A Practical Approach To Diagnose and Treat Rickets: Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan (E-ISSN 2313-1519)

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Review Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.23950/jcmk/9658

A practical approach to diagnose

and treat rickets
Aditi Jaiman1, Lokesh Tiwari2, Jatin Prakash3, Ashish Jaiman4
1SK Nursing Home and Hospital, Tikonia, G.B. Pant Marg, Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India
2Department Paediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, India
3Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India
4Central Institute of Orthopaedics, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New

Rickets is a disease of growing bone, before fusion of epiphyses.
There is defective mineralization of cartilage matrix in the zone
of provisional calcification caused either by nutritional vitamin D
deficiency and/or low calcium intake or by non-nutritional causes, like
hypophosphatemic rickets and rickets due to renal tubular acidosis.
In addition, some varieties are due to inherited defects in vitamin D
metabolism and are called vitamin D dependent rickets. The diagnosis
Received: 2020-12-05. is made on the basis of history, physical examination, and biochemical
Accepted: 2020-12-27 testing, and is confirmed by radiographs. Treatment consists of vitamin
D supplementation as Stoss therapy or daily or weekly oral regimens,
all with equal efficacy and safety, combined with calcium supplements.
For renal rickets, the active form of Vit D, 1,25(OH)2 also called Calcitriol is
used, treatment is tailored to another type of renal rickets.
Routine supplementation starting from the newborn period is being
J Clin Med Kaz 2021; 18(1):7-13
increasingly endorsed by various international organizations. Adequate
sunlight exposure, food fortification, and routine supplementation are
the currently available options for tackling this nutritional deficiency.
Corresponding author: In this review article, we discuss the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and
Ashish Jaiman. management of rickets in detail.
E-mail: drashishjaiman@gmail.com; Key words: rickets, vitamin D, hypophosphatemic rickets, renal

Introduction converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-D) by the

Osteoid (protein matrix) and hydroxyapatite action of 25-hydroxylase. 25-OH-D is then converted to
(mineral phase) forms the basic structure of bone. 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1, 25-(OH) 2-D) in kidneys
Hydroxyapatite is mainly composed of calcium and and in other tissues. 25-OH-D is the nutritional indicator
phosphorous. Unmineralized matrix at the growth plates of vitamin D. Vitamin D acts as a pre-hormone. Its active
in growing bone is the hallmark of rickets [1]. This form metabolites (25-OH-D and 1, 25(OH) 2) are involved
of extreme vitamin D deficiency usually discloses itself in many metabolic routes that are afar from calcium
between 12-18 months of age. Deficiency state must have homeostasis [4-8].
been persisting for months before clinical revilement
of florid rickets. Rarely, vitamin D deficiency can Etiopathogenesis of Rickets
express itself with growth failure, lethargy, irritability, Alkaline phosphatase, calcitonin, calcitriol and
hypocalcemic seizures, and a predilection to respiratory parathyroid hormone are the major enzymes and hormones
infections particularly during infancy [2, 3]. Sufficient involved in an intricate manner with many organs, in
intake of vitamin D has a preventive role for rickets [4]. order to form a proper bone. Any disruption in assembly,
absorption or metabolism of Vitamin D has significant
Vitamin D metabolism influence on calcium metabolism and in development
Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol), is produced by of rickets [9, 10]. Vitamin D maintains serum levels of
plants while vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) is produced calcium and phosphorus; therefore, in circumstances of
in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol on exposure to hypocalcemia or hypophosphatemia, vitamin D stimulates
ultraviolet B (UV-B) light at a wavelength of 290- 320 bone resorption. Vitamin D deficiency or resistance
nm. Vitamin D3 is transported to the liver and further therefore results in hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia.

Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan: 2021 Volume 18, Issue 1

Tumor induced osteomalacia (TIO) or oncogenic
Table 1 Classification of rickets based on etiology
osteomalacia: It is a condition characterized by severe
hypophosphatemia with osteomalacia that has been induced
Non – renal rickets
by tumor. It’s usually seen in adults. The tumors that have
1. Nutritional
been associated with rickets or osteomalacia are generally
2. Gastrointestinal causes:
benign, small, and coin from the mesenchyma (e.g., sclerosing
a) Malabsorption e.g. Celiac disease b) Hepatobiliary disorders
e.g. Wilson disease, neonatal cholestasis
hemangiopericytoma). Vitamin D metabolism has been found to
be abnormal in oncogenic osteomalacia and plasma calcitriol is
3. Medications e.g. anticonvulsant therapy
reduced despite hypophosphatemia [12].
4. Oncogenic –Mesenchymal tumors
Vitamin D dependent rickets (VDDR) Type 2: It is an
5. Rickets of prematurity
autosomal recessive disease with mutation in the vitamin D
6. Vitamin D dependent rickets type II (VDDR type II) receptor (VDR) gene (12q12-q14), causing end-organ resistance
to 1, 25(OH) 2 vitamin D. There are very high levels of 1,
Renal rickets 25(OH) 2 D with normal or high values of 25-OH-D [13].
1. Chronic kidney disease. (Renal Osteodystrophy) Renal rickets: It includes rickets with renal failure i.e. renal
2. Hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets a) X-linked osteodystrophy, rickets with acidosis but without renal failure
hypophosphatemic (XLH) rickets b) Autosomal dominant i.e. proximal and distal renal tubular acidosis (RTA) and Fanconi
hypophosphatemic rickets c) Autosomal recessive syndrome, rickets without acidosis or renal failure i.e. familial
hypophosphatemic rickets d) Hereditary hypophosphatemic hypophosphatemic rickets and vitamin D dependent rickets
rickets with hypercalciuria.
(VDDR) Type 1.
3. Distal renal tubular acidosis
Rickets due to renal osteodystrophy (includes rickets
4. Fanconi syndrome a) Primary b) Secondary (Cystinosis,
tyrosinemia, Wilson’s disease, Lowe syndrome) with renal failure): It is a type of metabolic bone disease with
5. Vitamin D dependent rickets type I (VDDR type I) abnormality of mineralization and its turnover and abnormalities
Dent disease, Tumor induced rickets, McCune Albright syndrome, of volume, linear development, and strength. In chronic kidney
Epidermal nevus syndrome, Neurofibromatosis disease, calcium and phosphate metabolism is altered and is
associated with chronic metabolic acidosis and presents with
Low calcium levels arouses the release of parathyroid hormone low calcium, low vitamin D, and excess parathyroid hormone
(PTH); which, in turn acts through bone and kidney and correct (PTH) activity with a high serum phosphate level [11, 13].
hypocalcemia to some extent. At the same time, it heightens Renal rickets with acidosis and without renal failure:
urinary phosphate excretion, leading to hypophosphatemia and Proximal or type 2 RTA is due to decreased reabsorption of
rickets [11]. filtered bicarbonate in proximal tubule with consequential
Rickets can be broadly classified according to underlying bicarbonaturia, decrease in serum bicarbonate levels, and
etiology as non-renal and renal rickets (Table 1). Non-renal subsequent metabolic acidosis. Type I or distal RTA is due to
causes of rickets include nutritional deficiency, rickets of failure to excrete H+ ions from the distal renal tubule, resulting
prematurity, oncogenic osteomalacia and vitamin D dependent in metabolic acidosis with normal anion gap, hypokalemia, and
rickets type II (VDDR II). raised serum chloride, hypercalciuria and hypocitraturia causing
nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis [13, 14]. Fanconi syndrome
(FS) is a rare proximal tubular malfunction that leads to excess
Non-renal rickets
amounts of glucose, uric acid, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate,
Vitamin D deficiency rickets (nutritional rickets): It is
phosphates, and certain amino acids being excreted in the urine
described by deficiency of vitamin D and calcium. Vitamin D
[13, 15] Both types of RTA have low vitamin D levels along with
deficiency is the fallout of no or reduced sun exposure with
low calcium and low phosphorous [13].
resultant minimal synthesis in skin. It is commonly seen in cold
Rickets without acidosis or renal failure: It includes
climates, people with restrictive clothing, or in people with
hypophosphatemic rickets and VDDR type 1. Hypophosphatemic
extensive burns. Also it can occur in people who eat vitamin D
rickets (previously called vitamin D-resistant rickets) consists
deficient food or if there are issues with intestinal absorption of
of a group of inherited disorder in which the primary problem
vitamin D, as in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and celiac
is the phosphate wasting. They are of two types a) secondary
disease, or in hepatobiliary disorders such as neonatal cholestasis
to increased fibroblast growth factor-23 signaling, this can be
and Wilson diseases. Maternal vitamin D deficiency and
