Master List Scholarships

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Master List*

*This comprehensive list is a working document. You can search the document using the following terms:
Year: All Levels, First Year, Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Field of Study: All Majors, Accounting, Anthropology, Archaeology, Area/Cultural Studies, Visual/Performing Arts,
Biological Sciences, Business, Communications, Chemistry, Classical Studies, Computer Science, Economics,
Education, Engineering, English and Literature , Writing, Journalism, Environment, Law, Marketing, Modern
Languages, Mathematics, History, Humanities, International Relations, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Public
Policy, Political Science, Religious Studies, Sociology, Women’s Studies
Type of Opportunity: Summer, Academic Year, Study Abroad, Research, Internship, Scholarship, Post-Graduation,
Fellowship, Leadership, Service
Citizenship: US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, International Student
Identity: Minorities, Black/African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander, LGBTQ+, Women,
People with Disabilities, First Generation College Students
Language: English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese

Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) Internships
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), located in Washington, D.C., conducts
rigorous research and disseminates its findings to address the needs of women, promote public
dialogue, and strengthen families, communities and societies. IWPR is committed to assisting
the professional development of students and graduates interested in economic justice for
women. IWPR's internship program is designed to provide participants with challenging work
experiences under the guidance and supervision of staff with extensive knowledge of women's
policy issues, social science research, and non-profit management.

Tags: All levels, Accounting, Communications, Marketing, Policy, Research, Internship, Summer,
Academic Year, Women, International Students

Oak Ridge National Laboratories' Institute for Science and Education
The Oak Ridge National Laboratories' Institute for Science and Education offers programs for
students of all age ranges, from K thru 12 (both Students and Teachers) to Post-Doctoral and
University/College Faculty, to "other Scientists". The programs offered include but are not
limited to Scholarships, Fellowships, Internships, Sabbaticals, and Research opportunities.

Tags: All Levels, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Environment,
Summer, Scholarship, Fellowship, Internship, Research, Academic Year, US Citizen, International

The Harvard Business School (HBS) Summer Venture in Management Program (SVMP)
HBS-SVMP is a one- week management training program designed to increase diversity and
opportunity in business education. SVMP participants must be employed in a summer
internship and be nominated by and have sponsorship from their company or organization to
attend. Sponsoring organizations can include public or private companies, government agencies
or entities, and non-profit organizations. In addition, applicants must be United States citizens
or permanent residents, and must be rising college seniors who have completed their junior
year of college by June of the year in which they attend.

Tags: Junior, Business, Summer, US citizens, Permanent US Resident, First Generation College

American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Richard A. Herbert Memorial Scholarship
In 1980, AWRA established the Endowment-Memorial Fund to be used for the enhancement of
education in water resources. Applicants must be a national AWRA member. One $2,000
scholarship will be awarded to a full-time undergraduate student working toward his/her first
undergraduate degree and who is enrolled in a program related to water resources for the
academic year in which he/she applies for the award. One $2,000 scholarship will also be
awarded to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a program related to water resources for
the academic year in which he/she applies for the award.

Tags: All levels, Environment, Scholarship, Post-Graduation

Annie's Homegrown, Inc. Sustainable Agriculture Scholarship
The program assists undergraduate or graduate students who are environmental advocates and
are focusing on classes in environmental studies. The program gives 25 awards annually of
$1000 each. This money can be used for tuition, books, and other educational expenses.
Applications open November 2-January 31 annually. Check the website for further details.

Tags: All levels, Environment, Scholarship, International Students

Brower Youth Awards
Youth environmental change leaders ages 13 to 22 (as of July 1, 2016) living in North America
(including Mexico, Canada, some Caribbean Islands) and US “Territories” are encouraged
to apply. Each of the six recipients of the Brower Youth Awards will receive a $3,000 cash prize,
a professionally produced short film about their work from an Emmy award winning film crew,
and flight and lodging accommodations for a week-long trip to the San Francisco Bay Area.

Tags: All levels, Environment, Scholarship

Brown and Caldwell
A California environmental engineering firm that provides annual scholarships for minority
students pursuing careers in environmental services.
Brown and Caldwell, a California engineering firm, offers scholarships to full-time juniors with a
declared major in one of the environmental sciences or in civil, chemical, or environmental

Tags: Juniors, Environment, Engineering, Scholarship Women, LGBTQ+, Black/African American,

Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American

Explorers Club Grant
The Explorers Club offers grants to students conducting individual scientific or exploration
research projects through their respective schools with a supervising instructor.
Youth Activity Fund for college undergraduates, fosters a new generation of explorers
dedicated to the advancement of scientific knowledge of the world. Awards typically range
from $500-1500 US for both funds. A few awards may be granted up to a $5000 award level.

Tags: All levels, Research, Environment, Biological Sciences, Anthropology, Archeology,

Academic Year, Summer, International Students

Freeman-Asia Scholarship Program
Freeman-ASIA (Freeman Awards for Study in Asia) is designed to support American
undergraduates with demonstrated financial need who are planning to study overseas in East
or Southeast Asia. The program’s goal is to increase the number of Americans with first-hand
exposure to and understanding of Asia and its peoples and cultures. The program supports
study abroad for one semester.

Tags: All levels, Study Abroad, US citizens, Academic Year, Summer

Garden Club of America Scholarships
The purpose of The Garden Club of America is to stimulate the knowledge and love of
gardening, to share the advantages of association by means of educational meetings,
conferences, correspondence and publications, and to restore, improve, and protect the quality
of the environment through educational programs and action in the fields of conservation and
civic improvement. There are a variety of fellowships and scholarships available in the following
areas: Botany, Costal Wetlands Studies, Conservation and Ecological Restoration, Desert
Studies, Garden History and Design, Horticulture and Related Fields, International Work and
Study, Landscape Architecture, Native Bird Habitat, Summer Environmental Study, Urban

Tags: All levels, Environment, Biological Sciences, Academic Year, Summer

GRO Undergraduate Fellowships
EPA offers Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Undergraduate Fellowships for bachelor level
students in environmentally related fields of study. Fellows receive support for their last two
years of undergraduate study and an internship at an EPA facility during the summer of their
"junior" year. The fellowship provides up to $20,700 for each academic year of support and
$8,600 for the three-month summer internship.

Tag: Sophomore, Environment, Scholarship, Permanent Resident

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Grants for Individuals
HHMI administers several programs that provide funding to medical, dental, and veterinary
students. HHMI grants support promising biomedical research scientists who are foreign
citizens or members of groups underrepresented in the sciences; medical, dental and veterinary
students seeking research training; and leading research scientists who are developing new
approaches to undergraduate science education.

Tags: Sophomores, Juniors, Biological Sciences, Research, International Students, Minorities

Morris K. Udall Scholarships
Approximately 50 scholarships awarded each year. Applicants must fall into one of two groups:
1.) College sophomores or juniors in the current academic year; demonstrate outstanding
potential, and who study the environment and related fields. 2). Native American and Alaska
Native students who are college sophomores or juniors in the current academic year,
demonstrate outstanding potential, and are in fields related to health care or tribal public
policy. To be considered, a student must be nominated by his or her college or university using
the official nomination materials provided to each institution.

Tags: Sophomores, Juniors, Environment, Scholarship, Native American

National Institutes of Health, Undergraduate Scholarship Program
The program offers scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are
committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research. The
scholarships include up to $20,000 annually in support for tuition, educational expenses, a
stipend for living expenses; paid research training at the NIH during the summer; and paid
training and employment at the NIH after graduation. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, full-time
students at accredited institutions, from a disadvantaged background (be certified by financial
aid office as having "exceptional financial need"), and have GPA of at least 3.5 or within top five
percent of the class.

Tags: All Levels, Biological Sciences, Psychology, Scholarship, Summer, Research, Minorities,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate
Scholarship Program
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scholarship program is designed
to increase undergraduate training in oceanic and atmospheric science, to increase public
support for stewardship of the ocean and atmosphere and improve environmental literacy, and
prepare students for public service careers with NOAA and other natural resource and science
agencies. The Hollings Scholarship Program will provide awards that include academic
assistance (up to a maximum of $9,000 per year) for full-time study during the academic year; a
10-week, full-time internship position ($700/week) during the summer at a NOAA facility; and,
if reappointed, academic assistance (up to a maximum of $9,000) for full-time study during a
second academic year.

Tags: Sophomores, Juniors, Environment, Biological Science, Physical Science, US Citizen,

Scholarship, Summer, Research, Internship

National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
The National Science Foundation makes possible a number of opportunities for undergraduates
to join research projects each summer. This allows students to experience first-hand how basic
research is carried out, and to contribute consequentially. The principal support by NSF of such
activities is through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program. REU "Sites" are
established in all fields of science, mathematics, and engineering. Students are granted
stipends, and in some cases assistance with housing and travel. Students who are in those
groups traditionally under-represented in science (women, members of under-represented
minorities, and those with disabilities) are particularly urged to apply.

Tag: All levels, Biological Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Research,
Summer, Minorities

Asian Women in Business Foundation
The Asian Women In Business Scholarship provides $2500 for exceptional Asian female
students who have demonstrated scholarship, leadership, community service and/or
entrepreneurship. Applicants must be enrolled full-time in an accredited 4-year undergraduate
institution in the U.S. at the time of application and award, and have one or more of the
following: a) a leadership role in a community or non-profit endeavor, or b) a record of
entrepreneurial achievement. Minimum of 3.0 Undergraduate GPA (out of 4.0) required at the
time of application.

Tags: All levels, Business, Scholarship, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Asian

HORIZONS Scholarship
The sponsor provides support to encourage women to pursue careers related to the national
security interests of the United States and to provide development opportunities to women
already working in national security fields. The scholarship program is intended to provide
financial assistance to further educational objectives of women either employed or planning
careers in defense or national security areas.

Tags: Juniors, Seniors, Post-Graduation, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics,

Business, History, International Relations, Political Science, Economics, Women, Scholarship

Mayo Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
The Mayo Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program, sponsored by Mayo
Graduate School, is a great way to build your skills as a young scientist or test your inclinations
toward research. Each year, 90-100 undergraduate students from around the United States
come to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, to work beside both young and established scientists on
a broad range of biomedical research questions. Up to ten fellowships also are available at
Mayo's campuses in Scottsdale, AZ, and Jacksonville, FL.

