Iso 9001 1987
Iso 9001 1987
Iso 9001 1987
ISO 9001:1987
Reference number
IS0 9001 : 1987 (E)
1 Foreword
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a techriical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO 9001:1987
O Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... 1
.............................. 1
.............................. 1
3 Definitions . . . . ................................................ 1
........................ 2
4.18 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
I S 0 9001. Quality systems Model for quality
The requirements specified in this International Standard are
aimed primarily at preventing nonconformity at all stages from
assurance in design/development, production,
and servicing.
installation design through to servicing.
ISO 9001:1987
For use when conformance to specified requirements is to 1.2 Field of application
be assured by the supplier during several stages which may
include design/development, production, installation and This International Standard is applicable in contractual situa-
servicing. tions when
- IS0 9002, Quality systems - Model for quality a) the contract specifically requires design effort and the
assurance in production and installation. product requirements are stated principally in performance
terms or they need to be established;
For use when conformance to specified requirements is to
be assured by the supplier during production and installa- b) confidence in product conformance can be attained by
tion. adequate demonstration of certain supplier's capabilities in
design, development, production, installationand servicing.
- IS0 9003, Quality systems - Model for quality
assurance in final inspection and test.
2 References
For use when conformance to specified requirements is to
be assured by the supplier solely at final inspectionand test. IS0 8402, Quality - Vocabulary.
I S 0 9001 : 1987 (E)
The responsibility, authority and the interrelation of all person- b) the effective implementationof the documented quality
nel who manage, perform and verify work affecting quality system procedures and instructions.
shall be defined; particularly for personnel who need the
organizational freedom and authority to NOTE - In meeting specified requirements, timely consideration
needs to be given to the following activities :
a) initiate action to prevent the occurrence of product a) the preparation of quality plans and a quality manual in ac-
nonconformity; cordance with the specified requirements;
b) the identification and acquisition of any controls, processes,
b) identify and record any product quality problems; inspection equipment, fixtures, total production resources and
skills that may be needed to achieve the required quality;
designated channels;
iTeh STANDARDtesting
c) initiate, recommend or provide solutions through c) PREVIEW
the updating, as necessary, quality control, inspection and
techniques, including the development of new instrumenta-
d) verify the implementation of solutions;
d) the identification of any measurement requirement involving
capability that exceeds the known state of the art in sufficient time
e) control further processing, delivery or installationISO for the needed capability to be developed;
of 9001:1987
nonconforming product until
the deficiency or unsatisfac- e) the clarification of standards of acceptability for all features
tory condition has been corrected. and requirements, including those which contain a subjective ele-
ment; Verification resources and personnel f) the compatibility of the design, the production process, in-
stallation, inspection and test procedures and the applicable
The supplier shall identify in-house verification requirements,
provide adequate resources and assign trained personnel for g) the identification and preparationof quality records isee 4.16).
verification activities isee 4.18). Management representative a) the requirements are adequately defined and docu-
The supplier shall appoint a management representative who,
irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have defined author-
b) any requirements differing from those in the tender are
ity and responsibilityfor ensuring that the requirements of this
International Standard are implemented and maintained.
c) the supplier has the capability to meet contractual re-
4.1.3 Management review
Records of such contract reviews shall be maintained (see
The quality system adopted to satisfy the requirements of this 4.16).
International Standard shall be reviewed at appropriate inter-
vals by the supplier's management to ensure its continuing NOTE - The contract review activities, interfaces and communication
suitability and effectiveness. Records of such reviews shall be within the supplier's organizationshould be coordinatedwith the pur-
maintained isee 4.16). chaser's organization, as appropriate.
I S 0 9001 : 1987 (E)
4.4 Design control a) holding and recording design reviews (see 4.16);
The supplier shall establish and maintain procedures to control c) carrying out alternative calculations;
and verify the design of the product in order to ensure that the
specified requirements are met. d) comparing the new design with a similar proven design,
if available.
4.4.2 Design and development planning
4.4.6 Design changes
The supplier shall draw up plans that identify the responsibility
for each design and development activity. The plans shall The supplier shall establish and maintain procedures for the
describe or reference these activities and shall be updated as identification, documentation and appropriate review and ap-
the design evolves. proval of all changes and modifications.
a) meet the design input requirements; A master list or equivalent document control procedure shall be
established to identify the current revision of documents in
b) contain or reference acceptance criteria; order to preclude the use of non-applicabledocuments.
c) conform to appropriate regulatory requirements Documents shall be re-issued after a practical number of
whether or not these have been stated in the input informa- changes have been made.
