NHSTA Handout
NHSTA Handout
NHSTA Handout
Biodiesel consists of three principal feed stocks;
1. Oil: GGlycerides are commonly known as oils or fats, chemically speaking these are long chain
fatty acids joined by a glycerin backbone. They appear most often with three fatty acid chains
connected to the glycerin, making them trigylcerides. The triglyceride resources most frequently used
and specific to this experiment, are virgin soybean oil, or recycled cooking oilIn the US, the primary
triglycerides used currently for biodiesel production are soybean oil and waste vegetable oil (which is
often used soybean oil). Used cooking oil when heated becomes hydrogenated, meaning the double
bonds within the ester chains were broken into single bonds with two more hydrogen’s attachedDuring
the process of being used in fryolators, some of the triglycerides are broken apart into mono or
diglycerides, leaving free fatty acids (FFAs) in the oil. To counter this, additional catalyst must be
added according to the acidity of the specific oil, since the FFAs will bond with and neutralize some of
the alkali catalyst.
2. Alcohol: Although a variety of alcohols can be used to produce Biodiesel, such as, ethanol or
butanol, this experiment will focus on methanol as it is most readily available, and most frequently
used (the reaction is also more complicated with larger alcohols, which will be explained later).
Therefore the Biodiesel produced is referred to as methyl esters. Methanol is one of the most common
industrial alcohols; because of its abundant supply it’s most often the least expensive alcohol as well.
3. Catalyst: the third reactant needed is a catalyst that initiates the reaction and allows the esters to
detach. The strong base solutions typically used are sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium
hydroxide (KOH). This classroom experiment will be using NaOH as catalyst.
Processing guidelines:;
1. To get a more complete reaction, Tthe oil should first be heated to 60around 120-130º CF to
help the reaction proceed more quickly. Used Vegetable oil should also be filtered first (after
heating) to remove particulates. Used oil may also have water in it which would need to be
removed. With this small batch of oil, this can be accomplished by heating to above 100º C to
boil off the waterbe heated to 100º C (to remove water), and filtered to remove particulate
matter (french fries). Water removal can also be done (with less energy) by using a vacuum
pump to decrease the boiling point of water, or by using molecular sieves.
2. Approximately .3.5%g of NaOH by volume per L of oil is needed when using virgin oil.
However when using waste oils (which therefore have free fatty acid (FFA) content), the pH
must first be determined (by titration) to calculate the additional amount of NaOH needed.
The Ttitration (for used oils, or older oils that could have degraded some, producing FFAs) is
done as follows:
Dissolve one gram of NaOH into 1 liter of distilled water. Dissolve 1ml of the filtered oil into
10ml of isopropyl alcohol and add two drops of phenolphthalein, an acid base indicator. Now
slowly add, by calibrated dropper or pipet, the NaOH(aq) solution to the oil solution, mix
intermittently. When the oil solution turns pink and stays pink for ten seconds the titration is
complete. The volume of NaOH(aq) solution in milliliters necessary to neutralize the free fatty
acids corresponds directly with the number of additional grams per liter of NaOH needed for
3. Methanol makes up approximately 10% of the Biodiesel, but to force the reaction, an excess is
generally added – usually totalling 20% of the volume of the oil (well designed processors can
use methanol recovery systems to recover this surplus methanol after the reaction, after
removal of the glycerin). So for a reaction with one liter of oil; 200 ml of methanol is first
mixed with 3.5 grams of NaOH, plus any additional NaOH in regards to the hydrogenated
vegetable oil free fatty acid titration (only necessary if using used/waste vegetable oil). Ensure
the NaOH is completely dissolved; this reaction creates sodium methoxide. Again, Caution!
Sodium methoxide is extremely toxic. Provide thorough ventilation and wear protective
4. Add the sodium methoxide to the oil. Mix thoroughly -, for this small demonstration, a blender
on a low setting for twenty an hour minutes or more is ideal; however, vigorous shaking for a
couple minutes will suffice (although if this method is used, it would be goodyou’ll need to re-
shake the solution after twenty minutes or so, and at least one more time). In actual biodiesel
processors, the oil is heated to 120-130º F to aid the reaction, so it can be done in only an hour.
If done at room temperature, longer reaction time is needed for a complete reaction – but
repeated shakings separated by 10-20 minutes can suffice. If building a larger processor, an
ideal solution is to use an old electric water heater as your processing tank, with a recirculating
pump to send the oil/methoxide mix up to the top of the tank, allowing it to splash down into
the tank for splash blending. See the “Biodiesel Homebrew Guide” reference for more details
on this design.