Tags: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, Biological Sciences, Summer, Research, International


Microsoft Scholarships
Four types of scholarships for undergraduate students interested in computer science and
related technical disciplines. One-year award for students attending institutions in the United
States, Canada, and Mexico. All recipients of a scholarship will be required to complete a
salaried summer internship of 12 weeks or more at Microsoft Corporation in Redmond,

Tags: All levels, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Scholarship, US Citizen, International
Students, Summer, Internship, Minorities

Society for Women Engineers Scholarship
Various awards for women pursuing baccalaureate or graduate degrees in engineering or
computer science, as well as engineering and computer science students enrolled in ABET-
accredited engineering programs. Scholarships and fellowships range from $1,000 to $10,000
each and are awarded to freshman through graduate students.

Tags: All Levels, Engineering, Computer Science, Scholarship, Women

Allen Lee Hughes Fellowship Program
Named for the Tony Award-nominated lighting designer, the Allen Lee Hughes Fellowship &
Internship Program offers personalized training opportunities with Arena’s ensemble of
resident artists, technicians and administrators. The goal of the program is to cultivate the next
generation of theater professionals by providing the highest standard of training through
immersion in the art and business of producing theater. Fellows and Interns work in the areas
of artistic and technical production, arts administration, and arts education and community
outreach. Fellowships are only available for full-time, full-season commitments of 38-44 weeks.
Internships are available during the summer and require an 8-12 week commitment.

Tags: All Levels, Visual/Performing Arts, Fellowship, Internship, Summer, Academic Year, Post-

Worldstudio AIGA Scholarships
Worldstudio AIGA Scholarships are for young people from minorities and economically
disadvantaged backgrounds who wish to pursue the Arts. The scholarship is for students who
wish to give back to the community and influence the world with their art.

Tags: All levels, Visual/Performing Arts, Scholarship, Minorities, Community Service

National Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The Hispanic Scholarship Fund was founded in 1975 to help Hispanic-American college students
complete their education. The scholarships are available on a competitive basis for community
college, four-year college, and graduate students of Hispanic heritage. Awards generally range
from $1000 to $3,000.

Tags: All levels, All Majors, Scholarship, Hispanic, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident

Roothbert Fund, Inc. Scholarships Program
$2,000-$3,000 awards are offered to students of every sex, age, color, nationality or religious
background in the U.S. in need of financial aid to further their education at the undergraduate
or graduate level.

Tags: All levels, All Majors

Gilder Lehrman History Scholars Program
The program, based in New York City, provides undergraduates who have demonstrated superb
research and writing skills in the field of American history with an opportunity to engage in
discussions with eminent scholars and in primary-source research.The program provides 15
scholarships that include a six-week, all-expenses-paid, scholarly research program, including a
stipend of $2,200, along with room, board, and a $600 travel allowance for a five-week
program in New York City. Scholars conduct primary-source research to prepare historical
materials for publication. Up to 50 runners-up will be named Finalists and invited to an all-
expenses-paid, one-week program.

Tags: Juniors, Seniors, History, Research, Summer

National Science Foundation Funding
The National Science Foundation funds research and education in most fields of science and
engineering. It does this through grants, and cooperative agreements to more than 2,000
colleges, universities, K-12 school systems, businesses, informal science organizations and other
research organizations throughout the United States. The Foundation accounts for about one-
fourth of federal support to academic institutions for basic research

Tags: All Levels, Biological Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer
Science, Research, Internship, Summer, Scholarship

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Final Deadline: February 15, 2017
Summer Student Fellowships are awarded to undergraduate students who will have completed
their junior year at colleges or universities by the start of the fellowship period. Preference is
given to students studying in any of the fields of science or engineering including but not
limited to the fields of biology, chemistry, engineering, geology, geophysics, mathematics,
meteorology, physics, oceanography, and marine policy.
Traineeships in Oceanography for Minority Group Undergraduates support minority students
studying the physical or natural sciences, mathematics, or engineering. Applicants must have
completed at least two semesters of college. The traineeship is for either a 10- or a 12-week
period during the summer or for a semester. Both awards may include transportation to Woods

Tags: Juniors, Seniors, Biological Science, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Engineering,

Summer, Research, Fellowship, Academic Year, Minorities

John Bayliss Radio Scholarship
The Bayliss Foundation has been distributing scholarships to outstanding broadcast students for
over 23 years. Each award is in the amount of $5,000. The number of scholarships awarded
each year depend on the size of the endowment. In 2005, the Bayliss Foundation began a
partnership with top communications schools nationwide in an effort to bring a strong radio
presence to college campuses. Juniors and seniors majoring in Broadcast Communications who
have maintained a 3.0 GPA or better are encouraged to apply. Although financial need is a
consideration, students of merit with an extensive history of radio-related activities are given

Tags: Juniors, Seniors, Journalism, Scholarship

Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Scholarships
The purpose of the Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Foundation Scholarship is to provide
financial assistance to students in high school; undergraduate, graduate or professional school;
or trade or vocational school who express activism in the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) and/or
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities. The GAPA Foundation
Scholarship will range from $1000 – $5000, and several scholarships may be awarded in a
calendar year.

Tags: All levels, All Majors, Scholarship, LGBTQ+, Asian, Pacific Islanders

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
The Task Force offers graduate and undergraduate internships available during the fall/winter,
winter/spring, and summer terms for college students or recent grads.
Course credit for internships varies and depends on the policies of each individual school.
Status of an internship as credit or non-credit will be made before the internship is offered. All
interns’ supervisors will provide an evaluation (according to the school’s standards and
procedures) of the intern’s work. If academic credit is not being received, interns and fellows
may be compensated for the time they work. These stipends vary according to which
internship/fellowship candidates may be assigned. Please check with the specific intern/fellow
area for specific information.

Tags: All levels, All Majors, Internship, Fellowship, Summer, Academic Year, LGBTQ+

Point Foundation
The Point Foundation provides multiyear scholarships, leadership training, and mentoring for
LGBT students. Point Foundation is what it is today--the premier national LGBTQ non-profit
organization designed to nurture the LGBTQ leaders of the next generation--because of the
generous support of others. Point Foundation empowers promising LGBTQ students to achieve
their full academic and leadership potential--despite the obstacles often put before them--to
make a significant impact on society. By identifying and supporting these scholars, Point hopes
to provide a greater level of acceptance and respect within future generations for all persons,
regardless of sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity. We honor our scholars--
their leadership, their acumen, their early involvement in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
and queer causes, and their pledge to make the world a fairer and better place for all.

Tags: All Levels, All Majors, Scholarship, Leadership, LGBTQ+

DAAD Annual Grants
DAAD offers a wide range of funding opportunities for individuals and institutions in higher
education. Since DAAD New York is the representative office for all of North America, its
programs are open to students, faculty, administrators, and staff of higher education
institutions geographically located in the United States, Canada and their territories (Puerto
Rico, Guam, etc). There are a few special programs that may extend to constituencies beyond
that. Travel to Germany is a required element of all funding proposals.

Tags: All levels, All Majors, Study Abroad, Academic Year, Summer, International Students,

United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Merck Science Initiative
The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) and the Merck Company Foundation fund programs
designed to increase the number of African Americans in the pipeline of biomedical science
education and research. Undergraduate awards up to $30,000 are available. Each award
provides up to $30,000, which includes up to $25,000 towards tuition, room and board, and
billable fees. This award is not transferable. Dissertation Fellowship awards are available up to
$53,500. Each fellowship provides up to a maximum of $53,500, which includes a Stipend of up
to $43,500 for the Fellow and a Research Grant of up to $10,000 to support the research needs
of the Fellow. The fellowship stipend is intended to cover from 12-24 months of fellowship
tenure. A maximum of $30,000 in stipend may be received in any 12 month period.

Tags: Juniors, Senior, Post-Graduation, Biological Science, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering,

Scholarship, Research, Internship, Summer, Academic Year, Black/African American

Davis-Putter Scholarships Fund
The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides grants to students actively working for peace and
justice. These need-based scholarships are awarded to those able to do academic work at the
university level and who are part of the progressive movement on the campus and in the
community. Early recipients worked for civil rights, against McCarthyism, and for peace in
Vietnam. Recent grantees have been active in the struggle against racism, sexism, homophobia,
and other forms of oppression; building the movement for economic justice; and creating
peace through international anti-imperialist solidarity.

Tags: All levels, All Majors, Leadership, Community Service, Scholarship

Greenlining Academy
The Greenlining Academy works to develop the next generation of multi-ethnic leaders and
informed community members for students who want hands-on public policy and advocacy
experience. The Academy offers programs specifically for high school, college and graduate
students, recent college graduates and graduates of law school.

Tags: All Levels, All Majors, Summer, Academic Year, Internship, Minorities

The Humanity in Action Foundation
Humanity in Action develops international educational programs for university students and
young professionals. Our objective is to promote a dialogue about understanding and
responding to the challenges that democratic countries face as they become more diverse
societies. Our programs explore past and present examples of resistance to intolerance, with a
goal of encouraging future leaders to be engaged citizens and responsible decision makers.

Tags: All levels, All Majors, Summer, Leadership, Community Service, US Citizens

Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL) Scholarships and Internships
The Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL) offers two internship programs
and 3 scholarships for Asian Pacific Americans interested in working for the federal

Tags: All levels, All Majors, Public Policy, Internships, Summer, Leadership, Scholarship, Asian,
Pacific Islander

Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
As the federal memorial to our thirty-third president, the Harry S. Truman Scholarship
Foundation awards up to $30,000 scholarships to college juniors who plan to pursue careers in
government or elsewhere in public service, and wish to attend graduate school to help prepare
for their careers. Truman Scholars participate in leadership development programs and have
special opportunities for internships and employment with the federal government.

