The MUFY programme which enjoys international recognition is the preferred university foundation MUFY is a pathway that
programme for many Malaysian as well as international students. It offers students a smooth transition provides the academic bridge
to undergraduate studies and provides them with the foundation to excel at Monash University. for students to progress
successfully to undergraduate
The MUFY curriculum is delivered in a learning format which combines face-to-face instruction studies at Monash University.
with self-directed learning delivered on an e-learning platform. This enables students to develop Just as Monash is a passport
vital learning skills to cope with university studies and even life beyond university. By equipping our to a rewarding career,
students with the relevant tools to become independent learners, we aim to give them a head start in MUFY is the passport to
university, and ultimately, a promising and rewarding future. a rich learning experience
at Monash. Designed by
I wish you the best and believe you will enjoy the MUFY experience. Monash academics, the MUFY
programme prepares students
LEE THYE CHEONG for admission into a wide
Director range of Monash University
Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) undergraduate degrees.
Sunway College Kuala Lumpur
Monash University is among the top 50 universities in the world. Ranked 44th globally
by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023, Monash is also a member
of Australia’s prestigious Group of Eight Universities. As one of the most highly regarded
universities in the world, Monash is deeply committed to academic and research excellence.
Monash degrees are not only highly respected by employers but they also prepare
graduates to work across the globe.
Established in 1998 as the first foreign university campus in Malaysia, the Monash University
Malaysia campus offers a distinctly international and culturally rich environment with
approximately 9200 students from 76 different countries. Students are taught by highly
qualified academic staff from across the world and the same rigorous standards are applied
at the campus as at other Monash campuses. Since its inception, Monash Malaysia has built
a reputation for quality, credibility and integrity, and is held in high esteem by students,
alumni, industry and government.
When Monash students graduate, they leave with a greater sense of purpose, a global
outlook, and the skills and confidence to bring about positive change in the world.
2 3
4 5
Academic requirement: Passed SPM, O-Level or equivalent English Language Requirement: MUF0042 Chemistry Unit 2 OR
MUF0041 Chemistry Unit 1
with minimum five (5) credits. • Minimum credit in SPM English or O-Level English as a MUF0061 Economics Unit 1
Second Language or
Students in a standard intake study four units in semester one and another four in semester two. The maximum number of units
Age Requirement: Student must be at least 16 years old • Minimum grade D in O-Level English as a First Language
a student may study in a semester is five.
at the time of enrolment. or English Literature or
• IELTS - minimum overall score of 5.5 and Writing not less than Selecting additional units
5.5 with no band less than 5.0 or equivalent.
Citizenship requirement: Standard intake students may extend their learning by taking a ninth unit (additional one unit) or tenth unit (additional two units).
• Australian and New Zealand Citizens - If you hold Australian or New Zealand Citizenship or Australian Permanent Residency The maximum number of units that can be taken in a semester is five, and in an academic year, ten. Students wishing to take
you are not eligible to apply. nine units must ensure that at least six of the nine units are derived from three subjects, i.e. there must be at least three complete
• If you hold temporary resident status in Australia or permanent resident status in New Zealand you are eligible to apply for the program. subjects. One of the three subjects must be English. The remaining three units can be derived from either the same subject or
• If you are granted Australian Permanent Residency after you enrol in your Foundation Year program, you may complete the program, from different subjects.
however entry into Monash University is not guaranteed. After successfully completing your Monash College program and if you wish to
apply for an undergraduate place at Monash University, you will need to apply through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC)
to compete for a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) at Monash University.
nine units MUF0011 English Unit 1 (Compulsory) MUF0012 English Unit 2 (Compulsory)
We have students from about forty countries enrolled in MUFY. For more information on entry requirements and application procedures,
international students are advised to refer to our Sunway International Office (international.sunway.edu.my). MUF0091 Mathematics Unit 1 MUF0092 Mathematics Unit 2
COMPUTER SCIENCE MUF0032 Biology Unit 2 MUF0091 Mathematics Unit 1 MUF0092 Mathematics Unit 2
MUF0141 Fundamental Mathematics Unit 1 Digital learning and bring-your-own-laptop
MUF0131 Global Studies Unit 1
MUF0142 Fundamental Mathematics Unit 2
MUF0132 Global Studies Unit 2
MUF0091 Mathematics Unit 1 MUFY is delivered in a learning format which combines face-to-face instruction with self-directed learning delivered on an
MUF0151 Contemporary Issues Unit 1 e-learning platform. This enables students to develop vital learning skills to cope with university studies and even life beyond
MUF0092 Mathematics Unit 2
MUF0152 Contemporary Issues Unit 2 university. To engage effectively in a digital learning environment, students are required to bring their own laptop with a
MUF0101 Advanced Mathematics Unit 1 built-in front-facing camera and a microphone.
*The Programme reserves the right not to offer a unit
MUF0102 Advanced Mathematics Unit 2 if less than 10 students enrol in the unit.
6 7
Assessment structure Final examinations and results Counselling and support Extracurricular activities
Students are assessed through a mix of coursework (for Part of the assessment for each unit is a final examination Every student is assigned a Progress Advisor who provides MUFY lecturers and the MUFY Student Council organise a
instance class tests, research projects, assignments, which is conducted at the end of the semester. Attendance counselling regarding academic progress. Students who need variety of extracurricular activities throughout the year. These
presentations, investigative reports etc.) and final is compulsory. Students who are unable to attend must personal counselling are advised to consult the MUFY ‘We activities give students the chance to develop skills and enjoy
examinations. Coursework constitutes 70% of the total score notify the Student Progress Coordinator, Ms. Edith Care’ Team comprising Ms. Edith Macintyre, Ms. Pang Chop aspects of student life which they may not get to experience
while the remaining 30% is based on final examinations. For Macintyre and produce a valid medical certificate or other Moi, Ms. Helen James, Ms. Haslina Abd Talib and Mr. Mahesh in the classroom. At the same time, these activities create
Contemporary Issues Unit 1 and Unit 2, and Global Studies supporting documents that justify their absence. Such Biaspal. Alternatively, students can consult the personal awareness of the importance of Sustainability and the United
Unit 1, coursework constitutes 100% of the total score. cases are then presented as ‘special consideration cases’ counsellors in the Student LIFE Centre or call the Mental Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
to the MUFY Board of Studies and the final score to be Health Crisis Hotline (03-29350042).
awarded will be decided by the Board. • Orientation activities • MUFY Games
Calculating the MUFY Parents’ access to academic progress
• MUFY charity/fundraising events • MUFY Talent Quest
Students can view their final results online using their • Recreational trips • Educational trips
university entry score • Motivational workshops/camps • Community projects
Monash username and password. Actual copies of the
MUFY Academic Transcript and Certificate may be The programme understands that parents are concerned about
The MUFY university entry score is calculated by adding the collected about a week after the online release of results. their child’s academic progress. Parents can view information
eight highest unit scores and dividing that by eight. Each unit about their child’s attendance as well as performance in View life beyond the classroom in MUFY
included in the calculation needs to be a different unit. When Students who fail a particular unit can either register for coursework online using their child’s login details. bit.ly/MUFY-ECA
a unit is repeated, the higher score of that unit replaces the the same unit again or select a new unit in the following
lower one. Any bonus points which may apply are then added semester. There are no re-sits for failed units or re-marking To view attendance online, log on to: For further information, contact the Student Engagement
to this score. Bonus points are calculated by adding 1.25% of examination papers. However, students can apply for http://izone.sunway.edu.my Coordinator, Ms. Charity Yang at charityy@sunway.edu.my or
of the ninth and tenth unit taken to this score. Bonus points a clerical check within one month of the date of release on +603-7491 8622.
only apply if the ninth and tenth units are completed over two of results if they feel that they have not received a fair To view coursework results online, log on to:
semesters. mark for a particular unit. A charge is associated with this http://mlearn.sunway.edu.my
Fee settlement and refund
For additional information or to make an appointment to speak
GRADE SCORE (%) to the lecturers, parents are advised to contact the Student The Management reserves the right to exclude students from
Progress Coordinator, Ms. Edith Macintyre at eidihmarye@ accessing the campus network, attending classes and using
HD (HIGH DISTINCTION) 80 - 100 sunway.edu.my or on +603-7491 8622. campus facilities until the fees are settled. Any assessment
or examination result(s), and academic transcripts shall be
withheld if payment remains outstanding, and the students
mLearn concerned will not be able to enroll in the subsequent semester
C (CREDIT) 60 - 69
or to graduate.
P (PASS) 50 - 59 mLearn, a learning management system employed to support
teaching and learning in MUFY, is used across all units of Enrolment and General fees are NOT refundable. The proportion
N (FAIL) 0 - 49 study. Students can access a broad variety of digital content, of tuition fee refund, upon official withdrawal, is shown below:
resources and activities on this platform. Linking lecturers - 75% refund (by the 5th working day from the
and students in a virtual environment, mLearn allows lecturers commencement of semester)
to share materials which can be viewed or downloaded at - 50% refund (by the 6th-8th working day from the
the students’ convenience. In addition, it enables them to commencement of semester)
conduct assessments and provide feedback to students - No refund (after the 8th working day from the
online. mLearn also serves as a digital notice board through commencement of semester)
which the programme communicates with students.
8 9
Passing a complete subject Attendance
PROGRAMME POLICIES Students must pass Unit 1 and Unit 2 of a subject i.e. obtain
a minimum 50% in order to achieve an overall pass for that
Absence from class
Attendance is taken daily and great importance is placed
subject. Students passing Unit 1 but failing Unit 2 or the reverse on regular and punctual attendance as it is vital to students’
do not achieve an overall pass for that subject even though success in MUFY. Students need to be physically present in
the average of the two marks is over 50%. For example, a class to be marked “present”. A student who is absent from
student who obtains 40% for Economics Unit 1 and 70% for class must produce one of the following in support of the
Rules on prerequisites and sequencing Economics Unit 2 does not pass Economics since Unit 1 of the absence:
subject has not been passed.
