Bereket Naturals PVT Limited Accounts Ledger
Bereket Naturals PVT Limited Accounts Ledger
Bereket Naturals PVT Limited Accounts Ledger
Accounts Ledger
Account From: 1-01-001-0001 Account To:5-06-002-0005
Date From: 01-Jul-2022 Date To: 15-Feb-2023
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 1-01-001-0001 - Cash In Hand Opening : 0.00
RV 000008-2223-118- 03-Jul-2022 03-JUL-22 Rana Nouman, Capital Account Invoices # : 1,255,456.00 0.00 1,255,456.00
PV 000088-2223-118- 15-Jul-2022 15-JUL-22 Cash Cash Expenses From 01- Jul - 2022 0.00 952,331.00 303,125.00
1000118-P Payments, to 15 - Jul - 2022 DigiKhata
Invoices # :
PV 000089-2223-118- 31-Jul-2022 31-JUL-22 Cash Cash Payments From 15-07-2022 0.00 734,893.00 (431,768.00)
1000118-P Payments, to 31-07-2022 DigiKhata Invoices
PV 000151-2223-118- 10-Aug-2022 10-AUG-22 , Lahore Expenses Petty Cash From 0.00 51,555.00 (483,323.00)
1000118-P Bank DT 10/08/2022 Invoices # :
PV 000111-2223-118- 11-Aug-2022 11-AUG-22 39614258 Cash in Hand 50,000.00 0.00 (433,323.00)
1000118-P 39614258,
PV 000153-2223-118- 11-Aug-2022 11-AUG-22 39614257 Cash from MBL Paid for lhr office 51,555.00 0.00 (381,768.00)
1000118-P Lahore petty expense for the month of
Office39614257 August Cash From MBL Paid for
, Lahore Office lhr office petty expense for the
month of August
PV 000109-2223-118- 15-Aug-2022 15-AUG-22 Cash in Hand, Cash Payments From 11 - Aug-22 0.00 58,742.00 (440,510.00)
1000118-P to 15 Aug-22 Cash in Hand
Invoices # :
PV 000112-2223-118- 17-Aug-2022 17-AUG- 39614270,3961 Cash In Hand 100,000.00 0.00 (340,510.00)
1000118-P 22,17-AUG- 4272 39614270,
22 39614272,
PV 000125-2223-118- 18-Aug-2022 18-AUG-22 Hajveri Tape remaining 50% of cost paid to 0.00 41,225.00 (381,735.00)
1000118-P Centre, Hajveri Tape Centre Invoices # :
RV 000009-2223-118- 21-Aug-2022 21-AUG-22 Rana Nouman, Capital Account Invoices # : 2,000,000.00 0.00 1,618,265.00
PV 000113-2223-118- 22-Aug-2022 22-JAN-23 39614278 Cash In Hand 50,000.00 0.00 1,668,265.00
1000118-P 39614278,
PV 000115-2223-118- 30-Aug-2022 25-AUG- 39614285,3961 Cash In hand 150,000.00 0.00 1,818,265.00
1000118-P 22,26-AUG- 4287,39614292
22,30-AUG- 39614285,
22 39614287,
PV 000090-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 Cash Cash Payments From 01-08-2022 0.00 126,393.00 1,691,872.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-08-2022 DigiKhata Invoices
PV 000110-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 , Cash Payments From 16-08-2022 0.00 210,610.00 1,481,262.00
1000118-P to 31-08-22 Cash IN hand Invoices
PV 000116-2223-118- 08-Sep-2022 06-SEP- 39614313,4429 Cash In Hand 200,000.00 0.00 1,681,262.00
1000118-P 22,08-SEP- 4987 39614313,
22 44294987,
PV 000117-2223-118- 13-Sep-2022 13-SEP-22 44294991 Cash In Hand 300,000.00 0.00 1,981,262.00
1000118-P 44294991,
PV 000152-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore office-, Lahore office maintenance 0.00 5,500.00 1,975,762.00
1000118-P expense m/o sep 22 Invoices # :
PV 000154-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore office, Lahore office anicillaries and 0.00 10,380.00 1,965,382.00
1000118-P grocery m/o Sep 22 Invoices # :
PV 000155-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 44294995 Cash In Hand for lahore office 42,283.00 0.00 2,007,665.00
1000118-P Lahore office- expense for the month of Sep-22
44294995, Cash In Hand for lahore office
expense for the month of Sep-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000156-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore office, Monthly fuel bill for the m/o sep- 0.00 3,500.00 2,004,165.00
1000118-P 22 Invoices # :
PV 000158-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore office, Bike repair charges for the m/o 0.00 2,800.00 2,001,365.00
1000118-P sep 22 Invoices # :
PV 000159-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 30-JAN- Lahore office, , Utilty bills-Electricity,PTCLand 0.00 20,103.00 1,981,262.00
1000118-P 23,30-JAN- , Water for the m/o august-22
23,30-JAN- Invoices # :
PV 000118-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP- 44294996,4429 Cash In Hand 400,000.00 0.00 2,381,262.00
1000118-P 22,15-SEP- 4998 44294996,
22 44294998,
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 0.00 284,845.00 2,096,417.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 Invoices # :
PV 000136-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 , Cash payments 13-09-22 to 15-09 0.00 421,882.00 1,674,535.00
1000118-P -2022 Invoices # :
PV 000119-2223-118- 17-Sep-2022 17-SEP- 44295003,4429 Cash In Hand 320,000.00 0.00 1,994,535.00
1000118-P 22,17-SEP- 5004 44295004,
22 44295003,
PV 000120-2223-118- 19-Sep-2022 19-SEP-22 44295008 Cash In Hand 200,000.00 0.00 2,194,535.00
1000118-P 44295008,
PV 000137-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments From 16-09-2022 0.00 639,212.00 1,555,323.00
1000118-P Payments, To 20-09-2022 Invoices # :
PV 000121-2223-118- 21-Sep-2022 21-SEP- 44295011,4429 Cash In Hand 500,000.00 0.00 2,055,323.00
1000118-P 22,21-SEP- 5012 44295011,
22 44295012,
PV 000122-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP- 44295013,4429 Cash In Hand 400,000.00 0.00 2,455,323.00
1000118-P 22,22-SEP- 5014 44295013,
22 44295014,
PV 000138-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments for 21-09-22 & 22- 0.00 845,610.00 1,609,713.00
1000118-P Payments, 09-2022 Invoices # :
PV 000123-2223-118- 23-Sep-2022 23-SEP-22 44295019 Cash In Hand 100,000.00 0.00 1,709,713.00
1000118-P 44295019,
RV 000010-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash In Hand Invoices # : 12,500.00 0.00 1,722,213.00
PV 000126-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 44295020 Cash In Hand 200,000.00 0.00 1,922,213.00
1000118-P 44295020,
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 0.00 340,743.00 1,581,470.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 Invoices # :
PV 000127-2223-118- 27-Sep-2022 27-SEP-22 44295022 Cash In Hand 200,000.00 0.00 1,781,470.00
1000118-P 44295022,
PV 000128-2223-118- 28-Sep-2022 28-SEP-22 44295025 Cash In Hand 600,000.00 0.00 2,381,470.00
1000118-P 44295025,
PV 000129-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 44295027 Cash In Hand 200,000.00 0.00 2,581,470.00
1000118-P 44295027,
PV 000141-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments For 27,28,29,30 0.00 909,498.00 1,671,972.00
1000118-P Payments, Sept-2022 Invoices # :
PV 000130-2223-118- 03-Oct-2022 03-OCT-22 44295026 Cash In Hand 500,000.00 0.00 2,171,972.00
1000118-P 44295026,
PV 000143-2223-118- 03-Oct-2022 27-JAN-23 Cash Cash Payments Dt 01 & 03 Oct - 0.00 235,791.00 1,936,181.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 Invoices # :
PV 000131-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 44295050 Cash In Hand 200,000.00 0.00 2,136,181.00
1000118-P 44295050,
PV 000142-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments Dt From 04-10- 0.00 232,930.00 1,903,251.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 & 05-10-2022 Head office
Multan Invoices # :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000132-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 44295054 Cash In Hand 200,000.00 0.00 2,103,251.00
1000118-P 44295054,
PV 000145-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 , Cash Payments HO for 06, to 10 0.00 340,197.00 1,763,054.00
1000118-P Oct-22 Invoices # :
PV 000133-2223-118- 11-Oct-2022 11-OCT- 44295055,4429 Cash In Hand 400,000.00 0.00 2,163,054.00
1000118-P 22,11-OCT- 5056 44295055,
22 44295056,
PV 000134-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 44295058 Cash In Hand 200,000.00 0.00 2,363,054.00
1000118-P 44295058,
PV 000147-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 , Cash Payments Head Office Dt 65,000.00 287,731.00 2,140,323.00
1000118-P 11,12,13,14 Oct-2022 Invoices # :
PV 000135-2223-118- 19-Oct-2022 19-OCT-22 44295062 Cash In Hand 200,000.00 0.00 2,340,323.00
1000118-P 44295062,
PV 000148-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payment HO Dt 0.00 297,413.00 2,042,910.00
1000118-P Payments, 16,17,18,19,20 - Oct-2022
Invoices # :
PV 000157-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Lahore Office, Paid to Qasim Butt sb for lahore 0.00 54,939.00 1,987,971.00
1000118-P Expenses Invoices # :
RV 000003-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Cash withdrawl Deposit in Cash In Hand Invoices # 200,000.00 0.00 2,187,971.00
1000118-R from Bank, :
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 44295081 Bank Withdrawl Bank withdrawl 200,000.00 0.00 2,387,971.00
1000118-P Withdraw cash for cash deposit
from bank for
Cash in Hand
PV 000149-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments HO Dt 22,24,26,29 0.00 104,490.00 2,283,481.00
1000118-P Payments, Oct - 2022 Invoices # :
RV 000002-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 22-DEC-22 Rana Nouman, Capital Injection Invoices # : 30,000.00 0.00 2,313,481.00
PV 000008-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 Samra Khalid, Advance Salary Invoices # : 0.00 30,000.00 2,283,481.00
PV 000011-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 Online Cash in hand withdrawl Invoices # 0.00 1.00 2,283,480.00
1000118-P transfer, :
PV 000016-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 PSO card Fuel Expense Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 2,083,480.00
1000118-P Balance
Amount Filling,
PV 000150-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 Cash Cash payments HO Dt 02,03 Nov- 0.00 30,719.00 2,052,761.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 Invoices # :
RV 000005-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-NOV-22 Mirza Ejaz, Capital Injection Invoices # : 55,000.00 0.00 2,107,761.00
RV 000019-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, capital investment (mirza ejaz )for 55,000.00 0.00 2,162,761.00
1000118-R petty expenses Invoices # :
PV 000161-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.11 nov 0.00 55,000.00 2,107,761.00
1000118-P to 15 nov 22 Invoices # :
PV 000018-2223-118- 16-Nov-2022 16-NOV- 48330853,4833 Bank withdrawl Cash deposit 146,600.00 0.00 2,254,361.00
1000118-P 22,16-NOV- 0854,48330855 through Bank a\c
22,16-NOV- ,48330856
22,16-NOV- Withdraw cash
22 from bank for
Cash in Hand
53, 48330854,
PV 000022-2223-118- 16-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 EOBI, Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 34,800.00 2,219,561.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000019-2223-118- 17-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 PSO card Fuel Expense Invoices # : 0.00 56,000.00 2,163,561.00
1000118-P refilling
PV 000020-2223-118- 17-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Social security Operational expense Invoices # : 0.00 12,090.00 2,151,471.00
1000118-P payment,
PV 000160-2223-118- 07-Dec-2022 07-DEC-22 48330895 Cash Cash from MBL Dt 07/12/2022 50,000.00 0.00 2,201,471.00
1000118-P in Advance for lhr office petty
Hand48330895, expense for the month of dec-22
Lahore Office dt 7-Dec-22
PV 000162-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.15 dec 0.00 47,902.00 2,153,569.00
1000118-P 22 Invoices # :
RV 000014-2223-118- 04-Jan-2023 04-JAN-23 , Rana Imran for payment to 1,000,000.00 0.00 3,153,569.00
1000118-R traders Services pvt ltd-Cash
Deposit dt 4/1/23 Invoices # :
RV 000015-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 , Rana Imran for payment to 1,000,000.00 0.00 4,153,569.00
1000118-R traders Services pvt ltd-Cash
Deposit dt 11/1/23 Invoices # :
11,833,394.00 7,679,825.00 4,153,569.00
PV 000051-2223-118- 27-Oct-2022 27-OCT-22 44295071 Petty Bank Withdrawl Imperst system 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00
1000118-P Cash maintenance in Multan office
PV 000052-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 30-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty Expenses Invoices # : 0.00 76,173.00 (26,173.00)
PV 000049-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330882 Petty Bank Withdrawl Cash withdraw 35,000.00 0.00 8,827.00
1000118-P Cash-HO for HO multan expense
PV 000207-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330908 Petty cash replanishment Multan 34,687.00 0.00 43,514.00
1000118-P 48330908, HO Petty cash replanishment
Multan HO
PV 000218-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 15-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 0.00 43,513.00 1.00
1000118-P dt1-12-22 to 15-12-22 Invoices # :
PV 000219-2223-118- 20-Dec-2022 20-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 0.00 49,900.00 (49,899.00)
1000118-P dt 20-12-22 Invoices # :
PV 000208-2223-118- 22-Dec-2022 22-DEC-22 48330924 Petty cash replanishment Multan 50,000.00 0.00 101.00
1000118-P 48330924, HO Petty cash replanishment
Multan HO
PV 000209-2223-118- 04-Jan-2023 04-JAN- 52293381,5229 Petty cash replanishment Multan 50,000.00 0.00 50,101.00
1000118-P 23,04-JAN- 3404 52293381, HO Petty cash replanishment
23 52293404, Multan HO
PV 000210-2223-118- 23-Feb-2023 23-JAN-23 52293439 Petty cash replanishment Multan 50,000.00 0.00 100,101.00
1000118-P 52293439, HO Petty cash replanishment
Multan HO
269,687.00 169,586.00 100,101.00
PV 000037-2223-118- 22-Nov-2022 22-NOV-22 48330871 Bank withdrawl Withdraw cash 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
1000118-P Petty- for petty expense
20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 0.00 74,305.00 (74,305.00)
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 Invoices # :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 0.00 163,962.00 (238,267.00)
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Invoices # :
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 0.00 144,592.00 (382,859.00)
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Invoices # :
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 37,000.00 0.00 (345,859.00)
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 For factory
expenses to Miss Kanwal FOH-
Maintenance Dt 5-Sep-22
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 0.00 204,244.00 (550,103.00)
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22 Invoices # :
PV 000138-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments for 21-09-22 & 22- 90,000.00 0.00 (460,103.00)
1000118-P Payments, 09-2022 Pay to Miss kanwal for
Factory expenses through Petty
Multan HO FOH-Maintenance Dt
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 100,000.00 0.00 (360,103.00)
1000118-P Sep-2022 Miss kanwal for Factory
petty expense Dt FOH-
Administration Expense Dt 26-
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 0.00 220,739.00 (580,842.00)
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Invoices # :
PV 000141-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments For 27,28,29,30 50,000.00 0.00 (530,842.00)
1000118-P Payments, Sept-2022 Miss kanwal for
Factory petty expense Factory
supplies Dt 29-Sep-22
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 0.00 121,104.00 (651,946.00)
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Invoices # :
PV 000142-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments Dt From 04-10- 83,000.00 0.00 (568,946.00)
1000118-P Payments, 2022 & 05-10-2022 Head office
Multan Factory Petty cash
replanishment Dt 4-Oct-22
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 0.00 74,215.00 (643,161.00)
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Invoices # :
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 0.00 64,210.00 (707,371.00)
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Invoices # :
PV 000145-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 , Cash Payments HO for 06, to 10 95,000.00 0.00 (612,371.00)
1000118-P Oct-22 Paid to Miss Kanwal for
factory expenses Dtd 10-Oct-22
PV 000147-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 , Cash Payments Head Office Dt 50,000.00 0.00 (562,371.00)
1000118-P 11,12,13,14 Oct-2022 Paid to
Miss Kanwal for factory expenses
Dt 13-Oct-22
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 0.00 75,722.00 (638,093.00)
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Invoices # :
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 0.00 54,948.00 (693,041.00)
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Invoices # :
PV 000148-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payment HO Dt 100,000.00 0.00 (593,041.00)
1000118-P Payments, 16,17,18,19,20 - Oct-2022 Petty
cash replanishment Factory Miss
kanwal Dt 20-Oct-22
PV 000175-2223-118- 26-Oct-2022 26-OCT-22 44295068 Cash withdraw for factory 50,000.00 0.00 (543,041.00)
1000118-P 44295068, expense Cash withdraw for
factory expense
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 0.00 127,776.00 (670,817.00)
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Invoices # :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000149-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments HO Dt 22,24,26,29 50,000.00 0.00 (620,817.00)
1000118-P Payments, Oct - 2022 Paid to Miss Kanwal
for petty cash replanishment
Factory Dt 24-Oct-22
PV 000176-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 44295079 Cash withdraw for factory 50,000.00 0.00 (570,817.00)
1000118-P 44295079, expense Cash withdraw for
factory expense
RV 000001-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 12-NOV-22 0000 0000, cash Received from Zohaib sab. 50,000.00 0.00 (520,817.00)
2000118-R 0000 Invoices # :
PV 000003-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 12-NOV-22 , Medical Expense Invoices # : 0.00 3,000.00 (523,817.00)
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 0.00 61,719.00 (585,536.00)
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Invoices # :
PV 000032-2223-118- 18-Nov-2022 18-DEC-22 48330857 Bank withdrawl Cash withdraw 50,000.00 0.00 (535,536.00)
1000118-P Petty- for factory expense
PV 000035-2223-118- 20-Nov-2022 20-NOV-22 48330865 Bank withdrawl Cash withdraw 50,000.00 0.00 (485,536.00)
1000118-P Petty- for factory expense
PV 000039-2223-118- 27-Nov-2022 27-NOV-22 48330875 Bank withdrawl Cash withdraw 46,060.00 0.00 (439,476.00)
1000118-P Petty- for factory expense
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 0.00 121,160.00 (560,636.00)
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Invoices # :
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 0.00 62,233.00 (622,869.00)
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Invoices # :
PV 000177-2223-118- 22-Dec-2022 22-DEC-22 48330923 Cash withdraw for factory 100,000.00 0.00 (522,869.00)
1000118-P 48330923, expense Cash withdraw for
factory expense
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 0.00 197,941.00 (720,810.00)
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Invoices # :
PV 000178-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293402 Cash withdraw for factory 100,000.00 0.00 (620,810.00)
1000118-P 52293402, expense Cash withdraw for
factory expense
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 0.00 62,245.00 (683,055.00)
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 Invoices # :
PV 000005-2223-118- 20-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payment 12-jan-23 to 20- 0.00 7,560.00 (690,615.00)
2000118-P Expenses., jan-23 Invoices # :
PV 000179-2223-118- 21-Jan-2023 21-JAN-23 52293437 Cash withdraw for factory 50,000.00 0.00 (640,615.00)
1000118-P 52293437, expense Cash withdraw for
factory expense
PV 000006-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory PAID TO CASH PAYMENTS Record 0.00 88,050.00 (728,665.00)
2000118-P Expenses., 21-JAN-23 to 31-JAN-23 Invoices
PV 000012-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-FEB-23 0.00 30,350.00 (759,015.00)
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-FEB-23 Invoices # :
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 0.00 38,080.00 (797,095.00)
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 Invoices # :
1,201,060.00 1,998,155.00 (797,095.00)
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000087-2223-118- 04-Jul-2022 04-JUL-22 80807821 30 % Prepayment Issued Cheque 0.00 160,080.00 3,584,877.00
1000118-P Advance on Online Tranfer 7/4/2022 Invoices
Quotation8080 # : 000025-2223-AP-118-1000118
7821, -N_877
PV 000094-2223-118- 05-Jul-2022 05-JUL-22 80807822 100% Adv. fav. Poly Pack pvt ltd 0.00 50,000.00 3,534,877.00
1000118-P Quotation8080 Block Charges Invoices # :
PV 000183-2223-118- 05-Jul-2022 05-JUL-22 80807823 Speciality Scales Mingals Yellow 0.00 40,950.00 3,493,927.00
1000118-P 80807823, 100 Kgs @ 409.50/- Invoices # :
PV 000001-2223-118- 07-Jul-2022 07-JUL-22 80807825 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Retainer 0.00 600,000.00 2,893,927.00
4000118-P 80807825, Payment to hybrid bond Dt 7-Jul-
80807825 22 Invoices # :
RV 000020-2223-118- 07-Jul-2022 07-JUL-22 560752 560752, Mirza Ejaz Dt 07/07/2022 for 80,000.00 0.00 2,973,927.00
1000118-R 560752 Rent Factory Invoices # :
PV 000182-2223-118- 07-Jul-2022 07-JUL-22 80807824 Khalid Shakeel Rent for Factory 0.00 80,000.00 2,893,927.00
1000118-P 80807824, M/o July-2022 Invoices # :
PV 000211-2223-118- 07-Jul-2022 07-JUL-22 80807825, Hybrid Bond (Pvt) Ltd Retainer 0.00 600,000.00 2,293,927.00
1000118-P Payment Dt 07/07/2022 Invoices
JV 1 07-Jul-2022 80807825 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Retainer 600,000.00 0.00 2,893,927.00
Payment to hybrid bond Dt 7-Jul-
22 Invoices # :
PV 000186-2223-118- 12-Jul-2022 12-JUL-22 39614222 Hassan Sheikh & Co. Trade Mark 0.00 30,000.00 2,863,927.00
1000118-P 39614222, Registration Fee + Serv. Charge
39614222 9000*2+6000*2 Invoices # :
PV 000184-2223-118- 13-Jul-2022 13-JUL-22 LC Advance payment for LC USD 0.00 2,819,745.00 44,182.00
1000118-P LC#22INSU0517 $ 13465.83 @ 209.4 QTY 1126
-000014, Box 14400 Kgs Invoices # :
PV 000185-2223-118- 13-Jul-2022 13-JUL-22 LC Charges Dt 13/07/2022 Tax, LC 0.00 5,487.00 38,695.00
1000118-P LC#22INSU0517 Swift, Tax & Trade Finance Service
-000014, Chgs Rs. 80+500+677+4230
Invoices # :
RV 000021-2223-118- 18-Jul-2022 18-JUL-22 97554759 Capital invested by Share Capital- 3,000,000.00 0.00 3,038,695.00
1000118-R Capital Rana Nouman Dt 18-Jul-22
Injection-Rana Invoices # :
59, 97554759
RV 000022-2223-118- 18-Jul-2022 18-JUL-22 0006 Capital Nayar Sardar Capital invested Dt 10,000,000.00 0.00 13,038,695.00
1000118-R Account0006, 18/07/2022 Invoices # :
PV 000187-2223-118- 18-Jul-2022 18-JUL-22 39614221 Pakistan Customs Custom Duty 0.00 2,486,964.00 10,551,731.00
1000118-P Custom +Sales Tax+Additional CD
Payments39614 +additional s/tax + I/Tax Rs.
221, 39614221 173286+126498+577620+278298
+577620+716827 + cess Rs. 35812
Invoices # :
PV 000188-2223-118- 18-Jul-2022 18-JUL-22 , FED on Charges + Cheque Lodge 0.00 348.00 10,551,383.00
1000118-P Charges Dt 18/07/2022 Invoices #
PV 000043-2223-118- 21-Jul-2022 21-JUL-22 39614226 Raw Paid To Pearl Confectionary 0.00 300,000.00 10,251,383.00
1000118-P Material- Diachi Foods Dt 21/07/2022
Cerials3961422 Invoices # :
6, 39614226
PV 000189-2223-118- 21-Jul-2022 21-JUL-22 39614225 Hapag Lloyd Pakistan (Pvt) 0.00 202,857.00 10,048,526.00
1000118-P 39614225, LtdPort terminal Charges BL #
39614225 1822 Qty 1126 Box Invoices # :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000190-2223-118- 21-Jul-2022 21-JUL-22 39614224 Hapag Lloyd Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd 0.00 77,219.00 9,971,307.00
1000118-P 39614224, Port Terminal Charges BL #
39614224 HLCUIZ1220531822 Port terminal
Charges Invoices # :
PV 000191-2223-118- 21-Jul-2022 21-JUL-22 39614223 Karachi International Container 0.00 71,500.00 9,899,807.00
1000118-P 39614223, Terminal Port Terminal Charges
39614223 BL # HLCUIZ1220531822 Port
terminal Charges 1126 Box
Invoices # :
RV 000023-2223-118- 22-Jul-2022 22-JUL-22 0003 0003, Nayyar Sardar Capital Invested 5,000,000.00 0.00 14,899,807.00
1000118-R 0003 Depo. in MBL Dt 22-07-2022
Invoices # :
PV 000192-2223-118- 26-Jul-2022 26-JUL-22 39614227 Ramada Lahore official meeting 0.00 5,475.00 14,894,332.00
1000118-P 39614227, Dt 26-Jul-22 Invoices # :
PV 000096-2223-118- 27-Jul-2022 27-JUL-22 39614229 For laminated Sheets Invoice No. 0.00 10,071.00 14,884,261.00
1000118-P 39614229, 499 Invoices # : 000023-2223-AP-
39614229 118-1000118-N_877
PV 000193-2223-118- 28-Jul-2022 28-JUL-22 39614228 Ramadha Lahore for official 0.00 19,824.00 14,864,437.00
1000118-P 39614228, meeting at Ramada lhr Dt 28-Jul-
39614228 22 Invoices # :
PV 000194-2223-118- 29-Jul-2022 29-JUL-22 39614230 BL # Pakistan Customs BL # 0.00 2,715,879.00 12,148,558.00
