Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001: Release Notes

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Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001

Release Notes
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Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Release Notes 2302............................................................................... 2

Fixes in Update Release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001.................................................................. 3
New Features and Enhancements in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302...........................................................4
Simcenter Cloud HPC...............................................................................................................................4
Platform.................................................................................................................................................... 4
CAD Integration..................................................................................................................................... 10
Mesh....................................................................................................................................................... 13
CAE Integration...................................................................................................................................... 15
Physics.................................................................................................................................................... 15
Design Exploration................................................................................................................................ 28
Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................................... 30
Application Specific Solutions...............................................................................................................33
User Guide..............................................................................................................................................39
Important Notes 2302.....................................................................................................................................41
Macro API Changes 2302................................................................................................................................46
CAD Packages Support................................................................................................................................... 53
CAD Packages for CAD Clients.............................................................................................................. 53
CAD Import Versions............................................................................................................................. 54
CAD Export Versions.............................................................................................................................. 55
External Packages Support............................................................................................................................ 56
Third-Party Software..............................................................................................................................56
Known Issues................................................................................................................................................... 58
Issues Relevant to All Operating Systems............................................................................................ 58
Issues Relevant to Linux........................................................................................................................ 60
Issues Relevant to Windows..................................................................................................................62
Issues Relevant to the CAD Clients....................................................................................................... 64
Credits............................................................................................................................................................... 65


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Release Notes 2302

This document provides important information about Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.

Fixes in Update Release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001
New Features and Enhancements in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302
Important Notes 2302
Macro API Changes 2302
CAD Packages Support
External Packages Support
Known Issues


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Fixes in Update Release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001

This section details the fixes that were introduced in the update release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001.

• DEM-1666 Fix a SIGSEGV memory access exception that occurs when clearing a Lagrangian DEM
• EMP-3098 Fix a storage error that occurs during an attempt to run K-Epsilon turbulence with higher-order
(quadratic or cubic) settings.
• EMP-3009 Fix the tendency of segregated enthalpy and temperature equations to yield different results
with species sources.
• EMP-3151 Fix a non-recoverable error that occurs during an attempt to run a simulation in which the S-
gamma model clips stripping droplets.
• FDF-2314 Fix the inability to run a cabin comfort simulation on Windows in parallel, in which there is a
shell continuum with a multi-layer solid and a single-layer laminate.
• FDF-2331 Fix the failure to restore simulation files containing a cached (inactive) Viscous Flow model.
• FES-2825 Fix a non-recoverable error that occurs during an attempt to run a turbomachinery simulation
with the Temperature polynomial method in GPGPU execution mode.
• FESS-3748 Fix a non-recoverable error that occurs during an attempt to restore a simulation in which a
solid-stress region had been deleted.
• IMM-4296 Fix the failure of the Morph at Inner Iterations option to remain deactivated when a simulation
is restored.
• PVIZ-7311 Fix an error that occurs during an attempt to open a simulation containing an Export
simulation operation.
• SRP-4672 Reverse the alteration of an interface to prevent the exception that occurs during the creation
of a region in the Simulation Assistant.
• STARICE-5309 For Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder, remove unnecessary units from the Time-Step
control, allowing a Java macro recorded in an earlier version to work.
• STARICE-5336 For Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder, fix the Compression Ratio so that it is updated
properly to reflect modifications to Stroke.
• STARICE-5377 Implement various code fixes to Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder so that
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ no longer fails to load certain older simulation files.
• VMESH-4204 Fix meshing of periodic interfaces so that they are conformal in parallel as they are in serial.
• VMESH-4260 Fix a SIGSEGV memory access exception that occurs during Pyramid mesh generation.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements in Simcenter STAR-CCM+


Enhancements to Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302 are presented by category:

Simcenter Cloud HPC
CAD Integration
CAE Integration
Design Exploration
Data Analysis
Application Specific Solutions
User Guide

Simcenter Cloud HPC

• Availability and compatibility
◦ Available in North and South America only for now
◦ Supported versions: Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2210

High Performance Computing
• ARM64 Linux support
◦ Larger and faster simulations for less cost using ARM64 CPUs
◦ Greater performance per price and energy consumption compared to equivalent x86 CPUs
◦ Technology available through different Cloud vendors like:
▪ AWS EC2 instances
▪ Fugaku super-computer provided by Fujitsu in Japan
◦ Support for
▪ Linux
▪ Batch jobs only with some limitations including
- Intelligent Design Exploration, CAD importers, Client for NX, material database


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• GPU performance improvements

◦ Up to 1.4x reduction in memory requirements and 1.1x speed up through more efficient AmgX use
and CUDA upgrades
▪ 1.4x reduction in memory requirements allows for 1.4x larger meshes per GPU card
- Simulation sizes on GPUs can be limited by available memory
▪ Reminder: most efficient GPU performance is seen when running with maximum mesh size
per card

• Initialization of GPU accelerated solvers

◦ Faster initialization by allowing compatible solvers to initialize on GPU directly and porting of PDE
wall distance


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Warning messages for suboptimal GPU resource allocation

◦ Reduced risk of set-up error with warning messages in the output window when suboptimal GPU
allocation has occurred
◦ Warnings provided when:
▪ GPU nodes are oversubscribed
▪ An insufficient number of CPU cores have been selected in conjunction with requested
number of GPUs (at least one CPU core per requested GPU is required)
• Polynomial specific heat ported to GPU

• Retired Operating Systems versions
◦ Windows 10 21H1
• Added Operating Systems versions
◦ Certified: RHEL 8.6 (Linux), Rocky 8.6 (ARM64 Linux)
◦ Supported: ALMA/Rocky 8.6 (Linux), CentOS/RHEL 8.5 (ARM64 Linux)
• Scheduled Operating Systems support changes for Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2306
◦ To be certified on Linux: SLES 15 SP4, RHEL/ALMA/Rocky 9, OpenSUSE Leap 15.4
◦ To be certified on Windows: Windows 11 22H2
• Added Message Passing Interface (MPI) versions
◦ Supported: HPE Cray MPI 8 (Linux)
• Scheduled Message Passing Interface (MPI) versions support changes for Simcenter STAR-CCM+
◦ To be certified: Intel MPI 2021.7 (Linux and Windows)
◦ To be retired: Intel MPI 2021.6 (Linux and Windows)
• Supported CUDA versions
◦ Adding CUDA 11.4, minimum driver version increases to 470.82.01
◦ Retiring CUDA 11.0, drivers 450.x through 465.x are no longer supported


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

User Experience
• Simulation Guide
◦ Centralize your information in one place by embedding instructions directly in the simulation file
▪ One file for everything
- In-built text editor with possibility to add tables, images…
- Access nodes in the tree with direct links
▪ Increased productivity and trust
▪ Integrated working environment

◦ Seamlessly share, update, and review information relevant to the simulation

▪ Collaborate and build collective knowledge
▪ Latest information available
◦ Enhanced productivity with clear embedded instructions
▪ Increased user confidence
◦ For the simulation template users
▪ Quickly understand setup steps
▪ Leverage streamlined workflow instructions
◦ For the simulation template authors
▪ Easily create and maintain workflow instructions
▪ Explicit custom user guidance
• In place evaluation for expressions
◦ Save time when verifying expression values with on demand in place expression value evaluation
▪ Improved ease of use
▪ Preview current expression value by clicking the 'i' button in the 'Value' field
▪ Easier to obtain the value of a parameter by hovering over the field with the mouse


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Custom tree synchronized selection

◦ Enhanced usability for custom trees with synchronized selection
▪ Harmonized main tree, scene, and custom trees
▪ Lower entry barrier for new template users
▪ By default the selection is synchronized
▪ Option to disable synchronization
- Compare properties of different objects

• New “pair contains" operators for the "Metadata" query predicate D4502
◦ Faster creation of filters by leveraging “pair contains" operators for the "Metadata" query predicate
▪ Less predicates needed
▪ Easy to read and write “Metadata” predicates with regular expressions
- Quickly debug filters


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

▪ For example, the predicate “Metadata pair contains {'mat':'Alu'}“ searches the metadata for all
the pairs with the key containing 'mat' and the value containing 'Alu'

• New user guide format

◦ Improved user experience when consulting the user guide
▪ Modern look and feel
▪ Easy to use and navigate
▪ Better readability


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Option to propagate tags from composites to surfaces and curves

◦ Easy to introduce a new tagging system
◦ Quickly fix errors in tagging

• Improved interactive performance of query editor

◦ Option to commit predicates on demand
◦ Use only for cases with large assemblies

CAD Integration
• Supported CAD Packages
CAD Clients Supported CAD Versions


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Client for NX (Linux and Windows) NX 12.0 to 2212, Simcenter 3D 12.0 to 2212
Client for CATIA CATIA V5-R2019 to V5-R2021
Client for Creo Creo 4.0 to Creo 8.0
Client for Inventor 2019 to 2022
• CATIA expressions support
◦ Increased automation capabilities with the CATIA expressions support
▪ Increased range of application and simulation control for
- Single simulations
- Design space exploration studies
▪ Available with the Client for CATIA add-on
◦ Increase richness of information transferred from CATIA to Simcenter STAR-CCM+, for example
▪ Center of gravity
▪ Moment of inertia
▪ Part surface area

• Siemens CAD Readers Supported Versions
ACIS Up to 2021 1.0
Autodesk Inventor Up to 2022
CATIA V4 Up to 4.2.5
CATIA V5 Up to V5-6R2022 (R32)
CATIA V6/3DExperience Up to R2022x
Creo- Pro/E Up to Creo 9.0
IGES 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
JT Up to
NX Up to 2212


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

SolidWorks Up to 2022
Solid Edge Windows - Up to 2020
CGR Up to V5-6R2022
STEP AP 203, AP 214, AP 242