Analyze results
Possible errors:
1. Soap formation. You Too much lye- soapy residuecan get this if using waste vegetable oil that is
heavily used, or using too much catalyst. Any Free Fatty Acids (FFAs) will combine with the
alkaline catalyst (NaOH or KOH) to make soap (which is why you need to use extra NaOH when
dealing with used oils with FFAs). These soaps need to be removed from the biodiesel by
“washing” it (discussed later). A large amount of FFAs can result in enough soap forming to turn
the entire reaction into a bunch of “glop” (non-scientific term). If using WVO with high levels of
FFAs (determined via titration), a slightly different process can be used, known as an “acid-base”
process (whereas this process discussed is strictly a base catalyzed process). In the acid-base
process, you first add some acid (hydrochloric typically) and a small amount of methanol to
esterify the FFAs into biodiesel, and then do the normal base catalysed process to conver the
triglycerides into biodiesel. With high FFA oils, the normal base process doesn’t yield as much
biodiesel, since the FFAs are being turned into soap (and removed through washing). The acid-base
process allows you to turn those FFAs into biodiesel.
3. Not enough ly, resulting ine- unreacted oil., free glycerin
5. Not enough alcohol (reaction does not proceed to completion), can also get more soap formation.
7. Water in oil (results in catalyst being broken apart, and the metal ion from the catalyst joining with
the fatty acids to make soapmore soap formation)
8. Not enough reaction time (a common problem with demonstration batches like this. Ideally you
want to mix for an hour or so, at a slightly elevated temperature (120-130º F). The reaction does
not proceed instantly from triglycerides (oils) to 3 biodiesel molecules (per triglyceride). Instead,
the methoxide first cleaves off one fatty acid (making one biodiesel molecule from it, by
combining with the methanol), leaving a diglyceride (DG). If there is further agitation, the DG is
broken apart by the methoxide to make another biodiesel molecule and leaving a monoglyceride
(MG). Further agitation breaks that MG apart, making the third biodiesel molecule and leaving
free glycerin. If the agitation does not continue long enough (or is not repeated multiple times),
you will likely not see full conversion of triglycerides to biodiesel, instead being left with some
MGs and DGs, which will often show up as white “chunks” when the fuel cools down to room
“Washing” is done primarily to remove soap from the biodiesel (which forms from the
combination of the alkali catalyst and free fatty acids). The glycerin primarily settles out (provided
enough time is given), the methanol either evaporates or is recovered (and mostly goes with the
glycerin), the catalyst goes out with the glycerin, but the soaps can remain in the biodiesel unless
washed. More sophisticated processing techniques (such as using organometallic catalysts instead of
alkali catalysts) can eliminate the need for washing by preventing soap formation.
Michael Briggs, M.S., msbriggs@alberti.unh.edu, 862-2828, Joseph Pearson, 3
Dr. Ihab Farag, ihab.farag@unh.edu, 862-2321
Biodiesel Handout for 2005 New Hampshire Science Teacher’s Association Workshop
UNH Biodiesel Group
Washing is done through one of two methods – mist washing or bubble washing (or both).
Mist washing consists of gently misting water down onto the biodiesel, so that as it falls down through
it (since the water is more dense) the soaps dissolve into the water, being pulled out of the biodiesel.
Bubble washing consists of using an aerator (such as used in a small household aquarium) to bubble
water and air up through the biodiesel, with the soaps dissolving into the water as it travels up (with the
air) and then falls back down. Bubble washing is more effective, but causes more agitation – which
can result in an emulsification forming if there is too much soap. So, an ideal approach is to first do
one gentle mist wash, drain the water, and then do a couple of bubble washes. Washing is generally
done multiple times (with each wash taking as much as a couple of hours), only stopping when a wash
does not pull out any more soap (evidenced by the wash water remaining clear).
Washing is generally done in a specific “wash tank”, often the same tank used for settling. You
need a tank that can be drained from the bottom – either a conical bottom tank with a drain at the base,
or a cylindrical tank with two drains on the bottom, one of which has a stand pipe going up into the
tank far enough that the biodiesel can be drained separate from the water or glycerin on the bottom. A
conical bottom tank is ideal, although more expensive.
The UNH Biodiesel Group uses this design for our mobile processor for taking to fairs, and
other demonstrations.
Chemically, biodiesel (from transesterification) refers to mono alkyl esters of long chain fatty
acids derived from natural oils. (Do you mean that Biodiesel made by methods other than
transesterification is not mono alkyl ester?)We’ll look a little closer into what exactly that means.