X linked, autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive and
prematurity are risk factors for vitamin D deficiency in neonates.
b) due to a primary renal tubular defect such as hereditary
Solely breast-milk fed babies particularly till the latter half of
hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria (HHRH), Dents
infancy, without vitamin D fortification/ supplementation are
disease, Toni-Debre-Fanconi and Lowe syndromes.
susceptible for rickets. Certain medicines e.g. anti convulsants
X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLHR) is an X-linked
and antiretroviral drugs can precipitate vitamin D deficiency by
dominant disorder and is the most common form of genetic rickets
induction of P-450 enzyme; thereby, enhancing catabolism of
and constitutes 80% of hereditary phosphate wasting disorders.
25(OH) D and 1, 25(OH) 2. In these patients serum levels of
The gene responsible has been identified on chromosome Xp
25(OH) D are low, with low or normal calcium levels and low
22.1 and has been named PHEX. Child with XLHR does not
phosphorous levels [4, 11].
develop tetany or myopathy which is seen in hypocalcemic
Rickets of prematurity: Vitamin D levels are low in
rickets. Growth retardation is marked in untreated males, who
premature infants, as they didn’t get enough time during third
seldom reach a height of 110 cms. Main biochemical feature
trimester to gather vitamin D from the mother. The need of
of XLHR is the low tubular reabsorption of filtered phosphate
calcification of fetal skeleton results into increased activation of
(TRP) in the presence of low serum phosphate. Normal range
25(OH) D to 1, 25(OH) 2 D in the mother’s kidneys. Reduced
of TRP is 80-95% and in patients with XLHR it is reduced to
vitamin D levels in mother during pregnancy thereby lead to
40-70% [13]. Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets
fetal vitamin D deficiency, and in stark cases, fetal rickets [11].
Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan: 2021 Volume 18, Issue 1
is described by hypophosphatemia, hyperphosphaturia, fatigue, tetany, seizures and at times stridor caused by laryngeal spasm
bone pain and lower limb deformities and rickets along with [1].
inappropriately low or normal vitamin D3 levels [13]. Radiological findings: Early changes are seen well in the
Autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic rickets (ARHR) growth plate of ulna in the wrist and fibula in the lower limbs.
display elevated serum levels of FGF-23, renal phosphate They are indicated by widening of physis (growth cartilage)
wasting and normal levels of 1, 25 (OH) 2 [13]. ARHR is an and loss of demarcation at the zone of provisional calcification
autosomal recessive form that is written off as reduced renal which lies at the epiphyseal-metaphyseal junction. Cupping and
phosphate reabsorption, hypophosphatemia and rickets. It can splaying of the metaphysis, delayed appearance or reduced size
be differentiated from other forms of hypophosphatemia by of epiphyseal centers or osteopenia of shaft are other radiological
increased serum levels of 1, 25(OH) 2 vitamin D resulting in features (Figure 1).
hypercalciuria. Dents disease is characterized by low-molecular-
weight (LMW) proteinuria, hypercalciuria and at least one of Figure 1 - AP X-ray Of 2 year old girl showing typical features
the following: nephrocalcinosis, hematuria, hypophosphatemia of nutritional rickets with widened physis and cupping and
or renal insufficiency and rickets. Either type, whether due to fraying of metaphysis
FGF23 defect or renal tubule defect have low phosphate, normal
calcium, normal 25(OH) D. In type with raised FGF23 signaling,
1, 25(OH) 2 are low while in HHRH, Dents disease 1, 25(OH)
levels are high or normal [11, 13, 16].
Vitamin D dependent rickets (VDDR) Type 1: Mutation
in the 1-alpha hydroxylase gene with autosomal recessive
inheritance characterizes this disease. It causes impaired
1-alpha hydroxylation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the renal
proximal tubule. The defect is located on chromosome 12q13.3.
Hypocalcemic symptoms are evident during the first few
months of life and the affected children can have oligodentia
and enamel hypoplasia. Common symptoms are failure to thrive,
tremulousness and convulsions [13, 17-19]. Children may have
secondary hyperparathyroidism. The serum levels of 25 (OH)
vitamin D are normal while serum 1, 25(OH) 2 vitamin D levels Figure 2 - Clinical photograph of 3 year old child with
are low. nutritional rickets with bilateral genu valgum
Rickets can also be classified according to the major type
of mineral deficiency as calcipenic or phosphopenic rickets.
Calcipenic rickets is caused by deficiency of calcium and/or
Vitamin D. Calcium deficiency is commonly due to insufficient
intake or decreased absorption of calcium due to vitamin D
deficiency. Serum vitamin D level may be low or normal.
Calcipenic rickets is frequently (not always) associated with low
serum calcium levels. Phosphopenic rickets is caused by renal
phosphate wasting and is characteristically characterized by low
serum levels of phosphorus [11, 20].

