Structual Crack
Structual Crack
Structual Crack
h i g h l i g h t s
The deep learning and structured light have been used to detect and quantify cracks.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Considering the deterioration of civil infrastructures, the evaluation of structural safety by detecting
Received 26 October 2019 cracks is becoming increasingly essential. In this paper, the advanced technologies of deep learning
Received in revised form 13 March 2020 and structured light composed of vision and two laser sensors have been applied to detect and quantify
Accepted 5 April 2020
cracks on surfaces of concrete structures. The YOLO (You Only Look Once) algorithm has been used for
real-time detection, and the sizes of the detected cracks have been calculated based on the positions
of the projected laser beams on the structural surface. Since laser beams may not be projected in parallel
due to installation or manufacturing errors, the laser alignment correction algorithm with a specially
Structural health monitoring
designed jig module and a distance sensor is applied to increase the accuracy of the size measurement.
Detection The performance of the algorithm has been verified through simulations and experimental tests, and the
Quantification results show that the cracks on the structural surfaces can be detected and quantified with high accuracy
Deep leaning in real-time.
Structured light Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 S.E. Park et al. / Construction and Building Materials 252 (2020) 119096
Cha et al. proposed a crack detection algorithm using deep detect cracks and estimate the size of cracks without the prior
learning with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), as well as knowledge or any installation.
a multiple damage containing steel delamination, steel corrosion, The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, an
bolt corrosion, and concrete cracks detection algorithm using a overview of the proposed crack detection using a structured light
Faster Region-based CNN (R-CNN) [13,14]. For real time crack and deep learning method is described. In Section 3, crack quantifi-
detection, Choi et al. proposed deep learning network, SDDNet, cation using a structured light and a distance sensor is explained.
optimized for crack detection in images of a wide range of back- The results of simulations and experiments are discussed in Sec-
ground features [15]. Zhang et al. proposed CrackNet, an efficient tion 4. Finally, a discussion of the findings is presented in Section 5.
architecture based on CNN but without pooling layers, that guaran-
tees high precision [16]. Kim et al. proposed a crack identification
method using R-CNN for crack detection and a square shaped mar- 2. Crack detection using deep learning
ker for measuring the size of the detected cracks [17]. The volu-
metric damage quantification method using depth camera has 2.1. Detection of crack and laser beams using YOLO
been proposed Beckman et al [18]. However, most of the afore-
mentioned studies have one of following limitations: 1) size of As shown in Fig. 1, the crack detection and quantification
the detected damages are not provided [13–15], 2) quantification method using a structured light composed of a vision and laser
of pixel unit has been performed [16], or 3) installation of external sensors, as well as a distance sensor, is proposed. The deep learning
markers is needed for quantification [17]. In comparison with the algorithm with the vision sensor is used to detect the structural
damage detection and quantification results with a depth camera cracks, and detected cracks are quantified using a structured light
in [18], the proposed method shows smaller quantification error and a distance sensor. Due to alignment or installation errors asso-
with a combination of a structured light and a distance sensor. ciated with the lasers, a laser pose calibration with a specially
In this paper, a crack detection and quantization method using designed jig module is performed in advance. In the crack detec-
structured light and machine learning is proposed without the tion, deep learning that recently has been emerged as powerful
need for any external attachment and with high accuracy. In this method in a wide range of problems including object detection
method, cracks on surface of concrete structures are detected by automatically learning feature representations from given data
and localized with the deep learning algorithm, and they are quan- has been used. The object detection determines the existence of
tified using a structured light composed of vision and laser sensors. objects within predefined categories, and returns the positions
Since it is not possible to project laser beams in parallel and the and probabilities of the object if it exists.
accuracy of the size measurement is highly dependent on the The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is composed of
positions of the projected laser beams, a laser pose calibration convolutional layers, activation layers, pooling layers, a fully con-
algorithm with a specially designed jig module and a distance sen- nected layer, and a softmax layer [19,20]. The convolution layer
sor that can calibrate the positions of the beams with the varying includes a set of filters with learnable weights and the input data
range has been developed. After considering the laser pose, the are convolved with each filter in consideration of the sizes of the
extent of crack can be measured with improved accuracy. The pro- padding, stride, and filters. The activation layer of the Rectified
posed system is validated through simulations and experiments, Linear Unit (ReLU) is applied, which solves the vanishing gradient
and the results indicate that the proposed system can successfully problem. The feature (activation) map, which is the output of the
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of crack detection and quantification using deep learning and structured light.