An ester is the product of combining an acid (abbreviated as R1-COOH) with an alcohol
(abbreviated as R2.OH). Esters in general are often abbreviated as R1-COOR2, where R1COO
represents the residue of an oxygen acid (the acid would be R1COOH. The residue is what’s left when
the hydrogen is lost), and R2 represents an alkylane – from an alcohol that lost its OH group. So,
through the combination, an H is lost, and an OH (although in reality the O could come from either the
alcohol or the acid), yielding a water molecule (H2O), and the ester, made up of everything else
remaining of the acid and alcohol except the H2O. Esters vary depending on the type of acid
(R1COOH, often abbreviated as R1 for simplicity) and the type of alcohol (R2OH, often abbreviated
Vegetable Oil
Vegetable oils are triglycerides, which are esters of glycerin (an tri-hydroxy alcohol, aka
glycerol) and threevarying fatty acids (which can be different types). A glycerin molecule looks like:
Figure 1 – Glycerin (glycerol)
Each vegetable oil molecule is a triglyceride, meaning it is made of the combination of consists
of three fatty acids (which can be of different types) connected to and a glycerin backbone. . So, while
some esters consist of just one acid (R1OH), vegetable oil molecules have three acids combined with
an alcohol. So, wWhen speaking about vegetable oils in particular, the three acids are often referred to
as R1, R2, and R3, and the alcohol as R4. In reality, the acids are R1OOH, R2OOH, etc., where “R”
represents a chain of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached, but with the carbon on one end
being a carboxyl group (carbon with OOH attached). Rather than an entire glycerin backbone, it is
actually the alkyl group of glycerin, essentially glycerin with just oxygen atoms in place of the
hydroxy (OH) groups (so remove the three Hs on the right of Figure 1). When fatty acids and glycerin
are added to make triglycerides, the glycerin loses the three Hs on the end, and the acids lose the
hydroxy group on the end, making water. A triglyceride (vegetable oil) can then be drawn as:
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HCOR2O or simplified as CHOOR2
Michael Briggs, M.S., msbriggs@alberti.unh.edu, 862-2828, Joseph Pearson, 6
Dr. Ihab Farag, ihab.farag@unh.edu, 862-2321
Biodiesel Handout for 2005 New Hampshire Science Teacher’s Association Workshop
UNH Biodiesel Group
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Figure 21 – A triglyceride (vegetable oil molecule)
The extra oxygens on the triglyceride are attached to the carbon on the end of the fatty acid’s
alkyl group with a double bond (one oxygen atom has a double bond to the carbon atom at the end of
the fatty acid alkyl group, the other oxygen has one bond to that carbon atom, and its second bond is to
one of the carbons in the glycerol itself). The chemical diagram on the left of Figure 2 illustrates more
appropriately the structure of the glycerol, while the diagram on the right is the convention more
commonly used. The fatty acids involved would are be R1OOH, R2OOH, and R3OOH (the hydrogen
atoms and one oxygen atom are lost when the acid is combined with the alcohol to make the
triglyceride, with the alcohol losing a hydrogen atom, creating water), as in the figure below:
Figure 2 – Glycerin (glycerol)
Figure 2a – Triglycerides are made from a combination of Glycerol
and Fatty Acids, which yields water
Table 1 – Properties of Fatty Acids commonly found in vegetable oils (Source of data?)1
This seemingly minor difference results in a significant change in some of the properties of the
molecule, most notably the melting point. The cold flow properties of the oils, and the resulting
molecules can thus be a nice method for introducing this topic of how minor differences in a molecule
can have large effects, and in particular, double bonds lower the melting point of molecules
The oleic acid molecule could have another double bond added, which would turn it into
linoleic acid (18:2). A third double bond would make linolenic acid. Many vegetable oils normally
consist of a significant percentage of these particular 18 carbon acids with double bonds. When the oil
is hydrogenated (usually through high temperatures, such as when oil is used in a fryolator), that is
when some of these double bonds are lost, replacing a CH=CH group with CH2CH2 t. T. The acid (or
the oil that the acid is a part of) acquires two more hydrogens, and loses a double bond. The result is an
increasing of the melting temperature of the acid, or oil of which it is part. This is an important
consideration as far as using waste vegetable oils as feedstocks for producing biodiesel. The more
heavily used the oil is, the more hydrogenated it becomes, resulting in higher melting points for the
molecules. Therefore, caution should be taken when using heavily used (hydrogenated) oils for making
biodiesel, as the higher freezing/melting points of the molecules would result in a greater tendency of
the fuel to clog fuel filters, or possibly gel entirely.