I S 0 9001 : 1987 (E)
requirements. The supplier shall establish and maintain records Where, and to the extent that, traceability is a specified require-
of acceptable sub-contractors (see 4.16). ment, individual product or batches shall have a unique iden-
tification. This identification shall be recorded isee 4.16).
The selection of sub-contractors, and the type and extent of
control exercised by the supplier, shall be dependent upon the
type of product and, where appropriate, on records of sub- 4.9 Process control
contractors' previously demonstrated capability and perfor-
mance. 4.9.1 General
The supplier shall ensure that quality system controls are effec- The supplier shall identify and plan the production and, where
tive. applicable, installation processes which directly affect quality
and shall ensure that these processes are carried out under con-
trolled conditions. Controlled conditions shall include the
4.6.3 Purchasing data
following :
Purchasing documents shall contain data clearly describing the
a) documented work instructions defining the manner of
product ordered, including, where applicable,
production and installation, where the absence of such in-
structions would adversely affect quality, use of suitable
a) the type, class, style, grade or other precise identifica-
production and installationequipment, suitable working en-
vironment, compliance with reference standards/codesand
quality plans;
b) the title or other positive identification, and applicable
issue of specifications, drawings, process requirements,
b) monitoring and control of suitable process and product
inspection instructions and other relevant technical data,
characteristics during production and installation;
including requirements for approval or qualification of
product, procedures, process equipment and personnel; ci the approval of processes and equipment, as ap-
c) the title, number and issue of the quality system Inter-
national Standard to be applied to the product. criteria for workmanship which shall be stipulated, to
the greatest practicable extent, in written standards or by
The supplier shrill review and approve purchasing documents
for adequacy of specified requirements prior to release.
means of representative samples.
The supplier shall establish and maintain procedures for 4.10.1 Receiving inspection and testing
verification, storage and maintenance of purchaser supplied
product provided for incorporation into the supplies. Any such The supplier shall ensure that incoming product is
product that is lost, damaged or is otherwise unsuitablefor use not used or processed (except in the circumstances described
shall be recorded and reported to the purchaser (see 4.16). in until it has been inspected or otherwise verified as
conforming to specified requirements. Verification shall be in
NOTE - Verification by the supplier does not absolve the purchaser of accordance with the quality plan or documented procedures.
the responsibility to provide acceptable product.
: 1987 (E)
4.10.2 In-process inspection and testing tified equipment having a known valid relationship to na-
tionally recognized standards - where no such standards
The supplier shall exist, the basis used for calibration shall be documented;
The quality plan or documented procedures for final inspection h) ensure that the environmental conditions are suitable
and testing shall require that all specified inspection and tests, for the calibrations, inspections, measurements and tests
including those specified either on receipt of product or in- being carried out;
process, have been carried out and that the data meets il ensure that the handling, preservation and storage of
specified requirements. inspection, measuring and test equipment is such that the
The supplier shall carry out all final inspection and testing in ac-
accuracy and fitness for use is maintained;
cordance with the quality plan or documented (
to complete the evidence of conformance of the finished pro-
j) safeguard inspection, measuring and test facilities,
including both test hardware and test software, from ad-
duct to the specified requirements. justments which would invalidate the calibration setting.
ISO 9001:1987
No product shall be despatched until all the activities specified Where test hardware (e.g. jigs, fixtures, templates, patterns)or
in the quality plan or documented procedures have been test software is used as suitable forms of inspection, they shall
satisfactorily completed and the associated data and documen- be checked to prove that they are capable of verifying the ac-
tation is available and authorized. ceptability of product prior to release for use during production
and installation and shall be rechecked at prescribed intervals.
The supplier shall establish the extent and frequency of such
4.10.4 Inspection and test records checks and shall maintain records as evidence of control
(see 4.16). Measurement design data shall be made available,
The supplier shall establish and maintain records which give when required by the purchaser or his representative, for
evidence that the product has passed inspection and/or test verification that it is functionally adequate.
with defined acceptance criteria (see 4.16).
I S 0 9001 : 1987 (E)
4.15.3 Storage
4.13.1 Nonconformity review and disposition
The supplier shall provide secure storage areas or stock rooms
The responsibility for review and authority for the disposition of to prevent damage or deterioration of product, pending use or
nonconforming product shall be defined. delivery. Appropriate methods for authorizing receipt and the
despatch to and from such areas shall be stipulated. In order to
Nonconfcrming product shall be reviewed in accordance with detect deterioration, the condition of product in stock shall be
documented procedures. It may be assessed at appropriate intervals.
4.15.1 General Audits shall be scheduled on the basis of the status and impor-
tance of the activity.
The supplier shall establish, document and maintain pro-
cedures for handling, storage, packaging and delivery of The audits and follow-up actions shall be carried out in accord-
product. ance with documented procedures.