S.E. Park et al. / Construction and Building Materials 252 (2020) 119096 3
convolution step, is down-sampled by performing the max pooling detected if the center of the object belongs to the grid cell. Each
layer. This step slides a filter on the feature map and outputs the grid cell predicts the bounding box which is composed of following
representative value, such as the maximum, average, or L2-norm elements, the coordinates of the center of the box relative to the
value from the sub-region. Through this step, the feature detection boundary of the grid cell, the ratio of width and height in the pre-
can be sufficiently robust to prevent overfitting and the computa- dicted object and the entire image, as well as the confidence score,
tional cost can be reduced as well. The fully connected layer con- since it is desired that the predicted bounding box value and actual
nects to all of the neurons and the softmax layer is the multiclass value are the same. The confidence score indicates the probability
classifier which calculates the probability of each individual class that the corresponding object will be in the detected bounding box
and gives the result as the class with the highest probability. Since and the probability that the object will match the predicted object.
the CNN method has strong advantages of shift, scale, and distor- If there is no object for the grid cell, the confidence score will drop
tion invariance, it has been applied to various fields, including to zero. The latest version of YOLO, YOLOv3, proposed by Joseph
structural crack detection. Redmon uses Darknet-53 network which has 53 convolutional lay-
In order to reduce the computation time in CNN, R-CNN ers. The score of objectness on each bounding box is calculated by
(Region-based CNN), which includes the region proposal using a logistic regression. In order to detect cracks in real time, a
algorithm, has been proposed. Rather than selecting a large num- light version of YOLOv3 (YOLOv3-tiny) which ensures detection
ber of regions with sliding window techniques in CNN, about speed of 220 frames per second has been used in this paper.
2000 candidate regions are extracted (cropped) and warped in a The performance of the object detection using a deep learning is
square. The warped images are used as input images on CNN. Since highly dependent on the number of learning datasets. Since it is
R-CNN still has a drawback in terms of computation time as the hard to collect sufficient amounts of data, transfer learning
CNN is performed on each warped image, Fast R-CNN was pro- employing a pre-trained network with a very large dataset has
posed. Instead of cropping the input image, the CNN is applied been used [28]. In this paper, images of cracks, lasers, and
on the entire image, and candidate regions are extracted from pseudo-cracks are collected to build a database. The collected
the feature map. The Faster R-CNN method speeds up the object images are separated into three classes: cracks, lasers, and
detection by using the region proposal network. In Faster R-CNN, pseudo-cracks; and they are manually labelled with the bounding
the region proposal network shares convolutional features with box as shown in Fig. 2. Following the labelling, the image dataset is
the detection network, and this reduces computation time [21]. trained with YOLOv3-tiny architecture and COCO dataset with
Rather than using a bounding box for object localization, Mask approximately 330,000 training images [27,29], which is coded in
R-CNN proposed a pixel-level object instance segmentation a Python environment with a TensorFlow open source machine
method by adding a branch to Faster R-CNN that outputs a binary learning software library.
mask for each region of interest [22]. Mask R-CNN combines Faster
R-CNN with a fully convolutional network on the region of interest. 2.2. Integration of multiple detected cracks using image processing
In order to perform object detection and semantic segmentation at technology
the same time, Faster R-CNN plays the role of object detection and
adds a fully convolutional network that performs mask segmenta- Since a single crack usually detected within multiple bounding
tion on each region of interest. boxes with the deep learning algorithm, an algorithm that recog-
In order to speed up the object detection, the Single Shot Detec- nizes and integrates multiple region proposals in a single crack
tor (SSD) algorithm has been introduced [23]. Since SSD completely has been applied as shown in Table 1. As shown in the table,
eliminates the region proposal generation as well as subsequent bounding boxes detected with deep learning are sorted by the
pixel and resampling steps; and all calculations are performed in coordinates and the diagonal length is calculated. The calculated
a single network, the computational speed and accuracy are higher diagonal length is compared with the distance from the center of
than those of the existing proposed algorithms. The real-time the previous bounding box to the nearest corner of the current
detection algorithm with faster speed, You Only Look Once (YOLO), bounding box. If one the corners of the bounding box is located
has been introduced [24–27]. YOLO detects in real time, without within the previously detected one, they are integrated and regen-
sacrificing detection accuracy, by using a single convolution net- erated into a single region. After merging bounding boxes, the
work method that simultaneously detects bounding boxes and image processing techniques such as histogram equalization,
image classes. YOLO divides the input image into multiple grids image binarization, and Harris’ edge detection have been used to
with the same height and width and allows the object to be detect center of projected laser beams and contour of the crack.
Fig. 2. Labelling of (a) cracks, (b) lasers, (c) pseudo-cracks, and (d) its combination.
4 S.E. Park et al. / Construction and Building Materials 252 (2020) 119096
Table 1
Integration algorithm of multiple detected bounding boxes in a single crack.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Laser pose calibration with a specially designed jig. (a) Side and (b) front views of the installation.
S.E. Park et al. / Construction and Building Materials 252 (2020) 119096 5
Fig. 4. Procedure of laser pose calibration with the specially designed jig module.
(b) (c)
Fig. 5. Ranging characteristics of a distance sensor in a line-of-sight environment. (a) Experimental setup, (b) reference and measured distances with linear fit, (c) ranging
error caused by systematic bias.
Fig. 7. Process and results of simulation. (a) Original image, (b) crack and laser detection by YOLOv3-tiny, (c) calculation of center of laser beams and contours of cracks, and
(d) quantification of the crack.
Table 3
The measurement results (Meas.) and its error of simulations (unit: mm).
Fig. 9. Procedures of crack and laser detection and quantification with four cases (Cases E1 to E4).
8 S.E. Park et al. / Construction and Building Materials 252 (2020) 119096
Table 4
The measurement results (Meas.) and its error of experimental tests (unit: mm).
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