• Improved Contacts browser
◦ Improved ease of use of Contacts browser to verify CAD imprints
▪ Ability to show/hide filter panel
▪ Ability to launch the Contacts Browser in multiple ways
- From the CAD Model
- From CAD Bodies and Body Groups
- From Design Filters
▪ Show contacts between only the selected bodies
• Improved Metadata browser
◦ Faster geometry organization via advanced metadata editing capabilities
▪ Ability to assign and change “type” of the value to advanced filtering (boolean, int, float,
string, array, map)
▪ Additional operators for advanced filtering of the metadata table
▪ Ability to edit, add, delete and copy metadata
• Ability to quickly identify problem areas for failed External Volume Extraction feature
◦ CAD entities responsible for the failure are highlighted in the scene so that appropriate repair or
revision action can be taken to resolve the failure
• Export 3D-CAD model, Bodies and Body Groups to PLMXML file with Metadata and underlying parts
as Parasolid, IGES or STEP file
• Added option to exclude Metadata during import
◦ With this option you can exclude metadata during CAD import process
• Removed ability to import MEDINA XML and *.bif files

• Seed points definition in a local coordinate system
◦ Improved automation through selection of a local coordinate system for seed points
▪ Now local coordinate systems are compatible for 4 types of seed points
- Surface wrapper: volume of interest, gap closure and local volume extent seed point
- Extract volume: manual mode seed point
• Preservation of user settings for mesher objects in "Meshers" folder
◦ User input is preserved after removal and subsequent addition of a mesher to the auto mesh
• Ability to restore default mesher settings via right click action "Restore Default Settings"


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Surface Repair
• Interactive Sketch tool for creating feature edges/part curves
◦ Greater control for patch and part curve creation
▪ Sketches can be created interactively on destination faces
▪ Allows for easy creation of custom surface patches
▪ Extension of “Offset/Imprint Edges” tool


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Surface Mesh
• Surface face association to shell parts over solid parts
◦ Accurate Shells-to-Parts contact through preferred association to shells during tie-breaking
◦ Wrapped output surfaces are inherited from the shell parts
◦ Contacts created by wrapper are with shell parts
◦ No UI change
◦ Applicable for cases with overlapping shells and solids

Volume Mesh
• Floating point tolerance-based surface intersection check
◦ Faster troubleshooting of self-intersecting surfaces through surface diagnostic messages
▪ Output log prints coordinates of self-intersecting faces
▪ Applicable for trimmed cell mesher


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Improved trimmer mesh independence on number of cores

◦ Enhanced repeatability of results across multiple cores thanks to an improved trimmer algorithm
▪ More equivalent mesh across different number of cores, resulting in a more consistent total
mesh count and quality
▪ Applicable for relatively small meshes, for which trimmed meshing falls back to fewer cores

• Turbomachinery Mesh operation: support for hub tip gap and custom controls (see Turbomachinery)

CAE Integration
• Abaqus thermal co-simulations
◦ Now using surface film (FILM) API rather than the now deprecated concentrated film (CFILM) API.

Multiphase Flow
Solid Mechanics


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Motion, Mesh Adaption, and Mapping


• New gradients hybridization scheme
◦ Enhanced ease of use of the gradients hybridization scheme by introducing a new single criterion to
select cells for blending, replacing previous multiple criteria based on mesh heuristics
◦ Improved robustness of the solver by:
▪ New blending function with smoother behavior
▪ New weighting scheme: pure area-weighted Least-Squares
◦ Improved accuracy and convergence rate by:
▪ New hybridization scheme, blending between a pure Least-Squares method and a zero-
gradient condition
▪ Significant reduction of number of cells selected for blending


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

◦ Simplified user interface

◦ Significantly reduced number of user options in the Expert Properties panel

◦ Two new Expert Properties are introduced:

▪ Maximum Reconstruction Coefficient
- New criterion to select cells for blending
- Effectively acts as a limiter for the reconstructed gradients
- Reduce to improve stability
▪ Two Pass Velocity Gradient
- Smoother solution on surfaces with poor geometry resolution
- Applies a more dissipative scheme for the velocity gradients
• New implicit unsteady scheme: SIMPLEC
◦ Significant speed-up of transient flow simulation thanks to a new unsteady implicit scheme:


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

▪ Same accuracy as SIMPLE can be achieved with a reduced number of inner iterations, due to
deeper convergence within the time-step
▪ Up to 1.3x speed-up for side-mirror and HVAC aeroacoustics, unsteady external aerodynamics
and general single phase transient simulations

• Persistent model settings when users change model selection settings

◦ Improved usability by retaining model settings when switching between physics models
▪ Allows users to switch models without losing previous setup parameters
- Reduces setup errors
◦ Ensures consistency in behavior across all physics models in terms of persistent settings
◦ Option to restore default settings is available

Reacting Flows
• Laminar Flame Speed (LFS) tables for Complex Chemistry
◦ Accurate flame propagation with Laminar Flame Speed table generation for Complex Chemistry
▪ Provides flexibility to generate LFS tables for any fuel and/or blend which have different flame
propagation rates
▪ LFS Table generated using 1D Freely Propagating Reactor
◦ Faster turnaround time with parallel table generation
• Chemistry clustering for Relax-to-Chemical-Equilibrium (RTCE) model
◦ Reduced turnaround time of RTCE calculations through chemistry clustering
▪ Chemistry acceleration using clustering has been extended to the RTCE approximation
- Cells with similar thermal and chemical states are grouped for chemical equilibrium


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Extended range of Universal Laminar Flame Speed correlation for H2 combustion

◦ H2 combustion modeling at high pressures and temperatures with extended Universal LFS
▪ Now extended using GruMo UniMORE correlation valid up to 200 bar and unburnt
temperatures of 1600K
▪ Previously correlation was valid up to 40 bar
• Reacting Channels – varying cross-sectional area
◦ Greater control of reacting channel geometry with tabular cross sectional area option
▪ Reacting Channel Area Option introduced to allow tabular input of cross-sectional area vs
channel distance
▪ Applicable to both Specified Inlet and Re-Entry inlet types
• Flame Speed Multiplier property
◦ Increased user flexibility by allowing scaling of Laminar Flame Speed for any input method
(Precomputed LFS Table, Universal LFS, User-Defined)

• LES turbulence models compatible with Porous Region D3953
◦ High-fidelity simulation of flows with porous regions via lifting the incompatibility with LES
turbulence models


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

▪ Allows Wall-Modeled LES (WMLES) simulation for full vehicle external aerodynamics with
radiators and heat exchangers

▪ Expands HVAC (Heat, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) simulation capabilities where the filters
or heat exchangers are typically represented as porous domains

Multiphase Flow

General Multiphase
• Volumetric Source Adaptive Timestep Provider
◦ Accelerate simulations with phase change using an adaptive timestep provider based on interphase
mass transfer sources
▪ Benefits mechanisms such as boiling, evaporation, condensation and cavitation
◦ Hands off choice of timestep
▪ Phase change can cause sudden jumps in mass transfer requiring a small timestep
- Volumetric Source Adaptive Timestep Provider adjusts timestep on-the-fly to allow for
these sudden changes
- Avoids need for constant small timestep or ramping strategy
- Avoids failed runs
◦ Available for VOF, Mixture Multiphase (MMP) and Two Phase Thermodynamic Equilibrium models

Mixture Multiphase (MMP)

• Implicit Multi-Step for MMP-LSI
◦ Accelerate simulations which contain both mixtures and free surfaces using Implicit Multi-Step for
the MMP - Large Scale Interface (LSI) model
▪ Implementation mirrors that for VOF
◦ Allows a larger flow timestep to be used by sub-stepping for the volume fraction within the
▪ Decouples flow from the need for a small timestep for the volume fraction (CFL constraint)
◦ Alternatively use additional sub-stepping to increase resolution of free surfaces at low additional
computational cost
▪ Using same flow timestep with more sub-steps


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Eulerian Multiphase (EMP)

• Force and Moment Reports for EMP D1016
◦ Gain insight into the performance of your designs when using EMP with force and moment reports
▪ Enables reporting and monitoring of quantities such as the torque on impellers in mixing
◦ Provides consistent reporting with single phase and other multiphase models such as MMP and VOF

Lagrangian Multiphase (LMP)

• Cone angle sample distribution in cone injectors

◦ More accurate solution for penetration and radial dispersion of fuel sprays by allowing greater
flexibility in setting the parcel distribution inside the spray
▪ Cone Angle Sample Distribution switch introduced to change from default uniform
distribution to angle dependent distribution
▪ Polynomial weighting option introduced to specify the dependence of injection points density
on the direction of the initial velocity
- The plot preview of polynomial weighting can be generated before running the
simulation by using customizer dialog


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

◦ Available for both solid cone and hollow cone injectors

◦ Applications: sprays, including fuel sprays in internal combustion engines

Discrete Element Method (DEM)

• Liquid-Solid-Gas material option for DEM particles
◦ Enables modeling of wet solids drying using Discrete Element Method
▪ DEM particles can be composed of any combination of liquid, solid and gas phase
▪ Two evaporation models available for DEM phase
- Multiphase Mixture Evaporation
- Reaction Engineering Approach (REA) Spray Drying Evaporation
◦ Applications: Drying wet solid particles in chemical processing, battery manufacturing, steel, food,
mining industries

• Particle-Wall Link model for the end segments of flexible fibers

◦ Improves accuracy in modeling flexible fiber-boundary interaction with option to apply Particle-Wall
Link model only to the end segments of a fiber
◦ Three options for selecting segments of the fibers, to be permanently bonded to the wall boundary
▪ Single end segment
▪ Both end segments
▪ All segments (Default)
◦ Previously using Particle-Wall Link model implied the permanent bonding to the wall boundary for
all segments of the fiber
◦ Useful for crop cutting applications
• Parameters and expressions in Random Injector input
◦ Value Porosity Limit can be set to turn off injection at a specific time


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

◦ Value Number of Seeds can be set to provide time-dependent particle injection rate
• Improved function of Injected Volume Correction option
◦ Updated algorithm provides improved convergence of cases with large number of particles injected
within incompressible fluid
• Improved function of Clear Lagrangian Solution option
◦ Option Lagrangian DEM solution Fields in Clear Solution is now available for Lagrangian non-DEM

Solid Mechanics
• Motion support for contact
◦ Enables new applications by making it possible to assign a motion to a Rigid Contact Obstacle of
type Tessellated Geometry Part
▪ Contact considers current position and orientation of the Tessellated Geometry Part as
determined by the motion
▪ Geometry Part remains static but,
- The current position and motion may be visualized with a Graphics Transform of type
Motion Transform
▪ No force feedback – motion not affected by the contact force
▪ Application example: Sealing of food packages - a pair of jaws squeezing the package to form
a seal.

