CTG & FGG Complication
CTG & FGG Complication
CTG & FGG Complication
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Complications in the Use of Deepithelialized Free Gingival
Graft vs. Connective Tissue Graft: A One-Year Randomized
Clinical Trial
Silvestre Ripoll 1,2 , Ángela Fernández de Velasco-Tarilonte 2, *, Beatriz Bullón 2 , Blanca Ríos-Carrasco 2 and
Ana Fernández-Palacín 3
1 Clínica Dental Silvestre Ripoll, Marqués de Paradas 40 Local, 41001 Sevilla, Spain;
2 Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Universidad de Sevilla, C/Avicena S/N,
41009 Sevilla, Spain; beatrizbullon@hotmail.com (B.B.); brios@us.es (B.R.-C.)
3 Departamento de Ciencias Sociosanitarias, Universidad de Sevilla, 41004 Sevilla, Spain; afp@us.es
* Correspondence: angela.fvtarilonte@gmail.com; Tel.: +34-670-438-872
Abstract: In the treatment of gingival recession, different surgical options have been described: free
gingival grafts (FGG), connective tissue Grafts (CTG), and a more recent technique, de-epithelialized
free gingival graft (DFGG). They are not procedures exempt from the appearance of complications.
Most publications refer to postoperative complications, and there is limited literature regarding the
Citation: Ripoll, S.; Fernández de development of late complications (weeks or months). Our working group carried out a study to
Velasco-Tarilonte, Á.; Bullón, B.;
describe the development of late complications associated with the use of DFGG in comparison with
Ríos-Carrasco, B.; Fernández-Palacín,
CTG, providing an incidence rate and a classification. Sixty-eight patients with mucogingival prob-
A. Complications in the Use of
lems were selected, and divided into two groups: the Test Group, for which we used DFGG + Coronal
Deepithelialized Free Gingival Graft
Advancement Flap (CAF), and the Control Group (CTG + CAF). All patients were treated at the
vs. Connective Tissue Graft: A
One-Year Randomized Clinical Trial.
University of Seville’s dental school to solve mucogingival problems for aesthetic and/or functional
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, reasons. A classification is proposed based on its severity; Major and Minor. Major complications
18, 4504. https://doi.org/10.3390/ included reepithelialization of the graft, epithelial bands, cul-de-sac, epithelial cysts, and bone exos-
ijerph18094504 toses. Minor complications included the graft´s color changes and superficial revascularization. Late
major complications were only associated with the use of the DFGG, and the late minor complications
Academic Editors: developed with the use of the DFGG were much higher than those associated with CTG. CTG appears
Jyothi Tadakamadla, Santosh to be a safer procedure than DFGG in terms of late complications.
K. Tadakamadla and Carlos Marcelo
da Silva Figueredo
Keywords: free gingival grafts (FGG); connective tissue grafts (CTG); de-epithelialized free gingival
graft (DFGG); late complications; reepithelialization; epithelial bands; cul-de-sac; epithelial cysts;
Received: 2 March 2021
bone exostoses; revascularization
Accepted: 21 April 2021
Published: 23 April 2021
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4504. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18094504 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4504 2 of 12
Nowadays, a coronally advanced flap (CAF) with subepithelial connective tissue graft
(CTG) is considered the gold standard procedure in the treatment of gingival recession-type
defects [8]. The combination of CTG + CAF provides a greater vascularization of the graft,
achieving a double blood supply, through the supraperiosteal vessels as well as the flap
which covers it [9]. Among the benefits obtained, it found higher success rates in terms of
complete root coverage, as well as better aesthetic results, as it presents the same color as
the pre-existing mucosa compared to the FGG [10,11].
Mucogingival surgery techniques are not free from the occurrence of complications.
Early postoperative complications are most commonly described. These develop in a very
early state and could lead to bleeding, tooth sensitivity, ecchymosis, and graft necrosis
resulting from suture loosening, breakage, or other causes.
Late complications are those that appear within a few weeks or months [12–14]. There
is limited published literature regarding the development of late complications, and it
is mostly related to the use of CTG. Previous studies mainly referred to the formation
of cysts [15–18], the presence of a cul-de-sac [19], bone exostoses formation [20,21], the
development of root resorption [22–24], and the occurrence of keloids [25–27]. Although
complications related to the use of the FGG are also reported, most refer to the appearance
of cysts [28] and bone exostoses [29–32].
