Lab 5: Component and Interprocess Communication Design For WMS
Lab 5: Component and Interprocess Communication Design For WMS
Lab 5: Component and Interprocess Communication Design For WMS
Figure 1 depicts the new class diagram describing the static structure of the classes
participating to the Report weather data scenario of the Collect data use case.
We assume that each weather station is connected to 3 instances of each kind of
instruments (e.g. 3 barometers, 3 ground thermometers etc.). We assume also for the sake
of simplicity that there are only two weather stations.
1. Refine the class diagram in order to provide a new diagram consisting only of
corresponding CORBA interfaces and types definitions. More specifically your
diagram must include:
- CORBA Interfaces
- Data types definitions for the parameters and arguments involved in the
operations using Rose-CORBA stereotyped classes (see also Lab 3).
- Definition and documentation when needed (using Rose) of the
relationships among the different elements involved.
2. Based on the modularization strategy adopted in previous Labs, generate using
Rose the IDL code corresponding to the refined class diagram obtained
previously. The generated IDL code should consist of at least three modules
corresponding to the different subsystems (for example Sensor, Station, and