Chemically, transesterification is the process of exchanging the alkyloxy group (This has not
been defined or explained yet!) group (from an alcohol) of an ester with another alcoholkyl, from a
different alcohol. In the case of biodiesel, a vegetable oil ester is combined with a simple alcohol and a
catalyst, resulting in the breakup of the triglyceride ester (three fatty acids connected to a single
glycerol (alcohol)), and the joining of the fatty acids with the added simple alcohols. The glycerin
Michael Briggs, M.S., msbriggs@alberti.unh.edu, 862-2828, Joseph Pearson, 9
Dr. Ihab Farag, ihab.farag@unh.edu, 862-2321
Biodiesel Handout for 2005 New Hampshire Science Teacher’s Association Workshop
UNH Biodiesel Group
alkyls are replaced with the alkyl of the added alcohol (i.e. methyl for methanol, ethyl for ethanol,
etc.). The separated glycerol is the waste product. This reaction is shown below:
Rx is used since the biodiesel produced will consist of different types of mono-alkyl esters,
because of the various fatty acids (R1, R2, R3) in the vegetable oil. The reaction can proceed both ways,
so it is generally necessary to add an excess of methanol to force the reaction to the right. Since it is
not desirable to have free methanol in the biodiesel fuel, it is then necessary to recover the methanol
either by water washing, or a pressure-condensing method. But, the glycerin must be removed first
(and actually, most of the excess alcohol stays with the glycerin). If you remove the surplus methanol
while the glycerin is still present with the biodiesel, the process will start gradually reversing –
biodiesel and glycerin combining to re-make vegetable oil and methanol. The glycerin is more dense
than the biodiesel, so it will gradually settle to the bottom in the reactor, simplifying separation.
Now, since we first react the catalyst with the methanol to form a methoxide (potassium or
sodium methoxide), the reaction doesn’t actually proceed exactly as shown in Figure 3. If we use
NaOH as our catalyst, it combines with methanol (CH3OH) to form sodium methoxide (NaO-CH3)
and a water: NaOH + CH3OH NaOCH3 + H2O. Sodium Methoxide is a quite hazardous material,
so it is extremely important to handle it with care – it is explosive and toxic. Well designed biodiesel
processors (whether small home-scale or large commercial scale) keep the methoxide completely
contained in reaction vessels, and free from any sparks (you don’t want to use a mechanical mixer that
could cause sparks – this is why a pump/splash blending process is desirable). You need to make sure
that your alcohol and catalyst are very dry (no water), otherwise its presence will prevent a full
conversion to methoxide.
When the methoxide is added to the triglyceride, the conversion shown in Figure 3 actually
happens in a series of reactions – the triglyceride first uses one fatty acid group and becomes a
diglyceride, then loses a second, becoming a monoglyceride, and the third fatty acid is finally stripped
off, leaving free glycerin. Each of the fatty acids are converted into biodiesel (methyl ester) as they are
stripped off. Each step of this reaction occurs by the methoxide “attacking” the end carbon atom of
each fatty acid alkyl group where they attach to the glycerol backbone. The metal ion of the methoxide
(Na or K) breaks off, so you are left essentially with the methanol without a hydrogen atom (CH3O-)
with a negative charge. The carbon on the end of each fatty acid alkyl group in the triglyceride has a
slight positive charge, with the oxygens on that carbon having a slight negative charge, particularly in
the double bond between one of the oxygens and the carbon. This is where the methoxide “attacks”,
free of the metal ion.
This carbon being attacked (since it has a slight positive charge and the CH3O- is negative)
loses its double bond to the oxygen, and the CH3O bonds to the carbon. This carbon separates from the
oxygen of the glycerol that it had been attached to, with the carbon-oxygen double-bond reforming.
The result is one biodiesel molecule has been made, and the triglyceride has been turned into a
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Vegetable oil + NaMethoxide + H2O Diglyceride + Biodiesel + NaOH
Figure 3a – First step of transesterification – triglyceride turns to diglyceride, one methoxide joins
freed fatty acid to make biodiesel
This process is repeated during the transesterification, with the additional methoxides further
breaking down the diglyceride into a monoglyceride (and making one more biodiesel molecule), and
then the monoglyceride being broken down into a glycerol (and the final biodiesel molecule). The
sodium separates from the sodium methoxide at each step, combining with an OH- from the water (the
other H goes onto the diglyceride), reforming the catalyst NaOH. If the mixing time is too short, the
reaction could stop before finished, leaving you with a mix of biodiesel, monoglycerides, diglycerides,
and triglycerides.