Diagnosis is based on clinical features along with
radiological changes and distinct biochemical changes.
Clinical Findings: Generally these children have failure
to thrive, lethargy, protruding abdomen, proximal muscle
weakness, dilated cardiomyopathy and high risk of bony
fractures. Specific clinical findings are:
Head: Craniotabes, frontal bossing, delayed closure of
fontanel, craniosynostosis with or without signs of increased
intracranial pressure, delayed dentition (suggestive if there is
no eruption of incisors by age 10 months or molars by age 18
months) and dental caries.
Chest: Physical findings include rachitic rosary and
Deformities and pathological features can occur in
Harrison groove. Frequent respiratory infections are common
advanced forms of rickets (Figure 2) [13]. Sabre Tibia that has
and one may find atelectasis on the chest-x-ray.
a pronounced anterior convexity resembling the curve of a sabre
Back: Scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis may be evident
is classically described for syphilis may also be present in rickets
Appendicular skeleton: bilateral enlargement of wrist
that gets healed after vitamin D correction (Figure 3a-b).
and ankles, valgus or varus deformities of the knee, windswept
Biochemical findings:
deformity (valgus deformity of one leg with varus deformity of
a) Serum ALP values: It is a marker of disease activity
other leg), anterior bowing of tibia and femur, coxa vara and leg
because it partakes in the mineralization of bone and growth
plate cartilage. Both hypocalcemic and hypophosphatemic
Hypocalcemic symptoms: Children may present with
rickets have raised serum ALP levels [21].
Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan: 2021 Volume 18, Issue 1
Figure 3a - AP X-ray of 4 year old child showing curved tibia – Figure 3b - AP X-ray of same child after 6 months of treatment
Sabre tibia- with signs of rickets showing resolution of rickets with correcting deformity

