McGraw Transit Directory
McGraw Transit Directory
McGraw Transit Directory
McGraw transit
Copyright, 1920
McGraw -Hill Company, Inc.
Directory of
Electric Railway
in United States,
Canada and Mexico
[ AUGUST, 1920 ]
THin this Directory has been correct
ed up to July, 1920.
Act ... ..Acting Habkn ...Haberkon Engine Quak. City .....Quaker City
Adjr ... .Adjuster Ham . .Hamilton
a.c....... alternating current 11. & T..... HardieHar
& ris
Tynes Recur.
on Rel
Allis - C .. Allis Chalmers Co. Har .. . .Reliance
Am .......American Engine Ha- el . Haseltine
A & R ...Abendroth & Root Haz .. Hazelton Ridg.
Ried . Ridgway
A & T ...Aultman & Taylor H. B. & M .... Harrisburg Robb -M .... Robb -Mumford
Asst . ... Assistant Boiler & Mfg . Roch . Rochester
Atlas or Lyons-Atlas.. Lyons H. F. & M. Harrisburg rot.....
Atlas Co. Foundry & Mche Rus. .Russell
Herc . ..Hercules R. & S. Rice & Sargent
b . boiler Hol .. ... Holyoke
Bab . & W. .Babcock & H. O. & R..Hooven , Owens Sec ...
Wilcox & Rentschler .Secretary
C ... .Sioux City
Ball .. .Ball Engine Co.bp .. .horse-power S.
Schof . .Schofeld
Brmghm . ..Birmingham Ht. Heat
Bckye. ..Buckeye H. S. & G ...Houston ,Stan- Schuy .. .Schuyler
Big .. ..Bigelow wood & Gamble S. F. & M .......Southw
Brnl. . Brownell H. & P....Hewes & Phillips Skinr Foundry & Mche.
Bull . ..Bullock Skinner
B. & M.Bellis & Morcom ,Ltd. Smith..S .Morgan Smith Co.
B. & W .Ball & Wood Kendall..Kendall Boiler Co. Snow ....Snow Steam Pump
Kew ....Kewanee Boiler Co. Works
C. & C ........ C. & C. Ch ief
K.a& K..Knowlson & Kelley Stewart... Stewart Boiler Co.
Ch . .. .
Kv ...kilovolt ampere sid ..... sidings
kw .. ......kilowatt ... ..single phase
Chm ........ : Chairman
Spgf.. .Springfield
Boiler L.
Chatt...Chattanooga Works Lake Erie Supt. .Superintendent
E Std . Standard
Com . Commercial L. & B. ...Lane & Bodley Stew ...
Comm . Committ ee Leb . Stewart
.Lebanon Stir. .Stirling
Com . Mgr ... .Commercial Lef . ... Leffel St. L .... St. Louis
Manager Lt......
cony ...... .Converter Ltg .: ...Lights. Line ........Straight Line
..Lighting stm . turb . steam tarbino
Cor .. Corliss Lomb . Lomba rd Sturt ... ..Sturtevant
Ca -R . Cahill Roberts
Bub. sta ... sub . station
Cpr ......... C . & G. Cooper Man .Manning S. & H ....Siemens & Halske
C.G.E ...Canadian Gen.Elec .
C.- W ......Crocker-Wheeler Mgr. Manager S.- W .... ... Struthers -Wells
c . & H .....Casey & Hedges McE .
Cunningham McEwen transf .....
Cungh . McI. & S. . Transformer
McIntosh & trans... ...... Transmission
cyo ... ....cycles Seymour Treas .. ... Treasurer
d.c............ direct current Mil . :Milwaukee - H ....
.Minneapolis T.
T.& R .
.... Thomson -Houston
Det ... ... Detroit Minpl . ..Taylor & Riley
M. Ñ
D. & C ...... Dick & Church mo ...... .. Maste r Mechanic Tri. . Triumph Elec .Co.
distrbn .. distribution ....motor T. C .... Twin City
m . t.. ...main track tot .. total
Mur .....
Murray Iron Works turb ... turbine
Edge. .Edg..engine
e Moor Musk . .Muskegon
Elec . Electric U. E. I...... United Electric
Elecn ... Electrician Natl .
.National Improvement Co.
Engr . .Engineer N.B. .New Britain
Erie City .. ..Erie City Iron N.H. New Haven V. Pres ...... Vice- President
Works Nord . ..Nordberg Vil.....
exc Exciter Northn .. Vilter
Northern Elec .
W. & W. 600 kw . turb. ( stm .) G. E ;. C. Energy purchased from Pacific Gas &
trolley volt. 600 v. Electric Co .; trolley volt. 550 v.
Power sta , and repair shops at Tusca Repair shops at 1310 E. Washington St. ,
loosa .
Reaches Riverview Park (owned ). Phoenix .
Reaches East Lake Park .
15 mller
(Co.; 4-844 ; 5 motorlighting
does ggeneral and 17 other
care. and 82.5 miles ; 4-8% g ; 29 motor pass and
* 50
19+ 1 work car .
power business . )
VOLANTA . TUOSON. 16,756 (1916)
(See No. 10.) 19— Tucson Rapid Transit Co ,
Omce Tucson
, . ( Controlled by Federal
WHISTLER . 3,482. Lt. & Trac. Co., New York, N. Y.)
(See No. 9.) Pres . E , N. Sanderron ..
60 Broadway , New York, N.Y.
V. Pres . & Treas. 16 10
J. Dunhill .....
ALASKA . Sec . E.K.H.D'Aeth "
Mgr. Frank E. Russell .. Tucson
THANE. Gen. Supt. & Ch.Engr. , C. H.Nichols ,
16 - Thane Perseveranco Railway 60 Broadwa y , New York , N.Y.
(Formerly Alaska Gastinea Mining Co. ) Energy purchased from Tucron Gas &
--Ofice, Thane. (Operates 1 passenger Elec. Lt. & Pwr. Co ; 2 d , c. West. tot.
train daily between Thane and Perse. 500 kw.; trolley volt. 550 v.
verance ; road used chiefly for ore haul- Repair shops at Tucson .
age. ) 5 mlles ; 4-842 8 ; 9 motor pass cars. 700
Gen. Mgr. G.T. Jackson ... Junea
Par. Agt. Leonard Guy ... Thane
WARREN. 694 .
Supt. of Transp . Wm . G. Carlberg .
M. M. , L. M. Stevenson 80 -Warren Company , (Operating
Ch . Engr. W. A. Tolch .... Warren - Biebee Ry . - Office, Warren .
Engr. Ovhd . Constr. W. A. Fleek .. (Connect: Warren , Bakervilla, Lowell ,
Power sta . on Salmon Creek ; trolley Johnson Addition and Bisbee . )
volt . 500 v . Pres. & Gen. Mgr. G. H. Dowell ..Warren
1 sub. sta . cap. 600 kw ; 2-300 kw, rot. V. Pres . C. I. Knapp . ............. OG
conv. 60 cys. 600 v. d. c. Sec . J. E. Curry .
Repairshops at Thane. Troas, & Audr.
5.26 miles : 3 g : 3 18 -ton Baldwin West . H. B. Baull . New York , N.Y.
locos. and 2 6 -ton G. E. locos; 2 trail Supt. J. G. Cowen . Warren
pasg. and 110 other cars. 60 Claim Agt. M. E. Caseidy . Bisbeo
Pur. Agt. John B. Rawlings ... Warren
Ch . Engr . D. M. Rait .
ARIZONA . M. M. W. E. McKee ...
Energy purchased from Calumet &
BISBEE . 9,019. Arizona Mining Co. , trans, volt. 2900 v.;
( See No. 20.) trolley volt. 550 v.
Reaches and owns Vista Park and Ball
DOUGLAS. 8,000 (1914). Park in Warren ,
8.7 miles; 4-84 8 ; 8 pass, and 1 work
17 - Douglas Traction & Lt. Co.- car . Company does lighting and power
Office, Douglas. business . * 10+
10 milos ; 4% iR. 8 .; 13 motor car. Com. Ch . Engr. & Engr Overhead Constr.
pany does goneral lighting and power E. A. Quinn ... Tulare & H Sts ., Fresno
business . 60 Elec. Engr. D. B. Ogle......., Bakersfield
Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta.
A. Y.Mondell...
TEXARKANA (Ark - Tox .). 20,000. M. M., V. N. Mickelberry
31 - Southwostern Gas & Eloo. Co. Energy purchased from San Joaquin
(Texarkana Div. ). – Odice, 122 East Lt. & Pwr. Corpn ., Fresno .
Broad St. , Toxarkana, Ark . ( Connects 1 sub - sta .; 2 mo. gen. sets,
Texarkana, Ark ., and Texarkana, Tox .) Repair shops at 10th St. & Union Ave. ,
Pres. Henry M. Dawes . Bakersfeld .
1616 Harris TrustBldg., Chicago, Ill.
Reaches Recreation Park (owned) .
V. Pres. R. C. Dawes " 10.81 miles ; 4-8 % 8 ; 18 motor cars .
Treas. J.C.Markloy .. 60
Audr. C. W. Demmon .
Gon . Mgr. W.L.Wood, Jr..... Texarkana BERKE LEY . 57,653 (1916)
Pur. Agt. W. E. Bann .
Supt . L. W. Johnson (See Nos. 53 and 67 ) .
Claim Agt. W. E. Casey .
Elec. Engr. & Engr. Ovhd. CHICO . 3,760 .
Constr . A. Patterson .
Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta . A. W. Ball 66 (Sen No. 68a )
Power sta . equip . 1 d. c. Westg .850 kW;
8 a . c. Bull, Allis - C ., tot. 878 kw . 2800 v. 8 CORONADO . 1,477.
ph. 60 cys; 1 rot. conv. G. E. 500 amp ; (Sec No. 58.)
1676.bp. b . Heine, Stir; 8000 kw. (stm.)
turb . G. E ; trans. volt. 2800 v ; trolley
volt. 600 v. EAGLE ROCK . 1,450 (1918) .
Power sta. and repair shops at Texar (See Nos. 4 % and 46. )
kapa, Tex.
Reaches Spring Lake Park , Texas.
14 miles : 4-8 % g ; 18 motor pass., 4 fgt. EUREKA. 14,684 ( 1916 ).
cars without motors ; 1 construction car.
(Company does lighting business.) * 50 38J.- &Humboldt
Harrio Sto .
Transit Co.-omce,
Pren. Wm . Butterworth .... .Molide , III .
WALNUT RIDGE. 1,798. V. Pres .
James Walter Scott...... San Francisco
32 – Central Powor & Lt. Co. - Office, sec. de Treas. Horace R.Hudson
1420 Chomical Bldg., St.
to Walnut Louis_Mo.
Ridge & Hoxic Gen. Mgr.,Audr., Claim & Par.Agt .
(Successor Eureka
Lt. Pwr. & Transit Co..) (Connects Asst.Mgr. & M. M.F.L.Jackeon ..
Walnut Ridge and Hoxie .) Enorgy purchased from Western States
Pres . W.S. McCall..... .8t. Louis, Mo.
Sec., Treas. & Audr. E.H.Gorse Gas & Elec . Co.; trans. volt . 11,000 v ;
Local Mgr. A. Lieberman , Walnut Ridge troiley volt. 550 v.
Repair shops at J & Harris Str .
Pur. Agt. H.C. Loohr...... St. Louis, Mo. Reaches Sequoia Park , and controlo
Ch . & Elec. Engr. 16 16 Sequoia Gardens.
D. L. Kolser .
Engr. Pwr, Sta .
12 miles ; 4-8 % g ; 16 motor pass . and 1
D. Mathues .. service car. *60
Walnut Ridge
Power sta. equip . 2 d. c. F. M. & Co., EXETER. 600 .
G. E. tot. 90 kw ; 3 n. c . West. tot. 800
kva. 2800 v . 8 ph . 00 cys ; 4 stm . e . West., 39_Visalia Electric R. R. Co.
Nord , St. L , cor; 800 kva, stm. turb. West;
500 hp. wtr . turh. Heine ; trans. volt. 13,200 Gon . Omice, Pacific Electric Bldg., Los
v ; trolley volt . 2300 v. Angeles. (Connecto Visalia , Farmern
ville, Exeter, Lomoncove. Woodlako
Power sta, and repair shops at Walnut and Strathmore . (Controlled by the
Ridge. Southern Pacific Co. )
3.50 milos ; 4-8 % 8 : 4 motor cars. Com San Francisco
pany does lighting & power businebe . Preo. Paul Shoup..
* 50
V. Pres. R. P. Schwerin .
Sec. & Andr.H. A. Culloden , Los Angeles
Treas. M. S. Wade ....
Gen. Mgr. Frank W. Webster... .Exeter 60
CALIFORNIA . Supt. & Elec. Engr ., W. P.Ballard
Pur. Agt. I. L. Ward . Los Angel
ALAMEDA . 87,782 . ( 1916 ) Fgt. Claim Agt. E.T. Albert.. 66
Gen. Fgt. Agt. T. J. Day . 6.
(sco Nos. 52 and 67). Gen. Pass. Agt. O. A. Smith
Ch . Engr. & Řoadmaster
BAKERSFIELD . 16,874 ( 1916) R. T. Jackson
Ch . Engr . Pwr. Sta. J. E. Jones....Exeter
33 - Bakorsfiold & Kern Eloc . Ry.- M.M., A. A. Benn ..
Omloe, Bakersfield ; Main Omice, Fresno. Enorgy purchased from Mt. Whitney
(Controlled by San Joaquin Lt. & Pwr. Pwr. & Eler , Cn.; trans. volt. 11,000 v;
Corpn .) (Connects Bakorafold and Kern trolley volt. 3300 v ; 2 a. c . West . tot. 760
City . ) kw. 11,000 V.8. ph . 15 rys.
Pres . Wm . G. Kerckhoff 4 sub. stag. tot. cap . 1500 kw.
805 Garland Bldg. , Los Angelos Repair shops at Exeter.
V. Pres . A. C. Balch Reaches Terminus Beach .
806 Garland Bldg. 69.4 miles ( 16.84 miles of track owned
Sec. L. M. Farnham by Southern Pacific Co. ) ; 4-8 % ) 8. ovhd .
805 Garland Bidg. 8 motor pass. cars , 1 gas- elec . pass. car ,
Treas. & Compt. A. E. Poat 10
and 8 other cars ; 1 eloc . loco. and 1 gas
806 Garland Bldg. elec . loco . 60
Audr. A. B. Carpenter
Tulare & H Ste. , Frosno TRESNO . 34,968 (1910) .
Gen. Mgr. A. G. Wishon.... " (See also No. 39.)
Supt . & Gen. F'gt. & Pass. Agt.
D. L. Wisbon ... Bakersfield 40-Fresno Intorurban Ry. Co.
Claim Agt. Gen. Omice , 464 California St., San Fran
M.Bourne..... Tulare & H Sts ., Fresno cioco . ( Operates in Fresno and extends
Pur. Agt. D. P. Mason ........ 17 miles east of Fresno to Sunmaid
does mostly freight business and has tot. 300 kw. 4200 v. 3 ph . 60 cys ; trans.
connections with Santa Fe and Southern volt. 4200 v ; trolley volt. 600 v .
Pacific at Fresno .)
and repair shops Glenbrook .
Prob. & Gen. Mgr. Thos . M. Paterson
Pwr. sta. Olympia
Reaches Park . at
San Francisco
8 miles ; 4-844 8 ; 4 cars . 70
V. Pres . F. 0. Cooke .. 16
Energy purchased from Sonthern Cali- 48 -- Pacific Elec . Ry. Co. - omce,
fornia Edison Co.; 1 d . c. Ball 200 kw . Pacific Electric Bldg . ( A consolldation
2200 v . 3 ph . 60 cys; trans . volt. 10,000 v ; of the Pacific Elec. Ry. , Los Angeles In .
trolley volt. 575 v . terurban Ry. , Los Angeles & Redondo
1 anb - sta : 1 mo. gen . set . Ry. Co., Los Angeles -Pacific Co. , The
Sub-8tn, and ropair shops at Montrose. Riversido & Arlington Ry . Co., The
8.8 miles ; 4-8 % g ; 6 motor pass. , 1 flat San Bernardino Valley Trac . Co., Red .
and 1 line car., 1 elec. loco . (Contem- lands Central Ry. Co. and San Ber.
plates 6-mila extension to Sunland .) nardino Inter -Urban Ry. Co. ) ( AC
60 property of Peck R. R. Co. and
GRASS VALLEY . 4,620 .
Co. ) ( Connects Los Angeles with all
43 -Novada County Trao . Co. principalsuburban towns within a radius
of 78 miles ; also Mt. Lowe resort and
omce, Room 707, 354 Pine St. , San direct lino to mountain resorts of the
Francisco, Cal. San Bernardino & San Gabriel ranges,
Pres. John Martin . .San Francisco Rubio Canyon , La Ramada and direct
Soc. & Troas. F. H. Pierson .. line to mountain resorts of the San
Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt. Gabriel range . ) (Lenses from Southern
C. C. Skowos . Grass Valloy Pacific Co., branch from Clement
Elec . Engr. , Ch. Engr. Pwr. Junction to Port Los Angeles Wharf
Sta . & M.M. , T. C. Thomas including branch to Soldiers Home.)
2 d. c. G. E. tot. 300 kw ; 2 a. c . Stanley ( Controlled by Bouthern Pacific Co. )
SOUTHERN DIV . comprises: Whittier, 7th St. and Central Ave., Los Angeles,
La Habra, Fullerton, santa Ana, Santa Sherman, Redondo and Torrance,
Ana - Orange, Santa Ana - Huntington Owns and reaches Alpine Tavern , Mt.
Beach Lines, Seal Beach , Huntington Lowe : Urbita Springs Park , San Ber:
Beach, Newport Beach, Balboa, Long nardino ; Redondo Beach Resorts and
Beach , Watts Local, Long Beach City Rubio Canyon. Reaches beach resorts
Lines, LongBeach -San Pedro, San Pedro at Santa Monica, Ocean Park, Venice,
City, San Pedro via Dominguez , San Pedro Long Beach, Balboa, Newport Beach ,
via Gardena, Redondo via Gardena and Seal Beach, and Anaheim Landing.
El Nido- Hawthorne-El Segundo Lines and 1095 miles; 4-844 g ; 646 motor pass., 18
branches thereof, including Long Beach, trail pass ., 29 motor freight, 1171 trail
San Pedro, and Redondo Terminals. freight, 39 motor service and 74 trail ser
vice cars ; 35 elec. locos; 4 auto paso cars.
NORTHERN DIV. comprises : Eden * 80
dale , Glendale, Burbank. 8o. Pasadena
Local, Annandale, Pasadena Short Line, MONROVIA . 3,676 .
Pasadona via Oak Knoll, Mt. Lowe Line, (See No. 48. )
Sierra Vista Local , Pasadena City
Lamanda Park , Sierra Madre, Monrovia ,
Glendora, Albambra , San Gabriel, Shorb, MONTEREY . 4,928 .
El Monte , Covina, San Dimas, Pomona, 49 - Monterey & Pacifio Grovo Ry.
Pomona City Lines, Ontario, Upland, San Co .-- Office, 58 Sutter St. , San Fran
Antonio Hts., San Bernardino, San Bern cisco . (Owned and operated by Coast
ardino City, Coltan , Redlands, Redlands Valleys Gas & Elec. Co., which is con
City, Highland, Arrowhead , Riverside trolled by the California Ry. & Pwr .
City, Victoria, Magnolia , Bloomington, Co .) _ (Connects Del Monte, Monterey
Corona, and Rubidoux Linesand branches and Pacific Grove . )
Gen. Mgr. H. F. Jackson..San Francisco
WESTERN DIV . comprises Redondo Sec., Treas. & Audr. 66
Beach via Playa del Rey , Venice Short F. J. Blanchard . 66
Line, Sawtello , Venice-Inglewood, Ven- Pur. Agt. L. C.Helfrick
ice-Playa del Rey, Westgate, Santa Mon Supt. C. H. Noack . Monterey
ica Air Line with eastern terminus at Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta. Jag. Thexter
Clement Junction, Santa Monica via Energy from Coast Valleys Gas & Elec.
Holywood Line, Soldiers' Home, Cold Co.: trolley volt. 550 v.
water Canon Line, Hollywood Local 1 sub-sta ., cap. 450 kw.; 2 mo . -gen . sets
Lines, Lankershim , Van Nuys, Owens- G. E.Natl.
mouth and San Fernando Lines and Repair shops at Monterey .
branches thereof. 8.65 miles ; 4-8% g : 7 motor cars and 1
other car . 119
Pres. Paul Shoup . San Francisco
V. Pres. H. B. Titcomb......Los Angeles
Sec. & Audr. H. A. Culloden . NAPA . 8,500 (1918) .
Treas . M. S. Wade . 50 -San Francisco , Napa & Calis
Chief Counsel , Frank Karr ... 16 toga Ry . -Omce , Suscol Ave. , Napa .
Gen. Supt. F.L. Annable ..... ( Connects San Francisco, Vallejo, Napa,
Ass't Gen. Supt. J.C.McPherson Yountville, Oakville, Rutherford, Bt.
Pur. Agt. I. L. Ward Helena and Calistoga .) (Constructing
Tax Agt. F. A. Alspach line to Mare Island Navy Yard .)
Mgr. Real Estate, Taxes & Resorts.
66 Pres. James Irvine
C.H. Burnett ....
Gen. Claim Agt. S. A. Bishop.. 820 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco
Gen. Pabe. Agt . 0. A. Smith ..
18t V. Pres. Guy C. Earl
14 Sangome St. ,
Gen. Agte. E. H. Sharpe .... 66
24 V. Pres. & Audr.
Pass.Dept. / H. O. Marler . John T. York . ....Behlow Bldg. , Napa
Gen. Freight Agt. T. J. Day .. Sec . & Treas . T. V. Maxwell
Gen. Agt. Freight Dept. 66 820 Crocker Bldg. , San Francisco
F. C. Weeks.. Audr. F. H. Groat .Napa
Supt . 8o . Div. 0. P. Davis ... Gen. Mgr. & Cl . Agt. C. E. Brown ..
Asst. Supt. So. Div. Supt. Transp. C. L. Humphreys ...
Ora Taylor .. Ch. Engr. M. of W. , J. E. Estes...
Supt. West . Div. W. C. White Elec. Engr. & Supt. Equipt.
Asst. Supt. West. Div. 66
Geo . A. Hearn ...
S. E. Wilson . 16 Roadmaster, P. A. Devine ..
Supt. No, Div A. C.Bradley.. Energy purchased from Great Western
F. E. Peachey , Pwr . Co. 3 d . c. Westg. tot. 65 kw : 3 a.
Asst. Supts. San Bernardino
No. Div. C. H. Belt.....Los Angeles ccys
. Westg.
: transtot. 16006800-33,000
. volt. kw . 6700 v.v ;8. trolley
pb . 26
H.E.Rodenhouse Pasadena volt. 3800 v.
Traveling SF. E. Billhardt .. Los Angeles Repair shops at Suscol Ave. , Napa.
Pass. Agte . 1 A. H.Fidel ..... 44.522 miles (catenary overhead , 3300 v .
Traveling S. E. Cooper .. 8. ph .) ; 4-8 % g ; 14 motor and 23 other
Fgt. Agts. G. H. Payne.... . cars ; 8 elec . Jocos. * 80
Mech . Supt. Fred F.8mall...
Ch . Engr. E. C Johnson
Elec. Supt. S. H. Anderson .. OAKLAND , 198,604 ( 1916)
Aset . Elec . Supt . ( Soo also No. 67)
C. M. Warnecke ...
Asst. Elec . Supt. 80A-Castro Point Railway
( Chge. Pwr. & Elec . Distb. ) Terminal Co.- Ofice, 424 Central
Julian Adams. Bank' Bldg., Oakland . ( Operates in
Richmond . )
Asst. Elec. Supt. (Chge. Sub - sta .
Const . & Maint.) W.F. Smith Pres. F. W.Bilger ...5000 Bway, Oakland
Gen. Storekeeper V. Pres. & Supt. Edwin T. Blake
C. Thorburn, 7th & Central.. Sec . & Treas.G. A. Kuppe ..
Energy purchased from Southern Cal . Ch . Engr. H. T. Compton ,
Edison Co .; trans. volt. 15,000 v ; trolley City Engr's Office, Stockton
volt. 575 v. and 1200 v . 0.31 miles 4-8 % g . * 60
62 sub -stas. (8 with auto.control ) tot.
cap. 57.055 kw ; 4 rot. conv ; 80 mo . gen . 51- San Francisco Sacramento
sets . Railroad Co. ( Formerly Oakland ,
Power stas. at 636 Central Ave. , Los Antitoch & Eastern Ry.) - Office, 40th
Angeles and Vineyard . Repair shops at St. & Shafter Ave. , Oakland and Hobart
43.91 miles ; 4-8 % 8; 70 cars. Company Power sta . at Artic & B Bto .; repair
does general Itg . and pwr. business in 35 shops , cor . 15th & L Sts.
counties of central California . +60 Owns Mission Cliff Gardens.
75.76 miles owned (42.90 mi . 1 stm .t .,
558 - Sacramento Northern Rail . 28.41 mi . 2nd m . t ., 4.44 ml. sid .); also
road . ( Formerly the Northern Elec. 11.58 miles track rights ; total miles opera;
Ry.) - Odices, Sacramento and Mills ted 82.42; 4-846 g ; 147 motor pass . 4 trail
Bidg., San Francisco. (Connects Sacra- pass, andmotor service cars. Company
mento, Woodland, Marysville, Colusa , does general lighting & power business.
* 60
Oroville and Chico.)
Pres. G. F. Detrick ... San Francisco
V. Pres. & Treas. J. D. McKee 64 - San Diego & Arizona Ry . Co.,
Sec . A. E. Wellington .... -Office, 636 Spreckele Bldg .,San Diogo.
Audr. J. R. Parke . 66
( Purchased San Diego & Southeastern
Gen. Mgr. J. B. Rowray. Řy. Co. ,Steam R. R; electrified section
Supt. W. W. Nelson ... 66
operated by San Diego Elec. Ry . Co.
Claim Agt. J. W. Grace .. (Connects San Diego, Lakeside, Chula
Pur. Agt. L. S. Jones San Francisco Vista, Tia Juana and El Centro .)
Traffic Mgr. Z. T. George....Sacramento
Pres. John D. Spreckels
Ch. Engr. H. O. Brown ...... 64
Union Bldg., San Diego
Elec . Engr. W. H. Evans...... V. Pres. R. C. Gillis
Supt. Power & Ovhd. Spreckels Bldg. , Los Angeles
Russell Gould ... Chico Sec . & Audr. L. J. Masson .....San Diego
Roadmaster D. Kennedy .. Marysville Treas ., Land & Tax Agt.
Energy purchased from the Pacific Gas W , G. Daniels ... 16
& Elec . Co. Gen. Mgr. D.W.Pontius .
10 sub -stas. (1 with auto. cont.) tot. Supt. & Chief Engr.
cap. 4300 kw ; 1 rot. conv ; 10-400 kw, mo . J. R. Lowe
gen . sets . Pur. Agt. 8. P. Howard
Repair shops at Chico. 1625 Newton Ave.
212 miles ; 4-8% g . 3rd rail ; 29 motor Asst. Traffic Mgr . F.B. Dorsey
pass ., 8 trail pass., 296 lgt. (without M.M.T. F. O'Connell 66
motors ) and 24 other cars ; 10 elec. locos. 1625 Newton Ave.
(2-80 ton elec. locos, on order. ) * 60 Claim Agt. 60
W.H.Moore, Union Bldg ..
SAN BERNARDINO. 16,945 (1916) Roadmaster C. A.13th
& N Ste .
(See No. 48.) Repair shops at 1625 Newton Ave.
10 miles elec..- 188.7 miles stm . 28 stm .
SAN DIEGO . 63,830 (1916). pass., 268 stm. freight and 80 stm. service
55b - Bay Shore R. R. Co.- Omce, cars; 13 stm. locos : 3 gar - elec. cars ( leased
344 " C " St. (Connects Ocean Beach, equip. not included .) * 70
Mission Beach and Pacific Beach , all
within city of San Diego .) SAN FRANCISCO. 469,616 (1918)
Pres. John F. Forward , Jr. ....San Diego
V. Pres. & Gen. Mgr. 66 (See also Nos. 40, 48, 48, 49 , 50 , 51, 52,
Geo. L. Barney .. 53, 58 , 72, 75 , 76 and 568.)
Sec . & Treas . J. H. McKie .....
Audr. 61 - California St. Cable R. R. Co.
F. E. Garside. .220 Union Bldg., " Ofice ,Hyde & California
Energy purchased ; trolley volt. 550 Pros . J. Henry Meyer...... San Francisco
600V .
V. Pres . A. H. Payson ....
2.877 miles; 4-8468; 2 motor pass. cars.
118 2d V.Pres., Gen. Mgr. 66
& Pur.Agt.Jas.W.Harris .
87 – Point Loma R. R. Co. - Ofice, Sec. & Claim Agt.
Geo . A. Hare ....
to Treasrs
Union Bldg. , SanRy. Co.) (Leased
San Diego Elec. Diego. ( Connecto . J. Henry Meyer & Co.
Audr. Charles B. Stone ...
San Diego and Ocean Beach .) 66
Sec. & Treas. Claus Spreckels . Elec. Engr. John R. Steed ...
Audr. N. E. Brown .
Mgr. Transp. M. J. Perrin ..... Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta .
C. Trubert .
Pur. Agt. Geo . Holmes ....
10.16 miles owned. (9.91 mi. lst m . t; Roadmaster, Alfred Bowes .
0.26 ml. sid .) * 60 Powor sta . and ropair shops at Call
fornia & Hyde Sts .
11.8 miles (cable) ; 8-0 g ; 49 cari . * 70
88–San Diego Elec. Ry. Co. - Omice ,
Union Bldg . ( Purchased Coronado
R. R. ( Elec. Div .) and So. Park & E. Side 62–Central California Trao . Oo,
Ry. (Leases & operates Point Loma -Office, 637 Holbrook Bldg. (Connects
R. R. Co.) Connects San Diego, Na- Stockton , Lodi and Sacramento ; leases
tional City and Chula Vista .) lines in Stockton to the Stockton Elec .
Pres. John D. Spreckels ..., San Diego R. R. ) ( In 1916, entered into agreement
V. Pres. & Mng . Dir. with Tidewater Southern Ry . Co. for
Wm . Clayton ... joint operation of the two lines.)
Sec. & Treas. Claus Spreckels .. Pres . H. Fleisbhacker.....San Francisco
Audr. N. E. Brown . 1st V.Pres. M. Fleishhacker
Mgr. Transp. M. J. Perrin .... 2d V. Pros. Geo. W. Peltier
Supt. Mot. Pwr. H. MacNutt.. Calif. Natl. Bank , Sacramento
Claim Agt. W.H. Moore.. Sec . & Treas.
Par. Agt. Geo. Holmes . A. N. Baldwin . San Francisco
Ch . Civil Engr. A. Ervast .. Audr. M. E. Taylor
Ch. Engr. Pwr. Sta . 101 E. Weber Ave. , Stockton
Geo . K. Hellerman . Gen.Mgr.Frank W.Webster " 60
Park Supt. JohnDavidson .. Supt. J. J. Hooper...
Power sta. equip . 6 d. c . G.E. West. tot. cl. Agt. & Traffic Mgr.
6700 kw ; : a. c. West. tot. 6250 kva, 2300 J. C. Stone ..... .Sacramento
v. 8 ph . 60 cys ; 1810 hp . e. Allis - C ; 2400 | Pur. Agt. I. L. Ward
hp. b. Bab. & ' W ; 7000 kw. etm , turb . Pacific Elec. Bldg.,Los Angeles
West; trolley volt. 600 v. Elec . Engr. C. E. Spencer....
Audr. C. E. Yost .
66 V. Pres. (in chge. oper. )
Supt. Wm. A. Heindle . J. H. Hanna ,
Energy from Wilmington &Philadelphia Sec. & Treas .
Trac . Co. H. D. Crampton .......
17 miles ; 6-242 g ; 14 motor and 4 other Asst. Sec. J. E. Heberle ..
cars. 118 Asst. Treas . C. B. Koontz ...
(Extends from Bradley Lane and Wis- ( Controls the following : City & Subur
consin Ave. to Great Falls, Md.) ban Ry . of Washington (which owns
Pres. Gardner L. Boothe.....Washington Washington, Berwyn & Laurel Elec.
Sec ., Treas. & Gen. Mgr. 66
Ry .), 41.42 miles ; Georgetown & Ten .
J. C. Freeland . nallytown Ry. Co., 8.56 miles ; Wash.
Energy purchased from Washington & ington & Glen Echo R. R. Co.; Wash
Rockville R. R. Co. ington & Rockville R. R. Co., 11.5
10.5 miles . 18 miles; Washington , Woodside & For
est Glen Ry . & Power Co., 2.94 miles;
Washington Interurban R. R. Co., 8.03
116-Washington-Interurban R.R. miles and Potomac Elec. Pwr. Co.)
Co. - Office, 231-14th St.,N. W. (Con Pres. W. F. Ham . Washington
Sec. S. R.Bowen
nects Washington, D. C., Cottage City, V. Prests. Allen Hoyt. New York ,N.Y.
Bladensburg , E. Riverdale and E. Ber Treas. Atwood M.G. Fisher,
wyn , Md.) (Controlled by Washington 231 14th St. , N.W. ,Washington , D.C.
Ry. & Elec. Co. )
Pres. W.F. Ham ......Washington . D. C. Asst. Sec. & Treas.
Wm. L. Clarke ...
V. Pres. & Sec. ( Compt. A. G. Neal ..
S. R. Bowen
Treas. Atwood M. Fisher Gen. Atty. John S. Barbour . 66
Asst. Sec . & Treas. Supt. J. H. Stephens ...
Wm . L. Clarke...... Engr. Way & Structures
Compt. A. G. Neal.... Č . S. Kimball...
Gen. Atty. J. S. Barbour Pur. Agt. R. W.Crowell,
G 66
Supt. J. H.Stepbens . C. S. Wilson ,
Engr. Way & Structures Engrs. Pwr. Stas, Benning Pwr. Plant .
C. S. Kimball . J. W. Carroll,
M. M. , R. D. Voshall Washington, D. C.
2411 P St. , N. W. M. M. , R. D. Voshall...2411 P St. , N. W.
Asst. Sec . & Asst. Treas . Gen. Supt. & Pur. Agt.
L. H. Crowell . Columbus H. J. Arnold .. Rome
Gen.Mgrs . Stone & Webster , Boston ,Mass. Elec . Engr. R. L. Maxwell..
Gen. Supt. R. M. Harding ...... Columbus Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta . W. A. Ford ..
Claim Agt. A. S. Bradley M.M., W. H. Forward ...
Pur. Agt. M. J. Fox.. Power sta. equip. 2 a. c . turbo gen . G. E.
Supt. Transp . J.C. Chandler tot. 1250 kw . 3 ph. 60 cys ; 1000 hp. b. Stir.
M. M., E. D. Loper ... Vogt ; 1500 kw . wtr. wh ; trans. volt. 2300
Roadniaster, W. B. Buchanan .. v : trolley volt. 600 v . Has connections
Energy purchased from The Columbus with Georgia Ry. & Pwr. Co.
Pwr . Co.; trans. volt. 66,000-11,000 v ; Power sta . and repair shops, Rome.
trolley volt 550 v. 12 miles ; 4-846 gi 22 motor cars and 1
Repair shops at 17thSt. & 2d Av. other car. Company does general Itg . &
Controls Wildwood Park . pwr. business. * 50
25.9 miles ; 4-842 g ; 45 motor pass. and
4 other cars ; 2 stm. locos, (leased
to S. A. L. Ry. ) 59 SAVANNAH . 68,805 (1916)
Pres. Geo. H. Lanier. West Point Pres. Treas. & Gen. Mgr.
V. Pres. R. C. Freeman . W. R. Sebree .. Caldwell
Sec. & Treas. H. S. Sears .. Boston , Mass. V. Pres. Howard Sebree
Audr. & Claim Agt. Sec . W. A. Stone ....
Hubert Cumbee ... West Point Asst.Gen.Mgr. C. D. Purkbiser..
Gen. Mgr. C.E. Wright M. M. , H. E.Meek .
Supt. W. T. Edmonds .. Roadmaster, Ira Piper.
M. M., Joe R. Fostor ... Energy purchased from Idaho Pwr. Co.;
Gen.Equip. Insp. 2200 v. ph . 60 cys ; trans . volt. 11,000 v ;
J.J. Anderson .. trolley volt. 600 v .
45 miles; 4-844, R ; 2 motor pass, 6 trail 2 sub -stas. tot. cap. 850 kw . 2 mo. gen .
pass. and 1 trall freight cars . sete.
* 80 Repair shops at Caldwell.
11 miles 4-844 g ; 3 motor pass., 2 fgt.
m0., 2 trail and 2 fg t. cars without
HAWAII . motorg . * 50
ALTON. 22,874 (1916) .
( See No. 175. )
158 - Alton & Eastern Elec. Ry.
BOISE. 33,846 (1916) Office City Hall Bldg. (Will extend
162 – Boise Railway Co. , (Succes from City of Alton to State Hospital for
Insane east of Alton . and will connect
sor to Boise Rallroad Co. , Ltd. ) (Oper with and be operated by Alton , Granite
ates local lines. ) (Sold to S. F. Watts
& St. Louis Trac. Co. )
ofIndependence, who will improve and Pres . L. C. Haynes
restore the property.) y Collinsville Ave. , East St. Louis
Energy purchased . Sec. and Treas. T. W. Gregory
Repair shops at Warm Springs Ave. 7 Collinsville Ave., East St. Lonis
Reaches Natatorium and White City Will purchase energy.
Park . 6,420 feet ; 4-8 % g.
8 miles ; 4-846 8 ; 10 motor and 2 other (Under construction ). * 50
cars , 69j
169- Alton , Granite & St. Louis
183 — Boise Valley Trac. Co. (Suc- Traction Co.-Gen . Office, City Hall
cessor to Idaho Trac. Co.) — 7th and Bl 8. , Alton . ( Operates in Alton and
Bannock Sts . (Connects Boise, Eagle. connects St. Louis and E. St. Louis with
Star,Middleton, Caldwell, Nampa and
Meridian . ) Madison , Granite City,Mitchell,Venice,
Wood River, Alton , Edwardsville and
Pres. E. H. Dewey . .Nampa Brooklyn .) (Controlled by The E. St.
V. Pres. W. R. Putnam Boise Louis & Suburban Co. )
Sec. & Atty . C. F. Ward . 66
Pres. W. H. Sawyer .. East St. Louis
Treas. & Audr. A. E. Janssen V. Pres. L. C. Haynes
Gen. Mgr. H. E. Dalton .. Sec. G. L. Estabrook . 66
180 – Chicago & Wost Towns Ry. 184 -Metropolitan West Side Ele
Co .-- Office, Lake St. & Cayler Ave. , vated Ry. Co. - Office, 1247 Edison
Oak Park . ( Successor to County Trac. Bldg. ( Controls Union Consolidated
Co. The Evanston linesof the County Elevated Ry . Co. , and in turn is con
Trac . Co.were purchased by the Evans- trolled by Chicago Elevated Rys .) (Con
ton Ry, Co.) (Controls the Suburban nects Chicago , Austin, Forest Park
R. R. Co.) Connects Oak Park , River and Oak Park .)
Forest, Maywood, Melrose , Cicero , Chmn. Samuel Insull.. Chicago
Berwyn, Riverside, Lyons, La Grange, Pres. Britton I. Budd.
Holleywood and Forest Park.) Asst . to Pres. Edward J Blair ..
Pres. Willard McEwen Sec. & Treas. W. V. Griffin .
Tribune Bldg., Chicago Audr. T. B. Mac Rae.. 16
Sec. & Treas. C. N. Hebner.....Oak Park Gen. Atty . A.L. Gardner .
Gen. Supt. , Par. & Claim Agt. Gen. Mgr. E. C. Noe...
B. Colletto .. Asst. Gen. Mgr. Bernard J. Fallon 10
Supt. R.8. Dawns.....:: Organization Engr. H. A. Johnson
Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta . J. Olsen.... 66
Pur. Agt. E. E. Kretschmer ...
M. M., J. A. Scholen .. Gen. Supt . Transpt. M. J. Feron ..
Engr. Ovhd. Const. Supt. Transp. J. A. Jarvis ...
0. B. M. Tompkins Supt. of Shops & Equip.
Power sta. equip. 6 d. c. S.& H. Walker, A. H. Daus ...
tot . 3250 kw ;3250 hp. e. Allis - C ; 3300 hp. Ch. Engr. C. M.Mock .
b . Stir , C. & Z ; trolley volt . 550 v . Elec. Engr. C. H. Jones .
Power sta. at Oak Park, Proviso Town. Engr. M. of W. , R. N. Wade .. 66
ton , Ill . , with Chicago, Lake Shore & Pur. Agt. E. E. Kretschmer..
Sonth Bend Ry. at Hammond. Ind. ) Storekeeper P. F. McCall ..
(Stock owned by the Minois Central Gen. Supt. Transpt. M. J. Feron..
R. R. Co. and road used under pro- Supt. Transpt. J. M.Feldhake ....
Supt . of Shops & Equip.
A. H Daus .. Northern States Pwr, Co. of Min
Ch . Engr. C. M.Mock . .Chiɔago nesota, operating plants in Faribault,
Elec. Engr. C. H. Jones... Stillwater , Mankato, Cannon Falls,
Engr. M. of W. , R. N. Wade.... Rapidan , Coon Rapids, St. Paul, Pipe
Edi rgy
son Co.
purchased from Commonwealtb Min Hutchi
stonne,., Min ot, nso
N. D. Monux
and Sio
n , and tevFall
Repair shops at 618t St. , & Calumot Avo . Far go, N. D., Int ers
S. D. , Union Lt. , Ht. e &Lt.Pw&r. Pw
tat r.,
15.05 miles ele 3d rail 4-8 % 8.; 430
( v. );
motor and 14 misc . cars ; 62 coaches.
Co., Galena, Ill., and Platteville, Hudson
and Somerset, Wis . , _and Red River
Power Co., Red Lake Falls , Minn ., and
50 Pre
188 -Union Consolidatod Elovat*ed Gras. nd ForByl
H.M. ks,les
Ry . Co .- ( Connecto Metropolitan West
side Ele vated Ry . system with Union .Chicago
Art hur S. Hue
Loop System . ) ( Controlled by the V. Presto . { (Ch.Engr .)OttoyE.Osth
. off
Metropolitan West Side Elev . Ry. Co. ) ( Treas .) J.J. O'Brien
Pres . Samuel Insull ..
V. Pres . Gilbert E. Porter .........Chicago G. H. Harrien ....
Sec , & Trear . W. V. Grifin ...... ( Sec.) R. J. Graf .
miles ( included in mileage of Met
60 ( J. J. Madden .
ropol W. S. Elev . Ry ) . W. H. Clarke ...
60 Asst . Sec8. B. W. Lynch ..
188a American Public Sorvice Asst . Treas , J. H. Brig ge ..on ..
& M. A. Morris
Co. - Gen . office, Rm . 1500-72 W. Adams
St. ( Controls , through stock owner R. L. Clar k .
ship, Abilene Gas & Elec. Co., Abilene
Ice Co., Abilene New
Gas & Elec. Co., CiscoWt
r. Co. ,oMar
Ico . sha
C.C.Levis York , N.Y.
Elec. Co., Marshall Trac. Co., Marshall 190 – Chicago Elevated s.50+
Ry* –
Ice Co., Longview Ice & Light Co., Office, 1127 Edison Bldg ., cor. Adams
Baird Light & Ice Co. Jefferson Ice & & Clark Sts. _ (ControMet
ls the South Side
Lt. Co. , Stamlord Gas & Elec . Co. , Ele vated R. R.Co. , ropolitan West
and Hamlin Lt. , Pwr. & Ice Co. all of Side Elevated Ry. Co., and the North
Texas ; Hugo Ice& Lt. Co., Henryetta
Electric Lt. Co.H, onryettaIce & Cold western Elevated R.R. Co. )
Storage Co. and Okmulgee Ice & Lt. Co. Trustees Samuel Inoull .
all of Okla. )
Pres . Samuel Insall..
William G. Beale .... .Chicago
Samuel Insull ..
V. Pres. Martin J. Ingull.... Chicago, III. Governing Gilbert E. Porter ..
Park , Hammond and Lake Front Park Omce. 1247 Edison Bnilding. ( Con
on Lake Michigan. trolled by Chicago Elevated Rys .)
34.16 miles owned (20.14 mi. 1st. m . t .. Chmn . Samuel Insuil .. .Chicago
9.25 mi . 2nd . m . t . , 4.77 mt. sid. ) ; also 2.31 Pres . to
Britton I. Budd ..
miles track right. Totai mileg operated A est . Pres. Edward J. Blair ..
Sec. & Treas. W. V. Grin. 12
31.70 ; 4-8469 g ; 28 motor pass. and 11 Andr. T. B. MacRae ...
motor service cars . 50
Gen. Mgr. E. C. Noe....
183 - Kensington & Eastern R. R. Asst . & Gen. Mgr. Bernard J. Fallon PO
Co.-- Office , 135 E. 11th Place, Chicago , Organization Engr.
(Connects Ill . Central R. R. at Kensing. H. A. Johnson .
ton , Ill . , with Chicago, Lake Shore & Pur. Agt. E. E. Kretschmer..
South Bend Ry. at Hammond . Ind . ) Storekeeper P. F. Mctail..
Public Service Co.of Oklahoma, Chic. e. H.O. & R. , Allis-C ; 4700 hp. b. Bab. &
kashaGas & Elec . Co., Missouri Gas & W. Stirling .
Eloc. Service Co., MichiganGas & Elec. Pwr, sta . at Edward & Cerro Gordo Sts ;
Co. , Kentucky Lt. & Pwr. Co., Central repair shops at 400 E. Wood St.
Pwr. Co. , Citizens Gas Lt. Co. , Nebraska 15.84 miles ( 14.89 mi . 18t m . t. , 0.75
City Utilities Co. , Twin State Gas & ml. And m . c.) ; also 3.75 miles leased .
Elec. Co., Borwick & Salmon Falls Total miles operated 19.37; 4-848 g ; 39
Elec. Co., Electric Transmission Co. of motor pass. and 2 motor service cars .
Va., Southern Wisc. Elec. Co. , North- ( Company does general itg . and pwr .
west Utilities Co. and American Public business. ) * 60
Service Co.)
Pres. Samuel Ingull . .Chicago DE KALB . 8,10 %.
| Martin J. Insull.
V. Prests . John F.Gilchrist ..
197 - DoKalb - Sycamore & Interur
Sec. Edward J. Doyle... ban Trac. Co.- Office, So. Third St.
Asst. Sect. & Asst. Trtas.
E. J. Knight.... :
06 ( Operating the De Kalb -Sycamore Elec .
TOBS. Oliver E. McCormick Co. ) (Controlled by the Union Ry. ,
* 60 Gas & Elec. Co.) (Connects DeKalb
and Sycamore .)
Pres. B. C. Cobb ,
CHICAGO HEIGHT8. 21,693 (1916) 14 Wall St. , New York , N.Y.
( See also Nos. 174 and 218.) V. Pres. & Treas .
W. C. Sparks.. Rockford
Sec. W. H. Lemons.
194 - Chicago Heights St. Ry . Co. Asst. Sec , & Asst. Treas.
Office, Rm. 817, 134 8. La Salle St. , S. E. Wolff .. New York , N. Y.
Chicago . Gen. Audr. H. G. Kessler .
Pres. C. H. Wacker .. .Chicago Supt. & Ch . Engr. Frank Conley.DeKalb
Sec . Edward D. Adams 2 d . c . West. tot. 400 kw . 1400 kva ; a. c .
Supt. Olaim & Pur. Agt.
J. T.Murphy.......... Chicago Heights West.
M. M. , Robert Johnson
hp.e.Ham G. E. , 4000 v. 3 ph . 60 cys ; 2000
1800 hp. : 500
11th 8t. & Wentworth Ave. “ kw.stm . turb . West ; trans. volt. 4000 v ;
Trolley volt. 620-650 v . trolley volt, 550 600 v.
Repair shops at 11th St. & Wentworth Power sta. and repair shops at DeKalb .
Ave. 7.4 miles ; 4-848 g ; 4 mo. pass. and 2
8.5 miles; 4-8 % $ g : 6 motor and 4 other trail pass, and 2 other cars. (Co. does
60 general Itg. and pwr. businees.) 60
care .
Roadmaster, J. T. McMahon .... Columbia Ry . Co., St. Louis & Belleville Elec . Ry .,
Energy purchased from E. St. Louis & Alton, Granite & St. LouisTrac, Co. and
Suburban Ry.; trang. volt. 13,200 v. 3 ph . East St. Louis Lt. & Pwr. Co. ) * 50
25 cys; trolley volt. 600 v.
2 sub-stas:1 at Dupo, 1 at Lutz ; 4 202 - St. Louis & Bellovillo Elec .
rot. conv. Ry . 00. - Office, ? Collinsville Ave.
Repair shops at 19th & Baker Sts . , E (Operates an electric railway line be
St. Louis. tween E. St. Louis and Belleville band.
Reaches Burnett's Park at Dupo , God ling freight, principally, coal.) (The
in's Park at Prairie du Pont, Turner Park East St. Louis & Suburban Co. owns
at Columbia and Falling Springs Park entire bond issue of this company .)
(all private ) . Pres. L. C. Haynes .... East St. Louis
22.93 miles owned (22.18 mi. 1 st. y . Pres. W. H. Sawyer
m . t. , 0.75 mi . sid. ); also 3.11 miles Huntington Bk . Bldg ., Columbus, O.
trackage rights ; 4-846 g; 5 mo . pass., 1 Sec . & Treas, G. L. Estabrook
mo. freight, 1 trail freight and 2 mo. 821 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa.
Burvice cars .
Asst . Sec . & Asst. Treas .
T. W. Gregory . East St. Louis
200 — East St. Louis Ry.Co : -Office, Gen. Mgr. D. E. Parsons.....
7 Collinsville Ave. (Operates in E. St.
Gen. W. C. Myers .
Louis .) (Controlled by The East St. Claim Supt.
Agt. Trevor C. Neilson
Louis & Suburban Co.) Supt. Fgt. Traffic
Pres. W. H. Sawyer C. S. Darrach ..
Huntington Bk. Bldg. Columbus, Ohio Pur. Agt. R. G.Goss...
V. Pres.. L. C.Haynes .... East St. Louis Engr.M.of W. S. Clay Baker
Sec. & Treas. G. L. Estabrook Roadmaster, John A. Roach .
321 Chestnut St. , Philadelphia, Pa. Energy purchased from East St. Louis
Asst. Sec . & Asst. Treas .
T. W. Gregory .. & Suburban Ry. Co.
East St. Louis
Gen. Mgr. D. E. Parsons.. 17.629 miles ; 510 coal and 14 work
cars ; 2 elec. locos. 60
Gen. Supt.W.C. Myers....
Supt. W. H.Guyton... 203 -St. Louis & East St. Louis
Claim Agt . Trevor C. Neilson Elec . Ry . Co. - Office, 7 Collinsville
Gen. Pass Agt. C. S. Darrach Ave. ( Operates an electric railway be
Pur. Agt. R. G. Goss ........ tween St. Louis, Mo. , and E. St. Louis,
Ch , Engr. G. W. Welsh ...... II ., via Eads Bridge, under agreement
Supt. Elec . Distrbn . with Terminal R. R. Association of St.
T. H. Ness ..
Engr. M. of W. , S. Clay Baker Louis . ). (Controlled by The East St.
Roadmaster, John A. Řoach . Louis & Suburban Co.)
Energy purchased from E. St. Louis & Pres. L , C. Haynes... Eant St. Louis
Suburban Ry. Co .; trolley volt 600 v . V. Prests. { E. J.Costigan.št.Louis, Mo.
Reaches Lansdowne Park and Jones Sec. & Treas. G. L. Estabrook
W. I ,
36.05 miles ; 4-8 % g ; 84 motor and 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
10 other cars . Asst . Sec . & Asst. Treas.
* 60
T. W. Gregory .. East St. Louis
201 - East St. Louis & Suburban Ry. Gen. Gen. Mgr. w .E.c .Parsons.
Supt. D. Myers..
Co. - Office , 7 Collinsville Ave. (Oper. 2.48 miles. The East St. Louis Ry. Co. ,
ates in Belleville and the interurban Co. ,
lines from East St. Louis to Belleville East St. Louis & Suburban Ry.
and interarban lines connecting Ed Alton E. St Louis, Columbia & Waterloo, and
Collinsville , Caseyville, Granite and St. Louis Trao. Co.
Lehanon and O'Fallon with Eastst.) operate their cars over this lineinto St.
Louie . 60
Louib . ) ( Controlled by The East St.
Louis & Suburban Co.)
Pres. W. H. Sawyer 204 - St. Louis & Ohio River R.R.
Huntington Bk. Bldg., Columbus, O. ( Formerly Southern Traction Co.
Sec. & Treas. G. L. Estabrook . of Illinois . ) Office, 513 Murphy Bldg.
321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. (Operationof road between E.St. Louis
Asst. Sec . & Asst . Treas . and Belleville will begin immediately ;
T. W. Gregory East St. Loule will connect Christopher, Duquoin,
Gen. Mgr. D. E. Parsons..... Benton and Frankfort.) ( Acquired
Gen. Supt. W.C. Myers...... 16 the Illinois & Indiana Elec . Ry.
Claim Agt. Trevnt C. Neilson Co. ) ( Contract has been made with
Gen. Pass . Agt . & Sapt. East St. Louis Interurban Electric Ry.
Fgt. Traffic, C. $ . Darrach Co. , recently organized, to lease to said
Pur. Agt. R. G. Goss company about 10 blocks of track in
Supt. Pwr. G. W. Welsh . city of E. St. Louis, so that thio com
Asst. Supt. Pwr. T. H. Ness . pany can make connection with the
Supt. City Lines. W H. Guyton 66
Municipal Bridge and operate its cars
ph , 60 cya ; 600 hp. e . Fult. Iron Wks, Power sta, equip. 4 a.c. G. E. Allis-C .
1300 hp. b . Bab. & W ; 200 hp. turb. (wtr.) turbo gen . tot. 15.000 kw . 2300 v . 3 ph .
Lef: 750 kw . Allis- C . turb. (stm .) : trans. 60 cys; 8 eng: 2712 hp. b. Spgf. Wickes;
volt. 10,000-33.000 v ; trolley volt. 625 v.; 1 stm . turb. Allis - C .. G. E. , trans. volt.
rot, cony.; 300 kw . 33,000 v ; trolley
Power sta. at Adams St. & Clark Ave. 1 sub-sta. cap. volt.
900 kw1200
; 2 vmo
. . gen sets .
repair shops at Liberty & Spring Sts. Power sta. and repair shops at Muddy.
Controls Highland Amusement Park . 18.5 miles ; 4-844 g ; 4 motor pass , 3 trail
9.45 miles owned ( 8.91 mi . 18t m. t . , 0.41 pass. cars and 1 fgt. motor car ; 15 fgt.
mi . 2nd m. t. and 0.13 mi sid.) ; 4-816 g ; I cars without motors. 60
V. Pres. J. J. Frey .. .St . Louis , Mo. Traffic Agt. & Park Mgr.
Sec. F. A. Hanley, J. P. MacCulloch ..
RIVERTON PLANT - Ch. Eogr. N.A. V. Pres. Exec . H. E. Chubbuck .... Peoria
Miner, 3 a . C. G. E. Allis- C. tot. 9,000 kw . Sec. E. A. Macnutt ..... .Montreal, Can .
3 ph. 26 cys; 4100 hp . b . Bab. & W ; 15,000 Treas. Geo. R. McComb ...... Champaign
bp. tarb . G. E. Allis - C ; trans. volt. 33,000
v ; trolley. volt. 650 v. PONTIAC . 6,090 .
VENICE PLANT - Ch. Engr. E. S. 287 Bloomington , Pontino
Forman, 8 8. c. a. E. tot. 9000 kw . 8 ph. Joliet Ry . Co. - omice, 72 W. Adams
28 cys ; 2000 hp. e.-H. O. & R ; 4800 hp. b . St. , Chicago . (Connects Pontiac , Odell
O'Brien, Bab. & W ; 10,500 hp. stm . turb. and Dwight.)
G. E ; 5000 kw . freq . chgrs. G. E ; trans. Pren. Frank J. Baker . Chicago
volt. 33,000 v. 25 cys . & 60 cys ; trolley V. Pror. Charles A. Munroe... 10
Co. and Central Indiana Lighting Co. of Gen. Supt. G.K.Jeffries .... Indianapolis
Columbus. Operates under lease the Claim Agt. Wm . Tichenor ..
Indianapolis, Columbus & Southern Pur. Agt. Harry H. Lloyd ..
Traction Co. ) Connects Indianapolis Gen. Pass. & Fğt. Agt.
Greenwood, Franklin, Edinburg , Co- J. H. Crall .
lumbus and Seymour, with connections Ch, Engr. T.R. H. Daniels .
for Louisville, Ky.) (Albo owns and Supt. Distbrn . & Sub . Sta. 16
operates electric, gas,heat and water A. Schlesinger..
properties throughout the state . ) Ch. r Charles Hogate.... Indianapolis
Pres. Harry Reid . . Louisville, Ky. Engrs. V. A. Caldwell..Crawfordsville
V. Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Pwr . V. Caldwell .... .Lebanon
E.Van Arsdel . ..Indianap olis Stas . Chas. Gately . ...Philadelphia
Wm . Mutchener .. Richmond
Sec. & Treas. Ira E.Guthrie ..
