Joint Industry Project (JIP) : Report No.: 2022-0819, Rev. 01 Document No.: 1261742 Date: 2022-07-04
Joint Industry Project (JIP) : Report No.: 2022-0819, Rev. 01 Document No.: 1261742 Date: 2022-07-04
Joint Industry Project (JIP) : Report No.: 2022-0819, Rev. 01 Document No.: 1261742 Date: 2022-07-04
Objective of the Joint Industry Project (JIP) is to devise a design methodology and qualification rules for use of composites
pipes for downhole casing and tubing in the Oil and Gas, Geothermal, CCS and Hydrogen industry.
Copyright © DNV 2022. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise agreed in writing: (i) This publication or parts thereof may not be copied, reproduced or transmitted in
any form, or by any means, whether digitally or otherwise; (ii) The content of this publication shall be kept confidential by the customer; (iii) No third party may rely on
its contents; and (iv) DNV undertakes no duty of care toward any third party. Reference to part of this publication which may lead to misinterpretation is prohibited.
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Table of contents
1.1 Objectives 12
1.2 Scope 12
1.3 Definitions 13
1.3.1 Downhole casing 13
1.3.2 Downhole tubing 13
3.1 Introduction 24
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3.3 Application 24
3.4 Phases 24
3.7 Loads 28
3.7.1 General 28
3.7.2 Installation loads 29 Overview 29 Pressure 29 Axial load 29 Bending loads 30 Torsion loads 30 Point loads 30 Impact loads 30
3.7.3 Long-term loads 31 Overview 31 Pressure 31 Axial load 32 Bending loads 32 Torsional loads 32 Sustained point loads 32
3.7.4 CDCT after decommissioning and abandoning the well 32
4.1 Introduction 34
5.1 Introduction 48
5.5 Delamination 52
5.5.1 General 52
5.5.2 Design criterion 52
5.5.3 Fracture mechanics-based design criterion 53
5.13 Buckling 59
5.13.1 General 59
5.13.2 Collapse 59
5.13.3 Axial buckling 59
6.1 Introduction 63
7.1 Introduction 72
7.1.1 General 72
7.1.2 Highly nonlinear systems 72
7.5 Buckling 76
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7.9 Design temperatures – thermal conditions 78
8.1 General 79
8.4 Full scale tests for product family variants (PV) including the PFR 83
8.4.1 General 83 Overview 83 Selection of specimens 83 Permitted modifications to actual end fittings for testing 84 Conditioning/reeling and combining of specimens 84 Pressurizing according to Factory Acceptance Test 84
8.4.2 Short-term Product Variant tests 84 Test program 84 Validation of short-term PV tests 84
8.4.3 Long-term PV test types 85 Test program 85
9.1 Introduction 86
9.3 Principles for calculating partial performance envelopes for an individual failure mechanism of one component. 90
9.3.1 Overview 90
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9.3.2 Method to obtain a partial performance envelope for a single failure mechanism, at one temperature and
environment at a certain lifetime. 90
9.3.3 Bending moments and torsional moments in a partial performance envelope 91 Bending moments 91 Torsional moments 91 Bending and torsional moments 91
9.3.4 Point loads in a partial performance envelope 91 Minimal effect 91 Add to existing loads 91
10.1 Introduction 94
11.1 Inspection 98
11.2 Maintenance 98
11.3 Repair 98
11.4 Decommissioning 98
12.1 Introduction 99
12.4 Inspection 99
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12.5 Factory acceptance tests 99
12.5.1 Hydrostatic pressure test 99
12.5.2 Electrical conductivity and resistance test 100
12.5.3 Gas venting system test 100
12.5.4 Inner liner test requirements 100
12.5.5 Cover test requirements 100
12.5.6 Specimen geometry 100
12.5.7 Gauge test 100
14.3 Performance envelope for matrix cracking (CDCT with no liner and cover) 109
14.3.1 Overview 109
14.3.2 Matrix cracking 110 Failure criteria and strength 110
14.3.3 Anchor points and minimal performance envelope 112
14.3.4 Other performance envelopes 112
14.4 Performance envelope for all failure mechanisms (CDCT with liner and cover) 112
14.4.1 Overview 112
14.4.2 Effect of matrix cracking on mechanical properties. 112
14.4.3 Fiber dominated static failure – short-term dry 113
14.4.4 Macro Matrix Cracking – Laminate failure 114
14.4.5 Buckling (axial) and Collapse (hoop) 115
14.4.6 Yielding of liner and cover 117
14.4.7 Long-term properties, 1 year stress rupture and no effect fluids 118
14.4.8 Effect of Torsion 119
14.4.9 Long-term properties, 50 years stress rupture and fluids 119
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14.4.10 Other aspects 120 Effect of temperature 120 Debonding of metal end fitting 120 Cyclic fatigue 120 Point loads 120
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1.1 Objectives
This guideline describes a design methodology and requirements for Composite Pipes for Downhole Casing and Tubing (CDCT).
The guideline is intended for:
1. Oil and gas applications, storage space for CO2 in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), natural gas, hydrogen and
geothermal heat which need pipe systems downhole in the well.
2. Suppliers of CDCT and suppliers of raw materials for CDCT (Composite Downhole Casing and Tubing).
3. Operators, contractors and others seeking acceptance for using CDCT in downhole applications.
4. Suppliers and purchasers of CDCTs who need a common technical basis for contractual reference.
This guideline is intended to build trust and confidence in CDCTs being safe and reliable for use in well design and utilization.
Further, it has the objective of promoting continued innovation and technology development reducing the risk, cost and
environmental footprint of downhole operations.
A performance-based qualification method is adopted in the guideline, and it has been tried to avoid descriptive technical solutions,
as they may hinder technology development and limit the opportunities for industry to find and implement cost-effective solutions.
Furthermore, in complex applications such as well construction, it will be challenging to devise descriptive rigid requirements
suitable for various conditions and technologies.
The guideline is written in the format of a typical DNV Recommended Practice (RP) with the intention of further developments and
eventually turning into a DNV Recommended Practice.
1.2 Scope
This guideline describes the design and qualification of CDCT. Short and long-term performance is covered. Two CDCT
technologies in terms of composite materials and manufacturing technologies are included in the scope of guideline:
1. Thermoset composites based CDCT: manufactured from thermoset resins such as epoxy and glass and/or carbon fibers.
2. Thermoplastic composites based CDCT: manufactured from thermoplastic resins and glass and/or carbon fibers.
The guideline describes the structural capacity and performance envelopes of CDCT against the loads and environments during
the entire life cycle of the CDCTs from manufacturing to decommissioning. The typical loads include the below loads and their
• Torsion.
• Bending.
• Point loads.
The main objective of the guideline is to establish the performance envelope of the CDCT until end-of-life condition. In a typical
well construction, designers have to estimate the load levels in various phases and compare them with the performance envelope
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of the CDCT. Methodologies for estimation of such loads are outside the scope of this guideline and conventional methods with
appropriate and specified modifications can be used for this purpose.
1.3 Definitions
1.3.1 Downhole casing
Wells which are drilled for petroleum production, underground injection and storage or geothermal energy harvesting, should be
cased to maintain well stability, prevent contamination and emission, isolate water from the reservoir, and control well pressures
during various phases of life cycle of wells. Blow out preventers (BOP), wellhead equipment, production packers, and production
tubing are installed on and in the casing.
References are defined as either normative or informative. Normative references in this document are mandatory for the
document's application. Informative references provide additional information intended to assist the understanding or use of the
Normative references are typically referred to as ‘testing shall be performed in accordance with a specified standard, while
informative references are typically referred to as ‘testing may be performed in accordance with a specified standard, or ‘for testing,
reference is given’ to a specified standard.
In the case of conflict between requirements of this document and a referenced DNV service document, the requirements of the
document with the latest revision date shall prevail. Any conflict is intended to be removed in the next revision of that document.
If a DNV document is referenced with a date, the version with that date shall be used.
Where reference is made to standards and codes other than DNV service documents, the referenced version should be
understood to be the version which was current at the date of issue of this standard.
DNV Classification Note No. 30.6 Structural reliability analysis of marine structures
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1.4.4 Other standards and codes
ASTM D1044 Standard Test Method for Resistance of Transparent Plastics to Surface Abrasion
ASTM C177 Standard Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal
Transmission Properties by Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus
ASTM C518 Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the
Heat Flow Meter Apparatus
ASTM D1505 Standard Test Method for Density of plastics by the Density-gradient Technique
ASTM D256 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Izod Pendulum Impact Resistance of Plastics
ASTM D4060 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the Taber Abraser
ASTM E1269 Standard Test Method for Determining Specific Heat Capacity by Differential Scanning
ASTM E831 Standard Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials by
Thermomechanical Analysis
ISO 11357-1 Plastics – Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) – Part 1: General principles
ISO 11357-4 Plastics – Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) – Part 4: Determination of specific heat
ISO 11359-2 Plastics – Thermo mechanical analysis (TMA) – Part 2: Determination of coefficient of
linear thermal expansion and glass transition temperature
ISO 1183 Plastics: Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics
ISO 175 Methods of test for the determination of the effects of immersion in liquid chemicals
ISO 527-2 Plastics- Determination of tensile properties - Part 2: Test conditions for molding and
extrusion plastics
In downhole casing and tubing design, there are typically two phases. The first one is a preliminary design and the second one is
a detailed design. After collection of the data describing the characteristics of the reservoir, well designers estimate the preliminary
design parameters such as casing set-up depth and number of strings, equipment selection and considerations for other various
aspects of construction.
In the detailed design phase, well designers perform detailed calculations in order to select casing and tubing (size, type,
connection, etc.) for various strings based on the preliminary design. Each string of pipe is selected by using the performance
envelope of the pipe and estimation of conditions the pipes will be exposed to from installation to operation and eventually plugging
and abandoning the well.
• Load cases such as internal/external pressure, axial load, bending, torsion and point loads.
Well Design
Detailed Design
Figure 2-1: Typical downhole casing and tubing design and selection process.
The selection of casing and tubing is typically done from an inventory of tubes with already established and qualified performance
envelopes divided into various family classes of tubes with different load ratings as well as well fluid and geothermal resistances.
This guideline is limited to design methodology and qualification of performance envelope for thermoset and thermoplastic based
fiber reinforced polymer pipes as indicated in Figure 2-1.
2.2 Safety philosophy
2.2.1 General philosophy
The general safety philosophy adopted in the guideline is as described in:
An overall safety objective shall be established, planned and implemented covering all phases of life cycle from conceptual
development until the decommissioning of the well.
The guideline allows CDCT to be designed with different structural safety requirements, depending on the safety class to which
the structure or part of the structure belongs. Safety classes are based on the consequence of failures related to the ultimate limit
state (ULS) or long-term limit state.
The structural reliability of CDCT is ensured by using partial safety factors specified in the guideline. Partial safety factors are
calibrated to meet given target probabilities of failure and structural reliability levels.
This guideline´s safety philosophy requires that design and manufacturing errors and variations shall be defined and controlled
by requirements relating to the choice of manufacturing technology, organization of the work, competence of persons performing
the work, verification of the design, and quality assurance during all relevant phases.
1. Safety class medium: for conditions where failure implies a risk of human injury, significant environmental pollution or
very high economic or political consequences.
2. Safety class high: for operating conditions where failure implies a high risk of human injury, significant environmental
pollution or very high economic or political consequences.
For CDCT applications the below categorization of safety classes in Table 2-1 is suggested. Otherwise, the safety adopted safety
classes should be agreed with operators.
Geothermal Medium -
calculations, and thereby accounting for possible unfavourable deviations of the basic variables from their characteristic values.
The partial safety factors are given in Section 10.
The variables' characteristic values are selected representative values of the variables, usually specified as specific quantiles in
their respective probability distributions, e.g., an upper-tail quantile for load and a lower-tail quantile for resistance. The values of
the partial safety factors are calibrated, e.g., by means of a probabilistic analysis, such that the specified nominal reliability is
achieved whenever the partial safety factors are used for design. Note that characteristic values and their associated partial safety
factors are closely linked. If the characteristic values change, relative to the ones determined according to procedures described
in this document, then the partial safety factor requirements will also change in order to maintain the intended nominal reliability
level. More details can be found in DNV-ST-C501. The safety factors given in this document should be sufficient for most designs.
As far as possible, nominal target reliabilities shall be calibrated against identical or similar designs that are known to have
adequate safety levels. If this is not feasible, the nominal target reliability shall be based on the limit state category, the failure
type and the safety or service class given in the probabilities shown in Table 2-2Error! Reference source not found..
Table 2-2: Nominal annual target probabilities of failure for brittle failure and safety class medium or high.
Each failure mode is related to one or more failure mechanisms (i.e. the mechanisms at the material level). A design criterion is
defined for each failure mechanism, and the moment of failure becomes synonymous with the design criterion no longer being
satisfied. The design criteria are formulated in the so-called partial safety factor method format, according to which partial safety
factors (load factors and resistance factors) are applied to the load effects (characteristic load values) and resistance variables
(characteristic resistance values).
The full life cycle performance envelope of a CDCT is divided to two phases.
1. Short-term performance envelope represents the performance of a new pipe with no significant impact of downhole
environment. It covers the installation of a CDCT up to operation.
2. Long-term performance envelope represents the performance of an aged pipe with the impact of downhole environment
and potential performance degradation. It covers operation and decommissioning of a CDCT.
Most of the wells are installed and completed within 6 months and this should be the maximum time for the installation phase and
its performance envelope. This division is schematically shown in Figure 2-2. The maximum time for the validity of the installation
performance envelope shall be clearly stated.
Figure 2-2: Short and long-term performance envelope of a CDCT. Limited impact of environment in installation and
potential much larger impact in operation.
Environmental impacts are long processes consisting of two main phases i.e., diffusion of environment through the wall thickness
of CDCT and changes (often degradation) of material capacity due to physical effects and chemical reaction which follows the
diffusion, see Figure 2-3. While the short-term performance envelope of CDCT can potentially be determined by performing full-
scale pipe testing under various loading conditions and combinations, the same is not true for operation performance envelope
where testing of “aged” pipes may require years of testing due to large wall thickness and slow diffusion process. Furthermore,
the presence of long-term loads in operation makes full-scale testing more time-consuming, costly and eventually impractical.
Enviromental Exposure Changes
To overcome the challenges associated with determining the long-term performance envelope of CDCT, a multi-scale approach
(test pyramid) similar to the one in DNV-ST-F119 is used in this guideline. The multi-scale methodology is structured around the
development and validation of models of CDCT able to predict the performance limits of the pipe against limit states described in
this guideline as shown in Figure 2-4.
The main steps of the methodology include:
a. Short and long-term material testing to determine the inputs to the model with no environmental impact
b. Development of numerical models of the CDCT using material properties from step “a” and predicting the CDCT
capacity against relevant load cases.
c. Confirmation testing to check the validity of the material tests and models for simple pipe geometries.
a. Determine the capacity of a new CDCT against several loads such as internal/external pressure, bending and
axial loads.
b. Verify and validate the accuracy of CDCT models in prediction of failure loads with survival tests and some
confirmation tests.
a. Short and long-term material testing to determine the material property inputs to the model of materials affected
by environmental exposure (conditioned).
The main assumption of this methodology is that the long-term environmental impacts only lead to degradation of capacity in limit
states as well as elastic properties representing a number of failure mechanisms such as matrix cracking, fiber failure and
delamination. If no new failure mechanism is triggered due to environmental impact, models validated against the full-scale tests
of new unconditioned components can be used reliability to predict the performance of conditioned “aged” CDCT.
While the estimation of performance envelope of CDCT is done based on design limits related to stress, strain and deformations,
those limits should eventually translate to load capacity for various classes of CDCT.
It should be noted that CDCT in installation and operation will most likely experience other loads such as bending, torsion,
compression and point loads. How the effect of these loads on the performance envelope shall be included is also described in
Section 9.
If due to practical design issues such as limitation in space downhole, the fittings/connections are designed to be weaker than
pipe-body, the reliability of models of CDCT in prediction of failure of fittings/connections should be shown in ways similar to pipe-
body, see the right side of Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6: Example of two performance envelope scenarios: fittings always stronger than pipe and fittings weaker
than pipe in some quarters.
2. Exposure to loads from installation is limited in time with no major degrading impact on the performance of CDCT.
3. The types of loads and chance of being subjected to multi-axial loading is more complex during installation than other
phases of life cycle.
The time in which the installation of CDCT in most wells will finish is considered to be 6 months which is the boundary of
assumption of limited impact of environment on capacity of CDCT. Extension of time beyond this, would require quantifying the
impact of environmental exposure of CDCT on performance capacity by a methodology similar to the one for obtaining the
performance envelope of CDCT in operation outlined in this guideline.
It shall be shown by calculations that the fluids will only penetrate the CDCT to a minimal extent during the installation period of 6
months. Other time lengths may be used if necessary.
The short-term performance envelope shall be estimated by a combination of failure points from full-scale tests of “new” pipes
and predictions by CDCT models validated against these full-scale tests.
• Exposure to downhole fluid and temperatures is extensive in time with the possibility of degradation of CDCT capacity
over time.
• Exposure to loads from operation is extensive in time, triggering long-term failure mechanisms of stress rupture and
possibly stress relaxation with major impact on the performance of CDCT.
• The types of loads tend to be more limited compared to loads during installation.
Long-term performance envelopes shall be obtained by predictions of CDCT models validated against these full-scale tests of
“new” pipes with input of material properties characterized by small-scale testing under environmental exposure.
Impact loads, exposure to chemicals, UV and other agents may affect the capacity of CDCT. The permissible limits shall be
specified. If they get exceeded a re-evaluation of the qualifications shall be done.
For spoolable pipes, the loads on spools in storage should be considered in the design as per requirements of DNV-ST-F119.
Similar to non-spoolable CDCT, spoolable pipes should have limited exposures as defined in the paragraph before.
Each product family has a product family representative (PFR) which is a pipe variant selected for complete qualification and
determination of performance envelopes.
Each family has a number of product variants. The product variants require a limited qualification based on full scale testing only
to validate their performance envelopes, since most of the qualification was already done for the PFR. See also Figure 2-7.
Product Family
• Group of • Family variant
similar CDCT • Product variant limited
for full qualification
Product Family
Product Family
• The materials of the old and new product are the same.
• The actual loading conditions, temperatures and environments during the period of experience can be documented.
• The mechanical properties of the CDCT have not changed within the requirements for similar materials given in Section
Experience is only valid for the mechanical properties measured at the end of the period of experience.
The experience is only valid for the documented combination of loads, environments and temperatures.
Guidance note:
This approach is mainly useful for repeated applications of the old products. It may have limited value for new applications, since
conditions tend to change, and the experience data cannot be extrapolated.
3.1 Introduction
A design basis for CDCT shall be established in a document. As a minimum, the aspects in the subsections below should be
included and elaborated in the design basis. The information in design basis constitutes the borders of performance against which
the CDCT shall be verified. The borders also define the limits of validity for the performance envelopes.
Main inputs to design basis are typically provided by the operator who has the information of the reservoir. The manufacturer of
the CDCT may also define a design envelope. In that case the specified design basis shall be within that envelope.
Tolerances or upper and lower limits shall be given for all specifications, e.g., the temperature is 60 oC ± 3 oC.
Pipes are connected at the ends using various types of joints. The joints shall be specified in detail. Note that the failure
mechanisms shall be identified for each joint design by an FMEA as described in Section 6.4.2.
Guidance note:
1. Threaded joints: strongest joint for sustaining large axial and torsional loads.
2. Seal and spigot locked joint: weaker joint than threaded joints but may be more practical for large diameter CDCT.
Pipes are connected at the ends using various types of joints. The joints shall be specified in detail. Note that the failure
mechanisms shall be identified for each joint design by an FMEA, see Section 6.4.2.
Guidance note:
3.3 Application
The intended downhole service shall be specified, and it shall be within the scope defined in Section 1.2.
3.4 Phases
The life cycle of CDCT should be elaborated in the design basis. The following phases shall, as a minimum, be considered:
• manufacturing
• factory acceptance test (FAT)
• transport
• storage
• installation
• pre-commissioning/testing
• commissioning
• operation (normal)
• abnormal operation
• maintenance
• retrieval
• repair
• accidental conditions
• decommissioning.