• Lock current deformation constraint

◦ Simplifies the process of setting up a zero relative displacement constraint
▪ Lock current deformation available as a new method of Solid Stress Constraints
▪ Available for Surface, Edge and Point Segments
• Moving reference frame support for nonlinear Normal Modes
◦ Reduces the time to setup a nonlinear Normal Modes analyses of rotating machines
▪ A moving reference frame can now be assigned to the solid region
▪ Accelerations from the moving reference frame will be considered in case the Nonlinear
Geometry model is selected in the Physics Continuum


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

- For example, a rotating reference frame can be assigned to the solid region of a
propeller to account for the stress stiffening caused by the rotation
▪ Note: Without the Nonlinear Geometry model the Normal Modes analyses will be linear only
and stress stiffening effects will not be considered
• New relative stopping criteria for solid stress and fluid structure coupling solvers
◦ Reduces the number of clicks to change Stopping Criteria in a consistent manner with new relative
stopping criteria
▪ Equivalent to the meshing concept of a mesh size definition relative to a Base Size
◦ The Displacement and Force Criterion of the Solid Stress Solver defined under the Stopping Criteria
node in the simulation tree may serve as reference (equivalent to the meshing Base Size)
◦ The Load Step Displacement and Force Criterion Minimum Value may be specified relative to the
Solid Stress Solver Displacement and Force Criterion
▪ For example, to define the Minimum Value of the Load Step Displacement or Force Criterion to
be 100x larger than the Minimum Limit of the Solid Stress Solver:
- Enable Use Reference Minimum Value
- Set the Multiplier to 100

◦ Additionally, the Fluid Structure Coupling Solver Displacement Convergence Tolerance may be
specified relative to the Solid Stress Solver Displacement Criterion
▪ For example, to define a Convergence Tolerance to be 100x smaller than the Displacement
Criterion of the Solid Stress Solver:
- Enable Use Reference Minimum Value
- Set the Multiplier to 0.01


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Improved default values

◦ Reduces the setup time of common simulations
▪ New default Minimum Limit for Solid Stress Solver Stopping Criteria:
- Displacement Criterion: 1.0E-6, previously 1.0E-14
- Force Criterion: 1.0E-6, previously 1.0E-14
▪ New default Interpolation Stencil for Fluid-Structure Interfaces
- For Fluid-Structure Interfaces the new default Interpolation Stencil type is Imprinted,
previously Compact
• Upgrade of MUMPS to Consortium Version 5.5.1

• Incorporation of modified Steinmetz coefficients from SPEED database into Magnet database
◦ Improved consistency of material properties and model coefficients across the low frequency
electromagnetics tools in the Simcenter portfolio thanks to integration of the modified Steinmetz
coefficients from SPEED into Magnet and Simcenter STAR-CCM+ databases
• Part curves and multiple selection support in the Excitation Coil Model
◦ Simplified pre-processing workflow for the Excitation coil model thanks to the support of part
▪ Region-based feature curves have been removed as part of the region-based meshing
workflow removal
▪ Existing setups using the Excitation Coil Model are automatically converted to using part-
curves instead of feature curves upon file loading

• LES compatibility with Porous Region D3953 (seeTurbulence section)
◦ Improved physical realism of sound propagation applications with porous region thanks to LES now
being compatible
▪ Expanded HVAC (Heat, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) simulation capabilities where the filters
or heat exchangers are typically represented as porous domains


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

▪ Addresses the previous limitation of having to employ a workaround consisting of momentum

source terms
◦ Acoustic damping effects are not modeled on porous regions
• New implicit unsteady scheme: SIMPLEC (see Fluid Flow section)

◦ Faster time to convergence through new SIMPLEC algorithm

▪ Achieves similar accuracy and convergence in less time thanks to less inner iterations required
within each time-step
▪ Delivers up to 1.25x speed up
◦ Simplified user experience not requiring tweaking of Under Relaxation Factors (URF) to attain
similar convergence levels
▪ URF are set to 1 without compromising the simulation results

Motion, Mesh Adaption, and Mapping

• Parts-based motion specification
◦ Improved productivity with Parts-based motion values specification
▪ Facilitates templating and automation
▪ Reduction in the number of Regions due to motion specification at Part sub-group level
▪ Applications : Vehicle thermal management, external aerodynamics, etc.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Ease of use for 6DOF-Body motion with overset

◦ Easily setup motion for background region together with overset region which contains DFBI body
▪ Significant reduction in setup time and complexity
▪ Reduction in potential setup errors
▪ Background Region follows the overset mesh in user defined degrees of freedom in any
coordinate system

• DFBI velocity driver constraint

◦ Easily simulate cases in which velocity needs to be constrained in certain directions while it is free
to move in other directions
▪ New Velocity Driver constraint available under DFBI Body Constraints
▪ New field function named “Initial Velocity of Velocity Driver” available for easy velocity setup
▪ Applications : Marine maneuvering, tube launch, etc


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Refine higher priority region during overset AMR

◦ Improved solution robustness by refining the overset (high priority) region in overset AMR
▪ Overset mesh refinement is matched to the background region mesh
▪ Fully automatic (overset mesh refinement criterion must be enabled)
▪ Applications : Transmission gear boxes, store separation, etc.
• Cell sets are preserved after AMR refinement or coarsening
◦ No need to recreate cell sets after AMR step
• B-Spline morpher is now the default morpher
• AMG defaults for PDE Wall Distance solver are updated for better convergence on CPU and GPU
• Added Inflow velocity report for Virtual Disk model

Design Exploration
Design Manager
• Contour plots
◦ Better understanding of your design space using contour plots


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

▪ Adding a layer of information to the XY plot

▪ Interpolation used to draw the contour lines
▪ External data supported through tables
▪ Automated turbomachinery performance map with iso-efficiency curves using contour plots
- Create a complete turbomachinery performance map in a few clicks

• Plot properties dialog improvements

◦ Expanded access to the plot properties dialog panel
▪ From toolbar
▪ From plot menu
▪ From study (Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2210)

◦ Complete access to plot types with support for

▪ Actual vs. residual plots
▪ Performance plots


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Probability of Failure and Index of Reliability

◦ Better analyze your robustness and reliability results with an automatic access to the
▪ Probability of failure
▪ Index of reliability

• Stopping criteria log entry for Smart Sweeps

◦ Automatic display of the stopping criteria achievement in both output window and log file
◦ Support for Smart Sweep studies

Data Analysis
• Web Viewer integration in Xcelerator Share

◦ Effortlessly share simulation results with different internal and external stakeholders
▪ Upload and view Scene files directly in Xcelerator Share, with no software download needed
▪ Secure storage for Scene files in the cloud
• Solution Histories support for Part Surfaces


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

◦ Light-weight solution histories files through storage of individual part surfaces

▪ Store only relevant part surfaces rather than entire boundary
• Customizable naming for scenes and plot
◦ Efficient organization of results with customizable naming for scenes and plots
▪ Append multiple field functions as a suffix to the file name
◦ Effective searching and filtering by using file name
▪ State of simulation visible through inclusion of field data

• Co-Temporal Lookup Report

◦ Effectively report synchronized data by using co-temporal monitors
▪ Report a user-defined value in a source monitor and return the value of another monitor for a
specific instance
▪ Specify any source and co-temporal monitor

• Easier setup for interpolateDirection field function through @filter syntax

◦ Any number of part curves can be referenced via a filter
• Better usability of updates
◦ Support for usage of field functions for delta time updates (start and stop)


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Guided Tour Mode for Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Virtual Reality

◦ Easy access and hands-free collaboration in Virtual Reality through Guided Tour mode
▪ Inexperienced users are guided through simulation by looking “through the eyes” of an expert

• Server state saving for Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Virtual Reality

◦ Quick re-use of existing Scene through server state saving
▪ Particle settings (injector location, speed, size, direction), plane sections, probes etc. are
stored on the server
▪ Scene reuse via re-connection of Virtual Reality client to server
• Enhancements for Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Web Viewer
◦ Appealing user interface behavior for NX users
▪ Change Simcenter STAR-CCM+ default mouse-gestures to NX-style
◦ Pinch zoom for mobile devices
▪ Use well-established finger gestures to zoom on mobile devices


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Blade loading plot unwrap (see Turbomachinery section)

• Blade surface unwrapping transform (see Turbomachinery section)

Application Specific Solutions

In-Cylinder Solution

In-Cylinder Solution
• Object grouping and cleanup
◦ Save time reviewing your results thanks to grouped objects
▪ Organized structure in reports, monitors and plots - not field functions
▪ Easier to find objects automatically generated by In-Cylinder Solution
▪ Existing simulation files automatically converted by adopting the same grouping structure but
leaving labels unaffected
◦ Navigate your simulation faster without ambiguous and duplicate names
▪ No trailing unity in labels and reports of intake/exhaust valve open/close
▪ Plot y-axis labels now only contain the object name


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Improved trimmer mesh independence on number of cores