1000118-P HLCUIZ1220531 HLCUIZ1220531822 CD, ST,
82239614230, Additional CD, ST, RD, & I/Tax +
39614230 Cess. Rs.
Invoices # :
PV 000004-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614236 Syed M. Amir Shah Office Boy 0.00 19,000.00 12,129,558.00
4000118-P 39614236, Salary M/o July-2022 Invoices # :
PV 000005-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614240 Zohaib Traders (Salary Zohaib Sb) 0.00 75,000.00 12,054,558.00
4000118-P 39614240, For the M/o Jul-2022 Invoices # :
PV 000199-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614232 Faisal hayat Salary M/o July-22 0.00 202,250.00 11,852,308.00
1000118-P 39614232, Invoices # :
PV 000200-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614233 Qasim Naeeem Butt Salary M/o 0.00 111,875.00 11,740,433.00
1000118-P 39614233, July-22 Invoices # :
PV 000201-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614235 Arsalan Akbar Salary for The M/o 0.00 79,250.00 11,661,183.00
1000118-P 39614235, July-22 Invoices # :
PV 000202-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614239 Asif Massih (Account Arsalan 0.00 25,000.00 11,636,183.00
1000118-P 39614239, Akbar) Salary for the m/o July -
39614239 2022 Invoices # :
PV 000203-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614244 Al Latif Centre Rent Expenses 0.00 44,000.00 11,592,183.00
1000118-P 39614244, lahore Office Aug-2022 Invoices #
39614244 :
PV 000212-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614236, Syed M. Amir Shah Office Boy 0.00 19,000.00 11,573,183.00
1000118-P Salary M/o July - 2022 Invoices # :
PV 000213-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614240, Zohaib Traders (Salary Mirza 0.00 75,000.00 11,498,183.00
1000118-P Zohaib) For the M/o Jul-2022
Invoices # :
JV 2 01-Aug-2022 39614236 Syed M. Amir Shah Office Boy 19,000.00 0.00 11,517,183.00
Salary M/o July-2022 Invoices # :
JV 3 01-Aug-2022 39614240 Zohaib Traders (Salary Zohaib Sb) 75,000.00 0.00 11,592,183.00
For the M/o Jul-2022 Invoices # :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
JV 4 01-Aug-2022 39614246 Khalid Shakeel Factory Rent for 50,000.00 0.00 11,642,183.00
the month of August-22 Invoices
JV 5 01-Aug-2022 39614249 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Digital 123,533.00 0.00 11,765,716.00
prints for output proofing on
300gm art card dispatched to lhr
and lala musa-7 designs x 3 sets
and Agency commission Dt 15-
Aug-22 Invoices # :
JV 6 01-Aug-2022 39614266 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Agency 33,300.00 0.00 11,799,016.00
travelling expense DT 17-Aug-22
Invoices # :
PV 000006-2223-118- 02-Aug-2022 02-AUG-22 39614246 Khalid Shakeel Factory Rent for 0.00 50,000.00 11,749,016.00
4000118-P 39614246, the month of August-22 Invoices
39614246 #:
PV 000205-2223-118- 02-Aug-2022 02-AUG-22 39614247 Khalid Shakeel Rent Expenses 0.00 30,000.00 11,719,016.00
1000118-P 39614247, Factory For the M/o Aug-2022
39614247 Invoices # :
PV 000216-2223-118- 02-Aug-2022 02-AUG-22 39614246, Khalid Shakeel Rent expense of 0.00 50,000.00 11,669,016.00
1000118-P pakaging factory for the month of
August-22 Invoices # :
PV 000220-2223-118- 02-Aug-2022 02-AUG-22 39614245 Nadeem Engineering Company 0.00 745,000.00 10,924,016.00
1000118-P 39614245, Packing Machine, Linear Weigher
39614245 & Z Type conveyor Invoices # :
PV 000002-2223-118- 03-Aug-2022 03-AUG-22 39614249 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Digital 0.00 123,533.00 10,800,483.00
4000118-P 39614249, prints for output proofing on
39614249 300gm art card dispatched to lhr
and lala musa-7 designs x 3 sets
and Agency commission Dt 15-
Aug-22 Invoices # :
PV 000214-2223-118- 03-Aug-2022 03-AUG-22 39614249, Hybrid Bound (Pvt) Ltd For Digital 0.00 123,533.00 10,676,950.00
1000118-P Prints, Ard Cards, Agency
Commission for Marketing
Invoices # :
PV 000114-2223-118- 05-Aug-2022 05-AUG-22 39614253 50 % paid to HTC Invoice No. 42 0.00 41,225.00 10,635,725.00
1000118-P HAJVERI TAPE Invoices # : 000015-2223-AP-118-
CENTRE396142 1000118-N_877
53, 39614253
PV 000111-2223-118- 11-Aug-2022 11-AUG-22 39614258 Cash in Hand Invoices # : 0.00 50,000.00 10,585,725.00
1000118-P 39614258,
PV 000153-2223-118- 11-Aug-2022 11-AUG-22 39614257 Cash from MBL Paid for lhr office 0.00 51,555.00 10,534,170.00
1000118-P Lahore petty expense for the month of
Office39614257 August Invoices # :
, 39614257
PV 000217-2223-118- 11-Aug-2022 11-AUG-22 39614259 Mirza Hammad Ahmad Mobile 0.00 135,371.00 10,398,799.00
1000118-P 396142593961 Transfer to Hapag LLoyed
4259, Detention Charges LC Payment
39614259 Invoices # :
PV 000221-2223-118- 11-Aug-2022 11-AUG- 39614260,3961 Mirza Hammad Ahmed Meal 0.00 19,470.00 10,379,329.00
1000118-P 22,11-AUG- 4261 39614260, Expenses Payment Invoices # :
22 39614261,
PV 000003-2223-118- 17-Aug-2022 17-AUG-22 39614266 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Agency 0.00 33,300.00 10,346,029.00
4000118-P 39614266, travelling expense DT 17-Aug-22
39614266 Invoices # :
PV 000112-2223-118- 17-Aug-2022 17-AUG- 39614270,3961 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 100,000.00 10,246,029.00
1000118-P 22,17-AUG- 4272 39614270,
22 39614272,
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000215-2223-118- 17-Aug-2022 17-AUG-22 39614266, Hybrid Bond (Pvt) Ltd Agency 0.00 33,300.00 10,212,729.00
1000118-P Travelling Expenses Dt
17/08/2022 Invoices # :
PV 000113-2223-118- 22-Aug-2022 22-JAN-23 39614278 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 50,000.00 10,162,729.00
1000118-P 39614278,
PV 000198-2223-118- 22-Aug-2022 22-AUG- 39614231,3961 Food Stuff Bill # 011, BL NO. 0.00 205,392.00 9,957,337.00
1000118-P 22,22-AUG- 4276 4a HLCUIZ1220531822,INV #
22 enterprises396 OYT20220000038 Invoices # :
PV 000115-2223-118- 30-Aug-2022 25-AUG- 39614285,3961 Cash In hand Invoices # : 0.00 150,000.00 9,807,337.00
1000118-P 22,26-AUG- 4287,39614292
22,30-AUG- 39614285,
22 39614287,
PV 000116-2223-118- 08-Sep-2022 06-SEP- 39614313,4429 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 9,607,337.00
1000118-P 22,08-SEP- 4987 39614313,
22 44294987,
PV 000117-2223-118- 13-Sep-2022 13-SEP-22 44294991 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 300,000.00 9,307,337.00
1000118-P 44294991,
PV 000155-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 44294995 Cash In Hand for lahore office 0.00 42,283.00 9,265,054.00
1000118-P Lahore office- expense for the month of Sep-22
44294995, Invoices # :
PV 000118-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP- 44294996,4429 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 400,000.00 8,865,054.00
1000118-P 22,15-SEP- 4998 44294996,
22 44294998,
PV 000119-2223-118- 17-Sep-2022 17-SEP- 44295003,4429 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 320,000.00 8,545,054.00
1000118-P 22,17-SEP- 5004 44295004,
22 44295003,
PV 000120-2223-118- 19-Sep-2022 19-SEP-22 44295008 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 8,345,054.00
1000118-P 44295008,
RV 000024-2223-118- 21-Sep-2022 21-SEP-22 00004 00004, Nayyar Sardar Capital invested Dt 5,000,000.00 0.00 13,345,054.00
1000118-R 00004 22-Jul-22 HBL to MBL Invoices # :
PV 000121-2223-118- 21-Sep-2022 21-SEP- 44295011,4429 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 500,000.00 12,845,054.00
1000118-P 22,21-SEP- 5012 44295011,
22 44295012,
PV 000122-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP- 44295013,4429 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 400,000.00 12,445,054.00
1000118-P 22,22-SEP- 5014 44295013,
22 44295014,
PV 000123-2223-118- 23-Sep-2022 23-SEP-22 44295019 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 100,000.00 12,345,054.00
1000118-P 44295019,
PV 000126-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 44295020 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 12,145,054.00
1000118-P 44295020,
PV 000127-2223-118- 27-Sep-2022 27-SEP-22 44295022 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 11,945,054.00
1000118-P 44295022,
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000128-2223-118- 28-Sep-2022 28-SEP-22 44295025 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 600,000.00 11,345,054.00
1000118-P 44295025,
RV 000025-2223-118- 29-Sep-2022 29-SEP-22 00000005 Nayyar Sardar HBL Chq#05 Dt 8,000,000.00 0.00 19,345,054.00
1000118-R 000000050000 28/09/2022 Deposit in MBL
0005, Capital Injection Invoices # :
PV 000129-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 44295027 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 19,145,054.00
1000118-P 44295027,
PV 000130-2223-118- 03-Oct-2022 03-OCT-22 44295026 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 500,000.00 18,645,054.00
1000118-P 44295026,
PV 000098-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 24-JAN-23 44295018 Full Payment Inv#1312 & Partial 0.00 356,718.00 18,288,336.00
1000118-P 44295018, Paymnet Inv# 1402 Invoices # :
44295018 000024-2223-AP-118-1000118-
N_877 / 000025-2223-AP-118-
RV 000026-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 645511 645511, Qasim Butt Salary transfer back to 1,020.00 0.00 18,289,356.00
1000118-R 645511 MBL Account Dt 05/10/2022
Invoices # :
RV 000027-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 747763 747763, Qasim Butt sb Depo. in Meezan 16,910.00 0.00 18,306,266.00
1000118-R 747763 Bank excess Salary Amount
Returned DT 05/10/2022 Invoices
PV 000131-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 44295050 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 18,106,266.00
1000118-P 44295050,
PV 000132-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 44295054 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 17,906,266.00
1000118-P 44295054,
PV 000133-2223-118- 11-Oct-2022 11-OCT- 44295055,4429 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 400,000.00 17,506,266.00
1000118-P 22,11-OCT- 5056 44295055,
22 44295056,
PV 000134-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 44295058 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 17,306,266.00
1000118-P 44295058,
PV 000135-2223-118- 19-Oct-2022 19-OCT-22 44295062 Cash In Hand Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 17,106,266.00
1000118-P 44295062,
PV 000175-2223-118- 26-Oct-2022 26-OCT-22 44295068 Cash withdraw for factory 0.00 50,000.00 17,056,266.00
1000118-P 44295068, expense Invoices # :
PV 000051-2223-118- 27-Oct-2022 27-OCT-22 44295071 Petty Bank Withdrawl Invoices # : 0.00 50,000.00 17,006,266.00
1000118-P Cash
1, 44295071
RV 000003-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Cash withdrawl Deposit in Cash In Hand Cash 0.00 200,000.00 16,806,266.00
1000118-R from Bank, deposit through Bank a\c
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 44295081 Bank Withdrawl Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 16,606,266.00
1000118-P Withdraw cash
from bank for
Cash in Hand
81, 44295081
RV 000028-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 00000007 Nayyar Sardar Khan HBL Ac 7,000,000.00 0.00 23,606,266.00
1000118-R 00000007, Deposit in Meezan Dt 31/10/2022
00000007 Invoices # :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000091-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 44295082 INV # 0001-Monthly Retainer 0.00 250,000.00 23,356,266.00
1000118-P Marketing payment-Permeatek Invoices # :
Expense442950 000017-2223-AP-118-1000118-
82, 44295082 N_877
PV 000103-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 44295077 30% Advance For Cereals Kuvvet 0.00 246,000.00 23,110,266.00
1000118-P 44295077, 250 GM Invoices # : 000027-2223-
44295077 AP-118-1000118-N_877
PV 000173-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 44295073 Advance For T-Shirts, Caps, Pens 0.00 418,750.00 22,691,516.00
1000118-P Gradient Keychains, wall Clocks for Trade
Graphics44295 Invoices # : 000032-2223-AP-118-
073, 44295073 1000118-N_877
PV 000176-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 44295079 Cash withdraw for factory 0.00 50,000.00 22,641,516.00
1000118-P 44295079, expense Invoices # :
PV 000002-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 01-NOV-22 44295083 Miscellaneouse Expense Invoices 0.00 75,000.00 22,566,516.00
1000118-P Zohaib #:
83, 44295083
PV 000003-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 01-NOV- 44295084,4833 Staff Salaries Invoices # : 0.00 1,390,705.00 21,175,811.00
1000118-P 22,02-NOV- 0837,48330842
22,03-DEC- 48330837,
22 48330842,
PV 000004-2223-118- 02-Nov-2022 02-NOV-22 44295085 Labor Cost Invoices # : 0.00 75,000.00 21,100,811.00
1000118-P Labor
PV 000005-2223-118- 02-Nov-2022 02-NOV-22 48330836 PC Non Current asset Invoices # : 0.00 185,500.00 20,915,311.00
1000118-P Tech48330836,
PV 000006-2223-118- 02-Nov-2022 02-NOV-22 48330838 Rent Expense Invoices # : 0.00 44,000.00 20,871,311.00
1000118-P Lahore
, 48330838
PV 000007-2223-118- 02-Nov-2022 02-NOV-22 48330839 HO- Rent Expense Invoices # : 0.00 83,980.00 20,787,331.00
1000118-P Multan4833083
9, 48330839
PV 000009-2223-118- 02-Nov-2022 02-NOV-22 48330840 Utility Expense Invoices # : 0.00 45,099.00 20,742,232.00
1000118-P Electricity bill-
PV 000010-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 48330841 Rent Expense Invoices # : 0.00 120,000.00 20,622,232.00
1000118-P Factory483308
41, 48330841
PV 000011-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 Online Cash in hand withdrawl Cash in 1.00 0.00 20,622,233.00
1000118-P transfer, hand transfered to Meezan bank
PV 000150-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 Cash Cash payments HO Dt 02,03 Nov- 29,244.00 0.00 20,651,477.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 Amount reversed back to
Meezan BNG account
RV 000004-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-DEC-22 Nayyar Sadar, Capital Injection Invoices # : 3,000,000.00 0.00 23,651,477.00
RV 000006-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-NOV-22 Cash injection Injection-Mirza Ejaz Invoices # : 61,655.00 0.00 23,713,132.00
1000118-R in Bank
RV 000007-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 21-DEC-22 Inventory a\C, LC converted into Raw material- 4,267,478.00 0.00 27,980,610.00
1000118-R Cereals Invoices # :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000012-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-NOV-22 48330843 Ghazi Security Guards (Pvt) ltd 0.00 90,000.00 27,890,610.00
1000118-P Security Invoices # :
3, 48330843
PV 000013-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-NOV-22 48330845 HO- Utility Expense Invoices # : 0.00 9,040.00 27,881,570.00
1000118-P Multan4833084
5, 48330845
PV 000144-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-NOV-22 48330844 Non Voucher#000006-118-1000118- 0.00 61,655.00 27,819,915.00
1000118-P trade payables- 3JV-HO expense regarding official
48330844, lunch, stationary, water bill
48330844 grocery items TP's and flash
Invoices # :
PV 000014-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 15-NOV- 48330848,4833 Payment for trademark filing 0.00 160,150.00 27,659,765.00
1000118-P 22,15-NOV- 0849 48330848, official and service charges
22 48330849, Invoices # : 000001-2223-AP-118-
48330849 1000118-N_877 / 000002-2223-
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 15-NOV-22 48330850 INV # 0002-Monthly Retainer 0.00 250,000.00 27,409,765.00
1000118-P Marketing payment-Permeatek Invoices # :
Expense- 000018-2223-AP-118-1000118-
Permeatek4833 N_877
PV 000025-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 15-DEC-22 48330851 Reimbursed expenses Invoices # : 0.00 18,570.00 27,391,195.00
1000118-P Amount
reimbursed to
Asif Mehmood
for expenses in
the month of
PV 000029-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 14-NOV-22 48330846 UPS Non Current asset Invoices # : 0.00 36,000.00 27,355,195.00
1000118-P for Head office
6, 48330846
PV 000030-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 14-DEC-22 48330847 Non Current asset Invoices # : 0.00 25,000.00 27,330,195.00
1000118-P Battery for
PV 000018-2223-118- 16-Nov-2022 16-NOV- 48330853,4833 Bank withdrawl Invoices # : 0.00 146,600.00 27,183,595.00
1000118-P 22,16-NOV- 0854,48330855
22,16-NOV- ,48330856
22,16-NOV- Withdraw cash
22 from bank for
Cash in Hand
53, 48330854,
PV 000021-2223-118- 16-Nov-2022 16-NOV- 48330858,4833 Non Current asset Invoices # : 0.00 102,500.00 27,081,095.00
1000118-P 22,16-NOV- 0859 KIA
22 Picanto,TOYOT
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000023-2223-118- 16-Nov-2022 16-NOV-22 48330852 Non trade Payables Invoices # : 0.00 133,519.00 26,947,576.00
1000118-P Reimbursed
expense for the
month of Oct-
PV 000032-2223-118- 18-Nov-2022 18-DEC-22 48330857 Bank withdrawl Invoices # : 0.00 50,000.00 26,897,576.00
1000118-P Petty-
57, 48330857
PV 000033-2223-118- 19-Nov-2022 19-NOV-22 48330860 Sales and Promotion Expense 0.00 93,200.00 26,804,376.00
1000118-P Outfits4833086 Invoices # :
0, 48330860
PV 000031-2223-118- 20-Nov-2022 20-DEC-22 48330862 Packing Material Invoices # : 0.00 39,900.00 26,764,476.00
1000118-P Purchase-Jar 000006-2223-AP-118-1000118-
bottles4833086 N_877
2, 48330862
PV 000034-2223-118- 20-Nov-2022 20-NOV-22 48330864 Factory Supplies Invoices # : 0.00 12,000.00 26,752,476.00
1000118-P Grocery
PV 000035-2223-118- 20-Nov-2022 20-NOV-22 48330865 Bank withdrawl Invoices # : 0.00 50,000.00 26,702,476.00
1000118-P Petty-
65, 48330865
PV 000028-2223-118- 21-Nov-2022 21-NOV-22 48330861 Utility Expense Invoices # : 0.00 129,840.00 26,572,636.00
1000118-P Electricity bill-
61, 48330861
PV 000026-2223-118- 22-Nov-2022 15-NOV- 48330869,4833 Sales and promotion expense 0.00 121,144.00 26,451,492.00
1000118-P 22,15-NOV- 0870 Paid for Invoices # :
22 room
occupation of
Bereket staff to
attend Pre sales
9, 48330870,
PV 000027-2223-118- 22-Nov-2022 31-OCT- 44295076,4833 Marketing expense Invoices # : 0.00 662,029.87 25,789,462.13
1000118-P 22,22-NOV- 0868 Paid 50% 000004-2223-AP-118-1000118-
22 advance to N_877
WAM printing
and designing
house for POS
76, 48330868,
PV 000036-2223-118- 22-Nov-2022 22-NOV- 48330866,4833 Staff boarding and loadging 0.00 21,030.00 25,768,432.13
1000118-P 22,22-NOV- 0867 INDIGO Expense Invoices # :
22 Hotel-Rana
66, 48330867,
PV 000037-2223-118- 22-Nov-2022 22-NOV-22 48330871 Bank withdrawl Invoices # : 0.00 20,000.00 25,748,432.13
1000118-P Petty-
1, 48330871
PV 000024-2223-118- 23-Nov-2022 23-DEC-22 48330872 Toy bowls for which 50 % of 0.00 334,250.00 25,414,182.13
1000118-P Purchases4833 advance payment ie:
0872, (700000*50%=35000) in made
48330872 Invoices # : 000003-2223-AP-118-
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000038-2223-118- 25-Nov-2022 25-NOV-22 48330873 Repair and Maintenance Expense 0.00 6,000.00 25,408,182.13
1000118-P Laptop-Aftab Invoices # :
PV 000042-2223-118- 26-Nov-2022 26-NOV-22 48330874 Intangible Asset Invoices # : 0.00 514,245.50 24,893,936.63
1000118-P Cloud Tenant- 000007-2223-AP-118-1000118-
ERP48330874, N_877
PV 000039-2223-118- 27-Nov-2022 27-NOV-22 48330875 Bank withdrawl Invoices # : 0.00 46,060.00 24,847,876.63
1000118-P Petty-
75, 48330875
PV 000040-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 48330876 Repair and Maintenance Expense 0.00 35,000.00 24,812,876.63
1000118-P Vehicle-Faisal Invoices # :
6, 48330876
PV 000044-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330877 Salary Expense Invoices # : 0.00 333,677.00 24,479,199.63
1000118-P Factory
PV 000045-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330878 HO- Rent Expense Invoices # : 0.00 83,980.00 24,395,219.63
1000118-P Multan4833087
8, 48330878
PV 000046-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330879 Utility -HO MUltan Invoices # : 0.00 21,669.00 24,373,550.63
1000118-P Electricity bill-
9, 48330879
PV 000047-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330880 Rent Expense Invoices # : 0.00 120,000.00 24,253,550.63
1000118-P Factory483308
80, 48330880
PV 000048-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330881 Rent Expense Invoices # : 0.00 44,000.00 24,209,550.63
1000118-P Lahore
, 48330881
PV 000049-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330882 Petty Bank Withdrawl Invoices # : 0.00 35,000.00 24,174,550.63
1000118-P Cash-HO
2, 48330882
RV 000029-2223-118- 05-Dec-2022 05-DEC-22 72 72, 72 Noor Traders Same Day transfer 2,000,000.00 0.00 26,174,550.63
1000118-R Dt 05/12/2022 Invoices # :
PV 000056-2223-118- 05-Dec-2022 05-DEC-22 48330891 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 120,625.00 26,053,925.63
1000118-P Salaries483308
91, 48330891
PV 000050-2223-118- 06-Dec-2022 06-DEC-22 48330890 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 845,950.00 25,207,975.63
1000118-P Salaries483308
90, 48330890
PV 000057-2223-118- 06-Dec-2022 06-DEC- 48330883,4833 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 467,083.00 24,740,892.63
1000118-P 22,06-DEC- 0885,48330886
22,06-DEC- ,48330887,483
22,06-DEC- 30892
22,06-DEC- Salaries483308
22 83, 48330885,
RV 000030-2223-118- 07-Dec-2022 07-DEC-22 TID-291436 Mirza Ejaz Cash injection Dt 7- 50,000.00 0.00 24,790,892.63
1000118-R TID-291436, Dec-22 Invoices # :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000160-2223-118- 07-Dec-2022 07-DEC-22 48330895 Cash Cash from MBL Dt 07/12/2022 0.00 50,000.00 24,740,892.63
1000118-P in Invoices # :
PV 000163-2223-118- 07-Dec-2022 07-DEC-22 48330894 Dt 7-Dec-22 Ashar sb received 0.00 25,400.00 24,715,492.63
1000118-P 48330894, from Zohaib sb Meezan Bank
48330894 Invoices # :
PV 000164-2223-118- 07-Dec-2022 07-DEC-22 48330893 Cash paid to Ashar Sb Dt 7-Dec-22 0.00 24,600.00 24,690,892.63
1000118-P 48330893, Invoices # :
RV 000031-2223-118- 08-Dec-2022 08-DEC-22 TID-173883 Mirza Ejaz Capital injection Dt 8- 250,000.00 0.00 24,940,892.63
1000118-R TID-173883, Dec-22 Invoices # :
RV 000032-2223-118- 08-Dec-2022 08-DEC-22 TID: 960822 Mirza Ejaz Capital Injections Dt 150,000.00 0.00 25,090,892.63
1000118-R TID: 960822, 08/12/2022 Invoices # :
TID: 960822
RV 000033-2223-118- 08-Dec-2022 08-DEC-22 FT2234209L4DL Mirza Ejaz Capital Injection Dt 350,000.00 0.00 25,440,892.63
1000118-R MTK 08/12/2022 Invoices # :
PV 000078-2223-118- 08-Dec-2022 08-DEC-22 48330896 LC INVOICE No. IMP-015249-2022 0.00 724,500.00 24,716,392.63
1000118-P Cost-MK Invoices # :
Shipping and
96, 48330896
PV 000165-2223-118- 08-Dec-2022 08-DEC-22 48330898 Cash Paid to Asher sb Dt 8-Dec-22 0.00 12,000.00 24,704,392.63
1000118-P 48330898, From Meezan Bank Invoices # :
RV 000034-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 52853978 Pro Distribution Chq of ABL Depo. 1,000,000.00 0.00 25,704,392.63
1000118-R 52853978, in MBL Dt 09/12/2022 Invoices # :
PV 000055-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330902 Sales Reimbursed expenses Invoices # : 0.00 242,077.00 25,462,315.63
1000118-P team and
PV 000058-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330904 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 20,180.00 25,442,135.63
1000118-P Allowances483
PV 000059-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330903 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 61,480.00 25,380,655.63
1000118-P Allowances483
PV 000060-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330905 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 226,050.00 25,154,605.63
1000118-P Salary48330905
, 48330905
PV 000065-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330901 Marketing expense Invoices # : 0.00 86,000.00 25,068,605.63
1000118-P Hostinger
1, 48330901
PV 000066-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330900 Uniform, Gloves etc Invoices # : 0.00 43,800.00 25,024,805.63
1000118-P Factory
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000067-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330906 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 45,600.00 24,979,205.63
1000118-P EOBI,Social
06, 48330906
PV 000073-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330907 Serial No Invoices # : 0.00 200,000.00 24,779,205.63
1000118-P Operational
PV 000207-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330908 Petty cash replanishment Multan 0.00 34,687.00 24,744,518.63
1000118-P 48330908, HO Invoices # :
RV 000011-2223-118- 17-Dec-2022 17-DEC-22 82348968 Rana Imran MBL As Loan 6,000,000.00 0.00 30,744,518.63
1000118-R 82348968, Chq # 82348968 DT 17/12/2022
82348968 Invoices # :
PV 000077-2223-118- 17-Dec-2022 17-DEC-22 48330913 Invoice No. GSG-LHR-0096 3 0.00 90,000.00 30,654,518.63
1000118-P Security persons @ 30000/- 30 days
Guards4833091 Security Charges M/o Nov-22
3, 48330913 Invoices # :
PV 000064-2223-118- 19-Dec-2022 19-DEC-22 48330916 Fauji Packing Material Invoices # : 0.00 2,064,862.80 28,589,655.83
1000118-P Cereals4833091 000008-2223-AP-118-1000118-
6, 48330916 N_877
PV 000041-2223-118- 21-Dec-2022 21-DEC-22 48330863 Cottage Home Expense Invoices # 0.00 48,599.00 28,541,056.83
1000118-P Utility :
PV 000061-2223-118- 21-Dec-2022 21-DEC-22 48330917 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 95,080.00 28,445,976.83
1000118-P Allowances483
PV 000062-2223-118- 22-Dec-2022 22-DEC-22 48330925 Staff Welfare Invoices # : 0.00 32,632.00 28,413,344.83
1000118-P Medical
25, 48330925
PV 000068-2223-118- 22-Dec-2022 22-DEC- 48330922,4833 Marketing expense Invoices # : 0.00 131,625.00 28,281,719.83
1000118-P 22,22-DEC- 0926 000005-2223-AP-118-1000118-
22 Trademark4833 N_877 / 000009-2223-AP-118-
0926, 1000118-N_877
PV 000177-2223-118- 22-Dec-2022 22-DEC-22 48330923 Cash withdraw for factory 0.00 100,000.00 28,181,719.83
1000118-P 48330923, expense Invoices # :
PV 000208-2223-118- 22-Dec-2022 22-DEC-22 48330924 Petty cash replanishment Multan 0.00 50,000.00 28,131,719.83
1000118-P 48330924, HO Invoices # :
PV 000063-2223-118- 24-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 48330930 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 18,030.00 28,113,689.83
1000118-P Reimbursed