The manufacturer and purchaser shall evaluate whether other phases may be relevant.
Conditions as described throughout this section shall be specified for all relevant phases by the manufacturer or purchaser.
Casings major functions include maintaining well stability, preventing contamination and emission, isolating water from the
reservoir, and controlling well pressures during various phases of life cycle of wells. Furthermore, blow out preventers (BOP),
wellhead equipment, production packers, and production tubing are installed on and in the casing.
Casings are installed and are cemented to the walls of the wells over their entire length.
Tubing is the fluid conduit from or to the reservoir to or from the surface.
Both downhole casting and tubing shall resist the loads and conditions through the lifetime of wells as described here in Section
3.6 and in Section 3.7.
Table 3-1: Specific functional requirements for CDCT
Requirements Description
Lifetime The minimum lifetime for the following phases should be defined:
1. Storage
2. Installation
3. Operation
4. Decommissioning
3. Ovalization
4. Torsional deformation
5. Axial elongation
Mass The mass of CDCT shall be specified with and without fittings and
The mass can be given as mass per length or total mass for the
pipe body.
Global stiffness The global stiffness shall be specified for empty (unpressurized)
and pressurized CDCT for:
1. axial stiffness
2. bending stiffness
3. torsional stiffness.
Minimum bending radius Minimum bending radius (MBR) shall be specified for all phases.
As a minimum transport, storage, installation and operation should
be included.
Maximum permeation rate A maximum permeation rate shall be defined for internal and
external fluids of the CDCT while in operation.
Surface properties Espacially the quality of the inner surface to allow certain flow
Pigging and TFL Requirements to allow pigging and other intervention operations
going through the CDCT shall be specified. As a minimum the
following shall be specified:
Exothermal chemical reaction cleaning Temperatures, chemicals and loads caused by the cleaning shall
be defined if this procedure shall be applied.
2. Assembly information such as angles and tolerances
CDCT interfaces and connections Interfaces of CDCT with other downhole and surface components
and connections shall be specified.
Installation requirements
Inspection and condition monitoring Requirements for pipe inspection, monitoring and condition
assessment systems and procedures shall be specified.
3.7 Loads
3.7.1 General
The general loads effective on the performance envelope of CDCT are described here. CDCT performance envelope shall cover
all relevant loads for different phases of life cycle and as minimum include:
• Installation
• Operation
• Decommissioning
• bending loads
• torsion
• point loads
• Impact loads
The loads shall be obtained from a global system analysis of installation, operation and decommissioning phases of life cycle.
Loads shall be defined with sufficient statistical information so that extreme values can be calculated. This is typically achieved
by defining the annual probability of occurrence. Details can be found in DNV-ST-F119 Section 3.6.
3.7.2 Installation loads Overview
Loads in the installation phase of CDCT may occur as quasi-static loads effective for a short-term duration and sustained static
or cyclic loads during the extended time of the entire installation typically for up to 6 months.
The typical main loads applied on casing and tubing during installation are listed in Table 3-2. Even though the performance
envelope of CDCT is expressed only in terms of axial loads and net pressure, effects of loads such as bending, torsion and point
loads on the performance envelope shall be considered.
It should be noted that CDCT may show viscoelastic response to loads and thus the loads may change with time depending on
the application.
Table 3-2: Casing and tubing loads and duration during installation.
Bending Bending
Torsion Torsion
Impact Impact
Storage loads are typically limited to spool loads for spoolable CDCT, however the actual storing conditions shall be evaluated
for possible significant loads. Pressure
The net internal and external pressure of CDCT during installation (up to the operational phase) shall be considered.
• Cyclic pressure with number of pressure cycles and sequence of them during installation.
All specified pressures shall be given together with a temperature and loading rate.
Details to specify maximum pressure loads are given in DNV-ST-F119 Section 3.6.5.
• Maximum temporary tensile and compressive loads.
• Cyclic tensile and compressive loads with number of cycles and sequence of them during installation.
All specified loads shall be given together with a temperature and loading rate.
• Temporary and short (typically less than a few hours) bending of CDCT.
• Cyclic bending loads with number of cycles and sequence of them during installation.
All specified loads shall be given together with a temperature. For sustained bending on the spool, the MBR for the maximum
storage time shall be determined.
• Cyclic torsional loads with number of cycles and sequence of them during installation.
All specified loads shall be given together with a temperature and loading rate.
• Maximum temporary point loads and the sharpness of the load introduction points.
• Maximum sustained point loads and the sharpness of the load introduction points.
3.7.3 Long-term loads Overview
Loads after installation of CDCT shall be specified. They may occur as short-term loads, long-term sustained static or cyclic loads
during the entire operation of well and after its abandonment.
Short-term loads shall be specified in the same way as described in Section 3.7.2.
The operational lifetime of CDCT shall be specified. It covers operation and decommissioning phases of the life cycle of the CDCT.
For decommissioning it is assumed that the well is plugged and abandoned with CDCT remaining in the well. The condition of
abondonement of the CDCT should be specified.
Typical main loads applied on casing and tubing during operation are listed in Table 3-3. Even though the performance envelope
of CDCT is expressed only in terms of axial loads and net pressure, effects of loads such as bending and point loads on the
performance envelope shall be considered. Note that non-relevant loads as marked by an (x) in Table 3-3 still shall be considered
in a design analysis to make sure that they cause negligible stresses or strains to the CDCT.
It should be noted that CDCT show viscoelastic behavior and creep over time which may change the loading. For strain and
displacement-controlled load cases, with creep, the load levels are expected to fall with time (stress relaxation).
Table 3-3: Typical long-term casing and tubing loads in operation and after decommissioning.
Bending Bending
Torsion Torsion
Impact Impact Pressure
The net internal and external pressure of CDCT in operation and decommissioning shall be considered.
As a minimum the maximum sustained net internal and external pressure during operation and after abandoning the well shall be
defined. All specified pressures shall be given together with a temperature and effect of long-term environmental exposure.
It should be noted that unlike steel pipes, the capacity of CDCT against internal and external pressure may drop over time.
The casing is cemented and connected to the well by a cement layer which limits the extent of internal and external pressure on
it. However, due to local cavities and potential degradation of the cement layer over the lifetime of the CDCT, the pressure load
case is relevant for the casing. The integrity of the casing against internal and external pressure in operation and during
abandonment shall be assessed. Note that the cement may debond.
31 Axial load
The net tension and compression load of the CDCT shall be considered. Typically, after installation, the casing is in compression
while the tubing is in tension.
As a minimum the maximum sustained tensile and compressive loads shall be considered. The duration of the loads shall be
All specified loads shall be given together with temperature and effect of long-term environmental exposure.
It should be noted that CDCT show viscoelastic behavior and creep over time which may change the loading for point loads.
3.8.2 Service conditions in transportation, storage, and installation
The CDCT may be exposed to various fluids and gases as well as temperatures during installation. The exposure time is typically
limited to 6 months for most wells.
1. Type of fluid and its various components such as cement, mud, water, hydrocarbon, acids and gases.
It should be noted that unless very reactive chemicals with a high diffusivity in the CDCT are used, the CDCT will not go through
notable changes in physical or chemical properties and is expected to remain “dry”. For this assumption to hold, compatibility of
internal and external fluids with CDCT material should be evaluated for the installation (with a typical timescale of up to 6 months).
Thermal heat source in installation may be from various sources such as internal and external fluids and geothermal exposures.
The temperatures shall be specified for the surrounding environment and for the environment (fluids) inside the CDCT. The
resulting temperatures inside the liner, laminate and cover of the CDCT can subsequently be calculated as described in Section
7.9. This guideline states frequently that testing shall be done at maximum and minimum temperature. These temperatures would
be the calculated temperatures inside the material.
It should be noted that during cementing, a large amount heat may be generated as a result of cement curing which should be
Guidance note:
It is often desirable to restrict the exposure to UV and chemicals during storage and installation. Such restrictions should be
mentioned in the use and installation manual of the CDCT.
1. Type of fluid and its various components such as cement, mud, water, hydrocarbon, acids and gases.
2. Duration and temperature of exposure. For the definition of temperatures see Section 3.8.2.
4.1 Introduction
Material properties are needed for design as discussed in Section 2.4. Basic material properties which are essential for the design
of a CDCT and the ways they should be determined are described in this section. Other material properties than described in this
section may be needed, depending on the application. This would mean additional requirements and testing.
This section covers the elements of the structure of a CDCT: the fiber reinforced laminate and a possible non-reinforced polymeric
liner and cover. Most basic material level properties can be determined by small-scale material testing. However, for some more
challenging tests, it is also possible to back-calculate basic material properties from testing a more complex specimen.
Structural properties such as stiffnesses and strengths are input to model the behavior of the CDCT especially for conditions that
are not possible or practical to evaluate by full-scale testing. Properties before and after long-term exposure to the well
environment are needed and represent CDCT material performance through the entire life cycle of the product.
Testing is done using the pyramid principle, as shown in Figure 4-1. Most properties are tested on small specimens. Tests are
done on a fairly large number of specimens to obtain statistically relevant data. Larger scale representative pipe specimens are
used to confirm that the small-scale specimens are relevant for the application. Full scale specimens are tested to ensure validity
of data and modeling for the pipe section and end fitting. Large and full-scale testing is described in Section 8.
Ply properties can be measured by testing of laminates which have a complex lay-up for practical reasons e.g., due to difficulty of
testing of purely unidirectional specimens. In some cases, they can also be determined from testing of pipes with a specific lay-
up due to practical difficulties of testing small-scale flat coupon. Regardless of the test procedure chosen, it is important to get the
full set of basic material properties needed or the design analysis.
Full scale
Laminate level
Ply level
It should be noted that manufacturing of the test specimens by a different production process which may affect the characteristic
and quality of the specimens compared to CDCT, may cause challenges in prediction of the response of CDCT using the
measured material properties.
2. Effect of temperature
Properties of specimens before environmental exposure are simply tested on dry specimens.
The effect of fluids on the properties is measured by conditioning the test specimens with the fluid. First the samples are saturated
with the fluid. If the material may chemically interact with the fluid further conditioning is needed to bring the material in a state
representing end of life conditions. The detailed procedures for conditioning are given in Section 4.8.
The effect of temperature is measured by testing at the appropriate temperature. It shall be ensured that the entire sample has
reached the temperature before the test is started. Test temperatures are typically the maximum and minimum design temperature
and room temperature. Details are given in the tables specifying the test program. The relationship of maximum and minimum
test temperatures to the design temperatures is given in Section 3.8.
Loading rates for material testing shall be similar to actual conditions of the application of CDCT.
It shall be ensured that the conditions in terms of fluid concentrations obtained during conditioning remain constant during the test
process. When testing under the effect of environment, if the specimens have to be removed from the conditioning chamber for
testing, it shall be ensured that the environmental effects are present in the material and have not been lost due to changes in
temperature, pressure and possibility of desorption of fluids.
Long-term testing shall be performed with the specimen in an environment that maintains the specified environmental conditions.
During intermediate test periods (a few hours or days), it may be sufficient to wrap test specimens in plastic foil or similar, to keep
fluids inside the specimen. If this approach is chosen, justification for the validity of the test method shall be provided addressing
the materials and fluids.
Temperatures shall always be as specified for testing. Temperatures should be kept constant within ±2 °C. Other temperature
ranges can be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.
Guidance note:
If the temperature is close to the glass transition temperature or the melting temperature or if the measured material property
shows a large temperature dependence, an accurate control of the test temperature is important.
It should be noted, if the liner or cover has welds, properties with and without welds shall be obtained. It may be that both properties
can be tested using the same test samples.
Thermoset composites based CDCT typically do not have a dedicated liner similar to thermoplastic based CDCT. They typically
do not have a cover either. However, they have frequently an inner or outer layer that has different properties from the laminate.
If such layers are not reinforced with fibers, their properties may be tested the same way as the liner/cover described here. If the
layers are reinforced with fibers, they may be tested with the same methods as laminates in 4.5.
UV resistance n y R -
Melting temperature y y - -
R: room temperature
E: extreme temperatures with maximum and minimum design temperature, see also Section 7.9.
1: Should be tested if the internal fluid contains sand or solids that can be abrasive to the inner liner.
2: Coefficients of thermal expansion typically show little dependence on the temperature. If this property is critical for the design;
it should be measured at the extreme conditions. If the material is used below and above Tg, thermal expansion coefficients shall
be measured below and above Tg.
3: Specialized non-standardized equipment is typically best for testing. The validity of the test methods should be evaluated for
each special case.
Static and cyclic fatigue is not relevant for the liner in a thermoplastic composite based CDCT as it is supported by the composite
laminate and do not take significant permanent load.
If thermoplastic covers or liners are extended into the fittings and connections, they will experience long-term static and cyclic
loading and are maybe prone to creep and stress rupture as the loads from the pipe are transferred to the fittings through the
cover. The liner of a casing may also be exposed to long-term loads when bonded to the cement.
Table 4-2: Long-term tests for polymers used in the liner and the cover, with or without welds.
extends: shall be tested if the liner or cover extend into the end fitting
2: Through-thickness shear testing can be replaced by in-plane shear testing if the polymer created by the actual production
process is isotropic.
3: Cyclic loading is typically small, and testing is not required if non-criticality can be shown, see Section 4.7.
Ply properties provide the basic input for analysis of CDCT. Obtaining ply properties is described in detail in DNV-ST-F119
Appendix A4.
In practice, typically the easiest and most cost-effective way of measuring ply level properties, is to test small coupons cut from
flat panels. Whether results taken from simple samples are relevant for the real application shall be checked in confirmation tests
elaborated in Section 8.
For materials showing nonlinear plastic behavior, the yield point (yield strength and yield strain) shall also be measured as
described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A5.
All properties shall be reported together with the fiber volume fraction vf. Characteristic and mean values shall be obtained for
each test, as described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A3, A6 and A7. At least three parallel tests for physical/chemical and thermal
properties and five parallel tests for mechanical properties shall be performed for each type of test.
Hardness y R D/EE Shore, ISO 868, only for
Abrasion resistance y* H EE
5, 6, 7
Ultimate tensile strength XT, YT y E D/EE In fiber direction and
transverse to fibers
and ZT and strain. If relevant also
5, 6
yield point
R: room temperature.
E: extreme temperatures with maximum and minimum design temperature, see also Section 7.9.
1: The absorbed fluid influences this property if the property needs to be measured with high accuracy to determine the effect of
the fluid. Otherwise measuring dry may be sufficient.
3: Coefficients of thermal expansion typically show little dependence on the temperature. If this property is critical for the design,
it should be measured at the extreme conditions.
5: Any suitable ISO or ASTM standard for mechanical properties of composites. For test materials, see Table DNV-ST-F119
Appendix A4. Obtaining fiber-dominated strength and stiffness usually requires some fibers to be oriented in the direction of the
test load.
6: If a ply property is not needed for analysis or can be obtained by the methods described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A4, it
does not need to be measured.
8: The test can be carried out dry at room temperature, immediately after conditioning.
If pipes or rings are used for testing, the properties listed in Table 4-3 shall be obtained. Test methods should be adopted to the
special specimen geometry.
Note: the through thickness tests on full sections of the pipe are strictly speaking not ply coupon tests, but they are included
here, because they give basic material properties.
[90/±60] laminate needs testing in the axial direction, as described in this section.
Unidirectional plies tested in the fiber direction may be used to establish the SN curve. In some cases, unidirectional specimens
are extremely difficult to test, and failure always happens in the grip area. In that case, 0/90 specimens may be used. The initial
fatigue and stress rupture strain shall be measured in the load-controlled test. The fatigue and stress rupture strength would then
be the initial strain times the Young’s modulus of the 0 plies. The 90 plies will be ignored.
Laminate testing shall be used if the gap between fibers is larger than 70 as described in Figure 4-2, in Section 4.5.3. In such a
case cyclic fatigue and stress rupture testing of a [±α] laminate shall be done. Alternatively, the full laminate layup may be tested
in the axial if [±α] > [±35] or in the hoop direction if [±α] < [±55].
If matrix cracking should be avoided for a CDCT laminate, fatigue resistance to matrix cracking shall be tested.
The long-term test requirements for CDCT laminates are given in Table 4-4.
Table 4-4: Long-term laminate tests to obtain ply properties.
Through- thickness stress relaxation See info H D/EE Only needed if relevant for the
design of the end fitting
Mechanical Tensile cyclic fatigue in fiber direction1 y E D These tests are not needed if
properties cyclic fatigue is limited, see
cyclic fatigue1 [5.14]
Tensile cyclic fatigue transverse to the y E D/EE This test is only needed if matrix
fiber direction cracking under fatigue is critical,
see 5.7.3. For test method, see
Through-thickness shear cyclic fatigue y E D/EE These tests are not needed if
cyclic fatigue is limited, see
yaplpha : If the CDCT laminate has a layup where the fiber directions are not evenly distributed, the maximum gap between fiber
directions shall be identified. If the gap is larger than 2α = 70 in Section 4.5.3 the laminate's static and cyclic fatigue properties
shall also be tested in the direction of the gap, as listed in Table 4-4. For further explanations see the footnotes of Table 4-3.
R: room temperature.
Cyclic fatigue loads are mainly expected during installation of CDCT and are typically limited to up to 1000 cycles in total. Fatigue
tests shall be done at loading ratio of F max/Fmin = -1. (Possibility of using historic data and suggesting a prescriptive factor). It is
likely that cyclic fatigue data do not have to be measured, because they are non-critical. Non-criticality shall be checked according
to Section 4.7.
Testing shall be done to obtain characteristic long-term curves as described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A6 and A7 for static
(stress rupture) and cyclic fatigue.
Special conditions for tensile cyclic and stress rupture testing of unidirectional plies in the fiber direction:
1. Tests can be waived if data exist for similar fibers, similar matrix, under similar environmental effects at the same
2. The properties of carbon-fiber-reinforced plies in fiber direction are temperature independent provided the extreme
temperatures are 20°C below the melting temperature of the matrix and the operational or extreme conditions do not
come within ±20°C of the matrix's glass transition temperature. The fibers shall be continuous and the fiber volume
fraction shall be at least 50%. Further evidence shall be provided that the carbon fibers themselves are stable within the
range of the extreme temperatures.
3. It can be assumed that carbon fibers are inert to hydrocarbons and water, i.e., test results obtained in air can also be
used for saturated conditions for these fluids.
4. It can be assumed that glass fibers are inert to hydrocarbons, i.e., test results obtained in air can also be used for
saturated conditions in hydrocarbons (but not in water).
5. If the hydrocarbons or water are mixed with other components, e.g., H2S, the performance in these fluids needs to be
shown and the inertness of the fibers cannot be assumed.
6. If any compressive stresses are involved, the special conditions described here do not apply.
It may not be possible to measure the fatigue properties of UD plies for the onset of matrix cracking. The testing may also be done
on laminates or pipes with reinforcements going in several directions. The onset of matrix cracking shall then be identified by
looking at the change in Young´s modulus.
The maximum stress/strain should not exceed the static stress/strain to cause matrix cracking, i.e., testing should happen in the
linear range.
• A symmetric 0/90 laminate with approximately the same amount of fibers in the 0 and 90 direction should be made.
• When the stiffness of the individual laminate drops by 20% matrix cracking has started. The number of cycles to reach
the 20% stiffness drop shall be taken as cycles to failure for the onset of matrix cracking.
• Otherwise, methods for obtaining and analysing long-term data are given in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A6 and A7.
The similarity shall be demonstrated based on the requirements given in this Section. The comparison shall only be made against
well-characterized representative data.
In addition to the similarity evaluations given in this section, a general evaluation shall be conducted to justify similarity. This
evaluation shall concentrate on whether the similar materials would behave similarly for the actual use of the material in the CDCT.
2. It can be substantiated that additives and fillers are of a similar nature to the representative material.
3. The glass transition temperature and melting temperature are the same within ±5 °C.
4. The Charpy impact strength is within ±15% at minimum and maximum use temperature.
6. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests give the same curve within ±5%.
7. Water and Xylene (or a similar solvent) absorption at saturation is the same within ±5%.
8. The static strength at minimum and maximum operating temperatures is similar according to Section 4.6.4.
The creep resistance is similar: the creep curves are similar within 10% in strain and time. All deviation limits are relative
1. The composite's matrix fulfils the similarity requirements given for polymers in Section 4.6.2.
2. The reinforcing fibers are of the same generic type as the ones in the representative material. Note: not all carbon fibers
are the same type, but for example all fibers with the same properties as TM 7000 can be seen as generically the same.