Pur. Agt . C. H. Dallow ...... Roadmaster
Supt. L. M. Brown . Columbus John O'Laughlin ... Indianapolis
Claim Agt. James Harmon ... New Albany J. F. Elward
Gen. Fgt. & Pass. Agt. Mast. Mechs. J. W. Osborne ... Lebanon
Bert Weedon ... Indianapolis 70. w . Duncan ..Greenfield
Supt Pwr. H. C. Bouslog . ...Edinburg Div. 0. P. Spillman ......Lebanon
M. M. , H. H. Buckman . .Scottsburg F.H. Warner .....Greenfield
Sapts. A. Gordon ........Richmond
Elec..Engr. C. C. Argabrite..Indianapolis
Engr. M.of W. R. J. Custer.....Columbus Actg . J. E. Hoffner,
Engr Ovhd. Constr. Div. Brazil & Danville
W. H. Jennings . Greenwood Supts. H. H. Arnold , Crawfordsville
Energy purchased from Merchants Heat Chi Lineman, H. L. Schaid...... Lebanon
& Light Co. and Central Indiana Light
ing Co. , trans . volt. 33,000 v ; trolley volt. INDIANAPOLIS PLANT - 2 &. C.
600 v . turbo -gen . West. tot. 20,000 kw . 3 ph . 25
6 sub stas. tot. cap. 850 kw ; 6 rot. conv ; cys; 6240 hp. b. Bab. & W ; trans. volt.
6 mo. gen . sete . 33,000 v ; trolley volt. 675 v.
Re pair shops at Greenwood .
69 miles 4-872 g. 18 motor pass. 4 Igt. PHILADELPHIA PLANT — 2 d. c.
motor, 4 Igt. without motors and 5 other West. Bull. tot. 180 kw ; 1 a. c. Bull. 1000
cars . * 50 kw . 370 v . 8 ph. 25 cys; 2000 hp. e. Ham .
Cor; 1500 hp. b . Sterling ; 1500 kw. turb.
76 – Torre Haute, Indianapolis ( stm .) West; trans. volt. 13,200 v; trolley
Eastern Traction Co. - Office, Trac. volt. 650 v.
Terminal Bldg ., Indianapolis.
Acquired by purchase the following : RICHMOND PLANT-2 d.c. 8. & H . tot.
Indianapolis Coal Traction Co. , con- 800 kw ; 1000 hp. e . Bckye ; 1135 hp. b.
necting Indianapolis, Ben Davis,Bridge Edge, Sterling ; trans. volt. 18,200 v ; trol.
port and Plainfield , 10 míles ; extended ley volt. 600 v .
this line through Cartersburg, Clayton,
Amo, Coatsville, Fillmore, Greencastle LEBANON PLANT-8 a. c . G. E. tot,
and Harmony to Brazil, total 52 miles. 2400 kw. 870 v . 3 ph. 26 cys ;,8600 hp.e.
Indianapolis & Western Ry. Co., con- Ham . Cor : 8000 hp. b. Sterling; trans.
nocting Indianapolio . Holt, Huron. volt. 26,400 v ; trolley volt. 650 v .
Brickert, Hadley and Danville, 17 miles,
Indianapolis & Eastern Ry.Co., con CRAWFORDSVILLE PLANT-2 a. C.
nocting Indianapolis, Cumberland, Phil Allis-C tot. 1400 kw . 405 v. 8 ph. 25 cys ;
adelphia , Greenfield , Knightstown, 1000 hp. e. Allis - C ; 1400 hp. b. Sterling;
Dunreith, Lewisville and Dublin , with trans. volt. 33,000 v ; trolley volt. 650 v.
branch line from Dunreith through
Spiceland Power stations at West Tenth St. de
to NewCastle, 69 miles. River Blvd. , Indianapolis (Main
Richmond 8t. & Interurban Ry, Co. White
Sta .), Philadelphia ,'Richmond, Lebanon
connocting with the Indianapolis & and Crawfordsville.
Eastern Ry. Co. , at Dublin and extend
ingthrough the townsof Cambridge field Repair shops and
, Richmond at Indianapolis,
Lebanon . Green .
City and Centerville to Richmond , with
Total miles of track owned and opera .
branch line from Cambridge City to ted , 410 ; 4-848: 231motor pass., 8 trall
Milton ; also owns and operates street
railway system in Richmond , total 28 pass. , 17 fgt. motor, 22 igt. trail and* 44
miles ( 15 ínterurban and 18 city track .) work cars ; 4 eloc . locos.
Leases the following : JEFFERSONVILLE , 10,412.
Indianapolis & Northwestern Trac
tion Co. , connocting Indianapolis, Ad (See Nos . 285 and 286.)
gusta, Zionsville, Whitestown, Leba
non, Frankforth, Mulberry, Dayton and
Lalayotte, with branch line from Leba. KENDALLVILLE. 4,981.
non to Crawfordoville, 84 miles .
Indianapolis & Martinsville Rapid 277 - Ft. Wayno & Northwostorn
Transit Co.. connecting Indianapolis, Ry. Co. - Once, Kendallvillo. (Con
Maywood , Valley Miles, Mooresville, nects Kendallville, Avilla , Garrett,
Brooklyn , Bethany and Martinsville , Auburn , Waterloo, Huntertown and
28 milos . Ft. Wayne . )
Indianapolis , Crawfordsville & Dan. Pres . & Gen. Mgr.
ville Elec. Ry. Co., connecting Indianap . C. J. Munton .... Kendallvillo
olis, Clermont, Brownsburg, Pittsboro, 18t V. Pres . W. L. Taylor
Lizton, Jamestown, New Ross, Linns. State Life Bldg., Indianapolis,Ind.
burg and Crawfordsville , 42 miles . 2d V. Pres. J. H. Rose ........Ft. Wayne
Terre Haute Traction and Light Co. Sec . & Audr. V. R. Shick ... Kendallville
( Seo Terro Haute. ) Ch.Engr.Pwr.Sta . M.J.Ogden
Pres. & Gen. Mgr. M. M .. Homer Reid ....
Robt. I. Todd. .Indianapolis Engr. M. of W. , Philip Holman
Marshall s . Morgan Power sta . equip . 2 a . C. G. E. tot. 1000
V. Prests. Philadelphia, Pa. kva. 8 ph . 25 cy8; 1200 hp. b. Stir ; 1600 kw .
Sec . & Treas. trolley volt. 600 v .
Jos. A. McGowan .. 4 sub -stas. total cap. 1200 kw ; 4 rot.
Abst. Sec. & Asst. Treas. conv .
W. F. Milholland.... Powor sta. and repair shops at Kendall
Audr. L. T.Hixson ....... ville.
tendorf, Clinton , Shafton, Princeton, Repair shops at E. 4th & Maple Sts. ,
LeClairo, Pleasant Valley, Bettendorf, Des Moines.
Davenport, Blue Grass, Pleasant Prairie, Reaches one park .
Sweetland Center and Muscatine, 88.94 miles (59.74 mi. 1st m . t., 8.02
Iowa ; owns city lines in Muscatine; mi. 2nd m . t ., 21.18 mi. sid . ) ; 4-84 g ; 12
Rock Island , Moline, Sears, Milan, motor pass ., 4 trail pass. , 4 fgt. motor,
Watertown, E. Moline, Silvis , Camp- 185 trail freight, 18 box , 159 coal and
bell's Island and Moline, Illinois; 8 flats, 6 motor service and 17 trail serv .
electricity is served in addition to ice cars ; 8 elec. locos. Company does
the above towns, to Walcott, Stock- general lighting and power business.
ton, Durant, BlueGrass, Iowa City and *60
Coralville , Ia .; Carbon Cliff, Hampton , DUBUQUE. 41,795 (1915) .
Rapids City and Port Byron, III.)
Pres. B.J. Ďenman .. .Davenport 314 - Dubuquo Elec. Co.- Gen. of
R. Schaddelee, fice, Fifth and Iowa Sts . (Successor to
Grand Rapids, Mich . Union Elec . Co.) (Owned and operated
H. R. Tobey , by Union Utilities Co., which is owned
V. Prents . 49 Wall St., New York ,N.Y. by Elston & Co. , Chicago, Ill.)
Treas . Frank T. Hulswit, Pres. I. C. Elston , Jr.... Chicago, I.
Grand Rapids, Mich. V. Prests. C. L. Ayling .. Boston , Mass.
Asst. Treas. 18. B.Maynard... Waterloo
H. E. Weeks....Davenport Treas
Sec. H. E. Littig..
Sec. H. B. Hurd .
. A. C. Allyn
Chicago, Il.
Ass t. (B. L.
24 Broad St., New York, N. Y.
Audr. Miss M. E.Crabtree .......Dubuque
Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt.
( L.H.Heinke, Grand Rapids,Mich . 0. H. Simonds
* 50 Supt. Ry. & Claim Agt. .
DES MOINES . 105,652 (191 A. H. Smith ,
Elec. Engr . & Engr. Ovhd .
312 - Des Moines City Ry. Co. Constr . H. G. Gorr .
Office, Flynn Bldg. Ch. Engr.Pwr. Sta ., C.L.Sheffield
Pres . S. G. Harris, M. M., G. Thill....
Harris Trust & Svgs. Bank, Chicago, Ill. Roadmaster, Geo. Yerger ...
1st V. Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Power sta . equip . 3 a. c . turbo-gen.
F. C. Chambers ... Des Moinos G.E.tot. 9500 kw. 2300 v. 3 ph. 60 cys;
2nd V. Pres, W. H. McHenry 2400 hp. b . Bab. & W; trans . volt. 2300
Sec . & Audr. 0. U. Bernd 4000-6000-33,000 v ; trolley volt. 600 v.
Treas . & Pur. Agt. F.M.Harris Power station at 8th St. ; repair shops
Supt. E. W. Miller ... at Couler Ave.
Claim Agt. D. M. Finch ... Reaches Union Park , 83 acres, and Nut
Elec. Engr. D. 8. Fisher ...... wood Park , 73 acres (owned) .
M. M. , C. R. McMahon ... 20.7 milos; 4-848 g ; 50 motor and 46
Engr. M. of W. , other cars. (Company furnishes energy
W. L. Wilson .. for lighting and power.) 50
Engr. Ovhd. Constr.
K. J. Keith . FORT DODGE. 19,372 (1915 ).
Power sta . equip. 1 d. c . G. E. 1000 (See No. 298.)
kw ; 4 a . c. turbo -gen , G. E. tot. 16,250
kva. 4100 v. 3 ph. 25 cys ;_1500 hp. e .
Fulton ; 4000 hp. b . B, & W : 16,250 kw . FORT MADISON.. 9,507.
stm . tarb . G. E trans, volt. 4400 v; trolley 316_Fort Madison St. Ry. Co.
volt. 600 .
9 sub-stag., (8 with auto. control.) Office, Santa Fe Ave. ( Owned and op
tot. cap. 4750 kw ; 9 rot. conv. erated by Mississippi Valley Elec. Co.)
Power sta. and repair shops at East 4th Pres. & Gen.Mgr., J.O.Schulze, Iowa66 City
V. Pres. & Treas., J. H. Rohret
& Maple Ste. Sec. F. N. Sueppel.
Reaches Riverview Park . Supt. Joseph Negus......
85 miles ; 4-844 g ; 157 motor pass . M.M.Harold D. Emdia .. Ft. Madison
and 17 other motor cars , * 50 Power rented from Ft. Madison Elec
313 Inter-Urban Ry. ( Formerly Lt. Co.; trolley volt. 550 v . 70
Inter-Urban Ry. Co. ) Office, FlynnBldg. 4 miles ; 4-846 8 ; 10 cars.
Des Moines . ( Connects Des Moines,
Colfax, Altoona , Mitchellville, Wood HAMILTON. 391.
ward, Perry , Gardiner, Herrold , Moran , (See No. 318. )
Granger, Ft. Des Moines and Camp
Dodge .) HITEMAN. 1,200.
Pres. S. G. Harris,
Harris Trust & Svgs. Bank, (See No. 297.)
Chicago, Illi .
1st V. Pres. & Gen. Mgr. IOWA CITY. 12,033.
W. Clapper .. Des Moines
(See No. 309.)
2nd V. Pres. & Gen. Counsel
W. H. McHenry .. 316 – Mississippi Valley Electric
Sec . & Audr. O. A. Bernd Co. - Office, Commercial Savings Bank
Treas. & Pur Agt. F.M.Harris Bldg. , Iowa City . (Operates in Iowa
Gen. Supt. C. T. Baker 66
City ; also owns and operates Mankato
W.2d it Grand Aves..... (Minn . ) Elec . Trac.Co. (5.3 miles ) and
Claim Agt. D. M. Finch .. Ft. Madison ( Iowa ) St. Ry. Co. (4 miles).
Gen. Fgt. & Pass. Agt. Pres., Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt.
H. E. Bates.. J. Ó. Schulze.. .Iowa City
Ch. Engr. & Engr. M. of W. V. Pres. & Treas . J. H. Robret.
W. L. Wilson .. Sec . F. N. Surppel...
Elec. Engr. & Engr. Pwr. Sta . M. M. , P. E. Potter .
F. C. Chambers ... Energy purchased from Iowa Ry . & Lt.
Signal Engr. & Engr. Ovhd. Constr.
K. J. Keith ..
Co .; trolley volt. 550 v .
16 miles ; 4.8 % g; 22 motor pass . and
M. M. C. R. McMabon ... 4 motor service cars. * 70
Energy purchased from Des Moines City KEOKUK. 15,289.
Ry. Co.; trans. volt. 28,000 v ; trolley volt.
650 v. 317 — Central Mississippi Valley
19 sub -stas. (6 with auto . control) tot. Elec . Propertiog.- (Formed in Ill.
cap . 4850 kw ; 18 rot . conv. by a Trust Agreement, under which
SIOUX CITY. 61,774 ( 1915 ). Pur. Agt. H. J. Vance ......... Peoria, III.
Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta .
325 - Sioux City Service Co. - Office, H. F. Bryant.. ..Atchison
414-416 Fifth St. and 3rd & Water Sto. Power sta . equip . 4 d. c. G.E., West.
Pres. R. J. Dunham , tot. 800 kw ; 4 a. c . G. E., West. tot . 1100
208 8.La Salle St. , Chicago, III . kw . 3 ph.60 cy8; 1800 hp. e . Wms.,8. C. ,
V. Pres . H. A. Chetham, Ham ; 1600 bp. b. Frmn ., Spgf., Heine;
Union Stock Yards, 500kw.stm .turb. G. E ; trolley volt. 575 v.
Sec. & Treas. J.Henry Rickor..Sloux City 10
Power sta.and repair shops at Atchison .
Audr. E. V. Groff . Reaches Jackson Park and Reisner Park
Gen. & Park Mgr.E. L.Kirk... and controls Forest Park , 55 acres.
Supt. H: M. Benson .. 9.84 miles; 4-844 g ; 15 mo. pase . and i
Supt. Ht. , Lt. & Pwr. other car ; i snow sweeper. ( Company
C. E. Murphy . does general lighting & power business.
Pur.Agt. H. B. Gregory . * 50
Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta . M.W.Lake 16 AUGUSTA. 1277 .
M. M., C. M. Feist ,
Roadmaster, Jno . Ward........ (See No. 345.)
Power sta. equip . 3 d . c . Westg , G. E.
tot. 2800 kw ; 2 a . c. Allis-C tot. 8000 kva. BONNER SPRINGS. 1,541.
2300 v. 8 ph. 60 cys ; 4200 hp . e. AllinC.
Fulton ;6400 kw.stm . turb.Allis-C .;trolley 329 – Kansas City, Kaw Valley
volt. 550 v. & Western Ry. Co. - Office, Bonner
Power sta , and repair shops at Water Springs. ( Connects Kansas City, Ed
St. betwoon 3d & 8d Sto. wardsville , Bonner Springs, Linwood
Controls Riverside Park . and Lawrence; will extend to Topeka .)
53 miles ; 4-8 % g : 78 motor and 35 other Pres. K : D. Klemm
cars . (Co. does lighting and power busi 1012 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
ness . ) 119 V. Pres .,Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt.
TOLEDO . 1,721 . W. R.Taylor, 919 Baltimore Ave.,
Kansas City, Mo.
Sec . & Treas. E. S. Bigelow 66
326 - Iowa Ry. & Lt. Co .-- Office, 919 Baltimore Ave.,
Toledo . SeeCedar Rapids.
Local Mgr. J. P. Walters... .Toledo Supt.
Traffic0. S. Lamb ........
Mgr. W.T. HickersonBonner Springs
Power sta . equip. 1 a. c . West. 75 kw. 919 Baltimore Av. , Kansas City, Mo.
2300 v. 8 ph.60 cys; 825_hp. e. Ideal, Ch . Engr. J. L.Moss... ..Bonner Springs
Ball ; 400 hp . b . Frost & Hillman ; 1 mo. Energy purchased from Munic . Plant
gen . Het G. E. 125 kw ; trolley volt. 600 v. in Kansas City , Kane.
Owns Base Ball Park and reaches Chau Repair shops at Bonner Springs.
tanqua Park . 70 miles projected ; 40 miles in opera
8 miles ; 4-846 8 ; 4 mo. pass. , 1 fgt. mo. tion ; 4-844 g; 9 motor pass ., 5 other motor
and 11 other care . 50
and 10 other cars ; 2 elec. locos. * 60
WATERLOO . 38,097 (1915) . COFFEYVILLE. 15,228 ( 1916 ).
387 – Waterloo , Cedar Falls & 330 – The Union Traction Co.
Northern Ry.Co. - Office, Waterloo, Office , Coffeyville. (Operates in Cof
(Connecte Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, feyville and Independence, and inter
Cedar Falls. Waverly , Center Point, urban lines between Coffeyville, Inde
La Porte City, Denver, Gilbertville, pendence, Cherryvale and Parsons, and
Brandon, Urbana, Farmer, La Fayette, Coffeyville and ſowata , Okla .)
and Robins .) Pres . & Gen. Mgr.
Pres. L. 8. Cass .. Waterloo
D. H. Siggins ... ..Coffeyville
V. Pres. J. F. Cass . V. Pres.
Sec. F. E. Farwell . Willis B. Priestley ...Bartlesville, Okla.
Treas. & Audr. W. H. Burk .. Sec . H. A. Siggins .
6 Warren, Pa .
Gen. Mgr. C. D. Cass..... Treas. S. Q. Smith ..
Supt. M. A. Welsh . Supt. Transp. J W. Anderson .. Coffeyville
Gen. Fgt . & Pass . Agt. Elec. Engr. L. L. Francis..Independenco
C. M. Chenev .. Engr. Pwr. Sta . , A. G. Tucker
City Ryb . Co., Kansas City, Mo.; trans . Traffic Mgr. J. D. Cornell 66
volt. 33,000 v ; trolley volt. 600 v. Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt.
8 qub -stas .tot. cap. 1500 kw ; 8 rot. conv. Wm . A. Satterlee ... .......... !
Supt. & Claim Agt. Energy purchased from Kansas Gas &
Jno. Fennimore ..
Roadmaster, John Cotter...
Pittsburg Elec..Co.; trans. volt. 66,000 v ; trolley
volt . 600 v.
Energy purchased from Spring River 3 sub -stas ; 3 mo. gen . sets .
Pwr. Co.: trans . volt. 33,000 & 22,000 v ; Repair shops at Wichita.
trolley volt. 600 v. 61.7 miles (58 mi . 1st m . t. 1.4 m . 2d m .
5 sub - stas. (3 with auto control ) tot. t. 1.4 mi . sid. ) 442 g ; 18 motor pass ., 1
cap. 2,600 kw ; 8 rot. conv. trail pass ; 2 motor freight, 10 trail freight
Sub -stas. at Pittsburg, Scammon and cars ; 2 motor service cars . * 70
Franklin, Xans., and Asbury, Mo. , and
346a - Wichita R. R. & Lt. Co. - 01
Turkey Creek (No P. O. ) ;
Repair shops at Pittsburg. fice, 111 So. Main St. (Part of Ilinois
Reaches Riverside Park and Electric Traction System .)
Park . Pres.W. B. McKinley ....Champaign , III
104.14 miles; 4-8 % g : 52 motor pass. V. Pres. Ex. H. E. Chubbuck . . Peoria , Ili.
6 fgt. mo. , 68 fgt . without mo. and V. Pres . & Treas.
8 service cars. (Co. sells some pwr. ) 50 Geo . M. Mattis .. Champaign , Ill.
Sec. E. A. Macnutt .. Montreal, Que ., Can.
ROSEDALE . 7,498 . Asst. Gen.Mgr. A. M. Patten .....Topeka
Supt. H. W. Patten ... Wichita
(See Nos. 536 and 537.) Audr. W. D. Cole .. Topeka
Pur. Agt. H. J. Vance Peoria , In .
SALINA. 10,448 (1915) . Claim Agt. John Rowoll... Wichita
Operating Engr. W. G. Miller ..... Topeka
342 –Salina Stroet Ry. Co. - Office, Energypurchased from Kangas Gas &
Vallette Flats. Elec. Co.
Pres. Repair shops at 10th & Wichita Sts .
H. C. Smither ....710 W. Ash St. , Salina 41.19 miles (29.80 mi. 1st. m. t. , 8.32 mi.
V. Pres. Joseph Duncan . and m . t., 3.27 mi . sid. ); 4-84 ; 80 motor
Sec.,Treas ., Gen. Mgr., Claim pass. , 2 trail pass, and 3 motor sorvice
& Pur. Agt.W. E. Smither,Valetta Flats caro . 60
Engr. Ovbd . Constr. & M. M.
Oscar Larson , South Chicago St. 346b - Wichita - Walnut Valley
Energy purchased from The Salina Lt. Interurban Railway.. - Office 515
Pwr. & Gas Co.; trolley volt. 575-550 v. Beacon Bldg: ( Pending permiogion
Reaches park and University. from the Capital Issues Committee to
74 miles ; 4-84 % g ; 8 motor cars and sell securities.) (Charter to be taken
1 other car . * 70 over by other parties. (Will connect
Wichita, Andover, Benton , Augusta ,
SCAMMON . 2233. Towanda, El Dorado, Gordon , Douglass
and Winfield .)
(See No. 341. ) Pres.
V. Pres. A. H. Hill . Wichita
TOPEKA. 46,747 ( 1915). Sec. T. A. Coffman .
Treas . L. S. Naftzger
(See also No. 329.) So. West St. Bank ,
344–The Topeka Ry. Co. - Office, 66 miles . * 50
12th and Jackson Ste . (Part of The
Illinois Traction System .) (Connects WINFIELD. 6,700 .
Topeka and Oakland .)
Pres . W. B. McKinley ....Champaign, Dl. 347 – The Southwestern Interur
V. Pres. Ex. H. E.Chúbbuck ...Peoria, Ill. ban Railway.- ( Formerly Southern
V. Pres. & Treas. R. R. Co.) Office, Winfield . (Connects
Geo . M. Mattis . .Champaign, III. Winfield , Hackney and Arkansas City .)
Sec . E. A. Macnutt .. .Mortreal, Que. Pres. HomerM.Preston...... Tulsa, Okla.
Audr. W. D. Cole .. .Topeka Audr., Gen. Fgt. & Pass.Agt.
S. H. Grimes. Arkansas City
Asst. Gen. Mgr. A. M. Patten .
Supt. & Claim Agt. E. H. Rowell.. Ch. Engr . A. U. Bigbee ....
Operating Engr. W.G. Miller.... Gen. Mgr. Chas. Houston .......
Par. Agt. H. J. Vance......... Peoria, Ill . Eng. Pwr. Sta.
M. M.,S. S. French A.S. Bumgardner... Hackney
Roadmaster, J. H. McCahan ..
Topeka Eng . M. of W. , H. J. Honser . Winfield
Energy purchased from The Topeka Power sta . equip. 2 d . c. West. tot. 450
Edison Co.;trans. volt. 6600 v; trolley volt. kw ; 2 e. Mur. Cor : 3 b. Mur.
600 v . Power sta. at Hackney ; repair shops at
Repair shops at 12th & Jackson Sts. Winfield .
40.3 miles (30.8 mi . 18t m . t . , 6.9 mi. 2nd 25 miles ; 4-84, 8 ; 6 motor pass., 1 fgt.
t. , 2.9 mi. sid .) ;4-842 g; 49 motor pass ., motor and 1 service cars .
m29 . trail * 70
pass ., 1 motor freight and 7 motor
service cars . * 60
lines. All stocks are leaged to Columbia Cap. Stk . $ 2,093,400 ; bdo. $ 3,957,000
Gas & Elec . Co.)
Pres . James M. Hutton ,... Cincinnati, O. (Operates
ington , Versailles, lines between
interurbanFrankfort, Lex.
V. Pres. Louis J. Hauck .
Sec . & Treas. G. M. Abbott 64 66 town, Nicholasville and Paris, and
operates city lines in Paris, Frankfort,
Winchester and Georgetown . )
350 – The Cincinnati , Newport Pres. Percy M. Chandler
& Covington Ry. Co. and The Franklin Bank Bldg ., Philadelphia, Pa.
on & Cincinn
South CovingtCincinna
Ry. Co.-(The
ati St. V. Pres . F. W. Bacon ...
ti, Newport & Sec. T. D. Murray . ..Lexington
Covington Lt.& Trac.Co. owns the Asst. Sec. & Audr. L. F. Rye..
stock of The Cincinnati, Newport & Treas. J. Will Stoll .....
CovingtonRy. ,which in turn ownsthe Gen. Mgr., J. P. Pope......
stock ofThe
cinnatiS South Covingto
t.Ry: Co.and n & Cin-
other subsidia ry Supt. Transpt.
Gen. Fgi
Claim . Agt
Agt. . Henry Bush ...
J.J. Muir
Wallace .. ...
lines operated in conjunctiontherewith .? Ch . Engr. & Park Mgr.
( Connocts Cincinnati, Oovington , West
Cincinnati , Ludlow, Ft. Mitchell, New Geo . MacLeod .....
port, Dayton, Bellevue, Ft. Thomas and Production,
Clifton . ) Sapts. A. A. Robertson , ....
Pres. W. W. Freeman
V. Pres. W.
... Cincinnati, Ohio M. M.,W.G.
Distr.Stack . ..
W. Reed
Seo. & Treas. Polk Laffoon .... Roadmaster, J. H. Kearney .
... Covington
Gen. Mgr. W. H. Harton ....... Pwr. sta . equip ; 8 a. C. G. E , Allis -C.
Claim A. M. Bower .......... tot. 9000 kw . 2300-4000 v. 3 ph. 60 cys; 8000
Agts . W. J. Ranshaw .. hp. b . Edge & B. & W . ;9000 kw.stm . turb.G.
Pur. Agt., C. J. Bauer E.,Allis- C ;trans. volt. 33,000 v ; trolley volt.
4th &C.W.
Elec . Engr. Sts., Cincinna
PlumDeForest. ... ti,Ohio 600V , 6 transf. tot. 8,000 kw ., 4000
33,000 v ; 2 mo. gen . sets tot. 1500 kw.
Gen. Supt. Wm. H. Harton , Jr. 7 sub -stas tot. cap. 3200 kw ; 5 rot. conv.,
Supt. Transp . P.P. Lillard .... tot . 1500 kw., 3 mo. gen . sets, tot. 1700
M. M. Frank W.Wampler . t
Engr . M. of W., W. T. Rossell . •Newpor kw Pwr. stas.and repair shops at Lexington .
Roadmaster, Martin Foley ... 16
Sec. & Treas . , Gen. Fgt. , Pans . deville Supt. E. F. Greenleaf .....
& Pur. Agt . Ch . Engr. Wm . Gardner, Jr. Haraban
T. Garland Moise . Covingtole
| Mandevil n Engr. of W. ..
Elec. Engr. Harold Raymond
RoadmasterInters tate Bldg . , New Orlean Ry. Energ
& yLt. purch
y Co ased .from
; 3 transf NewphOrlea
6600 v.3 ns
. 60 cys.
G. Lewis ...... ..Mandevilles I trolle volt. 1200 v. d. c, catenary,
106.608 miles; 4-844 g ; 289 motor pass.. OLD FALLS PWR. STA . EQUIP .
8 trail pass ., 8 fgt. motor, 10 fgt. without (Kennebunk ).— 3 a.c. Westg. tot. 1500 kw.
motorsand 39 service cars. * 50 400 v . 2 ph . 60 cys ; 2100 hp. turb . (wtr. )
S. Morgan Smith; trans, volt. 10,000 v.
380 – Maine Rys ., Lt. & Pwr. Co.
Office Union Mutual Bldg. (Controls ESTES PWR. STA. EQUIP . (Sanford )
Oxford Elec . Co. ) -2 a. c . Westg . tot. 600 kw . 2300 v. 3 ph.
Pres. Wm. T. Cobb .. .Rockland 60 cy8 ; 1300 hp. turb. (wtr.) Platt Iron
Clerk, Josiah H Drummond . Portland Wks ; trans. volt. 10,000 v .
Treas. Frank H. Bradford ..
Audr. Frank B. Fish KENNEBUNK PWR. STA . EQUIP ;
120 Exchange St. (Kennebunk ).- 1 d . c. G. E. 300 kw ;
109+ 250 hp. e. McI. & 8 ; 475 hp. b. Hodge ;
PRESQUE ISLE, 5,179. trolley volt. 600 v.
Sub -stas. at Sanford , Kennebunkport
881 - Aroostook Valley R. R. Co.- and Oganquit tot. cap . 300 kw ; 4 rot.
omice, Presque Isle. (Connects Presque convt. (1 portable ); repair shops at Kenne
Isle , Crouseville, Washburn , Sweden bunkport and Ogunquit.
and Caribou . ) Reaches
Pres . & Gen.Mgr.A. R. Gould .Presque Isle oid Falls . Cape Porpoise, York Beach and
V. Pres. & Pur. Agt. L.E. Gould .6 50 miles ; 4-8 % 8 ; 22 motor pass .,4 other
Sec . C. F. Daggett .. motor and 15 other cars ; 2 elec, locos.
Treas., Claim Agt. & Gen. Fgt. 60 60
& Pass. Agt. /. N. Crandall
Gen. Supt. & Ch . Engr. SKOWHEGAN , 6,341 .
M. S. W. Dingwall .. ........
Gen. Fgt. Agt. R. Trim .. Camden Pres . Harvey D.Eaton ....... Waterville
Sec. E. A. Ballantyne .......... Augusta
Engr. Pwr. Sta . Treas. W. S. Wyman ...
Chas. E. Gregory .. Glen Cove 66
Audr. John S. Everett ..
M. M., Ralph Wentworth .
Ry . Supt. V. Chisholm .. .Rockland Gen. Mgr. N. R. Longfellow . , Waterville
Claim Agt. W. B. Getchell Augusta ....
Roadmaster, Fred Gregory
Energy purchased ..
from Central 06
Maine Pur. Agt. Blaine Owen ....
Ch. Engr. F. H.Mason........Waterville
Power Co., Augusta ; trans volt. 6600 and M M., W.M. Powers.... ..Benton
2300 v ; trolley volt. 550 v ; 2 mo. gen . Engr. M.of W.F.A.Wentworth.Fairfeld
Eeto ; 1 booster.
Energy purchased from Central Maine
Sub. sta . and repair shops at Glen Cove. Pwr. Co. , trolley volt. 550 v .
Reaches Oakland Park ( owned ).
23.92 miles ; 4 846 8 ; 33 motor pass. , 7 Repair shops at Fairfield .
other motor and 7 other cars :4 elec. locos . 11 miles ; 4-846 g ; 21 motor pass . and
3 other motor care .. * 70
Does general lighting and power busi
ness . *
SACO. 6,583 . WESTBROOK . 8,908.
( See No. 372.) (See No. 379.)
SANFORD , 10,916 ( 1916) .
YORK . 2,802 (1916
384 - Atlantic Shore Railway.
Office, Kennebunk . (Formerly the At (See No. 584a .)
lantic Shore Line Ry., which was a
consolidation of Sanford & Cape Por.
poise Ry., Mousam River Ry. and MARYLAND .
Portsmouth, Dover & York St. Ry. )
( On May 1, 1917, control of lines west of ANNAPOLIS. 8,760.
York Beach reverted to Portsmoutb , (See also No. 391. )
Dover & York St. Ry .) (Connects York
Beach, Ogunquit, Wells, Springvale, 387
Sanford, Kennebunk, W. Ķennebunk,
- The Maryland Elec. Rys. Co.
-Office, Annapolis. (Connects Bal .
Kennebunkport, Cape Porpoise and timore and Annapolis.) (Undermanage
Biddeford , where connection is made ment of Peck, Shannahan , Cherry , Inc.)
with Biddeford & Saco R. R. Co.) Pres. J. N. Shannahan ..... Hampton. Va.
( Freight and passenger service.) V. Pres . T. C. Cherry .....
... Syracuse, N. Y.
F. 0. Conant ....... Portland Sec . & Treas . Austin McLanabad
Receivers Constant South worih ( 6
4 So. Calvert St. , Baltimore
Mgr. for Recvre. Audr. G. S. Storrs ... · Annapolis
Sterling T. Dow . Kennebunk Gen. Mgr. C. D. Porter .....
Elec . Engr. & Pur. Agt. Supt. C. G. Britton . Baltimore
F. M. Richards ... Gen. Fgt. & Pass. Agt . 66
rrmn. Shops W. A. Lovejoy.. J. C. Clift....
Powor and cars rented from United Power sta , at Security ; repair shops at
Railways & Electric Co. of Baltimore. Frederick .
Owns Gunpowder River Park . Reaches and owns Braddock Heights
9.5 miles oporated ; 12.8 mi. projected ; Park.
8-4% 8 ; 2 cars. 109 91.5 miles; 4-844 g ; 40 motor pass . , 3
trail pass., 2 Igt. motor, 48 fgt. without
CUMBERLAND. 30,000 (1920.) motors and 6 service cars ; 3 elec . locos.
( Co. does general lighting and power
893 - Cumberland Elo0 . Ry. Co. business .) * 50
Omice, N. Centre St. (Connects with
the Cumberland & Westernport Elec. FROSTBURG. 6,028.
Ry, at Narrow Park , 294 milos wost of ( See No. 394.)
Cumberland ).
Pres. G. L. Wellington ......Cumberlan HAGER
V. Pres . James A. McHenry STOWN. 28,679 ( 1916) .
Sec. & Treas . C. G. Holzshu (See No. 395.)
Supt. & Pur. Agt.
W. M. Roberts, Jr ........ KENSINGTON . 689.
Ch. Elecn . John Hamilton ..
Energy purchased from Edison Elec. 396 - Kensington Ry. Co. - Office,
Illg. Co. Overhead Bridge, W. Kensington.
Reaches and controls Narrows Park . (Operates Sandy Spring Ry. Co.'s track
8.5 miles ; 4-848 8 ; 17 motor pass . and ( 1.5 miles ). Extends from north term
4 service cars . * 50 inal of Capital Traction Co.'s System
in Washington and beyond Kensington,
394-Cumberland die Wosternport Md . )
Eloc. Ry. Co. – Office , Frostburg. Pres . Chas F. Brooke......Sandy Spring
(Connecto Cumberland, Eckhart, V. Pres. Allan Farquhar ..
Frostburg , Shaft, Carlos Junction, Sec ., Treas., Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt.
Ocean , Midland, Gilmore , Lonaconing, R.H. Phillips ....... .Kensington
Pekin , Moscow , Barton , Franklin and Audr.
Westernport.) (Controlled by the Cities J. A. P. Farnham ....Washington , D. C.
Service Co.) Supt. Herbert Claude........Chevy Chase
Pres. Henry L.Doherty .. New York, N.Y. Elec . Engr. & M. M.
Frank W. Frueanff, Fayette Johnson .
New York , N.Y. Trolley volt. 600 v .
V.Prests . & Gen. Mgr. Repairshops at Chevy Chase Lake.
D. D. Price, 3.5 miles (standard track on private
Frostburg care
right. of way); 4-84 % 8; 3 motorand 2 other
Bec. , Treas. & Pur. Agt. 69
H. N. Beckett ..
Supt. Adam Orr. TOWSON. 3,600. (1916) .
M.M., Joe Storey. (See also Nc . 390.)
Power sta . equip.: 6 d . c . G. E. West.
tot. 1250 kw ; 1750 hp. e . Clark Bros. Rus; 397-Towson & Cockeysville Elec
1476 hp. b . Keeler, Erie City ; 900 k.wi tric Ry. Co. - Office, Bel Air . (Con.
stm. turb. Westg . nects Towson, Lutherville, Timonium .)
Power Clarysville and Reynolds ; (Will also connect Texas and Cockeys
ropair shops at Clarysville. ville . )
Reaches Reynolds Park (owned.) Pres. C. C. Fawcett
26 miles ; 4-8% 8 ; 14 motor pass. and care of Robt. Garrett & Sons, Baltimore
3 other cars . * 70 V. Pres . Henry F. Baker
Gen. Mgr. J. AlexisShriver ....... Bel Air
FREDERICK . 12,000 (1916) . Reaches Maryland State Fair at Ti
monium .
398—Tho Hagerstown & Frederick 3.25 miles ; Edison storage battery cars .
Ry . Co. - Ofice, cor. Patrick & Car 109
roll Sta . (Controls Potomac Lt. &
Pwr, Co. , Martinsburg, W. Va. and
Waynesboro, Pa. Elec. Co.; controls MASSACHUSETTS .
and operates Chambersburg , Green
castle & Waynesboro St. Ry. Co., AMESBURY. 9,894 .
Wayesborg, Pa.; operates Northern (See No. 427.)
Virginia Pwr. Co. ) Connects Frede
rick , Thurmont, Middletown, Jeffer AMHERST. 5,558 .
son , Boonsboro, Hagerstown and Will
lamsport, Md., and Shadygrove, Pa.) (See No. 429.)
Pres. Emory L. Coblentz ....... Frederick
Henry Holzapfel , Jr.Hagerstown ATHOL. 9,783.
V. Pres. F. Howard Warfield .. Baltimore
Sec. M. P. Moller ..... Hagerstown 398- Northern Massachusetts St.
Treas . T. H. Haller .. Frederick Ry. Co .--Gen . office, Greenfield. (For
Asst. Treas. Alex . Armstrong .. merly the Athol & Orange St. Ry. Co.,
Audr. R. E. Town. which purchased theTempleton St. Ry.
Gen. Mgr . M. A. Pooler......Hagerstown Co. , and with which the Gardner, West
Supt . R. Paul Smith . Frederick minster & Fitchburg St. Ry, Co. was
Claim Agt . Park Loy.. 66
merged .) (Controlled by Massachusetts
Gen. Fgt. & Pass. Agt. Consolidated Rys . ) (Connects Athol,
C. C. Waters.. Orange, Templeton, Baldwinville, Win.
Pur. Agt. R. V. Mitchell.. chendon, Gardner, Westminster and
Elec. Engrs., G.T.Twyford . Hagerstown Fitchburg.)
Signal Engr . Pres . Chas. W.Hazelton .. Montague City
V. St. C. Montieth .. V. Pres . & Gen. Mgr .
Constr. Consumers, D. P. Abercrombie .
C. H. Leatham .
Clerk & Treas. F. A. Persons ..
Power sta. equip. 3 a. c. G. E. & West. Audr. John E. Donovan ..
tot. 10,250 kw. 2800 v. 3 ph. 60 cys : 3750 Gen. Supt. J. A. Taggart....... 66
Clerk , F . P. McIntyre..
Treas. Leverett Candee .
.Springfield Roll. Stk . & Shops
F. D. Ward ..
Audr. J. W. Jamieson .. Supts.
Gen. Mgr . Henry C. Page.. Worcester Quincy Pwr. Sta.
..Attleboro H. I. Sullivan ..
Supt. F. S. Hunnewell. Mgr. Fgt. Dept. P. P. Crafts .
408 - Public Service Investment & Elec . Lt. Co. , Suburban Gas & Elec .
Co .- (Organized with authority , among Co. (Revere and Winthrop ), Springfield
other things, to hold and deal in stocks, Gas Lt. Co. , Springfield Navigation Co..
bonds and other securities Owns secur- Teneco Sales Corp. , American Tar Co.,
ities in twelve companies , eleven of Boston Electrolytic Oxygen Co., North
which are under management of Stone Boston Ltg . Properties, EasternMassa
& Webster .) chusetts Elec. Co. and Worcester Gas
( Henry G. Bradlee... Boston Lt. Co., Massachusetts ; Exeter & Hamp
Chas A. Stone ton Elec C. o. Exeter,Hampton &Ames
Directors į Russell Robb . bury St. Ry., Exeter Ry. & Ltg. Co. and
Edwin 8. Webster Concord Elec. Co., New Hampshire;
Edmund J. B. Huntoon The Barre & Montpelier Trac. & Pwr.Co.
* 50 and Montpelier & Barre Lt. & Pwr. Co.
Vermont ; People's Gas & Elec. Co.
409 – Railway & Light Securities ofOswego and Rockland Lt. & Pwr. Co.
Co .- (Organized for the purpose of (Nyack ), New York ; Rockland Electric
holding, for income orfor sale, the secur- Co., New_Jersey and The Bristol &
ities of transportation , illuminating, Plainville Tramway Co. , Connecticut.
power and other public service corpo- Chmn . of Bd.
rations. Under charter , it may isene its Charles H. Tenney ........ .Springfield
own Collateral Trust Bonds, secured by Pres. Palmer York . Boston
bonds of other companies, as collateral; V. Pres. (in charge of Purchasing)
owns bonds and stocks of forty -three F. P. Mooney .
independent companies, twenty of V. Pres. (in charge of Engineering)
which are under management of Stone F. C. Sargent...
& Webster. ) Sec. H. P. Wood , 16
NEW BEDFORD. 115,000. (1917. ) and controls Norumbega Park Co. and
Middlesex & Boston St. Ry .)
441 -- New Bedford & Onset St. Pres. Adams D. Claflin .. Boston
Ry . Co. - Office, 814 Purchase St. V. Pres. Sydney Harwood . Newton
(Connects New Bedford , Fairhaven . Sec . John P. Carr ... Boston
Mattapoisett, Marion , Wareham , Onset, Treas. Chas.Whipple Smith .
Bourne, Buzzard's Bay, Cape Cod Mon , Asst . Treas. G. M.Cox .......Newtonville
ument Beach , So. Wareham , Tremont, * 50
Rock Canal and Middleboro .)
Pres. H. H. Crapo .. New Bedford 444–Middlesex & Boston St. Ry.
V. Pres. Elton $ . Wilde ..... -Office, 797 Washington Street.,
Sec. Edward T. Pierce .... Newtonville. (Controlled by Boston
Treas . Edward F. Nicholson Suburban Elec. os .). (Connects
Audr . James P. Francis Arlington, Asbland, Bedford ,
Gen. Supt . & Pur. Agt. Billerica , Concord, Westboro, Hopkin
Geo. P. Dole , .... Wareham ton, Lexington , So. Framingham , Na
Claim Agt. tick , Wayland , Wellesley, Needham ,
Chester P. Rexford . New Bedford Newton, Waltham , Woburn , Belmont,
Gen. Fgt. & Pass . Agt . Sherburne and Watertown. Also oper
Chas. T. Battey New Bedford ates over the Newtonville & Water
M. M. , W. E. Parker.. Wareham town St. Ry. )
Roadmaster, F. R. F. Harrison . Chrmn. Bd . of Dir.
Energy purchased from New Bedford J. L. Richards .. Newtonville
Gas & Edison Lt. Co. 2 rot. conv. G. E. Pres. Pitt F. Drew ...........
tot. 900 kw . 3 ph . 60 cys ; trans. volt. Clerk
22,000 v ; trolley volt. 600 v. A. A. Ballantine ...84 State St. , Boston
Repair shopsat Wareham . Treas. G. M. Cox ...... Newtonville
44 miles (36.98 mi. lst m . t. , 4.03 mi. | Asst.Treas. F.E.Frystrand ....
2nd m . t. , 2.99 mi . sid .) ; 4.84% 8 : 23 motor Gen. Mgr. & Supt .
pass., 4 trail pass . , 1 motor freight, 2 Harry H , Hansen ..
motor service and 6 trail service cars . Claim Agt. Pitt F. Drew ...
Company sells energy . *50 Pur. Agt. F. G.L. Henderson
No. 1
S. E. Walker...... ..Waltham
442- Union St. Ry . Co .--Office, 814
Purchase St. (Consolidation of New Supts. | No. 2
Jas.W.Sullivan .... Auburndale
Bedford & Fairhaven St. Ry . , Acush of
net St. Ry. and Dartmouth & West Divs. No.F.3P. Quackenbush ......Natick
port St. Ry. ) ( Connects New Bedford , No.4
Fairhaven, Acushnet, Dartmouth, West W.S.Scamman Lexington
Pres. and Fall
H. River.
Crapo)......New Bedford Energy purchased from Edison Elec.
Illg . Co. of Boston .
V. Pres. Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt. Řepair shops at Waltham , Natick and
Elton S. Wilde
Sec. Edward T. Pierce . Lexington .
Treas. Edward F. Nicholson Reaches Norumbega Park , Auburndale,
Audr. James P. Francis ... and Lexington Park , Lexington.
65 130.923 miles ; 4-8 % g : 264 motor and 14
Supt. Transpt. C. B. Pierce... 66
other cars ; 26 snow plows. * 50
Supt.Equip . Arthur B. Fuller 66
Clm . Agt. Chester P. Rexford
Gen. Fgt. & Pass . Agt . NORTE ADAMS. 22,019.
Chas . T. Battey ..
Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta . ( See also No. 450.)
Manuel Luiz ...
M. M. , James A. Webber ... 445–Boston & Maine R. R. - General
Engr . M. of W. & Ovhd . Constr. office, Boston ; Div. offices, North
Thos . W. Williams... Adams, Mass. ( Operates by electricity
Power sta. equip. 6 d. c . G. E.,
West . its trains through the Hoosac Tunnel.)
tot. 6400 kw ; 1 a . c . G. E. 3125 kva. For general officers see Boston .
445 v . 6 ph. 60 cys ; 2036 hp . e . F. & Div. Supt. J. D. Bourne .......No. Adams
S., West. G. E.; 2036 hp. b . Bab. & W; | Elec. Supt. L. C. Winship ....
4000 kw . stm . tarb . G. E. , Wert ; 500 kw . Power sta. equip . 2 a. c . Westg . tot.
mo. gen . set. G. E.; trans . & trolley 6000 kw . 11,000 v.25 cys : 500 hp. e. Bab.
volt , 550 v. & W ; - kw . stm , turb. Westg .: 5500 hp.
Power sta . and repair shops at New wtr. turb. Westg : trans , volt. 11,000 v ;
Bedford . & owns Fort Phænix Park and trolley volt. 11,000 v. Energy also pur
chased from Berkshire Street Ry Co. ,
Lincoln Park , Zylonite, and New England Power Co.
67.197 miles owned ( 42.161 mi . 1st m . t . Repair shope at North Adams.
19.771 mi. 2nd m . t . , 5.265 mi, sid .) ; also 22 miles (elec . ) 4-8% 8 ; 7 elec . locos.
5.05 mi. track rights. Total miles orer 50
ated 66.982 ; 4-842 g ; 164 motor pass. , 43
trail pass ., 4 motor fgt. & exp ., 2 trail NORTHAMPTON . 21,654 .
fgt. & exp. , 23 motor service and 3 trail
* 50 (See also No. 424. )
service cars.
NEWBURY. 1,590 . 446 - Northampton St. Ry. Co. -
Office, Locust ( Connects Northampton,
(See No. 427.) Easthampton and Williamsburg.)
Pres. Henry M. Tyler ... .Northampton
NEWBURYPORT . 15,311 . Treas., Sapt. & Claim Agt.
Harold J. Campbell...
( See Nos. 401 and 427.) Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt.
Louis D. Pellissier ....
NEWTON . 43,113. Ch . Engr.
Chas. A. Winterbottom ...
( See No. 444.) Power sta . equip . 5 d . c . tot . 810 kw ;
1200 hp . e. H. o. & R ; 800 hp . b . Hol ;
NEWTONVILLE. 5,700 . trolley volt . 550 v ,
Power sta. and repair shops at Locust &
443-- Boston Suburban Elec . Com Hatfield Sts .
panies. - omce, 797 Washington St. , 27.508 miles ; 4-844 g ; 52 motor and 13
* 50
Newtonville. (Á voluntary association other cars .
478 - Detroit, Monroe & Toledo and Sandwich , Windsor & Amherstburg
Short Line Ry. Co. - Office, Inter- Ry . , Windsor, Ont. , Can . Includes all
urban Bldg. (Controls Monroe Trac. Co. street railway lines in Detroit and the
and includes Toledo & Monroe Ry . following Interurban Divisions: Wyan
Co.) (ConnectsDetroit . Toledo, Monroe, dotte, Orchard Lake, Pontiac, Flint
Erie ,Newport, Wyandotte, Trenton and and Grosse Pointe.) (Connects Detroit,
Rockwood. ) ( Controlled by Detroit Royal Oak , Rochester , Oxford , Flint;
United Ry. ) Detroit. Birmingham Pontiac; Detroit,
Chmn. Bd. J.C. dutchins . Detroit Redford, Farmington. and Northville.)
Pres. & Gen. Mgr. F. W. Brooks.. Chmn . Bd . J.C. Hutchins. .Detroit
Asst . to Pres . W. E. Cann .. Pres. & Gen. Mgr . F. W. Brooks ..
Asst. Gen. Mgr. E. J. Burdick .... E , W.Moore ....Cleveland, O.
V. Pres.Treas. Allen F. Edwards . 66
Sec . A. E. Peters .. V. Prests . A. J. Ferguson ,Montreal,Can .
Treas . & Pur. Agt.
Audr . Irwin Fullerton . Allan F. Edwards... Detroit
Gen. Supt . Harrr Bullen . 66 Sec . A. E. Peters .
Supt. J. C. Huston .. ..Monroe Asst. Sec. Emma Heige ,
Supt. Pwr. M. F. Maury Werth ...Detroit Gen, Audr . Irwin Fullerton .
Gen. Claim Attorney Asst . Gen. Mgr. E. J. Burdick .
W. G. Fitzpatrick Asst. to Gen. Mgr. W.E. Cann..
Asst. Gen. Claim Attorney Gen. Supt. Harry Bullen ... G
volt. 16,500 v ; trolley volt. 650 v. Supt Pwr. M. F. Maury Werth ... 06
Power sta . and repair shops at Monroe. Gen. Traffic Mgr. W. S. Rodger...
Reaches Monroe Piers (owned . ) Gen. Fgt . Agt. Nathan Rumney ...
84.487 miles ; -9 % g : 26 closed pass . Gen. Pass. Agt . Jno . F. Keys ...
2 open pass. , 4. express and 62 other M. M. Sylvester Potter....Highland Park
* 50 Supt. of Tracks, John Kerwin .... Detroit
Detroit Stas. (Atwater and Riopelle) 11
479–Detroit & Port Huron Shore d . c . G E, Westg . tot . 10,900 kw ; 2 a. c .
Line Ry. ( Rapid Ry. System . )- G. E , Westg . tot. 10,500 kw . 6600 v . 3 ph .
Office, Interurban Bldg . ( Includes 25 cys ; 16,350 hp. e. Allis- C , F. & S ; 11.200
the Rapid Ry . , Detroit, Mt. Clemens hp. b . Bab & W , Stir ; 16 , 500 kw . stm .
& Marine City Ry . , Port Huron . St. turb . West, G. E .; trans, volt 6600 v ;
Clair & Marine_City Ry . , Detroit & trolley volt. 575 v . Energy also from De
Lake St. Clair Ry . and City Elec. Ry . troit Edison Co. 14,500 kw .
Co. of Port Huron . ) ( Controlled by Sub - Stas . ( Birmingham , Farming
Detroit United Ry. ) ton Junct and Rochester ) tot. d . e . gen .
Chmn. Bd . J. C. Hutchins Detroit 2550 kw . West . Allis - C ; tot . a . c . gen . 3950
Pres . & Gen. Mgr . F. W. Brooks .. kw. 400 v. 3 ph . 25 cys Weet. Allis- C ;
V. Pres . & Audr . Irwin Fullerton . 5472 hp. e. ; 4450 hp . b.
Sec . A. E. Peters .. 66
3000 kw . Atm . turb . West . Allis-C : trans .
Treas Allen F. Edwards volt. 16,500 v ; trolley volt. 650 v . Energy
Aset to Pres . W. E. Cann also from Eastern Mich . Edison Co. , 4000
Asst . Gen. Mgr . E J. Burdick kw .
Gen. Supt. Harry Bullen .. Repair shops at Detroit.
Supt. W. M. Quackenbush..Mt. Clemens Total mileage of system ( including side
Supt. Pwr. M.
Gen. Claim F. Manry Werth ...Detroit and yard tracks) 928.396; 4-846 g : Detroit
Attorney United Ry. 544.728 miles ( including De
W. G. Fitzpatrick 5
roit & No. Western Div . , Detroit & Pon
Asst. Gen. Claim Attorney tiac Div . Detroit, Flint & Wyandotte Div .
Geo . A. Chapman Detroit , Almont & Northern R. R. and
Gen. Traffic Mgr. W. S. Rodger ... GG
Detroit & Highland Park Co ) :
Gen. Fgt . Agt. Nathan Rumney ... 66
Rapid Ry . System 142.592 miles , Detroit
Gen. Pass . Agt . Jno F. Keys . Monroe & Toldo Short Line Rv . 84,487
Div . | Jno.. Oliver Chapaton
McCarthy . Mt.Clemens miles,
111.351 DetroitJackson and , Chicago
miles and Sandwich WindsorRy.
Supts. 1 sno. Reed Port Huron Amheralburg Ry 45.237 miles .)
Supt. of Track John Kerwin .. 66
Total rolling stk . ppnip. 1895 paos . , 284
Power sta . eqnip. 5 a c . Westg . , Allis -C . freight and constr ., 38 line, 104 express
tot. 4700 kw . 390 v . 3 ph. 25 cv8 ; 3600 bp . and 21 misc. cars; 4 locos., 4880 motora
e. Weatg : 2700 hp . b. Bab. & W., Stir ; and 3806 trucks. * 50
4800 hp . tarb . West . Allis -C ; trans . volt.
16,500 v ; trolley volt , 625 v . 481 - Michigan Central R. R. ( De.
Power sta. at New Baltimore ; -nh - stas . troit River Tunnel Co. -Office, M. C.
at Roseville , Mt. Clemens and Algonac. R. R. Depot, Detroit. (Operates by elec
Rrepair ghopeat Roseville and Port tric locomotives through tunnel under
Huron . Detroit River, hetween Detroit, Mich .
Owns club house, docks and amurement and Windsor, Ont. )
grounds at Lakeside. Chmn . H. B. Ledyard .. Detroit
142.592 miles (elec , & steam ) ; 4.846 g : Pres. A. H. Smith ,
57 closed pass . , 28 open pass . , 7 express Grand CentralStation. New York. N. Y.
and freight and 45 other cars . * 50 J. Carstensen ......
V. Prests .
7 E. D. Bronner . .Detroit
480 - Detroit United Ry . -- Office . Gen. Mgr. H. Shearer .. 66
Energy parchased from Detroit Edison waukee in connection with the Crosby
Co .; 2 mo.-gen. G. E. tot. 2000 kw ; trans. Transp. Co. from Grand Haven. Also
volt. 4600 v. 3 ph. 60 cys ; trolley volt. does local freight business. ) * 50
650 v. d . c .
Repair shops at Detroit. 484-Grand Rapids Ry Co. - Office ,
26.4 miles; 4-840 g ; 10 Gen. Elec. locos. 42 No. Ionia St. ( Controlled through
*70 stock ownership by Commonwealth
ESCANABA. 15,485 (1916) . Pwr. , Ry . & Lt. Co.)
Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
Benj . S. Hanchett. Grand Rapids
482 - Escanaba Trac . Co .- (Connects B. C. Cobb ......New York , N.Y.
Escanaba , Gladstone, Wells and Groos. ) V.
Pres . J. K. Stack .. Escanaba Prests . Gen. Mgr. L. J. DeLamarter,
V. Pres. J. C. Kirkpatrick .
6 Grand Rapids
Sec. , Treas. & Pur. Agt.
Sec ., Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt. It U. E. Livingst on .
P. L. Utley.
Treas . M. N. Smith . Asst. Secs. & S. E. Wolff,
New York , N.Y.
Audr H. W. Reade .
Supt. & Elec. Engr.
Asst. Treasrs. ? G.H.
G. Bourne ,
Edwiu F. Zuehlke .. 6 Audr. H. G. Kessler .....
M. M. , Edw . Anderson . Supt. J. C. Madigan ... Grand Rapids
Roadmaster, J. Burke ... Claim Agt. F. M. Webster ..
Power sta . equip:; 3 d. c . G. E. West . Pwr . Co. purchased from Consumers
tot. 620 kw . 550 v : 3 a . c . G. E. Allis-C .