PV 000069-2223-118- 26-Dec-2022 26-DEC-22 48330927 INV-0041INV-,0042,INV-0040,and 0.00 710,767.50 27,402,922.33
1000118-P Intangible INV-009773 Invoices # : 000010-
Asset-ERP- 2223-AP-118-1000118-N_877
7, 48330927
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000070-2223-118- 26-Dec-2022 26-DEC-22 48330932 SECP Administrative expense Invoices # 0.00 8,460.00 27,394,462.33
1000118-P Challan- :
t Food And
2, 48330932
PV 000104-2223-118- 26-Dec-2022 26-DEC-22 48330919 Balance Amount Of PolyPack Paid 0.00 215,428.00 27,179,034.33
1000118-P PolyPack Pvt Invoices # : 000027-2223-AP-118-
Ltd48330919, 1000118-N_877
PV 000166-2223-118- 27-Dec-2022 27-DEC-22 48330934 Cash Withdrawal Paid to Ashar Sb 0.00 30,000.00 27,149,034.33
1000118-P 48330934, Dt 27-Dec-22 Invoices # :
PV 000180-2223-118- 27-Dec-2022 27-DEC-22 48330933 Partial Junaid Sajjad Butt Polo T 0.00 150,000.00 26,999,034.33
1000118-P Gradient Shirts, Caps Dt 27/12/2022
Graphics48330 Invoices # : 000032-2223-AP-118-
933, 48330933 1000118-N_877
PV 000071-2223-118- 28-Dec-2022 28-DEC-22 48330921 Serail No:334 Invoices # : 000011- 0.00 100,660.72 26,898,373.61
1000118-P Marketing 2223-AP-118-1000118-N_877
, 48330921
PV 000072-2223-118- 28-Dec-2022 28-DEC-22 52293377 Sr No.1196184 Invoices # : 0.00 500,000.00 26,398,373.61
1000118-P Operational
PV 000146-2223-118- 28-Dec-2022 28-DEC- 48330935,5229 PTA- Application processing fee 0.00 185,250.00 26,213,123.61
1000118-P 22,28-DEC- 3376 48330935, and annual number charges
22 52293376, ,Activation Charges And GST
48330935 @19.5 Invoices # :
PV 000074-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293383 Travel Expense-Nadeem Raza 0.00 38,950.00 26,174,173.61
1000118-P Airsial-ticket # Invoices # :
2 & ticket #
PV 000075-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293382 IHSM Invoice # 10004333, 0.00 62,921.00 26,111,252.61
1000118-P INDIGO Hotel 10004149, 10004175, 10004397,
expense522933 10004315 Invoices # :
82, 52293382
PV 000082-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293384 Ramada Bill Room Rent 1 Day 0.00 13,502.00 26,097,750.61
1000118-P Residence 12000+GST 16% Noman Sb
Exp.52293384, Invoices # :
PV 000083-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293379 Bilty # 414 for 233 carton sent to 0.00 35,000.00 26,062,750.61
1000118-P Distribution Lahore Freight Charges Invoices #
Exp.52293379, :
PV 000085-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293380 Bilty # 415 for 210 carton sent to 0.00 49,000.00 26,013,750.61
1000118-P Freight On Islamabad dt 27/12/2022 Invoices
Sales52293380, # :
PV 000086-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293378 Bilty No. 413 for 180 carton 0.00 45,000.00 25,968,750.61
1000118-P Freight on Freight to Islamabad Invoices # :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000079-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293386 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 1,745,169.00 24,223,581.61
1000118-P Salary expense
of Bereket
Naturals Pvt Ltd
PV 000080-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293387 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 529,660.00 23,693,921.61
1000118-P Allowances and
Expenses of
PV 000081-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293388 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 222,366.00 23,471,555.61
1000118-P Salaries-Labour
PV 000084-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293392 Asif Reimbursed expenses Invoices # : 0.00 15,000.00 23,456,555.61
1000118-P Mehmood5229
PV 000092-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 22-DEC- 48330918,5229 INV # 0003-Monthly Retainer 0.00 385,000.00 23,071,555.61
1000118-P 22,30-DEC- 3385 Marketing payment& INV # 0004 for
22 Expense- Artwork desighn for Jhat Hazam
Permeatek4833 Invoices # : 000019-2223-AP-118-
0918, 1000118-N_877 / 000020-2223-
52293385, AP-118-1000118-N_877
PV 000167-2223-118- 01-Jan-2023 01-JAN-23 52293405 Cash received From Zohaib (for 0.00 200,000.00 22,871,555.61
1000118-P 52293405, Grinder Machine) ashar sb
52293405 Invoices # :
PV 000053-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293398 HO- Rent Expense Invoices # : 0.00 83,980.00 22,787,575.61
1000118-P Multan5229339
8, 52293398
PV 000099-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293396 Rent Expense Invoices # : 0.00 120,000.00 22,667,575.61
1000118-P Factory-
396, 52293396
PV 000100-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293397 Rent Expense Invoices # : 0.00 48,400.00 22,619,175.61
1000118-P Lahore Office-
PV 000178-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293402 Cash withdraw for factory 0.00 100,000.00 22,519,175.61
1000118-P 52293402, expense Invoices # :
PV 000204-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN- 52293400,5229 Salary and other expenses of Qazi 0.00 68,900.00 22,450,275.61
1000118-P 23,03-JAN- 3401 52293400, Adil for the month of Dec-22
23 52293401, Invoices # :
PV 000206-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293403 Rent expense for the month of 0.00 30,000.00 22,420,275.61
1000118-P Cottage Jan-23 Invoices # :
, 52293403
PV 000209-2223-118- 04-Jan-2023 04-JAN- 52293381,5229 Petty cash replanishment Multan 0.00 50,000.00 22,370,275.61
1000118-P 23,04-JAN- 3404 52293381, HO Invoices # :
23 52293404,
PV 000168-2223-118- 05-Jan-2023 05-JAN-23 52293406 Cash received For Factory 0.00 25,000.00 22,345,275.61
1000118-P 52293406, Grocessry + Panaflexes Invoices #
52293406 :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000170-2223-118- 07-Jan-2023 07-JAN-23 52293409 KB 50% Advance to KB enterprises 0.00 614,000.00 21,731,275.61
1000118-P enterprises- for 500 kg each of two Varients of
52293409, Poridge dt:3/1/23 Invoices # :
PV 000097-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 10-JAN-23 52293410 Builty No:438 sent to Islamabad 0.00 47,500.00 21,683,775.61
1000118-P Freight on dt 09/01/2022 Invoices # :
PV 000093-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293417 Pre Back Drops and fitting,Roll up 0.00 131,249.70 21,552,525.91
1000118-P sales Activityr- standee,BMI
Hype Direct scale,Baloon,Flex,transportation
Marketing5229 charges lahore city Invoices # :
3417, 000021-2223-AP-118-1000118-
52293417 N_877
PV 000101-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293420 2 Ghazi Security Invoices # : 0.00 60,000.00 21,492,525.91
1000118-P Security guards-
PV 000106-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293419 INV # 0004-Monthly Retainer 0.00 250,000.00 21,242,525.91
1000118-P Permeatek5229 payment-Permeatek Invoices # :
3419, 000029-2223-AP-118-1000118-
52293419 N_877
PV 000171-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293416 IHSM Invoice# 10004283,IHSM 0.00 31,249.52 21,211,276.39
1000118-P 52293416, Invoice# 10003609-Indigo hotel
52293416 for Rana Mazhar stay dt:23-9-22--
8-12-22 Invoices # : 000031-2223-
PV 000172-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293415 INV # 14992 & INV # 14993 Hotel 0.00 12,571.20 21,198,705.19
1000118-P 52293415, reservation from 3 jan-23-4 jan-
52293415 23, of Nadeem Raza And Mehtab
Ahmed Invoices # : 000033-2223-
PV 000054-2223-118- 13-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293399 Utility -HO MUltan Invoices # : 0.00 20,903.00 21,177,802.19
1000118-P Electricity bill-
9, 52293399
PV 000076-2223-118- 16-Jan-2023 26-DEC-22 48330931 Utility bill Invoices # : 0.00 68,990.00 21,108,812.19
1000118-P Factory483309
31, 48330931
PV 000107-2223-118- 16-Jan-2023 16-JAN-23 52293429 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 28,838.00 21,079,974.19
1000118-P EOBI52293429,
PV 000095-2223-118- 18-Jan-2023 18-JAN-23 52293435 R&D, INV#220567 Invoices # : 000022- 0.00 1,152,000.00 19,927,974.19
1000118-P manufacturing 2223-AP-118-1000118-N_877
& packaging of
06 Trial batches
for 06 Flavours
of Jhat Hazzam
Tabl 52293435
PV 000169-2223-118- 19-Jan-2023 19-JAN-23 52293436 Cash received (From Bank 0.00 65,000.00 19,862,974.19
1000118-P 52293436, Cottage Home) Invoices # :
JV 000019-118-1000118- 20-Jan-2023 Ashar Sb Ashar Cash deposited back in To 125,000.00 0.00 19,987,974.19
3JV Sb meezan bank Dt 5-Jan-22
PV 000181-2223-118- 20-Jan-2023 20-JAN-23 52293413 Polo T shirts, Caps, Pens & 0.00 161,250.00 19,826,724.19
1000118-P 52293413, Keychains Gradient Graphics
52293413 Invoices # : 000032-2223-AP-118-
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000179-2223-118- 21-Jan-2023 21-JAN-23 52293437 Cash withdraw for factory 0.00 50,000.00 19,776,724.19
1000118-P 52293437, expense Invoices # :
RV 000016-2223-118- 24-Jan-2023 24-JAN- 132137,134306 Rana IMran For import Expenses 2,500,000.00 0.00 22,276,724.19
1000118-R 23,24-JAN- ,631457 total Deposit 4.9 M Invoices # :
23,24-JAN- 134306,
23 132137,
PV 000105-2223-118- 24-Jan-2023 24-JAN-23 52293411 Balance Payment PolyPack 0.00 215,427.00 22,061,297.19
1000118-P PolyPack (Pvt) Invoices # : 000027-2223-AP-118-
Ltd52293411, 1000118-N_877 / 000028-2223-
52293411 AP-118-1000118-N_877
RV 000017-2223-118- 25-Jan-2023 25-JAN- -Transaction ID- Rana Imran for payment to SA 2,400,000.00 0.00 24,461,297.19
1000118-R 23,25-JAN- 776424,- Constructors and real estate
23,25-JAN- Transaction ID- developers-Cash Deposit dt
23 867869,Transac 24/1/23-Transaction ID-
tion ID-918604 918604,867869,776424 Invoices #
Transaction ID- :
918604, -
Transaction ID-
867869, -
Transaction ID-
776424, -
Transaction ID-
PV 000139-2223-118- 25-Jan-2023 25-JAN-23 52293414 Inv # 0052+9838+9856 Cloud 0.00 663,043.50 23,798,253.69
1000118-P 52293414, Tenants (Pvt) Ltd Paid 13.3%% of
52293414 implementation cost of
GL,inventory,Payroll, primary
sales and HO module,Software
support charges and S&D
Distribution Site Invoices # :
PV 000108-2223-118- 30-Jan-2023 30-DEC-22 52293389 Operational Expense Invoices # : 0.00 5,000.00 23,793,253.69
1000118-P Factory
PV 000102-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293418 Registration Certificates of TM# 0.00 27,324.00 23,765,929.69
1000118-P Invoice 611042 & TM# 626062 in Class 30
INV/2022/12/0 -TM-11 Official Charges
0008- Qty2@9000,TM-11 Service
chq#52293418, Charges2@6000 Invoices # :
52293418 000026-2223-AP-118-1000118-
PV 000174-2223-118- 01-Feb-2023 01-FEB-23 52293450 Salary Expense-Jan-23 Invoices # : 0.00 28,500.00 23,737,429.69
1000118-P 52293450,
PV 000196-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 52293461 HO Multan Rent expense for the 0.00 83,980.00 23,653,449.69
1000118-P 52293461, month of Feb-2023 Invoices # :
PV 000197-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-JAN-23 52293462 Electricity bill for the month of 0.00 36,923.00 23,616,526.69
1000118-P 52293462, Jan-2023 Issue date 1-Feb-23.
52293462 Invoices # :
PV 000195-2223-118- 07-Feb-2023 07-FEB-23 52293463 Bilty # 74 for 134 cartons from 0.00 28,500.00 23,588,026.69
1000118-P 52293463, Mtn to Lhr Invoices # :
PV 000210-2223-118- 23-Feb-2023 23-JAN-23 52293439 Petty cash replanishment Multan 0.00 50,000.00 23,538,026.69
1000118-P 52293439, HO Invoices # :
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
64,927,098.00 41,389,071.31 23,538,026.69
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Advance Salary (
Muhammad Shan) 13-oct-22
15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00
JV 000015-118-1000118- 30-Sep-2022 Month Sept- Cash Payments By Asher Sb For 0.00 69,616.00 (69,616.00)
3JV 2022 The M/o Sept-2022 Expenses
against Received from petty
Multan HO two amountsie 50k
+20k Dt 29-Sep-22
PV 000141-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments For 27,28,29,30 70,000.00 0.00 384.00
1000118-P Payments, Sept-2022 For janitorial products
for cottage home of Bereket
Supplies-Cottage home Dt 29-
PV 000143-2223-118- 03-Oct-2022 27-JAN-23 Cash Cash Payments Dt 01 & 03 Oct - 15,000.00 0.00 15,384.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 Factory purchases made by
Asher sb through petty cash Dt 3-
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 7,000.00 0.00 22,384.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Paid to (Ashar sb)
(Ref. to Amin sb) 6-oct-22
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 7,000.00 0.00 29,384.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Paid to (Ashar sb)
(Ref. to Amin sb) 6-oct-22
PV 000145-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 , Cash Payments HO for 06, to 10 15,000.00 0.00 44,384.00
1000118-P Oct-22 Paid for factory purchases
to Asher sb from petty cash
Multan HO Dt 6-Oct-22
PV 000147-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 , Cash Payments Head Office Dt 100,000.00 0.00 144,384.00
1000118-P 11,12,13,14 Oct-2022 Paid to
Asher for new home furniture Dt
PV 000148-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payment HO Dt 75,000.00 0.00 219,384.00
1000118-P Payments, 16,17,18,19,20 - Oct-2022 Paid
through Advance payment to
Ashr sb for Cottage home
expenses Advance-Asher Sb Dt
JV 000016-118-1000118- 31-Oct-2022 Asher Sb Cash Payments Asher Sb Month 73,500.00 264,504.00 28,380.00
3JV of Oct-2022 Cash payments By
Asher sb for the M/o Oct-2022
PV 000149-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments HO Dt 22,24,26,29 5,000.00 0.00 33,380.00
1000118-P Payments, Oct - 2022 Transfer to Asher for
Factory equipments Dt 22-Oct-22
PV 000034-2223-118- 20-Nov-2022 20-NOV-22 48330864 Factory Supplies Grocery items 12,000.00 0.00 45,380.00
1000118-P Grocery purchased by Ashar sb for factory
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
JV 000017-118-1000118- 30-Nov-2022 Cash payments Cash payments Asher Sb M/o 0.00 31,208.00 14,172.00
3JV Asher Sb M/o Nov-2022
PV 000163-2223-118- 07-Dec-2022 07-DEC-22 48330894 Dt 7-Dec-22 Ashar sb received 25,400.00 0.00 39,572.00
1000118-P 48330894, from Zohaib sb Meezan Bank Dt
7-Dec-22 Ashar sb received from
Zohaib sb Meezan Bank
PV 000164-2223-118- 07-Dec-2022 07-DEC-22 48330893 Cash paid to Ashar Sb Dt 7-Dec-22 24,600.00 0.00 64,172.00
1000118-P 48330893, Cash paid to Ashar Sb Dt 7-Dec-22
PV 000165-2223-118- 08-Dec-2022 08-DEC-22 48330898 Cash Paid to Asher sb Dt 8-Dec-22 12,000.00 0.00 76,172.00
1000118-P 48330898, From Meezan Bank Cash Paid to
Asher sb Dt 8-Dec-22 From
Meezan Bank
PV 000166-2223-118- 27-Dec-2022 27-DEC-22 48330934 Cash Withdrawal Paid to Ashar Sb 30,000.00 0.00 106,172.00
1000118-P 48330934, Dt 27-Dec-22 Cash receivd for
geezer ashar sb
JV 000018-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Asher Sab Cash Payments For the M/o Dec- 20,000.00 84,880.00 41,292.00
3JV Ashar Sb 2022 Amount Received from
Saeed Sons As Loan Received &
Paid Back Dt 15-Dec-22
PV 000167-2223-118- 01-Jan-2023 01-JAN-23 52293405 Cash received From Zohaib (for 200,000.00 0.00 241,292.00
1000118-P 52293405, Grinder Machine) ashar sb Cash
received From Zohaib (for Grinder
Machine) ashar sb
PV 000168-2223-118- 05-Jan-2023 05-JAN-23 52293406 Cash received For Factory 25,000.00 0.00 266,292.00
1000118-P 52293406, Grocessry + Panaflexes Cash
received For Factory Grocessry +
Panaflexes DT 5-Jan-22
PV 000169-2223-118- 19-Jan-2023 19-JAN-23 52293436 Cash received (From Bank 65,000.00 0.00 331,292.00
1000118-P 52293436, Cottage Home) Cash received
(From Bank Cottage Home)
JV 000019-118-1000118- 20-Jan-2023 Ashar Sb Ashar Cash Payments Ashar Sab Till 20- 0.00 322,468.00 8,824.00
3JV Sb 01-2023
781,500.00 772,676.00 8,824.00
DN 000001-2223-118- 04-Jul-2022 Advance 30% Paid For Kuvvet 0.00 160,080.00 (160,080.00)
1000118-SDN Packet 250 & 500 gm AP of POLY
PACK (PVT) LTD. (V-000004 )
Adjustment Advance 30% Paid
For Kuvvet Packet 250 & 500 gm
000004 ) Adjustment
PJ 000016-2223-AP-118- 04-Jul-2022 AP of POLY PACK (PVT) LTD. (V- 160,080.00 0.00 0.00
1000118-N 000004 )
PV 000094-2223-118- 05-Jul-2022 05-JUL-22 80807822 100% Adv. fav. Poly Pack pvt ltd 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00
1000118-P Quotation8080 Block Charges 100% Adv. fav. Poly
7822, Pack pvt ltd Block Charges
PV 000088-2223-118- 15-Jul-2022 15-JUL-22 Cash Cash Expenses From 01- Jul - 2022 420,000.00 0.00 470,000.00
1000118-P Payments, 14- to 15 - Jul - 2022 DigiKhata Loan
Jul-22 to M Sabeeh SA builder M
Sabeeh SA builder
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 30,000.00 0.00 500,000.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 Paid to royal Tec for
makeup Makeup Dt 25-Sep-22
C/o Qasim Butt
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
JV 000018-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Asher Sab Cash Payments For the M/o Dec- 11,300.00 0.00 511,300.00
3JV Ashar Sb 2022 Nadeem Engineering
Company R.M Machinery Bill
Pending DT 19-Dec-22
PV 000170-2223-118- 07-Jan-2023 07-JAN-23 52293409 KB 50% Advance to KB enterprises 614,000.00 0.00 1,125,300.00
1000118-P enterprises- for 500 kg each of two Varients of
52293409, Poridge dt:3/1/23 50% Advance
to KB enterprises for 500 kg each
of two Varients of Poridge
1,285,380.00 160,080.00 1,125,300.00
PV 000137-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments From 16-09-2022 60,000.00 0.00 60,000.00
1000118-P Payments, To 20-09-2022 Security advance
for Faisal cottage home for
bereket Employees Cottage
Home-Security Dt 20-Sep-22
60,000.00 0.00 60,000.00
JV 000021-118-1000118- 31-Jul-2022 Salaries Advance Deduction Amir Shah 0.00 5,000.00 (5,000.00)
PV 000089-2223-118- 31-Jul-2022 31-JUL-22 Cash Cash Payments From 15-07-2022 5,000.00 0.00 0.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-07-2022 DigiKhata Advance
salary to Amir shah Multan office
boy Salaries-Advance 21-Jul-22
PV 000110-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 , Cash Payments From 16-08-2022 6,505.00 0.00 6,505.00
1000118-P to 31-08-22 Cash IN hand
Advance salary to mr. Amin Dt 28-
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 1,000.00 0.00 7,505.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 Advance salary to Office
boy Multan Dt 23-Sep-22
PV 000141-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments For 27,28,29,30 29,353.00 0.00 36,858.00
1000118-P Payments, Sept-2022 Annual tax return of
Qasim Butt sb Qasim butt Dt 27-
PV 000143-2223-118- 03-Oct-2022 27-JAN-23 Cash Cash Payments Dt 01 & 03 Oct - 5,640.00 0.00 42,498.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 Amir shah advance salary
for ghee Salaries Dt 3-Oct-22
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 9,533.00 0.00 52,031.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Advance Salary (
M.Shahid) 6-oct-22
PV 000142-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments Dt From 04-10- 15,000.00 0.00 67,031.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 & 05-10-2022 Head office
Multan Advance to Lahore boy
Asif Salaries Dt 5-Oct-22
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 9,533.00 0.00 76,564.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Advance Salary (
Ghulam Hussain) 6-oct-22
PV 000145-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 , Cash Payments HO for 06, to 10 25,000.00 0.00 101,564.00
1000118-P Oct-22 Paid advance salary to
Amin in the month of oct-22 Dt
PV 000147-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 , Cash Payments Head Office Dt 15,000.00 0.00 116,564.00
1000118-P 11,12,13,14 Oct-2022 Paid
advance to Arslan sb for one
week Dt 12-Oct-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 5,000.00 0.00 121,564.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Advance Salary (
Kanwal) 13-oct-22
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 1,000.00 0.00 122,564.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Advance Salary
(M.Shahid) 20-OCT-22
PV 000148-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payment HO Dt 1,000.00 0.00 123,564.00
1000118-P Payments, 16,17,18,19,20 - Oct-2022
Advance to Amir Shah-office boy
multan Salaries Dt 18-Oct-22
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 32,500.00 0.00 156,064.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Advance Salary
(M.Shan) dt. 28-oct-22
PV 000149-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments HO Dt 22,24,26,29 10,000.00 0.00 166,064.00
1000118-P Payments, Oct - 2022 Advance Salary to
Arslan Akber Dt 24-Oct-22
PV 000008-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 Samra Khalid, Advance Salary Advance Salary to 30,000.00 0.00 196,064.00
1000118-P Miss Samra
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 14,000.00 0.00 210,064.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Advance Salary
( Miss Kanwal) 28-NOV-22
PV 000218-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 15-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 3,500.00 0.00 213,564.00
1000118-P dt1-12-22 to 15-12-22 Advance
Salary to Amir Shah
218,564.00 5,000.00 213,564.00
PV 000187-2223-118- 18-Jul-2022 18-JUL-22 39614221 Pakistan Customs Custom Duty 843,325.00 0.00 843,325.00
1000118-P Custom +Sales Tax+Additional CD
Payments39614 +additional s/tax + I/Tax Rs.
221, 173286+126498+577620+278298
BL#HLCUIZ1220 +577620+716827 + cess Rs. 35812
531822 Sales Tax BL # HLCUIZ1220531822
Rs. 716827+126498
PJ 000023-2223-AP-118- 22-Jul-2022 Laminated Sheet 490 & 540 MM 1,463.00 0.00 844,788.00
1000118-N 5.4+9.70 kgs @ 570 & 570.1031 /
per Kg + GST 17
PV 000194-2223-118- 29-Jul-2022 29-JUL-22 39614230 BL # Pakistan Customs BL # 919,625.00 0.00 1,764,413.00
1000118-P HLCUIZ1220531 HLCUIZ1220531822 CD, ST,
82239614230, Additional CD, ST, RD, & I/Tax +
BL # Cess. Rs.
HLCUIZ1220531 629881+781681+188964+137944
822 +629881+5000+303475+39053/-
Pakistan Customs BL #
PJ 000024-2223-AP-118- 26-Aug-2022 Inv#1312 Lamination Sheet 490 & 12,074.00 0.00 1,776,487.00
1000118-N 535 MM Qty 57.09 + 67.49 Kgs @
570.0823 & 570.0845 / Per + 17 %
PJ 000025-2223-AP-118- 30-Aug-2022 Inv#1402 Printed Kuvvet Sheets 63,017.00 0.00 1,839,504.00
1000118-N 490 & 535 MM 310.20+340.03
Kgs @ 570.0838 & 570.0850 / Per
+ 17 % GST
JV 000014-118-1000118- 20-Nov-2022 Inv#3513 3513 Inv#3513 Poly Pack Private Ltd 68,297.00 0.00 1,907,801.00
3JV (Adjustment of PJV # 000027 Dt
20/11/2022 Inv#3513 Poly Pack
Private Ltd (Adjustment of PJV #
000027 Dt 20/11/2022
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PJ 000028-2223-AP-118- 21-Nov-2022 Inv#3220 Dt 11/11/2022 (490 30,138.00 0.00 1,937,939.00
1000118-N MM Printed Sheet Kuvvet) 290.63
Kgs @ 609.990 / Kgs + GST
PJ 000031-2223-AP-118- 08-Dec-2022 Indigo hotel for Rana Mazhar stay 4,443.52 0.00 1,942,382.52
1000118-N dt:23-9-22--8-12-22
JV 000008-118-1000118- 15-Dec-2022 Hassan Shaikh Reversal for Inputsales tax in 0.00 360.00 1,942,022.52
3JV & company- Hassan Shaikh & company
trademark Inv#/2022/12/00008 Reversal for
Inputsales tax in Hassan Shaikh &
company Inv#/2022/12/00008
PJ 000026-2223-AP-118- 15-Dec-2022 Registration Certificates of TM# 360.00 0.00 1,942,382.52
1000118-N 611042 & TM# 626062 in Class 30
-TM-11 Official Charges
Qty2@9000,TM-11 Service
PJ 000030-2223-AP-118- 01-Jan-2023 Inv # 0052+9838+9856 Cloud 88,550.00 0.00 2,030,932.52
1000118-N Tenants (Pvt) Ltd Paid 13.3%% of
implementation cost of
GL,inventory,Payroll, primary
sales and HO module,Software
support charges and S&D
Distribution Site
PJ 000033-2223-AP-118- 03-Jan-2023 Hotel reservation from 3 jan-23-4 960.00 0.00 2,031,892.52
1000118-N jan-23, of Nadeem Raza And
Mehtab Ahmed
JV 000013-118-1000118- 11-Jan-2023 Invoice # Invoice # Q/H:01--HDM/2022 Dt 20,115.00 0.00 2,052,007.52
3JV Q/H:01-- 11-01-23 Adjustment of AP #
HDM/2022 000021 Hype Direct Marketing
Invoice # Q/H:01--HDM/2022 Dt
11-01-23 Adjustment of AP #
000021 Hype Direct Marketing
PJ 000036-2223-AP-118- 01-Feb-2023 Rent,Food Fuel and data entry 187,319.00 0.00 2,239,326.52
1000118-N expenses of Hype marketing for
organizing Brand Ambassadors
for LMTs store Lahore Wah Cantt
and Taxila
2,239,686.52 360.00 2,239,326.52
JV 000014-118-1000118- 20-Nov-2022 Inv#3513 3513 Inv#3513 Poly Pack Private Ltd 0.00 68,297.00 (68,297.00)
3JV (Adjustment of PJV # 000027 Dt
20/11/2022 Inv#3513 Poly Pack
Private Ltd (Adjustment of PJV #
000027 Dt 20/11/2022
PJ 000027-2223-AP-118- 20-Nov-2022 Inv#3513 Item 490 MM Printed 68,297.00 0.00 0.00
1000118-N Sheet Kuvvet 658.60 kgs @ 610 /
Kg + GST 17% Poly Pack
SJ 00000001.S.118.NULL. 10-Dec-2022 NULL 0.00 252,313.67 (252,313.67)
68,297.00 320,610.67 (252,313.67)
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
JV 000012-118-1000118- 31-Oct-2022 061-4540282 , 061-4540283 480.00 0.00 1,710.00
1,710.00 0.00 1,710.00
PV 000187-2223-118- 18-Jul-2022 18-JUL-22 39614221 Pakistan Customs Custom Duty 278,298.00 0.00 278,298.00
1000118-P Custom +Sales Tax+Additional CD
Payments39614 +additional s/tax + I/Tax Rs.
221, 173286+126498+577620+278298
BL#HLCUIZ1220 +577620+716827 + cess Rs. 35812
531822 Advance Tax Rs. 278298 on 1126
Box Import LC
PV 000194-2223-118- 29-Jul-2022 29-JUL-22 39614230 BL # Pakistan Customs BL # 303,475.00 0.00 581,773.00
1000118-P HLCUIZ1220531 HLCUIZ1220531822 CD, ST,
82239614230, Additional CD, ST, RD, & I/Tax +
BL # Cess. Rs.
HLCUIZ1220531 629881+781681+188964+137944
822 +629881+5000+303475+39053/-
Pakistan Customs BL #
HLCUIZ1220531822 Total 1126
581,773.00 0.00 581,773.00
A/C Code : 1-01-010-00004 - LC#22INSU050400014 QTY 1126 box USD $13465.83 Opening : 0.00
PV 000184-2223-118- 13-Jul-2022 13-JUL-22 LC Advance payment for LC USD 2,819,745.00 0.00 2,819,745.00
1000118-P LC#22INSU0517 $ 13465.83 @ 209.4 QTY 1126
-000014, Box 14400 Kgs LC Advance
LC#22INSU0517 payment for LC USD $ 13465.83
-000014 @ 209.4 QTY 1126 Box 14400 Kgs
PV 000185-2223-118- 13-Jul-2022 13-JUL-22 LC Charges Dt 13/07/2022 Tax, LC 5,487.00 0.00 2,825,232.00
1000118-P LC#22INSU0517 Swift, Tax & Trade Finance Service
-000014, Chgs Rs. 80+500+677+4230 LC
LC#22INSU0517 Charges Dt 13/07/2022 Tax, LC
-000014 Swift, Tax & Trade Finance Service
Chgs Rs. 80+500+677+4230
PV 000187-2223-118- 18-Jul-2022 18-JUL-22 39614221 Pakistan Customs Custom Duty 1,365,341.00 0.00 4,190,573.00
1000118-P Custom +Sales Tax+Additional CD
Payments39614 +additional s/tax + I/Tax Rs.