4. The fiber arrangement (layup, weave) is the same as the one in the representative material.
1. At least three measurements shall be made for each property to be compared. Not more than 50% of the data should lie
below the mean of the representative data.
2. Not more than 16% of the data should lie below the mean – 1 stdv of the representative data. Not more than 2.5% of the
data should lie below the mean – 2 stdv of the representative data.
3. If the testing shows that the above requirements are not fulfilled, the data is not similar to the representative material and
an independent test series needs to be carried out.
Alternatively, hypothesis testing may be used to determine similarity, as described in DNV-ST-C501 section 4.8.7 Confirmation
Testing for Static Data.
2. The data points should be evenly distributed over the time scale or number of cycles scale.
3. At least two of the six specimens should be tested for so long that they fail within one standard deviation of the CDCT's
anticipated lifetime or anticipated number of cycles.
4. If the anticipated lifetime exceeds 1,000 hours, testing up to 1,000 hours is sufficient.
5. If the anticipated number of cycles exceeds 10 5 cycles, testing up to 105 cycles is sufficient. Not more than 2.5% of the
data should lie below the mean – 2 stdv of the reference curve.
6. Not more than 16% of the data should lie below the mean – 1 stdv of the reference curve. Not more than 50% of the data
should lie below the mean of the reference curve.
7. In addition, the slope fitted to the test data shall not deviate more than 10% from the reference curve.
If the testing shows that the above requirements are not fulfilled, the data is not similar to the representative material and an
independent test series needs to be carried out.
— If design calculations show that a material property could have a twice as unfavourable value (typically lower) and still fulfil
the design criteria (when all safety factors are applied).
— If the material property is a strength or strain to failure, the above requirement shall be applied to both the strength and strain
to failure.
— The design calculations show that the design time or number of cycles can be multiplied by a factor of 20.
— The cyclic amplitude of the load effect can be increased by one standard deviation of the respective static strength or the
maximum load effect of permanent sustained loads can be increased by two standard deviations of the respective static
4.7.3 Obtaining noncritical properties
Non-critical properties can be obtained from the literature, provided it can be justified that they are applicable for the material in
question and their environmental exposures. Direct measurements according to safety class medium or high may always be done.
All strength and strain to failure parameters shall be determined as characteristic values given by the 2.5% quantile with 95%
confidence, as required by this RP.
If characteristic strengths and strains to failure cannot be found, a coefficient of variation (COV) of 10% for fiber-dominated
properties and 15% for matrix-dominated properties may be used. For long-term data such as SN curves and stress rupture
curves a standard deviation of 1.0 may be used for the logarithm of cycles or time (in minutes). It should be assumed that the data
were obtained by testing 5 static specimens or 15 long-term specimens. Characteristic curves can then be calculated based on
DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A3, A6 and A7.
If the CDCT shows non-reversible degradation in properties after exposure to the environment, material properties at the end-of-
life of CDCT shall be measured. If only reversible one-off changes occur to properties, properties shall be measured once the
progress of changes have reached a plateau in an equilibrium with no further increase. This is schematically shown in Figure 4-3.
One-off Continious
Reversible Degradation
Testing after
testing to
Figure 4-3: Conditioning of the material test specimens to account for environmental effects.
A detailed procedure to determine whether a polymer or composite reacts reversibly to the environment or shows permanent
chemical interaction or mechanical interaction is described in the Appendix A “Guideline Effects of the Environment on Mechanical
Properties of Polymers and Composite Materials”. The guideline also specifies how the conditioning before the testing of the
samples should be done.
If the fluids do not cause any permanent changes to the CDCT´s material, i.e., there is no chemical interaction, a representative
fluid may be used for testing and obtaining the material properties. The representative fluid should have a larger effect on the
viscoelastic properties of the polymer or composite than any other fluid it represents. This effect shall be quantified by measuring
the viscoelastic shift factor as described in Appendix A “Guideline Effects of the Environment on Mechanical Properties of
Polymers and Composite Materials”.
4.8.3 Environmental effects for CO2 storage in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
The effect of CO2 on the CDCT can be described in the same way as for oil and gas production in Section 4.8.2. A special aspect
to consider is that the CO2 gas can go through phase changes at high pressures. The approach in Appendix A “Guideline Effects
of the Environment on Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composite Materials” is only valid when neither the fluid nor the
material goes through a phase change. This means the qualification effort increases as each combination of phases shall be
5.1 Introduction
This section describes the basic design criteria for individual failure mechanisms on the material level. These criteria are directly
used in the structural analysis of the CDCT.
Generally, only critical failure mechanisms need to be evaluated, see Sections 5.2 and 6.4.
Design criteria used in the performance envelopes shall be evaluated for the load combinations and environmental combinations
given in the performance envelope. The evaluation shall identify loads/environments where conditions are within the limits given
by the design criterion, including application of the safety factors.
Fiber dominated ply 5.3 Fiber dominated failure is always critical for the
failure composite laminate.
Micro matrix cracking – 5.4 If the liner and cover provide the required fluid tightness
initiation of cracks matrix cracking is non-critical for the laminate.
Laminate failure / 5.6 Critical if fiber angles are more than 70o apart
Macro matrix cracking
Weeping 5.7 If the CDCT has a fluid tight liner and cover, weeping is
not relevant.
Polymer fracture 5.8 Typical critical failure mechanism for liner or cover.
Maximum deformation 5.10 Criticality depends on specific design requirements
related to deformation.
Axial buckling 5.13.3 Buckling is always critical for the composite laminate.
Stress rupture 5.15 Shall be investigated for all critical failure mechanisms.
Fiber failure is always a critical failure mechanism and shall be evaluated for all designs.
The load effect (stresses σnk or strains εnk) shall be obtained from the sum of the individual loads applied on CDCT multiplied by
the partial load factor γF , the load model factor γSd and the system factor γS as described in Section 10.
𝜀𝑛𝑘 characteristic value of the local response of the structure (strain) in the fiber direction n.
𝜀̂𝑘 characteristic value of the time-dependent axial strain to fiber failure.
𝜎𝑛𝑘 characteristic value of the local response of the structure (stress) in the fiber direction n.
𝜎̂𝑘 characteristic value of the time-dependent axial strength in the fiber direction.
γRd partial resistance-model factor, γRd = 1.0 for fiber direction properties.
The maximum strain and stress criteria shall be checked in all n directions parallel to the fibers in a laminate as well as for tensile
and compressive strains.
5.3.3 Obtaining strength data
The strength and strain to failure shall be measured according to Section 4.5.2. Fibers shall always be oriented in the load direction
to obtain fiber properties. If laminates with fibers oriented in different directions are tested, the test will obtain the properties of the
fibers in the load direction.
If the presence of matrix cracks is acceptable to the design and matrix cracks will develop, the compressive strength shall be
determined in the presence of matrix cracks, see Section 4.5.2. Compressive strength may be loading–rate-dependent due to the
viscoelastic matrix surrounding and supporting the fibers.
The fiber strength and strain to failure may also be obtained from laminate testing as described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A4.
This approach only works for laminates and test set-ups where fiber-dominated ply properties can be calculated from the test
results without ambiguity, e.g., analytically for a cross-ply laminate or by using FE analysis of the test set-up.
If the CDCT has splices in the laminate, the effect of the splices on the strength shall be considered.
Matrix design criteria apply to the matrix in a ply where the deformation of the matrix is restrained by the fibers of the ply or the
surrounding plies. Micro matrix cracking is defined here as the onset of matrix cracking. The micro matrix cracking criteria
presented in this section do not cover the increase in the number of matrix cracks at higher stresses or strains.
Whether micro matrix cracks are critical or not critical for the design shall be evaluated and documented.
The presence of micro matrix cracks will reduce the stiffness of the component to some extent. The reduction of stiffness due to
micro matrix cracking shall be measured. If the drop in stiffness is acceptable for the CDCT system micro matrix cracking may be
seen as non-critical with respect to stiffness loss.
An accumulation of micro matrix cracks in several plies will lead to weepage (leakage of fluids) or increase in permeation for
gases. Note, if the CDCT has a liner or cover, an undamaged liner or cover can keep the CDCT system tight, even if the laminate
is filled with micro cracks.
To prevent weepage or excessive permeation of gases in the presence of accumulated micro matrix cracks from the inside to
outside of the CDCT, a liner is needed or the CDCT shall be designed against micro matrix cracking, see also the design criterion
for weeping in Section 5.7. To prevent the fluid from the outside to migrate into the CDCT an intact cover is needed or the CDCT
has to be designed against micro matrix cracking. If the design can demonstrate that liner and/or cover remain intact and tight
throughout the lifetime of the product, micro matrix cracking may be considered as noncritical.
Designing for no micro matrix cracking is an acceptable way to demonstrate that no weepage occurs. However, note that cyclic
fatigue can cause micro matrix cracking, see Section 5.14.
Note that permeation rates of gases may be influenced by the presence of micro matrix cracks.
Two alternative design criteria are given to evaluate the onset of micro matrix cracks in a ply:
5.4.2 Simple stress design criterion for micro matrix cracking
The following design criterion for micro matrix cracking should be used when the stress in one direction is dominating compared
to the stresses in all other directions.
𝜎𝑛𝑘 <
𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑
The load effects (stresses σnk) shall be obtained from the local loads multiplied by the partial load factor γF , the load model factor
γSd and the system factor γS as listed in Section 10. where:
𝜎𝑛𝑘 characteristic value of the local load effect of the structure (stress) in the direction n.
𝜎̂𝑛𝑘 characteristic value of the strength components causing matrix cracking in direction n.
γRd partial resistance-model factor, γRd = 1.0 for maximum stress criterion for micro matrix cracking.
The strength of the matrix (stress to initiate micro matrix cracking) is in general direction dependent. This is due to the presence
of fibers that concentrate the stresses such that the matrix stress to failure in the direction parallel to the fibers is generally larger
than in the perpendicular direction.
The stress in one direction is said to be dominating when the following condition is satisfied:
The ply co-ordinate system, where i and n refer to the directions 22, 33, 12, 13 and 23. The directions 22 and 33 are identical to
the more commonly used directions 2 and 3. They are used here to simplify the matrix-based equation.
When the combination of the stress components in several directions shall be taken into consideration, the design criterion for
matrix cracking is given by:
The load effects (stresses σnk) shall be obtained from the local loads multiplied by
the partial load factor γF , the load model factor γSd and the system factor γS as listed in Section 10, where:
n the ply co-ordinate system, where n refers to the directions 22, 33, 12, 13 and 23, The directions 22 and 33 are identical
to the more commonly used directions 2 and 3.
𝜎𝑛𝑘 characteristic value of the local load effect of the structure (stress) in the direction n for ply k.
𝜎̂𝑛𝑘 characteristic value of the strength components to matrix cracking in the direction n for ply k.
γRd partial resistance-model factor, γRd = 1.15 for micro matrix cracking.
A resistance-model factor γRd = 1.15 shall be used with this design criterion. The model factor shall ensure a conservative result
with respect to the simplifications made regarding the treatment of combined loads.
This design criterion is often unavailable in finite element codes or other commercial software. The Tsai-Wu criterion can be used
instead to check for micro matrix cracking if the following modifications are made to the strength parameters:
1. the ply strengths in the fiber direction may be chosen to be much (1,000 times) higher than the actual values.
2. the interaction parameter f12 of the Tsai Wu criterion shall be set to f12 = 0.
The micro matrix strength and strain to failure may also be obtained from laminate testing as described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix
A.4.1. This approach only works for laminates and test set-ups where micro matrix-dominated ply properties can be calculated
from the test results without ambiguity, e.g., analytically for a cross-ply laminate or by using FE analysis of the test set-up.
Note that micro matrix cracks will form easily under fatigue.
The COV to be used as the basis for selecting the correct material factor in Section10 can be set as equal to the maximum COV
amongst the COVs for the strengths in various directions
where COVcomb is an equivalent representative COV for the implied strength that results from combining the different strength
components within a ply as specified in the design criterion.
The partial safety factors γF and γM shall be chosen as described in Section 10, with COVs equal to COVcomb, as described here.
If yielding and related permanent plastic deformations can be accepted in the design, the nonlinear behaviour shall be considered
in the design calculations. If viscoelastic and related semi-permanent plastic deformations can be accepted in the design, the
nonlinear behaviour shall be considered in the design calculations.
5.5 Delamination
5.5.1 General
A delamination is a crack that develops between plies about parallel to the surface of the laminate. For filament wound structures
the crack develops between layers of fiber tows.
Delaminations are generally critical failure mechanisms as they reduce resistance to buckling and bending.
5.5.3 Fracture mechanics-based design criterion
Delamination can also be described by a fracture mechanics approach using a minimum defect size and calculating when the
defect will propagate. This approach may be used on a case-by-case basis, but it is not described in this document. Additional
testing would be needed to obtain the necessary fracture mechanics parameters, such as Mode 1 and 2 critical energy release
As an alternative to analysing laminate failure using the individual failure mechanism, laminate failure may be measured directly
on the actual laminate. When using this approach, the design shall define the laminate's critical failure mechanisms as matrix
cracking, yielding, delamination and fiber rotation or fiber failure.
This design criterion shall be used in addition to the other failure criteria if fibers in the pipes axial direction are oriented more than
70o apart in the axial direction. The criterion shall be used in the hoop direction if fibers in the hoop direction are oriented more
than 70o in the hoop direction. The criterion may also be used for other laminate layups.
The laminate criterion shall only be applied to strains and stresses in the axial or hoop direction. Other loading conditions shall be
covered by the other failure criteria.
5.6.2 Maximum strain/stress criterion for macro matrix cracks / laminate failure.
The design criterion shall prevent the onset of the critical failure mechanism in the laminate. The design criterion is given as:
𝜀̂ 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 ̂ 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒
𝜀 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 < and 𝜎 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 <
𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑 𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑
𝜀̂ ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 ̂ ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒
𝜀 ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 < and 𝜎 ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 <
𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑 𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑
The laminate stresses 𝜎̂ 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 and 𝜎̂ ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 are average stresses over the thickness of the entire laminate.
The load effects (strains 𝜀 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 or 𝜀 ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 ) and stresses (𝜎 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 or 𝜎 ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 ) shall be obtained from the local loads multiplied
by the partial load factor γF, the load model factor γSd and the system factor γS as listed in Section 10.
γRd = 1.05 if the failure mechanism is fiber dominated ply failure and
𝜀 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 , 𝜎 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 characteristic value of the local response of the structure (strain, stress) in the axial direction.
𝜀 ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 , 𝜎 ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 characteristic value of the local response of the structure (strain, stress) in the hoop direction.
𝜀̂𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 is the characteristic strain to yield or strain to failure of the CDCT laminate under axial loading.
𝜀̂𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 is the characteristic strain to yield or strain to failure of the CDCT laminate under hoop loading.
𝜎̂𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 is the characteristic stress at yield or stress to failure of the CDCT laminate under axial loading.
𝜎̂𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 is the characteristic stress at yield or stress to failure of the CDCT laminate under hoop loading.
This design criterion shall only be used for the load conditions measured, i.e., axial tension and compression, hoop tension and
For thermoplastic composites, if 𝜎̂𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 < 2 𝜎̂𝑇𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟 , the yield criterion 5.9 and load-bearing polymer design criterion 5.8 shall be
applied in the design. 𝜎̂𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 is the measured characteristic strength of the ±α laminate and 𝜎̂𝑇𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟 is the measured characteristic
ply strength transverse to the fibers. In this case, the strength of the ±α laminate is matrix-dominated, and the polymer design
criterion shall be applied even if matrix cracking was considered as non-critical.
If it can be shown that the ply failure criteria in Sections 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 give the same or conservative results as the laminate
failure criterion in this section, only ply failure criteria may be used.
Weepage needs to be evaluated differently whether the CDCT has a liner/cover or not.
The liner and cover shall not yield or fracture according to Sections 5.8 and 5.9. This shall be shown for short term quasi static
loads, for cyclic and stress rupture. All requirements from Sections and shall be fulfilled.
• A thermoplastic liner/cover typically fails after the structural failure of the laminate. The structural laminate properties
dominate the design.
• A thermoset liner/cover typically fails before structural failure of the laminate, The liner/cover properties dominate the
design. Note that liner failure would already be caused by the development of a micro matrix crack in the thermoset liner.
If the liner and cover are also fiber reinforced the micro matrix cracking of the liner/cover shall be investigated as described in
Section 5.7.3.
If the laminate develops micro matrix cracks, the micro matrix cracks may initiate cracks in the liner at the laminate to liner interface.
This shall not happen, and the liner shall be investigated for possible cracks during the full-scale testing described in Section 8.4.
Note: Even though thermoplastic laminates tend to develop less or even no micro matrix cracks, the requirements of this section
apply to both thermoplastic and thermoset laminates.
It is important that the strain or stress for the onset of micro matrix cracking is measured on unidirectional 90 o specimens. In these
tests the first micro matrix crack causes failure. In addition, the onset of cracking or yielding in shear needs to be measured. The
nonlinearity of the stress strain curve makes it difficult to determine the onset of failure. Yielding shall be defined as described in
DNV-ST-F119 A5. When these data are established the onset of micro matrix cracking can be predicted for all load combinations
using the given multiaxial failure criteria.
The influence of the environment shall be characterized by measuring the onset of micro matrix cracking (axial and shear) also at
different temperatures and environments.
If the CDCT is loaded in cyclic fatigue by more than 10000 cycles exceeding 70% of the static stress or strain to initiate micro
matrix cracking, then fatigue testing transverse to the fiber direction of the UD plies is required, see Table 4-4 and 4.5.4.
Designing for weeping at higher micro matrix crack densities and checking when weeping starts is not permitted.
(Note: It may be possible to define an extensive test program at many load combinations to determine the micro marix crack
density that causes weeping. This is outside the scope of this document.)
Note: Some thermoplastic laminates may only yield when loaded statically, but they do not develop micro matrix cracks. Yielding
is acceptable, as it does not cause weepage. However, under cyclic fatigue loading at high number of cycles, thermoplastic
laminates may also develop some micro matrix cracks.
If the polymer is subjected to displacement–controlled loading, it shall be shown that the maximum principal strains do not exceed
the polymer’s capacity:
𝜀𝑚𝑎𝑥 <
𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑
The load effects (principal strains 𝜀𝑚𝑎𝑥 shall be obtained from the local loads multiplied by the partial load factor γF , the
load model factor γSd and the system factor γS as described in Section 10.
𝜀𝑚𝑎𝑥 characteristic value of the load effect (strain) in the maximum principal direction
𝜀̂ characteristic strain to failure of the polymer
If the polymer is subjected to load–controlled loading, polymer fracture shall be analysed using the ultimate strength design
criterion for orthotropic materials. In most cases, the polymer can be seen as an isotropic material, where the properties are the
same in all directions.
The load effects (stresses 𝜎𝑛𝑘 ) shall be obtained from the local loads multiplied by the partial load factor γF , the load model
factor γSd and the system factor γS as described in Section 10.
n is the ply co-ordinate system and refers to the directions 11, 22, 33, 12, 13 and 23, The directions 11, 22 and 33 are
identical to the more commonly used directions 2 and 3.
𝜎𝑛𝑘 characteristic value of the local load effect of the structure (stress) in the direction n for ply k
𝜎̂𝑛𝑘 characteristic value of the strength (stress to failure for in direction n) for ply k
For orthotropic materials, the directions shall be the material axes. For isotropic materials, the directions shall be along either the
principal normal stresses or the principal shear stresses.
This is a conservative design criterion. It has been chosen due to a lack of data for, and experience with, ultimate failure under
multiple stress conditions. Other design criteria may be used if experimental evidence for their validity can be given.
Guidance note:
A resistance-model factor γRd = 1.25 should be used with this design rule. The modelling factor should ensure a conservative result with respect to the
simplifications made regarding the treatment of combined loads.
The COV to be used as the basis for selecting the correct material factor in Section 10 can be set at the maximum COV of the
COVs for the strengths in various directions.
where COVcomb is an equivalent representative COV for the implied strength that results from combining the different strength
components within a ply as specified in the design criterion.