Reaches Ramona Park at Reeds Lake
tot. 3250 kva, 6000 v . 3 ph . 60 cy8 ; 200 hp.
e. F. & S : 300 hp. 6. Feustrom Meno (owned) , North Park and Comstock Park .
minee ; 4700 hp. turb. ( wtr. ) Leffel, 65.60 miles (34.59 mi . 18t m . t. , 28.30
Allis -C ; trans. volt. 6600 v ; trolley volt. ri . 2nd m. t.. 2.71 m. sid .) Total miles
550 v . operated 67.96 ; 4.8 % g : 143 motor pass. ,
1 sub-sta. cap. 170 kw ;1 mo . gen . set . 12 trail pass. , 9 trail freight and 19 trail
Power stas. at Flat Rock , Chandler service cars ; ( 19 moto pass . cars on
Falls and Escanaba ; repair shops at order. ) 50
Reaches South Park (owned ) and 485 - American Public Utilities
Moose Park . Co. — Office , G. R. Savings Bldg .,
16.5 miles ( 14 mi . 1st m . t . , 1.5 mi . 2nd Grand Rapids. (Controls, through stock
m. t., 1 mi. sid . ) Total miles operated ownership , the following properties
18 ; 4-846 9 ; 11 motor pass. , 4 trail pass. , operated under the management of Kel.
2 trail freight and 3 motor service cars ; Hey, Brewer & Co .: Albion (Mich . ) Gas
1 auto pass . bus. Co: furnishes energy Lt. Co , Boise (Idaho) Gas Lt. & Coke
for lighting and power . *50 Co. , Elkhart (Ind.) Gas & Fuel Co. ,
Holland (Mich .) Gas Works , Jackson
(Miss .) Public Service Co. , Merchants'
FARMINGTON . 564. Public Utilities Co. , Indianapolis, Ind . ,
(See No. 480.) Mercbants Ht. & Lt. Co. , Indianapolis,
Ind ., Utah Gas & Coke Co. , Salt Lake
City , Utah , Valparaiso ( Ind .) Ltg. Co.,
400 . and Wisconsin- Minnesota Lt. & Pwr.
(See No. 495. ) Co. - operating in Eau Claire, La Crosse,
Chippewa Falls and Menomonie, Wisc. ,
and Winona and Red Wing, Minn . )
FLINT. 54,773 (1916) . Chmn . of Bd .
(See Nos. 480 and 492a . ) Chas. B. Kelrey . Grand Rapids
Pres. & Gen.Mgr. 60
Joseph H. Brewer ..
GLADSTONE . 4,211 . V. Pres. & Asst . Gen. Mgr.
Geo. H. Waring .
(See No. 482. ) Sec . Blaine Gavett .
Treas . Willis J. Ripley .....
GRAND RAPIDS. 128,291 (1916) . Ch. Engr. L. B. Andrus.
( See also Nos . 488 and 492a . ) *50
483 -- Grand Rapids, Grand Haven 486 - Commonwealth Pwr. , Ry. &
& Muskegon Ry . Co.-- 0ạce, 162 0t Lt. Co. - Office, 14 Wall St. , New York,
tawa Ave. , N. E. (Owns Grand Haven N. Y. , (Controls through stock owner
St. Ry . Co.) (Connects Grand Haven , ship the Union Ry, Gas & Elec. Co. ,
Muskegon and Grand Rapids.) (Con Springfield (Ohio ) Lt.. Ht. & Pwr. Co. ,
trolled by United Lt. & Rys . Co. ) Grand Rapids , Holland & Chicago Ry . ,
Pres . & Gen. Mgr. Grand Rapids Ry. Co.. Saginaw -Bay
W. K. Morley Grand Rapids City Ry . Co. , Michigan Lt. Co. , Consu
mers Pwr. Co. Manistee Ry. Co. ,
1st V. Pres . R. Scbaddelee ..
2nd V. Pres . Frank Hulswit Michigan Ry. Co. , and Michigan United
Sec . L. H. Heinke... Rwys ; also owns and operates coal
Audr . L. E. Jones mines in W. Va , and Ill . )
Trainmaster, V. A. Martin .. .Fruitport Pres. Geo. EC.M.
Hardy .... New York, N. Y.
Clark..Philadelphia. Pa ,
M. M., C. A. Sibert..
Roadmaster , B. Rickard ... V. Prests.B.C. Cobb...New York , N.Y.
Traflic Mgr . & Claim Agt.
ร J.C.Weadock 6
S. L. Vaughan . .Grand Rapid Sec . & Treas.Jacob Hekma
Energy purchased from Consumers Pwr. Asst . Secs. & (C.A. Pearson , Jr.
Philadelphia , Pa .
Co .: trang volt 17,500 v ; trolley volt . 650 v . Asst . Treasrs . Geo. Sprague .. New York
4 sub - stas . ( 1 with auto. cont .) tot . cap . (G. H. Bourne..
2800 kW ; 9 rot . conv .
* 50
Repair shops at Fruitport ; sub -stas.
at Coopersville, Walker, Fruitport and 487 - United Lt. & Rys. Co. - Offices,
Spring Lake. 701 Michigan Trust Bldg. , Grand Rap
Owns and operates Pomona Pleasure ids ; Davenport, Ia ., and 836 Common
Park at Fruitport. wealth Edison Bldg., Chicago. II. (Con
48 miles (trolley & 3d rail) : 4-84 g ; trols through ownership of all or a large
41 motor and 6 other cars . (Handles majority of the stock the following com :
through freight to Chicago in connection panies : Chattanooga ( Tenn .) Gas Co .;
with Goodrich Transp. Co. and to Mil- Cedar Rapids (Ia.)Gas Co.; Cedar Rap
Huron ; General office, McGill St. , Mon Energy purchased from Michigan North
treal , Can .
ern Power Co.; trolley volt. 550 v.
Pres. Howard G.Kelley...Montreal, Can . Repair shops at Sault Ste. Marie , Mich .
A'sst. to Pres. D. E. Galloway .. 66 7.52 miles ; 4-846 g ; 8 motor pass . , 2 trail
V. Pres. W. D. Robb . pase , and 2 other cars. 79
V. Pres . & Treas . , Frank Scott .
Comptroller, W.H. Ardley .. STAMBAUGH . 1700 .
Supt. w . D. Hall .. Port Huron
Gen.Par.Agt,Geo.W.Caye., Montreal,Can . ( See No. 490.)
MINNESOTA. Pres. J. O. Schulze .... .Iowa City, Iowa
V.Pres . & Treas, J.H. Rohret "
ANOKA . 3,972 . Sec, F. N. Sueppel... 66
St. , Duluth , Park Point and 4th St. & Audr . E. Graham .
Ogden Ave. , Superior, Wis. Gen. Mgr. M. J. Dooley .
Reaches Lester , Chester, Congdon, Lin - M . M. ,
coln and Fairmount Parks and Park Point W. H. Krumplemann ..... 66
452.6 miles ; 4-844 g ; 1047 motor and Pres. Irving Todd , Jr .......
66 other cars . (9 steamboats on Lake V. Pres. Otto Ackerman .
Minnetonka) . * 50 Sec., Treas., Supt. & Par. Agt. 66
R. M.La Belle... (6
5108-Water Works: Filtration Ry. Audr. Con. P. Kuckler ..
(Munic .) - Office, City Hall. (Extends Gen. Mgr.
from 86th Ave. N. E. and Central Ave. Elec . Engr. & M. M.
to City Filtration Plant ; connects with Louis Hoffman . St. Paul
“ Soo " Ry.outside of city limits . Carries | Ch. Engr. Pwr. Sta .
employees and supplies of the City P. E. Sievert . Pine Bend
Water Works Dept. to Filtration Plant.) Eng. M. of W. Gust Johnson ....Hastings
City Engr. F. W. Cappelen..Minneapolis Energy purchased from River Falls Pwr.
Engr. in Charge W. N. Jones Co .; 1 d . c . West. 300 kw, 1 rot. conv.
Pur. Agt. A. S. Alexander .... West. 300 kw ; trans . volt . 33,000v ; trolley
Energy purchased from Twin City volt. 600 v .
Rapid Transit Co ; trolley volt. 550 v. Sub -sta . at Pino Bend ; repair shops at
Repair shops at Filtration Plant. Inver Grove .
1.583 miles ; 4-844 g ; 1 comh. pass. and 125 miles projected ; 17.54 miles in oper
'freight motor car. 50 ation ; 4-848 g ; 4 motor pass. cars and 1
other car. (Extension from Hastings to
White Rock, 23 miles, under construc
ST. CLOUD . 11,817 (1916) . tion . ) 70
Gen. Mgr. , Pur. Agt. & Ch. Reaches Houchins Driving Park and
Engr. L. B. Mitchell .. Cassville State Park .
Gen. Fgt. & Pass. Agt.W.T. Priest 7 miles ; 4-8 % . g ; 12 motor cars and 1
Power sta. equip . 1 d . c . Ideal 300 kw ; other car. * 50
200 hp. e. Ideal ; 250 hp . b. U. I. W ; trolley
volt . 600 Y. JOPLIN. 32,216 .
Power sta . and repair shops at Cassville .
Controls Electric Park . (See Nos . 341 and 552.)
5 miles ; 4-842 g ; 2 motor and 2 other
cars . 67
KANSAS CITY. 91,658 . 540 -- The Fort Scott & Nevada Lt.,
Ht.. Wtr. & Pwr. Co. - Offices, 207
( See also No. 536.) E. Cherry St , Nevada, and Fort Scott,
Kans . ( Operates local line.) (incceeded
536a- Kansas City, Lawrence & To- the Gunn PipeLine Co. , which bought
peka Elec . R. R.Co.-- General office, outright The Central Gas Co., and also
303 Victor Bldg ., Kansas City . (Con- purchased the Nevada Lt. , Ht.. Wtr, &
nects Kansas City , Rosedale, South Pwr. Co. , which was formerly Nevada
Park, Merriam , Hockers Grove, Shaw . Wtr. , Lt. & Trac. Co.) (Controlled by
nee Monravia, Aldene , Golf Links , the Ohio & Western Utilities Co. , and
Zarah and E. Zarah . ) operated by the National Utilities Co. ,
ReceiverP. W. Gobel , Kansas City, Kans. New York , N.Y. )
Pres. & Par. Agt. Pres W. C. Gunn.. Ft. Scott, Kans .
F. P. Dickson .. Kansas City , Mo. V. Pres . W. R. Gunn ... 66
Power sta . at Main & Felix Sts .; repair 547 – United Railways Company
shops at St. Joseph & Highland Aves . of St. Louis - Office, 3869 Park Ave.
Reaches and owns Lake Contrary Park . (Controlled by North American Co. , New
York. ) (Controls the Miseonri Elec .
60.22 miles; 4-84 g ; 295 pass., 2 freight R. R. and operates alllines in the city
and 3 service cars ; 2 auto pass. buses.
(Company does lighting and power busi of St. Louis except McKinley System .
ness . ) * 50 (Connec ts Maplewood, Webster Groves ,
Kirkwood , Clayton, Ferguson and
ST. LOUIS . 757,309 ( 1916 ). Recyr. Rolla Wells... St. Louis
Gen. Mgr. for Recvr.
(See also Nos . 82, 199, 203 and 214. ) A. T. Perkins ...
Genl . Counsel for Recvr.
512 - Missouri Elec . R. R. - Office, Chas . W. Bates ...
3869 Park Ave. (Controlled by United Gen. Att’y, T. E. Francis .
Rys . Co. of St. Louis.) (Connects St. Sec. & Treas. Jas. Adkins ...
Louis and St. Charles.) Asst. Frank A. Gannon .
Receiver Rolla Wells .. St. Louis Treasre. Walter R. Moynihan .
Preb. & Gen. Mgr. Audr. J. D. Evans...
Richard McCulloch
Supt.Transpt .. H. O. Butler...
V. Pres . Murray Carleton .. Asst. Supt. Transpt.
Soc. & Treas. Jas. Adkins Patrick Concannon ..
Audr. H. P. Taylor ... 66 Gen. Traffic Agt. B. W.Frauenthal
Supt . L. Hisserick . Gen.Claim Agt. Chas. B.Hardin . 00
Energy purchased from United Rys.Co. Asst . Pur. Agt. Jas. J. Roche .... 66
of St. Louis . Supt. Pwr. Walter E. Bryan ...
Repair shop , 2 miles from city limits . Engr.Maint.ofWay, C.L.Hawkins
Reaches Universal Exposition Grounds, M. M. , M. O'Brien ..
two golf courses and Valhalla Cemetery. Supt. Óvhd . Constr. J. E. Burgess
18.22 miles ; 4-10 g ; 16 cars . 119 City Lines,
General Wm . Find ..
Roadmasters Country Lines, 66
543– St. Louis Elec . Terminal Ry. J. Y. Johnson .
Co. - Ofice ,3725 North Broadway . (Con. Power sta . equip. 10 d . c . G.E , Westg.
nects St. Louis , Mo , and Venice , Madi. tot. 18,000 kw ; 3 à. c . G. E. tot. 3600 kw .
son and Granite City, Ill . ) (Part of 6600 v . 3 ph . 25 cys ; (approx . ) 35000
Illinois Trac . System .) hp. e. Fulton ; 12,800 hp . b . O'Br; trans .
Pres . W. B. McKinley ..Champaign , I]). volt. 6600-13,200 v ; trolley volt. ' 600 v .
V.Pres. Exec . H.E.Chubbuck , Peoria Energy also purchased from Union Elec .
V. Pres . & Treas . Lt. & Pwr. Co.
G. M. Mattis . ..Champaign 64“ Power stas. at 2d & Salisbury Sts . and
Sec. Chas. Zilly . Park & 89th Aves.; repair shops at 3869
Gen. Supt. E. D. Bell .. St. Louis Park Ave.
Supt. Ed. Johnson . Reaches Delmar Garden , Creve Coeur
Par. Agt . H. J. Vance ... .Peoria, I11. Lake, Forest Park Highlands, Base Ball
M. M. , R: H. Doyle . Granite City Park , Suburban and all city parks.
Roadmaster, L. B.Martin..Springfield 158.22 miles ; 4-10 g : 1,342 motor page .
Energy purchased ; trolley. volt . 650 v. 138 trail pass. and 8 other cars .
Repair shops at Granite City and Deca * 20+
tur, ni .
14.5miles ; 4-842 g ; 80 motor and 20 other 548 – Light & Development Co. of
care . * 50 St. Louis - Office,2169 Ry. Excb. Bldg.
( Controls Mo. Public Utilities Co., Cape
514 - St . Louis & Jennings Rail Girardeau : Cupples Station Lt., Ht. &
road Co. - Office 9011 Florrisant Ave. Pwr. Co., St. Louis; Western Power &
Jennings. (Operates between Jennings Lt. Co. , Wellston ; St. Charles (Mo. )
and Pine Lawn . ) Elec . Lt. & Pwr. Co ; Danville ( Ky . ) Lt.
Pres. David P.Leahy .... .... Jennings Pwr. & Trac . Co ; Mitchell ( So. Dak .)
Sec . & Gen. Mgr. Pwr. Co ; Monmouth ( Ill . ) Public Serv
D.J. Collins, 6059 Thelka Ave., St. Louis ice Co ; Oberlin (0. ) Gas & Elec . Co ;
Power sta. equip. 1 d. c. West. Paris ( Ky . ) Gas & Elec . Co ; Ravenna
150 kw. (O.) Gas & Elec . Lt. Co ; Texas Utilities
1 sub -sta .
Repair shops at 9012 Florrisant Ave. , Co., Plainview ; Tahlequah (Okla.) Lt.
Jennings. & Pwr . Co. )
2.76 miles ; 4.10 g ; 4 mo, cars . Pres. & Gen. Mgr . H. Wurdack .. St. Louis
60 V. 06
Pres . John A. Porter
Sec , Horace W. Beck .
646- St. Louis Water Works Ry. Agst. Sec . Robt. L. Carpenter...
(Munic.) - Office, 312 City Hall , St. Treas. E. M. Kurtz ....
Louis . (Operates in City of St. Louis .) Audr . Paul G. Wallof
Water Comr. Edward E. Wall ... St. Louis Pur . Agt . H. M. Patton ..
Asst. Water Comr. F. T. Cutte, Ch . Engr . E. S. Billings...
Engr. in charge Supply & Puri. 50
fying Sec . C. M. Daily .
Ch. Mech . Engr. L. A. Day . SEDALIA . 19,419 (1916) .
Sec. Chas . A. Cheney..
Power sta , equip. 4 d . c . Ridg . , W. E. , 549- City Light & Traction Co.
tot. 1000 kw . 550 v . direct connected to -Office, 404 South Ohio St. (Controlled
Ham -Cor, Fulton and Ridgway engines : 2 by Cities Service Co. , and operated by
d . c . Ridg . tot. 30 kw . 110 v. direct con Henry L. Doherty & Co. , 60 Wall St.,
nected to 230 hp. engine Ideal; 4 mo .. New York , N. Y.)
gen . sets Ft. W. Allis- C , Ridg . tot. 300 Pres . FrankW.Frueauff .. New York ,N.Y.
kw. 550 v d . c . , 2300 v . 8. ph . 60 cyl. a . c ; V. Pres . , Treas . & Mgr.
H. C. Feuers .. Sedalia
trolley volt. 550 v. 6
Power stas , at 8300 N.Broadway, Baden Sec. Allen O'Bannon .
Sta . and Chain of Rocks Park ; repair Gen. pt. E. E. Armstrong . 60
shops at 34 E. Grand Ave., Bissell's Point. Supt. Pwr. F. A. Clark .
Reaches Chain of Rocks Park (owned Claim Agt. & Snpt. Transp .
by City ). A. W. Richardson ..
15 miles ; 4-8% 8 ; 5 motor and 6 other Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta . N. G. Neal ....
cars ; 2 steam locos . (Lights all water Power ata . equip . 1 d.c. Allis-C . 200 kw .
dept, bļdgs. ) 604 a . c . West ., G. E., Allis -C . tot. 1990 kva ;
566 - Omaha & Lincoln Ry. & Lt.
Co. -Ralston . ( Part of the Illinois, BERLIN . 13,599 (1916) .
Traction System. ) (Connects Omaha
So. Omaha, Ralston and Papillion. ) 570_Berlin St. Ry . Co. – Office,
Pres. H. E. Chubbuck . .Peoria , Ill . Berlin . (Connects Berlin and Gorham.j
V. Pres. Arthur English . Omaha Pres . Frank L. Castner ..Berlin
Secy. W. J. Achelpohl.... .Peoria, Ill . Sec . N.G. Noyes .... Gorham
Treas. G. M. Mittis ......Champaign , Treas.Gen. Mgr. & Pur . Agt.
Gen. Supt. W.C. Edmiston ......Ralston E. W. Gross . Berlin
Pur. Agt . A. J. Vance . .Peoria, Ill. Roadmaster , J. Caffey ..
Energy purchased from Omaha Elec. Lt. Power sta . equip. 1 d . c . Westg . tot. 300
& Pwr. Co.; trans. volt. 33,000 v. a . c ; kw ; 300 hp . turb . wtr ; trans. volt. 550 v.
trolley volt . 550 v. Power (water) rented.
Repair shops at Ralston. Power sta. at Gorham ; repair shops at
Reaches Hillside Park and Seymour Berlin .
Lake Park . Owns and controls park in Gorham, 40
13.8 miles (8. phase, catenary system ) ; acres .
4-842 g ; 6 motor pass, cars . (Company 7.75 miles ; 4-8% g ; 10 motor pass. care
does lighting and power business.) 50 and 1 other car . 109
Mercer County Trac. Co., Trenton (N.J.) . Energy purchased from Public Service
Pennington & Hopewell St. Ry. Co. and Elec. Co., Burlington ; 2 rot. conv. G E,
Trenton (N. J.) , Hamilton & Ewing West . tot. 600 kw : trans. volt. 13,200 v ;
Trac. Co.); Schuylkill Valley Trac . trolley volt. 600 v .
Co. (Nørristown, Pa.) ; Wilmington Repair shops at Hainesport.
& Chester Trac . Co. (which con- Reaches Rancocas Park .
trolo directly or indirectly Chester ( Pa.) 15.08 miles ; 5 g ; 5 motor and 2 other
Trac. Co. , Chester & Delaware St. cars ,
* 407
Ry. Co. ( leased to the Chester Trac,
Co.), Wilmington City (Del . ) Ry. Co .. HOBOKEN . 70,824
Wilmington & Edgemoor Elec Ry. ,
Front & Union St. Ry. and Gordon (See also No. 602.)
Heights Ry .) and Wilmington City
(Del.) Elec.Co. The properties have been 696-Hoboken Manufacturers ' R.
divided into four groups and are leased R. Co. , Lessee of Hobokon Shore
to and operated by the Reading Tran Road - Office, Foot 5tb St., Hoboken.
sit & Lt. Co. , Wilkes -Barre Ry. Co. , ( Handles freight only . ) (Operated by
Trenton & Mercer County Trac . Corpn. War Department, United States Govern
Southern Penn, Trac. Co. and Wil . & ment. ) (Connects Hoboken and Wee
Phila. Trac. Co. , the two latter cos . hawked .)
being operated under one management.) Pres .
Pres. John A.Rigg : Camden Gen. Frank T. Aines, Washington , D.C.
V. Pres . Walter A. Rigg . V. Pres. & Gen. Mgr . 1
Port Monmouth , Keansburg , Keyport, Power sta . and repair shope at Millville.
Matawan, Morgan , South Amboy P, erth Controls Union Lake Park .
Amboy, Atlantic Highlands and High- 12.54 miles ; 4-846 8 ; 16 motor and 2
lands. Connects with New York & Long trail cars . 50
Branch R. R. at So. Amboy, Matawan
and Red Bank , and with Central R. R.
of New Jersey at Lorillards, Belford , MORRISTOWN. 13,006 .
Atlantic Highlands, Highlands and
Highland Beach .) 600- Morris County Traction Co.
Pres. Van Horn Ely - Office, Morristown. ( Eastern Div.
Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
V. Pres.
connects Elizabeth , Union, Spring
GG field , Maplewood , Millburn , Summit,
C. L. S. Tingley . Chatham , Madison,Convent and Mor
Sec. & Treas . W. W. Perkins ristown ; Western Div . connects Mor
Witherspoon Bldg ., ristown , Morris Plains, Mt. Tabor,
Audr. F. J. Pryor , Jr. Denville , Rockaway, Dover, Wharton,
Witherspoon Bldg. , Philadelphia, Pa.
Asst. Audr. Mine Hill, Kenville, Succasunna, Ledge
wood and Landing , Union to Elizabeth
H. D. Anderson St. Hospital Brank and Boontors
Gen. Mgr. Branck .
H. J. Crowley .. Pres. Joseph K. Choate
Local Mgr. Wm . H. Hitchock .... Keyport 925 Park Ave. , New York. N. Y.
Supt. Transp. Wm . Haley . 18t V. Pres: C. I. Shannon
Claim Agt. H. D. Brinley ..... .Red Bank 1310 Arrott Bldg., Pittsburgh , Pa.
Pur. Agt. G. C. Weirick and V. Pres . Henry 0. Rea
Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia , Pa. Oliver Bldg ., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Elec. Engr., A. W. Way . ..Keyport Sec. & Treas ., 0. G. Schultz ..Morristown
Ch. Engr. Pwr. Sta . Audr. H. C. Robbins.
A. C. Huston .. .Gen. Mgr. Claude O.Weidman .
M. M. , A. A. Churchill
Engr. M.ofW. H.O.Todd ... Highlands Supt. Eastern Div. H. Cummings,Millburn
Claim Agt. A. S. Richards....Morristown
Engr. Ovhd . Constr . Ch . Engr. H. 0. Peckham .
L. J. Van Deben Traffic Mgr. Wm . R. Schultz .
Power sta . equip. 1 d. c. G. E. 400 kw ; M. M. Marvin J. Bogardus...
- & . C. 2650 kva; 800 hp. e. Harrisbg; Roadmaster, H.O. Beckham .
1760 hp. b .Erie, Stir: 2650 kw. turb (atm) Energy purchased from Morris & Som
Westg H. B. & M. trans. volt. 6600 v ; erset Elec. Co. and New Jersey Pwr. &
trolley volt. 625 v . Lt. Co ; trolley volt. 575 v .
Power sta . ( owned by Monmouth Ltg. 4 sub - stas . tot. cap . 2300 kw ; 8 rot .
Co. ) and repair shops at Keyport. cony. Repair shops at Dover.
Sub - stas. at Red Bank ( 2-200 kw , rot. 66.38 miles owned (50.57 mi . 1st m. t .,
conv.) , South Amboy (1-300 kw.. rot.
conv.), Stone Church (1-200 kw. rot. 15.81 Totalmi. 2nd m
miles . t. ) ; also 1.62 miles leased .
operated 48.54; 4-84 % 8 ; 49
Reaches Beach Park at Keyport, Audi. motor pass and 7 service cars. * 50
torium and Beach in Keansburg and
Sandlass Beach , Highlands. 601 – Morris R. R. Co. - Office, Mor
44 miles ; 4-846 8 ; 38 motor and 24 other ristown . (Connecte eastern and western
caro . * 50 dive . of Morris County Trac. Co.; ex
tends from Danforth Rd . , Madison to
LAKEWOOD . 6,149. Washington Headquarters, Morris
town . )
Pres .
598 –Trenton, Lakewood & Sea V. Pres. Joseph K. Choate
coast Ry . Co.- Office, 300 Main St. 43 Exchange Pl . , New York , N. Y.
(Operated by PointPleasant Trac. Co.) Sec . & Treas . 0. G. Schultz .. Morristown
(Will connect Point Pleasant and 2.5 miles . 50
Lakewood .)
Pres . George G. Smith Lakewood
Sec . A. 0. S. Havens. Point Pleasant MOUNT HOLLY . 6,000 .
Ch . Engr. Roy T. Havens ..
Actg . Asst . Mgr. (See No. 594. )
Roy T. Havens.
1 mile operated (ovhd. catenary) ; 4
84 g ; % motor cars. ( 10 miles under NEWARK . 366,721 ( 1918)
construction .) *50
(See also No. 349 )
LONG BRANCH . 14,566. 60 % -Public Servico Ry. Co .--Office
( See No. 609. ) 80 Park Place. Newark, N. J. (A
consolidation of the North Jersoy
St. Ry. Co. (lessee of all the prop
METUCHEN. 2,692 . orty of the Consolidated Trac . co,
of New Jersey, Jersey City ; Hoboken
( See No. 602.) & Paterson St.Ry. Co., and the United
8t. Ry. Co. of Central Jersey, the latter
MILLTOWN , 1,902 . formed by merger of Elizabeth & Rari
tan River St. Ry. Co. and Elizabeth,
( See No. 602. ) Plainfeld & Central Jersey Ry. Co. )
( Absorbed the Newark & South Orange
MILLVILLE . 13,807 .
Ry. Co. , the North Hudson Turnpike
Co. and Pavonia Horse R. R. Co.)
(Leases Consolidated Traction Co.,
599- Millville Traction Co .- (Con Rapid Transit St. Ry . Co. of the city
nects Millville and Vinoland . ) of Newark , Camden Horso Railroad
Pres . Geo . Wood , Co., South Orange & Maplewood
626 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
V. Pres . R. D. Wood "
Trac. Co.,_ the Bergen Turnpike Co
Orange & Passaic Valley Ry. Co., New
Hec . G. H. Thomas ... Millville Jersey & Hudson River Ry. & Forty
Treas ., & Par. Agt . D. C. Lewis Co. (which connects Edgewater, Cliff
Gen. Mgr. W. B. Rauch ... Millville side Park , Qrantwood , Fort Lee,Leonia ,
Ch. Mech , Engr. Chas,H.Bigelow Englewood, Teaneck , Bogota , Hacken
Ch.Engr.Pwr.Sta. Geo.B.Sohrider. " fack, Maywood, Midland, Saddle River
and Paterson ,and extends from Hacken- Sec. Percy Ingalls... Newark
sack to Woodridge, Carlstadt, Rutber Asst. Chas. M. Breder .
ford , Lyndhurst and Arlington , with a William H. Feller ...
Sece .
branch to Lodi), Camden & Suburban William T. Crudge .
Ry Co. , Camden, Gloucester & Wood- Treas .
bury Ry . Co. and Riverside Trac. Co. T. Wilson Van Middleswiorth
(which connects Camden , Riverton , Asst. Robert S. Tomkins ....
Riverside, Beverley,Burlington, Florence Treasrs.{ Frederick A. Nes ... 06
Bordentown, and Trenton.) Connects Compt. William S. Barker ....
Paterson, Passaic, Newark, Jersey City, Gen. Counsel, Frank Bergen ....
Hackensack, Bayonne, Hoboken , West Asst . Gen. Counsel 66
Hoboken , West New York , Elizabeth , Edward Ambler Armstrong ....
Montclair, the Oranges,Westfield , Rah. Gen. Solicitor
way, Plainfield, Cranford , New Bruns- L. D , Howard Gilmour ..
wick ,Metachen,Milltown,Perth Amboy , Gen. Audr. E. J. Allegaert....
Trenton , Camden and Gloucester.) (Con- Pur. Agt.
trolled by Public Service Corporation J. A. Pearson . .Philadelphia , Pa.
of New Jersey .) Gen. Claim Agt.
Pres . Thos. N. McCarter .. Newark H. V. Drown ... .Newark
( Percy S. Young .. Real Estate Agt. George Barkcr..
V. Preste. Edmund W. Wakelee.. * 50
Gen. Mgr.
Richard E. Danforth NEW BRUNSWICK . 30.019.
Sec. Percy Ingalls .
Chas. M. Breder .......... (See No. 602.)
William H. Feller....
Sece. William T.Crudge......
Treas. OCEAN CITY. 3,721 .
T. Wilson Van Middlesworth ...
Asst. Robert S.Tomkins.. ( Summer, 20,000 .)
Treasrg. 1 Frederick A. Neis...
Compt. William S. Barker .. 604-Ocean City Elec . R. R. Co.
Gen. Audr. Matthew R. Boylan.. Office , 10th & West Ave. , Ocean City .
Asst. Gen.Mgr. Harry C. Donecker Pres . Wm . G. Moore
Ch. Engr. Martin Schreiber ..... 701 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
Gen. Supt. N. W. Bolen .. Sec . Wm . D. Sherrerd
Supt. Distrbn. M. B. Rosevear... Real Estate Tr. Bldg.
Supt. (Central Div . ) Treas. & Gen. Mgr.
Philip F.Maguire ... Robt. § . Chew.... Ocean City
Pur. Agt. J. A. Pearson .. Roadmaster, Harry Young ....
Gen. Claim Agt. H. V. Drown.. Energy purchased from Ocean City
Asst . Gen. Claim Agt, H. D. Briggs Elec . Lt. Co. 2 d . c . G. E. tot. 275 kw ;
Mech . Engr . H. A. Benedict .... trolley volt. 550 v.
Asst. Engr. Howard H. George. Repair shops at 10th & Haven Aves.
Supt. M.of Way, Martin White .. 10 miles ; 4-842 g ; 17 motor cars. 50
Real Estate Agt., Geo . Barker ...
Supt. Bldgs.
D. G. Knight, Paşsaic Wharf, ORANGE , 29,680.
Energy obtained from Public Service
Elec. Co. (See No. 602.)
Amusement Parks reached . – Hillside,
( Belleville ), Olympic, (Irvington ), Colum
bia, (Town of Union ) and Palisade, ( Fort PASSAIC, 61,225 .
890.74 miles ; 4-842 g .; 2,402 motor pass. ( See No. 602. )
and 285 service cars . * 50
PATERSON. 125,600.
603— Public Service Corporation ( See No. 602.)
of New Jersey . - Office, 80 Park
Place, Newark , N. J. Inc. in New
Jersey May 6, 1903. Owne all stock
(excepting directors ' shares) of Public PENNS GROVE. 4,412. (1915.)
Service Elec. Co. , which operates, I 605_Salem & Penns Grove Trac.
under lease, all the electric properties Co , Office, 1411 Walnut St. , Phila. ,
controlled by the corporation ; also owns Pa. (Extends from Penns Grove to
all stock (excepting directors' shares) of
Public Service Gas Co. , which operates, Pennsville, Salem & Carney's Pt., N. J. ,
under lease , all the gas properties con passing du Pont's plants and villages ;
trolled by the corporation . Controls, direct connection by ferry between
through stock ownership , the Public Penns Grove N. J. , and Wilmington ,
Del .)
Service Ry. Co. and Public Service Pres . J. Elliot Newlin
R. R. Co. , which operate directly or Stock Exchange Bldg. Philadelphia , Pa.
under lease all the street railways con V. Pres . A. F. Porter,
trolled by the corporation. The corpora c /o E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. ,
tion also controls, through stock owner . Pepns Grove
ship ,the Middlesex Elec. Lt. & Pwr. Sec . & Treas.
Co., The Nichols Elec . Lt. & Pwr. Co.
of Carl N. Martin .... Philadelphia, Pa.
Ht.Nutley, J. , Citizens' Elec . Lt. ,
& Pwr.N.Co. Burlington Elec.Lt. Supt. & Pur.Agt.H. C.Berry PennsGrove
& Pwr. Co.,WeehawkenContracting M.M.,GeorgeApplegate..... Pennsville
Energy purchased from American Rail
Co. , Morristown Gas Lt. Co., United
Elec. Ço. of New Jersey, the New Jersey ways Co.
3 sub . stas. total cap . 1200 kw ; 4 rot.
& Hudson
the Princeton Lt. ,Railway
River Ht. & Pwr. Co. , Co.,
& Ferry the conv ; trans . volt. 33,000 v ; trolley volt.
Orange & Passaic Valley Ry. Co. and 600 v .
the Shore Ltg . Co. Repair shops at Penngville.
Pres. Thos . N.McCarter .. Newark Reaches Riverview Beach .
Randal Morgan . 14 miles ; 4-846 g ; 15 motor pass. cars .
Anthony R. Kuger....
V. Preste. Percy 8. Young ..
Edmund W. Wakelee PERTH AMBOY . 39.719.
Asste. S Dudley Farrand....
to Pros. William L. O'Toole.... (See Nos. 597 , 602 and 614. )
618 – New Jersoy & Pennsylvania 616 — Tronton & Mercer County
Trac. Co. - Ofico ,Hanover and Warren Trac. _Corpn . 143 Broad St. Bank
Bts. (Controls and operates_Trenton , Bldg. , Trenton. (Leases the Trenton St.
Lawrenceville & Princeton R. R., Co. Ry. Co., Mercer County Trac. Co., Tren.
and Princeton St. Ry. Co.) (Connects ton,Pennington &Hopewell St. Ry ,and
Princeton , Lawrenceville, Trenton , and the Trenton , Hamilton & Ewing Trac.
grants trackage and terminal facili- Co. ) ( These roads form the Trenton
ties in the city of Trenton to Penna.- group of the Interstate Rys. properties .)
New Jersey Ry. Co., reaching Mor- ( Connects Pennington, Hopewell, Law
risville , Yardley , New Hope, Pa., and renceville, Princeton and Hamilton
Lambertville, N. 'J., Newtown, Bristol, Bquare.)
and Doylestown, Pa .) Pres. Rankin Johnson .. Princeton
Pres. Sydney L.Wright, Sec . & Treas. Edw. M. Hunt . .... Trenton
133 So. oth St., Philadelphia ,Pa. Audr. Miss Sarah R. Harvey ..
V.Pres . & Mgr.Gaylord Thompson Trenton Gen. Mgr.& Claim Agt.
Sec . & Treas. Edw . J. Peartree .
John M. Morrissey , Par. Agt. M. Gilded .
183 So. 5th St. , M. M., Herbert Krouse ..
Philadelphia, Pa. Supt. Overhead Constr.
Gen. Fgt. Agt. H. R. Cox..... Trenton Harry J.Manloy .
Supt. W. F. Tshudy ... Power sta. equip ; 6 d .c . G. E.,Ball.,
Asst. Supt. Samuel A. Miller .... C.-W. tot. 4100 kw ; 1600 hp. e . W.-C.,
Ch. Engr. Geo . Ettinger.. 60
Weth ; 3600 hp. b . Edge., Bab. & W ; 2260
M. M. , Wm. Mohr . kw.stm. turb . De Laval ; trolley volt . 600 v.
Energy purchased from Penna . -New Power sta . at Lincoln Avo; repair shops
Jersey Ry. Co. at Lalor St. , Trenton ,
Sub -sta. at Lawrenceville ( 300 kw.) Reaches White City Park (owned ).
Repair shops at Hanover and Chancery 70.76 miles ; 5-2 g : 149 motor cars, 6
Sts. sweepers and plows, 5 other cars. * 50
13.25 milos ; 4-848 g ; 5 passenger, 3
freight and 2 wo cars . * 50617 - Trenton St. Ry . Co. - Office, 716 ,
Broad St. Bank Bldg. (Controls Mer
614 - Public Service R. R. Co.- oer County Traction Co. , Trenton ,
Office, 80 Park Place , Newark . (Mer Pennington & Hopewell St. Ry. Co.
ger , in June, 1913 , of Trenton Terminal and Trenton, Hamilton & Ewing Trac.
R.R.Co. and Elizabeth , New Brunswick Co.) (Controlled by tho United Power
& Trenton R.R.Co. Holds lease of Eliza. & Transportation Co., which in turn is
beth & Trenton R. R. Co. for 999 years controlled by the Interstate Rys. Co. )
from April 1,1912, as successor to Iren- (Leased to Trenton & Mercer County
ton Terminal R.R. Co. ) (Connects Tren Trac. Corpn .)
ton, New Brunswick, Perth Amboy , Pres.J. A. Rigg.... Camden
Roosevelt, Sewaren ,Elizabeth and New V. Pres . Walter A. Rigg ... 66
ark via tracks of the Public Service Ry. Sec. & Treas. T. W. Grookett Jr.
Co.) (Controlled through stock owner- Power sta . at Linooln Ave.; repair
ship by Public Service Corporation of shops at Lalor St.
New Jersey.) Controls Spring Lake Park . * 50
Pres. Thos . N. McCarter ... .Newark
( Percy S. Young : VINELAND . 5282.
V. Prests . Edmund W. Wakelee
Gen. Mgr. 66
(See No. 599.)
Richard E. Danforth 60
Sec. Percy Ingalls .. WASHINGTON. 8,867.
Asst. Chas. M. Breder
Sece. William H. Feller . ( See No. 921.)
William T. Crudge ..
Treas . WEST HOBOKEN. 88,776 .
T. Wilson Van Middlesworth ..
Asst. (See No. 602.)
Troaars. Frederick A. Neis ....
Compt. William S. Barker ...
Gon , Audr. Matthew R. Boylan . WILDWOOD. 6,000 (Winter)
Asst. Gen. Mgr. Harry C. Donecker 40,000 ( Summer) 1919.
Ch. Engr. Martin Schreiber ..
Gen. Supt. N.W. Bolen . 618 – Five Mile Beach Elec . Ry.
Supt. Distrbn. M. B. Rosevear.. Co. - Ofice, 3306 Pacific Ave. (Conneets
Claim Agt. H. V. Drown ..
Asst. Claim Agt. H. D. Briggs
16 North Wildwood, Wildwood and Wild
wood Crest . )
Real Estate Agt. Geo . Barker .. 66
Pres . Henry D. Moore.....
Supt. Bldgs. D. G. Knight . Sec . Wm . G. Moore ..
Pur. Agt. J.A. Pearson . Treas . & Gen. Mgr.
Mech . Engr. H. A. Benedict .. J. Fithian Tatem .
Sapt. M. ofW.Martin White .... Supt. E. T. Nye .. Wildwood
Power sta . at Plainsboro ( plant oper . Pwr. sta . equip ; 8 d.c. C.W.tot. 400 kw ;
ated by Public Service Elec. Co. ) 270 bp. e . Bckye; purchases steam from
49.656 miles ; 4-846 g.; 28 motor cars . West Jersey Elec. Oo .
* 50 4.5 miles ; 4-842 g ; 22 motor pass . cars .
018_Trenton , Lawrenceville
Princeton R.R.Co .-(Controlled and
operated by N.J. and Penna. Trac . Co. ) NEW MEXICO .
(Connects Trenton , Lawrenceville and
Princeton .)
Pres. Sydney L. Wright, ALBUQUERQUE. 14,025 (1916) .
133 So. 5th St., Philadelphia , Pa.
V. Pres. Frank Battles 619-City Electric Co. (Successor to
133 So. 5th St., Philadelphia , Pa. Albuquerque Trac. Co.) - Omce, Occl.
Seo . & Treas. John M. Morrissey, dental Life Bldg., Albuquerque. (Con
133 So.5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. nects Old Albuquerque, Albuquerque
Gen. Mgr. Gaylord Thompson Trenton and Barelas . )
Repair shops at Hanover and Chancery Pres. Geo . Roslington... .. Albuquerque
St. , Tronton . V. Pres . W.L. Noneman .
11 miles ; 4-846 g . * 60 Sec. & Treas. J.R. Hagy ..
AMSTERDAM . 34.319 .
ALBANY. 107,979 (1915) .
(See No. 648.)
(See also Nos. 745 and 754 )
621 - Albany Southern R, R. Co. AUBURN. 34,668 .
Mailing address, Albany . Office, Rens
selaer. (Connects Albany, Rensselaer, (See also No. 749.)
East Greenbush East Schodack , Nassau,
North Chatham , Electric Park, Niver, 623 - Auburn & Syracuse Elor . R
ville, Valatie, Kinderhook , Stuyvesant R. Co. - Office, 82 Genesee St. , Auburn .
Falls , Goulds, Stockport Center, Stott- (Operates in Auburn and an inter
ville and Hudson.) urban division between Auburn , Skane
Pres. Wm . Loeb , Jr. , ateles, Marcellus, Split Rock and Syra
120 Broadway , New York cuge.) (Under management of Peck ,
V. Richard Sutro 66
Shannahan & Cherry, Inc.
Gen. Mgr. Pres. T. C. Cherry .. .Syracuse
James E. Hewes, .. Albany H. G. Metcalf . Auburn
Sec . & Treas . V.Prests . Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt .
Irvin W. Day.100 Broadway, New York nºw. J. Harvie . .Syracuse
Audr. James A. Connell ...... Rensselaer Sec. H. C. Beatty
Supt. & Cl. Agt. J. E. Newman 66
Treas . & Audr. L. E. Lippitt ..... Auburn
Pur . Agt . C. W. Mullaney...... Supt. J. G. Nellis...
Gen.Fgt. & Pass. Agt. Cl. Agt . & Gen. Fgt. & Pass. Agt.
C.E. Holmes.. Albany W.J. Lee .. 66
of line which connects Freeport and Pwr.stas . at Stillwater and Middle Falls;
Point Lookout with Long Beach , 0 repair shops at Queensbury , Stillwater
miles . ) and Saratoga.
Pres ., Treas. & Gen. Mgr . Reaches Kaydeross Park , Saratoga Lake
Julius Bindrim , and Ondawa Park , Greenwich .
479 S. Grove St. , Freeport 126.18 miles ; 4.8% g ; 114 motor and 8
Sec. Madeline Kober ... Merrick other cars . * 50
Atty . Elvin N. Edwards,.. . Freeport
Supt. Grover Stevens.
Energy purchase from New York & 648 – Fonda , Johnst onn & Glov.
Long Island Trac . Co. , trans. volt. 550 v. ersville R.R.(Electrio Div .) - Office,
Reaches Point Lookout and Nassau By Gloversville. (Connects Gloversville,
Sea. Johnstown, Fonda, Amsterdam and
2.92 miles; Schenectady . )
track rights ;1.5 miles
4-84% 8 motor 1.42
g ; (owned), pass.miles
and Pres . J. Ledlie Hees.........Gloversville
1 motor freight car. * 50 Sec . Frank Burton .....
Treas. & Audr. Geo . A. Harris
Asst. Treas . E. J. Beach .....
FULTON . 11,188. Asst. Audr. Joseph Peasley .. 06
Gen. Mgr. W. H. Collins.
(See No. 749.) Amsterdam Div.
C. B. Nellis .. Amsterdam
GARDENVILLE . 550 . Supts. Cayadutta Div.
( A. E. Cummings..Gloversville
(See No. 633.) Claim Agt. Wm. H. Hyland ...
Gen. Pass. Agt . F. A , Moore..
GENEVA. 13,232. Pur . Agt. A. E.Venner ..
Ch . Engr. Judson Zimmer... Tribes Hill
( See Nos . 741 and 747. ) Ch.Eng Pwr.Sta. C. L. Gates .
Roadmaster, Thos. Ryan . ...Gloversville
Summer Resort Mgr.
GLEN COVE . 3,750 . F. W. Wilson .Sacandaga
Power sta , equip . 3 d . c. exc. G. E. tot.
(See also Nos. 716, 717, 720, 725 and 746.) 226 kw ; 3 a.c.G.E. tot. 8000kw. & ph. 25
645 — The Glen Cove R.R.Co. - Office, cys ; 4500 hp. e .Allis-C ; 4000 hp. b . Spgf;
Penn. Sta ., New York . ( Controlled traps. volt. 13,200 v; trolley volt. 875 v ;
by The Long Island R. R. CO .) (Con- energy also purchased from East Creek
nects Sea Cliff, Glen Cove, Glen Cove Elec. Lt. & Pwr. Co.
Dock and Hempstead Harbor.) 3 sub -sta . tot. cap. 3500 kw ; 10 rot, conv.
Pres. Ralph Peters. New York Power sta , at Tribes Hill ; repair shops,
V. Pres . C: L. Addison . at Amsterdam and Gloversville. Sub - stas.
Sec. Frank E. Hoff . at Amsterdam , Glenville & Johnstown ,
Treas . Owns and operates Sacandaga (Sum
J. F. Fahnestock . .Philadelphia, Pa. mer Resort. )
Compt. E. A. Stockton .
Supt . Alvah Seaman . Far Rockaway 2582other
miles ; 4-8 and
motor % g 30
; 65 motor
other cars. pa s B. ,
Real Estate Agt. * 50
H. A. Howarth . New York
Energy from The Long Island R.R. Co .;
trolley volt 2200 v . HAMBURG . 2,744.
3.27 miles ( catenary ); 4.848 g; 4 motor (See No. 632.)
cars and 1 other car . * 50
Co. through Coney Island & Gravesend Ave. (Controlled by the Third Ave.
Ry. Co. ) Ry . Co. )
Pres . T. S. Williams ... Brooklyn Pres. Slaughter W.Huff , New York
V. Pres. & Treas. C. D. Meneely V. Pres . Leslie Sutherland ..
Sec, J. H. Bennington . 66
Sec . Walter C. Barrows.
Compt. Howard Abel, Treas. Alfred D. Sage ...
Supt . Wm. Siebert .. Audr . B. G. Steinetz ..
Par. Agt. Lincoln Van Cott ... Supt. Transp .
Reaches Coney Island . William E. Thompson ..
52.124 miles; 4-846 g ; 482 motor, 458 Pur. Agt. Charles Witzel ..
pass. and 17 service cars, 8 snow plows, Claim Agt. John W. Yenson ...
6 sweepers . 50 Elec Engr. Walter J. Quinn ...
M. M. , J. S. McWhirter 66
670— Manhattan Bridge Throe 1119 Third Ave.
Cent Line. - Office, 333 Gola St.,Brgok- Engr. M.of W., E. M. T. Ryder
lyn . ( Connects Flatbush Ave. & Ful- Energy purchased from Third Ave. Ry .
ton St., Brooklyn, with Canal St. & Co.
Bowery, New York. ) Repair shops at 65th St. & Third Ave.
Pres . F.W.Rowe...333 Gold St. , Brooklyn Mileage included in report of No. 689 ;
V.Pres . F.D.MacKay 100 motor pass. and 8 motor service cars .
Sec . Walter Hammitt * 50
482 Fulton St. ,
Treas . Ed . T. Horwill 676a-Eighth Avenue R. R. Co.
215 Montague St., 06
Office. 825 Eighth Ave. , New York.
Audr. C. E. Grau..333 Gold St. , Pres .
Gen. Supt., Claim & Pur . Agt. Joseph Tate, 71 Broadway, New York
Arthur Porter ....333Gold St. , Vice- Pres.
66 66
M.M. , A. G. Norton .. Wm. H. Hays
Energy purchased from Brooklyn Ser . & Treas. 66
Edison Co.; trolley volt. 600 v . J. G. Affleck , 1 Madison Ave.
Repair shops at 333 Gold St. Asst. Sec , & Asst. Tieas.
4 miles : 4-8% g ; 16 motor pass. cars Wm . Affleck , 1 Madison Ave.
and 1 sweeper . * 50 Gen.Mgr.
W.B. Yereance, 825 Eighth Ave. "OG
Ry. Co.-Gen ,
Pur. Agt. Ralph Newman ..
671 - The Marine
office, 31 Nassau St., New York . (Road Spec. Agt.W.G.Wheeler “
extends from Manhattan Beach to Saper. H. S. McGinness "
Sheepshead Bay. ) .N.Y: City visors Way & Struct.
Pres . Joseph P. Day .. James D. Kent 66
H.A. Kidder , 59th St. & 11th Ave. " Ch.Engr. Elec.Trac . E. B. Katte
Supt. Car Equipment , Supt. of Pwr. W. G.Carlton ....
J. 8. Doyle ... 98th St. & 3rd Ave. Supt. Elec.Equip. C.H.Quereau
Claim Agt. Div . Engr. F. Boardman..
Thomas Gerehart . 13-21 Park Row " Arst. Term . Mgr. & Signal Engr.
Signal Engr. H. S. Balliet
J. M. Waldron . Supvr of Tranem E . dw. Richter, 66
Ch. Engr. Geo. H. Pegram . New York Ch . Train Dispr. E. L. Golden
Engr. M. W. , C. E. Carpenter. Dist Claim Agt. T. W. Dill ...
Elec. Engr. G. C. Hall . Two power stas , equipped with 9 a . C.
Roadmaster , Fred Hels. South Ferry “ turbo-gen . G. E. tot. 60.000 kw . 11,000 v.
Power sta .equip .(Manhattan Div.184.c. 3 ph. 25 cys; 25,384 hp. b . Bab. & w, T.
turbo gen . Westg . tot. 87,500 kw . 11,000 & R ; trang, volt. 11,000 v ; trolley volt.
hp Bab.cys;
5.3. & W.
: 9sub-
666 . vconv
64.001 hp. e. Allis-C ; 36,880 rot .
atas, tot. cap. 45,500 kw ; 33
( Subway Div.) 14 a . c . turbo-gen . West, Power stas . at Port Morris and Glen
G. E. tot. 105,000 kw . 11,000 v. 3 ph. 25 wond: fub-stas . atGardens
50th St., Mott Haven,
cys:67,500 hp.e. Allis-C ;36.000 hp. b. Bab . sining BotanicalGlenwood
Kings, Bridge, ,, Irvington,
Tuckahoe Os .
& W.
Power sta ., Manhattan Div . , between White Plains. Repair shops at Harmon
74th & 75th Sts. & East River; repair andNo.
shops, 7th Ave. , between 148th & 150th
White Plains.
261.69 miles , 4.846 & 4-9 g ; (third rail ) ;
Sts. ; 98th St & Ad Ave.: 159th St & 8th 323motor pass ., 4 mail baggage, 2 baggage
Avo .: 179th St. & 3d Ave. , and 240th St. and 12 page . & baggage cars ; 73 elec.locor .
& B'way. * 60
Power sta. Subway Div . , 11th & 12th
Ave., between 58th & 59th Sts. 683 –New York City Interborough
Subway Div.. 194.86 miles ; Manhattan Ry.Co. - Office, 2396 Third Ave. (Con
Div., 185.29 miles; 4-843 g : 2,637 motor necte Borough of Manhattan and
pass .. 1.195 trail pass., 14 other motor Bronx .) (Controlled by the Third Ave.
and 103 other care. Ry. Co.)
Dnal system : subway and elevated Pres . Slanghter W. Huff ......New York
lines for construction jointly by city and V. Pres . Leslie Sntherland ......
tensions miles, elevated railroad ex- Secy. Walter C. Burrows......
be constructed by company, Treas. Alfred D. Sage .. 06
turb. West-Par ; trans. volt. 11,000 v ; ( Tenn .) Ry . & Lt. Co. and the Hous
trolley volt. 675 v. d . c. ton ( Tex .) Ltg. & Pwr. Co. 1905.) (In
4 sub stas; 12 rot. conv. tot. cap . 24,000 1914 , The United Gas & Elec. Corpn .
kw. acquired a little over 96 p. c. of the com
Power sta. at 4th & Front Sts. , Long mon stock .)
Island City ; repair shops at Sunnyside Pres. Francis T. Homer . New York
yard. V. Percy Warner, Nashville , Tenn .
98.55 miles ( third -rail) ; 4-848 g; 8 motor Prests. 1 D. D. Curran . New Orleans. La .
cars ; 67 elec. locos . (Co. furnishes 11,000 Sec. & Treas.
v. 25 cycle energy to Long Island R. R.) Miss Madge McGrath .. New Orleans,La.
*50 50
688 -- Second Ave. R. R. Co. - Office 692 -American Lt. & Trac. Co. - 01.
1874 2d Ave. fice , 120 Broadway, New York . (Holding
Receiver, A. E. Kalbach .... New York company and owns practically all of
Pres. Geo . S. Coe.5 Nassau St. , the capital stock of Detroit (Mich )
Sec. & Treas . F. M. Patchen City Gas Co. St. Paul (Minn . ) Gas
5 Nassau St. , Lt. Co. , So. St. Paul (Minn . ) Gas &
Audr. Wm. J. Bradley ,. Elec . Co. , Grand Rapids (Mich .) Gas Lt.
Att'y. C. E. Chalmers, Co. , St. Joseph (Mo.) Gas Co., Bingham
Supt. A. Syndstrup .. ton (N. Y.) Gas Wks. , Madison (Wis .}
Pur. Agt. Jacob Henshaw ... Gas & Elec . Co. , Milwaukee ( Wis . ) Gas
Engr. M. of W. , J. Wynne .... Lt. Co. , St. Croix (Wis. ) Pwr. Co.,
Energy purchased from New York Rys. Wauwatosa (Wis . ) Gas Co. , W. Alus
Co., Interborougb Rapid Transit Co. and (Wis . ) Gas Co. , Consol . Gas Co. of N.
Third Ave. Ry Co. J. ( Long Branch ), Muskegon (Mich .)
Repair shops at 1874 2d Ave. Trac. & Ltg . Co. , San Antonio , ( Tex .)
23.912 miles (operated) 4-842 g ; 236 Public Service Co., Consolidated Build
(revenue) motor and 12 other ( llon ing Co. , Gas Office Co. and White Star
Coal Co ,
revenue ) motor cars. 109
Chmn.Board EmersonMcMillin ,New York
Pres. Alanson P. Lathrop ...
689 – Third Ave. Ry . Co. Office , M. McMillin .
2396 Third Ave. ( Controls Drydock , Sec. & Treae.
E. Broadway & Battery R. R. Co., V. Prests . C. N. Jelliffe ...
The 42nd St. , Manhattanville & St. Ch . Engr .
Nicholas Ave. Ry . Co. , Union Ry . Co. , H. C. Abell
Southeru Boulevard R. R. Co. , Yonkers Asst. Sec . & Asst. Treas.
R. R. Co. , Westchester Elec . R. R., Co. , W. G. de Berg ....
New York City Interborough Ry. Co., Audr. Jas.
Counsel Lawrence
, Chas. .
W. Young. 6
Mid- Crosstown Ry. Co. , Belt Line Ry.
Corpn. , Kingsbridge R. R., Bronx 29
Traction Co., Third Ave. Bridge Co. ,
New York , Westchester & Connecticut 694 — American Water Works &
Trac. Co. and Hastings Ry. Co. , Inc. ) Electric Co. , Inc. – Gen. Office, 50
Pres. Slaughter W. Huff . New York Broad St. Owns either directly or
V. Pres . Leslie Sutherland .... through its subsidiaries - all or a con
Sec. Walter C. Burrows.... New York trolling interest of the following com
Treas . Alfred D.Sage ... paniek : Arkansaw Water Co. , Birming
Audr. B. G. Steinetz . bam Water Works Co. , Butler Water
Supt. of Transp . Co. , E. St. Louis & Interurban Wtr. Co. ,
William E. Thompson City Water Co. of Chattanooga , City
Pur. Agt . Charles Witzel of New Castle Water Co. , City Water
Claim Agt. John W. Yenson ... Co. of Marinette , City Water Works
Elec . Engr. Walter J. Quinn .. Co. of Merrill , Clinton Water Works
M. M. , J. S. McWhirter, Co. , Connellsville Water Co., Hunting
1119 Third Ave. , ton Water Corpn . , Joplin Water Worke
Engr. M. of W. E. M. T. Ryder Co. , Keokuk Water Works Co. , Kokomo
Power sta . equip ; 4 d . c . West. tot. 610 Water Works Co. , Louisiana Water
kw ; 8 a. c . West. tot . 24.000 kw . 3 ph 25 Co. , Mirgo Junction Water Co. , Mig
cys ; 40,000 hp. e . West : 16,000 hp b . souri Sewerage Co. , Monongahela Val
Bab . & W ; trans. volt . 6600 v ; trolley ley Water Co., Mt Vernon Elec. Lts
volt. 575 v. & Pwr . Co .. Mt. Vernon Water Works.
6 sub-stas , tot. cap. 21,500 kw ; 18 rot . Co. , Muncie Water Works Co , St.
cony. Joseph Water Co., South Pittsburgo.
Power sta. at 216th St. & Harlem Water Co. , Middle States Wtr. Wks.
River. Co., Warren Wtr . Co. , Wichita Water
Repair shops at 1119 Third Ave. Co. , West Penn Railways Co. , and
356.78 miles ; 4-846 g ; 1508 motor pass . Penn Traction & Water Power Co.
and 151 motor service cars. ( Co. sells Pres. H. Hobart Porter .... New York
energy .) * 50
( J. H. Pardy .
