Machining to final dimensions is then carried out, while the material is still in soft condition,
allowing for the small growth of 0.02 mm that occurs during nitriding. Nitriding is, then, carried
out by heating the steel parts at about 5000C in a gas–tight chamber, in atmosphere of ammonia.
The ammonia dissociates at the steel surface into nitrogen and hydrogen and nitrogen is absorbed
by the steel. Advantages of nitriding include:
• An extremely hard surface is formed
• Treatment is conducted at comparatively low temperatures, minimizing cracking and
• No subsequent heat treatment is necessary.
Flame and Induction Hardening:-
Flame or induction hardening are process in which the surfaces of the steel is heated to a high
temperature (by direct application of flame from an oxyacetylene burner or by induction
heating), then cooled rapidly using water this creates a case of martensite on the surfaces. A
carbon content of 0.4%-0.6%wt c is needed for this type of hardening. Typically uses are
shackles of a lock, where the outer layer is hardened to be file resistant and mechanical gears,
where hard gear mesh surface are needed to maintain a long service life. Other applications
include crankshaft and axles.
2. Alloy steels
These are steels with other alloying elements in addition to carbon required to introduce new
properties that are not available in plain carbon steels. They also improve and extend the existing
properties of plain carbon steel.
What classifies a steel as an Alloy Steel; > 1.65%Mn, > 0.60% Si, or >0.60% Cu
Alloy steels are classified into:
1. High–alloy steels – alloy elements are added in large percents (>20%) to improve on corrosion
resistance and stability at high or low temperatures.
2. Low–alloy steels – alloy elements are added in small percents (<5%) for the purpose of
increasing strength and hardenability.
Alloying elements used in steels
Most common alloy elements are chromium, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium, tungsten, cobalt,
silicon, and copper.
Manganese (Mn)
combines with sulfur to prevent brittleness
increases hardenability
11% to 14%
o increases hardness
o good ductility
o high strain hardening capacity
o excellent wear resistance
Ideal for high speed tool steels
Nickel (Ni)
increases strength, stability and toughness
improves response to heat treatment especially in large sections.
In large amounts, provides special electrical and magnetic properties.
Improves forming properties of stainless steel.
12% to 20% Nickel AND low amounts of Carbon possess great corrosion resistance
Chromium (Cr)
Usually < 2%
increase hardenability and strength
Offers corrosion resistance by forming stable oxide surface hence provides stainless
property in steel.
typically used in combination with Ni and Mo to form the well-known nickel-chrome"
stainless" steels in extensive use throughout the world for high performance and heat
resistant applications.
used widely in tool steels and in electric plates.
Molybdenum (Mo)
Usually < 0.3%
increase hardenability and strength
Mo-carbides help increase creep resistance at elevated temps
typical application is hot working tools
Vanadium (V)
Usually 0.03% to 0.25%
Stainless Steels
The stainless steels are highly resistant to corrosion (rusting) in a variety of environments,
especially the ambient atmosphere. Their predominant alloying element is chromium; a
concentration of at least 11 wt% Cr is required. Stainless steels are divided into three classes on
the basis of the predominant phase constituent of the microstructure:
Ferritic Stainless Steels: Are composed of the ferrite (BCC) phase. Are the most corrosion
resistant because of the high chromium contents and nickel additions; they are produced in the
largest quantities. Are hardened and strengthened by cold work because they are not heat
Are magnetic
Poor ductility and formability
When annealed they are superior than martensite stainless steels in machinability and
corrosion resistance
Used extensively in deep drawn parts.
Applications; table ware, beer barrels, cutlery etc.
Cast irons are selected grades of pig iron, which are remelted and cast in sand moulds. The
carbon contents is generally > 2.1% . Most commonly 3 to 4.5 %; Cast iron is widely used as an
engineering material because:
• Cheap
• They are easily melted and amenable to casting.
• High damping capacity
Cast iron contains large amount of carbon in the form of Fe3C (“cementite”). This composition is
not stable and decomposes under certain conditions:
Fe3C (cementite)→3 Fe(α) (Ferrite)+ C (graphite)
According to this breakdown of cementite, cast irons are classified as;
1. Grey Cast Iron
It is the least expensive and the most common variety. Typical carbon ranges are 2.5% to 4%. 1
to 3 % Si. The microstructure has micro flakes of graphite dispersed in a matrix of ferrite. Flakes
have no strength so they act as voids in the structure. Because graphite flakes contribute no more
to strength than so many voids, the tensile strength and elasticity of grey iron is considerably less
than that of steel. Nevertheless, grey iron is most widely used engineering material because of
the ease with which it will be used, its excellent machinability and good anti-friction properties,
vibration damping properties and stress relieving properties. The pointed ends of the flakes act as
notches and crack initiation sites. Therefore the material is very brittle and possess extremely
low ductility. Generally sold by class (20, 30, 40 up to 80 relating to its tensile or ultimate
Characteristics of Gray Iron:
• Low ductility (Elongation < 1%); brittleness due to the flake-like graphite
• Weak & brittle under tension
• Stronger under compression
• Excellent vibrational dampening
• Corrosion poor but better than most carbon steels.