FGC is a valuable technique; however, some reviews reported disadvantage regarding
aesthetic concerns such as pigmentation [33,34]. In addition, some complications have
been described as the need for simultaneous augmentation of keratinized gingiva and the
requirement of increasing the vestibule depth thereof.
All these late complications refer to the use of CTG or FGG.
More recently, the use of a de-epithelialized free gingival graft (DFGG) has become
more widespread. This technique consists of obtaining a graft from a primary free gingival
graft that is subsequently deepithelialized outside the mouth to be used as an CTG [20,21].
We did not find any publications referring to the development of late complications
specifically associated with the use of DFGG. This is probably due to the fact that it is a
more recent and less used technique than the previous ones and therefore has not yet been
fully explored in the literature.
After several years of specializing in performing mucogingival surgery techniques
using DFGG, our working group at the University of Seville perceived the emergence
of some late complications not described in the scientific literature. Among them, we
identified the presence of surface reepithelization of DFGG, partial or complete, resulting
in a mucous membrane surface similar to the donor area that creates a patch effect, which
can be compared to the effect generated in a FGG. However, in these cases, a more irregular
morphology depending on the extension area of the reepithelization is present. Sometimes
this re-epithelialization is attached by epithelial bands on the graft surface. Moreover, as
less relevant complications, our group registered the appearance of multiple superficial
blood vessels that alter the aesthetics of the treatment [35].
Conducting meticulously reviews of the publications on free gingival graft and con-
nective tissue graft, we observed a great deficiency in the area of the classification of their
complications. We did not find publications that addressed it, either old or recent. Classi-
fications are necessary for the subsequent treatment of complications, and are present in
other fields such as wounds, injuries, or surgeries. Our objectives are to describe the late
complications associated with the use of the DFGG compared with the CTG, providing an
incidence rate, and to provide a classification of complications.
To assess the effect of complications using DFGG, it was compared with the possible
drawbacks associated with the gold standard technique in the treatment of recessions
(CTG + CAF). For this purpose, we designed a Test group, where we used an DFGG + CAF
technique. On the other hand, we created a Control group using the CTG + CAF procedure.
A pilot study was designed to determine the incidence of complications and the
sample size needed. Using the N Query Advisor 7.0 program (Statistical Solutions, Cork,
Ireland), with a test based on the percentages of complications (between the two groups),
we performed a two-tailed test, with a significance of α = 0.05 and a statistical power of
80%. A detection difference of 40% more complications was estimated in the FGG group
than in the CTG group (according to a pilot study). The program reported a size of N = 28.
We sought to include at least 28 patients in each group, and accounted for the possibil-
ity of losing patients due to abandonment or change in residence. Our prospective study
increases the numbers from N = 28 per group to N = 34. Two patients in the Test group
dropped out of the study due to change of residence and the final total sample was in the
test Group (DFGG + CAF) N = 32 and in the control group N = 34.
The assignment of patients to the test group (DFGG + CAF) or control (CTG + CAF)
was performed by a balanced randomization using four sizes of blocks that were introduced
in closed envelopes. This ensured that the sample sizes in the two groups were the same
(well-adjusted), and the envelopes were given as patients arrived.
A statistic descriptive test was performed with frequencies and percentages. For
differences in proportions, chi-square contingency and test tables were performed with
95% confidence interval. The Chi Square of independence with continuity correction was
used for 2 × 2 tables or Fisher’s exact test for low populated tables.
the mouth using a scalpel blade (Figure 1). Donor site closure was performed in all cases
using continuous suture. In DFGG, a collagen sponge was additionally inserted into the
donor site after suturing.
The placement of both DFGG and CTG grafts at the recipient site was carried out
following the same procedure. In both cases, the graft was positioned at the recipient site
in a manner corresponding to its original orientation, so the DFGG was located leaving its
de-epithelialized part facing outwards. Meanwhile the CTG was positioned at the recipient
site in a more superficial location facing outwards. Afterwards, a coronal displacement
of the flap was performed to cover the graft completely without tension where there was
suturing at the interdental level. Finally, the releasing incisions were sutured.