221, 173286+126498+577620+278298
BL#HLCUIZ1220 +577620+716827 + cess Rs. 35812
531822 Custom Duty, & Addition CD &
Regulatory Duty
imports 1126 Box + Cess Rs.
PV 000189-2223-118- 21-Jul-2022 21-JUL-22 39614225 Hapag Lloyd Pakistan (Pvt) 202,857.00 0.00 4,393,430.00
1000118-P 39614225, LtdPort terminal Charges BL #
1822 Qty 1126 Box Hapag Lloyd
Pakistan (Pvt) LtdPort terminal
Charges BL # 1822 Qty 1126 Box
PV 000190-2223-118- 21-Jul-2022 21-JUL-22 39614224 Hapag Lloyd Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd 77,219.00 0.00 4,470,649.00
1000118-P 39614224, Port Terminal Charges BL #
HLCUIZ1220531822 Port terminal
Charges Hapag Lloyd Pakistan
(Pvt) Ltd Port Terminal Charges BL
# HLCUIZ1220531822 Port
terminal Charges
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000191-2223-118- 21-Jul-2022 21-JUL-22 39614223 Karachi International Container 71,500.00 0.00 4,542,149.00
1000118-P 39614223, Terminal Port Terminal Charges
BL # HLCUIZ1220531822 Port
terminal Charges 1126 Box
Karachi International Container
Terminal Port Terminal Charges
BL # HLCUIZ1220531822 Port
terminal Charges 1126 Box
PV 000194-2223-118- 29-Jul-2022 29-JUL-22 39614230 BL # Pakistan Customs BL # 1,492,779.00 0.00 6,034,928.00
1000118-P HLCUIZ1220531 HLCUIZ1220531822 CD, ST,
82239614230, Additional CD, ST, RD, & I/Tax +
BL # Cess. Rs.
HLCUIZ1220531 629881+781681+188964+137944
822 +629881+5000+303475+39053/-
CD+Additional CD+Regulatory
Duty + Penality + Cess Rs.
PV 000198-2223-118- 22-Aug-2022 22-AUG- 39614231,3961 Food Stuff Bill # 011, BL NO. 205,392.00 0.00 6,240,320.00
1000118-P 22,22-AUG- 4276 4a HLCUIZ1220531822,INV #
22 enterprises396 OYT20220000038 PS token
6,240,320.00 0.00 6,240,320.00
A/C Code : 1-01-010-0002 - LC#22INSU050400014 QTY 1126 box USD $13465.83 Opening : 0.00
PV 000217-2223-118- 11-Aug-2022 11-AUG-22 39614259 Mirza Hammad Ahmad Mobile 135,371.00 0.00 135,371.00
1000118-P 396142593961 Transfer to Hapag LLoyed
4259, Detention Charges LC Payment
Khalid Shakeel Rent expense of
pakaging factory for the month of
135,371.00 0.00 135,371.00
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 15,850.00 0.00 15,850.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22 Reception
Table Paint dt. 15-sep-22
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 1,450.00 0.00 17,300.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Stool dt, 21
PV 000147-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 , Cash Payments Head Office Dt 12,000.00 0.00 29,300.00
1000118-P 11,12,13,14 Oct-2022 One table
with drawers for Hr Room Multan
HO Office Supplies - Multan HO
Dt 11-Oct-22
JV 000016-118-1000118- 31-Oct-2022 Asher Sb Cash Payments Asher Sb Month 87,400.00 0.00 116,700.00
3JV of Oct-2022 Purchased 6+1 Table
for new Cottage Home Dt 11-Oct-
116,700.00 0.00 116,700.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 1-02-005-0001 - Office Equipments Opening : 0.00
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 57,600.00 0.00 57,600.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 Purchased printer for
Multan office through Petty
Multan HO Office Supplies -
Multan HO Dt 26-Sep-22
JV 000015-118-1000118- 30-Sep-2022 Month Sept- Cash Payments By Asher Sb For 2,700.00 0.00 60,300.00
3JV 2022 The M/o Sept-2022 Paid
transportation cost for AC for
cottage home Dt 29-Sep-22
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 200.00 0.00 60,500.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Safety equipments
(Gloves) 21-OCT-22
PV 000029-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 14-NOV-22 48330846 UPS Non Current asset Purchased UPS 36,000.00 0.00 96,500.00
1000118-P for Head office for Head office Multan From
Multan4833084 Masha Allah Electronics
PV 000030-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 14-DEC-22 48330847 Non Current asset Purchased 25,000.00 0.00 121,500.00
1000118-P Battery for Battery for Multan office UPS
121,500.00 0.00 121,500.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 1-02-006-0003 - Alto VXR Opening : 0.00
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 49,000.00 0.00 49,000.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 purchased from Masha
Allah- LED eco star Dt 25-Sep-22
49,000.00 0.00 49,000.00
PV 000005-2223-118- 02-Nov-2022 02-NOV-22 48330836 PC Non Current asset 7 computer 185,500.00 0.00 185,500.00
1000118-P Tech48330836, systems i5 4th generation-19"
LED,keyboard mouse cable set
185,500.00 0.00 185,500.00
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 19,950.00 0.00 19,950.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 Sim and
Mobile back cover paid through
petty Multan HO Office Supplies -
Multan HO Dt 13-Sep-22
19,950.00 0.00 19,950.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PJ 000030-2223-AP-118- 01-Jan-2023 Inv # 0052+9838+9856 Cloud 595,000.00 0.00 1,857,900.00
1000118-N Tenants (Pvt) Ltd Paid 13.3%% of
implementation cost of
GL,inventory,Payroll, primary
sales and HO module,Software
support charges and S&D
Distribution Site
1,857,900.00 0.00 1,857,900.00
PV 000089-2223-118- 31-Jul-2022 31-JUL-22 Cash Cash Payments From 15-07-2022 61,000.00 0.00 61,000.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-07-2022 DigiKhata Yaris
lease payment + Markup Dt 18-
Jul-22 Toyota Yaris
61,000.00 0.00 61,000.00
PV 000089-2223-118- 31-Jul-2022 31-JUL-22 Cash Cash Payments From 15-07-2022 41,500.00 0.00 41,500.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-07-2022 DigiKhata Picanto
lease payment kia Picanto Dt 18-
41,500.00 0.00 41,500.00
RV 000029-2223-118- 05-Dec-2022 05-DEC-22 72 72, Noor Traders Same Day transfer 0.00 2,000,000.00 (2,000,000.00)
1000118-R Dt 05/12/2022 Noor Traders
Same Day transfer Dt 05/12/2022
RV 000034-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 52853978 Pro Distribution Chq of ABL Depo. 0.00 1,000,000.00 (3,000,000.00)
1000118-R 52853978, in MBL Dt 09/12/2022 Pro
Distribution Chq of ABL Depo. in
MBL Dt 09/12/2022
0.00 3,000,000.00 (3,000,000.00)
DN 000001-2223-118- 04-Jul-2022 Advance 30% Paid For Kuvvet 160,080.00 0.00 160,080.00
1000118-SDN Packet 250 & 500 gm AP of POLY
PACK (PVT) LTD. (V-000004 )
Adjustment 160080Supplier Debit
Note 160080D/N Issued to
JV 000007-118-1000118- 04-Jul-2022 Polypack Prepayment Adjustment 0.00 160,080.00 0.00
3JV 30 % Advance
PV 000087-2223-118- 04-Jul-2022 04-JUL-22 80807821 30 % Prepayment Issued Cheque 160,080.00 0.00 160,080.00
1000118-P Advance on Online Tranfer 7/4/2022 160080
Quotation8080 = Payment 160080
7821, 000025-
PJ 000023-2223-AP-118- 22-Jul-2022 Laminated Sheet 490 & 540 MM 0.00 10,071.00 150,009.00
1000118-N 5.4+9.70 kgs @ 570 & 570.1031 /
per Kg + GST 17 Laminated Sheet
490 & 540 MM 5.4+9.70 kgs @
570 & 570.1031 / per Kg + GST 17
PV 000096-2223-118- 27-Jul-2022 27-JUL-22 39614229 For laminated Sheets Invoice No. 10,071.00 0.00 160,080.00
1000118-P 39614229, 499 10071 = Payment 10071
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000114-2223-118- 05-Aug-2022 05-AUG-22 39614253 50 % paid to HTC Invoice No. 42 41,225.00 0.00 201,305.00
1000118-P HAJVERI TAPE 41225 = Payment 41225
53, 000015-
PV 000125-2223-118- 18-Aug-2022 18-AUG-22 Hajveri Tape remaining 50% of cost paid to 41,225.00 0.00 242,530.00
1000118-P Centre, 000015 Hajveri Tape Centre 41225 =
-2223-AP-118- Payment 41225
PJ 000024-2223-AP-118- 26-Aug-2022 1312 Dt 26-08- Inv#1312 Lamination Sheet 490 & 0.00 83,095.00 159,435.00
1000118-N 2022 535 MM Qty 57.09 + 67.49 Kgs @
570.0823 & 570.0845 / Per + 17 %
GST Inv#1312 Lamination Sheet
490 & 535 MM Qty 57.09 + 67.49
Kgs @ 570.0823 & 570.0845 / Per
+ 17 % GST
PJ 000025-2223-AP-118- 30-Aug-2022 Inv#1402 Printed Kuvvet Sheets 0.00 433,703.00 (274,268.00)
1000118-N 490 & 535 MM 310.20+340.03
Kgs @ 570.0838 & 570.0850 / Per
+ 17 % GST Inv#1402 Printed
Kuvvet Sheets 490 & 535 MM
310.20+340.03 Kgs @ 570.0838 &
570.0850 / Per + 17 % GST
PV 000098-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 24-JAN-23 44295018 Full Payment Inv#1312 & Partial 356,718.00 0.00 82,450.00
1000118-P 44295018, Paymnet Inv# 1402 83095 =
000024-2223- Payment 83095
PJ 000017-2223-AP-118- 14-Oct-2022 Permeatek Marketing expense Marketing 0.00 250,000.00 (167,550.00)
1000118-N expense
PJ 000018-2223-AP-118- 24-Oct-2022 Permeatek Marketing expense Marketing 0.00 250,000.00 (417,550.00)
1000118-N expense
PV 000091-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 44295082 INV # 0001-Monthly Retainer 250,000.00 0.00 (167,550.00)
1000118-P Marketing payment-Permeatek 250000 =
Expense442950 Payment 250000
82, 000017-
PV 000103-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 44295077 30% Advance For Cereals Kuvvet 246,000.00 0.00 78,450.00
1000118-P 44295077, 250 GM 246000 = Payment
000027-2223- 246000
PV 000173-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 44295073 Advance For T-Shirts, Caps, Pens 418,750.00 0.00 497,200.00
1000118-P Gradient Keychains, wall Clocks for Trade
Graphics44295 418750 = Payment 418750
073, 000032-
PJ 000004-2223-AP-118- 01-Nov-2022 Marketing 50% advance payment and 0.00 693,225.00 (196,025.00)
1000118-N Expense remaining amount after delivery
of goods 50% advance payment
and remaining amount after
delivery of goods
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PJ 000007-2223-AP-118- 11-Nov-2022 Cloude Paid 13.3%% of implementation 0.00 530,150.00 (726,175.00)
1000118-N tenants-ERP cost of GL,inventory and sales
module andper month charges to
cloud tenant regarding Cloud S&D
and Cloud ERP Module Paid
13.3%% of implementation cost
of GL,inventory and sales module
andper month charges to cloud
tenant regarding Cloud S&D and
Cloud ERP Module
PJ 000001-2223-AP-118- 15-Nov-2022 Marketing Paid trademark Filling and service 0.00 80,075.32 (806,250.32)
1000118-N expense charges to Hassan & shaikh co
Paid trademark Filling and service
charges to Hassan & shaikh co
PJ 000002-2223-AP-118- 15-Nov-2022 Marketing Trademark filling official and 0.00 80,075.32 (886,325.64)
1000118-N Expense Service charges Trademark filling
official and Service charges
PJ 000003-2223-AP-118- 15-Nov-2022 01 Bill No. 1 PROMOTIONAL BOWL 5' 0.00 700,000.00 (1,586,325.64)
1000118-N QTY 14000 @ 50/-from Sunny
enterprises Bill No. 1
14000 @ 50/-from Sunny
PV 000014-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 15-NOV- 48330848,4833 Payment for trademark filing 160,150.00 0.00 (1,426,175.64)
1000118-P 22,15-NOV- 0849 48330848, official and service charges 80075
22 48330849, = Payment 80075
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 15-NOV-22 48330850 INV # 0002-Monthly Retainer 250,000.00 0.00 (1,176,175.64)
1000118-P Marketing payment-Permeatek 250000 =
Expense- Payment 250000
0850, 000018-
PJ 000021-2223-AP-118- 18-Nov-2022 Pre sales Activityr-Hype Direct 0.00 145,833.00 (1,322,008.64)
1000118-N Marketing Pre sales Activityr-
Hype Direct Marketing
PJ 000006-2223-AP-118- 20-Nov-2022 Purchase-Jar Paid to Shoukat glass for jar 0.00 40,000.00 (1,362,008.64)
1000118-N bottles bottles Paid to Shoukat glass for
jar bottles
PJ 000027-2223-AP-118- 20-Nov-2022 Inv#3513 Item 490 MM Printed 0.00 470,043.00 (1,832,051.64)
1000118-N Sheet Kuvvet 658.60 kgs @ 610 /
Kg + GST 17% Poly Pack Inv#3513
Item 490 MM Printed Sheet
Kuvvet 658.60 kgs @ 610 / Kg +
GST 17% Poly Pack
PV 000031-2223-118- 20-Nov-2022 20-DEC-22 48330862 Packing Material 40000 = 40,000.00 0.00 (1,792,051.64)
1000118-P Purchase-Jar Payment 40000 , Tax 100
2, 000006-
PJ 000028-2223-AP-118- 21-Nov-2022 Inv#3220 Dt 11/11/2022 (490 0.00 207,422.00 (1,999,473.64)
1000118-N MM Printed Sheet Kuvvet) 290.63
Kgs @ 609.990 / Kgs + GST
Inv#3220 Dt 11/11/2022 (490
MM Printed Sheet Kuvvet) 290.63
Kgs @ 609.990 / Kgs + GST
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000027-2223-118- 22-Nov-2022 31-OCT- 44295076,4833 Marketing expense 693225 = 693,225.00 0.00 (1,306,248.64)
1000118-P 22,22-NOV- 0868 Paid 50% Payment 693225 , Tax 31195.13
22 advance to
WAM printing
and designing
house for POS
76, 48330868,
PV 000024-2223-118- 23-Nov-2022 23-DEC-22 48330872 Toy bowls for which 50 % of 350,000.00 0.00 (956,248.64)
1000118-P Purchases4833 advance payment ie:
0872, 000003- (700000*50%=35000) in made
2223-AP-118- 350000 = Payment 350000 , Tax
1000118-N_877 15750
PJ 000032-2223-AP-118- 26-Nov-2022 For trade pens-qty10000@24 0.00 730,000.00 (1,686,248.64)
1000118-N Keychains-10000@22 For trade
pens-qty10000@24 Keychains-
PV 000042-2223-118- 26-Nov-2022 26-NOV-22 48330874 Intangible Asset 530150 = 530,150.00 0.00 (1,156,098.64)
1000118-P Cloud Tenant- Payment 530150 , Tax 15904.5
PJ 000034-2223-AP-118- 30-Nov-2022 Polo T shirts, Caps, Pens, 0.00 1.00 (1,156,099.64)
1000118-N KeyChains (Qty
200+200+10000+10000) @
900,450,24 & 22 Per For team &
Trade Gradient Graphics Contact
03234930504 Polo T shirts, Caps,
Pens, KeyChains (Qty
200+200+10000+10000) @
900,450,24 & 22 Per For team &
Trade Gradient Graphics Contact
PJ 000005-2223-AP-118- 02-Dec-2022 Marketing Trademark charges regarding 0.00 45,000.00 (1,201,099.64)
1000118-N Expense Jhathazam 644120 Beregas
644111 and 644119 Registration
Certificate Trademark charges
regarding Jhathazam 644120
Beregas 644111 and 644119
Registration Certificate
PJ 000009-2223-AP-118- 02-Dec-2022 Marketing expense Marketing 0.00 90,000.00 (1,291,099.64)
1000118-N expense
PJ 000010-2223-AP-118- 02-Dec-2022 Software support charges for 0.00 732,750.00 (2,023,849.64)
1000118-N Finance,inventory,HR/payroll
Priamary sales and HO module
charges Software support charges
for Finance,inventory,HR/payroll
Priamary sales and HO module
PJ 000019-2223-AP-118- 04-Dec-2022 Permeatek Marketing expense Marketing 0.00 250,000.00 (2,273,849.64)
1000118-N expense
PJ 000020-2223-AP-118- 04-Dec-2022 Permeatek Marketing expense Marketing 0.00 135,000.00 (2,408,849.64)
1000118-N expense
PJ 000011-2223-AP-118- 05-Dec-2022 5000-Woobler@13.5with tax of 0.00 100,913.00 (2,509,762.64)
1000118-N 17% and 5000-Flyer A5@3.75with
17% tax 5000-Woobler@13.5with
tax of 17% and 5000-Flyer
A5@3.75with 17% tax
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PJ 000031-2223-AP-118- 08-Dec-2022 Indigo hotel for Rana Mazhar stay 0.00 32,215.52 (2,541,978.16)
1000118-N dt:23-9-22--8-12-22 Indigo hotel
for Rana Mazhar stay dt:23-9-22--
PJ 000008-2223-AP-118- 13-Dec-2022 Packing Material Packing Material 0.00 2,162,160.00 (4,704,138.16)
PJ 000026-2223-AP-118- 15-Dec-2022 Hassan Shaikh Registration Certificates of TM# 0.00 30,360.00 (4,734,498.16)
1000118-N & company- 611042 & TM# 626062 in Class 30
Trademark -TM-11 Official Charges
Qty2@9000,TM-11 Service
Charges2@6000 Registration
Certificates of TM# 611042 &
TM# 626062 in Class 30-TM-11
Official Charges Qty2@9000,TM-
11 Service Charges2@6000
PV 000064-2223-118- 19-Dec-2022 19-DEC-22 48330916 Fauji Packing Material 2162160 = 2,162,160.00 0.00 (2,572,338.16)
1000118-P Cereals4833091 Payment 2162160 , Tax 97297.2
6, 000008-
PV 000068-2223-118- 22-Dec-2022 22-DEC- 48330922,4833 Marketing expense 45000 = 135,000.00 0.00 (2,437,338.16)
1000118-P 22,22-DEC- 0926 Payment 45000 , Tax 1125
22 Trademark4833
PV 000069-2223-118- 26-Dec-2022 26-DEC-22 48330927 INV-0041INV-,0042,INV-0040,and 732,750.00 0.00 (1,704,588.16)
1000118-P Intangible INV-009773 732750 = Payment
Asset-ERP- 732750 , Tax 21982.5
7, 000010-
PV 000104-2223-118- 26-Dec-2022 26-DEC-22 48330919 Balance Amount Of PolyPack Paid 215,428.00 0.00 (1,489,160.16)
1000118-P PolyPack Pvt 215428 = Payment 215428
PV 000180-2223-118- 27-Dec-2022 27-DEC-22 48330933 Partial Junaid Sajjad Butt Polo T 150,000.00 0.00 (1,339,160.16)
1000118-P Gradient Shirts, Caps Dt 27/12/2022
Graphics48330 150000 = Payment 150000
933, 000032-
PJ 000022-2223-AP-118- 28-Dec-2022 Purchase- R&D, manufacturing & packaging 0.00 1,200,000.00 (2,539,160.16)
1000118-N Direct cost of 06 Trial batches for 06 Flavours
of Jhat Hazzam Tablet(50,000
Tablets per Batch) period june-22
to Dec-22 R&D, manufacturing &
packaging of 06 Trial batches for
06 Flavours of Jhat Hazzam Tablet
(50,000 Tablets per Batch) period
june-22 to Dec-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000071-2223-118- 28-Dec-2022 28-DEC-22 48330921 Serail No:334 100913 = Payment 100,913.00 0.00 (2,438,247.16)
1000118-P Marketing 100913 , Tax 252.28
, 000011-2223-
PV 000092-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 22-DEC- 48330918,5229 INV # 0003-Monthly Retainer 385,000.00 0.00 (2,053,247.16)
1000118-P 22,30-DEC- 3385 Marketing payment& INV # 0004 for
22 Expense- Artwork desighn for Jhat Hazam
Permeatek4833 250000 = Payment 250000
PJ 000030-2223-AP-118- 01-Jan-2023 Intangible Inv # 0052+9838+9856 Cloud 0.00 683,550.00 (2,736,797.16)
1000118-N Asset-ERP Tenants (Pvt) Ltd Paid 13.3%% of
implementation cost of
GL,inventory,Payroll, primary
sales and HO module,Software
support charges and S&D
Distribution Site Inv #
0052+9838+9856 Cloud Tenants
(Pvt) Ltd Paid 13.3%% of
implementation cost of
GL,inventory,Payroll, primary
sales and HO module,Software
support charges and S&D
Distribution Site
PJ 000033-2223-AP-118- 03-Jan-2023 Hotel reservation from 3 jan-23-4 0.00 12,960.00 (2,749,757.16)
1000118-N jan-23, of Nadeem Raza And
Mehtab Ahmed Hotel reservation
from 3 jan-23-4 jan-23, of
Nadeem Raza And Mehtab
PJ 000029-2223-AP-118- 06-Jan-2023 Permeatek Marketing expense Marketing 0.00 250,000.00 (2,999,757.16)
1000118-N expense
PV 000093-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293417 Pre Back Drops and fitting,Roll up 145,833.00 0.00 (2,853,924.16)
1000118-P sales Activityr- standee,BMI
Hype Direct scale,Baloon,Flex,transportation
Marketing5229 charges lahore city 145833 =
3417, 000021- Payment 145833 , Tax 14583.3
PV 000106-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293419 INV # 0004-Monthly Retainer 250,000.00 0.00 (2,603,924.16)
1000118-P Permeatek5229 payment-Permeatek 250000 =
3419, 000029- Payment 250000
PV 000171-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293416 IHSM Invoice# 10004283,IHSM 32,216.00 0.00 (2,571,708.16)
1000118-P 52293416, Invoice# 10003609-Indigo hotel
000031-2223- for Rana Mazhar stay dt:23-9-22--
AP-118- 8-12-22 32216 = Payment 32216 ,
1000118-N_877 Tax 966.48
PV 000172-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293415 INV # 14992 & INV # 14993 Hotel 12,960.00 0.00 (2,558,748.16)
1000118-P 52293415, reservation from 3 jan-23-4 jan-
000033-2223- 23, of Nadeem Raza And Mehtab
AP-118- Ahmed 12960 = Payment 12960 ,
1000118-N_877 Tax 388.8
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000095-2223-118- 18-Jan-2023 18-JAN-23 52293435 R&D, INV#220567 1200000 = Payment 1,200,000.00 0.00 (1,358,748.16)
1000118-P manufacturing 1200000 , Tax 48000
& packaging of
06 Trial batches
for 06 Flavours
of Jhat Hazzam
Tabl 000022-
PV 000181-2223-118- 20-Jan-2023 20-JAN-23 52293413 Polo T shirts, Caps, Pens & 161,250.00 0.00 (1,197,498.16)
1000118-P 52293413, Keychains Gradient Graphics
000032-2223- 161250 = Payment 161250
PV 000105-2223-118- 24-Jan-2023 24-JAN-23 52293411 Balance Payment PolyPack 8615 = 215,427.00 0.00 (982,071.16)
1000118-P PolyPack (Pvt) Payment 8615
PV 000139-2223-118- 25-Jan-2023 25-JAN-23 52293414 Inv # 0052+9838+9856 Cloud 683,550.00 0.00 (298,521.16)
1000118-P 52293414, Tenants (Pvt) Ltd Paid 13.3%% of
000030-2223- implementation cost of
AP-118- GL,inventory,Payroll, primary
1000118-N_877 sales and HO module,Software
support charges and S&D
Distribution Site 683550 =
Payment 683550 , Tax 20506.5
PJ 000035-2223-AP-118- 31-Jan-2023 Invoice No. Monthly Retainer Fee For The 0.00 257,732.00 (556,253.16)
1000118-N 005 M/o Jan - 2023 Permeatek Inv #
0005 Monthly Retainer Fee For
The M/o Jan - 2023 Permeatek
Inv # 0005
PV 000102-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293418 Registration Certificates of TM# 30,360.00 0.00 (525,893.16)
1000118-P Invoice 611042 & TM# 626062 in Class 30
INV/2022/12/0 -TM-11 Official Charges
0008- Qty2@9000,TM-11 Service
chq#52293418, Charges2@6000 30360 =
000026-2223- Payment 30360 , Tax 3036
PJ 000036-2223-AP-118- 01-Feb-2023 Rent,Food Fuel and data entry 0.00 1,358,062.00 (1,883,955.16)
1000118-N expenses of Hype marketing for
organizing Brand Ambassadors
for LMTs store Lahore Wah Cantt
and Taxila Rent,Food Fuel and
data entry expenses of Hype
marketing for organizing Brand
Ambassadors for LMTs store
Lahore Wah Cantt and Taxila
10,320,521.00 12,204,476.16 (1,883,955.16)
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
JV 000004-118-1000118- 20-Oct-2022 Faisal Hayyat Expenses of Faisal Hayyat sb for 0.00 17,750.00 (129,539.00)
3JV the month of Oct-22
JV 000005-118-1000118- 20-Oct-2022 UMER Khan-HR Expenses of Umer Khan-HR-HO 0.00 3,980.00 (133,519.00)
3JV HO Multan Multan for the month of Oct-22
Umer Khan-HR
HO Multan
PV 000144-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-NOV-22 48330844 Non Voucher#000006-118-1000118- 61,655.00 0.00 (71,864.00)
1000118-P trade payables- 3JV-HO expense regarding official
48330844, lunch, stationary, water bill
grocery items TP's and flash HO
expense regarding official lunch,
stationary, water bill grocery
items TP's and flash
PV 000161-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.11 nov 0.00 10,101.00 (81,965.00)
1000118-P to 15 nov 22 amount payable for
lahore office expense
PV 000023-2223-118- 16-Nov-2022 16-NOV-22 48330852 Non trade Payables Stationery 133,519.00 0.00 51,554.00
1000118-P Reimbursed expenses paid by Umer sb
expense for the
month of Oct-
JV 000006-118-1000118- 20-Nov-2022 Non trade HO expense regarding official 0.00 61,655.00 (10,101.00)
3JV payables lunch, stationary, water bill
grocery items TP's and flash
Amount to be reimbursed to HR-
HO Multan
355,254.00 365,355.00 (10,101.00)
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000143-2223-118- 03-Oct-2022 27-JAN-23 Cash Cash Payments Dt 01 & 03 Oct - 4,010.00 0.00 93,063.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 Paid PTCL bill of BNG factory
Utility-Factory Dt 1-Oct-22
PV 000148-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payment HO Dt 4,430.00 0.00 97,493.00
1000118-P Payments, 16,17,18,19,20 - Oct-2022 Ptcl
bill-1&2 of multan chenone office
paid Dt 17-Oct-22
JV 000012-118-1000118- 31-Oct-2022 061-4540282 , 061-4540283 0.00 4,390.00 93,103.00
PV 000161-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.11 nov 19,810.00 0.00 112,913.00
1000118-P to 15 nov 22 internet bill of oct 22
for lahore office
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 4,160.00 0.00 117,073.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 PTCL Landline
utility bill factory 13-DEC-22 (
NOVEMBER) Telephone# 061-
PV 000005-2223-118- 20-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payment 12-jan-23 to 20- 4,130.00 0.00 121,203.00
2000118-P Expenses., jan-23 PTCL Landline utility bill
factory (DEC) 13-JAN-23
JV 000020-118-1000118- 31-Jan-2023 HO-Multan Issue date 1-Feb-23 Electricity bill 0.00 36,923.00 84,280.00
3JV for the month of Jan-2023
PV 000197-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-JAN-23 52293462 Electricity bill for the month of 36,923.00 0.00 121,203.00
1000118-P 52293462, Jan-2023 Issue date 1-Feb-23. :
Electricity bill for the month of
Jan-2023 Issue date 1-Feb-23
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 4,140.00 0.00 125,343.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 PTCL Landline
utility bill factory (V#957) dt.
