Goyal MCQ Geography

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Interpretation of Topographical

1 Maps (Complete Unit)

'topography' has been derived from two Greck words "topos' meaning 'a place' and grapho
rord topog
The map shows the surface of a particular portion of the earth in detail.
draw or depict'. A topographical
'to part of the whole ared
noraphical maps are arawn on many sheets, cach depicting the details of one particular
heets are joined together to give a complete picture of the total area.
drawn in Britain for the
Topographical maps are also called as ordnance survey maps as these maps ere originally
ace of army. In India, ordnance maps are published by the Survey of India,
topographical maps show two types of features
All valleys, hills, peaks, plateaus, passes, waterfalls, etc.
These are depicted by
Physical features :
These include
shape and gradient ot
contours. By studying the pattem and
density of contour lines, one can determine the height,
specific area with its specific
These comprise canals, buildings, bridges, roads of
various types, railways,
Cultural or Man-made fertures:
called conventional signs and symbols.
powerlines etc. These features are represented by symbols
a square grid with grid lines intersecting
at right angles and numbered
A grid reference system comprising
consecutively is used from the origin at the bottom
left of the map.
coordinates. Thesc lincs are
points at which the vertical and horizontal lines of the grid cross are called
The lines that increase in
numbered. The vertical lines that increase in value
eastwards are called Eastings. Horizontal
value northward are called Northings.

G43S7 (Eastings 36-46 and Northings
Study the extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No.
the following questions.
given on page number 51 and answer
1. () Wnat is the six-figure grid
reference of A364.
(C) 404864 (D) 404866
(A) 404861 (B) 404863
thhe temple at Pirojpura?
(i) What is the six-figure grid reference of
(C) 424869 (D) 424918
(A) 429864 (B) 432868
the region has seasonal rainfall.
Mention any two features seen in the map extract which show that
2) (B) Broken ground, dry streams
(A) High peaks and railway line
(D) Depressions & nountain ridge
(C)Temples and causeways
(7) What is the distance in kilometres along the
cart-track linking Rampura and Kajra?
(C) 1 km - 1.7 km (D) 4 km - 4.7
(A) 2 km - 2.7 km (B) 3 km - 3.7 kun

() Which is the chief form of irrigation shown in the map extract?

(B) Tube wells (C) Unlined wells (D) Tanks
(A) Lined wells -

Why do the streams in grid square 3989 do not joina river?

(A) Because the streams seep into sand (B) Streams are perennial

( Because the streams are blocked by thick forests (D) All of these

0) What do the broken lines in grid square 4087 represent?

ICSE Geography
Question Bank with MTI Jor First Semester Examination-10
(B) Defined streams
(A) Undefned streams
Cart track
(C) Perenial streams
square 4291 represent?
do the black curved lines in grid
tin What (C) Dense setilement
Agricultural land (B) Broken ground
(A) D)
(D) Hilly
cointours in grid square 43882 region
) Which land feature is not sSiown by the
5. (B) Step slope (C) Water divide
(A) Conical hills (D) Bench
Balaram Nadi? Mark
the general direction of the
(i) What is
(B) SE to NW (C) NW to SE
(A) SE to SW D) NE to SE
the drainage patern in grid square 4294.
6. () State
(B) Trellis (C)Radial
(A) Dendritic (D) Rectangular
What is the main occupation of the people li1ng m, the area sfiown in the map extract?
(A) Agriculture (B) Herding eah (C) Fishing (D) Mining
is meant by scale of a map?
7. () Wat
(A) Ratio betocen the height on the map and the corresponding height on the ground

tereB) Ratio berueen the distance on the nay and the corresponding distance on the
(C) Total area of the map

D) Total land area of the region

(i What is the scale of the map extract provided to you?
(A) 1:30,000 (B)
1:40,000 (C) 1:50,000 (D) 1:80,000
8. () Give six figure grid reference of covered tank west of village Antroli.
(A) 396875 (B) 397881 (C) 396875 (D) 397887
(i) Give six figure grid reference of Chhatri in grid square 3794
(A) 374945 (B) 376936 (C) 377948 (D) 379865
9. () What is indicated by BM written in grid square 4485?
(A) Broad Mainland (B) Bench Mark (C)Bench Mountain (D) Bad Mark
(i) What does RS indicate in grid square 4485?
(A) Road Survey (B) Resting Space (C) Railway Station (D) Recreation Station

10. () In which colour the contour lines and elevation numbers are shown in maps?
(A) Green colour (B) Blue colour (C) White colour (D) Brouwn colour
(n) What is indicated by close
contour lines in grid square 4294?,
(A) Lower elevation surfaee
(B) Gentle slope (C) Steep slope (D) Flatter land
11. () What kind of settlement
pattern do you find in grid square 4589
(A) Linear these
(B) Dispersed (C) Nucleated D) None of
Nane tihe vegetation
found in a region witlh less than 100 cms.
(A) Open Scrub Of rainfal.
(C)Fairly dense mixed
(B) Dense mixed jungle
jungle (D) Open jungle
12. () Which part
of the map extract has
(A) North metalled road?
East West
(B) Northh West (D) South
0 What is meant
by the symbol
A (C) South East
'Dep' written in grid square 3791
Goyal's 1CSE Geography Ouestion Bank with MTP for First
(A) Depth (B) Depression
(C) Waste land (D) None of these
Chate the height of contours in grid square 3986.
(B) 200
(4) 150 (C) 210 (D) 220
What is the area Syuure KOIetres) of the region enclosed by Eastings
40 and 44 and Northing5 o
and 90.
(A) 12 sq. km (B) 14 sq. km
(C) 16 sq. km (D) 18 sq. km
HDis the relative height of sand dune shown in
grid square 3785?
(A) .12r (B) .12h
(C) .14 (D) 16h
symbol is usea to indicate a thin water
:Which channel in a dry river?
(A) Blue line (B) Black line (C) White dots (D) White circle
are the contven tional signs located at the points, he six figure grid reference of which is 4199072
(A) Spot heighit (B) Survey
treei (C) Overhead tank (D) Bench Mark

What is indicated by the brown patch in grid square 4189?

(A) Metalled road (B) hilly region (C) Waste land (D) Sand dune

Gtudythe extract of the Survey, of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 (Eastings 21-31 and Northings 85-95)|
given on page numbe 52 and answer the following questions.

16. ) What is the six figure grid reference of the overread tank in grid square 2991?
(A) 296910 (B) 289917 C)295917 (D) 285916

Gi What is the six-figure grid reference of the chhatri in grid square 2488?
(A) 247847 (B) 246880 C) 246889 (D) 246885

17. ( Name the conventional sign located at the point, the six-figure grid reference of which is 212894
(C) Embankment (D) Covered tank
(A) Overhead
kank. (B) Survey tree
is 257909.
() Name the conventional sign located at the point, the six-figure grid reference of which
(A) Dry tank (B) Temple (C) Causeway (D)Stonequarry
and 27 and Northings 86 and 90?
18. () What is the area (in sq km) of the region enclosed by Eastings 23
(A) 16 sq.km (B) 20 sq.kms rone (C) 24 sq.km o (D)
25 sq.km

by Eastings 26 and 29 and Northings 90 and 93?

i) What is the area (in sq. km) of the region enclosed
(B) 16 sq. km (C) 20 sq. km (D) 25 sq. km
(A) 9 sq. km

19. () Give four figure grid reference of village Kheda.

(B) 2589 (C) 2690 (D) 2791
(A) 2488
2992? 3 19 9tST
4) Vihat does the red symbol indicate in grid square
(B) Railway Station (C) Post Office (D) Aqueduct
(A) Police Chawki

20. () What do the black broken lines in 2485 represent?

(A) Undefined streams (B) Meander (C) Fire line (D) Power line

) What do the black curved lines in 2593 represent?

(C) Agriculture land (D) Forest region
Disappearing streams (B) Broken ground
21. Bhakar through the metalled road?
How much is the distance in km between Kheda and
(C) 4 km to 5 km (D) 5 km to 6 km
(A) 2 km to 3 km (B) 3 km to 4 km

ICSE Geography Examination-10
ography Question Bank with MTPfor First Semester
to Bhakar, which type of road he would
person needs to go from Mahadevpura follow
( Ifa km?
shortest distance in (B) Express Highway
(A) Metalled road (D) National Hightway
sand dune in grid square 2787?
is the relative height of
22. ) What (C) 10 metres (D) 15
(B) 9 metres
(A) 8 metres metres
blue symbol in grid square
2589 represent?
(it) Wat does (C) Rest House
Chhatri (B) Temple (D) Covered
(A) Tank
understand by 15r in grid 2686?
23. () Wliat do you Height of a hill
(A) Contour height
(D) Relative depth of the tank
(C)Relative height ofthe sand dune
reference of an artificial channel for conveying water, typicallu in
( Give four figure grid form bia
south1 western part of the given map extract of
across a valley (called aqueduct), located in the faabride
(B) 2385 (C) 2286 (D) 2386
(A) 2187
line in grid square 2491?
24. () Name the feature depicted by Blue
(A) Thin water channel (B) Cart track (C) Railuway line (D) Motorable
square 2685.
() Name the feature depicted by Brown patches in grid
(A) Sand dune (B) Conical hillt
C) Nater divide (D) Covered tank

25. () Give
four figure grid reference of Police Station located in the North East corner of the given map .
(A) 2993 (B) 2994 (C) 2894 (D) 2893
(i) What is indicated by green symbols in grid square 2685?
(A) Palm trees (B) Bamboo trees
(C) Nucleated settlement a (D) Rubber plants
26. () What is the drainage pattern in grid square 2387?
(A) Radial1 (B) Trellis (C) Dendritic (D) Vertical
) What is the pattern of streams in grid square 2291?
(A) Radial (B) Trellis (C) Dendritic (D) Vertical
27. ) Give four figure grid reference of the Power line with pylons surveyed close to the relative height of S

dune 9r.
(A) 2585 (B) 2885 (C) 2385 (D) 2586
1) Give four figure grid reference of the Stone quarry in the West.
(A) 2290 2489
(B) 2289
iC) 2390 il(D)
28. () Give six figure
grid reference of covered tank in village
(A) 248935
(B) 246929 (C) 247938 (D) 243931 whih
car, n
one g0es from Dantiwada (grid square 2992) to Sikariya (grid square 2593) Dy Otor
direction he will be
(A) Northward Southward
(B) Eastward (C) Westward (D)
29. ) What type of vegetation
is visible along the Banas River?
(A) Bamboo trees
(B) Palm trees (C)Scattered vegetation (D) AIl
Goyal's 1CSE Geography Question Bank with MTP for First
an What ype of plnysICai feafures are found betrween
2593)? Dantirwada (grid square 2992) and Sikariya (gr1a sure
(A) Broken ground (B) Seasonal streams
(C) Water channel (D) All of these
a Wuat is indicated by black oval features
30. in grid square 2587?
(A) Dry seasonal tanks (B) Perennial tanks
(C) Embankments (D) Depressions
h Wu the south eastern part of the map extract has less settlement?
(A) Because of hilly region .
(B) Because of sandy region
(C)Because of marsliy land
2701(D) Because of dense forests
CHdy the extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 (Eastings 22-32 and Northings 02-12
en on page number 53 and answer the following questions.
1( What is the six*-figure grid reference of the lime kiln in grid square 2706?
(A) 276067 (B) 276066 O 1 TO D) 26606/ (9
(C) 286066
( What is the six-figure grid reference of the survey tree in grid square 2804?
(A) 281042 t ios1
(C) 291043 t

(B) 281043 9D) 281044

32. ( Name the most important source of irrigation shown in the map extract.
(A) Sipu river (B) Water streams (C)Tanks (D) None of these
(Gi Give four figure grid eference of stony waste in the enstern part of this map extract.
(A) 3108 (B) 3008 (C) 3107 (D) 3208
33. () Give evidence to suggest that the region in the map extract has seasonal rainfall.
(A) Dry streams (B) Broken ground (C) Dry tanks (D) All of these

(i) What is the area in sq. km enclosed by the vertical grid lines 24 to 28 and the horizontal grid lines 02 to
(A) 8 sq. km (B) 10 sq. km (C) 12 sq km (D) 16 sq. km

34. (i) What is the meaning of 1:50,000 printed below the map extract? iisrinhigmr
(A) I unit on the map = 5,000 units on ground
(B) 1 unit on the ground = 50,000 units on the map
(C) 1 unit on the map = 50,000 units on the ground
D) 1 cm = 50 cm
in grid square 3002 as the crow flies?
(1) What is the distance between Kolda in grid square 3005 and Jegol
(A) 2.8 km (B) 2.5 kmn (C) 3.0 km (D) 1.8 km
slhown in map extract.
35. () Give four-figure grid reference of the open scrub
(C) 2908 (D) 2831
(A) 2503 (B) 2909
(i7) What is pattern of drainage in grid square 3011?
C) Rectangular (D) Radial
(A) Trellis (B) Dendritic

s6. () What general direction of the Sipu river?

is the
(C) North to South (D) South to North
(A) SW to NE B) NE to SW
the Sipu river?
4Which town is situated on the left bank of (C)Bhadli (D) Santarwada
(A) Rampura (B) Panswala
given map extract?
Vhat is the general pattern of settlement in the
(C) Dispersed (D) Linear
(A) Nucleated (B) isolated
Goyal's Examination-10
1C Semester
EOgraphy Question Bank with MTPfor First
thhe given map?
1V7zat is the avnmon mode of tnmsportation in
) (B) Cart tract
(C) Metalled road (D) All
(A) Pack tract of these
square 2611, in Patnavada?
N7hat is the ocupration of thhe people in grid
38 ( (B) Fishings
(C) Mining (D) restry
(A) Asriaulture
Pathavada (2611)?
hat typ* of rad join Kuchauada (2207) and
() (B) Pack tnack
(C) Metalled road (D) None
(A) Cart tnack of these
slhow perenninl water source?
()Nticdh olour is used in the map extrnct to
39. (C) Black
(B) Brown (D) Blue
(A) Red
close to the village Mahudi Moti?
(Nhat is the depth of the dry tank found
(B) 5 metrs (C) 7 metres (D) 9 metres
(A) 3 mets

40 (N7at is the agyprximate length of the main power line in the

(B) 4.5 kmm
north west region of the map
(C)5.5 km
(D) 6.5 km
. extract?
(A) 3.5 km
village Mahudi Nani (2504)?
(1Nat may ke the main occupation of the people living in
(A) Agriculture (B) Fishing (C) Mining (D) Forestry

41. nat is indicated by 10r in grid square 2709?

(A) Spot height (B) Depth of lined well

C) Depti of sand dune (D) Heiglht of sand dune

(What is indicated by the black curoed lines in grid square 2910?

(A) Agriculture Land (B) Broken ground (C)Fishingground (D) Forest region

42 ) Gie sir figure grid reference of the Police Station located in the northerm part.
(A) 264116 (B) 267107 (C) 266118 (D) 267097

()Wiat is indicated by the figure 200 written in grid square 2407?