V. Prests .
& Treas.
Cecil S. Ashdown
690 — Alabama Trac . , Lt. & Pwr. Walter 8.F. Finlay , Jr.
Co. , Ltd. - Offices, 120 St. James St. , Pres. Subsidiary Water Cos .
Montreal, Canada and 120 Broadway, G. E. Hoffmaster ..
New York . (Controls Alabama Power Por. Agt . H. F.Barnard
Co. ) Gen. Counsel,
Pres. James Mitchell ...London , England Sullivan & Cromwell ....
V. Pres . Lawrence Macfarlane * 50 +
Royal Trust Bldg . , Montreal, Que ., Can .
Sec . & Treas . 69fa- W . S. Barstow Management
W. J. Henderson ... Assn ., Inc. - Office , 50 Pine Street.
* 50
Operating Managers of public utility
properties. Principal companiesunder
691- American Cities Co.-- Offices, its supervision are : Binghamton Light
504 Liverpool, London & Globe Bldg. , Heat & Power Co. , Eastern Pennsyl.
New Orleans, La. (Controls the New vania Power Co. , Eastern Utilities Coal
Orleans ( La .) Ry . & Lt. Co. , Birming- Co .. Easton Gas Works, Interurban
ham ( Ala . ) Ry., Lt. & Pwr. Co., Mem- Gas Co., Metropolitan Edison Co., The
phis ( Tenu.) St. Ry. Co. , Little Rock Jersey Corpn . The New Jersey Power
( Ark . ) Ry . ' & Elec. Co. , Knoxville & Light Co., The Northwestern Ohio
Railway & Power Co. , Pennsylvania Refining Co. , and Standard Asphalt &
Utilities Co. , Pittsford Power Co., The Refining Co.) ; 59 Osage Oil Co. ,
Port Clinton Electric Light & Power Indian Territory, Ill. Oil Co., (which
Co. , Reading Transit & Light Co. , controls Delmar Oil Co., Osage Pro
Rutland Railway , Light & Power Co. , ducers Gas Co. and Westerly Oil Co.)
The Sandusky Gas & Electric Co., Sayre Keesage Oil Co., Midland Oil Co.,
a Electric Co. and Vermont Hydro- Quapaw Gas Co., (which controls
Electric Corpn. Consumers Gas Co.) ; Steyner Oil Co.,
Pres. & Gen. Mgr . E.L. West .. New06York Wichita Natural Gas Co. (which con
V. Pres. Thomas Choyne ..... trols Sedgwick Oil Co. and Winfield
Sec. & Treas. OG
Natural Gas Co.) ; Wichita Pipe Line
0. Clement Swenson ...... Co.) ; Empire Gas & Fuel Co. (Ky.) ;
Asst. Sec. W. J. Reist . 06
Empire Gas & Fuel Co. (Ohio );
Pur. Agt. F. C. Rose . Empire Oil & Gas Co. (Del.); Fremont
Ch. Engr. E. M. Gilbert. (Nebr.) Gas, Elec . Lt. & Pwr. Co .;
129 Knoxville ( Tenn .) Gas Co.; Lebanon
(Pa .) Gas & Fuel Co .; Lincoln (Nebr.)
695 Brunswick Terminal &
Gas & Elec . Lt. Co .; (which controls
Havelock (Neb .) Eleo . Lt. Co.) ;
Railway Securities Co.- Office, 48 Lorain County Elec. Co., Elyria, O .;
Broadway. ( Controls Mutual Lt. & Massillon (0.) . Elec . & Gas Co.;
Wtr. Co. and City & Suburban ky. Co. Maumee (Ohio) Valley Rys. & Lt. Co.
of Brunswick , Ga.),
Pres. Samuel C. Steinhardt... New York
Meridian (Miss .) Lt. & Ry._Co .
(which controls Hattiesburg Trac
V. Prests. {Geo A2017 Brun
George Reuter ....
swick , Ga. Co.) ; Montgomery, ( Ala .) Lt. &
Wtr. Pwr. Co.; Pueblo (Colo .) Gas &
Sec. Henry J. Lowenhaupt..... Fuel Co.; Richland Co. , Richland
Treas. A. de Sola Mendes . Public Service Co. , Mansfield (Ohio ) ;
* 50 St. Joseph ( Mo.) Ry . Lt. Ht . & Pwr.
Co .; Salina (Kans .) Lt. Pwr. & Gas
696 — Cities Service Co. - Office, 60 Co .; Southern Ont . Gas Co., Ltd .;
Southwestern Okla . Gas & Fuel Co .;
Wall St. (Controls Adrian (Mich .) St. Spokane (Wash .) Gas & Fuel Co .;
Ry . Co. , Alliance, (O.) Gas & Pwr. Co.;
Arkansas Valley Gas Co., Arkansas Summit County Pwr. Co., Dillon ,Colo .;
City , Kans; Ashland , (Ohio ) Gas & Texas Distributing Co. , Mineral Well;
Elec. Lt. Co.; Athens (Ga.) Ry. & Elec. and Bangs , Texas; Toledo Beach Co. ,
Toledo Casino Co .; Toledo Ottawa
Co .; Atlas Chem . Co., Toledo (Ohio );
The Bartles Oil Co. , St. Paul, Minn .; Beach & NorthernRy. Co .; Toledo &
Bartlesville (Okla .) Gas & Elec. Co .; Western Ry . Co .; Toledo Trac . Lt. &
Berea (O.) Pipe Line Co .; Bristol, Pwr. Co. (which controls Acme Pwr.
(Va.-- Tenn .) Gas & Elec. Co. , Brush Co. and Toledo Rys. & Lt. Co.) ,
Elec. Co., Galveston, Texas ; Central Trumbull Public Service Co. , Warren,
0 .; United Water , Gas & Elec . Co ..
Ohio Gas & Elec. Co. (which controls Hutchinson , Kans.; Utilities Constr.
Buckeye StateGas & Fuel Co. , Colum
bus Natural Gas Co. , Coshocton Gas Co. , Lorain, Ohio ; Washita (Okla .)
Co. and Medina Gas and Fuel Co.) ; Gas & Fuel Co., Watauga Pwr. Co.,
Cities Fuel & Pwr. Co. (which controls ( Elizabethton, Tenn .) ; Western Dis
Amer. Pipelink Co.,Kansas & Cklahoma, tributing Co. , Kansas, Western Lt. &
Franklin County Pipe Line Co.,Kansas; Pwr. Co. ( which controls Cheyenne,
Frost Gas Co. , Fredonia, N. Y .; (which Lt. , Fuwl & Pwr. Co.) and Western .
controls Brockton , (N. Y.) Gas and Okla. Gas & Fuel Co.)
Fuel Co. and Republic Lt., Ht. and Pres. Henry L.Doherty .. New York
Pwr. Co.); Glenwood Nat . Gas Co. E. MacKay Edgar
Ltd. Ontario, Manufacturers Nat. Gas London, Eng.
Co. Ltd., Ontario, Sentinal Oil & Gas V. Prests. Frank W.Frueauff.New York
Co., Kansas); City Lt. & Trac. Co. , Se E. H. Johnston . 66
delia, Mo.; City Lt. & Wtr. Co. , Ama ( Thos . I. Carter... 60
American Pwr. & Lt. Co. (which con- 701a - Georgia Lt., Pwr . & Rys.
trols Kansas Gas & Elec. Co .; Pacific -Gen . office , 62 Cedar St. , New York ,
Pwr . & Lt. Co. , Portland Gas & Coke N.Y. (Voluntary organization and con
Co., Nebraska Pwr. Co., Citizens Gas & trols Macon Ry. & Lt. Co. , Macon Gas
Elec. Co. of Council Bluffs, Southwest- Co. , Central Georgia Pwr. Co.and Cen.
ern Pwr. & Lt. Co. , Texas Pwr. & Lt. tralGeorgia Transm . Co. )
Co. and Ft. Worth Pwr. & Lt. Co.) Pres. M. J. Murphy ......New York , N.Y.
Power Securities Corpn. (which controls V. Pres. John D. Everitt
Idaho Pwr. Co. and Boise Valley Trac. Sec. & Treas.
Co ) Northern Control Gas Co. , Colum- J. J. Thames, Jr....
bia Harwood Elec. Co., Schuylkill Gas Asst. Sec . & Asst . Treas .
& Elec. Co. , Lebigh Power Securities Lloyd Robinson ...
Corpn . ( which controls Pennsylvania 70
Pwr. & Lt. Co. and Lehigh Valley Tran
sit Co.) Panama Pwr. & Lt. Corpn., | 702 - Interborough Consolidated
Dallas Pwr. & Lt. Co. and Dallas Rail Corpo . - Office, 165 Broadway .
way Co. ( Subsidiary of the Gen. Elec. Trustee elected April 25,1919. (Incorpo.
Co. ) rated as successor to Interborough.
Pres . S. Z. Mitchell .. New York Metropolitan Co. and Financial & Hold .
F. A. Farrar .. ing Corporation . ) ( Controls the Inter
E. K. Hall..
borough Rapid Transit Co. and New
V. Prests. J C. E. Groosbeck . York Ryb . Co.
H. H. Crowell ,
Trustee , James R Sheffield ,
E. W. Hill ... 165 Broadway, New York
L. H. Parkhiret
... Chmn. Bd . & Exec . Comm .
Sec . H. M. Francis .. Angust Belmont .
E. P. Summerson .....
Asst . 43 Exchange Place,
Sece . G. 4.Hollister...... Schenectady Pres.
Compt.A. E. Smith ....New York V. Pres. H. H. Vreeland,
Troas. Wm . Reiser
Asst. JA . C. Ray . 165 Broadway, .
66 Sec. H. M. Fisher .
Treas. G. J. Hickman Asst . Sec. A. C. Wigren ..
Asst. Compt. W. C. Lang Treas. J. H. Campbell ..
Gen. Audr . A. H. Arming . Audr. E. F. J. Gaynor
Statistician , E. B. Lee ... * 50
* 60
702a Lehigh Power Securities
700 Federal Lt. & Trac . Co. Corpn . - Office, 71 Broadway . (Con.
Ofice, 60 Broadway, New York. (Holds trols Lebigh Valley Transit Co. and
controlling interest in Grays Harbor Pennsylvania Power & Light (!o . (which
Ry. & Lt. Co.,( Aberdeen ,Wash .) ; Sheri is merger of Lebigh Valley Lt. & Pwr.
dan County Elec. Co. (Sheridan, Wyo .); Co. , Northumberland County Gas &
Rawlins (Wyo.) Elec . Lt. & Fuel Co.; Elec . Co. , Northern Central Gas Co.
Columbia & Montour Elec . Co. , Har
Hobart ( Okla) Elec. Co.: Albuquerque
( N. M. ) Gas & Elec . Co ; Las Vegas wood Elec. Co. , Schuylkill Gas & Elec.
( N. M.) Lt. & Pwr. Co., (which con Co., and Pennsylvania Lts. Co. ) and
trols Las Vegas Transit Co. ,); Tucson Hagerstown Lt. & At. Co. of Washing.
( Ariz . ) Gas Elec. Lt. & Pwr. Co. , ton County. ( Fiscal Agent , Electric
and Tucson Rapid Transit Co .; Bond & Share Co. )
Springfield Ry . & Lt. Co. (which Chrmn. Bd . S. Z. Mitchell ......New York 0.
Pwr. Co., United Rys . Co. of St. Louis. 709 -The United Gas & Elec . Corpn .
The St. Louis County Gas Co., Detroit -Office, 61 Bway., New York, Controls
(Mich .) Edison Co. West Ky . Coal Co. Utilities Oil & Ref. Corpn . (which
( Sturgis, Ky.) and The Wisconsin Edi- controls the common stock of United
son Co., Inc., New York , N. Y., (wbich Okla . Oil & Gas Corpn . (New York ,N.Y.)
controls The Milwaukee Elec . Ry. & Lt. and the common stock of Houston
Co., Wisconsin Gas & Elec . Co., North ( Tex . ) Gas & Fuel Co. and Houston
Milwaukee Lt. & Pwr. Co. , and Wells Heights Wtr. & Lt. Assn . (Houston ,
Pwr. Co. all of Wis . ) Texas ); Consumers' Elec. Lt. & Pwr.
Pres. Jas. D. Mortimer .. New York Co. ( New Orleans, La. ), Harrisburg,
Asst. to Pres . Edwin Gruhl . ( Pa. ) Lt. & Pwr. Co. , Gretna ( La. ) Lt.
Henry H. Pierce .... & Pwr. Ço . , Inc. , preferred stock of
V. Prests. C.S. Ruffner.... Richmond , ( Ind.) Lt. , Ht. & Pwr. Co. ,
common and preferred stock of Union
Sec. & Asst.Treas . J. F. Fogarty Gas & Elec . "Co. (Bloomington , Ill .),
Asst. Treas . Robt. Sealy .... Inter - City Terminal Ry. Co. (North
F. H. Piske .
Asst . Secs. Robt. Randall 06
Little Rock , Ark . ) ; United Gas & Elec .
Co. of New Jersey which controls Citi
119 zens Gas & Fuel Co. , ( Terre Hante ,
Ind.), Elmira (N.Y.) Wtr ., Lt. & R. R.
705 - Ohio & Western Utilities Co. Co., Colorado Springs (Colo .) Lt. , Ht.
& Pwr. Co (which controls Citizens
Office, 115 Broadway, New York , Lt., Ht. & Pwr. Co. (Colorado Springs,
(Controls Ft. Scott & Nevada Lt. , Ht. Colo. ) and the Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) Co.,
Wtr . & Pwr . Co. ( Nevada. Mo. ) and the common stock of Richmond ( Ind .)
Chillicothe ( 0. ) Elec . R. R. Lt. & Pwr. Lt., Ht. & Pwr. Co. , Empire Wtr.
Co. and in turn is controlled and man- & Pwr. Co., (Colorado Springs , Colo. ) ,
aged by National Utilities Co. , New Leavenworth (Kans. ) Lt. Ht. & Pwr.Co.
York .) and Lockport (N.Y.) Lt., Ht . & Pwr. Co.
Pres. A. F. Beringer ......... New York (which controls
1st V.Pres. J.C. Martin Columbus , Ohio ternational Pwr.the
& cTrans.Co.(Lockport,
ommon stock ofIn
2nd V. Pres . L. M.Symmes .... New York N. Y. ) ; Lancaster ( Pa. ) County Ry. &
3rd V. Pres . & Sec. Lt. Co. (which controle Conestoga Trac.
R. Buchanan Jr.... Co. which controls Conestoga Realty
Treas. E. H. Van Wyck ..... Co. (Lancaster , Pa . ) and the common
* 50 stock of Edison Elec. Co., (Lancaster,
Pa. ) and Lancaster ( Pa. ) Elec. Lt., Ht. &
706 - Penysylvania Electric Co. Pwr. Co .; Lancaster Gas Lt. & Fuel Co.
Offices, 394 Du Pont Bldg. , Wilmington, (which controls Columbia (Pa .) Gas
Del . and 14 Wall St. New York Co. ), United Gas & Elec. Engrg. Corpn.
( which controls the common stock of
( Controls through ownership of Central River Coal & Supply Co. , ( New
Aacurities the following: Penn Public York , N. Y. ) .
town Corpn
(Pa.) Fnel., Supply
(Johnstown ); Centre
Co ; and Johns Pres. Edward G. Connette .....New York
& Clearfield Ry. Co.( Philipsburg, Pa. ) Francis T. Homer
Pres . H. D. Walbridge . New York V. Prests . 40 Wall St.
V. JJ.K. Andrews 6 Tracy A. Johnson
Prests . 1 F. T.Hepburn .. 66 Sec . John A.McKenna.......
Sec. L. A. Wood Treas. & Compt. Arthur L. Linn, Jr.
Treas . F. E. Haag . 66 Pur. Agt . F. Geo. Robinson ...
Asst. Sec . M. M. Durkin 66 00
Asst. Treas. A. E. Walbridge ...
* 50 710 - United Gas & Elec. Engrg .
Corpn.- Office, 61 Broadway. New
707-Southern Light & Traction York . (Acts as consulting , contracting
Co.-New York office, 120 Broadway . and operating engineers for all classes
(This corporation was organized under of public utility properties. Now acting
the laws of New Jersey to hold stocks , in this capacity for the following
bonds and other securities, and is companies : Citizens ' Gas & Fuel Co.
chiefly interested in street railway , ( Terre Haute, Ind.), Columbia ( Pa .)
electric and gas lighting properties . ) Gas Co. , Houston ( Texas) Gas & Fuel
( Practically entire capital stock owned Co. , Lancaster Pa . ) Gas Lt. & Fuel Co.,
by the American Lt. & Trac. Co. ) Conestoga Trac . ( o . (Lancaster, Pa. ) ,
Prer . Emerson McMillin ... New York Richmond ( Ind . ) Lt. , Ht. & Pwr . Co.,
V. Pres , Philip Lehman .
6 Consumers Elec . Lt. & Pwr. (:0. (New
Sec . C. N. Jelliffe ..
66 Orleans, La . ) , Edison Elec. Co. (Lan
Treas. A. P. Lathrop .
66 caster, Pa. ) Gretna (La . ) Lt. & Pwr.
129 Co., Inc., Lancaster, (Pa.) Elec. Lt.,
Ht . & Pwr . Co. , Leavenworth (Kan .)
Lt. , Ht. & Pwr, Co. , Union Gas & Elec.
708 - Southwestern Pwr. & Lt. Co. (Bloomington , Il . ) , Harrisnurg ,
Co. -New York office, 71 Broadway. (Pa. ) Lt. & Pwr. Co., Elmira, (N. Y.)
( Controls Texas Pwr . & Lt. Co. , Wtr. Lt. & R R. Co., Colorado Springs
Ft . Worth Pwr . & Lt. Co. , El Paso Gas (Colo .) Lt., Ht. & Pwr. Co., Lockport
Co. , Galveston Gas Co., Paris Transit (N. Y ) Lt. It. & Pwr. Co. , The Wilkes
Co. , Wichita Falls Elec. Co. , Wichita Barre ( Pa .) Co. , Central River Coal &
Falls Wtr. Co. , West Texas Elec . Co. , Supply Co. , and Houston Heights ( Tex.)
Sweetwater Ice & Cold Storage Co. , Water & Lt. Assoc.) ( Controlled by
International Elec Co. , Eagle Pass Wtr . The United Gas & Elec . Corpn .)
Co. , Hutchinson Gas & Fuel Co. and Pres . Edward G. Connette...... New York
Newton Gas and Fuel Co. ) ( Controlled John F. Wessel ....
by the American Pwr. & Lt. Co.) Francis T. Homer. 66
Prey . F. G. Sykes .. ........New York V. Preste . 40 Wall St.
V. E. W. Hill W. B. Emmert.....
66 66
Prests . A. S. Grenier ... 1 T. A. Johnson ..
H. R Kingman . Sec . & Asst . Treas .
Sec . E. P. Sommerson John A. McKenna
Asst . Sec . H. L. Martin Treas . & Compt. ArthurL . Linn, Jr. "
Treas . Wm . Reiser .. Asst . Treas. H. T.Van Iderstine
Asst . VA . C. Ray .. Asst . Compt. Robt . C.Hill ......
Treasre . G. J.Hickman .. Statistician , M. M. Wheeler....
50 Pur. Agt. F. Geo. Robinson ....
Supt. of Equip., J.F. Uffert...Rochester Reaches Electric and Shady Lake Parks.
Cashier, T. P.Whelly. Utica 10.64 miles ; 4-842 g : 28 motor and 4
Energy purchased from Adirondack other cars, 2 snow plows. (Company far.
Eloc. Pwr. Corp ; trans. volt. 60,000 v ; nishes lighting and power for stationary
trolley volt. 620 v. motors ; also owns gas plant.) *50
Repair shops at Utica Park, Utica and
at Wolf St., Syracuse . 733-Putnam & Westchester Trac .
117.981 miles operated (12.38 owned ), Co. - Office . 1020 Main St. , Peekskill.
( overhead and 3rd rail); 4-848 g ; 22 pass., (Connects Peekskill & Oregon .) (Oper
2 trail., 4 service and 2 exp. cars ; 3 snow àted by Peekskill Ltg. & R. R. Co.)
plowe. * 50 | Pres . Geo . E. McCoy : .Peekskill
V. Pres . Frank M. Dain .
ONEONTA. 10,474 (1914) . Sec . H. D. Swain .... Ossining
Treas. Alfred J. Mason .. Peekskill
(See No. 639.) Afet , Treas . Charles Le Clair ... G6
Asst. Gen. Mgr. I. M. Beatty ...
OSSINING. 11,480. Car service furnished under agree
ment with Peekskill Ltg . & R. R.Co.
729 Hudson River & Eastern 4.354 miles ; 4 846 g. * 50
Trac . Co.- Office, 167 Croton Ave. (Op.
erates in Ossining. ) PENN YAN . 4,597 .
Pres . O. G. Bennett . Ossining
V. Pres. Winifield Post.
Sec . H. D. Swain .. 66 734-Penn Yan & Lake Shore Ry:
Treas. & Gen. Mgr. Office , 115 Elm St. ( Successor to Penn
Wilder L. Stratton . Mt. Vernon Yap , Keuka Park & Branch port Ry. Co.)
Asst. Treas . C. Edw. Hallet ....Ossining (Connecte Branchport, Bluff Point and
Keuka Park with Penn Yan . )
Energy purchased from Northern West Receiver William J. Tylee .... Penn Yan
chester Ltg . Co.
2.81 miles; 5 motor and 1 other car. * 60 Pres. Geo. E. Tylee,
Summer St. , Boston, Mass.
V. Pres. Clinton Hurlbutt .... Branchport
OSWEGO. 25,426. Treas. W. H. Tylee
48 Hanover St. , Boston, Mass.
730 City Stato
– Empire
(Oswogo R. R.
Div. )-For Corpn.
officers see Ch.
Jacob Pwr. Sta .,
Engr.Darmsleadt.... Keuka Park
Syrасове . Power sta , equip. 2 d.c.Walker, tot. 300
Energy purchased from Niagara , Lock kw ; 500 hp. e. Slater; 500 hp . b . Dillon ;
port & Ontario Pwr. Co ; trolley volt. 600 v. trolley volt. 525 v.
Repair shops at Oswego . Power sta . and repair shops at Park
Reaches an amusement park at Oswego Landing, N. Y.
Owns and controls Electric Park.
Beach .
Mileage and equipment included in re- 10 miles : 4-842 g; 6 motor pass . and 1
in report of No. 749. * 50 other car ; 2 elec . locos . * 50
741 --New York State Rys . ( Roch
(See also No. 663.) ester Lines ).- Office, 267 State St.
738-Poughkeepsie & Wappingers ( Controls through stock ownership the
Rochester Elec. Ry . Co. and Ontario
Falls Ry. Co.- omice, 493 Main St. Lt. & Trac . Co. ) (Connects Pittsford ,
(Buccessor to_Poughkeepsie City & Bushnells Basin , Fishers, Victor, Mer
Wappingers Falls Elec . Ry. Co. ) tensia , Hatbawave, Padelforde , Can
(Leases Hospital branch of Central New andaigua, Hopewell, Seneca Castle and
England R. Ř . Connects Poughkeepsie Geneva, W. Webster, Webster, Union
and Wappiogers Falls .) Hill , Fruitland , Ontario Centre, Ontario,
Pres . Williamson, E.Williamson, Sodue, Wel .
Mrs.Mary M. Hinkley ...Poughkeepsie lington , Sodus Pt. , Sea Breeze, Summer
V. Pres. Miss Mary Hinkley ville, Windsor Beach and Charlotte . )
Sec . T. W. Moffatt .. New York Pres. J. F. Hamilton Rochester
Asst. Sec. & Treas. H. Brown ..
Audr. J.A. Nilan .. Poughkeepsie Assts. to Pres. {J. m .Fr Stanton .
Oper. Mgrs. J.G.White Management Gen. Connsel ,
Corpn ...... 43 Exchange Pl ., New York Harris , Beach , Harrie & Matson 66
Power sta . equip . 4 &. C. G. E. tot. 1800 Franklin Falls Plant - 1 a. C. G. E. 1165
kw . 880 v . 25 cys; 8000 hp . e . Williams, kw. 2800 v . 8 ph ; 1750 hp. wtr . wh. Leffell.
Allis- C ; 2000 hp . b . B. & W ; trans. volt . Saranac Lake.ttoPny c. S — .Itaa2nlale
11,000_16,600 v ; trolley volt. 675-650 v. 290 kw. 2800 v ; 450 hp. wtr. turb . Victor.
Energy_also purchased from Rochester Keese Mill Plant- i a. c. G. E. 120 kw.
Ry . & Lt. Co. 5500 v ; 200 hp . wtr. wh. Smith .
9 sub -stas. (1-300 kw . automatic and 2 7.66 miles (s. ph . catenary ); 4-844 8 ; 1
portable ) tot. cap . 5700 kw ; 14 rot. conv. motor pass. car and 3 other cars. ( Fan
Power stas. at Float Bridge, Town of nishes lighting and power in Saradac
Irondequoit and Canandaigua. Lake, Paul Smith's, Bloomingdale , Lake
Repair shops at Rochester. Clear, Gabriels, Rainbow , Lake Placid,
Reaches Ontario Beach , Sea Brocze, Au Sable Fork and Lyon Mountain .)
Sodus Bay and Glen Haven Parks. 60
253.38 miles ; 4-846 8 ; 421 motor pass .
25 trail pass . , 10 express motor, 8 fgt. , 50 SARATOGA SPRINGS. 12,698.
other motor and 58 other cars . * 50 (Soe No. 646. )
742-Rochester & Manitou R. R. SCHENECTADY . 100,000 ( 1918) .
Co. - Office, Granite Building .
Pres. H. W. Wedel 745 – Schenectady Ry. Co. - Office,618
209 Powers Bldg. , Rochester State St. , Schenectady. (Connecto War.
18t V.Pres.D. Hyman.Hudson St. , Buffalo ronsburg, LakeGeorge, Glens Falls,Sara
2d V.Pres. A. J. Townson toga, Ballston Spa ,Ballston Lake, Troy,
250 Main St. E. , Rochester Albany, Watervliet, Nikkayuna ,Karner,
Seo . & Treas. K. B. Castle ..... West Albany and Schenectady .).
Supt. Pur. Agt . & Engr. Way Pres. J.F. Hamilton .. Rochester
& Equip. Geo. M. Wegman ...Oharlotte V. Pres. H. B. Weatherwax ...... Albany
Energy purchased from Rochester Ry & Sec . Treas. & Pur . Agt.
Lt. Co ; trolley volt. 550 v. d. c. J. H. Aitkin . Schenectady
Repair shops at Charlotte. Gen , Audr. J. C. Collins . Rochester
Reaches Manitou Beach Park . Gen.Mgr . James P. Barnes...Schenectady
7.26 miles; 4-84 g ; 6 motor and 9 other Ch . Clerk to Gen. Mgr.
cars . (Operates only during summer .) E. F. Kelley .
59 Audr. F. E. Belleville 66
Power sta . (water) and repair shops at Gen. Audr. J. M.Joel.... Rochester
Edwards Falls (No P. O. ) . Audr. W. H. Dunkerly . Utica
Owns amusement parks at Edwards Pur. Agt. P. J. Honold. Rocheste
Falls and Jamesville . Asst. Pur. Agt. A. Ogilvie.....
18.52 miles ; 4-8% g ; 25 motor cars and Ch , Engr. C. L. Cadle
other car. * 501 Elec. Engr. H. E. Davis . Utica
Engr. W. & S. E. P. Roundy ..
Supvr. of Schedules, M. J. Sargis ...
753 –Peck , Shannahan, Cherry, Supt. Equip . J. F. Uffert.......Rochester
Inc.-- Offices, 400-401-402 Syracuse Sav. M. M. , 6. 9. Sweet Utica
ings Bank Bldg., Syracuse, and 807 Cashier, T. P. Whelley
Maryland Trust Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Roadmaster, R.;W . Owens.
(Operates Maryland Elec. Rys ., An- Energy purchased from Adirondack
napolis ; Auburn & Syracuse Elec . R. R. Elec . Power Corpn .; trans. volt. 17,000 v ;
Cn ., Auburn , N. Y .; Rochester & Syra- trolley volt. 650 v.
case R.R. Inc.; Syracuse Northern Elec. Repair shops at Utica Park .
Ry . Inc.; and Newport News & Hamp- Reaches Summit Park (owned ) and
ton Ry . , Gas & Elec. Co. , Hampton, Va .) Utica Park ( leased . )
Pres . J. N. Shannahan ... Hampton, Va. 180.16 miles ; 4-842 g : 180 motor pars. ,
Edward F. Peck 6 trail pass. , 7 express, 21 other motor
V. Prests. T. { C. Cherry . ...... Syracuse and 9 other cars ; 1 elec. loco. * 50
Sec. & Treas, Milford Badgero..
WARRENSBURG, 3,100 (1915).
TROY . 76,813. (See No. 646. )
(See also No. 622.)
WATERLOO . 4,843 .
751 - Troy & New England Ry.
Co .-- Office, 598 B'way, Albany. (Con. (See No. 747.)
nects Albia ,West Sand Lake and Averill
Park. ) WATERTOWN . 26,780 .
Pres . L. F. Loree
32 Nassau St. , New York 756-Black River Traction Co.
W. H. Williams Office, 753 W. Main St. (Connects
32 Nassau St , New York Watertown, Glen Park , Brownville and
V. Prests. { H. B. Weatherwax ....Albany Dexter . )
W. B. Schofield Pres. Frank A. Lester.....Newark , N. J.
33 Nassau St. , New York V. Pres. Charles I. Taylor.....New York
Treas. C. A. Hoag .. Albany Sec. Delos M.Cosgrove........ Watertown
Andr. D. L. Waters .. Treas. Richard Krementz..Newark , N.J.
Compt. Gen. Mgr., & Pur. Agt.
W.E. Eppler..32 Nassau St. , New York L. Schwerzmann ... Watertown
Gen. Mgr. A. E. Reynolds .........Albany Power sta . equip . 8 d . c . Eager tot. 900
Aret , Gen. Mgr . T. J. Lynch ... . Troy kw ; 300 hp. e . Straight; 300 hp. b. Fitzg ;
Atty. John MacLean .Albany trolley volt. 550 v .
Claim Agt. J. S. Carter . Power sta. and repair shops at Water.
Supt. A Crable ..... ..Albia , Troy town.
Engr. Pwr. & Lines , C. E. Fasoldt, Albany 12.6 miles ; 4-842 g ; 13 motor and 3
Engr. M. of W , Chas. Brennan ... other cars ; 2 sweepers. 50
M. M. , Ernest Murphy ..
Energy purchased from United Trac.Co ; WATKINS . 2,817.
2 d . c. West . tot. 300 kw ; 500 hp. e .
West ; 525 hp . b. Man . (See No. 643.)
Power sta . at West Sand Lake ; repair
shops at Albia . (No P. O. )
Reaches Averill Park. WAVERLY. 5,119.
9.148 miles ; 4-842 g ; 10 motor and 12
other cars . ( See also No. 642.)
* 50
787 – Waverly, Sayre & Athens
UTICA . 80,589 (1915) . Traction Co. - Office ,Waverly. (Con
nects Waverly, N.Y., and Sayre , Athens,
(Soe also Nos. 728 and 741. ) and So. Waverly, Pa . )
Pres . G. Tracy Rogers . .Binghamton
755- New York State Rys . ( Utica V. Pres . J. H. Murray Waverly
Lines ) . Office, 325-329 Main St., Secy . & Treas. F. E. Brixius, Binghamton
(This company is a consolidation by Supt. & Pur. Agt. W.E. Case...Waverly 66
purchase and merger of the Utica Claim Agt . E. L. Pickley ..
Belt Line St. R. R., Utica Suburban M. M. , Daniel Hoover .
Ry . , Utica & Mohawk R. R., Deerfield Roadmaster, D. J. Spillane . 60
& Utica R. R., Frankfort & Utica Energy purchased from Sayre Elec . Co.
St. Ry. , Herkimer, Mohawk, Ilion & Repair shop at Sayre. Pa .
Frankfort Elec . Ry . and Rome City St. Reaches Keystone Park (operated by
Ry. Co. ) ( Connects Rome, Oriskany, Interstate Amusement Co. )
Whitesboro , New York Mills ,Yorkville , 11.92 miler : 4-84 g ; 20 motor pass, and
* 50
Utica, New Hartford , Capron. Clinton, 8 motor service care.
Frankfort, Ilion , Mohawk, Herkimer
and Little Falls .) WEEDSPORT . 1,454.
Pres . J. F. Hamilton . Rochester
Abst , to Pres . W. F. Stanton .. ( See No. 750a . )
V. Pres . & Gen. Mgr. , B. E. Tilton .. Utica
Sec . J. C. Collins .. Rochester
Asst. Sec . H. L. Reichart . WESTFIELD . 3,319 .
Treas . M. S. Barger
Grand Central Terminal, New York (See Nos. 692, 655 and 657.)
Gen. Supt . J. E. Duffy . Utica
Supt. J. Jones.. 66
WHITE PLAINS . 19,287 ( 1915).
Claim Agt. J.S. Kubu .
Gen. Pass. Agt . F. V. Fullem . 758-Shore Line Elec . R. R. Co.
Gen. Exp. Agt. F. W. Watts Office, 481 Morris Park Av. , New York
Lafayette St. & Broadway, City . ( Purchased the part of the Tarry
town, White Plains and Mamaroneck Enorgy purchased from Third Avo . Ry .
Ry. Co., from the intersection of Co.; trans. volt. 6600 v ; trolloy volt .575 .
Mamaroneck Ave. and Boston Post Sub-sta. equip. 4 rot. conv. tot. 2500 kw.
Road in the village of Mamaroneck, Substa . at Buena Vista Ave., Yonkers,
south on the Boston Post Road to the repair shops at 65th St. & 3rd Ave. , New
northeastern limits of Larchmont.) | York .
( Leased to and operated by the West Mileage included in report of No. 689 ;
chester Street R. R. Co. of White 100 motor pass. and 14 service cars. * 50
Plains .)
Pres ., L. S. Miller.. New York
V. Pres . YOUNGSTOWN. 570 .
Sec. & Treas .,
A. E, Clark . New Haven , Conn . (See No. 724)
Audr. , C. L. Nagle .. New York
1.468 miles ; 4-8 % g. 129
Piedmont Pwr. & Lt. Co. Gen. & Local Claim Agt.
8.3 miles ; 4-842 g ; 9 motor pass . 3 trail S. V. Sutton ... 06
pass. and 1 motor freight car ; 1 elec . loco. Pur. Agt. Mill Pwr. Supply Co ..
Local Mgr. , D. G. Calder.. 66
Greenville Trac . Co. , Fries Mfg & Sec . & Treas . W. E. Stroud
Pwr. Co. (Winston -Salem ), Winston Gen. F. Mgr . & Pur. Agt.
Salem Pwr. Co. , Anderson Wtr ., Lt. & E.
Pwr. Co. , Chester ( S. C. ) Power Co. , Power sta. equip.: 2 d.c. West. tot. 150
Thornton Lt. & Pwr. Co. (Hickory , kw : trane. volt. 2300 v.; trolley volt. 550 v .
N. C. ) and Southern Pwr. Co.) (System Power sta . and repair shops at N.
comprises a total of 59.52 miles of track . William St. , Goldsboro .
Controls the Greenville Carolina Pwr . Reaches Herman Park,
Co. of Greenville, S.C., through owner- 5 miles ; 4-849 g ; 9 motor pass . cars .
ship of common stock . ) 7
Eastern Div. of the Eastern Ohio Trac . trols the Lorain St. R. R. Co. , and San.
Co. ) (Connects Cleveland, Chardon , dusky, Fremont & Southern Ry. Co.)
Burton and Middlefield .) ( Connects Cleveland and Toledo and
Pres. H. P. McIntosh . Cleveland intermediate cities and towns. )
V Pres . Horatio Ford . Pres . E. W. Moore ... .Cleveland66
802 - Columbus Ry., Pwr.& Lt. Co. 805 - Scioto Valley Trac. Co. - Office,
-Otice, 104 N. Third St. (Inc. to suc . Third and Rich Sts . ( Connects Colum
ceed by change of name Columbus bus and Lancaster, Columbus and Chilli
Traction Co. and to take over the pro- cothe and intermediate points.)
I perties leased to Columbus Railway & Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
Light Co. Las acquired all property, Frank A. Davis . Columbus
etc. , of Columbus Traction Co. (suc- V , Pres. & Treas . E. R. Sharp.
cessor to Central Market Street Rail. Sec . & Pur. Agt. A. C. Moorhaus
way), Columbus Railway Co., and Audr. F. K. Young .
Columbus Edison Co. , the existing Supt. C. Skinner ..
leases between thr two latter coapanies Claim Agt. & Gen. Fgt. & Pass. Agt.
and the Columbus Railway & Light Co. , J. O, Bradfield ..
being cancelled . In Jan. 1915 property Ch . Engr. Gregg D. Wolfe ...
of Columbus Light, Heat & Power Co. Elec. Engr . & Ch.Engr.Pwr.Sta.
was acquired . (Connects Columbus and L. R. Pope .
Westerville, Columbus and Marble Cliff M. M. , G. A. Stiles .
and Columbus and Linden . ) Roadmaster, G. E. Wagner ..
Pres .. Charles L. Kurtz .. .Columbus Power sta. equip . 3 a . C. Allis - C .,
Emil Kiesewetter .. G. E. tot . 6000 kva. 375-2300 v ; 3 ph.25 cys .
V. Prests. Treas., Norman McD. 3000 hp. e.Ham . Cor.; 2300 bp. b . McNaull,
Crawford ..... Frank; 4000 kw . turb . (steam ) G E .; trans.
Soc. & Audr . P. V. Burington ... volt . 27,000 v ; trolley volt . 600-625 v.
Asst. Sec . & Asst . Audr. 7 sub -stas. tot . cap. 4000 kw.; 8 rot .
H. M. Burington ... conv. ,
and Asst. Audr. Syle Babbitt .. Power sta . and repair shops at Rees
Gen. Supt., C. C. Slater.. Station .
Supt. Transp ., Geo R. Whisner . Reaches Columbia Park .
Asst. Supt. Transp . , C. E. Lacey
Claim Agt. Chas. B Prugh .... 78 miles (3d rail) : 4-8 % 2 g ; 18 motor
Par. Agt. , M, L , Evans .
66 pass .,5 trail pass ., 4 fgt. motor., 17 Igt.
without motors and 12 service care .
Elec. Engr., R. J. Feather..
Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta. E.R. Andrix ( Company does gener lighting & power
business .) * 50
M. M., Chas. E. Hott .
Engr . M.ofW . , E. O. Ackerman ..
Supt . of Lines B. L Chase ... COSHOCTON . 11,570 ( 1916) .
Power sta. equip . 8 a. c . turb. Allis C. ,
West., G. E. tot. 43 500 kw : 7460 hp . e . 8058-- The Ohio Service Co.-Gen .
Am. Br. Co., Cpr. , McI. & S ; 17,613 hp. b . office, Coshocton ; local offices, Cam
Bab . & W : trans , volt. 13,200-39,400 v ; bridge, Byesville, Uhrichsville, Den
trolley volt. 600 v. nison , New Philadelphia and Dover.
9 sub stas . ( 1 with auto . cont. ) tot. cap. ( Purchased the property of The County
4740 kw ; 5 rot. conv . tot. 2400 kw .; 14 Elec. Co. ( New Philadelphia ), The
mot. gen . sete , tot . 8340 kw . New Midland Pwr . & Trac . Co.
Principal power stas ;Spring Spring ( Cambridge) , The Twin City Trac . Co.
& Cozzens Sts.; Guy St. at Gay & 3rd (Dennison) Coshocton Lt. & Htg. Co. ,
Sts .; at Mound & 17th Sts.; and Walnut Newcomerstown Lt. & Pwr. Co., The
Sta located 10 miles southeast of Co
Strasburg Elec . Co. and The Lafayette
lambue. Lt. & Pwr. Co.( W. Lafayette ). ( Connects
Repair shops at Kelton Ave. , & Oak St. Cambridge, PleasantCity, Byesville and
Reaches olentangy Park & Indianola Derwent; also Dennison and Uhrichs
Park . ville .) ( Controlled by United Service
135.129 miler ; 5-2 g. and 4-8 % g ; 348 Co.
motor pass . and 56 other cars . (Co. Pree . )Thos. R. Brooks...... Scranton , Pa.
doen general power and lighting businebe V. Pres. & Mgr. C. H. Howell..Coshocton
in Columhus and surrou nding territory; Sec. & Treas. L. H. Conklin . Scranton , Pa.
and considerable hotwater heating .) * 50 Audr. J. P. Rawson.. Coshocton
803-The Columbus,
Pur. Agt . K. A. Hinig ..
Ry. Co.Urbana
Elec. - Office, & West Supt. of Pwr. J. J.Dolan
100 w .
Gay St. (Connects Columbus, Marble Engr.
Insp. & Tests
C. A. Mullen
Cliff and Fishingers . )
Pres Scott A. Webb . Columbus
Sec. Harry E. Stafford . 66 Dist. Supt. F. T. Harris ......
Treas. Eli M. West .. Power sta. equip . 1 a. c. G. Allis-C .
Audr. Harry A. Snyder .. turbo-gen . tot. 5800 kva. 2300 v. 3 ph . 60
Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt. cys: 2000 hp . b . Stir ; 1600 hp. wtr. turb .
L. P. Stephens
Energy .... from
purchased The Columbus Allis-C ; trans.volt. 33,000 v.
Repair shops at 500 W. Spring St. Dist Supt.
Reaches park at Fishingers Bridge, J Hall Truman , Jr..New Philadelphia
10 of Storage
miles ; 4-8 % Dam.
g ; 4 motor and 8 other Power sta . equip. 2 a. c . G. E. turbo.
care. 50 gen . tot. 8125 kw . 2300 v . 3 ph. 60 cys ; 1
a . c . Cpr.-Cor. 400 kva. 2300 v. 3 ph .60cys;
804–The Ohio & Southern Trac, 1 a.C. G. E. (hydro -elec.) 225 kva. 2300 v.3
Co. - Office, 115 E. Rich St. ( Connects ph . 60 cys; tot. 2500 hp . b .Erie City, Stir;
Shades ville and Hartman Stock Farm trans . volt. 33,000 v .
with Columbne .) CAMBRIDGE DIVISION .
Pres. & Treas . , Earl S. Davis .. Columbus
V. Pres . & Asst . Treas .
Dist . Supt. L. H. Slocumb .... Cambridge
Power sta. equip . 1 d.c. Wood 250 kw ;
J.. N.
Sec J. M. Buttler,....
Spetnagel 8 E. Broad St .. " 2 a. c . G. E. tot. 300 kva. 2300 v. 3 ph . 60
Audr. Sam'l Matthews .. cys ; 1040 hp . e . Rus ; trans. volt . 33,000
Gen. Mgr. Clark Miller, v. trolley volt . 600 v . Power plant held
R. F. D. No. 1. , Lockbourne in reserve .
Cons. Engr. E. C. Schwab .... 1 substa. cap . 1200 kva ; 300 kw. mo.
Energy purchased from Columbus Ry., gen . set.
Lt. & Pwr. Co. Power sta. at West Cambridgo.
Repair shops at Hartman Farm . Repair shops, car barn and sub sta .
8.61 mi . (6.85 ml. 1st m. t. , 1.76 mi . at South Cambridge .
oid . ) ; 8 motor pass. , 1 trail freight and Reaches Oakland Park .
2 trail service cars. * 70 13.38 miles ; 4-8 %88: 9 cars.
8 :31 -Tho Hocking - Sunday Creek 834 –The Ohio River Elec. Ry .
Trac. Co. - Office 294 W. Columbns Pwr. Co .-- Office, Pomeroy. ( Owns
st. , Nelsonville, ( Connects Nelsonville Pomeroy & Middleport Elec. Co. ) ( Con .
and Athens .) nects Hobson, Mirdleport , Pomeroy,
Pres . M. S. Hopkins, Columbns Minersville , Syracuse and Racine. )
V. Pres . E. B. Young . Nelsonville Receiver Harry Hartwell ..... Pomeroy
Se ., & Tress. John 11. Saltz .. Pres. I. L. Oppenheimer .
Gen. Mgr., Pur. Agt . & Ch . Engr. V. Pres. F. W. Bacon ,
Warren H. Bad yer.. 1116 Chestnut St. , Philadelphia, Pa.
& Roadmaster, Soc . J. R. Trimble
Ja.. W. Shafer . Treas H Williams, Jr... .6 66
M. M. , D. C Shafer . Asst. Treas . Heliry T. Alley
Euervy purchased from the locking Gen. Snpt. & Pur. Agt.
Pwr. Co .; 2 400 kw , rot . sets consisting of D. W. Henpres Pomeroy
3-200 kw . each . 6.0-1200 v . 3 ph. 6 cys : Claim Agte . D. S. Webster
M. Curtis Reed .
trans. volt . 11,000 v : trolley volt . 1200 v
Repair shop- at Nelsonville. Elec . Engr. Charles Sayre . ...
16 miles ( 11 mi. Ist m . t. , mi . sid . ) ; V. M. , James Chieholm .
4-8 % g ; 4 motor pass. 1 trail pass. and Engr. Ovhd. Const. S.B.Hendrix
3 trail freight cars . * 50 Roadmaster, H. B. Curd
Asst Sec ., Asst. Treas . & Audr. Claim Agt. R. D. Billings ..
J.A. Carrie ... Willoughby Pur. Agt. R. J. Pike ...
Supt. Transpt. John Harper .. Elec. Engr. C. A. Harrington
Supt. Lines, C. Bill ... Engr . Pwr. Prod .
Claim Agt. J.C. Ward . H. W. Bromley ..
Ch . Enzr.Pwr.Sta . Fred Lyons Painesville Ovhd. Distrbn .
M. M. , Ed . fengst .Willoughby Supts . D. Fleming ...
Roadmaster, Clarence Wood . Undgrd . Di- trbn .
8 d. c . G. E. West. tot. 2800 kw .; 4 M.Goldlust. 66
å. c . G. E. tot. 3750 kvå. 8600 v. 3 pb . , ch . C. V; Canning
Engrs. ( Mark Pendleton .Lowellville
35 cy8 ; 3200 hp. b. Stir.; 3000 kw. stm .
turb . West; trans. volt. 13,200 v.; trolley Park Mgr. R. E. Platt ... ,
volt. 650 v. Pwr. sta. equip : 6 a. c. West.G. E. tot.
3 sub -stas. tot. cap. 2200 kw ; 7 rot. 46,000 sva. 8200 v . 6 ph. 60 cys ; 14.400 bp .
conv .; 2 mo. gen . sets. b . Bab . & W. Heine : 45,000 kw . turb .
Powe sta. at Erie St. , Painesville. (stm . ) G. E : 1800 hp. turb. (wtr ) Smith ;
Repair shops at Willoughby . trans. volt . 22,000 & 66,000 v ; trolley volt .
600 v .
Reaches Willoughby Beach Park. 6 sub-stas. tot . cap. 5,600 kw.; 13 rot.
88.76 miles ; 4-848 g ; 30 pass ., 5 express
and 3 work cars. (Co. sells energy for conv; 2 mo. gen.
stas, sets.
at Lowellville Ohio , and at
lighting and power . ) 50 Power
Ellwood City , Pa.; sub -stas. at Niles ,
Hubbard , Lowellville and Youngstown,
XENIA. 8,712. Ohio , and New Castle and Sharon, Pa .
Repair shops at Hazelton and Masury ,
(See Nos. 807 and 842.) Ohio .
Reaches Idora Park (owned ), South
YOUNGSTOWN . 126,280 ( 1919). Side and Mill Creek Parks , Ohio and
Cascade Park ( wned ), Newcastle , Pa.
(See also Nos. 964 and 965.) 119.37 miles (94.28 mi . 1st . m . t. , 22.30
mi . 2nd m . t. , 3.27 mi . sid . ) ; 4-84 8 ; 111
835 – Thu Pennsylvania -Ohio Elec- motor pass., 4 trail pass ., 55 motor freight
trio Co. ( Formerly Mahoning & She 6 trail freight, 18 motor service and 4 trail
* 70
nango Ry. & Lt. Co. - Office, 25-31 E. service cars.
Boardman St. , Youngstown . (Con
trols New Castle Elec , Co. , New Castle886 – Youngstown Munic . Ry .
Elec. St. Ry. Co. ( leased ) , The New omce 17 E. Boardman St. (A subsidia ry
Castle & Lowell Ry. Co .. New Castle of The Pennsylvania -Ohio Electric Co.)
& Lowell Realty Co. , New Castle & ( Connects Youngstown , E. Youngs
Mahnningtown St. Ry . Co. ( leased ), town, Poland and Struthers . )
New Castl Trac. Co. ( leased ) , Penn- Pres . , R. P. Stevens ,
sylvania & Mahoning Valley Ry . 60 Broadway , New York, N. Y.
(Ohio), Sharon & New Castle St. Ry. &
Gen. Mgr8. 7 R. Montgomery Youngstown
Čo . ( Pa .) , The Shenango Valley Elec. Sec . , F. E Wilkin .
Lt. Co. , Pennsylvania Pwr. Co. , Mahon- Treas ., E. G. Duplap..
ing County Lt. Co., Youngstown, Mu- Audr. G. E. Drury .
nic. Ry . and Youngstown & Niles Ry . Gen. Supt.
(under construction .) Operates Zelie- J B. Stewart. Jr....
nople ( Pa. ) Lt. & Pwr. Co.) (The prop- Asst.Gen Supt.Rufus Moses
erties con - ist of street and interurbau Pur. Agt , H.J. Warne ..
lines in Youngstown, 'Girard . Niles, Claim Agt. B. C.Wood .
Mineral Ridge, Warren , Leavittsburg, Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta.
Struthers, Lowellville , Edenburg, New W. R. Pounders .
Castle , Hubbard , New Bedford , Sharon , M. M. , A. B. Creelman ..
Sharpsville , Farrell, Wheatland , West Supt. M. of W. & Engr. Ovhd .
Middlesex, E. Youngstown and Poland Constr . , C.C.Beckman ....
cmprising a totalof 171 miles of track ; Pwr . sta. equip .: 2 d . c . West . tot .
and el“ ctric lighting in Youngstown, 1000 kw .; 4 a c. West . , G. E. tot . 11,000
Girard , Struthers, New Castle . Hub. kva . 2200 v . 2 ph . 60 cys.; 1000 hp . e Green
hard ,Sharon ,Sharpsville,Farrr11.Wheat- Wheelock ; 6500 hp. b. Heine. B. & W ;
land, East Youngstown, Ellwood City , 10,000 kw.stm . turb. G. E. West; trai s.
Wampum , Chewton, Zelienople, Ohio volt. 22.000 v : trolley volt. 600 .
and West Pittsburgh, Pa. Also owns Trub sta . cap . 4000 kw . ; 7 mo. gen . sets .
gas plants in Youngstown .). (Controlled Pwr. sta . at Ni rth Ave. , Youngetown.
through stock ownership by Republic Repair shops at Youngstown.
Ry. & Lt. Co. ) (On Sept.1, 1917, the Reaches Idora Park ,
following companies, formerly control- 59 miles ; 4-843 : 89 motor pass.. 11
led, were merged : The Youngstown & trail pass . and 11 service cars . * 70
Sharon St. Ry. Co. , The Youngstown
Park & Falls St. Ry. Co. The Mahoning 860 - Youngstown & Suburban Ry.
Valley Ry. Co. and The Poland St. Ry. Co.- Ofice, 21-23 E. Front St. (Suo
Co ) cessor to Youngstown & Southern Ry.
Pres . R. P. Stevens, Co.) (Connects Youngstown and Lee
60 Broadway , New York N. Y. tonia ; at Leetonia , connects with
& Gen. Mgr . Garrett T. Seely , Youngstown & Ohio River R. R. for
Youngstown Salem , Canton , Alliance , Lisbon , East
V. Preste . F. L. Dame , New York , N. Y. Liverpool and Washingtonville .) (Con
Randall Montgomery , trolled by Municipal Service Co. , Phil
Youngstown adelphia, Pa . )
Energy purchased from Consumers Lt. 868 - Lawton Ry . & Ltg.
LAWTON. 7,788.
& Pwr. Co. Office, 226 “ C ” Ave., Lawton . (Con .
Repair shops at Ardmore. nects Lawton & Fort Sill . )
3.37 miles ; 4-846 g ; 4 motor pass. cars Pres . , Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt.
and 1 other car. 119 B. R. Stephens... Lawton
V. Pres. R. D. Benson
11 Broadway, New York , N. Y. OREGON .
Sec. W. M. Cutlip . .Muskogee
Gen. Mgr. R. D. Long. Shawnee ALBANY . 4,275
Supt. A. L. Blackwell.
( See No. 888.)
Energy purchased from Shawnee Gas
& Elec.Co. , trolley volt. 600 v.
Repair shop at Shawnee. ASTORIA . 25,000 (1919)
Reaches Benson Park (owned).
12 miles ; 4-844 8 ; 10 motor pass. 881 - Pacific Pwr. & Lt. Co. - Office ,
and 1 other motor car . 50
Gasco Bldg ., Portland. (Operates
street railways in Astoria, and controls
TECUMSEH 1621. Walla Walla Valley Ky: Co. which op
erates street railways in Walla Walla,
(See No. 876.) Wash .,and interurban line between
Walla Walla, Wash , and Milton , Ore.)
TULSA . 30,575 (1916 ). (Controlled by American Pwr. & Lt.
Co., for which Electric Bond & Share
878 -Sand Springs Ry . Co. - Office, Co. is decal agent.)
35 North Main St., Tulsa. ( Connecte Pres.Guy W. Talbot Portland
Tulsa and Sand Springs.) V.Pres. & Gen. Atty . John A.Laing, 66
Pres. & Treas, Chas. Page.. .Tulsa . Sec. & Treas.Geo . F. Nevins....
V. Pres. T. I. Steffens .. Gen. Mgr. Lewis A. McArthur ..
Sec. C. F. Tingley . Pur. Agt. P. J. Kean
Audr. Charles F. Smith Ch . Engr. H. H. Schoolfield .
Gen. Mgr. & Engr. Ovhd. Constr. Distr. Mgr. B. P. Baily .. Astoria
Henry T. Morrison .
66 Traffic Mgr. A. S. Dempsie ....
Bapt. H. J. Miller.. Power sta , equip. ( Astoria stm. plant );
Pur. Agt. J. & Nicholas.. 2 d . c. G. E. tot . 525 kw ; 3 a . c. G. E. tot.
Industrial Agt. F. B. Long .. 1575 kw . 3 ph . 60 cys ; 2150 hp. e. McI.
Ch. Engr. Clo. Tingley .. &8; 1150 bp. b . Cahall ; trans. olt. 2300 v ;
Elec. Eng . & Ch . Eugr. Pwr Sta. trolley volt. 600 v. Energy also por
Clarence Tingley .. chased from Hammond Lumber Co ; tot.
M. M. , J. E. Irwin .. .Sand Springs 4100 kw .; trans. volt. 2200 v .
Traffic Mgr. J.S. Babbitt .. Tulsa Power sta. and repair shops at foot of
Energy purchased from Sand Springs Astor St.
Pwr., Lt. & Wtr. Co. 5.53 miles ( Astoria lines ): 3-6 g : 11
Repair shops at Sand Springs. motor, 6 trail and 8 fgt, care; 1 elec, loco .
Reaches Sand Springe Park (controlled). (Company , does general lighting and
32 miles; 4-8 % g ; 10 motor pass . , 8 power business. 60
trail pass . 1 fgt . motor, 31 fgt. without
motors and 13 service cars ; 3 elec, and
2 stm . locos. ( Company does lighting and CAZADERO .
power business . ) 129 ( See No. 886.)
terstate Rys. Co. ) (Operated under lease Treas. Chas. P. Hancock . .Danville
by Southern Pennsylvania Trac. Co. Audr. Coas. F. Uhl, Jr.........Somerset
which 18 controlled by Wilmington & Supt. Richard B. Hullihen .......Danville
Phila. Trac . Co.) Energy purchased from Columbia &
Pres. John A. Rigg .. ... Philadelphia Montour Elec. Co.
Sec. & Treas. T. W.Grookett, Jr .. Repair shops at Danville.
70 Reaches Riverside park .
2.8 miles ; 4-846 8 ; 4 mo, pass. and 2 trail
COATESVILLE . 14,486 (1916 ). pass. cars. (Under construction - part in
operation .) 119
(See also No. 1032.)
912a Coatesville Trolley Co. DOWNINGTON . 3,326 .
Ofice, 209 Bank Bldg., Coatesville. (See No. 1032.)
(Will extend from Coatesville to Mo
dona and connect with Lancaster, via
Conestoga Trac . Co. and West Chester, DOYLESTOWN , 3,408.
via West Chester St. Ry. Co. )
Pres., Henry S. Rich . Marietta
V. Pres. Willis Keullig .. Lancaster 916 - Philadelphia & Easton Eloc.
Treas., Chester C. Doan .......Coatesville Ry. Co.- Omice , 78 N. _Main St. ,
Gen. Mgr., R. H. Hendershott.. Doylestown. ( Connecto Doylestown
5 miles; 5-244 g ; 4 motor pass. cars. and Easton . )
( Under construction .) 69 Pres. A. H. Sickler...........Philadelphia
V. Pres.
Amos Johnson.. ... Lambertsville, N. J.
COLLEGEVILLE . 621 . Soc ., Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt.