As can be seen, the NaOH is not used up in the reaction – although procedurally it effectively is
(since it comes out in the glycerin, and is typically not easily recoverable). Water is formed during the
creation of the methoxide, but is also used up in the recreation of the NaOH during each esterification
reaction. Research on more novel catalysts, such as organometallics, has lead to the development of
catalysts that can be fixed to a substrate, so that the alcohol and oil can be mixed together directly (no
methoxide step), and the transesterification occurs as the mix flows across the catalytic substrate. This
is an excellent option for new industrial scale biodiesel plants, as it eliminates the need to continually
buy new catalyst (such as NaOH), and simplifies the glycerin purification (since there is no NaOH in
Looking at the properties of the various methyl esters demonstrates that the properties of
biodiesel – in particular the cold weather properties, could vary considerably depending on what oil it
Michael Briggs, M.S., msbriggs@alberti.unh.edu, 862-2828, Joseph Pearson, 13
Dr. Ihab Farag, ihab.farag@unh.edu, 862-2321
Biodiesel Handout for 2005 New Hampshire Science Teacher’s Association Workshop
UNH Biodiesel Group
is made from. Table 3 below lists a few different vegetable oils, and the levels of various fatty acids
they contain (bare in mind, in the oil the fatty acids are bound to glycerin as triglycerides. The table
lists the fatty acids themselves, but is not meant to imply that they exist as free fatty acids in the oil).
The fatty acid profiles are generalities, as various plants (and animal fats, such as the tallow included)
do have variability among them, depending on growing conditions and other factors. A field in
biodiesel research focuses on breeding varities of various plants for ideal fatty acid profiles. The table
also includes the gel point, cloud point (You have not explained what the gel and cloud points are!
Why are these important?these qualities are explained in section II.c of the Lesson Ideas portion of this
document), and cetane number for methyl ester made from each oil.
Table 3 – Fatty Acid profile, and properties of methyl esters for various oils2
Rapeseed Canola Tallow Soybean
Myristic (14:0 0 0.0 3.0 0.0
Palmitic (16:0 2.2 4.0 23.3 9.9
Stearic (18:0 0.9 2.4 17.9 3.6
Oleic (18:1) 12.6 65.0 38.0 19.1
Linoleic (18:2) 12.1 17.3 0.0 55.6
Linolenic (18:3) 8.0 7.8 0.0 10.2
Elcosenoic (20:1) 7.4 1.3 0.0 0.2
Behenic (22:0) 0.7 0.4 0.0 0.3
Erucic (22:1) 49.9 0.1 0.0 0.0
Properties of Methyl Esters of the oils
Cetane number 61.8 57.9 72.7 54.8
Cloud Point ºC 0 1 16 3
Gel/Pour Point ºC -15 -9 16 -3
Data taken from http://www.biofuels.fsnet.co.uk/comparison.htm
Soap Formation
Soap can be made by combining sodium hydroxide (NaOH), water, and vegetable oil. The
water separates the sodium hydroxide, resulting in free Na+ ions. The vegetable oil triglycerides are
broken apart, separating the fatty acids and glycerin. The Na+ ions attach to the fatty acids in the same
place that the alkyl groups attach during transesterification to produce biodiesel. The fatty acids with a
sodium ion attached make a soap (i.e. sodium palmitate).
Since a base is used both for making soap from vegetable oil, and also as the catalyst for
breaking apart the vegetable oil molecule during transesterification, care needs to be taken that one
doesn’t inadvertantly make soap. The NaOH is combined with the alcohol to make sodium methoxide,
which is then added to the vegetable oil. It is imperative that there be no water present in the
methoxide mix, or at least as little as possible. This is because the water would break apart the NaOH
molecule, producing free Na+ ions, which could then combine with fatty acids to produce soap. If the
sodium is bound up in sodium methoxide, when the vegetable oil is broken apart, the methyl groups
will preferentially bond with the fatty acids, rather than sodium – resulting in biodiesel rather than
soap. Using too much NaOH can result in soap formation, due to the excess sodium joining the fatty
acids after the vegetable oil molecules are separated.
With waste vegetable oils, free fatty acids are generally already present. These free fatty acids
will essentially always combine with a sodium ion during the processing, resulting in saponification
(soap formation). Unfortunately, that is an unavoidable result when using this base-catalysed
transesterification process (and is a reason why some groups have developed methods have been
developed for of performing the reaction withoutwithout a catalyst, with a non-alkali catalyst, or an
acid-base processes that first esterifies the FFAs into biodiesel). Since these free fatty acids consume
the catalyst, when waste vegetable oils are used, extra catalyst needs to be added to account for that.