◦ Enhanced repeatability of results across multiple cores thanks to an improved trimmer algorithm
▪ More equivalent mesh across different number of cores, resulting in a more consistent total
mesh count and quality
▪ Applicable for relatively small meshes, for which trimmed meshing falls back to fewer cores

• Simplification of time unit selection in the Auto Time-Step dialogue

◦ Quickly specify time-step size unit with an inline option
▪ Unit can now be entered inline on the fly instead of through a drop-down list selection
▪ Support for internal combustion engine specific time-step “degCA” in all positions of the Auto
Time-Step Settings panel, clarifying the unit selection (previously "deg")


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Compression ratio validity check

◦ Reduced opportunity for setup errors thanks to a new input validity check
▪ Ensures that the imposed compression ratio will not cause the piston to clash with the engine
▪ Prints out a warning and resets the value to the last valid one
▪ Does not check interference with valves
• Improved Complex Chemistry options and defaults
◦ Set up your simulation faster thanks to updated Complex Chemistry panel of In-Cylinder Solution
▪ Combined chemistry acceleration options
▪ For Relax to Chemical Equilibrium (RTCE):
- Removed: In-Situ Adaptive Tabulation (ISAT) option, not to be used in internal
combustion engine simulations
- Added:
* Timescale Constant, a tuning parameter
* Clustering, for chemistry acceleration

• Easier setup of an CC-LFC combustion model case


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

◦ Allows selection of either TFC or LFC sub-component of combustion upon selecting Complex
• Laminar flame speed table generation and import for Complex Chemistry (see Reacting Flows
• Chemistry clustering for Relax-to-Chemical Equilibrium model (see Reacting Flows section)
• Extended range of universal laminar flame speed correlation for hydrogen (see Reacting Flows
• Control over the injection points density distribution in cone injectors (see Lagrangian Multiphase
• Customizable naming for scenes and plots (see Data Analysis section)
• Introduction of a co-temporal report (see Data Analysis section)

• Thermal runaway simulation configurator: heat release model
◦ Easy thermal runway simulation setup with a new dedicated workflow within the Batteries solution
▪ Fast setup in minutes, for a full pack with hundreds or thousands of cells
▪ No complex field functions or countless reports

◦ Improved understanding of runaway propagation thanks to the cell exothermal empirical heat
release model
▪ Provides critical insights prior to costly certification safety tests
▪ Helps in the design of mitigation measures


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Automatic RCR Table plots layout for data review

◦ Assess and review on the fly the content of your RCR tables
▪ In a single right-click, RCR Parameter Tables can be plotted automatically from within the
Batteries folder
▪ A Layout View is automatically generated, displaying as many plots as parameters contained in
the RCR model
▪ Prevents any model inputs error, thanks to 2 overlaying data sets, one with the table points
and one with the interpolation as used by the model for comparison

• Explicit option for Batteries objects within a scene


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

◦ Improved battery geometry visualization controls with ability to toggle the highlight of Part in Scene
directly at the Battery Cell, Battery Module and Battery Module Cells objects level
◦ No need to navigate to global settings: can be very useful to rapidly deactivate the highlight in case
of large battery pack geometries

• E-machine Performance Workflow: Metadata assigned to 3D-CAD Bodies instead of to Geometry
◦ One location for all data import for an improved user experience
▪ Metadata associated with each e-machine part is now assigned to the 3D-CAD Bodies,
centralizing the data import in one place
◦ Consistent workflow
▪ The metadata are following the geometry pipeline, automatically migrating from 3D-CAD
Bodies to geometry Parts when new Parts are created

• Turbomachinery Mesh operation: support for hub tip gap and custom controls D4420
◦ Improved mesh quality and mesh count with respect to polyhedral mesher for cases with hub tip
▪ Support for constant and variable hub tip gaps
▪ Consistent mesh settings with shroud tip gap definition
◦ Ability to tailor mesh generation through custom controls
▪ Customization on individual parts is available for all mesh settings
▪ Less prone to input errors

• Blade loading plot unwrap D3418

◦ Faster blade design comparison through the blade loading plot unwrap
▪ Provide standardized turbomachinery data analyses
▪ Independent of geometric variation


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Blade surface unwrapping transform D3418

◦ Streamlined workflow to assess blade performance through the blade scalar surface unwrap
▪ Provide standardized turbomachinery data analyses
▪ Eliminate the need for 3D scene interaction

• New gradients hybridization scheme (see CFD section)

• Contour plots (see Design Manager section)

User Guide
• New Tutorials
◦ Reacting Flow
▪ Acoustic Modal Analysis: Thermo-Acoustic Stability of a Cylindrical Burner
◦ Battery
▪ Thermal Runaway: Battery Pack Heat Release and Venting


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

◦ Heat Transfer and Radiation

▪ Dual Stream Heat Exchanger: Car Radiator
◦ Coupling with CAE Codes
▪ FMU Co-Simulation with Simcenter Amesim: Check Valve
• Modified Tutorials
◦ Adjoint Topology Optimization: Channel Flow – removed for this cycle pending revision
◦ Acoustic Suppression Zone Modeling: Direct Noise Simulation – renamed to Sponge Layer
Modeling: Simplified Tailpipe, and revised to use Sponge Layer model instead of the Acoustic
Suppression Zone model
◦ Multi-Part Solid: Graphics Card Cooling – updated to use the contact browser
◦ Parts-Based Shells: Exhaust Pipe – updated for UI changes
◦ Morphing: Cylinder with Boundary Motion – now uses the B-Spline morpher instead of the RBF
◦ FSI and 6-DOF Motion: Stress Analysis on Boat Propeller – minor change to setup
◦ Eulerian: Wall Boiling – initial SMD for vapor set to 0.001 m
◦ Fluid-Structure Interaction: Vibrating Pipe – changes to convergence criteria
◦ FSI with Opening and Closing Flow Paths: Diaphragm Valve – replaced infinite plane contact with
tessellated part contact
◦ Normal Modes Solver: Wind Turbine Blade – added rotating reference frame
◦ Turbomachinery Mesher: Compressor Stage – implemented custom control in the stator
◦ VOF: Tank Sloshing with Adaptive Meshing – updated to include the Implicit Multi-stepping VOF
◦ VOF: Multi-Stepping – retired due to updates made within the VOF: Tank Sloshing with Adaptive
Meshing tutorial that cover the same theme
◦ Parts-Based Meshing External Aerodynamics – updated to use a Boundary March Angle of 85


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Important Notes 2302

This section contains important notes that you must become familiar with before using this latest release of
Simcenter STAR-CCM+. If you have questions about any of these important notes, please contact your
Simcenter customer support representative.

Java Upgraded to OpenJDK Version

The Java SDK (Software Development Kit), which is required to compile Java macros, has been upgraded to
OpenJDK v17.0.4.1 in the current release. Simcenter STAR-CCM+ ships with Eclipse Temurin JDK
builds prior to do not work, but later versions of JDK 17 are allowed (both OpenJDK-based
distributions and Oracle's JDK).

You need NetBeans 12.6 or Eclipse 2021-09 (4.21) or later to work with Java 17.

Batch Management Systems

End of Automatic Submission

Support for the submit_starccm+ script has been removed from the current release of
Simcenter STAR-CCM+.

Support has also been removed for the following -batchsystem sub-options and supporting flags, because
they all depend on the submit_starccm+ script:

• -submit
• -nosubmit
• -writescript
• -logfile
• -template
• -submitfile
• -tmpdir
• -cleanup

End of Support for Load Leveler Scheduler

Support for the Load Leveler scheduler has been removed from the current release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+.

Geometry: End of Support for Medina File Formats

Support for Medina .xml and .bif files has been discontinued in the current release of
Simcenter STAR-CCM+. Specifically:

• The selection of importable file formats no longer includes .bif.

• While .xml files still appear as available for import, only the ones that conform to the standard PLMXML
file format can be imported.
• For a PLMXML file export, .bif is no longer a valid part file format.
• It is no longer possible to export to the Medina .xml file format.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Removal of Region-Based Meshing

Region-based meshing has been removed. Specific changes in the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ UI include the

• The mesh continuum has been removed. The right-click action for creating a continuum now provides
only for a physics continuum.
• Feature curves have been removed, including:
◦ The Assign Parts to Regions dialog no longer includes feature curves among the available options.
◦ The Set Feature Curve action has been removed from the right-click menu for part curves.
◦ The Feature Curve property of part curves has been removed.
• Mesh values are no longer present in regions and boundaries.
• The Import Surfaces dialog no longer includes the option Create New Region.
When you restore a file using region-based meshing, the following happens: All volume meshes that were
generated by region-based meshing are preserved and are treated as if the volume mesh was imported into
Simcenter STAR-CCM+. You can adjust physics settings and re-run simulations with the old volume meshes.
However, you cannot change mesh settings or remesh without creating parts-based mesh operations.

The recommended practice is to use parts-based meshing—see the section "Simcenter STAR-CCM+ > Pre-
Processing > Meshing > Parts-Based Meshing" in the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ User Guide.

Cell Sets Now Compatible with AMR

In previous releases of Simcenter STAR-CCM+, cell sets were cleared during mesh adaption.

Cell set support has been added to Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) in the current release. If a cell belongs to
a cell set, all its child cells belong to the same cell set after cell refinement. If several cells are merged during
coarsening and some of them belong to cell sets, a resulting cell belongs to the cell set that represents the
largest volume of merged cells. If the largest volume is represented by cells in no cell set, the resulting cell is
not assigned to any cell set.

Morphing: Change to Default Morphing Method

For a morpher, the default setting of the Morpher Method property has been changed from RBF to BSpline.