W.8 . Chambers ..... .Doylestown
(See No. 968.) Treas. H. G. Rush.. Lancaster
M. M. , Wm. F. Steele . Raubavillo
Roadmaster, Chas . Krial...........Revero
CONNELLSVILLE , 16,456 (1916 ). Enorgy purchased from Clymer Pwr.
(See No. 991. ) Repair shops at Raabsville.
32 miles ; 5-844 8 ; 8 motor pass ., & fgt.
motor and 4 other motor cars . * 50
CORRY . 5,991.
HOMESTEAD , 22,466 ( 1916) . 5.5 miles owned ; also 0.25 miles track
age rights. 5-272 g ; 3 motor pass. and 3
936 – Homestead & Mifflin St. Ry. freighters. (Will extend line to Export .)
Co .-- Office , 805 Amity St. , Home * 50
stead . (Connects Homestead , Home
stead Park and Lincoln Place . ) JERSEY SHORE . 5,381.
Pres . J. B. Coen . Homestead
V. Pres. Hugh L. Nevin . 939 - Jersey Shore & Antes Fort
Sec . Harry E. McWhinney .. «
R. R.- Office, Jersey Shore . (Con
Treas. & Supt. C.H. Knapp . nects Jersey Shore, Antes Fort and
Audr . Fred J. Hahn .. Nippono Park .)
Claim Agt . R. C. Davis Pres . Robt. McCullough . · Jerseyu Shore
Union Arcade , Pittsburg V. Pres . Robt. Cameron .
M. M. , J. C. Schweinberg ....Homestead Sec . J. F. Persons ...
Energy purchased from Pittsburg Rys. Treas. G.J. Deniston .
Co. Gen. Mgr . & Pur . Agt.
Repair shops at Main St. , Homestead C. B. McCullough . 66
Park : M.M., J.M. Campbell.....
3.25 miles; 5-272 g ; 11 motor passenger Roadmaster
* 50 Henry Corstetler,... . Antes Fort
cars and 1 other car.
Energy purchased from Jersey Shore
Elec . St. Ry . Co.
HUMMELSTOWN . 2,128 . Repair shops at Jersey Shore .
2.75 miles (2.5 mi. lst m. t . , 0.25 mi.
(See Nos . 931 and 935. ) sid .); 4-842 g ; 2 motor pass ., 1 motor
freight and 1 motor service car . * 50
HUNTINGDON . 6,861 . 940 - Jersey Shore Elec . St. By.
Co.- (Owned by Lycoming Improve
937 — Huntingdon , Lewistown & ment Co. , Williamsport , Pa. ) (Con
Juniata Valley Trac. Co. - Office. nects Jersey Shore, Vilas and Avis ).
416 Penn St., Huntingdon . (Will Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
connect Huntingdon , Mt. Union , Mill Ernest H. Davis . Williamsport
Creek, Allensville, Belleville and Reeds- Sec. & Treas. J.w.Cochran , Jr
ville . ) Audr. H. H. Hill ..
Pres . R. J. Mattern .. .Huntingdon Supt. & Pur. Agt .
Sec . J. R. Simpson . Lloyd Thomas ... Jersey Shore
Treas. & Gen. Mgr . Power sta . équip . 2 a . c . Westg . tot. 230
F. Blair Isenberg .
Supt . R.M. Peightal. «
; hp . b . Keeler,: Bab . & W. Nord , Cor;
M.M., H. P.Grove. Power sta . and repair shops at Railway
Energy rented from Penn Central Lt. & and Culvert Sts .
Pwr . Co .; 1 a . c . Ft . W. 550 kw ; 1 d . c . Reaches Avis Base Ball Park .
Ft . W. 182 kw; trans. volt . 2300 v ; trolley 5.1 miles; 4-842 g ; 15 cars ; 1 snow plow .
volt . 550v . 50
Repair shops at Huntingdon .
1.75 miles in operation ; 6 cars . 119
JOHNSTOWN . 68,529 ( 1916 ) .
(See also No. 1015. )
INDIANA . 5,749 .
941 - Johnstown
Trac. Co. - Office ,
937a - Indiana County St. Rys . Co.- Central Ave. (Connects Johnstown
Office, 28 So. Seventh St., Indiana . and Windber . ) (Formed bv merger of
(Connects Indiana , Clymer , Ernest , the old Johnstown Trac . Co. and its
Creekside , Homer City, Graceton, leased line , the Johnstown Pass . Ry .
Coral, Josephine, Blacklick and Blairs Co. )
ville .) Pres . E. M. Du Pont.. Johnstown
Pres. F. M. Fritchman . Indiana ( J. M. Murdock .
Sec . & Treas . John G. St. Clair.. V. Prests . L. L. Dunham ,
Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt. New York , N. Y.
W. M. Seiple . cs Sec . & Treas. Jos. McAneny..Johnstown
Supt. Ira C. Fine . Gen. Mgr. L. T. Shannon .
Eleo . Engr. L. W. Householder ... Claim Agt. J.Earle Ogle .
M. M. , George Lovelace Ch . Engr . G. Nelson Smith .
Roadmaster, Wm Kinter . Ch . Engr . Pwr . Sta .
Energy purchased . Harry Croyle .
2 sub - stas . tot. cap. 800 kw ; 1 rot . M. M. , D. H. Harrison .
oonv ; 1 mo . gen . Power sta . equip . 3 d . c . Westg . tot.
Repair shops at Indiana . 1500 kw ; 2250 hp . e . St. L. H. 0. & R ;
Reaches & owns Chestnut Grove Idle- trolley volt . 550 v .
wood and Locust Parks. Power sta . at Baumer St.
36 miles ;4-8428; 8 motor pass . , 1 motor Repair shops at Central Ave.
* 60 Reaches Luna and Island Parks.
freight and 1 motor service car. 38.9 miles; 4-872 g ; 72 motor and 34
other cars ; 2 snow plows and 2 sweepers.
IRWIN . 2,886 . *50
938 — The Irwin - Herminie Trac. 942 - Southern Cambria Ry, Co.
Co. - Office , Irwin . (Connects Irwin , Address , P. O. Box 863 , Johnstown.
Fairmont, Hahntown, Chambers , Rill- ( Connects Johnstown, South Fork,
ton and Herminie . ) Ebensburg and Nanty Glo . )
Pres . & Gen. Mgr . C. H. Bolton. Irwin Pres . P. J. Little ... Ebensburg
R. A. Troop .....
V. Prests . { freas L.H. Taylor Pittsburg V. Pres . Hon . Geo . M. Wertz . Johnstown
. . Irwin
Sec . C. T. McCormick 66
Sec . & Audr . Jas . I. Marsh . Treas . Fred Krebs
Ch . Engr . Milton Campbell.. Gen. Mgr . & Pur . Agt. &
Elec . Engr . & Engr . Ovhd . Constr . George Palm ....
Frank Barnard . Larimer Engr. Pwr. Sta .W.H. Wakefield
Engr . M. of W. , Edward Wilson.Herminie R. F. D. No. 1 , Covemaugh
Energy purchased from West Penn Engr. M. of W. , A. V Little ..Ebensburg
Elec . Co .; trans . volt , 2200 v ; trolley volt . Power sta . equip . 2 d . c . G. E. tot.
550 v . 1600 kw ; 2400 hp . e . F. & S : 900 hp . b .
Repair shops at Irwin . Bab & W .; trolley volt . 1200 v.
Repair shops at Milton .
Reaches Riverside Park (owned ).
20.28 miles (9.28 owned and 11 leased );
Geo . W. Kuntz .. 4-842 g; 13 motor and 2 storage
Ch . Engr. Jas. Briggs . battery cars. *70
Energy purchased from Erie County
Elec. Co., Erie, Pa.
4 sub -stas. tot . cap . 2100 kw ; 5 rot. MONESSEN . 21,630 ( 1916 ) .
conv . ( See No. 906.)
Repair shops at Meadville and Erie .
Reaches Conneaut Park on Conneaut
Lake . MONTOURSVILLE. 1,904 .
38.5 miles owned : also 30 miles leased .
Total miles operated 68.5 ; 4-8748 ;. 24 961 - Montoursville Pass. Ry. Co.
motor pass ., 4 motor freight,6 trailfreight Office , 131 Broad St. , P. O. Box 419 .
and 2 motor service cars . * 50 (Connects Montoursville and Williams
port where connection is made with
957- CrawfordCounty Rallways Co. the lines of Williamsport System at
(Operated under lease by Northwestern East Third St. )
Pennsylvania Ry. Co.) (Owns all cap- Pres. Clarence L. Peaslee ... Williamsport
ital Stock of Peoples Incandescent Lt. V. Pres. F. C. Leonard .....Coudersport
Co. whichis leased to Northwestern Sec. & Treas . W.P.Beeber, Williamsport
Electric Service of
(Road consists Co.
miles in Meadville Ch . Engr. Pwr, Sta .
Harry Carvell.. .Montoursville
and 16.5 miles between Meadville and Engr. Övhd. Constr.
Linesville,.) Boyd Barrett ..
Pres . F. E. Curtze . Meadville Engr. M. of W.B. Stutz ..
V. Pres. & Gen. Mgr. 30 Park Mgr. W. J. Ritchie ..
Charles M. Hatch . Power sta .equip . 5 d . c . G. E. W. E.
Sec . Geo . W. Kuntz .
Treas. A. A. Culbertson .
10 tot. 560 kw ; 820 hp . e. McE . Ham . Cor .
Weth ; 500 hp . b . Keeler ; trolley volt
*50 550 v . d . c. Energy also purchased from
MEDIA . 3,562 . Montoursville Elec . Lt. Co.
Power sta . and repair shops at Mon
958 — Media , Glen Riddle & Rockdale toursville .
Elec . St. Ry. Co.- Office , Clifton Reaches Indian Park .
Heights. ( Stock owned by the United 5.5 miles; 4-822 g; 8 motor and 2 other
Pwr. & Transpt. Co .; which is con cars . +607
trolled by Interstate Rys. Co .; and
operated under lease by the Southern
Pennsylvania Trac . Čo . , which is MT . CARMEL . 20,268 ( 1916) .
controlled byTrac.
Philadelphia Wilmington
the Co.) &
( Connects 962. Shamokin & Mt. Carmel Tran
Media with Glen Riddle . ) sit Co. - Office , Mt. Carmel. (Con
Pres . John A. Rigg . Philadelphia solidation of the Shamokin & Mt.
Seo. & Treas. T. W. Grookett, Jr. Carmel Elec . Ry. Co. and the Ashland
& Centralia Elec . Ry . Co .; also oper
5 miles; 5-244 8 . *70
ates Mt. Carmel & Locust Gap Trac .
Co.) (Connects Shamokin , Brady ,
MILLERSVILLE . 1,400 . Kulpmont . Mt. Carmel, Strong, Cen
tralia , Ashland , Beaverdale and Locust
959Lancaster & York Furnace St. Gap. )
By. Co. - Office , 12 South Duke St. , Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
Lancaster . E. W. Samuel.. Mt. Carmel
Gen. Mgr . H. M. Stauffer ...Millersville Sec. & Audr. Jos.D.McConnell
Sec . John H. Myers . .Lancaster Treas. Wm Kiefer , Jr ......
967a -- Philadelphia & Western Ry. Reaches and operates Monarch Park .
- Office, Norristown. (Connects Phila- 34.7 miles; 4-842 g ; 52 motor cars and
delphia . Haverford , Bryn Mawr , Villa 11 other cars; 2 snow plows. *50
Nova . Wavne , St. Davids , Strafford ,
Gulph Mills, Bridgeport and Norris PALMYRA . 2,000 .
town . ) (Owns one-half interest in the
Norristown Transit Co. ) (See Nos . 935 and 949. )
Pres . Thos . Newhall
Commercial Trust Bldg ., Philadelphia PATTON. 3,907 .
V. Pres . & Gen. Mgr .
J. L. Adams Norristown 970 Northern Cambria Ry. Co.
Sec . &Treas . Silsbee Errickson 66 ( Formerly Northern Cambria St. Ry.
Audr. C. S. Mountz . Co. ) Office , Patton . (Connects Patton ,
Signal Engr . Wm .Gable...... Carrolltown , St. Be Spangler
Ch . Engr . Sub. Sta . and Barnesboro . )
H. Y. Watson . Pres . James H. Allport .. Patton
M.M.Rowland Hubbard . V. Pres . Rembrant Peale ,
Roadmaster, James Curran .. 2710 Grand Central Term . ,
Energy purchased ; trans. volt. 13,200 New York , N. Y.
v ; trolley volt. 650 v.d.o. Sec. & Gen. Mgr. C.L. Calahan .. Patton
Treas. C. A. Sharbaugh
3 sub - stas.tot . cap.5250 kw : 7 rot.conv . Carrolltown
Repair shops at Upper Darby . Energy purchased from Penn Central
34 miles cars; ig;snow
and 4other 4-848 (3d plow.
rail ); 25 motor Lt. & Pwr. Co., 1 mo. gen . set G. E.300
* 50 kw ; trolley volt . 600 v .
Power sta . and repair shops at St.
968 — Reading Transit & Lt. Co. Benedict.
(Norristown Div . ) - Office, Norristown. Reaches Sunset Park ( owned ).
(Leases the Schuylkill Valley Trac . Co 13 miles: 4-872 g; 7 motor pass. and 1
(stock owned by The United Pwr . & motor service car . * 70
Transpt. Co. ) and its leased lines as
follows: Norristown Pass. Ry . Co .; PEN ARGYL . 3,967 ( 1915) .
Ci izens' Pass . Ry . Co .; Montgomery
Co. Pass. Ry. Co., Roxborough , Chest- 971 - Slate Belt Elec . St. Ry. Co.
nut Hill & Norristown Ry . Co .; Wis- Office, Pen Argyl . (Connects Bangor,
sahickon Elec . Pass . Rv . Co .; Consho- Belfast, Pen Argyl, Wind Gap and
hocken Ry . Co .; The Trappe & Lime- Nazareth . )
rick Elec. St. Ry. Co., and the College- Pres. & Gen. Mgr . ,
ville Elec . St. Ry Co. , connecting J. T. Hambleton.. Pen Argyl
Philadelphia , Conshohocken , Norris. V. Pres . J. C. Keller . Wind Gap
town and Pottstown . ) For general Sec . G. A. Schneebeli . Nazareth
officers, see Reading, (No. 1004.) Treas . C. A. Harris . Philadelphia
Div . Supt.Geo. W. Magill... Norristown Supt. & Gen. Fgt. Agt., Pen Argyl
M, M. , J. W. Gordon Calvin Itterly ...
Energy purchased from Metropolitan Engr. Ovhd . Constr . , $
Edison Co.and Counties Gas & Elec. Co. , George Andrews .
trans . volt . 13,200 v ; trolley volt . 600 v . Pur. Agt. & M. M.
Repair shops at Norristown . Samuel Kellow .
Reaches Ringing Rocks and Plymouth Energy purchased from Penna . Utilities
Parks. Co .; 400 kw . mo-gen , sets ; trans . volt .
70.75 miles ; 5-24 g ; 70 motor pass ., 2300 v ; trolley volt . 575 v .
4 fgt. motor and 17 other cars . *50 Repair shops at Pen Argyl .
18 miles; 4-8 % g; 7 motor and 3 other
cars . 119
PHILADELPHIA . 1,709,518 ( 1916 ) .
(See No. 1019. )
(See also Nos . 586 , 587 , 605 , 912, 966 , 997 ,
OAKDALE . 1,700 . 1009, 1017 , 1026 , 1027 and 1032.)
(See No. 953a . ) 972 — Chester & Philadelphia Ry.
Co. - Office, 8th and Dauphin Sts.,
Philadelphia . Operated by Philadel
OIL CITY. 19,297 ( 1916) . phia Rapid Transit Co , and Southern
Division , U.S. Shipping Board , E.F.
969 — The Citizens' Traction Co.- Corp.) (Connects Chester and Phila
Office Oil City . (Company owns or delphia .)
controls the Citizens Lt. & Pwr . Co. , Pres . W. C. Dunbar
The Monarch Park Hotel Co. , the Big 1520 Spruce St.,Philadelphia
Rock and Reno Bridge Cos., and is i V. Pres . & Treas . Issac H. Silverman
consolidation of all the electric roads in 605 Land Title Bldg, Philadelphia
Franklin and Oil City . (Connects Ci Sec . H. S. Meredith ..
City , Franklin and Rouseville . ) (Con . Asst . Sec . & Asst. Treas.
trolled by Municipal Service Co. F. B. Ellis . Philadelphia
Phila . , Pa. ) Energy from Phila . Rapid Transit Co.
Pres . Jos . Seep ... Titusville and Philadelphia Elec . Co .; trans . volt .
V. Pres. 13,200 v .; trolley volt . 600 v.
James Crosby Brown .. Philadelphia 1 sub. sta. tot. cap . 1,000 kw . 2 rot .
Sec. John E. Zimmermann .. conv .
Treas. B. W. Frazier, Jr .... 16.777 miles; 5-27 g . *60
Audr . J. G. McClellan . Oil City
Gen. Mgrs. 973 - Fairmount Park Transit Co.
Day & Zimmermann . Philadelphia Office, Fairmount Park . (Successor to
Gen. Supt . V. A. Redfield Oil City
Fairmount Park Transportation Co. )
Pur . Agt . B. L , Cole . Pres . Norman S. Alexander ,
Asst. Supts . I J. L. Hardenburg. Franklin Sta . W. , West Park , Philadelphia
Transp . 1 F. N. Gibbs OilCity Sec . & Treas. Clayton E. Platt
Ch . Engr . Pwr . Sta . , Asst. Gen.Mgr ., W.L. Hartman "6
E. W. York .. Ch . Engr. Pur. Sta ., D . Byrne 有
M. M., Chas. Aiken . M. M., J. H. Macleary.....
Power sta . equip . 4 turbo -gen . Curtis Power sta , equip . 4 d . c . G. E , West .
tot . 3000 kw ; 2250 hp . b . Oil City ; trans . tot. 1800 kw ; 2410 hp . e . (stm . ) Weth ;
volt . 11,000 v ; trolley volt . 550 v . 1850 hp . b . Berry , Bab . & W ; trolley
Power sta and repair shops at OilCity . volt . 500 v .
Power sta. and repair shops at Sta.W. 977 — Philadelphla Rapid Transit Co.
Fairmount Park . -Exec . offices, 1520 Spruce St. , and
Reaches and owns Woodside Park . Land Title Bldg:; Operating, offices,
8.83 miles; 5-242 g ; 30 motor and 30 59th and Callowhill Sts . and 8th &
other cars . 50 Dauphin Sts . (Leases and operates
Union Trac . Co. and all its underlying
properties. Operates Chester & Phila
974 - Frankford , Tacony & Holmes- delphia Ry. Co.). (Connects Chester,
burg St. Ry. Co. - Tacony , Philadel- Media, Darby, Willow Grove, Hatboro,
phia (Station L ) . (Connects Philadel- Doyleston , Chestnut Hill and Phila
phia , Frankford , Tacony, Holmesburg delphia ).
and Torresdale .) Chmn . Exec . Comm . & Pres.
V. Pres. Wm. Milnes, Thomas E. Mitten .... .Philadelphia
331 Gowen Ave ... ..Philadelphia V.W. in charge Finance & Acotg . )
Pres . (Dunbar
Sec . & Treas , James H. Bell , C. ..
1815 Land Title Bldg. Vice-Pres . (in charge operation )
Gen. Mgr . G. A. Richardson .
Thos . Gibson ...Tacony, Philadelphia Treas
Sec. F. B. Ellis .
. G. W. Davis .
Supt. Constr. 0
Thos. Devine.... Audr . E. L. Austin .
Fmn . Car Barn C. J. Joyce
Eugene Cook .. Counsels
Energy purchased. Andrews and Maderie
Repair shops at Tacony. Sec . ( in charge Welfare)
16 miles owned , 1.11 miles leased ; A.A. Mitten ..
5-242 g; 20 motor pass. and 7 other motor Real Estate Agt . ..
ville, Corner Store, Williams Corner and Pwr. Agr. J. B. Campbell.... Pittsburgh
Valley Forge .) Gen. Fgt. Agt. Keith Randolph , Harmony
Pres ., Gen. Mgr . & Pur . Agt. Ch. Engr. J. A. Lucas .
Thos. E. O'Connell . Phoenixville Power sta . equip .2 a . c . G.E. turbo.
Sec . I. E. Miller ... gen , tot. 3000 kw . 13,230 v. 3 pb . 60 cys;
Treas. V. N. Shaffer . trans. volt , 13,200 v; trolley volt . 1200
Ch . Engr . Howard W. Sanford , and 600 v. E - ergy also purchased from
815 Union St., Phila lelohja Harmony Flec. Co
Energy purchased from Phila . Subur- 3 sub. stas.; 2-500 kw , rot . conv . 600
ban Gas & Elec. Co. y.d. c. 3 ph . 25 cys .
Repair shops at Williams Corner . Reaches Cascade Park .
Reaches Valley Park (owned ). Power sta. and repair shops at Har
5.5 miles; 4-8728 ; 8 motor and 2 other mony :
cars . (Will extend to Norristown via 80.5 miles (68 mi . lst m . t . , 12.5 mi.
Mont Clare and Jeffersonville . ) 119 2nd m . t . ) 5-242 g ; 23 motor pass , 6
mo‘or freight and 29 trail freight cars
PITTSBURGH . 579,090 (1916) . *59
990 Pittsburgh Railways Co.
( See also Nos. 911, 945 , 950 , 954 Office , 435 6th Ave.
and 965a . ) (Controlled by
Philadelphia Company.) Operates the
985 — The Duquesne Incline Plane following:
Co. - Office, 1214 Grandview Ave. Ardmore St. Ry.; United Trac. Co. ,
(Operates incline 800 ft . long and 400 ft . of Pittsburgh ; Consolidated Trac . Co. ,
high from Carson St. to Grandview East McKeesport St. Ry . Co; Allegheny ;
Ave. ) Bellevue & Perrysville Řy. Co; Morning
Pres . F. W. Severance . ... Glassport side Elec . St.Ry. Co; Pittsburgh ,Canons
V. Pres . F. B. Nimick burg & Washington Ry. Co; Ben Avon &
Keystone Bldg . , Pittsburgh Emsworth St. Ry: Čo; Washington &
Sec . Kirk 0. Bigham Canonsburg Ry. Co; Pittsburgh & Bir
Treas. S Severance mingham Trac.Co; Pittsburgh & Charleroi
Union Bk . Bldg . 6
St. Ry; Monongahela St. Ry. Co ; Subur
Supt. A. C. ban Rapid Transit St. Ry : Co; Mt.
Power sta Oakley
. equip . 60 hp . e. Mulholland ; Washington St. Ry. Co. ) (Operates in
b . Riter & Conley . Pittsburgh ,East Pittsburgh ,Wilmerding ,
1600 ft . ( cable ); 5 g ; 2 cars . * 50 McKeesport, Duquesne , Monongahela
City , Charleroi, Washington and adjacent
986 — ThePittsburgh & Beaver St.Ry. towns.) CORPORATE OFFICERS
Co. - Office , New Brighton . (Con
trolled by Philadelphia Co. ) ( Connects Chmn.of Bd.James D.Callery ,Pittsburgh
Baden , Economy , Ambridge and Leets Pres . A. W. Thompson
dale . ) V. Pres . J. H. Reed .
Pres. A : W. Thompson Sec . W. B. Carson ..
Secs . E. W. 43 Exchange Pl . ,
, Washabaugh V. Prests . R. Walter Leigh
Treas.C.J.Braun , Jr. 52 William St.
Asst . JJ.W.Murray "
J. I. Mauge
Treasrs., 1 H.W.Annett "
43 Exchange Pl. ,
Compt., Sec . & Treas . T. W. Moffat,
C. S.Mitchell .. 43 Exchange Pl.,
Asst. Compt. , Asst. Secs .& H. B. Brown
A. E. Dedrick ..
10 ..
Asst. Trears. L. A. Reinhardt, Pottsville
Gen. Mgr., Gen. Mgr. C. A. Hall ........
* $
A , Hurlbert . Operating Mgrs.
Pur. Agt ., J. G. White Management Corpn .
C. W. Lepper .. 43 Exchange Pl ., New York , N. Y.
Land Agt. , Supt . of Rys .
R. E. Clark & 45
George R. Williams, Pottsville
Gen.Contracting Agt ., Asst. Supt . of Rys .W.R.Dean
A. E. Stanick .
Claim Agt. J. A.Mower..
*50 Mgr. Elec. Dept. H.L.Treeman 4
Ch.Engr.Pwr.Sta.L. M. Mather
M.M., N.M. Lentz ..
996 - West Penn Trac . & Wtr . Pwr. Power sta . equip . 2 d c .Walker tot. 700
Co. - West Penn Bldg ., Pittsburgh . kw . 500 v ; 5 a . c . Allis-C. G. E. tot. 7200
( Controls West Penn Rys. Co. and in kw.2300 v.3 ph.60 cys . 5450 hp.e.Weth ,
turn is controlled by American Wtr. Frick , Allis C ; 4135 hp . b . Bab. & W.
Wks. & Electric Co. ) Heine , Keeler ; trans , volt . 23,000 & 2300
Pres . A. M. Lynn .. Pittsburgh v . trolley volt . 550 v .
V. SA . V. Bennett . Power stas . at Palo Alto , Frackville and
Prests . Sec. Raymond B. Keating Ashland.
Treas. C.C.McBride Repair shopsatPalo Alto and Lansford .
Asst . Secs . W.K. Dunbar , Reaches and ovns Manila Grove and
New York , N. Y. Tumbling Run Parks .
Audr . M. W. Glover .Pittsburgh
70 miles; 4-872 g ;54 cars. (Controls all
* 50 lighting businessin Pottsville and vicinity
through the Eastern Pennsylvania Lt.
Ht . & Pwr . Co.) 150
POTTSTOWN . 16,794 ( 1916 ) .
(See also No. 901.) PUNXSUTAWNEY . 10,511 .
999 — Jefferson Traction Co. - Office ,
997 - Pottstown & Phoenixville Ry. 218 N. Findley St. (Controls Mahoning
Co. - Office, Harrison Bldg ., Phila
delphia . (Leases Pottstown Passenger Valley St. R. R. Co. ) (Connects Punx.
Ry. Co., Pottstown & Reading St. Ry . sutawney , Adrian , Anita , Florence ,
Co. and Montgomery & Chester Elec . Eleanora , Wishaw , Reynoldsville,
Ry . Co.) (Operates in Stowe , Potts Rathmel, Soldier and Sykesville .)
town , Sanatoga, Linfield , Spring City Pres . E. F. Kirzen
V. Pres .
. D. H. Clark. Towanda
(Royersford ) and Phoenixville.) Sec . B. M. Clark
Pres . Geo . N. Malsberger . . . . Pottstown Treas . Jas . B. Phelan 4
36 miles; 4-8 % g; 11 motor pass . & Pottstown Ry. Co., Front & 5th 8t.
and 2 exp . & fgt. mo . cars . 119 Ry. Co., which companies were part of
merger of 1917 and are now out of busi
READING . 109,381 ( 1916) . ness, ( formerly
Leased operated
the Reading under
Trac. , The).
(See also Nos. 891 and 901. ) Reading City Pass. Řy.Co. , East Read
ing Elec. Ry. Co., The Reading &
1001 -- Mt. Penn . Gravity R. R. Co. TempleElec. Ry. Co.,The Reading &
Southwestern St. Ry . Co. , and Adams
-Office , Reading. (Connects Min town & Mohrsville Elec. Ry . Co.
eral Springs Park and The Tower , and (Operates in counties of Lebanon ,
operates on Mt. Penn . ) Berks, Lancaster , Montgomery
1 Pres. & Gen.Mgr .James Rick , Reading
V.Pres. E. C. Nolan . and Philadelphia , all located in
Seo. &Treas.FrankS. Livingood southeastern Pennsylvania. (Operates
66 an electric urban and interurban rail
Supt. Jacob F. Seidel . way in Reading, Birdsboro , Pottstown ,
Reaches and owns “ The Tower ." Norristown, Conghohocken , Lebanon
8 miles (approx .);4-872 g . Overhead and other towns; direct connection is
trolley and gravity . (Operates in sum made with Philadelphia ( Chestnut Hill)
. mer only .) 119 Allentown, Lancaster and Harrisburg .)
(Under management of W. S. Barstow
1002_Neversink Mtn . Ry. Co. - Office, Management Assn ., Inc.) (Owned
12 So. 5th_St ., Reading , (Extends by The General Gas & Elec. Co. )
from 9th & Penn Sts ., south on 9th St., Pres. E. L. West,
and winds around Neversink Mountain . 50 Pine St. , New York , N. Y.
( Controlled through stock ownership Treas .
by Reading Transit & Lt. Co. ) V. Prests . Thomas Cheyne 4
1007 — Scranton, Montrose & Bing- the American Railways Co. , Philadel
hamton R. R. Co. (Formerly phia , Pa .) (Connects Pittston , Scran
Scranton, & Binghamton R. R. .Co.) ton and Carbondale .)
227 Wyoming Ave. , Scranton . Pres. Van Horn Ely , .... Philadelphia
(Controls Scranton & Binghamton Trac . V. Prests .(H. J.Crowley ..
Co. , and The Northern Electric St. ( C.L.S. Tingley .
Ry . Co.) Connects Scranton, Clarks Sec . & Treas . Walter W. Perkins
Summit , Dalton , Factoryville , Nichol- Compt . & Asst. Sec. u
son , Brooklyn and Montrose . Frank J. Pryor , Jr...
Pres . W.L. Connell .. Scranton
Gen. Mgr . Jilson J. Coleman .. Scranton
Sec. A. Widdowfield . Supt. Transp . William W. May .
Treas. F. W. Wollerton .. Claim Agt. J. J. Fabey .
Audr . Jas , J. Moffat .
Pur. Agt. G. C. Weirick Philadelphis
Gen. Mgr . R.W. Day Ch.Engr.Pwr.Sta.E.A.Wildt Scranton
Gen. Supt., & Pur . Agt . u
M. M., John F. Duffy .
R. L. Koehler .. Engr . M. of W. , H. H. Dartt ..
Claim Agt . F. M. Francis, Engr . Ovhd . Constr . & Pwr.
Engr . Pwr . Sta . Wm . Watkins....Dalton A. J. Conlon...
M.M. , John McKeand . Energy purchased from Scranton Elec .
Roadmaster, H. Wittfoot . Co .. trolley volt. 559 v .
Power sta . equip . 4 a.c. West . tot. 5050 Revair shops at Scrantuu .
kva . 2400-38 ) v . 3 ph . 25 cys; 2 stm . e . 102.377 miles; 4-842 g; 175 motor and
H. 0. & R ; 2000 hp . b . Frank ., Heine ; 28 other cars . * 50
3250 kw . (stm .) turb . West; 4200 hp. wtr.
turb . West; trans . volt . 66,000-16500 v ; | 1010--Keystone Utilities Co. - (10
trolley volt . 625 v . corporated in Nov. , 1916 , and has taken
5 sub. stas. tot. 3000 kw ; 8 rot. conv ; 1 over the following companies operated
mo . - gen . set . by United Service Co .: Hanover &
Power sta . at Brookside , near Dalton. McSherrystown St. Ry . Co., Hanover
Repair shops at Brookside. Lt., Co.,
Ht. &Du
Reaches Northern Electric Park and tric BoisCo., Gettysburg
Elec. Co., andElec
Lake Winola (owned ). Bois Traction Co., and Susquehanna
27 miles owned (25 mi. lst m. t ., 2 mi. County Lt. & Pwr . Co. )
sid .) ; also 22 miles leased and 2 miles Pres. F. J. Platt.. Scranton
trackage rights . Total miles operated 51 ; V. Pres. E.J. Lynett.
4-879 g ; 22 motor pass ., 5 motor freight Sec. G.T. Davis ..
and 3 motor service cars . (Company does Treas. John Marsman
general lighting business .) * 70
501 5th Ave. , New York , N. Y.
1008 — The Scranton & Binghamton 1012—Scranton & Wilkes - Barre Trae.
Trac. Co. , Lessee The Northern Corpn . - Offices, Richmond , Va . (Suc
Electric St. Ry . Co. - Office, 227 Wyo cessor to Lackawanna & Wyoming
ming Ave. , Scranton . (On March 1 , Valley Rapid Transit Co. (Controls
1914, by agreement between the Scran- Lackawanna & Wyoming Valley R. R.
ton & Binghamton Trac.Co.and Scran Co.)
ton, Montrose & Binghamton R.R. Co., Chmn. Exec. Comm ., Frank R.Ford,
the latter took over all property except 115 Broadway, New York , N. Y.
from the City Line to Providence Pres . Wm . C. Sproul.. Chester
Square and from Providence Square to V. Pres.
227 Wyoming Ave. Tracks between the Walter H. Lippincott... Philadelphia
last named points are ownedby Scranton Sec . S. C. Stivers,
Ry . Co. , but by agreement the Scran 115 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
ton & Binghamton Trac. Co. have Treas . F. W.Potts .... 50
right to use same.) (Controlled by
Scranton, Montrose & Binghamton R. 1013 --United Service Corpn . - Office,
R. Co. )
Pres . Ezra Ripple .. Scranton 700-716 Scranton Life Bldg . , Scranton
V. Pres ., Gen. Supt. & Pur . Agt . (Controls, through stock ownership,
R. L. Koehler ..
« the following companies: The Ohio
Sec . & Treas. F. W. Wollerton .. Service Co. ( Coshocton, New Phila
Audr . James J. Moffat .
66 delphia , Cambridge and Dennison , 0. ) ;
East Penna . Gas & Elec. Co. , Bristol,
Gen. Mgr . R. W. Day . Pa .; Jefferson Elec. Co., Punxsutawney
Claim Agt. F. M. Francis. 66 and Reynoldsville , Pa.; Warren (Pa.)
Supt. Transp . J. C. Meixell .
Ch . Engr, T.C. Dougherty . Lt. & Pwr. Co. and Wabash ( Ind .)Wtr.
& Lt. Co .; also operates Hanover (Pa .)
Power sta . equip:-(Operated by S. M. Lt. Ht . & Pwr.Co .; Hanover & McSher
& B. R. R. Co.) 4 a. c. West. tot. 5050 rytown St. Ry . Co. ( Hanover, Pa . ) ;
kva . 2400-1650 v. 3 ph . 25 cys ; 1200 hp. Triborough Wtr. Co., Tarentum , Pa . ,
e. H. 0. & R ; 2000 hp. b. Heine, Frank;
3250 kw . stm . turb ." West : trans. volt . Gettysburg (Par) Elec . Co. Susque
hanna County ( Pa . ) Lt. & Pwr . Co. ,
66,000-16,5 JU v ; trolley volt . 625 v .
5 sub. stas . tot. cap . 2800 kw ; 9 rot. Du Bois (Pa .) Elec. & Trac . Co. (which
owns Du Bois Trac . Co. and Du Bois
conv .
Elec . Co. ) , Latrobe ( Pa. ) Wtr . Co. and
Power Sta. and repair shops at Brook Consumers Wtr . Co. , Montrose, Pa . )
side. Pres . Thos . R. Brooks .. Scranton
Reaches Northern Electric and Lake V. Pres.C. s . Woolworth . U
Winola Parks
56 miles owned (48 mi. 1st m. t . , 8 mi. Sec . Treas. & Gen. Mgr.
L. H. Conklin .
sid .); also 24 miles leased . Total miles * 50
operated 48 ; 4-8% g; 22 motor pass ., 8
motor freight, 4 trail freight and I trail SHAMOKIN. 21,129 ( 1916 ) .
service car .
(See also No. 962. )
1009—Scranton Ry. Co. - Offices, 234 1014 - Shamokln & Edgewood Elec.
Lackawanna Ave. , Scranton , and With- Ry . Co. - Office , Dime Bank Bldg.
erspoon , Bldg . , Phila . (Owns all lines
(Connects Shamokin & Trevorton and
in Scranton and operates under lease Shamokin & Weigh Scales ) .
the Scranton. Dunmore & Moosic Lake Pres . & Gen. Mgr.
R.R. ) ( The Scranton & Carbondale Sara W. Kulp . . Shamokin
Trac. Co., Carbondale Ry. Co. and V. Pres .Wm . C.McConnell .
Lackawanna Valley Trac . Co. have Sec . , Treas. & Pur . Agt .
been consolidated .) ( Controlled by Jesse B. Kremer ..
Pres . Louis Dellone . .Harrisburg Audr ., Asst. Sec . & Asst. Treas .
Sec . & Treas . John Oenslager , Jr. H.P. L.Jollye. 134 Marcelino , Manila
711 No. 3d St., Harrisburg Elec . Mgr .R.Lopez.
Supt . R. E. Whisler Mgr . Ry. Dept. , C. E. Hay good .
417 East Market St.,Williamstown Shops & Car Houses,
Energy purchased from Lykens Valley F. J. Tew
Lt. & Pwr. Co. , trolley volt . 600 v . Supts . ) Transpt. W. A. Seten .
Repair shops at Williamstown . Track F. D. Jones ..
10.1 miles ; 5-242 g ; 7 motor pass., 3 Pur. Agt . W. J. Marion.
motor service and 1 trail service car. Claim Agt. C. H. Van Hooven
(Will extend line to Reiner City .) *5) Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta . B. H. Blaisdell
Power sta , equip . 5 a . c . turbo -gen .
West ., Allis - C . tot. 16,000 kva . 380 &
WILLOW GROVE . 500 . 3600 v . 2 & 3 ph. 60 cys ; 5300 hp . b .
( See No. 977.) Bab . & W ; 13500 kw . stm . turb . West . ,
Allis- C .; trans. volt . 3400 v ; trolley vilt .
600 v .
WOODLAWN . 1,396 . 1 sub . sta : 4 rot . conv . ( 1 -ry ., 3 excit . )
( See No. 994 ) . Power sta . on Pasig River ( Isla
Provis ), Manila .
Repair shops at 134 San Marcelino ,
YARDLEY . 894 . Manila .
(See No. 612. ) 51.84 miles ; 4-872 g ; 125 motor pass . ,
2 trail pass . , 1 fgt . motor and 10 other
cars . (Company does general lighting
YORK . 51,656 ( 1916 ) . and power business.) * 50
1046 — Porto Rico Ry. Lt. & Pwr. Co. , Pres. Edward A. Brown . . Newport
--Office , San Juan . (Operates steam Sec. Clark Burdick ..
line (18.02 miles) between Rio Piedras Treas. Geo . E. Macomber , Augusta , Me .
and Caguas; also operates by electricity Supt. & Pur.Agt.
through city of San Juan and Santurce Geo . M. Towle . Newport
to Rio Piedras with branch lines to Energy , purchased from Bay State
Borinquen Park .) (Controlled by the Street Railway Co.
Porto Rico Rys . Co. , Ltd. ) Repair shops at Middletown .
Pres . & Gen. Mgr . 15.1 miles; 4-842 g; 14 motor pass . , 1
M. V. Dommech ... San Juan trail pass . and 3 motor service cars .
V.Pres . & Asst. Gen. Mgr . 6C
Fred . C. Clarke . 46
Sec . & Audr . G. Brewer . «
PAWTUCKET . 55,335 ( 1915) .
Treas. R. F. Quixano .. (See No. 1052. )
Pur . Agts . Moody Engrg . Co.
90 West St., New York , N.Y.
Elec . Engr. & Supt . Ltg. & Pwr. PROVIDENCE . 247,660 ( 1915. )
Div . , Ross W. Cryder San Juan
Supt . Tramway, G. L. Enfors (See also Nos . 399a , and 1048. )
9 a. sta . equip
c. Westg , G.E.. 1 dtot.
. c . 6975
250. 2300
kw .; 1050 — Providence & Danielson Ry.
v . 2 & 3 ph . 60 cys; 700 hp . e . Ames ; (Leased to and now operated by the
1650 hp . b. Cahill , Bab . & W ; 1750 kw . Rhode Island Co. as the Danielson
Division .)
stm . turb. Westg; 7800 hp . wtr. . turb . President John 0. Ames ...... Providence
Morris, Smith , W. S. M .; trans volt . V.Pres.
22.000-4400-2200 v ; trolley volt. 580 v . 40
Pres . & Gen.Mgr. A.E.Potter. Providence (wtr. ) Smith; trans. volt . 23,000
Treas. E. E. Worrall. 12,000 v ; trolley volt . 750 v .
Compt. H. B. Shaftoe . 1 sub-sta . cap . 450 kw .
Supt. Transpt. R.R.Anderson . Power stas . at Portman and Greggs
Supt. (Northern Liv . ) «
Frank H. Brown . Repair shops at Anderson .
Claim Agt . C.E. Redfern 9.51 miles ; 4-842 g; 10 motor and 2
Gen. Fgt. Agt . A. E. Paddock other cars. (Company does general light
Pur . Agt. ing and power business .) * 70
J. H. Sanford .....New Haven , Conn .
Ch . Engr . H. W. Sanborn ... Providence 45
Supt.Pwr.& Lines W.C.Slade. CHARLESTON. 60,734 ( 1916 ) .
Ch.Engr.Pwr.Sta. D.P.Miner
Supt . of Equip . W.D.Wright. 1055 - Charleston Consol. By.
Supt. Track A. V. Gardiner .. Ltg. Co. - Office, 141 Meeting St. ,
Power sta . equip . 2 d . c . G. E. West. Charleston . (Leased the Charleston
tot , 5000 kw ; 2 a . c . G. E. tot . 3000 kw . Consol . Ry . , Gas & Elec . Co. for 99
11,000 v . 3 ph . 25 cys ; 7,080 hp . b . Bab . years.) (Connects Charleston, U. S.
& W., Big , Hornsby; 40,500 kw . str . Navy Yard and No. Charleston. ) (The
turb. Westg., G. E ; trans. volt. 11,000 United Gas Improvement Co. , of
v ; trolley volt. 600 v . Phila . , Pa .. is interested in this Co.)
v ; trolley volt. 600 v . Pres . P. H. Gadsden . Charleston
11 sub -stas. ( 2 with auto . ( ont . ) tot . Walton Clark
cap . 23,100 kw ; 29 rot, conv. 1401 Arch St. ,
Power sta. at Eddy and Manchester V.Prests .
Lewis Lillie
Philadelphia, Pa .
Sts ., Providence, R. I.
Repair shops at Cranston St. , Arling ( C. M. Benedict Charleston
ton , R. I. Ser . G. W. Curran . ..Philadelphia , Pa .
Reaches Roger Williams Park ,Crescent Asst . Sec. & Asst . Treas.
Park, Hunt's Mills , Rocky Point and M. C. C. Tessier .Charleston
Rhodes -on -Pawtuxet. Treas . I. W. Morris ,
42 miles owned ( 38 mi, 1st m.'t. , 2 mi . , 1401 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa .
2nd m. t . and 2 mi. sid . ) ; also 349 miles Asst. Treas .
leased Total miles opera ed354 ; 4-8mm Edw . C. Stathart .Charleston
8; 1015 motor pass., 33 trail pa s ., 34 Mgr. Stuart Cooper ..
motor freight, 60 trail freight,73 motor Audr . C. J. Bendt .
service and 93 trail service cars; 4 elec. Gen. Supt. Ry. Dept.
locos . * 50 T. W Passailaigue.
Asst . Gen. Supt. Ry .
1053 — The United Traction & Elec- F. A. Bailev .
M ; 1000 hp . b . H. F. & M .; trans. volt turb . (stm .) G. E ; 2400 hp. b . Bab . & W ;
16,000 hp . wtr. wh. Smith , Allis - C trans.
500-550 v.
1 sub -sta. cap . 600 kw; 2 G. E. rot . volt. 33,000 v . 3 ph. 60 cys .; trolley volt.
conv . 620 v.
Power sta . at Sullivan's Island ; sub - sta . Power stas . (steam plant) at Spartan
at Mount Pleasant . burgand (hydro -electrio plants) at Gas
Repair shops at Mount Pleasant. ton Shoals, 99 Island.
Reaches Isle ofg; Palms (owned) . other Repair shops at East Spartanburg .
9 miles; 4-842 11 motor and'11 21 miles; 4-842 g; 21 motor pass. and 2
cars .
* 119 trail pass. cars. ( Company does general
lighting and power business .) *50
COLUMBIA . 34,611 . ( 1916. )
1057 - Columbia Ry ., Gas & Elec . SOUTH DAKOTA .
Co. - Office , Columbia . ( Formerly the
Columbia Elec . St. Ry . , Lt. & Pwr.
Co. ) (Connects New Brookland , Wav- ABERDEEN . 11,846 ( 1915 ) .
erly , Shandon, North Columbia , Ridge
wood , Eau Claire, College Place and 1061-Aberdeen Railroad Co. (Suc
Shandon Annex . ) Controls Camp cessor to Aberdeen Ry . Co. ) Office ,
Jackson , Aberdeen . (Connects Aberdeen and
Pres. F. H. Knox..... .Spartanburg suburbs .)
V. Pres. & Counsel Pres . , Gen. Mgr . & Pur . Agt .
Columbia Chas . A. Howard . Aberdeen
J. B. S. Lyles. 66
Gen. Mgr . Amzi Smith , Power sta . equip . 7 d.c. G. E. & Walk
Supt. G.C. Sanders . er tot. 8800 kw; 13,900 hp . e . Allis - C . &
Ch . Engr. Pwr . Sta . Penn ; 7820 hp . b . Bab. & W , Stir; trans .
Walter Wagner . volt . 500 v ; trolley volt . 550 v .
M. M. , M. H. Collins . Power sta. at Fourth St. & Railroad
Power sta .equip 2 . & .c . G.E.tot. 650
hp . 3
b . ph.
C. & 60Zcys;
, Bab500
. & hpW. ;e.500
kw . ;stm
900. Ave.
Repair shops at Walnut St. & Beale
turb . G. E ; trans. volt. 2300 v; trolley Ave. Reaches East End , Overton and River
volt . 600 sta
Power v . . and repair shops at Roan side Parks and Tri-State Fair Grounds .
130.4 miles; 4-842 g ; 278 motor pass .,
, Johnson
St.Reaches City . Soldiers' Home .
National 44 trail. pass ., 1 fgt. and 35 service cars.
6 miles; 4-842 g; 15 motor pass. and
3 other motor cars . * 119 NASHVILLE .117,057 ( 1916. )
KNOXVILLE . 80,000 . 1076—Union Trac. Co. -Office , 302
Second Ave., No. Nashville . (Succes
1072 — Knoxville Railway & Light sor to all the properties, rights and
Co. - Office, 626 South Gay St. (Con- franchises of the Nashville -Gallatin In
nects Knoxville and Fountain City . ) terurban Ry . ) (Connects Nashville
Controlled by the American Cities Co. with Gallatin . )
Pres . H. H. Corson . Nashville
New Orleans , La .) «
Chmn. Exec . Comm . V. Pres . John Bell . «
J.S. Pevear . Birmingham , Ala . Gen. Mgr. L. C. Connell,
Pres . & Gen.Mgr. C.H.Harvey Knoxville Energy purchased from Nashville Ry . &
Lt. Co.; 4 transf. G. E. tot . 201 kva .
V. Pres . W. S. Shields . 66
Sub -stas. at Brentwood and Franklin . Supt. Transpt. Chas. Ing. : Austin
19.3 miles; 4-842 g ; 4 pass . and 2 fgt. Asst . Supt. Transpt. Geo.Milton .
cars ; 1 elec . loco. 50 Elec . Engr.
Edw. Chisholm ..
1078--Nashville Ry. & Lt. Co.- of- M . M., W. H. Tucker .
fice , 605 Church St. (Absorbed the Supt. M. of W. , W. H. Burdett.
Cumberland Elec . Lt. & Pwr . Co. Power sta . equip . 3 d . c . G. E. West.
(Controlled by the Tennessee Ry. , Lt.
& Pwr. Co. )
kin, Fitch
tot. ; 875
1350 kw hp.hpb .. Bab
; 805 . & W &; 1000
e . Mcl. hp.
S , Ran
Pres . C. M. Clark stm . turb . West; trans. and trolley volt .
321 Chestnut St. , Philadelphia , Pa . 550 v .
V. Pres. & Gen. Mgr . Power sta . and repair shops at Pressler
B. C. Edgar .. Nashville St.
Sec . & Treas. G. L. Estabrook , 22 miles; 4-842 g ; 46 motor and 2 work
321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia , Pa . cars . 50
Asst . Sec . & Asst. Treas .
B.F.Manning .. Nashville BEAUM ONT. 40,422 (1920 ) .
Gen. Supt . J.P.W. Brown .
Asst. Gen. Supt.Jas . E. Carnes .. 1083 - Beaumont Traction Co. - Office
Supt. Ry. H. A. Davis.... Terminal Bldg . , Beaumont . (Se
Claim Agt. Kinney Harman ..
Pur . Agt. H. B. Stubblefield . 66 curities owned by the Eastern Texas
Elec . & Mech . Engr . H.H.Bailey 46 Elec . Co. which see for general officers.)
Ch . Engr . Pwr. Sta.
Mgr . Alfred F. Townsend .... Beaumont
W.E.Campbell... Supt .Transp.J.P. Morton...
M.M., Geo . Swint . « M.M., J. E. Gallaher .
Engr. M. ofW., H.C. Benagh .. « Repair shops at 796 Irving Ave.
Power sta . equip . 1 d . c . G. E. 1600 13.5 miles; 4-822 g ; 36 motor cars . 128
kw ; 4 a . c . turbo-gen. G. E. tot . 15,500
kw . 2300 v . 3 ph . 60 cys; 1600 kw.e. Int . 1084 - Eastern Texas Elec . Co.- (Owns
Pwr . Co ; 7940 hp . b . Bab . & W ; trans . the securities of the Beaumont Traction
120,000-19,000-13,200 v; trolley volt . Co. , Jefferson County Traction Co. ,
600 v . Beaumont Elec . Lt. & Pwr. Co., Port
3 sub -stas. tot. cap . 12,000 kw ; 4 rot . Arthur Lt. & Pwr . Co. and Port Arthur
conv .
Reaches Glendale Park (owned by com-
Ice & Refrigerating Co.) (Owns and
operates the streetRailway system in
pany ), Centennial Park and Shelby Park 1
Beaumont; the interurban railway be
( owned by city ) . tween Beaumont and Port Arthur (20
100.27 miles; 4-842 g ; 214 motor miles ) ; the entire electric light and
pass ., 23 trail pass . and 15 other cars . power business in Beaumont and Port
( Company, does general lighting and Arthur ; and an ice and refrigerating
power business.) 119 plant in Port Arthur.)
Pres .
1079 — Nashville Trac . Co .-- Office , 150 Charles F. W. Wetterer, Boston , Mass.
Fourth Ave. N., Nashville . (Oper Sec. George A. Peirce .
ates in Nashville and reaches suburbs . ) Treas. Henry B. Sawyer..
Pres . W.O. Palmer.... Nashville Gen. Mgrs .
V. Pres . C. M. Crawford . Stone Webster, Inc.
Sec . & Treas . 147 Milk St.
P. V. Burington Columbus, O. Mgr. A. F. Townsend . . Beaumont
Audr . S. O. Wright . Nashville Supt. Rys. J. H. Russell
Gen. Mgr ., Pur. Agt. & Ch . Engr . Pur. Agt. H. C. Morrow ..
G. B. Howard . Claim Agt. L. C. Singleton ..
Supt. E. N. Woolard . Supt . Pwr. Stas.
Claim Atty . Joseph Bowers , Jr. Port Arthur
W.E. Steger ... Steger Bldg ., Ch . Engr. F. C. Taylor. .Beaumont
Elec . Engr . J. B. Mullins. M. M., H.C. Presslar .
Energy purchased ; trolley volt . 550 v . Roadmaster, P. Cannon .
d. c. Engr.Ovhd. Constr ., 06
4.5 miles constructed ; 4-842 g ; 3 motor 8. E. Brauning
cars. (System will have about 25 miles of BEAUMONT PWR. STA .-- 3 a. c .
track when completed . ) 129+ West. tot. 3200 kw . 2300 v. 3 ph . 60 cys ;
1 d . c . West . 300 kw . 500 v ; 4 mo -gen .
West tri. tot . 500 kw . 125 v .; 3 mo - gen .
G. E. tot . 1100 kw . 600 & 1200 v ; 475
TEXAS . hp. e . Cor ; 4100 hp. stm . turb . West;
2200 hp. b . Stir. Bab : & W.
ABILENE . 14,238 ( 1916 ) . PORT ARTHUR PWR . STA . , No. 1
-3 a . c . G. E. West . tot . 1800 kw . 2300
1080 -Abilene St. Ry. Co. - Office, v600
. 2 &ph 1200
. 60 cys
v; ;1500
3 mohp.
- genb ,. tot.
126 Cypress St., Abilene .
Road sold to Henry James & George W PORT ; 2445 hp. stm . turb . G. E., West .
L. Paxton of Abilene.
Supt. D. Coker . Abilene 1 a . c . Allis - C , 4000 kw. 6600 v . 2 ph.
60 cys ; 1800
Energy purchased from Abilene Gas & stm . turb . Allis hp. b . Bab. & W ; 5462 hp .
Elec . Co., 3 ph . 60 cys. -C .
Repair shops at Second & Dall Sts . Power stas . at Beaumont and Port
4.75 miles ; 4-872 g ; 4 motor cars . Arthur, tot. cap . 9300 kw.
Operation suspended following a fire; Ave., Repair shops .and car house at Irving
may be resumed in future .
119 32.7 miles ; 4-846 g ; 51 motor pass., 4
trail pass . and 3 other cars . * 60
AUSTIN. 34,814 ( 1916 ) .
Energy purchased from San Antonio Also connected with ferry lines between
Public Service Co. Texas City and Galveston .)
Reaches Swimming Pool and Public Trustee, John C.Logue.. Houston
Bath House , Pres . A. B. Wolvin . Texas City
5 miles; 4 g ; 3 cars . (Operates auto- Sec . Harvey A. Thomas .
mobiles; electric car service temporarily Mgr . & Pur. Agt . R. M. Orth .
discontinued .) 18+ Energy purchased from Texas City
Transportation Co .; trans . volt . 2200 v;
1121 — San Antonio Public Service trolley volt. 550 v . 2
4 miles; 4-872 g; motor and 2 other
Co. - Office, 305 E. Houston St. (In cars . *50
1917 acquired the properties of San An
tonio Traction Co. and the San Antonio WACO. 33,385 ( 1916 ) .
Gas & Elec . Co.) (Controlled by Amer
ican Lt. & Trac . Co. ) (See also No. 1097. )
Pres . Emerson McMillin , Ry .
120 B'way , New York , N. Y. 1124Central Texas Elec .
W. B. Tuttle .....San Antonio Office, 2003-2009 Amicable Bldg ., Waco .
V.Prests. & Gen.Mgr. E.H.Kifer (Will connect Waco , Robinson, Levi,
A.P.Lathrop, New York , N.Y. Mooreville, Ceqo, Belfals, Oenaville
Seo. & Treas. R. C. Jones . ...San Antonio and Temple .)
Pres . & Gen. Mgr. O. A. Ryfle ... ...Waoo
Audr. Perry L. King. V. Pres . John F. Wright.
Claim Adj. Fred . J. Johnston Seo. & Treas. J. L. Davidson .
Pur . Agt. Howard Henson ... 66
1 sub -sta. cap. 4750 kw .; 3 rot. conv.; Sec . & Treas. J. C. Mytinger ..
3 mo . gen . sets. Audr. C.L. Crowell.
Power stas. at Concepcion Road and Gen. Mgr. & Pur . Agt. 4
L. L. Allbritton .
Villita & S. Presa Sts . 6
Repair shop opp . San Pedro Park. Supt. Walter Morrow .
92 miles ( 34 mi. 1st.m.t. 26mi. (double Claim Agt. A. W. Allen. 66
track) pass 6 mi . sid .) ; 4 g.; 161 M. M. , John Hawatay,
motor 54 trail pass .. , 8 motor service Engr . M. of W. , J.T. Adams..
and 12 trail servicecars. (Company does Engr. Ovhd. Constr.
general lighting and power business .) *60 J. C. Cavwood ...
Energy purchased from Wichita Falls
Elec. Co .; trolley volt . 500 v .
TEMPLE . 13,504 ( 1916) . Repair shops at 1906 Ninth St.
Reaches and owns Lake Wichita .
1122 — Southwestern Traction Co. 14.5 miles ( 12.5 mi. lst m. t . , 2 mi.
-Office, Temple, Tex . (Connects Bel- sid .); 4-8 % g; 30 motor pass., 4 trail
ton and Temple.) pass ., 1 motor freight, 1 trail freight and
(Wm . J. Yeager . .Lewiston , Pa. 1 motor service car. * 50
Owners Calvin Green ....
F. F. Downs . . Temple
Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt .
W. G. Haag . Temple UTAH .
M. M. & Engr. Ovhd . Constr .
W. C. Foore .
Claim Agt . G. M. Felts . Belton BRIGHAM . 3,685 .
Engr . M. of W. Alf . Pedigo Temple (See No. 1127. )
Power sta . equip . 2 d . c . Stan . tot. 300
kw ; 400 hp . e . Bates; 450 hp . b . Keeler ;
trolley volt. 600 v. LOGAN . 7,522 .
1 sub . -sta . cap. 550 kw. 2 rot . conv.; (See No. 1127. )
1 m . gen .- set.
Power sta . and repair shops at Midway .
Reaches Bell County Fair Grounds OGDEN . 31,404 ( 1916) .