Tags: Juniors, All Majors, Public Policy, Scholarship, Leadership, Community Service, Academic
Year, US Citizen

Public Policy International Affairs Institutes Junior Summer Institutes (Juniors, Summer)
Based at Princeton, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, University of Michigan, and University of
Maryland, these intensive seven-week summer programs focus on preparing students for
graduate programs in public and international affairs and careers as policy professionals, public
administrators and other leadership roles in public service. The programs include academic
work, project work, and extracurricular activities.
Tags: Juniors, Public Policy, International Relations, Political Science, Summer, US Citizen,
Permanent US Resident

Center for American Progress
American Progress offers full and part-time internships each summer and academic semester.
All undergraduate and masters-level students and J.D. and Ph.D. candidates are eligible to
apply. Interns will be directly engaged with the Center's policy experts and will participate in a
variety of activities including research, writing, and web-based projects. They will also assist
staff with administrative tasks and help organize the Center's many conferences and events.
American Progress offers a monetary stipend as well as a transportation subsidy for interns.

Tags: All Levels, All Majors, Public Policy, Internship, Summer, International Students

American Scandinavian Foundation
The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers fellowships (up to $23,000) and grants (up
to $5,000) to individuals to pursue research or study in one or more Scandinavian country for
up to one year. The number of awards varies each year according to total funds available.
Awards are made in all fields. The ASF considers it desirable that all candidates have at least
some ability in the language of the host country, even if it is not essential for the execution of
the research plan. Applicants must have a well-defined research or study project that makes a
stay in Scandinavia essential. Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents.
Applicants must have completed their undergraduate education by the start of their projects in

Tags: Seniors, Post-Graduation, All Majors, Research, Study Abroad, Summer, Academic Year,
US Citizen, US Permanent Resident

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholars Program
The Gilman Scholarship Program broadens the student population that studies abroad by
supporting undergraduates who have been traditionally underrepresented in US study/ abroad/
and those with high financial need. The program aims to encourage students to choose
nontraditional study abroad destinations, especially those outside of Western Europe and
Australia and aims to support students who have been traditionally underrepresented in study
abroad. The Gilman Scholarship provides awards of up to $5,000 for U.S. citizen undergraduate
students. To be eligible students must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant at the time of
application and cannot be studying abroad in a country currently under a U.S. Department of
State Travel Warning or in Cuba.

Tags: All Levels, All Majors, Summer, Academic Year, Study Abroad, Internship, US Citizen,
The Japanese Student Services Organization (JASSO)
The Japanese Students Services Organization (JASSO) provides information on a series of
programs for students interested in studying or teaching in Japan. Application forms for EJU
administered in Japan are contained in the EJU Bulletin, which is sold at major bookstores in
Japan during the application period. To apply, you will need to remit the examination fee using
the prescribed Japanese Postal Services fund transfer form, and then submit your application
from a Japanese post office by simplified registered mail (called "kan'i kakitome").
Consequently, persons residing outside Japan who wish to take EJU in Japan need to have a
relative or acquaintance in Japan take care of purchasing the bulletin, paying the examination
fee, and mailing the application.

Tags: All Levels, All Majors, Study Abroad, Summer, Academic Year

Freeman-Asia Scholarship Program
Freeman-ASIA (Freeman Awards for Study in Asia) is designed to support American
undergraduates with demonstrated financial need who are planning to study overseas in East
or Southeast Asia. The program’s goal is to increase the number of Americans with first-hand
exposure to and understanding of Asia and its peoples and cultures. The program supports
study abroad for one semester.

Tags: All Levels, All Majors, Study Abroad, Summer, Academic Year, US Citizen, US Permanent

Boren Scholarship for International Study
Boren Scholarships, an initiative of the National Security Education Program, provide unique
funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate students to study less commonly taught
languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad,
including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded.
Boren Scholars represent a vital pool of highly motivated individuals who wish to work in the
federal national security arena. In exchange for funding, Boren Scholars commit to working in
the federal government for at least one year after graduation.

Tags: All levels, All Majors, Modern Language, Study Abroad, Scholarship, Summer, Academic
Year, US Citizen

Fulbright Summer Institute for US Undergraduates
The US-UK Fulbright Commission offers special Summer Institutes for US citizens to come to the
UK. These summer programs provide the opportunity for US undergraduates (aged over 18),
with at least two years of undergraduate study left to complete, to come to the UK on a three,
four, five or six week academic and cultural summer program.

Tags: Freshmen, Sophomores, All Majors, Study abroad, Scholarship, Summer, US Citizen,

Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service Summer Program
The Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service is a summer program for undergraduates
interested in philanthropy, community service, and careers in the non-profit sector. The six-
week residential program includes coursework, internships, and participation in a variety of
service projects. The program is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Tags: Sophomores, Juniors, Summer

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the Secretary Elaine L. Chao Internship Program
The Student Internship Program provides students with the opportunity to work within various
agencies within the department of Labor. Students will work on projects assigned to them,
attend agency presentations, and participate in weekly brown bag discussions. Previous interns
have worked in areas such as public affairs, speechwriting, and outreach programs.

Tags: All levels, Internship, Minorities,

Josephine DeKarman Fellowship
DeKarman fellowships are open to students in any discipline, including international students,
who are currently enrolled in a university or college located within the United States. Only
candidates for the PhD who will defend their dissertation in or about June 2018 and
undergraduates entering their senior year (will receive bachelors degree in or about June 2018)
are eligible for consideration for a 2017-2018 fellowship. Postdoctoral and masters degree
students are not eligible for consideration. Special consideration will be given to applicants in
the Humanities.

Tags: All Majors, All Levels, International Students

National Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Scholarships are available on a competitive basis for community college, four-year college, and
graduate students of Hispanic heritage. Awards generally range from $500 to $5,000. To be
eligible you must: be of Hispanic heritage (one parent must be fully Hispanic or both parents
must be half Hispanic); be a U.S. Citizen or a permanent resident; have earned a minimum GPA
of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale; attend an accredited U.S. college full-time.

Tags: U.S. Citizen, Permanent Legal Resident, All Majors, Hispanic

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights/The Leadership Conference Education
Fund Internships
The Leadership Conference and The Education Fund offer a substantive, fast-paced internship
program designed to give undergraduate students interested in civil and human rights, public
service, advocacy, journalism and online communications, real-world work experience in the
policy arena. The program provides interns the chance to increase their knowledge and
awareness of civil and human rights issues, enhance their understanding of coalition politics,
and observe the legislative process of our federal government. Interns are fully integrated into
staff activities and involved in communications, development, field, and policy work.

Tags: Service, Journalism, Public Policy, Internship, Academic Semester, Summer, All Levels

AmeriCorps is a domestic service organization that places corps members in community service
positions all around the country. Corps members focus on a specific issue such as education,
public safety, health or the environment, and they work on bettering this issue within the
community they are serving. Corps members serve in this position for ten months to one year.

Tags: Service, All Majors, All Levels, Academic Year

Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship
The Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship is an eleven month program that is divided into
two phases. The first phase focuses on service, and places fellows in community organizations
across the country that are battling hunger. For the second phase of the fellowship, fellows
move to Washington DC, where they work on policy with national organizations to combat
hunger and poverty-related issues. There are 20 fellows total; both the field placement and
policy work are related to hunger issues.

Tags: Academic Year, Service, Juniors, Seniors, Post-Graduation

Boston Teacher Residency
The Boston Teacher Residency (BTR) is an innovative program in urban education that
combines graduate coursework toward a Masters degree in Education with a full year of co-
teaching under the guidance of an experienced Mentor Teacher before placement as a full-time
teacher in the Boston Public Schools (BPS). BTR recruits talented, committed individuals of all
ages and diverse backgrounds to enter a 13-month Teacher Residency modeled on a clinical
teaching hospital approach; residents apply theory to practice, taking rigorous coursework and
gaining extensive hands-on, practical experience in the classroom. They then continue to
receive formal support and professional development during the first three years and beyond
of their teaching careers. BTR's mission is to drive significant student achievement gains
through the recruitment, preparation, and support of exceptional teachers in Boston.

Tags: US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Post-Graduation, Education

Camp Hill
In Camphill, people usually live together in house communities. Community members include
people with developmental and other disabilities, long-term coworkers who share
responsibility for the leadership, managing and running of the community, short term
coworkers who volunteer for shorter periods of usually one or two years. Coworkers are
responsible for the health and care needs of the people they live with. Coworkers help provide
support with daily living to anyone in your house that needs assistance.

Tags: Post-Graduation, People with Disabilities

Citizen Schools
The National Teaching Fellowship is a unique, two-year professional and leadership
development program. The Fellowship is a paid service program that offers a diverse range of
experiences to people of varied backgrounds who have high potential as educators and leaders
in the non-profit sector. Teaching Fellows (TFs) are essential to the success of the Citizen
Schools' program. These engaging, dedicated, and caring adults work closely with urban middle-
school students and their families to help transform lives. Each TF leads a group of
approximately 18-23 students, supporting their academic achievement through structured
academic support and by facilitating hands-on, learning activities led by community volunteers.
The Citizen Schools' program offers TFs the opportunity to engage students in a diverse range
of educational experiences and provides leadership development support- with the ultimate
goal of preparing students for high school success, and enhanced college and career access.

Tags: Junior, Senior, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Service, Education

City Hall Fellows
This 12-month fellowship introduces college graduates to positions that allow them the
opportunity to understand how cities work and the various issues that impact local

Tags: Post-Graduation, All Majors, Service, Political Science, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident

City Year
City Year is a service program that places members primarily in educational and youth programs
in cities across the US for one year. The program places a large emphasis on working with youth
in at-risk communities. Besides primarily working with youth, members also might participate in
community service projects (such as rebuild) within the areas they are serving.

Tags: All Majors, Post-Graduation, Service, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Leadership,

Academic Year

Green Corps Environment Fellowship
Green Corps' Field School for Environmental Organizing is a yearlong program that trains
members in leading environmental-based political campaigns. Trainees start working on
campaigns from the start of their education. Trainees gain classroom and field experience in
environmental and public health campaigns, and career placements in environmental groups.