UNIT A. Medical certificate; the medical certificate must provide
UNIT TITLE UNIT RULES Repeating units the following details:
a. the date that the student was examined
• Unit 1 is a prerequisite for Unit 2. Students can repeat Unit 1 or Unit 2 of a subject provided that
MUF0011 English Unit 1
b. duration of medical leave allowed
1 • Units 1 and 2 must be taken sequentially and cannot be taken concurrently no more than five units are taken in that semester. However,
MUF0012 English Unit 2
c. notes explaining the nature and severity of
students must satisfactorily complete Unit 1 before proceeding to Unit 2. students are permitted to repeat any given unit only ONCE.
the illness
A student who has enrolled for the maximum number of units
d. the signature and official stamp of the doctor
and who wishes to repeat units can do so in the following
• Unit 1 is a prerequisite for Unit 2. B. Official letter explaining compassionate or compelling
MUF0021 Accounting Unit 1 semester.
2 • Units 1 and 2 must be taken sequentially and cannot be taken concurrently circumstances
MUF0022 Accounting Unit 2
students must satisfactorily complete Unit 1 before proceeding to Unit 2. C. Letter from the relevant authorities e.g., scholarship
Improving the score of passed units interview letter etc.
Students who have passed Unit 1 or Unit 2 of a subject
MUF0061 Economics Unit 1 Students must produce these documents in advance of
3 • Units 1 and 2 can be taken sequentially or concurrently. but wish to improve their MUFY university entry score can
MUF0062 Economics Unit 2 their leave or within one week of their return to class. These
re-enrol provided that no more than five units are taken in
that semester. Alternatively, the units can be repeated in documents must be emailed to the lecturer(s) concerned
the following semester. However, students are permitted to and copied to the Student Progress Coordinator, Ms. Edith
MUF0051 Information & Communication
repeat any given unit only ONCE. Macintyre.
Technology Unit 1
4 • Units 1 and 2 can be taken sequentially (recommended) or concurrently.
MUF0052 Information & Communication
The highest mark combination will be used to determine the Consequences of absence from class
Technology Unit 2
MUFY university entry score. Attendance is monitored on a two-week basis. Students must
fulfil an attendance requirement of 80%. A student who does
• Units 1 and 2 can be taken sequentially or concurrently. not fulfil this requirement without a valid reason will receive
MUF0091 Fundamental Mathematics Unit 1
• Cannot be taken in combination with Mathematics and
Adding and dropping units
MUF0092 Fundamental Mathematics Unit 2 an absenteeism report. In addition, the student will be issued
Advanced Mathematics. a warning letter. After two warning letters, the student will be
Students select the units they wish to study at the beginning
of each semester. However, if they find that they have made barred from taking the upcoming assessment.
• Units 1 and 2 can be taken sequentially (recommended) or concurrently. an unsuitable choice of units, they are allowed to change their
MUF0101 Mathematics Unit 1
6 • Before Undertaking Unit 1, students should have completed an appropriate selection of units by adding or dropping certain units within Class punctuality
MUF0102 Mathematics Unit 2
year 11 Additional Mathematics. two weeks of class commencement. Students who are more than 5 minutes late will be marked
“late” in the attendance record. Students who are more than
• Unit 1 is a prerequisite for Unit 2. 15 minutes late will be marked “absent” and they may not be
MUF0141 Advanced Mathematics Unit 1 • Units 1 and 2 must be taken sequentially and cannot be taken concurrently. Mathematics units
7 allowed into the class if the lecturer feels that it will disrupt
MUF0142 Advanced Mathematics Unit 2 • Unit 1 must be studied in combination with Mathematics Unit 1. learning.
It is important to note that Mathematics is a requirement for
• Students must satisfactorily complete Unit 1 before proceeding to Unit 2.
a number of undergraduate courses.
• Units 1 and 2 can be taken sequentially (recommended) or concurrently.
MUF0031 Biology Unit 1 Fundamental Mathematics CANNOT be taken together with
8 • Before undertaking Unit 1, students should have completed an appropriate
MUF0032 Biology Unit 2 Mathematics or Advanced Mathematics.
year 11 Biology.
• Unit 1 is a prerequisite for Unit 2. However, students who have passed Mathematics Unit 1 can
• Units 1 and 2 must be taken sequentially and cannot be taken concurrently. continue with Fundamental Mathematics Unit 2. A student
MUF0041 Chemistry Unit 1
9 Students must satisfactorily complete Unit 1 before proceeding to Unit 2. with this sequence of Mathematics Unit 1 and Fundamental
MUF0042 Chemistry Unit 2
• Before undertaking Unit 1, students should have completed an appropriate Mathematics Unit 2 is considered to have completed
year 11 Chemistry. Fundamental Mathematics. The score for this sequence
will be the Fundamental Mathematics Unit 2 score. The
• Units 1 and 2 can be taken sequentially or concurrently.
MUF0121 Physics Unit 1 Mathematics Unit 1 score will not be used.
10 • Before undertaking Unit 1, students should have completed an
MUF0122 Physics Unit 2
appropriate year 11 Physics.
Advanced Mathematics CANNOT be taken without
Mathematics. Students interested to study Advanced
MUF0131 Global Studies Unit 1 • Units 1 and 2 can be taken sequentially or concurrently. Mathematics must also enrol in Mathematics.
MUF0132 Global Studies Unit 2 • English Unit 1 is a prerequisite for Global Studies Unit 2.
NOTE: The MUFY programme at Sunway College reserves the right to not offer a unit if less than 10 students enrol in that unit.
10 11
from other sources, those sources must be acknowledged in
Assessment full. This is usually identified by using indentation or italics
with a reference to the author. It may be useful for a student
Absence from test-based assessments to seek the help of a tutor in preparing a piece of work and
to enlist the help of fellow students in sorting out ideas. The
Students who miss a test-based assessment must inform
the lecturer immediately and produce to any of the MUFY final product, however, must be the student’s own words,
Coordinators (Ms. Edith Macintyre or Ms. Esther Seow) the graphics, drawings and the like.
document(s) outlined in A – C listed under “Attendance”,
either in advance of absence or within 24 hours of return to Cheating MUF0011 ENGLISH UNIT 1: MUF0012 ENGLISH UNIT 2:
the College. This is for the purpose of obtaining approval to Cheating means seeking to obtain an unfair advantage in an ACADEMIC SKILLS AND COMPOSITION EXPLORING IDEAS
reschedule the missed assessment. Failure to do so will result examination or in other written or practical work required
in the student being awarded a zero mark for the missed to be submitted or completed by a student for assessment.
Overview Overview
assessment. Assisting to cheat means assisting a student in an examination English develops your language, research, organisational and study This unit is intended to build on the skills developed in English Unit
or other written or practical work with the intention that the skills to prepare you for tertiary education in Australia. You will learn 1: Academic Skills and Composition. Students will further develop
If approval is granted, a rescheduled assessment will be student will thereby obtain an unfair advantage. The taking of how to speak confidently, listen, understand and analyse ideas, and language skills (writing, speaking, listening, and reading), research,
arranged and must be taken within 1 week of the official any unauthorised material into examinations, such as notes, become a strong reader and writer of academic English. organizational, argumentative, and study skills. In addition, they will
assessment date. The rescheduled assessment date may unauthorised dictionaries or unauthorised calculators, will be explore a range of concepts through reading and responding to texts
be set on any day within the one week period and is not regarded as cheating. Students should also note that essays, Prerequisites and develop their understanding of academic writing conventions.
negotiable. assignments and other work are generally understood to be There are no prerequisites for English Unit 1. MUF0011 English Unit 1:
the student’s own work and where any such work is identical Academic Skills and Composition is a compulsory subject. Prerequisites
Monash University Foundation Year English is a compulsory subject.
Late Submission of assessments with, or similar to, another student’s work, an assumption
Knowledge and Outcomes Students must satisfactorily complete MUF0011 English Unit 1: Academic
Students who do not submit an assessment by the due date of cheating may arise. Where students wish to undertake
At the end of this unit students will be able to: Skills and Composition before proceeding to MUF0012 English Unit 2:
must inform the lecturer immediately. Subsequently, the work in conjunction with other students, they must seek and
• Develop strategies for comprehending, interpreting and Exploring Ideas.
student must submit the Late Submission of Assessment obtain the approval of the subject teacher/lecturer. communicating written and verbal information.
Form (downloaded from the mLearn programme page) and • Apply appropriate referencing techniques and conventions. Knowledge and outcomes
the assessment to the lecturer as soon as possible. A 10% Collusion • Develop an understanding of how to collect, organise, analyse, At the end of this unit students will know how to:
penalty will be imposed for each day the submission is late Collusion is the submission by students of substantially synthesise and evaluate information. • Comprehend, interpret and communicate written and verbal
to a maximum of 3 days (including weekends). similar pieces of work and is prima facie evidence of cheating. • Apply strategies and conventions for note-taking, paraphrasing, information.
Substantial similarity of work can occur only if the students summarising and synthesis. • Collect, organise, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information.