(A) Triangulated height (B) Spot height (C) Distance in km (D) None of these

43. ( What is indicated by the black thick line in grid square 2403?
(A) Under pass/over pass (B) Masonry dam (Metalled road (D) Railway line
()Whuat do you understand by the circle with black dots in grid square 2509?
(A) Pond (6) Perennial tank (C)Linedwell (D) Dry tank

) What does the brown wavy patch in the north west corner ofthis topo sheet indicate?
(A) Forest region (B) Fishing ground
(C) Presenceof sand dunes (D) Presence of cart tracks
) Wiich ofthe following is not a man-made feature found in the
grid square 2403?
(A) Under pass
(B) Cart track
(C) District boundary
of Tehsil (D) Dry tank
45. (9 What is indicated
by the blue symbol with six figure grid reference of 2770b/
(A) Lined well vell
(B) Covered tank (C) Water strean (D) Unlined
() What is the contour
height indicated in grid square 2808?
(A) 150
(B) 200 (C) 300 (D) 350

sCSE Geography Question Bank with MTP for First
xtract of the Survey of India Map
Study the Sheet No, c43S7 (Fastings 33-43 and Northing5 92-04)
page number 54 and answer
the following questions.
n on
Nane the conventional sign located at the point, the
46. six-figure grid reference of whticlh is 40901/.
(A) Dry tank
(B) Dry tank with an embankment
(C) Covered tank
(D) Overhead tank
Name the conventiorial sign located at the point, the six-figure grid reference of which 1s 5/47*
(A) Chhatri (B) Temple
(C)Mosque (D) Church
47. n What is the area in sq. km of the region enclosed by Eastings
34 and 39 and northings 96 and Ol?
(A) 30 sq. km (B) 28 sq. km
(C) 25 sq. km (D) 20 sq. km
()What is the aren 54. kim ofthe region enclosed by Eastings 36 and 38 and Northings 94 and 962?
(A) 4 sq. km B)8 sq. km (C) 10 sq. km (D) 12 sq. km

G(Give the four-figure grid reference of a steep slope. y st atiz

(A) 4394 (B) 4294 (C) 4494 (D) 4295
(i) Give the four-figure grid reference of a gentle slope.
(A) 4097 (B) 4197 (C) 4297 D) 4298
in km the approximate length of the cart track linking Arniwada to Juval from the point, the six-
49. 0 Measure
figure grid reference of which is 393934 to the point, grid reference of which is 373945.
(A) 1.5 km (B) 2.5 km (C)3.5km (D) 4.5 km,

(n What is the pattern of settlement in grid square 4193?

(A) Nucleated (B) Scattered (C) Linear (D) Rectangular

50. () What is the pattern of settlement in grid square 4298? 1 (

(A) Nucleated (B) Scattered (C) Linear (D) Radial

(t)What special feature is depicted by the contours in grid square 4294?

(B) Stony oaste (C) Meander (D) Ridge
(A) Conical hill

51. () Name the pattern of drainage in grid square 3397.

(B) Radial (C)Trellised (D) Rectangular
(A) Dendritic

(i) Name the drainage pattern in grid square 4196.

(B) Radial (C) Trellised (D) None of these
(A) Dendritic
in the southeast of the map?
52. () What is the general land use of uneven ground
(C) Mining (D) None of these
(A) Agriculture (B) Grazing8
in northwest corner of the map?
(7) What is the general land use of the even ground
C)Farming (D) All of these
(A) Dispensary (B) Grazin8

592A. What does it indicate?

5. () In grid square 3700, there is a number
(C) Spot hight (D) Bench Mark
(A) Triangulated height (B) Ridge
4293 from Jurol in grid square 3794?
(7) What is the direction of Kajra in grid square
(C) North (D) East
(A) NE (B) SE

Annual Fair is held in February month.

4.() Give four figure grid reference where the (C) 3600 (D) 3601
(A) 3500 (B) 3501
the open scrub found in this map
4tve four figure grid reference of (C) 3885 (D) 3895
(A) 3896 (B) 3894

Goyal's Semester Examination-10

ICSE Geog Question Bank with MTP for First
mnentioned in grid square 3595.
State the contour heiglht
55. () (C) 300
(B) 250 (D) 350
Karja to Surajpura?
Wlhat is the mode of transportation from
(i) (C) Metalled road
(B) Railway line (D) Foot-path
(A) Cart track
depicted by the yellorw line symbol in grid
square 3697?
56. () What is
(A) Telhsil boundary (B) District boundary (Forest Boundary (D) Non
e ofthese
shown in the Soutlhern part of this map extract?
(i) Wnat type of river is
(B) Dry river with water
(A) Tidal river channel
(C) Perennial river
(D) None of these

Chekhla to village Khara?

57. () Which type of road connects village
(A) Cart track (B) Pack track (C) Metalled road (D) Foot-path
( What is the approrimate length of the entire region in km as shown in this map
map extract
ext from
(A) 8 km (B) 10 knm k (C) 12 km (D) 14 km
58. () Mention the man-made feature shown in grid square 3594.
(A) Water streamsat (B) Broken ground C)Permanent huts (D) Palm treec
(i) Wlhich of the follorwing natural feature is visible in grid square 3499?
(A) Water streams (B) Spot height 222 (C) Dry tank (D) All of these
59. ) What is the general slope of the land specially in the forested region?
(A) NE to SW (B) SE to NW (C) NW to SE (D) None of these
(i1) What do so many contour lines so close together in the grid square 3697 indicate?
(A) Gentle slope (B) Steep slope (C) Plain region (D) Marshy land
60. What does figure 180 (in brown colour) written in grid square 3494 indicate?
(A) Rocky slope (B) Clif (C) Contour (D) Earthwork
(i) Name the grid square having covered tank near village Manpunya.
(A) 4297 (B) 4198 (C) 4196 (D) 4197
Study the extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43910 (Eastings
47-57 and Northings 29-39)
given on page number 55 and answer the following questions.
61. () What is the four-figure
grid reference of the settlement of Hamirpura?
(A) 4376 (B) 4735
C) 4635 (D) 4835
() What is the six-figure grid reference
of the temple in the settlemernt of Jolpur near spot height 310
(A) 536302 (B) 536402 C)536303 (D) 536301
62. () What do the blue coloured dots in the
grid square 5330 represent?
(A) Tanks
(B) Perennial lined wells (C)
Unlined well (D) Shoal
) What is the compass direction
of Dantrai from Jolpur?
(A) North-East
(B) North-West (C) East (D) West
63. () Name the patterm
of settlement in 5336.
(A) Dispersed
(B) Nucleated these
(i) What is the pattern
(C) Grouped (D) None of
of settlement at Idarla?
(A) Nucleated
(B) Dispersed these
(C)Linear (D) none ofCramination-0
Goyal's ICSE Geography Question Bank with MTPfor First Semester
What arainage pattern of treams
is the
(9 in 5235?
64. Trellised (B) Rectangular
(C) Radial (D) All of these
What is the drainage pattern ofstreams in
(i) 5436?
(A) Dendritic (B) Radial
(C)Trellised (D) Rectangular
isis the value of contour line
65.() What in square
(A) 300 m above sea level
(B) 400 m above sea level
(C) 450 1m above sea level
(D) 350 m above sea level
is the contour interval in the map?
(A) 30 m (B) 20 m
(C) 10 mn (D) 40 m
which of these indicates that the area gets
seasonal rainfal1?
(A) Broken ground (B) Dry tanks
(C) Dry steams (D) All of these
hWhat does the term Diggi in grid square 4835 mean?
(A) Tank used for collecting water
1(B) Lined Wells
(C) Perennial wells
11 (D) None of these stort
What do you understand by 3r (3 metres)
67. written in grid square 5034?
(A) Relative height of the embankment of dry tank
(B) Relative height of the ridge
(C) Relative depth of the tank (D) None of these
Gi What is the distance between Dhann and Idarla as the crow flies?
(A) 4 km (B) 3 km (C) 5 km (D) 8 km

68. () Name the natural feature in grid square 5138.

(A) Seasonal strean (B) Barren land (C) Rock outcrop (D) All of these
(i) Name the manmade feature in grid square 5337.
(A) Permanent huts (B) Cart track (C) Lined wells (D) All of these

69. () Wnat is the area of the region which lies to the south of Northing 32?
(A) 30 sq. km (B) 36 sq. km (C) 50 sq. km (D) 40 sq. km

(i) Which feature make Dantrai an important settlement?

(A) Police Chowkite (B) Post Office C) Metalled road (D) All of these

70. () What is the black vertical line between Eastings 51 and 52?
30 longitude
(A) (B) 32' 30" longitude

C) 35 longitude (D) 40 longitude

(i) What is indicated by .324 written in grid square 5358:

Triangulated height
(A) Spot height t holla B)
(C) Mountain peak (D) Surveyed tree

9 What is indicated by figure 300 written in grid square 5037?

(A) (B) Depth 300 metres
Contour 300 metres
(C) Distance in km (D) None of these
village ldarla (5437)?
9Wiat fype of road connects village Dangrali (5535) and
(C) Metalled road (D) Unmetalled road
(A) Higlhway (B) Expressway
2. Giu six figure
grid reference of DlhadTalao.
(C) 532332 (D) 536339
(A) 525335 (B) 526329
al's ICSE Geography Semester Examination-10 9
Bank with MTP for First
Question bun
the temple in village Malawa.
Give sixr figure grid reference of
(i) (C) 508309 (D) 508301
(B) 502307
(A) 504306
distance in km betwcrn the temple m vilnge Jolpur and the tenple in age namra
73. () What is the through
cart track?
(A) 8 km
(B) 6 km (C) 4 kn (D) 2 km
(Gi) What is the approximate length of the main porver line between Amarapura and Dhanm?

(A) 4.6 km (B) 5 km C) 5.5 km (D) 6 km

74. ) grid reference of stony tonste found in the South Eastern part of this map extr
Give four figure
(A) 5429 (B) 5500 C) 5431 (D) 5329
(n Give four figure grid reference of rock outcrop found in the Northern part of this map
(A) 5229 (B) 5207 (C)5138 D) 5129
75. () What type of road connects village Bhamra and village Idarla?
(A) Metalled road (B) Unmnetalled road
(C) Cart track (D) Foothpath
(i) Which is more thickly populated place in this map extract?
(A) ldarla (B) Bhamra
(Jolpur (D) Malawa
Study the extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet
No. G43S10 (Eastings 47-57 and Northings 12-22)
given on page number 56 and answer the following
76. () Gioe the six-figure
grid reference of the spot height 348.
(A) 535149 (B) 535148
(C) 535147 (D) 534147
(i1) Give the six-figure
grid reference of 3r in the tank at
(A) 558148
(B) 558149
(C)558150 (D) 558151
77. (i) What does the blue
circle in grid number 4813 show?
(A) Reserved forest
(B) Veterinary Hospital
(C) Tourist site (D) Aerodrome
(i) What does the yellow line show
in grid square 5419?
(A) Metalled road
(C) Railway line
(B) Powerline with
(D) Cart track
78. (i) What is the
area in sq. km of the region enclosed by Eastings
(A) 9 sq. km 47-50 and Northings 12-15?
(B) 19 sq. km
() Wlhat is the distance in kilonetres C) 20 sq. km (D) 24 sq. km
rwhere the cart and metres along the metalled road from
track crosses the metal the eastern edge of the map
(A) 2 km road at Pipliya (5418).
(B) 2 km 600 m
79. (C) 4 km 200 m
() Why there are so many (D) 4 km 300 m
causeways along the
(A) Due to seasonal metalled road?
streams/dry streams
C) Due to high altitude (B) Due to perennial streams

7) Name the village located (D) None of these

at the right bank of the
(A) Nimbora Sipu Nadli?
(B) Mitan
80. (i) Name a
(C) Marol (D) Karaunti
feature of the relief that
can be seen in grid square
(A) Sand dune 3o10
(B) Conical hill (C) Perennial stream (D) Stony
i) Give four-figure grid waste
reference of an Ayurvedic dispensary in the S-W corner of the map
(A) 4713 extract.
(B) 4714 (C) 47155 (D) 4813
Goyal's 1CSE Geography Question Bank with MTP Jor First Semester
On to shotw that the
Give one rainfall in the
or dry streams region slhown
Seasonnl on the map extract iis seasonal.
Covered fank (B) Perennial streams
(D) Overhead tank
Wiat is the a
area in sq. kni enclosed
by Eastings 48-50
km (B) 20 sq. and Northings 15
(A) 10 sq. km 20?
(50 km sq. (D) 100 sq. km
pattern of settlemet in
is the
What grid square 5515?
(A) Coupact (B) Dispersed
(C) Linear (D) None of. these
at is the pattern of settlenient in grid square
(A) Compact (5) Scattered
0(C) Rectangular (D) None of these
Wat does 3r indicate 1n dry tank in 4713? 1)
(A) Relative depth of dry tank is 3 metres
A(B) Relative height of ridge is 3 metres
C)Relative height of hill is 3 metres
(D) None of these
What is the arainage pattern ingrid square 5213?3y o
(A) Dendritic (B) Radial
l th ii2 t iu (
(C) Trellised (D) Rectangular
a What is the compass direction of Marul from Makawal?
(A) Northwest (B) Northeast
(C) Southwest (D) Southeast
(Which type of forest is found in grid square 5112?
(A) Fairly dense scrub
C(B) Dense Mixed jungle
C)Open Mixed jungle aot 9liiA91(D) All of these tTti 1N (
S. ( What is the direction of Sipu Nadi in the given map extract? 93tco ()
(A) NW to SE 9i(B) NE to SW 1u102 91t (C) SE to NW "(D) SW to NE
(9 Give four figure grid reference of the big islarnd in Sipu Nadi.
(A) 4720

Give four fgure

(B) 4719 a t o(C) 4821zis(D) 4718

6.(9 grid reference of the site of montly fair near Marol.

(A) 4921 (B) 4920 (C) 4919 (D) 4918
) Find out the direct distance in km from temple in Bhuiri (4915) to temple in Karaunti (5321).
(A) 4 km (B) 5 km C)6 km (D) 7 km s. A
1. 0) Which type of wells are found near village Bherugarh (4718)?
(4) Lined (B) Unlined (C) Tube-well (D) None of these
Gioe four figure grid reference of the presemce of dam with enbankment 7 metres high.
(A) 5014 (C) 5115 U (D) 5114
(B) 5015

oTe the total length of canal (in km) as shown in the map extract. 2 i )
(A) 2 km
approximately (B) 2.5 knm approximately A
C) 3 km approximately (D) 3.75 km approximately

in(A)which direction Sukli Nadi joins Sipu Nadi?