The partial safety factors γF and γM shall be chosen as described in Section 10, with COVs equal to COVcomb, as described here.
The strain to failure used in this design criterion shall not exceed 15%.
Higher strains to failure may be used if experimental multiaxial load testing has shown that the design criterion described here is
still valid. The ultimate strength and ultimate strain shall be measured according to Table 4-1, for liners and covers.
If the strain limit of 15% is used in the design and the polymer fails at strains of more than three times the limit, the accuracy in
determining the strain to failure is not so critical. In such case, the COV can be set at 5%. The strength shall be taken as the
strength at the failure strain.
The load effects (stresses ) shall be obtained from the local loads multiplied by the partial load factor γF, the load model
factor γSd and the system factor γS as described in Section 10.
γRd resistance-model factor, γRd = 1.0.
When two or more loads are combined, each stress component σ n in direction n may be the result of several combined loads. In
such case, each stress component 𝜎𝑛 , the local response of the structure in direction n due to load j, shall be considered separately
as an individual stress component.
The choice of partial safety factors shall be based on the most conservative partial safety factors obtained
when treating each stress component 𝜎𝑛 , the local response of the structure in direction n due to load j, as a single load. The
material's COV shall always be the COV of the yield strength.
Testing of the results' rate dependence shall be considered. The strength used in the calculations shall be representative of the
application's actual loading rates. Note: If yielding is permitted in the design, the ultimate strength requirement stated in Section
5.8 still needs to be fulfilled.
Possible creep and yielding shall be considered in all calculations, especially permanent deformations due to long-term reeling.
Yielding shall be addressed using the criteria in Section 5.9.
shall be used.
The load effect (deformation ) shall be obtained from the local loads multiplied by the partial load factor γF, the load
model factor γSd and the system factor γS as described in Section 10.
5.10.3 Ovalization
The CDCT shall not be subject to excessive ovalization. Maximum allowed ovalization after manufacturing shall be specified in
the design basis as required in Section 3. The residual flattening due to bending and point loads, long-term creep, together with
the out-of-roundness tolerance from the pipe's fabrication, is not to exceed 3%, defined as:
Dmax and Dmin are the maximum and minimum diameters of the ovalized pipe respectively. The requirement may be relaxed if:
Ovalization shall be checked for at any point loads along the CDCT. Such point loads may arise at free- span shoulders, artificial
supports, support settlements, bend stiffeners and caterpillars.
Larger ovalization may be acceptable if the consequence of ovalization on collapse and axial buckling is calculated by nonlinear
analysis and the maximum ovalization is introduced into the test samples used for buckling and collapse testing during the full-
scale tests program.
Accumulated longitudinal displacement of the CDCT (could e.g., be caused by pipeline walking) shall be considered. This may
occur during start-up/shutdown for:
1. pipelines shorter than two anchor lengths, (see DNV-ST-F101 for definition of anchor length).
Debonding between different components shall be analysed in the same way as delamination in Section 5.5. The through-
thickness ply strength shall be measured according to Section 4.5.2.
Polymer materials that do not craze should preferably be chosen. If they show crazing, investigations shall be systematically
conducted after each burst test and material strength test.
The onset of crazing shall be addressed in the same way as matrix cracking, unless it can be shown that crazes have no influence
on the mechanical properties.
5.13 Buckling
5.13.1 General
A CDCT may buckle under compressive loads. Subgroups of buckling of a CDCT are
• Axial buckling due to compressive forces along the length of the CDCT.
• Bending buckling due to bending forces causing parts of the cylindrical part to deform in compression causing eventually
• Torsional buckling due to torsional forces causing parts of the cylindrical part to deform leading eventually to buckling.
• Crushing due to local compressive loads, such as loads from caterpillars, clamps, storage, compression under reeling,
etc., see Section 3
Conditions of a new (start of life) CDCT and conditions involving relevant damage (end of life) in the CDCT shall be considered in
all buckling calculations. Buckling calculations shall consider stiffness reductions due to matrix cracking or softening after
environmental exposure, matrix yielding, delaminations and debonding if these failure mechanisms are permitted to happen in
the design.
Geometrical imperfections shall be quantified for the CDCT and taken account of in buckling calculations. Ovalization or squeezing,
especially from reeling, manufacturing, long-term deformations or bending, shall be included in the calculations, see Section
5.13.2 Collapse
For CDCT with a liner or cover, if the liner and cover are less stiff than the laminate, it is sufficient to only consider the laminate
for collapse calculations.
Regarding hydrostatic pressure, it shall be made clear which surfaces the pressure is acting upon. If the design allows cracks in
or the puncturing of part of the CDCT, the surface may change.
For thermoplastic composite based CDCT, the liner's bond to the laminate shall be as strong as or stronger than the laminate's
delamination resistance if resistance to hydrostatic pressure or an internal vacuum is relevant. Bond strengths shall be measured
according to Section 4.5.2, the last test in Table 4-3. If the bond between the liner and laminate is the weak link, it shall be shown
that the liner can withstand a vacuum by itself without buckling and that no fluid can accumulate in the weak interface over time.
See also Section 6.2.7 for rapid gas decompression and blistering resistance.
The axial buckling calculations shall consider stiffness reductions due to matrix cracking or softening after environmental exposure,
matrix yielding, delaminations and debonding if these failure mechanisms are permitted to happen in the design.
Cyclic loading may be seen as limited if the maximum stresses under cyclic loading and the maximum stress range calculated
from the SN curves relevant for the material, environment and failure mechanisms fulfil:
𝜎𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑒 ≤ 10[log 𝜎1−𝛼𝜅𝑠−𝛼 log(20 𝛾𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑁)] where the SN data are taken from the literature as non-critical data, see Section 4.7.
𝜎𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑒 ≤ 10[log 𝜎1−𝛼𝜅𝑠−𝛼 log(𝛾𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑁)] where the SN data are measured.
𝜎1 and 𝛼 are the parameters describing the relevant SN curve as described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A6 for the failure
mechanism, material and environment under consideration. 𝑠 is the standard deviation of the SN curve on a logarithmic scale and
𝜅 is taken from DNV-ST-F119 Table A3. 𝑁 is the number of fatigue cycles regardless of the stress level. 𝛾𝑓𝑎𝑡 is the fatigue safety
factor from Section 10.7.
Typical stress levels qualifying for limited cyclic loading based on non-critical data would be:
For carbon fiber reinforced laminates, the maximum cyclic fatigue stress would typically be 60% of the mean strength for 10
fatigue cycles and 48% of the mean strength for 10000 cycles.
For glass fiber reinforced laminates, the maximum cyclic fatigue stress would typically be 16% of the mean strength for 10 fatigue
cycles and 7% of the mean strength for 10000 cycles.
If the CDCT is exposed to more severe cyclic fatigue loading and the requirements for limited fatigue given above are not fulfilled,
a fatigue analysis shall be made for the specific loading conditions of the particular case according to DNV-ST-F119.
The mean and characteristic stress rupture curve shall be measured as described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A7 and are
described by:
where 𝑡 is the time to failure at stress 𝜎. The fit parameters from the linear regression are log 𝜎1 and the slope 𝛽. The standard
deviation of log 𝑡 is 𝑠. The factor 𝜅 depends on the number of measurement points, as shown in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix Table
For the stress rupture evaluation, the characteristic short-term strength of the critical failure mechanisms shall be replaced in the
relevant static short-term failure criteria in Sections 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7, by the stress rupture design strength 𝜎̂𝑆𝐹−𝑑𝑒𝑠 and
𝜎̂𝑆𝐹−𝑑𝑒𝑠 for the installation and lifetime phase respectively:
𝜎̂𝑆𝑅−𝑑𝑒𝑠 = 10[log 𝜎1−𝛽𝜅𝑠−𝛽 log(𝛾𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡)]
𝜎̂𝑆𝑅−𝑑𝑒𝑠 = 10[log 𝜎1−𝛽𝜅𝑠−𝛽 log(𝛾𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒𝑡)]
𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒
If stress rupture shall be considered a non-critical property, the non-critical stress rupture strengths 𝜎̂𝑆𝐹−𝑁𝐶 and 𝜎̂𝑆𝐹−𝑁𝐶 shall be
used in the static failure criteria for the installation and lifetime phase respectively:
𝜎̂𝑆𝑅−𝑁𝐶 = 10[log 𝜎1−𝛽𝜅𝑠−𝛽 log(20 𝛾𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡)]
𝜎̂𝑆𝑅−𝑁𝐶 = 10[log 𝜎1−𝛽𝜅𝑠−𝛽 log(20 𝛾𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒)]
The partial load factor and the partial material factors shall be set to
In all failure criteria for the stress rupture evaluation, the applied loads/stresses are the maximum stresses applied for the entire
time under consideration, i.e. for the installation time and life time, see Section 3.
The stress rupture curves used in the calculations should be relevant for the failure mechanism investigated. They should also be
relevant for the environmental conditions experienced by the components.
The load effects (stresses) for the stress rupture analysis shall be obtained from the local loads multiplied by the load model factor
as given in Section 10.4. Details of the approach can also be found in DNV-ST-C501 section 6.10.4.
The maximum, minimum and operational temperatures shall be considered in the analysis, using the relevant stress rupture
curves and including thermal stresses in the calculations.
The saturation condition and plasticizer (environmental exposure) content shall be evaluated.
If several load levels shall be considered Miner sum calculations as described in DNV-ST-C501 or DNV-ST-F119 shall be done.
Stress rupture curves shall be measured according to Section 4.5.4. The characteristic stress rupture strength shall be obtained
as described in Sections 4.4.3 and [4.5.4.
If the stresses and strains in the laminate are low, it may be possible that stress rupture becomes noncritical, see Section 4.7.
The characteristic stress rupture strength shall be obtained as described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A7.
If the CDCT does not have a liner or cover that ensures fluid tightness in the presence of matrix cracks, stress rupture testing
shall show that no matrix cracks causing leakage to develop in the CDCT laminate during the lifetime. This can be demonstrated
All stresses or strains stay always below the level of initiating matrix cracking, as described in Section [5.4]. Note, this approach
can only be used if the number of cycles for cyclic fatigue is less than 10000.
Guidance note:
If the stresses or strains exceed the level of initiating matrix cacking of if the number of fatigue cycles exceeds 10000, no long-
term matrix cracking can be demonstrated by generating a stress rupture curve on the pipe according to DNV-ST-F119 Appendix
A7. The specimen shall be exposed to the specified maximum axial load without internal pressure and to the specified maximum
axial load with internal pressure before running the survival test. This approach is outside the scope of this guideline and not
described further.
The characteristic stress rupture strength shall be obtained as described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A7.
The through thickness failure shall be obtained by using the failure criteria from Section 5.6. The characteristic static strength
shall be replaced by the characteristic fatigue strength as given in Section 5.15.1. The materials factor shall be replaced by 1.0.
5.15.6 Polymer fracture of the liner or cover for thermoplastic composite based CDCT –
in-plane stress rupture
The in-plane stress rupture of liners and covers does not need to be calculated if the CDCT laminate is the load-bearing part and
the liner and cover follow the movements of the laminate.
Stress rupture curves shall be measured according to Section 4.5.4. The characteristic stress rupture strength shall be obtained
as described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A7.
The liner/cover failure shall be obtained by using the failure criteria from Section 5.9. The characteristics static strength shall be
replaced by the characteristic fatigue strength as given in 5.15.1. The materials factor shall be replaced by 1.0.
5.15.7 Liner and cover through thickness shear stress rupture for thermoplastic
composite based CDCT
The through thickness shear stress rupture of liners and covers shall be evaluated if loads get transferred through the liner or
cover into the laminate. This is the case for most end-fitting constructions.
Stress rupture curves shall be measured according to Section 4.5.4. The characteristic stress rupture strength shall be obtained
as described in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix A7.
The liner/cover failure shall be obtained by using the failure criteria from Section 5.9. The characteristics static strength shall be
replaced by the characteristic fatigue strength as given in Section 5.15.1. The materials factor shall be replaced by 1.0.
6.1 Introduction
This section provides qualitative design criteria for CDCT, describing aspects that shall be considered during the design
process. All general design criteria shall be linked to basic failure mechanisms, as described in Section 5.2.
General design criteria are given in Section 6.2. They are qualitative, and either should not occur or not have an impact on the
performance envelope of CDCT.
Section 6.3 describes overall design aspects for the pipe section of CDCT. Section 6.4 describes overall design aspects for the
end fittings of CDCT.
Fluid tightness shall be demonstrated based on the permeability measurements stated in Table 4-1 and Table 4-3.
If thickness is reduced due to yielding or wear and tear, the permeability calculations shall be based on the reduced thickness.
If the material can have matrix cracks or crazes or is not designed to prevent crazing, permeabilities shall be measured with the
presence of matrix cracks or crazes.
Any through thickness cracks or puncturing shall be considered as a local leak (very high permeability).
A point load may also cause a dent in the pipe section, thus reducing the cross-sectional area. The acceptable dent size shall
create a shape change that is less than that which is acceptable for ovalization, as described in Table 3-1. When allowing for
permanent dents, additional failure modes such as fatigue and collapse shall be taken into account and analysed. Any beneficial
effect of internal over-pressure, i.e., “pop-out” should not be included in the analysis. (Pop-out describes the effect of dents being
removed by the internal pressure. Permanent damage, such as micro cracks, tends to remain after pop-out).
The beneficial effects of protective coatings may be taken into account. The coating's effectiveness against impact damage shall
be documented.
6.2.4 Impact
Impact is not a typical load case for CDCT. If a design against impact is required according to Section, the same approach
as described in DNV-ST-F119 Section 5.12 shall be used. The approach is similar to the one for point loads 6.2.3 and also requires
its own full scale test program.
6.2.5 Puncturing, Scratches and Sharp points
Puncturing or scratching are processes that reduce the material’s thickness, create stress concentrations and may indirectly
reduce the material’s strength. If puncturing or scratching can happen, the effects on geometry and strength shall be considered
in all failure criteria. The reduction in strength may also be determined experimentally.
Temporary weakening of the cover or liner may be acceptable if a repair and inspection method can be specified. The maximum
duration of the damage shall also be specified and justified. It shall be shown that the temporary damage does not detrimentally
affect the remaining CDCT lifetime.
If the CDCT touches, crosses or rests on any supports, the sharpness of the contact points shall be specified and the contact
forces shall be calculated and used in the design.
Temporary contact with sharp points, especially during installation, shall be considered.
The design of a CDCT requires more attention to sharp points and point loads than a steel pipe would require.
The wear or abrasion resistance shall be measured according to Table 4-1 for liners and covers.
If a CDCT has no liner or cover and wear/abrasion is relevant for the application, the wear abrasion tests for liners or covers
should be modified to be suitable for the laminate.
The resistance to the phenomenon shall be shown by testing as described in Table 4-3 for composite laminates and in Table 4-1
for liners and covers.
If the through thickness strength of the liner-CDCT laminate interface or CDCT laminate-cover interface is less than the strength
of the base materials, the respective interface shall be tested for blistering resistance according to Table 4-1. The strength of the
interfaces can be demonstrated by through-thickness testing according to Table 4-3.
Whether the CDCT has chemical interactions with the environment shall be investigated. If interactions take place material
properties shall be measured on samples that are conditioned to be in a state representing the end of life of the CDCT. If it can
be shown that the materials show no chemical interaction with the environment conditioning to saturation with the fluid is sufficient
before measuring material properties. Details on checking for chemical interaction and conditioning samples are given in the
Appendix A “Guideline Effects of the Environment on Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composite Materials”. The appendix
also describes how some mechanical properties change with temperature and due to saturation.
Note that the influence of environment and chemicals changes the mechanical properties, such as strength and stiffness. The
design criteria themselves are not affected.
6.2.9 Torsional balance
The CDCT's torsional balance shall fulfil the dimension requirements stated in Section 3. Torsional balance shall be tested
according to Section
If the CDCT body does not contain any metal parts, corrosion protection of the CDCT body itself is not required. Chemical and
mechanical degradation shall be evaluated as described in Section 6.2.8.
If the CDCT body contains metal parts, their corrosion resistance shall be evaluated according to DNV-ST- F201 or API 17J.
It shall be ensured that the maximum pressure and temperature and the chemical composition due to cleaning are within the limits
used for the general design of the CDCT.
The local strength reduction in the laminate due to splicing should be obtained by conservative estimates or by testing. Testing
may be done according to Section 4.
Typically, splices will be placed far apart within a laminate to reduce the effect of local strength reduction on global strength. The
strength reduction shall be calculated and the distance between splices in a CDCT laminate shall be specified in the axial, radial
and thickness directions. The distance between splices shall be implemented in the production QA, see Section 12.
6.2.14 Reeling
Reeling shall be considered in the design for thermoplastic composite based CDCT.
All design criteria shall be verified against experimental evidence. The model factor assigned to the design criterion shall
compensate for the discrepancies between prediction and experiment. The model factor is a deterministic factor.
It shall be confirmed that the design criterion is of a general nature and does not just apply to one material or one load case,
unless the criterion is only used for that particular condition.
The partial safety factors in the criterion shall be calibrated by probabilistic methods to ensure a consistent level of safety with
respect to the rest of the standard.
• End fitting
Sometime a resin rich outer layer or special surface ply takes the function of liner or cover.
The liner shall have sufficiently high strains to failure and yield strains that it can follow the CDCT movements without failure or
plastic deformation.
The liner should generally be kept in its elastic range. If the liner is designed to be exposed to yielding occasionally, for example
during reeling under transport, the consequences of the plastic deformation shall be considered in the design. When unloading,
the plastically deformed liner will go into compression. This may cause buckling of the liner.
It shall be evaluated if a reduction in the thickness of the liner due to yielding would increase permeability beyond the required
The possible effect on permeability of any thickness changes or presence of matrix cracks shall be evaluated. If the liner has
welds, the liner and its welds shall fulfil the requirements of this section. Any mismatch in thermal properties between the liner
and laminate shall be considered in the design.
Damage due to impact may affect the strength of the liner or liner-laminate interface. Impact damage may also increase
The liner shall keep its required load-bearing capacity and fluid tightness after degradation due to puncturing or scratches.
Equipment running through the CDCT may cause puncturing or scratching. This reduces the liner's thickness and may cause
failure under load control conditions or fatigue.
The liner shall keep its required load-bearing capacity and fluid tightness after degradation due to wear and tear from fluids, sand
and equipment running through the pipe.
Fluids, especially dissolved solids, may cause wear and tear. Wear and tear reduce the liner's thickness and may cause failure
under load control conditions or fatigue. Thickness may be added to the liner to compensate for the loss of material due to wear
and tear.
Chemical degradation may change elastic properties, strength and permeability. It shall be shown that no significant property
changes will happen during the lifetime, or the changes should be quantified and addressed in the design.
Gas accumulation may cause debonding. Once debonding exists, gas can accumulate in the interface and increase the debonding
Typically, the liner is not exposed to UV. Its resistance to UV shall only be evaluated in the case of UV exposure.
The cover shall be watertight or at least have low permeation for water. If the cover is damaged, the CDCT laminate needs to
provide the water tightness.
The cover may also be designed not to be water or fluid tight, in which case the CDCT laminate needs to assume that function.
The cover shall have sufficiently high strains to failure and yield strains that it can follow the CDCT movements without failure or
plastic deformation.
The cover shall be designed to prevent fracture. Through-thickness cracks lead to reduced fluid tightness.
If the cover is designed to be exposed to yielding occasionally, for example during reeling under transport, the consequences of
the plastic deformation shall be considered in the design. When unloading, the plastically deformed cover may go into
compression. This may cause unacceptable debonding of the cover.
It shall be evaluated whether a reduction in the thickness of the cover due to yielding would increase permeability beyond the
required value.
The cover and CDCT laminate shall not debond. Debonding reduces the ability to carry shear loads from joints, clamps and
caterpillars, etc.
Damage due to impact may influence the strength of the cover or cover/laminate interface. Impact damage may also increase
The cover shall keep its required load-bearing capacity and fluid tightness after degradation due to puncturing or scratches.
The handling and operation of the CDCT may cause puncturing or scratching. This reduces the cover's thickness and may
cause failure under load control conditions or fatigue. Temporary damage may be acceptable.