For example, if the assessment is worth 40 marks, and it is have: • Understand how best to develop, argue and support their own point • Explore and respond to a range of ideas through the study of various
• Copied each other of view. texts.
submitted 2 days late, then the student will incur a penalty
• Use conventions of academic writing. • Plan their work and prioritise their time.
of 20% of the total 40 mark, i.e. 8 marks. A mark of zero will • Copied another student’s work
• Understand value of feedback and self-reflection in informing learning • Draft, edit and proofread.
be awarded if the submitted assessment is more than 3 days • Copied from another source such as a print/internet
progress. • Act on feedback and evaluate their own learning progress.
late or not submitted. publication • Understand the importance of academic integrity in both an
• Reproduced their lecture notes educational and professional setting. Skills and behaviours outcomes
Academic progression At the end of this unit students will be able to:
Falsification of identity Skills and Behaviours Outcomes • Demonstrate an understanding of personal identity in conjunction with
Impersonation of another person for the purposes of At the end of this unit students will be able to: being able to show an emerging global vision through the exploration
Students are expected to successfully complete the MUFY
completing an assessed task is a serious form of academic • Employ strategies for comprehending, interpreting and of a range of ideas in texts and by researching a challenging topic.
programme in 2 semesters. As such, students passing less communicating written and verbal information. • Participate in collaborative learning through speaking, listening and
misconduct. Signing an attendance register on behalf of
than half of the units enrolled in a semester indicate an • Participate in collaborative learning through speaking, listening and co-operation.
another student is another example of falsification of identity.
inability to cope with the programme and will therefore be co-operation. • Take responsibility for their own growth in learning through
advised to discontinue their studies. • Apply critical thinking skills through reflective decision-making. establishing goals, self-diagnosis and self-evaluation.
Fabrication of results
• Take responsibility for their own growth in learning through self- • Demonstrate articulate communication using the English language.
Many coursework tasks in the MUFY course require students
diagnosis, self-evaluation and establishing goals. • Read for meaning.
Academic integrity and misconduct to research and survey for the purpose of collecting data. • Demonstrate articulate communication through using the English • Plan, structure and revise their own writing.
It is important that all information generated from the data language. • Plan, prioritise and manage time.
What is academic integrity? is legitimate and free from invention and alteration and that • Read for gist and read for meaning. • Use language to communicate in both oral and written form.
Students have academic integrity when they equip the work constitutes a truthful representation of the line of • Use language to analyse an argument in both oral and written form • Employ ICT as a mode of research, communication and presentation
themselves with the skills necessary to: investigation studied. • Use language to present and support an argument in oral and written • Collect, interpret and present mathematical data as supportive
• Participate in their learning fairly, forms. evidence in a research report.
• Collaborate with students and lecturers respectfully, MUFY students are reminded that any form of academic • Demonstrate academic skills such as note-taking, paraphrasing, • Demonstrate sustainability and enterprise skills through initiative,
• Reference the use of another’s work and ideas, and misconduct is taken seriously and there are expected synthesis of ideas and citation of sources. problem-solving, reflection and revision.
• Manage time and effort to maximise one’s academic • Demonstrate an awareness of the principles of academic integrity
and be able to apply this in their own academic conduct.
Where the academic misconduct is confirmed, the range of ASSESSMENT
What is academic misconduct? penalties can include, but are not limited to; Assessment Task Weighting
Participation 10%
Examination 30%
14 15
Graphs & Relatiions Test 20% Bivariate Data Group Application Task 10%
16 17
Examination 30%
18 19
Participation 10%
Examination 30%
20 21
Participation 10%
Examination 30%
22 23
Overview Overview
Contemporary Issues explores current world issues and how they Contemporary Issues explores current world issues and how they affect
affect people and places. Unit 1 focuses on the challenges of creating people and places. Unit 2 focuses on the causes and consequences of
sustainable societies and how this relates to social, economic and key challenges in the world and how societies respond to solve them.
environmental factors. By exploring a range of case studies at This unit aims to help students consolidate the skills of critical thinking
different scales (global, national and local) you will develop a deeper and communication established in Unit 1, while building confidence in
understanding of the issues facing humanity and the ways they could University style learning and assessment. You will study either:
be resolved. This unit will help you to develop your research skills, use
evidence as well as improve your communication, critical thinking and Module 1: Conflict
collaboration skills. You will study either: Or
Module 2: Inequality
Module 1: Health and Sustainability
Or Prerequisites
Module 2: Environmental Sustainability While Contemporary Issues Unit 1 can be completed without completing
Contemporary Issues Unit 2, Unit 2 cannot be undertaken without
Prerequisites completing Unit 1.
While Contemporary Issues Unit 1 can be completed without completing
Contemporary Issues Unit 2, Unit 2 cannot be undertaken without Knowledge outcomes
completing Unit 1. At the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• Recall, explain and analyse contemporary issues using the issues
Knowledge outcomes based learning framework of Causes/Consequences/Responses.
At the end of this unit, students will be able to: • Demonstrate critical thinking strategies by interpreting, analysing The MUFY Gallery of
• Recall, explain and analyse contemporary issues using the issues and evaluating a variety of contemporary issues and case studies.
based learning framework of Local/National/Global. • Link the case studies covered in class to important theoretical ideas.
Excellence features students
• Demonstrate critical thinking strategies by interpreting, analysing • Identify and articulate how contemporary issues in the world are from Sunway College Kuala
and evaluating a variety of contemporary issues and case studies in connected to the personal experience of others as well as their own Lumpur who were recipients of
relation to the pillars of sustainability: political, social, economic and lives.
environmental aspects and implications. • Understand how to be critical consumers of media, especially in
the MUFY Award of Excellence.
• Identify and articulate how contemporary issues in the world are relation to the reporting and discussion of various contemporary LOOI XIN HUI (DECEMBER 2020) ARMINDER SINGH PUNN (JULY 2020) The MUFY Award of Excellence
connected to the personal experience of others as well as their own issues and topics. is presented to the student who
lives. • Select, evaluate and use evidence using a process of reasoning to
• Select, evaluate and use evidence using a process of reasoning to build and support convincing arguments.
has achieved the highest total
build and support convincing arguments. • Write text responses using academic conventions and incorporating score in a particular examination
• Write text responses using academic conventions and incorporating key content. among all the providers of
key content. • Use and understand conventions of source referencing and
• Use and understand conventions of source and referencing and acknowledgement appropriate to the university environment.
MUFY which include providers
acknowledgement appropriate to the university environment. in Australia, Malaysia, China,
Skills and behaviours outcomes Indonesia and Sri Lanka.
Skills and behaviours outcomes At the end of this unit, students will be able to:
At the end of this unit, students will be able to: • Demonstrate critical thinking techniques in order to read/view,
• Demonstrate critical thinking techniques in order to read/view, evaluate and process information from a variety of texts, such as
evaluate and process information from a variety of texts, such as websites, newspapers, textbooks and videos.
websites, newspapers, textbooks and videos. • Identify and discuss the significance of bias within media reporting of
• Identify and discuss the issues based on evidence from a range of key issues/events.
sources. • Apply knowledge to work respectfully and ethically with others,
• Apply knowledge to work respectfully and ethically with others, demonstrating cultural awareness.
demonstrating cultural awareness. • Articulate and evaluate different perspectives on issues to form
• Articulate and evaluate different perspectives on issues to form conclusions.
conclusions. • Ask questions and engage in discussion that allows for the
• Ask questions and engage in discussion that allows for the demonstration of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
demonstration of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. • Communicate in a variety of forms, including academic writing,
• Communicate in a variety of forms, including academic leading presentations and participation in group discussion.
writing, leading presentations and participation in group discussion. • Use feedback to monitor and improve learning.
• Use feedback to monitor and improve learning.
Socratic Seminar 1 15% Group Investigation and Student Led Seminar 25%
Participation 10%
24 25
“MUFY was a whole new chapter in my education. It helped “MUFY seamlessly integrates into the curriculum at Monash.
me build a solid foundation that taught me the skills to cope Through MUFY, I learnt a lot about time management,
with my studies at Monash University. Through MUFY, I also honed my skills and pushed my boundaries through various
cultivated lots of self-discipline which helped me succeed assessments and interactive activities. I was also privileged
in university as there were times when I felt distracted and to be a part of the MUFY Student Council which was an
less motivated. I love how the course is structured not just enriching experience. In short, MUFY has the best of both
academically but also to build my confidence and social worlds - challenging me academically while balancing it
skills through various extracurricular activities. I would not with an array of fun extracurricular activities.”
hesitate to recommend MUFY as the experience proved to
be invaluable.”
“I can confidently say that Monash University Foundation “MUFY was a whole new adventure for me where I had
Year (MUFY) has helped me establish a solid foundation the chance to be a part of a diverse community. This
in my studies. The programme has also helped me exposure definitely aided me in improving my social and
to develop a strong sense of discipline and high self- communication skills. I also love how MUFY was not only a
motivation, as it requires you to diligently plan out your programme that focuses on academically related activities
schedule carefully. Each class environment is enjoyable, but sports and charity events as well.”
educational and interactive. My overall experience in
MUFY is totally invaluable and essential to my future
MUFY organises the
University Information Week to
provide students with up-to-date information on courses offered by
Monash University. During the event, Monash academics talk to MUFY students about the courses
JASMINE CHIAM WAN ERN KAJENDRA GOVINDASAMY and specialisations offered, admission requirements and career prospects. This information helps
Bachelor of Pharmacy Bachelor of Communication
students make informed decisions about which undergraduate course to study after MUFY.
Monash University and Media Studies
Monash University
Monash University has intakes in February and July. Monash University Malaysia has an additional
intake in October. However, the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)
“The MUFY programme has been an eye-opening, “It would have been very hard for me to equip myself with and Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine have intake in February only.
wholesome and unforgettable experience. The teachers the skills necessary to get into Monash without taking up
are supportive, dedicated and professional while the MUFY as my pre-university course. The course structure,
programme itself has encouraged me to develop as a friendly tutors as well as an amazing student council to
person, grow and excel in my studies. Overall, MUFY work with have made my MUFY journey a memorable one.”
has aided me in gaining the knowledge, assets and skills
necessary to perform well in my future undertakings.”
26 27
Students apply to study at Monash in the final semester of the MUFY programme. To facilitate
this, a Monash Application Briefing is organised during which students are guided through
the online application to Monash. The destination degree entry requirements listed apply to Monash University Foundation Year students who commence their Monash University
Foundation Year in 2019/2020/2021/2022/2023, subject to the following exception.