NE (B) NW (C)SE (D) SW
9.() What
is i by the green colour line in grid square 5113?
Forest (B) District boundary
C) Tehsil (D) None of these
O Bank with MTP for First Semester ExaminatiO-I
square 5219?
in grid
indicated by the broun line (C) Pack track
(ii) What is (B) Cart track D) Footr
road path
(A) Metaled
north of dry tank n grid square 5027 ?
the region
What is the spot heiglht of (C) 237 (D) 242
90. () (B) 236 Eastern tof
(A) 421 in the South of the ap
reference of the Post Ofice extract.
six figure grid (C) 557151 (D) 543148
(i) Give (B) 554156
(A) 522158
Sheet No. G43S10
(Eastings 62-72 and Sorthings 8
Survey of India Map
Study the extract of the and answer the following questions.a 25
given on page number by Enstings 65-70 and
Northings 30-35?
area enclosed
91. () What is the (B) 25 sq. km
(C) 30 sq. km (D) 15
sq. km
A) 20 sq. km Nadi?
located on the left bank of Sipu
these is
(i) Wich of (B) Walan
(C) Sirori (D) Gulabganj
(A) Pithapura
important setlenent?st!2 tpv
92. (1) Wiat makes Sirori an C)Ayurvea hospital (D) All of these
(B) Temple
(A) Post office
Sukli Nadi?
(i) What is the direction of iA.11 (C) North to South (D) South to
(B) SE to NW
(A) NE to SW North
the map extract?
What is the general direction offlow of Sipu Nadi given in
93. () (C) West to East (D) None of these
(B) North to South
(A) East to West
reference of the Ayurvedic hospital in grid number 6533?
(i) What is the six-figure grid (C)657340
(B) 657330 D) 658339
(A) 657339

94. () What grid reference of the police station in grid number 6233?
is the six-figure
(B) 627337 (C) 628337 (D) 628338
(A) 627338 ie i
available to the people living in Gulabganj?
(in What manmade facilities are
(B) presence of main powerline
(A) presence of temple
htorti 10D)Allof these
(C)presence ofmetalled road (NH168)
95. () Along which road is Moti Talao located i
ti sigtst tit(B) tCart track
(A) Unmetalled Road

C) Kuchcha road (D) Metalled Road (NH 168),

i) Why is fire line' necessary in the jungle area of given map extract?
(A) To prevent spread offorest (B) To prevent flood
Jire 1
(C)To prevent killing ofwild animals (D) All of these

96. ) Wat is the main purpose of most of the wells in grid square 6332?i
(A) Irrigation (B) Donestic use
(C) Fishing (D) None of these
17) Winy is water of some wells in grid square 6232 not fit for drinking or irrigation?
(A) Wells are too deep (B) Water is sweet
(C) Water is brackish
(D) All these of
97. () What is not probable occupation of the
people in the settlement of Tokra in griu
square 6831and
(A) Agriculture (B) Grazing
8d ing
(C) Fishing ramiman

12 Semester
Goyal's ICSE Geography Question Bank with MTPJor First
What is the total!length of Sipu Nadi from grid
square 6832 to grid square 6231?
(A) 5 km (B) 6 km .
(C) 6.5 km (D) 7 km
tihe approximate area
at is the square kn of the extract
o& () What in
of the given survey sheet?
(A) 1000 sq. km (B) 500 sq. km
(C) 200 sq. km (D) 100 sq. km
What is indicated by PE written in grid square 6935?
(A) Reserved forest (B) Protected forest
(C) Police field (D) Post office
What type of vegetation is found in grid square 6829?
99. ()
(A) Stony Waste (B) Palm trees
(C) Thorny bushes(D) Open mixed jungle
:3Give the direction of Snwara (6636) from Udwariya (6934).
0) ti
(A) North West (B) North East'i 10(C) South Westo (D) South Enst

n Give six fgure grid rejerence for the spot height 437 in the Southern part.
(A) 673295 (B) 678285 (C) 677299 (D) 682296
Give the direction, of Dispensary (6533) from village, Tokra (6831/32).lrsoro lueneg
(A) NE (B) SE o ohrla 1pi(C)NW89
2nihruo (D) NE
t ( State the total length of NH 168 in km as shown in this map extract.
(A) 5 km 200 m (B) 8 km 100 m C) 10 km 400 m (D) 13 km 500 m

()What is indicated by #he series of red dots in grid square 7028?

Cart track (B) Pucca road (D) None of these
stl: tn Foot-path

102. Which of the following is not located along NH 168?

(4) Sirori (B) Moti Talao C) Udwariya 79(D) Sanwara

( Whuat natural feature is found in grid square (6438)

(A) Stony waste leB) Dry streams (C) Agriculture land (D) All of these

103. () Give six figure grid reference of Chhatri west of Udwariya setlement.
(A) 687347 (B) 682356 er10lf1 (9 689345 e (D) 683341

(What is the total length in km of the fire line found in the South Eastern part of he given map.
(A) 2 km (B) 2.5 km (C) 3
kms 3.5 km
104. () Which type of road connects Udwariya to Siror?tshtet be
(A) Cart track (B) Express Higlrway() National Highway (D) Metaled road
in grid square 6738?
() What isindicated by the figure 219 (in red colour) written
(A) Milestone (B) Height (C) Depth (D) None of these

* State the meaning of the figure 285 written in grid square
(C) Dry tank (D) Conical hill
(A) Spot height (B) Surveyed tree
6832 to grid square 6331 (in km).
State the total length of Sipu Nadi from grid square
(A) (B) 6 km approximately
5.5 km approximately
(C) 6.5 km (D) 7 km approximately

Examination-10 13
PnyQuestion Bank with MTP for First Semester
Soil Resources in India
3 (Complete Unit)
the thin and loose material on the surfacc of the earth.
Soil is
medium in which all plants grow.
Soil isthe Plants provide food for all creatures. All living beings depend on soil
composedof three main substancessilica, clay and
Soil 1s chalk.alsip: y sPA
mber of factors which contribute
There are a

(v) Natural
to formation of
soil- i) Parent rock material (i) Relief (ii) Climate
01ttestp ()
Major soil groups in
Inald1) Alluvial soil (ii) Black soil (ii) Red soil (iv) Laterite soil
Allvial soils are transported soils, forned by sedimentsS deposited by tivers. These are the most widespread soil
covering around 407o ot total land area of India. The Indo-Gangetic plains have been formed of alluvial soils. There
nWO kinds of alluvial soils Khadar and Bhangar.
0 Gitstromiy pioo .I
Black soils are called regur and black cotton soils. These soils are formed due to withering of the lava spread our
the Deccan plateau.
hey cover about 16% of the total geographical area (of India. Cotton is the most important crop
grOWT In these soils.
, The red soils occupy about 10.6o of the total geographical area of the country. Most of the red soils have come into
existence due to withering of ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks. These soils are red because of presence ot
Femc oxide.

The word 'laterite' has been derived from Latin word meaning brick. The laterite soil is a result of intense leaching
owing to heavy tropical rains.

Tick() the correct Answer.
1. Black soils are deficient in which minerals?
(A) Phosphates (B) Nitrogen
(C) Humus or organic matter (D)All. of these
2. The largest land area of lndia is occupiea by o/1cn PE O SOn nots21 211950lio
(D) Laterite
(A) Alluvial (B) Black
3. Which soil is essentially formed by weatihering of thie Deccan 1 rap? ivaln tovi i

(B) Black (C) Alluvial (D) Laterite
Redt guvti sln
Which soil is mostly found in the Deccan,t d hn vi ayi
(A) Laterite (B) Black (C) Red (D) Alluvial

Wiich of the following is a characteristic of Red soil?

(B) Porous and frinble
(A) High iron content ilu (A)
(D) All of these
()Lacks lime, phosphate, nitrogen and hunus
.Wich soil is found in constal plains?
(A) (B) Laterite (C) Red (D) BlackK
Alluvial S
Vhich soil is formed due to solidification of basic lava? inol1 ( isth.i (
(A) Red soil (B) Black soil ser (C) Alluvi il (D) Desert soil
Geography Question Bank
B with MTP for First Semester
8. Wiich soil covers large areas of the nortlheast? (C) Red soil
(B) Alluvial soil (D) Laterite
(A) Black soil

9. Which soil covers the Indo-Gangetic plains?

(C) Black
(A) Laterite (B) Red Alluvial

10. Wlhich soil is formed ex situ? .

(A) Black soil (B) Laterite soil 5C) Mountain soil (D) Alluvial
common in whici regions
11. Soil erosion due to overgrazing is (B) Arid and semi-arid areas
(A) Hilly areas
(D) Both (A) and (B)
(C) Coastal arens
Punjab and Haryana? ye r 1, 1
12. What is the main cause of soil damage in
(A) Erosion s1 (i o noiibrn(B) Flood i
(C) Deforestation D) Salinity and waterlogging

13. Under wlhich climatic conditions do laterite soils develop?

(A) Polar climate (B) Hot and dry climate (C) Wet tropical climate (D) None
of these
14. Which soil is suitable for growing plantation crops like tea, cofee, rubber, cinchona, cocomut
hew mue
(A) Red in(B) Lateritensgoo2 1sio (C) Alluvialovo(D) Black
15. Which of the following is not a cause of soil erosion?
(A) Overgrazing Te0l B) Drainage isoris"(C) Deforestation (D) Weathering
16. Wlhich of the following is not a tropical soil?
(A) Red soil Pilino(B) Desert soil irum bro(C) Black soil (D) Brown soil

17. Which type of soil is formed under conditions of high temperature and heavy rainfall?
(A) Red soil (B) Laterite soil (C) Alluvial soil (D) Black soil

18. Which of the following types of soil has high iron content?
(A) Red soil (B) Laterite soil (C) Both of these (D) None of these
19. Which type of soil is associated with volcanic rocks?
(A) Red soil (B) Laterite soil (C) Black soil (D) Aluvial soil

20. Which of the following is not a characteristic of red soil?

(A) They are formed due to weathering of crystalline and metamorphic rocks
(B) Very high iron content
(C) Porous and friable
(D) High nitrogen and humus content
21. Which soils have high water retention capacity and become
sticky when wet?
(A) Black soil (B) Red soil soil
(C) Laterite soil (D) Alluval
22. Which soil is also called river soil?
(A) Aluvial soil (B) River soil soil
C) Black soil (D) Desert
23. Which of the following soils is formed
under typical monsoonal conditions?
(A) Red soil (B) Desert soil sol
(C) Alluvial soil (D) Laterite
24. Which soil has a unique capacity to
retain moisture for a
(A) Laterite soil long period? thes
(B) Aluvial soil
25. Soil is a mixture of which of the (C) Regur soil (D) None of
following substances?
28 £rami
oyal's 1Esler
ICSE Geography Question
Bank with MTPfor Frs
(A) Silica (B) Clay
(C) Chalk (D) All of these
s hmumus? Choose the correct statement.
(A) It is not a mineral
(B) It is organic matter formed by decomposition
of plant and animal remains
(C) It iniparts fertility to the soil

D) All of these
INWhich of the folloroing Is a prime factor of soil
27 erosion?
(A) Wind
(B) Running water
(C) Overgrazing
methods of cultivation
28 In which of the Jolown8 types of erosion soil is
pulverised by the impact of heavy drops ana nes
(A) Sheet erosion
(6) Rill erosion ni(C) Gully erosion,tr(D) Splash erosiont
Where zwil you fmd Gullies in abundance?
(A) Deserts (B) Chambal ravines (D) Hilly regions
(C) Coastal plains
20 Where 1swina erosion common?
(A) Deserts (B) Hilly areas (D) None of these
( Coastal plains

Which of tihe following is a technique of soil conservation?
(A) Contour ploughing (B) Terrace farming rotation (D) All of these
2 The best way to prevent soil erosion is
(A) Afforestation (B) Deforestation (C) Jhumming (D) None of these

3. Wihich of the following consists of older nlluvium and contains kankar pebbles and gravels?
(A) Khadar (B) Bhangar enye (C) Both of these (D) None of these

A. Which of the following soils are formed ex-situ?

(A) Khadar (B) Bhangar (C) Both of these (D) None of these

35. Red soils are generally poor in

(A) Nitrogen (B) Phosphorus eg C) Humusiio bo (D) All of fhese

36. Red soils comprise two-thirds of which state?

(D) Maharasthra
(B) Rajasthan a (C) Gujarat ii
(A) Tamil Nadu i2e tri
37. Which soils are derived from Basalts of Deccan
(A) Red soil (B) Regur (C) Alluvial soiliinai (D) Laterite soil .3
all soil groups in ndia?
3. Which soils form the most important and largest of
(A) Black soil (B) Regur nl (C) Alluvial soil D) Red
alluvium and are found 30 m above the floodplain of rivers?
.Which of the following consists of older None of these
(A) Khader (B) Bhangar (C)Regur

erosion? om
ch following measures controls soil
of the
() Strip cropping (D) All of these
(A) Mulching (B) Contour ploughing

the most important crop

grown in which type of soil?
1S (A) Red soil (B) Alluvial soil
(C) Black soil o (D) All of these

2. Which type confined to Deccan plateau?

pe of soil is mainly
(A) Red soil (B) Laterite soil
(C)Regur (D) Alluvial soil

Geography First Semester Examination-10
py Question Bank with MTPfor
and gieissesf
43. Parent rocks of which type of soil are graunilc
(A) Red soil (B) Regur
(CBlacksoil (D) Laterite
44. Which soil is a valuable building material?
Laterite soilil (C) Desert soil (D) All
(A) Red soil (B) of these
45. Wy are black soils ideal for growing cotton?
(B) They are black in colour
(A They are made of lav
They can retain moisture fo
(C) They are found in platean
ic li(D) longdurat
46. Soils of northern plains were med by wlich process?
(A) Erosion (B) Degradation C)Aggradation D) Weathering
47. Soil erosion in the Thar desert can be prevented by which of the following?
(A) Terrace farming
Strip ploughing (C) Contour farming (D) Afforestat
48. Wltich of the following is the most important cause in soil formation?
(A) Rock
Natural vegetation(C) Relief
D) Climate
49. Which soil group is responsible
for significant agricultural production in lndia?
(A) Alluvial (B) Red (C) Laterite (D) Black
50. The Laterite soil is found in
which of the following states?
(A) Rajastihan (B) Gujarat (C) Karnataka
(D) J&K
51. Science dealing with
study of soil is called
(A) Pomology (B) Pedogenesis

(C) Pedology
(D) Ecology
52. Which of the following soil
groups is formed by deposition of clay,
(A) Red soil sand, and silt brought by rivers?
(B) Black sol
(C) Alluvial soil
53. Which soil retains (D) Laterite soil
maximum water?
A) Clayey soil (B) Sandy soil
(C) Loamy soil
54. The Red colour (D) Mountain soil
of Red soil is largely due to
presence ofoiepri
(A) Copper
(B) Iron
55. Almost all soils except
this one are formed
C) Humusa-
(D) Nitrogen
(A) Regur in situ. Name this soil
(B) Alluvial soil
56. Which type
of soil is mainly found 100(C) Red soilot (D) Laterite sol
in river basins?
(A) Alluvial soil
57. Which of the
following river
B) Red soil
systems brings
to u t(C)Black soil
(D) Laterite sol
(A) Indus river large amount
system of alluvial soil?
(C) Brahmaputra
river system
ravot sth (5) Ganga river
58. Whiclh of O (D) All of these
the following statements
(A) It is regarding Khadar
younger alluvium is not correct?
It is full of lime
(C) It is formed
offine silt and
(D) It is very clay
fertile and
ideal for
ICSE Geogranhu
Natural Vegetation
(Complete Unit)

vegetation referes to a plant
which has grown naturally without human aid and
has been iel
, Natural
urbed by hunmans
fora long time.
Soils, Reliet,
nuge diversity
1n natural vegetation is due to the following factors: Temperature, Sunlight,

Natural Vegetation of India can be clasified into following groups-1. Tropical Evergreen Forests, 4
The Thorn Forests
Forests or Tropical Deciduous Forests, 3. Desert and Semi-desert Vegetation, 4. Scrub and

ntain forests, 6. Tidal forests or Mangrove forests.