Gradients Model: Changes to Properties

As part of the improvements of the Gradients physics model, the UI has been simplified due to the reduced
need for user intervention. Two new properties, Maximum Reconstruction Coefficient and Two Pass Velocity
Gradient, have been introduced as part of this improved ease of use. For more information about these
properties, see "New gradients hybridization scheme" in New Features and Enhancements.
At the same time, the following properties have been removed:

• Verbose
• Least-Squares Quality Criterion
• Flat Cells Curvature Criterion
• Cell Skewness Criterion
• Chevron-Cell Criterion
• Least-Squares Tensor Minimum Eigenvalues Ratio
• Normalized Flat Cells Curvature Factor


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• Maximum Safe (Positive) Skewness Angle (deg.)

• Minimum Unsafe (Positive) Skewness Angle (deg.)

Material Properties
Planned Removal of Anisotropic Material Property Specification Method

Four material properties—Thermal Conductivity, Electrical Conductivity, Permeability, and Permittivity—

make available the Anisotropic material property specification method in which a full matrix (3 x 3, that is, 9
components) can be specified for the material property coefficients. However, this full specification is
considered not to conform to real materials. A symmetric matrix specification (that is, 6 components) is
sufficient for a real material. This existing Anisotropic material property specification method has been
deprecated in version 2210 and is planned for removal from a future version.

As a replacement, a new Anisotropic material property specification method (with 6 components) has been
introduced for Thermal Conductivity in version 2210.
Planned Removal of "Anisotropic (Legacy)" Material Property Specification Method for Thermal

The Thermal Conductivity material property provides the Anisotropic (Legacy) material property
specification method. Using this Anisotropic (Legacy) method, a tensor profile is specified at the [Region] >
Physics Values level. This tensor profile can have various methods such as Axisymmetric Tensor, Composite
Symmetric Tensor, Composite Tensor, Isotropic Tensor, and Principal Tensor. This Anisotropic (Legacy)
material property specification method has been deprecated in version 2210 and is planned for removal from a
future version.

As a replacement, a new Region Scalar Profile material property specification method has been introduced for
the Thermal Conductivity material property in version 2210. This new method allows a scalar profile to be
specified at the [Region] > Physics Values level. This scalar profile has various specification methods such as
Constant, Field Function, Table (Iteration), Table (r), Table (Time), Table (x,y,z), Table (xyz, time), and
User Code.

Adjoint: Planned End of Boundary Parameter Sensitivity Report (2310)

The Boundary Parameter Sensitivity report has been deprecated starting from Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2210 and
is planned to be removed in version 2310.

Turbulence: Removal of High-Reynolds Number Spalart-Allmaras Model

The High-Reynolds Number Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model has been hidden (unavailable for selection)
since version 2022.1, and has been completely removed from the current release. It also cannot be activated
using Java macros.

If you restore a simulation file from a previous version of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ that had this model selected,
the model is deleted and replaced with the Standard Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and the All-y+ Wall
Treatment model. (The High-y+ Wall Treatment model has also been removed, as it was the dependent model
of the High-Reynolds Number Spalart-Allmaras model.) Simcenter STAR-CCM+ generates a warning message
about this model change.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Wall Distance: Change to AMG Linear Solver Default

The Wall Distance solver sub-node PDE Wall Distance > AMG Linear Solver has a new option for its
Acceleration Method property, Conjugate Gradient. This option is now the default setting.

Additionally, the Cycle Type property is now set by default to V Cycle.

When you use the current release to open a simulation file that was saved in a previous release, these
properties get updated to the new defaults.

Aeroacoustics: Planned End of Convective Option in Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (FW-H)

The Convective Acoustic Effects option in FW-H modeling has been deprecated starting in
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2020.2 and is planned for removal from a future version.

DFBI: Changes to Treatment of Initial Forces and Moments

In DFBI, the treatment of the initial forces and moments acting on a body has been changed. In previous
versions of Simcenter STAR-CCM+, initial forces and moments were zero, because typical applications used a
body release time or a ramp time, so that the initial forces and moments did not matter. To account for valid
setups without release time or ramp time, computation of initial forces and moments has been added in the
current release. Cases with body release time or ramp time will not be affected by this change. For all other
cases, only a minor influence on the results is expected.

Solid Stress
Changes to Interpolation Stencil Default for Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Interfaces

FSI interfaces, contact-based and boundary-based, now use the imprinted stencil type by default. Specifically,
for an affected interface, the Stencil Type property of the Physics Values > Interpolation Stencil sub-node has
had its default setting changed from Compact to Imprinted.

When restored in the current release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+, simulation files saved in previous versions
retain their original default settings.

Changes to Stopping Criteria Defaults

For Solid Stress, the stopping criteria Displacement Criterion and Force Criterion have had their default
settings for the Minimum Value property changed from 1e-14 to 1e-6.

When restored in the current release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+, simulation files saved in previous versions
retain their original default settings.

CAE Integration: Planned End of Support for Tecplot and Ensight File Formats
Support for Tecplot and Ensight file formats has been deprecated in version 2210 and is planned to be
removed in a future Simcenter STAR-CCM+ release.

Planned End of Support for GT-SUITE Versions 2017 and 2018 (2306)

Support for GT-SUITE Versions 2017 and 2018 is planned to be discontinued in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2306.

Removal and Planned End of WAVE Co-Simulation (2306)


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

WAVE Co-Simulation has been removed from the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ UI in the current release (only
available through macros) and is planned to be discontinued completely in version 2306.

Planned End of RELAP Coupling (2306)

RELAP Co-Simulation has been deprecated in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2210 and is planned to be removed in
version 2306.

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder: Reorganization of Objects

A variety of changes were made to objects used in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder. Many of these changes
involved removing "1" from the object name to prevent functional conflicts with other objects.

• All IVO/IVC and EVO/EVC reports have been removed due to redundancy.
• For consistency with other sets of parameters such as Max Skewness Angle 1 and Max Skewness Angle
2, the labels Min Cell Quality and Min Cell Quality 1 were switched between the report and the
parameter. In the current release Min Cell Quality is the report and Min Cell Quality 1 is the first
• Other renamed objects are listed in the following table. These new names, which are designed to avoid
functional conflicts with other objects, only apply to newly created objects. Simulations that were saved
in previous versions of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ have the old names restored.
Old Name New Name
Emission Measurement report Cyclic Quantity Measurement report
Piston Z field function Cylinder : Piston Z Equation field function


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Macro API Changes 2302

This section contains the changes to the macro API since the previous release of Simcenter STAR-CCM+.

Meshing: Removal of Region-Based Meshing

Region-based meshing has been removed. For details about specific changes in the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ UI,
see Meshing: Removal of Region-Based Meshing in Important Notes.
The recommended practice is to use parts-based meshing—see the section "Simcenter STAR-CCM+ > Pre-
Processing > Meshing > Parts-Based Meshing" in the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ User Guide.

Macro codes related to this feature have also changed.

Previous Release Current Release

public void // Deprecated; use instead:

ryPart> parts, public void
String regionMode, newRegionsFromParts(Collection<Geomet
Region region, ryPart> parts,
String boundaryMode, String regionMode,
Boundary boundary, Region region,
String featureCurveMode, String boundaryMode,
Object featureCurve, Boundary boundary,
CreateInterfaceMode CreateInterfaceMode
interfaceMode) interfaceMode)

public void // Deprecated; use instead:

ryPart> parts, public void
String regionMode, newRegionsFromParts(Collection<Geomet
String boundaryMode, ryPart> parts,
String featureCurveMode, String regionMode,
boolean createInterfaces) String boundaryMode,
boolean createInterfaces)

public void // Removed.

newRegionFromPart(GeometryPart part,
String boundaryMode,

public void newRegionsFromParts( public void newRegionsFromParts(

Collection<GeometryPart> parts, Collection<GeometryPart> parts,
String regionMode, String regionMode,
Region region, Region region,
String boundaryMode, String boundaryMode,
Boundary boundary, Boundary boundary,
String featureCurveMode, boolean createInterfaces)
FeatureCurve featureCurve,
boolean createInterfaces)


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Previous Release Current Release

FeatureCurve featureCurve_0 = // Deprecated. This code can still

((FeatureCurve) be called, but it has no effect.


PartCurve pc; // Removed.


Region r; // Removed.
r.setMeshContinuum(MeshContinuum mc);

Classes that are related to FeatureCurves, MeshContinuum, and MeshValueManager have been
removed. Many classes that end with Solver or Model have also been taken out. Below is a list of classes that
you might find in your macros that have been removed or altered:


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

• AbsoluteWakeRefinementDistance • MeshValueManager
• AbsoluteWakeRefinementSize • NumLayers
• AddEdgesToFeatureCurveAction • OneGroupContactPreventionSet
• AssignPartCurveToExistingFeatureCur • PartsMeshContinuum
veAction • PolyWakeRefinementSelectBoundariesA
• AssignPartCurveToFeatureCurveAction ction
• AssignPartCurveToNewFeatureCurveAct • PolyWakeRefinementSelectFeatureCurv
ion esAction
• AutomaticSurfaceRepair • PolyWakeRefinementSet
• BatteryMeshContinuum • PolyWakeRefinementSetManager
• BatteryMesherModel • PrismMesherModel
• BatteryMesherSolver • PrismMesherSolver
• BatteryResurfacerMeshingModel • PrismTypeValue
• BodyFittedMesherModel • RegionOption
• BodyFittedMesherSolver • RelativeWakeRefinementSize
• BodyfittedPrismStretchingOption • ResurfacerMeshingModel
• BodyfittedPrismThickness • ShellingExtrusionValues
• BodyfittedPrismWallThickness • ShellingMesherModel
• BodyfittedVolumeSourceDualMesherSiz • SimpleTemplateGrowthRate
eOption • SolidMesherModel
• BodyfittedVolumeSourcePrismsOption • SolidMesherModelBase
• BooleanOperateRegionsAction • SolidMesherRegionOption
• BoundaryOption • SolidMesherSolver
• CombineFeatureCurvesAction • SolidMesherSubModel
• ContactPreventionSelectBoundariesAc • SolutionInterpolationOption
tion • SplitBoundariesByFeatureCurvesActio
• ContactPreventionSet n
• ContactPreventionSetManager • SplitBoundaryByFacesAction
• CreateFeatureEdgesAction • SplitBoundaryByPatchAction
• CustomSimpleSurfaceGrowthRate • SplitNonContiguousFeatureCurvesActi
• CustomSurfaceGrowthRateOption on
• CustomTwoLevelTemplateSurfaceGrowth • SplitRegionsBySurfaceTopologyAction
Rate • StartSurfaceMeshRepairAction
• DelaunayMesherModel • SubtractRegionsAction
• DelaunayMesherSolver • SurfaceCurvatureOption
• DualMesherModel • SurfaceImporter
• DualMesherSolver • SurfaceProximityOption
• EditFeatureCurveAction • SurfaceRepFeatureCurve
• ExtrudeBoundaryCoordinateValues • SurfaceRepFeatureCurveManager
• ExtrudeBoundaryNonNormalValues • SurfaceSizeRatio
• ExtrudeBoundaryNormalValues • SurfaceWrapperMeshingModel
• ExtrudeBoundaryOption • SurfaceWrapperSolver
• ExtrudeBoundaryValues • ThinSolidLayers
• ExtruderModel • ThinSolidThickness