(owned ) and (Lake
13.1 miles 12.56 Polk Parkm.t.
mi . 1st. . , 0.54 mi . 1127 – Utah - Idaho Central R. R. Co.
sid ) ; 4-8 } g .; 7 motor pass ., 4 trail pass ., -Office, 404-416 Eccles Bldg. (Succes
1 motor freight, 1 trail freight and 6 trail sor to Ogden , Logan & Idaho Ry . Co.,
service cars; 1 elec . loco. * 60 which had acquired the Ogden Rapid
Transit Co. and the Logan Rapid
Transit Co. ) (Extends from Ogden
TEXARKANA . 12,640 ( 1916 ) . to Hermitage, Idlewild , Pineview ,
Huntsville , Harrisville , Farr West ,
( See No. 31. ) Poplar, Plain City, Hot Springs,
Nerva, Willard , Perry , Davis , Brig
TEXAS CITY. 5,500 ( 1911 ) . ham , Calls Fort, Honeyville, Madsen ,
Dewey , Collinston , Beaver Dam ,
1123 — Texas City St. Ry. Co. - Office, Summit, Petersboro , Mendon , Wells
Texas City . (Operations indefinitely ville , Hyrum , Millville, Providence,
surpended .) (Operated within city Logan , Greenville, Hyde Park , Smith
limits only . Through medium of gaso- field , Mack , Richmond , Merrills,
line motor cars , connection was made Sugarton , Kent, Quinney and Lewis
with Galveston -Houston Elec . Cu . at ton , Utah ; Fairview , Whitney and
Texas City Junction for Houston and Preston , Idaho ; includes all city lines
Galveston and intermediate points. in Ogden , and Logan. Connections are
made with the Bamberger Elec . R. R. Energy purchased from Utah Pwr. &
Co. ) Lt. Co .; trans. volt . 44,000 v; trolley volt.
Pres. M. S. Browning .. Ogden 750 v.d.c .
1st V. Pres . Joseph Scocroft . U
4 sub - stas. tot . cap . 2800 kw ; 7 mo .
2d V. Pres. L. R. Eccles.. gen . sets .
s al
Sec . & Trea . Roy Eccl . es K
Repair shop at North Salt Lake .
Audr. P. H. Mulcahy . Reaches Lag on Park (controlled ).
Gen. Mgr. & Pur. Agt . 70 miles (36 mi. 1st. m . t. , 26 mi . 2nd
W. A. Whitney . m. t. and 8 mi. sid .); 4-849 şi 14 motor
Asst. to Gen. Mgr . C.F. Muller . 4
pass . , 12 trail pass ., 70 trail freight and
Supt . W. S. Law . i trail service car ; 5 elec . locos. 750
Gen. Fgt . & Pass. Agt . 1130_Salt Lake & Utah R. R. Co.
J. W.Ellingson .
Ch . Engr. H.C. Errett . Office, 222 So. West Temple St. , Salt
Supt. M.P. & Elec . Engr. Lake City . (Connects Salt Lake City ,
G. W. Shaver . Lehi, American Fork, Provo , Spanish
Roadmaster ( Interurban & City ) Fork , Payson and Magna; also operates
Wm . Corlis . local line in Provo . )
Pres . & Gen. Mgr .
Energy purchased from Utah Pwr. & W.C. Orem . Salt Lake City
Lt. Co ; 5 d . c . G. E. , W. E. tot . 2300 kw ; (Jas . G. Berryhill Berkeley , Cal .
trans. volt . 44,000 v ; trolley volt . 650 V. Gen , Atty .
1500 v . Prests .
Sub -stas. at Ogden , Smithfiel d , kw Henry1. Moore, Salt Lake City
Hot. Sec. & Treas.
Springsand Dewey , tot. cap . 3300 F. M.Orem '.
Repair shops at Ogden , Utah and Pres- | Audr. J. R. Brown ..
ton , Idaho . Supt . & Ch . Engr . R. K. Brown
Reaches Lorin , Farr Park, Hermitage, Pur. Agt. R. M. Mitchell.
Idlewild , Pineview and Pleasant View and Traffic Mgr.Ross Beason .
Hot Springs Sanitarium . Gen. Fgt. & Pass. Agt .
W. L. White .
137 miles111 . & catenary
(d . cother cars ); 4-872 of
exclusive g; Signal Engr. W.A.Hollien.
18 motor ,
street cars; 6 elec . locos . * 50 Ch . Engr. Pwr . Sta . & Engr .
Ovhd . Constr.W.P. Morford . . Payson
Elec . & Mech . Engr.
PROVO . 10,645 ( 1916 ) . Leonard Wilson .. Salt Lake City
(See No. 1130. ) Roadmaster W. I. Williams.. Provo
Energy purchased from Utah Pwr. &
SALT LAKE CITY . 110,000 (Est . 1914 ) . Lt. Co. at 44,000 v . and transformed in 4
sub -stations to 1500 v . for use ontrolley
1128 - Salt Lake, Garfield & Western direct ; 12 rot . conv . West. tot. 3000 kw .
Ry. Co. - Office, 1018 Kearns Bldg., 750-1500 v ; 12 transf. West . tot. 1800
Salt Lake City: ( Connects Salt Lake kva. 44,000 v . 3 ph . 60 cys.
City, Great Salt Lake and Saltair Sub - stas. at Granger, Lindon , Spring
Beach, a distance of 15 miles. Line has ville and Bringhurst.
been extended to Garfield , making a 75 miles (catenary ); 4-844 g; 11 elec.
total route mileage of 20 miles . ) motor pass., 1. gasoline motor pass ., 2
Pres . & Gen. Mgr . elec . motor freight and 65 other cars; 2
Joseph Nelson .. Salt Lake City elec . locos. 119
V. Pres . Arthur Winter..
Sec . & Treas. Joel Richards 1131 – Utah Lt. & Trac . Co.- (Con
Supt. S. H. Beasley .. solidation of Utah Lt. & Ry . Co. and
Claim Agt. Frank E.Hansen ..
Salt Lake Lt. & Trac. Co. ) ( Connects
M. M. , George Little ...
Salt Lake City with Murray, Sandy ,
Engr . Maint. of Way Midvale , Bountiful, Centerville and
O.Rassmussen . Holliday . ) ( Electric light and power
Energy purchased from Utah Power and gas properties leased toand oper
& Lighť Co., trans. volt. 44,000 v . 3 ph; Presec . Whitley
. wUtah
ated by Power....
& Lt. LakeCity
SaltCo. )
trolley volt . 1500 v . d . c .
2 automatic sub - stas . tot . cap . 1200 ( S. R. Inch .
kw ; 2-mo . gen . sets . V.Prests . 0. E. Salisbury
c . J. Groesbec:k u
Repair shops at Salt Lake City .
Reaches Saltair Beach (owned ) . ( D.F.McGee , New York , N.Y.
20 miles; 4-872 g ; 6 motor pass . , Sec . & Treas .
18 trail pass ., 3 trail freight and 2 trail W. E. Blodgett.. Salt Lake City
service cars . *50 Asst.JS. A. Whitney.
Secs.(L.W.Osborne . New York, N. Y.
1129_Bamberger Elec. R. R. Co.- Asst . SE.P.Summerson
Office , Elec. Ry. Bldg. ( Successor to Treasrs. IE . 0. Howard ..
Salt Lake & Ogden Ry . Co.) (Connects Mgr . H. F. Dicke .... Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City , North Salt Lake , Boun- Traffic Supt .
tiful, Centreville , Farmington , Kays- Geo . W. Manning..
ville, Layton , Clearfield, Arsenal, Sun - Claim Agt . Frank E.Hanson US
does general lighting and power Roadmaster, A. L. Hollings.
* 60 Power sta . equip . 1 d. c . West. 500 kw ;
2 a . c . West . tot. 1250 kw . 2200-110 v .
BELLINGHAM . 32,985 ( 1916 ) . 2 ph. 60 cys; 1559 hp.e. Allis- C ; 1192
hp. b . Bab . & W ; 1000 kw . stm . turb .
1163 — Pacific Northwest Trac . Co. West ; trolley volt. 550 v.; energy also
(Northern Div .)– (Connects Belling- purchased from Puget Sound Pwr. &
ham , Burlington ,Mt. Vernon and Sedro Lt. Co.
Woolley .) For executive officers see Power sta . and repair shops at Everett .
Seattle . 18.04 miles owned ( 13.971 mi . 1st m . t.,
Asst . Treas. J. C. Hector .. Bellingham 2.738 mi . 2nd m . t , 1.331 mi. sid .) ; also
Local Mgr . H. B. Sewall . 5.4 miles leased . Total miles operated
Supt. Ry. John Hickok 23.26 ; 4-872 g ; 26 motor pass ., 1 motor
Supt . Lt. & Pwr . R. U. Muffley 66 service and 1trail service car. (Company
Pur. Agt. E. L. Noyes . does general lighting and power business.)
M. M., Peter M. Loft . * 70
Ene rgypur chased from . 55,000
Pwr . & Lt. Co. , trans . voltPug
Sound 1167 — Pacific Northwest Traction Co.
v .; - (Southern Division) . For execu
trolley volt . 600 v. tive officers see Seattle and Everett.)
2 sub-stas . tot. cap . 1,000 kw.; 2 mo. (Connects Seattle and Everett .)
gen . sets .
Asst . Treas. C. F. Kirchhaine... Everett
Repair shops at Pellingham . Actg. LocalMgr . Geo . Newell .
and 73 66
gen ; 2 engines Twin Nagle, Ideal; 1 turbo- Ch . Elec . Engr. G. E.Quinan ....
gen . Curtis 300 kva . 6600 v. 3 ph. 60 cys. * 70
POWER STA . 2–1turbo -gen. Curtis
1000 kw . 2300 v. 3 ph . 60 cys ; 2 mo. gen . 1173 — Seattle Munic . St. By._Office,
(ry .) West. tot. 275 kw . 2300v ; a. c ; 550 507 County -City Bldg. (Purchased the
v . d . c. Loyal Ry. Co. ) April 1, 1919 purchased
POWER STA . 3 (Hydraulic )-1 wtr. entire street railway system of the
Seattle Division of the Puget Sound
wh. Pelton ; 1 gen . Allis C. 115 kw . 2300 Trao., Lt. & Pwr. Co; and with Divi
v . 2 ph . sions " A " and " C , " now serve all of
Power sta . and repair shops at Ray
mond . Seattle and suburb of Lake Burien ,
5.444 miles; 4-842 g ; 3 motor cars . excepting Rainier Valley .) Div . " A "
Company furnishes energy for lighting .) 4.2 miles, extends from business dis
60 trict to Ballard : Div . " C " 9 miles,
extends from Highland Park to Lake
SEATTLE 348,639 ( 1916 ) . Burien . December 31, 1919, acquired
property of Western Washington Pwr.
See also Nos . 175 , 1177 , 1178 , 1179 ) . Co.
Supt . of Public Utilities
1171 - Pacific Northwest Traction Carl H. Reeves,
Co. - Gen . office , 860 Stuart Bldg . 507 County -City Bldg . Seattle
(Controls the Puget Sound Inter- Asst. Supt. E. D. O'Brien .. 66
national Ry . & Pwr , Co. and in turn Audr. Allen B. Hiatt ..
is controlled by the Puget Sound Pwr . & Gen. Supt. Rys. D.W. Henderson
Lt. Co. ) Operates in two divisions Asst. to Gen.Supt. Rys.
not physically connected . R. E. Furse..
Pres. Fred'k S. Pratt....Boston, Mass . Supt. Equip . A. D. Campbell..
V.Prests . Alton W. Leonard . Seattle Gen. Fgt. Agt. J. B. Wadlington .
Wm . H. McGrath . «
Claim Agt . Jas, H. Dennis ..
Sec. William T. Crawford, Boston, Mass . Supt
Pur . . Agt. W. P.Freeman ,. 60
Treas . Henry B. Sawyer.. Maint. A. E. Pierce ,
Gen. Mgrs. Energy purchased from Puget Sound
Stone & Webster, Inc .... Trac. Lt. & Pwr. Co ; 4 mo-gen . Ridg. Ft.
NORTHERN DIVISION-Operates an Wayne tot. 2000
2 sub-stas kw . trolley
. , Dexter Ave. &volt . 600St.
Aloha v.,
interurban railway system , Bellingham and 9th Ave. So. W. & Henderson St.
to Mt. Vernon - Burlington to Sedro Repair shops at Georgetown .
Woolley , Wash . , and does light and Reaches Golden Gardens.
power business in territory tributary 230.43miles (127.7 mi. 1st m . t., 87.29
to its lines.
mi. 2nd m. t ., 15.44 mi. sid .); 4-8% g.
(3 g. on 1 cable,
Energy purchased from Puget Sound 462
Pwr. & Lt. Co.
3-6 g . on other cable );
motor pass ., 14 trail pass ., 4 motor
35.3 miles; (owned ) 3 mo . pass . and fgt. & exp ., 48 trail fgt . & exp . and 19
54 other cars ; 2 elec . locos . trail service cars ; also 37 cable pass . and
2 cable service cars . * 60
terurban railway system between Ev
erett & Seattle . 1174–Seattle & Rainier Valley Rail
Energy purchased from Puget Sound way Co. - Office, 72 W. Adams Street,
Pwr . & Lt. Co. Chicago , Ill . ( Successor to Seattle,
26.7 miles ( owned ); 9 mo. pass. and Renton & Southern Ry . Co. ) ( Con.
33 other cars; 2 elec . locos. nects Seattle and Renton ; also Colum
* 70 bia , Hillman City and Ranier Beach
1172 — Puget Sound Pwr. & Lt. Co. all within limits of city of Seattle . )
(Formerly PugetSoundTraction Light | Pres. Marshall E.Sampsell
v .Pres.E.M. Mills. , Chicago, ni 1
& Power Co.) Office 860 Stuart Bldg. Sec. Henry M.Brooks.
(Purchased and consolidated The Se- Treas. E.W.Goss.
attle Elec . Co. , Pacific Coast Pwr . Co. ,
Puget SoundPwr. Co. , Seattle- Tacoma Gen.
& PurWalter M. Brown
.Agt. P.C. .... , Seattle
Pwr. Co. and Whatcom County Ry. & Supt. T. H. Nolan .
Lt. Co.) (Controls Puget Sound Elec. Claim Agt. John C. Higgins.
Ry. and Pacific Northwest Trac . Co. , M.M., J.R. Fairchild 66
(Consolidation of the Spokane Trac. 34.576 mi. 2nd m . t. , 6.399 mi. sid .);
Co., Spokane Terminal Co. , Spokane 4-8 % 2 g; 140 motor pass.,10 trail pass ., 3
& Inland Ry . Co., and Coeur d'Alene motor freight, 14 trail freight and 10 mo
& Spokane Ry. Co. , Ltd.) (Oper- tor service cars.(Co. sells energy and does
ates local lines and interurban lines.) lighting in Spokane, Big Bend and the
(Connects Coeur d'Alene and Moscow , Palouse Districts of Wash , and Northern
Idaho , and Colfax and Spokane,Wash .) | Idaho by means of 36 substas. equipped
Receiver F. E. Connor....... Spokane with 10 mo.-gen. sets .) *50
V. Pres . & Traffic Mgr .
Waldo G. Paine..
V. Pres. & Compt . TACOMA . 115,000 ( 1918 ) .
W. F. Turner . Portland, Ore .
Sec. , Treas. & Pur . Agt . 1176a - Tacoma_Municipal St. By.
Paul McKay ... - Office , 437 East 11th St. ( “ Tide
Supt . J. F. Gannaway. Spokane Flats " line .)
Claim Agt . J. M. Home. Comr. Public Works
6 Tacoma
Ch . Engr . A. J. Witchel . H. Roy Harrison . 66
Elec. Engr. & Ch . Engr . Pwr . Sta . Supt. Arthur W. Carlson .
J.W.Hungate.. Energy from municipal plant; trans .
M. M. , M. G. Charles . volt. 60,000 v; trolley volt. 550-600 v .
Roadmaster, P. McNamara . 1 sub.sta ; 1 rot. conv ; 1 mo . gen . set.
Power sta . equip . 4 a . c . West . tot . Repairshops at 437 East 11th St.
16,000 kw . 2200 v. 3 ph . 60 cys ; 21,300 8.95 miles (5.2 mi. lst m . t . , 3 mi. 2nd
hp . turb . (wtr .) Hol; trans . volt. 60,000 m . t . , 0.75 mi. sid ); 4-8 % g; 34 motor
v; trolley volt . 6,600 v. a . C. & 550 v.d. c . pass., and 4 trail pass. cars , 1 fgt. car ; 1
Power sta . at Nine Mill Bridge on Spo elec. loco .
kane River, (Freight is switched from 3 trans
Repair shopsat Spokane (Wash .) and continental railroads on M. C. B. equip
Coeur d'Alene ( Idaho .) ment to shipyards and mills.) * 70
Reaches and owns parks at Hayden
and Liberty Lakes at Ball Park , 1177 — Pacific Traction Co. - Office ,
Spokane; BlackwellPark at Coeurd'Alene, 860 Stuart Bldg ., Seattle. (Operates
and reaches Manito, Corbin and Liberty from City of Tacoma to American Lake
Parks at Spokane . and the town of Steilacoom .) (Con
290.473 miles; 4-872 g ; 68 pass . and 7 trolled and operated by Puget Sound
other cars (city ); 59 pass., 429 freight, and Elec . Ry . (which see for officers ).
16 express cars and 1 other car (interur- Energy purchased from Tacoma Ry . &
ban ); 13 elec . and 2 steam locos. (Com- Pwr. Co.
pany does lighting and power business .) Repair shops at Tacoma.
*70 19.3 miles owned ( 17 mi . lst m. t.,
0.2 mi . 2nd m . t . , 2.1 mi. sid .) ; also 7.1
miles trackage rights . Total pass. miles oper
1176 — Washington Water Power Co. - ated 25.4 ; 4-846 g .; 8 motor and 1
Office , Trent Ave. & Lincoln St. , motor freight car . * 70
Spokane . (Connects Spokane, Hillyard
Medical Lake and Cheney ). 1178 — Puget Sound Elec . By.
Chmn Ex. Committee , Gen. Office, 860 Stuart Bldg ., Seattle ;
W.J.C. Wakefield . .Spokane local office, 1306 A St. (Connects
Pres . D. L. Huntington . Tacoma , Auburn , Kent and Seattle ,
1st V.Pres. W. A. White , (Owns Tacoma Ry . & Pwr. Co. and
14 Wall St. , New York , N. Y. Pacific Traction Co. , which companies
2nd V. Pres . & Gen. Mgr ..
W. E. Coman do the entire electric railway and a
. Spokane portion of the electric power business
Sec . & Treas . V G. Shinkle .
Audr . J. S. Simpson .. of Tacoma .) ( Controlled by the Puget
Gen. Supt . R.A.Willson . 46 Sound Pwr . & Lt. Co. )
Pres. Fred'k 8. Pratt
Pur. Agt. A. C. Haggenmilter... 147 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
Claim Agt. T.G. Aston . V.- Prests. Wm . H.McGrath ....Seattle
Ch . Engr. V. G. Greisser . Alton W. Leonard ..
M. M., G.H. Darby . Sec. William T. Crawford, Boston, Mass.
LONG LAKE STA . EQUIP.3 a . c. Treas. Henry B.Sawyer ..
G. E. tot.37,500 kw . 4000-60,000 and Gen. Mgrs. Stone& Webster, Inc.
110,000 v . 60 cys; 67,500 hp . wtr. turb . 147
Morris . LocalMgr. R. T.Milk St.,.
Sullivan BostonTacoma
Pur . Agt.G.O. Snider .
LITTLE FALLS STA . EQUIP . - Claim Agt. H. G.Winsor.
4. a . c . G. E. tot. 20,500 kw . 4000 v . 60 Supt. 0. C.Mathis .
cys ; 36,000 hp . wtr . turb . Morris. Roadmaster, H. J. Nason .
POST FALLS (Idaho ) STA . EQUIP . Sound
Energy purchased
Pwr. & Lt.Co.from the Puget
-5 a . c . G. E. tot . 11,250 kw . 2300 v .
60 cys ; 16,300 hp . wtr . turb . Platt , 2 sub-stas . tot . cap . 1,800 kw .; 6 mo .
Morris . gen . sets .
Repair shops at Kent .
SPOKANE STA . EQUIP .-2 a . c . 70.8 miles owned ( 47.9 mi . lst m . t . ,
G. E. tot . 4,500 kw . 4000 v . 60 cys ; 6 d.c. 12.5 mi . 2nd m . t. , 10.4 mi . sid .) ; also 6.9
G. E. tot. 4300 kw . 600-300 v ; 15,800 hp. miles trackage rights. 4-842 g ; 3rd rail
wtr. turb . Allis-C ; Pelton , Lef., S. & B ; ( some ovhd . trolley) ; 30 motor pass ., 1.1
trans. volt. 60,000 ,22,000 . 13,200 v.3ph freight
trail pass ., 2 motor freight, 130 trail
and express, and 3 trail service
60 cys ; trolley volt . 600 v .
cars ; 3 elec . locos .
--6 d . c . G. E. mo . gen . tot . 9000 kw . ( Company does general lighting busi
ness . ) 70
300-600 v .
JAMIESON SUB-STA . EQUIP.- 1179 — Tacoma Ry. & Pwr. Co. - Gen .
2 d . c . G. E. mo . gen . tot . 800 kw . 600 v . Office , 860 Stuart Bldg ., Seattle; lo
CHENEY SUB -STA . EQUIP . - 1d c . cal office, 1306 A St. (Connects Pu
G. E. mo . gen . 400 kw . 600 v .
yallup , Spanaway , Steilacoom , Fern
Hill and American Lake .) (Owned and
MEDICAL LAKE SUB -STA . EQUIP operated by the Puget Sound Elec . Ry .
- 1 d . c . G. E. mo . gen . 200 kw . 600 v . Pres. Fred'k S. Pratt.
Repair shops at Spokane. 147 Milk St. , Boston , Mass .
Owns Natatorium Park , Spokane. V.Prests.SAlton W. Leonard ... Seattle
110.921 miles (69.946 mi. 1st. m. t. , William H. McGrath .
Pur. Agt. P.J. Kean ......Portland, Ore. Compt. Jos .W. Coxe.
Ch . Engr . H. H. Schoolfield , Gen.Mgr W.J. Jenks .
Engr. In charge R /W & Taxes Supt. W.8. Franklin . Bluefield
Wm . H. Galvani. Gen.Clm.Agt.W.S.Battle , Jr.Roanoke, Va
M. M. , P. Fichtner . Walla Walls Pur . Agt. J.H. Clemmitt... .
Roadmaster N. Manaro . ... Gen. Fgt. Agt.
Energy purchased from Pacific Pwr . & B. W. Herrian
trolley volt . 600 v . Ch. Engr.J.E.Crawford ...
3 sub-sta. tot. cap . 1000 kw .; 2 rot . Ch . Eleo. Engr. C.H. Quinn
conv ; 1 mo . gen . set . Signal Engr . D.W.Richards
Power sta . equip .: 4 & . c . West. tot. Pres. George M.Alexander . Fairmont
44,000 kva 1 . 1,000 v . 3 ph . 25 cys ; 8500 V. Pres. Smith Hood .
hp. b . B. & W., stir ; 36,000 kw.stm . turb . Sec . & Tras. Walton Miller
West; trans.volt. 44,000 v; trolley volt . Audr. O. F. Lough ..
11,000 v s . ph . Gen. Mgr. E. B. Moore
5 sub -stas. tot. cap . 30,000 kw . Rys., D. H. Blanks .. 66
Power sta . and repair shops at Blue Asst., Rys., E.C. Powman
stone . Mgrs. P.& M.Div. , H.S.Newton ,
983 miles; 4-8 % 5 ; 555 trail pass ., Parkersburg
49,873 trail freight and 1784 trail service ( Pwr.Dept.,R.W.Lamar,Fairmont
cars (entire system ); 12 elec . locos. $70 Div . Supt. J. I. Beals . . Clarksburg
Equip. J. A. Duffy ...Fairmont
CHARLESTON . 29,941 ( 1916 ) . Supts. Dist . & Ovhd .
F. C. Manson ..
1181 — The Charleston - Dunbar Trac . Pur. Agt. E.B.Smith .
Co. - Office, Charleston . (Connects Gen.Claim Agt.
Charleston and Dunbar .) C. B. W. Chapman . Clarksburg
Pres. Fred . Paul Grosscup..Charleston Gen. Traffic Agt. 1
Sec . & Treas . Palk Laffoon , 1190_Ohio Valley Elec. By. Co.
care of Union Gas & Elec . Co. Miller - Ritter Bldg. , Huntington .
4th & Plum Sts . , Cincinnati, O. (Owns the Ashland & Catlettsburg St.
* 50 Ry . Co., Ashland, Ky .). (Connects
ELM GROVE , 1,899. Huntington, Ceredo , Kenova, w . Va . ,
( See No. 1207. ) Catlettsburg , Ashland , Ky . , Coal
Grove, Ironton and Hanging Rock , O. )
FAIRMONT. 15,506 ( 1916) . (Controlled by American Rys. Co.).
1187 - Monongahela Valley Traction
Pres . Van( Horn Ely .... Philadelphia, Pa .
H. J. Crowley .
Co. - Office , Fairmont. (Controls V.Prests .(C.L. 8. Tingley ..
Supt. Transp. & Claim Agt. Huntington Power sta . equip . 3 d . c . West . G. E.
tot. 900 kw ; 5 a . o , turbo-gen . G. E. ,
Ass't Supt. Transp . & Fgt. Agt. West . tot . 3400 kw . 2300 v . 2 & 3 ph .
John W. Williamson . 60 cys; 1570 hp.b.Heine, Stir; trans . volt .
Engr. Pwr . Sta . Chas. Lake . Kenova 13,200 v ; trolley volt . 600 v . Energy
Supt. Lines D. L. Evans...Huntington also purchased from Monongahela Valley
Div . Supt. R. E. Kimmel. . Ashland , Ky. Trac. Co.
M. M., J. F. Schmidlapp..Huntington Power sta . and repair shops at Morgan
Park JH . 0. Via . town .
Mgrs . (G.M. Wilde.. . Ashland , Ky . 6.5 miles; 4-8 % g ; 14 motor cars .
Energy purchased from Consolidated *70
Lt., Ht. & Pwr. Co., Kenova; trans. volt .
11,000 v ; trolley volt . 600 v . NEWELL .
Repair shops at 18th St. , West Hunt
ington . 1196 — The Newell Bridge& By, Co.
Reaches and owns Camden Park , Kel (Successor to The Newell St. Ry. Co.)
Office , Nowell , W. Va . (Connects East
logg, W. Va . , and Clyffeside Park , Ash Liverpool, O., and Newell, W. Va . )
land , Ky . Pres . Marcus Aaron ,
46.29 miles; 4-8 % 8; 73 motor cars .
*50 2nd Nat'l Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh , Pa .
V. Pres .
E. M. Knowles. East Liverpool, O.
LEWISBURG . 803 . Sec . , Gen. Mgr . & Pur . Agt.
F. B. Lawrence .. .Newell
1191 – Lewisburg & Ronceverte Elec. Treas. W.E. Wells ..
Ry. Co.- Office, Lewisburg : (Connects Power sta , equip . 2 d.c. Burke, tot . 300
Lewisburg and Ronceverte .) kw ; 2 a. c . Burke, tot. 150 kw. 2 ph . 60
Pres. S. P. Preston .. Lewisburg cys; 500 hp . e . Allis - C ; 930 hp. b . Titus
V.Pres. J. B. Laing . ville, Heine; 1-300 kw . turb . Curtis;
Seo . H.B.Moore . trolley volt . 550 v .
Treas. H. F. Hunter . Power house , car barns and repair
Gen. Mgr . R. M. Bell . shops at Newell, W. Va .
Gen. Fgt.& Pass. Agt. Reaches park at Lake Newell ( owned ) .
Lon 8. Davidson . 3 miles; 4-882 8 ; 10 cars . ( Company
Energy purchased from Va .-Western furnishes energy for lighting through
Pwr. Co .; trans . volt . 45,000 v ; trolley Newell Wtr. & Pwr. Co ) 50
volt . 600 y .
6.2 miles; 4-8 % 8 ; 2 motor cars and 1
other car . 119 PARKERSBURG . 20,612 (1916 ) .
1197 — Kanawha Trac . & Elec. Co.
MORGANTOWN . 13,709 ( 1916 ) . Office , Union Trust Bldg . (Inc. in
April , 1915 , and on June 7 , 1915, con
1193 — Morgantown & Wheeling By. solidated with Parkersburg, Marietta
Co. - Office, Traction Bldg . (Oper- & Interurban Ry . Co. ) (Controls city
ates by electricity between Morgan- lines of Parkersburg , W. Va ., and
town and Randall for passenger service Marietta , O. , and connects these cities
and by steam between Randall and with Lowell and Beverly, 0.) (Con
Brave , Pa ., serving coal mines.) _ (Con- trolled by the Monongahela Valley
trols Monongahela & Ohio R. R. Co. Trac. Co.)
and Blacksville & Western Ry . ) Pres. Thos. Logan . Parkersburg
Receiver, Gen. Mgr ., & Pur.Agt . Sec. George M. Alexander. . Fairmont
R. E. Kerr . Morgantown Treas. O. F.Lough .
Pres . Manning Stires, Audr . J. Cummings. .Parkersburg
45 Cedar St., New York, N. Y. Mgr. H. S. Newton.
Sec . Frank P. Weaver . . Morgantown ( Geo . T. Mann
Audr. & Gen. Fgt. & Pass . Agt . Supts. ( Parkersburg Div .)
Amnon I. Derr. Transp . ( Frank E. Wilson
M. M. , C. G. Jackson . 46
(Ohio Div . ) .. Marietta , O.
Roadmaster J. A. McKinney Claim Agt.C. B. W. Chapman , Fairmont
Gen. Foreman Elec . Line Gen. Fgt. & Pass. Agt.
Geo . McLure . C. R. Devine . Parkersburg
Energy purchased from West Virginia Pur. Agt. E. B. Smith. Fairmont
Trac . & Elec . Co; trans. volt . 550 v ; trol- Ch . Engr. Pwr. Stn .
ley volt . 600 v. 0 . B. Summers . . Parkersburg
Repair shops at Granville . Supt. Lt. & Pwr. Dept.
27 miles (3 elec. & 24 stm . ); 4-8 g; 3 J.H. Trisller...
motor and 8 other cars; 4 stm . locos. M. M. , C. W. Folwell.
* 60 Supt. M. of W.Wm . Bailey .
Power sta . equip . 4 a. c .G. E. tot.
1194-80 . Morgantown Trac . Co.- 6000 kw . 2300 v . 2 & 3 ph. 60 cys ; 1250
Office, Blackstone Bldg., Morgantown. hp: e. Allis-C ., Ham , Erie; 2500 hp . b.
Receiver, Aaron Garlow ....Morgantown Bab . & W ; 5000 kw . turb . (stm .) G.E.
Pres. & Gen. Mgr. 171 hp . wtr. wh . Lef; trans. volt. 22,00 ;
John Madagan .. v; trolley volt , 600 v.
V.Pres.Sanford Barrickman Power sta. at Parkersburg.
Repair shops at Parkersburg and Mari
Sec .& Park Mgr.John E.Price etta .
Treas. P.S. Johnson ..
Elecl . Engr . M. L. Cross 60 miles; 4-8 % g : 77 motor pass.
Roadmaster, A. D. Davis.. and 13 other cars . (Company does gen
Park Mgr . C. N. Reay . eral lighting business in Parkersburg , W.
Energy purchased . Va . , and Marietta and Beverly , 0.) 70
Reaches 25 -acre park (owned .)
6 miles; 4-8 % 8 ; 3 cars . 119j POINT PLEASANT. 3,000.
1195 - West Virginia Utilities Co. (See No. 820. )
(Morgantown Div .). (Connects Mor
gantown & Sabraton and Morgantown PRINCETON . 5,000 .
and Granville .) For executive officers,
see Wheeling . 1199 - Princeton Power Co. - Office ,
Local Mgr. J.K.Buchanan . Morgantown Princeton . Operates in Princeton and
M. M. , C. E. Nigh . connects this city with Bluefield where
Asst . M.M., J. Thorn .. connection is made with the Appa
Elec . Lt. & Pwr . Co ; trans. volt . 550 v. 19.19 miles; 4-8 % g ; 8 closed motor
trolley volt . 550 v ; pass ., 2 exp . motor , 3 work and 4 other
Repair shops at Sistersville . motor cars . 69
12 miles; 4-8% g; 5 motor and 2 other
cars . *20+
1206 — The Steubenville & Wheeling
1201 — Sistersville & New Martinsville Traction Co. - Office, Huron and
Trac. Co .- (Successor to Union Trac. Zane Sts., Wheeling. (Owned, leased
Co.) – Office, Sistersville . (Connects and operated by Wheeling Trac . Co. ,
Sistersville, New Martinsville, Paden (Connects Steubenville, Mingo , Brill
City and Brooklyn Junction . ) iant, Rayland and Martin's Ferry ,
Pres . R. Broadwater .. .Sistersville Ohio .)
Sec . S. G. Messer . Pres . Williston Fish
Treas. W.J. McCoy . 221 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, P&.
V. Pres. R. B. Keating .
Ch.Engr.Pwr.Sta . T.V.Stetson
Engr. M. of W. John Snodgrass 0
Sec. W. A. Shirley Wheeling
Energy purchased from Sistersville Treas. C. C.McBride Pittsburgh, Pa.
Elec . Lt. & Pwr. Co .; Asst . Sec . W. F. Craig .
Repair shops at Paden City . Audr M. W. Glover .
Roaches Paden Park (owned ). Power sta . at Brilliant , 0. (shut down.)
12 miles;
other ear .
4-8 % g; 9 motor cars and 1 15.42 miles : (9.31 ) 4-846 g . and (6.11)
89j5-242 g.; 5 closed motor pass . , 1 open
pass. , 12 work and 5 other motor cars .
WELLSBURG . 4,189 .
( See also No. 1,208. )
1207 - West Virginia Utilities Co.
1202 — Steubenville , Wellsburg ( Formerly West Virginia Trac. & Elec.
Weirton Ry . Co. - Office , 221 Fourth Co .) - Office , Wheeling. (This Co. owns
Ave. , Pittsburgh , Pa . (Connects Wells and operates a large part of the electric
burg, Follansbee , Steubenville. Holli street railway system at Wheeling and
day's Cove and Weirton .) (Operated by supplies city with natural gas ; also
owns and operates electric street rail
Wheeling Trac. Co.) ways, electric light and natural gas
Pres. Williston Fish
„ Pittsburgh , Pa
( Raymond B.Keating plants and watersupply systems both
Prests.C . P. Billings « in the suburban district of Wheeling
and in the City of Morgantown .)
Sec . & Treas. C.C.McBride Controls the following: City & Elm
Audr . M. W , Glover . Grove R. R. Co. , which ownsa line in
Asst. Sec . W.F. Craig ...
Asst . Treas. R.C. Lightcap City of Wheeling and suburbs extend
Gen. Supt . C. W.Marsh . .Wheeling ing along the National Road to the
Claim Agt. E.D. Lash .. Pennsylvania state line; also owns water
works and electric light plant formerly
Pur . Agt. W.E. Higgins operated by Suburban Lt. & Wtr . Co.,
221 Fourth Ave. , . Pittsburgh ,P.
Energy purchased from Wellsburg and Wheeling Park, formerly, owned
Elec . Lt., Ht . & Pwr . Co. by the Wheeling Park Assn .; also con
Repair shops at Follansbee . trols Wheeling & Elm Grove Ry. Co.
13.52 miles; 4-872 g ; 10 closed motor which operates an electric railway in
pass . and 4 misc. cars.. 69 the suburban district of Wheeling, in
cluding Fulton , Pleasant Valley, Elm
Groveand Triadelphia, which extends
1203 — Wellsburg , Bethany & Wash- to the Pennsylvania state line at West
ington Ry. Co. - Office , 103 8th St. , Alexander; City Ry . Co. operating in
Wellsburg. (Connects Wellsburg and Wheeling ; Union Utilities Co.; and
Bethany .) City & Suburban Gas Co.
Asst. Gen. Mgr . & Pur . Agt. Lao, Van Dyne, Black Wolf and Osh
John St. John .. Cedarburg kosh .)
Ch. Despatcher, A. Montaba. Local Mgr . M. H. Frank ... Fond du Lac
Supt. Mil. City Div. Supt. Elec. Dept. Fred Whitely.
A. Carlson . Milwaukee Engr. Pwr. Sta . E. W.Stephan.
Engr. Pwr. Sta . Supt. Gas Works, John P.Mertes
Emil Albl . .Port Washington Power sta . equip . 3 d . c . West., G. E.
M. M. Frank Kittsley . Cedarburg tot . 1000 kw . 600 v ; 1 a . C. Allis- C . 1000
Gen. Fgt . & Pass . Agt . kw . 2300 v. 3 ph . 60 cys; 1 mo- gen . set
Otto Maske . West . 200 kw . 1600 hp . e . Allis - C .; 2172
Roadmaster E. Rutherford .. hp . b . Bab . & W. Stir; 1000 kw , stm .
Power sta. equip. 2 a . c. Allis-C . tot. turb . Allis- C; trans. volt. 2300 v ; trolley
2000 kw . 3 ph . 25 cys; 4000 hp . e . gas, volt. 600 v .
Allis - C ; trans. volt . 22,000 v; trolley volt. Power station at Fond du Lac.
650 v . Repair shops at Oshkosh ..
Power sta . at Port Washington . Reaches City Park , Fond du Lac and
Repair shops at Cedarburg. Eweco Park , Oshkosh.
70 miles in operation; 4-8 g ; 24 cars . 24.529 miles; 4-872 g; 14 'motor and 4
(Will extend line to Fond du Lac from other cars . +60
Cedarburg via West Bend, 43 miles .)
( Company does general lighting and power GRAND RAPIDS . 6,521 .
business . ) 50
1216 — Grand Rapids St. Ry . Co.
CHIPPEWA FALLS . 9,395 . Office, Grand Rapids. (Connects
(See No. 1214. ) Grand Rapids, Pt. Edwards, So. Cen
tralia and Nekoosa . )
Pres . L. M. Nash .. Grand Rapids
EAU CLAIRE . 18,807 . V. Pres . W.F. Kellogg .
Seo . G.M. Hill..
1214Wisconsin -Minnesota Lt. & Treas . Frank J. Wood .
Pwr. Co. - Office, 2-4 So.Barstow St. Gen. Mgr. Neil E. Nash
(Controlled by American Public Utili Power leased ; repair shops at Grand
ties Co.) (Operates st. ry . system in Rapids ,
Reaches park at Nekoosa .
Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls, and
interurban line connecting EauClaire, trail
8 miles;
pass. cars.
4-84 g; 3 motor pass . and 2
Chippewa Falls and Altoona .) * 60
Pres. Jos. H. Brewer ,Grand Rapids,Mich .
1st V. Pres . GREEN BAY. 29,352 ( 1916 ) .
W. B. Parsons.. Minneapolis , Minn.
2d V. Pres . & Gen. Mgr . 1217 — Bay Shore St. Ry. Co. - Office ,
P. D. Kline . Eau Claire 315 No. Jefferson St. (Connects Green
Sec.Blaine Gavett.,Grand Rapids,Mich . Bay with Town Preble ,Bay Beach ,
Treas . Willis J. Ripley , Bay View Beach and Harbor View
Dist . Audr. L. B. Scheisz. .....Eau Claire resorts.) (Operation superintended
Dist.Mgr. R. S. Torrance . 46
by the Wisconsin Public Service Co. )
Gen.Operty.Supt .Geo.A.Mills Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
Ch . Engr. V. S. Hillyer . J. A. Cusick Green Bay
Supt. Ry. E. V. Wahl. Sec . J. P. Neugent. 有
Pur. Agt. & Claim Agt. Treas. H. J. Cusick
A. C. Crandall . Energy purchased from Wisconsin
Public Service Co.
Supt. Pwr, Sta. & M.M. Repair shops at Green Bay ,
WISSOTA STA . EQUIP . - 6 a . C. Allis Reaches Bay Beach Park .
2 miles; 4-872 g ; 4 cars . 67
tot. 39,600 kva ; 45,000 hp . turb . (wtr .)
Allis .
1218-Wisconsin Public Service Co.
LA CROSSE STA . EQUIP:-3 turbo Office, 204 N. Washington St. , Green
gen . Allis -C ., West. tot . 3700 kva ; 1500 Bay. (Superintends operation of Bay
hp . b . Bab . & W. Shore St. Ry . and owns Green Bay
DELLS DAM STA . EQUIP . - 1 a . c . Gas. & Elec. Co. ) (Connects Green
G. E. 600 kva . 3 ph . 60 cys ; 650 hp . turb . Bay and Duck Creek ; De Pere,
(wtr . ) Smith . Wrightstown , Little Rapids and Kau
MENOMONIE STA . EQUIP . — 2 a.c. kauna . )
G.E.tot. 1200 kva. 3 ph 60cys;
. 2200 hp: | Pres.Clemen t C. Smith
turb . (wtr . ) Smith . 1410 1st Natl . Bk . Bldg ., Milwaukee
V. Pres . C. R. Phenicie . Green Bay
CEDAR FALLS STA . EQUIP . - 3 v . Pres. & Pur . Agt. J. P. Pulliam
8. c. G. E. tot. 7500 kw 3 ph. 60 cys ; 1st Nat'l Bk . Bldg ., Milwaukee
10,800 hp . turb . ( wtr . ) Allis-C . Sec . & Treas . Howard Greene
CHIPPEWA FALLS STA . EQUIP . 1st Nat'l Bk . Bldg ., 0
2 d . c. G. E. tot . 375 kw ; 1 a . c . G. E. Asst.Sec . - Treas . H.C. Mackay
1200 kw . 3 ph . 60 cys ; 2500 hp . turb . Audr . & Asst . Sec .
(wtr . ) Dayton , Globe. Miss A.L. Buscher .. Green
EAU CLAIRE STA . EQUIP . - 2 mo Gen.Supt. A.G.Carson .....
gen . sets G.E.tot. 1000 kw ; trans. volt . Supt. Rys.
W. B.
120,000-66,000-33,000-13,000 v ; trolley Supt.
volt. 600 v .
Lt. & Pwr.
W.J. Wadsworth
Chas. A.. Ewing.
Power Dells Dam , Menomonie , Ch. Engr.
Cedar Falls, Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire Claim Agt. Walter Bie .
(ry.service). Wissota and La Crosse , tot. Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta.
cap. installed 56,78742 kva E. A. Blodgett: Green Bay
Repair shops at Eau Claire .
Reaches Electric Park (owned ). Pwr . Engr . J. Bedore .Manitowoc
25 miles; 4-8 % g; 26 motor and 3 other M. M., J. Jossart . Green Bay
c & r8 . (Company does general lighting Engr. M. of W.
Theodore Hendricks .. 1
2 sub - stas . tot . cap . 700 kw ; 6 rot . Pur. Agt. Clement C. Smith ,
CONV . 1410First Natl. Bank Bldg ., Milwaukee
Power stas . at Green Bay , High Falls Supt. of Transp .
and Manitowoc. Charles Masterson .
Repair shops at Washington St. , Green Power sta . equip. 2 d . c .G. E. tot. 800
Bay . kw ; 500 hp . e . Allis- C ; 600 hp. b . Scotch ,
Controls Ridge Point Park . LaCrosse ; trans. volt . from Hatfield
Reaches Bay View Beach . 45,000 v ;trolley volt . 600 v .
44.6 miles; 4-8 % 8; 34 motor and 6 í sub -sta , cap . 750 kw ; 1 rot . conv .; 1
other cars . (Company also does general mo . gen .
lighting and power business in 15 com- Power stas . at Hatfield , Wisc . and Win
munities .) *50 ona , Minn .
Repair shops at 3rd & La Crosse Sts .,
La Crosse .
JANESVILLE . 14,339 ( 1916 ) . Reaches Fair Grounds and Myrick
Park .
( See also No. 240. )
16 miles ; 4-874 , 8 ; 22 motor pass.
and 4 other motor cars . 50
1219 - Janesville Trac . Co. - Office,
311-313 Jackman Bldg . (Controlled by
Union Ry ., Gas & Elec . Co.) MADISON . 40,000 ( 1919 ) .
Pres. B. C. Cobb, 14 Wall St, New York
V. Pres . & Treas. 1224 - Madison Railways Co. - Office,
W. C. Sparks. Rockford, Ill. 2302 Fair Oaks Ave. (Successor to
Sec . W. H : Lemons. Southern
Supt. A. L. Doherty . Janesville Pres . F. W.Wisc . Ry . Co. )
Montgomery . Madison
Energy purchased from Rockford & V. Pres. & Pur. Agt,
Interurban Ry . Co. Dudley Montgomery .
Repair shops at Eastern Ave. . E. N. Montgomery .
5.37 miles ; 4-872 g; 8 motor pass. and Sec
Treas. Warren Montgom ery .
2 other cars . 129 <%
Offices , 305 6th St., Racine , and Public Engr. Ovhd. Constr., Wm . Cheff 46
N.Sub-stas. at Vancouver
Vancouver, , Point Grey.
So. Vancouver, Lulu Solicitors,
Moran , Anderson & Guy . Winnipeg
Energy purchased from Winnipeg Eleo. Engr. Ovbd. Constr. W. 8. Soper, Halifax
Ry . Co., trang . volt . 22,000 vị trolley Power sta , equip . 4 a. 0. C. G. E. tot:
volt. 600 v . 6200 kw . 2300 v . 3 ph . 60 cys; 1600 bp. e.
1 sub -sta . cap . 1800 kw ; 2 mo . gen . sets Prov : 4500 bp . b . Bab . & W ; 5000 kw .
C. G. E. stm . turb .; C.G.E .; trans . 2300 v; trolley
Repair shops at Winnipeg . volt . 575v .
21.25 miles ( 17.25 mi . 1 st m . t . , 3.68 Power sta . and repair shops at Lower
mi. 2nd m. t ., .32 mi. sid .) ; 4-8 % 8 ; 10 Water St.
cars , (rented from Winnipeg Elec . Co.) Reaches Publio Gardens, Spring Gar
+60 den Road , Point Pleasant and N. W.
Arm .
21.173 miles ; 4-8 % 8 ; 62 motor cars.
NEW BRUNSWICK . (Company also controls the city lighting
and gas supply .) *60
MONCTON . 11,345 ( 1916) .
NEW GLASGOW . 6,386 (1916 ) .
12478 — Moncton Tramways, Elec
tricity & Gas Co., Ltd. - Office, (See No. 1250.)
Monoton . (Operates in Monoton .) STELLARTON .
Pres. & Gen. Mgr. E.B. Reeser 3,910 (1916 ).
21 E.40th St.,New York, N. Y
1st V. Pres . E.O. Bartlett 1250 — Pictou County Elec . Co., Ltd.
Seo . Jas. A. Dunn . -Office, Stellarton . (Connecte New
Treas. J. T. Furlong Glasgow , Stellarton , Westville and
Pur. Agt. E. A. Cummings...Monoton Trenton .)
Actg. Supt. & Blec . Engr.
Geo . Soott ....
Pres. Chas. A. Flaherty
Power sta. equip. 1 d . o. C.G. E. 226 V. Pres ., Mgr. & State St. Boston , Mass.
kw ; 2 4. 0. C. G. E. tot. 600 kw . 1100 v . Leonard T. Flaherty .... Stellarton
2 ph. 60 qy8; 600 hp . e; 750 hp . b . Robb.
trolley volt . 550 v . 800. & Treas . Wm . B. Rogers
Power sta . and repair shops at 38 113 State St. Boston , Mass .
Mechanio St., Moncton . Audr. F. H. Oxley . Halifax
2.5 miles; 4-8 % 8 ; 4 motor pass. cars Supt.Ry. C.F.MoQuarrie . Now Glasgow
and 1 other car. (Company does general Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta .
lighting and power business .) *50 N. J. Miller ....
M. M., Wm . Thompson ... Stellarton
ST . JOHN . 55,000 (1916) . Roadmaster, Jas. Marshall, New Glasgow
Power sta . equip . 6 d . o . C. G. E.tot.
1248 New Brunswick Power Co.- 675kw ; 4 a. o . C. G.E.tot. 975 kw . 2300
Office, cor . Dock and Union Sts. (Has v. 3 ph . 60 cys; 2503 hp .o .Robb , Harris
taken over The St. John Ry. Co.and b: 1050 hp.b . Robb, Matheson; trolley
Eastern Eleo. Co., Ltd.) (Connects volt. 550 v .
St. John , West _Št. John , East Bt. Power sta . & repair shops at Stellarton .
John, Fairville , Lancaster and Cold- 9.5 miles; 4-8 % 8 ; 14 motor and 4 other
brook . ) cars. (Company does lighting and power
Pres . L. R. Ross . St. John business .) * 60
Seo . & Treas .
H. M. Hopper .. SYDNEY . 17,723 (1916) .
Gen. Mgr . Thos. H. M. Cauley :
Eleo. Engr . H. A. Brown ...
Engr. Pwr. Sta. J. Geary ... 1281 – Cape Breton Elec. Co., Ltd.
Power sta.equip . 2 d.o.C.G.E.West. Office, Esplanade, Sydney. (Company
tot. 1400 kw ; 4 a . o, C. G. E. tot. 3500 does the entire electrio lighting and
electrio railway business in Sydney , the
Robb & Laurie ; 6000 hp. b . Bab . & W ; entire eleotrio lighting business in
3200 kw . ( stm .) turb . G. E. West; North Sydney , the ferry business be
trolley volt . 650 v . tween Sydney and North Sydney , and
Power sta . and repair shops at St. operates an interurban line between
John . North Sydney and Sydney Mines .)
Reaches Seaside Park at West St. John (Controls the Sydney & Glace Bay Ry .
( owned ). Co., Ltd., an interurban lino (19 miles)
26 miles; 4-8 % g ; 91 cars. (Company between Sydney and Glace Bay, which
operates street ry; electric light, power is operated under lease .)
and gas plant. * 60 Pres . A. Stuart Pratt St. , Boston ,
147 Milk Mass .
V. Pres . Frederick S. Pratt
147 Milk St. ,
NOVA SCOTIA . Seo. Edw . T. Clark
147 Milk St.,
HALIFAX . 46,619 ( 1916. ) Treas . Henry B. Sawyer ..
Gen. Mgrs .
(See also No. 1335. ) Stone & Webster, Inc ...
Local Mgr . C. C. Curtis ...... Sydney
1249 - Nova Scotla Tramaway & Power Supt. J. B. Bulley .
Co., Ltd.- Office , 422-4 Barrington Ch. Engr.Pwr.Sta . A. C. Webber 00
12.85 miles owned (11.89 mi. 1st m , t . Reaches Erie Beach on Lake Erie (con
and 0.96 mi . sid .) ; also 19.03 miles leased ; trolled ).
4-842 g ; 22 motor pass ., 1 motor freight, 40.77 miles in operation ; 4-8 % 8; 8 mo .
3 trail freight, 4 motor eervice and 1 trail pass . , 2 trail pass. and 89 fgt. cars;
service car . * 701 other car; 2 elec . locos. ( Has freight
interchange with Michigan Central R.R.
at Charing Cross , Canadian Pacific
YARMOUTH . 6,600 ( 1916 ) . Ry . at Chatham , the Pere Marquette
1252 — Yarmouth Lt. & Pwr. Co., R. R. at Wallaceburg, the Wabash
Ltd. - Office , Yarmouth . (Successor R. R. and the Grand Trunk Ry . ) 70
to Yarmouth St. Ry . Co. , Ltd.)
(Operates in Yarmouth only .) CORNWALL , 6,598 (1916 ) .
Pres . & Pur. Agt. Carl M. Pihi
V. Pres.
50 Congress St.,Boston, Mass. 1257 — Cornwall st. Ry., Lt. & Pwr.
Thos . L. Wiles Co., Ltd. - Office, Second St. E.
50 Congress St., Pres. S. H. Ewing ... ..Montreal, Que .
Sec. & Aset. Mgr. Macnutt
Sec . & Treas. E.A.
D. B. Stoneman .. Yarmouth 142 Notre Dame St. ,
Treas. & Audr . A. J. Markle Audrs . P. S. Ross & Co. ,
50 Congress St. , Boston , Mass . Gen. Mgr . & Ch. Engr .
Power sta . equip . 1 d . c . C. G. E. 150 W. L. Macfarlane Cornwall
kw ; 3 a . C.C.G. E. tot. 525 kw. 2200. v.3 Engr. Pwr.Sta. E.Hart ....
Power sta . equip . 3 d . c . Northn, G. E.
hp . b . Can . Fdy; 400 hp. wtr . turb . tot. 600 kw ; 300 hp. e. Robb; 300 hp. b .
Smith; trans. volt . 22,000 v .; trolley Robb ; 400 hp . wtr. turb . s . Morgan
volt . 550 v . also
Smith ; trolley volt . 550 v . Energy
purchased from St. Lawrence Pwr. Co.
Power sta. and repair shops at Yar- Ltd.
mouth .
Reaches park one mile from Yarmouth Power sta . (hydro-elec . ), south of
(owned ). Cornwall Canal.
3 miles; 4-8 % 8; 6 motor cars. (Com Repair shops north of Cornwall Canal.
pany does lighting and power business ). Owns St. Lawrence Park .
119 6 miles; 4-872 g ; 10 motor pass . cars ;
2 elec . locos; 1 sweeper * 50
Power sta . and repair shops at Kings- NIAGARA FALLS . 9,248 (1916) .
ville ,
Reaches Casino and park at Kings (Bee also No. 1291.)
ville -on - the - Lake .
38 miles; 4-8 % 8 ; 7 motor pass., 4 trail 1271 — The Niagara Spanish Aero
pass . , 1 electrio express, 2 trail express andcar Co., Ltd. - Office , 41 Erie Ave.
20 other cars ; 1 eleo . loco 50 (Operates aerial çableway for tourists,
spanningthe gorge in which theWhirl
KITCHENER . pool at Niagara Falls is located . Con
22,000 ( 1919) .
nects with International Ry . Co. and
12872 — The Waterloo Wellington Pres. Niagara Gorge R. R. Co.)
Niagara Falls
Railway Co.— (Formerly the Berlin & V. Pres. Gonzalo Torres .
Northern Rwy. Co.)- Office, 90 King Sec ., Treas. & Mgr.
St., West. (Conneots Kitchener and Herbert Ballard ..
Bridgeport .. Will extend to Elora and Supt. & Engr. M. of W.
Fergus within the next three years .) Calvin Stevens.
Pres. W. H. Breithaupt.. Kitobener M. M. , James R.Brown ..
V. Pres . Geo . M. Shirk . Bridgeport Energy purchased from Stamford
Sec ., Treas . & Gen. Mgr. Hydro - Electric Co. , Thompson's Point;
J. H. Wuest . Kitchener 1 motor West. 75 hp . 3 ph . 25 cys .
Energy purchased from city . 1780 ft; sextuple cable; 1 car . 119
Reaches Riverside Park , casino, race
track, etc. at Bridgeport.
3.8 miles; 4-8 % 8 ; 3 cars . 119 NORTH COBALT . 200 .
1267b - Kitebener & Waterloo St. 1273 — Nipissing Central Ry. - Office ,
By. (Munic .) Office, 169 King St., North Cobalt . (Connects Cobalt ,
North Cobalt, Haileybury , New Lis
West. (Operated by the Kitchener Lt. keard and Kerr Laks .)
Comm . Has traffic agreement with
Preston & Kitchener St.Ry. Conneots Sec L. Englehart.
. J.Treas . W.H. Maund . .Toronto
Kitchener, Waterloo and Bridgeport.) Audr . H. H. McGee ... North Bay
Chmn . Lt. Comm . G. Lippert .Kitchener
Seo , & Treas . G. H. Clarke . Supt. K.MoDonald .. North Cobalt
Supt. V.8. McIntyre. Supt. of Traffic, W.A.Griffin . North Bay
M. M. , W. G. Sinclair . Claim Fgt. & Pass . Agt .
Energy purchased from Hydro -Eleo. Pur:A.J. Parr.. A.Grabam
Agt. w . . M
Pwr. Comm . of Ont. (NiagaraSystem ): Ch.Engr. 8. B.Clement.
trans. volt . 13,200 v . 3 ph . 25 oys; trolley
volt. 550 v . Energy purchasedfrom The Northern
Lt. & Pwr . Co .; trans , volt, 4300
1 sub -sta , cap . 3 rot . conv . West, tot . Ontario
v ; trolley volt , 550 v .
825 kw.
Sub -sta. and repair shops at Kitchener. Reaches Athletic Park , North Cobalt .
Reaches park in Bridgeport( controlled ). 1 other 15.37 miles; 4-8 % &; 8 motor cars and
car . 129
7 miles; 4-8 % g ; 13 motor and 4 trail
cars . * 50
OSHAWA. 7,436 ( 1916) .
LONDON . 65,000 (1919) .
1274 – The Oshawa By. Co. - Office ,
1265_The London & Port Stanley Gananoque. (Connects Cedar Dale ,
Ry. (Munic. Office , Philip & Mait- Twp. of East Whitby and Oshawa
land Sts . (Extends south from City of on -the- Lake.)
London through the Villages of West Pres. J. E. Dalrymple.... Montreal, Que.
minster, Glanworth and Yarmouth . Soc ., Treas. & Audr.
City of St. Thomas, Village of Whites J. H. Valleau . Ganadoque
and terminates
in Village of Port Mgr.
Stanley . Controlled and operated by
& Gen. Fgt. & Pass. Agt.
H. W. Cooper .
London Railway Commission .)