Mountain 102911152 925)
ropical Evergreen Forests are found in the areas where the rainfall is more
than 200cm and avergae
include rosewood, ebony,
emperature is between 25°C and 27°C. The main variety of trees found in these forests
parts of westem
mahogany, toon, chaplas, Surjan, telsur, etc. These forests are
chiefly distributed in the werstern

Chats, hills of north-eastern region and

the island groups of Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar.
temperature 24°C to 2/C.
Deciduous Monsoon Forests are found in the areas of average rainfall 150 to 200 cm and
Sal, Teak, Mahua, Palas,
They are the most widespread forests
in India. The main species of Deciduous forests are

Mango, Neem, Jackfruit, Semul and Myrobalan.

25°C to 27°C and with a rainfall
Desert and the area of average temperature of
semi-desert vegetation is found

than 25 cm. This type of vegetation mainly consists of

Babul, Date Palm, Khair, Ber, and different types of
se9lh tp sitofl ()
trees are sundari,
deltas, estuaries and creeks, Important species of
Tdal or Mangrove forests are found in and around
keora, agar, etc.

(/) the correct Answer.
1 Which is the most widespread forest of India?a
(B) Rainforests (C) Mangrove (D) Tidal
(A) Deciduous

Which of the following is a characteristic of Evergreen forests?

(A) Thick
(B) Trees don't shed leves simultaneousty
ground cover
(C) 3e19 (D) All of these ioot 9
Dense undergrowth
feak trees?
*Wiich of the following is a characteristic of
(A) useful in making furniture
(B) usefiul in shipbuilding

(C) Resistant to white ants and don't rust iron nails

(D) All of these

Frut of which tree is useful in tanning leather and for
(A) Samul (B) Myrobalan (C) Palas (D) Mahua

Question Bank with MTP for First Semester
Examination-10 31
5. Where do xerophytes grow?
(C) Mountain tops (D) Plains
(A) Deserts (B) wetlands

6. Where is eucalyptus mosthy found?

(A) Bihar (B) Uttarakhand
(C)Karnataka (D) Kerala
. Witci of the following trees is mainly used for making
railway sleepers
(A) Chirpine (B) Deodar
(C) Fir (D) Mahua

8. The Sundcrbans mainly consist of which kind of forests

(A) Mangrove (B) Deciduous (C)Evergreen (D) Desert

9. Tidal forests occur in and around

(A) Delta (B) Estuaries C (D) All of these

10. Which tree is mainly used for making boats as they are light and durable?
(A) Seesanm (B) Bamboo o(C) Sundari sb (D)
All of these
11. Which type of natural vegetation will you find in Lakshdweep and Andaman & Nicobar islands?
(A) Desert & semi-desert r10(B) Evergreen
(C)Tropical Deciduous (D) Mountain forests
12. Keora, amur, sundari and agar are important species of which type of forests
(A) Evergreen (B) Deciduous C) Tidal (D) Moutain forests

13 Planting trees in the area from which forest vegetation has been removed is called
(A) Aforestation (B) Deforestation (C)Reforestation (D) Agro-forestry
14. Which of the following practices leads to deforestation?
(A) Overgrazing (B) Multipurpose projects (C) Urbanisation (D) All of these
15. Which of the following statements regarding Van Mahotsava programme is correct?
(A) It was started in 1950
(B) All government organisations are supposed to plant trees in July and August i 2s
C)Both of these
(D) None
f thesei1,cio92 buti er me9 21l9, bauo1a be ai bruo) sus 1m svoguMule
16. Wty have Evergreen forests not been properly exploited?
(A) These have very dense undergrowth (B) These are inaccessible
(C) Due to lack of transport facilities (D) All of these19w2nA 091207 9i
17. Which type of vegetation is found in areas with average temperature of 25°C to 27°C and with rainy
than 25 cm?
(A) Scrub and Thorn forests (B) Desert and semi-desert vegetation
C) Rainforests (D) Tropical Deciduous
18 Which ofthefollowing is a typical coniferous tree used for making
lkINg and
paper, pulp, matches, plankin8
(A) Chirpine (B) Silver Fir
C) Deodar (D) Oak
19. Sunderban delta is famous for which kind of forests?
(A) Mangrove
(B) Evergreen
(C) Desert vegetation
(D) Scrubs and Thorn forests
20. Which forests occur at an altitude of 1000 m to 4000
32 Goyal's 1CSE Geography
Question Bank with.MTP for First Semeste
(A) Desert vegetation
(C) Thorns and scrubs (B) Mountain vegetation
(D) Moist deciduous
21. In which forests will you find sundari
(A) Mangrove trees?
(B) Dry Deciduous
(C) Moist deciduous (D) Rainforests
eforestation leads to which
22 of the following?
A)Destruction of toiladlife
(B) Global
warming (C) Drought (D) All of these
Which of the JollorO171g 1S an
objective of social
(A) Providing fuel wood forestru? y o?log
and fodder for cattle,
(C)Providing eficient
conservation of soil
timber (B) Developing local cottage tries
and water (D) All of these,peltot
Which of tlhe following et
24. aims to achieve combined
(A) Agro-forestry benefits of forests and agriculture
T(B) Social
forestry (C) Farm forestry (D) All of these
Where toill you find xeropihytes?
(A) Mountains isG l (B) Deserts
C) Deltas (D) Wetlands
26. Wilich of the following is a coniferous tree?
(A) Pine
10y(6) Cedar 2310(C) Deodar (D) All of these
.The Chipko movement took place. in which
region of India?
(A) Uttar Pradesh
Hh(B Uttarakhand (C) Bihar (D) Odisha
28. Which of the followving is exported?
(A) Sandalwood 0 B) Teak (C) Rosewood
HD 0 All of these
29. Sunderlal Bahuguna is associated with which movement?
(A) Narmada Bachao Andolan (B) Van Mahotsava
(C) Chipko Movement (D) All of these
30. Which is the most widespread forest in India?
(A) Evergreen (B) Tropical Deciduous(C) Tropical Desert (D) Mountain forests
31. Common trees of which forests are sal, teak, arjun, mahua, palas, semul and sandalwood?
(A) Moist deciduous (B) Dry deciduous (C)Evergreen i(D) Littoral
32. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?
(A) Rainforests: Ebony (B) Mountain': Silver fir (C) Mangrove Tenk (D) Desert : Cacti
33. What type of forests are foun in the foothills of the Himalayas?
(A) Tidal forests (B) Rainforests (C) Coniferous forests (D) Deciduous

AWhich vegetation is found beyond the snowline?

(A) Mosses (B) Lichens it (C) Alpine grass (D) No vegetation

.Chipko movement is associated with which state of Indin?

(A) Bihar (B) Odisla (C)Nagalmd (D) Uttarakhand
36 is called
ng trees on lands not previously covered witlh vegetation
A) Reforestation (B) Afforestation C) Deforestation (D) Social forestry

Ghats are covered with which kind of forests?

(C) Mangrove
Evergreen (B) Deciduous forests (D) Littoral

3 Whichreetre is mainly found in the Sunderbans?

Question Bank with MTP for First
Semester Examination-10 33
5phy ue
C)Mango (D) Teak
(A) Agar (B) Sundari
st pharmacy"?
forests referred to as "jcvels of the carth and"world's phas
39. Which kind of are oflcn
(C)Tidal (D) Rainforests
(A) Deciduous (B) Coniferous
temperature of 25C-27°C and rainfall of more than
40. Wch type of vegctation necds anual 200
Srow? Cm
(C) Taiga (D) Tropical1ainforests
(A) Deciduous (B) Coniferous
sandalwood, semul and
4. ln which type of natural vcgetation will you
find trees such as teak, sal, myrobalan
(B) Tropical Deciduous (C) Desert D) Thorn forests
(A) Rainforests

42. Wich one of the following pairs is incorrect?

(B) Desert vegetation : Babul
(A) Tropical Deciduous: Tendu it ast A
(C) Montanc: Chir
D) Rainforests: Khair (
43. Wich natural vegetation is predominmant in India?
(A) Alpine (B) Thorny (C)Tropical Deciduous (D) ngrove

44. WIich type of forests are affecte by tides?

(B) Deciduous (C)Coniferous (D) Thormforests
(A) Mangrove
pressure? 0 trsgTt itani
45. Which of the following trees is used for treating high blood asht D) Tulasi
(B) Arjun (C) Sarpagandha
(A) Necm

46. Desert and semi-desert vegetation have an annual rainfall of.-

(A) Less than 50 cm (B) Less than 100 cm

(C) Less than 25 cm rrt iD) Less than 150 cm shne

47. Which of the following is not a Montane tree?
(A) Chirpine (B) Silver fir (C)Deodar (D) Rubber

48. Which of these plants help in controlling diabetes?iosC! soro )

(A) Jasmine (B) Jamun C)Arjun (D) Mango

49 Jhave conical trees.

(A) Alluvial plains (B) Plateaus (C) Deltas (D) Mountain Slopes

50. Which type offorests possess trees having breathing roots or pneumatophores ?
(A) Thorn forests (B) Rainforests (C) Mountain forests (D) Tidal
51. Wich type of forests are prone to tidal influence?
(A) Thorn forests (B) Rainforests (C) Mangrooe (D) Montane
52. Xerophytes represent the type ofvegetation found in ?
(A) Rainforests
(C) Taiga region
t (B) Tundra region
(D) Semi-arid and arid regions
53. Littoral and swamp forests are found in which of the following
(A) Assam
states? otAu o2 9
(B) Bilhar (A)
(C) Himachal Pradeslh
(D) West Bengal and Odisharlm
54. Sal trees are concentrated in
(A) Assam & West Bengal (B) Bihar adesh
(C) Uttarakhand (D) Uttar
ui natin-
34 Goyal's 1CSE Geography Question nester
Bank with MTPfor First Semeo
Wiclh of theyfollowing ranges
has thoo different
(A) Vindhyns types ofveget
egctation on its two slopes?
(B) Aravallis
twill you fünd (C) Eastern Glats (D) Western Ghats
sfhere xeroplhytic
6. vegetation?
(A) Thar desert
(B) Kutch
Which of the follorwing (C) Both of these (D) None of these
pairs is
A) Sundari:West Bengal correct?
C) Deodar : Madlya Pradesh (B) Teak: Bihar
1 t (D) Sandalwood
hich o1nte of the follorog pairs Gujarat
is not
(A) Montane: Deodar
C) Semul : Tropical Deciduous (B) Littoral : S dari
Wihnich type of vegetati
(D) Khair : Rainforests
59. will you mostly
(A) Montame
find in Rajasthan, Western
Haryana, Westerm Punjab and Kutch?
(C) Tidal forests (B) Scrub and thorn forests
unted forests with bushes
Stunt (D) Rainfortests
60. and small trees having
(A) Western Andhra long roots and sharp spines are
Pradeshn fourna n
( (B) Siwaliks

(C) Northeastern Tamil Nadu

Sunderbans is a fime example of which
qi h aiaisi (D)Eastern Odisha
kind of forests?
(A) Tidal (B) Evergreen
o gty (C) DeciduOus (D) Montane
A. In which of the following areas will you
find desert and semi-desert vegetation?
(A) Kutch (B) Saurashtra
(C) Rajasthan (D) All of these
63. Which of the following types of forests is a teak dominant
tree species? wmeeeai
(A) Thorn and Scrub forestsili
) (B) Desert vegetation
(C) Tropical Deciduous forests
(D) Tropical
64. Why do plants in arid and semi-arid regions have thorns,
very thin or no leaves and thick fleshy stems?
(A) To maximise water loss and evaporation
(B) To minimise water loss through evaporation and transpiration
and store water
(C) Both of these elutto 2s0
(D) None of these
5. Where will you find sandalwood in abundance?
(A) Kerala
(B) Bihar (C) Jharkhand (D) Karnataka
02. Vnich type of forests are mostly found in deltaic regions, estuaries and creeks?
(A) Mangrove (B) Evergreen C)Thorn forests (D) Dry deciduous

Silver fir and deodar belong to which type of forests?
Montane (B) Littoral (C)Tidal (D) Mangrove

C(A) type of forests are found on the slopes of

LaHshai, Garo, Khasi and Jaintin hills?
(B) Coniferous

C)Tropical Rainforests (D) None of these

ne type of forests
are found in the Shizoalik range md Chhotanagpur plateau?
ropical deciduous forpsts
Thorn forests
esr tm0i(Dl
(D) Montane
Geo Examination-10
y uestion Bank with MTP for First Semester 35
raising tine area, coverea by forests
ts in India
policy has laid down a target of to
70. The national
(D) 35%
(C) 33.5o
(B) 32%
(A) 30%
gcographic area of India is under forest
(C) 26%
t (D) 30%
71. How much of total
(B) 25%
(A) 21.02% and rainfall above
areas with amual temperature 25°C to 2/
kype of forests is found in the (B) Dry deciduous m
(A) Rainforests (D) Tidal forests
(C) Moist deciduous forests ana very tall emergent trees.
shrubs, short trees, dense cainopy
73. Plants and trees
comprising herbs,
which type of forests? (B) Mangrove forests
(A) Tidal forests
(D) Tropical Evergreen forests
(C) Littoral forests
the Chhotan@Gpur plateau? T(
forest is found along the Shiwalik range and
Which type of
(A) Tropial rainforests i a(B) Tropical Deciduous forests lte
(C) Tidal forests
(D) Montane forests 9/
o D)
deciduous forests?
. Wnch of tihe following is one of
the characteristics of tropical

(A) Trees are found in pure stands

(B) Trees shed their leaves during the spring for 6-8

(C) Trees yield valuable timberh-irse hit esl 0

(D) All of these

76. Sal, teak, neem, palas, semul and mayrobalan

trees are found in which kind of forests? o hi
(B) Littoral forests
(A) Tidal forests
(D) Deciduous Monsoon forests
77. Oil from which tree is used in perfumery and cosmetics
(B) Neem (C) Sandalwood (D) Tendu
(A) Mango

78. Leaves of which of the following trees is used to make bidis?

(A) Tendu (B) Malua (C) Mang0 (D) Semul

79. Which of the follouwing trees is useful for making matchbooks, toys and packing cases?
(A) Mahua (B) Tendu (C) Semul (D) Palas
80. Desert and semi-desert type of vegetation is found in
(A) Kutch (B) Saurashtra (C) Rajasthan (D) All of these
81. In which areas will you find xerophytes?
(A) Areas of heavy rainfall 9 (B) Areas of low rainfall
(C) Areas of little or no rainfal (D) All of these
82. Which is the most important tree of desert and semi-desert
(A) Palm (B) Cacti
(C) Babool (D) Khair
83. The vegetation found here 1s low scrub, stunted trees,
shrubs with long roots and thoris. Name this t
(A) Desert forest (B) Scrub & thorn forests
forests (C) Rainforests (D) Tidal
36 caminaaa
Goyal's 1CSE Geography
Question Bank with MTPJor
fich type of forests constSt of
mixed deciduous
(A) Tidal and coniferous forests?
(8 Tropical Deciduous (C)Mountain forests
(D) Rainforests
saa typical conjerous
It is tre,
found in nortwest
and castern Himalayas, and is used for paper, pulp, matches,
5. king and packing cases.
planking iit.
(A) Deodar (B) Silver
fir (C) Spruce (D) Cedar
tree is oty, aurabie and
scented ; it is used
oitaclaal Pradesh and Kaslhmir. Name for railrvau sleeyers and house construction ; ir
this valuable trec. isJou
(A) Scmul (B) Sundari
C) Silver fir (D) Deodar
Sunm delta is a fne example of tuwhich kind of forests?
(A) Mangrove
(B) Montame
(C)Coniferous (D) Deciduous
Nhich of the follorwing measures leads
to revitalisation and conservation
(A) Van Malhotsava offorests
(B) Afforestation
(C) Reforestation (D) All of these
. Chipko movement is associated with which
(A) Gum
of the follorwing?
(B) Adhesives
(C) Conservation of forests
(D) Overgrazing1h
Where will you find swanp forests?
(A) Deltasof Ganga, Mahanadi, Krishna and Godavari 12t 1
(B) Mountains te s

C) Plateaus




Tidal forests are mainly

found in . eO
tatt etts u
(D) West Bengal and Odisha

92. Sal trees

are mainly found in which state?
(A) Bihar (B) Madhya Pradesh (C) Assanm (D) Gujarat
93. Western slope of which mountain chain contains Evergreen forests and Eastern slope contains Deciduous
(A) Eastern Glhats (B) Assam hills (C) Western Ghats (D) Vindhyas
94. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?
(A) Birch: Alpine (B) Walnut: Alpine
(C) Ebony: Rainforests (D) Shisham : Moist Deciduous
$5. Choose the wrong pair.
(A) Gurjan: Rainforests (B) Teak: Tropical deciduous
(C) Myrobalan: Scrub & Thorns (D) Stundari : Mangrove

Fruit of which tree is used for tanning leather and for dyeing?
(A) Semul (B) Palas (C) Myrobalan D) Sal

Which of the follorwing is not a species of Evergren forests?