Complications were classified based on their severity into major and minor. Major
complications were considered when additional surgical treatment was required to solve
it, or due to their location could cause a considerable alteration of aesthetics. Thus, major
complications were considered:
1. The re-epithelialization of the graft; it substantially modifies the aesthetics.
2. The presence of epithelial bands; for being non-adhered retentive areas.
3. The presence of cul-de-sac; retentive and aesthetic effect.
4. The presence of epithelial cysts.
5. Bone exostoses.
Minor complications were considered to be color changes in the grafted area and
superficial revascularization.
In this way, we created a graphical guide to complications, with a classification and
definition of them, and a graphical database associated with each heading, which we called
the Complications Index and which was used to identify and classify the complications
that could appear in our study.
3. Results
To ensure that the groups were analogous, three types of comparison were made:
first, by rating whether the recession was unitary or multiple (chi-square test p = 0.324);
secondly, the location (type) of tooth (chi-square test = 0.353), finally, the type of recession
(chi squared test p = 0.254). Consequently, results found no significant differences and the
groups were comparable.
Complications observed in the Test group (DFGG + CAF) included: superficial
re-epithelialization, cul-de-sac formation, appearance of epithelial bands, discoloration
changes, and superficial revascularization.
Complications detected in the Control group (CTG + CAF) included: discoloration
and superficial revascularization.
We did not find cysts or bone exostoses in either of the two groups.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4504 7 of 12
The statistics relating to the appearance of complications 1 year after the surgery can
be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Complications observed in the study. Chi square test for independence, with continuity
correction or Fisher’s exact test.
4. Discussion
Mucogingival surgery procedures, as with any other surgical procedure, are not
exempt from the appearance of complications. We must make clear the separation between
disadvantages, such as aesthetic results [34] and, complications, such as incomplete healing.
Most of the publications report the presence of early postoperative complications (bleeding,
pain, inflammation, etc.) [40,41]. Late complications, appear after a few weeks to even
months or years of having performed the treatment, are scarce.
As the bibliography indicates, other minimally invasive techniques could be used
in the management of the soft tissue, such as laser systems (Er:YAG or Er,Cr:YSGG),
according to the expert’s skills, with similar results. [42–44]. Some publications suggest that
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4504 8 of 12
complications can be higher in patients with HIV, and therefore the viral load (CD4/CD8
ratio) must be stable [45].
This prospective study has a double objective of assessing the development and
incidence of complications associated with the use of DFGG (Test Group) and comparing
this with the development of complications related to the use of CTG (Control Group).
Providing a classification and an incidence rate of the most common complications observed
after these types of treatments.
at the time of suturing. Although this is just conjecture, it makes sense from a biological
point of view. Zuchelli et al., 2009 [27], considered the orientation of the CTG irrelevant
at the time of the suture. The author did not refer to the appearance of complications,
only focusing in the final result, obtaining the same clinical success in both locations. In
addition to this, they did not mention the DFGG. Future research will help us to clarify
these questions.
5. Conclusions
Study results should always be interpreted with caution and multicenter studies with
longer-term follow-up are recommended.
A classification of complications according to their severity is proposed; major and
minor. Major complications require additional treatment for their correction or significant
alteration of aesthetics, and include re-epithelialization of the graft, epithelial bands, cul-
de-sac, epithelial cysts, and bone exostoses. In our study, the development of epithelial
cysts or bone exostoses was not detected.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4504 10 of 12
Minor complications were considered to be color changes in the grafted area and
superficial revascularization.
Regarding the incidence of complications. The presence of late major complications
was only associated with the use of DFGG, and the late minor complications that developed
with the use of the DFGG were much more common than those associated with CTG. This
incident rate may be reviewed in subsequent work.
We can conclude that CTG appears to be a more secure procedure than DFGG in
terms of the appearance of late complications. It is much more sensitive to technique, and
therefore is not recommended for less experienced clinicians.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.R.; methodology, S.R., A.F.-P., and Á.F.d.V.-T.; software,
A.F.-P.; validation, B.B. and B.R.-C.; formal analysis, A.F.-P.; investigation, S.R., B.R.-C., and Á.F.d.V.-T.;
writing—original draft preparation, S.R., Á.F.d.V.-T., and B.R.-C.; writing—review and editing,
Á.F.d.V.-T., B.B.; supervision, B.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of a
favorable Report from the Ethics and Research Committee of the Junta de Andalucía (Study Code
1259-N-19 approved 11-06-2019).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Data is contained within the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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