179,216.00 53,873.00 125,343.00
JV 000021-118-1000118- 31-Jul-2022 Salaries Salary for The M/o July - 2022 0.00 978,250.00 (978,250.00)
PV 000004-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 39614236, Syed M. Amir Shah Office Boy 19,000.00 0.00 (959,250.00)
4000118-P Salary M/o July-2022 Syed M.
Amir Shah Office Boy Salary M/o
PV 000005-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 39614240, Zohaib Traders (Salary Zohaib Sb) 75,000.00 0.00 (884,250.00)
4000118-P For the M/o Jul-2022 Zohaib
Traders (Salary Zohaib Sb) For the
M/o Jul-2022
PV 000199-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614232 Faisal hayat Salary M/o July-22 202,250.00 0.00 (682,000.00)
1000118-P 39614232, Faisal hayat Salary M/o July-22
PV 000200-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614233 Qasim Naeeem Butt Salary M/o 111,875.00 0.00 (570,125.00)
1000118-P 39614233, July-22 Qasim Naeeem Butt
Salary M/o July-22
PV 000201-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614235 Arsalan Akbar Salary for The M/o 79,250.00 0.00 (490,875.00)
1000118-P 39614235, July-22 Arsalan Akbar Salary for
The M/o July-22
PV 000202-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614239 Asif Massih (Account Arsalan 25,000.00 0.00 (465,875.00)
1000118-P 39614239, Akbar) Salary for the m/o July -
2022 Asif Massih (Account
Arsalan Akbar) Salary for the m/o
July - 2022
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000212-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614236, Syed M. Amir Shah Office Boy 19,000.00 0.00 (446,875.00)
1000118-P Salary M/o July - 2022 Syed M.
Amir Shah Office Boy Salary M/o
July - 2022
PV 000213-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614240, Zohaib Traders (Salary Mirza 75,000.00 0.00 (371,875.00)
1000118-P Zohaib) For the M/o Jul-2022
Zohaib Traders (Salary Mirza
Zohaib) For the M/o Jul-2022
JV 2 01-Aug-2022 Syed M. Amir Shah Office Boy 0.00 19,000.00 (390,875.00)
Salary M/o July-2022 Syed M.
Amir Shah Office Boy Salary M/o
JV 3 01-Aug-2022 Zohaib Traders (Salary Zohaib Sb) 0.00 75,000.00 (465,875.00)
For the M/o Jul-2022 Zohaib
Traders (Salary Zohaib Sb) For the
M/o Jul-2022
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 10,000.00 0.00 (455,875.00)
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Salary expense of
Factory IPM 6-DEC-22
JV 000022-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Operational Salary and other expenses of Qazi 0.00 68,900.00 (524,775.00)
3JV Cost Adil for the month of Dec-22
Salary Expenses of Qazi Adil m/o
PV 000204-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN- 52293400,5229 Salary and other expenses of Qazi 68,900.00 0.00 (455,875.00)
1000118-P 23,03-JAN- 3401 52293400, Adil for the month of Dec-22
23 52293401, Salary and other expenses of Qazi
Adil for the month of Dec-22
PV 000174-2223-118- 01-Feb-2023 01-FEB-23 52293450 Salary Expense-Jan-23 Salary 28,500.00 0.00 (427,375.00)
1000118-P 52293450, expense of Amir Sha h For the
month of Jan-23
713,775.00 1,141,150.00 (427,375.00)
PV 000089-2223-118- 31-Jul-2022 31-JUL-22 Cash Cash Payments From 15-07-2022 19,381.00 0.00 19,381.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-07-2022 DigiKhata Expenses
reimbursed to Qasim Butt for DHL
samples with transfer charges
19,381.00 0.00 19,381.00
JV 000021-118-1000118- 31-Jul-2022 Salaries Salary for the M/o July - 2022 0.00 49,750.00 (49,750.00)
PV 000003-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 01-NOV- 44295084,4833 Staff Salaries WHT-on salaries for 0.00 36,688.00 (86,438.00)
1000118-P 22,02-NOV- 0837,48330842 the month of Oct-22
22,03-DEC- 48330837,
22 48330842,
PV 000056-2223-118- 05-Dec-2022 05-DEC-22 48330891 Operational Expense Tax expense 0.00 4,375.00 (90,813.00)
1000118-P Salaries483308 on Salary of Asif Mehmood
PV 000050-2223-118- 06-Dec-2022 06-DEC-22 48330890 Operational Expense Tax on 0.00 27,250.00 (118,063.00)
1000118-P Salaries483308 Salaries for the month of NOv-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000057-2223-118- 06-Dec-2022 06-DEC- 48330883,4833 Operational Expense Tax Expense 0.00 3,850.00 (121,913.00)
1000118-P 22,06-DEC- 0885,48330886 on Salary expenses of Amir
22,06-DEC- ,48330887,483 Hussain, Asif Mehmood-KAM,
22,06-DEC- 30892 M.Naveed,Fahad
22,06-DEC- Salaries483308 Waris,S.Shakeel,Qazi Adil & Amir
22 83, 48330885, Bashir
PV 000060-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330905 Operational Expense Tax expense 0.00 23,750.00 (145,663.00)
1000118-P Salary48330905 on the salay of Mazhar sb
PV 000079-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293386 Operational Expense Tax expense 0.00 61,600.00 (207,263.00)
1000118-P Salary expense on salaries for the month of Jan-
of Bereket 2023
Naturals Pvt Ltd
0.00 207,263.00 (207,263.00)
PV 000064-2223-118- 19-Dec-2022 19-DEC-22 48330916 Fauji Packing Material 0.00 97,297.20 (97,297.20)
1000118-P Cereals4833091
6, 000008-
PV 000082-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293384 Ramada Bill Room Rent 1 Day 0.00 418.00 (97,715.20)
1000118-P Residence 12000+GST 16% Noman Sb 3%
Exp.52293384, tax Invoice No. GSG-LHR-0096 3
persons @ 30000/- 30 days
Security Charges M/o Nov-22
PV 000172-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293415 INV # 14992 & INV # 14993 Hotel 0.00 388.80 (98,104.00)
1000118-P 52293415, reservation from 3 jan-23-4 jan-
000033-2223- 23, of Nadeem Raza And Mehtab
AP-118- Ahmed
PV 000095-2223-118- 18-Jan-2023 18-JAN-23 52293435 R&D, INV#220567 0.00 48,000.00 (146,104.00)
1000118-P manufacturing
& packaging of
06 Trial batches
for 06 Flavours
of Jhat Hazzam
Tabl 000022-
0.00 146,104.00 (146,104.00)
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000093-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293417 Pre Back Drops and fitting,Roll up 0.00 14,583.30 (52,470.30)
1000118-P sales Activityr- standee,BMI
Hype Direct scale,Baloon,Flex,transportation
Marketing5229 charges lahore city
3417, 000021-
PV 000171-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293416 IHSM Invoice# 10004283,IHSM 0.00 966.48 (53,436.78)
1000118-P 52293416, Invoice# 10003609-Indigo hotel
000031-2223- for Rana Mazhar stay dt:23-9-22--
AP-118- 8-12-22
PV 000139-2223-118- 25-Jan-2023 25-JAN-23 52293414 Inv # 0052+9838+9856 Cloud 0.00 20,506.50 (73,943.28)
1000118-P 52293414, Tenants (Pvt) Ltd Paid 13.3%% of
000030-2223- implementation cost of
AP-118- GL,inventory,Payroll, primary
1000118-N_877 sales and HO module,Software
support charges and S&D
Distribution Site Inv #
0052+9838+9856 Cloud Tenants
(Pvt) Ltd Paid 13.3%% of
implementation cost of
GL,inventory,Payroll, primary
sales and HO module,Software
support charges and S&D
Distribution Site
0.00 73,943.28 (73,943.28)
PJ 000001-2223-AP-118- 15-Nov-2022 Paid trademark Filling and service 0.00 1,743.00 (1,743.00)
1000118-N charges to Hassan & shaikh co
PJ 000002-2223-AP-118- 15-Nov-2022 Trademark filling official and 0.00 1,743.00 (3,486.00)
1000118-N Service charges
PV 000031-2223-118- 20-Nov-2022 20-DEC-22 48330862 Packing Material 0.00 100.00 (3,586.00)
1000118-P Purchase-Jar
2, 000006-
PV 000026-2223-118- 22-Nov-2022 15-NOV- 48330869,4833 Sales and promotion expense 0.00 3,747.00 (7,333.00)
1000118-P 22,15-NOV- 0870 Paid for Witholding tax expense on hotel
22 room bills
occupation of
Bereket staff to
attend Pre sales
9, 48330870,
PV 000027-2223-118- 22-Nov-2022 31-OCT- 44295076,4833 Marketing expense 0.00 31,195.13 (38,528.13)
1000118-P 22,22-NOV- 0868 Paid 50%
22 advance to
WAM printing
and designing
house for POS
76, 48330868,
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000036-2223-118- 22-Nov-2022 22-NOV- 48330866,4833 Staff boarding and loadging 0.00 650.00 (39,178.13)
1000118-P 22,22-NOV- 0867 INDIGO Expense W.H.T payable on indigo
22 Hotel-Rana hotel bill
66, 48330867,
PV 000024-2223-118- 23-Nov-2022 23-DEC-22 48330872 Toy bowls for which 50 % of 0.00 15,750.00 (54,928.13)
1000118-P Purchases4833 advance payment ie:
0872, 000003- (700000*50%=35000) in made
PV 000068-2223-118- 22-Dec-2022 22-DEC- 48330922,4833 Marketing expense 0.00 3,375.00 (58,303.13)
1000118-P 22,22-DEC- 0926
22 Trademark4833
PV 000071-2223-118- 28-Dec-2022 28-DEC-22 48330921 Serail No:334 0.00 252.28 (58,555.41)
1000118-P Marketing
, 000011-2223-
PV 000075-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293382 IHSM Invoice # 10004333, 0.00 1,946.00 (60,501.41)
1000118-P INDIGO Hotel 10004149, 10004175, 10004397,
expense522933 10004315 tax expense on Indigo
82, hotel bills
PV 000102-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293418 Registration Certificates of TM# 0.00 3,036.00 (63,537.41)
1000118-P Invoice 611042 & TM# 626062 in Class 30
INV/2022/12/0 -TM-11 Official Charges
0008- Qty2@9000,TM-11 Service
chq#52293418, Charges2@6000
0.00 63,537.41 (63,537.41)
A/C Code : 2-01-003-0013 - WHT Income - Rent u/s 155 Opening : 0.00
PV 000007-2223-118- 02-Nov-2022 02-NOV-22 48330839 HO- Rent Expense Rent Tax expense 0.00 5,164.00 (5,164.00)
1000118-P Multan4833083 on ChenOne office MUltan
PV 000045-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330878 HO- Rent Expense rent tax 0.00 5,164.00 (10,328.00)
1000118-P Multan4833087
PV 000053-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293398 HO- Rent Expense tax expense on rent 0.00 5,164.00 (15,492.00)
1000118-P Multan5229339
PV 000196-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 52293461 HO Multan Rent expense for the 0.00 5,164.00 (20,656.00)
1000118-P 52293461, month of Feb-2023 Property tax
0.00 20,656.00 (20,656.00)
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
JV 000002-118-1000118- 01-Nov-2022 Employer EOBI employer contribution 0.00 29,000.00 (29,200.00)
3JV Contribution payable EOBI employer
contribution payable
PV 000003-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 01-NOV- 44295084,4833 Staff Salaries EOBI employee 0.00 5,600.00 (34,800.00)
1000118-P 22,02-NOV- 0837,48330842 contribution
22,03-DEC- 48330837,
22 48330842,
PV 000022-2223-118- 16-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 EOBI, Operational Expense EOBI 34,800.00 0.00 0.00
1000118-P expense paid
PV 000044-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330877 Salary Expense EOBI employee 0.00 2,600.00 (2,600.00)
1000118-P Factory contribution
PV 000050-2223-118- 06-Dec-2022 06-DEC-22 48330890 Operational Expense EOBI 0.00 2,800.00 (5,400.00)
1000118-P Salaries483308 employee contribution payable
PV 000057-2223-118- 06-Dec-2022 06-DEC- 48330883,4833 Operational Expense EOBI on 0.00 1,400.00 (6,800.00)
1000118-P 22,06-DEC- 0885,48330886 Salary
22,06-DEC- ,48330887,483
22,06-DEC- 30892
22,06-DEC- Salaries483308
22 83, 48330885,
PV 000060-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330905 Operational Expense EOBI 0.00 200.00 (7,000.00)
1000118-P Salary48330905 payable
PV 000067-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330906 Operational Expense EOBI 33,600.00 0.00 26,600.00
1000118-P EOBI,Social expense paid
PV 000079-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293386 Operational Expense EOBI 0.00 4,800.00 21,800.00
1000118-P Salary expense expense for Jan-2023
of Bereket
Naturals Pvt Ltd
JV 000022-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Operational Salary and other expenses of Qazi 0.00 200.00 21,600.00
3JV Cost Adil for the month of Dec-22
EOBI-Employee contribution m/o
PV 000107-2223-118- 16-Jan-2023 16-JAN-23 52293429 Operational Expense EOBI 28,838.00 0.00 50,438.00
1000118-P EOBI52293429, expense paid
97,238.00 46,800.00 50,438.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
RV 000009-2223-118- 21-Aug-2022 21-AUG-22 Rana Nouman, Capital Account Capital injection 0.00 2,000,000.00 (14,603,513.0
1000118-R of Rana Nouman through transfer 0)
from BNG construction account
PV 000090-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 Cash Cash Payments From 01-08-2022 8,301.00 0.00 (14,595,212.0
1000118-P Payments, to 31-08-2022 DigiKhata Dt 29- 0)
Aug-22 to Rana Numan Personal
Expense Account
JV 000016-118-1000118- 31-Oct-2022 Asher Sb Cash Payments Asher Sb Month 0.00 73,500.00 (14,668,712.0
3JV of Oct-2022 Cash invested by 0)
Rana Nouman to Ashr sb for
pallets payments Capital
injection-Rana Nouman Capital
Account Dt 27-Oct-22
RV 000002-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 22-DEC-22 Rana Nouman, Capital Injection Capital injected 0.00 30,000.00 (14,698,712.0
1000118-R for Advance Salary to Miss Samra 0)
513,301.00 15,212,013.00 (14,698,712.0
A/C Code : 3-01-001-0003 - Mirza Ejaz Opening : 0.00
RV 000020-2223-118- 07-Jul-2022 07-JUL-22 560752 560752, Mirza Ejaz Dt 07/07/2022 for 0.00 80,000.00 (80,000.00)
1000118-R Factory Rent Rent Factory Cash Deposit in
Meezan Bank by Mirza ejaz Dt
RV 000005-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-NOV-22 Mirza Ejaz, Capital Injection Capital injection 0.00 55,000.00 (135,000.00)
1000118-R by Mirza Ijaz for making payment
to Qasim Butt Sb and Umer khan
for monthly petty expenses and
travel Expenses of Arslan sb in
RV 000006-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-NOV-22 Cash injection Injection-Mirza Ejaz 0.00 61,655.00 (196,655.00)
1000118-R in Bank
Account, Cash
injection By
Mirza Ejaz
RV 000019-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, capital investment (mirza ejaz )for 0.00 55,000.00 (251,655.00)
1000118-R petty expenses capital investment
(mirza ejaz )for petty expenses
RV 000030-2223-118- 07-Dec-2022 07-DEC-22 TID-291436 Mirza Ejaz Cash injection Dt 7- 0.00 50,000.00 (301,655.00)
1000118-R TID-291436, Dec-22 Mirza Ejaz Cash injection
Dt 7-Dec-22
RV 000031-2223-118- 08-Dec-2022 08-DEC-22 TID-173883 Mirza Ejaz Capital injection Dt 8- 0.00 250,000.00 (551,655.00)
1000118-R TID-173883, Dec-22 Mirza Ejaz Capital
injection Dt 08-Dec-22
RV 000032-2223-118- 08-Dec-2022 08-DEC-22 TID: 960822 Mirza Ejaz Capital Injections Dt 0.00 150,000.00 (701,655.00)
1000118-R TID: 960822, 08/12/2022 Mirza Ejaz Capital
Injections Dt 08/12/2022
RV 000033-2223-118- 08-Dec-2022 08-DEC-22 FT2234209L4DL Mirza Ejaz Capital Injection Dt 0.00 350,000.00 (1,051,655.00)
1000118-R MTK 08/12/2022 Mirza Ejaz Capital
FT2234209L4DL Injection Dt 08/12/2022
JV 000018-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Asher Sab Cash Payments For the M/o Dec- 0.00 20,000.00 (1,071,655.00)
3JV Ashar Sb 2022 Amount Received from
Saeed Sons As Loan Received &
Paid Back Dt 15-Dec-22
0.00 1,071,655.00 (1,071,655.00)
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 3-01-001-0004 - Nayyar Sardar Opening : 0.00
RV 000022-2223-118- 18-Jul-2022 18-JUL-22 0006 Capital Nayar Sardar Capital invested Dt 0.00 10,000,000.00 (10,000,000.0
1000118-R Account0006, 18/07/2022 Nayar Sardar Capital 0)
From HBL invested Dt 18/07/2022
RV 000023-2223-118- 22-Jul-2022 22-JUL-22 0003 0003, Nayyar Sardar Capital Invested 0.00 5,000,000.00 (15,000,000.0
1000118-R Nayyar sardar Depo. in MBL Dt 22-07-2022 0)
Nayyar Sardar Capital Invested
Depo. in MBL Dt 22-07-2022
RV 000024-2223-118- 21-Sep-2022 21-SEP-22 00004 00004, Nayyar Sardar Capital invested Dt 0.00 5,000,000.00 (20,000,000.0
1000118-R 00004 22-Jul-22 HBL to MBL Nayyar 0)
Sardar Capital invested Dt 22-Jul-
22 HBL to MBL
RV 000025-2223-118- 29-Sep-2022 29-SEP-22 00000005 Nayyar Sardar HBL Chq#05 Dt 0.00 8,000,000.00 (28,000,000.0
1000118-R 000000050000 28/09/2022 Deposit in MBL 0)
0005, Head Capital Injection Nayyar Sardar
Office HBL Chq#05 Dt 28/09/2022
Deposit in MBL Capital Injection
RV 000028-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 00000007 Nayyar Sardar Khan HBL Ac 0.00 7,000,000.00 (35,000,000.0
1000118-R 00000007, Deposit in Meezan Dt 31/10/2022 0)
Capital Nayyar Sardar Khan HBL Ac
Injection Deposit in Meezan Dt 31/10/2022
RV 000004-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-DEC-22 Nayyar Sadar, Capital Injection Capital injection 0.00 3,000,000.00 (38,000,000.0
1000118-R by Nayyar Sardar 0)
0.00 38,000,000.00 (38,000,000.0
A/C Code : 3-01-001-0006 - Rana Imran Opening : 0.00
RV 000011-2223-118- 17-Dec-2022 17-DEC-22 82348968 Rana Imran MBL As Loan 0.00 6,000,000.00 (6,000,000.00)
1000118-R 82348968, Chq # 82348968 DT 17/12/2022
Loan to Bereket Naturals Pvt ltd
by Rana Imran
RV 000014-2223-118- 04-Jan-2023 04-JAN-23 , Rana Imran for payment to 0.00 1,000,000.00 (7,000,000.00)
1000118-R traders Services pvt ltd-Cash
Deposit dt 4/1/23 Rana Imran for
payment to traders Services pvt
ltd-Cash Deposit dt 4/1/23
RV 000015-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 , Rana Imran for payment to 0.00 1,000,000.00 (8,000,000.00)
1000118-R traders Services pvt ltd-Cash
Deposit dt 11/1/23 Rana Imran
for payment to traders Services
pvt ltd-Cash Deposit dt 11/1/23
RV 000016-2223-118- 24-Jan-2023 24-JAN- 132137,134306 Rana IMran For import Expenses 0.00 2,500,000.00 (10,500,000.0
1000118-R 23,24-JAN- ,631457 total Deposit 4.9 M Rana Imran 0)
23,24-JAN- 134306, for payment to SA Constructors
23 132137, and real estate developers-Cash
631457, Deposit dt 24/1/23-Transaction
ID-132137, ID-631457, ID-134306
RV 000017-2223-118- 25-Jan-2023 25-JAN- -Transaction ID- Rana Imran for payment to SA 0.00 2,400,000.00 (12,900,000.0
1000118-R 23,25-JAN- 776424,- Constructors and real estate 0)
23,25-JAN- Transaction ID- developers-Cash Deposit dt
23 867869,Transac 24/1/23-Transaction ID-
tion ID-918604 918604,867869,776424 Rana
Transaction ID- Imran for payment to SA
918604, - Constructors and real estate
Transaction ID- developers-Cash Deposit dt
867869, - 24/1/23-Transaction ID-776424
Transaction ID-
0.00 12,900,000.00 (12,900,000.0
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 3-02-002-0001 - Unappropriated Profit / (Accumulated Loss) Opening : 0.00
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 14,610.00 0.00 14,610.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 Sweeper Demand
wiper , acid, soap, etc etc dt. 4-
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 340.00 0.00 14,950.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Duster
Production area cleaning dt. 10-
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 13,790.00 0.00 28,740.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 5 x Dust Bin
dt . 11-sep-22
PV 000136-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 , Cash payments 13-09-22 to 15-09 50,050.00 0.00 78,790.00
1000118-P -2022 Advance IPM charges paid
through petty Multan HO IPM-
Factory Insect Protection
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 32,190.00 0.00 110,980.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22 insect killer
bill dt. 17-sep-22
PV 000137-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments From 16-09-2022 73,833.00 0.00 184,813.00
1000118-P Payments, To 20-09-2022 Final payment for
IBM through Petty Multan HO
IPM-Factory Dt 16-Sep-22
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 7,740.00 0.00 192,553.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Surf dt, 21-
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 5,340.00 0.00 197,893.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Duster Stationary
Expense Stationary Expense
Stationary Expense 10-oct-22
PV 000147-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 , Cash Payments Head Office Dt 19,519.00 0.00 217,412.00
1000118-P 11,12,13,14 Oct-2022 Paid to Baig
traders for insect killer in factory
Dt 11-Oct-22
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 2,465.00 0.00 219,877.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Cleaner Brush 25-
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 8,090.00 0.00 227,967.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Salary expense
of Factory IPM 16-NOV-22
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 900.00 0.00 228,867.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Duster (5X180) 3-
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 4,500.00 0.00 233,367.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Labor Exp.
(cleaning warehouse) 31-DEC-22
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 10,000.00 0.00 243,367.00
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 labor Exp. (cleaning
warehouse Outside) (V# 776) 3-
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 8,000.00 0.00 251,367.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 Salary expense
of Factory IPM (V# 949) dt. 10-
251,367.00 0.00 251,367.00
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 720.00 0.00 720.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Laundary
Exp. dt. 29-sep-22
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 920.00 0.00 1,640.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Laundary Exp. 3-
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 2,650.00 0.00 4,290.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Laundary Exp 17-
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 4,180.00 0.00 8,470.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Laundary Exp.
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 1,360.00 0.00 9,830.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Laundary Exp of
factory production workers 7-
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 2,310.00 0.00 12,140.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Laundary Exp of
factory production workers 22-
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 2,040.00 0.00 14,180.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Laundary Exp. 16-
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 900.00 0.00 15,080.00
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 Laundary Exp. (V#
772) 2- jan -23
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 1,570.00 0.00 16,650.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 Laundary Exp.
(V#952) dt, 10-feb-23
16,650.00 0.00 16,650.00
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 13,808.00 0.00 13,808.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Refreshment f 4-
OCT-22or Tea
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 12,660.00 0.00 26,468.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Refreshment for Tea
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 2,600.00 0.00 29,068.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Daily Lunch Report
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 14,030.00 0.00 43,098.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Daily Lunch Report
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 10,700.00 0.00 53,798.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Daily Lunch Report
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 12,850.00 0.00 66,648.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Daily Lunch Report
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 4,790.00 0.00 71,438.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Refreshment for
Tea MILK 1-NOV-22
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 37,230.00 0.00 108,668.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Daily Lunch
Report 22-NOV-22
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 43,805.00 0.00 152,473.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Refreshment for
Tea 19-DEC-22
PV 000012-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-FEB-23 200.00 0.00 152,673.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-FEB-23 Refreshment for Tea
(sir imran ) (V# 943) 6-FEB-23
152,673.00 0.00 152,673.00
PV 000089-2223-118- 31-Jul-2022 31-JUL-22 Cash Cash Payments From 15-07-2022 9,000.00 0.00 9,000.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-07-2022 DigiKhata Dt 31-
Jul-22 official lunch Multan Office
PV 000109-2223-118- 15-Aug-2022 15-AUG-22 Cash in Hand, Cash Payments From 11 - Aug-22 13,513.00 0.00 22,513.00
1000118-P to 15 Aug-22 Cash in Hand Cake
for Pakistan Day and Factory
inaguration 14-Aug-22
PV 000090-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 Cash Cash Payments From 01-08-2022 5,500.00 0.00 28,013.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-08-2022 DigiKhata Dt 1-
Aug-22 official lunch of Asif
sb,Butt sb
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 1,600.00 0.00 29,613.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 Refreshment
(570+290 +740) dt. 4-sep-22
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 10,000.00 0.00 39,613.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 Advance to
Amir for juice and Corrier through
petty Multan HO Office expense-
Multan HO Dt 10-Sep-22
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 2,640.00 0.00 42,253.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22
Refreshment office guest dt. 20-
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 4,130.00 0.00 46,383.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22
Refreshment Labour +Office dt.
