14 - 2013 - AMPS Proceedings - Measurement and Communication
14 - 2013 - AMPS Proceedings - Measurement and Communication
14 - 2013 - AMPS Proceedings - Measurement and Communication
Giovanni Artale, Antonio Cataliotti, Member IEEE, Dario Di Cara, Giovanni Tinè, Member IEEE,
Valentina Cosentino, Ngoctrung Nguyen Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di
Department of Energy, Information engineering and Studi sui Sistemi Intelligenti per l’Automazione (ISSIA)
Mathematic Models (DEIM), Università di Palermo, Via Dante Alighieri, 12, 90141 Palermo, Italy
Viale delle Scienze, 90128 Palermo, Italy e-mail: dicara@pa.issia.cnr.it, tine@pa.issia.cnr.it
e-mail: giovanni.artale@unipa.it, acataliotti@ieee.org,
cosentino@dieet.unipa.it, ngoctrung.nguyen@unipa.it
Abstract— The aim of this work is to perform a feasibility electricity networks. The European Commission Smart Grid
study on the measurement and communication strategies for Mandate, M/490 EN [3] is aimed at developing or updating
the development of a new generation of interface devices for the European standardization for smart grids, concerning
distributed generators and their integration on smart grids. The DGs connection, network automation and so on. All these
communication system can use one or more technologies, at the
various levels, creating a low cost network infrastructure, in the
activities involve a number of IEC and CENELEC Standards
framework of a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data and Technical Specifications; for example, the CENELEC
Acquisition) architecture. As regards the measurements, the Technical Committee TC8X WG3 is currently working on
attention is focused on the anti-islanding protection, based on a some documents concerning the Requirements for the
hybrid solution, which makes use of local measurements and connection of micro-generators (up to 16 A) and generators
communications with the grid, at both MV and LV level by (above 16 A) to distribution networks [4]-[6]. At national
employing the PLC technology. Some simulation and level, some standards are available on these topics, such as
experimental results are presented, showing the feasibility of the standard CEI 0-21 in Italy [7] or VDE-AR-N 4105 in
the proposed solution. Germany [8], whose approaches are very similar to the
Keywords — distributed generation, interface devices, smart European standards projects [5] and [6]. Furthermore, at
grids, power system communications, power line communication, international level, some IEC and IEEE standards are
islanding detection available, which define the requirements for connection of
DGs and utility grid and the characteristics of the related
I. INTRODUCTION interface devices (IDs) [9]-[12]. Generally speaking, these
standards address the normal voltage and frequency
The increasing presence of DGs in distribution networks operation range, some power quality issues, and safety
can affect the monitoring, automation, protection and control related matters.
systems features, causing critical situations for network
protection and automation, quality of service, voltage In most cases these standards also address the issue of the
regulation, unwanted islanding risk. Such situations can be unwanted islanding [13], requiring that DGs must detect an
even more critical because of inversions of power flows islanding condition and disconnect from the grid (anti-
direction, which can occur in the distribution power lines due islanding protection). The anti-islanding requirements are
to the contemporary presence of both generators and loads essentially based on local measurements and passive
and the intrinsically unpredictable and time-varying nature of detection methods [14]. As regards this last aspect, in [7]
RES production. To face such problems, a complete some thresholds are fixed for the disconnection of DGs in
rethinking of the management and control of electricity terms of over/under voltage and frequency. Furthermore, it
networks is needed. The networks have to move from introduces the possibility for the utility to remotely command
passive systems (with unidirectional energy flows and a the disconnection of the DGs or to modify the
limited amount of intelligent and automation functions) to aforementioned thresholds, in order to avoid the operation in
new active “smart grids”, where energy flows are bi- islanding conditions. The standard introduces also some new
directional and advanced metering and communication features related to the possibility for DGs to participate to the
technologies and capabilities provide for monitoring, voltage and frequency regulation, by means of the
automation, protection and control actions [1]. implementation of proper control strategies, based on the
remote control by the utility. In this viewpoint, the clear
As regards this last aspect, some initiatives are in course perspective is to move towards a complete integration of
at European Community level, to face the issues related to DGs with the utility systems, implementing not only
the DG integration in distribution networks. The Network protection functions, but even more, contributing to power
Code Development by ENTSO-E (European Network of grid stability and control. Thus, new IDs have to be
Transmission System Operators for Electricity) [2] concerns developed, which should integrate measurement and
the technical rules for DGs connection to and operation with communication functions. Moreover, a two-ways
In this work a feasibility study was performed concerning
the measurement and communication strategies for the
development of a new generation of interface devices for
-400 DGs and their integration on smart grids. The study was
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Time (s)
carried out in the framework of the current evolution of the
(a) standardization in the field of DG integration in distribution
40 networks.
The proposed solution is a multi-level architecture, which
30 can use different technologies, at the various levels, creating
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