The cover shall keep its required load-bearing capacity and fluid tightness after degradation due to wear and tear caused by
handling. Thickness may be added to the cover to compensate for any loss of material due to wear and tear. Temporary
damage may be acceptable.
Chemical degradation may change elastic properties, strength and permeability. It shall be shown that no significant property
changes will happen during the lifetime, or the changes should be quantified and addressed in the design.
The changes in mechanical properties due to swelling or shrinkage shall be evaluated. The changes in mechanical properties
due to additive leaching shall be evaluated.
Gas accumulation may cause debonding. Once debonding exists, gas can accumulate in the interface and increase the
debonding area.
The end fitting design criteria are based on analysing the performance of the end fitting. The analysis is then checked by full-scale
testing as described in Section 8 for critical cases.
It shall be checked that the end fitting design fulfils all the specifications given in Section 3.
There are many possible ways to design an end fitting and various design aspects can be combined in different ways. This RP
allows a free choice of design solutions as long as the solution can be verified and passes the performance requirements. Figure
6-1 shows a schematic illustration of some fittings that might be used alone or in various combinations (this is not a real existing
solution for an end fitting). Many other solutions are possible.
eal eal re load
Threaded connection
Figure 6-1 Typical end fittings. Top: typically end-fittings for thermoplastic composite pipes. Bottom: typical threaded
connection fittings for thermoset resin-based pipes.
All end fittings and interfaces shall be evaluated against the same design criteria as described for the pipe in Section 6.3 and the
additional requirements given here. All the limit states stipulated in Section 5 shall be considered.
The three-dimensional stresses shall be addressed when designing the end fittings. Typically, a 3-D finite element analysis is
A large conservative bias may be necessary in the analysis to account for the many uncertainties in a joint design. This bias shall
nevertheless be estimated to obtain a reasonable prediction of the full-scale tests described in Section10. The full-scale tests may
also be used to update the design analysis, as for example described in DNV-ST-C501 Section 10.3.4 “Procedure for updating
the predicted resistance of a component”.
If the FMEA identifies failure modes or failure mechanisms that are not addressed in Section 5 of this document, these failure
mechanisms shall be carefully evaluated. Additional testing may be needed to obtain material properties in addition to those
specified in Section 4 and 8 to confirm calculations.
The inner steel part (stem) may be under high through thickness compressive (squeezing) forces. It shall be shown that ovalization
remains within the acceptable tolerances of the inner bore and that the system will not collapse.
Possible flow disturbances in the inner fluid due to the geometry of the inner stem shall be checked against the flow requirements
specified in Section 3.
It shall be checked whether the clamping forces may be reduced due to creep of the liner or laminate and, if so, what the
consequences for the end fitting´s functionality are.
The liner typically provides fluid tightness in the CDCT's pipe section. The transition region from the pipe to the end fitting and
termination of the liner shall be checked for fluid tightness.
The cover typically provides tightness against external water and the environment in the CDCT's pipe section. The transition
region from the pipe to the end fitting and termination of the cover shall be checked for watertightness.
Any sealing system, such as O-rings, clamps, etc., shall be clearly described and its performance shall be documented.
The possible loss of pre-tensioning due to creep shall be evaluated for the fluid tightness of all sealing systems, such as the liner
and O-rings.
If a combination of laminate, liner and cover is a structural part of the end fitting system, the transfer of loads from the end fitting
to the laminate shall be described. The following aspects shall be considered as a minimum in addition to the requirements given
for the pipe section in Sections 5 and 8.
1. The characteristics of the metal-laminate, metal-liner and metal-cover interfaces. The materials may be bonded, in
which case the bond strength is required for the design. The interfaces may be unconnected, in which case, friction
coefficients need to be known. The interfaces may have mechanical interlocking so that interface properties may not be
2. A description of the adhesive system used between the metal and the laminate, liner or cover (if present). The long-
term performance of an adhesive should be established with great care. The long-term performance is influenced not
only by properties of the substrate, adhesive and interface, but also by the surface preparation and application method.
3. The transfer of shear stresses from the metal part through the liner or cover into the laminate.
4. Possible effects of clamping forces on the laminate, liner or cover and their interfaces.
8. The effect of loss of clamping forces between the end fitting and CDCT due to stress relaxation, creep, slippage, etc.
Welding shall not influence the CDCT or any seals in the end fitting.
− If the temperature cannot be kept below the maximum service temperature, then the maximum service temperature for
the material qualification shall be the temperature due to welding. See also Section 3 for maximum temperatures.
− If welding causes temperature cycles around the glass transition temperature, possible recrystallization shall be
considered as described in Section 4.8.6.
Combinations of axial loads, bending and torsion shall also be analysed. If the end fitting is not exposed to some of these loading
conditions or the loads are very small, a reduced analysis is sufficient. It should be noted that some resistance to any of these
loads is required to create sufficient durability.
If a bend restrictor is specified for the CDCT system, bending loads on the CDCT-end-fitting interface may be less than on the
pipe at the minimum bending radius, see Section 3.
It shall be shown whether the friction is influenced by internal pressure or thermal loads. If pressure may influence friction, the
load-bearing capacity shall be evaluated for the pressurized and unpressurized conditions and/or hot and cold conditions.
It shall be evaluated whether creep or stress relaxation may reduce the friction.
Ratcheting, where the CDCT moves slowly out of the end fitting, should be considered.
The current version of the document does not provide any test methods for determining friction performance. Additional testing
may be needed to obtain these properties. The holding forces due to friction preventing slippage can be seen as an interlaminar
or interface shear strength. Characteristic friction strength and fatigue performance values should be obtained, in the same way
as the interlaminar properties in Section 4.5.
Changes to the interface properties due to corrosion or erosion of the metal or lubrication by water or fluids shall be assessed.
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 General
The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of the analysis methodology for CDCTs.
The performance of the CDCTs shall be given by performance envelopes as described in Section 9. Performance envelopes are
based on several structural analysis calculations. The structural analysis shall show whether critical failure mechanisms are
violated for a given load case and environment. Which failure mechanisms are critical is described in Section 6.3 (Table 5-1) and
Section 6.4. If design criteria are violated the load combination is outside the performance envelope, otherwise it is inside the
performance envelope. This section shows how the structural analysis shall be done.
The load cases are different combinations of pressure, axial load, bending, torsion and local point loads. All loads shall be
described as characteristic loads.
The characteristic loads serve as boundary conditions for the forthcoming local analysis. The local analysis leads to local load
effects (stresses and strains) in all parts of the component. Finally, the local load effects resulting from the local analysis are
applied to the local design criteria (or failure criteria) in order to predict possible failures in the CDCT components. The result for
each relevant failure criterion shall be reported. If loads exceed the limits for critical failure mechanisms the investigated load
combination is not permissible.
If the local investigations are performed by progressive failure analysis, it may be possible to detect a sequence of (acceptable)
failure mechanisms that may arise prior to the final (unacceptable) failure mechanism (often fiber failure).
Guidance note:
As an example, let us assume that the local analysis predicts the presence of matrix cracking, viscoelastic deformation or yielding
somewhere in the CDCT (and that matrix cracking viscoelastic deformation or yielding is acceptable), which in turn leads to
reduced CDCT stiffness or permanent deformation. This local reduction in stiffness may influence the overall behaviour of the
CDCT system.
At any time during the structure's design life, it should be documented that the structure can fulfil its functional requirements for:
• all characteristic load effect values combined with all sustained environmental values,
• all sustained load effect values combined with all characteristic environmental values.
The structural stress analysis shall be undertaken in a professional and well-documented manner. There are many possible ways
to perform such an analysis.
Detailed local analysis shall be applied for end fittings/joints and other critical parts of the CDCT system.
As a default, nominal dimensions shall be used for all calculations related to FRP laminates or polymers. Other dimensions, such
as “as built”, may be used if it can be shown that the choice is more correct or conservative.
For metals, the dimensions as described in the related metal standards, such as DNV-ST-F201 for dynamic risers, shall be used.
performed until no new failure mechanism is observed (acceptable design) or a crucial failure mechanism is predicted
(unacceptable design).
Guidance note:
The change of axial stiffness due to local degradation mechanisms is usually small and does not influence the global loads on the CDCT system. In such
cases, the global (static and dynamic) analysis does not need to be repeated even if the local analysis demonstrates that (acceptable) failure mechanisms
The boundary conditions should be selected carefully to represent the nature of the problem in the most representative way. It
should be demonstrated that the chosen boundary conditions lead to a realistic or conservative analysis of the structure.
The structural analysis should be performed for all phases during the structure's entire lifetime. Initial and degraded material
properties should be considered if relevant.
Stresses due to swelling or shrinkage caused by absorbed fluids or depleted additives should be included if relevant.
The elastic properties of the materials constituting the structure should be obtained as described in Section 4. In particular, time-
dependent stiffness properties based on the expected degradation due to environmental and loading rate conditions should be
considered. Local variations of these conditions should also be considered.
aminates should be analysed on the ply level. Each ply should be described by four elastic constants (E1, E2, G12, ν12) for in-
plane 2-D analysis and by nine elastic constants (E1, E2, G12, ν12, E3, G13, G23, ν13, ν23) in 3-D analysis. A nomenclature for
the various elastic constants is defined in [DNV-ST-F119].
As an alternative to elastic constants, the stiffness matrix for orthotropic plies may be used.
It should be shown that the estimated stiffness gives conservative load-effect results. The choice of stiffness values may be
different for strength- and stiffness-limited designs. More details are given in the sections below.
If fibers are not oriented in the principal stress directions, they want to rotate to these directions. The matrix usually prevents this
rotation. If the matrix cracks or yields, the fibers may be free to rotate slightly. This rotation is usually not modelled. However, it
should be checked that ply stresses transverse to the fibers, and ply shear stresses are low in a ply with a degraded matrix.
Otherwise, a re-analysis using rotated fiber directions may be required.
If fibers are more than 70o apart, see Figure 4-2, the behaviour in the unreinforced direction shall be established by testing
representative pipes. The test results shall be implemented in the FE analysis.
Laminate analysis is an additional type of analysis that is applied to layered composites to derive the properties of a laminate from
the properties of its constituent plies.
In this case, due to matrix cracking, yielding or viscoelasticity in the component, the material properties are degraded in the entire
domain by setting certain elasticity parameters to zero (or close to zero for numerical reasons). This means that, for in-plane 2-D
analysis, the stiffness in the fiber direction (of each ply) remains unaltered, while the rest of the properties are assumed to be
changed to zero.
If 3-D analysis is required, the in-plane parameters are dealt with as in the 2-D analysis, while all through-thickness parameters
are changed if through-thickness stresses cause matrix cracking or nonlinear deformation of the matrix.
Other more detailed degradation methods for the elasticity parameters may be used if experimental justification can be provided,
e.g., keeping higher stiffness in compression or only small reductions in stiffness in the case of minor damage.
This method should be mainly used for statically determined problems, as is the case for a CDCT. Otherwise, this simplified
method, with the degradation of material properties in the entire domain, may offer considerably incorrect stress/strain distributions.
If the error cannot be analysed and included in the model factor, a more refined method shall be used.
All types of local failure mechanisms may be detected by the method. The method may be applied for both 2-D and 3-D cases.
Initially, non-degraded ply properties shall be used in the progressive failure analysis.
The boundary conditions (load effects from the global analysis) for the component are imposed in a step- wise manner, as a first
step, a small portion, e.g., 10%, of the load is applied. Based on this load level, laminate and ply stresses and strains are calculated
and analysed using the relevant failure criteria (for each ply). If a failure or degradation (such as yielding or viscoelastic deformation)
is detected somewhere in a ply, certain material properties of that ply shall be locally degraded, which means that the parameters
shall be reduced in locations (e.g., individual elements in a finite element analysis) where the failure is detected. Then the local
analysis shall be repeated with locally degraded parameters for the same load level. If no failure is observed, the load is increased
to e.g., 0.2 x load, and a similar failure analysis is performed.
If the analysis finds that the matrix is degraded, the properties should be changed locally in the same way as described in Section
The stepwise increase in loads continues until a critical failure mechanism is observed (unacceptable design) or until the entire
load is applied and no critical failure mechanism is detected (acceptable design).
values. Once the reduction values are determined they shall be specified, and the same values shall be used to predict the
performance of all full-scale testing.
Analytical methods shall not be used outside their assumptions and limitations.
Guidance note:
The main disadvantage of available analytical solutions is that simplifications often put too many restrictions on geometry, laminate build-up, etc., and
hence the solutions are insufficient for the design of more complex composite structures.
Handbook formulae are usually too simple to cover all the design issues and are also in general insufficient. Simplified isotropic calculation methods should
not be used unless it can be demonstrated that they give valid results.
Analytical solutions or handbook formulae used within their assumptions and limitations may be utilized to validate finite element
analysis results.
Analysis results shall be presented concisely using appropriate post-processing options. The use of graphics is highly
recommended, i.e., contour plots, (amplified) displacement plots, time histories, stress and strain distributions, etc.
The results shall be documented in a way that helps the designer to assess the adequacy of the structure, identify weaknesses
and ways of correcting them and, where desired, optimize the structure.
FEA results shall be verified by comparing them to relevant analytical results, experimental data and/or the results of previous
similar analysis.
When changing the FEA software/program, the reference calculations shall be repeated to demonstrate that the new software
gives acceptable results.
Verification of the correct application of the many different relevant co-ordinate systems shall be considered.
The general thermal strains, ei, can be expressed as: , where αi are the thermal expansion coefficients and the
temperature is denoted by T.
Thermal expansion coefficients may depend on the temperature and environmental conditions. The relevant coefficients for the
actual temperatures shall be used.
Residual stresses shall be calculated based on the reference temperature for which αi was determined. For thermoplastic
materials, this is initially usually the processing temperature of welding the tapes. Due to stress relaxation, the reference
temperature tends to change towards the usual storage or use temperature.
Accordingly, the stress-strain relations shall be modified to account for the (stress-free) environmentally induced expansional
strains as follows: .
If the CDCT or a part of it is constrained, e.g., within a metal end fitting, the effect of stresses due to thermal effects shall be
7.4 Swelling or shrinkage effects
Changes in fluid absorption from the environment resulting in thermal stresses and strains as well as in dimensional changes to
the pipe body shall be taken into account. The general swelling strains, ei, can be expressed as: .
βi are the swelling expansion coefficients and is the swelling agent concentration inside the laminate. Accordingly, the stress-
strain relations shall be modified to account for the stress-free environmentally induced expansional strains as follows:
If the CDCT or a part of it is constrained, e.g. within a metal end fitting, the effect of stresses due to swelling shall be considered.
Similar to the absorption of fluids, fluids or additives may leach out. Effects of leaching shall be treated in an equivalent way to
7.5 Buckling
All parts of the CDCT, such as the pipe body, liners and fittings, shall be evaluated for buckling. Details about buckling analysis
can be found in DNV-ST-C501 Section 9.11 Buckling.
A buckling analysis of the CDCT shall be carried out with the aid of well-established finite-element software or the equivalent.
An assessment shall be made of the shape and size of initial, geometrical imperfections, such as ovality, that may influence the
buckling behaviour of the member. Normally, the most critical imperfection shape for a given buckling mode has a similar form to
the buckling mode itself. However, any geometrical feature (including eccentricity of loading) resulting in compressive forces that
are not coincident with the neutral axis of the member may require consideration. The assumed form and amplitude of the
imperfection shall be determined on the basis of the manufacturing process used, with due consideration of the relevant production
tolerances, see DNV-ST-C501.
Possible changes due to the shape of the CDCT over its lifetime shall be considered. Ovalization due to caterpillar squeezing,
reeling and the contact with hard spots shall be evaluated. The effects of bending shall also be considered.
In some cases, a geometrically nonlinear analysis may be avoided as follows. The elastic critical load (without imperfections) Pe
is calculated. In addition, an ultimate failure load Pf is estimated at which the entire cross-section would fail by compressive fiber
failure, in the absence of bending stresses at the section in question. If Pe > Pf the further assessment may be based on
geometrically linear analysis provided geometrical imperfections are included and the partial load effect modelling factor is
increased by multiplying it by the factor:
In cases where it is possible to establish the bending responses (stresses, strains or displacements) associated with in-plane
loading separately from the in-plane (axial) responses, a first estimate of the influence of geometrical nonlinearity combined with
the imperfection may be obtained by multiplying the relevant bending response parameter obtained from a geometrically linear
analysis by the following factor
and combining the modified bending responses with the (unmodified) in-plane responses.
The above procedures may be non-conservative for some cases where the post-buckling behaviour is unstable. Examples include
cylindrical shells and cylindrical panels under axial loading. Such cases shall be subject to special analysis and/or tests.
Initially, a natural frequency buckling analysis shall be performed assuming initial (non-degraded) elastic properties for the
laminates. This shall be repeated with alternative, finer meshes, until the lowest natural frequency and corresponding modes are
not significantly affected by further refinement. The main purposes of this analysis are to clarify the relevant buckling mode shapes
and to establish the required mesh density for subsequent analysis.
If the applied load exceeds, or is close to, the calculated elastic critical buckling load, the design should be modified to improve
the buckling strength before proceeding further.
A step-by-step analysis shall be carried out. Geometrical nonlinearity shall be included in the model. The failure criteria shall be
checked at each step. If partial failure, such as matrix cracking, yielding or delamination, is predicted, any analysis for higher loads
shall be performed with properties reduced as described in [DNV-ST-C501 Section 6.4.5].
Alternatively, a geometrically nonlinear analysis may be performed using entirely degraded properties throughout the structure.
This will normally provide conservative estimates of stresses and deformations. However, provided reinforcing fibers are present
in sufficient directions, so that the largest range of un-reinforced directions does not exceed 70º, such an estimate will not normally
be excessively conservative.
The calculated buckling load will be the load that causes the violation of any one of the design criteria given in Section 5.
The load-model factor accounts for uncertainties in the structural analysis method being used to accurately describe and quantify
the structure's response.
Model factors for the main structural analysis methods are given in the following subsections.
If analytical methods are used outside their assumptions and limitations, it shall be documented that the magnitude of the model
factor ensures that all predicted stresses and strains are higher than in reality. If the choice of model factor cannot be documented,
the analytical method shall not be used.
7.6.3 Connection between partial load-model factor and finite element analysis
FE methods are generally very accurate when the structure is properly modelled. The use of these methods with unsatisfactory
models is much more uncertain.
When FE methods are used within their assumptions and limitations (and according to Section 7.2.8), a model factor of 1.0 may
be used.
If FE methods are used outside their assumptions and limitations, it shall be documented that the magnitude of the model factor
ensures that all predicted stresses and strains are higher than in reality. If the model factor cannot be documented, the analysis
method shall not be used.
If the boundary conditions do not exactly represent the real conditions or are clearly conservative, the effect on the load model
factor shall be evaluated. As a minimum, a factor of 1.1 shall be used.
If the load-model factor cannot be determined for calculations in a critical region, e.g. a critical joint or region of stress
concentrations, experimental qualification should be carried out.
The temperatures may differ from one phase to the other and may change over the lifetime, leading to many more temperatures
that may be defined. Certain temperatures may also only be relevant in combination with specific fluids or environments. It may
be beneficial to establish temperature sequences over the lifetime to optimize the design and prototype testing.
If simplifications in the temperature calculations are made, it shall be documented that the choices are conservative.
Note that in some cases the choice of too high temperatures may be conservative, while in other cases too low temperatures may
be the conservative choice. e.g., creep is most severe at high temperatures, while fracture toughness is lowest at low temperatures.
Thermal stresses are most severe for high temperature gradients.
8.1 General
The aim of confirmation testing is to verify the reliability of the design methodology and the models used for structural analysis for
prediction of the response of CDCT to loads through its entire life cycle. With material properties from Section 4, failure
mechanisms and design criteria in Section 5 and models for structural analysis in Section 7, designers will be able to design
CDCT and predict its performance envelope for the conditions outlined in the design in Section 3.
However, to show that the predictions are accurate and reliable enough to reach the target probabilities of failure of this guideline,
a series of medium and full-scale tests are required to validate the predictions.
Each family could have a number of Product Variants (PV) which are members of the product family. The PV shall be tested
according to the limited scope of full-scale testing.
