Application Form: 21st KM, Udayapura Post, Kanakapura RD, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Application Form: 21st KM, Udayapura Post, Kanakapura RD, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Application Form: 21st KM, Udayapura Post, Kanakapura RD, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Operating in 180 countries, The Art of Living is a non-profit, educational and humanitarian
1999 by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar as the educational wing of the Art of Living, to
promote holistic, value-based education bringing together the best of the East and the West.
So far, SSRVM Trust has established about 90+ educational institutions ranging from Pre-
Primary to P.G. Studies in diverse fields – viz: Management, Computer Study, Ayurveda
institutions across India, SSRVM Trust has instituted the Sri Sri Awards for Education.
Awards Categories:
○ Community Service
○ Value-based education
○ Yoga, Sports & other Physical Activities
○ Art & Culture
○ Emotional Intelligence
○ Intellectual & Cognitive Abilities
○ Spiritual development
○ Environmental Awareness
3) Sri Sri Award for Best Teacher (In the North, West, East and South of India)
A trophy, certificate and a cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh for the winner of the first 2
A trophy, certificate and a cash prize of Rs. 75,000 for the runner up of the first 2
A plaque, certificate and cash prize of Rs. 51,000 for each awardee in category 3.
Details requested for in tables from A to G are required irrespective of the award (for
the first 2 category of awards only) for which the school is nominating itself to.
A. Institution Details
2 Date of Establishment
3 Classes Upto
4 Address
5 City
6 State/UT
7 Country
8 Official Website
9 Official Email-ID
i. Twitter
ii. Facebook
iii. Instagram
13 Full Name
14 Designation
15 Mobile Number
16 WhatsApp Number
17 Email ID
C. School Details
21 Board of Affiliation
22 Affiliation No.
Management Details :
Class -X
No. of Students
appeared in the
School Average of
(Please provide the details below if the school has Class XII)
Class -XII
No. of Students
appeared in the
School Average of
Campus in Acres
Please provide details of practices and Initiatives deployed by the school to promote
excellence by answering the questions mentioned below .
In the answers that you provide please indicate whether the aspects being considered are
promoted through definition and deployment of standard operating procedure or through
initiatives that are in early stages of deployment or have already been Institutionalized.
Please show evidence of deployment either by providing data / information as annexures
(If required) within the application form. If you have the practice over years, please do
mention how the process / approach has Improved over years. Mention whether the aspect
being covered Is deployed in specific parts of the Institution or in all parts of your
Institution. If you have any quantitative results that you are measuring for each of the
aspects being covered in the question , provide the results for the last 3 to 5 years or for the
years you have monitored against your targets. In case you compare your results with
others you may provide the comparisons. Mention If you have done any benchmarking
with any other Institution In terms of process or quantitative results.
- 1. Please highlight the practices and initiatives taken for the skill development of
2. What are the various practices and Initiatives deployed to enhance the school’s
academic excellence
3. Describe the various practices and initiatives taken by the school to promote holistic
development beyond the parameters of academics
4. Describe the various innovative practices and experiments deployed for the
improvement of teaching-learning;
5. Describe the various practices and Initiatives deployed to ensure that the students are
exposed to various career options and help them choose a career path.
6. Describe the various practices and initiatives deployed to expose students to ancient
Please provide details of practices and Initiatives deployed by the school to promote holistic
education by answering the questions mentioned below.
In the answers that you provide please indicate whether the aspects being considered are
promoted through definition and deployment of standard operating procedure or through
initiatives that are in early stages of deployment or have already been Institutionalized.
Please show evidence of deployment either by providing data / information as annexures
(If required) within the application form. If you have the practice over years, please do
mention how the process / approach has Improved over years. Mention whether the aspect
being covered Is deployed in specific parts of the Institution or in all parts of your
Institution. If you have any quantitative results that you are measuring for each of the
aspects being covered in the question, provide the results for the last 3 to 5 years or for the
years you have monitored against your targets. In case you compare your results with
others you may provide the comparisons. Mention If you have done any benchmarking
with any other Institution In terms of process or quantitative results.
(You may expand space to the extent required under each point to provide details)
education. ( e.g. Justice, Integrity , equality , empathy , or other values that the
institution believes in; Methods could be Role Plays, Story Telling, Dramatization,
physical activities including Yoga and other Sports activities by the students .
4. Describe the various practices and Initiatives deployed to promote Art and Culture
among students.
5. Describe the various practices and Initiatives deployed for spiritual development in
students. ( e.g. Being aware of or awakening to one’s self, others and the Universe,
the interplay between one’s inward journey and one’s outward journey - could be
intelligence (EQ) in students ( e.g. ability to understand, use, and manage one’s
own emotions in positive ways while overcoming challenges and defusing conflicts)
abilities and cognitive abilities. (analytical thinking, critical thinking , synthesis thinking ,
creative thinking , ways that the brain remembers, reasons, holds attention, solves
10. Describe the various ways in which the institution assesses itself to understand the
Academic Background:
Qualifications, list of training
received and certifications)
Subjects Taught
Nominated By :
(Nominator could be anyone
within or outside the institution)
Name :
1. How does the teacher motivate the students to enhance their level of performance.
Explain the approach the teacher has taken to achieve this. Explain instances where
the teacher has consistently motivated groups of students (especially those who
have underperformed) to improve and sustain their performance.
2. What has the teacher done beyond the curriculum to equip the students with the
knowledge and skills to reach their fullest potential in order to build good life skills and
become a good human being.
3. Please quote examples and instances of the teacher exhibiting extraordinary patience
and compassion while enhancing the performance of the students.
4. How has the teacher updated his or her knowledge and skills over the years to be an
effective teacher.
5. How has the teacher demonstrated creativity and innovation in her methodology of
6. How has the teacher taken up responsibility in diverse areas in running of the school
along with teaching the core subjects.
7. How has the teacher contributed to enhance the content of learning material
8. How has the teacher contributed to enhance the performance of slow learners.
9. What are the various awards won by the teacher within the institution or outside for
excelling in the field of education.
10. What has been his or her contribution in the education field through presentations in
seminars , publishing research papers or conducting workshops for her peers.
11. What has been the teacher’s contribution to support and improve the performance of the
faculty in the school.
Please ensure that the details provided in the document should advocate the criteria of
Award category applied for
Support documents that needs to be uploaded along with the application form
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