• Wear resistant
• Weldability is poor but can be welded using oxyacetylene torch or electric arc
• Excellent machinability
• Possess excellent fluidity and relatively low shrinkage ensuring a high yield of good castings.
• Low cost owing to cheap raw materials that are economical to melt.
Applications include;
large machinery parts with intricate shapes, general purpose cast iron,
sewer pipes (due to better corrosion resistance than most steels)
used in resistance grids for control apparatus of heavy duty D.C. motors due to its
ease of casting and electrical resistance properties.
Method of production of CI
Most CIs are produced by a process known as casting. By definition, Casting is a process in
which molten metal flows into a mold where it solidifies in the shape of the mold cavity. The
part produced is also called casting.
To obtain the required metals, sometimes before extraction is done, other chains of processes are
performed to obtain suitable ore concentrates. Such processes are called mineral dressing or ore
dressing. They involve communition, segregation and agglomeration.
This is a high temperature operation which involves application of high temperature for chemical
reduction of a metal compound to the metal. The process produces molten metal and a molten
slug in separate layers. A molten slag is usually composed of unwanted gangue compounds in
ores etc. example of this include extraction of iron, zinc etc.
ii. Chemical treatment
Generally a low temperature process and in aqueous condition. It is also known as
hydrometallurgy. After the ore dressing is done, roasting may be carried out to make the material
concentrate soluble. This is normally done by carrying out leaching after roasting by dissolving
the valuable metal into a rich liquor then recovering it. Good examples include; extraction of
[gold, uranium, beryllium, zinc etc.]
iii. Electro treatment
Also called electrometallurgy. Its widely used for extraction and refining of metals where there is
cheap and abundant supply of electric power. It involves electrolysis or decomposition of either
an aqueous solution or molten salt by passage of an electric current. Good examples involve
extraction of Al, magnesium
refining of zinc and copper.
The crude form of copper extracted from its ores through series of processes contains 68% purity
known as Blister copper. By electrolytic refining process, highly pure (99.9%) copper which is
remelted and casted into suitable shapes. Copper is a corrosion resistant metal of an attractive
reddish brown colour.
Properties and Uses
(1) High Thermal Conductivity: Used in heat exchangers, heating vessels and appliances, etc.
(2) High Electrical Conductivity: Used as electrical conductor in various shapes and forms
for various applications.
(3) Good Corrosion Resistance: Used for providing coating on steel prior to nickel and
chromium plating
(4) High Ductility: Can be easily cold worked, folded and spun. Requires annealing after
cold working as it loses its ductility.
Copper alloys are among the best conductors of heat and electricity and they have good
corrosion resistance. The common types of copper alloys are brasses and bronzes. The various
alloys of copper are discussed as follows:
1. Brass
All brasses are basically alloys of copper and zinc. Commercially there are two main varieties of
(1) Alfa brass: Contains up to 36% Zn and rest copper for cold working.
(2) Alfa-Beta brass: Contains 36 to 45% Zn and remainder is copper for hot working.
The tensile strength and ductility of brass both increase with increase in content of Zn up to 30%
zinc. With further increase in zinc content beyond 30%, the tensile strength continues to increase
up to 45% of Zn, but ductility of brasses drops significantly. β- phase is less ductile than α-phase
but it is harder and stronger.
Thus, there are various types of brasses depending upon proportion of copper and zinc.
Fundamentally brass is a binary alloy of copper with as much as 50% zinc. Various classes of
brasses such as cartridge brass, Muntz-metal leaded brass, Admirality brass, naval brass and
nickel brass depending upon the proportion of copper and zinc plus third alloying metal are
available for various uses.
Suitable type of brasses can undergo the processes of casting, hot forging, cold forging, cold
rolling into sheets, drawing into wires and extrusion for obtaining requisite special cross-section
bars. The melting point of brass varies according to its composition but most of the brasses in the
common range liquefy between temperatures of 840°C to 960°C. By adding small quantities of
other elements, the properties of brass may be greatly affected. For example, addition of 1 to 2%
zinc improves the machinability of brass. Brass has a greater strength than that of copper but has
a lower thermal and electrical conductivity. Brasses possess very good corrosion resistance and
can be easily soldered. Brasses are used in hydraulic fittings, pump linings, utensils, bearings and
bushes, etc.
2. Bronze
The alloy of copper and tin are usually termed bronzes. The useful range of composition is 75 to
95% copper and remainder tin. In general, it possesses superior mechanical properties and
corrosion resistance to brass. The alloy can be easily cold rolled into wire, rods and sheets. With
increase in tin content (up to a maximum of 20 % of tin), the tensile strength of bronze and its
corrosion resistance increases. It is then known as hot working bronze. But with increase of tin
content beyond the maximum, the tensile strength very rapidly decreases. Bronze is most ductile
with a tin constituent of about 5% but as the tin increases above this amount, the ductility
gradually decreases and practically disappears with about 20% of tin.