A product family consisting of product family representative (PFR) and product variants (PV). The PFR shall have the largest
diameter and the largest thickness to diameter ratio. The relationship between PFR and PV should be described as follow:
1. The lay-up of CDCT is limited to the lay-up of PFR with less than 5 degrees difference of fiber orientations in each ply.
2. A product family size range extends in nominal diameter reduced by up to 50% of the diameter of PFR. Thickness of
the liner should not be included in the diameter.
where t is the thickness of CDCT laminate (excluding liner/cover) and D is the outer diameter of CDCT excluding the
liner. Thickness and diameter should be the measured as produced values.
4. CDCT production machinery, process and tolerance shall be identical across the PFR and PV in one product family.
Axial compression 3 Short-term static H
All tests shall be instrumented with strain gauges. For burst tests, three tests shall be performed at minimum and three tests at
maximum design temperature.
Burst tests shall be performed without supported ends. If the ends are supported in the actual application
testing may be performed with supported ends.
Scatter in
without safety
Figure 8-1: Prediction of upper and lower bound of CDCT performance for validation against short-term confirmation
1. Axial tests
a. Test load vs. displacement curve shall fall within the upper and lower bound of the predicted performance of
b. Maximum load capacity of CDCT in tension shall fall within the upper and lower bound of the predicted
performance of CDCT.
2. Burst tests
a. Pressure vs. strain curve shall fall within the upper and lower bound of the predicted performance of CDCT.
b. Burst pressure of CDCT shall fall within the upper and lower bound of the predicted performance of CDCT.
a. External collapse pressure of CDCT shall fall within the upper and lower bound of the predicted performance of
Long-term tests for casing and tubing are listed in Table 8-2 and Table 8-3 respectively.
Any end fitting may be used for the testing. The tests are confirmation tests that should fail within an upper and lower limit
calculated from the material testing.
Table 8-2: Long-term PFR confirmation testing for casing.
*: Burst tests shall be performed without supported ends. If the CDCT has no liner or cover (i.e. matrix cracking is critical, see
Section 5.4 and 5.15.4), the specimen shall be exposed to the specified maximum axial load without internal pressure and to the
specified maximum axial load with internal pressure before running the survival test.
All tests shall be instrumented with strain gauges.
All experimental failure times for tests in Section 8.3.2 should fall inside the CDCT Upper/Lower Bound Performance.
If actual testing times exceed 1000 hours the methods described in Section may be used to limit the testing time.
Scatter in
time to
failure CDCT
without safety
Figure 8-2: Prediction of upper and lower bound of CDCT performance for validation against long-term confirmation
where 𝑡1 is the planned test time (typically 1000 hours), 𝜎0 and 𝛽 are the parameters describing the mean stress rupture curve.
The test shall be run at the stress level 𝜎1 for at least the planned test time 𝑡1 . If the sample has not failed the loading may be
increased to a new level. The increase shall be less than 30% of the static strength. The sample shall remain at the new stress
𝜎2 for a time 𝑡2 . The time 𝑡2 shall be at least 24 hours. This procedure may be repeated for times 𝑡𝑖 at stress 𝜎𝑖 until the sample
where 𝜎̂𝑠𝑡𝑑𝑣 is the standard deviation in log time of the stress rupture curve.
8.4 Full scale tests for product family variants (PV) including the PFR
8.4.1 General Overview
The main purpose of the testing is twofold:
Additional testing shall be done if uncertainties in the design analysis cannot be resolved, and the test program described here
does not address these uncertainties. This aspect may especially be relevant if an FMECA, in particular of the end fitting design
see Section 6.4.2, identifies failure modes or mechanisms that are not covered in this guideline.
All tests given are acceptance tests. The acceptance criteria are based on design calculations, material test data and statistical
The following steps shall be followed when defining and carrying out tests:
— The failure mode, failure mechanism and location of the failure, etc., shall be predicted before the test is carried out,
based on the design calculations.
— After the test: verify the failure mode, failure mechanism and location of the failure. If these are as predicted above, the
design assumptions are considered corroborated. If one or more of these are not as predicted above, the reason for the
discrepancy shall be investigated and the validity of design assumptions re-evaluated.
— The onset of leakage shall be predicted for all tests and all tests shall check for possible early leakages.
— If a critical failure mechanism is detected, the test should be stopped, and a failure analysis should possibly be carried
out. Testing to complete destruction usually gives less information and does not allow (or complicates) an analysis of the failure
mechanisms developing before ultimate failure.
All prototype testing specimens shall be made using the same production machinery, process and tolerance as the actual
Changing production equipment later on would require a separate evaluation of whether the process would change properties.
Retesting according to this section generally needed if the equivalence of the production method cannot be demonstrated.
If the CDCT may have repairs done during production, representative repairs shall be included in the test specimens.
83 Permitted modifications to actual end fittings for testing
Many of the tests specified in this section shall be done using actual production end fittings. The intention of this requirement is
to test the performance of the Composite Metal Interface CMI. The end fitting may be modified for test requirements or
simplified provided the performance of the CMI is not affected by these changes.
It shall be demonstrated that the end fitting modifications do not influence the performance of the CMI.
It shall also be evaluated whether stress rupture and fatigue testing as described in Section 8.4.3 shall be undertaken as further
pre-conditioning on the same specimens and in sequence in order to better represent the existing actual operating conditions.
Detailed test procedures and acceptance criteria for the point load test are given in Section 8.5. All other tests are specified in
DNV-ST-F119 Section 10. The torsional strength test shall follow the same procedures as the axial tensile strength test, except
that the applied loads are torsional and not axial.
4 without safety factors. Geometrical imperfections such as allowable variation in laminate thickness and ovality of CDCT shall be
included in the predicted upper and lower bound of performance of CDCT.
Note: Cyclic fatigue testing is not needed if cyclic fatigue is limited, see Section 5.4. If cyclic fatigue is significant testing and
analysis according to DNV-ST-F119 shall be done.
Detailed test procedures for all tests, selection of load levels and acceptance criteria can be found in DNV-ST-F119 Section 10.
• Section 8.5.2 describes testing based on a specified point load and geometry. The testing should demonstrate that the
CDCT can survive the point load. The CDCT should be taken out of service or be repaired after being exposed to the
point load. This case should be mainly relevant for point loads during the installation phase.
• Section 8.5.3 describes point load testing based on defining point load limits. The point load limits shall be determined.
Subsequently, the specified point loads shall be tested, and the damage checked. The CDCT should be taken out of
service or repaired after the impact event.
• If the CDCT shall be operated with the impact damage present, Section 8.5.4 shall be applied.
8.5.2 Testing based on specified point loads
Representative shapes and boundary conditions shall be chosen when applying the point load.
The CDCT shall be checked for possible denting due to the point load. The size of the dent shall not exceed the requirements in
A burst test according to Section 8.4.2 shall be carried out on the specimen with damage due to the specified point load. The
calculated mean burst pressure should include the calculated effect of the damage due to the specified point load.
If no reduction in strength due to the damage from to the specified point load was calculated, the burst strength should not be
reduced by more than 10% compared to the mean minus one standard deviation of the burst strength of undamaged CDCT
This approach means that a CDCT which experiences impact would not fail instantly but must be taken out of service after the
Subsequently, the exposed regions shall be cut from the pipe section and the material cross-section shall be investigated by
If the damage stated above is not caused by the point load the CDCT can be seen as acceptable for a limited period of service
time. For longer service times see Section 8.5.4.
If resistance to certain point loads is specified in Section or Section, these point loads shall create less damage to
the CDCT than that which has been described in this subsection.
The point load test shall be tested as described in Section 8.5.2. However, instead of a pressure test after the point load as in
Section 8.5.2, the damage shall be investigated and compared to the acceptable limits established in this section.
9.1 Introduction
Once the requirements of Sections 5, 7 and 8 are fulfilled, and the effects of environments as required in Section 4.8 are
determined, performance envelopes of CDCT for a product family representative PFR and product variants PV (see Section 8)
can be established. The methodology for determination of performance envelopes and requirements are described in this
A performance envelope establishes the load capacity of the CDCT for combinations of pressure and axial load. The envelope
will be valid for a range of defined environmental conditions, lifetimes and possible other loads, such as torsion or point loads.
Short-term and long-term performance envelopes as described in Section 2.4 shall be established.
1. The short-term performance envelope represents the performance of a new pipe with no significant exposure to the
downhole environment. It covers installation of CDCT up to operation.
2. The long-term performance envelope represents the performance of a pipe exposed to the downhole environment and
potential performance degradation. It covers operation and decommissioning of CDCT.
The performance envelopes described in this guideline have the factored effective internal pressure on the y-axis and factored
effective axial stress on the x-axis. An alternative way, also used in this guideline, is to plot the factored effective hoop stress on
the y-axis and the factored effective axial stress on the x-axis. An example of the two types of performance envelopes is shown
in Figure 9-1. The dotted line in the factored effective hoop vs. axial stress plot shows roughly the loading condition of pure
pressure, where the hoop stress is two times the axial stress.
Effect of other loads such as torsion, bending and point loads as described in Section 3, if they lead to a change in the shape of
the envelope described as effective internal pressure vs. effective axial stress, should be considered and determined. The effective
internal pressure is the net pressure internal or external. The effective axial or hoop stress is the stress due to the sum of loads
from the end cap effects from the pressure and the externally applied axial load, self-weight, buoyancy, shock loads and friction.
Axial stresses due to bending may also be added to the effective axial stress. The axial stress or hoop stress is the average stress
over the thickness of the pipe which can be translated to axial load. Factored stresses or pressure means that the load, model
and system factors are applied, as will be described in more detail later.
(Note: for composite laminates the stresses in individual plies can vary considerably from the average stress over the thickness
of the laminate.)
In some cases, it may be preferrable to present the axes of the performance envelope as average hoop stress vs. average axial
stress. It may also be useful to show just the applied axial load independent of the axial loads caused by pressure´s end cap
effect. In this guideline effective pressure vs. effective axial stress and effective hoop stress vs. effective axial stress is used.
2. Any combination of effective pressure and effective axial stresses outside the envelope exceeds the limits of an
acceptable design.
This section describes first how a performance envelope is used to determine whether a CDCT is suitable for a certain loading
condition. The remaining sections describe how a performance envelope can be created.
Performance envelopes shall be created for each component of the CDCT in the pipe body (laminate) and fittings as described
in Section 3.2. The final performance envelope of CDCT is then the intersection of all the individual envelopes as shown in Figure
ressure ressure
Figure 9-2: Illustration of the intersection of performance envelope of various components of CDCT.
To determine the performance envelope of each component, the designer should consider all critical failure mechanisms listed in
Section 5 when creating the performance envelope. Critical failure mechanisms are clearly defined for the pipe section in Section
5.2. They need to be developed for the end fittings according to Section 6.4, but are usually similar to the failure mechanisms of
the pipe section with a few additions. Structural calculations shall be done according to Section 7. The special aspects for the
components of the CDCT described in Section 7 shall be considered in all design calculations.
The y-axis of the performance envelope describes the factored effective pressure. Instead of the pressure the y axis may also
describe the factored effective hoop stress in the laminate of the CDCT. The x-axis describes the factored effective axial stress in
the laminate caused by the pressure due to end cap effects, by externally applied loads and possible bending of the CDCT.
Factored means the load factors are applied to the pressure or stress.
The pressure is the net pressure to which the CDCT is exposed to. Net pressure is the difference of internal and external pressure.
Internal pressure has a positive sign while external pressure has a negative sign.
Stresses are the average over the thickness of the CDCT´s laminate.
Axial stresses are caused by the pressure due to end cap effects, by externally applied loads and possible bending of the CDCT.
The loads used in the plots of the performance envelopes shall be factored, i.e. the relevant load and model factors from Section
10 shall be applied.
𝑃̃ = 𝛾𝑆 𝛾𝑆𝐷 𝛾𝑃 𝑃
where 𝑃 is the applied pressure, 𝛾𝑆 is the system factor, 𝛾𝑆𝐷 is the load model factor and 𝛾𝑃 is the load factor for pressure. The
values for all factors are given in Section 10 .
where 𝑅𝑖 is the inner radius and 𝑡 is the thickness of the CDCT´s laminate respectively. (Note: the liner´s or cover´s dimensions
are not included in these calculations.)
The average axial stress over the thickness is a result of three components, the axial stress caused by the pressure due to end
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
cap effects 𝜎
⏞𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 , stresses caused by additional axial loads 𝜎
⏞𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 and stresses caused by bending 𝜎
⏞𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 .
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 ⏞ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝
𝜎 𝑅 𝐷
⏞𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙−𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛−𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 =
𝜎 =𝑃 ==𝑃
2 2𝑡 4𝑡
An additional axial load 𝐹𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 gives an average stress across the cross section
𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙
𝜎 =
𝜋 𝑡 [2𝑅 + 𝑡]
If the CDCT can be bent, the axial stress due to bending shall be considered:
𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑅
𝜎 = ± 𝐸𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙
𝑖𝑓 𝑡 ≤ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅 < 𝑀𝐵𝑅/50
where 𝐸𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 is the axial Young´s modulus of the CDCT´s laminate and 𝑀𝐵𝑅 is the minimum bending radius measured to the
midline of the CDCT.
Note: Only bending with large radii is considered here, where the pipe bends but local bending of the laminate can be ignored.
⏞ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 is the average hoop stress over the wall thickness. For an isotropic material the highest stress is on the inside of the wall
and that stress is higher than 𝜎
⏞ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 . For a composite laminate the stress will change throughout the thickness depending on the
layup. The local stresses through the thickness shall be calculated by appropriate models. A frequently used simplified way to
obtain the maximum hoop stress is:
𝐷𝑖 + 𝑡 𝐷𝑜 − 𝑡
𝜎ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝−𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑃 =𝑃
2𝑡 2𝑡
The factored effective hoop stress 𝜎̅ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 as used in the performance envelope is:
𝜎̃ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 = 𝛾𝑆 𝛾𝑆𝐷 𝛾𝑃 𝜎
The factored effective axial stress 𝜎̅𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 as used in the performance envelope is:
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙
𝜎̃𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 = 𝛾𝑆 (𝛾𝑆𝐷 ∙ 𝛾𝑃 𝜎
⏞𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 + 𝛾𝑆𝐷 ∙ 𝛾𝐸∗ 𝜎
⏞𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 )
where 𝛾𝐸∗ is the load factor for mechanical external axial loads given in Table 10-2.
9.3.2 Method to obtain a partial performance envelope for a single failure mechanism,
at one temperature and environment at a certain lifetime.
For all combinations of effective internal pressure or hoop stress and effective axial stress the local stresses in each ply of the
laminate shall be calculated according to Section 7. A three-dimensional stress field shall be calculated and used when applying
the design criteria if the shell of the CDCT is thick. The three-dimensional calculations are needed even though the performance
envelope displays only two-dimensional stresses.
It shall be checked whether the design criterion given in [5] for the single selected failure mechanisms is violated anywhere in the
component and/or in any ply for the combination of effective internal pressure or hoop stress and effective axial stress. If the
failure criterion is violated, the combination is outside the partial performance envelope, if the failure criterion is not violated the
combination is inside the envelope. A schematic example of the process is shown in Figure 9-3.
Figure 9-3 Schematic example of a performance envelope. Red points show a combination of stresses where the
design criterion is violated. Green points indicate a combination of stresses within the design criterion.
The elastic constants for the design calculations and the strength values used in the failure criterion shall be the proper values for
the material at the time, temperature and environment described by the performance envelope. How to obtain the material
properties is described in Section 4.
This process shall be repeated for all critical failure mechanisms, temperatures and environments.
Note: whether the loads are dependent on temperature and environment does not matter for the calculations of a performance
envelopes, because the loads are independent inputs.
The partial performance envelope shall be drawn conservatively between the investigated load combinations, i.e. the outermost
calculation with no failure defines a point on the line of the performance envelope.
When drawing the partial performance envelope, the failure mechanism to which the envelope is related to shall be identified.
It shall be ensured that the evaluation points are close enough to each other that the performance envelope can be drawn with
sufficient accuracy. If the points have a distance ≤ 50% of OV of the axial failure load or burst pressure respectively (x-y axis)
then the evaluation points are close enough without further evaluation.
Guidance note:
If a direct relationship between the curve describing the performance envelope for the specific failure mechanism and the effective
pressure and axial stress can be found, the line of the envelope can be put directly into the performance envelope diagram.
1. The partial performance envelope can be shown as a 3-dimensional body with the effective internal pressure and axial
stress axis plus a third axis for the bending moment. The partial performance envelope shall then be calculated as
described in Section 9.3 for all combinations of effective internal pressure and effective average axial stress and bending
moments over the thickness the local stresses in each ply of the laminate. The material properties used, and the accuracy
requirements shall be the same as in Section 9.3 .
2. Alternatively, the partial performance envelope can be presented in a two-dimensional form for a specified maximum
bending moment. The calculation methods are the same as for the first method, but only the minimum envelope of the
3-dimensional body is shown for the envelope with the axes effective internal pressure and axial stress.
The bending moment shall always be specified as the extreme value as described in Section 3.
It should generally be assumed that the performance envelope was developed for the case of no bending. If bending is included
in the performance envelope it shall be clearly indicated when presenting the envelope.
9.4 Performance Envelope as combination of several partial envelopes
The performance envelope of a CDCT is the intersection of several partial performance envelopes.
The partial envelopes shall be calculated for the relevant combinations of:
• All components, such as minimum laminate, liner, cover and end fitting.
• All critical failure mechanisms, as determined in Section 6.3 and 6.4 (see also Table 5-1) for each component.
The minimum combined performance envelope taken from the partial envelopes is the performance envelope of the CDCT.
Several performance envelopes may be defined for several phases or conditions. Examples would be:
• Performance envelope during operation up to a specified maximum temperature in a specified environment under a
maximum bending condition.
A performance envelope for installation and an envelope for operation shall always be given.
The performance envelope is simply the quadrilateral defined by the four anchor points as shown in Figure 9-4.
The four anchor points shall be obtained using the same approach as for the complete performance envelopes described in
Section 9.4 above. All failure mechanisms in all components, environment, phases, time etc. shall be evaluated. It shall be shown
which failure mechanism causes failure at the anchor points. The simplification is to perform these evaluations only for four points.
The disadvantage is that the actual performance of the CDCT at other load combinations may be significantly better than what is
described by the simplified performance envelope.
Figure 9-4 Schematic of a simplified performance envelope based on for anchor points.
10.1 Introduction
This RP uses partial safety and model factors as described in Table 10-1.
Table 10-1: List of partial safety and model factors.
γFF Partial load factor for functional loads 10.2 safety factor
γfat Partial factor for cyclic and stress rupture 10.7 safety factor
Partial resistance safety factors depend on the material's coefficient of variation (COV). The COV is given by the standard
deviation divided by the mean value of the strength, as defined in DNV-ST-F119 Appendix [A.3].
If various strength values are combined in a failure calculation, the COV to be used for the safety factor selection shall be
calculated as described for the specific design criterion given in Sec.5 and DNV-ST-C501. The highest COV value may be chosen
as a simple conservative method.
The partial load factors shall be used with the characteristic loads described in Section 3.7 and incidental pressure as defined in
DNV-ST-F119 Section 3.6.5.
There are two approaches to establishing the design load effect associated with a particular load. The more conservative of the
two approaches shall be used for the design.
1. The design load effect (local stress or strain) is obtained from a structural analysis of the design load, where the design
load is obtained by multiplying the characteristic load by a specified load factor γF.
2. The design load effect (local stress or strain) is obtained by multiplying the characteristic load effect by a specified load
factor γF where the characteristic load effect (local stress or strain) is determined by a structural analysis of the
characteristic load. The factors shall be applied to the design criteria given in Section 5.
The design criteria only state the general load factor γF. In both cases, the general load factor γF shall be substituted by γFF,
γE, or γP, as appropriate.
Table 10-2: Partial load factors.
γFF 1) γΕ 2) γP
ULS 𝛾∗𝐹𝐹 = 1.1 𝛾∗𝐸 = 1.3 1.0
ULS 𝛾∗∗
𝐹𝐹 = 1.4 𝛾∗∗
𝐸 = 0.7 1.0
If the bending/torsional load effect reduces the combined load effects, γFF shall be taken as 1/1.1 or 1/1.4 as
If the axial load effect reduces the combined load effects, γΕ shall be taken as 1/1.3 or 1/0.7 as
For the special case of reeling, see Section 10.8.