International students must have a full student visa before they commence studies at Monash. In instances where the below listed destination degree entry requirement is different to the score published at the time of a student’s initial enrolment,
the entry requirements published at the time of the student’s enrolment will be honoured.
Malaysia. This one year programme is an alternative pathway to a Monash degree. It allows Arts and Social
A2006 Bachelor of Arts and Social
Malaysia 60% 65% None.
students to study first year units in four of the Schools – Arts and Social Sciences, Business, Communication A2011 Bachelor of Digital Media and Malaysia 60% 65% None.
and Media Studies Communication
I.T. and Science – and qualify for the second year of a chosen degree.
Business and B2026 Bachelor of Business and Malaysia 60% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year Mathematics (min 50%) of Australian Year 11
Commerce Commerce equivalent Mathematics (minimum score requirement applies).
Alternatively, students can enrol on diploma programmes offered by Monash College. Monash *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can
College offers the Diploma of Art and Design, Diploma of Arts, Diploma of Business and satisfy the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course
by successfully completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental
Mathematics (MUF0142)’ OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental
Diploma of Engineering. Similarly, undertaking one of these diploma programmes will provide Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and achieving the required overall score specified above.
students with a pathway into the second year of Monash University degree programmes. Business and B2027 Bachelor of Business annd Malaysia 60% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year Mathematics (min 50%) or Australian Year 11
Commerce/ Commerce and Bachelor of Digital Media equivalent Mathematics (minimum score requirement applies).
Digital Media and and Communication
Comunication *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can
satisfy the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course
by successfully completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental
Mathematics (MUF0142)’ OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental
Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and achieving the required overall score specified above.
Engineering E3001 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Malaysia 76.25% 65% Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) and Chemistry (min 65%) or
(Honours) (Honours) Physics (min 65%).
E3001 Bachelor of Civil Engineering
E3001 Bachelor of Electrical and
Computer Systems (Honours)
E3001 Bachelor of Mechanical
Engineering (Honours)
E3001 Bachelor of Robotics and
Mechatronics Engineering (Honours)
E3001 Bachelor of Software Engineering
Computer Science C2001 Bachelor of Computer Science Malaysia 70% 65% Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
C2001 Bachelor of Computer Science in
Data Science
Medical Science M6019 Bachelor of Medical Science and Malaysia 85% 75% Chemistry (min 75%), Biology (min 50%) and one of Physics (min 50%) or
and Doctor of Doctor of Medicine Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%) or Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics
Medicine (min 50%) and ISAT (min overall score of 159) and Multiple Mini Interview (MMI).
Selection in the course is based on ISAT, interview and MUFY final results. All applicants
must complete an ISAT. Refer to the school website at https://www.monash.edu.my/jcsmhs/
for more information and application closing dates.
Additional Requirements
Students must have achieved the following grades at School Certificate Level
(SPM/O level or equivalent): 5Bs in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or Additional
Mathematics and another subject. For more information, please refer to https://www.mmc.
Before undertaking clinical placements, students must satisfy the immunisation requirements
specified by the faculty. Students applying to Monash University Malaysia MUST fulfil the
Malaysian Medical Council’s (MMC) requirements in Year 12 (Chemistry, Biology and Physics or
Mathematics in Year 12).
Psychology M2018 Bachelor of Psychology Malaysia 60% 65% A minimum credit (Grade C) in Mathematics and Science subject at SPM/O level or equivalent
qualification or a Pass in Mathematics and Science subject at Year 12 Qualification as stated in
the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) Programme Standard.
Notes: Science subject can be any one of the science subject in science stream or general
science subject
Psychology M2015 Bachelor of Psychology Malaysia 67.50% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year Mathematics (min 50%) or Australian Year 11
and Business and Business equivalent Mathematics (minimum score requirement applies).
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can
satisfy the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course
by successfully completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental
Mathematics (MUF0142)’ OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental
Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and achieving the required overall score specified above.
Notes: Science subject can be any one of the science subject in science stream or general
science subject
Human Nutrition M2016 Bachelor of Human Nutrition Malaysia 72.5% 65% Two of Chemistry (min 65%) or Biology (min 65%) or
Mathematics (min 65%) / Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) / Physics (min 65%)
Science S2000 Bachelor of Science Malaysia 72.5% 65% One of Biology (min 65%), Chemistry (min 65%), Mathematics (min 65%),
Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) or Physics (min 65%).
Food Science and S2009 Bachelor of Food Science and Malaysia 63.75% 65% One of Biology (min 65%), Chemistry (min 65%), Mathematics (min 65%) or
Technology Technology Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
Medical Bioscience S2008 Bachelor of Medical Bioscience Malaysia 67.5% 65% One of Biology (min 65%), Chemistry (min 65%), Mathematics (min 65%) or
Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change.
28 29
Politics, Philosophy A2010 Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy Clayton 74.25% 65% Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or Business B2007 Bachelor of Business Peninsula 60% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year 11
and Economics and Economics Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). Administration Administration equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies).
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2022 2021 and onwards, students can *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
satisfy the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
successfully completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
(MUF0142)’ OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
(MUF0142)’ and achieving the required overall score specified above. achieving the required overall score specified above.
Selection requirements: All applicants must submit a supplementary form located at: https:// Commerce B2001 Bachelor of Commerce Clayton 76.25% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Mathematics (min 50%) or
arts.monash.edu/undergraduate-studies/bachelor-of-politics-philosophy-and-economics/ Advanced Mathematics (min 50%)
Prior intakes: Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%)
FACULTY OF ART, DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE Economics B2031 Bachelor of Economics Clayton 76.25% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Mathematics (min 50%) or
Advanced Mathematics (min 50%)
Architecture F2001 Bachelor of Architectural Design* Caulfield 76.25% 65% None.
Prior intakes: Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%)
*The Bachelor of Architectural Design is the first stage of our five-year Bachelor/Master
professional qualification in architecture. Successful completion of the Bachelor degree
Finance B2034 Bachelor of Finance Clayton 76.25% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Mathematics (min 50%) or
guarantees access into the Master of Architecture course. Students can then apply for the
Advanced Mathematics (min 50%)
Masters component when they are completing their Bachelor degree.
Prior intakes: Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%)
Architectural F6003 Bachelor of Architectural Design Caulfield 76.25% 65% None.
Design and Master and Master of Architecture*
International Caulfield 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or
of Architecture (new course offered from *Admission into the F6001 Master of Architecture is conditional on successful completion
Business Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Semester 1, 2022) of the F2001 Bachelor of Architectural Design.
Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or
Design F2010 Bachelor of Collaborative Design Caulfield 63.75% 65% None.
Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
F2010 Bachelor of Communication Design
F2010 Bachelor of Industrial Design Please note: Students will choose their specialisation on enrolment.
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
F2010 Bachelor of Spatial Design
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
Student Application Process: Students must apply for the Bachelor of Design F2010.
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
Students start their specialisation in semester 2 which is available in the following streams:
achieving the required overall score specified above.
Communication Design, Industrial Design, Spatial Design or Collaborative design.
Marketing Caulfield 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or
Architecture F2001 Bachelor of Architectural Design* Caulfield 76.25% 65% None.
Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
*The Bachelor of Architectural Design is the first stage of our five-year Bachelor/Master
Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or
professional qualification in architecture. Successful completion of the Bachelor degree
Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
guarantees access into the Master of Architecture course. Students can then apply for the
Masters component when they are completing their Bachelor degree.
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
Architectural F6003 Bachelor of Architectural Design Caulfield 76.25% 65% None.
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
Design and Master and Master of Architecture*
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
of Architecture (new course offered from *Admission into the F6001 Master of Architecture is conditional on successful completion
achieving the required overall score specified above.
Semester 1, 2022) of the F2001 Bachelor of Architectural Design.
Students start their specialisation in semester 2 which is available in the following streams:
Communication Design, Industrial Design, Spatial Design or Collaborative design.
^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change. ^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change.
30 31
From Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: For entry into the Bachelor of Engineering Medical Science M6011 Bachelor of Medical Science, and Clayton 90% 75% Chemistry (min 75%), ISAT and Multiple Mini Interview (MMI).
(Honours) or any faculty approved Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) double degree, or and Doctor of Doctor of Medicine
Bachelor of Engineering and Masters Accelerated Pathway, if you successfully complete Medicine There are a limited number of places available in this course and the entry score is only
MUFY Advanced Mathematics (unit 1 and 2) with a pass (50%) average or above, you will be indicative. Campus transfer is not available.
awarded an additional 5 points to count towards your final total MUFY score. This process
however does not apply to any other Monash undergraduate courses. The additional 5 points Selection in the course is based on ISAT, interview and MUFY final results. All international
will not be awarded on your final transcript issued by Monash College. applicants must complete an ISAT. Invitation to attend an interview will depend on the
applicant’s ISAT score. Refer to the faculty website at http://www.med.monash.edu.au/
Applicable to all qualifications (i.e Year 12 qualifications and higher qualifications (effective medicine/admissions/direct-entry/international.htmlfor more information and application
semester 1, 2023 intake and onwards): closing dates.
Maths and Science (Physics and/or Chemistry) prerequisites need to be completed within
the past 10 years. This will mostly impact the postgraduate coursework cohort. However, it EXTRA REQUIREMENTS
may be that students have taken the prerequisites more than ten years ago but they have Students must complete an International Criminal Check by course commencement.
completed more advanced Maths and Science material during subsequent qualifications that
are within the ten year recency requirement. Before undertaking clinical placements, students must:
• satisfy the immunisation requirements specified by the faculty
INTERNAL NOTE ONLY: Refer to the Admissions Course List for the process when the offer • complete a National Police Records. Check each year before undertaking clinical placements
is packaged with E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and E3001 Master of Engineering. • hold a valid Working with Children Check.
Computer Science C3001 Bachelor of Computer Science Clayton Not Not Not applicable.