(A) Rosewood (B) Gurjan (C) Ebony (D) Teak

nCh type of forests is found on the Lakslhedweep islands?

>Question Bank
with MTP for First Semester Examination-10 37
(B) Tropical Deciduous
(A) Rainforests
ez bon
r (D) Montane
(C) Semi-descrt Mangroe?
found in Tidal forests or (D) All of these
9.iich of the following tree species is C)Agar, blhara
(B) Amur, Sundari
(A) Keora
biodiversity hotspot
of the following regions is a global (C)Sunderbans (D) Westem
100. Wich Ghats Ghate
(B) Eastem
(A) Northern Himalayas
highest biodiversity? Tropical Rainforests
101. Which type of forests cxhibit the (B)
(A) Tidal or Swamp forests Moist deciduous forests
Sast 10 hA(D)
(C)Dry Deciduous forests vestern Ghats and
the corridor of the leeward side of the and Nilgiri
102. Which type of vegetation prevails in
Deciduous hi
(A) Rainforests rbrs (D)Desert forests
(C)Thorn & Scrub tt (
Klhejri, Kaiju, Cacti and Koko, etc.?
which type of forests you are most likely to find Khair,
103. In
(B) Dry Deciduous forests
(A) Tropical Desert/tlhorm forests
(D) All of these
(C) Moist Deciduous forests
in Ganga-Bralmaputra Delta and
in coastal areas ofOdia
104. Which type of forests you are most likely find
and West Bengal?
(B) Moist deciduous forests
(A) Evergreen forests
(D) Mangrove forests
(C) Mango forests
forests is not correct?
105. Which of the following statements regarding Mountain
(A) Between altitude of 1500 m - 1750 m, coniferous trees
like clhirpine are found i
(B) Between altitude of 2250 m-3000 m, blue pine and spruce
are found
(C) At still higher altitudes alpine forests are found
(D) Most of the vegetation is found beyond the snowline

106. Choose the wrong pair. tse(

(A) Palas: Shellac worms derot ro1gassl vo (B) Ber: Pickle
(D) Ebony: Boat
(C) Sundari Boat

107. In which of the following regions Desert and semi-desert forests are not found?
(A) Western Ghats (B) Western Haryana

C) Western M.P. (D) Rajasthan

108. Which one of the folowing is not a site for in-situ' eonservation of forests?
(A) Botanical garden (B) National Park
C) Wildlie Sanctuary (D) Biosphere Reserve
109. The branches of this tree have stilt roots wlhich give rise to more trunks
immortal and is an integral part of Indian nnytlhs and legends. and branches. This tree
Which is this tree?
(A) Peepal (B) Banyan
(C) Mang (D) Neem
110. Which of the following types of forests is the least exploited?
(A) Tropical Deciduous forests
(B) Tropical Rainforests
(C) Thorn & Scrub forests
(D) Tidal forests
111. Which of the following statements is not correct?
oyal'siCSE Geography
Question Bank with MTP
for First De
Tropical Evergreen forests
R) By April May Deciduous found in Assam Hills and Western Ghars

forests look
(C) Deciduous forests are most
almost bare
important economically
(D) None of these as thhey yield valuable timber

Wtic of the follorwing pairs is not correctly.

12 matclhed?
(A)Gurjan: Rainforests
(B) Sal: Assam
C)Sandalwood: Karnataka
(D) Babool: Himalayas
ih of the following statements
A) It is universally 4Sed for making teakwood is correct? woi
furniture (B) It can resist Twhite ants
C) It does not eroae or rust iron
nails tatst(D) All of thesebaobs
of the following statements is
(A) Mangroves are consiaered green
correct? ece
shield against erosion, sea surge
and Tsunam
(B) They oCCur tn and around deltas
with average temperature 26°C 29°C and rainfall more than
- 20 Ct
(C) Mangrove vegetation is characterised
by breathing roots
(D) All of these
rml, htio Th 99
Kandla, Keora ana agar trees are mostly found
(A) Rainforests (B) Deciduous forests (C) Tundra & Taiga (D) Mangroves
When was the van Mahotsava programme started? o fiut iatoiute

(A) 1952 (B) 1950 . (C) 1951

(D) 1953

17. Choose incorrect statements.

(A) Social forestry involves greater cooperation between government and general
B) Social forestry provides fuel, fodder amd timber to rural people
(C) Social forestry is practised in community land

D) Social forestry is a prioate initiative

118. Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) Agroforestry is a part of social forestry
(B) In agroforestry farmers grow trees with fodder and leguminous crops
t otg
(C) Agroforestry combines agricultural and forest technologies
(D) All of these
19, Which is referred to as, 'trees on farms?
(4) Afforestation (B) Reforestation (C) Agroforestry (D) Social forestry
of VWestern Ghats, Garo, Khasi, Jaintia hills and
Which of the following forests are found in the western slope
the Andaman & Nicobar istands?
(A) Tidal
(B) Tropical deciduous forests
(D) All of these
C)Tropical Evergreen forests
not belong to Tropical Deciduous
Which of
the following trees does
(C) Klhair (D) Mahua
(A) Teak (B) Sal
Which of Scrub and Thorn jorests is not correct?
the following statements regarding
25°C - 30°C temperature and rainfall less than 100 cm
4 These forests are found in regions of
and Jharkhand
B) These are found in Assam, Bihar, Uttarakhand
al's ICSE
Geograpny First Semester
Examination-/0 39
Py Question Bank with MTPfor
shrubs with long roofs
ana thorms init
stunted trees,
(9The vegetation is low scrub,
(D) Khair is a dominant species Since.
where forest policy is in operatio7 (D) 1950
Z3. 1naia is one of the few countries (C)1948
(A) 1894 (B) 1848
as ngal vegetation?
vegetation is also referrea to
124. Wich of the following types of natural (B) Mangrove
(A) Rainforests Desert and sem1-desert vegetation
(C) Tropical Deciduous
regarding Mangroves is correct:
125. Which of thhe following statements
called halophytes
A) They have salt-tolerent trees, also
coastal conditions
(B) They are adopted to live in harsh
to low-oxygen conditions of
are adopted
wateriog8ng d stni ilg
(D) All of these
the following statements regarding moist deciduous forests 1s not correct?3 Tt
z6. Wich of o
Himalayas, eastern slopes of Nestern Ghats and Odisha
(A) These are found along the foothills of the
are the main species of trees. (o
(B) Teak sal, shishan, hurra amla, semul and kusum
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these T (

127. Sunderbans is which kind of natural vegetation?ast phe

(B) Moist deciduous (C) Dry deciduous (D) Rainforests
(A) Mangrove
and Moist deciduous JoTest
128. Which of the following mountain ranges have Rainforests on its windward slope font

on its leeward slope?

(A) Nilgiris (B) Eastern Ghats Sahyadri (D) Assam hills
129. Which of the following tree species is used for extraction of resin and turpentine, provides softzwood for
packing cases for tea and is found in Punjab, UP and Kashmir?
(A) Deodar (B) Silber fir (C) Chirpine (D) All of these
130. Decay of forest litter helps in the formation of -

(A) Bacteria (B) Humus (C) Nitrogen e (D) All of these

131. Forests perpetuate which of the following cycles?
(A) Oxygen cycle (B) Carbon dioride cycle (C) Water cycle (D) All of these
132. Which of the follozwing regions have mangroves?
(A) Westem Ghats (B) Eastern Ghats
(C) Deltaic regions r(D) Andaman & Nicobar
133. Which of the following is a climatic requirement for Rainforets?
(A) Rainfall: 200 cm and above
(B) Temperature: 25°C 27°C
(C) Humidity: 77 per cent
(D) All of thhese
134. Which forests are chiefly distributed in western slope Isi0
of Western Ghats, hills of northeastern region and
groups of India?
(A) Tropical Deciduous (B) Moist deciduous
(C) Evergreen (D) Mountain
135. Which type offorests are inaccessible but have
huge biodiversity
(A) Littoral forests potential?
(C) Deciduous forests (B) Rainforests
(D) Desert and semi-desert
40 Goyal's 1CSE Geography Examina0
Question Bank with MTP Semester
for First
E de
Time allowed : One hour (inclusive of reading time)
The marks intended for questions are given in brackets i
DcCr the correct option for each of the following questions.
SECTION A (10 Marks)
Question 1
Refer to the following image
and answer the question that follows:
32 10 211330 44 45 46 0t2 i 1

89 89

88 88
What does the black curves in 4488
(A) Dry land
(B) Broken land T (C) Farmn land (D) Perennial streams
Question 2
Refer to the following image
and answer the question that follows:

What does the figure 16r
indicate in 3887 indicate?
(A) Depth of dry tank
(16 meters)
(C) Heiglht of mountain (B) Height
(16 meters) ofsand dune (16 meters)
(D) Length
Question 3 of cart track (16 meters)
Refer to the following
image and answer
the question
that follows:

42 Z
43 173f94
66 44

Goyal's ICSE
Questian Rau l
idicated by .542 written
in 4294?
Spot height of 542 k
A) heiglht of 542 cm
gSpot (8) Spot height of 542 mm
(D) Spot height of 542

lorwing image
tion o tihe and answcr
the question
that follows:



main occu
main occupation oj
is tme tie people living
at (A) S/icep rearing 11 in the
(B) Mining8 he arca
area slhown on ie map extrac
the np
(C) Agriculture D) Fishing

stion5 tlhe following mmage and

answer the
qucstion tlhat follows:


What type of aranage pattern is found in 4488? [1

(A) Dendritic (B) Radial
(C)Rectangular . (D) Trellis

bestion b Di noites
to the following mage and answer the question that follows:
9 19/

89 je9

What does the brown patches in 4189 indicate?

(A) Presence of sand dunes (B) Presence of mountain ranges
(C) Presence of flat land (D) Presence of grazing land

uestion 7
Kerer to the following image and answer the question hat follows:


44 43

E Geography Ouestion Bank with MTPfor First Semester Lxuminulion-10 67

Name the type of settlement
in 4286.
(A) Scattered (C)Linear (D) None
(B) Nucleated ofthese
Question 8
Kefer to the following image and ansuver the question that Jotto

What is indicated by figure 364 written in 4086?
(A) Spot heiglt 364m (B) Conical hill 364 m
(C) Triangulated height 364 m (D) Ridge 364 m

Question 9
Refer to the following image and answer the question that jolioios:
93 t

92 ar 92
39 40

What does the blue line in 3992 indicate?

(A) Narrow river (B) Dry river bed
(C) Thin perennial water channel (D) Narrow canal

Question 10
Refer to the following image and answer the question that follows:
3 4

Hebatpur 22
85 R 85
43 44 45

What type of road is found in 4485?

(A) Cart track (B)Unmetalled road
(C)Expressway (D) Natiomal Highway

SECTION B (30 Marks)

(Choose the correct answer)
Question 11
Name the climate of India.
(A) Continental (B) Maritime (C) Tropical Monsoon (D) Mediterratem

Goyal's ICSE Geography Question traminano

68 Bank with MTP for First Semester
iclh place in India cxpericnces
(A) Ajmer Iemperature during winter?
(B) Dras (D) Darjeeling
near Kargil (C) Kashmir

uestion 13
mdia receives
Whiclh place in
minimum annual
(A) Thar Desert rainfall?
(B) Kargil
K (D) Coastal Odisha
(C) J&
question 14
The Wester1 Coast of ldin gels its heaviest rainfall 1
during wlhich season
(A) Winter (D) None of these
(B) Sumer Autumn
Question 15
Which major lafitude divides India (1
in almost wo cqual parts?
(A) Tropic of Capricorn (B) Tropic of Cancer (D) None of these
(C) Equator

Question 16
Temperature decreases with increasing altitude at what rate per 1°C:
(A) 170 m (B) 166 m 180 m
(D) 190 m

Question 17
Places near tihe sea have which type of climate?
(A) Continental Extreme (D) Monsoon
(B) Equable (C)

Question 18
Which of the following factors determines the formation of soil 1
(B) Disintegration of
(A) Denudation

(C) Both of these (D) None of these

Question 19
Which of the following agents of weathering cause soil erosion?
(C) Overgrazng (D) All of these
(A) Running water (B) Wind

Question 20
type of erosion?
Chambal ravines is an example of which
(C) Splash erosion (D) None of these
(B) Gully erosion
(A) Sheet erosion

Question 21
Which of the following
measures leads to soil conservation?
(B) Crop rotation (C)Contour ploughing (D) All of these
(A) Afforestation

Question 22 [1
soil contains kankar,
pebbles and gravels?
Which of the following lypes of (C) Black (D) Laterite
(B) Bhangar
(A) Khadar

Semester Examination-10
Question Bank with MIPJor
oyal's ICSE Geography
Question 23
Which type of soil is most suitable cultivation of rabi and kharif (D) Red
for CLaterite
(A) Alluvial (B) Black 1 t(C)
Question 24
Which type of soil is found in the shaded region? (D) Laterite
(A) Black soil (C) Red soil soil
(B) Alluvial soil

. hoite

eI aoite


Pi fiote

1g121 Ditt
Question 25
its tola
According to State of Forest Report 2013, what is the total forest area of forest cover in India, out of
geographical area?
(A) 23% (B) 22% i C) 24% (D) 25%

Question 26
What is the ideal percentage of forest cover a country should have?
(A) 35% (B) 33.3% (C) 38% R y (D) 40%

70 Goyal's 1CSE Geography Question Bank nination-/0

with MTP for First Semester Exanu
tion Evergeen Forests are found
Assanm Hills
in which of the
ns of India?
following regions
Andaman & Nicobar Islands (B) Western Ghats
(D) All of these

teak, mahua, mango and neem
are mostly
found in which type of forests?
, 1
(B) Rainforests
(C) Desert