Chrmn . Commn . Supt.,J.Pur Agt.& Ch. Engr. Oshawa
Bir Adam Beok , K. B. .London Engr. Pwr. Sta . E. Stoliken .
Mayor , E.S. Little .. M.M. , W. M.Duffy .
Seo . C. 8. Way .. Roadmaster , H. A. Cooper .
( Dr. R. W. Shaw . Eng. Ovhd . Constr. J. J. Mitchell
Commrs.Phillip Pocook . Energy purchased from Hydro -Eleo .
W. A. Martin . Pwr . Comn . of Ont .; trans . 2400 v ;
Treas. & Mgr. J. E. Richards. trolley 600 v .
Audr . H. A. Cromwell . 1 sub - sta : 2 d . o . C , West. tot . 700 kw .
Engr. M.ofW., D.M.Morrison .. Power plant and repair shops at
M. , C. E. Lenhart.
M. Oshawa .
Energy purchased from Hydro - Elec. Reaches Alexandria Park .
Pwr. Comn. of Ont.; trans. volt . 13,200 16 miles; ( 10 mi . lst m. t . and 6 mi.
v . 3 ph . 25 cys; trolley volt:1500 v.d.o. sid .); 4-8% 8 ; 7 motor pass ., 8 motor
catenary ) . freight and 2 motor service cars; 4 oleo .
Repair shops at London . locos. (Company has large freight switoh
Reaches Port Stanley Park ( owned .) ing business .) * 50
36 miles; 4-8 % 8 : 7 motor, 10 trail
1 motor express and 5 box oars ; 3 60 - ton
OTTAWA . 110,000 (1916 ) .
eleo . freight looos; 3 cabooses.. +60
( See also No. 1295.)
1270_London St. Ry . Co. - Office ,703
Dundas St. (Owns Springbank Park 1276 — The Ottawa Elec . By . Co.
Line .) Office , 248 Albert St. . (Operates in
Pres . Charles Currie .. Akron , O. Ottowa and a suburban line to Britan
Sec . & Treas. Leonard Tait . London nia , 5 miles from city and Hull, Que.
Mgr. & Pur . Agt.C.B. King . (Controlled by Ottawa Trao. Co. ,
M.M. , H. Welburn . Ltd.)
Supt. Track A.M. Daniel. Pres . T. Ahearn, 248 Albert St...Ottawa
Energy purchased from Hydro -Eleo. v . Pres .
Pwr . Commission of Ont; trolley volt . Warren Y. Soper 56 Sparks St. 0
V. 72 W. Adams St. , Ch . Engr. Farley G. Clarke,
Prests. John A. McPhail , 12 Adelaide St.
M. , W. R. McRae .Smith
Sec . & Treas . Sault Ste. Marie M.
Track Supt . James G. .
Oliver E. McCormick ... Engr. Obhd . Constr .
Audr . & Pur. Agt. O. V. Anderson , 12 Adelaide St.
J. M. McNeil .. Energy purchased .
Gen. Mgr . A. E. Pickering Repair shops at Frederick & Front Sts .
Supt. J. Summerheyes ... .. 139.119 miles; 4-1078 g; 808 motor and
Energy purchased from Great Lakes 164 other cars . 50
Pwr. Co. Ltd .; trolley volt. 550 y .
Repair shops at Sault Ste . Marie . 1288 — Toronto Suburban Ry . Co.
4.32 miles; 4-872 g ; 9 motor and 4 other Office, 2896 Dundas St. , W. Toronto .
cars .
* 50 (Connects Toronto , Weston , Lambton
SURBURY . 8,000 . Mills , Woodbridge, Thistletown and
West Toronto ; also Lambton Mills,
Huttonvale, Norval , Georgetown , Ac
1284 — Sudbury , Copper Cliff Sub ton and Guelph .)
urban Elec . Ry. - Office,Car barn, Pres. D.B.Hanna , 9 Toronto St.,Toronto
Sudbury RangeHotel
Sudbury Cliff .) (Connects V.
and Copper Bldg. Pres. A. J. Mitchell.
Sec . R. P. Ormsby .
Pres . J. J. MacKey . Treas . A. Forman
V. Pres. L. Laforest . Sudbury Audr . C. E. Friend .
Sec . & TreasC
. . Bibby Gen. Mgr . Col. Geo . C. Royce.
Audr . J. W. Ross .. Asst. Mgr . W. J. Radford .
Gen. Supt . W. E. Massie . Claim & Pur .Agt. Robert Gilbert
Roadmaster , B. Legasse . Elec. Engr . S. Roseveare........
Pwr purchased
y Ltd.,
. Co., C. G.Wahna
1 d . c . from kw ; M. M. , J.Lambton
E. 300 W. Walker, Barns,
Car Lambton
trans. volt . 2200 v; trolley volt. 550 v . Roadmaster ,
Repair shops at Notre Dame St. , Frank Lindsay, 936 Keele St., Toronto
Sudbury . Energy purchased from Toronto
Reaches Lake Ramsay . Niagara Power Co .; trans. volt. 13,000
7.9 miles ; 4-8 % 8 ; 4 motor cars . 60 2200 v. a . c.; trolley volt . 600-1500 v .
4 sub - sta ; 4 rot. cony .
TORONTO . 470,140 ( 1916 ) . Repair shops at Lambton .
Reaches Lambton Park (controlled ).
( See also Nos. 1045, and 1280. ) 64.32 miles; 4-842 g ; 24 motor pass .,
4 trail pass . , 2 motor freightand 4 motor
1285 — Schomberg & Aurora Ry. service cars. (Company does lighting
Office, 84 King St. East . (Connects and power business . ) * 60
Schomberg , Kettleby and Eversley
with the Toronto & York Radial Ry.) 1289-
Toronto & York Radial Ry. Co.
Pres . Sir Wm. Mackenzie .. Toronto -Office, 84 King St., East. (Consists
V. Pres . Frederic Nicholls of three divisions, Metropolitan ,
Sec . & Treas. J. C. Grace Mimico and Scarboro .) (Connects
Audr . J. M. Smith .
Toronto , Richmond Hill, Aurora , New
Gen. Mgr . W. H. Moore market , Jackson's Point, Sutton ,
Asst. Gen. Mgr . Chas . L. Wilson Scarboro , West Hill , Mimico and Port
Supt . C. W. Mott. Credit .)
Pur. Agt. Geo. K. Hyde . *
Pres . Sir Wm . Mackenzie ,
Traffic Mgr . F. S. Livingston . «
Rivers .
7.05 miles; 4-8 % 8 ; 18 motor pass. and Pur. Agt. H. C. Crawford .
2 motor service cars . * 50 Elec . Engr. J. W. Morris .
Ch. Engr. Pwr. Sta .
J. H. Halley . .Petty Harbor
Roadmaster, W.F. Joyce .. St. Johns
SASKATCHEWAN . Power sta. equip . 4 8. c. West. tot.3300
MOOSE JAW . 16,889 ( 1916) . kva. 3 ph . 60 oys; 4000 hp . turb . (wtr .)
Voith , Hendenheim ; trans. volt. 15,000 v;
1306 The Moose Jaw Elec . Ry. trolley volt . 500 v .
Co., Ltd. - Gen . office , High St. ,Moose Power sta. (hydro - electrio ) at Petty
Jaw. Harbor, 9 miles from St. Johns.
Pres . A. A. Dion , Repair shops at St. Johns.
35 Sparks St. , Ottawa , Ont . 7 miles (electrio ); 3-6 8; 7 motor and
V. Pres . Robert Gill . 3 other cars . (Company does general
4 69
Seo . & Treas . D. O'Connor lighting and power business.
( Postage rates to Mexico same as United States. )
COLIMA . 25,148 .
1312 — Ferrocarril Urbano De Collma. GUADALAJARA . 118,799
Gen. office , Colima (Connects
Villa de Alvarez with Colima.) 1315 Compania Hidroeléctrica
Pres. & Gen. Mgr. é Irrigadora del Chapala , S. A.
D. G. C. MacNeill .. Colima Address , P. O. Box 260 , Guadelajara
Repair shops at Colima. ( operates railway in Guadalajara ) .
5.5 miles; 4-8 % 8; 36 cars (horse and Gen.Mgr.Eugene Pinson ....Guadalajara
elec .) 129 Sec. & Asst . Mgr .
A. Bauche Alcalde ..
GOMEZ PALACIO . 10,000 . Ch . Engr. Ltg . Dept.
Ing . Chas . J. Barrow .
1313_Ferrocarril Electrico de Lerdo Pur. Agt. J. M. Gutierrez .
a Torreon , S. A .-- Address , Calle de Engr . Repair Shop
Muzguiz , Torreon , Coahuila . (Con- J. F. Journee .
Power stas. (hydro-electric ) at Las Jun- Address Apartado No. 58 , Office , Calle
tas, Juanacatlan and Puente Grande; tot. de Dr. Mier 73 , Monterey , N. L. ,
cap . 20,000 hp ; trans. volt . 70,000 and Mexico. (Operates all the. street rail
10,000 v . 3 ph . way lines in Monterey Connects
Repair shops at Guadalajara . Monterey and Topo Chico , Hot
Reaches El Paradon Park . Springs. )
60 miles; 4-8 % 2 g ; 110 cars. (Company Pres. Sir Wm . Mackenzie
furnishes energy for lighting in principal 43 Victoria St. , Toronto , Can .
towns and mining districts in state of V. Pres.
119 Sir Donald Mann .
Jalisco .)
Sec. H. S. Gausby .
MEXICO Compt . R.G.O. Thompson
Gen. Mgr. & Off . Rep .
E. F. Seixas. Monterey
MEXICO CITY. 1,000,000 ( 1919 ) Asst . to Gen. Mgr .
E. G. St. Hill .
1316 — Compania de Tranvias de Mgr. Ry . Dept. D. S. Morcom
Mexico , s . A. (Mexico Tramways Co., Mgr . Lt. & Pwr.Dept.
Ltd .) - Executive office , 603 Dominion DysterudE. ..
Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont., Canada Ch . Engr. Pwr.Sta.
Local address, P. 0. Box 124 Bis . C. D. Baxter .
Federal District, Mexico. (Owns and M.M.Canuto Fuente .
operates under lease Cia . Ferrocarriles Roadmaster Domingo Garcia .
del Distrito, Federal de Mexico and Power sta . equip . 5 a . c . G. E. tot . 3125
Mexico Electric Tramways Ltd. kva . 4000 v. 3 ph . 60 cys; 3 mo . - gen ., sets
Reaches every important suburban G. E., West. tot. 1000 kw ; 2000 hp . b .
town in the Federal District; pop . Bab . & W. Atlas; trans. volt . 4000 v ;
1,200,000 .) (Controls Mexican Lt. trolley volt, 550 v .
& Pwr. Co. ) Power sta . at cor . Allende y Guerrero
Pres. R. C. Brown ..Toronto, Ont . , Can . Sts.
Miller Lash Repair shops at cor. Alameda y
V. H. Malcolm Hubbard , Reforma Sts .
Prests . 3 London Wall , Reaches Topo Chico, Hot Springs
London, England (owned ).
Sec. R. H. Merry 25 miles elec .; 4-842 g; 27 motor pass . ,
603 Dominion Bk . Bldg . , 4 trail pass . and 2 exp . motor cars
Local Sec .
Toronto , Ont . , Canada (Company does lighting and power busi
ness .) * 60
P. Mendez y Mendez . Mexico City
Treas . M. G. Fulton . PUEBLA
Mng . Dir. G. R. G. Conway
Gen. Mgr . F. W. Teele . PUEBLA. 101,214 .
Pur . Agt. A. G. Calderon ..
Technical Engr.A.E.Reynolds 13 1320 - Compania de Tranvias, Luz y
Elec. Engr . W.H. Fraser .., Fuerza de Puebla, S., A. ( Puebla
Civil Engr. F. S.Easton ... Tramway, Lt. & Pwr. Co. , Ltd.)
Traffic Supt. W. H. Bellamy General office, 3a Calle de Balderas
Energy from Mexican Lt. & Pwr . Co .; No. 24–P . O. Box 515 , Mexico City ;
trolley volt . 600 v . local address, P. O. Box 41, Puebla .
6 sub - stas. tot. cap. 11,000 kw ; ( 12 (Consolidation of Ferrocarril Urbano de
mo. gen .); 2 portable substas. tot . 850 kw . Puebla , the Ferrocarril Industrial de
Repair shops at Indianilla . Puebla , the Cia Anonima de Alum
204 miles elec., 4-872 g ; 9.5 miles mule; brado Electrico de Puebla and the
3 8 ; 355 elec . 8 mule , 139 freight and 84 Cia de Luz y Fuerza El Portezuelo . )
funeral cars. ( Interurban roads to Toluca Pres . Sir Clarendon G. Hyde
(42 miles ) and to Puebla ( 110 miles ) 47 Parliament St. , London , England
under construction . * 50 Sec . F. J. LeMaestre.. .Jersey , C. I.
Mng . Dir . A. E. Worswick
1316a - Compania Productora у P. O. Box 515 , Mexico City
Abastecedora de Potencia Elec- Gen. Mgr . F. J. Miller .. ...... Puebla
trica , S. A. - Address , Apartado 1081 , Asst . Gen. Mgr.
Mexico City . (Has taken over the plant John West Thompson ..
of Cia de Electricidad y Tranvias de Power sta. equip. 14 a . C. A.E.G.,G.E .
Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes ( No. West. tot. 20,790 kw . 10,000-4000-2200 v .
1310), which see for officers and equip- 3 ph . 60 cys; 23,000 hp . turb .(wtr .) Voith
ment ) . 70 | Escher , Wyss; 5000 hp . wtr . wh . Pelton ;
trans. volt . 100,000-42,000-33,000 v .
TOLUCA . 31,247 . Power stas. at Portezuelo, San Au
gustin and Tuxpango .
1317 -- Tranvias de Toluca. -Address , 46 miles ; 4-8 %2 g; 26 pass . and 13 fgt .
Apartado 25 . (City line only . ) , mule cars ; 12 pass . and 5 fgt. gas motor
Pres. Eduardo Henkel . Toluca cars . (Company does general lighting,
Sec. & Treas. Alberto Henkel . and power business .) 129
Audr . E. Alcantara .
Gen. Mgr . L. Gouzalz . SAN LUIS POTOSI
Pur. Agts. Henkel Bros ...
M. M., M. Pineda . CATORCE . 9,547 .
Roadmaster F. Hardy. 1321 Compania del Ferrocarril
Repair shops at Santa Clara , Toluca .
Reacges park at Colon Road .' Ogarrio . (Connects Catorce vith
8.2 miles, 3-6 g ; 43 cars . (Company Potrero, where it connects with Na
tional Railroad of Mexico . )
does general
through lighting
Cia de and power
Luz Electrica de business
Toluca .) Pres . Joaquin de la Maza
119 Apartado 223 , San Luis Potosi
Sec . & Treas.
NUEVO LEON Rafael Gustavo Lopez
Apartado 348
Supt .
MONTEREY . 80,000 . Antonio Lomeli , Apartado 9 , Catorce
Power sta . equip . 3 d . c.C.G.E.tot. 300
318 — Companla de Tranvias, Luz y kw; 1 cys;160
Fuerza Motriz de Monterey. hp.e.(gas & stm .) Dietz,Otto ,Mc). & S ;
(Monterey Ry . , Lt. & Pwr . Co. ) bique & Aguila Sts.
200 hp . b . Union Iron Wks; trolley von . Trac. Co. , Ltd .) - General office , 38
500 v . Calle Balderas, Mexico City; local ad
Power sta . And repair shops at Santa dress , Apartado 124 , Tampico . (Op
Ans . erates in Tampico and connects Dona
14 miles elec .; 3-6 g; 34 cars . 69 Cecilia and Miramar .)
Chairman ,Sir Clarendon G. Hyde,
47 Parliament St., London , Eng .
Seo. & Treas.
SINALOA J. H.McDonald .. 66
(See under the United States, page 164. )
( Postage ratos to Cuba and Porto Rico sami as United States ; domestic rate
applies also to letters, but not to other articles, addressed to Newfoundland
and Barbados ; to all other Islands, foreign rate .)
Repair shops at 9th & 18th Sts.,Vedado. Ch. Engr. Pwr. Sta.
Reaches Palatino and Playa de Maria- Andres Santiago. . Santiago
nao . M. M. , Baldomero Corona .
93 miles ; 4-872 g ; 416 motor and 73 Engr. Ovhd . Constr. 65
other cars; 9 elec . locos. (Company does José Diaz ....
lighting and power business .) * 60 Power sta . equip . 2 d . c . Westg . tot.
800 kw ; 4 a . c . G. E. tot . 1100 kw . 2300
1331 - Havana Central R. R. Co.- v . 3. ph . 60 cys; 2000 hp . b . Bab . & W ;
Central Station, Havana . (Connects 2000 hp . e . G. E. 1000 kw.stm . turb . G.
Havana, Marianao, Punta Brava ,, E ; trans. volt . 2300 v; trolley volt . 600 v .
Hoyo Colorado, Guanajay, Cotorro, 1 sub -sta .; 2-100 kw . rot . conv .
San Jose de las Lajas, Guienes, Pro- Power sta . and repair shops at Punta
videncia Sugar Mill, Regla and Gua- Blanca , Santiago.
nabocoa . ) Reaches Vista Alegre and Villa Mari
Pres. W. E. Ogilvie, mon .
42 Broadway , New York , N.Y. , U.S.A. 15.90 miles; 4-8 % g ; 31 motor and 5
V. Pres. Frederick W. Baumann other cars . ( Company does general
6 Hanover St.,New York , N.Y. , lighting business .) * 60
2d V. Pres . Wm . A. Jones , Jr.
233 Broadway , New York , N.Y. ,
Sec . & Treas. H. Bellefeuille JAMAICA
42 Broadway , New York , N.Y. ,
Asst. Sec. & Treas. B. A. Gale
42 Broadway, New York , N.Y. , KINGSTON 57,379 .
Audr . T. P. Mason Havana
Gen. Mgr . G. A. Morson ..
1334 — The West India Elec . Co., Ltd.
Mgr . Traffic & Transp . -151 Orange St. (Controls Jamaica
G. J. Humbert . 46
Lt. & Pwr. Co. ) , ( Connects Kingston
Supt . E. G. Robes .
45 and the Parish of St. Andrew . )
Gen. Ft . & W. T. Medley . Pres . Jas . Hutchison .
Pass . Agts . S Frank Roberts . 260 St. James St., Montreal , Que . ,Can .
Supt . of Stores H. L.Ashley . V. Pres . G. J. Crowd
Claim Agt. G. C. Dedge . Shaughnessy Bldg .,
Sec . J. M. Brady
Ch . Engr. Phillip Hammond . Bk . of Toronto
Ch . Elec.Engr.John A.Thompson Bldg ..
Master Car Builder B.F. Elliott ..
Engr.M. of W. , R. S. Webster .. Audr. Harold Davenport .
Power sta . equip . 4 a . c. turbo-gen .G. Mgr. David N. Barr. Kingston
E. tot:8500kw ; 2200 v . 3 ph.25 cys;5625 | Pur. Agt. Moody Eng'g Co., Inc.
hp . b . Munoz, Bab. & W .; trans . volt . 90 West St., New York , N.Y., U.S.A.
19,100 v .; trolley volt . 600 v. Elec . Engr. H. A.Campbell. Kingston
Power sta . at Havana . Traffic Supt . David Peat .
Repair shops at Luyano . Power sta . equip . 2 d.c. G. E. tot. 500
77 miles; 4-872 g ; 36 pass, and bag- kw ; 3 a. c.G.E.tot. 900kw.500 v.3 ph.
gage and 324 fgt. cars; 10 elec . and 5 Belliss
cys; 750 hp . e . & Morcom ; 700
steam locos. ( Company furnishes energy bp . b. Bab,& W ; 1350 hp. turb .(wtr.js.
for lightingin all towns connected except B.;trans.volt.14,000 v;trolley volt. 550 v .
Havana . ) 50 Power stas . (hydraulic ) at Bog Walk
and (steam ) at Gold St. shops at 151 Orange St. ,
MATANZAS. 36,009 . Kingston .
Reaches Rock Fort Gardens (owned );
1332 - Ferrocarril Electrico de Matan- | leased to Amusement Co.)
zas, S. A. – Office, San Carlos y Re 26 miles ( electric ) ; 4-8 % 2 g; 31 motor
curso . (Controls the Tranvia de and 7 other cars . (Company does light 60
Matanzas and The Yumuri, Matanzas ing business .)
& Bellamar Ry . Co. Operates in
Matanzas and suburbs.) PORTO RICO
Pres . Luis Amezaga . Matanzas
Ist V.Pres. BonifacioMenendez (See under the United States, page 164.)
2nd V. Pres . Pedro U. Bea .
Sec .Eduardo Rodriguez Verrier K
Treas. Bautista Canizo . TRINIDAD
Mgr. & Ch . Engr.
J. Gonzalez Sigarroa . PORT OF SPAIN . 60,000 .
Supt. Antonio Morey .
M. M. , Evelio Bello . 1335 — The Trinidad Electric Co. ,
Supt. of Traffic, Andres Aragon Ltd. - Home office, cor . Park & Fred
Energy purchased from Compania erick Sts ., Port of Spain , Trinidad ;
Anonima Electrica Alemana Cubana . Executive office, Keith Bldg . , Halifax,
12.4274 miles; 4-8 % 2 g ; 21 storage bat- N. S. , Canada . (Operates in Port of
tery cars . 88 Spain and immediate surrounding
territory . )
REGLA . Pres .
( See No. 1331. ) Hon . W. B. Ross . . Halifax , N. S. , Can .
Wm . Gordon -Gordon ,
V.Prests . Port of Spain
SANTIAGO. 45,470. H.R.Silver, Halifax , N.S. ,Can ,
Sec . & Treas . F. B. Oxley
1333 — Compania Electrica de Alum- Audr. T. L. E. Piers ..
brado y Traccion de Santiago.- Accountant,
Office Hartmann, baja 15 , Santiago , George R. Mahon .. Port of Spain
Pres , Jose Marimon , Pur. Agt . Moody Eng's Co., Inc.
Banco Espanol, Havana 90 West St. , New York , N. Y. U.S. A.
V. Pres. Jose Bosch . Santiago Gen. Mgr. S. D.Harding Port of Spain
Sec. Gaston Godoy Asst. Gen. Mgr . K. Macfarlane
Banco Espanol, Havana Elec . Engr. Geo . S. Pollard
Treas. Banco Espanol: .. Isla de Cuba Traffic Supt . Clemente Stoute
Audr. Eduardo Montanchez . . . Santiago Power sta , equip . 2 d . c . G. E. tot . 600
Gen. Fgt . & Pass. Agt . kw ; 3 a . c . G. E. tot . 650 kw . 2200 v . 2ph .
Guillermo Alernany 60 cvs; 2200 np . e . Robb ; 1000 hp. b .
Pur . Agt . Edwardo Guerra Bab . & W ; 750 kw . stm . turb . West ;
Elec . Engr. W. Fuller .. trolley volt . 550 v .
Power sta. and repair shops at Port of Asst . Gen. Mgr .'& Ch . Engr .
Spain . E. 0. Graham . Panama
Reaches Queen's Park , Savannah . Sec . & Treas. E.P. Summerson
14.24 miles; 4-848 & 24 motor pass. New York , N. Y., U.S.A.
cars . (Company does lighting and power Audr. Edmund George Ford... Panama
business .) 129 Supt. Elmer P.Haw .
Claim Agt. J. F. de La Ossa , Jr.
Pur. Agt. Electric Bond & Share Co.
PANAMA 71 Broadway, New York , N. Y.
Ch . Engr. Pwr. Sta . R. Slattery Panama
Engr. Ovhd . Constr. W.J. Swales
PANAMA . 75,000 ( 1915) . - Power sta . equip . 3 a. c . West. tot.
2500 kw . 2300 v . 3 ph . 60 cya ; 1050 hp .
1336_Panama Electric Co. - Office, b . Bab . & W; 2500 kw.stm . turb . West;
71 B'way., New York , N.Y., U.S.A. energy also purchased from Cia Paname
(Connects_Panama, Ancon , Balboa , na de Fuerza y Luz; trolley volt. 550 v .
La Boca , Ft . Grant , Bella Vista and 1 sub -sta . cap . 600 v ; 2-300 kw . rot .
Sabanas. ) conv . Westg .
Pres. Repair shops at North Ave. & Ameri
W.J. Ferris.. New York , N. Y. , U.S.A . can Wharf.
( E. W. Hill . New York Reaches Bella Vista Bathing Beach and
V.Prests . D. F. McGee. Pavilion .
& Gen. Mgr . 10.5 miles; 3-6 8; 22 motor and 2 freight
James S. Dales . ...Panama cars , * 50
Arranged Alphabetically by Name
1st Vice -President, J. F. Christy, Mgr. , Young , Audr ., Scioto Valley Trao
Jonesboro Light & Water Co., Jones- tion Co., K. A. George, Audr .,
boro , Ark. Indiana Railway & LightCo.
2d Vice-President, J. A. Whitlow , Mgr., Annual meeting, January . * 50
Pine Bluff Co., Pine Bluff , Ark.
Secretary - Treasurer , S. E. Dillon , Mgr.,
Public Utilities ,Hot Springs , Ark. Contral Blootrio Railway
100 Assoolation .
Gen. Mgr ., Windsor, Essex and Lt. & Power Co., Boulder, Col.
Lake Shore Rapid Ry Co.,M. W. 2d Vice-President, T. 0.Kennedy, Gen.
Kirkwood, Mgr. Grand River Ry . Supt., The Denver Gas & Elec. Lt.
Co.and Lake Erie & Northern Ry. ActgCo., Denver,- Treasurer
. Secretary Col. .Miss Mlonie
Co.; A. W. McLimont, Vice - Presi
dent and Gen. Mgr., Winnipeg B. W. Baker, The Denver Gas &
Electrio Ry. Co .: Geo . Kidd , Gen. Elec. Lt. Co., Denver.
Mgr . British Columbia Eleo. Ry . Executive Committee : W. J. Barker ,
Co .; R. M. Reade Supt. Quebec Ry. Gen. Mgr., Tho Denyer Gas & Elec.
Lt. & Pwr. Co;. Lt. Col. G.Č . Lt.Co., Denver; Walter Brown, Moun
Royce, Gen.-Mgr., ' Toronto ' Subur tain State . Tel. & Tol. Co., Denver ,
ban Ry. Co. and C. L. Wilson , Col.; J. F. Dostal, Gen. Mgr., Colo
Mgr ., Toronto & York Radial Ry. rado Springs Lt., pt. & Pwr . Co.,
Co. * 50 Colorado Springs ; W.C. Sterne, The
Summit County Pwr. Co., Denver ;
E. A. Phinney, Gen. Mgr. Jefferson
Contral Elootrlo Rallway County , Pwr. & Lt. Co.,Goldon , Col.
Aocountants ' Association . * B0
President, C. B. Kleinhans, Audr., Illaol , Klootrio Rallway .
Toledo & Indiana Railroad . Assoolatlon .
1st Vice - President, A , R , Baxter, Audr.,
Indianapolis & Cincinnati Tract. Co. President, W. C.8parks, Geni Mgr. Rook
2nd Vice -President, Irwin Fullerton, ford & Interurbap Ry.Co.
Audr., Detroit, United Lines. lot Vice- Prosidont, K. M. Walter, Qon .
Secretary andTreasurer, A.L. Neereamer, Mgr.Terro Hanto (Ind.) & Western
808 Traction - Terminal Bldg. , India- Ry, Co.
napolis, Ind . W. L. Arnold , Qen.
3d Vice-President, Bellvide
Executive Committee: Homer Ruhl, Mgr. Elgla . & re Eloc. Co.,
Audr., Ft. Wayne and Decatur Chicago .
Trac. Co.;E. 0. Reed , Audr. West- Secretary- Tregsgror , R. V. Prathor, 808
ern Ohio Ry . , Lima, O .; F. K. Do Witt -Smith Bldg., Springfield .
Executive Committee: President, 1st and 2nd Vice -President, Carl D. Jackson ,
2d Vice - Presidents and D. E. Parsons Wisconsin .
Gen. Mgr . East St. Louis & Suburban , Secretary , James B. Walker , 49 Lafay
Ry . Co., East St. Louis; Frank J. ette St. , New York , N. Y.
Baker, Vice -Pres. Public Service Co. Next convention , Nov. 9 , 1920 , Wash
of Northern Ilinois; E. C. Faber, ington , D. C. * 50
Vice- Pres. Aurora , Elgin & Chicago
R. .R.MgCo
Gen C.nois
r ..; Illi Trand
H. Ha ony ,SysAss
ctish temt. New England Electric Freight
Association .
Springfield ; H. E. Chubbuck , V. Pres .
Exec . Illinois Traction System ;
Britton I. Budd , Pres . Chicago Elev . President, R. E. Cosgrove, Fgt. & Pass.
Roads; J. R. Blackhall, Gen. Mgr . Agt. Springfield St. Ry. Co., Spring
Chicago & Joliet Electric Ry . Co. field , Mass.
50 Secretary - Treas. F. C. Lewis, Gen. Fgt.
Annual meeting , January , Agt. Boston & Worcester St. Ry . Co.,
Framingham , Mass . 50
Iowa Electric Railway
Association . New England Street Rallway Club .
President, H. E. Weeks, V. Pres . Tri
City Ry. & Lt, Co., Davenport, Iowa. President, I. A. May , New Haven , Conn .
Vice -President, R. A. Leussler , Gen. Vice -Presidents for States: Alfred Swee
Mgr . Omaha & Council Bluffs Street ney. Maine; Job Lindall,Boston,
Railway Co. , Omaha , Nebr. Mass .; Thomas H. Kendrigan , N.
Sec . and Treasurer , C. E. Fahrney, Gen. H .; F. S. Nicholson , Vt.; Walter C.
Mgr . Ottumwa Railway and Light Slade, Providence , R. I.; J. S. Good
Co. , Ottumwa , Iowa . win , Bridgeport, Conn .
Board of Directors: President, Vice- Secretary , John W.Belling ,Boston, Mass.
President, Secretary, Treasurer and Treasurer, Fred F. Stockwell,Cambridge ,
F. J. Hanlon , Gen. Mgr ., Mason Mass .
City & Clear Lake Railroad Co. , Finance Committee: 1. A. May, New
Mason City , Iowa ; E. C. Allen , Haven, Conn .; B. W. Barnell, Win
Gen. Mgr. Cedar Rapids & Marion chester, Mass .; C. A. Record , Cam
City Ry. Co. , Cedar Rapids, Iowa. bridge, Mass .
Annual meeting , June. * 50 Executiv e Committee:- J. E. Dozier ,
Lynn , Mass .; A. F. Walker , Boston ,
Kansas Public Service Association Mass.; A. A. Hale , Boston , Mass .;
Wm . W. Field , Cambridge, Mass .;
President , R. G. Lafite , Eureka, Kans. Edward Dana, Boston , Mass .; L. P.
1st Vice -President, Otto Theis, Garden Morris, Boston, Mass .; Walter C.
Bolt , Boston , Mass . * 50
City, Kans.
2d Vice- President, H. F. Jackm , Min
neapolis , Kans. New York Electric Railway
3d Vice -President, W. C. Sharp , Con Association .
cordia , Kans .
tonwood Falls,rer, W. W. Austin , Cat- President,
Kans. Edw. A.Maher, Jr., Vice-Pres.
& Gen , Mgr ., Third Ave. Ry . , New
Executive Committee : C. L. Brown , Abi York .
lene; H. W. Magruder , Liberal; W. 1st Vice -President, Talmadge C.Cherry,
E. Quillen , Hutchinson ; A. M. Pat Vice - Pres . & Gen. Mgr . Rochester &
ten , Topeka; L. 0. Ripley , Wichita ; Syracuse R. R. Syracuse.
W.W. Austin , Cottonwood Falls. 50 2d Vice -Pres ., W. 0. Wood , Pres. New
York & Queens County Trac. Co. ,
Mississippi Electrical Association Long Island City .
Secretary - Treasurer, Wm . F. Stanton ,
President , H. E. Brandi, Meridian . Asst . to President, New York State
Vice -Pres ., R. B : Claggett , Greenville . Rys ., Rochester , N. Y.
Secretary and Treasurer , E. $ . Myers, Executive Committee : The officers and
Vicksburg . 50 James E. Hewes , Gen. Mgr . Albany
Southern R. R. Co. , Rensselaer; Geo.
Missourl Assoclation of Publle Keegan , Asst . to Pres. & Gen. Mgr .
Interborough Rapid Transit Co. , New
Utilities York , Benj. E. Tilton , Vice -Pres. &
Acting President & let Vice -President, Gen. Mgr . New York State Railways ,
L. P. Andrews , Sedali a . , St. Louis . Syracuse; Wm . E.Gove, Supt. Equipt.
2d Vice -Presiden t, H. Spoehrer Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. 50
3rd Vice -President , Col. P. J. Kealey,
Kansas City . Oklahoma Utilities Association .
Secretary and Treasurer, F. D. Beardslee,
Execut CommiSt.
N. 12th
315ive , St.
ttee Louis . J. Kealy ,
: Philip President, J. W. Shartel, Vice- President
& Gen. Mgr . , Oklahoma Ry . Co. ,
Kansas City ; B. C. Adams , Joplin, Oklahoma City .
E. J. Mexico;
R. Locke,
Lexington; S. Tritle, St. Bates,
Worth Louis. 1st Vice-President, C. E. Devin, Mgr .,
e Co., Apache.
(Associate Member, representing andApache TelephonJ.M.
Vice -President, Gayle, Utility
class " C " members .) acountant, Oklahoma City .
Public Affairs
Chair man , Committ eeh;: V.
St. Josep J. F. Porter: Treasurer, Wm . Meo , Pres., Security
L. Elbert,
National Bank , Oklahoma City .
Kansas City ;c .Bruce Cameron
Deal,Sprin , ld
gfie St.; Manager, H.A. Lane, 1107 First National
Louis; E. Bank Bldg . , Oklahoma City . * 50
J. H. Van Brunt. St. Joseph ; H.
Wurdack , St. Louis; E. A. Algermis
sen , Montgomery; W. H. Henby, The Pacife Clalm Agents
* 50 Association .
University City . .
National Association of Rallway President ,W.H. Moore , San Diego (Cal .
and Utility Commissioners Elec . Ry. Co.
1st Vice-President,C.A. Blackburn , Butte
( Mont . ) Elee . Ry. Co.
1st Vicet,-Presid
Presiden WalterentA.
, Shaw
James, Illinois .
A. Perry , 2d Vice -President , J. 8. Mills , San Fran
cisco -Oakland ( Cal.) Terminal Rwys .
Arranged by States
Alabama Pablic Service Oommis- W. C. Fankhauser,
sion Chlef Dept. Finance and Accts.
Montgomery Hagh T. Gordon , Att'y.
Sam P. Kennedy , MyronWestovor
Anniston , Pres. Wm . T. Satterwhito Examiners .
Commissioners. W. J. Handlord
B. H. Cooper,
Montgomery Ralph A. Sollars. Chiof Reporter.
S. P. Galllard , Mobile C. H.Lovoland, Chlef Hydraulic
Atticus Mullin , Sec ., Montgomery. Section .
50 L. 8.Ready, Chlef Gas& Elec , Soction .
A. L. Wiloon, Chior Tel. & Tel. Section.
* 60
Arizona Corporation Commission ,
Phoenix Oanada, Board of Railway Com
Amos A. Botto missioners for
Chairman . Ottawa, Ont.
F. A. Jones
D. F. Johnson
A. E. Stelzor, Seo.
Ben Ferguson , Engineer.'
Commissioners . Hon . T. B. Carvoll,
K. C. , Chief
S. J. McLean ,LL.B.,
Ph . D. , Asst. Chief
D. R. Johnson, Tariff Export Hon. W. BrunoNantel,
H. M. Berry, Audr.
Gertrude Fogle, K. O.,LL.D. Deputy Commissioners
A. S. Goodeve
Chlef Olerk Incorporating Dopt. A. C. Boyce, K. C.
W. J. Graham , Chief Clerk J. G. Rutherford,
Investment Co. Dept. O. M. G.
Chief Clerk , A. D. Cartwright, Sec .
Insurance Dept. E. A. Primeau , Asst. Sec. (Fronch )
S. R. Williamson , Chief Clerk, Auto Dept. R. Richardson , Asst . Sec .
* 50 James Hardwell, Ch . Trafilo Omcer.
Geo. A. Mountain , Chiof Engr.
Arkansas Corporation Oom. T.L. Simmons, Asst.Chlof Engineer.
misslon John Murphy, Blectrical Engineer.
Littlo Rock GeorgeSpencer ,Chief Oper. Oficer.
A. G. Blair, K. O. , Solicitor.
Horbert R. Wilson James Mille, Librn. & Superv. Oficer.
Chairman Commissioners
T. E. Wood . Clyde Leavitt, Chief Fire Inspector. 60
Walter G. Brasher
Guy A. Freeling, Sec . Canada , Dominion of
RobertC. Knox, Gen. Counsel. Departmont of Rallways and Canals .
W. L. Helmreich, Chief Engr. Ottawa, Ont.
David Wilson , Clerk . Hon. J. D. Reid , P. C. , Minletor.
Mrs. J. H. Sanderlin , Rate Clerk G. A. Boll, C.M.G., Deputy Minister.:
0. P. Findley, Reporter. G.W. Yatos, Asst. Deputy
Idene Brasher Stenographers. Minister.
Mamie Browor } * 50 J. W. Pugsley, Sec.
W. A. Bowden , Chief Engr. * 60
Mississippi R. R. Commission
Jackson New Jersey, Board of Public Utility
George R. Edwards, Commissioners of
McCool, President State House , Trenton .
W.B.Wilson , Corinth Commissioners . John W. Slocum ,
C. M. Morgan President
Hattiesburg Geo . F. Wright. Commissioners .
James Galceran , Jackson , Secretary . Andrew Gaul, Jr.
M. C. Moore, Jackson , Rate Expert. Harry L. Knight
*50 Alfred N. Barber, Sec . * 50
Missouri Public Service Commis
sion New Mexico , State Corporation Com
Jefferson City . mission of
W. G. Busby , Santa Fe .
Chairman Hugh H. Williams,
E. J. Bean Chairman Commissioners.
D. E. Blair Commissioners .
J. M. Luna
Edward Flad Bonifacio Montoya
Morrison Cleri
Total - 4 . 118 5
Androscoggin & Kennebec Railway Co .. 24
Bangor Ry. & Elec . Co. 27
Biddeford & Saco R. R. 8
Knox County Electric Co. 3
Portland R. R ... 28
Total - 5 .. 90
Berkshire St. Ry . 58
Boston Elevated Ry. 31
Brockton & Plymouth St. Ry . 6
Concord , Maynard & Hudson St. Ry . 4
Connecticut Vy. St. Ry .
Eastern Mass . St. Ry. Co .. 201
Medway & Dedham St. Ry 4
Middlesex & Boston St. Ry .. 6 4
New Hampshire
Concord & Manchester Elec . Br .. 12
Laconia St. Ry . 2
Nashua St. Ry . 8
Portsmouth Elec. Branch of Boston & Maine R. R 8
Total - 4 . 22 8
Rhode Island
Newport & Providence Ry .. 5 3
Barre & Montpelier Trac. Co ... 2
Rutland Ry . & Light Co. 1
Total - 2 .. 3
North of the Ohio and Potomac and East of the Mississippi River
District of Columbia
Washington Ry . & Elec . Co ...... 6
Alton , Granite & St. Louis Trac. Co.
(a ) (u )
Aurora , Elgin & Chicago R. R. 40
Cairo Ry . & Lt. Co. 11
Centralia Trac. Co ..
Chicago & Joliet Elec. Ry .
Chicago, No. Shore & Milwaukee R. R. 10
Chicago, Ottawa & Peoria Ry .
Decatur Ry. & Lt. Co .. 20
E. St. Louis & Suburban Ry .
E. St. Louis Ry ..
Quincy Ry .. 25 1 5
Rockford & Interurban Ry. 12
Springfield Consolidated Řy . 17 7
Sterling, Dixon& Eastern Elec. Ry .
St. Louis & E. St. Louis Elec . Railway .. 2
Urbana & Champaign Ry. Gas & Elec . Co. 6 2
Total - 28 . 194 24 99
Beech Grove Trac . Co ....
Central Indiana Ltg . Co .. 3
Chicago , So. Bend & No. Indiana Trac. Co.
Evansville & Ohio Valley Ry . Co ..
Gary & Hobart Trac . Co.
Gary St. Ry .. 20
Indiana Ry . & Lt. Co .. 10
Indiana Service Corp ... 65
Louisville & Northern Ry. & Lighting Co. (a )
Louisville & Southern Indiana Ry. 10
Public Utilities Co. 8 20 3
Terre Haute Trac . & Lt. Co. 63 16
Union Traction Co. of Indiana . 13
Vincennes Traction Co ...
Washington St. Ry .. 3
Hagerstown & Frederick Ry .. 3
Towson & Cockeysville Elec . Railway .. 1
United Rys. & Electric Co. of Baltimore . 33 9
Total - 3 . 36 10
Adrian St. Ry.. 4
Benton Harbor -St. Joe Ry . & Lt. Co. 4
Detroit United Ry . 10 38
Escanaba Trac . Co. 1
Grand Rapids Ry . 19
Houghton County Trac. Co. 2
Ironwood & Bessemer Ry . 8
Manistee Railway ... 4
Menominee & Marinette Lt. & Trac . Co. 23
Michigan Railways.. 36
Muskegon Trac. & Lt. Co. 6
Saginaw - Bay City Ry .. 40 63
Total- 12 . 117 65 78
New Jersey
Jersey Central Trac. Co... 3
Morris County Trac . Co .. 14
Penn . & N , J. Trac . Co .. 11 2
Public Service Ry . 200 7
Salem & Penns Grove Trac . Company . 6
Trenton & Mercer County Trac . Corp. 60
Total - 6 , 291 12
New York
Batavia Trac. Co .. la )
Binghamton Ry.. 25 16
Brooklyn City Ry. 98
Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. 200
Buffalo & Lake Erie Trac . Co ..
Corning & Painted Post St. Railway
Elmira Water, Lt. & R. R. Co ... 7
Empire State R. R .. 6
Geneva, Seneca Falls & Auburn R. R. 2
International Ry ..
New York & Stamford Ry . 7
Total - 17 . 360 93 85
Ashtabula Rapid Transit Co ..
Chillicothe Elec. R. R. & Light Co.
Cincinnati , Georgetown & Portsmouth R. R.
Cincinnati, Milford & Blanchester Trac . Co ..
Cleveland , Southwestern & Columbus Ry ..
Total - 12 ... 93 7 15
Altoona & Logan Valley Elec . Ry . (a ) (a)
Beaver Valley Trac. Co ..
Butler Railways .
Chambersburg & Shippensburg Ry .
Citizens Traction Co. 10
Coatesville Trolley Co .. 2
Corry & Columbus Trac. Co. 2
Lancaster & York Furnace Street Ry 1
Lehigh Valley Transit Co..
Montgomery Transit Co.
Northwestern Pennsylvania Traction Co. 6
Pennsylvania -Ohio Elec. Co .. 20
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company . 25
Reading Tr. & Lt. Co.
Susquehanna Traction Co. ៩ទី
Warren St. Ry.. 6
West Penn Railways. 2
Woodlawn & Southern St. Railway . 4
Total- 20 .. 108 5 11
Beloit Traction Co. 6
Eastern Wis. Electric Co. 15 20
Janesville Trac. Co. 5 4
LaCrosse & Onalaska St. Ry 1
Madison Railways. 5 4
Milwaukee Electric Ry . & Light Co. 51 5
Wisconsin Public Service Co. 16
Wisconsin Ry . Lt. & Pwr. Co. 11
Wisconsin Trac. Light, Heat & Power Co .. 3
Wisconsin Valley Elec. Co .. 3 4 8
South of the Ohio and Potomac and East of the Mississippi River.
Alabama Power Co. , 6 2
Birmingham Ry. Lt. & Power Co. 35
Mobile Lt. & R. R. Co ... 10
Montgomery Lt. & Trac. Co. 10
Selma Trac. Co. 7
Total - 5 .. 61 9
Miami Beach Elec . Co .. 10
Miami Trac . Co. 3
Pensacola Elec . Co. (a)
St. Petersburg Municipal Ry . 6
Tampa Elec. Co. 53
Total - 5 . 72 1
Albany Transit Co. 1
Athens Ry . & Elec . Co. 6 10
City & Suburban Ry . 7
Columbus R. R. 17 12
Rome Ry . & Lt. Co. 14
Savannah Elec. Co. (a)
Total - . 23
Henderson Trac. Co ..
Kentucky Trac.& Ter. Co. (a)
Louisville Ry. Co. 11
Owensboro City R. R. 12
Peducah Trao. Co. , (a)
Total - 5 . 30
North Carolina
Carolina Pwr . & Lt. Co .. 15
Fayetteville Trac . Co. 5
Durham Traction Co. 11
North Carolina Public Service Company . 15
Piedmont & Northern Ry .
Piedmont Pwr . & Lt. Co.
Southern Public Utilities Co. 42
Tidewater Power Co.. 20
Total - 8 .. 97 30
South Carolina
Charleston Consol. Ry. & Lighting Co ...... 10 5,
I an
Citizens Railway : - 2
Jackson Ry . & Lt. Co. 18
Knoxville Ry. & Lt. Co. (a)
Nashville Ry. & Lt. Co. 46 3
Tennessee Coal & Iron Co. 2
Total - 5 . 51 23
Blue Ridge Lt. & Pwr. Co.. 4
Charlottesville & Albemarle Ry . 7
Virginia Ry . & Pwr. Co ... 80
Total-3 . 7
West Virginia
Charleston -Dunbar Trac . Co .. 4
Monongahela Vy . Trac. Co .. 9 ::
Ohio Valley Elec. Ry ..
Princeton Power Co.
West Virginia Trac. & Elec . Company 1-3
Wheeling Trac. Co ..
Total- 6 . 16 1
Group Total - 44 (6 ) . 414 Ž
2 150
Total - 2 .. 1 10
Ft . Smith Lt. & Trac. Co. 9
Hot Springs St. Ry .. 을 124
Little Rock Ry. & Elec. Co.
Pine Bluff Co. ( The) . 12
Southwestern Gas & Eleo. Co. 8
Total - 5 . 20 49
Central California Trác . Co. 4
Glendale -Montrose Ry . 3
Fresno Traction Co.. 19
Total - 15 .. 207 5 47
Arkansas Valley Ry . Light & Power Co.
Colorado Springs & Interurban Ry. 35
Denver & So.PlatteRy .
Grand River Valley Ry.
Greeley & Denver R. Ř . (@
Ft. Collins Municipal Ry. 4
Trinidad Elec. Trans. Ry. & Gas Co. 8
Western Lt. & Power Co.
Total - 8 . 41 16
-:6/2 But
Cedar Rapids & Marion City Railway . 20 25
Charles City -Western Ry ... 2
Clinton , Davenport & Muscatine Ry. 20
Clinton St. Ry . 21
Duquesne Elec. Co. 8
Ft. Dodge, Des Moines & So. R. R. 1
lowa Ry. & Lt. Co.. 7 14
Iowa Southern Utilities Co. , (a )
Keokuk Elec . Co ... 5
Mason City & Clear Lake Railway 5 2
Mississippi Vy. Elec . Co .. 1 9
Oskaloosa Trac . & Lt. Co .. 1 6
Ottumwa Ry . & Lt. Co... 21
Peoples Gas & Elec . Co ... 6
Sioux City Service Co .. 25 7
Waterloo , Cedar Falls & Northern Ry . 27
Arkansas Valley Int. Ry .
Atchinson Ry ., Light & Power Co. 8
Hutchinson Interurban Ry . 3
Kansas City Western Ry .. 6
Kansas Elec. Utilities Co .. 14
Manhattan City & Interurban Ry . 5
Salina St. Ry... 5
Topeka Ry . Co.. 17 38
Wichita R. R. & Lt. Co. 25
Total - 9 . 51 79
Alexandria Munic. St. Ry . 3
Baton Rouge Elec. Co .. 8 6
Monroe St. Ry... 3
New Orleans Ry. & Lt. Co. 40
Shreveport Rys. 9
Total- 5 .. 51 9 9
Duluth St. Ry .. 6
St. Cloud Public Service Co. 2 6
Total - 2 ... 8 8
Cape Girardeau -Jackson Interurban Ry.. 6
City Light & Trac. Co. 8
Kansas CityRys.
Co. & Transit Co. 78
St. Joseph Ry. , Light & Power Co .. 12 8
St. Louis Water Works Ry . 2
Springfield Traction Co .. 30
Union Depot- Bridge & Terminal Co. 8
Total - 8 .. 138 24
Delta Elec . Light, Power & Mfg . Co ... 7
Hattiesburg Traction Co.. 7
Jackson Lt. & Trac . Co .. 10
Meriden Light & Ry. Co .. 15
Total-5 .... 8 44
Great Falls St. Ry. 23
Helena Lt. & Ry . 7
Missoula St. Ry . 13
Total - 3 . 7 13 23
Lincoln Traction Co ..... 34 2
Omaha & Council Bluffs St. Railway
Omaha , Lincoln & Beatrice Railway . 3 1
Total - 3 ... 42 3
New Mexico
City Electric Co ....... ....... 7
SafetyRebuilt Other
Name of Company
North Dakota
Grand Forks St. Ry . 6
Bartlesville Interurban Ry . 5
Enid City Ry : 10
Oklahoma Railway . 10
Oklahoma Union Ry . 13
Pittsburgh County Ry 6
Tulsa St. Ry .. 6 6 9
Total - 6 . 25 16 24
Pacific Pwr. & Lt.'Co..... 3
Portland Ry . Lt. & Pwr. Co. 25 11
Total - 2 . 28 11
South Dakota
Aberdeen Railroad . 4 12
Sioux Falls Trac . Systems . 6 1
Total-2 . 10 13
Amarillo St. Ry . 5
Austin St. Ry .. 20 16
Beaumont Trac . Co. 10 20
Corpus Christi Ry. & Lt. Co. 10
Dallas Railway Co. 14
Total- 20 . 318 69 75
Salt Lake & Utah R. R. 1
Utah-Idaho Central R. R. 18
Total - 2 .. 18
Gray's Harbor Ry . & Lt. Co.
Lewiston -Clarkson Transit Company 3
North Coast Power Co .. 3 (a)
Olympia Light & Power Co.
Pacific Power & Light Co. 3 5
Puget Sound International Railway & Power Co. 18 4
Puget Sound Traction , Light & Power Co .. 104 8
Seattle & Rainier Vy. Ry. Co .. 7
Seattle Municipal Ry .. 10 29
Spokane & Eastern Ry. & Pwr. Co. and Inland
Empire R. R. Co 8
Tacoma Ry . & Power Co. 67 6
Walla Walla Vy . Ry . Co. 5
Washington Wtr . Pwr. Co .. 85
Western Washington Pwr. Co. 4 ( a)
Yakima Vy . Transp . Co .. 8
Brandon Municipal Ry .. 7
Calgary Municipal Ry. (e) 66
Cape Breton Elec . Co., Ltd. 2 22
Edmonton Municipal St. Ry (a )
Hydro - Electric Pwr. Com 4
Lethbridge Municipal Ry . 9 4
Levis County Ry .. 26 2 4
Moncton Tramways, Electric & Gas Co., Ltd. 5
-SafetyCars Other
Name of Company New Rebuilt Types
Nova Scotia Tramway & Power Co. , Ltd. 48
Peterboro Radial Ry .. 2
Quebec Ry . Lt. & Pwr. Co.
Sherbrooke Ry . & Pwr . Co. 3
Three Rivers Trac. Co. 12
Total - 13 . 113 24 98
Bethel , W. N 511 Blouin , J. C.
Beveridge , J. B 1296 Prackenridge , W. A ... 74
1244 Blunk , Adolf. 767 Brackett, W. S. .83, 86
Bibb, C. É . 81 Boardman, A, Jay,
Bibby, C. 1284
401 , 420b
Bradburn , C. R. 1213
Bioe, Edwin S. 496 Boardman , F. 682 Bradbury, J. H.
Bickenbach , H , L. 560 Book, E. J. 213 Bradfield , J. O.
Bickford, E. C. 1139 Boden , Thos. 1244 Bradford, Frank H. 380
Bickford, W. M 560 Bodine, s . T. 982 Pradlee, Henry G. 408, 409
Bickham , D. F. 1066 Boehm , F. J... 1220, 1224 Bradle y. A. C. 48
Bicknell, Warren 823 , 842 Boeken Fred
, . 64 Bradley, A.S. 139
Biddison , A. J .. 880 86 Bradl ey, E. A.
Boettcher, Chas 95 , 411a, 576, 1137
Bideler, Á . I. d G. T
Bie, Walter . 1218 Bogar , 360 Bradley , F. W 66
Bogardus, Marvin J.. 600
Biel, E. H. 855 e 869 Bradley, Lee C. 3, 4
235 Bogu
Boha , J. L.
nnan, C.R ...285, 286 Brad ley, Luke C.
Bierd , W.G
Bierman , John . 1034 Bohnson , B 306
1100 , 1101 , 1107, 1111
Biery , H. R. 213
249 Boileau , W.E. .491, 1211 813 Bradley, Ralph R ..
Bigbee, A. U. 347 Boisen, L. N. Bradley, Wm. J .. 688
Bigelow , Charles H .. 599
Boisen , R. L. 491 Bradley , Wm . M. 1068
Bigelow , E. S .... .329, 341 Bolen, N. W .602, 614 Bradner,E. A.... 420
Bigham , Kirk 0 . 985
Bollin, Frank .. 221a Bradner, Geo. H. 40
Bilderback , V. A 1165 1161
Bolster, Leon .
Bilger, F. W. 50a Bolt, Walter C. .398, 424 Bradner , H. A. 249
Billhardt, F. E 48 401 Brady , Arthur W
Bolton , C. H 938 1297
Billing, J. M. 132
Brady, F. P.
Billings, C.1202,
P. 1205 , 1208 Bonn,Bonfield , J.J. Brady, J. G 65
A. E. 739
ad y
179 Br , J. M 1334
Billings, E. S. 548 Bonner, D. 696 Brady , Peter . 234
Billings , J.S. 15 Bonnet , T. W 799
855 Bonynge, Win . H 1022 Bragdon , Roy.
Billings, Rex D Booker, R. M. 1145 Bramble, B. E.
Bindrim , Julius 644 . 791, 794 166, 209, 210, 229 , 233 ,
Boos, E. J.
Binkley, J. O 1263 234, 238 , 322, 533
Booth , Gardner, E .... 121
Binkley, M. J. 632 Booth, J 101 Bramlette, J. M .. 563
Birg, Joseph .. 364 Boothe, Gardner L ... 115a Branch , Ben...
Birge, Cyrus A. 1263 Booth , I. W. 1183 Branderburg , T. 1314
Bischmann , A. P 217 Borton , Fred S 854 Brandon , H. M .. 774
Bishop, C. H. .902, 951 Bosch, José . 1333 Brannon , Allen O. 549
Bishop, E. A .. 1152, 1156 Bosenberry , J. M. 233 Branson , H. 1205
Bishop, G. C 718 Bosler, C. H. Branzell , Charles.. 490
Bishop, George T. 391 866 , 879, 1117, 1118 Brassill, J. K. , 65
Bishop, S. A. 48 Rosman , David . 640 Bratnober , C. P. 508
Biskup, Frank J. 1061 Bostwick , C. E., Jr... 124 Bratnober, H. L. 588
Bissett, R. C. 1256 Boteler, W.G .... 609 Brauer , Geo. H. 867
Bitzer, T. E. 806 Botte , L. W. 474 Braun , Chas. A. , 1100 , 1101
Bivins, W. T 68 Boucher , William J. Braun , C. J. , Jr.
Bjorck, F. R. 510 676a, 686a 911 , 963, 986 , 990 , 995
Black , Joseph 954 Poulton, Chas .. 879 Braun. Math . 502
Blackburn, Chas. A .. 557 Bourner, G. H. 779 Brauning, H. E .. 1984
Blackburn , w.J. 1066 Bourgeois, L. A. 1117, 1118 Bray, A. J.
Plackett, J. R 124. Bourne, C.E. 52 488, 492a, 494 , 495, 500
Blackhall, J. R. 217 Bourne, G. H. Breckinridge, Richard 162
Blackham , H. J. 484 , 486 , 488 , 493 , 494 Breckman , Henry .... 220
721 , 722 , 723 Bourne , J. D 445 Breckman, Louis. 220
Blackwell , A. L ..... 876 Bourne , M.
Blackwell , J. T 33 Breckman,
1151 Bouslog , H. C..275 , 290 w.F.M.
Breder, Charles 220
Blair , D. E. 1299 Bowden , Frederic J .. 489
Blair, Edw . J. Bowe , T. P .. 622 602, 603 , 614
Bredlan, Fred 848
174 , 184 , 185 , 187 Bowen , Geo . W. 778
Breidenbach , W. F .. 1234
Blair, Forrest E. 253 Bowen , S. R. .116 , 119
350 Breithaupt, W.H. 12678
Blair, G. F. 1307 Bower, A. M.