Advanced Advanced (Honours) applicable applicable
Information C2000 Bachelor of Information Clayton 70% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year 11
Technology Technology equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies).
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
and achieving the required overall score specified above.
From Semester 2, 2022 intake and onwards: For entry into the Bachelor of Information
Technology or any faculty approved Bachelor of Information Technology double degree,
if you successfully complete MUFY Mathematics (units 1 and 2) and/or MUFY Advanced
Mathematics (unit 1 and 2) with a pass (50%) average or above, you will be awarded up to
an additional 2 points to count towards your final total MUFY score. This process however
does not apply to any other Monash undergraduate courses. The additional points will not be
awarded on your final transcript issued by Monash College.
Laws (Honours) L3001 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Clayton 85% 75% None.
This course is equivalent to 4.25 years of full-time study and may be accelerated to
complete in four years. This will require a one-unit overload in each of two semesters.
Students have a maximum of eight years to complete this course.
^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change. ^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change.
32 33
Nursing M2006 Bachelor of Nursing Clayton 70% Prior to 2021 Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year 11 Paramedicine M2011 Bachelor of Paramedicine Peninsula 65% 65% Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or
intake: 65% equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies). Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
2021 intake *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
and onwards: the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
M2006 Bachelor of Nursing Peninsula 67.50% Applicants will completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
be required to OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
meet an MUFY and achieving the required overall score specified above. and achieving the required overall score specified above.
English score of
M2006 Bachelor of Nursing - Scholars Clayton/ 80% 65% and provide There are a limited number of places available in this course and the entry score SELECTION REQUIREMENTS (effective Semester 1, 2022 intake and onwards):
Program Peninsula an AHPRA is only indicative.
approved English Applicants must be 18 years of age by 1st April of the first year of the course, to meet the
proficiency test EXTRA REQUIREMENTS mandatory requirements for clinical placements. Underage applicants who can not meet
(that meets Students must complete an International Criminal Check by course commencement. this requirement are not eligible for an offer. Please refer to the mandatory compliance web
English language page for additional information: https://www.monash.edu/medicine/study/student-services/
Level D) that Before undertaking clinical placements, students must: mandatory-compliance
must be valid 2 • satisfy the immunisation requirements specified by the faculty
years prior to the • complete a National Police Records. Check each year before undertaking clinical placements EXTRA REQUIREMENTS:
Monash course • hold a valid Working with Children Check Students must complete an International Criminal Check by course commencement.
commencement • complete and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) worker screening check.
date. Guidelines Before undertaking clinical placements, students must:
on how Monash Nursing students must be aware of their legal responsibilities regarding the administration * satisfy the immunisation requirements specified by the faculty
is to assess and storage of drugs in keeping with the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 * complete a National Police Records. Check each year before undertaking clinical placements
English language (Vic) and the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations 2006 (Vic). * hold a valid Working with Children Check.
requirements * comply with the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences immunisation policy:
to comply med.monash.edu.au/current/immunisation. Failure to hold satisfactory checks or meet the
with APHRA immunisation requirements may result in students being unable to complete this course.
registration/ * complete and pass a prescribed medical and fitness assessment with an agency appointed
English by Ambulance Victoria. Refer to the website for further information: https://www.monash.
requirements edu/medicine/spahc/cehpp/teaching/undergraduate/clinical-placement-information
for the above
courses can be Public Health M2012 Bachelor of Public Health Caulfield 63.75% 65% Effective Semester 1, 2023 intake and onwards: None
located on the
2021 Admissions Prior intake: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or
Course List. Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Nursing/Midwifery M3007 Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor Peninsula 72.50% Prior to 2021 Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year 11 *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
(Honours) of Midwifery (Honours) intake: 65% equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies). the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
2021 intake *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
and onwards: the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully and achieving the required overall score specified above.
Applicants will completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
be required to OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
meet an MUFY and achieving the required overall score specified above. Physiotherapy M3002 Bachelor of Physiotherapy Peninsula 85% 75% Any two of Chemistry (min 65%), Biology (min 65%), Physics (min 65%),
English score of (Honours) (Honours) Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
65% and provide There is a limited number of places available in this course and the entry score
an AHPRA is only indicative. There are a limited number of places available in this course and the entry score
approved English is only indicative.
proficiency test EXTRA REQUIREMENTS
(that meets Students must complete an International Criminal Check by course commencement. SELECTION REQUIREMENTS (effective Semester 1, 2022 intake and onwards):
English language
Level D) that Before undertaking clinical placements, students must: Underage applicants must be 18 years of age by the start of the second year of the course to
must be valid 2 • satisfy the immunisation requirements specified by the faculty meet the mandatory requirements for clinical placements. Underage applicants who can not
years prior to the • complete a National Police Records. Check each year before undertaking clinical placements meet this requirement are not eligible for an offer. Please refer to the mandatory compliance
Monash course • hold a valid Working with Children Check web page for additional information: https://www.monash.edu/medicine/study/student-
commencement • complete and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) worker screening check. services/mandatory-compliance
date. Guidelines
on how Monash Nursing students must be aware of their legal responsibilities regarding the administration EXTRA REQUIREMENTS:
is to assess and storage of drugs in keeping with the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 Students must complete an International Criminal Check by course commencement.
English language (Vic) and the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations 2006 (Vic).
requirements Before undertaking clinical placements, students must:
to comply • satisfy the immunisation requirements specified by the faculty
with APHRA • complete a National Police Records. Check each year before undertaking clinical placements
registration/ • hold a valid Working with Children Check
English • complete and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) worker screening check.
for the above Psychology M2018 Bachelor of Psychology Clayton 76.25% 65% None.
courses can be (new course offered from
located on the Semester 1, 2023)
2021 Admissions
Course List.
Nutrition Science M2001 Bachelor of Nutrition Science Clayton 72.5% 65% Chemistry (min 65%) or Biology (min 65%).
M2001 Bachelor of Nutrition Science Clayton 85% 2021 intake Students must hold a valid Working with Children Check.
(Scholars Program) and onwards:
2020 intake
and prior:
Students must complete an International Criminal Check by course commencement.
^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change. ^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change.
34 35
EXTRA REQUIREMENTS Studies must have been completed within five years* of intended commencement. If you
have not studied science in the past five years, you may still meet the requirements if you can
Mandatory Compliance demonstrate that you have engaged with science after your studies; this could be through
If you are undertaking a course with clinical or fieldwork placements you must demonstrate work, teaching or volunteering in a capacity where you engaged in science in a meaningful
compliance with the following checks and requirements. For more information refer to ways. If you believe you meet the requirements in this way, please provide us with a CV, letter
the Mandatory Compliance webpage and carefully read the Clinical/Fieldwork Placement of support from an employer/supervisor or other form of written proof that can demonstrate
Handbook. It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct documentation is obtained prior how you have engaged with science in the past 5 years.
to commencing clinical/fieldwork placements.
*meeting Monash course prerequisites are also subject to the 5 year rule.
Police checks
A current national and/or international Police check is required regarding your suitability to Science Advanced S3001 Bachelor of Science Advanced – Clayton 2020 intake 75% One of Biology (min 75%), Chemistry (min 75%), Physics (min 75%), Mathematics (75%) or
undertake clinical/fieldwork placements. Refer to the faculty’s Police checks webpage. – Global Challenges Global Challenges (Honours) and prior Advanced Mathematics (min 75%). All applicants must make a written submission, and if
(Honours) intakes: shortlisted will be invited to an interview. For further information please visit: http://www.
Working with Children checks 85% monash.edu.au/admissions/personal-statements
A current Working with Children check is required regarding your suitability to undertake
clinical/fieldwork placements. Refer to the faculty’s Working with Children checks webpage. 2021 intake *MUFY students cannot receive a packaged offer for this course.
and onwards:
Immunisation and vaccination requirements 80% There are a limited number of places available in this course and the entry score given is only
In accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council recommendations, indicative.
this course requires that you comply with the faculty’s Mandatory Compliance requirements
regarding immunisation and vaccination. These requirements are designed to provide Studies must have been completed within five years* of intended commencement. If you
maximum protection against the increased risk of some vaccine preventable diseases for you, have not studied science in the past five years, you may still meet the requirements if you can
patients and workers in health care settings. demonstrate that you have engaged with science after your studies; this could be through
work, teaching or volunteering in a capacity where you engaged in science in a meaningful
You are required to have certain specified vaccinations and have your blood borne virus ways. If you believe you meet the requirements in this way, please provide us with a CV, letter
status determined, before commencement of clinical/fieldwork placement. Non-compliance of support from an employer/supervisor or other form of written proof that can demonstrate
of this requirement may result in you being unable to undertake the clinical/fieldwork how you have engaged with science in the past 5 years.
placement, with the attendant academic consequences. If you test positive to a blood borne
virus (including HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C) you will be required to consult a specialist *meeting Monash course prerequisites are also subject to the 5 year rule.
medical practitioner approved by the faculty to provide advice on any necessary restrictions
on work practices to protect patients and others from infection. Science Advanced S3002 Bachelor of Science Advanced – Clayton 85% 75% Mathematics (min 75%) and two of Biology (min 75%), Chemistry (min 75%),
– Research Research (Honours) Physics (min 75%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 75%).
Radiography and M3006 Bachelor of Radiography and Clayton 85% 75% Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) and Physics (min 65%) or (Honours)
Medical Imaging Medical Imaging (Honours) Biology (min 65%). Studies must have been completed within five years* of intended commencement. If you
(Honours) have not studied science in the past five years, you may still meet the requirements if you can
There are a limited number of places available in this course and the entry score demonstrate that you have engaged with science after your studies; this could be through
is only indicative. work, teaching or volunteering in a capacity where you engaged in science in a meaningful
ways. If you believe you meet the requirements in this way, please provide us with a CV, letter
EXTRA REQUIREMENTS of support from an employer/supervisor or other form of written proof that can demonstrate
Students must complete an International Criminal Check by course commencement. how you have engaged with science in the past 5 years.