(D) Mangrove
. roie9u
Vhich of the following trees is mainly (1
used for making matchboxes, toys and packing cusedi
(A) Myrobalan (B) Semul (D) Palas
(C) Sandalwood

which of the following trees is mostly found in Karnataka?
(A) Sandalwood fi (CTeak21 s 1(D) Tendu
(5) Bambo0
Question 31
on [1
Wrich of the following trees is found in desert and semi-desert vegetatio Teg
(D) All of these
(A) Babul, Date palm (B) Khair (C) Ber, Cacti

Question 32 [1
Which of the following trees is found mainly in mountain forests?
(D) All of these
(B) Deodar (C) Silver fir
(A) Spruce

Question 33 [1
tree of tidal forest?
Name the most typical Neem (D) Mahua
(B) Sundari
(A) Deodar

Question 34
Which of the following
rivers is perennial? (D) Luni
(C) Tungabhadra
(B) Cauvery
(A) Ganga

Question 35 extaction? [1
following areas is suitable for
Which of the (B) Gangetic plains
(A) Deccan (D) All of these
(C) Northeast

Question 366

mostly Both of these (D) None of these

Perennial rivers are (B) Rain-fed

(A) Snow-fed

Exanmination-10 71
with MUPJor First
Goyal's Question Bank
I Geography
Question 37
Which of the follorwing canals is nore useful før agricultu canals
(A) Iundation canals (B) Perennial
(C) Both of thesc (D) None of

Question 38
1ank irrigation is mostly popular in ohich region of Indias
A) South India (B)North India
(D) Northwest
(C) Northeast lndia

Question 39
How much of irrigated area in India is, under vell irrigation?
(A) 46% (B) 40%
() soesiiars?
(C) 50% (D)42%
Question 40
Rehat, moat and Dhekli are used in which kind of irrigation
(A) Surface wells (B) Tube wells
(C) Canals (D) Tanks

t ()

C oite-

S hit

Maximum Marks:
One hour (inclusive of reading time)
The marks intended for
questions are given in bracke u
Select the correct option for estions.
each of the following ques

SECTION A (10 Marks


the ffollowng 1mage ana answer the question that follows:
Ln the
90 90
89 N89
four figure grid reference of covered tank.
Give (D) 2689
(A) 2589 (B) 2588 (C) 2690

Question 2
Defor to the following image and answer the question that follows:

3 93

92 anbida

Winat does the red symbol in 2992 indicate? (D) Rest House
(B) Temple (C) Post Office
(A) Police Station

Question 3
that follows:
Refer to the following image and answer the question

20 O
2787? [1
shaped feature indicate in
What does the black oval (C) Lined well (D) Unlined well
(B) Sand dune
(A) Dry tank

Semester Examination-0
Geography Question Bank with MTP Jor First
0UDISn al

Question4 Jollows:
Refer to the following image and answer the question


90 25
in this muge (D) 2690
four figure grid reference of the temple
Ge (A) (C)2591
2691 (B) 2590

guestion that follows
e following image and answer the
t 28


What is black vertical line betwen 29 and 30 Easting? (C) Line of Latitude
(D) Line of longitude
(A) An Easting (B) A Northing

Question 6
Refer to the following image and answer the question
that followsS:



What does the black line show in 2585?

(C) District boundary (D) Forest line
(A) Metalled road (B) Main power line

Question 7
Refer to the following image and answer the question that follows:
931 93

25 ******* 92}
26 27

What indicates the presence of track road on the wet or lowland?

(A) Seasonal strean (B) Metalled rond (C) Causeway (D) Cart track

Question 8
Refer to the following image md mswer the question that followS:

74 Goyal's ICSE Geography

Question Bank with
MTPfor First Semester EramI
rst Se

direction a jperson will be
moving wlile going
fron! Vasda to Mahadevyr
(A) Nortlh West
(B) North East (D) South East
C) South West
uestion 9
Refer fo the following image and answer the question
that follows:

00 90
2 23 24
What does the blue line in 2390 indicale?
(D) Railway
(A) Canal (B) Highroay (C) Foot-path oilesiu
Question 10
Refer to the following image and answer the question thatfolorws:
23 24 22
88 88

9 87 22
23 24

What does the brown colour circles around 317 (D) Sand dunes
(B) Settlement patternn (C) Contour lines gi
(A) Flat land

SECTION B (30 Marks)

Question 11
Mumbai, Goa and Chennai
(B) Equable
(Choose the correct answer)

experience which type of climate?

(C) Extreme
. 0moiteu

(D) None of thesees

(A) Continental

Question 12
whiclh season?
coast gets maximum rainfall during
The eastern (C) Autumn (D) Rainy season u
(B) Winter
(A) Summer

Semester Examination-10
Bank with MTPfor F'irst
ul's CSE Geography (Question
Question 13
Places sitiuated north of Tropic of Cancer experienee which type o c (D) None of these
(A) Continental (B) Equable (C) Marilime

Question 14
How do the Himalayas influence the climate of India?
(A) They obstruct the bitter cold winds from Siberin
Gangetie plnins
(B) They intererpt the South-West Monsoons causing heavy rinfall in the
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these

Question 15
Which is the duration of cold season in India?
(D) Marclh to May
une to September
December to February (B) October to Novetber C)

Question 16

Which of the follorwing winds is also called Norwesters?

(D) None of these
(A) Loo (B) Kal Baisakhi (C) Both of these

Question 17
Mango showers bring rainfall in which part of India?
(D) None of these
(A) Northuwest India (B) Northenst India (C) South India gi

Question 18
What is pedogenesis?
(A) Process of soil formation (B) Process of soil erosion

(C)Process ofsoil deposition D) None of these

Question 19
Which of the following components of soil provides calcium, so essential for plant
(B) Clay (C)Sand (D) Clhalk
(A) Silica

Question 20
What is humus?
(A) Mineral (B) Rock C)Organic matter (D) All of these

Question 21

Which of the follorwing landforms is formed due to wind erosion?

(A) Mushroom rocks (B) Sand dune (C) Loess (D) Barchan

Question 22
Which of the following techniques of soil conservation is comnmon in hilly areas?
(A) constructing damss (B) crop rotation (C) shelterbelts (D) terraced farming
76 Goyal's ICSE Geography Question Bank with MTP for
First Semester Exramination-l0
23 thefllowing is not a characteristic
ich taining isture(B) of Black soil?
Sticky when wet Formation in sifu
(Porous and friable (D)

e eof soil is found in the shaded
Black soil
region? 1
(B) Alluvial soil
A) soil (D) Laterite
(C) Red soil


3yi toir

estion 25 11
The natural vegetation of India
depends mainly on which of the following
factors? lti
(B) variation in relief, ë

(A) variation in rainfall

(D) none of these etmeg'
C) both of these

estion 26
called Rainforest?
Which of the following is also (C) Deciduous forest (D) Mountain forest
(B) Evergreen forest
(A) Desert vegetation

Semester Examination-10
Question Bank with MTPfor
Question 27 twlicin type of foree.
species f
typical tree
Roseuood, sisam, gurjan, toon, bamboo and ferns are Mountain forests
(A) Deciduous forests Rainforests
(C) Scrub and thom forests

Question 28 forests?
which type of
specics of
Sal, tenk, Malua, jack fruit and sandaluood arc main Tenical DeciduOus forests
(A) Erergrecn forests desert vegetation
(D) Semi
(C) Mountain forcsts

Question 29
the forests (D) None of these
Viich of the following trees is mainlu found in C)Both ofthese
(A) Sandalwood (B) Eucalyptus

Question 30 Haryana, Westa

Rajasthan, Western unjab
commonly found
Wnch of the following types of vcgctation is
and Kutch? vegetation
(B) Desert
(A) Tropical deciduous forests
(D) Tidal
(C) Scrub and thon forests

Question 31
Choose the wrong pair. : Matches
(B) Silver fir
(A) Chirpine : Turpentine Boaks
(D) Mango :
C) Deodar : Railway sleepers

Question 32
Which type of vegetation will you find in Ladakh region
(B) Scrub and Thor
(A) Desert and semi-desert
(D) Tropical deciduous
C) Evergreen

Question 33
cedar, birch and cinchona?
n which type of forests will you find trees such as spruce,
(B) Mountain forests
(A) Tidal forests
(D) Rainforests
C) Desert vegetation

Question 34
Which is the main source of water?
(A) Surface waler
(B) Groundwater
(C) Lagoons and backwater (D) All of these

Question 35
(b) Wlhich of the following is not a Himalayan river?
(A) Ganga (B) Brahmaputra
(C) YamUnA (D) Godawari

78 Goyal's CSE Geography Question Bank with MTP for

First Semester Examination-l0
hatis e approximate leingtlh
of constline in
6000 kr (B) 7000
km (D) 4000 km
(C) 8000 km

1uch percentage of total rainfall

in India is supplie
80% plied by Monsoons?
A) (B) 50%
C) (D) 100%

sion which period docs Indin receive
Durng maximum rainfall?
(A) June
- July Seplember
(B) June
(C)Jauary March - -

t(D) December -

estion39 [11
rigation is more common in
peninsular India. Wiy?
Peninsular India has hard rocks
which are difficult to dig jor wells
(B) Rivers are seasonal
C)There 1s less wastage through seepage

(D) All of these

estion 40
Winy is irrigation by canals more suitable in northern India than in the sou
India are perennial whereas in southern India, they
are stuo
(A) Krvers tm northerin
S ky o
(B) Land surface in northern plains is flat and soft whereas tihat in the soui"
(C) Both of these

D) None of these



Semester Examination-10
Goyal's Bank with MTP for First
STLSE Geography Ouestion
Time allowed : One hour (incusive
of reading time) COMPULSORY
questions are given in brackets l
intended for
akS the following
eC the correct option for each of
SECTIONA (10 Marks)
6 dsCi
Question 1
Kefer to the following image
and answer the question that folo

What does the black line in
23 A2
2310 indicate?
(A) Broken land
it (B) Open scrubit (C) Seasonal stream (D) Dry land
Question 2
Refer to the following image
and answer the question that follows:
27 9

27 28 29
What is indicated by black
circles in 2706?
(A) Covered tank
(B) Lime kiln

Question 3
(C) Chhatri
(D) Temple
Refer to the following
image and answer the
question that follows:
28 29

What is the spot 28 29
height in grid square
(A) .196 2803?
(B) .194
80 (C).180 1
(D) .201
Goyal's ICSE
Geography Question
Bank with
MTP for First
Semester tT
the follorwing image
and answer the
Reerto question. that folleaws:


byblue colour in 2603?

Whatis indicated
(A) Dry stream (B) Agriculture (DSaTudurz
land C) Perenrial ricer

Referto the following image and answer the question that follows:


Which man-made features make Panthawada an important setlemeTtt?

(A) Police Station (B) Post Offce (C)Temples

Question 6
Refer to the following image and answer the question that


Give four figure grid

reference of covered tank.
(C) 2709
(B) 2809
(A) 2808

Question 7 that follorws:

image and answer the question
Refer to the following 5


seen in 2506?
What type of drainas pattern is (C) Radial D) Inieit=r
(B) Trellis
(A) Dendritic

8 answer the question that follows:
image and
Er to he following

Examination-10 ST
with M1P Jor
ICSE Geography Question Bunk

10 10

What does the blue circle indicate in 2410? (D) Unlined wells
(A) Tube wells (B) Dry tanka (C) Lined wells

Question 9 iie-C tio

Refer to the following image and answer the question that follows:
25 26

03 NAT26 03
What is the probable occupation ofthe people in 2503?
(A) Mining (B) Agriculture (C) Fishing (D) Forestry

Question 10
Refer to the following image and answer the question that follows:


24 25 26 0 10
What is indicated by figure 3r writen in 2403?
(A) Relative height of the tank is 3 km (B) Relative depth of the tank is 3 cm
(C) Relative height of embankment is 3 m (D) Relative depth of embankment is, 3 m

SECTION B (30 Marks)

(Choose the correct answer)

Question 11
Which of the following factors influences the climate of a place?
(A) Temperature (B) Rainfall
(C) Wind and atmospheric pressure (D) All of these

Question 12
What is the latitudinal extent of India?
(A) 8°N to 47°N (B) 8°N to 37°N (C) 10°N to 37°N (D) 10°N to 47°N
Goyal's 1CSE Geography Question Bank -10
with MTP for First Semester Examinu
estion13 10129
Wihrich type of climate
is experienced
in the places locat s
(A) Maritime located north of the Tropic of Cancer in India?
(B) Continental
(D) Polar
(C) Oceanic
estion 14
Aen does tie caster1 coast of lndia
(A) Winter
get maximum rainfall? [1
(B) Summer
(C) Autumn (D) None of these

estion 15
Why do Hinmalayan regions at higher South
Judia never experience snowfall?
altitude get heavy
henvy snowfall places at higher altitudes in
snouwfall whereas plueeo
(A) Because
South mdia is nearer
to the Tropic of Capricor
B)Because South India is nearer
to the Equator
(C) Both of these

(D) None of these

estion 16
What type of climate is experienced by
Southern peninsular region of India? (1
(A) Continental (B) Moderate (C) Maritime (D) Equable

Oestion 17
What causes rainfall in Punjab and Haryana in winter and snowfall in the Himalayas:
(A) Loo (B) Kal Baisakhi
(C) Western Disturbances (D) All of these

Testion 18
Which of the following soils is formed 'ex situ'? [1
(A) Red soil (B) Alluvial soil (C) Laterite soil (D) Black soil

westion 19

Which of the following is a characteristic of Khadar soil?