Otherwise, not enough catalyst would be left for breaking apart the triglycerides in the oil, as some
would be consumed by the free fatty acids (FFAs). This is the reason for doing the titration when using
a waste vegetable oil feedstock, so that extra catalyst can be added to account for the fact that some
catalyst will be consumed by the FFAs.
When oils with free fatty acids are used, the free fatty acids will be turned into soaps by the
alkali catalyst. As a result, the yield of biodiesel is lower for these oils, and the soap needs to be
removed (usually through water washing). The process used for cleaning the biodiesel is known as
“washing”, in particular used for removing soaps. This process involves either bubbling water up
through the biodiesel (after glycerin separation), or misting water down on the top and letting it flow
down through the biodiesel (or a combination of both). The water pulls the soaps out of the biodiesel
as it passes through. The water eventually settles to the bottom, and can be separated readily from the
Very nicely written.
Biodiesel consists of three principal feed stocks;
1. Oil: Glycerides are commonly known as oils or fats, chemically speaking these are long chain
fatty acids joined by a glycerin backbone. They appear most often with three fatty acid chains
connected to the glycerin, making them trigylcerides. The triglyceride resources most frequently
used and specific to this experiment, are virgin soybean oil, or recycled cooking oil. Used cooking
oil when heated becomes hydrogenated, meaning the double bonds within the ester chains were
broken into single bonds with two more hydrogen’s attached. To counter this, additional catalyst
must be added according to the acidity of the specific oil.
2. Alcohol: Although a variety of alcohols can be used to produce Biodiesel, such as, ethanol or
butanol, this experiment will focus on methanol as it is most readily available, and most
frequently used. Therefore the Biodiesel produced is referred to as methyl esters. Methanol is
one of the most common industrial alcohols; because of its abundant supply it’s most often the
least expensive alcohol as well.
3. Catalyst: the third reactant needed is a catalyst that initiates the reaction and allows the esters
to detach. The strong base solutions typically used are sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium
hydroxide (KOH). This experiment will be using NaOH as catalyst.
Processing guidelines;
Virgin soybean oil must first be heated to 60 degressC. Hydrogenated (used) Vegetable oil should
be heated above 100 degressC and filtered to remove particulate matter and water within it.
6. Approximately .35% NaOH by volume is needed when using virgin oil. However when using
hydrogenated oil the pHPh must first be determined (by titration) to calculate the additional
amount of NaOH needed.
7. Titration procedure; it is important to make this as accurate as possible. Have we done this in
the Lab? If yes, we should take picture and include it.
8. Dissolve one gram of NaOH into 1 liter of distilled water. Dissolve 1ml of the filtered and
heated oil (how hot?) into 10ml of isopropyl alcohol and add two drops of phenolphthalein, an acid
base indicator. Now slowly add, by calibrated dropper or pipet, the NaOH(aq) solution to the oil
solution, mix intermittently. When the oil solution turns pink and stays pink for ten seconds the
titration is complete. The volume of NaOH(aq) solution necessary to titrate corresponds directly with
the number of additional grams per liter of NaOH needed for transesterification.
9. Methanol makes up approximately 20% of the Biodiesel. So for a reaction with one liter of oil;
200 ml of methanol is first mixed with 3.5 grams of NaOH, plus any additional NaOH in regards to the
hydrogenated vegetable oil titration. Ensure the NaOH is completely dissolved; this reaction creates
sodium methoxide. Again, Caution! Sodium methoxide is extremely toxic,. P provided thorough
ventilation and wear protective equipment. (gloves?, goggle? Lab coat?)
10. Add the sodium methoxide to the oil. Mix thoroughly, a blender on low (low what?) for twenty
minutes is ideal; however, vigorous shaking for a couple minutes will suffice.
11. Allow the solution to sit. A, after about ten minutes, the beginning of separation can be
observed. However, after about eight hours the glycerin molecules will have settled almost
completely to the bottom of the container and the methyl esters will be on top.
13. Analyze results
14. Possible errors;
15. Too much lye- soapy residue
16. Not enough lye- unreacted oil, free glycerin
May be pictures of these situations would be very helpful.e
The topic of biodiesel can be introduced in a variety of classes – chemistry, biology, physics,
and even classes focusing on politics and current events. This document will discuss some options for
using the topic of biodiesel as a vehicle for beginning other lesson plans, or discussing topics which
students otherwise may not be interested in. An ideal approach could involve coordinating biodiesel
lessons in the science classroom with releventrelevant discussions in a civics, economics, or current
events classroom. Since scientists and engineers in today’s world need to also focus on issues such as
making their processes and products economical, and looking into related political issues, biodiesel
presents an excellent example for students learning how science topics relate to non-scientific fields.