PV 000145-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 , Cash Payments HO for 06, to 10 16,180.00 0.00 62,563.00
1000118-P Oct-22 Factory refreshment bills
from Monday to Saturday-oct
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 2,450.00 0.00 65,013.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Refreshment for
office Refreshment for office 14-
OCT-22 including 2 bills
JV 000003-118-1000118- 20-Oct-2022 Rana Mazhar Expenses of Rana Mazhar sb for 1,647.00 0.00 66,660.00
3JV sb the month of Oct-22
entertainment expense of rana
Mazhar sb
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 5,320.00 0.00 71,980.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Refreshment for
Visitor ( Carugated box Lhr Party)
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 570.00 0.00 72,550.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Refreshment for
Factory official (Umar Khan HR) 1
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 1,500.00 0.00 74,050.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Refreshment
for Lunch (Imran sb Guest) 17-
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 5,590.00 0.00 79,640.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Refreshment for
Sir Imran Guest 14-DEC-22
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 1,700.00 0.00 81,340.00
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 Refreshment for Lunch
(Guest ) for Vendor (V# 786) 5-
PV 000012-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-FEB-23 900.00 0.00 82,240.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-FEB-23 Refreshment for
cake (sir imran ) (V# 940) 6-feb-
82,240.00 0.00 82,240.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000075-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293382 IHSM Invoice # 10004333, 64,867.00 0.00 252,194.00
1000118-P INDIGO Hotel 10004149, 10004175, 10004397,
expense522933 10004315 Staff boarding and
82, lodging expense
PV 000082-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293384 Ramada Bill Room Rent 1 Day 13,920.00 0.00 266,114.00
1000118-P Residence 12000+GST 16% Noman Sb
Exp.52293384, Invoice No. GSG-LHR-0096 3
persons @ 30000/- 30 days
Security Charges M/o Nov-22
PJ 000033-2223-AP-118- 03-Jan-2023 Hotel reservation from 3 jan-23-4 12,000.00 0.00 278,114.00
1000118-N jan-23, of Nadeem Raza And
Mehtab Ahmed
278,114.00 0.00 278,114.00
PV 000088-2223-118- 15-Jul-2022 15-JUL-22 Cash Cash Expenses From 01- Jul - 2022 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00
1000118-P Payments, 7- to 15 - Jul - 2022 DigiKhata official
Jul-22 lunch with arsalan sb and Uzair sb
PV 000089-2223-118- 31-Jul-2022 31-JUL-22 Cash Cash Payments From 15-07-2022 9,700.00 0.00 11,700.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-07-2022 DigiKhata official
lunch Multan Office Official
Lunch - Multan Dt 25-Jul-22
PV 000221-2223-118- 11-Aug-2022 11-AUG- 39614260,3961 Mirza Hammad Ahmed Meal 19,470.00 0.00 31,170.00
1000118-P 22,11-AUG- 4261 39614260, Expenses Payment
22 39614261,
PV 000109-2223-118- 15-Aug-2022 15-AUG-22 Cash in Hand, Cash Payments From 11 - Aug-22 2,400.00 0.00 33,570.00
1000118-P to 15 Aug-22 Cash in Hand Lunch
of lahore officials Dt 13-Aug-22
PV 000110-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 , Cash Payments From 16-08-2022 22,500.00 0.00 56,070.00
1000118-P to 31-08-22 Cash IN hand Lunch
for lhr officials at waseeb hotel Dt
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 23,085.00 0.00 79,155.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 official dinner
at shanghrilla Official Lunch -
Multan HO Dt 4-Sep-22
PV 000136-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 , Cash payments 13-09-22 to 15-09 12,012.00 0.00 91,167.00
1000118-P -2022 Shahi finest food and
beverages Official Lunch - Multan
HO DT 14-Sep-22
PV 000137-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments From 16-09-2022 5,000.00 0.00 96,167.00
1000118-P Payments, To 20-09-2022 Official lunch at
Multan Official Lunch - Multan
HO DT 20-Sep-22
PV 000138-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments for 21-09-22 & 22- 11,620.00 0.00 107,787.00
1000118-P Payments, 09-2022 Official lunch of Lhr and
Multan officials at at Multan
Official Lunch - Multan HO Dt 21-
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 6,050.00 0.00 113,837.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 official Lunch for staff
at Multan H.O 23-Sep-22
JV 000005-118-1000118- 20-Oct-2022 UMER Khan-HR Expenses of Umer Khan-HR-HO 3,280.00 0.00 117,117.00
3JV HO Multan Multan for the month of Oct-22
Entertainment expenses incurred
by Umer khan
PV 000052-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 30-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty Expenses Official Staff lunch 42,998.00 0.00 160,115.00
1000118-P At HO Multan
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000161-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.11 nov 2,186.00 0.00 162,301.00
1000118-P to 15 nov 22 lahore staff
entertainment nov 22
JV 000006-118-1000118- 20-Nov-2022 Non trade HO expense regarding official 17,930.00 0.00 180,231.00
3JV payables lunch, stationary, water bill
grocery items TP's and flash
Entertainment expense of ERP
team member and HO staff
during the month of Nov-22
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 23,450.00 0.00 203,681.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Refreshment for
Daily lunch
PV 000055-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330902 Sales Reimbursed expenses Rana 1,110.00 0.00 204,791.00
1000118-P team and Mazhar sb
PV 000162-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.15 dec 18,821.00 0.00 223,612.00
1000118-P 22 lahore staff entertainment
PV 000218-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 15-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 8,611.00 0.00 232,223.00
1000118-P dt1-12-22 to 15-12-22 Official
lunch at HO Multan
PV 000063-2223-118- 24-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 48330930 Operational Expense Asif 680.00 0.00 232,903.00
1000118-P Reimbursed Mehmood
PV 000080-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293387 Operational Expense Nadeem 3,600.00 0.00 236,503.00
1000118-P Allowances and Raza
Expenses of
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 100.00 0.00 236,603.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Refreshment for
Tea 27-DEC-22
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 11,010.00 0.00 247,613.00
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 Refreshment for Sir
Imran Guest (V# 795) 9-jan-23
PV 000005-2223-118- 20-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payment 12-jan-23 to 20- 2,010.00 0.00 249,623.00
2000118-P Expenses., jan-23 Refreshment for Tea for Sir
Imran Guest (V# 903) 19-JAN-23
PV 000006-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory PAID TO CASH PAYMENTS Record 32,060.00 0.00 281,683.00
2000118-P Expenses., 21-JAN-23 to 31-JAN-23
Refreshment for Sir Imran Guest
(V# 916) 23-jan-23
281,683.00 0.00 281,683.00
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 1,135.00 0.00 1,135.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 Refreshment ofc
dt. 3-SEP-22
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 5,963.00 0.00 7,098.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Refreshment
Office dt 6-sep-22
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 16,344.00 0.00 23,442.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Restaurant
Office dt. 12-sep-22
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 7,192.00 0.00 30,634.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22
Refreshment office 19-sep-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 17,527.00 0.00 48,161.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22
Refreshment Labor dt. 26-sep-22
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 12,300.00 0.00 60,461.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Daily Lunch Report
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 3,100.00 0.00 63,561.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 Refreshment
for Biscut (sir imran ) (V# 944)
dt. 6-feb-23
63,561.00 0.00 63,561.00
JV 000003-118-1000118- 20-Oct-2022 Rana Mazhar Expenses of Rana Mazhar sb for 7,450.00 0.00 7,450.00
3JV sb the month of Oct-22 Service
charges of Rana Mazhar sb car
PV 000055-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330902 Sales Reimbursed expenses Amir bashir 6,000.00 0.00 13,450.00
1000118-P team and
PV 000058-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330904 Operational Expense Qazi Adil 2,000.00 0.00 15,450.00
1000118-P Allowances483
PV 000080-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293387 Operational Expense Amir Bashir 16,640.00 0.00 32,090.00
1000118-P Allowances and
Expenses of
JV 000022-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Operational Salary and other expenses of Qazi 2,000.00 0.00 34,090.00
3JV Cost Adil for the month of Dec-22 Qazi
Adil m/o Dec-22
34,090.00 0.00 34,090.00
PV 000016-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 PSO card Fuel Expense PSO card balance 200,000.00 0.00 200,000.00
1000118-P Balance amount filling
Amount Filling,
PV 000019-2223-118- 17-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 PSO card Fuel Expense Addition amount 56,000.00 0.00 256,000.00
1000118-P refilling refilled in PSO card
PV 000073-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330907 Serial No PSO card filling for the 200,000.00 0.00 456,000.00
1000118-P Operational month of DEC-22
PV 000072-2223-118- 28-Dec-2022 28-DEC-22 52293377 Sr No.1196184 Paid for Jan-2023 500,000.00 0.00 956,000.00
1000118-P Operational fuel
956,000.00 0.00 956,000.00
PV 000083-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293379 Bilty # 414 for 233 carton sent to 35,000.00 0.00 35,000.00
1000118-P Distribution Lahore Freight Charges Bilty # 414
Exp.52293379, for 233 carton sent to Lahore
Freight Charges
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000085-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293380 Bilty # 415 for 210 carton sent to 49,000.00 0.00 84,000.00
1000118-P Freight On Islamabad dt 27/12/2022 Bilty #
Sales52293380, 415 for 210 carton sent to
Freight on Islamabad dt 27/12/2022
PV 000086-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293378 Bilty No. 413 for 180 carton 45,000.00 0.00 129,000.00
1000118-P Freight on Freight to Islamabad Bilty No. 413
Sales52293378, for 180 carton Freight to
Freight on Islamabad
PV 000097-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 10-JAN-23 52293410 Builty No:438 sent to Islamabad 47,500.00 0.00 176,500.00
1000118-P Freight on dt 09/01/2022 Builty No:438 sent
Sales- to Islamabad dt 09/01/2022
PV 000195-2223-118- 07-Feb-2023 07-FEB-23 52293463 Bilty # 74 for 134 cartons from 28,500.00 0.00 205,000.00
1000118-P 52293463, Mtn to Lhr Bilty # 74 for 134
cartons from Mtn to Lhr
205,000.00 0.00 205,000.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 5-01-007-0002 - Selling and Distribution Expenses Opening : 0.00
PV 000147-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 , Cash Payments Head Office Dt 8,208.00 0.00 8,208.00
1000118-P 11,12,13,14 Oct-2022 New flags
purchased for BN office branches
Dt 14-Oct-22
PJ 000032-2223-AP-118- 26-Nov-2022 For trade pens-qty10000@24 460,000.00 0.00 468,208.00
1000118-N Keychains-10000@22
468,208.00 0.00 468,208.00
PV 000089-2223-118- 31-Jul-2022 31-JUL-22 Cash Cash Payments From 15-07-2022 30,030.00 0.00 30,030.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-07-2022 DigiKhata Dt 28-
Jul-22 Fort Monru Installment
Apartment-Fort Monru
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 5,240.00 0.00 35,270.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22
Blanket,Matress,Pillow, Bed sheet
JV 000003-118-1000118- 20-Oct-2022 Rana Mazhar Expenses of Rana Mazhar sb for 60,000.00 0.00 95,270.00
3JV sb the month of Oct-22
Miscellaneouse expense of Rana
Mazhar sb
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 1,000.00 0.00 96,270.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Loading Expense 7-
PV 000055-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330902 Sales Reimbursed expenses Asif 9,800.00 0.00 106,070.00
1000118-P team and mehmood
PV 000058-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330904 Operational Expense Qazi Adil 12,180.00 0.00 118,250.00
1000118-P Allowances483
PV 000059-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330903 Operational Expense Fahad Waris 11,480.00 0.00 129,730.00
1000118-P Allowances483 Rao
PV 000061-2223-118- 21-Dec-2022 21-DEC-22 48330917 Operational Expense Sayed 85,080.00 0.00 214,810.00
1000118-P Allowances483 Nadeem Raza
PV 000080-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293387 Operational Expense S Shakeel 74,480.00 0.00 289,290.00
1000118-P Allowances and
Expenses of
PV 000084-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293392 Asif Reimbursed expenses Asif 15,000.00 0.00 304,290.00
1000118-P Mehmood5229 Mehmood
304,290.00 0.00 304,290.00
JV 000004-118-1000118- 20-Oct-2022 Faisal Hayyat Expenses of Faisal Hayyat sb for 17,750.00 0.00 17,750.00
3JV the month of Oct-22 Expenses of
Faisal Hayyat sb for the month of
17,750.00 0.00 17,750.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 5-01-008-0003 - ED-Mirza Zohaib Opening : 0.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 24,482.00 0.00 343,894.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 Camera installation and
purchase charges paid through
petty Multan HO Office Supplies -
Multan HO Dt 24-Sep-22
PV 000143-2223-118- 03-Oct-2022 27-JAN-23 Cash Cash Payments Dt 01 & 03 Oct - 54,841.00 0.00 398,735.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 Stationery purchased for
Multan office Office Supplies -
Multan HO Dt 3-Oct-22
PV 000147-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 , Cash Payments Head Office Dt 11,854.00 0.00 410,589.00
1000118-P 11,12,13,14 Oct-2022 kitchen box
for multan HO kitchen Office
Supplies - Multan HO Dt 11-Oct-
PV 000157-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Lahore Office, Paid to Qasim Butt sb for lahore 10,357.00 0.00 420,946.00
1000118-P Lahore Office Expenses Grocery items and Glass
for lhr office Dt 20-Oct-22
JV 000016-118-1000118- 31-Oct-2022 Asher Sb Cash Payments Asher Sb Month 3,450.00 0.00 424,396.00
3JV of Oct-2022 kitchen supplies-
Jug,sauce pan,thermos,and milk
filling spoon for factory Dt 3-Oct-
PV 000052-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 30-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty Expenses Office grocery for 6,270.00 0.00 430,666.00
1000118-P Multan Office
JV 000006-118-1000118- 20-Nov-2022 Non trade HO expense regarding official 12,505.00 0.00 443,171.00
3JV payables lunch, stationary, water bill
grocery items TP's and flash
kitchen and cleaning items and
screws and A4 cells
PV 000218-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 15-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 11,850.00 0.00 455,021.00
1000118-P dt1-12-22 to 15-12-22 Grossory
items for multan office
PV 000219-2223-118- 20-Dec-2022 20-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 12,540.00 0.00 467,561.00
1000118-P dt 20-12-22 Fruit cake,yakhni
palao,dahi bhala,shami,fuel
kitchen items dt31-12-22 to-1-1-
467,561.00 0.00 467,561.00
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 17,710.00 0.00 17,710.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Rolling Tape dt.
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 60.00 0.00 17,770.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Tape dt. 14
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 7,320.00 0.00 25,090.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22 1 GB UIC dt
. 15-sep-22
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 7,220.00 0.00 32,310.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 stikers dt.
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 180.00 0.00 32,490.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Stationary Expense
(Marker) 11-OCT-22
JV 000005-118-1000118- 20-Oct-2022 UMER Khan-HR Expenses of Umer Khan-HR-HO 700.00 0.00 33,190.00
3JV HO Multan Multan for the month of Oct-22
Stationery expenses paid by Umer
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 1,210.00 0.00 34,400.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Stationary Expense
(Tape) 20-OCT-22
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 1,920.00 0.00 36,320.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Stationary Expense
(Tape) (480x4) 21-OCT-22
PV 000052-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 30-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty Expenses Stationery and 18,000.00 0.00 54,320.00
1000118-P printer service expense
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 500.00 0.00 54,820.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Food Lisence
Leminition 3-NOV-22
JV 000006-118-1000118- 20-Nov-2022 Non trade HO expense regarding official 22,320.00 0.00 77,140.00
3JV payables lunch, stationary, water bill
grocery items TP's and flash
clips,Elfy,printing papers,draft
pads and printer service fee
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 500.00 0.00 77,640.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Attendance
Register 22-NOV-22
PV 000162-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.15 dec 5,860.00 0.00 83,500.00
1000118-P 22 stationary expnse dec 22
lahore office
PV 000219-2223-118- 20-Dec-2022 20-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 7,080.00 0.00 90,580.00
1000118-P dt 20-12-22 Stationeryitems
iecells,pad stamp,stamp
pads,binding clip,copies,a4
90,580.00 0.00 90,580.00
PV 000088-2223-118- 15-Jul-2022 15-JUL-22 Cash Cash Expenses From 01- Jul - 2022 1,600.00 0.00 1,600.00
1000118-P Payments, 02- to 15 - Jul - 2022 DigiKhata 28
07-2022 PAllet transportation from Lhr to
Mlt transportation cost-pallets
PV 000110-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 , Cash Payments From 16-08-2022 5,000.00 0.00 6,600.00
1000118-P to 31-08-22 Cash IN hand Javed
shah for Factory Saman FOH-
Material and supplies Dt 21-Aug-
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 5,830.00 0.00 12,430.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 Tea bags + Foam
dt. 3-sep-22 (2 bills ) dt 3-sep-22
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 5,780.00 0.00 18,210.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 TV Trolley dt.
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 17,980.00 0.00 36,190.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Hal bai dt.
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 13,600.00 0.00 49,790.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 Paid through
petty Multan HO to Khalil for Reel
to be used in factory
PV 000136-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 , Cash payments 13-09-22 to 15-09 159,530.00 0.00 209,320.00
1000118-P -2022 UPS battery bill of factory
paid through Petty Multan HO
Utility -FOH Dt 15-Sep-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 86,894.00 0.00 296,214.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22 Name
Sticker dt. 16-sep-22
PV 000137-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments From 16-09-2022 81,049.00 0.00 377,263.00
1000118-P Payments, To 20-09-2022 Paid to crystal
instrument for Lab instrument for
factory Factory supplies DT 20-
PV 000138-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments for 21-09-22 & 22- 26,500.00 0.00 403,763.00
1000118-P Payments, 09-2022 Purchased dispenser for
factory packaging area from Petty
cash Multan HO Factory supplies
Dt 21-Sep-22
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 38,400.00 0.00 442,163.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 Factory expenses
reimbursed to Rana Imran
Factory supplies Dt 24-Sep-22
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 14,475.00 0.00 456,638.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Internet
cable (10 meter) dt. 29-sep-22
PV 000141-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments For 27,28,29,30 20,000.00 0.00 476,638.00
1000118-P Payments, Sept-2022 Paid to Kashif Shakir
electronics for exchange FOH-
Administration Expense Dt 27-
PV 000143-2223-118- 03-Oct-2022 27-JAN-23 Cash Cash Payments Dt 01 & 03 Oct - 35,000.00 0.00 511,638.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 Stabilizer 1000watt
purchase from Petty Cash for
Factory Factory supplies Dt 1-
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 8,360.00 0.00 519,998.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 surf 1-OCT-22
PV 000142-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments Dt From 04-10- 1,020.00 0.00 521,018.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 & 05-10-2022 Head office
Multan Expenses reimbursed to
Qasim Butt sb for the month of
Sep Dt 5-Oct-22
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 5,170.00 0.00 526,188.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Cylinder 6kg 4-OCT-
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 2,540.00 0.00 528,728.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Kitchen
Accessories Tapal Dan e dar tea
Gass Cylinder (kitchen) 13-OCT-
22 3bills inluding
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 6,400.00 0.00 535,128.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Refreshment for
kitchen 19-OCT-22
JV 000016-118-1000118- 31-Oct-2022 Asher Sb Cash Payments Asher Sb Month 18,130.00 0.00 553,258.00
3JV of Oct-2022 Factory stationery Dt
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 5,800.00 0.00 559,058.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Sugar (2kg) dt. 31-
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 5,960.00 0.00 565,018.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Refreshment items
for factory kitchen (5200+160) 1
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 100.00 0.00 565,118.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 First Aid
(Tablets) 28-NOV-22
JV 000017-118-1000118- 30-Nov-2022 Cash payments Grocery bill of Factory FOH- 5,108.00 0.00 570,226.00
3JV Asher Sb M/o Administration expense Dt 22-
Nov-2022 Nov-22
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 1,340.00 0.00 571,566.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 sugar 2-Dec-22
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 5,610.00 0.00 577,176.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 sugar 28-DEC-22
JV 000018-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Asher Sab Cash Payments For the M/o Dec- 53,830.00 0.00 631,006.00
3JV Ashar Sb 2022 kitchen items for factory Dt
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 4,600.00 0.00 635,606.00
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 Matches (V# 789) 7-
PV 000005-2223-118- 20-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payment 12-jan-23 to 20- 500.00 0.00 636,106.00
2000118-P Expenses., jan-23 Cylinder Gass fill (V# 906)
JV 000019-118-1000118- 20-Jan-2023 Ashar Sb Ashar Electrical items for factory Dt 10- 89,158.00 0.00 725,264.00
3JV Sb Jan-22
PV 000006-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory PAID TO CASH PAYMENTS Record 27,870.00 0.00 753,134.00
2000118-P Expenses., 21-JAN-23 to 31-JAN-23 Medical
Exp. (Risek Tab.) (V# 915) fac
PV 000012-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-FEB-23 1,100.00 0.00 754,234.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-FEB-23 Flower (sir imran )
(V# 941 6-feb-23
754,234.00 0.00 754,234.00
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 5,285.00 0.00 5,285.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Shoe Cover, Hat
Net Mosquito Killer x 3 dt. 6-sep-
PV 000138-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments for 21-09-22 & 22- 41,541.00 0.00 46,826.00
1000118-P Payments, 09-2022 Baig traders Multan
Saftey Equipments (Insect lighter)
FOH-Administration Expense Dt
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 9,680.00 0.00 56,506.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 shoes dt. 25
PV 000145-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 , Cash Payments HO for 06, to 10 8,008.00 0.00 64,514.00
1000118-P Oct-22 Paid to Zia ur Rehman half
monthly payment from 16-30sep
22 for IBM in factory through
petty Multan HO Dt 7-Oct-22
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 360.00 0.00 64,874.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Safety equipments
(Hair net) dt.29-oct-22
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 2,020.00 0.00 66,894.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Safety equipments
(Gloves+Face Mask+Hyginecap
+Shoecover) (1700+320) 4-NOV-
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 200.00 0.00 67,094.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Safety equipments
(Hair Net) 6-DEC-22
67,094.00 0.00 67,094.00
JV 000015-118-1000118- 30-Sep-2022 Month Sept- Cash Payments By Asher Sb For 66,916.00 0.00 66,916.00
3JV 2022 The M/o Sept-2022 Paid
transportation cost for Bed for
cottage home Dt 29-Sep-22
PV 000141-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments For 27,28,29,30 707,803.00 0.00 774,719.00
1000118-P Payments, Sept-2022 Purchases for wind
blinds from Baig traders for
cottage home for Bereket
employees Supplies-Cottage
home DT 29-Sep-22
PV 000142-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments Dt From 04-10- 33,000.00 0.00 807,719.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 & 05-10-2022 Head office
Multan Paid to Zian Aluminium
for new home partition Dt 5-Oct-
PV 000145-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 , Cash Payments HO for 06, to 10 39,000.00 0.00 846,719.00
1000118-P Oct-22 Purchase 4 inch folding
mattress for new home Dt 10-
JV 000016-118-1000118- 31-Oct-2022 Asher Sb Cash Payments Asher Sb Month 54,050.00 0.00 900,769.00
3JV of Oct-2022 Gardner-Cottage
home Dt 31-Oct-22
JV 000017-118-1000118- 30-Nov-2022 Cash payments Plumber Charges for Cottage 9,600.00 0.00 910,369.00
3JV Asher Sb M/o home maintenance-janitorial and
Nov-2022 kitchen supplies
JV 000018-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Asher Sab Cash Payments For the M/o Dec- 5,550.00 0.00 915,919.00
3JV Ashar Sb 2022 Electrical items for factory
use Dt 31-Dec-22
JV 000019-118-1000118- 20-Jan-2023 Ashar Sb Ashar Paid to one vision pasting and 28,870.00 0.00 944,789.00
3JV Sb printing DT 5-Jan-22
944,789.00 0.00 944,789.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000219-2223-118- 20-Dec-2022 20-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 3,500.00 0.00 76,500.00
1000118-P dt 20-12-22 PTCL new
connectionn bill Ref #9
89,000.00 12,500.00 76,500.00
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 Melad
conduction expenses at factory
FOH-Administration Expense Dt 8
25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00
PV 000138-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments for 21-09-22 & 22- 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00
1000118-P Payments, 09-2022 Office chairs repairment
Dt 22-Sep-22
3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 5-01-010-0008 - Transportation Opening : 0.00
PV 000089-2223-118- 31-Jul-2022 31-JUL-22 Cash Cash Payments From 15-07-2022 1,900.00 0.00 1,900.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-07-2022 DigiKhata Builty
expense of 10 cartons along with
labour cost Builty expense-
Cartons 25-Jul-22
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 2,150.00 0.00 4,050.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 Unloading Rent
dt. 3-sep-22
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 5,320.00 0.00 9,370.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Stock dispatch to
multan (165Ctn) bilty Noor
traders( 1020 ) AUTO charges (
20 ctn) dispatch to Noor Traders
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 1,990.00 0.00 11,360.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 Stock Dispatch
to Lahore (133ctn) (01-Feb-2023)
(V# 951) dt. 10-feb-23
11,360.00 0.00 11,360.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000162-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.15 dec 5,330.00 0.00 18,941.00
1000118-P 22 courier expnse dec 22 lahore
PV 000218-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 15-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 3,540.00 0.00 22,481.00
1000118-P dt1-12-22 to 15-12-22 Courier
charges of Multan office
PV 000219-2223-118- 20-Dec-2022 20-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 2,300.00 0.00 24,781.00
1000118-P dt 20-12-22 corrier to lhr-qasim
Butt-223356575,ahsan khan-
2323368859,asif salamat-
223322480-348 dt-19-12-22
JV 000018-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Asher Sab Cash Payments For the M/o Dec- 1,600.00 0.00 26,381.00
3JV Ashar Sb 2022 Corrier charges by Ashar sb
Dt 8-Dec-22
26,381.00 0.00 26,381.00
PV 000088-2223-118- 15-Jul-2022 15-JUL-22 Cash Cash Expenses From 01- Jul - 2022 89,237.00 0.00 89,237.00
1000118-P Payments, 4- to 15 - Jul - 2022 DigiKhata
Jul-22 Multan Chenone office Rent July
2022 Rent - Multan HO
PV 000045-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330878 HO- Rent Expense Rent Expense of 89,144.00 0.00 178,381.00
1000118-P Multan4833087 Multan HO-Chenone for the
8, month of Dec-22
PV 000053-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293398 HO- Rent Expense Rent expense of 89,144.00 0.00 267,525.00
1000118-P Multan5229339 Multan HO-Chenone for the
8, month of Jan-2023
PV 000196-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 52293461 HO Multan Rent expense for the 89,144.00 0.00 356,669.00
1000118-P 52293461, month of Feb-2023 HO Multan
Rent expense for the month of
356,669.00 0.00 356,669.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 5-01-012-0008 - Lahore Office Opening : 0.00
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 50,039.00 0.00 50,039.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 Advance paid
through Petty Multan HOfor
Lahore office renovation
Renovation Expense-Lahore Dt 13
PV 000137-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments From 16-09-2022 120,000.00 0.00 170,039.00
1000118-P Payments, To 20-09-2022 Lahore office
Remaining expense Renovation
Expense-Lahore Dt 19-Sep-22
PV 000157-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Lahore Office, Paid to Qasim Butt sb for lahore 2,400.00 0.00 172,439.00
1000118-P Lahore Office Expenses Previous remaining
balance payable to Qasim Butt sb
172,439.00 0.00 172,439.00
OB 000002-118-1000118- 01-Jul-2022 Expense of 2nd Quarter FY-22 417 132,000.00 0.00 132,000.00
10JV -Al Latif Centre
PV 000088-2223-118- 15-Jul-2022 15-JUL-22 Cash Cash Expenses From 01- Jul - 2022 44,000.00 0.00 176,000.00
1000118-P Payments, 4- to 15 - Jul - 2022 DigiKhata Lhr
Jul-22 office Rent July 2022 Rent - 417
Al - Latif Center
PV 000203-2223-118- 01-Aug-2022 01-AUG-22 39614244 Al Latif Centre Rent Expenses 44,000.00 0.00 220,000.00
1000118-P 39614244, lahore Office Aug-2022 Al Latif
Centre Rent Expenses lahore
Office Aug-2022
PV 000006-2223-118- 02-Nov-2022 02-NOV-22 48330838 Rent Expense Rent expense of 44,000.00 0.00 264,000.00
1000118-P Lahore lahore office for the month of
Office48330838 Nov-22
PV 000048-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330881 Rent Expense Rent of lahore 44,000.00 0.00 308,000.00
1000118-P Lahore office paid for the month of Dec-
Office48330881 22
PV 000100-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293397 Rent Expense Rent expense for 48,400.00 0.00 356,400.00
1000118-P Lahore Office- the month of jan-2023
356,400.00 0.00 356,400.00
PV 000182-2223-118- 07-Jul-2022 07-JUL-22 80807824 Khalid Shakeel Rent for Factory 80,000.00 0.00 80,000.00
1000118-P 80807824, M/o July-2022 Khalid Shakeel
Factory Rent for Factory M/o July-2022
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
JV 4 01-Aug-2022 Khalid Shakeel Factory Rent for 0.00 50,000.00 30,000.00
the month of August-22 Khalid
Shakeel Factory Rent for the
month of August-22
PV 000006-2223-118- 02-Aug-2022 39614246, Khalid Shakeel Factory Rent for 50,000.00 0.00 80,000.00
4000118-P the month of August-22 Khalid
Shakeel Factory Rent for the
month of August-22
PV 000205-2223-118- 02-Aug-2022 02-AUG-22 39614247 Khalid Shakeel Rent Expenses 30,000.00 0.00 110,000.00
1000118-P 39614247, Factory For the M/o Aug-2022
Khalid Shakeel Rent Expenses
Factory For the M/o Aug-2022
PV 000216-2223-118- 02-Aug-2022 02-AUG-22 39614246, Khalid Shakeel Rent expense of 50,000.00 0.00 160,000.00
1000118-P 39614246 pakaging factory for the month of
August-22 Khalid Shakeel Rent
expense of pakaging factory for
the month of August-22
RV 000001-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 12-NOV-22 0000 0000, cash Received from Zohaib sab. 0.00 50,000.00 110,000.00
2000118-R cash received from zohaib sb
PV 000010-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 48330841 Rent Expense Rent expense of 120,000.00 0.00 230,000.00
1000118-P Factory483308 factory and warehouse for the
41, month of Nov-22
PV 000047-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330880 Rent Expense Rent of factory- 120,000.00 0.00 350,000.00
1000118-P Factory483308 Back side 40k and front side 80k
80, paid
PV 000099-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293396 Rent Expense Factory expense for 120,000.00 0.00 470,000.00
1000118-P Factory- the month of Jan-2023
570,000.00 100,000.00 470,000.00
PV 000143-2223-118- 03-Oct-2022 27-JAN-23 Cash Cash Payments Dt 01 & 03 Oct - 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 Rent of new official home
Rent-Cottage home Dt 1-Oct-22
PV 000206-2223-118- 03-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293403 Rent expense for the month of 30,000.00 0.00 60,000.00
1000118-P Cottage Jan-23 Rent expense for the
Home52293403 month of Jan-23
60,000.00 0.00 60,000.00
RV 000007-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 21-DEC-22 Inventory a\C, LC converted into Raw material- 0.00 4,267,478.00 (4,267,478.00)
1000118-R Cereals LC converted into Raw
PV 000078-2223-118- 08-Dec-2022 08-DEC-22 48330896 LC INVOICE No. IMP-015249-2022 724,500.00 0.00 (3,542,978.00)
1000118-P Cost-MK Paid terminal Charges to MK
Shipping and shipping for 1178 bags of CHOCO
Logistic483308 BALLS,Shells
724,500.00 4,267,478.00 (3,542,978.00)
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 1,920.00 0.00 1,920.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Bullets for Gun 13-
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 2,000.00 0.00 3,920.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Bullets for Gun 7-
3,920.00 0.00 3,920.00
PV 000109-2223-118- 15-Aug-2022 15-AUG-22 Cash in Hand, Cash Payments From 11 - Aug-22 13,939.00 0.00 13,939.00
1000118-P to 15 Aug-22 Cash in Hand Fee
paid for the closure of Mubarak
oil and ghee mills Professional
fee-Mubarak Oil and Ghee Dt 15-
PV 000148-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payment HO Dt 1,650.00 0.00 15,589.00
1000118-P Payments, 16,17,18,19,20 - Oct-2022 SECP
charges paid for Mubarak & Sons
pvt ltd DT 19-Oct-22
PV 000150-2223-118- 03-Nov-2022 03-NOV-22 Cash Cash payments HO Dt 02,03 Nov- 475.00 0.00 16,064.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 Payment for Bereket foods
Pvt Ltd digital CTC forms SECP
PV 000219-2223-118- 20-Dec-2022 20-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 9,000.00 0.00 25,064.00
1000118-P dt 20-12-22 paid for Barcodes
25,064.00 0.00 25,064.00
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 Genterator Petrol
dt. 3-sep-22
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 990.00 0.00 1,990.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Genterator
Petrol (950+40) dt, 5-sep-22
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 2,090.00 0.00 4,080.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Generator
Diesel dt. 13-sep-22
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 4,870.00 0.00 8,950.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22 Diesel
Generator dt. 15-sep-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000137-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments From 16-09-2022 50,000.00 0.00 58,950.00
1000118-P Payments, To 20-09-2022 Paid through
Ashar from Petty Multan HO for
generator rent for 10 days Utility -
FOH Dt 20-Sep-22
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 26,000.00 0.00 84,950.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Generator
Diesel dt, 28-sep-22
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 4,000.00 0.00 88,950.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Fuel For Generator
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 2,260.00 0.00 91,210.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Fuel For Generator
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 1,130.00 0.00 92,340.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Fuel For Generator
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 1,130.00 0.00 93,470.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Fuel For Generator
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 1,130.00 0.00 94,600.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Fuel For Generator
of factory 4-NOV-22
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 1,130.00 0.00 95,730.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Fuel For Generator
of factory 5-DEC-22
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 1,000.00 0.00 96,730.00
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 Fuel expense for
Generator (V# 795) 9-jan23
96,730.00 0.00 96,730.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000046-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330879 Utility -HO MUltan Electricity 21,669.00 0.00 486,257.00
1000118-P Electricity bill- expense of ChenOne office
HO Multan for the month of Nov-22
PV 000054-2223-118- 13-Jan-2023 03-JAN-23 52293399 Utility -HO MUltan Electricity 20,903.00 0.00 507,160.00
1000118-P Electricity bill- expense of ChenOne office
HO Multan for the month of Dec-22
PV 000076-2223-118- 16-Jan-2023 26-DEC-22 48330931 Utility bill Factory 68,990.00 0.00 576,150.00
1000118-P Factory483309
JV 000020-118-1000118- 31-Jan-2023 HO-Multan Issue date 1-Feb-23 Electricity bill 36,923.00 0.00 613,073.00
3JV for the month of Jan-2023
613,073.00 0.00 613,073.00
JV 000016-118-1000118- 31-Oct-2022 Asher Sb Cash Payments Asher Sb Month 50,824.00 0.00 50,824.00
3JV of Oct-2022 Cottage home-
Administration Expense Paid
wapda and community bill of
cottage home for the month of
Aug-Sep-22 Dt 19-Oct-22
PV 000041-2223-118- 21-Dec-2022 21-DEC-22 48330863 Cottage Home Expense Electricity 44,660.00 0.00 95,484.00
1000118-P Utility bill for the month of Nov-22
JV 000018-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Asher Sab Cash Payments For the M/o Dec- 2,000.00 0.00 97,484.00
3JV Ashar Sb 2022 gas bill-cottage home
Utility-Cottage home dt 8-Dec-22
97,484.00 0.00 97,484.00
PV 000088-2223-118- 15-Jul-2022 15-JUL-22 Cash Cash Expenses From 01- Jul - 2022 1,550.00 0.00 1,550.00
1000118-P Payments, 15- to 15 - Jul - 2022 DigiKhata Water
Jul-22 bill of Lahore office for the month
of June-22 Utility-Lahore
PV 000151-2223-118- 10-Aug-2022 10-AUG-22 , Utility-Lahore Lahore Expenses Petty Cash From 1,550.00 0.00 3,100.00
1000118-P Bank DT 10/08/2022 Water bill of
Aug 2022 for Lhr Office Dt 10-
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 300.00 0.00 3,400.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 water expense dt.