Tags: Environmental Science, Summer, Internship, All Levels

Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship
The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship is a competitive national fellowship program that
provides college graduates with the opportunity to gain a Washington perspective on key issues
of peace and security over a 6-9 month period. The Fellows serve as full-time junior staff
members at the participating organization of their choice. Up to 8 Scoville Fellowships are
awarded annually. Fellows receive active mentoring and networking from distinguished Board
of Directors and former Fellows in addition to their stipend and benefits.

Tags: Fellowship, Post-Graduation, Political Science, Academic Year, International Student,

Permanent US Resident, US Citizen, Sociology, History, Public Policy

Inspired Teaching Certificate Program
The Inspired Teacher Certification Program is a state-accredited, 24-month teacher preparation
program that prepares, supports, and certifies highly qualified individuals to become teachers
in the District of Columbia. Inspired Teaching Fellows begin their teacher career with a
residency year, working under the guidance of a lead teacher, gaining knowledge and
experience to enable a smooth transition into their teaching career. In the second year,
Fellows, as teachers of record, continue with coursework and mentoring. The Inspired Teacher
Certification Program prepares educators in two areas: Early Childhood and Elementary

Tags: Education, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Post-Graduation

KIPP DC and E.L. Haynes public charter schools have joined forces to create the Capital Teaching
Residency (CTR) program. CTR is an intensive year-long teacher training program based in the
highest performing charter schools in Washington, DC. This highly selective program focuses on
the areas of: Math and Science, Special Education, Early Childhood

Tags: Post-Graduation, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Education

Mississippi Teacher Corps
The Mississippi Teacher Corps is a two-year program that recruits college graduates to teach in
the Mississippi Delta. This program is similar to the Peace Corps and Teach for America.

Tags: Post-Graduation, English and Literature, Sociology, Mathematics, Sociology, Biological

Sciences, Chemistry, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident

NYC Urban Fellows Program
The Urban Fellows Program is a highly selective, nine-month fellowship which combines work in
Mayoral offices and City agencies with an intensive seminar series that explores current urban
issues impacting public policy. Program participants are diverse and come from all over the
country to work in New York City

Tags: Post-Graduation, Fellowship, Internship, International Student, Permanent US Resident,

US Citizen, Service

Resource Assistance for Rural Environments (RARE) is an AmeriCorps program administered
through the University of Oregon's Community Service Center (CSC). RARE AmeriCorps is
currently supported through grants from the Corporation for National & Community Service
(AmeriCorps), The Ford Family Foundation, the University of Oregon, the Federal Emergency
Management Agency and Oregon Food Bank. In addition, each participating community
provides $20,000 of approximately $27,000 needed to place, train, and support a full-time
RARE AmeriCorps member.

Tags: Environmental Science, Economics, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Service, Post-


Schuler Scholar Program Scholar Coaches
The Schuler Scholar Program (SSP) is a non-profit private foundation based in the northern
suburbs of Illinois. Every year the Schuler Scholar Program recruits recent college graduates to
serve as AmeriCorps members in each Schuler partnership high school. The members, called
Scholar Coaches, provide one-on-one support to the Schuler Scholars and deliver a wide range
of programs throughout the year. Additionally, Scholar Coaches develop programming, plan
and execute exposures, assume leadership roles within the organization, and receive on-going
professional development. Coaches serve as tutors, mentors and role models for the students
and Schuler staff members provide the same support for the Coaches.

Tags: Post-Graduation, Service, Education, All Majors, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident

Student Conservation Association
SCA offers internships in over 50 disciplines throughout the US. Conservation. The SCA has
postings of internships all over the country - applicants must complete a search on the website
to narrow down internship options. Internships are 3-12 month expense-paid opportunities to
preserve environmental and cultural resources.

Tags: Environmental Science, Post-Graduation, Academic Year, Service

Teach for America
Teach for America places recent college graduates in teaching positions in public schools across
the country. Corps members teach grades K-12, in all subjects. The mission of TFA is to reduce
the educational gap among American students.

Tags: Post Graduation, Education, All Majors, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident

Think Impact
ThinkImpact is an international non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. that catalyzes
social businesses in Kenya and South Africa. Founded in 2003, Think Impact has grown to
become a leading player in the social enterprise sector. We provide young social entrepreneurs
the most effective vehicle to build high-impact social businesses that empower community
members in rural Africa.

Tags: Economics, Business, Study Abroad, Post-Graduation

Villers Fellowship for Health Care Justice
Villers Fellows will be given the opportunity to work on a variety of health care justice issues
during their year-long tenure. The Villers Fellow works as a full-time policy analyst in Families
USA's Health Policy Department. The Fellowship is based in the Families USA office in
Washington, D.C. and is designed to provide the fellow with a national perspective on health
care justice work.

Tags: Fellowship, US Citizen, Permanent Resident, Public Policy, Political Science

Wellstone Fellowship for Social Justice
The Wellstone Fellowship for Social Justice is designed to foster the advancement of social
justice through participation in health care advocacy work that focuses on the unique
challenges facing many low-income and minority communities. Through this fellowship,
Families USA hopes to expand the poll of talented social justice advocates from
underrepresented economic, racial, and ethnic minority groups, including the American Indian
& Alaska Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Latino, and Native Hawaiian & Pacific
Islander communities.

Tags: Fellowship, Black/African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander,
Minorities, Public Policy

White House Fellows
The White House Fellows program is a prestigious program for leadership and public service.
White House Fellows typically spend a year working as full-time, paid special assistants to
senior White House Staff, the Vice President, Cabinet Secretaries and other top-ranking
government officials. Fellows also participate in an education program consisting of roundtable
discussions with renowned leaders from the private and public sectors, and trips to study U.S.
policy in action both domestically and internationally.

Tags: US Citizen, Post-Graduation, All Majors

Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship seeks to recruit, prepare and retain effective
teachers for the students and schools who need them most. It is open to individuals- college
seniors, recent graduates, and career changers- with undergraduate degrees particularly in the
sciences. Fellows will attend enriched, school-based master's level teacher education programs,
complemented by intensive mentoring during the first three years of teaching at high-need
urban and rural schools.

Tags: Post-Graduation, Education, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident

Abaarso Tech
Abaarso Tech looks for teachers interested in training the top secondary students in a deeply
underprivileged section of the world. This new boarding school, based in the Horn of Africa,
focuses on math, science and English. Teachers spend approximately 20 hours per week in the
classroom, plus significant work outside of class. Many AT teachers also assume management
roles, and all are expected to lead extra-curricular activities by coaching sports teams, running
student clubs, or leading work-time activities.

Tags: Study Abroad, Post-Graduation, Service, Education, English and Literature

American India Foundation
The AIF Clinton Fellowship for Service provides a select group of young American professionals
the opportunity to serve marginalized and underprivileged communities in India by working
with NGOs for a period of 10 months.

Tags: US Citizen, International Student, Permanent US Resident, Service, Post-Graduation, All


Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security Graduate Research Grant
The U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security graduate research grant program supports
exceptional graduate students who are interested in developing a component of their graduate
research in a developing country setting and in collaboration with a mentor from an
International Agricultural Research Center (IARC), or a qualifying* National Agricultural
Research System (NARS) unit.

Tags: US Citizen, Post-Graduation

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Junior Fellowship
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is an organization that works toward
advancing cooperation between nations, and promotes active international engagement by the
U.S. This is a yearlong fellowship that offers eight to ten research assistantships with the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Research fellows are paired with the
Endowment's senior associates. Grinnell graduate Margaret Lay'07 was a fellow.

Tags: International Relations, Public Policy, US Citizen, International Student, Permanent US

Resident, Post-Graduation, Juniors, Seniors

Christianson Grant
The Christianson Grant is awarded to individuals who have arranged their own work abroad
programs. Proposed programs must be at least six months in length and emphasize a work
component. The grant program does not support independent research projects or academic
study abroad programs.

Tags: Study Abroad, Service, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, All Majors

Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals in Germany
The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX) is a fellowship funded
by the German Bundestag and U.S. Congress, that annually provides 75 American and 75
German young professionals the opportunity to spend one year in each others' countries,
studying, interning, and living with hosts on a cultural immersion program.

Tags: US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Post-Graduation

Council on International Exchange - Teach Abroad
CIEE offers paid teaching positions in seven countries (Chile, China, Dominican Republic, South
Korea, Spain, Thailand and Vietnam) for university graduates looking to teach English abroad
and immerse themselves in a foreign community.

Tags: Education, Post-Graduation, English, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident

Cross Culture Solutions
Cross-Cultural Solutions, also known as CCS, is a nonprofit working to address critical global
issues by providing meaningful volunteer service to communities abroad, and contributing
responsibly to local economies.

Tags: Study Abroad, Service, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, All Majors, All Levels,

Cultural Ambassadors
The North American Language and Culture Assistants Program is an initiative of the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Sport of Spain. The program is primarily devoted to providing grants for
US and Canadian university students –majoring in any subject- and graduates with some
proficiency in Spanish.
Its main objective is to provide North American native English or French students with the
opportunity to assist a teacher in the English or French programs in elementary, secondary or
language schools in Spain (12 to 16 hours a week).

Tags: US Citizen, Post-Graduation, Spanish, All Majors

ELAP Foundation for Sustainable Development
Founded in 1995, Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) works to enhance the capacity
of small non-governmental organizations (NGOs) around the world to address local health,
social, environmental, and economic issues. Our model incorporates four unique program that
support underserved communities in a collaborative and sustainable manner.
Tags: US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Education, Internship, Marketing, Business,
Environmental Science, Sociology, Post-Graduation

English Open Doors
English Open Doors full-time volunteers make a lasting impact on the lives of their students,
motivating them to improve their English and participate in cross-cultural exchange. English
Open Doors Volunteers teach alongside a Chilean co-teacher in either public or semi-private
schools. Volunteers are placed throughout Chile, and work with students ranging from 5th to
12th grade.

Tags: English, Study Abroad, Post-Graduation, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident

English Program in Korea
The English Program in Korea (EPIK), affiliated to the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and
Technology, was established in 1995 to improve the English speaking abilities of students and
teachers in Korea, to develop cultural exchanges and reform English teaching methodologies in

Tags: Post-Graduation, English, Education, Study Abroad, US Citizen

French Embassy Teaching Assistantship
The Teaching Assistant Program in France offers you the opportunity to work in France for 7
months, teaching English to French students of all ages. Each year, over 1,100 American citizens
and permanent residents teach in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France and
in the overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion.