The goal of this workshop is not necessarily to give you an exact lesson plan which you could
use as-is in your classroom (since there are science teachers here from different branches of science,
and different grade levels), but to teach you more about the topic of biodiesel, and to give you ideas on
how you could incorporate it into your classroom. The UNH Biodiesel Group is always eager to help
out, so if after the workshop you have any questions on biodiesel itself, or ideas for incorporating it
into the classroom, please feel free to contact either Michael Briggs (msbriggs@alberti.unh.edu, 862-
2828), or Dr. Ihab Farag (ihab.farag@unh.edu, 862-2313).
I. Biology
Being produced from biological matter, there are several options for topics that could be
introduced or elaborated on through a discussion of biodiesel. The following are a few possibilities.
Figure 1 3 - Biodiesel's Closed Carbon
I.a. Carbon Cycle
The carbon cycle is a topic that many students –
even a majority of adults – have difficulty understanding.
During the course of our Our UNH Biodiesel Group has
given many presentations to legislators, members of the
general public, students, and even scientists,. there has
always been a large percentage of people who don’t fully
understand the carbon cycle. Yet, wWe’ have found that a
discussion of how the carbon cycle works for biodiesel is
very successful in engendering a better understanding of
the carbon cycle in general.
With regard to alternative fuels, the main
importance of the carbon cycle is whether it is a closed or
open cycle. Any fuel produced entirely from biomass
would have a closed carbon cycle – since all of the carbon
within the fuel came from the plants from which it was
produced, and the carbon in the plants came from the
atmosphere. As Figure 1 shows, plants get their carbon from CO2 in the atmosphere – converting the
CO2 to O2 during photosynthesis, with the carbon being stored in the plant (as carbohydrates, oils,
starch, etc.). Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide and water into
glucose and oxygen, in the presence of chlorophyll and sunlight (which supplies the energy). In energy
terms, the plants are converting the electromagnetic energy (sunlight) into chemical energy (glucose).
Plants can get everything they need to make sugars, oil, and starches from the air (CO2),
sunlight, and water (H2O). That’s because those molecules are made only of carbon, hydrogen, and
water. As far as the carbon cycle, the important point is that all of the carbon within a plant comes
from carbon dioxide in the air.
If the plant decays, much of that carbon finds its way back into the atmosphere as CO2 or
methane (CH4). If the oil is extracted from the plant, and turned into biodiesel (the alcohol used to
make the biodiesel could come from alcohol also made from the plant), all of the carbon in the
biodiesel had to come from CO2 in the air. So, when we burn biodiesel, even though it gives off CO2,
there is no net addition to atmospheric carbon (CO2) levels, since that same carbon we are releasing
was taken from the atmosphere by the plants when they were growing.
Contrast this to the carbon released when we burn any fossil fuels. The carbon in gasoline, for
example, is from the petroleum we extract out of the ground. That carbon itself was likely in the
atmosphere at one point – but billions of years ago, when the earth was much younger, and had much
higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The bacteria that grew on the young earth took carbon out
of the atmosphere, and over billions of years of dying, not fully decaying, “sequestered” that carbon
within the earth (which resulted in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels dropping to the stable level they
have been at now for millions of years – a level that results in the right amount of infrared insulation
for maintaining a temperature here on earth that is suitable for humans, etc.). By burning a fossil fuel,
we are adding carbon to the atmosphere (as CO2, with the oxygen portion coming from O2 already
present in the atmosphere) that had not been in our atmosphere for billions of years. Through so doing,
we gradually increase the atmospheric carbon level beyond the fairly stable level it has been at for
Figure 2 5 - Atmospheric Carbon Increase
Figure 4 - Anthropogenic carbon emissions4
This is a topic that could be covered in a variety of courses, yet is a topic covered very little in
most current curriculum. The topic issue could be covered either briefly, or in excruciating detail.
Being such an important topic, particularly as far as an issue with science and political crossover, it
would be very desirable for students to garner a better understanding of this issuethe greenhouse effect.
There are many valuable resources on the web discussing the greenhouse effectproviding a thorough
discussion of it. Some examples, discussing it from a variety of perspectives (biology, chemistry,
physics, public policy, etc.). A few that would be useful references::
One valuable reason for lessons on the greenhouse effect, and global climate change, is for
students to learn that there are ongoing discussions and debates about many topics in science. Students
often get the impression that science is a “finished book”. Learning that there are many questions
scientists are still trying to answer, with many lively debates among scientists helps develop student
interest in the subject.