ExtruderSolver • TrimmerAnisotropicSizeOption 48

• FeatureCurveEditor • TrimmerMeshingModel
• FeatureCurvePartCurveGroup
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Simulation Operations: Change to Solve Normal Modes Operation

Due to restructuring, macro codes for the Solve Normal Modes simulation operation have changed.

Previous Release Current Release

import import
star.modalharmonic.SolveNormalModesAu star.solidstress.SolveNormalModesAuto
tomationBlock; mationBlock;

public class NormalModesSimOpSetup public class NormalModesSimOpSetup

extends NormalModesSetup { extends NormalModesSetup {

public void ModalAnalysisSolve() public void ModalAnalysisSolve()

{ {

Simulation simulation_0 = Simulation simulation_0 =

getActiveSimulation(); getActiveSimulation();

SimDriverWorkflow SimDriverWorkflow
simDriverWorkflow_0 = simDriverWorkflow_0 =
((SimDriverWorkflow) ((SimDriverWorkflow)
simulation_0.get(SimDriverWorkflowMan simulation_0.get(SimDriverWorkflowMan
ager.class).createSimDriverWorkflow(" ager.class).createSimDriverWorkflow("
Simulation Operations 1")); Simulation Operations 1"));

eBlock("star.modalharmonic.SolveNorma simDriverWorkflow_0.getBlocks().creat
lModesAutomationBlock", "Solve eBlock("star.solidstress.SolveNormalM
Normal Modes"); odesAutomationBlock", "Solve Normal

ager.class).setSelectedWorkflow(simDr simulation_0.get(SimDriverWorkflowMan
iverWorkflow_0); ager.class).setSelectedWorkflow(simDr

} simDriverWorkflow_0.execute();
} }

Morphing: Change to Default Morphing Method

For a morpher, the default setting of the Morpher Method property has been changed from RBF to BSpline.

This affects the macro code, depending on which default you prefer.

• If you want to retain RBF as the default method, update your macros as shown below.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Previous Release Current Release

MorphingMotion morphingMotion_0 = MorphingMotion morphingMotion_0 =

_sim.get(MotionManager.class).creat _sim.get(MotionManager.class).creat
eMotion(MorphingMotion.class, eMotion(MorphingMotion.class,
"Morphing"); "Morphing");
RbfMorpherParameters morphingMotion_0.getMorpherMethodOp
rbfMorpherParameters_0 = tion().setSelected(MorpherMethodOpt
morphingMotion_0.getRbfMorpherParam ion.Type.RBF);
eters(); RbfMorpherParameters
rbfMorpherParameters_0 =
rbfMorpherParameters_0.setAutomatic morphingMotion_0.getRbfMorpherParam
Thinout(false); eters();

• Alternatively, to use the new default B-Spline morpher, update your macros as follows using the relevant
settings object (instead of RbfMorpherParameters).
Previous Release Current Release

MorphingMotion morphingMotion_0 = MorphingMotion morphingMotion_0 =

_sim.get(MotionManager.class).creat _sim.get(MotionManager.class).creat
eMotion(MorphingMotion.class, eMotion(MorphingMotion.class,
"Morphing"); "Morphing");
RbfMorpherParameters // B-Spline is used by default
rbfMorpherParameters_0 = here. But we need to grab the
morphingMotion_0.getRbfMorpherParam relevant settings object.
eters(); BsplineMorpherParameters
bsplineMorpherParameters_0 =
rbfMorpherParameters_0.setAutomatic morphingMotion_0.getBsplineMorpherP
Thinout(false); arameters();

Material Properties: Deprecation of Anisotropic Material Property Specification

The material property specification methods Anisotropic and Anisotropic (Legacy) have been deprecated in
version 2210 and are planned for removal from a future version. For details about these methods and the
planned replacements, see Material Properties in Important Notes.

If any of your existing macros use the deprecated material property methods (9 Anisotropic components for
Thermal Conductivity, Electrical Conductivity, Permeability, Permittivity, or Anisotropic (Legacy) for Thermal
Conductivity), search for instances of following strings and update them as shown in the following table:

Previous Release Current Release

AnisotropicElectricalConductivityMethod FullTensorElectricalConductivityMethodW
WithValues ithValues
AnisotropicPermeabilityMethodWithValues FullTensorPermeabilityMethodWithValues
AnisotropicPermittivityMethodWithValues FullTensorPermittivityMethodWithValues
AnisotropicThermalConductivityMethodWit FullTensorThermalConductivityMethodWith
hValues Values


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Previous Release Current Release

AnisotropicThermalConductivityMethod FullTensorLegacyThermalConductivityMeth

Electromagnetism: Changes Due to Extension of Feature Curve Selection

Due to the added capability of supporting multiple parts curves, related macro code has changed.

Previous Release Current Release

import import
star.electromagnetism.common.LocalDir star.electromagnetism.common.LocalDir
ectionFieldFeatureCurveFlipOption; ectionFieldFlipOption;
import import
star.electromagnetism.common.LocalDir star.electromagnetism.common.LocalDir
ectionFieldFeatureCurveMethod; ectionFieldPartCurveMethod;_

LocalDirectionFieldFeatureCurveMethod LocalDirectionFieldPartCurveMethod
method = method =
regionCoilB.getValues().get(LocalDire regionCoilB.getValues().get(LocalDire
ctionFieldProfile.class).getMethod(Lo ctionFieldProfile.class).getMethod(Lo
calDirectionFieldFeatureCurveMethod.c calDirectionFieldPartCurveMethod.clas
lass); s);
method.getFlipOption().setSelected(Lo method.getFlipOption().setSelected(Lo
calDirectionFieldFeatureCurveFlipOpti calDirectionFieldFlipOption.FORWARD);
localDirectionFieldDirection_0.getDir ectionOption().setSelected(LocalDirec
ectionOption().setSelected(LocalDirec tionFieldFlipOption.Type.RETURN);

Battery Modeling: Changes to Workflow

The introduction of Battery Thermal Runaway has changed the workflow of battery modeling in
Simcenter STAR-CCM+, resulting in changes to the macro code.

• star.battery.EquivalentCircuitBatteryCell has been renamed to

Previous Release Current Release

EquivalentCircuitBatteryCell UserDefinedBatteryCell
equivalentCircuitBatteryCell_0 = equivalentCircuitBatteryCell_0 =
((EquivalentCircuitBatteryCell) ((UserDefinedBatteryCell)
batteryTool_0.getCells().getBattery batteryTool_0.getCells().getBattery
CellBase("Equivalent Circuit CellBase("User Defined Battery
Battery Cell")); Cell"));

• In the previous release, EquivalentCircuitBatteryCell contains an RCR model by default. In the

current release, UserDefinedBatteryCell contains no models by default. The RCR model needs to be


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Previous Release Current Release

batteryTool_0.getCells().createUserDe UserDefinedBatteryCell
finedBatteryCell(); equivalentCircuitBatteryCell_0 =


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder: Reorganization of Objects

A variety of changes were made to objects used in Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder. Many of these changes
involved removing "1" from the object name to prevent functional conflicts with other objects. For details
about specific changes in the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-cylinder UI, see Simcenter STAR-CCM+ In-Cylinder:
Reorganization of Objects in Important Notes.

As a consequence of this reorganization, related macro codes have also changed:

• The names of the QuickPart definitions have changed such that they match the initial QuickPart name.
Update the names accordingly in your macros. For example,
getQuickPartDefinition("CustomCylinderDef 1") must now be
• Any name that does not follow the object : quantity format must be manually updated.
• Switch the names Min Cell Quality and Min Cell Quality 1 wherever they appear.
• The following Java classes have been removed, so any imports of them in macros must also be removed:


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

CAD Packages Support

This section contains a list of supported CAD Clients, the CAD import versions, and the CAD export versions.