(A) It is formed of fine silt and clay (B) It is very fertile
(D) All of these
(C)It is younger alluvIum

Destion 20
What is Regur? (1
(A) Laterite soil (B) Black soil (C) Red soil (D) Mountain soil

Wihich oxide but dejictent m natrogen, phosphorus, potassium and organic
soil contains large amounts of iron

matter? (1]
(B) Laterite soll (C) Alluvial soil (D) Black soil G
(A) Red soil

yal's Examination-l10
ICSE First Semester 83
Sphy Question Bank with MTP for
Question 22 eroszon
erosion and guly (D) Rill erosion
sheet e erosion
Which erosion is the intermediate stage between (C) Sheet
(A) Leaching (B) Share erosion

crops such as Corn, soyabeans

Question 23 alternated with strips of
n this method of soil conservation, crops like wheat
(D) Terace farming
and cotton. This is called (C)Strip cropping
(A) Contour ploughing (B) Shelter belts

Question 24
Wlhich type of soil is found in the shaded region? (D) Laterite soil
(C) Red soil
(A) Black soil (B) Alluvial soil


Question 25
Where will you find mahogany, ebony, 8renheart and epiphytic and parasitic plants?
(A) Tropical deciduous forests (B) Evergreen forests

(C) Desert vegetation (D) Thorns and scrubs


Goyal's 1CSE Geography Question
Bank with MTP for First deneer
Question 26
Wlhich natural vegetation appears
like a thick canopy offoliage
(A) Rainforests scrubs
(B) Desert vegetation (C) Deciduous forests (D) Thorns &

Question 27
Which type of vegctation is
characterised by plants wlhich have very thin or no leaves, have thorns, thick Jfleshy
stems and long roots? [1
(A) Evergren
(B) Desert and semi-desert
(C) Tropical deciduous
(D) Mangrove

Question 28
Which forests occur in and
around deltas?
(A) Tidal forests Mountain forests T
(C) Desert vegetation
(D) None of these

Question 29 n0i129
WHch ype of oegetation mainly consists of date paim, kihair, ber and babul?
(A) Desert and semi-desert vegetation (B) Mountain forests bor A)
C) Mangrove (D) Deciduous
ec cor25r0
Question 30
Western part of Rajasthan mainly consists of which type of vegetation? [1
(A) Scrub and thorn forests (B) Desert and semi-desert vegetation

(C) Mangrove forests (D) Monsoon forests

Question 31
Which hype of vegetation is most important economically?
(A) Rainforests (B) Mountain forests
(C) Tropical Deciduous (D) Scrub &thorn forests

Question 32
roots and stilt like roots?
Which type of vegetation is characterised by breathing
(B) Desert vegetation
(A) Mangrove forests
(D) None of these
(C) Tropical Deciduous

Question 33
Which of the following is a cause of
(B) Overgrazing
(A) Jhooning
(D) All of these
(C) Multipurpose projecis

Question 34
wficli of the following states?
Groundwater utilisation is very higl in
Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu (B) u.P. Bihar, Tripura
(A) Punjab, Haryana,
Kerala (D) None of these
C)Odisha, Chhattishgah,
Examination-10 85
oyal's ICSE Geography Question Bank with MTP Jor First Semester
oEography Dues
Question 35
revolution m nae
isation played a major role in tlhe success of wiich Revolution
(B) Green
(A) White Revolution Revolution
(D) Blue
C)Industrinl Revolution

Question 36
Wlhich of the following is gencrally pumped o All of these
(A) Surface water (B) Groundwater
(C) Sea zwateruli

Question 37
Which type of irrigation provides for 63% of total irrigated
(A) Tubewells & other wells (B) Canals
(D) Other sources a

Vich of the following wells is' also called Kutcha wells?eleteglat (1
(C) Tube wells (D) Rehat
(A) Lined wellsa9ot ni(B) Unlined wells

Question 39
Which of the following is not a suitable condition for well irrigation?
(A) High water table (B) Low water table C) Aluvial soil (D) Cheap power

Question 40 12910113001
How much percentage of total irrigated area in India is under canal irrigation?
(A) 26% (B) 28% (C29% (D) 30%



Goyal's ICSE Geography Question amination-0

Bank with MTP for First Semester

ed: One
e allowed hour (inclusive Maximum Marks: 40
of reading time)
he marks intended ARE COMPULsORY.
for questions are given in brackC
Select the correct u
option for each of the following
SECTION A (10 Marks)
Refer to the followi"g image and
answer the question that
follows:yan ktn sg

99 99
23 24 25
What is the direction of Sipu River as seen in 2399? [1]
(A) NW to SE (B) NE to SW (C) SE to NW (D) SW to NE

estion 2
Refer to the follorwing inage and answer the question that follows:


enodara 04
Gtve six figure grid reference of surveyed tree near Ganodara [1
(A) 279044 (B) 275045 (C) 286048 9T(D) 281043

estion 3
question that follows:
Ner fo the following image and answer the
22 23 24

98 98



Examination-10 87
SE Gegr. Quéstion Bank with MTPfor First Semester
olour, What does the yellow line with dots indicatc in 2297? (D) Metalled road
Jour. (A) District boundary (B) Tehsil boundary

are Question 4
Refer to the folloving image and answer the question that follotUs*
rtt.tszirs.2 23 24

01 S
22 23 24

What does the blue 1line in 2301 indicate? i t (C) Perennial river (D) Tidal river
(A) Canal (B) Dry Stream M3T
Refer fo the following image and ansu the question that follows: tt, t 5
99 99

98 98

GTve six figure grid reference of covered tank in 2598.

(A) 248978 (B) 248982 (C) 251987 (D) 257983

Refer to the following image and answer the question that follows:
1 00

23 24

Give fourfigure grid reference of open scrub

(A) 2399 (B) 2398 C) 2223 (D) 2299

Question 7
Refer to the following image and answer the question that follows:


97a25 EV E 97
26 27

88 Goyal's 1CSE Geography Question
Bank with MTP for First Semester
Whuat does figure1/2 im grid square"
(A) Triangulated heiglt in 2697 indicatc?
C)Height of sand dune in (B) Spot height in m
(D) Bench Mark in m

Refer, to the followinng miage and answcr
the question that follows:


01 23
Which symbol is used to slhow the
broken land in
(A) Yellow line 2101?
(B) Brown line (D) Black curves
(C) Blue dots in
estion 9
Refer to tlhe following mage and answer the
question that follows:

03 03
26 28

What does the blue colour indicate in grid square 2603? [1

(A) Sand deposits (B) Water reservoir (D) Water stream
C) Flat land

Restion 10
Refer fo the following image and answer the question that follows:
29 30


97 31

Dtate the drainage pattern seen in 299/,
(B) Radial (C) Dendritic (D) Intermittent
(A) Trellis

SECTION B (30 Marks)

(Choose the correct answer)

affects the clinate of India?
of the following factors
(A) Latitude
(B) Himalayas
(D) All of these
() Distance from the sea

ral'sICSE Examination-10
Geograpny Question Bank with MTPJor First Semester
Sraphy x
Question 12
olC close to ne
Why are the hill stations of peninsular plateau cool despite being are located at higher altitu
(B) Because they
(A) Due to nearness to sea
(C) Both of these (D) None of these
is i

Question 13
What are jet streamns?
(A) Cold current (B) Warm current
(C) Fast moving air currents D) None of these

Question 14
What is also called Sahyadri?
(A) Eastern Ghats t(B) Western Ghats
(C) Himalayas (D) Kanara Coastal plain
Question 15
Which of the following rivers originates in the Western Ghats?
(A) Godavari (B) Kaveri (C) Krishna (D) All of these

Question 16
Why does Mumbai receive more rainfall than Pune?
(A) Because Mumbai is located on the windward side of Western Ghats, while Pune is located on the
leeward side of the same
(B) Because Mumbai is located at higher altitude than Pune
(C) Because Mumbai is located on the leeward side of the Western Ghats, while Pune is located on the
ndward side the Western Ghats
D) None of these

Question 17
Western disturbances cause rainfall in which season?
(B) Winter (C) Monsoons
(A) Sumnmer (D) Autumn

Question 18
Khadar and Blhangar comprise which type of soil?
(A) Red soil (B) Laterite soil (C) Alluvial soil (D) Black soil

Question 19
Which of the following soils is formed due to leaching?
(A) Black soil (B) Laterite soil (C) Red soil (D) Alluvial soil

Question 20
Cotton is the most important crop grown in wlich soil?
(A) Red soil (B) Black soil (C) Alluvial soil (D) Laterite soil

90 Goyal's 1CSE Geography Question Bank with

MTP for First Semester Exun
Question 21
Which of the following farming techniques
is followed in hilly region? [1]
(A) Terracing (B) Contour ploughing (C) Both of these (D) None of these

In which state will you find desert soil?
(A) Bihar (B) Odisha (C) Rajasthan (D) Meghalaya

Question 23
Wiich of the follozoing8 is the correct descending order soil spread in
of India?
(A) Alluvial, Black, Red, Laterite (B) Laterite, Red, Black, Alluvial
(C)Black, Red, Laterite, Alluvial (D) None of these

Question 24
Which type of soil is found in the shaded region?,
2om a ttuit [1]
(A) Black soil (B) Alluvial soil (C) Red soil (D) Laterite soil

.12 tee

I rodesu

oyal's1CSE Geography Question Bank with MTP for First Semester Examination-10 91
Question 25 vegetation?
Which of the following is not a natural C)Park in a locality (D) All of
(A) your garden (B) Crops

Question 26 utles
eastern side of the Western Ghats?
wnch ype of vegetation is found on the (B) Moist deciduous forests
(A) Rainforests
(D) Thorns and Scrubs

Question 27
Bark of wlhich of the following tree is used to make
(B) Semul
(C) Teak (D) Cinchona
(A) Shisham

Question 28 T1olepug
Which of the following natural vegetation is most dense?
(A) Tropical Evergree (B) Tropical Deciduous
(C) Littoral forests (D) Mountain vegetation

Question 29
Shisham, sandalwood, teak and sal are the common trees found in which kind of forests?
(A) Dry deciduous (B) Moist deciduous (C)Evergreen (D) Littoral

Question 30
Wihich type of forests is characterised by a closed and continuous tree
canopy, moisture - dependent vegetation
and absence of wildfire?
(A) Rainforests (B) Deciduous forests (C) Desert vegetation (D) Mangroves

Question 31
Which of the following is a characteristic of tropical rainforests?
(A) They occur where rainfall is more than
200 cm
(B) Warm and wet climate
(C) Thick canopy with bushes
(D) All of these

Question 32
Where will you find coniferous forests?
(A) Deserts (B) Mountains
(C) Plains (D) Coastal plains
Question 33
Which forests/natural vegetation
has trees which are adapted to
live in harsh coastal condition? salt-tolerant, also called halophytes uamd are
(A) Mangrove
(B) Rainforests these
(C) Deciduous (D) None of

oyal's ICSE Geography

Luestion Bank with MTP for First Semester
Question 34
The study of water flow in aquifers and the characterisation of aquifers is called
(A) Hydrology (B) Geology (D) Any of these

Question 35
Irrigation utilises how much percentage of total freshwater?
(A) 40% (B) 90% C)80% (D) 20%

Question 36
The only state wlhich has made rooftop rainvater harvesting structure compulsory to all the houses is : [1]
(A) West Bengal (B) Bihar (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Odisha

Question 37
Wlhich of the following is not a negative effect of irrigation? (1
(A) Salinisation of soil (B) Increase in crop yield
(C) Change in cropping pattern (D) Loss of minerals

Question 38
Which of the following social movements is not against multipurpose projects?
(A) Tehri Dam Andolan (B) Narmada Bachao Andolan

C) Chipko Movement (D) All of these

Question 39
Major source of freshwater in India is which of the following? [1]
(A) Rainfall (B) Groundwater (C) Ocean water (D) Atmospheric water

Question 40
Rooftop rainwater harvesting is used to recharge?
(A) Groundwater (B) Sea water (C) River water (D) All of these

Goyal's 1CSE Geography Question Bank with MTP Jor First Semester Examination-10 93
Time allowed One hour (inchusive of reading time)
The marks intended for questions
are given in brackets [7

Select the correct option for each of

the following questions.

SECTION A (10 Mark)

Kefer fo the following image and answer the question that follou0S:
40 41 42
02 02

01 01
State the conventional sign located at the point, the six figure grid reference of which is 409017.
(A) Dry stream (B) Cart track
(C) Dry tank goloi 9
t (D) Dry tank with embankment

Question 2
Refer to the following image and answer the question that
97 97

Faidy dense Jurale

96/C 96
What is the conlour height in grid square 3796?
(A) 200 m (B) 250 m (C) 300 m
(D) 400 m
Question 3
Refer to the following image and
answer the question that follows:
39 40
98- 98


Goyal s 1CSE Geography -10

Question Bank with MTPJor First Semester Examinano
State the hype of slope as secn in 4097.
(A) Steep slope ga (B) Gentle slope (C) Flat land D) Rough slope
Question 4
Refer to the following image and answer the question that follows:
38 40
95 95

Ca VSKafa

91 t

Give four figure grid reference of the causeway

(A) 3894 (B) 3994 (C) 3895 (D) None of these

Question 5
Refer to the follorwing image and answer the question that follows:

93 3

34 36

State the type of settlement in village Ranavada.

(A) Compact (B) Linear (C) Dispersed (D) Rectangular

Question 6
Refer to the following image and answer the question that follows:
2 02


Wlhat is the general use of land near village Talenagar (3401)?
A) Grazin3 (B) Mining (C) FishingB (D) Farming

Question 7
Refer to the following image and answer the question hat follorws:

017 01
O 3/ 39
Wnat does the figure 592 in grid square 3700 indicate? [1

Goyal's ICSE Geography Question Bank with MTPfor First Semester Examination-10
(B)Triangulated height
(A) Spot height (D) Contour height
(C) Height of Tehsil boundary

question that follows:
Keer to the following image and answer the
39 40 95



tate the area in km as shown betveen Eastings 38 to 40 and 94 to 95.

(A) 2 sq. km (B) 4 sq. km (C) 6 sq. km D) 8 sq. km

Question 9 otea
Refer to the following inmage and answer the question that follorws: .

36 37


37 38
What is the direction of Spot Height 522 from fairly mixed
(A) North East (B) North West (C) South East (D) South West
Question 10
Refer to the following image and answer the question
that follows:

99 99

What is indicated by 3r in grid square
(A) Height of river 3 meters
(B)Depth of sensonal stream (3 m)
(C) Height of embankment (3
(D) Depth of dry
tank (3 m)
(Choose the correct
uestion 11
Which one factor unifies the
climate of India?
(A) Himalayas
(C) Monsoons (B) Tropic
of Cancer
(D) None of these

Goyal's ICSE Geography naton-10

Question Bank with MTP
for First de
Question 12
The north-enst trade winds cause which of the folloreing in Indin?
(A) Dust storms in Thar Desert (B) Winter rains in Chennai
(C) Winter rains in nortwestern India (D) Inclement conditions in the Himalayas

Question 13
The concept of diferential heating is primarily used to explain wlhich of the follozwing?
(A) Desert storms (B) Cyclones (C) Jet strenms (D) Monsoons

Question 14 Gi9 b:hnie

Which among the follouwing generally brings rainfall to Punjab, Western U.P. and Haryana? [1
(A) Westerly winds (B) Eastern disturbances
C)Western disturbances (D) None of these

Question 15
Which among the following cities of India does not lie in the Torrid or Tropicnl Zone?
(A) Jaipur (B) Jodlhpur (C) Mumbai (D) Chennai

Question 16
Every year bulk of the rainfall is received during he Monsoons in all parts of Indin except one. Which is the
odd one? [1
(A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Bilhar

(C) West Bengal (D) Tamil Nadu

Question 17
Most of India's rainfall during Monssons is
(A) Cyclonic (B) Convectional (C) Orographic (D) Elusive

Question 18
Which of the following soils has the attributes of cracks and shrinks in dry conditions?
(B) Sandy soil (C) Black soil (D) Red soil
Loamy soil

Question 19
The reason behind red colour of the red soil is presence of.
(A) Nitrogen (B) Iron (C) Humnus (D) Calcium

Question 20
Which of the following soils are loosely packed and have air space? [1
(A) Loamy soil (B) Clay (C) Sandy soil (D) All of these
Question 21
Which is the most abundant soil in North ndian plains? [1
(B) Alluvial soil (C) Black soil (D) Laterite soil
(A) Red soil

ovai E
Geography Question Bank with MTP for First Semester Examination-10
Question 22
plhosphorus firing capacity (D) Loamy soil
Wich type of soil has the highest (C)Black soil
(B) Alluoial
(A) Red soil

Question 23 in phosphoric acid

and humus?
is deficient
VHch soil is rich in potash and
ime but (D) Laterite soil
(B) Alluvial soil
(C) Black soil .ti
(A) Red soil

Question 24
Which type of soil is found in the shaded region? (D) Laterite soil
(A) Black soil (B) Alluvial soil
(C) Red soiltimo


81 roit2suD

Question 25
Which of the following states does
not have tropical deciduous
(A) Jharkhand
(B) Bihar
C) Odisha (D) Rajasthan

Goyal's 1CSE Geography
Question Bank with MTP for
First Semester Es
Question 26
Wrich one of the follozo"g trecs is found in Tropical rainforests?
(A) Peepal (B) Sal (C) Sundari (D) Mahogany

Question 27
ana KOSewood are typically grown in which kind of forests?
Ebony, mahogany [1
(A) Tropical Deciduous (B) Coniferous
(C)Tropical Thorn forests (D) Tropical Evergreen forests

Question 28
Where is silver fir found? (1
(A) Littoral forests
(B) Montane forests
(C) Deciduous forests (D) Desert vegetation

Question 29
Which of the follorwing plants have high antibiotic and antibacterial properties? (1
(A) Babool (B) Peepal
(C) Arjun (D) Neenm

Question 30

Which of the following trees doesn't belong to tropical evergreen forests?