PV 000159-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 30-JAN- Lahore office, , Utilty bills-Electricity,PTCLand 1,080.00 0.00 4,480.00
1000118-P 23,30-JAN- , Water for the m/o august-22
23,30-JAN- Water expense for the m/o Sep-
23 22
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 3,065.00 0.00 7,545.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 Paid for clear
classic cane for Multan office
Utility -Multan dt 3-Sep-22
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 14,100.00 0.00 21,645.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Water Exp. 4-oct-22
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 4,700.00 0.00 26,345.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Water Exp. FOR
factry 4-OCT-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000157-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Lahore Office, Paid to Qasim Butt sb for lahore 1,240.00 0.00 27,585.00
1000118-P Lahore Office Expenses Water bill of Oct 2022
for Lhr Office Dt 20-Oct-22
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 3,200.00 0.00 30,785.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Water Exp.of
factory 1-NOV-22
PV 000161-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.11 nov 1,080.00 0.00 31,865.00
1000118-P to 15 nov 22 water bill of nov 22
lahore office
JV 000006-118-1000118- 20-Nov-2022 Non trade HO expense regarding official 1,350.00 0.00 33,215.00
3JV payables lunch, stationary, water bill
grocery items TP's and flash Paid
to classic cane for water in HO
PV 000162-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.15 dec 720.00 0.00 33,935.00
1000118-P 22 water bill dec 22 lahore office
PV 000041-2223-118- 21-Dec-2022 21-DEC-22 48330863 Cottage Home Expense water bill 2,172.00 0.00 36,107.00
1000118-P Utility for cottage home
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 1,100.00 0.00 37,207.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Water Exp.of
factory 13-DEC-22
PV 000006-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory PAID TO CASH PAYMENTS Record 3,400.00 0.00 40,607.00
2000118-P Expenses., 21-JAN-23 to 31-JAN-23 Water
Exp.of factory (V# 930) 30-JAN-
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 400.00 0.00 41,007.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 Water Exp.of
factory (V# 947) dt. 7-feb-23
41,007.00 0.00 41,007.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 5-01-017-0001 - Official Travelling Expenses Opening : 0.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000025-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 15-DEC-22 48330851 Reimbursed expenses Daewoo 3,550.00 0.00 337,685.00
1000118-P Amount Ticket
reimbursed to
Asif Mehmood
for expenses in
the month of
JV 000006-118-1000118- 20-Nov-2022 Non trade HO expense regarding official 1,200.00 0.00 338,885.00
3JV payables lunch, stationary, water bill
grocery items TP's and flash In
drive fare for ERP team member
JV 000017-118-1000118- 30-Nov-2022 Cash payments Traveling expense Amin Sb and 8,000.00 0.00 346,885.00
3JV Asher Sb M/o Ashar Sb Dt 02-Nov-2022
PV 000074-2223-118- 29-Dec-2022 29-DEC-22 52293383 Travel Expense-Nadeem Raza 38,950.00 0.00 385,835.00
1000118-P Airsial-ticket # Traveling expense of Nadeem
673400115663 raza sb
2 & ticket #
JV 000018-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Asher Sab Cash Payments For the M/o Dec- 6,000.00 0.00 391,835.00
3JV Ashar Sb 2022 Traveling expense Ashar Sb
Dt 8-Dec-22
JV 000019-118-1000118- 20-Jan-2023 Ashar Sb Ashar travel expense of Ashar sb for 3,000.00 0.00 394,835.00
3JV Sb Factory Sample paper testing Dt 5
394,835.00 0.00 394,835.00
PV 000110-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 , Cash Payments From 16-08-2022 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00
1000118-P to 31-08-22 Cash IN hand Paid toll
tax of Qasim butt Toll Taxes-
Qasim Butt Dt 28-Aug-22
JV 000003-118-1000118- 20-Oct-2022 Rana Mazhar Expenses of Rana Mazhar sb for 4,680.00 0.00 9,680.00
3JV sb the month of Oct-22 Toll taxes
reimbursed to rana Mazhar sb
PV 000161-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.11 nov 5,160.00 0.00 14,840.00
1000118-P to 15 nov 22 tour expense of
qasim butt sb (ISB both sides)
PV 000055-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330902 Sales Reimbursed expenses Amir 34,570.00 0.00 49,410.00
1000118-P team and Hussain
PV 000058-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330904 Operational Expense Qazi Adil 300.00 0.00 49,710.00
1000118-P Allowances483
PV 000059-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330903 Operational Expense Fahad Waris 7,500.00 0.00 57,210.00
1000118-P Allowances483 Rao
PV 000063-2223-118- 24-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 48330930 Operational Expense Asif 2,350.00 0.00 59,560.00
1000118-P Reimbursed Mehmood
PV 000080-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293387 Operational Expense M Naveed 54,540.00 0.00 114,100.00
1000118-P Allowances and
Expenses of
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
JV 000022-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Operational Salary and other expenses of Qazi 6,500.00 0.00 120,600.00
3JV Cost Adil for the month of Dec-22 Qazi
Adil m/o Dec-22
120,600.00 0.00 120,600.00
PV 000065-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330901 Marketing expense Paid fee to 86,000.00 0.00 86,000.00
1000118-P Hostinger Hostgator for hostinger hosting
86,000.00 0.00 86,000.00
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 1,133.00 0.00 1,133.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Medical Aid
dt . 11-sep-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 820.00 0.00 1,953.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 First Aid (Tablets) 6-
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 820.00 0.00 2,773.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 First Aid (Tablets) 6-
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 3,830.00 0.00 6,603.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Medical Exp. For
(Waseem Sb) 12-OCT-22
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 1,356.00 0.00 7,959.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 First Aid (Tablets)
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 4,340.00 0.00 12,299.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Medical Exp.
(Qamar Zaman) dt.27-oct-22
PV 000003-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 12-NOV-22 , Medical Expense Medical expense 3,000.00 0.00 15,299.00
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 11,000.00 0.00 26,299.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Medical Certificate
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 6,500.00 0.00 32,799.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Medical Exp.
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 2,000.00 0.00 34,799.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Medical Exp. For
Javeed Shah 1-DEC-22
PV 000062-2223-118- 22-Dec-2022 22-DEC-22 48330925 Staff Welfare Medical expenses 32,632.00 0.00 67,431.00
1000118-P Medical reimbursed to Asif Salamat
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 2,000.00 0.00 69,431.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Medical Exp. For
Sadia 19-DEC-22
PV 000006-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory PAID TO CASH PAYMENTS Record 2,600.00 0.00 72,031.00
2000118-P Expenses., 21-JAN-23 to 31-JAN-23 Medical
Exp. (Miss Kanwal) (V# 920) 24-
PV 000012-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-FEB-23 100.00 0.00 72,131.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-FEB-23 Medical Exp.
(Panadol+Disperin Tab.) (V# 939)
72,131.00 0.00 72,131.00
PV 000080-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293387 Operational Expense Rana 16,638.00 0.00 16,638.00
1000118-P Allowances and Mazhar
Expenses of
16,638.00 0.00 16,638.00
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 8,658.00 0.00 8,658.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Daily wages
(Abdullah) 12-oct-22
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 4,810.00 0.00 13,468.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Khuram Shehzad
(Daily wages) (962x5) 20-OCT-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 4,000.00 0.00 17,468.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Daily Wages (
Hamid ) dt. 29-oct
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 9,163.00 0.00 26,631.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Daily Wages ( Hamid
26,631.00 0.00 26,631.00
PV 000138-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments for 21-09-22 & 22- 100,000.00 0.00 100,000.00
1000118-P Payments, 09-2022 Transfer to Zohaib
traders for Labour Extra work
charges in Factory FOH-
Administration Expense Dt 21-
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 8,979.00 0.00 108,979.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 OverTime For
Factory labor
108,979.00 0.00 108,979.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
RV 000026-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 645511 645511, Qasim Butt Salary transfer back to 0.00 1,020.00 3,871,836.00
1000118-R MBL Account Dt 05/10/2022
Qasim Butt Salary transfer back to
MBL Account Dt 05/10/2022
RV 000027-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 747763 747763, Qasim Butt sb Depo. in Meezan 0.00 16,910.00 3,854,926.00
1000118-R Bank excess Salary Amount
Returned DT 05/10/2022 Qasim
Butt sb Depo. in Meezan Bank
excess Salary Amount Returned
DT 05/10/2022
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 962.00 0.00 3,855,888.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Daily Wages (
Hassan Ali) 5-oct-22
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 39,360.00 0.00 3,895,248.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Daily Wages (
Sanwal) 6-oct-22
PV 000145-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 , Cash Payments HO for 06, to 10 6,234.00 0.00 3,901,482.00
1000118-P Oct-22 Paid to factory labour
salary FOH-Labour Dt 8-Oct-22
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 4,000.00 0.00 3,905,482.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Advance Salary (
M.Shahid) 12-oct-22
PV 000003-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 01-NOV- 44295084,4833 Staff Salaries Salaries for the 1,432,993.00 0.00 5,338,475.00
1000118-P 22,02-NOV- 0837,48330842 month of Oct-22
22,03-DEC- 48330837,
22 48330842,
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 2,000.00 0.00 5,340,475.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Salary expense
of Factory Ghulam Hussain 16-
PV 000044-2223-118- 01-Dec-2022 01-DEC-22 48330877 Salary Expense Salary expense of 336,277.00 0.00 5,676,752.00
1000118-P Factory Factory Staff for the month of
Staff48330877, Nov-22
PV 000056-2223-118- 05-Dec-2022 05-DEC-22 48330891 Operational Expense Salary 125,000.00 0.00 5,801,752.00
1000118-P Salaries483308 expense of Asif Mehmood Nov-22
PV 000050-2223-118- 06-Dec-2022 06-DEC-22 48330890 Operational Expense Salaries for 876,000.00 0.00 6,677,752.00
1000118-P Salaries483308 the month of Nov-22
PV 000057-2223-118- 06-Dec-2022 06-DEC- 48330883,4833 Operational Expense Salary 472,333.00 0.00 7,150,085.00
1000118-P 22,06-DEC- 0885,48330886 expenses of Amir Hussain, Asif
22,06-DEC- ,48330887,483 Mehmood-KAM,
22,06-DEC- 30892 M.Naveed,Fahad
22,06-DEC- Salaries483308 Waris,S.Shakeel,Qazi Adil & Amir
22 83, 48330885, Bashir
PV 000060-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330905 Operational Expense Salary 250,000.00 0.00 7,400,085.00
1000118-P Salary48330905 expense for the month of Nov-22
PV 000061-2223-118- 21-Dec-2022 21-DEC-22 48330917 Operational Expense Bushra Sadiq 10,000.00 0.00 7,410,085.00
1000118-P Allowances483
PV 000079-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293386 Operational Expense salary 1,811,569.00 0.00 9,221,654.00
1000118-P Salary expense expense for the month of Jan-
of Bereket 2023
Naturals Pvt Ltd
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000081-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293388 Operational Expense Salaries for 222,366.00 0.00 9,444,020.00
1000118-P Salaries-Labour factory labour for the month of
Cost52293388, Nov
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 46,656.00 0.00 9,490,676.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Daily Wages (
Farhana) 14-DEC-22
JV 000022-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Operational Salary and other expenses of Qazi 50,000.00 0.00 9,540,676.00
3JV Cost Adil for the month of Dec-22
salary expense for the month of
PV 000108-2223-118- 30-Jan-2023 30-DEC-22 52293389 Operational Expense salary 5,000.00 0.00 9,545,676.00
1000118-P Factory expense of SHan-Factory Staff
9,563,606.00 17,930.00 9,545,676.00
A/C Code : 5-01-020-0008 - Training and personal development expense Opening : 0.00
PV 000137-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments From 16-09-2022 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00
1000118-P Payments, To 20-09-2022 Paid to PFA School
for registration PFA-Multan DT
50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 800.00 0.00 800.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Safty Shoes 3-OCT-
PV 000066-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330900 Uniform, Gloves etc Payment to 43,800.00 0.00 44,600.00
1000118-P Factory Al Raza Medical Service for
Staff48330900, uniform and gloves for factory
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 5,700.00 0.00 50,300.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Uniform Exp. for
staff factory
50,300.00 0.00 50,300.00
PV 000219-2223-118- 20-Dec-2022 20-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00
1000118-P dt 20-12-22 paid to Asif Salamat
5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 7,360.00 0.00 42,770.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Petrol B# 9878
dt. 8-sep-22
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 4,000.00 0.00 46,770.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Petrol b#
381 dt. 12-sep-22
PV 000156-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore office, Monthly fuel bill for the m/o sep- 3,500.00 0.00 50,270.00
1000118-P 22 Monthly fuel bill for the m/o
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 3,000.00 0.00 53,270.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 Purchased 10
PSO cards for official use through
petty cash Dt 9-Sep-22
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 14,723.00 0.00 67,993.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22 Petrol For
Car # 5808 dt. 20-sep-22
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 18,817.00 0.00 86,810.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Petrol Bike
# 5134 dt. 21-sep-22
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 7,366.00 0.00 94,176.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Fuel for Car # 5808
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 250.00 0.00 94,426.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Fuel for Bike # 381
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 930.00 0.00 95,356.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Mobiloil Exp. 10-
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 2,900.00 0.00 98,256.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Bike Repair #381
JV 000003-118-1000118- 20-Oct-2022 Rana Mazhar Expenses of Rana Mazhar sb for 38,012.00 0.00 136,268.00
3JV sb the month of Oct-22 Fuel
expenses of rana Mazhar sb for
the month of Oct-22
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 1,460.00 0.00 137,728.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Fuel for bike #381
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 4,351.00 0.00 142,079.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Fuel for bike #381
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 4,910.00 0.00 146,989.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Refreshment for
Tea (Imran sb) 3-NOV-22
PV 000025-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 15-DEC-22 48330851 Reimbursed expenses petrol 15,020.00 0.00 162,009.00
1000118-P Amount expense
reimbursed to
Asif Mehmood
for expenses in
the month of
PV 000161-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.11 nov 4,090.00 0.00 166,099.00
1000118-P to 15 nov 22 fuel (LAHORE)
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 3,150.00 0.00 169,249.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Fuel expense of
bike petrol # 6386 for factory
(Ahmad) 22-NOV-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
JV 000017-118-1000118- 30-Nov-2022 Cash payments fuel expense-Ashar Dt 20-Nov-22 4,000.00 0.00 173,249.00
3JV Asher Sb M/o
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 1,850.00 0.00 175,099.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Fuel expense of bike
petrol for factory (Hamid nawaz)
PV 000055-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330902 Sales Reimbursed expenses Amir 38,797.00 0.00 213,896.00
1000118-P team and Hussain
PV 000058-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330904 Operational Expense Qazi Adil 4,200.00 0.00 218,096.00
1000118-P Allowances483
PV 000162-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.15 dec 11,150.00 0.00 229,246.00
1000118-P 22 fuel expense of lahore office
for m/o dec 22
PV 000219-2223-118- 20-Dec-2022 20-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty expenses of Multan office 1,540.00 0.00 230,786.00
1000118-P dt 20-12-22 Fuel Expense-Amir
PV 000063-2223-118- 24-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 48330930 Operational Expense Asif 15,000.00 0.00 245,786.00
1000118-P Reimbursed Mehmood
PV 000080-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293387 Operational Expense M Naveed 167,062.00 0.00 412,848.00
1000118-P Allowances and
Expenses of
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 5,320.00 0.00 418,168.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Fuel expense of
BIKE# 381 for factory 26-DEC-22
JV 000022-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Operational Salary and other expenses of Qazi 9,100.00 0.00 427,268.00
3JV Cost Adil for the month of Dec-22 Qazi
Adil m/o Dec-22
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 2,470.00 0.00 429,738.00
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 Fuel expense for
(hamid) (V# 798) 10-jan-23
PV 000005-2223-118- 20-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payment 12-jan-23 to 20- 320.00 0.00 430,058.00
2000118-P Expenses., jan-23 Fuel expense of bike petrol
# 381 for factory (V# 799) 12-
PV 000006-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory PAID TO CASH PAYMENTS Record 2,490.00 0.00 432,548.00
2000118-P Expenses., 21-JAN-23 to 31-JAN-23 Fuel
expense for (hamid) (V# 927) 28-
PV 000012-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-FEB-23 250.00 0.00 432,798.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-FEB-23 Fuel expense of bike
petrol (Hamid) for factory
(V#936) 1-FEB-23
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 880.00 0.00 433,678.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 Fuel expense of
bike petrol (Hamid) for factory
(V#945) dt. 6-feb-23
433,678.00 0.00 433,678.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 5-01-020-0012 - PESSI Contribution Expense Opening : 0.00
PV 000020-2223-118- 17-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Social security Operational expense Payment to 12,090.00 0.00 12,090.00
1000118-P payment, Social security expense for labour
PV 000067-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330906 Operational Expense Paid social 12,000.00 0.00 24,090.00
1000118-P EOBI,Social security fee
24,090.00 0.00 24,090.00
A/C Code : 5-01-020-0014 - Staff Mobile and Communication Expenses Opening : 0.00
PV 000088-2223-118- 15-Jul-2022 15-JUL-22 Cash Cash Expenses From 01- Jul - 2022 5,490.00 0.00 5,490.00
1000118-P Payments, 15- to 15 - Jul - 2022 DigiKhata PTCL
Jul-22 bill of Lahore office for the month
of June-22 Utility-Lahore
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 3,000.00 0.00 8,490.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Mobile packege
monthly 1-OCT-22
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 5,000.00 0.00 13,490.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Mobile pakege for
use in factory 1-NOV-22
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 4,000.00 0.00 17,490.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Mobile pakege for
use in factory 1-Dec-22
PV 000055-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330902 Sales Reimbursed expenses M.Naveed 11,800.00 0.00 29,290.00
1000118-P team and
PV 000058-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330904 Operational Expense Qazi Adil 1,500.00 0.00 30,790.00
1000118-P Allowances483
PV 000059-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330903 Operational Expense Fahad Waris 2,500.00 0.00 33,290.00
1000118-P Allowances483 Rao
PV 000080-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293387 Operational Expense M Naveed 16,700.00 0.00 49,990.00
1000118-P Allowances and
Expenses of
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 1,000.00 0.00 50,990.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Mobile package
JV 000022-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Operational Salary and other expenses of Qazi 1,500.00 0.00 52,490.00
3JV Cost Adil for the month of Dec-22 Qazi
Adil m/o Dec-22
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 9,000.00 0.00 61,490.00
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 Mobile packege for
use in factory (V# 781) 4-jan-23
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 7,000.00 0.00 68,490.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 Mobile pakege
for use in factory=4000 + sir
imran=3000 (V# 955 dt. 14-feb-
68,490.00 0.00 68,490.00
PV 000141-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments For 27,28,29,30 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00
1000118-P Payments, Sept-2022 Incentive to Factory
employee Amin Dt 27-Sep-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 1,500.00 0.00 11,500.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Incentive for Labor
(3x500) 6-oct-22
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 1,500.00 0.00 13,000.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Incentive for Labor
(3x500) 5-oct-22
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 500.00 0.00 13,500.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Incentive for Good
Work(M.Shan) 15-oct-22
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 3,000.00 0.00 16,500.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Incentive for labor
(6x500) 18-OCT-22
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 5,500.00 0.00 22,000.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Incentive for Tahir
22,000.00 0.00 22,000.00
PV 000141-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments For 27,28,29,30 20,020.00 0.00 20,020.00
1000118-P Payments, Sept-2022 Paid to machine
operator on his daughter birth
FOH-Administration Expense DT
20,020.00 0.00 20,020.00
PV 000055-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330902 Sales Reimbursed expenses Amir 140,000.00 0.00 140,000.00
1000118-P team and Hussain
PV 000059-2223-118- 14-Dec-2022 14-DEC-22 48330903 Operational Expense Fahad Waris 40,000.00 0.00 180,000.00
1000118-P Allowances483 Rao
PV 000080-2223-118- 30-Dec-2022 30-DEC-22 52293387 Operational Expense Fahad Waris 180,000.00 0.00 360,000.00
1000118-P Allowances and
Expenses of
360,000.00 0.00 360,000.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000110-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 , Cash Payments From 16-08-2022 53,000.00 0.00 78,000.00
1000118-P to 31-08-22 Cash IN hand
Transfer to Qasim Butt for
Purchases Purchases-Qasim Butt
Dt 25-Aug-22
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 18,500.00 0.00 96,500.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 Paint Bill Paid dt.
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 8,430.00 0.00 104,930.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Electrician
Demand dt. 8-sep-22
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 430.00 0.00 105,360.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Paint
Demand dt . 11-sep-22
PV 000152-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore office-, Lahore office maintenance 5,500.00 0.00 110,860.00
1000118-P expense m/o sep 22 Lahore office
maintenance expense m/o sep 22
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 7,900.00 0.00 118,760.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 electrical
work in Multan office Office
expense-Multan HO Dt 4-Sep-22
PV 000136-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 , Cash payments 13-09-22 to 15-09 1,000.00 0.00 119,760.00
1000118-P -2022 Multan HO Hr room door
repair Door Repair-Multan HO
PV 000138-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments for 21-09-22 & 22- 98,499.00 0.00 218,259.00
1000118-P Payments, 09-2022 Paid through petty
Multan HO for storm fiber for
chenone office multan Office
Supplies - Multan HO Dt 22-Sep-
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 19,000.00 0.00 237,259.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 Glass door for HR room
in HO Multan paid through Petty
Multan Office Supplies - Multan
HO Dt 24-Sep-22
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 5,840.00 0.00 243,099.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Plants dt,
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 7,015.00 0.00 250,114.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Plantation Salary 5-
PV 000142-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments Dt From 04-10- 820.00 0.00 250,934.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 & 05-10-2022 Head office
Multan Paid for refillingof colour
printer cartraige in Multan HO
Printer cartirage-transportation
Dt 5-Oct-22
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 1,200.00 0.00 252,134.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Plantation Salary 5-
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 4,650.00 0.00 256,784.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Electrician Fee
Electrician Fee 10-oct-22
PV 000147-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 , Cash Payments Head Office Dt 1,150.00 0.00 257,934.00
1000118-P 11,12,13,14 Oct-2022 paid for
one distumber box,brush and
wood Dt 11-Oct-22 Office
Supplies - Multan HO
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 3,180.00 0.00 261,114.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Camera Repair Exp.