Blair , Henry A. 177 , 178 Bower , w.C. 682 Breneke, R. H .. 1113
Blair, J. P. 67 Bowerfind , H. J. 257 Preennan, Charles, 622 , 754
Blaisdell, B. H. 1042 Bowes, Alfred .. 61 Brennan , James .. 476
Blake, Alfred D .. 1063 Bowes , Joseph , Jr. 1084 Brennan , Thos . J. 853
31 Blake, Chas . 248 Bowie, G. W 377 Brenner, Jacob . 723
Blake, E. M. 678 Bowie , H. R. 855 Bresette , James.. 735
Blake, Edwin T 50a Bowles , J. H la Brewer, E. H .. 641
Erickson, C. J ..
Erlach , P. A ..... 212, 223 Farrell , A. M 229 Fisher , H. B. 1090
Erlenborn , A. J .. 163 Farrell , F. L. 40 Fisher, H. M. 679, 702, 719
Ernsberger, E. R .. 305 Farrell , J. D. 1181a Fisher, John .. 518
1062 Farrell , John J 136 Fisher, Mary E. 1018
Ernst, C. J. 582 Fisher, M.M. 1170
Ernst, F. P. 771 Farrell, L. J. 732
Ernst, w , A. 387 Farrell , P. H 851 Fisher, W.C ..
323 Fitch, E , C. 990
Errett , H. C 1127 Farrell, W. B .
Errickson , Silsbee 967a , 967 Farrer , L.L. 1291 Fitch , N.M 537a
Geran , John .. 657 Gordon , J.W .... 968, 1004 Greene , Howard
Gerehart, Thomas.. 679 Gordon, Stanton . 1222 516, 1218, 1227a
Gerhardt, P. L .. 668 Gordon -Gordon, Wm . 1335 Greenland, J. A ...257 , 266
Gerhart, P.F. 931 Gorman ,G.H. 806 Greenland, Sam W. 257, 266
Geringer, J.J. 265 Gorman, James P., 932, 933 Greenleaf, E. F .. 369
Gerke , J. W ... 649 , 717 Gorman , T. M .. 1074 Greenough , Wm . H ... 1019
Germann , M. L. 836 Gorr, H.G. 314 Greenshields, J. P. 308
Gerould , D. L .. 13 Gorse, E. H. 32, 1047
1113 Greenwood , Benj.
Greer, B. B.
Gessner , R. H Gosling, E.P.
Getchell, W.B. 386 Goss , C.A. 1106 Greer, H. C. 819
Gething, Frank 860 Gos
s, E. W. (Pa.)
1032 Greet , A. 7
.. 1174 Gregory, Claus
235 Goss, E. W.(Wash . 781
Gibbons, E.T. .)
Gibbs , F. N .. 969 Goss, Roy G. Chas. E. 383
Gibbs, George. .718 , 725 159, 200, 201, 202 Gregory, Fred 383
Gibson , H. 1243 Gossard , C. E .. 952 Gregory , H. B. 326
Gibson , John K. 1063 Gossler143,
, Philip G. Gregory, T.W . 158, 159
Gibson , Murray . 747 559, 1060, 1186 200 , 201 , 202, 203, 205
Gibson , Thos . 974 Gottschalk , E.J. 165 Greisser, V. H. 1176
Gifford , C. W 451 Gottschalk , Otto.. 721 Grenier, A.S. 708
Gil , Matias 1043 643 Greve, John.. 208
Gilbert, D. W 564 Gough, H. E. Gretchell, W. B .. 383
694a Goug
h , H.T .93, 1281
107 Grey, Norman .
Gilbert, E.M Gould , A. B. . 120, 121
Gilbert, Frank S. 388a 381 Gribbel, John .. .979, 1089
Gilbert, Harry E. 388a Gould , A. R. 162 Griest, W. W .946, 947
1288 Gould , E. F O 226 , 242
Gilbert, Robert .
193 Gould , H. M .. 103 Griffin , C,
Gilchrist, John F 113 Griffin , Jas. P 1097
616 Gould , J.L. 953
Gildea, M ..
1327 Gould , L. E 381 Griffin , P. P.
Giles, Carl C.. 80 Gould , P. A. 744
Griffin , W. A. 1273
Gill, A.S. Griffin , W. V. 176 , 184 ,
..1100, 1101 Gould , Russell. 55a
185,187, 188, 190 , 213
Gill , R. A. 1306 Gould , Wm . F
Gill , Robert . 199 Griffith , C. J.. 29
Gill , W. T. 765 Gould , Willard M. 660
F. B.
Griffith , 1263
Gille , H. J 1172 Gouzalz, L. 1317
Gove , W.G
840 Goward, 667 Griffith,
Franklin T .. 886
Gillen, W.
Gillespie A
, W.T 1160 A.T. 1243 Griffith, J. B .. 1263
105 Gowen , Francis I. Griffith, J. M. 1021
Gilliam , H. 687, 718, 975 Griffit h , L, F. 29
Gilliland , J.S. 253
Gillis, R. C. 59 Gowling , W.E. 1330 Griffith , McKinstry . 1021
Gills , J.P. 1182 Grace, J. C. Griffith, Wm . M. 633
Gilman , L. C. ..884 , 889 1285 , 1287, 1289 Griggs, G. L... 1062
Gilman, W. F..212 , 223 Grace, J.J 930 Griggs, J... 822
Gilmour, L.D. Howard 603 Grace J. W 55a Grim , O. E. 1041
Grady, A. W 767 Grimes, E. D. 806
Gilpin , H. G .... 824, 839
391 Graeber, C. G. 1014 Grimes, S. H. 347
Ginn , Frank H.
Ginter, M. E. .917, 918 Graf, R. J ... .90, 189, 323 Griscom , Rodman E .. 635
Given , Warren . 451 Graff, L. E.. 1041 Grissel, W 788
Gladwell, Wilson & Co. , Graham , C. Merwyn . 966 Groat, F. H. 50
1307 Graham , Charles É... 890 Groesbeck, C. E. 699, 1131
509 Groff, E. V.
Glass, 0, L .. 222 Graham , E .. 325
Glassford , Oscar . 162 Graham , E. O ... 1336 Grookett, Thos. W. , Jr.
682 Graham , Edward M .. 371 590 , 591, 617 , 909 ,
Glazier, G. M 912, 1035
Gleason , C.B. 402 Graham , F. M .. 320
Gleason , Hollis T. 451 , 1101 Graham , John . 1065 Grooms, Bascom , L .. 125
Glendeni ng , J. W. Graham , Joseph B. 296 Gross, E. W ..... 570, 1174
488, 492a , 493, 494 , 495, Graham , O. S. 351 Grosscup , Fred Paul . 1184
Graham , R. N. 855 Ground , J. W 341
Glen n , W. H .... 133, 134 Graham , Ray A. 296 Grove, H. P. 937
Glick , R. M. 987, 988 Graham , Robert. 296 Grove, L. L. 760
Glidden , Arthur I 1047 Graham , W. A .. 1273 Grove , P. L. 687
Glidden , E. M. 1051 Graham , W. M. 151 Gruhl, Edwin
Glover, F.R. 1242 Graham ng , Z. F. 296 703, 715 , 1220, 1227
Glover, M. W. Grambli , Edward C. 131 Grumbine, E. M..... 930
965a, 991 , 996, 1202, Grant, C. H 1019 Guckes, Philip E .. 944
1205, 1206 , 1208 Grant, H. W .... 1166 , 1167 Guernsey , R. C ... .818
Glovinger , A. B. 948b Grassick , James . 1307 Guerra , Edwardo .. 1333
Glynn , C.N 421 Graston , M. E .. 249 Gulick , John H.
Gobble, H. M. 867 Gratiot, F. W 222 190 , 198, 208, 237
Gobel, P. W 536a Grau , C. E.. 670 Guilliams, J. R .. 178
Godchaux, Edward . 362 Grauton , S. H. 536 Guiney, D. W 79
Goddard , A. A ... 7 Graves, A. G. 1235 Guinness, B.S 69, 596
Godoy, Gaston .. 1333 Graves, W. F. 1299 Gumpf , E. M. 789
1329 Gray , Rert . 1107, 1111 Gunderson , J. W 162
Godoy, J. 818 Gray, E. H. 215, 233 Gundlach, L. J. 179 , 191
Goeke, J. H
Goeke & Boesel 825 Gray , George H. Gunn , E. B 825
401, 436 , 537a Gunn, w.C. 540
Goepper, Edward 816
283 Gunn , W. R. 540
Goetz , E.F. 905 Gray, Jas . K.
283, 799 Green , A. E. 494 Gunsul, Harvey 163
Goff ,FH
Goff, Robt. S .. 1047 Green , A. M. 499 Gurley , W. W 178
Golden , Edward A. 497 Green , C. D. (Tenn .) 1072 Guthrie, Ira E.
Goldlust , M ... 855 Green , C , K. 1263 254 , 275 , 285, 286, 290
Golden, É . L ..W. H. 682 Green , C. L. 79 Gutierrez, J. M .. 1315
Goodenough, 827 Green, Calvin . 1122 Guy, Leonard . 16
Goodner, A.W. 869 Green , D. C. 24 Guy, Luthe r . 1058
Goodnow , C.A. 556 Green , F. 662 Guy, L. E. 765
Goodrich , A. E. 101 Green , George E. 450 Guyon , Alfred J. 402
Goodrich, Donald 510 Green , J. W. 1086 Guyton , W. H ....200 , 201
Goodsell, C. B .. 510 Green , R. J. 1149 Gwynn, F. D. 130
Goodspeed , J. H 406 Green , Theodore F.
Goodwin , John W. , 590 , 591 1050, 1052, 1053, 1053a Haag, F. E. 706
Goodykoontz, W. B .. 1218 Greene , C. E .. 319 Haag , W. G. 1124
276 Greene, E. L .. 1041 Haas, F. J. 265
Gordon, A ...
Gordon , F. C. 24 , 35 Greene, Geo. de B. 69 Haas, H. P. 105
Gordon , Fred D. , 376, 378 Greene , George E .. 650 Haberly , Jas. H. 257
Johnstone, A. J ... 886 Keever , C.S. 249 King, Ellis G ........ 126a
Johnstone, Chas . 1304 Kehl,W.J. 1156 King, E. R.
Jolly, A.S. 1060 Keifer, W. W. 838 1002, 1003, 1004
Jollye, H. P. L. 1042 Keiser, D.L. 32 King , G. L... 65
Jonas , E.J. 788 Keith , K.J 313 King, J. B. 492a , 494
Jones , A.C. 526 Kell , Frank .. 1126 King, J.L ... 128
Jones , B. F. Jr 994 Keller, J.C. 971 King, J.M 1144
Jones , B.M .. 763 Keller, John W 672 King, J.W 841
Jones, Bert L. 724 Kelley , C.F. 553 King , Perry L. 1121
Jones, C. H. Kelley , C.M. 298 King, R. W 121
170, 184 , 185, 187 Kelley, E. A. 402 King, W. E 118
Jones , C.J. 162 Kelley ,E. F. 745 Kingman , H. R. 708
Jones, D. W 31 , 1234 Kelley, F. A. H. 1187 Kingseed , R., 846
Jones, F 835 Kelley, F. F. 487 Kingsland, W. A 1297
Jones, F.D 1042 Kelley, Howard G. Kington , J.M. 1072
Jones, F.J. 1072 499, 1298 Kinsey, Chester A ... 743
Jones , George R 246 Kelley , Miss P.J. 749 Kinsey , F.S .. 891
Jones, George W 666a Kelley, T.G 24 Kinter, Wm .. 937a
Jones, H.E. 1117 Kellogg, W.F. 1216 Kintz, Joseph F. 301
Jones, H. L.. 772 Kellow , Samuel. 971 Kirchhaine, C.F.1166, 1167
Jones , J. E. (Calif.). 39 Kelly, Haven C. 178 Kirchheiner, Otto.. 125
Jones , J. E. (Can ) .. 1266 Kelly, Robert. 218 Kirk , E. L .. 325
Jones, J.N. 1090a Kelly , Robert F 109 Kirk, H. F 283
Jones, John ... 755 Kelly , T.C ..... 1072 Kirkpatriok , J. C 482
Jones, Mrs. Joseph T. 724 Kelly, Thomas A. 435 Kirkpatrick, L. J 278
Jones, L. E.. 483 Kelsay, George H 798 Kirkwood , M.W. 1259, 1260
Jones, L. M. 1149 Kelsey, Charles B 485 Kirschner, C. J..932, 933
Jones, L. P. 143 Kelton, H. 52 Kirshner. E. H. 516
Jones , L. S. 55a Kemmerer , M. E. 298 Kirwin , Geo . W 538
Jones, M. 223 Kemp, J.A. 1126 Kirzen, E. F. 999
Jones, Owen, M. 1024 Kemp, L. L .. 727 Kittredge, G. W 682
Jones, P.N. .911, 990 Kempster , A. L. 368 Kittsley, Frank . 1213
Jones, Paul R. , 79, 696, 697 Kenady, C. D. 51 Kivlin, Geo . 668
Jones, R. C. 1121 Kendrigan , T. H. Klatte , A. J. 178
Jones, R. D. 579 , 580 , 581 Klein, William . 658
1002, 1003, 1004 Kennedy , D. 55a Klein, W. C. , 606 , 893 , 920
Jones, R. Frank . 143 Kennedy, John . 835a Klemm , K. D 329
Jones, Richmond L.. 590 Kennedy, M. C..904, 975 Kleinhans, C.B. 849
Jones, S. J ..... 529 Kennedy, S.M. 74 Kline, C. 866
Jones, S. M. 522 Kennedy, Thomas B .. 904 Kline, D. G .. 893
Jones, S. Rufus 1117 Kennedy, W.P. 512 Kline, I. B. 966
Jones, T.B. 1135 Kenney, B.J. 953a Kline, J. Simpson 1018
Jones, T.E. 1244 Kenney, T. A. 779 Kline, M. R .. 634
Jones , T.J .. 815 Kenny, Randall .. 1282 Kline, P. D. 1214
Jones , T , Norman Kenoyer , Ray.. 474 Kline, W.C. 1187
1150 , 1156 Kent Jas . V., 676a , 6862 Klingman , F. F. 835a
Jones , W.C.
Jones , W.E
873 Kentfield , L. H. 105 Klinzing: Geo. H. 98
1129 Kerckhoff, Wm 33 Klotz, C. H .. 123
Jones, W.J. 1082 Kerin , Thos.. 52 Klumpp , C. S. 678
Jones, W. L. (N. C.) . 772 Kerr , F.M 558 Knapp , C. H. 936
Jones, W. Larimer Kerr, R. E. 1193 Knapp , C. I. 20
( Pa .) 994 Kerwin, John . .475, Knight, D. G. .602, 614
Jones, W.N 510a 476 , 477, 478, 479, 480 Knight, Eustace J.
Jones, William A.Jr. , 1331 Kessler,Geo .. 944 188a, 193
Jordan , A.C. 643 Kessler, H.G. 197, 240, Knight, F. H .. 379
Jorgensen, E .. 1220 484, 492a , 494, 500, 779 Knight, Peter O. 130
Jossart, J 1218 Kessler, W , M. 809 Knight, S.T 609
Journee, J.F 1315 Kester, E. E. 233 Knott , R.C 494
Joyce, C. J. 977 Keullig . Willis 912a Knowles, E. M. 1196
Joyce , W.F 1309 Key, John . 170 Knox, F. H. 1057
Judge, J.B 104 Keyes,Wm .A. 808 Knox, R. R. 1245
Juhl, M. J 1211 Keys, E .. 216 Kober, Madeline . 644
Keys, Jno. F..475 , Koch , Wm . A .. 262, 357
Kaercher, H.C ...... 741 76, 477, 478, 479, 480 Koehler, R. L ... 1007, 1008
Kaericher, A 1228 Kibling, F. H..655, 656 Koenes, O. 1220
Kahler , Jacob 922 Kidd, George .. 1242 Kohler, J. D. 809
Kalbach, A. E 688 Kidder, E. F. 1181a Kohn, Harry E. 607
Kalsto , Arthur . 1229 Kidder, H. A. 679 Kolstad, C. A. 643
Kalweit, Geo. W 1227 Kidner, Bert .. 923 Koonce, A. R. 29
Kambs, W.B. 291 Kidwelí, H. W 118 Koontz, C. B .. 114
Kane, M. L ... 1245 Kiefer, Wm . Jr. 962 Kopff, Fred L .. 624
Karns, Allen . 816 Kiersted ,E.C.. 153 Kortner, Alex . O 990a
Karr, Frank 48 Kiesewetter, Emil . 802 KOBB, O. F 541
Katte, E. B .. 682 Kifer, E. H ... 1121 Kraemer, H. 1330
Kaufman, N.M. 496 Kihneman ,H.C. 370 Kranbold , A. A 508
Kavanaugh , C.C. 21 Kilbride, M. D 741 Kranta, A.J. 819
Kay, Robert B. 678 Kilburn , E.E. 773 Krause, Geo . D. , 948a, 948b
Kealy , Philip J. 536 Kilburn , S. G. 1182 Krebs, Fred ... 942
Kean, P. J. .881 , 1181 Kilby, H. S. 233, 533 Krebs, George J. 915
Kearney , J.H. 352 Kilfoyle, Thos. P 797 Krebs, Simon .. 915
Kearney , R.P. 1006 Kilgour, Charles 816 Kreider, F. W. 948a , 948b
Kearns, Thos . 51 Killeen , G.C .. 639 Kreider, J.R. 935
Keating, Raymond B. Killey , H.S. 233 Krementz, Richard ... 756
965a , 991 , 996, 1202, Kilmarx, L. E .. 861 Kremer , Jesse B. 1014
1206, 1208 Kimball , c. S. 116, 119 Kressler, C.S .. 495
Keefe , F.F 490 Kimmel , Fred . 268 Kressler, George H .. 899
Keegan , George . . 679 , 685 Kimmel , R. E. 1190 Kretschmer, E. E.
Keeler, Frank 838 Kimmell , Ruth 866 174 , 176 , 184, 185, 187
Keen , C.G .. 979 Kincaide, C.A. 536 Krial, Charles .. 916
Keenan, F.J .. 646 King, C.B. 1270 Kribiel, Wm .. 1029
Keenan, J.C. 990 King , C. H. Jr. 869 Kribe, H.J. 4
Keeney , J.P 1150 King, D. N. 1172 Krick, C. S. .687 , 975
Keeney, John . 1156 King, E. E. 422 Krive ,W.M. 1031
Reid , Harry Rigg, John A ...590 , 591, Rohret, J. H. , 315, 316, 507
254 , 275, 285, 286, 912, 958, 1035 Rollins, E. E .. 219
360 Rigg, Walter A..590, 617, Rollins, James.
290, 277 265
Reid , Homer . 909 Rolston , A. F 800
Reid , R.G. 1309 Riggs, E.G .. 105 Rolston J. E.
Rolston ,,W.
Reidel, Daniel, Jr .. 816 Rihl, C. L. . 1025, 1027 E 536
Reif, Julius A 801 Riley, Thos.
Reiley ,B.F. 791 , 794 537 Romney , D. S.. 1129
Reily , Geo. W Rimelspach, H. 799 Rooke , H. 1291
552 Ring, Frank L. 1181 Roose, Gus . 1029
Reilly , J.F. 1134 Ripley , Willis J.
Reilly , P.T. 113 Root, Oren . 678
The numbers used in the following index correspond with the numbers
preceding the reports of the companies in the body of the Directory.
904 1
Chambersburg & Gettysburg Electric Ry. Co., Chambersburg, Pa...
Chambersburg , Greencastle & Waynesboro Street Ry . Co., Waynesboro, Pa ..... 1031
sburg & Shippensburg Ry. Co., Chambersburg, Pa ....
Charles Western Ry. Co. , Charles City , Ia .. 305
* Charleston Consolidated Ry., Gas & Electric Co., Charleston , S. C... 1055
Charleston Consolidated Ry. & Lighting Co. , Charleston , S. C .1055
Charleston -Dunbar Traction Co. ( The) , Charleston , W. Va .. , 1184
Charleston Interurban R. R. Co. , Charleston , W. Va ..... 1185
* Charleston- Isle of PalmsRy.,Charleston , S. C.. 1056
Charleston -Isle of Palms Traction Co. , Charleston, S. C ... .1056
* Charlotte Electric Ry . Co. , Charlotte, N. C .... 766
Charlottesville & Albermarle Ry , Co. , Charlottesville, Va . 1143
*Chatham County Trac. Co. , Savannah, Ga ... 147, 410
Chatham , Wallaceburg & Lake Erie Ry. Co., Chatham , Ont., Can .. . 1259
Chattahoochee Valley Ry. Co., West Point,Ga.. 150
* Chattanooga RailwaysCo. , Chattanooga , Tenn.. 1065
Chattanooga Ry. & Light Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. 1065
Chattanooga Traction Co., Chattanooga, Tenn .. . 1066
Chautauqua Traction Co., Jamestown, N. Y .. 655
* Chester, Darby & Philadelphia Ry. , Chester, Pa .
*Chester & Delaware Street Ry . , Chester, Pa...
Chester & Derry R. R. , Chester, N. H ..... 5.2
Chester & Eddystone St. Ry . Co. , Chester, Pa . 908
* Chester & Media Electric Ry . , Chester. Pa ... 909
Chester & Philadelphia Ry. Co. , Philadelphia , Pa . 972
* Chester Street Ry. , Chester, Pa ..... 909
Chester Traction Co. , Chester, Pa .... 909
Cheyenne Electric Ry. Co., Cheyenne , Wyo .. 1233
Chicago, Aurora & DeKalb R. R., Aurora , Ill.. 163
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R. Co., Deadwood , S. D. 1062
Chicago City Ry. Co.. Chicago, Ill .. 173
* Chicago & Des Plaines Valley Electric Ry . Co. , Joliet , Ill.. 217
Chicago Elevated Rys . , Chicago, Ill .. 190
Chicago , Harvard &Geneva Lake Ry , Co., Walworth, Wis . 1230
Chicago Heights Street Ry. Co. , Chicago Heights, Ill .. 194
Chicago & Interurban Traction Co., Chicago, Ill .... 174
Chicago & Joliet Electric Ry. Co., Joliet, Ill. 217
* Chicago & Joliet Rapid Transit Co.,Joliet, Ili.. 217
Chicago, Lake Shore & South BendRy. Co., ( The) Michigan City, Ind. 283
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co. Chicago, Ill.. 175
*Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Ry. , Highwood , Il 213
* Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Ry. Co. ( The), Highwood , Ill .. 213
Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. ( The), Highwood , Ili.... ... 213
Chicago & Oak Park Elevated R. R. Co., Chicago , Ill ....... 176
Chicago, Ottawa & Peoria Ry ., Ottawa, IIL .... 229
Chicago Rys. Co. , Chicago, Ill ... 177
Chicago Surface Lines, Chicago, Ill. 178
Chicago , South Bend & Northern Indiana Ry. Co. , Sonth Bend , Ind . 291
* Chicago Subway Co. , Chicago, Ill... 191
Chicago Tunnel Co. , Chicago, Ill.... 1779
Chicago Utilities Co., Chicago , Ill .. 191
Chicago Warehouse & Terminal Co. , Chicago, Ill . 179
Chicago & West Towns Ry. Co., Chicago, Il.. 180
*Chicago, Wheaton & Western Ry. Co. Aurora, Ill...... 162
*Dallas Consolidated Electric Street Ry . Co. , Dallas, Tex ..... ... 1090
Dallas Ry. Co. , The, Dallas, Tex... 1090
Dallas Southwestern Traction Co , Dallas, Tex 1090a
Dallas Standard Traction Co., Dallas, Tex ... .1001
Dallas Street Ry . Co. , Dallas , Tex . 1092
Danbury & Bethel Street Railway Co., Danbury, Conn . 98
* Danville, Champaign & Decatur Ry.& Lt. Co. , Peoria, Ill .. 233
* Danville & Eastern Illinois Ry . Co., Danville, III ... 233
* Danville (Ky. ) , Lt., Pwr. & Trac. Co , St. Louis, Mo 548
*Danville & Southeastern Ry. Co., Danville , III.. 233
Danville Street Ry . & Light Co., Danville, Ill... 195
Danville & Sunbury Transit Co., Danville, Pa...... 915
Danville Traction & Power Co. , Danville, Va ..... ..1144
* Danville, Urbana & Champaign Ry. Co., Peoria , III. 233
* Dartmouth & Westport Street Ry ., New Bedford , Mass . 449
Dayton , Covington & Piqua Traction Co. ( The), West Milton , O.. 853
* Dayton & Muncie Traction Co. ( The ), Springfield , o ... 830
* Dayton & Northern Traction Co. ( The ), Springfield , 0... 839
* Dayton , Springfield & Urbana Electric Ry. Co. , Springfield , 0 .. 839
Dayton , Springfield & Xenia Southern Ry. Co. , Dayton , O ... 807
Dayton Street Ry. Co.( The), Dayton , O. 809
Dayton & Troy Electric Ry. Co., Dayton , O .. 809
Dayton & Western Traction Co. , Dayton , O. 810
Decatur Ry. & Light Co. , Decatur, Ill .... 196
* Deerfield & Utica R. R. , Utica, N. Y. 755
De Kalb - Sycamore & Interurban Traction Co. , De Kalb , II... 197
Delaware Connty & Philadelphia Electric Ry. Co., Clifton Heights, Pa . 912
Delta Light & Traction Co., Greenville , Mise .. 518
Denver & Inter -Mountain R. R. Co. ( Thel, Denver, Colo ... 83
Denver & Internrban R. R. Co. ( The ). Denver, Colo .. R4
* Denver & Northwestern Ry. Co. , Denver, Colo 86
Denver & South Platte Ry . Co. ( The). Denver, Colo . 83
Denver Tramway Co. ( The ), Denver, Colo ...... 86
Des Moines City Ry . Co., Des Moines, Ia...... 475
Detroit, Almont & Northern Railroad , Detroit, Mich . 476
Detroit & Highland Park R. R. Co. , Detroit, Mich .. 477
Detroit , Jackson & Chicago Ry., Detroit, Mich... 479
* Detroit & Lake St. Clair Ry., Detroit , Mich ... 478
Detroit, Monroe & Toledo ShortLine Ry. Co.,Detroit,Mich . 479
Detroit nt mens & Marine City Ry:,Detroit , Mich .,
& Port Cle
t , Mou Huron Shore Line Ry:( Rapid Ry. Syste ), Detroit, Mich ....
m 479
Detroit River Tunnel Co., Detroit , Mich ... .............. 480
Detroit United Railway , Detroit ,Mich
Doherty Operating Co., Boro , of Manhattan , New York City . 697
Dominion Power & Transmission Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., Can .. 1263
Dominion Traction & Lighting Co.,Kingsville, Ont., Can ........
Douglas Traction & Light Co., Douglas , Ariz .. 17
Dover , Somer
Dry Dock
sworth & Rochester St. Ky. Co., Dover, N.H...
,East Broadway & Battery R. Ř . Co., Boro.of Manhattan , New YorkCity . 676
Du Bois Traction Co. , Du Bois , Pa...
* Du Bois Elec . & Trac . Co. , Scranton , Pa..................... ... 1013
Dubuque Elec. Co., Dubuque. Ia... .............. 503
Duluth Street Ry . Co. (The) , Duluth , Minn . 505
Duluth -Superior Traction Co. (The), Duluth , Minn ..
Dunnville, Welland Port & Beamsville Electric Ry., Welland Port, Ont., Can ...1292
Duquesne & Dravosbu Street Ry. Co., Duqu esne, Pa ..... 985
Duquesne Incline Plane Co., Pitteburgh , Pa.... 87
Durango Ry. & Realty Co., Durango , Colo ......
Durham Traction Co., Durham, N. C ... 767
Pred COE
Erie R. R. Co. ( Rochester Elec. Div .), Rochester, N. Y ....... acote
Escanaba Traction Co., Escanaba , Mich . 482
Eureka Traction Co., Eureka Springs , Ark . 23 A Pall
Evanston Ry . Co., Evanston , Ill.. 206 whic
Evansville && Mt.
** Evansville Eastern Elec. Ry..Evansville, Ind..
Vernon Elec. Ry ., Evansville, Ind.
262 London
Evansville & Ohio Valley Ry .Co.,Evansville, Ind . 262 2b Su
* Evansville Rys . Co. , Evansville, Ind .. 262 thn Li
Evansville, Suburban & Newburgh Ry. Co., Evansville, Ind.. 263
* Evansville Terminal Ry . , Evansville . Ind . 262 t. For
* Everett Ry . , Light & Water Co. , Everett , Wash.. 1166 WHE
Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Ry.. Exeter, N. H ....... 576 Raz
Exeter Railway & Lighting Co. , Exeter, N. H. 576 tipe
Fairburn & Atlanta Ry. & Electric Co., Fairburn , Ga .. 141
Fairchance & Smithfield Traction Co. , Uniontown, Pa .. 1024 ARI
Fairfax Incline Railroad Co. , San Francisco , Cal . 63 and To
Fairfield & Shawmut Railway, Fairfield , Me.. 374a " mad V
Fairmount Park Transit Co., Philadelphia , Pa.. 973
* Fairmount Park Transportation Co., Philadelphia , Pa ....... 978 ulte
Fallon Electric R. R. Co. , Fallon , Nev .. 567
an, New York City .. 700
Ferna Light
& Traction
Munic . Ry . , Ferna
Boro. , ofFlaManhatt
Co., ndina .. 123
Ferrocarril Electrico de Lerdo a Torreon, S. A., Gomez Palacio , Durango , Mex..11332
Ferrocarril Electrico De Matanzas, S. A., Matanzas, Cuba
* Ferrocarr illes del Distrito , Federal deMexico, Mexico , Mex ... 1816
* Ferrocarril Industrial de Puebla . Puebla , Mex . 1320
* Ferrocarril Mineral de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mex . ..1311
Ferrocarril Urbano de Colima, Colima, Mex ... 1812
* Ferrocarril Urbana de Puebla, Puebla, Mex .. .1320
* Finance & Holding Corporation, Boro . of Manhattan , New York City . 627
Fishkill Electric Ry. Co., Beacon , N. Y..
Fitchburg & Leominster Street Railway Co. , Fitchburg , Mass . ..... 421
Five Mile Beach Electric Ry. Co. , Wildwood , N.J .. 618
Fonda , Johnstown & Gloversville R. R. (Elec. Div.),Gloversville , N. Y..... 648
Fort Collins Munic . Ry . Co. , Fort Collins, Colo ...
Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern R. R. Co. , Boone, Ia .... 298
Fort Loramie Ry . Co. , Fort Loramio , O .... 816
Fort Madison Street Ry . Co., Fort Madison , Ia .. 540
Fort Scott & Nevada Light, Heat, Water & Power Co. ( The) , Nevada , Mo.
Fort Smith Light & Traction Co. , Fort Smith , Ark ... 24
Fort Smith -Oklahoma Light & Traction Co. , Fort Smith , Ark .. 25
257 Sazil
Fort Wayne & Decatur Trac. Co. ( The ), Decatur, Ind ..
* Fort Wayne & Northern Indiana Traction Co., Fort Wayne, Ind........266, (279, 287)
Fort Wayne & Northwestern Ry. Co., Kendallville , Ind . 277
* Fort Wayne & Springfield Ry. Co. (The) , Decatur, Ind .. 257
* Fort Wayne, Van Wert & Lima Trac. Co. ( The), Springfield , 0.. 839
Fort William Electric Ry . (Munic. ), Fort William , Ont., Can.. .1258
* Fort Worth Southern Traction Co., Fort Worth , Tex ... .1104
Forty-Second Street , Manhattanville & St. Nicholas Ave. Ry. Co. (The), Boro. of 677
Manhattan , New York City
Fostoria & Fremont Ry. Co. (The), Fostoria , 0 ...... ..... , 818
Fox & Illinois Union Ry ., Aurora , Ill.. .. 164
* Fox River Valley Electric Ry. Co., Appleton , Wis . .1210
Frankford, Tacony & Holmesburg St. Ry. Co., Philadelphia , Pa . 7755
* Frankfort & Utica Street Ry ., Utica , N. Y.
* Freedom & Conway Electric Street Ry., New Brighton, Pa ... 968
*Freeport Ry. & Lt. Co. , Freeport, I .. 208
French Lick & W. Baden R. R. Co. , French Lick , Ind . ... 267
* Fresno City Ry. Co. , Fresno , Cal ... 41
Fresno Interurban Railway Co. , Fresno, Cal .. 40
Fresno Traction Co. , Fresno , Cal .... 41
1004 E
* Front & Fifth Street Ry. Co. , Reading, Pa ..
* Front & Union Street Railway, Wilmington , Del . 113
* Frontier Electric Railway, Buffalo, N. Y .... 834
Gadsden, Bellevue & Lookout Mountain Ry. , Gadsden , Ala .
* Gadsden Ry . Co. , Gadsden , Ala ... 6
*Gainesville Ry. & Power Co., Gainesville , Ga . 134
Galesburg & Western R. R. Co., Galesburg , Ill ... 226
Galesburg & Kewanee Electric Ry . Co. , Kewanee, Ill. 221
Galesburg Railway , Lighting & Power Co. , Galesburg , Ill .. 356
Gallatin Valley Ry., Bozeman, Mont.
Gallipolis & Northern Traction Co. ( The), Gallipolis , O. 820
Galveston Electric Co., Galveston , Tex . ... 1108
Galveston -Houston Electric Co., Galveston , Tex .. .1107
Galveston -Houston Electric Ry. Co., Galveston , Tex .... 398
* Gardner. Westminster & Fitchburg Street Ry. Co. , Athol , Mass .
Gary & Hobart Trac. Co., Gary . Ind ... 269
*Gary & Interurban R. R. Co., Gary , Ind .. ........ 268
Gary & Southern Traction Co. , Crown Point, Ind . ...... 256
Gary St. Railway Co .. Gary Ind .... 288
General Gas & Electric Co. ( The), Boro. of Manhattan. New York City ... ...... 701
Geneva . Sepeca Falle & Auburn R. R. Co., Inc. , Seneca Falls, N. Y .. 119
*Georgetown & Tennallytown Ry Co. , Washington , D. C.
Georgia Light, Power & Railways, New York , N. Y .. 7018
Georgia Ry. & Electric Co. , Atlanta . Ga .... ........ 134 be
.. ...
13 4
Goorgia Ry. & Power Co., Atlanta , Ga....
• This company is either operated by or consolidated with the company whore
number follows, and will be found under that number .
* Girard Coal Belt Electric Ry. Co., Pittsburg , Kans ...... 841
Glen Cove R. R. Co. (The) , Glen Cove, N. Y .. 646
Glendale & Montrose Railway , Glendale, Cal... 42
* Glens Falls , Sandy Hill & Fort Edward Street R. R. Co., Glons Falls, N. Y ... 646
*Gogebic & Iron Counties Railway & Light Co., Ironwood, Mich . 491
Goldsboro Electric Railway Co., Goldsboro , N. C .. 768
*Gordon Heights Ry. Co., Wilmington , Del ... 118
*Gough Street Railroad , San Francisco, Cal
Grafton Light & Power Co., Grafton , W. Va .. .1188
*Grafton & Uptown R. R. , Milford , Mass .. 439
Grand Forks Street Ry. Co. , Grand Forks, N.D .. 7778
*Grand Haven Street Ry. Co. ,Grand Rapids, Mich . 488
Grand Rapids, Grand Haven & Mnskegon Ry . Co., Grand Rapids, Mich ... 488
Q nd Rapids, Holland & Chicago Ry., Holland, Mich .... 188
Grand Rapids Railway Co., Grand Rapids, Mich .... 484
Grand Rapids St. Ry . Co., Grand Rapids, Wis ........... 1216
Grand River Ry ., Galt, Ont . , Can . .1969
Grand River Valley Railway Co.(The), Grand Junction , Colo .. 88
Grand Trunk Ry. Čo. (St. Clair Tunnel Co. ) , Port Huron, Mich . 499
*Grand Valley Řy. Co., Brantford , Ont., Can ....... 1986
Grand View Railroad Co., Kirkwood, Mo.............. 688
*Granite City Ry. Co. , St. Cloud , Minn.. 511
*Gray's Harbor Electric Co., Aberdeen , Wach . 1101
Gray's Harbor Railway & Light Co. , Aberdeen , Wash . ... 1161
Great Falls Street Ry., Great Falls , Mont.. 658
Great Lakes Pwr. Co. , Ltd., Bault Ste Marie, Ont.. Can . ..1283
Great Northern R. R.( Cascade Tunnel), St. Paul, Minn .. 512
Great Sonth Bay Ferry Co., Freeport, N. Y ... 044
Greeley & Denver R. Ř. Co. ( The), Greeley, Colo .. 89
*Greensburg & Southern Elec. St. Ry. Co., Pittsburgh ,Pa... 991
* Greenville, Spartanburg & Anderson Ry . Co., Charlotte, N.C. 765
*Greenville Traction Co., Charlotte , N. C .. 766
*Greenwich & Schuylerville Electric R.R. , Glens Falls , N. Y ... 646
*Groton & Stonington Street R. R. Co., Norwich, Conn .. 108
*Guelph Radial Ry. Co. (Munic .), Guelph , Ont. , Can.. 1861
*Gulfport DevelopmentCo. , Gulfport, Miss.. 519
Gulfport & Mississippi Coast Traction Co., Gulfport , Miss.. 819
Guthrie Railway Co. (The), Guthrie , Okla.. 867
Hudson & Manhattan R. R. Co. , Boro. of Manhattan, New York City.. 678
* Hudson , Pelham & Salem Street Ry . Co. , Haverhill, Mass .... 427
Hudson River & Eastern Traction Co. , Ossining, N. Y 729
Hudson Valley Ry . Co., Glens Falls, N. Y 646
Hull Electric Co., Hull, Que., Can.. 38
Humboldt Transit Co. , Eureka, Cal.
Huntingdon, Lewistown & Juniata Valley Traction Co. , Huntingdon , Pa ..... 987
* Huntington , Ashland & Cattlettsburg Street Ry. Co. , Huntington , W. Va ....... 1190
Huntington R. R. Co., Huntington, N.Y. 652
Hutchinson Inter -Urban Ry . Čo . (The) , Hutchinson, Kans. 333
Hydro Eloctric Power Commission of Ontario , Guelph and Windsor Ont.,
Can .... 1961, 1293
Idaho Traction Co., Boise , Idaho ... 153a
Idlewylde Ry. Co., Baltimore, Md . ..3888
Illinois Central Electric Ry. , Canton, Ill . 167
* Illinois Central R. R., Evansville , Ind . 262
* Illinois Central Traction Co. , Peoria, Ill . 233
* Illinois & Indiana Elec. Ry . Co. , E. St. Louis, Ill . 204
Illinois Light & Traction Co. , Streator, I .. 246
Illinois Northern Utilities Co., Freeport, Ill.. 233
Illinois Traction System , Peoria, Ili.
Indiana , Columbus & Eastern Traction Co. , Cincinnati , O. 792
Indiana County Street Ry. Co., Indiana, Pa . .9378
*Indiana Harbor Line, Michigan City, Ind .
* Indiana Ry. Co. , South Bend, Ind . 291
Indiana Rys. & Light Co., Kokomo, Ind . 278
Indiana Service Corp., Ft. Wayne, Ind .. .266 , 281 , 287
Indianapolis & Cincinnati Traction Co. , Indianapolis , Ind . 271
* Indianapolis Coal Traction Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. 276
Indianapolis, Columbus & Southern Traction Co., Columbus,Ind . 255
*Indianapolis, Crawfordsville & Danville Electric Ry. Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. 276
* Indianapolis & Eastern Ry. Co., Indianapolis, Ind... 276
Indianapolis & Louisville Traction Ry. Co., Scottsburg, Ind. 290
* Indianapolis & Martinsville Rapid Transit Co. , Indianapolis, Ind .. 276
Indianapolis, New Castle & Eastern Traction Co. , Anderson, Ind . 2498
* Indianapolis & Northwestern Traction Co., Indianapolis, Ind .... 276
* Indianapolis, Shelbyville & Southeastern Traction Co., Indianapolis, Ind . 271
Indianapolis Street Ry. Co., Indianapolis, Ind .. 274
* Indianapolis Traction & Terminal Co., Indianapolis, Ind .. 274
* Indianapolis & Western Ry . Co. , Indianapolis , Ind . 276
Ingular Ry. Co. , Havana , Cuba ..
borou gh - Consolidated Corporation , Boro. of Manhattan , New York City . 702
* Interborough - Vetropolitan Co., Boro . of Manbattan , New York City .. 702
Interborough Rapid Transit Co. , Boro . of Manhattan , New York City.. 679
Intercity Terminal Ry . , Argenta , Ark . 21
International Railway Co. , Buffalo , N. Y 635
International Traction Co. , Buffalo, N. Y
International Transit Co. ( The) , Sault Ste Marie, Ont. , Can . 1289
Interstate Consolidated Street Ry . Co. , Attleboro, Mass. .3998
Interstate Public Service Co., Indianapolis , Ind.... 275
Interstate Railways Co. , Camden , N. J 399
* Interstate Street Ry. ( of Providence, R. I. ) , Attleboro, Mass.. 31
Inter - Urban Railway, Des Moines . Ia ..
* Inter.Urban Railway Co. , Des Moines , Ia ............ 23
* Interurban Ry . Co., Helena, Ark , 799
Interurban Ry. & Terminal Co. , Cincinnati , O .. 796
* Interurban Terminal Co. , Cincinnati , O...
Iowa Railway & Light Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 302- (299 , 319, 326)
Iowa Southern Utilſties Co.Centerville, Ia .. 801
* Iowa Traction Co. , Cedar Rapids, Ia...
Iron River , Stambaugh & Crystal Falls St. Ry. Co. , Iron River, Mich . 492
Ironwood & Bessemer Railway & Light Co., Ironwood, Mich . 490
Irwin -Herminie Traction Co., ( The), Irwin , Pa 933
Ithaca Trac. Corpn. , Ithaca, N. Y .... 658
Jackson Light & Traction Co. , Jackson, Miss.. ... 1070
Jackson Ry. & Light Co. , Jackson , Tenn .
*Jackson & Suburban Street R. R. Co., Jackson , Tenn ... ..1020
Jacksonville Ry. & Lt. Co. , Jacksonville , Ill.... 216
*Jacksonville St. Ry. Co. , Jacksonville , Ill .. 215
Jacksonville Traction Co. , Jacksonville, Fla . 124
* Jamestown, Chautauqua & Lake Erie Ry. Co. , Jamestown, N. Y. .... 657
Jamestown St. Ry . Co., Jamestown, N. Y ... 656
Jamestown , Westfield & Northwestern R. R. Co. , Jamestown, N. Y. 657
Janesville Traction Co., Janesville, Wis... 1219
Jefferson City Bridge & TransitCo., Jefferson City , Mo. 583
* Jefferson County Traction Co. , Beaumont, Tex .. 1084
Jefferson Traction Co. , Punxsutawney , Pa ... 999
Jersey Central Traction Co. , Keyport , N.J ..
* Jersey City, Hoboken & Paterson Street Ry. Co., Newark , N. J. 8021
Jersey Shore & Antes Fort R. R., Jersey Shore ,Pa... 999
Jersey Shore Electric Street Hy. Co., Jersey Shore, Pa... 940
Johnson City Traction Corpn ., Johnson City, Tenn ... ... 1071
* Johnstown Passenger Ry. Co., Johnstown , Pa.... ..1016
Johnstown & Somerset Ry., Somerset ,Pa..
Johnstown Traction Co. , Johnstowa , Pa .... .................
* Joliet R. R. Co., Jollet, Ill ... 218
OJ who * This company is either operated by or consolidated with the company whose
number follows, and will be found under that number .
Nahant & Lynn Street Ry . Co., Lynn ,Mass .... ....... 435
* This company is either operated by or consolidated with the company whose
Dimber follows , and will be found under that number .
North Shore & Western Ry. Co. , Chicago, III .
Northumberland County Řy. Co. , Sunbury, Pa . 1018
* North West Utilities Co., Chicago, Ill. 193
Northwestern Elec. Service Co. , Meadville , Pa.. 957
Northwestern Elevated R. R. Co. , Chicago, Ill..
Northwestern Ohio Railway & Power Co., Toledo, O ... 848
Northwestern Pacific R. R.Co., San Francisco , Cal . 65
Northwestern Pennsylvania Railway Co. , Meadville , Pa . 957
*Norton & Taunton Street Ry . Co., Norton, Mass . 448
Norton , Taunton & Attleboro St. Ry. , Norton, Mass . 448
* Norway & Paris Street Ry . Co., Norway, Me... 378
* Norwich & Westerly Traction Co., Norwich , Conn . 455a
Norwood , Canton & Sharon Street Ry ., Sharon , Mass.
Nova Scotia Tramways & Pwr . Co. , Ltd. , Halifax, N. S. , Can . 1249
* Oakdale & McDonald St. Ry. Co. , Pittsburgh, Pa .. 991
* Oakland, Antioch & Eastern Ry . , Oakland, Cal . 51
*Oakland Ry . Co., Oakland , Cal...
* Oakland, San Leandro & Hayward Ry. Co , Oakland, Cal. 52
* Oakland Traction Co., Oakland, Cul... 52
* Oakland Traction Consolidated, Oakland , Cal .. 52
* Oakland Transit Co., Oakland , Cal .. 52
Oakwood R. R. Co. , Dayton , O. 811
Oakwood Street Ry. Co. (The) , Dayton , O. 812
Ocean City Electric R. R. Co. , Ocean City , N. J. 604
Ocea n Electric Ry. Co. , Boro . of Queens, New York City .
Ocean Shore R. Ř. Co. , San Francisco , Cal ....
* Ogden , Logan & Idaho Railway Co., Ogden, Utah . 1127
* Ogden Rapid Transit Co. , Ogden , Utah . 1127
Ogdensburg Street Ry. Co., Ogdensburg , N. Y.. 726
Ohio Electric Ry. Co. ( The), Springfield , o .. .824 , 839
Ohio River Electric Ry. & Power Co. ( The), Pomeroy, 0 .. 834
* Ohio River Passenger Ry. Co. , (The ) . East Liverpool , 0 . 815
Ohio Service Co. (The), Coshocton , O. .805a- (785 , 814 , 831a )
Ohio & Sonthern ìraction Co. (The), Columbus, O. 804
Ohio Traction Co.,( The ), (Millcreek Valley Division ), Cincinnati, O. 794
Ohio Valley Electric Ry . Co. , Huntingt , W. Va .... 1190
* Ohio Valley Traction Co., Portsmouth , O .. 835
Ohio & Western Utilities Co. , Boro. of Manhattan , New York City . 705
* Oklahoma City Land & Dev . Co. , Oklahoma City , Okla ..... 871
* Oklaboma Interurban Traction Co. , Oklahoma City , Okla .. 871
Oklahoma Ry. Co. , Oklahoma City , Okla .... 873
Oklahoma Union Ry . Co. , Tulsa , Okla .. 880
* Oklahoma Union Traction Co., Tulsa , Okla . 880
* Okmulgee Inter -Urban Ry. Co. , Okmulgee , Okla . 874
Okmulgee Trac. Co., Okmulgee , Okla .. 874
* Old Amelia Beach Co. , Fernandina , Fla .. 123
Oley Valley Ry. Co., Reading, Pa .. 1008
Olympia Light & Power Co., Olympia, Wash . . 1169
Omaha & Council Bluffs Ry . & Bridge Co., Council Bluffs , la .. 808
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Ry . Co. , Omaha , Neb .. 564
* Omaha, Council Bluffs & Suburban Street Ry. Co. , Omaha , Neb . 564
Omaha , Lincoln & Beatrice Ry . Co. , Lincoln , Neb . 563
Omaha & Lincoln Ry. & Light Co., Ralston , Neb . 566
Omaha & Southern Internrban Ry. Co., Omaha , Neb . 505
Ontario Light & Traction Co. , Canandaigua, N. Y ... 636
* Ontario & San Antonio Heights R.R. Co. , Los Angeles , Cal . 48
Orange County Traction Co., Newburgh , N. Y. 662
* Orange & Passaic Valley Ry. Co. , Newark , N. J. 602
Oregon Electric R. R. Co. , Portland, Ore . 884
* Oregon Short Line Ry . , Caldwell, Ida.. 154
* Orleans -Kenner Electric Railway Co., New Orleans, La . 369
Orleans- Kenner Traction Co. , New Orleans, La.. 369
* Orleans R. R. Co. , New Orleans, La .. 368
Oshawa Ry . Co. (The), Oshawa, Ont . , Can . .1274
* This company is either operated by or consolidated with the company whose
number follows , and will be found under that number.
Pacifo Coast Ry. Co. (Elec. Div .), San Luis Obispo, Cal.. 73
* Pacific Coast Pwr. Co., Seattle, Wash.. 48
* Pacifio Electric Ry ., Los Angeles, Cal ..
Pacific Electric Ry. Co., LosAngeles, Cal.. 48
Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Sacramento, Cal.... 55
Pacific Northwest Traction Co. (Southern Div.), Seattle, Wash .... .1171- (1187)
Pacific Northwest Traction Co.(Northern Div ) , Bellingham, Wash . 1168
Pacific Power & Light Co., Astoria, Ore .. 881
Pacific Traction Co., Tacoma, Wash .. 1177
Paducah Electric Co., Paducah , Ky: 359a
* Paducah Traction & Light Co., Paducah , Ky .. 359a
* Paducah Railway Co., Paducah, Ky . 8598
Panam a Electric Co. , Panama, Panama , 133 €
Panama Trac. Co. Jamestown, N.Y .... .6578
Pan -Handle Traction Co., Wheeling , W. Va . 1205
Paris Transit Co., Paris , Tex ...., ..1116
* Parkersburg , Marietta & Interurban Ry. Co., Parkersburg, W. Va.... .1197
* Park Point Traction Co., Duluth , Minn. 503
* Parkside Transit Co., San Francisco, Cal . 68
* Parsons Ry . & Light Co., Lawrence, Kans.
Patterson Heights Street Ry. Co., Beaver Falls, Pa .. 897
Paul Smith's Electric Light & Power & R. R. Co., Saranac Lake, N. Y. 744
* Pavonia Horse R. R. Co., Newark , N.J. 602
* Pawcatuck Valley Street Ry. Co., Norwich , Conn.. 108
* Pawtucket Street Ry. Co., Providence, R. I... ..1052
* Peck R. R. Co. , Los Angeles, Cal . 48
Peck -Shannahan - Cherry , Inc., Syracuse, N. Y 703
Peekskill Lighting & R.R. Co. , Peekskili, N. Y 732
Pekin Municipal Railway, Pekin, Ill.. 232
* Pembroke Street Ry. Co., Plymouth, Mass . 451
Peninsular Ry. Co., San Jose, Cal ... 71
Penna . -New Jersey Ry. Co., Trenton , N.J. 812
Pennsylvania Electric Co., Boro. of Manhattan , New York City .. 706
* Pennsylvania & Mahoning Valley Ry. Co., Youngstown, O .... 923
Pennsylvania & Maryland Street Řy. Co., Elk Lick, Pa ...........
-Ohio Electric Co., The, Youngstown , Ohio ..... 855
Pennsylvania & Ohio Ry . Co. , Ashtabula , 0 .. 784
Pennsylvania & Ohio Traction Co., Ashtabula, Ohio 783
Pennsylvania Railroad, ( Eastern Lines, Paoli and Chestnut Hill Div .) Philadel.
phia, Pa... 975
Pennsylvania Tunnel & TerminalR.R.Co., Boro. ofManhattan, New York City .. 687
* Penn Yan , Keuka Park & Branchport Ry. Co., Penn Yan, N. Y. 794
Penn Yan & Lake Shore Ry . , Penn Yan ,N. Y 734
Pensacola Electric Co. , Pensacola , Fla . 127
* People's Electric Street Ry. Co. (of Rochester ) , New Brighton , Pat. 963
People's R. R.Co., Fairhope, Ala ... 5
People's Railway Co., Dayton , ( .. 813
* People's Railway Co., Wilmington, Del. 113
People's Street Ry . Co. of Nanticokeand Newport, Wanamie, Pa . ........ 1028
People's Traction Co., Galesburg, Ill ...... 210
Peoria Ry . Co. , Peoria, Ill . 234
Peoria Railroad Terminal(of the Peoria & Pekin Union Roilroad) Peoria, ni .. 235
Petaluma & Santa Rosa R. R. Co., Petaluma, Cal.. 53
Peterboro Radial Ry. Co. ( The), Peterboro, Ont., Can. 1278
* Petersburg & Appomattox Rv ., Petersburg , Va. . 1151
* Petersburg -Hopewell & City PointRy. Co., Petersburg , Va.... 1151
* Philadelphia , Castle Rock & West Chester Ry. Co. , Upper Darby, Pa . . 1027
Philadelphia Company, Pittsburgh , Pa.. 995
Philadelphia & Easton Electric Ry. Co. , Doylestown , Pa .. 916
Philadelphia & Garrettford St. Ry. Co. , Upper Darby, Pa. ............. 1026
* Philadelphia & Lehigh Valley Traction Co., Allentown, Pa. ................. 893
Philadelphia Rys. Co., Philadelphia , Pa .. 976
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co., Philadelphia , Pa .... 977
Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Co., Upper Darby, Pa. .1027
* Pbiladelphia & West Chester Turnpike Road Co., Upper Darby, Pa . 1027
phiaRy& . Western Ry. Co., Norristown , Pa .9678
Philippine Co. , New York, N.Y. 714
* Phillipsburg Horse Car R. R. Co., Phillipsburg, N.J.. 606
Phillipsburg Transit Co. , Phillipshurg. N. J.... 60R
of Arizona, Phoenix, Ariz.
Phoenix Railway Co.Forge
Phoenixville-Valley & Strafford Electric Ry.Co. (The), Phoenixville, Pa ....1250
Picton County Electric Co., Ltd., Stellarton, N. Š ., Can .
* Piedmont & Mountain View Ry. , Oakland, Cal.. 52 1
Piedmont & Northern Ry. Co., Charlotte , N. C ...... 765
Piedmont Power & Light Co. , Burlington, N. C .... 764
* Piedmont Ry. & Electric Co. , Burlington, N. C ..... 764
Quebec Rallway, Light, Heat & Power Co., (The) , Quebec, Que., Can ........ 1803
Quebec Railway, Light & Power Co. , Quebec, Que. , Can .... 1802
*Quehec Street Ry. Co., Quebec, Que.,Can ... 1302
* Qneenstown Heights Bridge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 634
Quincy Ry. Co. , Quincy, Ni..... 238
St. Albans & Swanton Traction Co. , St. Albans, Vt ... 1139
*St. Augustine & South Beach Railwav, St. Augustine, Fla .. 128
* St . Charles Street R. R. Co., New Orleans , La. 368
St. Clair Incline Plane Co., Pittsburgh, Pa... 990a
St. Cloud Public Service Co. , St. Cloud , Minn .. 511
St. Francois County R. R. Co. , Farmington, Mo. 531
*St. Joe River Ronte, Benton Harbor, Mich . 474
* St. John Railway Co. ( The ), St. John , New Brunswick , Can .. 1248
St. Johns Electric Co., St. Augustine, Fla ... 128
St. Johns Street Ry . Co. , St. Johns , Newfoundland, Can . 1309
St. Joseph Ry., Light, Heat & Power Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. 541
* St . Joseph & Savannah Inter . Ry ., St. Joseph . Mo ... 541
St. Louis & Belleville Electric Ry . Co., E. St. Louis , Ill... 202
St. Louis & Enst St. Lonis Electric Ry. Co. , East St. Louis, Ill . 203
St. Louis Electric Terminal Ry . Co., St. Louis, Mo. 543
St. Louis & Jennings Railroad Co. , St. Louis , Mo .. 544
St. Louis & Ohio River R. R. , East St. Louie, Ill 204
* St. Lonis , Springfield & Peoria R. R .. Peoria , Ill. 233
St. Louis Water Works Ry . (Munic . ), St. Lonis, Mo ... 546
* St. Paul City Ry. Co. ( The), Minneapolis . Minn ... 510
St. Paul Southern Electric Ry . Co., St. Paul Minn . 513
St. Petersburg & Gulf Ry. Co. , St. Petersburg , Fla ... .129a
St. Petersburg - Tampa Railway, St. Petersburg, Fla ... 129b
* St . Stephen Electric Railway (St. Stephen, N. B. Can .). Calais , Me ..
St. Tammany & New Orleans Ry . & Ferry Co., Mandeville . La ... 364
St. Thomas Street Ry. (Munic .), St. Thomas. Ont . , Can ... 1243
*Saanich Interurban Line, Victoria , B. C .. Can .
Sacramento Northern Railroad , Sacramento , Cal .. 55a
Saginaw-Bay City Ry. Co., Saginaw , Mich . 800
* Salem , Falls City & Western Ry. Co., San Francisco , Calif . 67
Salem & Penns Grove Trac, Co., Penns Grove, N. J .. 605
Salina Street Railway Co., Sallna. Kans.. 349
* Salisbury & Spencer Ry. Co. , Salisbury , N. C .. 769
Salt Lake, Garfield & Western Ry. Co., Salt Lake City. Utah . 1198
* Salt Lake Light & Traction Co. , Salt Lake City , Utah 1131
* Salt Lake & Ogden Ry. Co. , Salt Lake City , Utah .. 1129
Salt Lake & Utah R. R. Co., Salt Lake City, Utah . 1130
San Antonio Public Service Co. , San Antonin , Tex 1121
San Antonio , San Jose & Medina Valley Interurban Ry . , San Antonio , Tex . ... 1120
* This company is either operated hy or conanlidated with the company whose
number follows , and will be found under that nnmher .
* Zanesville Ry. , Light & Power Co. , Springfield , O .....
* The Company is either operated by or consolidated with the company whose
number follows, and will be found under that number .