The axial load is the component of the axial load in addition to the end-cap effects.
Micro matrix cracking 1.0-1.15 Sec.6 – 4.1 and – 4.4 5.4
The table often gives ranges of model factors. When to use which value is described in the individual design criteria.
In order to take this system effect into account, a system effect factor 𝛾𝑆 shall be introduced. If the system effect is not relevant,
𝛾𝑆 =1.0. Otherwise, a system factor shall be documented. A value of 𝛾𝑆 =1.1 can be used as a first approach.
For example, in the case of a casing, the failure of one section (i.e. plain pipe or end fitting) is equivalent to the failure of the entire
system. This is a chain effect in which any component in a chain arrangement can contribute. As a consequence, the nominal
safety of the individual section should be higher than the nominal safety of the entire system in order to achieve the overall nominal
In some cases, a system may consist of parallel components that support each other and provide redundancy even if one
component fails. In that case, a system factor of less than 1 may be used if it can be based on a thorough structural reliability
Table 10-5: Safety factors for static and cyclic fatigue calculations.
Medium High
30 50
Table 10-6: Partial resistance factors γM related to fiber-dominated or matrix-dominated failure during reeling
For matrix-dominated failure, the resistance factors in Table 10-6 are valid if the diameter to thickness ratio of the CDCT D/t > 4
and the local ply stresses caused by internal pressure are not greater than the stresses caused by reeling.
Values may be interpolated for COVs other than those given in Table 10-6.
11.1 Inspection
If the CDCT is designed according to this document and handled and operated within the limits described in Section 3 and in the
supplier's operation manual, it should not be necessary to inspect the CDCT.
11.2 Maintenance
The manufacturer shall state a maintenance procedure for each CDCT component. Appropriate cleaning agents should be
If the component is painted, suitable paints should be identified and methods for removing and applying the paint should be stated
if relevant.
11.3 Repair
A repair should restore a damaged CDCT to its original function. The repair shall be evaluated as a new design according to this
If any functional requirement, such as fluid tightness, stiffness and/or strength, cannot be restored, the performance of the
component and total system under the new conditions shall be re-qualified.
When a repair is similar to a joint introduced into the CDCT, it shall be qualified in the same way as an end fitting in Section 6.4.
Evaluating the production aspects related to the repair shall be part of the qualification.
Suitable conditions for repair work shall be arranged and maintained during the repair. This is mandatory, irrespective of whether
the repair is carried out on site or elsewhere. If suitable conditions cannot be arranged and maintained on site, the component
should be moved to a suitable site.
If fully qualified repair solutions according to this RP are not available, repairs are not permitted.
11.4 Decommissioning
The decommissioning of all the CDCT's components shall be documented in accordance with the requirements stated in Section
12.1 Introduction
The purpose of the production QA tests is to check the product's properties (dimensional, physical, mechanical) against
acceptance criteria, to monitor consistent production and to detect non-compliance issues.
Actions and remedies related to interruptions to the process, such as fiber breakages, tape breakages, machine stoppages,
exceeding process temperature tolerances and exceeding speed control tolerances, shall be planned. If necessary, repairs shall
be described.
Any incidents shall be recorded with respect to time and location along the length and thickness. The thickness position, number
of layer or tape, shall be recorded.
Tolerances shall be defined regarding how close neighboring incidents and repairs may be permitted. The design documentation
shall demonstrate that functionality is maintained with the given tolerances.
Prototype testing in [8] shall be done with representative incidents and repairs.
12.4 Inspection
The inspection of components during or right after manufacturing may be replaced by well documented production control
If the CDCT contains non-composite parts that were designed according to a standard that requires a pressure test up to a higher
test pressure than 1.3 times the design pressure, the pressure test shall be carried out at that higher pressure.
The FAT test pressure shall also not be lower than any required system pressure tests or installation tests. A detailed test program
should be defined. The following should be stated as a minimum:
— time over which the pressure in the system shall not drop without actively applying pressure, i.e. a leakage test.
Strain gauge or displacement measurements shall be taken to check whether the stiffness of the CDCT is as expected and
deformations match calculations and prototype tests. The measured values shall be within ±10% of the predictions, otherwise the
CDCT needs to be rejected. The strain measurements may be done on additional specimens taken from a cut off from the
production run instead of the FAT test of the actual main production pipe.
A test schedule should be developed for each application. The testing should allow the detection of as many defects in the
structure as possible. As a general guide, the following schedules are recommended:
— the minimum time over which the maximum test pressure in the system should not drop without actively applying pressure
should be at least 8 hours for systems that do not creep. The pressure should stay constant within 5% of the value at the start of
the test. Pressure changes due to temperature changes may be compensated for. If the whole CDCT assembly is inspected for
leaks immediately after the pressure test, testing according to bullet point three may be used.
— if the test fluid could possibly migrate slowly through cracks, materials or interfaces, testing up to 24 hours may be
necessary to detect leaks.
— for systems that show creep, the maximum test pressure should be maintained for 1 hour by applying active pressure.
The pressure should be monitored for another hour without actively applying pressure. The pressure drop should be predicted
before the test and the test result should be within 10% of the prediction.
Note: Additional test requirements from governmental authorities may have to be followed.
The test procedure shall be agreed on between the manufacturer, purchaser and possibly a third party.
The outer diameter shall be measured at one easily accessible end and checked against the specified tolerances.
Table 12-1 Destructive test requirements for production QA
* if the product is longer than the maximum length interval, a test after completing the product is sufficient
The burst pressure test and external hydrostatic pressure test shall fulfil the same requirements as the qualification testing.
The hydrostatic burst test should be performed at a constant pressure that gives a lifetime of about 10 hours. Acceptance criteria
shall be obtained in the way described in Section 8.4.2.
If a single production run produces a CDCT longer than the minimum length interval, only one test is needed.
For example, a continuous 4,000m-long CDCT of safety class high would need one burst test.
If no product was produced within the minimum time interval, the test can be postponed until a new product is produced.
All prototype testing shall be performed with end fittings attached in accordance with the procedures.
See the file attached to the email with the report. Due to some formatting issues Appendix A is sent separately until we solve
formatting problems.
14.1 Introduction
14.1.1 Overview
The purpose of this examples is to show how performance envelopes can be calculated for CDCT. It is based on calculating the
performance envelopes for individual failure mechanisms first. The final performance envelope is the inner envelope of all failure
mechanisms addressed in combination. Geometry and material properties are chosen to be reasonably related to real CDCT, but
they are mainly chosen to trigger design cases explaining the various aspects of this guideline. Geometry and material properties
should not be seen as representative or favouring one design option over another. The solutions coming out best for the material
chosen here may not be best for CDCTs with other properties.
In order to cover the main design concepts four examples are calculated:
o without liner/cover.
o without liner/cover.
Both materials are glass fiber reinforced and have the same properties as virgin materials. Long term degradation of fiber
dominated properties are also the same. The strengths describing the onset of matrix cracking for the thermoset and matrix
weakening for the thermoplastic are also the same. However, the weakening of the matrix due to the onset of damage is higher
for the thermoset than the thermoplastic. Considering the available wide range of composite materials this approach does not
reflect the many design choices that can be made and this is not the purpose of this example. The purpose of the example is to
address as many design issues as possible.
The example addresses the pipe section and not the end fitting. The same approach can, in principle, be used for the end fitting.
Typically, the end fitting is stronger than the pipe body for all loading conditions with the possible exception of axial (especially
tensile) loading and torsion. The limits of the end fitting can simply be superimposed on the performance envelope of the CDCT´s
The design calculations are based on two-dimensional linear laminate theory with simple progressive failure analysis to address
matrix damage. Most real designs will use finite element analysis to capture three-dimensional stress states and nonlinear
characteristics of the pipes. The principles for obtaining performance envelopes will remain the same though.
14.1.2 Geometry
The geometry for all CDCT in the example is:
Thickness and mechanical properties of the liner and cover are ignored for the structural calculations.
The thermoset laminate has a [±10, (±85)2 ]4 layup with twice as many plies (layers) in the 85° direction than in the 10 direction.
In the remaining part of the example the laminates will simply be called [±10,±85 2] and [±55].
The performance envelopes are constructed by selecting many combinations of average axial and hoop stress. For each
combination of the average stresses acting on the laminate the stresses and strains in each ply of the laminate are calculated by
2D laminate theory. The ply stresses and strains are applied to the failure criteria. The ratio to failure is calculated for all plies and
all failure criteria. The performance envelope is at the point where the same ratio of axial and hoop stress causes failure for the
weakest ply. This simple scaling approach is only possible for linear materials, but it is sufficient to show how performance
envelopes can be developed. A 3D nonlinear analysis would typically be done by FE analysis.
Thermal stresses are not included in the analysis in this example, but they could be added following the usual procedures used
in laminate theory calculations or for finite element analysis.
The example also covers the effect of torsional loading of the CDCT. The applied torsional moment was arbitrarily chosen for all
examples as 1.275 Nm. This results in a stress resultant applied to the laminate of 0.1 N/mm.
Mechanisms Section
Micro matrix 5.4 x x (Laminate failure) Such cracks would eventually lead to leakage.
cracking They are only critical if no liner/cover is present.
Delamination 5.5 NC NC NC NC Delamination is seen as noncritical (NC) in the example. But it may
* reduce buckling resistance.
Macro Matrix 5.6 x x Macro matrix cracks or through thickness matrix cracks can lead to
Cracking rupture if the fiber angles exceed 70 degrees.
Weeping 5.7 x x An accumulation of matrix cracks will lead to weeping. Since the
amount of accumulation needed for weeping is hard to define the
effect is here conservatively covered by looking at the initiation of
matrix cracks.
Polymer 5.8 Polymer fracture applies to the liner/cover and would make it non-
fracture functional. It is covered conservatively by designing against yielding.
Maximum 5.10 Not covered in this example. But a too large increase of the pipe´s
deformation diameter may cause problems in the hole.
Debonding* 5.11 EF EF EF EF The failure mechanisms can be critical for the end-fitting. Not
covered in the example.
Collapse 5.13.2 x x x x
Cyclic 5.14 tbc tbc tbc tbc Resistance to infrequent and low fatigue loads must be checked
fatigue individually and cannot be described by a performance envelope.
The choice of the appropriate factors will be explained in the sections on materials and loads.
14.2.2 Static short-term values
The material properties in this example are based on a typical 2D unidirectional glass fiber ply. Classical laminate theory is used
to calculate elastic properties of the [±10,±852] and [±55] laminates. Note that ply properties shall be measured according to
Section 4 and some laminate prosperities shall be confirmed experimentally according to Section 8.2.
The orthotropic ply properties are given in Table 14-2, Characteristic values are needed for design. They can be calculated from
the mean values as:
Where 𝑠𝑡𝑑𝑣 is the standard deviation of the measurements. The factor 𝑘𝑚 depends on the number of measurements and is listed
in Table A1 in DNV-ST-F119. The standard deviation is also often expressed as the Coefficient of Variation 𝐶𝑂𝑉:
In addition to the ply properties the strain and stress to failure in the axial direction of the [±55] laminate is needed, according to
Section 5.6. The assumed measured values are also given in Table 14-2.
The characteristic values need to be reduced further with the material and model factors of the failure criteria. These will be
discussed in the following sections. A complete set of all material properties used in this example is given in Table 14-5.
Note: characteristic values can only be properly calculated if all individual measurements are known or if the mean, standard
deviation and number of test specimens is given.
Table 14-2 Orthotropic ply properties for the example.
𝜎̂1 Compressive strength of the ply in fiber direction.
Mean 810 MPa. COV 8%, 10 tests: 𝑘𝑚 = 3.2 → Characteristic value: 603 MPa
𝜎̂2 Compressive strength of the ply transverse to the fiber direction.
Mean 60 MPa. COV 8%, 10 tests: 𝑘𝑚 = 3.2 → Characteristic value: 44.6 MPa
𝜏̂12 Inplane hear strength of the ply.
Mean 25 MPa. COV 10%, 10 tests: 𝑘𝑚 = 3.2 → Characteristic value: 17.0 MPa
𝜀̂1 Compressive strain to failure of the ply in fiber direction.
Mean 0.018. COV 8%, 10 tests: 𝑘𝑚 = 3.2 → Characteristic value: 0.0134
𝜀̂𝑥,𝑙𝑎𝑚 Tensile strain to failure of the [±55] laminate in the axial (0 degree) direction.
Mean 0.059. COV 8%, 10 tests: 𝑘𝑚 = 3.2 → Characteristic value: 0.0439
𝜀̂𝑥,𝑙𝑎𝑚 Compressive strain to failure of the ply in fiber direction.
Mean 0.071. COV 8%, 10 tests: 𝑘𝑚 = 3.2 → Characteristic value: 0.0528
The material properties of the liner and cover need to be known. It is assumed in this example that the properties for the liner and
cover are the same with a Young´s modulus 𝐸 of 800 MPa, a Poisson´s ratio 𝜈 of 0.3 and a shear strength 𝜏 of 50 MPa. The
properties are listed in Table 14-3.
Table 14-3 Properties of liner and cover.
𝜎𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 Shear strength Mean 105 MPa. COV 4%, 6 tests: 𝑘𝑚 = 4.0 → Characteristic value: 80 MPa
is modelled by a reduction of some properties by 10%, as shown in Table 14-5. These changes can be seen as typical, but they
need to be measured experimentally for the particular material and fluid used in the application, as described in Section 4.
The stress rupture curve for fiber dominated ply strength in this example has a 𝛽 = 0.0423. The stress rupture curve is shown in
Figure 14-1 (left) in the common log-log presentation and in Figure 14-1(right) on a linear scale. The strength is normalized to
the static short-term strength. As can be seen the time to failure appears to increase gradually as the applied stress drops in the
logarithmic scale, but it increases slowly for significant stress reductions initially and increase fairly rapidly for small stress
reductions in the linear scale.
Normalized Strngth
-0.1 0.8
-0.15 0.7
-0.2 0.6
log sig mean log sig char 0.4
-0.4 log sig design log sig non crit 0.3
-0.45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
1.E+00 1.E+02 1.E+04 1.E+06 1.E+08
Time (years)
log time (minutes)
Figure 14-1: Stress rupture curves. The dots indicate values at 6000 hours, 1 year, 25 years, 30 years and 50 years.
The data for the axial laminate strain to failure are obtained the same way, but 𝛽 = 0.03 was used.
The influence of the fluid for long-term exposure is described for this example by a 10% drop in properties as described in Section
14.2.5 and listed in Table 14-5. This effect needs to be measured as described in Section 4.
Note: in this example a linear relationship between laminate strength and strain to failure is assumed. If the two properties are
related in a nonlinear way, strength and strain to failure need to be both considered in the design. The same approach can be
used for designing with both properties.
The stress rupture data used in this example are summarized in Table 14-4:
dry dry dry dry with fluid with fluid with fluid with fluid
Static Static Fatigue
Charac- Design Fatigue Design Fatigue Non Critical Non Critical
Property Units Mean teristic 1 year 1 year 50 years 50 years 50 years 50 years
E1 MPa 45000 45000 45000 42000
E2 MPa 8500 8500 8500 8200
G12 MPa 3500 3500 3500 3200
v12 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
E2 deg TP MPa 4250 4250 4250 4100
G12 deg TP MPa 1750 1750 1750 1600
E2 deg TS MPa 1275 1275 1275 1230
G12 deg TS MPa 525 525 525 480
X1 tens MPa 1035 836 540 446 486 340 243 300
X1 comp MPa 810 603 389 349 350 266 175 235
X2 tens MPa 40.0 29.8 16.7 15.0
X2 comp MPa 60.0 44.6 25.0 22.5
X12 MPa 25.0 17.0 9.5 8.6
eps1 tens 0.0230 0.0186 0.0120 0.0099 0.0116 0.0081 0.0058 0.0071
eps1 comp 0.0180 0.0134 0.0086 0.0078 0.0083 0.0063 0.0042 0.0056
eps2 tens 0.0047 0.0035 0.0020 0.0018
eps2 comp 0.0071 0.0053 0.0029 0.0027
gam12 0.0071 0.0049 0.0027 0.0027
Note the grey boxes. Sometimes static short-term properties with safety factors drive the design, sometimes the stress rupture
properties drive the design.
14.3 Performance envelope for matrix cracking (CDCT with no liner and cover)
14.3.1 Overview
This section describes how performance envelopes for the onset of matrix cracking are developed.
Matrix cracking is typically the first failure mechanism that develops in a composite laminate. CDCT having no liner or cover are
typically designed against matrix cracking, because an accumulation of matrix cracks will lead to leakage. Since the level of
accumulation required for leakage is difficult to quantify a design against matrix crack initiation is a conservative approach.
14.3.2 Matrix cracking Failure criteria and strength
The first failure mechanism to look at is matrix cracking. Matrix cracks are here micro matrix cracks that do not penetrate the
thickness of the laminate. They do not cause rupture. An accumulation of matrix cracks through the thickness of the laminate will
lead to leakage.
2 2
𝜎2𝑘 𝜏12𝑘
𝑖𝑓 𝜎2𝑘 < 0 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑 √( 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥,𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛
) +( 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥
) <1
̂2 𝜏̂ 12
𝛾𝑀 : Partial resistance factor for safety class high and COV 5%-10% → 𝛾𝑀 = 1.55
The load effects (stresses σnk or strains εnk) shall be obtained from the sum of the individual loads applied on CDCT multiplied
by the partial load factor 𝛾𝐹 , the load model factor 𝛾𝑆𝑑 and the system factor 𝛾𝑆 , see Section 10. For the performance envelope
the applied loads are the factored effective stresses 𝜎̃𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 and 𝜎̃ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 as described in Section 9.
𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥,𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥,𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥
The characteristic strength 𝜎̂2 , 𝜎̂2 and 𝜏̂12 were already described in Section 14.2.2.
Setting the numbers into the design criterion for micro matrix cracking in Section 5.4.2 we obtain for the short term:
𝜎2𝑘 2 𝜏12𝑘 2
𝑖𝑓 𝜎2𝑘 ≥ 0 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 1.7825 √( ) +( ) <1
29.8 𝑀𝑃𝑎 17 𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝜎2𝑘 2 𝜏12𝑘 2
𝑖𝑓 𝜎2𝑘 < 0 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 1.7825 √( ) +( ) <1
44.6 𝑀𝑃𝑎 17 𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝜎2𝑘 2 𝜏12𝑘 2
𝑖𝑓 𝜎2𝑘 ≥ 0 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 √( ) +( ) <1
16.7 𝑀𝑃𝑎 9.5 𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝜎2𝑘 2 𝜏12𝑘 2
𝑖𝑓 𝜎2𝑘 < 0 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 √( ) +( ) <1
25.0 𝑀𝑃𝑎 9.5 𝑀𝑃𝑎
The values 16.7 MPa, 25 MPa and 9.5 MPa can be seen as the design strengths for the strength transverse to the fiber direction
in tension and compression and the shear strength respectively. For the long term (50 years) the strengths shall be reduced in a
simplified way, reduced by 10% in this example, as described in Section 14.2.5. The design strengths are also listed in Table 14-5.
Using structural analysis based on laminate calculations as described in Section 14.1.5 the performance envelope for matrix
cracking can be calculated. The envelope for short term performance is shown in Figure 14-2, envelopes for short and long-term
performance are shown in Figure 14-3. The [±10/±852] laminate shows a horizontal ellipse shaped envelope indicating the onset
of matrix cracks in the plies with ±85 fiber orientation. The vertical ellipse shaped envelope indicates the onset of matrix cracks in
the plies with ±10 fiber orientation. Preventing the onset of matrix cracking means the inner intersection of the envelopes shall not
be exceeded, as shown by the inner black envelope in the figure. The [±55] laminate having only one ply orientation has only one
performance envelope. The inner envelope in Figure 14-3 shows the minimum envelope for short-term and long-term
Figure 14-4 shows the performance envelopes for matrix cracking with and without an applied torsion on the pipe. The effect of
the moment is a reduction, rotation and stretch of the failure envelope. The inner performance envelope in Figure 14-4 covers
the worst combination of the cases short-term performance and long-term performance with and without torsion.
Figure 14-2 Performance envelopes considering matrix cracking for a new CDCT pipe.