Tags: French, Study Abroad, Post-Graduation, Seniors, Education, US Citizen

Global Health Corps
Global Health Corps recruits placement organizations that are doing excellent work in
improving healthcare access and health outcomes for the poor. Placement organizations range
from small grassroots organizations to large global institutions. Placement organizations
identify an area of need, create a job description for a fellowship position, demonstrate the
capacity to absorb two new fulltime staff, and identify a clear manager for the fellow team.
Fellow candidates apply for specific positions with one of our placement organizations for
which they have relevant skills and experience, and are selected jointly by GHC and the
placement organization.

Tags: Service, Fellowship, Post-Graduation, US Citizen, International Student

Interac is Japan's leading private provider of Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs). Our highly
motivated and qualified teachers serve thousands of schools and boards of education
throughout every region of Japan, working with children from kindergarten to high school.

Tags: Study Abroad, English, Education, All Majors, Post-Graduation, Seniors

International Schools Services
For over 50 years ISS has brought the very best educators together with the very best schools,
pairing over 20,000 candidates and 300 schools in more than 150 countries worldwide. Now
more than ever, ISS makes securing a highly sought international teaching career easier,
smarter and more affordable.

Tags: Study Abroad, Education, Post-Graduation, US Citizen

Japan Exchange and Teaching
The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program is sponsored by the Japanese government. JET
places native English speakers in classrooms across Japan. The workers live in Japan for up to a
year and serve as a language assistant to Japanese students.

Tags: Study Abroad, Post-Graduation, Seniors, Education, All Majors, English

The program is unique among American-Asian exchanges in that it is intended for young leaders
who have had limited experience of Asia and who might not otherwise have an opportunity in
the normal course of their careers to come to know Asia. Those who already have significant
experience in Asia or Asian studies are not eligible for the Luce Scholars Program.

Tags: US Citizen, Post-Graduation, Seniors, Study Abroad, Leadership, All Majors

Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program
During each two-year fellowship cycle, 12-15 Leland Fellows are placed with international
development organizations that include international and local NGOs, U.S. government
agencies and multilateral organizations. Fellows work on a variety of food security issues, such
as agricultural development, nutrition, natural resource management, agribusiness
development and women’s empowerment. Includes a monthly stipend, health insurance and
travel expenses. The deadline to apply will be in January 2015.

Tags: Service, Post-Graduation, Seniors, Women's Studies, Environmental Sciences, Business

Payne International Development Fellowship Program
The USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship Program seeks to
attract outstanding young people who are interested in pursuing careers in the Foreign Service
of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The Payne Fellowship, which
provides up to $90,000 in benefits over two years for graduate school, internships, and
professional development activities, provides a unique pathway to the USAID Foreign Service.

Tags: Minorities, US Citizens, Post-Graduation, Graduate School

Peace Corps
Peace Corps is a program sponsored by the US government that sends corps members to
countries around the world. Corps members assist in infrastructure and community
development within the country they serve in. Examples of assignments include teaching,
construction, community organizing, and medical aid.

Tags: LGBTQ, Service, Finance, Study Abroad, All Majors, Post-Graduation

Projects Abroad
Projects Abroad is one of the largest volunteer abroad organizations in the world. Founded in
1992, we send 10,000 people abroad each year on a variety of service projects and internships
overseas. All participants receive unparalleled in-country support from our full-time,
professional staff to ensure that the experience is safe, worthwhile and fun.

Tags: Study Abroad, All levels, Post-Graduation, All Majors, Service

Princeton in Africa
Princeton in Africa matches talented and passionate college graduates with our partners
working across Africa for yearlong service projects. Our program is open to graduating seniors
and young alumni from any accredited college or university in the U.S. Our Fellows have helped
improve education and public health, source fresh water and alternative energy, increase
family incomes, and so much more.

Tags: Study Abroad, Seniors, Post-Graduation, Service, Academic Year

Princeton in Asia
Princeton in Asia (PiA) offers service-oriented fellowships in the fields of education,
media/journalism, international development (NGOs) and business, with a majority of fellows
working as English teachers at universities and high schools. PiA fellowships are open to
graduates or graduating seniors from all accredited colleges and universities.
Tags: Study Abroad, Service, Business, Journalism, International Relations, Education, Post-
Graduation, Seniors

Princeton in Latin America
PiLA offers service experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean to match outstanding recent
college graduates who are interested in year-long service fellowship opportunities with partner
NGO and multilateral organizations that are engaged in socially responsible development
projects throughout the region.

Tags: Seniors, Post-Graduation, US Citizens, Permanent US Residents, International Relations,

Spanish, Portuguese, French, Academic Year, Service, Study Abroad

Public Allies
An AmeriCorps program that places allies in community development NGOs serving for four
days a week for 10 months at local nonprofits, where they create, improve and expand services
that address issues including youth development, education, public health, economic
development, and the environment. Once a week, allies participate in a rigorous leadership
development program in which local community leaders and expert practitioners lead

Tags: Post-Graduation, Academic Year, Service

Rotary Peace Fellowships
Each year, Rotary selects individuals from around the world to receive fully funded master’s
degree fellowships at premier universities in fields related to peace and conflict resolution and
prevention. Locations include Japan, UK, Australia, Sweden and the U.S. These fellowships
cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and all internship/field study
expenses. The deadline to submit completed applications to Rotary International is July 1, 2015
for academic study beginning in 2016.

Fellowship, Post-Graduation, Service, Public Policy, Law, Environment

Samuel Huntington Public Service Award
The Samuel Huntington Public Service Award, sponsored by National Grid, provides a $10,000
stipend to a graduating college senior to pursue public service anywhere in the world. The
Award allows recipients to engage in a meaningful public service activity for one year before
proceeding on to graduate school or a career.

Tags: Senior, Post-Graduation, Academic Year, Study Abroad, International Student, US Citizen,
All Majors, Service
Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK)
TaLK is a Korean Government scholarship program known as Teach and Learn in Korea. The
program’s main objective is to invite and train native English teachers and overseas Koreans to
teach practical English in after-school classes at the rural elementary school.

Tags: English Language, Education, Post-Graduation, Academic Year, US Citizen

Teach and Learn with Georgia
Volunteer teachers will stay in Georgia for at least one year and experience once in a lifetime
opportunities, such as getting familiarized with amazing Georgian customs and traditions by
living with local families, experiencing unique Georgian folklore and cuisine by socializing with
local communities, and learning the Georgian language, one of the 14 existing alphabets in the
world, should they wish to do so.

Tags: English, Education, Academic Year, Post-Graduation, US Citizen

Teach for China
Teach For China (formerly known as the China Education Initiative or CEI) recruits, selects,
trains, and supports outstanding US and Chinese graduates to work side-by-side to deliver an
excellent education in high poverty, rural Chinese communities. In the short-term, Teach For
China’s Fellows are placed in full-time, two-year teaching commitments at under-resourced
schools, where they meet the pressing need for exceptional educators. In the long-term, Teach
For China supports its alumni – equipped with the experience, conviction, and insight that
comes from leading children to fulfill their potential – to be a force for change, working from
across sectors to expand educational opportunity.

Tags: English, Education, Academic Year, Post-Graduation, U.S. Citizen

Teach for Thailand
TTC places American graduates in underserved Thai schools as English language teachers. TTC
believes that language skills are an essential foundation for a better life and a better world. Thai
students equipped with English proficiency are positioned to succeed in school, work, and life,
and to make an impact in their communities. Teach Thailand Corps has learned from and
adapted elements of the Peace Corps philosophy of service and learning.

Tags: English, Education, Academic Year, Post-Graduation, US Citizen

The American University in Cairo Presidential Internship Program
Established in 1981, the Presidential Internship Program at The American University in Cairo
(AUC) provides recent university graduates with the opportunity to work at the highest levels of
an international university, experience life in Cairo and learn Arabic.

Tags: Academic Year, Public Policy, Education, Journalism, Political Science, Sociology,
International Relations, Law, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Post-Graduation, Senior

US Fulbright Fellowship
The Fulbright program is a seven-month to year-long fellowship that places recent
undergraduate and graduate students in countries all over the world. Program options include
English teaching fellowships or independent research fellowships (with options for university
study). Besides English language teaching and research opportunities, the Fulbright serves as a
foreign relations program between the US and other countries. Fulbright fellows are expected
to act as representatives of their country. There are currently 6 Grinnell graduates completing
Fulbright Fellowships

Tags: Post-Graduation, All Majors, Research, English, US Citizen

Volunteers for Peace
VFP provides opportunities for volunteers to develop leadership skills and global connections.
We advocate for civic engagement and encourage volunteers to apply their new skills as citizen
diplomats, community activists and global leaders.

Tags: Study Abroad, All Majors, Summer, Semester, Academic Year, Service, English, All Levels,
Post-Graduation, US Citizen

WorldTeach is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1986 in response to the
need for educational assistance in developing countries. WorldTeach has placed thousands of
volunteer educators in communities throughout Asia, Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe and
the Pacific. Volunteers are placed in schools and host communities that specifically request
WorldTeach volunteers and would otherwise be unable to afford or located qualified teachers.
Volunteers receive training, language preparation, and field support, empowering them to
make an impact that will last long after they leave.

Tags: Academic Year, Summer, Study Abroad, Post-Graduation, International Student, US

Citizen, English, Senior, Education

Smithsonian Fellowships
Smithsonian fellowships are awarded competitively to graduate, pre-doctoral, or post-doctoral
students – or granted non-competitively to visiting professionals, students, scientists, or
scholars – are offered to individuals who design and develop proposals for independent study
or collaborative research in fields pursued by and of interest to Smithsonian staff. Smithsonian
fellows are generally appointed to terms lasting between 1 to 3 years.