Before undertaking clinical placements, students must: *meeting Monash course prerequisites are also subject to the 5 year rule.
• satisfy the immunisation requirements specified by the faculty
• complete a National Police Records. Check each year before undertaking clinical placements
• hold a valid Working with Children Check
• hold or attain a current registered level 1 first aid certificate.
Pharmacy P3001 Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) Parkville 75% 65% Chemistry (min 65%) and one of Mathematics (min 65%) or
(Honours) Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
Students must obtain a Police Check (annual requirement) and a Working With Children
check prior to enrolment. A medical certificate specifying the student’s current health and
immunisation status is also required prior to enrolment.
Pharmacy P6001 Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) 75% 65% Chemistry (min 65%) and one of Mathematics (min 65%) or
(Honours) and Master of Pharmacy Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
and Master of
Pharmacy Students must obtain a Police Check (annual requirement) and a Working With Children
check prior to enrolment. A medical certificate specifying the student’s current health and
immunisation status is also required prior to enrolment.
P6001 Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) 85% 65% Chemistry (min 65%) and one of Mathematics (min 65%) or
(Scholars Program) and Master of Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
Students must obtain a Police Check (annual requirement) and a Working With Children
check prior to enrolment. A medical certificate specifying the student’s current health and
immunisation status is also required prior to enrolment.
Pharmaceutical P2001 Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Parkville 72.50% 65% Chemistry (min 65%) and one of Mathematics (min 65%) or
Science Science Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
Pharmaceutical P3002 Bachelor of Pharmaceutical 75% 65% Chemistry (min 65%) and one of Mathematics (min 65%) or
Science Advanced Science Advanced (Honours) Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
P3002 Bachelor of Pharmaceutical 88.75% 65% Chemistry (min 65%) and one of Mathematics (min 65%) or
Science Advanced (Honours) Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
(Scholars Program)
^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change. ^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change.
36 37
Arts/Fine Art A20051 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor Caulfield 67.50% 65% Selection requirements for the fine art specialisation only: Applicants must submit a Prior intakes: Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
of Fine Art digital copy of a folio. Further instructions are available at http://artdes.monash.edu/apply/.
A20052 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Selection in the course is based on folio and academic requirements. Commerce/Arts B2020 Bachelor of Commerce and Clayton 76.25% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Mathematics (min 50%) or
Art History and Curating Bachelor of Arts Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
(new course offered from *MUFY students cannot receive a packaged offer for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of
Semester 1, 2021) Fine Art as students must prepare a folio independently for assessment. The MUFY program Prior intakes: Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
does not offer any subject that will assist student in the development and preparation of a
folio. Commerce/ B2021 Bachelor of Commerce and Clayton 80% 65% 2022 and 2023 intake: Chemistry (min 65%) and one of Mathematics (min 65%), or
Biomedical Science Bachelor of Biomedical Science Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) or Physics (min 65%).
Arts/Music A2004 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor Clayton 72.50% 65% Melbourne based MUFY students will be assessed at their recital.
of Music 2024 intake: Chemistry (min 65%) and one of Mathematics (min 65%), or
Non-Melbourne based MUFY students must submit a recorded performance audition/ Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
composition folio in DVD format and submit the “Music Auditions – Offshore applicants form”
available at the following location: artsonline.monash.edu.au/music-auditions Commerce/ B2008 Bachelor of Commerce and Clayton 76.25% 65% Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
Computer Science Bachelor of Computer Science
Business/ B2040 Bachelor of Business and Bachelor Caulfield 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or B2008 Bachelor of Commerce and
Accounting of Accounting Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). Bachelor of Computer Science
in Data Science
Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or
Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). Commerce/ B2032 Bachelor of Commerce and Clayton 76.25% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Mathematics (min 50%) or
Economics Bachelor of Economics Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully Prior intakes: Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and Commerce/ B2043 Bachelor of Commerce and Clayton 76.25% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Mathematics (min 50%) or
achieving the required overall score specified above. Finance Bachelor of Finance Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Business/Arts B2019 Bachelor of Business and Bachelor Caulfield 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or Prior intakes: Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
of Arts Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Commerce/Global B2006 Bachelor of Commerce and Clayton 76.25% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Mathematics (min 50%) or
Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or Studies Bachelor of Global Studies Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Prior intakes: Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully Commerce/ B2025 Bachelor of Commerce and Clayton 76.25% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Mathematics (min 50%) or
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ Information Bachelor of Information Technology Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and Technology
achieving the required overall score specified above. Prior intakes: Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
Business/Banking B2035 Bachelor of Business and Bachelor Caulfield 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or Commerce/Music B2022 Bachelor of Commerce and Clayton 76.25% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Mathematics (min 50%) or
and Finance of Banking and Finance Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). Bachelor of Music Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or Prior intakes: Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Melbourne based MUFY students will be assessed at their recital.
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully Non-Melbourne based MUFY students must submit a recorded performance audition/
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ composition folio in DVD format and submit the “Music Auditions – Offshore applicants form”
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and available at the following location: artsonline.monash.edu.au/music-auditions
achieving the required overall score specified above.
Commerce/Politics, B2047 Bachelor of Commerce and Clayton 76.25% 65% Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Business/ B2017 Bachelor of Business and Bachelor Caulfield 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or Philosophy and Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and
Information of Information Technology Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). Economics Economics
Technology (new course
Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or offered from
Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). Semester 1, 2022)
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy Commerce/Science B2023 Bachelor of Commerce and Clayton 76.25% 65% Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully Bachelor of Science
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and Criminology/ A2009 Bachelor of Criminology and Clayton 72.50% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year 11
achieving the required overall score specified above. Information Bachelor of Information Technology equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies).
Note: Students undertake Business subjects at Caulfield and Information Technology subjects *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
at Clayton. the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
Business/ B2041 Bachelor of Business and Bachelor 2022 intake: 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
International of International Business Caulfield Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). achieving the required overall score specified above.
2021 intake: Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or Design/Business F2011 Bachelor of Communication Design Caulfield 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or
City/Caulfield Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). and Bachelor of Business Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
F2011 Bachelor of Industrial Design and
2019/2020 *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy Bachelor of Business Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or
intake: the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully F2011 Bachelor of Spatial Design and Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
City* completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ Bachelor of Business
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and F2011 Bachelor of Collaborative Design *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
achieving the required overall score specified above. and Bachelor of Business the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
*Students undertake Bachelor of International Business subjects in the City and Bachelor of OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
Business subjects at Caulfield. achieving the required overall score specified above.
Business/Marketing B2037 Bachelor of Business and Bachelor Caulfield 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or Please note: Students will choose their specialisation on enrolment.
of Marketing Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Student Application Process: Students must apply for the Bachelor of Design/Bachelor
Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or of Business F2011. Students start their specialisation in semester 2 which is available in the
Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). following streams: Communication Design/Business or Industrial Design/Business.
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy Design/Information F2012 Bachelor of Communication Design Caulfield 70% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year 11
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully Technology and Bachelor of Information Technology equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies).
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ F2012 Bachelor of Industrial Design and
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and Bachelor of Information Technology *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
achieving the required overall score specified above. F2012 Bachelor of Spatial Design and the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
Bachelor of Information Technology completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
Business/Media B2028 Bachelor of Business and Bachelor Caulfield 72.50% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or F2012 Bachelor of Collaborative Design OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
Communication of Media Communication Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). and Bachelor of Information Technology achieving the required overall score specified above.
Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or Students undertake Design subjects at Caulfield and Information Technology subjects at
Advanced Mathematics (min 50%). Clayton.
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy Please note: Students will choose their specialisation on enrolment.
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ Student Application Process: Students must apply for the Bachelor of Design/Bachelor
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and of Information Technology F2012. Students start their specialisation in semester 2 which is
achieving the required overall score specified above. available in the following streams: Communication Design/Business or Industrial Design/
^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change. ^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change.
38 39
To register for your sitting or further information about the test visit https://takealtus.com. Engineering E3002 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering Clayton 76.25% 65% Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) and Chemistry (min 65%) or
(Honours)/Arts (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts Physics (min 65%).
Casper is only available online and must be taken once per admission cycle and prior to your E3002 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
Monash course commencement date. To ensure you meet the Casper deadlines for your (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts From Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: For entry into the Bachelor of Engineering
application go to https://takealtus.com/dates-times/ E3002 Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) or any faculty approved Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) double degree, or
(Honours) and Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Engineering and Masters Accelerated Pathway, if you successfully complete
Education D30041 Bachelor of Education (Honours) Clayton 70% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%) or Australian Year 11 E3002 Bachelor of Electrical and MUFY Advanced Mathematics (unit 1 and 2) with a pass (50%) average or above, you will be
(Honours)/Music in Primary Education and Bachelor of equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies) and audition and interview. Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) awarded an additional 5 points to count towards your final total MUFY score. This process
Music and Bachelor of Arts however does not apply to any other Monash undergraduate courses. The additional 5 points
D30042 Bachelor of Education (Honours) Melbourne based MUFY students will be assessed at their recital. E3002 Bachelor of Environmental will not be awarded on your final transcript issued by Monash College.
in Secondary Education and Bachelor Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor
of Music Non-Melbourne based MUFY students must submit a recorded performance audition/ of Arts Applicable to all qualifications (i.e Year 12 qualifications and higher qualifications (effective
composition folio in DVD format and submit the “Music Auditions – Offshore applicants form” E3002 Bachelor of Materials Engineering semester 1, 2023 intake and onwards):
available at the following location: artsonline.monash.edu.au/music-auditions (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts Maths and Science (Physics and/or Chemistry) prerequisites need to be completed within
E3002 Bachelor of Mechanical the past 10 years. This will mostly impact the postgraduate coursework cohort. However, it
Students must apply for a Working With Children Check. Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor may be that students have taken the prerequisites more than ten years ago but they have
of Arts completed more advanced Maths and Science material during subsequent qualifications that
This course is completed within four years but has a 4.25 year duration due to an overload E3002 Bachelor of Robotics and are within the ten year recency requirement.
in year 2 and/or 3 of the course. As a result, fees in year 2 and/or 3 will reflect 1.25 times the Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) and
standard 48 credit point fee. Bachelor of Arts
Extra requirements effective Semester 1, 2022 intake: Engineering E3004 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Clayton 80% 65% Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) and Chemistry (min 65%).