b) Serum calcium values: It is usually low in calcipenic body and thus, is low in vitamin D deficiency, while it is normal
rickets, but may be normal in initial stages of the disease due to or slightly increased in the other forms.
increase in PTH levels [11]. It is normal in phosphopenic rickets. f) Serum 1, 25(OH) 2 vitamin D values: It is the activated
c) Serum phosphorus values: Its values are usually are low form of vit D and it can be low, normal, or increased in calcipenic
in both calcipenic and phosphopenic rickets. rickets. 1, 25(OH) 2 vit D levels initially increase in response to
d) Serum PTH values: It is elevated in calcipenic rickets rising levels of PTH, but may afterwards decrease because its
and usually normal in phosphopenic rickets. base material 25(OH) D is limited. 1, 25(OH) 2 vit D is increased
The diagnostic flowchart of suspected rickets use values in VDDR type II and hypophosphatemic rickets.
of serum inorganic phosphorus (iP) and PTH to distinguish g) For children with phosphopenic rickets, the causes can
calcipenic from phosphopenic rickets [22]. be distinguished by measuring urinary amino acids, bicarbonate,
e) Serum 25(OH) D values: It helps to distinguish rickets glucose, and calcium concentrations. A summary of biochemical
caused by vitamin D deficiency from other causes of calcipenic changes seen in different types of rickets is discussed in Table 2.
rickets [11]. It reflects the amount of vitamin D stored in the

Table 2 Diagnoses of different types of Rickets

Calcium Phosphorus Alkaline Parathyroid Vitamin D Urine phosphorus Bicarbonate

Phosphatase hormone

Nutritional Low Low High High Low Low Normal

RTA Low Low High High Low High Low urine pH,
<5.3 RTA II and
>5.3 type I

VDDR I Low Low High High High 25(OH)D low Low Normal
1,25 (OH)D
VDDR II Low Low High High High 25(OH)D and Normal
1,25(OH)D both
Hypophosphatemic Normal Low High Normal Normal 25(OH)D High Normal
Low 1,25 (OH)D