Tags: All Levels, Post-Graduation, All Majors, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident

Smithsonian Internships
Smithsonian internships are learning experiences guided by a mentor, occurring during a
specific time frame, which provide benefits relating to an intern’s education, coursework, or
career goals. With stated learning objectives and a mentor’s commitment, interns may be
appointed for a term of up to six months. As an intern’s experiential education progresses, with
revised learning objectives and a renewed commitment from a mentor, they may be

Tags: All Levels, All Majors, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Summer

EPA STAR Fellowship
EPA’s STAR graduate fellowship program supports masters and doctoral candidates in
environmental studies. Benefits of an EPA STAR Fellowship Include: Up to $37,000 per year of
support, including $12,000 per year for tuition and fees, $20,000 per year in a monthly stipend,
and an annual expense allowance of $5,000. Master’s level students can receive support for a
maximum of two years.

Tags: Environmental Science, Post-Graduation, Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Physics,


Amgen Scholars
Amgen Scholars allows undergraduates from across the globe to participate in cutting-edge
research opportunities at world-class institutions. 17 leading institutions across the U.S., Europe
and Japan currently host the summer program. Undergraduate participants benefit from
undertaking a research project under top faculty, being part of a cohort-based experience of
seminars and networking events, and taking part in a symposium in their respective region
(U.S., Europe or Japan) where they meet their peers, learn about biotechnology, and hear from
leading scientists.

Tags: All Levels, Research, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, US Citizen, International Student

Medical Scientist Training Program SUMR Program
The University of Iowa SUMR Program offers an intensive experience for highly motivated
undergraduates interested in future combined MD/PhD training for a career as a physician-
scientist. The program provides the opportunity to conduct hands-on intensive research with
scientists at The University of Iowa. Participants carry out independent research conducted
under the direction of an established mentor in the biomedical sciences. In addition, the
program offers weekly seminars emphasizing the intersection of science and medicine, career
development seminars, case-based learning sessions and physician-scientist shadowing.

Tags: Post-Graduation, Senior, Biological Sciences, Summer, US Citizen

The UCSD MSTP Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
A program designed for motivated undergraduate students who are interested in learning
about a career as a Physician-Scientist (M.D./Ph.D.). This program is closely linked to the MST
(Medical Scientist Training) Program. The principal focus is an 8-week research project
conducted in the laboratory of a faculty member in the biomedical sciences. Additionally,
students participate in, weekly seminars, a physician-scientist clinical shadowing experience,
career development seminars, and presentation of your work at the UCSD Summer Research

Tags: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, Biological Sciences, US Citizen, International Student,


American Economic Association Summer Program
AEASP offers talented undergraduates seriously considering post-graduate studies in
economics, the opportunity to develop and solidify their math and other technical skills to
enable them to successfully meet the high demands of academically challenging doctoral

Tags: Post-Graduation, Summer, Economics, US Citizen

James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program
The James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace is designed to provide a substantive work experience for students who have a serious
career interest in the area of international affairs. Approximately 12 students will be hired to
work as employees at Carnegie in Washington, DC on a full-time basis for a period of one year.
They have the opportunity to conduct research, contribute to op-eds, papers, reports, and
books, edit documents, participate in meetings with high-level officials, contribute to
congressional testimony and organize briefings attended by scholars, activists, journalists and
government officials.
Tags: Post-Graduation, Senior, US Citizen, International Student, International Relations,

The Coro Fellows Program
The Coro Fellows Program uses the city as a classroom to train the next generation of change
makers. Today’s complex urban environments present constantly evolving challenges and
opportunities, creating an increasing need for versatile leaders with the ability to forge
connections and lead across the non-profit, business and government sectors. Competitively
selected applicants will join an intimate cohort of 12 participants for the nine-month program,
with each cohort encompassing a wide range of communities, interests, ideologies and

Tags: Post-Graduation, US Citizen, International Student

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) administers a broad range of
internships, scholarships, fellowships and research experiences. These programs are available
to science and engineering students and educators at every academic level from K-12, to
college students and postdocs, to university faculty members. ORISE programs include research
experiences at Department of Energy national laboratories as well as other federal agencies
with research facilities located across the country as well some positions outside the United

Tags: First Year, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Internship, Scholarship, Fellowship, Research,
Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Post-Graduation, US Citizen, International Student

The El Pomar Fellowship
The El Pomar Fellowship is a highly selective, two-year post-undergraduate leadership training
program for young people with a connection to Colorado, that develops today's young
professionals into tomorrow's leaders. It is designed to bring together highly qualified
individuals with diverse backgrounds and interests, and develop them into effective leaders for
the public, private and nonprofit sectors. The Fellowship seeks to develop professional skills
and educate Fellows in the role of philanthropy in the nonprofit sector, while offering direct
management experience.

Tags: Post-Graduation, US Citizen, International Student, Fellowship, Public Policy

Elie Wiesel Essay Contest
An essay contest focusing on particular questions related to Ethics. Prizes range from $5,000 to
$500 per award. Open to full-time juniors and seniors. All application materials available on the

Tags: Junior, Seniors, US Citizen, International Student, Scholarship

Fulbright Grants
The Fulbright program was instituted in 1946 to increase awareness between the people of the
United States and other countries. Grants are made to citizens of participating countries
primarily for university teaching, advanced research, graduate study, and teaching in
elementary and secondary schools. Post-baccalaureate and post-doctoral fellowships are
available. Applicants should be proficient in the language of the country they wish to study in,
possess a high GPA, and have independent research. Recipients receive round-trip travel,
tuition, living expenses, books, and a language orientation course when necessary for up to one

Tags: Post-Graduation, Seniors, US Citizen, Research, Fellowship, Education, English, Academic

Year, Study Broad

GEM Fellowship Programs
GEM’s fellowship programs span the entire recruitment, retention, and professional
development spectrum. GEM’s principal activity is the provision of graduate fellowships at the
MS and Ph.D. levels coupled with paid summer internships. GEM also offers fellowships without
paid summer internships through our GEM University and Associate Fellowship programs.

Tags: Fellowship, Summer, Internship, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Internship, Native

American, Black/African American, Hispanic, US Citizen

Glamour’s Top 10 College Women of the Year
Are you a junior or senior who is changing the world or making a serious impact on campus?
Make sure you apply for Glamour's College Women of the Year competition!

Tags: Junior, Senior, US Citizen, Women

Barry Goldwater Scholarship
Authorized by Congress in 1986, this scholarship program seeks to ensure a national talent pool
of highly qualified scientists. Awards of up to $7,000 per year are given for one or two years of
undergraduate study. Competition is open to sophomores and juniors, who are U.S. citizens,
have a college GPA of at least a 3.0, and intend to pursue careers in mathematics, sciences, or
various engineering fields. About 250 scholarships are offered annually.
Tags: Sophomore, Junior, Research, Academic Year, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics

The Davies-Jackson Scholarship
The Davies-Jackson Scholarship presents a unique opportunity for students with exceptional
academic records, who are among the first generation in their families to graduate college, to
participate in a course of study at St. John’s College at the University of Cambridge. Scholars
are admitted as affiliated students and have the opportunity to take the more advanced parts
of a Cambridge degree course and qualify for a Cambridge BA in two years instead of the usual
three. Following the completion of their first year of study some Scholars have opted into
a one-year M. Phil program at the discretion of the Senior Tutor at St. John's.

Tags: Sophomore, Junior, US Citizen, International Student, Education, Economics, History,

Humanities, Philosophy, Scholarship, Study Abroad

Jacob K. Javits Fellowships Program
This program provides fellowships to students of superior academic ability—selected on the
basis of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promise—to undertake
study at the doctoral and Master of Fine Arts level in selected fields of arts, humanities, and
social sciences. Subject to the availability of funds, a fellow receives the Javits fellowship
annually for up to the lesser of 48 months or the completion of their degree. The fellowship
consists of an institutional payment (accepted by the institution of higher education in lieu of all
tuition and fees for the fellow) and a stipend (based on the fellow's financial need as
determined by the measurements of the Federal Student Assistance Processing System. In fiscal
year 2010, the maximum stipend was $30,000, and the institutional payment was $13,755. In
fiscal year 2011, the maximum stipend will be $30,000 and the institutional payment is
estimated to be $13,755.

Tags: Post-Graduation, Fellowship, Visual/Performing Arts, US Citizen, Academic Year

The Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship makes it possible for the
nation’s top community college students to complete their bachelor’s degrees by transferring
to a selective four-year college or university. The Foundation provides up to $40,000 per year to
each of approximately 85 deserving students selected annually, making it the largest private
scholarship for two-year and community college transfer students in the country.

Tags: Sophomore, US Citizen, International Students, Scholarship, Academic Year

The Charles & Lucille King Family Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships
The Charles & Lucille King Family Foundation undergraduate
scholarships of up to $3,500 per
academic year are awarded to
juniors and seniors majoring in television and film at accredited
4-year, degree-granting U.S. colleges and universities. Applications
and all support materials
must be received no later than April 1
for the following academic year.

Tags: Junior, Senior, Visual/Performing Arts, Scholarship, US Citizen, International Students,

Academic Year

James Madison Graduate Fellowships
The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation offers $24,000 James Madison Graduate
Fellowships to individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of the American
Constitution at the secondary school level. Fellowship applicants compete only against other
applicants from the states of their legal residence. As funding permits, the Foundation plans to
offer one fellowship per state per year.

Tags: US Citizen, Senior, Post-Graduation, Fellowship, Education

Marshall Scholarship
Established in 1953 by the British government, the Marshall scholarship provides about £15,500
($20,000) per year for two years of study leading to the award of a British University degree
(graduate or undergraduate). Applicants must be U.S. citizens under the age of 26, have a
minimum GPA of 3.7, and hold a first degree from a four-year institution in the U.S. Forty
awards are made annually. This fellowship covers includes tuition, provides a comfortable
living allowance, a book grant, thesis preparation costs, and provides approved travel
connected to the scholar's study.

Tags: U.S Citizen, Post-Graduation, Senior, Scholarship, Academic Year, Study Abroad

Microsoft Scholarships
Microsoft awards tuition scholarships and conference scholarships each year to encourage
students to pursue studies in Computer Science and related STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math) disciplines. Recipients for both scholarships will be awarded in
recognition of their demonstrated passion for technology, academic excellence, and leadership
while working to push the software industry forward.