Bronze is generally utilized in hydraulic fittings, bearings, bushes, utensils, sheets, rods and
many other stamped and drawn products.
Commonly used bronzes include: phosphor bronze, gun metal, silicon bronze, manganese bronze
and muntz metal.
Extraction of copper from its ore
Copper is contained in sulphide ores. It is manufactured through a series of steps enlisted;
i. Roasting the ore: this involves exothermic reactions that provide heat and oxidize excess
iron so that It can be removed during the process along with silicates that are present in
the ore.
ii. Matte smelting: any copper which was oxidized is reduced by part of the remaining iron
sulphide so that the copper is not lost in in the smelter slag. the Cu then forms a low
viscosity matte that melts and separates from the silicate slag.
iii. Converting: the matte separated from the smelter slag is oxidized to produce sulphur
dioxide which escapes as a gas and iron oxide slag and metallic copper. Silica is added to
help for the iron oxide slag.
iv. Fire refining: blister copper from the smelter containing considerable amount of
dissolved oxygen and copper oxide is oxidized by adding hydrocarbons to reduce the
oxygen. The resultant copper is fire refined by transferring it to a second converter where
it is first blown with air to completely oxidize any sulphide present.
v. Electrolytic refining: for higher purity of the produced copper, the fire refined Cu is
electro-refined casting it into electrolytic anodes.
The strength of Zn can be improved by alloying. The most commonly used alloying elements are
aluminium and or copper among others. i.e., the 4% Al in Zn or 1-2 % Cu in Zn is commonly
used for producing die-casting zinc alloys.
These alloying additions considerably increase the tensile strength of the zinc.
Magnesium alloys.
The principal alloying element in magnesium is Aluminium added in amount up to 10%
Mg-Al alloys can be strengthened by precipitation hardening and heat treatment.
Other alloying elements that will give magnesium alloys that can be strengthened by
precipitation heat treatment are: zinc, zirconium, and thorium.
For forming process, magnesium alloys are readily hot worked and can be easily cast into
shapes by both sand and die- casting methods.
Uses of
1. Pure magnesium
As a sacrificial anode for cathodic protection of steel structures such as tanks,
underground pipelines and water heaters against corrosion. In such applications, the
Mg anodes are continuously corroded and have to be replaced periodically while the
steel work is protected.
In fireworks since it oxidizes and burns with a bright flame at high temperatures.
In painting industry for photo engraving because of its light weight and rapid but
controlled etching characteristics.
2. Magnesium alloys
In aircraft construction industry as casting, forging and sheet materials for such
components as aircraft engine and gearbox casings, and very large castings of
intermediate compressor casings for turbine engines
In motor vehicle industry for making ‘Mag wheels, engine crank chess, man folds,
engine blocks, seat frames and body in white etc.
Draw backs of Magnesium and its alloys
Difficult to handle as molten metal because of its high affinity for oxygen.
Poor ductility and formability because of its HCP crystal structure. However, the ductility
is improved above 2500C and by alloying which introduce more slip planes required for
plastic flow, in the lattice structure.
Poor fatigue and stress corrosion resistance especially in the presence of a notch.
Note; Alloys of aluminum and magnesium are called light alloys.
Generally noted for their outstanding strength and corrosion resistance particularly at
high temperatures.
Can be forged and hot worked easily and are easy to weld. However, they are difficult to
form by casting
Types of Nickel alloys
1. Monel series (68% Ni, 30% Cu, 2% Fe)
Used in making;
Steam turbine blades because of high corrosion resistance to high velocity high corrosion
temperature steam and chemical food handling plant industry.
Used in parts of water pumps, propellers, domestic water storage tanks and parts
subjected to high temperatures, e.g. internal combustion engines valve seatings
particularly in light alloy cylinder heads owing to its excellent corrosion resistance
2. Inconel series
These are alloys for electrical resistance generally known as Nichromes. Examples include;
a. 80% Ni, 20% Cr alloys. Commonly used for heating elements for kettles, toasters,
electric furnaces,
b. 80% Ni, 14% Cr, 6% Fe alloys. For electric cooker heating elements.
3. Nimonic series
- Are the high temperature creep resistant alloys.
- Are Ni-Cr alloys containing between 55% and 80% Ni and around 20% chromium in
addition to smaller amount of carbon and other alloying elements such as titanium,
cobalt, iron and Aluminium.
- Their high creep resistance is due to finely dispersed precipitation of intermetallic
compounds of nickel with titanium and iron and also metallic carbides which are stable
up to high temperatures.
Gas turbine blades and discs
Flame tubes.