All applicants must sit Casper. Casper is a requirement for many of the initial teacher (Honours)/ (Honours) and Bachelor of Biomedical
education courses in Victoria. It is a non-cognitive online test designed to assess an Biomedical Science Science From Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: For entry into the Bachelor of Engineering
applicant’s personal and professional attributes. The test is designed to evaluate an E3004 Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) or any faculty approved Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) double degree, or
applicant’s suitability for the teaching profession. (Honours) and Bachelor of Biomedical Bachelor of Engineering and Masters Accelerated Pathway, if you successfully complete
Science MUFY Advanced Mathematics (unit 1 and 2) with a pass (50%) average or above, you will be
To register for your sitting or further information about the test visit https://takealtus.com. E3004 Bachelor of Electrical and awarded an additional 5 points to count towards your final total MUFY score. This process
Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) however does not apply to any other Monash undergraduate courses. The additional 5 points
Casper is only available online and must be taken once per admission cycle and prior to your and Bachelor of Biomedical Science will not be awarded on your final transcript issued by Monash College.
Monash course commencement date. To ensure you meet the Casper deadlines for your E3004 Bachelor of Materials Engineering
application go to https://takealtus.com/dates-times/ (Honours) and Bachelor of Biomedical Applicable to all qualifications (i.e Year 12 qualifications and higher qualifications (effective
Science semester 1, 2023 intake and onwards):
Education D30051 Bachelor of Education (Honours) Clayton 72.50% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%) or Australian Year 11 Maths and Science (Physics and/or Chemistry) prerequisites need to be completed within
(Honours)/Science in Primary Education and Bachelor of equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies) and one of Biology (min 65%), the past 10 years. This will mostly impact the postgraduate coursework cohort. However, it
Science Chemistry (min 65%), Mathematics (min 65%), Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) or Physics may be that students have taken the prerequisites more than ten years ago but they have
D30052 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (min 65%). completed more advanced Maths and Science material during subsequent qualifications that
in Secondary Education and Bachelor of are within the ten year recency requirement.
Science Students must apply for a Working With Children Check.
This course is completed within four years but has a 4.25 year duration due to an overload
in year 2 and/or 3 of the course. As a result, fees in year 2 and/or 3 will reflect 1.25 times the
standard 48 credit point fee.
To register for your sitting or further information about the test visit https://takealtus.com.
Casper is only available online and must be taken once per admission cycle and prior to your
Monash course commencement date. To ensure you meet the Casper deadlines for your
application go to https://takealtus.com/dates-times/
^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change. ^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change.
40 41
Please note: Students will choose their specialisation on enrolment. Fine Art/ F20061 Bachelor of Fine Art and Bachelor Caulfield 70% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year 11
Information of Information Technology equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies).
Student Application Process: Students must apply for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/ Technology
Bachelor of Design E3012. Students start their specialisation in semester 2 which is available in *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
the following streams: Mechanical Engineering/Industrial Design. the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
From Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: For entry into the Bachelor of Engineering OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
(Honours) or any faculty approved Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) double degree, or achieving the required overall score specified above.
Bachelor of Engineering and Masters Accelerated Pathway, if you successfully complete MUFY
Advanced Mathematics (unit 1 and 2) with a pass (50%) average or above, you will be awarded Students undertake Visual Arts subjects at Caulfield and Information Technology subjects at
an additional 5 points to count towards your final total MUFY score. This process however does Clayton.
not apply to any other Monash undergraduate courses. The additional 5 points will not be
awarded on your final transcript issued by Monash College. Selection requirements for the fine art specialisation only: Applicants must submit a
digital copy of a folio. Further instructions are available at http://artdes.monash.edu/apply/.
Applicable to all qualifications (i.e Year 12 qualifications and higher qualifications (effective Selection in the course is based on folio and academic requirements.
semester 1, 2023 intake and onwards):
Maths and Science (Physics and/or Chemistry) prerequisites need to be completed within the *MUFY students cannot receive a packaged offer for the F20061 Bachelor of Fine Art and
past 10 years. This will mostly impact the postgraduate coursework cohort. However, it may be Bachelor of Information Technology as students must prepare a folio independently for
that students have taken the prerequisites more than ten years ago but they have completed assessment. The MUFY program does not offer any subject that will assist students in the
more advanced Maths and Science material during subsequent qualifications that are within the development and preparation of a folio.
ten year recency requirement.
Fine Art/Media F20131 Bachelor of Fine Art and Bachelor Caulfield 72.50% 65% None.
Engineering E3011 Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Clayton 76.25% 65% Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) and Communication of Media Communication
(Honours)/ Systems Engineering (Honours) and Chemistry (min 65%) or Physics (min 65%). (new course F20132 Bachelor of Art History and Selection requirements for the fine art specialisation only: Applicants must submit a
Information Bachelor of Information Technology offered from 2021 Curating and Bachelor of Media digital copy of a folio. Further instructions are available at http://artdes.monash.edu/apply/.
Technology E3011 Bachelor of Software Engineering From Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: For entry into the Bachelor of Engineering Intake) Communication Selection in the course is based on folio and academic requirements.
(Honours) and Bachelor of Information (Honours) or any faculty approved Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) double degree, or
Technology Bachelor of Engineering and Masters Accelerated Pathway, if you successfully complete MUFY *MUFY students cannot receive a packaged offer for the F20131 Bachelor of Fine Art and
Advanced Mathematics (unit 1 and 2) with a pass (50%) average or above, you will be awarded Bachelor of Media Communication as students must prepare a folio independently for
an additional 5 points to count towards your final total MUFY score. This process however does assessment. The MUFY program does not offer any subject that will assist students in the
not apply to any other Monash undergraduate courses. The additional 5 points will not be development and preparation of a folio.
awarded on your final transcript issued by Monash College.
Global Studies/ A2015 Bachelor of Global Studies and Clayton 74.50% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year 11
Applicable to all qualifications (i.e Year 12 qualifications and higher qualifications (effective Information Bachelor of Information Technology equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies).
semester 1, 2023 intake and onwards): Technology (new course offered from
Maths and Science (Physics and/or Chemistry) prerequisites need to be completed within the Semester 1, 2021) *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
past 10 years. This will mostly impact the postgraduate coursework cohort. However, it may be the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
that students have taken the prerequisites more than ten years ago but they have completed completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
more advanced Maths and Science material during subsequent qualifications that are within the OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
ten year recency requirement. achieving the required overall score specified above.
Engineering E3008 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Clayton 76.25% 65% Chemistry (min 65%) and Mathematics (min 65%) or Information C2002 Bachelor of Information Clayton 72.50% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year 11
(Honours)/ (Honours) and Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Advanced Mathematics (min 65%). Technology/Arts Technology and Bachelor of Arts equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies).
Pharmaceutical Science
Science Students undertake Chemical Engineering subjects at Clayton and *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
Pharmaceutical Science subjects at Parkville. the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
From Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: For entry into the Bachelor of Engineering OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
(Honours) or any faculty approved Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) double degree, or achieving the required overall score specified above.
Bachelor of Engineering and Masters Accelerated Pathway, if you successfully complete MUFY
Advanced Mathematics (unit 1 and 2) with a pass (50%) average or above, you will be awarded Information C2003 Bachelor of Information Clayton 72.50% 65% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year
an additional 5 points to count towards your final total MUFY score. This process however does Technology/ Technology and Bachelor of Science 11 equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies) and one of Biology
not apply to any other Monash undergraduate courses. The additional 5 points will not be Science (min 65%), Chemistry (min 65%), Mathematics (min 65%), Advanced Mathematics (min
awarded on your final transcript issued by Monash College. 65%) or Physics (min 65%).
Applicable to all qualifications (i.e Year 12 qualifications and higher qualifications (effective
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can
semester 1, 2023 intake and onwards):
Maths and Science (Physics and/or Chemistry) prerequisites need to be completed within the
satisfy the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course
past 10 years. This will mostly impact the postgraduate coursework cohort. However, it may be by successfully completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental
that students have taken the prerequisites more than ten years ago but they have completed Mathematics (MUF0142)’ OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental
more advanced Maths and Science material during subsequent qualifications that are within the Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and achieving the required overall score specified above.
ten year recency requirement.
From Semester 2, 2022 intake and onwards: For entry into the Bachelor of
Information Technology or any faculty approved Bachelor of Information Technology
double degree, if you successfully complete MUFY Mathematics (units 1 and 2) and/
or MUFY Advanced Mathematics (unit 1 and 2) with a pass (50%) average or above,
you will be awarded up to an additional 2 points to count towards your final total
MUFY score. This process however does not apply to any other Monash undergraduate
courses. The additional points will not be awarded on your final transcript issued by
Monash College.
^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change. ^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change.
42 43
Laws (Honours)/ L3003 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Clayton 85% 75% None.
Arts and Bachelor of Arts
This course is equivalent to 5.25 years of full-time study and may be accelerated to
complete in 5 years. This will require a one unit overload in each of two semesters. As
a result, fees in the respective years will reflect 1.25 times the standard 48 credit point
Laws (Honours)/ L3004 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Clayton 85% 75% Chemistry (min 65%) and one of Mathematics (min 65%),
Biomedical Science Bachelor of Biomedical Science Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) or Physics (min 65%).
This course is equivalent to 5.25 years of full-time study and may be accelerated to complete
in 5 years. This will require a one unit overload in each of two semesters. As a result, fees in
the respective years will reflect 1.25 times the standard 48 credit point fee.