Tags: First Year, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics,
Physics, US Citizen, International Student

The Mitchell Scholarship Program
The Mitchell Scholarship Program, named to honor former US Senator George Mitchell's pivotal
contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process, is designed to introduce and connect
generations of future American leaders to the island of Ireland, while recognizing and fostering
intellectual achievement, leadership, and a commitment to community and public service.
Up to twelve Mitchell Scholars between the ages of 18 and 30 are chosen annually for one
academic year of postgraduate study in any discipline offered by institutions of higher learning
in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Applicants are judged on three criteria:

Tags: Post-Graduation, US Citizen, Scholarship

NASA’s Graduate Student Research Program
For the convenience of students, post-doctoral fellows, young career researchers, and their
mentors, this page contains a selection of opportunities. The list includes summer programs
and scholarships for undergraduates and graduate students, post-doctoral fellowships, special
programs for early career researchers, faculty members, and senior scientists. Some of these
programs occur only at NASA centers, but others support students or scientists at universities.
Some are funded through NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, but many are sponsored either
by other directorates within NASA, the NASA Office of Education, or non-NASAorganizations.
Programs that cater to more than one group are listed in both relevant sections. This page will
continue to grow over the coming months. Please send information on other opportunities that
can be included to help others.

Tags: Post-Graduation, Fellowship, Summer, Academic Year, Sophomore, Junior, Senior

The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship
The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship is a highly
competitive, portable fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens and nationals who intend to
pursue a doctoral degree in one of fifteen supported disciplines. NDSEG confers high honors
upon its recipients, and allows them to attend whichever U.S. institution they choose. NDSEG
Fellowships last for three years and pay for full tuition and all mandatory fees, a monthly
stipend, and up to $1,000 a year in medical insurance (this excludes dental and vision

Tags: US Citizen, Post-Graduation, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Academic Year,


Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship (GFAF)
For graduating seniors with a GPA of 3.2 or higher and who will enroll in master's degree
programs such as public policy, international affairs, public administration, business,
economics, political science, sociology, or foreign languages and have a strong interest in
becoming Foreign Service Officers in the U.S. State Department. Fellowship is for full tuition and
fees, living stipend, books, one round-trip travel for the first and second years of graduate
school, and a paid State Department summer internships in Washington and overseas.

Tags: Junior, Senior, Post-Graduation, Internship, Fellowship, US Citizen

The most prestigious and selective of all post-graduate awards, the Rhodes covers tuition and
fees plus a maintenance allowance of $10,000 for two years of study at Oxford University.
Candidates must be U.S. citizens under the age of 25. Applicants may compete either in the
state of their legal residence or in the state where they have attended college. A statement of
official institutional endorsement is required of all applicants. Thirty-two awards are made
annually. The criteria that Rhodes set forth in his will still guide Committees of Selection in their
assessment of applicants. The will contains four standards by which prospective Rhodes
Scholars should be judged: literary and scholastic attainments; fondness for and success in
sports; truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness,
unselfishness and fellowship; and moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an
interest in one’s fellow beings.

Tags: Fellowship, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, Post-Graduation, Seniors, All Majors

Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship
Each Fellowship supports up to one to two years of graduate study in any field and in any
advanced degree-granting program in the United States. Each award is for up to $25,000 in
stipend support (not to exceed $40,000), as well as 50 percent of required tuition and fees, up
to $20,000 per year, for one to two years. The first year of Fellowship funding cannot be
deferred. The competition is merit-based. Selection criteria emphasize creativity, originality,
initiative, and sustained accomplishment. The program values a commitment to the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The program does not have any quotas for types of degrees,
universities or programs, countries of origin, or gender, etc. Unsuccessful applicants are
welcome to reapply in subsequent years if they are still eligible.

Tags: Fellowship, All Majors, Senior, Post-Graduation, US Citizen, Academic Year

AAPD Summer Internship Program
Since 2002, the AAPD Summer Internship Program has developed the next generation of
leaders with disabilities and offered host employers access to a talented, diverse workforce.
Each summer, AAPD places college students, graduate students, law students, and recent
graduates with all types of disabilities in paid 10-week summer internships in Congressional
offices, federal agencies, non-profit, and for-profit organizations in the Washington, DC area.
Each intern is matched with a mentor who will assist them with their career goals. AAPD
provides the interns with a stipend, transportation to and from Washington, DC, and fully-
accessible housing. At the beginning of the summer, interns participate in a 1-week orientation
session to learn about AAPD as well as the disability rights movement, meet the other interns,
and participate in a variety of engaging workshops and events. As part of the AAPD network,
interns also receive opportunities to attend events on Capitol Hill, conferences, community
events, happy hours, and more.

Tags: Summer, All Levels, Post-Graduation, Internship, People with Disabilities

The Washington Center, Summer Internship Program
There’s no better way to launch your career than spending a semester or summer interning in
the nation's capital. You'll sharpen in-demand skills, learn how to navigate a professional
environment and gain a clear edge in the competition for postgraduate employment. But an
internship is only part of the story. One of the many things that makes The Washington Center's
program so valuable is its combination of real-world experience and academic coursework.
You'll choose from a wide variety of courses offered to complement your internship and
deepen your understanding of your chosen field.

Tags: Post-Graduation, Internship, Summer, Semester, Business, Public Policy, Political Science,
Service, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident, International Student

UNCF Merck Undergraduate Fellow
Awards up to $30,000. At least 15 scholarship awards will be granted in 2015. Each award
provides up to $30,000, which includes up to $25,000 towards tuition, room and board, and
billable fees. This award is not transferable. Each UNCF Merck Undergraduate Fellow will be
paired with a mentor/s and will be eligible for an Internship at a Merck Facility or other
research institution (applied for separately).

Tags: Scholarships, Fellowships, Post-Graduation, Research, Black/African American, Junior,

Engineering, Biological Science, Physics, US Citizen, Permanent US Resident

Rangel Graduate Fellowship
The Rangel Program is a collaborative effort between Howard University and the U.S. State
Department that seeks to attract and prepare outstanding young people for careers as
diplomats in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Department of State. The program seeks individuals
interested in helping to shape a freer, more secure and prosperous world through formulating,
representing, and implementing U.S. foreign policy. The Program encourages the application of
members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service and those
with financial need.

Tags: Fellowship, Summer, International Relations, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, U.S Citizen

The Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows Program
The Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows Program is a highly selective six-week summer institute
for rising college juniors offering unparalleled learning and networking opportunities at the
home of America’s first president just outside our nation’s capital. We offer an all-inclusive six-
week program that provides housing, transportation, meals and a $500 weekly stipend.

Tags: Fellowship, Summer, Juniors, Leadership, All Majors, U.S Citizen

Alfred Russel Wallace Grants
In order to encourage undergraduates to follow in the footsteps of this great explorer and
naturalist, Operation Wallacea is offering Alfred Russel Wallace Grants. There are two forms of
grants, both aimed at students looking to join one of the biodiversity teams working in remote
parts of the world in the summer of 2017. For US undergraduates – there is 1 grant of $1500, 1
grant of $750, and 3 grants of $500 available. This grant is available for any students enrolled as
an undergraduate at a US academic institution, and booked on to any Opwall 2017 project.

Tags: Scholarships, Undergrad, US Citizen, International Students, All Majors

Bridging Scholarships to study in Japan
The Bridging Project offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in
study-abroad programs in Japan. Funding from private foundations and major U.S.
corporations, through donations to the nonprofit US-Japan Bridging Foundation, makes it
possible to award about 100 scholarships each year to assist students with the travel and living
expenses they will incur while studying abroad in Japan for a semester or an academic year.
Applications are accepted twice a year for Bridging Scholarships.

Tags: All Levels, US Citizen, Study Abroad, Semester, Academic Year, All Majors

RISE Germany
RISE Germany offers summer research internships in Germany for undergraduate students from
the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. In their internships, students are carefully
matched with doctoral students- whom they assist and who serve as their mentors. Interns
receive a monthly stipend to cover every day costs. About 300 scholarships are available each
Tags: Study Abroad, Internship, Scholarship, Summer, Academic Year, Engineering, Chemistry,
Physics, U.S Citizens, Permanent Residents, International Students, Senior, Post-Graduate

ThinkSwiss Scholarships
ThinkSwiss Scholarships support highly motivated and qualified U.S. and Canadian
undergraduate and graduate students to get a research experience or to participate in a
summer school course in Switzerland. Learn more about the great opportunities that this
program has to offer through the detailed information below and through some comments of
former ThinkSwiss participants!

Tags: Summer, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Post-Graduate, U.S Citizen, Study Abroad, All Majors

The AIA/AAF Minority Disadvantaged Scholarship
The AIA/AAF Minority Disadvantaged Scholarship provides assistance to high school graduates,
college freshmen, and community college students from a minority and/or financially
disadvantaged background who intend to pursue a professional degree (5-year BA or BA + MA)
in Architecture.

Tags: Scholarships, Fellowships, Architecture, U.S Citizen, All Levels, Post-Graduate

Albright Institute Fellowships
Fellowships are open to students and scholars in Near Eastern studies from prehistory through
the early Islamic period, including the fields of archaeology, anthropology, art history, Bible,
epigraphy, historical geography, history, language, literature, philology and religion and related
disciplines. The research period should be continuous, without frequent trips outside the
country. Residence at the Albright is required. The option to accommodate dependents is
subject to space available at the Albright.