CAD Packages for CAD Clients

When installing CAD Clients, the target CAD package must be present on the installation machine. Without
this, you can force the installation of a particular sub-component, but there is no guarantee that this will work
correctly with your CAD package. The following CAD packages are required to run the CAD Clients:
CAD Client CAD Package Version Comments
Simcenter CATIA V5-6R2019 (R29) An additional ME2 or MD2 + GPS configuration license is
STAR-CCM+ CATIA V5-6R2020 (R30) required from Dassault Systemes to run Simcenter STAR-CCM+
Client for Client for CATIA V5.
CATIA V5-6R2021 (R31)
Simcenter NX 12.0/Simcenter 3D * For these versions you can use the batch version of NX or
STAR-CCM+ 12.0* Simcenter 3D on Linux in conjunction with Simcenter STAR-CCM
Client for NX NX 1847/Simcenter 3D +.
NX 1872/Simcenter 3D
NX 1899/Simcenter 3D
NX 1926/Simcenter 3D
NX 1953/Simcenter 3D
NX 1980/Simcenter 3D
NX 2007/Simcenter 3D
NX 2206/Simcenter 3D
NX 2212/Simcenter 3D
Simcenter Creo Parametric 4.0
STAR-CCM+ Creo Parametric 5.0
Client for Creo
Creo Parametric 6.0
Creo Parametric 7.0
Creo Parametric 8.0


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

CAD Client CAD Package Version Comments

Simcenter Inventor 2019
STAR-CCM+ Inventor 2020
Client for
Inventor 2021
Inventor 2022

CAD Import Versions

CAD File Formats for HOOPS Exchange
CAD import is available on all platforms. The supported file formats and corresponding version numbers are
given below. The table below shows the supported CAD file formats for HOOPS Exchange.
File Format File Extensions Versions Supported Add-on Required Type of Import
CATIA V4 .model, .exp, .sessio Up to 4.2.5 CAD Exchange Triangulated Data,
n B-rep
CATIA V5 .CATPart, .CATProdu Up to V5-6R2021 CAD Exchange Triangulated Data,
ct, .cgr B-rep
CATIA V6 / .3dxml Up to V5-6R2019 CAD Exchange Triangulated Data
3DExperience (R29)
SolidWorks .sldprt, .sldasm Up to 2021 CAD Exchange Triangulated Data,
JT Open .jt Up to v10.5 JTOpen Reader & Triangulated Data,
CAD Exchange B-rep
NX .prt Up to 1980 CAD Exchange Triangulated Data,
Solid Edge .par, .asm Up to 2021 CAD Exchange Triangulated Data,
Parasolid .x_t, .x_b, Up to 33.1 None B-rep
Pro/E - Creo .asm, .prt Pro/E 19.0 to Creo 8 CAD Exchange Triangulated Data,
Inventor .ipt, .iam Up to 2022 CAD Exchange Triangulated Data,
IGES .igs, .iges 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 None B-rep
STEP .stp, .step AP 203 E1/E2, AP None B-rep
214, AP 242
Stereo Lithography .stl All versions None Triangulated Data
VDA-FS .vda 1.0, 2.0 CAD Exchange B-rep
Rhino 3D .3dm Up to 7 CAD Exchange Triangulated Data,
ACIS .sat, .sab Up to 2021 1.0 CAD Exchange Triangulated Data,


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

CAD File Formats for Siemens Adapter

The table below shows the supported CAD file formats for Siemens Adapter.
File Format File Extensions Versions Supported Add-on Required Type of Import
ACIS .sat, .sab Up to 2021 1.0 CAD Exchange B-rep
Autodesk Inventor .ipt, .iam Up to 2022 CAD Exchange B-rep
CATIA V4 .model Up to 4.2.5 CAD Exchange B-rep
CATIA V5 .CATPart, .CATProdu Up to V5-6R2022 CAD Exchange B-rep
ct, .CGR (R32)
CATIA .3DXML Up to R2022x CAD Exchange B-rep
Creo - Pro/E .prt, .asm Up to Creo 9 CAD Exchange B-rep
IFC .ifc IFC2x3, IFC4 CAD Exchange B-rep
IGES .igs, .iges 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 None B-rep
JT .jt Up to None B-rep
Solid Edge .par, .asm Windows up to 2020 None B-rep
Linux — no support
Solid Works .sldprt, .sldasm Up to 2022 CAD Exchange B-rep
STEP .stp, .step AP 203, AP 214, AP None B-rep
NX .prt Up to NX2212 None B-rep

CAD Export Versions

CAD export is available on all platforms. 3D-CAD supports exporting to the following file formats.

File Format File Extensions Versions Supported Add-on Required Type of Export
Parasolid .x_t, .x_b 33.00.181 None B-rep
IGES .igs, .iges 5.3 CAD Exchange B-rep
STEP .stp, .step AP 203 E1/E2, AP None B-rep
214, AP 242


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

External Packages Support

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ can interact with a range of third-party software tools, either by importing their meshes
and data, exporting to their formats, or through co-simulation.

Third-Party Software
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ supports the following packages:
Package Provider Supported Versions Import Export File- Co-
Based Simulat
Couplin ion[1]
Abaqus SIMULIA-Dassault All ✓ ✓[2] ✓
Systemes 2021 ✓
2020 (recommended)
Simcenter Amesim Siemens Digital 2019.2 (recommended) - - - ✓
Industries 2019.1
Software 17
ANSYS ANSYS Inc. All ✓[3] ✓[2] ✓
Simcenter Battery Siemens Digital 2302 ✓ - - -
Design Studio Industries
Ensight ANSYS Inc. 10.1 (recommended) ✓ ✓[4] - -
FieldView FieldView CFD 15 - ✓[4] - -
gPROMS Process Systems gPROMS - ✓[4] ✓ -
Enterprise Limited FormulatedProducts 2.0
- A Siemens gPROMS ModelBuilder 7.0
gPROMS ProcessBuilder 2.0
GT-SUITE Gamma 2019 (recommended) - - - ✓
Technologies Inc. 2018
JMAG JSOL Corporation JSOL defines the JMAG ✓
versions that are supported
Simcenter Siemens Digital 2021.2 and 2022.1 ✓
MotorSolve Industries


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Package Provider Supported Versions Import Export File- Co-

Based Simulat
Couplin ion[1]
Simcenter Nastran Siemens Digital All ✓[3] ✓[2] ✓
Industries 2020.1-1915 ✓
Software 2020.2-1938
MSC Nastran MSC Software All ✓[3] ✓[2] ✓ -
TAITherm ThermoAnalytics All ✓ ✓[2] ✓ -
(Formerly known Inc.
as RadTherm)
RELAP5-3D Idaho National 4.1.3[5] - - ✓
Simcenter SPEED Siemens Digital 2302 ✓ - - -
Tecplot 360 Tecplot Inc. 2015 ✓[4] - -

1 Currently, co-simulation does not support host specification using the IPv6 communication protocol
2 Exports solution data, but not the mesh
3 There is no version restriction on the files to import
4 Exports mesh and solution data
5 Specially modified version; must be obtained from INL.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Known Issues

This section contains a list of known issues that may occur in special circumstances. None of the issues affect
the validity of the results that you obtain with Simcenter STAR-CCM+.

In the following topics, the symbol is used to identify issues that are new in this release. Only issues
where resolution is related to a third-party product or system provider, and is outside of our control, are listed

A number of these issues pertain to Message Passing Interfaces (MPIs). For more information about MPIs, see
"Supported MPI Implementations" in the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ User Guide.

Issues Relevant to All Operating Systems
Issues Relevant to Linux
Issues Relevant to Windows
Issues Relevant to the CAD Clients

Issues Relevant to All Operating Systems

This section contains a list of known issues that affect Simcenter STAR-CCM+ on all operating systems.

Intel Xe Found to Cause Display Issues

Scalar displays have been observed to appear incorrect on Windows systems using Intel Xe / Intel Iris Xe
graphics. This issue has been attributed to the drivers that are currently supplied with Intel Xe graphics (part of
recent Intel CPUs as well as dedicated GPUs). At the time of writing, desktop and mobile computers with Intel
Core processors using their integrated Intel XE graphics units may be affected. This applies to the 11th, 12th,
and 13th processor generations, that is, Intel Core i(3/5/7)-(11/12/13)XXXX.

The situation on Linux regarding this issue is unknown.

As a remedy, switch the Contour Style property of the scalar displayer to Filled or Smooth Filled.

MPI 3-Compliant MPIs Strongly Recommended for Flamelet Tables in Parallel

In a reacting flow simulation, when you generate a flamelet table in parallel and run the simulation with such a
table, it is recommended that you use an MPI that implements the newer MPI 3 standard. Older MPIs that do
not implement this standard, or MPIs with an erroneous implementation, have been found to require
significantly more memory during parallel table generation. From the MPIs distributed with
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ this only affects MS MPI on Windows. Both Open MPI and Intel MPI distributed with
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ can benefit from the memory savings.

Limitation of Co-Simulation with Certain Versions of Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ supports co-simulation with Simcenter Nastran with versions 2020.1 - 1915 , 2020.2 -
1938 , and 2021.1 - 1965. However, co-simulation with Simcenter Nastran 2020.2 - 1938 gives overdamped
behavior and 2021.1 - 1965 gives wrong displacements when the solid model is solved in the local coordinate


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

system. Hence it is recommended to use Simcenter Nastran version 2020.1 - 1915 for co-simulation in such

MPI Issues Found with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ to Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Co-Simulation

Issues have been observed when MPI applications are used to spawn a second parallel Simcenter STAR-CCM+
simulation from an existing parallel simulation.

You are advised to use Resource Manager for this type of co-simulation. See the section "Running a Co-
Simulation Using Resource Manager" in the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ User Guide.

Custom Display Scaling Not Supported in Current Release

In the current release, it is recommended that you avoid using your system display settings for scaling
Simcenter STAR-CCM+. Issues have been observed such as blurry fonts, incorrectly registered mouse clicks, and
the inability to select objects in a scene display.
To prevent scaling of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ in Linux, add -jvmargs -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1.0 to the
command line.

To change the size of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ client fonts, see either of the following:

• All platforms: "Changing the Workspace Font Size" in the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ User Guide
• Windows 10: Preventing Windows from Scaling Simcenter STAR-CCM+

AVX-512 Optimizations on Newer Intel CPUs Can Lead to Spurious Numerical Failures
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ finite element solvers and some meshing modules depend on the Intel Math Kernel
Library (MKL) for performance-critical linear algebra subroutines. The AVX-512 optimizations inside the MKL
library can be too aggressive and cause the linear system solution process to fail even for a valid input.