Figure 14-3 Performance envelopes considering matrix cracking for a CDCT pipe with 1 and 50 years of service.
[±10/±852] laminate [±55] laminate
Figure 14-4 Performance envelopes considering matrix cracking for a CDCT pipe 1 and 50 years of service with
and without torsion.
14.4 Performance envelope for all failure mechanisms (CDCT with liner and
14.4.1 Overview
The previous section showed how performance envelopes for matrix cracking are developed. When the CDCT laminate is
surrounded by a liner and cover, some matrix cracking can be accepted, because the liner and cover keep the CDCT fluid tight.
This section describes how performance envelopes for the other failure mechanisms can be developed. The approach is basically
the same as for matrix cracking, but different failure criteria have to be applied. Since the failure mechanisms happen after matrix
cracking, the effect of matrix cracking on the mechanical properties needs to be considered.
𝐸2∗ = 0.15 ∗ 𝐸2
𝐺12 = 0.15 ∗ 𝐺12
The reduction of elastic properties due to matrix cracking or matrix yielding in the thermoplastic [±55] laminate is taken to be less
than for the thermoset material:
𝐸2∗ = 0.5 ∗ 𝐸2
𝐺12 = 0.5 ∗ 𝐺12
𝛾𝑀 : Partial resistance factor for safety class high and COV 5%-10% → 𝛾𝑀 = 1.55
The load effect (stresses σnk or strains εnk) shall be obtained from the sum of the individual loads applied on CDCT multiplied by
the partial load factor γF, the load model factor γSd and the system factor γS, as described in Section 10.
𝑓𝑖𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑏𝑒𝑟
The characteristic strength 𝜎̂𝑘 and strain to failure 𝜀̂𝑘 were already described in Section 14.2.2.
−0.0086 < 𝜀𝑛𝑘 < 0.012. 𝑎𝑛𝑑 − 389 𝑀𝑃𝑎 < 𝜎𝑛𝑘 < 540 𝑀𝑃𝑎
The limiting values can be seen as the design strain to failures and strengths. They are also listed in Table 14-5.
Using structural analysis based on laminate calculations as described in Section 14.1.5 the performance envelopes for short-term
fiber dominated failure can be calculated. They are shown in Figure 14-5. The horizontal and vertical lines indicate failure of the
±85 fibers and ±10 fibers respectively (in tension and compression). The inner envelope of the [±10/±852] laminate shows a
trapezoid shape and describes fiber dominated failure in all fiber directions. The difference between the envelopes for the
maximum strain criterion (blue) and the maximum stress criterion (green) is minimal.
The [±55] laminate having only one ply orientation has only lines describing tensile and compressive fiber dominated failure. The
lines do not combine to a closed envelope. Loading the laminate in the axial direction does not cause fiber dominated failure, but
macro matrix cracking, as will be described in the next section. The difference between the lines describing failure due to the
maximum strain and stress criterion for the [±55] laminate is larger than for the [±10/±852] laminate.
Figure 14-5 also shows the curves describing the onset of matrix cracking, just for information. The inner envelope ignores the
matrix cracking.
Figure 14-5 Performance envelopes considering fiber failure for a new CDCT pipe with liner/cover.
For the [±10/±852] laminate the angle between fibers is 20 o in the axial direction and 10 o in the hoop direction, checking for macro
matrix cracking is not required.
For the [±55] laminate the angle between fibers is 110 o in the axial direction and 70 o in the hoop direction. Checking for macro
matrix cracking in the axial direction is required.
The maximum strain and stress design criterion for macro matrix cracking is given for tension and compression as (Section 5.6):
𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝
𝜀̂𝑥,𝑙𝑎𝑚 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙
𝜀𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 < 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜀𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 <
𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑 𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑
𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝
𝜎̂𝑥,𝑙𝑎𝑚 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙
𝜎𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 < 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜎𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 <
𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑 𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝑑
𝛾𝑀 : Partial resistance factor for safety class high and COV 5%-10% → 𝛾𝑀 = 1.55
The load effect (stresses σnk or strains εnk) shall be obtained from the sum of the individual loads applied on CDCT multiplied by
the partial load factor γF, the load model factor γSd and the system factor γS, as described in Section 10.
𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝
The characteristic strains to failure 𝜀̂𝑥,𝑙𝑎𝑚 and 𝜀̂𝑥,𝑙𝑎𝑚 were already described in Section 14.2.2.
Setting in the numbers and describing compressive strains as negative we obtain for the short term:
−0.0296 < 𝜀𝑛𝑘 < 0.0246. The limiting values can be seen as the design strain to failures and strengths. They are also listed in
Table 14-5. (Since the example is a simple linear system the stress calculations are omitted, they would give equivalent results.)
Using laminate analysis and checking for the strain in axial directions two lines are found that describe macro matrix failure in
tension and compression for the [±55] laminate, as shown in Figure 14-6. Combined with the fiber dominated failure a performance
envelope of nearly rectangular shape is found for rupture of the [±55] laminate.
The performance envelope for the [±10/±852] laminate is the same as before, because macro matrix cracking is not a relevant
failure mechanism for that type of laminate.
Figure 14-6 Performance envelopes considering fiber failure and macro matrix cracking for a new CDCT pipe with
𝑅2 𝑘𝐴 𝑔𝑙𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑙 𝜋 2 𝐸𝑥
𝜎̂𝑏𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑔𝑙𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑙 =
𝐿2 2
𝐿: Free length of the CDCT. This parameter is very much dependent on the application. In this example L=1m
was chosen.
𝐸𝑥 Young´s modulus of the laminate of the CDCT in the axial direction.
*The knockdown factors are taken from DNV-RP-F202 for composite risers. This RP is currently not supported by DNV.
𝐵𝜃𝜃 2
3𝑘𝑝 (𝐷𝜃𝜃 − )
𝑃̂𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑠𝑒 =
with 𝑘𝑝 = 0.75
𝐵𝜃𝜃 2
3𝑘𝑝 (𝐷𝜃𝜃 − )
𝑅 𝐴𝜃𝜃
𝜎̂ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑠𝑒 = 𝑃̂𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑠𝑒 =
𝑡 𝑡 𝑅2
For simplicity we assume here that the collapse pressure is independent of the axial stresses.
𝐴𝜃𝜃 , 𝐵𝜃𝜃 , 𝐷𝜃𝜃 : Components of the ABD matrix of the laminate in the hoop direction.
*The knockdown factors are taken from DNV-RP-F202 for composite risers. This RP is currently not supported by DNV.
Figure 14-7 shows the failure lines for buckling (axial buckling and collapse to external pressure) as orange lines for both types
of laminates. In this example the hoop compression behaviour of the [±10/±852] laminate is governed by collapse, while the axial
compressive behaviour is governed by the compressive strength. The black inner performance envelope is based on the weakest
failure mechanisms. The behaviour of the [±55] laminate is a bit more complex. Compressive hoop behaviour is governed by
collapse for small axial effective stresses and by macro matrix cracking for the other cases.
Figure 14-7 Performance envelopes considering fiber failure, macro matrix cracking and buckling for a new CDCT
pipe with liner/cover.
14.4.6 Yielding of liner and cover
The acceptance of micro matrix cracks requires an intact liner and cover to prevent fluids from leaking. Liners and covers are
typically chosen to be materials that have much higher strains to failure than the laminate they are connected to. In this example
the properties for the liner and cover are the same with a Young´s modulus 𝐸 of 800 MPa, a Poisson´s ratio 𝜈 of 0.3 and a
characteristic yield strength 𝜎𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 of 80 MPa. As a failure criterion the von Mises yield criterion from Section 5.9 is used. It is given
here in its two-dimensional form (for thick laminates the three-dimensional form would have to be used):
2 2 2
𝛾𝑀 𝛾𝑅𝐷 √𝜎𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 − 𝜎𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝜎ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 + 𝜎ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 + 3𝜎𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙,ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 < 𝜎𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑
𝛾𝑀 : Partial resistance factor for safety class high and COV 4% → 𝛾𝑀 = 1.6
√𝜎𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 2 2
− 𝜎𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝜎ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 + 𝜎ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 + 3𝜎𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟−𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙,ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝 < 50 𝑀𝑃𝑎
The value 50 MPa is written as the design yield strength in Table 14-5.
In the example´s structural calculations the contribution of liner and cover are not included. The laminate strains are used to
calculate the stress state in liner and cover.
Figure 14-8 shows also the performance envelopes of the liner/cover. The envelope is on the outer edge of the figure for the
[±10/±852] laminate, far away from the inner performance envelope critical for the design. The [±55] laminate has larger
deformations, and the yield envelope becomes part of the inner performance envelope in the upper right corner and the lower left
corner. It would probably be best to choose a different material for liner and cover to make them non-critical for the design. But
the example shows that liner and cover performance may become critical for the design and should not be ignored.
Figure 14-8 Performance envelopes considering fiber failure, macro matrix cracking, buckling and liner/cover/cover
yielding (all) for a new CDCT pipe with liner/cover.
14.4.7 Long-term properties, 1 year stress rupture and no effect fluids
For all failure mechanisms the long-term properties shall be considered.
In this example it is assumed that the strength and elastic properties are not influenced by the surrounding fluid in the period of
one year. The fluid will take a long time to diffuse into the laminate and only a very thin surface layer will be affected by the fluid.
The validity of this assumption would have to be demonstrated for a particular application.
The effect of stress rupture needs to be considered. In this case fiber dominated failure and macro matrix cracking needs to be
considered. The matrix dominated failure mechanisms are here displacement controlled and do not need to be considered for
stress rupture. The same applies for liner and cover.
The time to failure at a certain stress level is given by the stress rupture curve and the characteristic curves were described in
Section 14.2.6. The design curve is obtained by adding the fatigue safety factor 𝛾𝑓𝑎𝑡 :
Setting in the numbers we obtain design values for one year due to stress rupture:
Fiber dominated failure (stress rupture): −𝟑𝟒𝟗 𝑴𝑷𝒂 < 𝝈𝒏𝒌 < 𝟒𝟒𝟔𝑴𝑷𝒂
Axial strain for macro matrix cracking (stress rupture): −0.0378 < 𝜀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 < 0.0314
The values need to be compared with the static design values (static strength or strain including safety factors):
Fiber dominated failure (static design): −389 𝑀𝑃𝑎 < 𝜎𝑛𝑘 < 540𝑀𝑃𝑎
Axial strain for macro matrix cracking (static design): −𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟗𝟔 < 𝜺𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒂𝒍 < 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟒𝟔
In this example stress rupture is critical for fiber dominated failure while factored static short-term strength is critical for macro
matrix cracking. The performance envelopes for one-year service are shown in Figure 14-9. The inner performance envelope is
slightly smaller than for the short term as shown in Figure 14-8.
Figure 14-9 Performance envelopes considering all failure mechanisms for a CDCT pipe with liner/cover with 1 year
of service (including stress rupture).
14.4.8 Effect of Torsion
If the CDCT is exposed to torsional loads the performance envelopes will change, as was already discussed for matrix cracking
in Section 14.3.2 and shown in Figure 14-4. Figure 14-10 shows the effect of torsion on all failure mechanisms for the case of 1
year service. The straight curves for fiber dominated failure are for no torsion. They are the same as shown in Figure 14-9. The
shifted bent curves are for the case of torsion. Buckling and macro matrix cracking are not affected by torsion based on the simple
models used here. An FE analysis may give slightly different characteristics.
The inner performance envelope is partially defined by the curved failure lines including the effect of torsion and partially by the
straight lines for no torsion. It presents the worst case for both conditions and should be used if the CDCT can be randomly
exposed to torsion or no torsion.
Figure 14-10 Performance envelopes considering all failure mechanisms for a CDCT pipe with liner/cover with 1
year of service with and without torsion.
In this example the strength and elastic properties were reduced by 10% due to the effect of the fluids being absorbed by the
material. The reduced properties are listed in Table 14-5. The resistance to buckling/collapse will be influenced by the change in
elastic properties. Similar to the case for one-year service stress rupture needs to be considered.
Figure 14-11 shows the performance envelopes for 50 years service with and without an applied torsional load. The figure is
similar to the one for one-year service, but the size of the performance envelopes has shrunk a bit.
[±10/±852] laminate [±55] laminate
Figure 14-11 Performance envelopes considering all failure mechanisms for a CDCT pipe with liner/cover with 50
years of service with and without torsion.
Performance envelopes of the end fitting can, in principle, be established in the same way as was described here. But the
calculations would likely have to be made by FE calculations instead of the analytical approach used in this example.
14.5 Inner performance envelopes
14.5.1 Overview
The previous section described how performance envelopes are obtained based on analysing all critical failure mechanisms.
Once the inner performance envelopes are obtained, they can be used to evaluate the suitability of a CDCT for a certain mix of
axial and hoop stresses in an application at a specified environment and lifetime.
Figure 14-12, Figure 14-13 and Figure 14-14 show inner performance envelopes for a new CDCT, for one year service and for
50 years service respectively. The CDCTs have a liner and cover, micro matrix cracking is an acceptable failure mechanism.
Figure 14-15, Figure 14-16 and Figure 14-17 show inner performance envelopes for the same conditions, but for a CDCT without
liner and cover, so micro matrix cracking is a critical failure mechanism.
Performance envelopes can be developed for a wide variety of conditions. If the conditions for the validity are very specific, the
CDCT can be used in an optimal way for that condition, but other performance envelopes need to be looked at for other conditions.
If the validity conditions cover a wide range the performance envelope is less optimal for the CDCT, because it has to be the
minimum for all the conditions covered. The advantage is that one or a few performance envelopes are sufficient for evaluation.
This example calculated performance envelopes for a new CDCT, 1 year service and 50 years service with and without torsion.
The guideline puts no restrictions on what envelopes can be developed, as long as the envelopes are the minimum for the
conditions covered.
The performance envelopes show the four anchor points describing pressurizing (tension/compression) and axial loading without
pressure (tension/compression). These are some of the most relevant load cases. A very simple performance envelope can be
defined by simply connecting the four anchor points. The simple envelope is far from optimal, but it is conservative and can be
established with minimal calculation effort.
Figure 14-12 Inner performance envelope considering all failure mechanisms for a new CDCT pipe with liner/cover
with and without torsion.
[±10/±852] laminate [±10/±852] laminate
Figure 14-13 Inner performance envelope for a [±10,±852] laminate considering all failure mechanisms for a CDCT
pipe with liner/cover with 1 year of service (left) and 50 years of service (right) with and without torsion.
[±55] laminate [±55] laminate
Figure 14-14 Inner performance envelope for a [±55] laminate considering all failure mechanisms for a CDCT pipe
with liner/cover with 1 year of service (left) and 50 years of service (right) with and without torsion.
14.5.3 Inner performance envelopes without liner/cover
[±10/±852] laminate [±55] laminate
Figure 14-15 Inner performance envelope considering matrix cracking for a new CDCT pipe without liner/cover with
and without torsion.
Figure 14-16 Inner performance envelope for a [±10,±852] laminate considering matrix cracking for a CDCT pipe
without liner/cover with 1 year of service (left) and 50 years of service (right) with and without torsion.
[±55] laminate [±55] laminate
Figure 14-17 Inner performance envelope for a [±55] laminate considering matrix cracking for a CDCT pipe without
liner/cover with 1 year of service (left) and 50 years of service (right) with and without torsion.
14.6 Test envelopes
14.6.1 Overview
The accuracy of the performance envelopes needs to be confirmed by testing. The required test program is described in Section
8. This section describes how test envelopes can be developed that show which mean performance the CDCT should have for
combinations of axial and hoop stress. The envelopes can be created in the same way as the other envelopes described in the
previous sections. The only difference is that all safety factors should be removed, and strength values should be the mean values
shown in Table 14-5. The material properties are chosen here to be the mean values for a new material. The x and y axis are now
just effective stresses and not factored effective stresses anymore. Note, the guideline does not require that the entire shape of
the performance envelope shall be confirmed by testing, only a few points, such as the anchor points shall be confirmed.
Test envelopes are shown for the case of no torsion for burst and matrix cracking in Figure 14-18 and Figure 14-19 respectively.
Figure 14-20 and Figure 14-21show the same test envelopes for the case of additional torsion.
14.6.2 Without torsion
[±10/±852] laminate [±55] laminate
Figure 14-18 Test envelope considering all failure mechanisms for a new CDCT pipe with liner/cover without torsion.
Figure 14-19 Test envelope considering matrix cracking for a new CDCT pipe with liner/cover without torsion
14.6.3 With torsion
Figure 14-20 Test envelope considering all failure mechanisms for a new CDCT pipe with liner/cover with torsion.
Figure 14-21 Test envelope considering matrix cracking for a new CDCT pipe with liner/cover with torsion.
Non-critical conditions are obtained when the failure criteria are still fulfilled when applying an extra safety factor of 2 to static
strength and multiplying the fatigue safety factor by 10. Some additional requirements apply, see Section 4.7.
Table 14-5 lists the non-critical strength values for the case of 50 years lifetime. Figure 14-22 shows the Performance envelope
for matrix cracking and all burst related failure mechanisms for 50 years service with and without torsion. It can be seen that the
inner failure envelope for matrix cracking is inside any of the bust related failure mechanisms calculated for non-critical material
values. For comparison, see Figure 14-23 showing the performance envelopes calculated for the usual design values. For the
properties used in this example a design based on matrix cracking would not need experimental test results for the other failure
Figure 14-22 Performance envelopes considering matrix cracking and all other failure mechanisms based on “non-
critical properties” for a CDCT pipe with liner/cover with 50 years of service with and without torsion.
[±10/±852] laminate [±55] laminate
Figure 14-23 Performance envelopes considering matrix cracking and all failure mechanisms based on “regular
design properties” for a CDCT pipe with liner/cover with 50 years of service with and without torsion.
14.8 Other formats for performance envelopes
14.8.1 Overview
Performance envelopes can be displayed in different ways. It is important to be aware how the axes are defined, especially when
comparing envelopes presented in different publications. The example used performance envelopes where the x-axis was
“factored effective axial stress” and the y-axis was “factored effective hoop stress”. ome other ways to display performance
envelopes just scale the axes and keep the shape of the performance envelopes. But changes of the shape may also be the result
of changing the axes.
Switching the x-axis and y-axis can also be found resulting in an apparent change of shape of the performance envelope.
Any of these changes is just a change in presentation. All presentations are equivalent and show the performance envelope.
This section uses the performance envelope for 50 years of service with and without torsion as an example to demonstrate the
effect of different axes.
factored externally applied stress = factored effective axial stress – (factored effective hoop stress / 2)
Figure 14-24 Hoop Stress vs. Axial Stress: Performance envelopes considering all failure mechanisms for a CDCT
pipe with liner/cover with 50 years of service with and without torsion.
[±10/±852] laminate [±55] laminate
Figure 14-25 Hoop Stress vs. External Axial Stress: Performance envelopes considering all failure mechanisms for a
CDCT pipe with liner/cover with 50 years of service with and without torsion.
This change does not influence the shape of the performance envelopes. The example´s envelopes are shown in Figure 14-26
and Figure 14-27 for the x-axis being factored effective axial stress and factored external axial stress respectively.
Figure 14-26 Pressure vs. Axial Stress: Performance envelopes considering all failure mechanisms for a CDCT pipe
with liner/cover with 50 years of service with and without torsion.
[±10/±852] laminate [±55] laminate
Figure 14-27 Pressure vs. External Axial Stress: Performance envelopes considering all failure mechanisms for a
CDCT pipe with liner/cover with 50 years of service with and without torsion.
Figure 14-28 Pressure vs. External Axial Load: Performance envelopes considering all failure mechanisms for a
CDCT pipe with liner/cover with 50 years of service with and without torsion.
14.8.5 Reversed axes
Reversing the axes changes the impression of the performance envelope, but not its shape. Figure 14-29 shows the reversal of
the typical axial stress vs. hoop stress plot. Figure 14-30 shows the reversed pressure vs. external force plot.
Figure 14-29 Reversed plot: Axial stress vs. hoop stress: Pressure vs. Axial Stress: Performance envelopes
considering all failure mechanisms for a CDCT pipe with liner/cover with 50 years of service with and
without torsion.
Figure 14-30 Reversed plot: external force vs. pressure: Performance envelopes considering all failure mechanisms
for a CDCT pipe with liner/cover with 50 years of service with and without torsion.
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