Triumph Oil Pumps
Triumph Oil Pumps
Triumph Oil Pumps
The same pump design that makes Triumphs immune to “oil wet sumping”, like their BSA and Norton
cousins, also makes them intolerant of small pieces of trash circulating in the oil supply. If your oil
pressure lamp is flickering, your oil has stopped returning to your oil tank, or your oil pressure has been
measured very low, then the first and cheapest step may be to clean the oil pump of accumulated trash.
Inspect the ball seats under a light. They should be dull colored, but not cut or gouged. Wrap the pump
body in leather and clamp in a vise, bottom-side up. Drop in the old balls. With a small punch give them
each a small tap with a light hammer. Inspect the new seats and insure your "valve job" made a good seat
all the way around. Discard the old balls. Drop in NEW balls, clean springs and the square plugs. Tighten
the plugs to about 8 ft-lbs.
Inspect pistons and pump walls for gouging. Light scoring is usual. Fill cylinders with new oil and install
pistons. Be sure and get the pistons in their correct holes! Replace the aluminum pump block if gouged.
Check center gear shaft for tightness in engine case. Check center gear bush for tightness on shaft.
[Beginner Option: Chase the center timing gear as it rolls around the shop floor!]
Be careful installing the pump gasket and make sure the holes line up. Torque the oil pump to the engine
per the manual using same nuts and lock washers. Renew the crankshaft oil seal first. If you bugger it,
then you have a spare. If installed OK, then replace the points oil seal with seal #2. Pre-lube both seals.
Seals are best installed using a socket. Note also that these 2 oil seals face different directions.
Slide the timing cover straight on, and VERY slowly. Pay attention to how the points seal slides over the
end of the cam. If you have a Norton buddy, they have a special tool to help with this. Long screws go in
the bottom 2 holes.
Fill the oil tank with engine oil. Set the ignition timing with a strobe light. Test ride. Pick up women. Test
ride women. Pick up beer. Test beer. It’s as simple as that.
Richard Whatley
Rodi British Bikes