Tags: Fellowship, Research, Post-Graduate, Study Abroad

The Alexander Graham Bell Association College Scholarships
The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell) offers several
scholarships for full-time students who are deaf and hard of hearing and who are pursuing an
undergraduate degree at an accredited mainstream college or university. A limited number of
scholarships are also available for those pursuing a graduate degree. Students who are pursuing
a graduate degree in law or public policy are encouraged to apply for the George H. Nofer
Scholarship which is specific to those fields

Tags: Summer, Research, Internship, Sophomores, Juniors, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering,

Computer Science, Mathematics
The Allen Lee Hughes Fellowship & Internship Program
The Allen Lee Hughes Fellowship & Internship Program offers personalized training and in-
depth, hands-on experience with seasoned professionals in artistic and technical production,
arts administration, arts education and community outreach. All fellowship and internship
programs are also supplemented with the following: Mentorship from a senior staff member,
professional development workshops, monthly meetings with directors, designers and senior
staff administrators who provide insight into the overall management of the theater. Arena
Stage provides a weekly stipend for all internships and fellowships. We are unable to provide

Tags: Fellowship, Internship, Visual/Performing Arts, Service, All Levels

Sir John Soane's Museum Foundation Traveling Fellowship
The purpose of the Sir John Soane's Museum Foundation Traveling Fellowship is to enable
students in graduate degree programs in the history of art, architecture, interior design, and
the decorative arts to travel to London to pursue research projects related to any aspect of the
work of Sir John Soane or Sir John Soane's Museum and its collections. Annually, the
Foundation entertains and reviews proposals from qualified candidates from universities and
institutions around the world. Two awards are presented - one to a student of architecture and
the second open to all candidates. Recipients are selected by Sir John Soane's Museum
Foundation Fellowship Advisory Committee.

Tags: Visual/Performing Arts, Fellowship, Study Abroad, Post-Graduate, Senior, Research

American Center for Oriental Research Fellowships and Scholarships
Awards for research and scholarship vary widely.

Tags: All Levels, All Majors, Fellowship, Study Abroad, Research, Summer, Academic Year, Asian

AIHP- PhD Thesis Support Grant related to the History of Pharmacy
The American Institute of the History of Pharmacy wishes to encourage academic research
within its scope. Therefore, it offers a grant-in-aid totaling $2,000 or more annually to a
graduate student to reinforce historical investigations of some aspect of pharmacy, whether
ancient or modern, to pay research expenses not normally met by the university granting the
degree. Any thesis project devoted to the history of pharmacy, history of drugs, or other
humanistic study utilizing a pharmaco-historical approach, is eligible if based in an institution of
higher learning of the USA. Applications postmarked by February 1 will be evaluated at that
time; but applications thereafter will be considered individually if or when funds are available.
Tags: Post-Graduate, Senior Research, Biological Science, U.S Citizen, International Citizen,
Permanent Resident

The American Nuclear Society Scholarship Program
Undergraduate and graduate scholarships are open to ANS student members enrolled in a
course of study relating to a degree in nuclear science or nuclear engineering. Scholarships are
granted to high school, undergraduate and graduate students alike, and will be awarded at the
beginning of each school year. Evaluation is based upon numerous factors, including: academic
preparation (GPA and test scores), awards, honors, leadership within the ANS, references, and
career goals and objectives.

Tags: Service, Scholarships, All Levels, Post-Graduate, Chemistry, Engineering

The Asian Development Bank/Japan Scholarship Program
The Asian Development Bank/Japan Scholarship Program offers about 300 postgraduate
scholarships a year for studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other
development-related fields at participating academic institutions. The program is open to those
who have gained admission to an approved MA/PhD course at a participating academic
institution. Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to return to their
home country to contribute to its economic and social development. Scholarships are available
to citizens of the following countries/areas: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Fiji, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Kyrgyz
Republic, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Federated
States of Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea,
Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga,
Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam

Tags: Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Biological Science, U.S Citizens, International Students,
Permanent Citizen, Senior, Post-Graduate

Dumbarton Oaks Research Grants
Dumbarton Oaks is a research institute of Harvard University that exists to further and publish
research in the three areas of study supported by Robert Woods Bliss and Mildred Barnes Bliss:
Byzantine Studies, including related aspects of late Roman, early Christian, western Medieval,
Slavic, and Near Eastern Studies; Pre-Columbian Studies of Mexico, Central America, and
Andean South America; and Garden and Landscape Studies, including garden history, landscape
architecture, and related disciplines.Residential fellowships for an academic year, semester, or
summer are awarded in all three areas of study to scholars from around the world. In addition,
Dumbarton Oaks offers one-month non-residential awards to researchers and short-term pre-
doctoral residencies to advanced graduate students.
Tags: Research, Humanities, Fellowship, Academic Year, Semester, Summer

BMI Foundation Scholarships
Throughout the year, the Foundation works to administer various scholarship competitions,
awards, fellowships and commissions. The final selections for these programs are entrusted to
panels made up of some of the world's most distinguished artists and musicians, all of whom
volunteer their time and knowledge. The focus of these programs is on American music;
however, there are several opportunities open to international students.

Tags: Visual/Performing Arts, All-Levels, Scholarships, Summer, Academic Year, Semester, U.S

British Federation of Women Graduates Scholarships
The British Federation of Women Graduates scholarships are for women who will be in their
third year of doctoral studies or part time equivalent at the time when the awards are given out
(the autumn of each year). The awards are given on the basis of evidence of academic
excellence as shown on the application form, referee reports and, for those shortlisted, brief
presentations of their research to a panel of academics. The amounts offered in awards range
upwards from £1000 with the average award being around £3000 and the maximum being
£6000. The number of awards made each year depends on the funds available and on the
quality of the applications but six to ten awards are usually given. The final selection is made in
June/July of each year and awards are given out in October/November.

Tags: Study Abroad, Women, Post-Graduate, Scholarship, Academic Year, U.S Citizen,
Permanent Resident, International Citizen

Cannon Collins Trust Post-Graduate Scholarships
Canon Collins Trust has been running postgraduate scholarship programs for southern African
candidates since 1981. During this time, the Trust has supported some 3,000 scholars from 14
southern African countries. Today the Trust runs ten postgraduate scholarship programs for
study in the UK, Ireland, South Africa and Malawi. Over 100 scholars are currently pursuing
postgraduate studies at more than a dozen universities with our support.

Tags: Post-Graduate, Study Abroad, Service, U.S Citizen, International Students

CNUP Summer Research in Neuroscience
Each summer, the Center for Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh (CNUP) sponsors a
10-week program in which selected undergraduate students conduct research investigating
diverse aspects of nervous system function under the guidance of individual CNUP training

Tags: Summer, Research, Computer Science, Biological Science, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, U.S

Center for Strategies and International Studies Internships
CSIS offers full and part-time internships in the fall, spring, and summer for undergraduates,
advanced students, and recent graduates who are interested in gaining practical experience in
public policy. Interns participate in a variety of activities that support individual programs,
including research, writing, and project development.

Tags: Internships, Academic Year, Summer, Public Policy, U.S Citizen, Permanent Resident

Chevening Scholarship
Chevening is the UK government’s international awards scheme aimed at developing global
leaders. Funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organisations,
Chevening offers two types of award – Chevening Scholarships and Chevening Fellowships – the
recipients of which are personally selected by British Embassies and High Commissions
throughout the world. Chevening offers a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers,
and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically,
network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.

Tags: Summer, Academic Year, Semester, Scholarship, Fellowship, Leadership, Study Abroad, All
Majors, All Levels

The Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program
The Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program, now in its
19th year, provides early career individuals with the opportunity to spend 12 weeks at the
Academies in Washington, DC learning about science and technology policy and the role that
scientists and engineers play in advising the nation. Graduate and professional school students
and those who have completed graduate studies within the last five years may apply. Areas of
study may include social/behavioral sciences, health and medicine, physical or biological
sciences, engineering, law/business/public administration, or relevant interdisciplinary fields.

Tags: Summer, Semester, Fellowship, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Biological

Science, Public Policy, Business, U.S Citizen, Permanent Resident, International Students

The Commonwealth School Scholarships and Fellowships
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is a unique program. Since its
establishment in 1959, it has provided opportunities for over 30,000 citizens of all
Commonwealth countries to study in other member countries.
Following the establishment of the CSFP endowment fund a new strand of Commonwealth
Scholarships were made available. These scholarships are open to all Commonwealth citizens,
enabling individuals to travel and study for a postgraduate qualification in a low or middle
income Commonwealth country. Since the scheme began in 2011, these scholarships have been
hosted by universities in Bangladesh, Botswana, Cameroon, Fiji, Ghana, Jamaica, Kenya,
Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Samoa, South Africa, Sri Lanka,
Swaziland, Tanzania and Trinidad.

Tags: Scholarship, Study Abroad, Senior, Post-Graduate, U.S Citizens, Permanent Residents,
International Students

Echoing Green Fellowship
Echoing Green Fellows are the innovators, instigators, pioneers, and rebels that reject the
status quo and drive positive social change all over the world. While their work, their
geographies, and even their approaches may be as varied as the problems they are working to
solve, their common passion and commitment form the base of this robust, active community
of leaders. Our signature Global Fellowship is open to any social entrepreneur, from anywhere
in the world, with an innovative solution for any issue. Our Black Male Achievement Fellowship
supports leaders dedicated to improving the life outcomes of black men and boys in the United
States. Our Climate Fellowship, built in partnership with the ZOOM Foundation, was launched
for leaders committed to mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Tags: Fellowship, Environment, All Levels, Black/African American, Semester, Summer,

Academic Year

The Edmund S. Muskie Internship Program
The Edmund S. Muskie Internship Program is a summer internship program funded by 
the U.S.
Department of State that provides emerging leaders from Eastern Europe, 
the Caucasus, and
Central Asia with the opportunity to gain real-world experience 
complementing and enriching
their graduate studies in the United States.

Tags: Summer, Internship, U.S Citizen, International Students, Permanent Resident, Study
Abroad, Business, Environment, International Relations, Education, Public Policy, Post-Graduate

The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant
The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation grant is one of the most prestigious grants available to
emerging figurative artists as well as one of the most substantial. It is one of the longest
standing, with an illustrious history of recipients spanning more than half a century. It is also
unique in its scope, in that it is available to students and artists around the world. First grants
are in the amount of CAD $15,000 each. Subsequent awards are in the amount of CAD $18,000
each. Grants are made directly to the beneficiaries, not through other organizations.

Tags: Scholarship, Digital/Performance Art, All Levels, Semester, Summer, Academic Year

EREF Scholarship Program
Scholarships are awarded by the Environmental Research and Education Program to recognize
excellence in master’s and doctoral waste management research and education.

Tags: Senior, Post-Graduate, Research, Environment, Education, Academic Year, Semester

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