II. Chemistry
There are several lessons that can be initiated with a discussion of biodiesel. Many of the lesson
ideas that are also mentioned under biology and physics could be included in the chemistry classroom.
This section will focus on a few ideas that would be specific to chemistry, while the ones that overlap
into other areas are listed in the area of overlap. Some possibilities specific to chemistry include:
II.a. Titration
Vegetable Ooil becomes hydrogenated and acidic (due to the formation of free fatty acids
(FFAs)) when heated to high temperatures, as is done in fryolators. As a result, when using waste
vegetable oil, extra additional catalyst (a baselkali) needs to be added to neutralize the free fatty acids.
The reason being that the since the free fatty acids will consume “consume” the alkali catalyst,
forming soaps. The metal ion in the catalyst (such as sodium) bonds to the free fatty acid, where the
alkyl group normally bonds during transesterification, forming soap. Since some of the catalyst is
consumed by the FFAs, extra catalyst must be added to make up for that lost to the FFAs. The handout
on making biodiesel discusses first few pages of this document discuss the titration itself. Since
titrations are important for chemistry students to learn, biodiesel can provide an interesting a real world
example of how titrations are used in the “real world”. Since most students continually ask themselves
(and sometimes the teachers) “why do I need to learn this”, it is always valuable to show a real world
use of what is being taught.
With liquids consisting of molecules of various freezing points, gelling occurs as a result of
solid molecules entangling and crosslinking, to form a semi-rigid structure, even though the majority
of the molecules may still be liquid. A gel, also referred to as a sol, would of course present a serious
problem to a vehicle’s fuel system. Regular petroleum diesel can gel at anywhere from –20º C (-4º F)
to -10-10º C (14º F)C, depending on the quality of the fuel. Since atmospheric temperatures can fall
below that, the diesel fuel industry has developed techniques for “winterizing” the fuel, to prevent this
gelling from happening. The temperature at which this gelling occurs is referred to as either the “Gel
Point” (GP), or more commonly, the “Pour Point” (PP). With diesel fuel, in some cases the gelling
issue is dealt with by blending in other liquids with lower freezing points, such as kerosene. This also
has a freezing point depressing effect on the molecules in the diesel fuel, so it also lowers the cloud
point. Another method of winterizing involves the addition of an “antigel additive”. These additives
are generally added in very small quantities (0.1-0.2% by volume), but can significantly lower the PP.
They do so, primarily, by bonding to frozen molecules when the fuel falls below the cloud point, and
preventing those molecules from bonding/crosslinking with other frozen molecules. The molecules of
an antigel additive are generally considerably smaller than the fuel molecules themselves, so 0.1% of
the additive by volume can effectively block a much larger percentage of fuel molecules from having
the ability to gel the fuel. Some additives can lower the PP of diesel fuel by 30ºC (48º F) or more.
III. Physics
In the February 2, 2001 issue of “C2C, Connecting Classroom and Community”, an article appeared
written by James Higgins of The Detroit News. In the article, he wrote:
Sadly, this presents a few common energy and environmental misconceptions held by the general
public, the media, and even some educators. First, there is a misconception that shows a clear lack of
understanding of thermodynamics, in particular as it relates to hydrogen as a “fuel”. There has been
much discussion in the media about hydrogen powered vehicles. Unfortunately, that discussion has left
out several important scientific points. First, it takes energy to separate hydrogen from water. As a
result, hydrogen produced from water is not an energy source, but an energy storage medium. The
process of electrolysis is most commonly used for this separation, and is only roughly 60% efficient.
That means that for each 1 kWh of energy we put into the process, the hydrogen we get back only
contains about 0.6 kWh of thermal energy. Since automotive hydrogen fuel cells are roughly 50%
thermally efficient, using that hydrogen in the fuel cell would then give us 0.3 kWh of energy for each
1 kWh we put into making the hydrogen. The result is a big net energy loss during the process of
“producing” hydrogen from water, and then using the hydrogen as a fuel. It would make no sense to
separate water onboard a vehicle to get hydrogen, and then use that hydrogen in a fuel cell to run the
vehicle. The reason being that it takes energy to separate the hydrogen – and it would take roughly 3
1 – “Biodiesel: The Use of Vegetable Oils and Their Derivatives as Alternative Diesel Fuels”, Knothe,
Dunn, and Bagby, USDA Agricultural Research Services,
3 – “The production of isopropyl esters and their effects on a diesel engine”, Wang, P, Iowa State,
4 – “Sinks for Anthropogenic Carbon”, Sarmiento and Gruber, Physics Today, August 2002,