If your system has an AVX-512 capable Intel CPU and the solver fails to produce a result due to a floating point
exception, you can try setting the environment variable MKL_ENABLE_INSTRUCTIONS to a value of AVX2.
This setting can help to stabilize the system. For example:
• C shell (csh or tcsh): setenv MKL_ENABLE_INSTRUCTIONS AVX2

This setting configures the MKL library to avoid optimizations that are only appropriate for architectures more
recent than Intel AVX2. For more details, see

Hyperthreading Should be Disabled on Systems Running Simcenter STAR-CCM+

Siemens Digital Industries Software currently recommends that you disable hyperthreading on systems that
will be used to run Simcenter STAR-CCM+. For front-end nodes running only Simcenter STAR-CCM+ clients,
hyperthreading is not expected to have any adverse effects.

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ May Not Run in Conjunction with Synergy

There are reports of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ failing to launch on platforms that use Synergy to share a mouse
and keyboard between platforms. This is due to an open bug in the Java JDK, as reported on the JDK Bug


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

XWindows Can Cause Problems

If you use XWindows software, especially on Windows, to "display" a Simcenter STAR-CCM+ client back to the
local machine from a remote machine, various problems may occur, such as the remote client not starting
correctly or at all. This method of working is not supported by Simcenter STAR-CCM+. You must run the client
directly on your local machine and connect to a remote Simcenter STAR-CCM+ server.

Zero-Sized Files in Some NFS Systems

In some newer NFS systems, if the disk becomes full while you are saving a simulation file, a zero-sized
simulation file is written to the disk. No error message appears.

Issues Relevant to Linux

This section contains a list of known issues that affect Simcenter STAR-CCM+ on Linux operating systems.

Compatibility Issue with AMD CPUs Based on Zen 3 Microarchitecture

Compatibility issues have been found between the AMD CPUs based on the Zen 3 microarchitecture, such as
the AMD EPYC Milan CPU family, and the currently supported version of the OpenSWR Mesa driver. If you are
using this type of CPU, you are advised to launch Simcenter STAR-CCM+ with the argument -graphics mesa
(at the cost of graphics performance).

UCX 1.8.0 with Special User-Defined Settings Can Lead to Silent Data Corruption
UCX version 1.8.0 has a bug that may cause data corruption when the TCP transport is used in conjunction
with the shared memory transport. In Simcenter STAR-CCM+ with default settings, UCX 1.8.0 is only used in
parallel runs on Mellanox InfiniBand systems predating ConnectX-4 (see Client-Server Setup > Working With
Parallel Servers > Supported MPI Implementations > Using UCX in the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ User Guide), so
this issue may only occur when special user settings are applied to force the use of UCX 1.8.0 with the affected

During simulation startup, an attempt is made to detect user settings potentially triggering this bug. When
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ does detect such settings, it generates a warning in the Output window.

Libraries Required with Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Client for NX on Linux

To run Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Client for NX on Linux, supported versions of NX must be accompanied by the
installation of the following runtime libraries:


Without these libraries, an error message appears when an attempt is made to update the geometry.

Latest Workspace Fonts May Require Anti-Aliasing

On some Linux systems, the latest Simcenter STAR-CCM+ workspace fonts have had issues such as blurriness.
The workaround is to activate font anti-aliasing in your operating system settings.

The following example is a workaround for activating anti-aliasing in KDE. It is offered only as an example for a
particular operating system. For instructions on your operating system, refer to its user documentation.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

1. Launch KDE settings.

2. Under Look & Feel, click Appearance.
3. Navigate to Fonts.
4. Next to Use Anti-Aliasing, choose Enabled from the drop-down box.

Line Integral Convolution Does Not Work Properly with Intel Graphics Chipsets on
Vector scenes that are set to display Line Integral Convolution (LIC) do not render properly on Intel graphics
chipsets. This is due to issues with the Intel graphics driver. As a result, LIC is disabled on Intel graphics chipsets
on Linux.

lmutil: "command not found" Error

On Linux platforms not conforming to the minimum LSB 3.0 (Linux Standard Base) requirement, a command
not found error may appear when attempting to launch lmutil for the FLEXlm licensing. If this occurs, you must
upgrade to LSB 3.0 or higher.

Minimized Dialogs on OpenSUSE

There is a reported issue with OpenSUSE 11.2 where a Simcenter STAR-CCM+ child dialog that is minimized
cannot be immediately reinstated. In this instance, you must first minimize the whole Simcenter STAR-CCM+
GUI, and then maximize it again using the tab in the task bar. The child dialog should reappear after this

Shared Memory Limits Too Low

Linux workstations are often configured with low limits on the amount of allowable shared memory. This
restricts how much memory can be pinned by the libraries that MPI uses. These libraries can print warning
messages even when only using a single host and they usually indicate the limits are set too low-even if the
library isn't being used. Some example error messages are displayed below:
• Open MPI:

The OpenIB BTL failed to initialize while trying to allocate some locked
This typically can indicate that the memlock limits are set too low.
For most HPC installations, the memlock limits should be set to

The failure occurred here:

OMPI source: btl_opebib.c:114
Function: ibv_create_cq()
Device: Out of memory
Memlock limit: 32767

The Open MPI Frequently Asked Questions describe how the limits are changed. See the answer to How
can a system administrator (or user) change locked memory limits?.

To resolve these types of issues, set workstations to have high (or preferably unlimited) limits.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Viewer Fails to Run If Required Libraries Are Not Found
In the current release, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Viewer requires the following libraries:

• xkbcommon and xkbcommon-x11—these are standard system libraries that are typically already
• GNU C library version 2.12 or greater
• GIMP Toolkit (GTK+) version 2.20 or greater

If Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Viewer cannot detect these versions, it generates an error message.

If you have these versions installed on your machine and you still get this error, it may be that your
xkbcommon and GTK+ libraries are installed in a location other than the global packages location.
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Viewer expects to find these libraries in the global packages location, typically /usr.

If you installed GTK+ version 2.20 or greater in a different location:

• Add the path to your pkgconfig directory to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable. An example bash shell
command is shown below:


• Add the path to your lib directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. An example bash shell command
is shown below:


Similarly, if you installed the xkbcommon libraries in a different location, add the path to your lib directory to
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. An example bash shell command is shown below:


Issues Relevant to Windows

This section contains a list of known issues that affect Simcenter STAR-CCM+ on Windows operating systems.

Windows Update KB4598291 Required for Users of Windows 10 Versions 2004 and
Microsoft has made available a patch, KB4598291, to fix an error in Windows 10 Versions 2004 and 20H2. For
reliable use on Windows of Simcenter STAR-CCM+, especially in parallel, you are advised to make sure your
system includes this fix.

For details, see the page on Microsoft's Support site.

Some Scene/Plot Exports Fail on Windows When Output Points to Linux Network Folder
When using Simcenter STAR-CCM+ on Windows, if you attempt to export certain data from a scene (hardcopy
image) or a plot (hardcopy image or .csv file) to a location on a Linux host that is mapped to your Windows
drive via Samba sharing, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ generates a message that the selected location is "not
writable". This occurs even when you have full write permission on the Samba drive.

In this situation, it is recommended that you export such files to your local Windows drive.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Exiting Some Screenshot Tools Causes Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Client Exception

When you take screenshots with software such as the Windows 7 Snipping Tool or SnagIt, the
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ client may undergo a fatal error after you exit the screenshot tool. Such an error can
also occur when you reactivate Simcenter STAR-CCM+ after exiting the screenshot tool.

To prevent this error, do one of the following:

• Manually activate an application other than Simcenter STAR-CCM+ before closing the screenshot tool.
You can then switch to Simcenter STAR-CCM+ from the third application without causing the fatal error.
• Minimize the screenshot tool but leave it running.

Context-Sensitive Help Not Compatible with Microsoft Edge

When using Microsoft Edge as the default browser, help pages do not open at the correct location when you
press F1 for a selected node in the simulation tree. To avoid this issue, use an alternative browser such as
Firefox or Google Chrome.

Internet Explorer May Block Access to the Help System

When using Internet Explorer to access the User Guide, you may see the following message:

To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from
showing active content that could access your computer.

You can then click for the option to Allow Blocked Content, which will then produce a Security Warning that

Allowing active content such as script and ActiveX controls can be useful, but
active content might also harm your computer.
Are you sure you want to let this file run active content?

To allow this content to run without getting blocked please follow these steps:
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Go to the Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab.
3. Scroll down to the section labeled Security.
4. Activate the Allow active content to run in files on My Computer option.
5. Click OK and then close the Internet Options window.

Warnings About Network Access

If you have a personal firewall (for example, Norton Internet Services) that is set up to warn you about network
access from your computer, you may get warnings about an IP address being accessed on port 47827. This is
caused by the session locator sending a multicast query looking for Simcenter STAR-CCM+ servers on your local

When the client is started without a specified simulation file (the default when Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is started
via the Start > [programs menu] > Siemens Simcenter STAR-CCM+ > Simcenter STAR-CCM+ [version
number] [(build number)] menu on Windows 10), the session locator is started (in case you are attempting to
connect to a running server). If you then open a simulation file or connect to a running server, the session
locator stops. It restarts if you go to the Servers tab in the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ explorer window.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes

Open that port to prevent the warning, or if you are running from the command line, the -loc argument
prevents the session locator starting.

Issues Relevant to the CAD Clients

This section contains known issues that affect the CAD Clients.

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Installer Chooses to Install NX Components Even Though NX is

not Installed
On a machine where NX has been installed and subsequently removed, the Simcenter STAR-CCM+ installer
may choose to install the NX components even though the CAD software is no longer present. This is due to
the NX uninstaller not removing all relevant information from the Windows registry.


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2302.0001 | Release Notes


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ makes use of several third party software components to provide certain features within
its code.

For details about the licensing of these components, refer to the file ReadMe_OSS.html which is included in
the root installation directory of Simcenter STAR-CCM+: 18.02.###/STAR-CCM+18.02.###.



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