Renal failure Low High High High Low 25(OH)D and Low

Levels of 25(OH) D are assessed for the purpose of chemiluminescence or radioimmuno assay are commonly used
defining deficiency [23]. Various methods can be used, the methods. Although a fasting specimen is recommended, it is not
best being TMS (Tandem Mass Spectrometer), but is not essential; diurnal variations are also not so important [24, 25].
performed routinely. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Data suggest that 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L) can be set as the serum

Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan: 2021 Volume 18, Issue 1

25(OH)D level that concurs with the level that would cover the Figure 4a - AP X ray 2 year old child with classical signs of
needs of 97.5 percent of the population [26]; thus, vitamin D rickets with cupping of metaphysis
concentrations of >20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L) are considered as
sufficient, between 12-20 ng/mL (30-50 nmol/L) as insufficient
and <12 ng/mL (<30 nmol/L) as deficient [26, 27].

Depending on cause of rickets, the treatment varies, in
terms of which form of vitamin D is used for supplementation
along with dosing of calcium and phosphorous.
For nutritional rickets: Contrary to the popular conception;
oral administration of vitamin D replenishes vitamin D
concentrations more quickly than by the intramuscular (IM)
route [26, 27]. When absorption from the gut or compliance is an
issue; intramuscular route is prescribed. Moreover, absorption is
independent of fed state [23, 27].
For neonates and infants till 1 year of age, daily 2000 IU
of vitamin D with 500 mg of calcium for a 3-month period is Figure 4b
mentioned. At the end of 3 months, response to treatment should
be reevaluated and treatment continued [26, 27]. If larger doses
of vitamin D are to be given, then, 60,000 IU of vitamin D
weekly for 6 weeks is recommended (only in infants older than
3 months of age). After completion of this therapy with weekly
doses, maintenance doses of 400 IU of vitamin D daily and 250-
500 mg of calcium are required [27].
From one year onwards till 18 years of age, 3000-6000 IU/
day of vitamin D along with calcium intake of 600-800 mg/day
is recommended for a minimum of 3 months. For larger doses,
60,000 IU of vitamin D weekly for 6 weeks may be given orally
[27, 28]. The maintenance doses of 600 IU/day of vitamin D and
600-800 mg of calcium need to be continued after therapy [27].
An alternative protocol is “Stoss therapy,” which consists
of a high dose of oral vitamin D (600,000 IU) given on a single
day, (age more than 12 months), or 300,000 IU (age less than 12
Figure 4c - AP X-ray of same child at 3 months post Stoss
months) then maintained at 400–1000 IU of vitamin D per day therapy showing resolution of rickets
for 8 weeks orally followed by 400 IU/day [11]. The X-ray at
3 weeks in patients responding to therapy shows characteristic
white line of healing with complete resolution by 3 months
(Figure 4a-c) [1]. Stoss therapy is useful when compliance is
a problem. However, Stoss therapy (from the German “push”)
can result in hypercalcemia and nephrocalcinosis [28]. Doses of
150,000 or 300,000 IU are also similarly effective with lesser
side effects [11].
Vitamin D dependent rickets (VDDR) Type 2 (Also known
as hereditary resistance to vitamin D – HRVD): Treatment
contains unusually high doses of calcitriol and calcium for 3-5
months. Initial dose of 1,25 D is 6 mcg/day along with calcium
supplementation. It is gradually increased to very high doses up
to 60 mcg/ day and calcium up to 3 gram per day with the aim
to achieve normal calcium levels and X ray evidence of healing
[13]. hypercalciuria and hypocitraturia being used for dose titration.
Rickets due to renal osteodystrophy: Treatment includes Symptomatic treatment including replacement of fluids,
vitamin D in the form of cholecalciferol, phosphate restriction bicarbonates and potassium, supplement oral phosphates along
in diet and use of phosphate binders. Calcium based phosphate with vitamin D as 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D, forms the principles of
binders are safe and effective such as calcium carbonate, treatment [11, 13].
calcium acetate and calcium gluconate. In the presence of high Renal rickets with hypocalcemia (Secondary
serum calcium levels, calcium containing phosphate binders hyperparathyroidism) Vitamin D-dependent rickets type 1
may cause soft tissue calcification. Newer non-calcium-non- (VDDR 1): Treatment is with 1, 25(OH) 2 vitamin D, 0.25-2.0
aluminum phosphate binding drugs like Sevelamer are used in mcg per day. This is continued till X ray evidence of healing is
these situations [13]. seen. After this, maintenance dose is given as 0.25-1.0 mcg /day
Renal rickets with Type I (distal) renal tubular acidosis depending on the severity and body weight. This is combined
(dRTA) and without renal failure: Patients with dRTA demands with elemental calcium supplementation of 30-75 mg/kg/day.
an alkaline dose of 1-3 mEq/kg/day, with normalization of During therapy serum calcium is kept at lower limit of normal,
normal phosphate and high normal levels of PTH [17, 19].
Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan: 2021 Volume 18, Issue 1
Hypophosphatemic rickets: In rickets due to FGF23, Pregnant mothers and lactating females should receive 600
treatment consists of oral administration of phosphate and 1, 25 IU of vitamin D daily [26, 30] along with 1200 mg of calcium
(OH) 2 vitamin D. The recommended oral phosphate preparation [31].
consists of the solution of 136 g of dibasic sodium phosphate and Children older than 1 year and adolescents: 600 IU of
58.5 g phosphoric acid (85%) in a liter of water. One milliliter vitamin D [26, 27] and 600-800 mg/day calcium [31].
of solution contains 30 mg of elemental phosphorus. Prepared At-risk groups: Children on anti-seizure medications,
oral formulations are available for ready use. The recommended children on treatment for malignancy, restricted sun exposure
dose of phosphate varies from 30-90 mg/kg/day, with an average such as in children with physical disabilities, children with fat
of 60 mg/kg/day divided into four doses [13]. Treatment with malabsorption, liver disease or renal insufficiency, transplant
phosphate solution be administered simultaneously with low recipients, those with history of rickets, children with
doses of active vitamin D and one shall gradually increase the predisposition to osteoporosis such as in hypogonadism or
dose. The recommended dose is between 0.02-0.03 μg/ kg/ Cushing’s syndrome, etc., requires higher doses of vitamin D
day [16]. Nephrocalcinosis and hyperparathyroidism must be [23, 26, 27].
monitored during the course of therapy. Adjuvant therapy with Thus, for at-risk infants, 400-1000 IU/day and from 1 year
hydrochlorothiazide is used by some to control hypercalciuria onwards, 600-1000 IU/day along with adequate calcium intake
[13]. as per the age group is recommended [27, 32].
Whilst in renal tubule defect, as in HHRH (Hereditary
hypophosphatemia rickets with hypercalciuria), treatment Conclusion
is phosphate supplementation alone whereas the addition of Nutritional Rickets and osteomalacia are avertable
vitamin D can create complications, such as hypercalcemia, diseases that are on the rise in undeveloped world particularly.
nephrocalcinosis and renal damage [13]. In Dents disease Screening for vitamin D deficiency is suggested in individuals at
treatment of hypercalciuria is done with dietary sodium risk. Appropriate treatment corrects the upset bone metabolism
restriction and thiazide diuretics. Dietary calcium restriction and deformities. Renal causes for rickets should be considered
has been shown to worsen the risk of bone disease. Oral if there is no or little response to vitamin D supplementation and
phosphate therapy and active vitamin D supplementation result other associated features. A normal serum creatinine dismisses
in improvement of bone disease. Dialysis and transplantation are renal osteodystrophy. The presence of acidosis points towards
the terminal treatment offered to these patients if they develop RTA. Further differentiation between types 1 and type 2 RTA is
stage V CKD [13]. possible by estimating urine pH. The absence of acidosis indicates
either hypophosphatemic rickets or VDDR. Hypophosphatemic
Prevention rickets shows renal phosphate wasting, while VDDR can be
Preventive measures in high risk groups as discussed identified by measuring serum vitamin D. Overall, the treatment
below will lessen the burden of rickets and need for treatment. depends on etiology, hence a detailed systematic assessment is
Premature neonates: Enteral calcium intake of about 150 essential
to 220 mg/kg per day, phosphorous intake of 75-140 mg/kg/day
and vitamin D intake of 400 IU/day is suggested [27, 29]. Disclosures: There is no conflict of interest for all authors.
Neonates and infants up to 1 year of age: 400 IU of vitamin
D supplementation is recommended till one year of age. In the
first year of life, if dietary calcium intake is not adequate (250-
500 mg), calcium supplementation is recommended [27].

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Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan: 2021 Volume 18, Issue 1


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