Laws (Honours)/ L3005 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Clayton 85% 75% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics
Commerce Bachelor of Commerce (min 50%)
This course is equivalent to 5.25 years of full-time study and may be accelerated to complete
in 5 years. This will require a one unit overload in each of two semesters. As a result, fees in
the respective years will reflect 1.25 times the standard 48 credit point fee.
Laws (Honours)/ L3011 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Clayton 85% 75% Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
Computer Science Bachelor of Computer Science
Laws (Honours)/ L3012 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Clayton 85% 75% None.
Criminology Bachelor of Criminology
Laws (Honours)/ L3002 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Clayton 85% 75% Mathematics (min 65%) and Chemistry (min 65%) or Physics (min 65%).
Engineering Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering
(Honours) This course is equivalent to 6.25 years of full-time study and may be accelerated to complete
L3002 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in 6 years. This will require a one unit overload in each of two semesters. As a result, fees in
and Bachelor of Chemical Engineering the respective years will reflect 1.25 times the standard 48 credit point fee.
L3002 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and From Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: For entry into the Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) (Honours) or any faculty approved Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) double degree, or
L3002 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Engineering and Masters Accelerated Pathway, if you successfully complete
Bachelor of Electrical and Computer MUFY Advanced Mathematics (unit 1 and 2) with a pass (50%) average or above, you will be
Systems Engineering (Honours) awarded an additional 5 points to count towards your final total MUFY score. This process
L3002 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) however does not apply to any other Monash undergraduate courses. The additional 5 points
and Bachelor of Materials Engineering will not be awarded on your final transcript issued by Monash College.
L3002 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and
Bachelor of Mechanical
Laws (Honours)/ L3009 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Clayton 85% 75% None.
Global Studies Bachelor of Global Studies
This course is equivalent to 5.25 years of full-time study and may be accelerated to complete
in 5 years. This will require a one unit overload in each of two semesters. As a result, fees in
the respective years will reflect 1.25 times the standard 48 credit point fee.
Laws (Honours)/ L3010 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Clayton 85% 75% Any Monash University Foundation Year mathematics (min 50%)* or Australian Year 11
Information Bachelor of Information Technology equivalent mathematics (minimum score requirement applies). TOTAL
Technology MUFY
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ (OUT OF ENGLISH
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and COURSE DEGREE AWARD CAMPUS 100%) SCORE PREREQUISITES AND ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS
achieving the required overall score specified above.
Laws (Honours)/ L3006 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Clayton 85% 75% Melbourne based MUFY students will be assessed at their recital.
Music Bachelor of Music
Non-Melbourne based MUFY students must submit a recorded performance audition/
composition folio in DVD format and submit the “Music Auditions – Offshore applicants form”
available at the following location: artsonline.monash.edu.au/music-auditions
This course is equivalent to 5.25 years of full-time study and may be accelerated to complete
in 5 years. This will require a one unit overload in each of two semesters. As a result, fees in
the respective years will reflect 1.25 times the standard 48 credit point fee.
Laws (Honours)/ L3013 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Clayton 85% 75% Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics
Politics, Philosophy Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and (min 50%).
and Economics Economics
(new course offered from *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
Semester 1, 2021) the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
achieving the required overall score specified above.
Selection requirements: All applicants must submit a supplementary form located at: https://
This course is equivalent to 5.25 years of full-time study and may be accelerated to complete
in 5 years. This will require a one unit overload in each of two semesters. As a result, fees in
the respective years will reflect 1.25 times the standard 48 credit point fee.
Laws (Honours)/ L3007 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Clayton 85% 75% One of Biology (min 65%), Chemistry (min 65%), Mathematics (min 65%), Advanced
Science Bachelor of Science Mathematics (min 65%) or Physics (min 65%).
This course is equivalent to 5.25 years of full-time study and may be accelerated to complete
in 5 years. This will require a one unit overload in each of two semesters. As a result, fees in
the respective years will reflect 1.25 times the standard 48 credit point fee.
International B2038 Bachelor of International Business 2022 intake: 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or Mathematics
Business/Arts and Bachelor of Arts Caulfield (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
2021 intake: Prior intakes: Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced
City/Caulfield Mathematics (min 50%).
2019/2020 *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
intake: the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
City completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
achieving the required overall score specified above.
*Students undertake Bachelor of International Business subjects at the City and Bachelor of
Art subjects at Caulfield.
^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change. ^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change.
44 45
Marketing/Arts B2039 Bachelor of Marketing and Caulfield 70% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or
Bachelor of Arts Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
achieving the required overall score specified above.
Marketing/Media B2044 Bachelor of Marketing and Caulfield 72.50% 65% Semester 2, 2021 intake and onwards: Fundamental Mathematics (min 50%)* or
Communication Bachelor of Media Communication Mathematics (min 50%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
*For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
achieving the required overall score specified above.
Politics, Philosophy A2013 Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy Clayton 80% 65% Fundamental Mathematics (min 65%)* or Mathematics (min 50%) or
and Economics/ and Economics and Bachelor of Arts Advanced Mathematics (min 50%).
Arts (new course offered from
Semester 1, 2021) *For students commencing the MUFY program in 2021 and onwards, students can satisfy
the MUFY Fundamental Mathematics prerequisite required for this course by successfully
completing either ‘Mathematics (MUF0091) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’
OR ‘Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0141) and Fundamental Mathematics (MUF0142)’ and
achieving the required overall score specified above.
Selection requirements: All applicants must submit a supplementary form located at: https://
Science/Arts S2006 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor Clayton 72.50% 65% One of Biology (min 65%), Chemistry (min 65%), Mathematics (min 65%),
of Arts Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) or Physics (min 65%).
Studies must have been completed within five years* of intended commencement. If you
have not studied science in the past five years, you may still meet the requirements if you can
demonstrate that you have engaged with science after your studies; this could be through
work, teaching or volunteering in a capacity where you engaged in science in a meaningful
ways. If you believe you meet the requirements in this way, please provide us with a CV, letter
of support from an employer/supervisor or other form of written proof that can demonstrate
how you have engaged with science in the past 5 years.
*meeting Monash course prerequisites are also subject to the 5 year rule.
Science/ S2007 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor Clayton 80% 65% Chemistry (min 65%) and one of Mathematics (min 65%), Advanced Mathematics (min 65%)
Biomedical Science of Biomedical Science or Physics (min 65%).
Studies must have been completed within five years* of intended commencement. If you
have not studied science in the past five years, you may still meet the requirements if you can
demonstrate that you have engaged with science after your studies; this could be through
work, teaching or volunteering in a capacity where you engaged in science in a meaningful
ways. If you believe you meet the requirements in this way, please provide us with a CV, letter
of support from an employer/supervisor or other form of written proof that can demonstrate
how you have engaged with science in the past 5 years.
*meeting Monash course prerequisites are also subject to the 5 year rule.
Science/Computer S2004 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor Clayton 72.50% 65% Mathematics (min 65%) or Advanced Mathematics (min 65%).
Science of Computer Science
S2004 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor Studies must have been completed within five years* of intended commencement. If you
of Computer Science in Data Science have not studied science in the past five years, you may still meet the requirements if you can
demonstrate that you have engaged with science after your studies; this could be through
work, teaching or volunteering in a capacity where you engaged in science in a meaningful
ways. If you believe you meet the requirements in this way, please provide us with a CV, letter
of support from an employer/supervisor or other form of written proof that can demonstrate
how you have engaged with science in the past 5 years.
*meeting Monash course prerequisites are also subject to the 5 year rule.
Science/Global S2003 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor Clayton 74.25% 65% One of Biology (min 65%), Chemistry (min 65%), Mathematics (min 65%),
Studies of Global Studies Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) or Physics (min 65%).
Studies must have been completed within five years* of intended commencement. If you
have not studied science in the past five years, you may still meet the requirements if you can
demonstrate that you have engaged with science after your studies; this could be through
work, teaching or volunteering in a capacity where you engaged in science in a meaningful
ways. If you believe you meet the requirements in this way, please provide us with a CV, letter
of support from an employer/supervisor or other form of written proof that can demonstrate
how you have engaged with science in the past 5 years.
*meeting Monash course prerequisites are also subject to the 5 year rule.
Science/Music S2005 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor Clayton 72.50% 65% One of Biology (min 65%), Chemistry (min 65%), Mathematics (min 65%),
of Music Advanced Mathematics (min 65%) or Physics (min 65%) and audition and interview.
Studies must have been completed within five years* of intended commencement. If you
have not studied science in the past five years, you may still meet the requirements if you can
demonstrate that you have engaged with science after your studies; this could be through
work, teaching or volunteering in a capacity where you engaged in science in a meaningful
ways. If you believe you meet the requirements in this way, please provide us with a CV, letter
of support from an employer/supervisor or other form of written proof that can demonstrate
how you have engaged with science in the past 5 years.
*meeting Monash course prerequisites are also subject to the 5 year rule.
^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change. ^ The above scores are correct at the time of publication and scores are subject to change.
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QUALITY POLICY Sunway College (KL) is committed to providing quality education through efficient and effective practices
in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements including the requirements of our external partners.
We are committed to continual improvement of our Quality Management System by focusing on the
competency of our academic and administration staff; continually reviewing our key processes,
and responding to our stakeholders in a timely manner.
QUALITY OBJECTIVES 1. Promote and establish a culture of quality at all levels of the college community.
2. Continuously improve our Quality Management System in compliance with statutory and regulatory
requirements including the requirements of external partners.
3. Enhance customer satisfaction by providing a learning environment conducive for quality teaching
and learning.
This brochure is valid for our 2023 intakes.
info@sunway.edu.my All information is correct at the time of printing (January 2023).
+6 (03) 5638 7176 Copyright notice: The content of this brochure shall not be reproduced
in any form nor distributed in part or in its entirety, without prior
SunwayCollegeKL written permission from the College.
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