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 5,000.00 0.00 266,114.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Warehouse setting
(1000x3) 20-OCT-22
PV 000157-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Lahore Office, Paid to Qasim Butt sb for lahore 12,945.00 0.00 279,059.00
1000118-P Lahore Office Expenses Sanitory items
purchased for lhr office for the
month of Oct-22 DT 20-Oct-22
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 2,440.00 0.00 281,499.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Electrician Fee
(Motor Repair) 21-OCT-22
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 1,490.00 0.00 282,989.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Production area
Tool (Brush) 3-NOV-22
PV 000161-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.11 nov 7,730.00 0.00 290,719.00
1000118-P to 15 nov 22 office mintenance (
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 30,420.00 0.00 321,139.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 85A Toner
Expense 11-NOV-22
PV 000040-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 48330876 Repair and Maintenance Expense 35,000.00 0.00 356,139.00
1000118-P Vehicle-Faisal Repair and maintenance of Faisal
Hayyat4833087 sb Car by qasim butt sb
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 400.00 0.00 356,539.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 Production area
Tool (Fuse 100x4) 3-DEC-22
PV 000162-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.15 dec 3,561.00 0.00 360,100.00
1000118-P 22 office mintenance ( LAHORE)
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 3,200.00 0.00 363,300.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Bell+cattle
Repairance 29-DEC-22
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 12,170.00 0.00 375,470.00
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 Salary expense of
Factory Gardner (V# 793) 9-jan-
PV 000005-2223-118- 20-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payment 12-jan-23 to 20- 600.00 0.00 376,070.00
2000118-P Expenses., jan-23 (Office Bell Repair (V#
904) 20-JAN-23
PV 000006-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory PAID TO CASH PAYMENTS Record 3,500.00 0.00 379,570.00
2000118-P Expenses., 21-JAN-23 to 31-JAN-23
Transfarmer Repair MEPCO
metter (V# 918) 24-jan-23
PV 000012-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-FEB-23 1,300.00 0.00 380,870.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-FEB-23 Rice Machine
(Invertor omron) (V# 936) 1-FEB-
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 6,000.00 0.00 386,870.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 warehouse gate
work Aluminium (V# 954) dt, 14
386,870.00 0.00 386,870.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 5-01-021-0003 - R&M - Equipments Opening : 0.00
PV 000088-2223-118- 15-Jul-2022 15-JUL-22 Cash Cash Expenses From 01- Jul - 2022 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00
1000118-P Payments, 7- to 15 - Jul - 2022 DigiKhata For
Jul-22 Bereket board repairment of 1k
and director's chair wheel of 1500
Electric board and chairs
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 1,700.00 0.00 4,200.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Production area
Tool (Oil cane) 10-oct-22
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 9,620.00 0.00 13,820.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Production
Machine Tools (m. Khalil)
(Compressor) 17-DEC-22
13,820.00 0.00 13,820.00
A/C Code : 5-01-021-0004 - Repair & Maint. - Factory Building Opening : 0.00
PV 000109-2223-118- 15-Aug-2022 15-AUG-22 Cash in Hand, Cash Payments From 11 - Aug-22 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00
1000118-P to 15 Aug-22 Cash in Hand FOH-
Maintenance For factory
expenses to Tahir Dt 15-Aug-22
PV 000110-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 , Cash Payments From 16-08-2022 45,000.00 0.00 60,000.00
1000118-P to 31-08-22 Cash IN hand Paid to
tahir for factory maintainance
FOH-Maintenance Dt 23-Aug-22
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 22,640.00 0.00 82,640.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 Mistri +helper dt.
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 96,444.00 0.00 179,084.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Labor x 2 dt.7-
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 24,700.00 0.00 203,784.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Labour x 2
dt. 12-sep-22
PV 000124-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 Cash In Hand, Cash Payments Dt From 01-09- 5,200.00 0.00 208,984.00
1000118-P 2022 to 15-09-2022 For factory
expenses to Tahir clearance FOH-
Maintenance Dt 3-Sep-22
PV 000136-2223-118- 15-Sep-2022 15-SEP-22 , Cash payments 13-09-22 to 15-09 30,000.00 0.00 238,984.00
1000118-P -2022 Paid to Amin for factory
expenses FOH-Maintenance Dt 14
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 31,400.00 0.00 270,384.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22 borighat dt.
PV 000138-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments for 21-09-22 & 22- 45,000.00 0.00 315,384.00
1000118-P Payments, 09-2022 Paid to Labour-Shamas
electrition for factory work
Electrical work-Factory Dt 21-Sep-
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 3,503.00 0.00 318,887.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 Paid to Afzal Labour
cost and Paint 26-Sep-22
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 50,280.00 0.00 369,167.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Nishan
Cables Slate Packet Gloves dt. 24-
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 14,090.00 0.00 383,257.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Constructor fees 1-
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 5,000.00 0.00 388,257.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Constructor fees (
Advance) 6-oct-22
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 1,030.00 0.00 389,287.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Construction Tool
Exp. (Cement) 6-oct-22
PV 000145-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 , Cash Payments HO for 06, to 10 94,094.00 0.00 483,381.00
1000118-P Oct-22 Paid to Shahbaz for
aluminium door at the back of
warehouse DT 10-Oct-22
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 2,352.00 0.00 485,733.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Paid to Amin Sb.
(Remaining Amount 14-OCT-22
PV 000016-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 17-Oct-22 10,540.00 0.00 496,273.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 20-Oct-22 Electrician Fee
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 25,380.00 0.00 521,653.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Constructor Fee 25-
PV 000149-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments HO Dt 22,24,26,29 20,020.00 0.00 541,673.00
1000118-P Payments, Oct - 2022 Paid to shahbaz
Aluminium for previous bill
clearance Factory work-Shehbaz
Aluminium Dt 26-Oct-22
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 8,000.00 0.00 549,673.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Aluminium service
fee 1-NOV-22
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 1,660.00 0.00 551,333.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Constructor
Tools Exp. 24-NOV-22
PV 000012-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-FEB-23 21,500.00 0.00 572,833.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-FEB-23 penafilex Aluminium
(V# 938) 3-FEB-23
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 1,000.00 0.00 573,833.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 Compressor
repairance (khalil ) (V# 950) dt.
573,833.00 0.00 573,833.00
A/C Code : 5-01-021-0006 - R&M - Computer, laptop and Acceseries Opening : 0.00
JV 000016-118-1000118- 31-Oct-2022 Asher Sb Cash Payments Asher Sb Month 2,800.00 0.00 2,800.00
3JV of Oct-2022 Paid for camera
repairment in factory dt 24-Oct-
PV 000038-2223-118- 25-Nov-2022 25-NOV-22 48330873 Repair and Maintenance Expense 6,000.00 0.00 8,800.00
1000118-P Laptop-Aftab Paid for Repairment of Aftab sb
sb48330873, laptop
8,800.00 0.00 8,800.00
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 1,350.00 0.00 1,350.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 TrOly Repairance 1
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 250.00 0.00 1,600.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Traly Repair 5-oct-
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 950.00 0.00 2,550.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Traly Repair dt. 31-
2,550.00 0.00 2,550.00
PV 000012-2223-118- 11-Nov-2022 11-NOV-22 48330843 Ghazi Security Guards (Pvt) ltd 90,000.00 0.00 90,000.00
1000118-P Security Paid to Ghazi security Guards
Guards4833084 (pvt) ltd
PV 000077-2223-118- 17-Dec-2022 17-DEC-22 48330913 Invoice No. GSG-LHR-0096 3 90,000.00 0.00 180,000.00
1000118-P Security persons @ 30000/- 30 days
Guards4833091 Security Charges M/o Nov-22
3, Invoice No. GSG-LHR-0096 3
persons @ 30000/- 30 days
Security Charges M/o Nov-22
PV 000101-2223-118- 11-Jan-2023 11-JAN-23 52293420 2 Ghazi Security Paid to ghazi 60,000.00 0.00 240,000.00
1000118-P Security guards- Security for 2 guards
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 5-01-024-0002 - CEO-Rana Nouman Opening : 0.00
PV 000090-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 Cash Cash Payments From 01-08-2022 62,562.00 0.00 62,562.00
1000118-P Payments, to 31-08-2022 DigiKhata Dt 15-
Aug-22 To Rana Mumtaz for DGM
62,562.00 0.00 62,562.00
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 16,070.00 0.00 16,070.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Car Repair # 5808 4
-OCT-22 9 BILLS OF Including
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 16,070.00 0.00 32,140.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Car Repair # 5808 9
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 1,500.00 0.00 33,640.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Car Repair # 5808
PV 000052-2223-118- 01-Nov-2022 30-DEC-22 HO-Multan, Petty Expenses Vehicle service 3,675.00 0.00 37,315.00
1000118-P charges
37,315.00 0.00 37,315.00
OB 000002-118-1000118- 01-Jul-2022 Expense of 2nd Quarter FY-22 Oil 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00
10JV filter change
PV 000161-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.11 nov 6,613.00 0.00 16,613.00
1000118-P to 15 nov 22 paid to qasim butt sb
for oil filter change
16,613.00 0.00 16,613.00
PV 000137-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments From 16-09-2022 3,350.00 0.00 3,350.00
1000118-P Payments, To 20-09-2022 Repairment of
Amir Shah bike Bike-Amir Shah
DT 18-Sep-22
3,350.00 0.00 3,350.00
PV 000158-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore office, Bike repair charges for the m/o 2,800.00 0.00 2,800.00
1000118-P sep 22 Bike repair charges for the
m/o sep 22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000157-2223-118- 20-Oct-2022 20-OCT-22 Lahore Office, Paid to Qasim Butt sb for lahore 960.00 0.00 3,760.00
1000118-P Lahore Office Expenses Bike repairment of lhr
office boy DT 20-Oct-22
PV 000162-2223-118- 15-Dec-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.15 dec 2,460.00 0.00 6,220.00
1000118-P 22 admiin bike repairmnt lahore
6,220.00 0.00 6,220.00
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 650.00 0.00 650.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Bike Repair
+ petrol # 381 dt. 12-sep-22
PV 000021-2223-118- 20-Sep-2022 20-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 15- 380.00 0.00 1,030.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 20-Sep-22 Bike Repair
381 dt. 15-sep-22
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 12,510.00 0.00 13,540.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Maintenance
expense of bike # 381 for factory
(Javeed Shah) 28-DEC-22
13,540.00 0.00 13,540.00
PV 000220-2223-118- 02-Aug-2022 02-AUG-22 39614245 Nadeem Engineering Company 745,000.00 0.00 745,000.00
1000118-P 39614245, Packing Machine, Linear Weigher
& Z Type conveyor Nadeem
Engineering Company Packing
Machine, Linear Weigher & Z
Type conveyor
PV 000110-2223-118- 31-Aug-2022 31-AUG-22 , Cash Payments From 16-08-2022 6,970.00 0.00 751,970.00
1000118-P to 31-08-22 Cash IN hand Paid
Nadeem Engineering for
travelling to Fsb to factory Plant
and Machinery-Travel cost Dt 28-
PV 000018-2223-118- 05-Sep-2022 05-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 3-Sep- 5,780.00 0.00 757,750.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 5-Sep-22 Plumber star
machinery store cost dt. 4-sep-
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 3,350.00 0.00 761,100.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 LED fitting dt. 5
PV 000138-2223-118- 22-Sep-2022 22-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments for 21-09-22 & 22- 250,200.00 0.00 1,011,300.00
1000118-P Payments, 09-2022 Transferred to
Aurengzeb for machinery Factory
supplies Dt 22-Sep-22
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 1,000.00 0.00 1,012,300.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Production Machine
Repair 3-OCT-22
PV 000142-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments Dt From 04-10- 38,590.00 0.00 1,050,890.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 & 05-10-2022 Head office
Multan Purchased NVR 8
and service Charges 19" LCD-
Factory Dt 5-Oct-22
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 3,500.00 0.00 1,054,390.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Production Machine
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 1,400.00 0.00 1,055,790.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Production Area
Tool (Cylider) 6-oct-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000015-2223-118- 15-Oct-2022 15-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-OCT-22 3,142.00 0.00 1,058,932.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 15-OCT-22 Production
Machine Tools (m. Khalil 13-oct-
PV 000017-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 21-OCT-22 3,110.00 0.00 1,062,042.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-OCT-22 Weighted Scale
(10kgTH) dt. 31-oct-22
PV 000009-2223-118- 10-Nov-2022 10-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-NOV-22 810.00 0.00 1,062,852.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 10-NOV-22 Production
Machine steel plate repairance
(480+330) 2-NOV-22
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 12,000.00 0.00 1,074,852.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Conveir Loading
Expense 27-DEC-22
PV 000004-2223-118- 10-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory cash payments recod 2- jan -23 to 3,500.00 0.00 1,078,352.00
2000118-P Expenses, 10 -jan -23 Chain copy for Rice
Machine (V# 791) 9-jan-23
JV 000019-118-1000118- 20-Jan-2023 Ashar Sb Ashar Paid for Rice machine instalation 75,000.00 0.00 1,153,352.00
3JV Sb on qutation bill Dt 5-Jan-22
PV 000006-2223-118- 31-Jan-2023 02-FEB-23 Factory PAID TO CASH PAYMENTS Record 16,130.00 0.00 1,169,482.00
2000118-P Expenses., 21-JAN-23 to 31-JAN-23 Rice
Machine (Electrical Pipe +Duster)
(V# 909) 21-jan-23
1,169,482.00 0.00 1,169,482.00
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 3 Seater
Sofa + Freight Charges dt. 21-sep-
30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00
PV 000001-2223-118- 07-Jul-2022 80807825, Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Retainer 600,000.00 0.00 600,000.00
4000118-P Payment to hybrid bond Dt 7-Jul-
22 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Retainer
Payment to hybrid bond Dt 7-Jul-
PV 000211-2223-118- 07-Jul-2022 07-JUL-22 80807825, Hybrid Bond (Pvt) Ltd Retainer 600,000.00 0.00 1,200,000.00
1000118-P Payment Dt 07/07/2022 Hybrid
Bond (Pvt) Ltd Retainer Payment
Dt 07/07/2022
JV 1 07-Jul-2022 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Retainer 0.00 600,000.00 600,000.00
Payment to hybrid bond Dt 7-Jul-
22 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Retainer
Payment to hybrid bond Dt 7-Jul-
PV 000186-2223-118- 12-Jul-2022 12-JUL-22 39614222 Hassan Sheikh & Co. Trade Mark 30,000.00 0.00 630,000.00
1000118-P 39614222, Registration Fee + Serv. Charge
9000*2+6000*2 Hassan Sheikh &
Co. Trade Mark Registration Fee +
Serv. Charge 9000*2+6000*2
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
JV 5 01-Aug-2022 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Digital 0.00 123,533.00 506,467.00
prints for output proofing on
300gm art card dispatched to lhr
and lala musa-7 designs x 3 sets
and Agency commission Dt 15-
Aug-22 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd
Digital prints for output proofing
on 300gm art card dispatched to
lhr and lala musa-7 designs x 3
sets and Agency commission Dt
JV 6 01-Aug-2022 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Agency 0.00 33,300.00 473,167.00
travelling expense DT 17-Aug-22
Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Agency
travelling expense DT 17-Aug-22
PV 000002-2223-118- 03-Aug-2022 39614249, Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Digital 123,533.00 0.00 596,700.00
4000118-P prints for output proofing on
300gm art card dispatched to lhr
and lala musa-7 designs x 3 sets
and Agency commission Dt 15-
Aug-22 Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd
Digital prints for output proofing
on 300gm art card dispatched to
lhr and lala musa-7 designs x 3
sets and Agency commission Dt
PV 000214-2223-118- 03-Aug-2022 03-AUG-22 39614249, Hybrid Bound (Pvt) Ltd For Digital 123,533.00 0.00 720,233.00
1000118-P 39614249 Prints, Ard Cards, Agency
Commission for Marketing
PV 000003-2223-118- 17-Aug-2022 39614266, Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Agency 33,300.00 0.00 753,533.00
4000118-P travelling expense DT 17-Aug-22
Hybrid Bond (pvt) Ltd Agency
travelling expense DT 17-Aug-22
PV 000215-2223-118- 17-Aug-2022 17-AUG-22 39614266, Hybrid Bond (Pvt) Ltd Agency 33,300.00 0.00 786,833.00
1000118-P 39614266 Travelling Expenses Dt
PJ 000017-2223-AP-118- 14-Oct-2022 Marketing expense 250,000.00 0.00 1,036,833.00
PJ 000018-2223-AP-118- 24-Oct-2022 Marketing expense 250,000.00 0.00 1,286,833.00
PJ 000019-2223-AP-118- 04-Dec-2022 Marketing expense 250,000.00 0.00 1,536,833.00
PJ 000020-2223-AP-118- 04-Dec-2022 Marketing expense 135,000.00 0.00 1,671,833.00
PJ 000029-2223-AP-118- 06-Jan-2023 Marketing expense 250,000.00 0.00 1,921,833.00
2,678,666.00 756,833.00 1,921,833.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 5-02-001-0005 - Advertisement Opening : 0.00
PJ 000035-2223-AP-118- 31-Jan-2023 Monthly Retainer Fee For The 257,732.00 0.00 257,732.00
1000118-N M/o Jan - 2023 Permeatek Inv #
257,732.00 0.00 257,732.00
PJ 000001-2223-AP-118- 15-Nov-2022 Paid trademark Filling and service 81,818.32 0.00 81,818.32
1000118-N charges to Hassan & shaikh co
PJ 000002-2223-AP-118- 15-Nov-2022 Trademark filling official and 81,818.32 0.00 163,636.64
1000118-N Service charges
PJ 000005-2223-AP-118- 02-Dec-2022 Trademark charges regarding 45,000.00 0.00 208,636.64
1000118-N Jhathazam 644120 Beregas
644111 and 644119 Registration
PJ 000009-2223-AP-118- 02-Dec-2022 Marketing expense 90,000.00 0.00 298,636.64
JV 000008-118-1000118- 15-Dec-2022 Hassan Shaikh Reversal for Inputsales tax in 360.00 0.00 298,996.64
3JV & company- Hassan Shaikh & company
trademark Inv#/2022/12/00008 Reversal for
Inputsales tax in Hassan Shaikh &
company Inv#/2022/12/00008
PJ 000026-2223-AP-118- 15-Dec-2022 Registration Certificates of TM# 30,000.00 0.00 328,996.64
1000118-N 611042 & TM# 626062 in Class 30
-TM-11 Official Charges
Qty2@9000,TM-11 Service
328,996.64 0.00 328,996.64
PV 000188-2223-118- 18-Jul-2022 18-JUL-22 , FED on Charges + Cheque Lodge 348.00 0.00 348.00
1000118-P Charges Dt 18/07/2022 FED +
cheque Lodge Charges Dt
PV 000147-2223-118- 14-Oct-2022 14-OCT-22 , Cash Payments Head Office Dt 5,000.00 0.00 5,348.00
1000118-P 11,12,13,14 Oct-2022 Account
opening charges of Aitisam sb-
Son in Law Dt 13-Oct-22
PV 000149-2223-118- 31-Oct-2022 31-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments HO Dt 22,24,26,29 5,000.00 0.00 10,348.00
1000118-P Payments, Oct - 2022 Initial deposit fee in
Bank islamic account Dt 29-Oct-
10,348.00 0.00 10,348.00
PV 000141-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Cash Cash Payments For 27,28,29,30 2,322.00 0.00 2,322.00
1000118-P Payments, Sept-2022 Gold Atm Charges
Zohaib Mirza for extending limit
of Cash withdrawl Atm Charges
Dt 29-Sep-22
2,322.00 0.00 2,322.00
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
A/C Code : 5-06-001-00016 - Freight On Purchases Opening : 0.00
PV 000109-2223-118- 15-Aug-2022 15-AUG-22 Cash in Hand, Cash Payments From 11 - Aug-22 2,640.00 0.00 2,640.00
1000118-P to 15 Aug-22 Cash in Hand
Transportation cost of toy bowls
to be packed in boxes Dt 11-Aug-
PV 000140-2223-118- 26-Sep-2022 26-SEP-22 , Cash Payment for 23,24,25,26 - 7,707.00 0.00 10,347.00
1000118-P Sep-2022 Builty expenses of Cups
and bowls paid through Petty
Multan HO Dt 26-Sep-22
PV 000145-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 , Cash Payments HO for 06, to 10 41,681.00 0.00 52,028.00
1000118-P Oct-22 Paid builty on cartons
receive from Ali Packages Dt 10-
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 250.00 0.00 52,278.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 bilty cost of (9ctn
Kids bowls) 17-DEC-22
52,278.00 0.00 52,278.00
PV 000183-2223-118- 05-Jul-2022 05-JUL-22 80807823 Speciality Scales Mingals Yellow 40,950.00 0.00 40,950.00
1000118-P 80807823, 100 Kgs @ 409.50/- Speciality
Scales Mingals Yellow 100 Kgs @
PV 000043-2223-118- 21-Jul-2022 21-JUL-22 39614226 Raw Paid To Pearl Confectionary 300,000.00 0.00 340,950.00
1000118-P Material- Diachi Foods Dt 21/07/2022 Initial
Cerials3961422 development fee to pearl
6, confectioery Duties and Taxes C/o
Zohaib Sb
340,950.00 0.00 340,950.00
PJ 000023-2223-AP-118- 22-Jul-2022 Laminated Sheet 490 & 540 MM 8,608.00 0.00 8,608.00
1000118-N 5.4+9.70 kgs @ 570 & 570.1031 /
per Kg + GST 17
PJ 000024-2223-AP-118- 26-Aug-2022 Inv#1312 Lamination Sheet 490 & 71,021.00 0.00 79,629.00
1000118-N 535 MM Qty 57.09 + 67.49 Kgs @
570.0823 & 570.0845 / Per + 17 %
PJ 000025-2223-AP-118- 30-Aug-2022 Inv#1402 Printed Kuvvet Sheets 370,686.00 0.00 450,315.00
1000118-N 490 & 535 MM 310.20+340.03
Kgs @ 570.0838 & 570.0850 / Per
+ 17 % GST
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 3,500.00 0.00 453,815.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Press sheet +
Fright Exp. dt. 6-sep-22
PV 000020-2223-118- 14-Sep-2022 14-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 11- 7,800.00 0.00 461,615.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 14-Sep-22 Kuwat dt.
PJ 000006-2223-AP-118- 20-Nov-2022 Paid to Shoukat glass for jar 40,000.00 0.00 501,615.00
1000118-N bottles
PJ 000027-2223-AP-118- 20-Nov-2022 Inv#3513 Item 490 MM Printed 401,746.00 0.00 903,361.00
1000118-N Sheet Kuvvet 658.60 kgs @ 610 /
Kg + GST 17% Poly Pack
PJ 000028-2223-AP-118- 21-Nov-2022 Inv#3220 Dt 11/11/2022 (490 177,284.00 0.00 1,080,645.00
1000118-N MM Printed Sheet Kuvvet) 290.63
Kgs @ 609.990 / Kgs + GST
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PJ 000008-2223-AP-118- 13-Dec-2022 Packing Material 2,162,160.00 0.00 3,242,805.00
3,242,805.00 0.00 3,242,805.00
PV 000023-2223-118- 14-Feb-2023 14-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 6-Feb- 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00
2000118-P Expenses, 23 To 14-Feb-23 Unloading
Expense (V# 951) dt. 10-feb-23
4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00
PV 000019-2223-118- 10-Sep-2022 10-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 5-Sep- 7,700.00 0.00 7,700.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 10-Sep-22 Raper roll (250g)
14*550 dt. 10-sep-22
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 1,160.00 0.00 8,860.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Bilty Glu
dt. 29-sep-22
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 8,540.00 0.00 17,400.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Production Tool
(glue) 6-oct-22
PV 000142-2223-118- 05-Oct-2022 05-OCT-22 Cash Cash Payments Dt From 04-10- 27,000.00 0.00 44,400.00
1000118-P Payments, 2022 & 05-10-2022 Head office
Multan Paid builty and enxpense
of second consignment of Cartons
for packing Dt 4-Oct-22
PV 000013-2223-118- 06-Oct-2022 06-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 4-OCT-22 3,340.00 0.00 47,740.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-OCT-22 Production Tool
(glue) 6-oct-22
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 500.00 0.00 48,240.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Production Tool
(glue) 10-oc-22
PV 000161-2223-118- 15-Nov-2022 30-JAN-23 Lahore Office, lahore office expenses dt.11 nov 3,840.00 0.00 52,080.00
1000118-P to 15 nov 22 payment for glue
PV 000010-2223-118- 30-Nov-2022 30-NOV-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 11-NOV- 11,000.00 0.00 63,080.00
2000118-P Expenses, 22 To 30-NOV-22 Production Tool
(glue) 30-NOV-22
PJ 000022-2223-AP-118- 28-Dec-2022 R&D, manufacturing & packaging 1,200,000.00 0.00 1,263,080.00
1000118-N of 06 Trial batches for 06 Flavours
of Jhat Hazzam Tablet(50,000
Tablets per Batch) period june-22
to Dec-22
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 20,800.00 0.00 1,283,880.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 Stock dispatch
from multan (100Ctn) bilty 19-
JV 000018-118-1000118- 31-Dec-2022 Asher Sab Cash Payments For the M/o Dec- 4,600.00 0.00 1,288,480.00
3JV Ashar Sb 2022 glue bill Dt 8-Dec-22
PV 000012-2223-118- 06-Feb-2023 06-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-FEB-23 5,000.00 0.00 1,293,480.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 6-FEB-23 Unloading Expense
(V# 942 6-FEB-23
1,293,480.00 0.00 1,293,480.00
PV 000022-2223-118- 30-Sep-2022 30-SEP-22 Factory Cash Payments Record dt. 21- 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00
2000118-P Expenses, Sep-22 To 30-Sep-22 Bilty kids
bowls dt. 26-sep-22
DT Vchr. No Date Chq.Date Cheque / Ref Narration / Description Debit Credit Balance
PV 000011-2223-118- 04-Oct-2022 04-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-OCT-22 700.00 0.00 1,700.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 4-OCT-22 Unloading Exp. (Kids
bowls) 4-OCT-22
PV 000014-2223-118- 10-Oct-2022 10-OCT-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 6-oct-22 1,500.00 0.00 3,200.00
2000118-P Expenses, TO 10-oct-22 Fare Exp. (Kids
bowls) 8-oct-22
PJ 000003-2223-AP-118- 15-Nov-2022 Bill No. 1 PROMOTIONAL BOWL 5' 700,000.00 0.00 703,200.00
1000118-N QTY 14000 @ 50/-from Sunny
PV 000007-2223-118- 10-Dec-2022 04-FEB-23 Factory Cash Payments Record 1-Dec-22 5,000.00 0.00 708,200.00
2000118-P Expenses., to 10-Dec-22 bilty cost of (Kids
bowls) 6-DEC-22
PV 000008-2223-118- 31-Dec-2022 31-DEC-22 Factory Cash Payments Record 12-DEC-22 5,130.00 0.00 713,330.00
2000118-P Expenses, To 31-DEC-22 bilty cost of (9ctn
Kids bowls) 13-DEC-22
713,330.00 0.00 713,330.00