(A) Sandalwood (B) Mahogany
(C) Ebony (D) Roseuwood

Question 311
Trees in thorm forests are -

(A) Stunted and scattered (B) Dense and tall

(C) Both of these (D) None of these

Question 32

Which is the most widespread vegetation in India? (1

(A) Montane (B) Tropical Deciduous
(C) Coniferous (D) Rainforests

Question 33

In which of the following states will you find evergreen forests? (1

(A) Bihar (B) Uttarakhand
(C) Assam (D) Uttar Pradesh

Fresrwater is obtained from which of the following? [1
(A) Oceans (B) Tides

(C) Acid (D) Precipitation

IC EOgraphy Question Bank with MTP for First Semester
Examination-10 99
Question 35
Vinat percentage of global rainfall does India receive? (D) 10
(A) 5 (B) 4

Question 36 sotiesuly

()Rooftop rainwater harvesting is a tecnique to reciarge.

(B) Groundwater
(A) Sea water
(C) River water D) All of these

Question 37
Rooftop rainwater harvesting in Rajasthan is called
(A) Guls (B) Kuls
(C)Tankas (D) Baolis

Question 38
Which of the following rivers is seasonal?
(A) Ganga (B) Yamuna
(C) Periyar (D) Gandak

Question 39
You are a farmer in Bihar. Which type of 0 noita9n0
irigation will you prefer?
(A) Tank (B) Well
(C) Tubeuwell
(D) Canal

Question 40
About _% of irrigated area in India is under well irrigation?
(A) 50
(B) 40
(C) 60
D) 20



() (C)
() (A) (i)
1.(4) (9 2. (i) (B) () (A)
3. (i) (A) (Gi) (A) 4. (i) (A) (ii) (B) 5. () (D) () (B)
(A) 7. (0 (B) (i) (C)
6. ((C)(Gi) 8.0 () (i) (A) 9. (i) (B) (i) (C)10. () (D) () (C)

(B) i) (A)
() 12. (9 (7) (B) 13. () (D) (i) (C) 14. () (A) (i) (A) 15. ( (B) (ii) (D)
(D) 17. 6) (B) (i) (B)
16. 0 () (i) 18. () (A) i) (A) 19. () (B) (i) (C) 20. () (A) (i) ()
(i) (9 22. () (A) (7) (D)
21. ((B)
(B) 6i) 23. (6) (C) (i) () 24. (9 (A) () (A) 25. () (B) (ii) (A)
26 (0
() (A) (i) (C)
(A) (1)
9 27. (6i)
(A) (7) (B) 28. () (D) (i) (C) 29. ( (D) (i) (D) 30. (9 (A) (i) (B)

0) () (A) 32. (9 (A) (Gi) (A)

31. 33. ( (D) (i) (A) 34. () (A) (G) (B) 35. () (B) (6i) (B)

s%. (B)(B) (6i)
() (C)
(i) (9 37. (6) (A) () (D) 38.() (A) (6i) (C) 39. (i) (D) (Gi) (A) 40. (6) (B) i) (D)
41. (9 (D) i) (B) 42. () (A) (i) (B) 43. () (A) (i) (D) 44. () (C) (i) (D)45. (0 (B) (i) (5)
46. )(B) (i) (A) 47. (9 (9 () (A) 48.() (B) (i) (A) 49. )(B) () (A) 50. () (B) (i) (A)
51. (A) () (C)52. (6) B) (Gi) (C) 53. () (A) (i) (B)54 6 (C) (Gi) (D) 5. ( (A) (i) (C9

56. ) (A) (i) (B) 57. (B) (i) (B) 58. 6) (C) () (Gi)
(D)59. (9 (C) (B) 60. () (C) (i) (D)
61. (9 (B) (i) (A) 62. () (B) (i) (B) 63. () (A) (ii) (A) 64. (A) (Gi) (A) 65. () (A) (6i) (B)

66. () (D) (i) (A) 67. (6) (A) (i) (8) 68. (i) (D) (ii) (D) 69. (0 (A) (Gi), (D)70. (6) (B) (i) (A)
71. (9 (A) (i) (C) 72. () (i)( (B) 73. 6i) (C) (i) (B) 74. () (A) (Gin (C) 75. () (B) ü) ()
76. (6) (B) Gi) (A) 77. ( (B) (i) (B) 78. () (A) (ii) (B) 79. () (A) (i) (B) 80. (B) (i) (A)
81. (69 (A) (i) (A) 82. (i) (A) (i) (B) 83. () (A) (ii) (B) 84. () (B) (i) (C) 85. () (C) (i) (A)
86. (6) (C) (i) (D) 87. () (A) (Gi) (B) 88. () (D) (i) (B) 89. () (A) i) (B) 90. 6) (D) Gi) (C)
91. (6) (B) () (D) 92. (6) (D) (i) (A) 93. ( (A) (G#) (A) 94. () (B) (i) (D) 95. ) (D) (i) (A)
96. () (A) (i) (C) 97. i) (D) ci) (C) 98. (6) (D) ) (B) 99. () (D) i) (A) 100. () (A) (ü) (C)
101. ) (D) (ii) (C) 102. () (C) (i) (D) 103. (i) (A) (ii) (B) 104. () (D) (i) (A) 105. () (B) (i) (A)

1. (B) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (A)
2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (A) 8. (A)9. (A) 10. (C)
11. (B)
12. (A) 13. (B) 14. (D) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (D) 18. (A) 19. (C) 20. (B)
21. (A)
22. (A) 23. (A) 24. (C) 25. (A) 26. (A) 27. (C) 28. (A) 29. (B) 30. (C)
31. (B)
32. (C) 33. (B) 34. (D) 35. (C) 36. (A) 37. (C) 38. (A) 39. (A) 40. (B)
ICSE Geography
Ography Question Bank with MMTP Jor First Semester Examination-10 101
47. (B) 48. (A) 49. (C)
45. (D) 46. (A) 50.
41. (D) 42. (B) 43. (B) 44. (A) (
57. (B) 58. (B) 59. (D)
56. (B) 60.
51. (D) 52. (A) 53. (B) 54. (B)55. (C) (D)
67. (B) 68. (B) 69. (D)
() 66. (A) 70.
61. (C) 62. (D) 63. (D) 64. (D) 65. (C
76. (A) 77. (B) 78. (B) 79. (A) 80.
71. (D) 72. (D) 73. (C) 74. (A) 75. (C) (B)

87. (A) 88. (D) 89. (C)

84. (D) 85. (A) 86. (B) 90. (D)
81. (D) 82. (C) 83. (D)
96. (D) 97. (A) 98. (B) 99. (B) 100.
91. (D) 92. (A) 93. (C) 94. (B) 95. (D) (B)

106. (C) 107. (C) 108. (A) 109. (D) 110.

101. (D) 102. (D) 103. (A) 104. (B) 105. (C) (C)

111. (B) 112 (D) 113. (A) 114. (B) 115. (D) 116. (B) 117. (C)118. (6) 119. (D) 120,

121. (C) 122. (B) 123. (B) 124. (D) 125. (A) 126. (A) 127. (C) 128. (C) 129. (C) 130. (C)

131. (A) 132. (D) 133. (C) 134. (B) 135. (D) 136. () 137. (P) 138. (C) 139. (A). 140. (A)

141. (D) 142 (D) 143. (D) 144. (B) 145. () 146. (D) 147. (B) 148. (C) 149. (B) 150. (A

151. (B) 152. (D) 153. (C) 154. (A) 155. (B) 156. (B) 157. (B) 158. (C) 159. (A) 160. (D)
161. D) 162. (A) 163. (B) 164. (B) 165. (A)) a
1. (D) 2. (A)3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (D) 10. (D)
11. (D) 12. (D) 13. (C) 14. (B) 15. (D) 16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (D)
21. (A) 22. (A) 23. (D) 24. (C) 25. (D) 26. (D) 27. (B) 28. (B) 29. (B) 30. (A)
31. (D) 32. (A) 33. (B) 34. (C) 35. (D) 36. (A) 37. (B) 38. (C) 39. (B)40. (D)
41. (C) 42. (C) 43. (A) 44. (B) 45. (D) 46. (C) 47. (D) 48. (D) 49. (A) 50. (C)
51. (C) 52. (C) 53. (A) 54. (B) 55. (B)56. (A) 57. (D) 58. (B)

1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (D) 10. ()
11. (B) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (D) 15. (C) 16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20.(B)
21. (A) 22. (D) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (B) 26. (D) 27. (B) 28. (D) 29. (C) 30. (B)
31. (A) 32. (C) 33. (D) 34. (D) 35. (D) 36. (B) 37. (B) 38. (B) 39. (D) 40. (D)
41. (B) 42. (D) 43. (C) 4. (A) 45. (C) 46. (C) 47. (D) 48. (B) 49. (D) 50. (D)
51. (C) 52. (D) 53. (D) 54. (A) 55. (D) 56. (C) 57. (A) 60. (A)
61. (A) 58. (D) 59. (B)
62. (D) 63. (C) 64. (B) 65. (D) 66. (A) 67. (A) 68. (C) 69. (B) 70. (C)
71. (A) 72. (C) 73. (D) 74. (B) 75. (D) 76. (D) 77. (C) 78. (A) 79. (C) 80. (D)
Goyal's 1CSE Geography
Question Bank with ion-
MTP for First Semester
82. (C) 83. (B) 84. ()
(C) 85 (B) 86. (D) 87. (A) 88. (D) 89. (C) 90. (A)
92. (C) 93. (C) 94. (B) 95. (C)
(D) 96. (C) 97. (D) 98. (A) 99. (D) 100. (D)
102. (C) 103. (A) 104. (D) 105. (D) 106. (D) 107. (A) 108. (A) 109. (B) 110. (B)
(D) 112. (D) 113. (D) 114. (D) 115. (D) 116. (B) 117. (D) 118. (D) 119. (C) 120. (C)
(C) 122. (B) 123. (A) 124. (B) 125. (D) 126. (D) 127. (A) 128. (C) 129. (C) 130. (B)

(D) 132. (C) 133. (D) 134. (C) 135. (B)


2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (C) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (A)
1. (B)

12. (A) 13. (A) 14 (C) 15. (C) 16. (C) 17. (C) 18. (A) 19. (B) 20. (B)

22. (D) 23. (A) 24. (D) 25. (B) 26. (A) 27. (C) 28. (C) 29. (B) 30. (C)
21. (D)

32. (A) 33. (C) 34. (A) 35. (A) 37. (D) 38. (B) 39. (B) 40. (B)
31. (D)
6. (B)

43. (B) 44. (A) 46. (B) 47. (A) 48. (D) 49. (C) 50. (C)
41. (B) 42. (A) 45. (D)

51. (D) 52. (B) 53. (B) 54. (D) 55. (B) 56. (B) 57. (C) (58. (A)59. (C) 60. (B)

67. (D) 68. (B) (69. (B) 70. (C)

61 (A) 62. (B) 63. (C) 64. (A) 65. (B) 66. (D)

76. (C) 77. (B) 78. (D)79. (B) 80. (D)

71. (A) 72. (C) 73. (D) 74. (D) 75. (C)

85. (C) 86. (B) 87. (A) 88. (D) 89. (D) 90. (A)
81. (D) 82. (D) 83. (D) 84. (B)

96. (A) 97. (D) 98. C) 99. (C) 100. (B)

91. (C) 92. (D) 93. (C) 94. (B) 95. C)
105. (D) 106. (A) 107. (D) 108. (B) 109. (A) 110. (B)
101. (B) 102. (D) 103. (D) 104. (D)

114. (D) 115. (D) 116. (D) 117. (C) 118. (C) 119. (D) 120. (D)
111. (D) 112. (B) 113. (A)

125. (D) 126. (C) 127. (D) 128. (A) 129. (C) 130. (B)
121. (B) 122. (B) 123. (C) 124. (D)

(A) 137. (D) 138. (C) 139. (D) 140. (A)

131. (D) 132. (C) 133. (C) 134. (D) 135. (C)136.
141. (D) 142 (D) 143. (B) 144. (A) 145. (A)


5. (B) 6. ( 7. (B) 8. (A)9. (B) 10. (C)
(D)2. 4. (A)
3. (A)

17. (D), (B) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (B)

11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (B) 16. (D)
27. (C) 28. (C) 29. (D) 30. (C)
21. (B), (A) 24. (B) 25. (A) 26. (B)
(C)22. (B) 23.
31. (B)
32. (A) 33. (B) 34. (A) 35. (A)

ICSE Gea Examination-10
EOgraphy Question Bank with MTPfor First Semester

6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (C)
1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (B) 10.

11. (C) 12. (B) 14. (B) 15. (B) 16. (B) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (D) 20. (B)
13. (A)

21. (D) 22. (B) 23. (A) 24. (B) 25. (B) 26. (B) 27. (D) 28. (A) 29. (B) 30. (A)

31. (D) 32. (D) 33. (B) 34. (A) 35. (B) 36. (A) 37. (B) 38. (A) 39. (B) 40. (A)


1. (A) 2. (C)3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (D)6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (C)


11. (B) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (A) 19. (D) 20. (C)
21. (A) 22. (D) 23. (C) 24. (A) 25. (C) 26. (B) 27. (D) 28. (B) 29. (C) (
30. (C)
31. (D) 32. (A) 33. (B) 34. (D) 35.
36. 36. (A) 37. (C) 38. (B) 39. (D) 40. (C)


1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A)4. (C) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (D) 10. (C)
11. (D) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (B) 16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (B) 19. (D) 20. (B)
21. (A) 22. (D) 23. (C) 24. (D) 25. (B) 26. (A) 27. (B) 28. (A) 29. (A) 30. (B)
31. (C) 32. (A) 33. (D) 34. (A) 35. (B) 36. (B) 37. (A) 38. (B) 39. (B) 40. (A)


1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (C)

11. (D) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (B) 15. (D) 16. (A) 20. (B)
17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (B)
21. (C) 22. (C) 23. (A) 24. (D) 25. (D) 26. (B) 30. (A)
27. (D) 28. (A) 29. (B)
31. (D) 32. (B) 33. (A) 34. (C) 35. (B) 36. (C) 40. (A)
37. (B) 38. (C) 39. (A)

104 n-10
Goyal's 1CSE Geography Question Bank with MTPfor First Semester u

3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (D) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (B)
(P) 2. (D)


13. (D) 14. (C) 15. (A) 16. (D) 17. (C) 18. (C) 19. (B) 20. (C)
12. (B)
11. (C)
23. (B) 24. (C) 25. (D) 26. (D) 27. (D) 28. (B) 29. (D) 30. (A)
22. (A)
21. (B)
33. (C) 34. (D) 35. (B) 36. (B) 37. (C) 38. (C) 39. (C) 40. (B)
32. (B)
31. (A)

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